Sunday, November 28, 2021

Sterben im Ärmelkanal: Das europäische Asylrecht wird missbraucht


NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Nach dem Untergang eines Migrantenbootes im Ärmelkanal geraten die Politiker in London und Paris aneinander. Hilfreicher wäre es, sie würden besser zusammenarbeiten, um den Grenzschutz zu stärken und den Missbrauch des Asylrechts einzuschränken.

Es war nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis eine solche Tragödie passieren würde. 27 Menschen sind diese Woche in einer Nacht gestorben, als ihr Gummiboot beim Übersetzen über den Ärmelkanal nach England Luft verloren hatte und gesunken war. So viele Opfer sind noch nie gezählt worden bei einem Unglück auf diesem vielbefahrenen Gewässer.

Und wie reagieren die Politiker in Frankreich und Grossbritannien darauf? Premierminister Boris Johnson publiziert einen an Präsident Macron gerichteten offenen Brief auf Twitter, in dem er reichlich plump von den Franzosen fordert, sie sollten alle über den Kanal nach Grossbritannien gelangten Migranten umgehend zurücknehmen. Auf diese Weise, so doziert Johnson scheinheilig, könne das Problem rasch gelöst werden. Dabei muss auch ihm klar sein, dass die Franzosen kein Interesse haben, das Migrationsproblem der Briten einfach bei sich ansammeln zu lassen.

Präsident Macron wies das Schreiben umgehend als doppelzüngiges Gerede zurück. Der französische Innenminister Gérald Darmanin lud flugs seine britische Amtskollegin Priti Patel von einem für Sonntag geplanten Krisentreffen europäischer Innenminister in Calais aus. So wird man des Problems der lebensgefährlichen Überfahrten über den Ärmelkanal gewiss nicht Herr. » | Peter Rásonyi | Freitag, 26. November 2021

Frankreich fordert von Großbritannien legale Migrationswege: Nach dem Tod von Migranten im Ärmelkanal verlangt Paris eine Reform der britischen Asylgesetzgebung. Sie lasse derzeit keine andere Möglichkeit als die illegale Einreise zu, sagt Innenminister Darmanin. »

Crise des migrants : Darmanin appelle le Royaume-Uni à «prendre ses responsabilités»

Gérald Darmanin, Ministre de l'Intérieur

LE FIGARO : À l'issue de la réunion de crise sur les migrants qui s'est tenue ce dimanche à Calais, le ministre de l'Intérieur a déclaré que la France ne devait pas être «l'otage de la politique intérieure» du Royaume-Uni.

«La Grande-Bretagne doit prendre ses responsabilités», a affirmé Gérald Darmanin à l'issue de la réunion de crise sur les migrants menée à Calais avec d'autres représentants européens. Le ministre de l'Intérieur a toutefois assuré que cette réunion n'était pas «antianglaise, mais proeuropéenne». «Nous devons travailler avec nos amis britanniques. Ils doivent nous aider collectivement à mieux lutter contre les passeurs», a-t-il poursuivi. La réunion d'urgence s'est tenue à la suite de la mort de 27 migrants lors du naufrage d'un bateau pneumatique dans la Manche mercredi. Regarder la vidéo » | Par Le Figaro | dimanche 28 novembre 2021

George Michael : One More Try | Remastered | Official Video

Views on YouTube: 15,354,896

USA: Gay Marriage Becomes Law [in 2015]

Jul 2, 2015 • Response to the U.S. Supreme Court decision making “Gay Marriage” the law of the land from Orthodox Rabbi Avi Shafran, Director of Public Affairs for Agudath Israel, and Conservative Rabbi Daniel Nevins, Dean of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.

This whole video is interesting, but what is particularly interesting is Rabbi Mark Golub’s modern and progressive take on gay marriage which features towards the end of this video. – Mark

Jewish 101: Ep. 17 - Sex in Judaism

Oct 15, 2011 • Human sexuality in the Jewish tradition is reviewed in an ongoing study of the story of the Garden of Eden, including the rabbinic view of female sexuality, birth control, and the day most appropriate for sexual relations. Taught by Rabbi Mark S. Golub.

I post this video because much in it is so different from the Christian view and perspective. Indeed, much of it is in stark contrast with the Christian view of sexual desire and behaviour. It is most interesting to learn a completely different approach to this issue. Listening to what this rabbi has to say on the matter is well worth your time. – Mark

As Buyer’s Remorse Begins to Stalk Even Ardent Brexiters, They Can No Longer Indulge in Fantasy

THE OBSERVER: The government has to give up on playing games and start to make deals with the EU

Brexit isn’t working. We were sold a false prospectus. Businesses, especially small and medium-size ones, are reeling. They are absorbing unwanted costs; paying hidden tariffs; suffering hitherto avoidable checks on exports; moving factories, depots and offices to within the EU; shedding workers and haemorrhaging orders. Children’s school trips to and from Europe have collapsed. It takes months to get a visa. British science remains outside the EU’s Horizon programme, the biggest international science programme in the world. So it goes on.

As importantly, centuries of British statecraft, aimed at building alliances in Europe with whatever constellation of countries best suited our interests, has been shattered. Britain’s leaders, from Pitt and Palmerston to Churchill, all understood the vital need to engage with Europe. Now, Ireland’s taoiseach, Micheál Martin, or France’s president, Emmanuel Macron, are vastly strengthened, securely knowing they have the entire EU behind them. Whether attempting to solve the cross-Channel migrant crisis or trying to join Horizon, bellicose jingoism is not only crass – it has no hope of achieving the results we want. Britain is suddenly diminished even if our Brexit leaders have yet to realise how little Britain has become.

These realities can’t be disguised for much longer. The Brexit minister, David Frost, felt the need at last week’s one-day Margaret Thatcher conference on trade to argue that success, clearly elusive, would need Britain to overcome “the forces of entropy, of laziness, of vested interest”, his blather signifying desperation and beleaguerment. The “vested interests” are no more than businesses bewildered by rising costs and diminished opportunity. The Spectator’s editor, Fraser Nelson, who had earlier chaired a debate between Vince Cable and veteran Brexiter Daniel Hannan, admitted in a Telegraph column entitled “Was I right to support Brexit?” that he found himself challenging Hannan more than Cable. Where were the sunlit uplands we were promised? From Global Britain to unleashed freedom to “liberalise, innovate and grow” the Brexit project was sinking. Even Keir Starmer at last felt emboldened at the CBI conference to begin to exploit such fertile ground; Labour had a plan to make Brexit work, which the government evidently hadn’t, he argued. » | Will Hutton, Observer columnist | Sunday, Novermber 28, 2021

Brexit was a silly idea from the very start. The Brexit referendum should never have been held. The referendum asked the electorate to vote on something they knew little or nothing about. Therefore, when many people voted for Brexit, they voted based on emotion rather than fact. They couldn’t vote on facts, because they had been given few to contemplate. Any ‘facts’ they were given were “alternative facts”!

No voter with any understanding of economics or geopolitics would ever have voted to come out of the world’s greatest single market: the Single Market.

The electorate shouldn’t be blamed for this blunder. Why? Because they were lied to by Brexit zealots – the people at the top who wanted to make a Brexit killing. They wanted to line their own pockets; the rest be damned.

Britain’s place is in Europe. Even Margaret Thatcher saw that; and she was no real fan of the European Union. But, in fairness to her, she worked tirelessly to bring about the Single Market. She was no federalist; but she was all for making it easy for business and commerce, all for tearing down impediments to free trade. She knew it would bring the UK prosperity. And it did.

Current Tories have done the very opposite: They have destroyed what Margaret Thatcher worked so hard to create. It is far easier to destroy than it is to create and build. That is a well-known fact of life.
The bottom line is this: The electorate were lied to. The result for the United Kingdom is simple to understand. Brexit will impoverish the nation. In fact, more than this, it might even break up the nation. The unintended consequences of stupidity! – © Mark

The Saudi Arabian Tyrant Silencing His Critics with Savagery | 60 Minutes Australia

”He might be wealthy beyond belief, and lead a life of extreme privilege, but in reality, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman is a thug and murderer; a man who places no value on the lives of those who question him. Now, ordinarily, uttering an insult like that would be enough to cause an international incident, but it’s what the CIA found following a top-secret investigation into the death of Jamal Khashoggi. The recently declassified report is damning, saying the outspoken journalist was assassinated, and his body dismembered at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, in an operation ordered by Bin Salmon. It’s savagery that’s stunned the world.”

Watch the documentary here.

Jewish 101: Ep. 03 – Our Obsession

Oct 15, 2011 • The Jewish Family has had an historical obsession that has shaped the unique character of the Jewish People. Rabbi Mark S. Golub explains what this obsession is on Shalom TV's "Jewish 101" series on Judaism and Jewish life.

Even though I am not a Jew, I find this rabbi so inspiring. He sets out in plain terms what a Jew really is. I believe that this is a very valuable lesson for us all. There are so many misconceptions about the nature of Judaism.

I find this gentleman so inspiring that he brings tears to my eyes. – Mark

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Michael Jackson : Will You Be There | Official Video

Views on YouTube: 73,121,232

Jewish 101: Ep. 02 – What Is a Jew?

Oct 15, 2011 • While many people mistakenly think a Jew is a member of a religion or a race, the Jewish Tradition has a very different answer. A "Jewish 101" episode with Rabbi Mark S. Golub for anyone interested in learning about Judaism and Jewish life.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Calls Leaders 'Liars' over Climate Change - BBC News

Oct 29, 2021 • Actor and former governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has become a champion of clean air and renewable energy, and speaks powerfully about tackling climate issues. In an interview for BBC Radio 4's '39 Ways to Save the Planet', the Terminator star criticises countries for not doing more to tackle pollution.

Johannes Brahms : Piano Concerto No. 1 in D Minor, Op. 15 - Maurizio Pollini

Maurizio Pollini, piano. Christian Thielemann, conductor. Staatskapelle Dresden.

Boris Johnson Tightens Rules on Travel and Mask-wearing over Omicron Concerns

THE GUARDIAN: Travellers to UK must take PCR tests and masks to be made mandatory in shops and on public transport

Boris Johnson has announced fresh measures to curb the spread of coronavirus including mandatory masks in shops and PCR tests for travellers entering the UK after two cases of the Omicron variant were detected in the country.

Amid mounting global concern over Omicron, named a “variant of concern” by the World Health Organization on Friday, the prime minister set out a series of steps the UK is taking to maximise its defence against Covid-19.

Speaking at a Downing Street press conference, Johnson said anyone arriving in the UK will be asked to take a PCR test for Covid-19 on the second day and must self-isolate until they provide a negative test. The rules on face coverings in shops and on public transport will also be tightened, he said.

Contacts of all confirmed cases of people infected with the Omicron variant will have to self-isolate for 10 days. Health officials are also examining the case for widening access to the booster vaccine programme, he added.

The measures will be reviewed in three weeks. With video » | Andrew Gregory | Saturday, November 27, 2021

Covid-19: la présence du variant Omicron se confirme en Europe : LE POINT SUR LA SITUATION - Nouvelles mesures, nouveaux bilans et faits marquants: un point sur les dernières évolutions de la pandémie de Covid-19 dans le monde. »

"Kontrollierte" Abgabe von Cannabis - Chance oder Risiko? | DW Nachrichten

Nov 27, 2021 • "Wir führen die kontrollierte Abgabe von Cannabis an Erwachsene zu Genusszwecken in lizenzierten Geschäften ein," heißt es im Koalitionsvertrag von SPD, Grünen und FDP.

Die Niederlande verfolgen schon lange eine liberale Drogenpolitik. Doch auch die Niederländer stoßen an ihre Grenzen. Nicht nur Besitz und Konsum von Cannabis sollten legal sein, sondern auch Anbau und Einkauf staatlich kontrolliert werden, meint Auslandskorrespondentin Kerstin Schweighöfer in den Niederlanden. Andernfalls könnte Deutschland eine Entwicklung wie in den Niederlanden drohen: Drogenbanden sind fest im Geschäft.

Many Older Queer Adults Face Abuse Yet Rarely Report It, Study Says

Via Shutterstock

ADVOCATE: Research into Oregon's LGB older adult population also found a majority of them have experienced discrimination in the last year.

A survey conducted by Oregon’s Human Services Department has found that most older lesbian, gay, or bisexual people in the state have reported experiencing discrimination and many also reported experiencing elder abuse.

The agency found that LGB older adults experienced higher rates of poverty, suicidal thoughts, and overall economic instability. Respondents described issues getting appropriate health care and social services, such as food or transport assistance, partly because of their identity. Older LGB people in the state also reported feeling isolated from others.

“We still fall under all the things that happen to older adults,” said Mary Rita Hurley, the 62-year-old lesbian cofounder of the advocacy organization LGBTQ Aging Coalition, told The Salem Reporter. “Then on top of that, particularly depending on how old the older LGBTQ person is, there is still an amazing amount of stigma out there. We still have people in the closet.” » | Alex Cooper | Friday, November 26, 2021

Stephen Sondheim, Musical Theater Legend, Dead at 91

Getty Images

ADVOCATE: The gay composer and lyricist of greats like Into the Woods and Company died suddenly on Friday, a day after reportedly spending Thanksgiving with friends.

Out songwriter and composer Stephen Sondheim died Friday at the age of 91. Sondheim’s work reshaped American musical theater and has influenced generations of songwriters.

His death was announced by his lawyer and friend, Richard Pappas, according to The New York Times. Pappas said Sondheim wasn’t known to be ill, and his death was sudden. The Broadway legend had spent Thanksgiving with some friends, Pappas said.

Sondheim’s success stretched from the 1950s, writing lyrics for West Side Story, to the 1990s, writing for such musicals as Assassins and Passion. The first Broadway show that he wrote the music and lyrics for was the 1962 comedy A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. It won a Tony Award for best musical.

The Times noted that the 1970s and 1980s were his “most productive” years. His works in those decades included Company, Follies, A Little Night Music, Pacific Overtures, Sweeney Todd, Merrily We Roll Along, Into the Woods, and Sunday in the Park With George. » | Alex Cooper | Friday, November 26, 2021

Archbishop Desmond Tutu Compares Barbaric Anti-LGBT+ Laws to Apartheid: ‘I Can’t Keep Quiet’

Lifelong campaigner for human rights Archbishop Desmond Tutu. (UN Free & Equal)

PINK NEWS: Archbishop Desmond Tutu has compared anti-LGBT+ laws and violence to apartheid, insisting that he opposes them with the “same passion”.

The 90-year-old Archbishop Tutu, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, has spent his life campaigning for human rights.

He was a major opponent of South Africa’s apartheid system, and has worked for universal suffrage, equal rights for women in the Anglican Church and LGBT+ rights.

In a video for the United Nations Free and Equal campaign, its “global campaign against homophobia and transphobia”, Tutu said: “I have to tell you, I cannot keep quiet when people are penalised for something about which they can do nothing.

“First, gender. When women are excluded, just simply and solely because they are women.

“But more perniciously, more ghastly, is the fact that people are penalised, killed, all sorts of ghastly things happen to them, simply, solely on the basis of their sexual orientation. » | Lily Wakefield | Saturday, November 27, 2021

Homophobic gang attack gay couple with hammer in terrifying street robbery: ‘I’m lost for words’: A gay couple say they were “violently attacked” while walking down the street in Radcliffe, Bury, on Tuesday. »

Au Niger, un convoi militaire français bloqué par des manifestants

LE MONDE : Une centaine de véhicules de l’armée française tentent de rallier le Mali, en transitant par le Niger et le Burkina Faso. La semaine dernière, le convoi avait déjà été forcé à l’arrêt par des manifestations contre la présence militaire française.

Alors que son passage avait déjà créé des tensions au Burkina Faso, un convoi militaire français a de nouveau été bloqué par des manifestants, samedi 27 novembre, à Téra (Niger). Ce dernier – se rendant au Mali, en transitant par le Burkina Faso et le Niger – a depuis pu reprendre sa route, a appris l’Agence France-Presse auprès de l’état-major.

« Le convoi s’est arrêté hier soir à Téra. Ce matin, quand ils ont voulu reprendre leur progression vers Niamey [à 200 kilomètres de là], ils ont été arrêtés par un millier de manifestants et un groupe violent parmi eux a tenté de s’emparer des camions », a détaillé le porte-parole de l’état-major français, le colonel Pascal Ianni. « Les forces de sécurité nigériennes étaient sur place et ont réussi à maintenir les manifestants à distance du convoi avec des gaz lacrymogènes », a-t-il expliqué. » | Le Monde avec AFP | samedi 27 novembre 2021

In kaum einem Land ist die Impfquote so hoch wie in Portugal – trotzdem verhängt das Land jetzt neue Einschränkungen

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG Trotz erfolgreicher Impfkampagne beschliesst Portugal prophylaktisch eine Art Ausnahmezustand. Nach Silvester soll das soziale Leben eine Woche lang fast gänzlich stillstehen. Hinter dem Schritt dürfte auch wahltaktisches Kalkül stecken.

Die Portugiesen gelten bei der Impfkampagne als Musterschüler Europas. Fast 88 Prozent der Gesamtbevölkerung sind vollständig gegen das Coronavirus geimpft – so viele wie in kaum einem anderen Land. Portugals amtierender Ministerpräsident António Costa lässt daher auch keine Gelegenheit aus, das exemplarische Verhalten seiner Landsleute zu loben. Diese zeichneten sich durch hohes Verantwortungsbewusstsein aus, sagte der 60-Jährige am Ende einer Ministerratssitzung am Donnerstag. Dank der hohen Impfquote gebe es weniger Einlieferungen in Kliniken und Intensivstationen und vor allem weniger Tote. Trotzdem hat Costa nun beschlossen, wieder einen nationalen Notstand zu verhängen. » | Ute Müller, Madrid | Samstag, 27. November 2021

‘A Core Threat to Our Democracy’: Threat of Political Violence Growing across US

THE GUARDIAN: Republicans’ muted response to Paul Gosar’s behavior has intensified fears about where incendiary rhetoric may lead

The Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blasted Republican house minority leader Kevin McCarthy for failing to condemn Paul Gosar’s tweet. Photograph: Reuters

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stood on the House floor and implored her colleagues to hold Paul Gosar accountable for sharing an altered anime video showing him killing her and attacking Joe Biden.

“Our work here matters. Our example matters. There is meaning in our service,” Ocasio-Cortez said in her speech last week. “And as leaders in this country, when we incite violence with depictions against our colleagues, that trickles down into violence in this country.”

House Republicans heard Ocasio-Cortez’s impassioned plea and responded with a collective shrug. All but three Republican members voted against censuring Gosar and stripping him of his committee assignments, while every House Democrat supported the resolution.

The Gosar incident served as the latest data point in an alarming trend in American politics. In a year that began with a deadly insurrection at the US Capitol, lawmakers have seen a sharp rise in the number of threats against them. Republicans’ muted response to Gosar’s behavior has intensified fears about the possibility of more political violence in America in the months to come. » | Joan E Greve in Washington | Saturday, November 27, 2021

Young, Cute and Gay

Jung, süß und schwul / Jeune, mignon et gay

With thanks to Pinterest for this delightful photograph.

Österreichische Polizei nimmt 15 Schlepper fest


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die österreichische Polizei hat ein Schleppernetzwerk aufgedeckt, das bislang 700 Migranten illegal ins Land gebracht hat. Die meisten davon haben sich weiter auf den Weg nach Deutschland gemacht.

Die Polizei in Österreich hat ein Schleppernetzwerk aufgedeckt, das nach ihren Angaben mehr als 700 Menschen illegal ins Land gebracht hat. Die meisten davon hätten sich weiter auf den Weg nach Deutschland gemacht, wie ein Polizeisprecher im niederösterreichischen St. Pölten am Samstag berichtete. Innerhalb weniger Tage seien 15 mutmaßliche Schlepper festgenommen worden, die Menschen aus Syrien, dem Libanon und Ägypten transportiert hätten. » | Quelle: dpa | Samstag, 27. November 2021

Peter Hitchens | “I Have Given Up” | #CLIP

Nov 15, 2021 • Two years ago, Peter Hitchens spoke to John about the widespread erosion of freedoms, cancel culture as a modern day burning at the stake and how he no longer has hope for any change.

New ‘Variant of Concern’ Fuels Global Fear of Another Virus Surge

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Scientists do not yet know how dangerous the new Omicron variant is, but its many mutations set off alarms, lowering hopes of putting the pandemic in the past.

The world reacted with alarm on Friday to the highly mutated new coronavirus variant discovered in southern Africa, as the United States, the European Union and nations across the globe imposed new travel restrictions, financial markets swooned and visions of finally emerging from the pandemic started to dim.

Just two days after the world learned of the variant, the World Health Organization officially labeled it a “ variant of concern,” its most serious category — the first since the Delta variant, which emerged a year ago. The designation means that the variant has mutations that might make it more contagious or more virulent, or make vaccines and other preventive measures less effective — though none of those effects has yet been established.

After an emergency meeting, the W.H.O. warned in a statement that “preliminary evidence suggests an increased risk of reinfection with this variant” in people who have already had Covid-19. In keeping with the practice of naming variants for letters of the Greek alphabet, it dubbed the new one Omicron. » | Richard Pérez-Peña and Jason Horowitz | Published: Friday, November 26, 2021; updated: Saturday, November 27, 2021

Germany finds a suspected case of the variant. »

Two cases of Omicron Covid variant identified in UK: The B.1.1.529 variant, described in Britain as ‘the most worrying we’ve seen’, was first found in southern Africa »

EuroMillions : un Français a remporté le jackpot de 162 millions d'euros

LE FIGARO : Cette victoire intervient après onze tirages consécutifs sans gagnant.

Un nouveau Français est devenu millionnaire. C'est ce que nous a appris le tirage de l'EuroMillions de ce jeudi soir qui mettait en jeu plus de 163 millions d'euros. Il est ainsi devenu le cinquième plus gros gagnant du pays.

La somme a donc été remportée par un heureux élu qui a joué sa grille en France, trouvant les cinq numéros gagnants (le 1, le 20, le 41, le 42, le 50) et les deux étoiles (le 3 et le 7), nécessaires pour remporter le jackpot. Il dispose de 60 jours pour se manifester. » | Publié : vendredi 26 novembre 2021 ; mis à jour : samedi 27 novembre 2021

The UK Is Becoming an Authoritarian State under Home Secretary, Priti Patel

Jul 26, 2021 • The Home Secretary is a bully. She has been accused of bullying in three separate government departments and was found guilty of bullying by a Cabinet Committee resulting in compensation payments of £395,000.

She has persistently broken the ministerial code throughout her ministerial career. Whilst at the Foreign Office working under Boris Johnson who was then Foreign Secretary, she visited Israel claiming to be on holiday and held at least twelve meetings with senior Israeli government officials including the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Neither the British ambassador in Israel nor the prime minister Theresa May knew about these meetings.

She again broke the ministerial code by writing at least twice on behalf of a friend in order to secure a PPE contract for £102.6 million for masks which were supplied at double the benchmark price.

She is pushing through legislation which will give the Home Secretary, or the police, the power to stop any demonstrations at will if judged to be making too much noise or causing annoyance. Those who resist will be liable to imprisonment for up to ten years.

Other legislation will make whistleblowing a criminal offence as will publishing articles considered critical of the government. This will included the government having the power to control the movements and association of certain named individuals without reference to the courts.

She seeks to punish any asylum seeker arriving in the UK without permission with up to four years in prison. She also seeks to extend laws which currently apply to paid people-smugglers to everyone so that offering any assistance to asylum seekers, even saving them from drowning, will become a crime punishable with a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

She is ruthlessly pursuing a course which will lead to the UK to becoming a fascist state where any dissent will be illegal.

Brexit - No Wonder It Is All Such a Mess

Nov 27, 2021 • David Frost, our chief Brexit negotiator, who, after negotiating a deal which he and the prime minister both proclaimed a huge success, before he realised it was not a good deal after all and then decided he wanted to change it.

He has since openly criticised the EU for not being prepared to re-negotiate and has resorted to threatening the EU with invoking Article 16 if there is no agreement to what he is demanding.

In a keynote speech at the Centre for Policy Studies, whilst talking of the benefits of the freedom we now have having left the EU, went on to demonstrate his grand delusion by explaining that his job is “to drive change within government and 'to push policy in the right direction'”.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Migrants on EU's Borders Risk Life and Limb for a Better Life | DW News

Nov 26, 2021 • As temperatures across Europe plummet, thousands of migrants are still stranded in Belarus. Many have spent weeks outside in freezing forests near Poland. They're still hoping to find a route into the European Union - though Brussels insists the bloc will not accept them. DW’s Nick Connolly met some of those migrants in the Belarusian capital Minsk. He spoke to people torn between hope and resignation.

Meanwhile, the exiled Belarusian opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaya has told the European Union it must live up to its values and actively oppose the authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenko. DW's Barbara Wesel caught up with her in Brussels.

And the deaths of 27 people in the English Channel are deepening tensions between Britain and France. The French interior minister has cancelled weekend talks with his UK counterpart after suggestions by the British Prime Minister France wasn't doing enough to stop migrants trying to reach England by boat. DW correspondent Jack Parrock visited the French port of Calais. And spoke to people hoping to make the same journey.

“Coming Out Can Be Slow and It's Okay If It's Slow. But You Should Start Your Journey."

Jun 19, 2019 • If you had asked teenage Jason if he were gay, his honest answer would’ve been “no.” With exposure to LGBT people, the changing tides of American society, that answer eventually turned to “yes.”

Toto : Africa | Official HD Video

Views on YouTube: 722,186,766

Migrant Crisis in the Channel | Behind the Story

Aug 18, 2020 • The number of people crossing the Channel in small boats to seek asylum in Britain is at an all-time high, fuelled by the coronavirus reducing the number of cars and lorries coming across and fears that Brexit will mean a stricter enforcement regime in the UK.

The Times and The Sunday Times’ Alastair Good and Federica De Caria travelled along the southeast coast from Ramsgate in Kent to Hastings in East Sussex, as well as across the Channel to Calais, to discover what was really happening and hear from people on all sides.

Produced, directed and edited by Alastair Good Shot by Federica DeCaria

Despite Mormon Upbringing, Gay Man Learns to Accept His Truth. “Huge Relief to Finally Be Who I Am.”

Nov 27, 2019 • Growing up in a conservative Mormon environment, Brenton Erickson knew he was gay from a young age. He was faced with three options: be celibate for life, marry a woman, or live his truth. While he knew the risks of coming out, he also knew the reality of living life in the closet - which made the answer crystal clear.

L’Allemagne va légaliser le cannabis

Le libéral Christian Lindner, le social-démocrate Olaf Scholz, ministre des Finances sortant et futur chancellier, et les deux écologistes Die Grünen, Annabela Baerbock et Robert Habeck. TOBIAS SCHWARZ/AFP

LE FIGARO : Le futur gouvernement alliant le SPD, les Verts et les libéraux a dévoilé, mercredi, son contrat de coalition.

Deux des trois partis qui vont gouverner l’Allemagne s’appuient sur des fondements idéologiques différents. Les Verts et le FDP, qui se partagent tous les deux un électorat jeune et libéral, ont néanmoins milité ensemble pour faire adopter par le futur gouvernement une proposition de légalisation du cannabis. Le projet figure en page 87 de leur contrat de coalition, présenté mercredi à Berlin, qui en compte 177. Il rompt avec des années de politique sécuritaire, privilégiée par la CDU, en matière de drogue. «Nous introduisons la distribution contrôlée de cannabis aux adultes à des fins récréatives dans les magasins agréés, ce qui permet de contrôler la qualité, d’empêcher la distribution de substances contaminées et de protéger la santé publique , écrivent les auteurs du document. » | Par Pierre Avril | Publié : mercredi 24 novembre 2021 ; mis à jour : jeudi 25 novembre 2021

Travel Restrictions Multiply for African Countries over Fears of a New Variant

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Countries around the world moved to restrict travel from southern Africa on Friday in a frantic effort to keep a newly identified, and apparently significantly evolved, variant of the coronavirus from crossing their borders.

The European Commission proposed that its members activate the “emergency brake” on travel from countries in southern African and other countries affected to limit the spread of the new variant.

“All air travel to these countries should be suspended until we have a clear understanding about the danger posed by this new variant,” Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Union’s executive arm, said in a statement. “And travelers returning from this region should respect strict quarantine rules.”

In the past, governments have taken days, weeks or months to issue travel restrictions in response to new variants. This time, restrictions came within hours of South Africa’s announcement — at least 10 countries around the world had announced measures before South African scientists had finished a meeting with World Health Organization experts about the variant on Friday. » | Jason Horowitz, Lynsey Chutel and Mike Ives | Friday, November 26, 2021

Covid-19 en Europe : un premier cas du nouveau variant détecté en Belgique : La Belgique est le premier pays européen à détecter un cas du variant B.1.1.529. Le patient contaminé est revenu d'Égypte le 11 novembre dernier. »

The Guardian View on Deaths in the Channel: The Tide of Xenophobia

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: The government must stop pandering to anti-migrant sentiment and come up with a humane policy that meets its international responsibilities

‘Mr Johnson and his home secretary, Priti Patel, reveal no desire to escape the trap of xenophobic rhetoric.’ Photograph: Jessica Taylor/UK Parliament/AFP/Getty Images

Boris Johnson’s government must develop a new approach to asylum as a matter of urgency. The deaths of 27 people who were attempting to reach England in a small boat on Wednesday have prompted an outpouring of distress. No one wants the Channel to become a graveyard, and the stricken faces of the people interviewed by journalists in northern France over recent days have brought home their sheer desperation to millions of Britons.

But unless Mr Johnson and his most senior colleagues and advisers take the lead in setting out a different direction, there is no reason to think that this tragedy will mark any kind of turning point. At the moment, the government appears trapped in a snare of its own making – along with the section of the public that it took with it when ministers decided to talk and act tough on asylum seekers. This is what led to the shameful situation in which the main response to this week’s tragedy is to blame the French. The government push for morally and legally dubious legislation designed to create an even more hostile environment is justified by claims that the number of people seeking asylum is overwhelming. » | Editorial | Thursday, November 25, 2021

Macron Attacks Johnson for Trying to Negotiate Migration Crisis via Tweets

Nov 26, 2021 • The French president, Emmanuel Macron, has reprimanded Boris Johnson for trying to negotiate with him about stopping people crossing the Channel in public, via Twitter. He said he was 'surprised' by Johnson’s decision to communicate with him in this way, because it was 'not serious'. He added: 'We don’t communicate by tweets'

Macron tells Johnson to ‘get serious’ on Channel crisis after tweeted letter: French president says: ‘We do not communicate on these issues by tweets’ after PM issues five-point plan via Twitter »

Channel Deaths: Priti Patel Disinvited to Meeting with France

THE GUARDIAN: Boris Johnson’s public letter to Emmanuel Macron on Channel drownings deemed ‘unacceptable’

Priti Patel makes a statement on the 'small boats incident in the Channel' in the House of Commons. Photograph: Jessica Taylor/UK Parliament/AFP/Getty

The French government has withdrawn an invitation to the home secretary, Priti Patel, to attend a meeting about the Channel boats crisis after Boris Johnson called on France to take back people who crossed the Channel to the UK in small boats.

In an escalation of the political crisis after the deaths of 27 people in the Channel, the French interior minister, Gérald Darmanin, has written to Patel to say a meeting on Sunday would proceed without British involvement.

It follows Johnson’s letter to President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday night setting out five steps to avoid a repeat of Wednesday’s tragedy. The letter was sent publicly as a tweet in time for the front pages of UK newspapers and French officials confirmed Macron had not seen the letter before Johnson tweeted it.

Darmanin told Patel the letter from Johnson to Macron, suggesting France take back people who cross the Channel, was a “disappointment”.

Referring to Johnson’s posting of the letter on social media, he added: “Making it public made it even worse. I therefore need to cancel our meeting in Calais on Sunday.” » | Rajeev Syal and Jon Henley | Friday, November 26, 2021

Crise des Migrants : Macron dénonce les méthodes «pas sérieuses» de Londres, Johnson assume : Boris Johnson a demandé à Emmanuel Macron dans une lettre publique de reprendre les migrants arrivant en Angleterre depuis la France. En réaction, Gérald Darmanin a annulé la participation britannique à une réunion de crise. »

France-U.K. Acrimony Over Channel Crossings Deepens: The French responded angrily to Boris Johnson’s suggestion that France take back migrants who reach Britain, and rescinded an invitation for a top British official to discuss the crisis. »

Aus deutscher Sicht:

Paris und London müssen kooperieren! : Seit dem Brexit ist das Klima zwischen Paris und London rauher geworden. Der Geist der Partnerschaft hat sich verflüchtigt. Das kostet Menschenleben. »

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Faith & Fate | Episode 4 – Ominous Skies. 1930 - 1939

Premiered Sep 6, 2020 • The story of the Jews facing the rise of Hitler before the Holocaust. How the evil of one man bamboozled the whole world. How winning World War I and the Great Depression set the stage for World War II. The mistakes. The deceptions. The unheeded lessons of history.

Previous episodes here.

Marvin Gaye : I Heard It Through the Grapevine

Hits on YouTube : 37,754,663

Elvis Presley : Hound Dog | Official Audio

Views (Hits) on YouTube: 25,302,822

Michael Jackson : The Way You Make Me Feel | Official Video

Views on YouTube: 401,957,543

Ian Blackford Hammers Boris Johnson at PMQs

Nov 24, 2021 • Ian Blackford goes after Boris Johnson in the house of commons at Prime Minister's Questions.

The Tories now see that although Johnson can win elections, he simply can’t govern: The prime minister’s disastrous CBI speech might prove the catalyst that turns the party against his leadership style »

Dimitra’s Dishes : Baked Cod Harissa for Date Night

Get the recipe here.

George Michael : Careless Whisper | Official Video

Views on YouTube: 784,355,011

Mein Mann ist schwul: Das Coming Out eines Familienvaters – ARD, HD, Doku (2014)

Same-sex Marriage Backed by Chile’s MPs

Supporters campaigning for marriage equality at a Pride parade in Santiago this month MATIAS BASUALDO/ZUMA PRESS WIRE/ALAMY

THE TIMES: Chile’s parliament is on course to legalise same-sex marriage, four years after the reform was first proposed and despite the country’s conservative reputation among religious Latin American nations.

The lower house in Santiago approved a bill on Tuesday that would allow gay and lesbian couples to marry, sending the measure back to the Senate, where it appears to have the support needed to become law. The bill also permits same-sex couples to adopt children, recognises maternity leave for transgender people and grants a widow’s or widower’s pension for same-sex couples. » | Steven Grattan, Bogota | Thursday, November 25, 2021

Newcastle LGBTQ+ Fans' Group on 'Harrowing' Online Abuse after Saudi Takeover

CHRONICLE LIVE: Newcastle United's LBTQ+ supporters' group have faced online abuse in the wake of their takeover statement welcoming the new owners

The co-chair of Newcastle United's LGBTQ+ supporters' group has opened up on the online abuse they have received since the Saudi-backed takeover was confirmed.

United with Pride has faced heavy criticism since releasing a statement last month on the day the long-awaited sale of the Magpies was confirmed.

The fans' group outlined their hope that working with the new owners could lead to a 'a positive influence to improving the conditions for the LGBTQ+ community in Saudi Arabia'.

However, human rights organisation Fair Square labelled their approach as 'naive', while critics were quick to highlight the contrast in their pre-takeover declarations of there being 'no room for discrimination'.

Saudi Arabia's human rights record and their intolerance of same-sex relationships has come under greater scrutiny as a result of the Magpies takeover, with Amnesty International demanding changes to the Premier League's owners' and directors' test.

United with Pride's co-chair Ian Pearson-Brown has labelled it a 'harrowing' five weeks since, and fears the group's positive work to date has been undone. » | Chris Knight Business of Football writer | Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Brexit : les pêcheurs français annoncent des blocages dans plusieurs ports et devant le tunnel sous la Manche

Olivier Leprêtre, président du comité régional des pêches des Hauts-de-France. FRANCOIS LO PRESTI / AFP

LE FIGARO : Les pêcheurs mèneront des actions de blocage ponctuelles ce vendredi dans les ports de Saint-Malo, Calais et Ouistreham. L'accès au tunnel sous la Manche sera également bloqué en début d'après-midi.

Les pêcheurs du Pas-de-Calais, de Ouistreham et de Saint-Malo conduiront vendredi une action de blocage dans trois ports français, et devant l'accès au tunnel sous la Manche. «Les pêcheurs demandent la résolution immédiate du litige qui nous oppose au Royaume-Uni dans l'interprétation de l'accord de Brexit», a déclaré ce jeudi Gérard Romiti, le président du comité national des pêches. «Notre patience a ses limites, elle n'a été que trop éprouvée.» » | Par Edouard de Mareschal | jeudi 25 novembre 2021

«Le conflit va se durcir, c'est certain» : la colère des pêcheurs français piégés par le Brexit : REPORTAGE - À Boulogne-sur-Mer, les pêcheurs participeront aux blocages annoncés vendredi dans plusieurs ports de France. Ils menacent de poursuivre leurs actions si le contentieux des licences de pêche n'est pas réglé rapidement par la Commission européenne. »

French fishers to block Channel tunnel in Brexit licences row: Members of industry association say large number of vehicles will be used to block key artery between nations »

Australia: LGBTQ Advocates Blast Religious Discrimination Bill

BBC: Australia has introduced a new controversial bill aimed at protecting religious people from "cancel culture".

Among other things, it would allow Catholic schools the right to fire teachers or expel gay students in the name of "religious ethos".

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the Religious Discrimination Bill, if passed, would ensure protection for religious people and organisations, like churches, to express beliefs.

Critics say it is "deeply unbalanced".

Introducing the bill on Thursday, Mr Morrison said it aimed to protect people's "statements of belief" as long as it was not "harassment, vilification or intimation of anyone."

But Australia's Human Rights Law Centre said the bill fails to "fairly balance the right to equality with the freedom of religion".

Human rights and LGBT groups have also warned the law would instead grant licence for people to express bigoted views.

The law also authorises people to express derogatory or harmful comments in a workplace, school and health setting, the human rights group said. » | BBC | Thursday, November 25, 2021

To All My American Visitors and Followers: A Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!

Photograph : Adobe Stock

The Guardian View on Europe’s Covid Protests: Treat with Care

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: The unvaccinated are contributing to a fourth wave. But governments must do all they can to avoid two-tier societies becoming the norm

As a fourth wave of Covid-19 infections threatens to overwhelm intensive care units in hospitals from Brussels to Berlin, European governments have begun to sound exasperated as well as anxious. On Monday, the German health minister, Jens Spahn, starkly laid out the stakes of the coming winter, in terms designed to function as a wake-up call. By the spring, Mr Spahn warned, the vast majority of Germans would be “vaccinated, cured or dead”. The Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte, dismissed violent protesters against restrictions on the unjabbed as “idiots”, while his Belgian counterpart, Alexander De Croo, said that similar scenes in Brussels were “absolutely unacceptable”.

The comments of Mr Rutte and Mr De Croo were explicitly directed at the violent fringe that hijacked demonstrations in the Belgian capital and Rotterdam. But there is a more general sense of frustration among political leaders in western Europe: as an expected autumn surge duly comes to pass, a significant minority of citizens are deepening the crisis by refusing to be vaccinated. Dealing with this section of the population, which is far more likely to need hospital treatment after infection, has become a major policy dilemma for governments seeking to juggle civil liberties with the need to protect the interests of society as a whole. » | Editorial | Tuesday, November 23, 2021

A Message to My Followers and Visitors

In recent weeks, I have had a hacking problem again. Somebody is playing around with my ‘Page View Counter’. Each day, despite my hits increasing, thousands of page views are being ‘shaved off’ my stats.

I know that this cannot be accurate because my stats are monitored by Google itself and by other external sources. The numbers being shown on the counter do not tally with the numbers recorded by other websites, including Google itself.

For this reason, I have decided to remove the counter from my blog because of this tampering. In any case, it is not an accurate reflection of the visitors I receive. The actual number is much higher than is being shown by that counter.

If and when things settle down, I might re-introduce the counter; but for the time being, I feel that it is better and less stressful that it be removed.

I should like to take this opportunity to thank you ALL for your continued support. I can assure you that it is most apprecaited. Again, I would like to say that if there is any way you feel that this blog can be improved, you are most welcome to email me with your suggestions.

Naturally, I am saddened that I feel the need to take this step. But I feel sure that you will understand that I find it demoralizing to find that thousands upon thousands of page views are being taken away each week without any reason. This is NOT caused by an algorithm; rather, it is being caused by the human hand.


Mark Alexander

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Turkish Lira Plunges, Loses Nearly 40% of Its Value This Year | DW News

Nov 24, 2021 • It's been an especially tough past few days for the Turkish lira. It remains near all-time lows against the dollar. The country recently cut interest rates at the insistence of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan despite the warnings of economists. The consequences are borne by normal Turks. Many are now angry.

At Least 30 Reported Dead after Dinghy Capsizes in Channel

THE GUARDIAN: Fifty people said to have been onboard inflatable boat as authorities search for people alive in water

At least 30 people have died trying to cross the Channel to the UK in an inflatable dinghy, French officials say, in what would be the deadliest incident since the current crisis began.

Jean-Marc Puissesseau, the president and chairman of the ports of Calais and Boulogne, told BBC News: “What I know is that there were 50 people on this boat. What I have heard is that there are 30 people who have died, and about five or six who have been found.”

The mayor of Calais, Natacha Bouchart, earlier said the death toll stood at 27 at 5pm UK time, but other French officials had warned they expected the total to rise.

A rescue operation is under way in the Channel by air and sea as French and British authorities search for anyone still in the water. » | Angelique Chrisafis in Paris | Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Manche : au moins 31 morts dans le naufrage d'un bateau de migrants au large de Dunkerque : Partis des côtes proches de Dunkerque, ils ont péri dans le naufrage de leur embarcation. Quatre passeurs ont été arrêtés, a indiqué Gérald Darmanin. »

Calais : au moins trente et un migrants morts dans le naufrage d’une embarkation : Un pêcheur a donné l’alerte en début d’après-midi, signalant alors une quinzaine de corps. « La France ne laissera pas la Manche devenir un cimetière », a déclaré Emmanuel Macron. Une réunion interministérielle doit se tenir jeudi matin, selon Matignon. »

Kenny Rogers with Cindy Fee : I Don't Want to Know Why

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group.

Knoblauch in der Küche - Dokumentation von NZZ Format (2010)

Feb 6, 2020 • Der Knoblauch wird gehasst oder geliebt, aber er lässt keinen kalt. Der Knolle werden magische Kräfte gegen Vampire und Teufel nachgesagt. Aber auch Heilkräfte. Professor Edzard Ernst, der Gründer des weltweit ersten Instituts für Alternativmedizin an der Universität Exeter, hat die Wirkung des Knoblauchs auf die Gesundheit eingehend untersucht.

Die Spanische Region La Mancha ist das Eldorado der europäischen Knoblauchproduktion. Noch heute erinnern viele Darstellungen an das kongeniale Paar Don Quixote und Sancho Pansa, das diese Gegend durchstreifte. Sancho Pansa soll ein wahrer Knoblauch-Freak gewesen sein. Knoblauchfreaks sind auch drei Spitzenköche: Roland Jöhri (Jöhri’s Talvo, Champfèr), Manuel de la Osa (Las Rejas, Las Pedroñeras) und David Martinez (Greulich, Zürich)

Originaltitel: Die Knoblauchküche

Democracy Now! Top US News. & World Headlines — November 24, 2021

À Kaboul, vivre caché dans la terreur de l’ordre taliban

Un membre des forces de sécurité des talibans patrouille, en septembre, dans une rue de Kaboul. STRINGER/REUTERS

LE FIGARO : RÉCIT - Sidérés par la brutalité du pouvoir, les Kabouliotes, qui vivaient à l’occidentale, ne sortent plus de peur de mourir.

Envoyée spéciale à Kaboul.

La famille entière s’est réunie sur un vieux canapé: le père, la mère, et les quatre enfants: trois jeunes filles et un petit garçon de 10 ans. Aucun n’a souhaité que son nom soit révélé.

«Vous voir, c’est un peu comme sortir de chez nous», sourit l’aînée des trois filles. Voilà trois mois qu’aucun d’entre eux n’a fait un pas dehors: trop dangereux. «Si on sort, on meurt», prévient le père. Ses enfants sourient d’un air las: au fil des semaines, la mise en garde est devenue une ritournelle qu’on répète comme une plaisanterie. «On sort, on meurt», ânonne le benjamin, que sa mère prend tendrement dans ses bras.

«S’ils nous trouvent, ils me tueront»

La discussion n’a rien de naturel: elle dépend de deux faibles connexions internet. Nous ne sommes qu’à quelques rues les uns des autres, mais il faut discuter à distance, grâce à un logiciel de visioconférence. «Vous pourriez être suivie… On ne sait pas de quoi les talibans sont capables», justifie le père, visiblement gêné. » | Par Margaux Benn | Publié : vendredi 19 novembre 2021 ; mis à jour : samedi 20 novembre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

German Parties Agree Coalition Deal to Make Olaf Scholz Chancellor

THE GUARDIAN: Social Democrat, Green and liberal parties agree to form government after two months of talks

Germany’s new traffic light coalition, with chancellor Olaf Scholz (centre), Greens Annalena Baerbock and Robert Habeck (left of Scholz), the liberals’ Christian Lindner as well as SPD party leaders Volker Wissing and Saskia Esken (right of Scholz). Photograph: Odd Andersen/AFP/Getty Images

Germany’s Social Democrat, Green and liberal parties have presented a deal to form a new government, with Olaf Scholz, the finance minister, succeeding ngela Merkel as chancellor.

The three parties, known as the “ traffic light coalition” owing to their colours – red, green and yellow – hammered out the deal during two months of intense negotiations after the Social Democrats (SPD) won a slim margin in the 26 September national election.

Scholz, of the Social Democrats, will be the new chancellor, Annalena Baerbock of the Greens will become foreign minister, and Robert Habeck, her partner as co-leader of the party, will receive a new “super minister” role combining the economics ministry with environmental protection goals.

Christian Lindner, leader of the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP), will become the new finance minister. Hubertus Heil of the SPD is reported to be the only minister from the old government – a grand coalition between the SPD and Merkel’s conservative CDU/CSU – who will retain his post, as labour minister. » | Kate Connolly, Berlin | Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Was SPD, Grüne und FDP mit Deutschland vorhaben: SPD, Grüne und FDP sind sich einig. Sie wollen eine Solardachpflicht einführen, das Wahlalter auf 16 Jahre senken – an der Schuldenbremse soll nicht gerüttelt werden. Ein Überblick über die Inhalte des Koalitionsvertrags. »

Die Küche Siziliens: Ein aromatischer Mix der Kulturen - Dokumentation von NZZ Format (2013)

Apr 23, 2020 • Griechen, Araber, Normannen, Schwaben, Spanier und Franzosen haben Sizilien im Lauf der Jahrhunderte erobert und regiert und Spuren ihrer Kultur hinterlassen, auch in der Küche.

Streetfood in Palermo: Auf den Märkten isst man frittierte Reiskugeln, rohe Seeigel und Kutteln. Spanisch beeinflusst sind die Empanadas, die gefüllten Teigtaschen. Die süß-saure Caponata aus Gemüse, Kapern und Oliven ist ein Mix aus allen mediterranen Kochkünsten. In San Vito Lo Capo, der Hochburg des sizilianischen Couscous, ist die Nähe zu Nordafrika deutlich spürbar.

Die Insel Favignana war einst Schauplatz der Thunfischerei. Peppe bereitet einen Salat aus rohem Thunfisch, Aloe Vera, Früchten und aromatischen Kräutern zu. Bei Modica produziert die Familie Floridia den geschützten "Ragusano"-Käse. Der "fliegende Chefkoch" Carmelo Chiaramonte philosophiert auf dem Fischmarkt von Catania. Eine Gruppe von jungen, ehrgeizigen Köchen glänzt mit Interpretationen der tradtionellen Küche.

Originaltitel: Kulinarische Reise durch Sizilien

The Tory Health & Care Bill: A Frightening Attack on Our NHS. Truth To Power

Nov 24, 2021 • The Tories’ Health and Care Bill had its first reading in parliament this week and it’s all looking pretty scary. It paves the way for the dismantling of the NHS as we know it, to be replaced by an American-style private insurance based system, allowing plenty of opportunities for self-enrichment on behalf of all those companies donating and buddying up to the current appalling, corrupt government.

If Sajid Javid is one of Ayn Rand's devotees, that tells me all I need to know about him! Enough already! Ayn Rand spent her life espousimg extreme right-wing economics and her own ideological claptrap. She had questionable morals and actually ended her days on welfare – the very thing she spent her life decrying and criticising others for doing!

Alan Greenspan, the one-time head of the Fed, was also one of Ayn Rand's devotees. That tells its own story!

BoJo and his sleazy operators need to keep their dirty mitts off our NHS. The last thing we need in this country is an American-style medical system. I know more than most Brits how that functions. My late partner was American and I looked after him both at home and in hospital for many, many months at a time. I can report that, at its best, American healthcare is excellent; however, at its worst, it is very poor indeed. And of course for those who have no means, there is no healthcare for them at all (except, perhaps, for that provided by charity)!

But even with the best of insurance, which my late partner had, it is a system set up to make profit rather than to make the patient well again. Further, when the patient has cost the insurance company too much already, doctors get instructions to pull the plug on the patient's treatment!

No! No! No! We don't need or want that appalling system here. Thank you, but no thank you! – © Mark

Go private for the treatment you need, NHS tells patients: Patients are being refused treatment, discharged too early and pushed towards private referrals, openDemocracy’s largest-ever reader survey has found »

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Kenny Rogers : What about Me?

Why Jeff Bezos’ Space Dream Is Humanity's Nightmare | George Monbiot

Manche Leute sehen wahnsinnig gut aus. Andere Leute haben unerhört guten Geschmack. Dann gibt es Leute, die so viel Geld haben, daß das Geld gar nicht gezählt werden kann. Die Glücklichsten davon, natürlich, haben alle drei Eigenschaften: Aussehen, Geschmack und Reichtum. Mich wundert, wo Jeff Bezos steht. Haben Sie, vielleicht, eine bessere Ahnung? – © Mark

Spanien wundert sich über die neue Corona-Krise in Nordeuropa – im Land herrscht eine fast schon beneidenswerte Normalität

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Spanien wurde zu Beginn besonders hart von der Corona-Pandemie getroffen. Doch mittlerweile ist das Land dank seiner gut organisierten Impfkampagne zum Vorbild in Europa geworden. Dabei offeriert die Regierung den nördlichen Nachbarn ein probates Rezept: Masken und Impfung, Impfung und Masken.

Am Wochenende bilden sich ein weiteres Mal lange Schlangen vor den grossen Impfzentren in Madrid. Bis zu einer Stunde etwa müssen die Menschen vor dem Hospital Isabel Zendal warten, obwohl dort rund um die Uhr geimpft wird. Doch niemand beschwert sich, im Gegenteil. «Mir macht das nichts aus. So kann ich Weihnachten unbesorgt mit meinen Kindern und Enkeln feiern», sagt die 71-jährige Isabel González. Der ältere Herr hinter ihr nickt zustimmend: «Hauptsache, wir sind geschützt. Das ist das Wichtigste.»

Wenige Tage zuvor beschloss die Regierung des Ministerpräsidenten Pedro Sánchez, die Auffrischungsimpfungen auf die über 60-Jährigen sowie das Gesundheits- und Pflegepersonal auszuweiten. Bis dahin waren zunächst nur die über 70-Jährigen aufgefordert, sich zum dritten Mal gegen das Coronavirus impfen zu lassen. Nun sollen weitere sieben Millionen Spanierinnen und Spanier die Drittimpfung erhalten. » | Ute Müller, Madrid | Dienstag, 23. November 2021

Daniel Hope – Elgar: Salut d´amour

On April 22, 2016 violin legend Yehudi Menuhin would have celebrated his 100th birthday. Daniel Hope dedicates a complete album to his former mentor and close friend - "My Tribute to Yehudi Menuhin". Watch Daniel Hope play "Salut d´amour" of Edward Elgar.

Zu Tisch auf ... Salento | Köstliches Apulien | ARTE

Sep 26, 2021 • Apulien: Von der Adria und dem Ionischen Meer umgeben und von 300 Sonnentagen im Jahr verwöhnt, ist die Region ein einziges Obst- und Gemüsebeet, in dem alle Zutaten der mediterranen Küche gedeihen. Die Reihe begibt sich in dieser Folge auf eine Entdeckungsreise zur Halbinsel Salento rund um Contrada Potenti, Porto Cesareo, Poggiardo und Lecce.

Bei Manduria lebt Chiara Di Lauro Tommasino, sie leitet eine aufwendig restaurierte Masseria, ein Hofgut. Auf ihrem Speiseplan für das Abendessen steht Corona vegetale mit Ofengemüse und Thunfisch.Im weiter südlich gelegenen Porto Cesareo ist die Familie Mariano bereits seit den frühen Morgenstunden unterwegs. Gefangen werden Seeigel. Die Delikatesse wird traditionell mit Linguine serviert.In Poggiardo steht die älteste Steinmühle des Salento, die aus alten Getreidesorten Vollkornmehl mahlt. Ercole Maggio ist auf der Suche nach verloren geglaubten Urgetreiden, um diese neu anzubauen. Sieben Sorten konnte er bislang retten.In der Barockstadt Lecce lebt die Bloggerin Francesca Rollo, die sich heute am Ciceri e Tria versucht: einem Gericht aus Kichererbsen und handgemachten Nudeln.

Dokumentationsreihe, Regie: Lorenza Castella (D 2021, 27 Min)

As Virus Cases Rise in Europe, an Economic Toll Returns

THE NEW YORK TIMES: A series of restrictions, including a lockdown in Austria, is expected to put a brake on economic growth.

Vienna decorated for Christmas. Austria is mandating vaccinations and imposed a nationwide lockdown on Monday. | Georg Hochmuth/Agence France-Presse, via Getty Images

Europe’s already fragile economic recovery is at risk of being undermined by a fourth wave of coronavirus infections now dousing the continent, as governments impose increasingly stringent health restrictions that could reduce foot traffic in shopping centers, discourage travel and thin crowds in restaurants, bars and ski resorts.

Austria has imposed the strictest measures, mandating vaccinations and imposing a nationwide lockdown that began on Monday. But economic activity will also be dampened by other safety measures — from vaccine passports in France and Switzerland to a requirement to work from home four days a week in Belgium.

“We are expecting a bumpy winter season,” said Stefan Kooths, a research director of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy in Germany. “The pandemic now seems to be affecting the economy more negatively than we originally thought.”

The tough lockdowns that swept Europe during the early months of the pandemic last year ended up shrinking economic output by nearly 15 percent. Buoyed by a raft of government support to businesses and the unemployed, most of those countries managed to scramble back and recoup their losses after vaccines were introduced, infection rates tumbled and restrictions eased.

In September, economists optimistically declared that Europe had reached a turning point. In recent weeks, the main threats to the economy seemed to stem from a post-lockdown exuberance that was causing supply-chain bottlenecks, energy-price increases and inflation worries. And widespread vaccinations were expected to defang the pandemic’s bite so that people could continue to freely gather to shop, dine out and travel. What was not expected… » | Patricia Cohen and Melissa Eddy | Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Dimitra’s Dishes : Ancient Greek Pizza Recipe : Ladenia Kimolou

Get the recipe here.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — November 23, 2021

Des forces de l'ordre et des pompiers victimes de tirs d'armes à feu en Guadeloupe et en Martinique

D'importants barrages bloquent les principaux axes routiers de Martinique, à l'appel d'une intersyndicale à la grève générale. LOIC VENANCE / AFP

LE FIGARO : La rixe, qui a eu lieu à Fort-de-France en Martinique dans la nuit de lundi à mardi, s'est achevée sans faire de blessés. Les violences se poursuivent en Guadeloupe, où des pompiers et des policiers ont été également visés par des tirs.

Des forces de l'ordre et des pompiers ont été à plusieurs reprises pris pour cibles par des tirs d'arme à feu dans la nuit du lundi 22 au mardi 23 novembre à Fort-de-France sans faire de blessés, a indiqué à l'AFP la Sécurité publique.

Alors que les violences se poursuivent dans la Guadeloupe voisine en proie à une contestation sociale liée à l'obligation vaccinale contre le Covid-19, d'importants barrages bloquaient mardi, comme la veille, les principaux axes routiers de Martinique, après l'appel d'une intersyndicale à la grève générale. Il a été lancé par 17 organisations syndicales aux revendications variées, parmi lesquelles on compte la fin de l'obligation vaccinale et des suspensions pour les soignants, mais aussi la hausse des salaires et des minima sociaux et la baisse des prix des carburants et du gaz. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | mardi 23 November 2021


Guadeloupe: l’exécutif sous pression, Lecornu dans le viseur : DÉCRYPTAGE - Jean Castex a condamné lundi les agissements d’une «petite minorité violente» qui sème le chaos dans l’île depuis quelques jours et «appelle au calme». »

Beim ersten Jugendschub: begeistert und verliebt.

In the first flush of youth: enthusiastic and in love. / Au premier élan de jeunesse : enthousiastes et amoureux.

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Irakische Geflüchtete träumen auch nach Rückkehr aus Belarus weiter von Europa

Nov 23, 2021 • Drei Wochen Kälte, Hunger und Durst: das alles war vergeblich. Hussein Chodr, seine Frau und seine Mutter sind von der polnisch-belarussischen Grenze in ihr Heimatland Irak zurückgekehrt. Ihren Traum vom Leben in Europa wollen sie dennoch nicht aufgeben. © AFP

Covid Restrictions Tighten across Europe as Case Numbers Soar | DW News

Nov 22, 2021 • There's a growing public backlash as governments in several European countries tighten coronavirus restrictions. In the Netherlands, more than 130 people have been arrested during three days of unrest. Coronaviruses cases there are setting new records. A week ago the government imposed western Europe's first partial lockdown since the summer. Austria has gone back into national lockdown - the first country in Europe to reimpose such a harsh measure as a winter wave of Covid-19 infections rolls across the continent.

On Sunday tens of thousands turned out in the capital Vienna to protest against the lockdown. Now, Christmas markets, bars, restaurants and most shops have closed. For at least the next ten days, people can only leave their homes for essential reasons.

With Covid-19 cases also soaring in places like neighboring Germany, Europe is facing a winter of toughening restrictions.

Covid deaths in Europe to top 2 million by March, says WHO: Dr Hans Kluge describes situation as ‘very serious’ with increasing strain on health services »