Thursday, June 30, 2022

Coming Out Story 30-year-old Man, Married with Kids | Reupload

Jan 12, 2020 Hello! My name is Nathan and this is the story of why it took me 31yrs, a 9 year marriage to a women, and 2 children, before coming out. This is how I came to terms with my sexuality, figured out what was holding me back, and how I gained the strength and courage to finally set myself free..

Nathan’s is a most heartfelt coming out story. One can feel his pain just by listening to the story. One can also sense Nathan’s honesty and sincerity.

Coming out when one is already married and especially when one is already a father must be extremely difficult for all concerned. Never having been married myself, I can only imagine how difficult it must be for the whole family. Further, one can only imagine the dilemma faced by the person who is coming out. Naturally, I wish Nathan well. – © Mark Alexander

The Proposal.

Aussie Dad Devastated by Shock DNA Testing Revealing His Kids Aren't His | 60 Minutes Australia

Thanks to CSI and the other cop shows, DNA tests are no longer a mystery. Gone is the suspicion, now they're just another weapon in TV's war on crime. But it might be a different story if that weapon was turned on us, and that's not impossible. It's happening to Australian families every day. DNA testing, especially paternity testing is a booming business - fired up by suspicious husbands determined to prove that the child they're raising is actually theirs. And as you might imagine, that's opened up a whole new domestic battlefield with new charges of betrayal and revenge.

R Kelly Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison for Sex Abuse - BBC News

Jun 30, 2022 American singer R Kelly has been sentenced to 30 years in prison by a US federal court after he was found guilty of sexually abusing women, boys and girls.

The court handed down its sentence after a trial which found the music artist guilty on all nine charges presented.

One survivor said the judicial system came through for his survivors saying "30 years he did this and 30 years he got."

After Worst Start in 50 Years, Some See More Pain Ahead for Stock Market

THE NEW YORK TIMES: At the halfway point of the year, it’s been a historically horrible time for stocks. Bonds are in bad shape, too.

The stock market is on track for its worst first half of the year since at least 1970. | Julia Nikhinson/Associated Press

Wall Street set records in the first half of the year, none of them good.

The economy is on the cusp of a recession, battered by high inflation and rising interest rates, which eats into paychecks, dents consumer confidence and leads to corporate cutbacks. As it has teetered, markets have tanked.

The stock market is on track for its worst first six months of the year since at least 1970. The S&P 500 index, the cornerstone of many stock portfolios and retirement accounts, peaked in early January and has fallen 19.9 percent over the past six months.

The sell-off has been remarkably broad, with every sector except energy down this year. Bellwethers including Apple, Disney, JPMorgan Chase and Target have all fallen more than the overall market.

And that’s only part of the horror story for investors and companies this year. » | Isabella Simonetti | Thursday, June 30, 2022

Die Bitcoin-Millionäre | ARTE Re: Reupload

Jun 30, 2022 Traumhafte Gewinne, ohne staatliche Kontrollen – das verheißen Bitcoins und andere Internetwährungen. Ihre Anhänger glauben an eine finanzielle Revolution. Trotz extrem schwankender Kurse und Warnungen vor einer gefährlichen Blase investieren sie weltweit Milliarden in das digitale Geld. Mit zu hohem Risiko?

Der Holländer Didi Taihuttu (42) hat für Bitcoins und andere digitale Währungen sein Leben und das seiner Familie auf den Kopf gestellt. Noch vor wenigen Jahren besaß der Unternehmer ein Haus und drei Autos. 2017 verkaufte er alles und investierte sein Vermögen in digitale Währungen. Die kalte Jahreszeit verbringt die Familie nun in Thailand. Didis Vermögen hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren um ein Vielfaches vermehrt. Als der Bitcoin 2018 zwischenzeitlich einbrach, investierte er noch mehr in die Kryptowährung – und profierte auch davon. Der Kurs erholte sich schnell und in der Folge stieg er immer weiter. Aber die Bitcoin-Familie will langfristig Gewinn machen und pflegt deshalb einen minimalistischen Lebensstil. Brechen die Kurse ein, könnten Didi und seine Familie von heute auf morgen bankrott sein.

Auch Robert Küfner und Till Wendler glauben an eine Revolution des Finanzwesens durch digitale Währungen. Und sie wollen ganz vorn mit dabei sein. In der Krypto-Hochburg Berlin haben die beiden Bitcoin-Millionäre das Start-up Advanced Blockchain AG gegründet. Die Pioniere beraten Unternehmen, wie sie die Technologie hinter den Bitcoins – die so genannte Blockchain – künftig nutzen können. Eine dezentrale Datenverarbeitung, die niemand manipulieren kann – mit dieser Idee sollen Finanzmarkt und Industrie umgekrempelt werden. Investoren und namhafte Firmen stehen bereits vor der Tür. Doch noch fehlt es den Jungunternehmern an Mitarbeitern mit dem richtigen Know-how. Auf der Suche nach Programmierern reist Till Wendler in die Ukraine. Die Jungunternehmer stehen extrem unter Druck. Wer im Markt der neuen Krypto-Technologie mitspielen will, muss schnell sein.

Reportage (Deutschland 2018, 30 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 31/07/2022

Disney World zwischen Biederkeit und LGBTQ-Party

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Das berühmte Freizeitresort Disney World in Florida ist unter Beschuss der Republikaner geraten, die ihm vorwerfen, zu «woke» zu sein. Der Vergnügungspark ist künstlich, oberflächlich, klischeehaft, aber weder übermässig korrekt noch allzu brüskierend. Höchstens die permanente Fröhlichkeit kann einen deprimieren.

Angestellte des Disney-Konzerns demonstrieren gegen das «Don't say gay»-Gesetz in Florida. | Irfan Khan / Getty

Disney World in Florida hat ein Problem. Der Vergnügungspark bei Orlando, der sein fünfzigjähriges Bestehen feiert, wird von zwei Seiten angegriffen und ist mitten in den amerikanischen Kulturkampf hineingeraten. Seitens der politischen Linken wird behauptet, dass dort, wie auch in den Disney-Filmen, ein nicht mehr zeitgemässes Familien- und Menschenbild transportiert werde.

Kürzlich wagte der Konzern es jedoch, die neuen, konservativen Gesetze in Florida zu kritisieren, die sich gegen Homosexuelle und andere sexuelle Minderheiten richten. Das führte zu einer heftigen Gegenreaktion des republikanischen Gouverneurs Ron DeSantis, der Disney vorwarf, Kinder und Familien mit «woken» Ideen zu infiltrieren. Er drohte, dem riesigen Unterhaltungsparadies die bisherigen Steuerprivilegien zu entziehen.

Disney pflegte das gute alte Amerika

Machen wir also die Probe aufs Exempel. Ist Disney World nun altbacken, hinterwäldlerisch und voller rückständiger Klischees? Oder ist es «woke», übertrieben politisch korrekt, von subversiven Ideen unterwandert, die schon die Kleinen sexualisieren, politisieren und indoktrinieren? » | David Signer, Orlando | Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2022

Cartier Beautés du Monde: The Exhibition

Jun 30, 2022 From 13th June 2022 in Madrid, Cartier revealed the Beautés du Monde High Jewelry collection - in a setting that lives up to its shining light: the brutalist Embassy design by two architects, English WS Bryant and Madrid native Luis Blanco-Soler. Cartier entrusted the scenography of the event to the Madrid artist and design Jaime Hayon. In this succession built around a well of light, color is omnipresent, the design pure, which rounded arches that break up the space. A singular experience that invites exploration, and the discovery of the Beautés du Monde collection.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

What Is Antisemitism?

Jun 29, 2022 Antisemitism means prejudice against or hatred of Jews. In the United States, antisemitic incidents hit an all-time high in 2021. Hatred of Jews can take many forms, including violent attacks. It also appears in daily life. Do you know how to recognize it online, in social media, or in conversation?

Stevie Wonder : Overjoyed | Reupload

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Views on YouTube: 5,726,757

Crypto Crisis: How Digital Currencies Went from Boom to Collapse

THE GUARDIAN: Savers talk of devastating losses as assets such as bitcoin and ‘stablecoins’ like terra fell sharply

Falling bitcoin illustration: Guardian Design

Yuri Popovich had watched his neighbours’ houses burn down to the ground in Kyiv and he needed a safe place to put his money. So he did what millions of amateur investors have done in recent years: he turned to cryptocurrency.

“It was impossible and unsafe to store funds in the form of banknotes. There was a big risk of theft, we also had cases of looting. Therefore, I trusted a ‘stable and reliable’ cryptocurrency. Not for the purpose of speculating, but simply to save,” he says.

The digital asset that Popovich chose in April was terra, a “stablecoin” whose value was supposed to be pegged to the dollar.

It collapsed in May, sparking a rout in the cryptocurrency market whose victims include Popovich. He lost $10,000 (£8,200).

Popovich says his losses were “devastating”, although donations from sympathetic onlookers on social media have helped make up some of the shortfall. He says: “I stopped sleeping normally, lost 4kg, I often have headaches and anxiety.”

Popovich is one of many experiencing the deep chill of the current crypto winter, more than four years after the market’s cornerstone, bitcoin, marked the first digital freeze by tumbling from its then peak. » | Alex Hern and Dan Milmo | Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Dinu Lipatti : Edvard Grieg, Concerto in A Minor, Op. 16

Philarmonia Orchestra

WIKIPEDIA: Philharmonia Orchestra.

Philharmonia Orchestra.

Dinu Lipatti was a true musical genius. His talents on the piano were so obviously extraordinary. Just listening to him play, we can all attest to that. Romania must surely be extremely proud of him. Clearly, he was a national treasure. It is a tragedy that he died so young—at the tender age of 33 years—of Hodgkin’s disease in December 1950. His passing was a great loss not only to Romania, but also to the world. R.I.P. – © Mark Alexander

War in Ukraine: '"We Must Think of the Unthinkable' - Says Former Estonian President

Jun 29, 2022 Former President of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid says Russia is "totally unpredictable" and NATO has to adapt to always be "prepared".

Frédéric Martel : Book Alleges a Vatican Gay Subculture, Hypocrisy

Feb 20, 2019 (15 Feb 2019) A gay French writer has lifted the lid on what he calls one of the world's largest gay communities, the Vatican, estimating that most of its prelates are homosexually inclined and attributing much of the current crisis in the Catholic Church to an internecine war among them.

In the explosive book, In the Closet of the Vatican, author Frédéric Martel describes a gay subculture at the Vatican and calls out the hypocrisy of Catholic bishops and cardinals who in public denounce homosexuality but in private lead double lives.

Aside from the subject matter, the book is astonishing for the access Martel had to the inner sanctum of the Holy See. Martel writes that he spent four years researching it in 30 countries, including weeks at a time living inside the Vatican walls.

He says the doors were opened by a key Vatican gatekeeper and friend of Pope Francis who was the subject of the pontiff's famous remark about gay priests, "Who am I to judge?"

In an interview Friday in a Paris hotel, Martel said he didn't tell his subjects he was writing about homosexuality in the Vatican.

But he said it should have been obvious to them since he is a gay man who was researching the inner world of the Vatican and has written about homosexuality before.

He said it was easier for him, as a gay foreigner, to gain the trust of those inside the Vatican than it would have been for an Italian journalist or Vatican expert.

Martel says he conducted nearly 1,500 in-person interviews with 41 cardinals, 52 bishops or monsignors, and 45 Vatican and foreign ambassadors, many of whom are quoted at length and in on-the-record interviews that he says were recorded.

Martel said he was assisted by 80 researchers, translators, fixers and local journalists, as well as a team of 15 lawyers.

The 555-page book is being published simultaneously in eight languages in 20 countries, many bearing the title "Sodom."

The Vatican didn't immediately respond to a request for comment. Martel appears to want to bolster Francis' efforts at reforming the Vatican by discrediting his biggest critics and removing the secrecy and scandal that surrounds homosexuality in the Church.

But the book's Feb. 21 publication date coincides with the start of Francis' summit of church leaders on preventing the sexual abuse of minors, a crisis that is undermining his papacy.

The book isn't about abuse, but the timing of its release could fuel the narrative, embraced by conservatives and rejected by the gay community, that the abuse scandal has been caused by homosexuals in the priesthood.

Martel said no special interests financed the book, other than his advance from the publisher.


Jan. 6 Bombshell: Trump Physically Attacked Secret Service Agent, Demanded to Join Mob at Capitol

Jun 29, 2022 In one of the most dramatic revelations at Tuesday’s hearing of the House committee investigating the January 6 attack, star witness Cassidy Hutchinson described how then-President Trump intended to join his supporters in the march to the Capitol and lunged at his Secret Service agent, who tried to prevent him from doing so, and grabbed the steering wheel of the presidential limousine, before he was driven back to the White House. Hutchinson was aide to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows at the time. She also describes another temper tantrum by the president weeks earlier, after Attorney General Bill Barr said publicly there was no election fraud, saying Trump threw a plate of food, leaving “ketchup dripping down the wall.”

Warum Ukraine | Doku HD | ARTE

Jun 29, 2022 Mittendrin, an der Front oder beim zivilen Widerstand, filmte der französische Journalist und Publizist Bernard-Henri Lévy den Krieg in der Ukraine. Ein beeindruckend hautnahes Erlebnis, eine Aufforderung zum Handeln an Europa – und ein Hilferuf im Namen der Demokratie.

Schon in den ersten Tagen des russischen Angriffs auf die Ukraine reiste der französische Journalist und Publizist Bernard-Henri Lévy ins Kriegsgebiet und kehrte seither immer wieder dorthin zurück. Mit Unterstützung eines kleinen Teams aus Franzosen und Ukrainern filmte er den Widerstand vor den Toren von Mykolajiw und die Toten von Butscha; das belagerte Kiew und das rebellische Odessa; die Verwandlung von Staatspräsident Selenskyj und die Zivilisten von Borodjanka, die der Krieg zu Helden macht; die Stadt Saporischschja, die ihr Kernkraftwerk vor Angriffen schützt; eine vergessene Frontlinie vor Mariupol; die ehemaligen US-Marines der geheimnisvollen Mozart-Gruppe; das letzte Interview, das ein 60 Meter unter der Erde in den Bunkeranlagen von Asow-Stahlverschanzter Kommandant als freier Mann gab; und die Flugbahn der am 2. März auf Babyn Jar gefallenen Rakete.

Im Februar 2014 hatte Bernard-Henri Lévy mit demselben Team bereits den Kampf der ukrainischen Demokraten in den ersten Tagen der „Revolution der Würde“ dokumentiert. Der französische Philosoph, Autor zahlreicher Kriegsreportagen, gibt Einblicke in die jüngere Geschichte der Ukraine: die monatelangen Proteste während des Euromaidan in Kiew, den russischsprachigen, europaverliebten Osten; die Erinnerungen an die Schlucht von Babyn Jar zu einem Zeitpunkt, als die neue Ukraine von 2016 ihre Vergangenheitsbewältigung und Trauerarbeit vollendete; die Schützengräben im Donbas 2020, kurz vor Ausbruch des Krieges. Er erzählt auch von dem Restaurant in Kiew, wo der künftige Staatspräsident Selenskyj ihm einige Stunden vor seinem Wahlsieg 2019 ein Interview gewährte, in dem er bereits seine Einschätzungen zu Putin, Europa und dem drohenden Krieg teilte und erklärte, warum das Land von Babyn Jar nun bereit war, einen jungen jüdischen Präsidenten zu wählen. Der unter schwierigen Umständen entstandene Film ist das subjektive Zeugnis eines engagierten Intellektuellen, ein Aufruf zum Handeln und zur Rettung der ukrainischen Demokratie.

Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 14/12/2024

Since posting this documentary, it has been re-classified by YouTube: it has been made age-restricted. It is therefore now available to watch only on YouTube itself. It can no longer be embedded. To watch this excellent documentary, please click here.

The Beach Boys : Cotton Fields (The Cotton Song) | Visualizer

Jun 29, 2022 The official visualizer for “Cotton Fields (The Cotton Song)” from ‘Sounds of Summer: The Very Best of The Beach Boys’ Expanded Edition.

Thomas kocht : Coleslaw - amerikanischer Krautsalat

Jun 29, 2022 Coleslaw ist ein amerikanischer Krautsalat, der so ziemlich zu jedem Grillabend gereicht wird. Oft findet man ihn auch in Burgern oder mit "Pulled Pork". Ausprobieren lohnt sich!

Rezept für 4-6 Personen (Beilage):

- 1 Spitzkohl oder Weißkohl (ich habe hier 3/4 von dem Kohl verwendet)
- 1 große Karotte
- 1 rote Zwiebel


- 70 ml Milch (3,5% Fett, Soja-, oder Hafermilch funktioniert auch)
- 140 ml Sonnenblumenöl - 1 TL Senf (mittelscharf)
- 2-3 EL weißer Essig (z.B. Balsamico, Apfelessig, Weißweinessig)
- Salz, Pfeffer aus der Mühle

Viel Spaß beim Nachkochen!

Angry, Violent, Reckless: Testimony Paints Shocking Portrait of Trump

THE GUARDIAN: Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony of a president lunging at a Secret Service agent’s throat ‘is going to loom very large’ in US history, experts say

Donald Trump arrives to speak at the rally in Washington DC on 6 January 2021. Photograph: Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images

He lunged at a Secret Service agent’s throat. He threw dishes during temper tantrums. And he wanted metal detectors taken away so his fans could march with guns and knives.

An astonishing portrait of Donald Trump as an unhinged and personally violent president emerged at Tuesday’s hearing of the congressional committee investigating last year’s attack on the US Capitol.

Even for a country – and a political press corps – long used to the norm-shattering of the Trump years, the picture painted of Trump at the surprise hearing was a shock to the system. The January 6 panel had promised new revelations and it did not disappoint.

“Never before in American history have we ever seen credible testimony this shocking against a president of the United States before Congress,” Michael Beschloss, a presidential historian, told the MSNBC network. “This is a day that is going to loom very large in American history.” » | David Smith in Washington | Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Falling in Love

No fuiste despues..fuiste a tiempo. A tiempo para que me enamorara de ti.. / Du bist nicht gegangen, bevor... oder nachdem... du pünktlich warst. In der Zeit, dass ich mich in dich verliebe.. / Tu n'es pas parti avant... ou après... tu es parti à l'heure. A temps pour que je tombe amoureux de toi.. / You didn't go before... or after... you went on time. In time for me to fall in love with you…

Many thanks to the anonymous uploader on Pinterest of this lovely photo. Whoever it is has good taste, but cannot be followed. Hoping he stays safe and well in these perilous times.

Single, 60plus, sucht! | ARTE Re: Reupload

un 29, 2022 Den Lebensabend alleine verbringen – das kommt für viele Senioren nicht in Frage. Doch was bedeutet es, sich mit über 60 noch einmal auf die Partnersuche zu begeben und sich auf Single-Börsen im Internet oder beim "Speed-Dating" zu präsentieren? Was erleben sogenannte "Silver Singles", die im Kopf noch frisch sind, deren Körper aber nicht mehr ganz straff und jugendlich ist?

Knapp 16 Millionen Menschen in Deutschland leben allein. In Frankreich sind es etwa 18 Millionen, viele von ihnen ungewollt. Jeder zweite Single sucht mittlerweile im Internet nach einem neuen Partner, der Anteil der über 60-Jährigen nimmt stetig zu. Wie schwer fällt der Schritt, sich als Senior in Dating-Portale zu begeben? Wie aussichtsreich ist die Suche?

Die 66-jährige Ingrid aus Süddeutschland ist verwitwet und sucht seit mehr als vier Jahren einen neuen Mann fürs Leben. Bei verschiedenen Dates hat sie Langweiler, Angeber und Unverschämte kennengelernt. Ein Interessent wollte gleich bei der ersten Verabredung wissen, welche Körbchengröße sie hat und ob sie Strapse trägt. Trotz solcher Demütigungen und auch Beleidigungen („Du frustrierte Kuh“) gibt sie nicht auf. Auf ihre letzte Annonce hat sich ein charmanter Mann gemeldet, bei dem sie erstmals wieder „Schmetterlinge im Bauch“ hat. Doch je älter man wird, desto schwieriger scheint es, sich noch einmal fest zu binden.

Nach Briefen, Fotos und Telefonaten ist auch im Alter der persönliche Eindruck entscheidend. Um sich diverse Einzelverabredungen zu ersparen, bietet eine Agentur in Nordrhein-Westfalen regelmäßig „Speed-Dating“ für „Silver Singles“ an. Hier haben Senioren jeweils zehn Minuten Zeit, ihr Gegenüber kennenzulernen und zu befragen. Gefallen oder Nichtgefallen wird auf einem Zettel angekreuzt. Bei Sympathie wird diskret ein Kontakt hergestellt. Das Problem: Interessierte Seniorinnen gibt es reichlich. Nur die Männer trauen sich nicht. Und die, die mitmachen, suchen oft etwas Jüngeres.

Reportage (Deutschland 2018, 30 Min)
Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 31/07/2022

Die Schwierigkeiten und Komplikationen, wenn man älter und heterosexuell ist, ledig, wahrscheinlich auch verwitwet, und dann auch noch einen neuen Partner sucht, eine Person zu lieben und wovon man geliebt werden kann, zeigt uns dieser hervorragende Dokumentarfilm über Deutschland. Eine ähnliche Situation wird ganz sicherlich in fast allen Ländern herrschen.

Diese Doku war sehr interessant und zeigte uns allen klar und deutlich, daß Liebe zu finden umso schwieriger und komplizierter wird, je älter man wird. Das stimmt für Männer als auch für Frauen, für Heteros als auch für Schwule. – © Mark Alexander

The French Paradox: How Rich Food and Wine Could Help You Stay Healthy | 60 Minutes Australia

How's this for a diet; fat? Okay. Red meat; not a problem. Cheese and cakes; you can eat them to your heart's content. And it gets even better. Fancy a glass or two of wine to wash it down? Go ahead, it's good for you. It's fun and it works - in fact, it's why French women don't get fat. Of course, this dream diet has been around for centuries. It's known as the French Paradox and it defies all logic. How come they thrive on all that rich food and wine AND have lower rates of obesity and heart disease than we do. Well, being French, you can bet style has something to do with it.

This is no surprise. We have known about the French paradox for years. But this is a very good and informative short documentary on the pleasures of life in France and the health benefits from the French way of life and ways of eating and drinking. These are pleasures that we in the Anglosphere are increasingly denied; and when one defies the zeitgeist and indulges in such pleasures, there are plenty of boring and often ignorant people around, killjoys who think they know it all, who try and send one on a guilt trip for the indulgences. Fie on them all!

Little wonder that the vocabulary items and expressions used in English to describe these pleasures are borrowed from the French language. Expressions such as savoir vivre and joie de vivre come immediately to mind. Of course there are others.

These expressions can be translated into English; but when translated, they become rather meaningless.

France is a wonderful country and the French are a wonderful people; further, the French know how to live life to the fullest. They could teach us Brits, Americans and Australians a thing or two about how we should live. To use my own recent quote–Nowadays, people recognise the dangers in everything, but recognise the pleasures in nothing.–sums up attitudes to life in the Anglosphere. Now, in order to know how to live, we must look to France and the French.

Vive la belle France ! – © Mark Alexander

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – June 28, 2022

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Ghislaine Maxwell Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison

Ghislaine Maxwell has been sentenced following her conviction on five counts of sex trafficking.


Lipatti & Ansermet : Schumann Concerto in A minor Op. 54

Dinu Lipatti, piano; Ernest Ansermet conducting the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande | live - Geneva, February 22, 1950

Orchestre de la Suisse Romande

WIKIPEDIA : Dinu Lipatti

The Barefoot Contessa: croques monsieur

Get the recipe here.

Maxwell Will Spend Much of Her Remaining Years in Prison for Acting as Epstein’s Enabler

Ghislaine Maxwell faced charges of sex trafficking, conspiracy and transportation of a minor for illegal sexual activity. | United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Ghislaine Maxwell, the former socialite who conspired with Jeffrey Epstein over a decade to sexually exploit and abuse underage girls, was sentenced to 20 years in prison on Tuesday, a punishment that means she could spend much of the rest of her life in prison.

The sentence, while severe, was shorter than the government had recommended. Federal prosecutors in Manhattan had asked the judge to impose a sentence of at least 30 years. If the conviction is upheld, Ms. Maxwell, with time potentially deducted for good behavior and credit for the two years she has spent in jail, could leave prison in her late 70s

Ms. Maxwell, 60, the daughter of the British media magnate Robert Maxwell, was convicted on Dec. 29 of sex trafficking and other counts after a monthlong trial in U.S. District Court in Manhattan. » | Benjamin Weiser | Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Der Fall Ghislaine Maxwell: Die ehemalige Vertraute von Jeffrey Epstein wird wegen Sexualverbrechen zu 20 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt: Ghislaine Maxwell spielte eine zentrale Rolle beim systematischen sexuellen Missbrauch junger Mädchen durch den amerikanischen Multimillionär Jeffrey Epstein. Nun ist das Strafmass für die bereits verurteilte Britin festgelegt worden. »


Cool Men, Warm Water, Hot Kisses.


Coole Männer, warmes Wasser, heiße Küsse. / Des hommes cool, de l'eau chaude, des bisous chauds.

Whoopee! It's Time for Cocktails, Folks! It’s Happy Hour!


Boris Johnson Warns Russian Victory in Ukraine Would Be 'Catastrophic'

Jun 26, 2022 Allowing Russian President Vladimir Putin to succeed in his invasion of Ukraine would have “absolutely catastrophic” consequences for the world, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned in a CNN interview on Sunday.

Why ask BoJo if we are heading towards a global recession? He doesn't know the first thing about economics! At university, he studied the classics, not economics. Further, he wrote articles for newspapers; to my knowledge, he hasn't ever worked in industry or finance. What a bloody joke to ask him about what is going to happen to the world economy! By the way, if BoJo had known anything, even the slightest thing, about economics, he wouldn't have yanked the UK out of the greatest and biggest single market in the world: The Single Market. I'll give him one thing, though: He is right to say that it would be a catastrophe if Russia were victorious in this war. – © Mark Alexander

Ukraine War: UK 'Worried about Escalation' from Putin

Jun 28, 2022 • Technology Minister Chris Philp has told Sky News that the Government is "worried about escalation" from Russia following recent missile attacks in Ukraine.

Wartime Economy, Can G7 Stare Down Russia over Ukraine? • FRANCE 24 English

Jun 27, 2022 • Who has got who over a barrel? G7 leaders are pushing the idea of capping the price they pay for Russian oil and gas, effectively forcing Moscow to choose whether to supply at a discount or cut off the revenue stream of its pipelines.

Ukraine War: Boris Johnson Says West 'Working Hard' to Avoid War with Russia

Cryptomonnaies : malgré la chute des cours, les jeunes veulent encore y croire

LE MONDE : Les moins de 30 ans sont nombreux à investir dans le bitcoin, l’ether et autres cryptoactifs. Si la chute des cours a douché les illusions de ceux qui ont perdu une partie de leurs économies, beaucoup veulent garder confiance dans ces technologies qu’ils jugent d’avenir.

A Hongkong, le 17 février 2022. KIN CHEUNG / AP

« J’ai été déçu, mais il fallait s’y attendre. » Début juin, stupéfait par l’effondrement des cours des cryptomonnaies, Anthony (les personnes citées dont le nom n’apparaît pas ont souhaité garder l’anonymat), étudiant en électronique-informatique, s’est résolu, la mort dans l’âme, à vendre celles qu’il détenait. « J’ai perdu la moitié de mon placement en l’espace de deux jours », soit 200 euros sur les 400 euros misés initialement, se désole le jeune homme de 20 ans. Et il n’est pas le seul.

Le bitcoin, dont le cours a chuté de 69 000 dollars (environ 65 000 euros) en novembre 2021 à près de 20 000 dollars, mi-juin, poursuit sa descente aux enfers, entraînant avec lui tout le marché des cryptoactifs, dont la valeur est passée sous la barre des 1 000 milliards de dollars. Les plates-formes où s’échangent ces pseudo-devises ont, elles aussi, plongé dans la tourmente : l’américain Coinbase a annoncé, le 14 juin, qu’il supprime 18 % de ses effectifs, Celsius, qui gérait des actifs valorisés à 12 milliards de dollars, mi-mai, a suspendu les retraits et transferts, tandis que CoinFLEX a déclaré, le 24 juin, avoir suspendu tous les retraits de fonds, citant des « conditions de marché extrêmes ». » | Par Maël Gally | lundi 27 juin 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

British Army Chief Warns UK and Allies Facing '1937 Moment'

Jun 28, 2022 • The Head of the British Army, General Sir Patrick Sanders has stated the UK and its allies face their "1937 moment" following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The Chief of the General Staff stressed the importance of being prepared for all eventualities in the years ahead.

A Smiling Queen Makes Public Appearance in Scotland

Jun 27, 2022 • The Queen has made a trip to Scotland for Holyrood Week, her first public appearance since her Platinum Jubilee weekend.

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon is due to outline her bid for a second independence vote this week, and it is thought that this could preoccupy discussions during the visit.

LIVE: Ghislaine Maxwell, Who Helped Procure Victims for Epstein, Faces Sentencing

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Ms. Maxwell, who was convicted of conspiring with Jeffrey Epstein to recruit, groom and abuse underage girls, could spend much of the rest of her life in prison.

John Minchillo/Associated Press

The defense has calculated that the correct sentencing range is roughly 4 to 5 years. Prosecutors have said 30 years to 55 years, which is the legal maximum. They have asked that Maxwell receive at least 30 years. » | Ben Weiser | Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Nicola Sturgeon Seeks Supreme Court Ruling on Scottish Independence Vote

THE GUARDIAN: First minister tells MSPs she wants to hold second independence referendum on 19 October 2023

Nicola Sturgeon gives a statement on independence referendum in the Scottish parliament at Holyrood in Edinburgh on Tuesday. Photograph: Andy Buchanan/AFP/Getty Images

Nicola Sturgeon has asked the supreme court to rule on whether the Scottish government can hold a non-binding referendum on independence, without having Boris Johnson’s permission to stage one.

The first minister said on Tuesday the lord advocate, Dorothy Bain QC, has written to the supreme court in London asking it to hold a hearing on whether the Scottish government has the legal powers to hold that vote.

She told MSPs her government wanted to stage a second independence referendum on 19 October 2023, using the same question put to voters in 2014: “Should Scotland be an independent country.”

In a statement at Holyrood, Sturgeon said that if the court ruled that that would not be a lawful use of her government’s resources or breached its constitutional powers, the Scottish National party would make independence its only policy at the next UK general election. » | Severin Carrell, Scotland editor | Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Schottische Regierung plant neues Unabhängigkeitsreferendum im Oktober 2023: Die schottische Regierungschefin Nicola Sturgeon will ihre Landsleute im Herbst des kommenden Jahres erneut darüber abstimmen lassen, ob Schottland ein unabhängiger Staat werden soll. … »

Revealed: How Prince Charles Pressured Ministers to Change Law to Benefit His Estate

THE GUARDIAN: Newly discovered documents show government yielded to heir’s demands amid fears of a constitutional crisis

Photograph: Ben Stansall/PA

Prince Charles exploited a controversial procedure to compel government ministers to secretly change a proposed law to benefit his landed estate, according to documents uncovered by the Guardian.

Official papers unearthed in the National Archives reveal ministers in John Major’s government yielded to his demands amid fears that resisting the heir to the throne could spark a constitutional crisis.

Ministers backed down to “avoid a major row” with the prince, effectively allowing him to force the hand of the elected government.

The disclosure of the documents provides further evidence of how the royal family has used the secretive procedure known as Queen’s consent to alter legislation to benefit their private interests. » | Rob Evans, David Pegg and Severin Carrell | Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Queen’s secret influence on laws revealed in Scottish government memo: Exclusive: Internal memo admits ‘it is almost certain’ laws altered to secure monarch’s consent »

One of the Finest Embraces on Pinterest: So Loving; So Expressive. Just Super!

Eine der besten Umarmungen auf Pinterest: So liebevoll; so ausdrucksvoll. Einfach super! / L'un des meilleurs câlins sur Pinterest : Tellement affectueux ; si expressif. Tout simplement génial !

Many, many thanks to Aktif gay on Pinterest for this truly delightful photo.

Zahlreiche Festnahmen bei verbotener «Pride Parade» in Istanbul

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die türkischen Behörden hatten die Demonstration zuvor mit Verweis auf Sicherheitsbedenken verboten, dennoch versammelten sich am Sonntag Hunderte von Menschen in Istanbul.

(dpa) Bei einem Protest für die Rechte von Lesben, Schwulen, Bisexuelle, Trans- und queere Menschen (LGBTQ) in der türkischen Metropole Istanbul sind laut Angaben der Veranstalter mehr als 150 Personen festgenommen wurden. Die Polizei sperrte am Sonntag den zentralen Stadtteil Cihangir weiträumig ab und hinderte Menschen daran, sich zu versammeln, wie eine Reporterin der Deutschen Presse-Agentur beobachtete. » | dpa | Sonntag, 26. Juni 2022

Almost 400 People Released After Arrests at Istanbul Pride March: Hundreds showed up to the march on Sunday even though it had been banned. »

Monday, June 27, 2022

”The Majority of the Vatican Priests Are Gay” | Sternstunde Religion | SRF Kultur | Reupload

Mar 31, 2020 • It is well known that the Vatican frowns upon men who love men. But that the centre of power of the Roman Catholic Church should at the same time be one of the largest gay communities worldwide was new to many when Frédéric Martel brought this thesis to the world in 2019.

After having published "In the Closet of the Vatican" simultaneously in eight languages, the French author and journalist was invited to countless talk shows, but the Vatican was shrouded in silence.

Whoever felt somehow different - just homosexual - as a young man in the 30s, 40s and 50s of the last century, found an oasis in the Roman Catholic Church, according to Martel. Men living among men, wearing different clothes and singing in a choir, that would have been the salvation for many, which was also accepted by society.

While most of the men Martel spoke to are very old, their world view remains: Homophobic on the outside, homophile on the inside. This led to a dangerous double standard, a culture of silence, which had very unhappily promoted the scandals around the Catholic Church.

Sternstunde Religion vom 29.3.2020

Deutsche Version hier.

The Thriving Black Market of Vaping | Four Corners

Jun 27, 2022 • Vaping was hailed as a new way to quit smoking. But now there are serious concerns it’s hooking a new generation on nicotine.

An investigation by Four Corners has found there is a thriving black market, fueled by rising demand among young people and a failure to police the rules.

We delve into the fierce battle about the harms of vaping, in what’s become a multi-billion-dollar global industry.

Vaping advocates claim any harms caused by e-cigarettes pale in comparison to the dangers of smoking - and that vaping can be an effective quit tool.

But public health experts say there’s limited evidence they help to quit smoking, and warn that vaping poses a significant long-term public health risk.

This is total and utter MADNESS! Why don’t these meddlesome politicians–idiots all!–leave things alone?

Smoking rates were coming down anyway. These e-cigarettes are unproven. We know not the long-term consequences of vaping, because people haven’t been vaping for long enough yet; so, we have incomplete data on the habit/addiction.

One thing I know for sure: Vaping has been made to look cool to young people, especially to techy types. But the fact of the matter is that this habit is bound to appeal to very young people, because they can get their fix of nicotine with all manner of flavours, such as apricot, peach, strawberry, raspberry and all types of other attractive flavours to young people. So, do you think that these would not appeal to school kids? For sure they will: they will be far more appealing to young people than normal cigarettes would be, because in order to start smoking normal cigarettes, one must acquire a taste for them, which often times, nay usually, is most unappealing at the start of one’s smoking ‘career’. In other words, in order to become a smoker, one has to persevere. This is surely not the case with e-cigarettes.

My own opinion is that it is HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE of politicians to push vaping as a substitute for smoking. No Health Secretary worth his salt would promote these damn things. I know that if I had children, I would be devastated if they took up this habit with unknown consequences.

They have demonized smokers now to such an extent that smokers are not wanted anywhere, leading to loneliness. The fact is there is NOTHING WRONG with the enjoyment of a cigarette as long as one’s smoking is kept in moderation. Everything is bad for one’s health if consumed in high quantities: eating, alcohol, smoking, sugar, etc. Moderation is key.

I have been a lifelong smoker. And how I enjoyed it! For people of my generation, smoking was the normal thing to do for REAL MEN. As a Swiss man stated in a Swiss documentary I have watched on YouTube: Back in the day, he said, if a man didn’t smoke, he was considered to be ein Sonderling, a crank or an eccentric! How times have changed!

They have put the price of cigarettes up so much in this damn country now that the price of a packet—Marlboro Reds were £12.50 when I gave up in early April—is totally out of sync with the pleasure derived from them. (Almost all of that price is tax.) Moreover, one can go nowhere to enjoy a cigarette anymore. People have become absolutely paranoid about second-hand smoke, which I believe is largely nonsense.

On top of that, one cannot go to a café, bar, or restaurant and enjoy a smoke, either. The concept of joie de vivre has been totally lost.
Nowadays, people recognise the dangers in everything, but recognise the pleasures in nothing. – Mark Alexander, May 27, 2022
As I say, I have smoked for most of my adult life. Never out of addiction; only ever out of pleasure. Smoking, in my experience is not an addiction, unless one allows it to be one. Further, I can honestly say that even though I smoked for years, I have never suffered from coughs or phlegm or anything like that. If one looks at a packet of cigarettes these days, one's hair and teeth will surely fall out because of tobacco. To say nothing of one suffering from impotence, cancer, etc. Is there actually a disease known to man that cannot be attributed to the nasty habit of enjoying a puff?

People these days have bees in their bonnets about so many things that are sources of pleasure. Even eating meat or dairy has become a political, rebellious act. Good God! What an age to be living in! Even the government isn’t willing to allow people a few pleasures. The British government, a right-wing government which is supposed to guarantee people maximum freedom to choose their own path in life, has declared that it wants to make Britain smoke-free by 2030. First of all, have they asked the people if they want this to happen? I don’t want it to happen for starters. What? Smoke-free to replace proper cigarettes with crap as seen in this documentary? What a sick joke! Secondly, I know from my life’s experience that should they be able to achieve this goal, it will be replaced with something else far, far worse. (We can see this above in this documentary.) Not to forget that now they're after smokers; soon they'll be after people who enjoy a drop of alcohol. Rest assured: These sick puritans won't rest until they have denied us all the pleasures of life. Think of the late German theologian, Martin Niemöller!

The way forward is for government to encourage people to quit smoking whilst at the same time encouraging the tobacco manufacturers to manufacture higher quality cigarettes, preferably eliminating as many of the harmful chemicals from cigarettes as possible. It can be done. It should be done. Indeed, it must be done.

Governments have talked about employing ‘Loneliness Czars’ to try and combat loneliness. What an idiotic idea that is! Loneliness in society is caused by many factors. Death of a loved one (which I know something about). But also by not being able to go out and mix with people as we were always able to do. Remember the English pub? These days, they resemble kindergartens rather than pubs. You can eat in them as much as you like and you can have a drink. But don't, for God's sake, expect to be able to smoke a cigarette in one! Das Rauchen ist strengstens verboten!

I could go on and on about this sort of thing. There is so much wrong with this damn country now that one has to ask oneself if it is indeed fixable.

Meddlesome politicians please go away. Come back another day. Let people live their lives their way. Live their lives as they see fit. – © Mark Alexander

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Warren on Ending of Roe: ‘Supreme Court Doesn’t Get the Last Word’—We Do

un 25, 2022 • Sen. Elizabeth Warren on the overturning of the constitutional right to an abortion: “Supreme Court doesn’t get the last word. In a democracy, we get the last word. It’s time to get in this fight and it’s time to make real change on behalf of everyone in this country.”

Sen. Klobuchar: If We Can Take Back 2 Senate Seats, We Can Codify Roe v. Wade into Law

Jun 25, 2022 • Protests continue on Friday after the extreme-right justices on the Supreme Court stripped away a half-century of abortion rights. Justice Clarence Thomas is also making it clear that he wants other rights to be revoked as well. Sen. Amy Klobuchar joins The ReidOut to discuss the push by Democrats to battle these developments.

heute journal vom 26.06.2022 : von der Leyen, G7-Gipfel, Luftangriffe, EU, Biden (українською)

Jun 26, 2022 • EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen hat im Interview mit dem heute journal erklärt, dass man auch auf lange Sicht fest an der Seite der Ukraine stehe. "Wir werden der Ukraine beistehen, solange es nötig ist", sagte von der Leyen am Rande des G7-Gipfels in Elmau - selbst, wenn das Jahre dauere und viele Milliarden koste. Mehr dazu und weitere Nachrichten des Tages im heute journal.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Lionel Richie : Don’t Wanna Lose You

Aug 24, 2018 • Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Democrats Call for Action after Supreme Court's Abortion Ruling

Jun 26, 2022 • MSNBC's Jonathan Capehart speaks with Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney about how Democrats can mobilize voters to the polls in November after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. »

No Sex - Verzicht auf körperliche Liebe | Doku HD | ARTE

Jun 26, 2022 • In einer Gesellschaft, in der man über seine sexuellen Eskapaden fast ebenso beiläufig spricht wie über das Wetter, passen enthaltsam lebende Menschen nicht in die Norm. Ob freiwillig oder umständehalber abstinent: Wie gestaltet sich das Leben, wenn eines der angeblichen menschlichen Grundbedürfnisse unbefriedigt bleibt? Keuschheit erlaubt eine neue Sicht auf die heutige Gesellschaft.

Sex ist omnipräsent. Nie zuvor in der Geschichte der westlichen Welt ging man so ungezwungen mit dem Thema um wie heute. Ein Tabu aber ist geblieben: Was ist mit den Menschen, die keinen Sex (mehr) haben? Wie gestaltet sich das Leben, wenn man freiwillig oder unfreiwillig auf die Befriedigung dieses angeblich so wichtigen menschlichen Bedürfnisses verzichtet? Sex beschäftigt den modernen Menschen – vor allen Dingen in Gedanken. Man verbringt sogar deutlich mehr Zeit damit, an Sex zu denken als damit, ihn zu praktizieren. Die Allgegenwärtigkeit des Themas sorgt dafür, dass man sich selbst und andere ständig auf den Prüfstand stellt. Selbst wer beschließt, sich dem zu entziehen, muss doch zugeben, dass Sex von existenzieller Bedeutung ist.

Im Austausch mit enthaltsam lebenden Menschen begreift man viel über die Relevanz von Sex für das Selbstverständnis und gewinnt einen neuen Blick auf die moderne Gesellschaft. Das Dauerthema wird von vielen als Zwang empfunden. Leistungsdruck macht selbst vor der Lust nicht Halt. Der angeblich befreite Körper wird in Wirklichkeit neuen Diktaten unterworfen. Wie oft, wie regelmäßig, wie lange? Der ultraliberale Umgang mit Sexualität macht paradoxerweise unfrei. Kann der Verzicht auf körperliche Liebe als emanzipatorischer und rebellischer Akt in einer Gesellschaft verstanden werden, in der innerhalb weniger Jahrzehnte ein radikaler Paradigmenwechsel erfolgte? Denn während außerehelicher Sex vor gar nicht langer Zeit noch ein No-Go war, erhebt man nun ein ausschweifendes Liebesleben gewissermaßen zur Bürgerpflicht. Wer dem Mainstream nicht folgt, macht sich automatisch zum Außenseiter. Ist die moderne Welt einer Tyrannei unterworfen, in der der Orgasmus regiert und absolute Freizügigkeit die neue Sittenordnung ist? Sexuell enthaltsam lebende Menschen setzen sich mit sich selbst auseinander und stellen sich der Frage nach ihrer Rolle in der Gesellschaft. Sieben Männer und Frauen berichten offen über ihre Gründe und darüber, wie es ist, ein Leben ohne Sex zu führen.

Dokumentation von Didier Cros (F 2022, 56 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 02/01/2023

Sprichwort: Es gibt nichts, was es nicht gibt!

Le même documentaire en français sous-titré en anglais / In French with English subtitles No Sex I Documentary

Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 20 | Stefan Vladar (Piano) & Kammerorchester Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

Jun 26, 2022 • It is considered Mozart’s first symphonic concert and is an era-defining masterpiece. Pianist Stefan Vladar and the Kammerorchester Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach under the baton of Hartmut Haenchen performed Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor, K. 466 at the Konzerthaus Berlin in 2005.

Marilyn Monroe - Happy Birthday Mr. President: Ein unsterblicher Auftritt | ARTE #shorts

Jun 26, 2022 • 1962: Amerika verliert seine blonde Ikone. Unter mysteriösen Umständen stirbt Marilyn Monroe. Wie ist sie gestorben? Das Polizeiprotokoll vermerkt: wahrscheinlich Suizid. Doch vieles deutet auf Mord: Eine zu schön drapierte Leiche, gekappte Ermittlungen, verschwundene Indizien. Dazu Marilyns Affären mit dem damaligen US-Präsidenten John F. Kennedy und seinem Bruder Bobby ...

Man kann die Liebe spüren!

Einfach großartig!

Fürs ganz schöne Foto bedanke ich mich bei Esdras Vutica auf Pinterest.

La Cour suprême aggrave l’affaissement démocratique des Etats-Unis

LE MONDE – ÉDITORIAL: Les deux arrêts, l’un sur les armes, l’autre sur le droit à l’avortement, rendus le 23 et le 24 juin par la plus haute instance judiciaire du pays, contrôlée par des juges proches de la droite religieuse, accentuent les fractures de la société américaine.

Le grillage de protection qui enserre aujourd’hui à Washington le siège immaculé de la plus haute instance judiciaire des Etats-Unis d’Amérique dit bien le péril qui la menace : celui de se couper du pays par pure dérive idéologique. En deux arrêts rendus le 23 et le 24 juin, les juges conservateurs de la Cour suprême, qui compte neuf membres, ont en effet sacrifié à deux totems de la droite religieuse : la défense intraitable des armes à feu au nom d’une liberté qui ne doit souffrir aucune limite ; et la lutte inlassable contre le droit des femmes à disposer de leur propre corps.

Ces deux obsessions ont beau n’être partagées que par une minorité de leurs concitoyens, ces juges ont passé outre au sage conseil du constitutionnaliste John Freund selon lequel ils devraient ne jamais être influencés « par la météo du jour », mais tenir compte en revanche « du climat de l’époque ». Ils sont en effet revenus à la fois sur une loi restreignant le port d’arme en vigueur dans l’Etat de New York depuis plus d’un siècle, et sur le célèbre arrêt Roe v. Wade, réaffirmé en 1992, qui sanctuarisait le droit à l’avortement depuis 1973. » | Éditorial « du Monde » | samedi 25 juin 2022


Aux Etats-Unis, l’avortement n’est plus un droit fédéral : La Cour suprême, dominée par les juges conservateurs, a remis en cause, vendredi, l’arrêt Roe v. Wade de 1973 et renvoyé aux Etats le soin de légiférer sur cette question. »

Sark: Insel der Queen | Crazy Borders | ARTE

Jun 26, 2022 • Eine mittelalterliche Gesellschaft ganz in unserer Nähe, im Ärmelkanal? Auf Sark scheint die Zeit stehen geblieben zu sein, denn hier lebt ein Fürst mit seinen Vasallen in scheinbar friedlichen Verhältnissen, und das ganz ohne Autos. Doch zwei reiche Brüder errichten ihr eigenes Schloss und bringen Unruhe und Reformen. Willkommen bei Crazy Borders!

A Priest Having a Pull

Good for him! I’m sure the smoke is well-deserved. It actually just goes to show that priests are normal people with normal likes and desires.

With many thanks to ment on Pinterest for this delightful image.

We Rational Brits Are among the Least Religious in the World

In a global ranking of 65 countries, the UK came sixth from last, with only 30 per cent of the population calling themselves religious

With many thanks to the Daily Mail on Pinterest for this image,

Brits among the least religious in the world: UK comes 59th in poll of 65 countries after only 30% of population say they have a faith: Britain was sixth from last in a list of the world's most religious countries / In Thailand 94 per cent of people deemed themselves religious by contrast / China had the smallest religious community with 61 per cent are atheists / Those under 34 tended to be more religious than other groups, found poll | Click here to read the article from April, 2015.

Auch in Deutschland scheinen die Leute von Religion gar nicht begeistert zu sein:

Austritte aus der katholischen Kirche erreichen Rekordniveau: Noch nie haben so viele Katholiken ihrer Kirche den Rücken gekehrt wie im vergangenen Jahr. 360.000 Katholiken erklärten ihren Austritt. Ihre Entscheidung hat oft mehrere Gründe. »

Out Yourself as a Gay Priest and Get Kicked Out of the Vatican

“High-ranking Polish priest Father Krzystof Charamsa was fired by the Vatican just hours after coming out as gay, and revealing that he had a partner. But the Vatican says it has nothing to do with his being gay.” – Daily Mail

Many thanks to the Daily Mail on Pinterest for the great photo.

Read the article from October 3, 2015:

Polish priest outs himself as gay and is immediately sacked by Vatican officials: Father Krzystof Charamsa urged church to change its 'backwards' attitude / He revealed he is gay and has a partner in two separate interviews / The Vatican insisted his dismissal had nothing to do with his homosexuality Click here.

Prince Charles Given €3m in Cash in Bags by Qatari Politician, According to Report

THE OBSERVER: Money was passed immediately to one of the prince’s charities, says Clarence House

The Prince of Wales accepted bags containing millions of euros in cash during meetings with a senior Qatari politician, according to a report.

Prince Charles was said to have been given a total of €3m (£2.6m) during meetings with Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al-Thani, the former prime minister of Qatar.

The cash was handed to the heir to the British throne in a suitcase on one occasion, a holdall on another, as well as in Fortnum & Mason carrier bags, the up-market department store which holds a Royal Warrant to supply the prince’s household with groceries.

The handovers are alleged to have occurred during meetings between the two men, including a private one-to-one meeting at Clarence House in 2015, it was claimed. » | David Connett | Saturday, June 25, 2022

Prince Charles: calls for investigations into ‘cash in bags’ controversy: Government and Charity Commission urged to examine claims Qatari sheikh donated €3m »

En Norvège, deux morts et plusieurs blessés après des tirs à Oslo ; la police enquête sur « un acte terroriste »

LE MONDE : Une fusillade s’est produite près d’un club gay du centre-ville dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi. L’individu soupçonné d’être l’auteur des tirs a été arrêté, a fait savoir la police.

La police sécurise la scène d’une fusillade dans le centre-ville d’Oslo, le 25 juin 2022. JAVAD PARSA / AFP

La police norvégienne a annoncé, samedi 25 juin, traiter comme « un acte terroriste islamiste » la fusillade perpétrée dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi devant des bars du centre d’Oslo, qui a fait deux morts et au moins 21 blessés, dont dix graves. Le niveau de menace terroriste sur le sol norvégien a été relevé de « modéré » à « extraordinaire » – le niveau maximal – par les services de renseignement.

Un suspect a été arrêté après les tirs qui se sont produits aux alentours de 1 heure à l’extérieur de deux bars, dont un club gay, en plein centre d’Oslo. La police a précisé que deux armes avaient été saisies. « Tout indique maintenant qu’il y avait seulement une personne qui a commis ce geste », a déclaré un responsable de la police, Tore Barstad, lors d’un point de presse, même si l’enquête devra faire la lumière sur d’éventuelles complicités en amont. Les effectifs ont été renforcés dans la capitale pour faire face à d’autres incidents, a-t-il ajouté. » | Par Anne-Françoise Hivert (Malmö (Suède), correspondante régionale) (avec AFP) | vendredi 24 juin 2022

Ein Anschlag auf die queere Szene?: Zwei Menschen werden am Vorabend der Pride-Parade in einem Osloer Ausgehviertel erschossen, mindestens 21 werden verletzt. Ein Verdächtiger ist in Gewahrsam. Die Polizei geht von einer islamistischen Terrortat aus. »

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Michael Bolton : How Am I Supposed to Live Without You

Sep 28, 2010 • Michael Bolton's official music video for 'How Am I Supposed To Live Without You'. | Views on YouTube: 182,172,089

'IT WON'T CHANGE' | Ex-Brazil Star Richarlyson Comes Out as Bisexual but Laments Homophobia in Football and His Homeland

THE SUN: FORMER Brazil international footballer Richarlyson has come out as bisexual.

Former footballer Richarlyson revealed he is bisexual on a podcast in Brazil

But he hit out at the ongoing homophobia in the sport and in his homeland.

The two-cap Selecao star had been reluctant to reveal his sexuality due to the possible fallout it could have.

Richarlyson opened up on dating both men and women in his appearance on the Nos Armarios dos Vestiarios podcast.

The 39-year-old said: "All my life I've been asked if I'm gay.

"I've had a relationship with a man and I've had a relationship with a woman as well.

"But then I speak here today and soon the news will be printed, 'Richarlyson is bisexual'.

"And the meme is ready. They will say, 'Wow, but swear? I had no idea.'

"Man, I'm normal, I have wants and desires. » | Joshua Jones | Friday, June 24, 2022

Marvin Gaye : I Heard It Through the Grapevine | HQ Remastered 1968

Apr 25, 2020 • "Prince of Motown" and "Prince of Soul" Marvin Gaye with his 1968 smash hit "I Heard It Through The Grapevine" ranked 1 at the US Billboard Hot 100 and also in the UK in 1969. | Views on YouTube: 78,204

The Message in the Photo Says All That Needs to Be Said!

Die Nachricht auf dem Foto sagt alles, was gesagt werden muss! / Le message sur la photo dit tout ce qui doit être dit !

Many thanks to Esdras Vutica for this very expressive photograph.

The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights | June 24, 2022

Our 5 Favorite Ina Garten Recipes | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Oct 23, 2021 • From her go-to roasted potatoes, to the most-perfect chocolate cake, to her better-than-fast-food chicken sandwiches, these are our favorite Ina recipes of all time!

Get the recipes here:

Garlic Roasted Potatoes

Chicken Piccata

Beatty’s Chocolate Cake

Linguine with Shrimp Scampi

Fried Chicken (Sandwiches).

Michael Lambert: Why Time Is Running Out for Boris Johnson Who Says He Will Not Change

Jun 25, 2022 • Time is running out for Boris Johnson. He says he will not change despite the mass of problems which he faces. The economy is doing badly post-Brexit, a major strike of railwaymen is taking place with many more strikes planned by other sectors.

He has threatened a trade war with the EU by wanting to introduce legislation to override the Northern Ireland Protocol. Food supplies are threatened later this year, and there are now said to be more food banks in the UK than branches of MacDonalds.

Many MP's are worried that Johnson is no longer an election winner but an election loser and it is likely that the 1922 committee will arrange another Vote of No Confidence in the Prime Minister very soon.

The OECD, the OBR, the LSE and others all predict a sharp decline in the British economy as a direct result of Brexit.

What the Abortion Ruling Means for the US Supreme Court's Legitimacy | DW News

Jun 25, 2022 • The Supreme Court has ended 50 years of federal abortion rights. In a 6-to-3 ruling, the court overturned the landmark 1973 Roe Versus Wade decision that enshrined a woman's right to an abortion. The ruling is being described as a 'constitutional earthquake.' US states now have the power to set their own abortion laws. Around half are expected restrict - or completely ban - access to abortions.

Thomas Announces Targeting of Gay Rights; Tacit New Direction to Anti-abortion Movement

Jun 25, 2022 • Rachel Maddow points out Clarence Thomas' singling out of court precedents involving contraception and gay rights and cautions same sex couples to prepare for the political energy of the anti-abortion movement to take Thomas' direction to attack.

sodomy law

Republican 40-year Political Project Achieves Goal with Supreme Court Ending Roe v Wade

Jun 25, 2022 • Rachel Maddow reviews how abortion was not a partisan issue until Republicans and religious groups saw a political advantage to exploit, making the overturning of Roe v. Wade by a Republicanized Supreme Court the product of a 40-year political project.

Droit à l’avortement : en France, le Haut Conseil à l’Egalité appelle à « inscrire le droit à l’avortement dans la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne »

LE MONDE – LIVE EN COURS : La Cour suprême a annulé, vendredi 24 juin, l’arrêt Roe vs Wade qui reconnaissait depuis 1973 le droit à l’avortement au niveau fédéral. « La décision d’aujourd’hui éloigne les Etats-Unis d’une tendance progressiste », a regretté la haut-commissaire des Nations unies aux droits de l’homme, Michelle Bachelet.

Le gouvernement français s’était opposé à la constitutionalisation de l’IVG lors du précédent mandat

Au début du premier quinquennat d’Emmanuel Macron, des élus de gauche (Parti socialiste, Insoumis, Communistes) avaient porté au Sénat et à l’Assemblée nationale une proposition de loi constitutionnelle « visant à protéger le droit fondamental à l’interruption volontaire de grossesse ».

Le gouvernement s’y était opposé, par la voix de la ministre de la santé d’alors, Agnès Buzyn. « Je ne pense pas qu’il soit nécessaire de constitutionaliser l’IVG : la Constitution nous protège déjà, avait-elle affirmé en avril 2018 devant les sénateurs. Rien ne sert, nous le savons, d’ajouter des espèces, des faits particuliers à la Loi fondamentale, qui, par définition, se doit d’être la plus générale possible. L’inflation législative est à éviter à tout prix, a fortiori en matière constitutionnelle. Qui plus est, dès 2001, l’interruption volontaire de grossesse a été reconnue par les sages de la rue de Montpensier comme composante de “la liberté de la femme qui découle de l’article II de la Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen”, laquelle est garantie constitutionnellement au titre des libertés fondamentales ». » | LIVE EN COURS | Live animé par Pierrick Leurent | samedi 25 juin 2022