Friday, February 04, 2022

Lord Ahmed: Ex-Labour Peer Jailed for Child Sex Offences

Lord Ahmed, pictured arriving at court in late November, resigned from the House of Lords in November 2020 | DANNY LAWSON/PA WIRE

BBC: A former Labour peer convicted of sexually abusing two children has been jailed for five years and six months.

Lord Ahmed of Rotherham, 64, was found guilty in January of a serious sexual assault against a boy and the attempted rape of a young girl in the 1970s.

The repeated sexual abuse happened in Rotherham when he was a teenager, Sheffield Crown Court heard.

Passing sentence, Mr Justice Lavender said his actions had had "profound and lifelong effects" on the victims.

The court heard Lord Ahmed, who was tried under his real name Nazir Ahmed, attempted to rape the girl in the early 1970s, when he was aged 16 or 17 but she was much younger.

The attack on the boy, who was aged under 11 at the time, also happened during the same period. » | BBC | Friday, February 4, 2022

Ministers Accused of Failing to Stem Flow of Russian ‘Dirty Money’ into UK

THE GUARDIAN: Anti-corruption activists criticise government inaction in face of years of Kremlin provocation

Britain’s efforts to halt the flow of Russian “dirty money” into the UK have been called into question in the aftermath of a threat by the foreign secretary, Liz Truss, to hit Kremlin-linked oligarchs with economic sanctions if Ukraine is attacked.

Labour and anti-corruption campaigners this week accused the government of failing to curtail Russian wealth and influence in Britain, despite years of provocative actions from the Kremlin.

“We’ve seen Russia engage in assassinations and human rights abuses, annexations and invasions – but it has taken 100,000 Russian troops at the border to push Britain towards a change of policy,” said James Nixey, a director at the Chatham House thinktank, which recently published a paper on the UK’s kleptocracy problem. » | Dan Sabbagh, Defence and security editor | Friday, February 4, 2022

Jung, schwul, gläubig - Geht das für Christen, Juden und Muslime? | SWR Doku

Unsere Reportage begleitet drei junge Menschen, die sich entschlossen haben, sich nicht mehr zu verstecken, sondern offen schwul und gläubig zu sein. Vorbehalte, Ressentiments oder Ausschluss aus der Religionsgemeinschaft – diesen Problemen müssen sich gläubige Schwule stellen, wenn sie sich outen. Wie vereinbaren homosexuelle Christen, Juden und Muslime in Deutschland ihren Glauben und ihre sexuelle Ausrichtung in oft repressiven und konservativen Religionsgemeinschaften? Wie kämpfen sie für Anerkennung und Gleichberechtigung?

Die Reportage, gedreht 2019, erzählt die Geschichte dreier junger Menschen, die sich entschieden haben, Glauben und Homosexualität nicht mehr als Widerspruch und unvereinbar hinzunehmen. Alle drei sind Mitbegründer von Selbsthilfegruppen, die Betroffenen ein Sicherheitsnetz geben. Sie zelebrieren gemeinsam ihre Feiertage, leisten Aufklärungsarbeit, scheuen keine Konflikte und suchen selbst den Dialog zu konservativen Gläubigen.

Leo ist Mitbegründer von ‚Keshet‘, dem ersten queeren jüdischen Verein in Deutschland. Auf einer Tagung der jüdischen Gemeinden in Deutschland vertritt er als Pionier zum ersten Mal die jüdische LGBTQ-Gemeinde.

Tugay kämpft für die Rechte queerer Muslime – und wird deshalb bedroht. In der liberalen Ibn-Rushd-Goethe-Moschee in Berlin betet er nicht nur, sondern verfechtet sogar in einer Predigt das Recht, als Muslim lieben zu können, wen er will. Timo brach aus der Enge seiner Wuppertaler Freikirche aus, in der er aufwuchs. Er veröffentlichte das Buch „Nicht mehr Schweigen“, in dem er queere Christen und Christinnen jeder Glaubensrichtung zu Wort kommen lässt. In seinen Lesungen trifft er auf Empathie, aber auch auf Skepsis und Kritik.

Diese Doku von Uri Schneider aus der DAS ERSTE-Reihe "Echtes Leben" trägt den Originaltitel: Jung, schwul, gläubig - Geht das für Christen, Juden und Muslime?,

Ausstrahlungsdatum: 26. April 2020. #swrdoku Alle Aussagen und Fakten entsprechen dem damaligen Stand und wurden seitdem nicht aktualisiert.

Reckless, Trumpian Leadership Is Losing Johnson Allies. It Should Lose Him His Job

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: The resignations of Munira Mirza and other aides should galvanise Tory MPs to do what they must now do

Illustration by Nate Kitch

In writing about politics you can either try to explain what you think is happening or you can say what you think should happen. Right now, there is a complete convergence between the two. Boris Johnson’s premiership is on the slide, irreversibly so. The question is not whether Johnson will go. It is when and how – and what will come after.

Simultaneously it is increasingly plain that Johnson should go. Some take this view for partisan reasons or because Johnson’s personality appals them. Fair enough. But that’s not my argument here. There is also an extremely powerful Conservative case against him remaining. In the end, this will be decisive, because he will only go only if it is in the Tory party’s interest; no one else’s.

However the main reason why Johnson should depart is now moral, systemic and governmental, rather than political. His increasingly reckless, and even Trumpian, response to it has now led to the resignation of Munira Mirza, No 10’s policy chief, who described a recent attack on Keir Starmer as beyond “the normal cut and thrust of politics”. It’s about the way the current crisis shows how he sees his job, and about the way he does it. He sees himself as above the system. He should not. His approach cannot coexist for much longer with being a prime minister of a stable and healthy parliamentary democracy. There is too much at stake. » | Martin Kettle | Feiday, January 4, 2022

«Il faut avoir le cœur bien accroché» : les épargnants secoués par la chute du Bitcoin

Après une irrésistible ascension, le cours de la plus célèbre des cryptomonnaies a chuté de moitié depuis le mois de décembre, prenant à revers de nombreux petits investisseurs. JOE RAEDLE / AFP

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - La baisse de moitié des cours a pris à revers des millions de particuliers. Aujourd'hui, ils s'interrogent sur leurs investissements.

La chute du bitcoin, dans le sillon des valeurs de la tech américaine, a de quoi questionner les particuliers qui y ont mis une part de leurs bas de laine. La star des cryptomonnaies a perdu plus de 20 % depuis le début de l'année et presque la moitié de sa valeur depuis son record de novembre. Aujourd'hui, elle navigue en basses eaux, autour de 36.000 dollars, soit son cours de juillet dernier. « J'ai l'impression de revenir plusieurs mois en arrière et que mes efforts ont été vains », déplore Tom. Cet étudiant a acheté du bitcoin quand il valait 40.000 dollars, soit plus qu'il ne cote aujourd'hui. Il comptait revendre avec une grosse plus-value à la clé, mais se retrouve à devoir patienter, pour ne pas assumer des pertes. « J'aurais dû vendre quand on a approché les 70.000 dollars. Ce niveau était déjà hallucinant », reconnaît le jeune homme. » | Par Jorge Carasso | jeudi 3 février 2022

Réservé aux abonnés

Thursday, February 03, 2022

Australian PM to Ban Faith Schools from Expelling LGBT+ Students – and Some Christians Are Furious

Australian prime minister Scott Morrison. (Rohan Thomson/Getty Images)

PINK NEWS: Australian prime minister Scott Morrison has vowed to stop students from being expelled for their sexuality or gender identity by religious schools.

In an unexpected turnaround, the right-wing leader who has long been upfront about his evangelical Christian faith, promised to stop faith-based schools from discriminating against pupils, parents and guardians.

Morrison made the surprise remarks that left fellow lawmakers and religious activists stunned to Brisbane’s B105.3 radio station on Thursday (3 February).

He was asked to share his thoughts on Citipointe College’s now-withdrawn anti-LGBT+ student enrolment contract.

It required families to sign enrolment paperwork that said being LGBT+ is “immoral” and compared it to incest, bestiality and paedophilia.

“No, I don’t support that,” Morrison told the station. “My kids go to a Christian school here in Sydney, and I wouldn’t want my school doing that either.”

Morrison said he will introduce amendments to the Religious Discrimination Bill – which has been a thorny issue for both faith groups and LGBT+ rights campaigners – to prevent religious schools from discriminating in this way. » | Josh Milton | Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Partager l'amour! Y a-t-il quelque chose de plus beau dans la vie que d'exprimer son amour pour une autre personne ? C'est aussi un droit humain !

Share the love! Is there anything more beautiful in life than expressing love for another person? It's also a human right! / Teile die Liebe! Was gibt es im Leben Schöneres als die Liebe für einen anderen Menschen auszudrücken? Zudem ist es ein Menschenrecht!

Je tiens à remercier Bloody Paradize sur Deviant Artpour cette superbe photo.

Skier Gus Kenworthy: ‘My Legacy in Pyeongchang Was That Kiss – to Have It Broadcast to the World Felt Amazing’

THE GUARDIAN: The 30-year-old on the toll of not living as his ‘true self’ before coming out, switching to Team GB and unease at China hosting the Winter Olympics

Gus Kenworthy, who made his name representing the United States in freestyle skiing, will compete for Great Britain at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.Photograph: Tom Pennington/Getty Images


‘Ithink of that person, or look at photos of that person, and it feels like a lifetime ago,” Gus Kenworthy says as he remembers winning a silver medal for the United States as a freestyle skier at his first Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014. So much has changed since then. He is now about to compete for Great Britain, the country of his birth, in his third and final Olympics in Beijing and Kenworthy will ski as a gay man, an LGBTQ+ activist and an actor.

The most important facet of his transition is that, as Kenworthy says: “I’m just much happier now than I was back then when I wasn’t living my life authentically. I wasn’t being my true self and it definitely took a toll.”

Kenworthy will soon talk eloquently of his misgivings about competing in China, where there is disregard for some basic human rights, but I ask him first about Sochi. He had not come out then but was he distressed by homophobia in Russia? “It ate away at me. In the buildup to the Games we did lots of media training about the anti-LGBTQ legislation they had in place that foreigners wouldn’t be exempt from. We were told not to talk about it. You couldn’t paint your nails or wear anything rainbow. I remember being really upset – but I was still in the closet and I was scared.”

Even before he returned home in American glory, Kenworthy felt distinctly uncomfortable. “In the media aftermath we had so much emphasis on our lives as young men because it was a US sweep [in the slopestyle] and the other two guys were single. I had a boyfriend but we were deeply in the closet and so to all intents and purposes I was also single. We competed on February 13 and on Valentine’s Day we were on the Today show talking about our celebrity crushes, who we would want as our Valentine and our favourite kind of girl. I just lied. I went on this whole media tour where I felt I was lying the entire time. I was very depressed and absolutely hated myself.” » | Donald McRae | Thursday, February 3, 2022

Dinu Lipatti : Chopin Nocturne Op. 27, No.2 in D Flat Major

Vincento’s Plate: How to Make Neapolitan Pizza Dough Like World Class Pizza Chef

May 31, 2020 • Neapolitan pizza dough is the most recognized in the world, but many get it wrong, so I’ve enlisted world champion pizza maker, Johnny Di Francesco to teach us his secrets to how to make neapolitan pizza dough. True to Italian tradition, Neapolitan pizza dough is made up of very few ingredients, water, salt, yeast and all-important flour. The taste and crunch make all the difference, so watch as we pair it back and respect the simplicity of this fine dough. This is the first episode in a series completely dedicated to pizza. If you aren’t already obsessed with perfecting your version of Neapolitan pizza, you will be with these traditional methods that will ensure you get it right each and every time. This is how to make Neapolitan Pizza dough like a World Best Pizza Chef

Get the recipe here.

The Town That Burned Down in a Day

Feb 3, 2022 • This year, Canada had a record heatwave which scientists say was impossible without climate change. Wildfires engulfed Patrick Michell’s hometown of Lytton after it reached 49.5°C. Now he and his community must plan for an uncertain future. Meanwhile, an environmental protest against the logging industry becomes the largest act of civil disobedience Canada’s ever seen.

On the Campaign Trail with Controversial Politician Pauline Hanson | 60 Minutes Australia

Feb 3, 2022 • She is Australia's most controversial political figure and she is back with a vengeance. Once thought a spent force, Pauline Hanson has returned to centre stage. After the stunning success of her One Nation Party in the West Australian elections, the message for leaders on both sides of the political fence is to be afraid, be very afraid. In a revealing and feisty interview, Hanson hits back at those who wrote her off. As she tells Ellen Fanning, she is not out to keep the bastards honest, she is out to get rid of them. Ellen travelled with the One Nation caravan during its Queensland election campaign. Her report is a real insight into Pauline Hanson's new strategy - the politics of vengeance.

‘Levelling Up’ Has Been Tried Before – So Where Did We Go Wrong?

THE GUARDIAN: Michael Gove’s strategy faces myriad obstacles, as I found to my cost when I tried to tackle regional inequalities

It is now more than 50 years since I first wrestled with the restructuring of local government. After the Conservatives won the 1970 general election, I was sidekick to Peter Walker, secretary of state for the newly created Department of the Environment, and our attempts to change things faced entrenched resistance.

It would be understandable, therefore, if I were to say that I know where the bodies are buried. Michael Gove’s new white paper on “levelling up” makes it clear that, far from being buried, the bodies are alive and very much kicking.

In the white paper, Gove has proposed cautious, evolutionary moves towards greater devolution, achieved by agreement. I cannot criticise him for this. Time and again I faced the same pressures, and was able to persuade colleagues to accept only partial and gradual shifts in the status quo.

The objections came from all directions. The Treasury wants to maintain its tenacious grip on expenditure. The Whitehall barons fight to preserve their functional powers. Local councillors resist the abolition of their jobs, and members of parliament are deeply suspicious of change that creates local figures more powerful than them and deprives them of the foot soldiers they need to hold their seats. » | Michael Heseltine * | Thursday, February 3, 2022

* Lord Heseltine is a former Conservative deputy prime minister and environment secretary

Boris Johnson veut «niveler par le haut» l’Angleterre : Le projet de rééquilibrage économique, en faveur des régions défavorisées d’Angleterre, a été présenté mercredi. Mais l’objectif est avant tout politique. »

Das grosse Brexit-Versprechen: Wie Boris Johnson die englische Provinz aufpäppeln will: Zwei Jahre nach seinem grossen Wahlsieg versucht Boris Johnson die neu gewonnenen Tory-Wähler im englischen Norden bei Laune zu halten. Doch seine Strategie zum Ausgleich der historisch gewachsenen regionalen Ungleichheiten enthält wenig kurzfristige Massnahmen und bloss beschränkte finanzielle Feuerkraft. »

Islamic State Leader Killed during Raid by US Special Forces in Syria

THE GUARDIAN: Joe Biden says military has removed Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi from the battlefield

Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi, the leader of Islamic State and one of the world’s most wanted men, has been killed during an overnight raid by US special forces in north-west Syria.

The pre-dawn attack on a house in the village of Atme, just south of the Turkish border, led to up to 13 casualties, among them women and children. It also resulted in the destruction of a US Apache helicopter, which had been used to carry special forces troops from Erbil in Iraq. » | Martin Chulov, Middle East correspondent | Thursday, February 3, 2022

Daech affaibli après l’élimination de son chef par un raid américain : ANALYSE - Le leader de l’organisation terroriste s’est donné la mort lors d’un raid des Forces spéciales américaines en Syrie. »

‘It Is Soul-destroying’: Lorry Drivers Face Hours Stuck in Queues at Dover

THE GUARDIAN: Emergency traffic controls triggered 20 times this year as extra Brexit checks and freight volumes cause logjams

His lorry loaded with British Airways aircraft parts, Ivo Hradilik was expecting to drive onto a ferry headed to Calais, before delivering his cargo to the outskirts of Paris.

But there’s a problem with the customs paperwork, and the 26-year-old HGV driver from the Czech Republic will have to park up near the Port of Dover while the haulage company sorts everything out.

“From the new year it has got worse with the paperwork,” Hradilik said, clutching a handful of documents. He usually visits Dover five times a month bringing goods between Britain and the EU. » | Joanna Partridge ; photographs: David Levene | Thursday, February 3, 2022

Fresh Revelations about Jennifer Arcuri Affair Threaten to Damage Boris Johnson

THE OBSERVER: Hundreds of pages of notes and documents have been handed to City Hall’s oversight committee

Boris Johnson is facing damaging new revelations about his relationship with the US businesswoman Jennifer Arcuri after hundreds of page of notes and documents were handed to officials at the Greater London Authority (GLA) overseeing two separate investigations into their affair. » | Mark Townsend, Home Affairs Editor | Saturday, January 29, 2022

Russland verhängt Sendeverbot für die Deutsche Welle


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Russland hat gegen die Deutsche Welle ein Sendeverbot verhängt. Zudem verfügte das russische Außenministerium am Donnerstag die Schließung des Korrespondentenbüros in Moskau und den Entzug der Akkreditierungen der Journalisten.

Russland hat der Deutschen Welle (DW), dem Auslandssender der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, ein Sendeverbot erteilt. Zudem verfügte das russische Außenministerium am Donnerstag, dass das Korrespondentenbüro des Senders in Moskau geschlossen werden muss. Den Journalisten des Senders werden die Akkreditierungen entzogen. Zudem seien Sanktionen vorgesehen gegen „Vertreter deutscher staatlicher und öffentlicher Strukturen, die an der Einschränkung der Ausstrahlung von RT beteiligt sind“, erklärte das russische Außenministerium am Donnerstag. Der Rundfunkempfang der Deutschen Welle über Satellit oder andere Verbreitungswege auf dem Gebiet Russlands werde beendet. Zudem werde geprüft, ob die Deutsche Welle als „ausländischer Agent“ agiere. » | Quelle: FAZ.NET | Donnerstag, 3. Februar 2022

Energy Bills: Rishi Sunak Gives One-off £200 Discount to Households

THE GUARDIAN: Most consumers to get additional support from £150 rebate on their council tax amid cost of living crisis

A one-off £200 discount and a rebate on council tax bills have been announced by Rishi Sunak in a £9bn package designed to “take the sting” out of a £700-a-year rise in the average household’s energy bills in April.

The chancellor said 80% of households would receive £350 in support this year in response to the decision by the energy regulator Ofgem to raise its price cap to just under £2,000.

In an attempt to mitigate Britain’s cost of living crisis, Sunak said all households would receive £200 off their energy bills in October – but then pay the discount back by £40 a year for the subsequent five years.

The chancellor said council taxpayers in England in bands A to D would receive a rebate of £150 from their bills in April, which will not have to be paid back. » | Larry Elliott | Thursday, February 3, 2022

British households face record 54% energy bill rise as price cap is raised: Move by Ofgem means millions likely to be driven into fuel poverty unless government acts to ease cost of living crisis »

Bank of England Raises Interest Rates to 0.5%

THE GUARDIAN: Rise aims to combat soaring inflation despite faltering economic recovery from pandemic and deepening cost of living crisis

The Bank of England has raised interest rates to 0.5% to tackle soaring inflation amid intense pressure on households in Britain’s cost of living crisis. » | Richard Partington, Economics correspondent | Thursday, February 3, 2022

Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Bundesrat beschliesst weitgehende Lockerungen: Die Corona-Krise ist vorbei

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Nun geht es schnell: Der Bundesrat hebt per sofort Quarantäne und Home-Office-Pflicht auf. Ab dem 17. Februar wird für Restaurants, Kinos und Theater kein Zertifikat mehr benötigt. Die Regierung hütet sich aber davor, das Ende der Pandemie zu verkünden.

Keine Gebete, sondern klare Stossrichtung – Bundesrat Alain Berset will zurück zur Normalität. | Anthony Anex / Keystone

«Heute ist ein schöner Tag.» Ignazio Cassis wollte sich diesen nicht entgehen lassen und die freudige Botschaft auch gleich selbst überbringen. Der Bundespräsident sekundierte am Mittwoch den Gesundheitsminister Alain Berset bei dessen gewohntem Gang vor die Medien. Diese Medienkonferenz unterscheidet sich jedoch stark von den unzähligen davor – Prädikat: historisch.

Die Regierung kündigt nicht das Ende der Pandemie an. Aber das Ende der Massnahmen. Kein Freedom Day mit Fanfare, sondern die Schweizer Version davon: Die Rückgewinnung eines «guten Stücks Freiheit», wie es Cassis nennt. Man könnte auch ganz einfach sagen: Die Schweiz kehrt zurück zur Normalität, die Krise ist vorbei. » | David Biner, Christof Forster, Bern | Mittwoch, 2. Februar 2022


Heute ist ein schöner Tag: Der Bundesrat im Krisenmodus ist endlich Geschichte: Die Pläne des Bundesrates zum Ausstieg aus der Krise gehen weiter als vor kurzem erhofft. Es ist gut, dass der Bundesrat das euphorische Grundgefühl in der Bevölkerung aufnimmt. »

Argentine : 12 morts, 50 hospitalisés par de la cocaïne frelatée près de Buenos Aires

«Ceux qui ont acheté de la drogue dans les dernières 24 heures doivent la jeter», a déclaré le ministre de la Sécurité de la province de Buenos Aires. DedMityay /

LE FIGARO : Les autorités ont lancé une mise en garde urgente aux consommateurs ayant acheté de la drogue ces «dernières 24 heures». Une dizaine de personnes ont été interpellées.

Douze personnes sont mortes et une cinquantaine ont été hospitalisées, en banlieue de Buenos Aires, après avoir consommé de la cocaïne frelatée, ont annoncé mercredi 2 février les autorités, lançant une mise en garde urgente aux consommateurs ayant acheté de la drogue ces «dernières 24 heures». » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | mercredi 2 février 2022

More Conservative MPs Call for Boris Johnson’s Resignation | 5 News

It was another busy day in Westminster and the Prime Minister's troubles are far from over. More of his own MPs have publicly called for his resignation, and the ongoing police investigation into possible lockdown breaches gave his opponents plenty of ammunition in Prime Minister's Questions

Related article.

Levelling-up: some wealthy areas of England to see 10 times more funding than poorest: Exclusive: Per-head funding inequality exposed by Guardian research into Boris Johnson’s levelling-up agenda »

World War II and the Holocaust

May 7, 2020 • The Holocaust was the state-sponsored, systematic persecution and annihilation of European Jewry by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, between 1933 and 1945. Jews were the primary victims - six million were murdered. Roma (Gypsies), physically and mentally disabled people and Poles were also targeted for destruction or decimation for racial, ethnic, or national reasons. Millions more, including homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Soviet prisoners of war, and political dissidents also suffered grievous oppression and death under Nazi tyranny.

Dinu Lipatti : Chopin Balade No.4 F-Moll, Op. 52

Ballade No. 4 In F Minor, Op. 52 | Artist: Pavica Gvozdic | Album: Top 50 Chopin Classics - The Very Best Of Classical Music | Licensed to The Orchard Music (on behalf of Symphonic Treasures); UNIAO BRASILEIRA | YouTube by DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, Public Domain Compositions, Songtrust, LatinAutor - Warner Chappell, and 3 Music Rights Societies

Dinu Lipatti : Chopin Concerto, No. 1, 1st Movement

May 31, 2011 • A new remastering I made of the only known complete tape of Lipatti's fabled 1950 Zurich performance of the Chopin E Minor Concerto with Otto Ackermann conducting, based on a remastering I assisted with in 1999 which was published on the German label 'archiphon' in 2000. The sound is much clearer than the EMI release, and the piano sound is more faithfully represented. One can hear Lipatti's huge dynamic range, warm singing sound, clean articulation, and most surprisingly his incredibly vigorous delivery of virtuosic passages, all the more amazing considering how seriously ill he was at the time of this concert.

Dinu Lipatti.

'Just Cook with Michael Santos': Portuguese Cozido : One of Portugal’s National Dishes

Cozido à portuguesa

Get the recipe here.

Doku: Frankreich und die deutsche Besatzungszeit | 1: Die Zeit der Sieger | 2. Von einer Demütigung zur nächsten | (2012)

USA verlegen Tausende Soldaten nach Deutschland und Osteuropa

ZEIT ONLINE: US-Präsident Joe Biden schickt laut Pentagon 2.000 Soldatinnen und Soldaten nach Deutschland und Polen. 1.000 weitere werden von Deutschland nach Rumänien verlegt.

Im Ukraine-Konflikt verstärkt US-Präsident Joe Biden die Präsenz US-amerikanischer Truppen in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Wie das US-Verteidigungsministerium ankündigte, sollen insgesamt 2.000 Soldatinnen und Soldaten nach Deutschland und Polen entsandt werden. 1.000 weitere bereits in Deutschland stationierte Soldaten sollen demzufolge nach Rumänien verlegt werden. Die Truppenverlegungen würden in den nächsten Tagen erwartet, sagte Pentagonsprecher John Kirby. Es handele sich nicht um dauerhafte Verlegungen. Zuvor hatten unter anderen das Wall Street Journal und die Washington Post berichtet. » | Quelle: ZEIT ONLINE, AFP, dpa, sue | Dienstag, 2. Februar 2022

Erasing History: Holocaust Graphic Novelist Art Spiegelman on “Maus” & Wave of Book Bans Sweeping US

The Silencing of Black & Queer Voices: George M. Johnson on 15-State Ban of “All Boys Aren’t Blue”

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — February 2, 2022

Kremlin Calls Boris Johnson’s Ukraine Diplomacy Efforts ‘Utterly Confused’

THE GUARDIAN: Moscow ramps up criticism of Britain’s bid to be at helm of fight to protect Ukraine from Russian invasion

Boris Johnson at a joint news conference with the Ukraine president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, in Kyiv. Photograph: EyePress News/Rex/Shutterstock

The Kremlin moved to belittle Boris Johnson on Wednesday, describing him as “utterly confused” and calling British diplomacy a waste of time.

The concerted effort to ridicule Britain’s efforts to put itself at the helm of the fight to protect Ukraine came the day after Johnson flew to Kyiv to warn that a Russian invasion would be a humanitarian, political and military disaster for Moscow.

British efforts to arrange a phone call between Johnson and Vladimir Putin were in flux after a previously scheduled call on Monday had to be cancelled by the British because Johnson had to answer questions from MPs about alleged Covid rule-breaking parties in Downing Street.

The Kremlin said on Wednesday it would provide details if and when Putin spoke to Johnson by phone, and Putin was ready to talk to anyone, including the “utterly confused”. » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Ukraine crisis a test that Britain – and Johnson – dare not fail: Analysis: Diplomatic network hoping to show UK is not turning into a global irrelevance »

Liban: le pays du Cèdre brûle ses bois pour se chauffer

Une femme ramasse du bois de chauffage et le stocke devant sa maison, dans le gouvernorat d’Akkar, au Liban, le 8 décembre 2021. Xinhua/ABACA

LE FIGARO : RÉCIT - Le ministre de l’Agriculture a récemment déploré un «véritable crime environnemental».

Il n’y a pas de route pour monter au sommet du Chambouk, une forêt domaniale, à quelque 2400 mètres d’altitude. Personne ne vit ici, sauf quelques bergers et leurs brebis. Aux confins de l’Akkar, dans le nord du Liban, près de la frontière syrienne, on grimpe d’un rocher à l’autre, pour rejoindre les bosquets de vieux cèdres et de genévriers. Réservoir de biodiversité incomparable, ces forêts anciennes seraient un petit coin de paradis si le staccato des tronçonneuses ne venait rappeler la triste réalité: en montagne, une majorité des habitants délaisse le poêle à mazout, combustible désormais trop cher, pour se tourner vers le chauffage au bois. Avec le risque que la déforestation n’atteigne un point de non-retour. » | Par Muriel Rozelier | lundi 1 février 2022

Réservé aux abonnés

Luxemburgs Regierungschef zieht nach Plagiatsvorwürfen Diplomarbeit zurück

Der luxemburgische Ministerpräsident Xavier Bettel hat seine Diplomarbeit wegen Plagiatsvorwürfen zurückgezogen. | Bild: GETTY


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Laut Berichten sollen bis zu drei Viertel der Diplomarbeit des Juristen aus nicht zitierten Quellen stammen. Die Universität Lothringen hatte Bettel nach einer internen Untersuchung aufgefordert, seine Abschlussarbeit schnellstmöglich zu überarbeiten.

Der luxemburgische Ministerpräsident Xavier Bettel hat seine Diplomarbeit wegen Plagiatsvorwürfen zurückgezogen. Er habe die Universität Lothringen in Frankreich gebeten, seinen 1999 erworbenen Diplomabschluss zu annullieren, sagte Bettel am Dienstag. Damit wolle er „einen Vertrauensverlust in die akademische Arbeit vermeiden“. » | Quelle: AFP | Dienstag, 2. Februar 2022

Anti-conversion Laws Stoke Violence in India | DW News

Feb 2, 2022 • There has been an increase in the number of attacks on churches and Christian gatherings in India in recent years. These are often sparked by allegations of forced conversions of Hindus to Christianity. Several states have now enacted strict anti-conversion laws. Critics say these laws are often abused by right-wing groups to harass Christians and attack their churches.

Narendra Modi has traces of god in him, says BJP minister as personality cult grows »

In Clash With U.S. Over Ukraine, Putin Has a Lifeline From China

THE NEW YORK TIMES: President Biden could find his plans to punish Russia undermined by Xi Jinping, a longtime ally of Mr. Putin. But China moves cautiously during crises.

China’s leader, Xi Jinping, left, with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir V. Putin, in Moscow in 2019. The two will meet Friday before the start of the Olympics in Beijing. | Pool photo by Alexander Zemlianichenko

BEIJING — As the United States moves to exert maximal pressure on Russia over fears of a Ukraine invasion, the Russian leader, Vladimir V. Putin, has found relief from his most powerful partner on the global stage, China.

China has expressed support for Mr. Putin’s grievances against the United States and NATO, joined Russia to try to block action on Ukraine at the United Nations Security Council, and brushed aside American warnings that an invasion would create “global security and economic risks” that could consume China, too.

On Friday, Mr. Putin will meet in Beijing with China’s leader, Xi Jinping, ahead of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics that President Biden and other leaders have pointedly vowed to boycott.

Although details of any potential agreements between the two countries have not been disclosed, the meeting itself — Mr. Xi’s first in person with a world leader in nearly two years — is expected to be yet another public display of geopolitical amity between the two powers.

A Chinese promise of economic and political support for Mr. Putin could undermine Mr. Biden’s strategy to ostracize the Russian leader for his military buildup on Ukraine’s borders. It could also punctuate a tectonic shift in the rivalry between the United States and China that could reverberate from Europe to the Pacific. » | Steven Lee Myers and Edward Wong | Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Ex-minister Tobias Ellwood to Submit Letter of No Confidence in PM

THE GUARDIAN: MP urges Boris Johnson to call vote of confidence himself rather than waiting for 54 letters to be submitted to 1922 Committee

Tobias Ellwood: ‘This is just horrible for all MPs to continuously have to defend this to the British public.’ Photograph: Mark Thomas/Rex/Shutterstock

The senior Conservative MP Tobias Ellwood has revealed he is to submit a letter of no confidence in Boris Johnson, as more Tories broke cover to criticise the prime minister after the Sue Gray report into the Downing Street lockdown parties.

Ellwood, who is chair of the defence committee and a former Foreign Office minister, is the fifth MP to publicly declare intentions to submit a letter after the Scottish Tory leader, Douglas Ross, and the backbenchers Andrew Bridgen, Sir Roger Gale, and Peter Aldous. At least 54 letters would be required to trigger a vote among Tory MPs on Johnson’s future.

Others who have called on Johnson to resign include the former cabinet ministers Andrew Mitchell and David Davis, as well as committee chairs Caroline Nokes and William Wragg. A 2019 intake MP, Elliot Colburn, has also hinted he had submitted a letter by telling constituents that his “patience had snapped” and suggesting the prime minister should consider his position.

The former prime minister Theresa May, Aaron Bell from the 2019 intake and veteran backbencher Gary Streeter have also been publicly critical of Johnson, while the centrist Tory MP Tom Tugendhat has declared he would run to replace him in any leadership contest. » | Jamie Grierson and Rowena Mason | Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Tuesday, February 01, 2022

George Michael : One More Try | Official Video

Views on YouTube: 139,235,699

Mario Lanza : Come Prima

Taken from the movie "For The First Time" (1959)

This Is What Mature Gay Love Looks Like.

So sieht reife schwule Liebe aus. / Voici à quoi ressemble l'amour gay mature.

Many thanks to this unnamed Pinterest contributor for this expressive photo.

The Guardian View on the Le Pen Family Firm: Reaching the End of the Line?

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: High-profile defections and the challenge of Éric Zemmour could leave Marine Le Pen with nowhere to go

‘During the current election campaign, Ms Le Pen has focused on blue-collar issues and economic nationalism.’ Photograph: Chesnot/Getty Images

Is the longest-running political dynasty on Europe’s far right finally running out of road? After her defeat by Emmanuel Macron in the presidential run-off of 2017, Marine Le Pen decided to double down on attempts to detoxify the Front National (FN) movement founded by her father, Jean-Marie, in 1972. The party’s name was changed to the more innocuous-sounding Rassemblement National (National Rally) and its hostility to the European Union and the euro was toned down. During the current election campaign, Ms Le Pen has focused on blue-collar issues and economic nationalism. Having tempered the xenophobic rhetoric and culture-warrior persona, last month she said that she had “definitively broken with provocations” that were “the sins of our political family”.

It is generally accepted that this strategy – and this election campaign – represent Ms Le Pen’s last throw of the dice. So far, her numbers are not coming up. In a disastrous beginning to the year, she has endured a number of high-profile defections to the camp of her more extreme rival on the far right, Éric Zemmour. Most damagingly of all, her charismatic niece Marion Maréchal, a former FN MP, last week signalled both her sympathy for Mr Zemmour’s old-school approach and her desire to return to the political stage after a five-year break. Ms Maréchal is far more socially conservative than her aunt, whom she has reportedly not spoken to for some time. In an extraordinary television interview, Ms Le Pen seemed on the point of tears as she described her intervention as “brutal” and “violent”. » | Editorial | Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — February 1, 2022

Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on nearly 1,400 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday.

70. Jahre Queen Elisabeth II. | Thomas Kielinger | SWR1 Leute

Feb 1, 2022 • Thomas Kielinger zieht Bilanz des 70jährigen Thronjubiläums von Königin Elizabeth II.

Queen Elizabeth II. ist eine Ikone. Die inzwischen 95-jährige ist nicht nur Chefin des bekanntesten Königshauses der Welt, sondern auch Staatsoberhaupt in den 16 Ländern des Commonwealth auf dem gesamten Globus. Sie ist die Königin mit der längsten Regierungszeit in der britischen Geschichte. Am 6. Februar feiert sie ihr 70. Thronjubiläum, zum ersten Mal ohne ihren verstorbenen Ehemann Prinz Philipp. Zuletzt wurde sie von vielen familiären Krisen schwer getroffen. Der Journalist und Autor Thomas Kielinger war lange Jahre Korrespondent der Tageszeitung „Die Welt“ in London. Er kennt das britische Königshaus aus der Nähe und hat zum Jubiläum eine Biografie über Queen Elizabeth II. geschrieben. Mit ihm sprechen wir in SWR1 Leute über die jüngsten Krisen der Windsors und lassen 70 Jahre Regentschaft der Queen noch einmal Revue passieren. Moderation: Nabil Atassi – Serie: Krieg der Träume 1918 - 1939

Ein Screenshot von der

1918. Mit dem Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs brechen die alte Ordnungen in sich zusammen. Die Welt versucht, wieder auf die Beine zu kommen. Eine Zeit der Hoffnungen und des Aufbruchs, nie zuvor erschien die Zukunft so offen. Im Europa der Zwischenkriegszeit kämpfen acht Protagonisten, in einem „Krieg der Träume“, um ein besseres Leben. Die Biografien, basierend auf wahren Begebenheiten, zeigen die Zeit bis 1939 als Labor neuer Ideen und Gesellschaftsentwürfe.

Diese wunderbare Serie ist nur auf YouTube selbst anzusehen. Sie kann nicht auf fremden Websites eingebettet werden. Um Ihnen das Navigieren dieser vierteiligen Serie zu erleichtern, gebe ich Ihnen die Links in Reihenfolge hier. Zwei Teile habe ich schon gepostet – Teil 1 und Teil 2 – doch es folgen Links zu den 4 Teilen hier auch, um die Serie zu vervollständigen. Genießen!

Teil : Crash

Teil 2: Versprechen

Teil 3: Verrat

Teil 4: Krieg


Hier ist ein Link zur Website von

How Katz’s Became the Most Legendary Deli in NYC | Legendary Eats

May 1, 2019 • Katz’s Delicatessen has been a New York institution since 1888. Producer Spencer Alben visits to taste the legendary pastrami on rye and sits down with Jake Dell — the owner currently in charge of all major operations — to learn how Katz's survived the ages and became one of the most famous delis in the world.

As the U.S. Pulls Back From the Mideast, China Leans In

THE NEW YORK TIMES: China is expanding its ties to Middle Eastern states with vast infrastructure investments and cooperation on technology and security.

Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan al-Saud of Saudi Arabia, left, with his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, in Wuxi, China, in January. China called the kingdom a “good partner” and “good brother.” | Xinhua, via Associated Press

BEIRUT, Lebanon — In January alone, five senior officials from oil-rich Arab monarchies visited China to discuss cooperation on energy and infrastructure. Turkey’s top diplomat vowed to stamp out “media reports targeting China” in the Turkish news media, and Iran’s foreign minister pressed for progress on $400 billion of investment that China has promised his country.

As the United States, fatigued by decades of war and upheaval in the Middle East, seeks to limit its involvement there, China is deepening its ties with both friends and foes of Washington across the region.

China is nowhere near rivaling the United States’ vast involvement in the Middle East. But states there are increasingly looking to China not just to buy their oil, but to invest in their infrastructure and cooperate on technology and security, a trend that could accelerate as the United States pulls back.

For Beijing, the recent turmoil in neighboring countries like Afghanistan and Kazakhstan has reinforced its desire to cultivate stable ties in the region. The outreach follows the American military’s withdrawal from Afghanistan after 20 years, as well as the official end of its combat mission in Iraq. That, along with the Biden administration’s frequent talk of China as its top national security priority, has left many of its partners in the Middle East believing that Washington’s attention lies elsewhere. Beijing has welcomed the chance to extend its influence, and Arab leaders appreciate that China — which touts the virtue of “noninterference” in other countries’ affairs — won’t get involved in their domestic politics or send its military to topple unfriendly dictators. And each side can count on the other to overlook its human rights abuses. » | Ben Hubbard and Amy Qin | Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Gregory Prince | A Complicated History: Mormonism and the LGBTQ Community

May 24, 2019 • Dr. Greg Prince sits down with Latter Gay Stories for a unique one-on-one discussion about the actions and unintended consequences of the LDS Church's history with LGBT people and their allies.

I am not a Mormon, but I find this series by Kyle Ashworth excellent to waatch and listen to. There is also always so much to be learnt from these discussions. So, even if you are not a Mormon, I still think that these episodes are well worth listening to: they give one food for thought. Besides, they are always so very interesting. _ © Mark

Iain Dale: “What I Saw Today Was a Prime Minister Who I Can't Be Proud of” | LBC

Dubai und Abu Dhabi unter Huthi-Beschuss

Die Hochhaus-Silhouette von Dubai. | Bild: AP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die Huthi-Rebellen wollen die Emirate mit Raketenangriffen zwingen, ihr Jemen-Engagement zu verringern. Sie könnten das Gegenteil erreichen.

Die Luftabwehr der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate hat einiges zu tun, seit das Land sein Engagement im Jemen-Konflikt wieder verstärkt hat. In der Nacht zum Montag wurde wieder eine Rakete abgefangen. Es war der dritte Angriff dieser Art innerhalb von zwei Wochen, den die Huthi-Rebellen gegen die Emirate führten. Und sie machen auch kein Geheimnis daraus, Urheber des Drohnen- und Raketenterrors zu sein. Ein Militärsprecher der von Iran geförderten Bewegung tönte unlängst über Twitter, auch das Gelände der Expo in Dubai, das im Oktober eröffnet wurde, könne Ziel eines Angriffs werden. » | Von Christoph Ehrhardt, Beirut | Dienstag, 1. Februar 2022

Nazi Gatherings In Broad Daylight in Florida Spark Alarm

Feb 1, 2022 • Florida State Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith talks with Rachel Maddow about the horror his constituents feel at learning about gatherings of Nazis in their area, and where they came from.

Monday, January 31, 2022

Moscow Warns Ukraine May ‘Destroy Itself’ as Russia and US Clash at UN

THE GUARDIAN: At a UNSC meeting, Russian diplomat Vasily Nebenzya claimed Ukraine’s violation of the Minsk pact could end in ‘worst way’

United Nations security council hold a meeting on the situation between Ukraine and Russia at UN headquarters in New York. Photograph: Jason Szenes/EPA

Ukraine will be responsible for its own destruction if it undermines existing peace agreements, a senior Russian diplomat has warned at a UN security council debate on the crisis.

Vasily Nebenzya on Monday derided western claims of a planned Russian attack as “hysterics” and blamed Ukraine for not abiding by the Minsk agreements of 2014 and 2015, which were supposed to end the conflict between the Kyiv government and the Russian-backed separatists in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions.

Nebenzya, Russia’s permanent representative at the UN, also blamed western nations for “actively pumping Ukraine full of weapons” which he said would be used against civilians in the east of the country and were “in violation of the Minsk agreements”.

He ended his address to the security council with a warning.

“If our western partners push Kyiv to sabotage the Minsk agreements, something that Ukraine is ... willingly doing, then that might end in the absolute worst way for Ukraine,” Nebenzya said. “And not because somebody has destroyed it, but because it would have destroyed itself and Russia has absolutely nothing to do with this.” » | Julian Borger in Washington and Lorenzo Tondo in Rome | Monday, January 31, 2022


Unlike Putin’s Russia, the west doesn’t know what it wants in eastern Europe: The west must stop dithering and reaffirm that all European states – including Ukraine – should be independent and free »

Les nouveaux pauvres : quand travailler ne suffit plus | ARTE

Jan 31, 2022 • Victimes du chômage ou condamnés aux petits boulots, un tiers des Européens, actifs et retraités, vivent dans une insécurité économique croissante. Le tableau édifiant d'une société au bord du précipice.

. À Comines, dans le nord de la France, Patricia, 56 ans, alterne contrats en intérim et périodes de chômage, tout comme son fils Anthony, 25 ans. Pour Sven, ouvrier dans une fonderie de Leipzig, l'avenir est incertain : à plusieurs reprises déjà, son usine a failli mettre la clé sous la porte. Leila, retraitée suédoise de 70 ans, s'approvisionne dans une épicerie solidaire, le loyer de son logement social engloutissant la moitié de ses 1 200 euros de pension. Assistant d'éducation dans une école primaire de Duisbourg, Uwe, employé par une association caritative, n'est pas rémunéré pendant les congés scolaires d'été. Avec son épouse, caissière dans un magasin discount, il s'apprête à retourner vivre chez ses parents malades, qui n’ont plus les moyens de payer une aide à domicile. Diplômée en journalisme, Nouria, 25 ans, est coursière à Barcelone faute d'avoir trouvé un poste dans une rédaction…

Documentaire de Karin de Miguel Wessendorf et Valentin Thurn (Allemagne, 2019, 1h29mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 19/03/2022

< ?center>
Ce documentaire est le même que le documentaire que j'ai posté plus tôt aujourd'hui, qui est en allemand avec des sous-titres en anglais. – Mark

Boris Johnson wird zur Last für die britische Politik

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die Affäre um regelwidrige Partys an Downing Street hat dank erfolgreicher Verschleppung ihren Höhepunkt überschritten. Premierminister Johnson dürfte sich vorerst halten. Im Interesse des Landes läge trotzdem eine baldige Klärung der Machtverhältnisse.

Boris Johnson, britischer Premierminister, (Bild von Februar 2021) hofft, dass schnell Gras über die Geschichte der Lockdown-Partys wachsen wird. | Stefan Rousseau / WPA / Getty


Natürlich steht die Londoner Metropolitan Police nicht in einem direkten Auftragsverhältnis zur britischen Regierung. Aber als nützlicher für das politische Überleben Premierminister Boris Johnsons hätte sie sich kaum erweisen können als mit ihrem Verhalten im Skandal um mutmasslich illegale Partys an der Downing Street während des Corona-Lockdowns. Oppositionspolitiker raunten am Wochenende empört von einem Cover-up, wofür es allerdings keine Belege gibt.

Zuerst beharrte die «Met» wochenlang auf dem Standpunkt, sie würde zurückliegende mutmassliche Verstösse gegen Lockdown-Regeln der Regierung grundsätzlich nicht verfolgen. Dann grätschte sie vergangene Woche doch mit einer überraschenden Mitteilung mitten in die stürmische politische Aufarbeitung des Skandals und kündigte die Aufnahme einer Polizeiermittlung an. Und Ende Woche ordnete sie an, dass der im Unterhaus dringend erwartete Bericht der Spitzenbeamtin Sue Gray über die Vorkommnisse an Downing Street praktisch aller relevanter Informationen entledigt werden müsse – angeblich aus Rücksicht auf die laufende Polizeiuntersuchung. » | Peter Rásonyi | Montag, 31. Januar 2022

From the Film, The Pianist : Chopin Nocturne C Sharp Minor | Piano : Arjen Seinen

Vinzeno’s Plate : How to Make Bolognese Sauce Like an Italian

Mar 15, 2020 • Bolognese sauce smothered over your favorite pasta is known to warm the heart and perfect for any day of the week. This pork and beef mince based bolognese sauce has a special, often forgotten ingredient that makes all the difference…moist, juicy pancetta! The key to keeping Bolognese sauce moist and flavoursome is slow cooking it, keeping all the meat luscious and tender.

We recommend making an extra-large batch and storing extra in the fridge or freezer for a mid-week meal that will take you right back to Italy.

Get the recipe here.

Ukraine: le poker de Poutine face à l’Occident

Vladimir Poutine préside une réunion par vidéoconférence avec des membres du gouvernement au Kremlin, le 12 janvier. ALEXEY NIKOLSKY/AFP

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - En précipitant la crise ukrainienne face aux Américains, le maître du Kremlin s’efforce de ressusciter la puissance russe.

Correspondant à Moscou

Jeune agent du KGB en Allemagne de l’Est durant les années 1980, Vladimir Poutine avait parfois tendance à prendre des risques inconsidérés. Lui-même raconte comment, en 1989, faisant fi des consignes et se présentant comme un simple «traducteur», il était allé au-devant de manifestants prodémocratie «agressifs» massés devant le siège des services de sécurité, à Dresde.

Peu de temps après, l’État soviétique cessera d’exister - ce que M. Poutine, devenu président de la Russie qualifiera de «plus grande catastrophe géopolitique du XXe siècle». Alors que l’épée de Damoclès d’une confrontation armée est actuellement suspendue sur l’est de l’Europe, la tentation existe de plonger dans la psychologie du chef du Kremlin pour dégager les tenants et aboutissants de cette crise majeure. » | Par Alain Barluet | Publié : dimanche 30 janvier 2022 ; mis à jour : lundi 31 janvier 2022

Réservé aux abonnés


Comment Vladimir Poutine poursuit la réécriture du passé soviétique : DÉCRYPTAGE - Le travail titanesque de l’organisation russe Memorial, véritable «conscience» historique de la nation et pilier central de la résistance à la répression politique actuelle, vient d’être stoppé en plein vol avec sa dissolution par la Cour suprême. »

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines

Portugal’s Socialists Win an Outright Majority in Parliamentary Election

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Because of a strong performance in the snap elections, the governing party will not have to form a coalition in the fractious Parliament.

Supporters of Portugal’s Socialist Party after the polls closed in Lisbon on Sunday. | Armando Franca/Associated Press

LISBON — Portugal’s governing Socialist Party was victorious in snap elections on Sunday, winning enough seats in Parliament to govern without a coalition.

The result brought relief to Prime Minister António Costa, Portugal’s leader of the last six years, who has been popular for managing the country’s response to the pandemic but also faced questions about his stewardship of the economy.

With 98 percent of the vote counted, Portugal’s Socialist Party had taken 42 percent of ballots. The center-right Social Democratic Party, or P.S.D., had roughly 28 percent of the votes.

The snap election was called in November after the budget dispute, which involved defections from Mr. Costa’s left-wing partners. » | Nicholas Casey | Sunday, January 30, 2022

António Costa verspricht den Portugiesen eine stabile Regierung: In Portugal haben die Sozialisten am Sonntag völlig überraschend die absolute Mehrheit bei der vorgezogenen Wahl errungen. Während die einstigen Bündnispartner Costas im linken Lager von den Wählern abgestraft wurden, wird die rechtspopulistische Chega zur drittstärksten Kraft im Parlament. »

Scottish and Welsh Ministers Criticise ‘Cack-handed’ Plans to Scrap EU Rules

THE GUARDIAN: UK government accused of not properly consulting devolved parliaments over ‘Brexit freedom bill’

The proposed bill will have a significant impact on hundreds of areas controlled by devolved governments. Photograph: Jonathan Brady/PA

Senior ministers in the Welsh and Scottish governments have furiously criticised “last-minute and cack-handed” plans from the Conservatives to scrap or amend thousands of EU rules.

The move – nicknamed the “Brexit freedoms bill” – has also raised alarm from constitutional experts who said it would make it easier for ministers to bulldoze through important parliamentary scrutiny.

Senior sources in the devolved governments have accused the UK government of failing to properly consult ministers in Edinburgh, Cardiff and Stormont, even though the proposals, released on Monday by No 10, will have a significant impact on hundreds of areas controlled by devolved governments.

One source said the Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish parliaments first learned an announcement was imminent when they were invited at 1.51pm last Friday to an unexpected meeting on Saturday with Suella Braverman, the attorney general.

It involved ministers from all three devolved administrations and the cabinet ministers for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. » | Severin Carrell and Jessica Elgot | Monday, January 31, 2022

The Precariat Society I Documentary

Jan 31, 2022 • A third of Europeans live in economic insecurity: Zero hours contracts, the fear of redundancy and stagnating wages have brought more and more people into poverty and precariousness and provided fertile conditions for the political extremes.

With contributions from geographer Christophe Guilluy, economist Guy Standing, and from people struggling to make ends meet across Europe, this documentary focuses on the new working poor, the precariat.

The Precariat Society I Documentary
Available until the 17/04/2022

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Michael Bolton : Drift Away

Timeless: The Classics. ℗ 1992 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment | Views on YouTube: 2,702,801

Luxury at the Top, Privation at the Bottom: Britain Is Becoming Feudal in Its Disparities

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: With their private planes and wine fridges, those governing the UK are too steeped in excess to see the suffering they cause

Sometimes things that are self-evident still need to be pointed out. So it is with one aspect of the crisis we now know as “partygate”, and an element of the story that both observers and participants have seemed to take for granted: the fact that all the disgrace and deceit revealed since December took place amid a level of plenty that millions of people will surely consider almost surreal.

This is not just a matter of a suitcase full of booze, generous helpings of M&S “picnic food” and the infamous fridge that held 34 bottles of wine. Consider the bit-part players: an interior designer whose wallpaper of choice costs £840 a roll, a London property developer (and Tory donor) famed for taking out an £80m mortgage, and a chancellor whose family is reckoned to be worth more than the Queen. Note also the centrality to the Boris Johnson soap opera of cake, from the kind he says he can have while eating it, to the confection he was “ambushed” with in the cabinet room. In this world, any privations demanded by lockdown were more than balanced out by the comforts of eating, drinking and ostentatiously spending, not least on what Johnson apparently terms “letting off steam”.

Lexie often gets through a day by eating only toast, because, she told me last week, “my kids need to eat more than I need to eat”. She is disabled, and lives in rural north Wales, with her husband – who was recently made redundant – and four children, aged from eight to 18. Like so many other people, the benefits system leaves them unable to meet the cost of basic essentials, and their day-to-day predicament is now being made impossible by the mounting cost of living crisis, and everything it means for the price of food, petrol and heating. » | John Harris | Sunday, January 30, 2022

1918-1939 : les rêves brisés de l’entre-deux guerres (7/8) | ARTE

Jan 16, 2022 • Treize destins de célébrités ou d'anonymes brossent le portrait des années troubles de l'entre-deux-guerres. Une fresque historique internationale, magistrale. Septième volet : le milieu des années 1930. L'Allemagne connaît de nouveau le plein emploi, le Front populaire arrive au pouvoir, Franco déclare la guerre aux républicains.

Au milieu des années 1930, l'Allemagne connaît de nouveau le plein emploi. En France, le Front populaire arrive au pouvoir tandis qu'en Espagne Franco déclare la guerre aux républicains. Comblée, Unity Mitford accompagne Hitler aux Jeux olympiques qui s'ouvrent à Berlin. À Moscou, l'étudiant en médecine Stepan Podlubny est forcé par le NKVD à espionner son entourage. Au "One-Two-Two", à Paris, Marcel Jamet doit faire de même pour le compte des services de renseignement. Mariée à Max Wachstein, Edith Wellspacher entame une liaison avec Bert Springer, un charismatique médecin proche des nazis. Hans Beimler rejoint en Espagne les Brigades internationales pour prendre part à la guerre civile.

Années fiévreuses

Après 14, des armes et des mots, qui restituait la barbarie de la Première Guerre mondiale à travers les itinéraires singuliers d’hommes, de femmes et d’enfants originaires de six pays belligérants, cette nouvelle fresque historique se penche sur la période 1918-1939, cet entre-deux-guerres où la guerre n'a jamais vraiment cessé. À partir de leur correspondance, de leurs journaux intimes et de récits biographiques, les huit épisodes de cette coproduction internationale s’attachent aux destinées contrastées de treize personnages, célèbres ou anonymes, qui furent les témoins et acteurs des bouleversements de l’entre-deux-guerres. Entremêlant images d’archives issues de vingt-trois pays et reconstitutions remarquablement soignées, Jan Peter et Frédéric Goupil ressuscitent, par le prisme de l’intime, la chronologie de ces fiévreuses années, entre fureur de vivre, convulsions économiques et luttes politiques – dominées par l’affirmation des idéologies communiste et fasciste. De l’armistice de 1918 à la déclaration de guerre du 3 septembre 1939, une plongée magistrale dans une époque qui ambitionnait d’accoucher d’un nouveau monde et engendra une nouvelle tragédie.

Série documentaire (Allemagne, 2018, 52mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 16/02/2022

Ce documentaire ne peut pas être intégré sur des sites Web externes. Il doit être visionné sur YouTube lui-même. Voici un lien pour cela. Et voici un lien vers la dernière partie (partie 8) du documentaire. – Mark

Pour faciliter votre navigation, voici les liens vers les huit parties de la série :

partie 1

partie 2

partie 3

partie 4

partie 5

partie 6

partie 7

partie 8


George Michael : Father Figure | Official Video

Views on YouTube: 83,893,105