Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Doctor Exposes Plan to Sell NHS to American Corporations

Oct 25, 2021 • The NHS is in imminent danger.

The Ultimate Guide to Tory Corruption

Open Democracy

There's a Sickness at the Heart of British Democracy & It's Called Oligarchy | Peter Jukes

Johnson ‘Losing the Confidence’ of Tory Party after Rambling CBI Speech

THE GUARDIAN: Senior party members concerned after chaotic fortnight, with PM said to be losing his grip over key policies

Conservative MPs are increasingly worried about Boris Johnson’s competence and drive after he gave a rambling speech to business leaders and was accused of losing his grip over a series of key policies from social care to rail.

Senior members of his own party said they needed Johnson to get the government back on track after a disastrous two weeks amid dismay about his performance at the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) conference, where he lost his place in his speech for about 20 seconds and diverted into a lengthy tangent about Peppa Pig.

The prime minister was also facing a substantial rebellion over his social care proposals, anger at the decision to scale back rail improvements for the north and frustration over the government’s failure to keep its promises on small boats crossing the Channel. It caps a difficult fortnight for the prime minister after he admitted he “crashed the car into a ditch” in his handling of the Owen Paterson lobbying scandal.

Nervousness among Tory MPs about No 10 intensified after one Downing Street source told the BBC there was “a lot of concern inside the building about the PM … it’s just not working”, adding that the “cabinet needs to wake up and demand serious changes otherwise it’ll keep getting worse”. With video » | Aubrey Allegretti, Rowena Mason, Joanna Partridge and Rob Davies | Monday, November 21, 2021

Boris Johnson is not unwell and has not lost his grip, says No 10: Downing Street spokesperson responds to questions about PM’s health after rambling speech to CBI on Monday »

Monday, November 22, 2021

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — November 22, 2021

Émeutes aux Antilles: l’anarchie menace la Guadeloupe, la colère gagne la Martinique

Une file de voitures slalome, lundi, entre les carcasses de véhicules incendiés formant un barrage à Mare Gaillard, près de Pointe-à-Pitre. CHRISTOPHE ARCHAMBAULT/AFP

LE FIGARO : Malgré les renforts policiers, les barrages coupent toujours la circulation. Le chaos s’installe, les rayons des magasins se vident.


En Guadeloupe, l’hélicoptère de la gendarmerie passe et repasse dans le ciel, survolant les barrages et les routes déblayées par les forces de l’ordre, qui sont parfois rebloquées dans la foulée. Pour autant, la nuit de dimanche à lundi a été plus calme que les précédentes, selon les forces de police, qui notent «moins de pillages et moins de groupements». Et pour cause, indique un communiqué de la préfecture de Guadeloupe: «l’ensemble des services de police et de gendarmerie nationales a été mobilisé», tout comme les «renforts envoyés en Guadeloupe» directement déployés sur le terrain. Au total, 11 personnes ont été interpellées dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi. » | Par Amandine Ascensio | lundi 22 novembre 2021


Guadeloupe : des armes de guerre dérobées dans les locaux de la douane à Pointe-à-Pitre : INFO LE FIGARO - Alors que la tension monte dans le département d'outre-mer, des fusils et pistolets ont été subtilisés après un incendie de nature criminelle, survenu dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi. »

Cinq questions pour comprendre la grève générale en Guadeloupe : FOCUS - Depuis une semaine, la Guadeloupe connaît des scènes de violences urbaines, après l'appel à la grève générale contre l'obligation vaccinale et la suspension de centaines de postes. »

Faith & Fate | Episode 3 – The Roaring Twenties. 1920 - 1929

Premiered Aug 31, 2020 • The Roaring 20s is the story of rabbis and scholars, about yeshivas and women’s education, about strengthening the old and adapting to the new. It is a story about power, mass media, propaganda, gangsters and hoodlums… of Jewish communists on the left and radical Jews on the right. This was the decade that changed the world forever. A decade of hope, aspirations, optimism & progress - until the bubble burst.

Episodes 1 & 2 here.

Brexit : les pêcheurs français annoncent des actions imminentes contre le Royaume-Uni

Olivier Leprêtre, président du Comité régional des pêches des Hauts-de-France. FRANCOIS LO PRESTI / AFP

LE FIGARO : Le président du comité des pêches des Hauts de France a annoncé lundi soir la préparation d'un mouvement national pour protester contre le refus des Britanniques d'accorder des licences de pêche aux bateaux français.

Face aux négociations qui s'enlisent, les pêcheurs français passent à l'action. Un mouvement national sera mené dans les prochains jours pour protester contre le refus britannique d'accorder des licences de pêche aux bateaux français.

«La Grande Bretagne doit respecter l'accord du Brexit», a martelé Olivier Leprêtre, président du comité régional des pêches des Hauts-de-France. «Ils veulent avoir accès au marché européen ? Qu'ils nous donnent des licences. Sinon on leur coupera l'accès. C'était dans les conditions de l'accord du Brexit.» » | Par Edouard de Mareschal | lundi 22 novembre 2021


Pêche post-Brexit: «Le gouvernement laisse notre profession s’éteindre» : ENTRETIEN - Pour Olivier Becquet, qui a navigué pendant vingt-trois ans, l’issue proposée au bras de fer qui oppose l’Angleterre à la France est tout simplement «indécente». »

Avis de gros temps sur la pêche française : INFOGRAPHIE - Le Brexit a engendré des tensions entre Londres et Paris dans une des zones les plus poissonneuses au monde. Plongeon dans un secteur en pleine mutation. »

Faith & Fate | Episode 2 – The Implosion of the Old Order. 1911 - 1920

Premiered Aug 27, 2020 • In the most devastating decade in mankind's history, Imperial greed, Russia's Communist Revolution ↦ WWII created a cauldron of conflict that changed Jewish & World history forever.

Part 1 here.

Russia Accuses West of Building Up Forces on Its Borders

THE GUARDIAN: Moscow, which has nearly 100,000 troops near Ukraine border, also criticises ‘provocative policy’ of US and EU towards Kyiv

Vladimir Putin has admitted that raising tensions in eastern Europe serves Russia’s interests.Photograph: Mikhail Metzel/AP

Russia has accused the west of building up forces on its borders as well as those of Belarus in remarks that appeared tailored to mirror recent US warnings about Moscow’s aggressive positioning towards Ukraine.

The Kremlin, as well as Russian intelligence, security, and diplomatic officials, have all gone on the offensive in the past 48 hours after Vladimir Putin publicly instructed his diplomats that tensions should be maintained with the west as a form of aggressive deterrence.

US and Ukrainian officials have said that Russia has amassed nearly 100,000 troops in the border regions near Ukraine and warned it was seeking a pretext in order to justify a major intervention in the country.

In a public statement on Monday, Russia’s foreign intelligence service announced that the situation was similar to that with Georgia in 2008, where Russia fought a short war against the government of Mikheil Saakashvili. » | Andrew Roth in Moscow | Monday, November 22, 2021

I’m a Therapist to the Super-rich: They Are as Miserable as Succession Makes Out

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: Many billionaires I work with have trust issues, lack a sense of purpose and struggle with shame, guilt and fear

Brian Cox as Logan Roy in Succession. Photograph: HBO/David M. Russell

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard the term “first world problems”, my bank account would look similar to those of my clients. I work as a psychotherapist and my specialism is ultra-high net worth individuals.

I got into working with billionaires by accident. I had one wealthy client, who passed my name around to their acquaintances. They are called the 1% for a reason: there are not that many of them and so the circle is tight.

Over the years, I have developed a great deal of empathy for those who have far too much. The television programme Succession, now in its third season, does such a good job of exploring the kinds of toxic excess my clients struggle with that when my wife is watching it I have to leave the room; it just feels like work.

What could possibly be challenging about being a billionaire, you might ask. Well, what would it be like if you couldn’t trust those close to you? Or if you looked at any new person in your life with deep suspicion? I hear this from my clients all the time: “What do they want from me?”; or “How are they going to manipulate me?”; or “They are probably only friends with me because of my money.” » | Clay Cockrell | Monday, November 22, 2021

Most Germans to Be ‘Vaccinated, Cured or Dead’ within Months, Says Minister

THE GUARDIAN: Jens Spahn issues stark warning as neighbouring Austria implements contentious new Covid lockdown

Most Germans will be “vaccinated, cured or dead” from Covid-19 in a few months, the country’s health minister has warned, as Germany’s southern neighbour Austria put its population of 8.9 million back under a nationwide lockdown.

Figures released on Monday showed more than 30,000 newly confirmed cases in Germany over the past 24 hours — an increase of about 50% compared with a week ago. As intensive care units near capacity and hospitals contend with a shortage of staff and respiratory apparatus, doctors have said they are ready to apply a triage system that would prioritise care for patients judged to have the best chance of survival.

“Probably by the end of the winter, more or less everyone in Germany will be vaccinated, cured or dead,” the health minister, Jens Spahn, said. “That sounds cynical, but that is the reality.”

Spahn said the highly contagious Delta variant made his prediction very probable and that was why the government was so urgently recommending vaccination. » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Monday, November 22, 2021

„Wahrscheinlich wird am Ende dieses Winters jeder geimpft, genesen oder gestorben sein“: Bundesgesundheitsminister Jens Spahn gibt zu, dass die Begrenzung des Corona-Impfstoffs von BioNTech und der Wechsel zu Moderna schlecht kommuniziert worden seien. Es gebe genügend Dosen für alle. Die Wissenschaft springt dem CDU-Politiker bei. »

Dimitra’s Dishes: Turkey Roulade Stuffed with Feta & Roasted Red Peppers

Get the recipe here.

Covid-19: Protests Erupt across Europe against New Lockdown Rules and Mandatory Vaccines

Dänemarks Problemviertel | ARTE Re:

Nov 22, 2021 • Mit seiner Politik im Umgang mit Migranten und Migrantinnen sorgt Dänemark europaweit für Schlagzeilen. Doppeltes Strafmaß bei Delikten, Unterricht in dänischer Kultur, Zwangsumsiedlungen in Problemvierteln. Während die einen im Getto-Plan die Lösung im Umgang mit Parallelgesellschaften sehen, stellt er für viele Bewohner und Bewohnerinnen das Leben schlagartig auf den Kopf.

Mjølnerparken, Kopenhagen: 1.800 Menschen leben hier in Sozialwohnungen, die meisten mit Migrationsgeschichte. Das soll sich nun ändern, viele Bewohner werden per Gesetz umgesiedelt. "Dabei gibt es hier positive Entwicklungen. Die Kriminalität ist niedriger als im Landesdurchschnitt, und immer mehr junge Menschen haben eine Ausbildung", sagt Fatma Tounsi. Die 30-jährige Tunesierin kam mit zwölf Jahren als Geflüchtete nach Kopenhagen, inzwischen hat sie einen Abschluss als Biochemikerin. Zusammen mit der Gruppe „Almen Modstand“ (gemeinnütziger Widerstand) klagt sie vor Gericht gegen die Behandlung der Bewohner und Bewohnerinnen. Steffen Boel Jørgensen ist Geschäftsführer der Bo-Vita, einer Wohnungsbaugesellschaft, die den Mjølnerparken verwaltet. Die 30-Prozent-Regel der Regierung, nach der nur 30 Prozent der Bewohner benachteiligter Bezirke eine "nichtwestliche" Herkunft haben dürfen, bezeichnet er als "schlechtes Gesetz". Er muss jetzt zwei Wohnblöcke verkaufen, damit Geld für Ersatzwohnungen da ist. Viele vermuten daher hinter dem Ghetto-Plan eine groß angelegte Privatisierungswelle von Immobilien. Doch es gibt auch Befürworterinnen und Befürworter: "Wir brauchen eine Durchmischung der Gesellschaft", sagt Halime Oguz von der Sozialistischen Volkspartei. „Ich bin für die Pläne der Regierung, denn ich habe erlebt, wie es ist, in einer Parallelgesellschaft aufzuwachsen". Sie kam als Sechsjährige aus einem kurdischen Dorf nach Dänemark, wurde als 17-Jährige zwangsverheiratet und setzt sich heute im Parlament für Frauenrechte ein.

Reportage (Deutschland 2021, 32 Min)

”We Defend Europe” - Message by Polish PM Morawiecki

„Europa ist in Gefahr“


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Polen hat die Abschottung seiner Grenze zu Belarus mit der „Verteidigung Europas“ begründet. Estland und Großbritannien haben Warschau nun die Entsendung von Truppen zur Unterstützung im Migrationsstreit zugesagt.

Polen hat die Abschottung seiner Grenze zu Belarus mit der „Verteidigung Europas“ begründet. Polens Ministerpräsident warnte in einem englischsprachigen Youtube-Video am Sonntag: „Europa, unser gemeinsames Haus, ist in Gefahr.“ Über eine künstlich ausgelöste Migrationskrise und über hohe Erdgaspreise wollten die „Diktatoren“ in Belarus und Russland Europa destabilisieren – „zum ersten Mal seit 1989“. Ministerpräsident Mateusz Morawiecki sagte bei einem Besuch in Estland am Sonntag, die EU sei mit „anschwellenden, miteinander synchronisierten Krisen“ konfrontiert, und erwähnte auch die Mobilisierung russischer Truppen in der Nähe der Ukraine. » | Von Jochen Buchsteiner, Gerhard Gnauck | Sonntag, 21. November 2021

Limping and Penniless, Iraqis Deported From Belarus Face Bleak Futures

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Hundreds of desperate Iraqis are being sent home after becoming political pawns in Belarus’s quarrel with its European Union neighbors.

Nazar Shamsaldin on Sunday with some of his family back in Erbil, Iraq, after being deported from Belarus. | Hawre Khalid for The New York Times

ERBIL, Iraq — It was cold in Belarus, bitterly cold, but at least it offered hope, however illusory.

Nazar Shamsaldin was one of thousands of Iraqis who made their way to the Eastern European country in recent months, hoping it would prove a jumping-off point to new lives in the West, only to become pawns in a geopolitical game.

But this weekend he was back in Iraq, sitting on the cold floor of a tiny unfinished concrete house, newly deported from Belarus. Nearby a small boy, one of a dozen children crammed into the house, was trying to warm his hands over a single, battered kerosene heater.

Mr. Shamsaldin, a laborer, and 35 of his relatives had risked everything to travel West. Like many of the hundreds of other Iraqis deported last week, they are now deep in debt and despair. » | Jane Arraf and Sangar Khaleel | Monday, November 22, 2021

As Thanksgiving Approaches, U.S. Virus Cases Tick Upward Once More

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Cases are rising again in parts of the country, but more people are traveling, and health officials have largely stopped telling people to skip celebrations.

CHICAGO — A month ago, new coronavirus cases in the United States were ticking steadily downward and the worst of a miserable summer surge fueled by the Delta variant appeared to be over. But as Americans travel this week to meet far-flung relatives for Thanksgiving dinner, new virus cases are rising once more, especially in the Upper Midwest and Northeast.

Federal medical teams have been dispatched to Minnesota to help at overwhelmed hospitals. Michigan is enduring its worst case surge yet, with daily caseloads doubling since the start of November. Even New England, where vaccination rates are high, is struggling, with Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire trying to contain major outbreaks. » | Mitch Smith | Monday, November 22, 2021

Former Netanyahu Aide Testifies against Him in Corruption Trial

THE GUARDIAN: Nir Hefetz is a key prosecution witness as ex-PM faces fraud, breach of trust and bribery allegations

Benjamin Netanyahu (second right) is flanked by lawyers before the testimony by Nir Hefetz at Jerusalem district court. Photograph: Maya Alleruzzo/EPA

A one-time confidant to Benjamin Netanyahu has begun testifying against him in the former Israeli prime minister’s corruption trial in Jerusalem.

Nir Hefetz, a former spokesperson for Netanyahu, is a key prosecution witness expected to deliver critical testimony in the trial, which revolves around accusations that Netanyahu committed fraud and breach of trust, and accepted bribes. The former premier, now opposition leader, denies any wrongdoing.

Hefetz left a long career in journalism in 2009 to work as a spokesperson for Netanyahu’s government, and in 2014 became the Netanyahu family’s spokesperson and adviser. In 2018, after he was arrested in connection with one of Netanyahu’s corruption cases, Hefetz signed a state witness deal and provided investigators with recordings of conversations with Netanyahu and his family. » | Associated Press in Jerusalem | Monday, November 22, 2021

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Gute Nacht, mein Schätzlein!


Bonne nuit mon chéri ! / Good night, my darling!

Wake Up! It's Time to Boogie Again! Justin Timberlake : Can't Stop the Feeling

Homothérapies, conversion forcée | ARTE

Nov 19, 2021 • À travers la parole de victimes et un travail d’infiltration journalistique, une enquête sidérante sur les organisations religieuses qui, dévoyant le christianisme et la psychanalyse, prétendent "guérir" les personnes homosexuelles.

Électrochocs, lobotomies frontales, "thérapies" hormonales… : dans les années 1970, aux États-Unis, la dépsychiatrisation de l’homosexualité met progressivement fin à ces pratiques médicales inhumaines, tout en donnant naissance à des mouvements religieux qui prétendent "guérir" ce qu’elles considèrent comme un péché, une déviance inacceptable. Depuis, les plus actives de ces associations – les évangéliques d’Exodus ou les catholiques de Courage – ont essaimé sur tous les continents, à travers une logique de franchises. Bénéficiant d’une confortable notoriété aux États-Unis ou dans l’ultracatholique Pologne, ces réseaux œuvrent en toute discrétion en France et en Allemagne. Mais si les méthodes diffèrent, l’objectif reste identique : convertir les personnes homosexuelles à l’hétérosexualité ou, à défaut, les pousser à la continence. Comme Deb, fille d’évangélistes de l’Arkansas ouvertement homophobes, Jean-Michel Dunand, aujourd’hui animateur d’une communauté œcuménique homosensible et transgenre, a subi de traumatisantes séances d’exorcisme. De son côté, la Polonaise Ewa a été ballottée de messes de guérison en consultations chez un sexologue adepte des décharges électriques. Rongés par la honte et la culpabilité, tous ont souffert de séquelles psychiques graves : haine de soi, alcoolisme, dépression, tentation du suicide…

Manipulation destructrice
Étayée par le travail de deux jeunes journalistes, dont l'un s'est infiltré dans des mouvements français – des rencontres façon Alcooliques anonymes de Courage aux séminaires estivaux de Torrents de vie, avec transes collectives au menu –, cette enquête sur les "thérapies de conversion" donne la parole à des victimes de cinq pays. Leurs témoignages, à la fois rares et bouleversants, mettent en lumière les conséquences dévastatrices de pratiques qui s’apparentent à des dérives sectaires. "Nous avons affaire à une espèce de psychothérapie sauvage qui peut amener à la destruction de la personnalité", affirme ainsi Serge Blisko, ancien président de la Miviludes (Mission interministérielle de vigilance et de lutte contre les dérives sectaires). En mars 2018, le Parlement européen a voté une résolution appelant les États membres à interdire ces prétendues thérapies.

Documentaire de Bernard Nicolas (France, 2019, 1h30mn)

Violence in Belgium and Netherlands as Covid Protests Erupt across Europe

THE GUARDIAN: Anger at government restrictions spreads to Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Denmark and Croatia

Police spray protesters as they gather in front of the Gare du Nord in Brussels, Belgium, for an anti-Covid pass protest. Photograph: Thierry Monasse/Getty Images

Violence erupted at demonstrations in Belgium and the Netherlands over the weekend as tougher Covid-19 restrictions to curb the resurgent pandemic led to angry protests in several European countries.

Ten of thousands of people marched through central Brussels on Sunday to protest against reinforced restrictions imposed by the Belgian government to counter the latest rise in coronavirus cases. The march, which police estimated involved 35,000 people, began peacefully but descended into violence as several hundred people started pelting officers, smashing cars and setting rubbish bins on fire. Police responded with teargas and water cannon.

“We have injuries but we cannot yet say how many,” said Ilse Vande Keere, a police spokesperson. It was also unclear how many people had been detained.

Demonstrators had earlier gathered to protest against the government’s advice to get vaccinated and any possible moves to impose mandatory shots. Shouting “freedom, freedom, freedom!” and singing the anti-fascist song Bella Ciao, protesters lined up behind a huge banner saying “together for freedom” and marched to the EU headquarters. Signs among the crowd varied from far-right insignia to the rainbow flags of the LGBT community. » | Jon Henley | Sunday, November 21, 2021

Gladiator Theme : Now We Are Free

Apr 8, 2014 • Gladiator • Now We Are Free • Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard Soundtrack from the 2000 Ridley Scott film "Gladiator" with Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielson, Oliver Reed, Derek Jacobi, Djimon Hounsou & Richard Harris. | Views on YouTube: 62,655,759

Diana Ross : When You Tell Me That You Love Me

Views on YouTube: 1,193,049

France – Biarritz in the 1920s: A Day at the Beach in 1928 | Enhanced

Sep 21, 2021 • Travelling back in time to the ’Roaring 20s’. Biarritz in France on a September day in 1928.

By the 1920's, the coastal resort of Biarritz on the Côte Basque in France attracted the fashionable and wealthy during the summer and early autumn. Those who could afford it, stayed at the Hôtel du Palais which was originally a summer villa built for Empress Eugénie. Her visits turned Biarritz into a popular summer resort.

This film starts with clips from a hotel overlooking the beach, then a street fashion show. We then move down to the beach for a walk among the sunbathers and swimmers.

In just a few years over the 1920's, women's swimsuits had evolved considerably when compared to those seen in our recent video "A Day at the Beach c.1921". The r\’Roaring Twenties’ saw seismic changes in clothing, style and social attitudes.

Published by GlamourDaze by kind permission of the University of South Carolina. Their generosity and support in this restoration project is hugely appreciated. AI restoration by GlamourDaze.com Filmed September 22, 1928 A Fox News Story

Ma vie dans l’Allemagne d’Hitler – 1. La conquête du pouvoir (1/2) / 2. La mise au pas (2/2) | Documentaire | ARTE

Nov 6, 2021 • À travers un saisissant montage de films amateurs et de témoignages de réfugiés ayant fui la dictature, la chronique intime du basculement de l'Allemagne dans le nazisme. Premier volet : à la veille des années 1930, Berlin vit les derniers feux d'une enivrante période de fêtes et de bouillonnement artistique.

Entre explosion du chômage, institutions fragilisées et tensions politiques exacerbées, l'Allemagne sombre dans une grave crise. Ce climat délétère profite à Adolf Hitler, dont les idées contaminent peu à peu l'ensemble de la société. Par conviction ou simple opportunisme, les travailleurs réduits à l'indigence, comme une partie des élites, se tournent massivement vers le Parti national-socialiste (NSDAP). Après le choc du 30 janvier 1933, qui a vu le maréchal Hindenburg nommer Hitler au poste de chancelier, beaucoup croient encore que le leader nazi ne résistera pas à l'exercice du pouvoir. Pourtant, moins d'un mois après, l'incendie du Reichstag lui offre l'opportunité de mener une sanglante campagne de répression contre les communistes. Après sa victoire aux législatives du 5 mars, Hitler se voit attribuer les pleins pouvoirs par le Parlement. Les SA, le bras armé du parti, font régner la terreur dans les rues en poursuivant leur entreprise de persécution des ennemis du régime, jetés dans les premiers camps de concentration. Tandis que les sociaux-démocrates sont brutalement écartés de la vie publique, les boycotts, autodafés et lynchages à l’encontre des Juifs se généralisent.

De l’intérieur
En 1939, trois chercheurs de l’université américaine de Harvard lancent, par voie de presse, une vaste enquête auprès des Allemands ayant fui le nazisme, afin qu’ils racontent l’avant et l’après-30 janvier 1933. Admirablement transmis par une seule et même voix, celle de la comédienne et chanteuse Ute Lemper, les témoignages inestimables et largement méconnus de ces déracinés – hommes et femmes, issus de confessions et classes sociales différentes – rendent palpable, entre détails du quotidien et recul analytique, la vie sous le joug nazi, entièrement soumise "au credo et au veto de l’État". Délaissant les habituelles images de propagande, Jérôme Prieur conjugue leurs récits avec de fascinants fragments de films amateurs, au pouvoir plus évocateur qu’illustratif, pour tisser la chronique intime de ces années de basculement.

Ma vie dans l'Allemagne d'Hitler
Documentaire de Jérôme Prieur (France, 2016, 54mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 09/01/2022

Nov 7, 2021 • Une chronique intime du basculement de l'Allemagne dans le nazisme. Second volet : l'État contrôle désormais toutes les sphères de la société. L'école et les mouvements de jeunesse inculquent à des foules d'enfants embrigadés l'amour absolu du nazisme.

Collègues et voisins s'espionnent jusque dans leurs loisirs, encadrés par la puissante organisation KDF (Kraft durch Freude, "la force par la joie"). Joseph Goebbels, ministre de la Propagande du Reich, orchestre une succession incessante de parades et de spectacles qui relève de l'"hypnose de masse". Avec la promulgation, en septembre 1935, des lois de Nuremberg, qui autorisent une classification biologique de la population, les Juifs sont exclus de toute vie sociale et leurs contacts avec le reste des citoyens, proscrits. En novembre 1938, Hitler se saisit du meurtre du secrétaire d'ambassade Ernst vom Rath, tué à Paris par un Juif polonais, pour déclencher une vague de représailles d'une violence inouïe. Après l’effroyable Nuit de cristal, des dizaines de milliers de personnes s’engagent sur les routes tortueuses de l'exil.

Der gleiche Dokumentarfilm auf Deutsch.

Austria Imposes National Lockdown and Mandatory Jabs to Curb Fourth Covid Wave

Faith & Fate | Episode 1 – Dawn of the Century: 1900 - 1910.

Facing Loneliness: In & Out of the Closet

Sep 15, 2016 • Jim from Ohio picked the topic this week: "Loneliness — how to deal with it and how to manage it."

Brexit Latest News: A Majority Now Want to Rejoin the EU. Truth To Power

Šefčovič: EU Accuses Lord Frost of 'Political Posturing'

Read the BBC article here.

The Observer View on the Far-right’s Power beyond the French Presidential Elections

THE OBSERVER – EDITORIAL: Eric Zemmour and others who stir up hatred are likely to fail electorally but have huge unchallenged cultural power

French far-right politician Eric Zemmour speaking in London on Friday. Photograph: Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP

Eric Zemmour is unlikely to be the next president of France. In the first place, he is not yet officially a candidate. Second, his repellent brand of racist, far-right codswallop already has a well-established mouthpiece: Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Rally (formerly the National Front).

That said, Zemmour is doing well in opinion polls and is significantly influencing the election agenda. Known as a TV pundit and polemicist, his latest bestseller, France Has Not Had Its Final Word, is a pseudo-intellectual requiem for “the death of France as we know it”, by which he means white, Catholic France. In short, Zemmour claims Muslims are out to capture the state.

Such drivel might be dismissed out of hand but for the fact that, according to one recent survey at least, 61% of French people believe it is certain or probable that the white, Christian populations of Europe face extinction because of Muslim immigration from Africa. A civil war is coming, Zemmour warns; France could become an Islamic republic. A lot of voters appear to have taken fright. » | Editorial | Sunday, November 21, 2021

French presidential hopeful Éric Zemmour begins race hate trial: Far-right TV pundit on trial for calling unaccompanied child migrants ‘thieves, killers and rapists’ »

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Il était une fois le musée du Louvre | ARTE

Nov 11, 2021 • Frédéric Wilner retrace l’histoire tumultueuse du musée parisien et de ses fabuleuses collections, reflet du destin de la France et de l’Europe, au travers de gros plans sur des oeuvres iconiques.

Au commencement était La Joconde : la star du Louvre a rejoint les collections royales sous François Ier, il y a cinq siècles, avec deux autres chefs-d’œuvre de Léonard de Vinci, le Saint Jean-Baptiste et la Sainte Anne. Étoffées au fil des siècles, en particulier par Louis XIV, qui en a fait un instrument au service de son rayonnement, les collections royales sont nationalisées par les révolutionnaires et présentées au Museum central des arts, inauguré en 1793 dans le palais du Louvre. Tandis que les tombeaux des rois sont démantelés, et que de nombreuses pièces du trésor de la basilique Saint-Denis sont fondues pour financer les guerres révolutionnaires, l’épée de Charlemagne, réchappée de la Terreur, trouve refuge dans le nouveau musée, tout comme les statues médiévales de Charles V et Jeanne de Bourbon, néanmoins amputées de leurs attributs régaliens. Des Noces de Cana de Véronèse aux marbres antiques du Vatican en passant par le Saint François d’Assise recevant les stigmates du primitif Giotto, les conquêtes territoriales de la République puis de l’Empire donnent lieu à la saisie d’innombrables chefs-d’œuvre étrangers. Lesquels alimentent, sous la supervision de Dominique Vivant Denon, l’institution rebaptisée musée Napoléon. À la chute de ce dernier, la collection Borghèse (avec son Gladiateur Borghèse), que l’empereur déchu a achetée au mari de sa sœur Pauline, comble le vide laissé par les milliers d’œuvres reparties dans leurs pays d’origine. Le comte Forbin repeuple parallèlement les galeries en acquérant la production d’artistes vivants (tel Delacroix et sa Liberté guidant le peuple), exposés au palais du Luxembourg, premier musée d’art contemporain au monde, avant d’entrer au Louvre après leur mort. Dans un contexte de compétition entre grands musées européens, Paris part aussi sur les traces de civilisations anciennes, grecque, égyptienne et assyrienne, et en rapporte, entre autres, l’iconique Vénus de Milo, le colossal Sphinx de Tanis ou encore les magnifiques "taureaux de Khorsabad".

Vocation universelle

Comment le Louvre est-il devenu le musée universel le plus grand et le plus fréquenté au monde ? Avec le concours de spécialistes – historiens, conservateurs, mais aussi Jean-Luc Martinez, prédécesseur de Laurence des Cars à la tête de l’établissement –, Frédéric Wilner (Léonard de Vinci – Le chef-d’œuvre redécouvert) passe en revue les étapes successives de la constitution de ses éblouissantes collections, en se penchant sur la passionnante trajectoire d’œuvres mythiques, fondatrices, qui racontent en filigrane l’histoire de la France et celle de l’Europe.

Il était une fois le musée du Louvre

Documentaire de Frédéric Wilner (France, 2021, 1h35mn)

Diana Ross, suprême diva | ARTE

Nov 9, 2021 • Des Supremes à "Upside Down", le parcours mouvementé d'une conquérante, qui a dû batailler pour devenir la diva soul qu'elle rêvait d'être, la frêle, sensuelle et tenace Diana Ross.

Née en 1944, deuxième d'une fratrie de six, Diana Ross veut très tôt occuper le devant de la scène, à l’origine pour attirer l'attention de ses parents. Dans le quartier pauvre de Detroit où elle grandit, surgit en 1959 la Motown, label qui va révolutionner la musique noire. Recalée à une audition avec ses copines, les futures Supremes, Diana revient à la charge, et impose sa bande parmi les choristes. Quand les Supremes arrachent leur premier contrat en 1961, elle n'a que 16 ans. Berry Gordy, devenu son amant et mentor, mise tout sur ce trio acidulé qui susurre avec élégance des mélodies gospel sur une rythmique rock. Mais le groupe aligne les flops jusqu'à ce que le génial trio d'auteurs Holland-Dozier-Holland trouve le hit qui sied à la voix cristalline et sensuelle de Diana : "Where Did Our Love Go". Les Supremes enchaînent alors les succès, avant que la domination sans partage de la chanteuse n’ait raison du groupe. Diana Ross poursuit sa carrière en solo, avec des hauts et des bas, et une grande capacité à se réinventer à chaque échec, partant à la conquête d'Hollywood, rebondissant avec élégance sur la vague disco ou se libérant de son étouffant pygmalion, Berry Gordy.

Force de caractère

Silhouette fluette et chic, minois carnassier et tendre, Diana Ross, en dépit de son ambition démesurée, touche par sa force de caractère, son émotivité et son inépuisable énergie. Avec des archives savoureuses, où en vraie diva, elle se montre prodigue en strass, fourreau et fourrures, des interviews de ceux qui l'ont côtoyée – Mary Wilson, ancienne des Supremes, disparue le 8 février dernier, le producteur Nile Rodgers, la stricte Maxine Powell, garante des bonnes manières à la Motown… –, ce film raconte la trajectoire mouvementée d'une chanteuse, qui, malgré son talent et son charisme, a dû batailler pour réussir et s'émanciper sur le plan artistique.

Documentaire de Julie Veille (France, 2019, 52mn)

Love and Kisses


Verliebt und erregt.


Amoureux et excité. / In love and excited.

For the Trump Family, LGBTQ+ People Are Nothing but a Joke

Like his grandmother and father, Donald Trump Jr. uses LGBTQ in a disparaging way. |Via Shutterstock

ADVOCATE: During one of my conversations with Mary Trump, she relayed a story about how her grandmother made crude jokes about Elton John singing at the funeral of Princess Diana. She used a vulgar term to describe the gay music legend.

Mary’s cousin Eric Trump isn’t known for his smarts. (My grandfather would say about him, “The lights are on, but there’s nobody home.”) He famously once said that he was part of the LGBTQ community, “I’m telling you, I see it every day, the LGBT community, they are incredible and you should see how they’ve come out in full force for my father every single day. I’m part of that community, and we love the man and thank you for protecting our neighborhoods and thank you for protecting our cities.” Is he really that obtuse, or was he joking?

He later said he had been trying to explain what LGBTQ+ Trump supporters have told him.

Donald Trump once joked that Mike Pence "wants to hang" gay people, according to a story in The New Yorker in October of 2017. » | John Casey | Friday, November 19, 2021

Le mystère Charlene de Monaco

Charlene de Monaco, alors championne de natation, pose à Johannesbourg, le 1er septembre 1999. Getty Images

MADAME FIGARO : De retour d'Afrique du Sud, l'épouse du prince Albert a été admise dans un centre de soins en dehors de Monaco. Assez pour relancer les rumeurs autour de ses neuf derniers mois loin du Rocher. Et pour interroger le bonheur d'une princesse qui n'a jamais semblé à l'aise sous sa couronne.

«Son Altesse Sérénissime la princesse Charlene de Monaco a dû subir plusieurs interventions compliquées après avoir contracté une grave infection otorhinolaryngologique en mai», disait le premier communiqué officiel du palais de Monaco, diffusé à la presse le 25 juin. Il justifiait alors la future absence de l'épouse d'Albert II pour les 10 ans de mariage du couple, le 2 juillet. Depuis, les choses n'ont fait qu'empirer. Charlene a de nouveau subi plusieurs opérations (peu détaillées) ; elle a également fait un aller-retour aux urgences de l’hôpital Netcare Alberlito, à KwaZulu-Natal, après un malaise dans son pavillon de Durban.

Sur les photos avec Albert et leurs enfants, Jacques et Gabriella, qui sont venus lui rendre visite fin août, puis sur une autre, la montrant avec le roi Misuzulu, chef de la communauté zouloue, elle apparaît fatiguée, amaigrie, le regard fuyant. Derrière les faits, les rumeurs les plus folles. Pour Voici, Charlene connaîtrait de vives tensions avec son mari - «Tout le monde commence à croire qu'elle ne rentrera pas», aurait confié un «initié» au magazine. De son côté, le Daily Mail s'empresse de publier un article sur une obscure malédiction qui toucherait les Grimaldi : au XIIIe siècle, une jeune Flamande kidnappée par Rainier Ier se serait vengée en jeter un sort sur sa descendance : aucun ne vivrait un mariage heureux. Fin juillet, Stéphane Bern signe un grand papier dans Paris Match, avec ce titre, explicite : «Charlène et Albert au bord de la rupture ?». » | Par Marion Galy-Ramounot | vendredi 19 novembre 2021

Österreich führt Impfpflicht für alle ein


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Das Land zieht die Notbremse: Verbindliche Impfung ab Februar, 20 Tage Lockdown ab Montag. Danach soll wieder gelockert werden – aber nur für Geimpfte und Genesene.

Als erstes Land in Europa will Österreich eine Corona-Impfpflicht einführen. Von Februar 2022 soll jeder im Land verpflichtet werden, sich eine Impfung verabreichen zu lassen, sofern nicht gesundheitliche Gründe dagegen stehen. Sonst droht eine Verwaltungsstrafe. Diese Entscheidung der Regierung in Wien gemeinsam mit den Chefs der Bundesländer wurde am Freitagvormittag in Verbindung mit einem vierten Lockdown für die gesamte Bevölkerung verkündet. Die Schließungen sollen von kommenden Montag an gelten. » | Von Stephan Löwenstein, Politischer Korrespondent mit Sitz in Wien | Freitag, 19. November 2021

Corona-Proteste in Wien und Rotterdam

Nov 20, 2021 • In Wien haben die Proteste gegen die österreichische Corona-Politik begonnen. Im Tagesverlauf sind mehrere Kundgebungen geplant. Die Polizei rechnet mit mehreren Tausend Demonstrierenden

In Rotterdam sind gestern Abend Proteste gegen schärfere Corona-Regeln in Gewalt umgeschlagen. Am Morgen nach den Ausschreitungen bot sich in der niederländischen Stadt ein Bild der Verwüstung. Laut Polizei wurden sieben Menschen verletzt - unter ihnen auch Beamt:innen.


Impfung: Darf der Staat entscheiden? | Philosophischer Stammtisch | Sternstunde Philosophie | Kultur

Apr 19, 2021 • Die Welt buhlt um Corona-Impfstoff. Doch nicht alle, die könnten, wollen sich auch impfen lassen. Darf der Staat uns dazu zwingen? Oder haben wir doch das Recht, über den eigenen Körper zu entscheiden?

Verlockungen gibt es viele: Downhill ohne Helm, Zuckerwaren haufenweise, mehrere Gläser über den Durst. Doch Väterchen Staat will uns erziehen: mit Helmobligatorien, Zuckersteuer und Alkoholverboten. Gilt nicht: «Mein Körper gehört mir»?

Doch tut er das eigentlich noch? Werden wir nicht ständig ermahnt, die steigenden Gesundheitskosten im Blick zu behalten und mit unserem Verhalten nicht die Staatskasse zu belasten? Geht mein Lebensstil die anderen etwas an? Oder ist er gänzlich Privatsache?

Mit Svenja Flasspöhler und Stefan Riedener diskutieren am philosophischen Stammtisch Wolfram Eilenberger und Barbara Bleisch.

Sternstunde Philosophie vom 18.04.2021

Unrest in Portland as Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict Divides US

THE OBSERVER: Police declare a riot in Oregon’s largest city as observers condemn discrepancy in how law enforcement treats militia supporters and anti-racism protesters

A fire burns on the street during protests in Portland, Oregon after Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty over the shooting deaths of two people at an anti-racism protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last year. Photograph: Grace Morgan/Reuters

About 200 protesters in Portland, Oregon, broke windows and threw objects at police on Friday night as reaction poured in after a jury cleared Kyle Rittenhouse over the shooting deaths of two people at an anti-racism protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last year.

Sheriffs in the city declared a riot downtown after “violent, destructive behavior by a significant part of the crowd”, with reports some talked about burning down the Justice Center.

Police used loudspeakers to ask the crowd to disperse or face the use of force, including “pepper spray and impact weapons”. By 11pm the crowd had broken up and largely dispersed.

In Kenosha, shouting matches flared on the courthouse steps between supporters of opposing sides, embodying the wildly different lenses through which a divided America viewed the case.

Protest marches were also held in Chicago and New York. » | Gloria Oladipo | Saturday, November 20, 2021

When it comes to self-defense, the burden is often on the prosecution. »

Rotterdam Police Open Fire as Covid Protest Turns Violent

Demonstrators protest against government restrictions. Photograph: AP

THE GUARDIAN: Warning shots fired as unrest breaks out over Dutch plans to impose restrictions on unvaccinated people

Police in Rotterdam have fired warning shots, injuring protesters, as riots broke out at a demonstration against government plans to impose restrictions on unvaccinated people.

Crowds of rioters torched cars, set off fireworks and threw rocks at police in the centre of the Dutch port city on Friday, and police responded with shots and water cannon.

“Police were forced to draw their weapons and even fire direct shots,” the mayor of Rotterdam, Ahmed Aboutaleb, told a press conference early on Saturday.

He described the riots as “an orgy of violence, I can’t think of another way to describe it”. With video » | Staff and agencies in The Hague | Saturday, November 20, 2021

Covid-19 : manifestations contre les mesures anti-Covid, violences aux Pays-Bas et aux Antilles : Sept personnes ont été blessées vendredi dans des émeutes à Rotterdam, tandis qu'un couvre-feu a été décrété en Guadeloupe pour mettre fin au vandalisme. Des manifestations agitent aussi l'Australie et l'Autriche. »

Weitere Festnahmen nach «Orgie der Gewalt» in Rotterdam: In den Niederlanden haben am Freitagabend Hunderte von Menschen gegen weitere Beschränkungen demonstriert. Es kam zu chaotischen Szenen. Nach Schüssen der Sicherheitskräfte gibt es sieben Verletzte. »

Corona-Kundgebung in Wien hat begonnen: Die rechte FPÖ sieht Österreich auf dem Weg in eine „Diktatur“ und hat zur Demo in Wien aufgerufen. In Telegram-Gruppen wird offen Gewalt angedroht. »

Austria braces for violence at mass protests over Covid measures. »

Australia Covid protests: threats against ‘traitorous’ politicians as thousands rally in capital cities: Melbourne ‘freedom’ rally draws largest crowds as counter-protesters avoid confrontation »

Last Ditch? Car-crash Fortnight Shakes Tory Faith in Boris Johnson

THE GUARDIAN: Morale low as scandals and doubts on policy delivery add to worries about PM’s competence

The backlash against scaled-back rail plans highlighted Boris Johnson’s boosterish tendency to make promises he fails to deliver. Photograph: Nathan Stirk/Getty Images

A shame-faced Boris Johnson told his own MPs this week that he had “crashed the car into the ditch” by misjudging the Owen Paterson scandal. As he heads to his country retreat of Chequers this weekend, some at Westminster have begun to wonder if he has what it takes to get the show back on the road.

As well as exposing Johnson’s lax approach to probity in public life, the Paterson debacle highlighted what those who have worked with him say is one of his most maddening characteristics – the impetuous style of decision-making and tendency to sudden reversals cruelly caricatured by Dominic Cummings as “like a shopping trolley”.

And it played into wider worries about his competence and whether the Downing Street machine is working as it should. “No 10 is a really difficult job and he doesn’t have the skillset to run it, he just doesn’t,” said one senior Tory. “He’s a great campaigner; a terrible administrator. But he doesn’t trust anyone to run it for him.” » | Heather Stewart | Saturday, November 20, 2021

Friday, November 19, 2021

Germans in Israel. Israelis in Germany. | DW Documentary

Apr 20, 2018 • A new generation of Israelis and Germans is showing that reconciliation really is possible.

This documentary presents young people who believe in a common future, even though – more than 70 years after the Holocaust – Germany still contends with anti-Semitism and anti-Jewish attacks. Shahak Shapira has been exposed to anti-Semitic hostility and lost family members in the Holocaust as well as his grandfather in the attacks on the Israelis track and field team at the 1972 Munich Olympics - yet he still lives in Germany. Israeli singer Rilli Willow’s great aunt died in Auschwitz - but Rilli married a German Christian and splits her time between Germany and Israel. German chef Tom Franz converted to Judaism, married an Israeli woman, and lives in Tel Aviv. German writer Sarah Stricker also works and lives in Israel. They are four examples of a new generation of Israelis and Germans who are proving that, even after the darkest chapters of German history, people can live together again in peace and friendship.

Young, German and Jewish | DW Documentary

Feb 21, 2021 • "We’re not aliens!" say young German Jews. They want to be seen as normal young people. But even in 2021, fitting into German society doesn’t come easily.

What does it mean to be the only Jew in the whole school? This is a film about dealing with clichés and stereotypes in everyday life, from the sports field to the synagogue, from the Torah to Instagram, from Shabbat to parties.

In German schools, calling someone a Jew is a common slur. For young German Jews, anti-Semitic phrases, jokes and prejudices are part of everyday life. It’s a sad truth that they often can’t wear their kippah or Star of David necklace openly, for fear of abuse or assault.

At the same time, they want to escape the label of victim. Ilan (20) says: "For many people we are a marginalized group that’s always being insulted. But it’s wrong to reduce us to that." Paula (12) adds: "Yes, I wish we wouldn’t get funny looks all the time."

This documentary shows the young and vibrant Jewish culture in Germany today. As different as young Jewish people are in their religious beliefs, interests and talents, they all have one thing in common. None of them want to only be seen as what Roman (19) calls a "museum piece," but as active young people who live in the here and now.

This documentary dispenses with commentary and listens to the voices of young Jews between the ages of 12 and 25, whom filmmaker Jan Tenhaven met in Berlin, Frankfurt, Osnabrück, Essen, Munich and Wessling. The conversations are interspersed with reports of anti-Semitic incidents.

Jewish Life in Poland | Free Full DW Documentary

May 5, 2020 • The Nazis murdered 90 percent of Poland's Jews in the death camps. Seventy-five years after the end of World War Two, life is returning to the Jewish community in Poland.

Jewish cultural festivals, kosher restaurants, klezmer bands and Jewish schools have returned to the Poland of today - the country that was once the location of the Nazi German Auschwitz extermination camp. The growth of the new, vital Jewish community is in part thank to the Chief Rabbi of Poland, Michael Schudrich. Visits to Auschwitz and other camp locations in Poland are for him simply part and parcel of the country's history.

Schudrich grew up on New York's Upper West Side. As a student, he traveled to what was then Communist Poland for the first time. His grandparents had emigrated to the US from Eastern Europe. At the end of the 1970s and later in the 1980s, many Jews looked for their families' roots in Poland. There were only a few left - among them were the Polish Jews who were closely linked to the Solidarity movement. They founded the "Flying Jewish University" at this time. A loose network of Jewish intellectuals even back then already believed that Jewish religious life would again find a place in Poland. The idea must have germinated in Schudrich's mind quickly. He decided to dedicate his life to rebuilding Jewish religious life in Poland. The concept was one he shared with billionaire Ronald S. Lauder, a key patron of Jewish religious projects around the globe who today is president of the World Jewish Congress.

Thirty years ago, after the fall of the Iron Curtain and the collapse of Communism, Michael Schudrich made his way to Warsaw. Here the son of a New York rabbi with a congregation in the Bronx became a chief rabbi. In the 1990s, he encouraged many more Poles to rediscover their Jewish roots. Several hundred learned the basics of Jewish religious life in the then newly-established Jewish school in Warsaw, leading them to become conscious of their long-suppressed Jewish identity. Now the Jewish communities in Poland have as many as 12,000 members who live according to the rules set out in the Torah.

A New Crusade: Poland's Embrace of Catholicism and Anti-LGBT Ideology | Foreign Correspondent

Apr 28, 2020 • When Poland’s Archbishop of Krakow talks about fighting a plague, he’s not talking about the new coronavirus. He’s talking about gay rights.

“A certain ideology is a threat to our hearts and minds…so we need to defend ourselves just like against any other plague”, says Archbishop Jedraszewski.

In the 1980s Poland played a central part in liberating the world from communism. Now there’s a push to wind back many of those hard-won freedoms.

The Catholic Church and the Polish government are forming a holy alliance, joining forces to denounce Western-style liberalism as the new enemy.

“From the very beginning the history of the Polish state and Polish nation were connected with the history of Christianity”, says Archbishop Jedraszewski. “Christianity, nation and state were so tightly connected, they were almost inseparable.”

In today’s Poland, the Church is supporting government moves to discriminate against gay people, wind back sex education and outlaw abortion.

But feminists, gays and liberals are fighting back.

Foreign Correspondent’s Eric Campbell reports on a deeply divided nation in the throes of a culture war.

He meets the Archbishop of Krakow who likens gay activists to the much-reviled Soviets who occupied Poland after the Second World War

. “This time it is not a red but a rainbow plague”, says Archbishop Jedraszewski. Regional governments across Poland have declared about a third of the country ‘an LGBT free zone’.

Eric interviews critics of the current government, including Lech Walesa, the father of Polish democracy, who warns “our Constitution is being broken, the separation of powers has been violated and we have to do something about it.”

He meets a gay mayor in a small town who says the rhetoric from Church and state is leading to an “increase in hatred spreading against homosexual people.” And he films at a far-right rally in Warsaw where Catholic extremists are co-opting the Church in their bid to push their nationalist agenda and vision of Poland as a new theocracy.

While many Poles believe a religious revival will lead their country to the light, others fear it is opening the gates to something darker.

About Foreign Correspondent:

Foreign Correspondent is the prime-time international public affairs program on Australia's national broadcaster, ABC-TV. We produce half-hour duration in-depth reports for broadcast across the ABC's television channels and digital platforms. Since 1992, our teams have journeyed to more than 170 countries to report on war, natural calamity and social and political upheaval – through the eyes of the people at the heart of it all.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — November 19, 2021

Austria Announces a Lockdown and Vaccination Mandate for All.

In Vienna, the Austrian capital, on Thursday. | Leonhard Foeger/Reuters

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Austria will go into a nationwide lockdown on Monday and impose a coronavirus vaccination mandate in February, Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said on Friday. It is the first such lockdown in a European nation since the spring, and the first national vaccine mandate to be announced in a Western democracy.

Austria has one of Europe’s highest national coronavirus infection rates, with 14,212 new cases registered in 24 hours on Thursday. And the Alpine country has one of the lowest vaccination rates in Western Europe, with just 66 percent of the population fully inoculated.

Recent restrictions on unvaccinated people have failed to bring the outbreak sufficiently under control, leading to the measures announced on Friday.

“For a long time — maybe too long — I and others assumed that it must be possible to convince people in Austria to voluntarily get vaccinated,” Mr. Schallenberg said on Friday. “We therefore have reached a very difficult decision to introduce a national vaccine mandate.” » | Christopher F. Schuetze and Elian Peltier | Friday, November 19, 2021

Covid-19 : l'Autriche va rendre la vaccination obligatoire à partir du 1er février, une première dans l'UE : Le chancelier Alexander Schallenberg a en outre annoncé un confinement de sa population dès lundi, y compris des vaccinés. »

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Thom Hartmann : America on the Couch (w/ Dr. Justin A. Frank)

Mar 19, 2021 • What happened to American's mind after a year of loss due to COVID-19?

Dr. Justin A. Frank joined Thom to listen to the calls of people hurt and confused over the long year of Trump, COVID -19 and more.

Dr. Justin A. Frank is a Psychoanalyst & Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science-George Washington University / Author-Trump On the Couch (Previous books include Obama on the Couch & Bush on the Couch)

Bitcoin, wie alles begann - Mysterium Satoshi: Kriegserklärung (2/6) | ARTE

Nov 18, 2021 • Der Bitcoin funktioniert und wird in seinen Anfängen vor allem von denjenigen genutzt, die ihn am meisten brauchen: Whistleblower und Kriminelle. Satoshi Nakamoto verschwindet von der Bildfläche - und hinterlässt neben der ersten funktionsfähigen Kryptowährung der Geschichte nur wenige Hinweise zu seiner wahren Identität.

Teil 1.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — November 18, 2021

Dimitra’s Dishes : Lemon Roulade

Get the recipe here.

Oberösterreich und Salzburg verhängen Lockdown für alle


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Lange hat sich die österreichische Kanzlerpartei ÖVP gegen Einschränkungen für Geimpfte gestemmt. Jetzt preschen zwei ÖVP-regierte Regionen vor.

In Österreich haben die Bundesländer Salzburg und Oberösterreich wegen drohender Überlastung der Krankenhäuser angekündigt, von kommender Woche an einen allgemeinen Lockdown zu verhängen. Bislang gilt dort wie in den anderen Regionen der „Lockdown für Ungeimpfte“. Der hat sich als nicht ausreichend wirkungsvoll erwiesen, um eine unmittelbare Besserung der Lage herbeizuführen. Die Kliniken in den beiden Bundesländern haben Alarm geschlagen und teils Vorbereitungen für Triage-Entscheidungen getroffen. » | Von Stephan Löwenstein, Wien | Donnerstag, 18. November 2021

Österreichs Ex-Kanzler Kurz verliert die Immunität: Der ehemalige österreichische Kanzler Sebastian Kurz hat seinen Schutz vor Korruptionsermittlungen verloren. Das Parlament hob am Donnerstag einstimmig die Immunität des 35-jährigen konservativen Politikers auf. »

Turkish Hotel Won’t Let Two Men Share a Room but Will Give Straight Couples ‘Tantra Sofas’

PINK NEWS: Holiday resorts and hotels in Turkey have been banning men from staying without female company, in widespread policies that discriminate against gay men.

The issue was revealed by travel site One Mile at a Time, after writer Ben Schlappig was alerted to the issue by a reader.

The reader was told by a the Lujo Hotel in Bodrum, Turkey, that his booking for two men to stay in one room was not allowed.

When he enquired about the reason, he was told it was because men simply party too hard when there are no women around.

However, if the hotel is against partying, its management has a strange way of showing it. » | Lily Wakefield | Thursday, September 9, 2021

George Michael : One More Try

En cas de détresse, seuls l'amour et la tendresse suffisent !


When in distress, only love and tenderness will do! / In der Verzweiflung genügen nur Liebe und Zärtlichkeit!

The Women Bringing Sex Ed to the Arab World

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Activists are using social media to do what Arab countries have failed to do: teach women about their bodies. They are aiming for nothing less than a cultural awakening.

CAIRO — When Nour Emam decided to devote herself to educating Arab women about their bodies, the subject was so taboo that one of her first challenges was figuring out how to pronounce the word “clitoris” in Arabic.

“I had never heard it,” said Ms. Emam, 29, a women’s health activist from Cairo. “No one uses it, so there’s nowhere to find the right way to say it.”

After careful research, now she knows, and so do her hundreds of thousands of followers on social media, where she hosts one of the leading platforms for sex education in the Arab world.

With formal schooling on sexuality minimal to nonexistent in much of the Middle East, and a patriarchal culture that has left many Arab women ignorant and ashamed of their own bodies, Ms. Emam and a growing number of activists have built online platforms to try to fill the gap. » | Mona El-Naggar and Sara Aridi | Thursday, November 18, 2021

Comment le Covid s’attaque au cerveau

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Des chercheurs européens pensent avoir mis au jour le mécanisme qui expliquerait certains troubles neurologiques.

Au début, le Covid fut avant tout considéré comme une maladie pulmonaire. Les patients les plus gravement atteints souffraient effectivement d’un syndrome respiratoire aigu comme on en voit dans la grippe. Mais il est vite apparu que le virus provoquait également des symptômes neurologiques: anosmie, crises convulsives, AVC, perte de conscience, confusion, à long terme difficultés cognitives… Pour l’expliquer, il y a bien sûr la violence de la maladie et des traitements infligés aux patients en réanimation. Mais anosmie et «brouillard» cognitif sont aussi très fréquents chez ceux atteints par les formes légères de la maladie. Tout semble donc indiquer que, d’une façon ou d’une autre, le Sars-CoV-2 fait bien plus que d’attaquer nos poumons. » | Par Soline Roy | mardi 16 novembre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

À LIRE AUSSI : Covid-19 : le virus est capable de pénétrer dans le cerveau et d'y infecter les neurones : DÉCRYPTAGE - Des chercheurs français ont démontré que le virus ne se contentait pas de s'infiltrer dans le cerveau : il contamine aussi les neurones. Avec quelles conséquences ? »

Brigitte Macron désapprouve l’entrée du pronom «iel» dans le Petit Robert

LE FIGARO : La première dame s’est exprimée sur le pronom «iel» que Le Petit Robert a récemment intégré dans son dictionnaire numérique.

Deux petites phrases qui ne sont pas passées inaperçues. En marge d’un déplacement avec le ministre de l’Education nationale, Jean-Michel Blanquer, consacré au harcèlement scolaire ce jeudi 18 novembre, Brigitte Macron a désapprouvé l’entrée du pronom «iel» dans le petit Robert: «La langue française est si belle. Et deux pronoms, c’est bien», a-t-elle affirmé calmement. L’ancienne professeur de français n’approuve pas l’entrée du pronom «iel» dans les colonnes numériques du dictionnaire, qui suscite la polémique depuis quelques jours. » | Par Maguelonne de Gestas | jeudi 18 November 2021

One in Five Teachers Are Still Uncomfortable Discussing LGBT Topics with Children

METRO: One in five school teachers are still uncomfortable talking about LGBT+ topics with pupils, a new poll has revealed.

Independent research by Just Like Us, the LGBT+ charity for young people, found that only a third of teachers are ‘completely comfortable’ talking in the classroom about things related to being lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.

Over 6,000 primary and secondary teachers were surveyed, and 3% of them even said they were ‘completely uncomfortable’ discussing these with pupils.

This comes despite the regulator Ofsted requiring primary schools to include different types of families – such as lesbian mums or gay dads – in lessons. » | Gergana Krasteva | Thursday, November 18, 2021

Julian Assange & CIA-gestützte Attentatspläne: Stella Moris | Truth to Power mit Lowkey

Switzerland to Implement Same-sex Marriage in July 2022

POLITICO: Almost two-thirds of the country voted in favor of the measure in September.

In Switzerland, same-sex couples can get married as of July 1, 2022, the Federal Council announced Wednesday.

“We are really happy with the outcome of the vote, and that it is now being put into law,” said Maria von Kaenel, co-president of the Marriage for All campaign, according to Reuters.

Almost two-thirds of the country voted in favor of same-sex marriage in a nationwide referendum on September 26. With the overwhelming result, Justice and Police Minister Karin Keller-Sutter moved to implement the result of the vote quickly. » | Thibault Spirlet | Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Fentanyl: An Epidemic of Addiction Made Worse by the Covid-19 Pandemic | DW News

Nov 17, 2021 • Today we learned that more than 100,000 Americans died of drug overdoses in the last year. That is the highest overdose death toll ever recorded in a 12-month period.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said 100,300 Americans died of overdoses between May 2020 and April 2021. That's a 28 percent increase on the previous year. Most of the death came from overdoses of the synthetic drug Fentanyl. An epidemic of addiction made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdowns left drug users socially isolated and unable to get treatment. Drug overdoses now claim more lives than car accidents and gun violence combined.

Neues Rekordhoch: Mehr als 100 000 Drogentote in den USA in zwölf Monaten Pandemie: Die Zahl der an einer Überdosis gestorbenen Personen in den USA hat im Jahr nach Beginn der Pandemie um 30 Prozent zugenommen. Die anhaltende Opioid-Krise wurde durch die Corona-Pandemie noch zusätzlich verstärkt. »