Friday, June 14, 2024

Grieg: Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 16: I. Allegro molto moderato

Jul 30, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Krystian Zimerman · Berliner Philharmoniker · Herbert von Karajan | ℗ 1982 Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, Berlin

BRITANNICA: Edvard Grieg »

KALLEkocht: Saftige Frikadelle mit Mairübchen in Petersiliensoße – Bestes Rezept

Jun 14, 2024 | Saftige Bulette oder Fleischpflanzerl mit Mairübchen in Petersiliensoße selber zubereiten und in der Pfanne braten. Dieses Gericht und Rezept ist schnell und einfach zuzubereiten und passt mit den Navetten perfekt in den Frühling und Sommer, wenn die Märkte voller frischem Gemüse sind. Dazu empfehle ich Dir frische neue Kartoffeln und die braune Bratbutter als köstliche Beilage.

Dieses Rezept ist nicht nur super-lecker, sondern auch ein echter Hingucker auf dem Teller. Probier es aus und lass Dich von den Aromen der Frikadelle und vom frischen Gemüse verwöhnen. Du wirst es lieben.

Für das ganze Rezept, klicken Sie bitte hier und dann klicken Sie auf „more“.

Dr Suneel Dhand: Be Careful! Huge Diabetes Misinformation from the NHS

Apr 12, 2024 | The level of cluelessness is on another level. Is it any wonder diabetes is getting worse and worse? I feel sorry for anyone newly diagnosed who is dependent on the system.

Shocking advice from US authorities for diabetics »

Peter Stefanovic: Government Just Said NO to a Public inquiry into Impact of Brexit - This Is What They Are Afraid Of

Apr 24, 2023

The British electorate has had the great misfortune of having been led for more than fourteen years by incompetent fools and clowns. – © Mark Alexander

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Stevie Wonder : I Just Called To Say I Love…


Sunak: I Am Not Blind to the Fact People Are Frustrated with Me

Jun 11, 2024 | Rishi Sunak said he is not "blind to the fact people are frustrated with me" as he unveiled a £17bn package of tax cuts in the Conservative manifesto.

Enrique Iglesias…

...Bailamos (We dance).

Silence on Russian Interference

Jun 13, 2024 | The Rejoin EU Party: Our goal is for the U.K. to return to the EU.

Sunak Puts On Affectionate Display with Meloni at G7 Summit

Jun 13, 2024 | Rishi Sunak greeted the Italian prime minister with a warm embrace at the welcome ceremony of the G7 summit. Mr Sunak and Giorgia Meloni were pictured holding hands and staring into each other’s eyes in Bari on Thursday. They were also seen affectionately holding each other’s shoulders as Mr Sunak leant towards Ms Meloni.

Riot Erupts in Argentina as Police Clash with Protesters

Jun 13, 2024 | Argentinian police fired rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannon to disperse protesters in Buenos Aires who had gathered to demonstrate against President Milei’s controversial economic reforms.

"Conservatives Have Left the Game" | Tell Me More with Matthew Goodwin

Jun 4, 2024 | In this new Episode of "Tell Me More" British political scientist Matt Goodwin discusses the seismic shifts in British and Western politics. From the rise of right-wing populism and the disconnection of elites to the fallout of Brexit and the future of the Conservative Party, Goodwin offers an analysis of current political dynamics. He explains to Jochen Bittner why he believes the counter-revolution against the new elite is stronger than ever and what this means for the future of democracy.

I wish political analysts would stop talking about "Islamism". This is a term made up by Westerners. No self-respecting Muslim would refer to an Islamist! This distinction between Islam and Islamism is being made so as not to put Islam in a bad light; so, Islamism is supposed to be radical and political Islam, whereas Islam is supposed to be the religion. Fact is, however, that anyone who understands anything about Islam knows that Islam is nothing if not political. In fact, Islam is more political than it is spiritual! Even the Ayatollah Khomeini said — correctly as it happens — that Islam is nothing if not political. What people are referring to when they speak of Islamists is Muslims who take their faith seriously and follow the way(s) of their prophet — the Sunnah. Islam is actually winning in the West because Westerners refuse to accept and acknowledge the true nature of Islam, probably out of fear. – © Mark Alexander

France Is in Danger


THE NEW YORK TIMES: Whatever happens next, it’ll go down as one of the wildest gambles in modern French history. President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to dissolve the National Assembly and hold snap legislative elections on June 30 and July 7 has given the far right its best shot at governing France for the first time since the Vichy regime of World War II.

The move stunned the country’s political class, including high-ranking Macronists from whom the president’s plans were reportedly heavily guarded. And for much of France, the decision remains perplexing. For those with the most to lose from the far right in power — above all, immigrants and the descendants of recent immigrants — the news is downright terrifying. Mr. Macron, who has a habit of disregarding conventional wisdom, will surely hope the move redounds to his benefit. But make no mistake: France is in danger. » | Cole Stangler | Mr. Stangler is a journalist based in France who writes about its politics and culture. | Thursday, June 13, 2024

John Major: Brexit Is a Mistake

Jun 13, 2024

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Warning with Steve Schmidt: Unprecedented Corruption: "Trump Will Burn Down the Constitution & Inflict Violence on Americans"

Jun 12, 2024 | The controversial remarks by Justice Samuel Alito, caught on tape, show a level of corruption that's unprecedented. He is unfit to serve on the Supreme Court. His presence, along with Justice Clarence Thomas's corruption, is a threat to the American judiciary and to democracy. They are radicalized by the political MAGA... and if Trump is re-elected, he will work with them to make sure their vision of an extremist America is carried through. Steve Schmidt explains.

Fancy a Boogie?

If yes, then click here.

Burt Bacharach : This Guy's in Love with You

Jul 3, 2013 | Views on YouTube: 3,494,053

Burt Bacharach : I'll Never Fall In Love Again

Aug 31, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Sehr schön und einst sogar im Westen verboten. Es war die Liebe, die seinen Namen nicht erwähnen durfte. Jetzt darf sein Name nur noch in den dunklen Teilen der Welt nicht erwähnt werden. Wenn Sie es genießen möchten …

...dann klicken Sie bitte hier.



Jonas Kuehne MD: These Food Additives Are Banned in Europe but Widely Used in the US

Jun 5, 2024 | Do you think our health agencies protect you from harmful food additives? They don’t. This video discusses food additives with known health risks that are banned in Europe, but widely used here in the US.

Rishi Sunak Says He Went Without 'Lots of Things' Including Sky TV as a Child

Jun 12, 2024 | In an interview with ITV due to be broadcast on Wednesday evening, Rishi Sunak says he went without 'lots of things' as a child, including Sky TV.

Poor ol’ Rishi! Imagine being so deprived as a child as not to have Sky TV! It’s bordering on the cruel, isn’t it? – © Mark Alexander

Read the Guardian article here.

Die Rothschilds - Die Macht der Banker | Dokumentation | 2021 | ORF | Doku

Nov 27, 2022 | Baron Amschel Mayer Freiherr von Rothschild (1773 - 1855) war ein deutsch-jüdischer Bankier.

Françoise Hardy, French Pop Singer and Fashion Muse, Dies Aged 80

THE GUARDIAN: Singer and actor who wrote some of her country’s biggest pop hits had suffered with lymphatic cancer for many years

Françoise Hardy, whose elegance and beautifully lilting voice made her one of France’s most successful pop stars, has died aged 80.

Her death was reported by her son, the fellow musician Thomas Dutronc, who wrote “Maman est partie,” (or in English, “mum is gone”) on Instagram alongside a baby photo of himself and Hardy.

Hardy had lymphatic cancer since 2004, and had undergone years of radiotherapy and other treatments for the illness. In 2015, she was briefly placed in an induced coma after her condition worsened, and had issues with speech, swallowing and respiration in the years since. In 2021, she had argued in favour of euthanasia, saying that France was “inhuman” for not allowing the procedure. » | Ben Beaumont-Thomas | Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Françoise Hardy: France’s girlish yé-yé star was a groundbreaking musical artist: Hardy shot to fame singing airy, carefree pop before she took control of her career, hung out with 60s rock aristocracy and became a sophisticated singer-songwriter of rare sensuality and melancholy »

Françoise Hardy, icône de la chanson française, est morte à 80 ans : C'est son fils Thomas Dutronc qui a annoncé la nouvelle. La chanteuse, visage phare du mouvement yé-yé, est morte à l'âge de 80 ans. Elle était atteinte d'un cancer. Retour sur les grandes dates de sa vie, de sa naissance à Paris en 1944, à son décès ce 11 juin 2024. »

De Serge Gainsbourg à Iggy Pop, la sphère de Françoise Hardy : L’interprète du Temps de l’amour a régulièrement collaboré et été inspirée par son entourage de musiciens, jusqu’à son dernier album en 2018, où elle chante une dernière fois son histoire avec Jacques Dutronc. »

Undercover on the Government's Rwanda Plan

Sep 30, 2023 | For the past three months, Led by Donkeys has been investigating the government’s plan to forcibly send asylum seekers to Rwanda, a cornerstone of the Prime Minister’s “Stop The Boats” policy. And a dream of the home secretary Suella Braverman.

Michael Lambert: Everyone Knows Rishi Sunak Is Finished

Jun 12, 2024 | At Silverstone motor racing track yesterday, the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, launched the Conservative Party manifesto. It featured tax cuts and spending which is to be funded by government efficiency, cracking down on tax evasion and a squeeze on benefit claimants together with growing the economy. Immigration is to be substantially reduced depriving the UK economy of essential workers.

The Spanish government has built a high speed railway from Barcelona to Madrid at a cost of less than one tenth of the cost per mile of HS2.

The CEO of South West Water has received a rise of £300,000 per annum taking her annual income to £860,000. The company lost £9 million last year and yet went ahead with dividends of £127 million.

A driver bringing plants into the UK from Italy was kept waiting for 55 hours at the government border check facility at Sevington in Kent.

Poor ol’ Rishi! One can but wonder whether, at this stage, he would be willing to trade in some of his vast riches for some common sense and a good dose of political savvy? – © Mark Alexander

Tufton & the Tories 💰

Jun 12, 2024 | REVEALED: The campaigners who dreamed up the contents of Liz Truss’s mini-budget have given the Conservative Party £35m (Location: 55 Tufton St. Collaboration with Democracy for Sale. Narration by @CarolVorders)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Liz Webster: Brexit Is So Bad Even Le Pen Daren’t Mention It

Jun 11, 2024 | We have Starmer ignoring Brexit and many of us hoping he will DEAL with it once in power.

France has Marine Le Pen now ignoring Frexit, hoping to win power no doubt to rip France out of the EU. Macron has rolled the dice and within the next month, things could look very much more consolidated or unstable.

How LGBTQ+ Flee Uganda's 'Anti-Homosexuality Act' | DW News

May 17, 2024 | A year ago, Uganda enacted one of the world's harshest anti-LGBTQ+ laws. It allows the death penalty for consensual same-sex relations - and left people vulnerable to abuse including torture, rape, and forced eviction. Some Ugandans have fled the country. Edith Kimani reports from neighboring Kenya that these refugees are struggling to survive on the other side of the border.

Andrew Neil on the National Rally, Macron's Demise and a Populist Europe | SpectatorTV

Jun 8, 2024 | Andrew Neil joins Freddy Gray to discuss the rise of Marine Le Pen in the lead up the EU elections; how the right now appeals to the working class voter base; and what the EU elections could mean for British politics.

Les Républicains leader says he wants alliance with France’s far-right National Rally: Éric Ciotti’s announcement welcomed by Marine Le Pen as ‘brave choice’ but seen as betrayal by members of mainstream right »

Hunter Biden Found Guilty in Gun Case

THE NEW YORK TIMES: President Biden’s son was convicted in Delaware federal court on all three felony counts tied to a handgun purchase in 2018. His sentencing date has not been set.

A jury in Wilmington, Del., on Tuesday found Hunter Biden, President Biden’s long-troubled son, guilty of three felony counts of lying on a federal firearms application in 2018, a grievous personal blow to the Biden family as his father enters the final months of a brutal re-election campaign. He could face up to 25 years in prison, but first-time offenders who did not use their weapons to commit a violent crime typically receive no jail time.

Mr. Biden, 54, stood with arms crossed, grimly surveying the jury as the verdict was read. It brought an end to an extraordinary trial that made painfully public Mr. Biden’s crack addiction, reckless behavior and ruinous spending — narrated by three former romantic partners, including the widow of his brother, Beau Biden. » | Glenn Thrush, Reporting from the courthouse | Tuesday, June 11, 2024

John Pienaar’s Brutal Analysis of the Tory Manifesto

Jun 11, 2024 | “That manifesto looked very like the last throw of the dice which is looking at poll after poll pointing to disaster.” Rishi Sunak is being “weighed down" by the “baggage of incompetence and dishonesty” under Truss and Johnson, says John Pienaar.

The last thing this country needs is more incompetent governance by the Tories! Kick Sunak out of office! He has had his chance, and he has blown it. Fourteen plus years of Tory mismanagement is quite enough. The country is crying out for a fresh start and a new approach to governance. The Tories are stale. – © Mark Alexander

EDITORIAL – The Guardian view on the Conservative manifesto: an exercise in fiscal fantasy and denial: Rishi Sunak’s insistent repetition of the word ‘plan’ doesn’t compensate for an absence of serious engagement with the challenges Britain faces »

Peter Stefanovic: At Todays Manifesto Launch Rishi Sunak Threatens to Join Russia & Belarus Outside the ECHR

Jun 11, 2024

Finding Touvier: The Hunt for France's Most Notorious Nazi Collaborator | Nazi Hunter | Timeline

Oct 24, 2021 | One of France’s worst wartime villains, Paul Touvier is an overtly anti-Semitic traitor who terrorises his own countrymen. As a leader of a pro-Nazi paramilitary police force, he relishes his job of hunting down ‘enemies of the state’ and, murdering Jews and resistance fighters alike, earns himself the nickname the ‘Hangman of Lyon’. A devout Catholic, Touvier escapes retribution after the war by turning to the church for help. By 1988, France’s most notorious war criminal is still at large, and a high-ranking French investigator, Jean-Louis Recordon, is given the job of hunting him down.

Hitlers Aufstieg zur Macht | Terra X

Jan 15, 2023 | Wie konnte aus einem "Niemand" in wenigen Jahren ein Machtmensch werden, der eine Demokratie zu Fall bringt? Wo liegen die Momente, die Hitler zu Geltung und Einfluss verhalfen? Wer waren seine Unterstützer? Welche Stimmungen in der Bevölkerung kamen ihm entgegen?

Europe's March to the Far-right

Jun 11, 2024 | In the EU elections, voters in France, Germany and Italy have shown an increasing appetite for populist anti-immigrant parties. The French president Emmanuelle Macron has reacted by calling a snap parliamentary election after his party was beaten into second place in the EU poll by Marine le Pen’s National Rally.

In Germany, the Social Democrats, the party of Chancellor Olaf Scholz were pushed into third place by the nationalist AfD. The result still leaves the EU parliament dominated by traditional centre right and centre left parties but for how long will that remain the case? And what do these results tells us more broadly about the appeal of the far right in Europe.

Adrian Goldberg talks to Seema Syeda is a Marseille-based researcher working on European politics for UK-based campaign group Another Europe Is Possible; and Linda Kalcher, the Executive Director of a pan-European think tank Strategic Perspectives who is based in Belgium.

Liz Webster: "Carry On" Conservative Calamity

Jun 11, 2024 | “The genera lelection campaign for Sunak and the Tories is like something off the Benny Hill Show’.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Muslime, die nach Deutschland umziehen... | #shorts

...sollten leben wie die Deutschen und die deutschen Regeln befolgen. Sie sollten auch die deutsche Sprache richtig erlernen.

Could the Lib Dems Really Deliver Their Manifesto? | Election 2024 | The New Statesman

Jun 10, 2024 | Is Ed Davey making election pledges that he knows he'll never have to deliver?

Related article »

Lib Dems Launch Election Manifesto with Pledge to ‘Save the NHS’

THE GUARDIAN: Party presents ‘fully costed plan to tackle the healthcare crisis from top to bottom’, including guarantees on GPs and dentists and free-to-access social care

The Liberal Democrats have become the first of the big parties to launch their election manifesto, with a pitch to voters based on boosting the NHS and social care.

They also said that – unlike those of Labour and the Tories – their plans were fully costed.

Speaking at a glitzy launch event in north London, the party’s leader, Ed Davey, told voters that electing enough Lib Dem MPs would bring “a strong liberal voice pushing for these policies” and could make a notable difference even with an expected Labour majority.

The 116-page manifesto has been launched alongside a costings document, which pledges increased capital gains tax for very wealthy people, plus new levies on aviation, energy companies and banks.

Davey said this would pay for policies particularly focused on health and care, including guarantees about seeing GPs and dentists, free-to-access social care and more mental health support. » | Peter Walker and Pippa Crerar | Monday, June 10, 2024

The Mitfords: Communism vs Fascism in the English Aristocracy | Tale of Two Sisters | Timeline | Reupload

Jan 11, 2022 | This documentary focuses on Jessica the Communist and Diana the Fascist. Separated by only a few years in age, but poles apart in ideology. They grew up in a divided Europe at the beginning of the 20th Century, a place and time full of great political tension. Old regimes were clinging on to power and new ones were eager to establish themselves. Many citizens of Europe were forced to decide which moral compass they wished to adopt, and both Jessica and Diana were quick to make that decision.

Both fiercely competitive, each sister sought out her own distinct identity and clashed with the other siblings as a result. Like so many others of their era, their personal and political lives became so entwined that they ultimately shattered the once strong and loving bonds of sisterhood.

The Mitford Sisters | Lady Diana Mosley Interview | Oswald Mosley | Good Afternoon

Oct 1, 2014 | A cut down version of a fascinating interview of Lady Diana Mosley who appeared on 'Good Afternoon' – conducted by respected journalist Mavis Nicholson. Lady Mosley describes her meeting with fascist Dictator Adolf Hitler and the time that she spent in Holloway Prison.

Diana, Lady Mosley on Desert Island Discs

Mar 19, 2022 | Interview with Diana Mosley, one of the Mitford Sisters, on the popular British radio programme, Desert Island Discs. Biographies include Jan Dalley's "Diana Mosley: A Life," "The Sisters: The Saga of the Mitford Family," by Mary S. Lovell, and Lady Mosley's own "A Life of Contrasts". In reply to one viewer's consternation at her popularity, I replied: "The reasons for peoples' admiration of Lady Mosley are manifold. First and foremost, her aristocratic beauty, gracefulness, and elegance draw people in an almost magnetic way; when something is extremely beautiful or impressive, we forget our prejudices in order to worship at the shrine. Secondly, she is an artifact of a vanished world, so, a voice from the past. Thirdly, she was part of that Pleiades we call the Mitford Sisters, which has always drawn interest. Fourthly, her unjust imprisonment and separation from her sons pulls at the heart strings. Fifthly, fascism in the 20s and 30s was a new movement that was successful in many ways and was not connotatively besmirched as it is today. Sixthly, and most "controversially," many do not ascribe to the narrative that has been sounding from government, media, and academe for nigh on seventy years; this is a landmass unto itself, but current voices presenting a broader and deeper range of facts are the YouTube channels TIKHistory and Zoomer Historian and historian David Irving, who was sentenced to three years in jail for presenting "alternative facts". Perhaps Lady Mosley is a kind of lost goddess for these historical heretics.

Margaret Thatcher on Desert Island Discs

Oct 23, 2022 | An interview with the famed British Prime Minister on the popular radio programme, Desert Island Discs.

EU Elections: Europe's Right of Election Drama Capped by Macron Bombshell | BBC News

Jun 10, 2024 | Exit polls had begun to roll in at the end of European elections across the EU’s 27 countries, when President Emmanuel Macron delivered his bombshell moment in a televised address to a stunned French population. “I’ve decided to hand you back the choice of our parliamentary future with a vote. I am therefore dissolving the National Assembly,” he declared.

The National Rally party - led by Mr Macron's rivals Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella - was one of the big gains that Europe’s far-right parties had expected, and confirmation came with all the exit polls giving the party more than 30%, double that of Mr Macron’s centrist Renaissance.

But beyond France, the broader story of Europe's four-day vote marathon really belonged to the parties of the centre-right. They tightened their grip on the European Parliament, with victories in Germany and Spain, and significant advances in Hungary, against long-dominant Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

The far-right did not enjoy as great a surge across Europe as many had predicted. In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party came second, while Austria’s party of the same name came out as winners, but only narrowly.

Despite Scandals Far-right Alternative for Germany Come Second in EU Vote | DW News

Jun 10, 2024 | The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has won the second biggest share of the EU vote in Germany, while the conservative Union parties have retained the biggest vote share.

The AfD performed strongest in east Germany, with the party coming first in the region according to preliminary results. That's despite several scandals engulfing the party ahead of the vote, including its lead candidate Maximilan Krah saying that the Schutzstaffel, or SS, the Nazis' main paramilitary force, were "not all criminals".

Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats are heading for their worst ever national election result, with coalition partners the Greens and the Liberals also taking a beating.

The results paint a grim picture for the government ahead of three state elections in eastern Germany this year, and a general election in 2025.

European election results 2024: live from across the EU »

‘We’re everywhere now’: National Rally members toast EU elections success: Marine Le Pen’s far-right party see unprecedented result as stepping stone to presidential elections in 2027 »

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Macron Gambles on Snap Election after European Defeat

President Macron's announcement came as a surprise, despite defeat in European elections | REUTERS

BBC: President Emmanuel Macron has called snap parliamentary elections later this month in the wake of a big victory for his rival Marine Le Pen's National Rally in the European Parliament vote.

The far-right party is on course to win 32% of the vote, exit polls say, more than twice that of the president's Renaissance party.

Announcing the dissolution of parliament, he said the two rounds of voting would take place on 30 June and 7 July, a few weeks before the Paris Olympics.

Mr Macron made the dramatic and surprise decision in a televised address from the Élysée Palace an hour after voting closed and exit polls had been declared in France's EU elections.

His decision came not long after National Rally's 28-year-old leader, Jordan Bardella, openly called on the president to call parliamentary elections. » | Hugh Schofield, BBC News, Paris | Sunday, June 9, 2024

Farage Defends Claim PM 'Doesn't Understand Our Culture'


BBC: Nigel Farage has defended his claim that Rishi Sunak demonstrated he did not understand "our culture" by leaving D-Day commemorations early.

The Reform UK leader told the BBC on Sunday the prime minister's action showed he was "disconnected by class [and] by privilege" from ordinary people.

Conservative minister Mel Stride said Mr Farage's comment made him "very uncomfortable", while Labour's Shabana Mahmood called it a "dog whistle".

Mr Sunak apologised after facing strong criticism for leaving the event to mark the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings early on Thursday. » | Becky Morton, Political reporter | Sunday, June 9, 2024

Liz Webster: Rural Revolt & Political Earthquake Looms

Jun 9, 2024 | Rural Tory heartlands look set to reject the Conservatives after they have been taken for granted and betrayed. What lies ahead for these seats and Britain?

The very last thing we need in this country are the low standards of American foods! In America, food manufacturers are allowed to use all sorts of banned substances in the production of those disgusting and unhealthy fast foods which America is so famous for. Europe has much higher standards when it comes to foods and food production. Let the United Kingdom stay with European food standards. It will be better for us and for our health.

What we put in our mouths plays a big part in keeping disease at bay. We need to reverse Brexit forthwith! Keep British food standards high! – © Mark Alexander

Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum: The Cholesterol Myth: What Really Clogs Our Arteries

Mar 24, 2023 | Testing Total Cholesterol, HDL and LDL is a completely outmoded and outdated test which does not give any indicator as to whether or not we are a candidate for a heart attack. The video explains what actually clogs the arteries, some anatomy of the wall of the artery and how plaque forms and the better tests that are more up to date and should be added to our repertoire of blood work if we want to keep up with research on cardiovascular disease in the 21st century. The truth is we are relying on a decades old testing paradigm that has never been shown to be of any value in predicting heart disease, and more importantly, many people have been put on very dangerous statin drugs when they did not need them in the first place.

Also explained in the video is how to prevent plaque from forming in the first place by following age-old and time-tested techniques for proper diet, daily routine and cleansing techniques offered to us through the sound knowledge of Ayurveda.

Research has not only proven that high cholesterol is not an indicator for heart disease, but it even goes further to show that if you do have clogged arteries, statin drugs do nothing to clean them out. We have three methods in Ayurvedic medicine to scrub and clean out the arteries which has been verified on before and after CT scans of the arteries.

Mario : Let Me Love You | Official Video

Feb 26, 2014 | Views on YouTube: 584,473,405

Dr Mark Hyman: "This Is Decreasing Our Lifespan!" - Dark Side of Food Industry Nobody Talks about | Casey Means

May 15, 2024

Body Found in Search for Michael Mosley

Jun 9, 2024 | A body has been found in the search for TV doctor and columnist Michael Mosley, who went missing on a Greek island. The body was discovered in a rocky area beside Agia Marina on Symi on Sunday after an extensive search operation led by emergency workers.

The 67-year-old TV personality was last seen by friends at the Agios Nikolaos beach on Wednesday, before going for a walk. The search effort has been widespread and has included firefighters, dogs, helicopters, drones, local people and officers from Symi and outside the island. Dr Mosley, known for popularising the 5:2 diet and for his appearances on The One Show and This Morning, was on holiday when he vanished.

Michael Mosley: body of TV presenter believed to have been found on Greek island, authorities say: Broadcaster and newspaper columnist went missing after going for a coastal walk on Symi »

Michael Mosley: body found on Greek island is TV doctor, say police: Wife pays tribute to her ‘wonderful, funny, kind and brilliant husband’ »

Michael Mosley obituary: presenter who popularised the 5:2 diet: OBITUARY: TV doctor covered stomach ulcers, cancer vaccines and ‘life before birth’ in a wide-ranging career that made him one of the most recognisable on-screen medics »

Brexit: A Duty to Speak Up

Jun 9, 2024 | The main parties won’t talk about Brexit during the general election, so it’s up to us. It’s our duty to speak up and break the silence by our political leaders.

Going ahead with Brexit, with the support of a mere 37% of the electorate and with half the nations of the UK voting strongly against it, was an abomination. In other democracies with more experience of running referendums properly, Brexit could never have proceeded based on such minority support.

There are NO benefits to Brexit; none whatsoever. Only severe downsides, that are hurting Britain now and will increasingly hurt us in the years ahead. We need our politicians to offer us a democratic route out of Brexit, not an undemocratic road deeper into it. But neither Labour nor the Tories will even discuss Brexit.

If the two main parties cannot be honest with us about the reality of Brexit, then we, the people, must be honest with the country and with ourselves. It is our duty to speak up. Brexit is a disaster that CAN be reversed with democratic consent from the electorate to apply to join the EU again or at least its Single Market.

A general election is just the right time to ask voters about Brexit, eight years after the referendum. Of course, it would be up to the EU to decide whether our application was accepted, but the first move must come from us. We cannot let Britain slide further away from our friends, allies, and family on the mainland of our continent without speaking up so clearly that prospective MPs are in no doubt that most of the country opposes Brexit, as confirmed by multiple opinion polls. [Source]

If you are a patriot, if you agree that Brexit presents huge dangers for our country, if you can see that Brexit is not an Act of God but a dereliction of duty by rogue politicians, then you must speak up. 𝗪𝗲 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝘂𝗽. 𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁’𝘀 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗱𝘂𝘁𝘆.

The United Kingdom will never be able to achieve significant economic growth outside of the European Union, especially outside of the Single Market, which is the largest single market the world has ever known. And it's right on our doorstep! The politicians who used the term "Global Britain" were being disingenuous and naïve. They were leading the electorate up the garden path for their own ideological prejudices and several probably to be able to line their own pockets. In using that term, they also showed us what a weak grip they had on economics and international trade. Brexit must be reversed. Period! — © Mark Alexander

Brussels Insiders Reveal Concerns ahead of European Elections | DW News

Jun 6, 2024 | Just ahead of European parliamentary elections in the 27-country bloc, two EU leaders told DW’s Tim Sebastian about their concerns. With May polls predicting strong gains for far-right parties in a number of EU countries including Germany, France and Italy, European Commission Vice President Vera Jourova and leader of European People's Party Group Manfred Weber know that Brussels could be a different place after the elections.

The Observer View on D-day Furore: Rishi Sunak Is Driving Tories over an Electoral Cliff Edge

THE OBSERVER – EDITORIAL: Prime minister’s gaffe was a defining moment in his campaign symbolising a party that does not know what it stands for and has nothing to offer

‘As we gather here today, it is not just to honour those who showed such remarkable bravery on that day … it’s to listen to the echoes of their voices, to hear them, because they are summoning us.” So President Joe Biden movingly told the international D-day commemoration ceremony at Omaha beach in Normandy on Thursday. But Rishi Sunak was not there to listen alongside Britain’s wartime allies. Instead, he had departed France after taking part in the British commemoration earlier in the day, returning to the UK to do an election interview with ITV, leaving the foreign secretary, Lord Cameron, to represent Britain in his place.

This will prove to be a defining moment of this general election campaign, because it tells us something fundamental about the man who, having been chosen to lead the country by his party a year and a half ago, is for the first time seeking a mandate from the electorate. » | Observer editorial | Sunday, June 9, 2024

Saturday, June 08, 2024

Margaret Thatcher on Christian Values | #shorts

This is the distinguishing mark between a free society and a dictatorship, be it fascist or communist.

Chistopher Hitchens: Islam Is Not a Religion of Peace | #shorts

Islam claims to be a total solution for all of life’s problems. Christopher Hitchens explains why it is dangerous.

On the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, We Cannot Give Up What These Men Paid Their Lives for: Democracy. | #shorts

Joe Biden tells us that we cannot appease. Steve Schmidt underscores Biden’s important message in Normandy.

Journey Out of Islam | Nuriyah Khan | Episode #29 | Reflections & Reactions

Mar 8, 2024 | “In this episode, I am joined by ex-Muslim and Women's Rights Activist, Nuriyah Khan, and we talk a bit about her journey out of Islam and about the many cultural problems within Islam.”

Please note that this video does contain some strong language. – ∂ Mark Alexander

Hitler privat: Der Führer [Teil 2] | SPIEGEL TV

Jun 6, 2022 | Machtzentrale im Bergidyll: Ab 1933 wurde Hitler Dauergast am Obersalzberg. Zentrum der braunen Sommerresidenz war der im Juli 1936 fertiggestellte "Berghof" – er wurde zu einer gigantischen Parallelwelt aus Beton und einer Bühne für die absurde Selbstinszenierung des Diktators.

TEIL 1 »

Hitler privat: Der Führer [Teil 1] | SPIEGEL TV

May 28, 2022 | Der Obersalzberg war nach der Machtübernahme ein beliebter Rückzugsraum für Adolf Hitler. Hier machte Eva Braun auch seltene private Aufnahmen vom »Führer«.

Die menschliche Seite Adolf Hitlers ist ein Tabuthema. Wie wurde er überhaupt zum Diktator? Wie wurde er zum Auslöser des Holocaust? Mit der Doku-Reihe »Hitler privat« Wir versuchen uns auf eine düstere Reise durch das Leben einer der umstrittensten Figuren des 20. Jahrhunderts zu begeben.

Michael Lambert: Sunak's Disastrous Election Campaign Continues with Multiple Errors and Mishaps

June 8, 2024 | One of Rishi Sunak's former teachers at Winchester College claimed that Rishi Sunak never believed in Brexit and that he supported it in order to advance his own career.

Since announcing the General Election 2024 just over two weeks ago, Sunak has been involved in multiple gaffs and mistakes. From his rain-soaked announcement in Downing Street to multiple bad photo opportunities and appearing before the Titanic Museum, things have gone from bad to worse for Sunak.

Yesterday, he left the D-Day ceremonies in France early, where international leaders were present, to return London to be interviewed by ITV for a programme to be broadcast in two weeks’ time. This offended just about everyone and Sunak was forced to make a humiliating public apology.

Who Is Nigel Farage?

Jul 20, 2023 | Whatever the rights and wrongs of Nigel Farage having his elite bank account cancelled, let’s remember who he actually is

Truth To Power: And British Politicians Won't Even Mention Brexit

Jun 8, 2024 | Former Tory Leadership candidate Michael Heseltine has warned British voters that the 2024 general election campaign “will be the most dishonest in modern times” because of the refusal of all the main parties to debate the consequences of Brexit.

Meanwhile in France, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal is attempting to reduce support for the far-right French populist party headed up by Marine Le Pen by warning French voters that she once wanted Frexit, taking France out of the EU.

“Don’t let’s be like the British, who cried after Brexit,” he warned.

King Charles Opens Winston Churchill Center in Normandy, France on 80th D-Day Anniversary

Jun 6, 2024 | King Charles and Queen Camilla opened the Winston Churchill Education and Learning Centre in Normandy, France on Thursday.

King Charles Praises Brave Sacrifice of D-Day Veterans in Emotional Speech

Jun 6, 2024 | King Charles has praised the bravery and sacrifice of the tens of thousands of allied troops who landed on the beaches of northern France 80 years ago.

Addressing veterans and world leaders in Normady, he spoke of his gratitude for the men and women who fought.

During his speech the monarch said the lesson to be learnt was that free nations must stand together to oppose tyranny.

Défilé aérien, descente des Champs-Élysées… Joe Biden accueilli en grande pompe à Paris : Après les commémorations du débarquement en Normandie, le président américain effectue ce samedi sa première visite d’État en France. »

Friday, June 07, 2024

Florence Bergeaud-Blackler | Is Europe Aware of the Endogenous Islamist Threat? | NatCon Brussels 2

Apr 24, 2024 | Florence Bergeaud-Blackler's address at the National Conservatism Conference in Brussels on April 17, 2024.

Judge Orders Steve Bannon to Report to Prison on July 1

Jun 6, 2024 | Steve Bannon is headed to prison on July 1st and will serve a four month sentence for contempt of Congress. MSNBC's Lisa Rubin joins Katy Tur and shares her legal analysis.

Judge Orders Bannon to Surrender for Prison Term by July 1: The outspoken Trump ally was convicted two years ago of contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a subpoena from the House Jan. 6 committee. He faces a four-month sentence. »

India’s Obesity Time Bomb | Reupload

Nov 3, 2023 | Almost 1 in 4 adults is considered overweight or obese in India. As junk food giants push into developing nations with weaker public health awareness, campaigners are calling for tougher regulation.

„In den Klassen gelten unsere Regeln und Gesetze“ | NEWS

Jun 7, 2024 | Nach den „Krone“-Enthüllungsberichten über einen Kniefall vor dem Islam an Schulen wacht auch die Politik auf. Aus dem Bildungs- und Integrationsministerium heißt es: „Österreich ist ein Land mit christlicher Tradition. Das ist falsch verstandene Toleranz!“ In den Klassenzimmern gelten unsere Gesetze.

Holocaust-Leugnerin Haverbeck erneut vor Gericht | SPIEGEL TV

Jun 7, 2024 | Wegen Volksverhetzung wurde Ursula Haverbeck zu einem Jahr Gefängnis verurteilt. Das Amtsgericht Hamburg hatte sie im November 2015 ebenfalls wegen Volksverhetzung zu einer Freiheitsstrafe von zehn Monaten verurteilt.

Sie ging gegen das Urteil in Berufung. Nun startete die Berufungshauptverhandlung vor dem Landgericht Hamburg. Mit dabei ihre Unterstützer. Holocaust, ja, nein, keine Meinungsfreiheit – Ausreden und Zustimmung für die 95-jährige Holocaust-Leugnerin.

Es ist kaum zum Glauben, daß es Leute noch gibt, die den Holocaust leugnen. Trotz aller Beweise versuchen sie immer noch zu leugnen, daß der Holocaust nie stattgefunden hat. Verrückt ist auch, daß es alte Frauen wie Haverbeck gibt, die bereit sind, für ihre falschen Überzeugungen ins Gefängnis zu gehen! – © Mark Alexander

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Queers for Palestine Shows Society Is Becoming Stupid | #shorts

Homosexuals are thrown (to their death) from tall buildings. Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Election 24: Farage and the Brexit Elephant in the Room

Jun 7, 2024 | Adrian Goldberg discusses Nigel Farage's decision to stand as a candidate in Clacton; and the 'elephant in the room' of Brexit. His guests are Byline Times political editor Adam Bienkov; Peter Corr from the National Rejoin March ; and Dr Mark Goodwin a politics lecturer at Coventry University.

How Islamists Overran My Country, Lebanon – Brigitte Gabriel

May 13, 2024 | Brigitte Gabriel tells the story of how Islamists overran her country, Lebanon , with the aid of Islamic countries in the 1970s.

It's important to note that religion and thus religious extremism is dangerous and needs to be checked especially in Africa so that what happened to the Middle East won't take place on the [African] continent.

This is the reason why the enlightenment and advocacy towards naturalism needs to be intensified in Africa and the world.

Russian Economy Growing despite Sanctions | BBC News

Jun 7, 2024 | Russia is the most sanctioned economy in the world - yet this year Russia is set to grow faster than all advanced economies, according to the International Monetary Fund.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects Russia to grow 3.2% this year, significantly more than the UK, France and Germany.

Vladimir Putin is hosting an International Economic Forum in St Petersburg, where it's claimed that delegates from more than 130 countries and territories are taking part.

Hungry Man Kitchen: How Authentic ADANA KEBAB Is Made - Turkey's Most Famous Kebab

Mar 25, 2024 | Adana Kebab is a unique and possibly the most famous kebab originating from one of the most famous kebab cities in the country, Adana. Authentic Adana kebab is made with ground lamb and tail fat that are hand minced together with just salt, paprika / hot red pepper flakes and sometimes with fresh red paprika pepper giving it an intense lamb flavor.

Unlike many recipes on the Internet and YouTube, the authentic Adana kebab recipe does not contain any onion, garlic or any other ingredients and thus retains the unique and pure lamb flavor.

It is traditionally served on a platter over flatbreads, charred peppers and tomatoes, or wrapped into lavash bread along with a simple and traditional onion salad.

Cleck here for the full recipe. Then click on ‘more’.

The Hungry Man’s favourite flatbread for kebabs – soft and leavened lavash. Get the recipe here.

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Old Lesbians: Reclaiming Old Age and Queerness through Storytelling

May 22, 2024 | From first crush to first love, from the closet to coming out and from loss to connection. For the last 25 years, retired schoolteacher Arden Eversmeyer travelled from Houston across the US to record hundreds of oral 'herstories' from a rapidly disappearing population.

Read the Guardian article here.

Up Where We Belong : Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes

Apr 3, 2012 | Up Where We Belong by Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes is the theme song for the 1982 film "An Officer and a Gentleman". It reached #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 in the US that year. This music video adds some fighter jet scenes from Top Gun (1986) to accentuate the lyrics.

Reinhard Mey : Gute Nacht Freunde | original

Mar 31, 2012 | Reinhard Mey - Gute Nacht Freunde. Da ich es nach langem suchen nicht original finden konnte, Hab ich es nun hier einfach mal selber veröffentlicht.

Großbritannien: Harte Zeiten für die Tories? | ARTE Hintergrund

Jun 6, 2024 | Nach 14 Jahren Regierungszeit der Konservativen gleicht die Wahl vom 4. Juli einer Niederlage mit Ansage. Die oppositionelle Labour-Partei führt die Umfragen mit rund 20 Prozent Vorsprung an. In einem Land, das vom EU-Austritt geprägt ist, profitieren andere Parteien wie die rechtsextreme Reform UK vom Debakel der Konservativen. Der Verlust der Kaufkraft, die Verschlechterung der öffentlichen Dienstleistungen, die Wohnungsnot oder auch wiederholte Skandale könnten Gründe für die schlechten Umfragewerte der Tories sein.

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey : When You Believe | Official HD Video

May 10, 2014 | Views on YouTube: 492,482,666

Smoking Pleasure / Rauchvergnügen / Plaisir de fumer

Der Hochgenuß des Qualmens / Le plaisir de fumer une cigarette / The pleasure of smoking a cigarette

Many thanks to Pinterest for this delightful photo.

Simon & Garfunkel : Cecilia | Remastered 2021

Aug 3, 2021

Exclusive: The Guardian Interviews President Zelenskiy

Jun 5, 2024 | In an exclusive interview with the Guardian, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, revealed the tactics and traits that help him face the daily frustrations of leading a country at war for more than two years.

Ne-Yo : One In A Million | Official Music Video

Sep 3, 2-10 | Official Music Video for One In A Million performed by Ne-Yo. | Remastered in HD | Views on YouTube: 344,224,678

The Muslim Plan to 'Bring the World under Islam Dominion' | Ayaan Hirsi Ali

May 31, 2024 | “We are going to get Hamas fighters,” Ayaan Hirsi Ali told GB News in an exclusive interview.

“We're going to get Palestinian Islamic Jihad members who are going to get radical, hardened militant Islamists to come into America through the asylum and refugee process and exploit the system to lend a hand to those activist, militant Muslims who are anti-Semitic and anti-American and with an agenda to Islamise as our society.”

A prominent human rights activist has warned that Palestinian refugees will bring terror and antisemitism if allowed to enter the West. However, Hirsi Ali stressed that “If the Palestinian refugees are small children and women who have been vetted and who are going to be brought here, and they are going to be assimilated into American society, into the ideas of freedom and equality for women and men, and for tolerance and pluralism.” “That is one thing,” she continued. “But that is not what I think we are seeing.”

Hirsi Ali, a former Muslim who recently converted to Christianity, said it was far more likely that radical Islamists and terrorists will enter via refugee and asylum routes to America, not innocent women and children.

King Delivers Speech at D-Day 80th Anniversary Event | In Full

Jun 5, 2024 | The King has taken to the stage to give a speech at a commemorative event in Portsmouth this morning to kick off events in the UK and France to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

He joined the Queen, the prime minister, and the Prince of Wales, who gave a reading shortly beforehand, as well as over 500 veterans, at a ceremony to commemorate the allied invasion of the beaches of northern France in 1944. ...

John Major’s Brexit Warning

Jun 5, 2024 | Exactly 8 years ago, on 5 June 2016 - just three weeks before the EU referendum - former Prime Minister, Sir John Major warned that the Leave campaign was “fundamentally dishonest” and “verging on the squalid.”

On the BBC Andrew Marr Show, Sir John accused Brexit campaigners of feeding to the British people “a whole galaxy of inaccurate and frankly untrue information.” ...

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Stormy Daniels Breaks Silence on Donald Trump's Guilty Verdict | Mirror EXCLUSIVE

Jun 3, 2024 | Speaking for the first time since the former president was found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records, the former adult actress has opened up to The Mirror about her experience in a world exclusive.

Reading the Mirror article here.

Rishi Sunak : The Movie 🇺🇸

Jun 4, 2024 | Time to take a closer look. | Thanks to Gavin Esler for the narration.

Monday, June 03, 2024

MSNBC : See Mary Trump React to Uncle Donald’s Historic Guilty Verdict

May 31, 2024 « Clinical psychologist and niece to Donald Trump, Mary Trump, talks to MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, Alex Wagner, Lawrence O'Donnell, Joy Reid, and Ari Melber about her uncle's guilty verdict in the New York criminal trial: "This is a moment he has been dreading his entire life."

"Theological Bullsh*t!" Richard Dawkins Challenges Ayaan Hirsi Ali's New-found Christianity

Jun 1, 2024 | Face to face in New York City...

"You are no more a Christian than I am" wrote the world's most famous atheist Richard Dawkins when he learnt his old friend Ayaan Hirsi Ali had converted to Christianity.

Ayaan, an apostate twice over, from Muslim to prominent New Atheist has come to Christ. She describes her journey to a packed room at the inaugural Dissident Dialogues festival of ideas in Brooklyn, New York.

Dawkins grapples with her faith, challenges her beliefs in one of the most significant encounters of New Atheism and New Theism. Physics vs metaphysics, rational vs spiritual, Is vs Ought. Surely the most important questions of the age.

Moderated by Freddie Sayers of Unherd. Filmed on May 4th, 2024.

Eva Hitler, née Braun (2/2): Until Death | SPIEGEL TV

Feb 27, 2021 | Eva Braun only became a public figure in Germany after her death. During her relationship with Adolf Hitler, she spent most of her time in Munich or at the "Führer's" mountain farm in the Alps. Eva Braun was a "disappointment in history", Hitler's architect Albert Speer claimed after the end of the war.

Part 1 / Teil 1

Hungry Man Kitchen: Muhammara

Dec 9, 2022 | Muhammara, Mouhammara is a delicious roasted pepper dip originated in Aleppo, Syria. This walnut and roasted red pepper mezze is very popular throughout the Mediterranean, including Turkey, especially in southeastern regions, where Arab dishes are more common in the local cuisine because of the Syrian cultural influence.

For the full recipe, please click here and then click on ‘more’.

Eva Hitler, née Braun (1/2): Living and dying with the Führer | SPIEGEL TV

Feb 21, 2021 | Eva Braun was Adolf Hitler's mistress and his wife for almost 40 hours. Hardly any Germans knew of her existence. "The more important the man, the more insignificant the woman," Hitler stated in 1934. He kept his relationships with women hidden from the public until the end of the war.

Liz Webster: The Telegraph Panics about Brexit Survival

May 31, 2024 | Patrick O'Flynn wrote an article for The Telegraph this week fretting over what a Labour Government will do to their Brexit which they conceded is a fragile flower.

In my not-so-short lifetime, I have never seen such a bunch of losers in politics as we have in Westminster today: Cameron, Sunak, Farage, BoJo, Truss et al. The list is endless. Little wonder this country is in such a mess. The first major mistake was made by Cameron when he called a referendum because he was terrified of that loudmouth and troublemaker, Nigel Farage. Then another huge mistake was for politicians and the electorate to listen to the drivel coming out of Farage's mouth. The man is full of hot air. One can but despise the damage that foolish man has done to this nation. He has ruined many a business and caused misery for many a citizen. He, in the interim, has laughed all the way the bank. The people who followed him look on in astonishment and lick their wounds just as he enriches himself. Then came along BoJo with his inability to manage Brexit and his silly "oven-ready" deals. Not, of course, forgetting Truss's total and utter incompetence.

BTW, I find it astonishing that Ed Davey, the leader of the LibDems, has had neither the foresight nor the fortitude to state that his party's intention is for the country to return to the EU as soon as possible, if it is at all possible, if the EU would accept us back. It is my sincere belief that he could have made the LibDems a major player in British politics. But Ed Davey chickened out; and his party, and the nation, will pay a heavy price for his poor judgment. – © Mark Alexander

Why These Eighteen Former Trump Voters Are Saying NO in 2024

May 15, 2024 | Hear directly from former Donald Trump supporters who have decided to change their vote in the 2024 presidential election. From ethical concerns to fears about democracy, these voters share their reasons for voting AGAINST Trump this year.

14 Years of Tory Cockups

Jun 3, 2024 | “The Government time after time has taken the wrong decision”

“The 7 million-plus NHS waiting list, the 2 million-plus fall in the labour force, the world-beating rate of inflation and spiralling mortgage rates are all the result of a succession of bad policy choices made by Conservative ministers at crucial times in the past 13 years.”

Words of truth and wisdom spoken by a Labour member of the House of Lords this time last year that you won’t see mentioned in the mainstream media. But the words need to be heard and heeded, which is why you can hear them here.

Professor Lord John Eatwell is an economist with a PhD from Harvard. He was, until recently, president of Queens’ College Cambridge and Professor Emeritus of Financial Policy in the Judge Business School. He entered the House of Lords in 1992 where he was Labour’s frontbench spokesperson for Treasury and Economic Affairs.

So, Professor Eatwell knows his stuff on economics. And this is his conclusion of what’s happened during the years of Tory rule since 2010: “In the face of every major shock suffered by the economy over the past 13 years, the government have time after time taken the wrong decision. In every case, misguided government policies damaged investment, growth and productivity.”

The government is continuing to make policy mistakes, said Lord Eatwell. “This string of bad decisions, from austerity to EU trade, to fiscal incontinence, to squeezing the economy, has undermined investment and growth for the past 13 years” Now it’s one year later, so we have 14 years of Tory mistakes. …

Is This the Most 'Dishonest' General Election Campaign in Memory? | LBC

Jun 1, 2024 | Lord Heseltine says electoral candidates are being 'dishonest' by not talking about Brexit.

I am totally disenfranchised because no party is offering to take us back into the EU, where we belong. Brexit was a ridiculous move, a move which is impoverishing the nation, and will continue to do so. Lord Heseltine is absolutely right about Brexit; though I disagree with Lord Heseltine's assessment of Rishi Sunak. For me, Sunak, being an arch-Brexiteer, has been part of the problem, not part of the solution. I, for one, cannot vote for any party which dodges the issue of Europe, and refuses to confront, head on, the absurdity of Brexit. – © Mark Alexander

Sunday, June 02, 2024