Monday, June 03, 2024

"Theological Bullsh*t!" Richard Dawkins Challenges Ayaan Hirsi Ali's New-found Christianity

Jun 1, 2024 | Face to face in New York City...

"You are no more a Christian than I am" wrote the world's most famous atheist Richard Dawkins when he learnt his old friend Ayaan Hirsi Ali had converted to Christianity.

Ayaan, an apostate twice over, from Muslim to prominent New Atheist has come to Christ. She describes her journey to a packed room at the inaugural Dissident Dialogues festival of ideas in Brooklyn, New York.

Dawkins grapples with her faith, challenges her beliefs in one of the most significant encounters of New Atheism and New Theism. Physics vs metaphysics, rational vs spiritual, Is vs Ought. Surely the most important questions of the age.

Moderated by Freddie Sayers of Unherd. Filmed on May 4th, 2024.