Monday, June 03, 2024

14 Years of Tory Cockups

Jun 3, 2024 | “The Government time after time has taken the wrong decision”

“The 7 million-plus NHS waiting list, the 2 million-plus fall in the labour force, the world-beating rate of inflation and spiralling mortgage rates are all the result of a succession of bad policy choices made by Conservative ministers at crucial times in the past 13 years.”

Words of truth and wisdom spoken by a Labour member of the House of Lords this time last year that you won’t see mentioned in the mainstream media. But the words need to be heard and heeded, which is why you can hear them here.

Professor Lord John Eatwell is an economist with a PhD from Harvard. He was, until recently, president of Queens’ College Cambridge and Professor Emeritus of Financial Policy in the Judge Business School. He entered the House of Lords in 1992 where he was Labour’s frontbench spokesperson for Treasury and Economic Affairs.

So, Professor Eatwell knows his stuff on economics. And this is his conclusion of what’s happened during the years of Tory rule since 2010: “In the face of every major shock suffered by the economy over the past 13 years, the government have time after time taken the wrong decision. In every case, misguided government policies damaged investment, growth and productivity.”

The government is continuing to make policy mistakes, said Lord Eatwell. “This string of bad decisions, from austerity to EU trade, to fiscal incontinence, to squeezing the economy, has undermined investment and growth for the past 13 years” Now it’s one year later, so we have 14 years of Tory mistakes. …