Monday, June 03, 2024

Is This the Most 'Dishonest' General Election Campaign in Memory? | LBC

Jun 1, 2024 | Lord Heseltine says electoral candidates are being 'dishonest' by not talking about Brexit.

I am totally disenfranchised because no party is offering to take us back into the EU, where we belong. Brexit was a ridiculous move, a move which is impoverishing the nation, and will continue to do so. Lord Heseltine is absolutely right about Brexit; though I disagree with Lord Heseltine's assessment of Rishi Sunak. For me, Sunak, being an arch-Brexiteer, has been part of the problem, not part of the solution. I, for one, cannot vote for any party which dodges the issue of Europe, and refuses to confront, head on, the absurdity of Brexit. – © Mark Alexander