Monday, June 03, 2024

Liz Webster: The Telegraph Panics about Brexit Survival

May 31, 2024 | Patrick O'Flynn wrote an article for The Telegraph this week fretting over what a Labour Government will do to their Brexit which they conceded is a fragile flower.

In my not-so-short lifetime, I have never seen such a bunch of losers in politics as we have in Westminster today: Cameron, Sunak, Farage, BoJo, Truss et al. The list is endless. Little wonder this country is in such a mess. The first major mistake was made by Cameron when he called a referendum because he was terrified of that loudmouth and troublemaker, Nigel Farage. Then another huge mistake was for politicians and the electorate to listen to the drivel coming out of Farage's mouth. The man is full of hot air. One can but despise the damage that foolish man has done to this nation. He has ruined many a business and caused misery for many a citizen. He, in the interim, has laughed all the way the bank. The people who followed him look on in astonishment and lick their wounds just as he enriches himself. Then came along BoJo with his inability to manage Brexit and his silly "oven-ready" deals. Not, of course, forgetting Truss's total and utter incompetence.

BTW, I find it astonishing that Ed Davey, the leader of the LibDems, has had neither the foresight nor the fortitude to state that his party's intention is for the country to return to the EU as soon as possible, if it is at all possible, if the EU would accept us back. It is my sincere belief that he could have made the LibDems a major player in British politics. But Ed Davey chickened out; and his party, and the nation, will pay a heavy price for his poor judgment. – © Mark Alexander