Showing posts with label Western politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Western politics. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2024

"Conservatives Have Left the Game" | Tell Me More with Matthew Goodwin

Jun 4, 2024 | In this new Episode of "Tell Me More" British political scientist Matt Goodwin discusses the seismic shifts in British and Western politics. From the rise of right-wing populism and the disconnection of elites to the fallout of Brexit and the future of the Conservative Party, Goodwin offers an analysis of current political dynamics. He explains to Jochen Bittner why he believes the counter-revolution against the new elite is stronger than ever and what this means for the future of democracy.

I wish political analysts would stop talking about "Islamism". This is a term made up by Westerners. No self-respecting Muslim would refer to an Islamist! This distinction between Islam and Islamism is being made so as not to put Islam in a bad light; so, Islamism is supposed to be radical and political Islam, whereas Islam is supposed to be the religion. Fact is, however, that anyone who understands anything about Islam knows that Islam is nothing if not political. In fact, Islam is more political than it is spiritual! Even the Ayatollah Khomeini said — correctly as it happens — that Islam is nothing if not political. What people are referring to when they speak of Islamists is Muslims who take their faith seriously and follow the way(s) of their prophet — the Sunnah. Islam is actually winning in the West because Westerners refuse to accept and acknowledge the true nature of Islam, probably out of fear. – © Mark Alexander