Monday, February 05, 2024

King Charles Diagnosed with a Form of Cancer

Feb 5, 2024 | King Charles has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Michael Cole and Jack Blackburn have the latest update.

King Charles Diagnosed with Cancer, Buckingham Palace Says | BBC News

Feb 5, 2024 | King Charles has been diagnosed with cancer, Buckingham Palace has said. It is not prostate cancer, but was discovered during his recent treatment for an enlarged prostate. The type of cancer has not been revealed, but according to a Palace statement the King began "regular treatments" on Monday. The King, 75, will step back from his public engagements and Queen Camilla and Prince William will help to stand in for him during his treatment. No further details are being shared on the stage of cancer or a prognosis.

King Charles diagnosed with cancer, Buckingham Palace announces: Charles has started schedule of treatments after diagnosis made recently when he was treated for benign enlarged prostate »

King Charles III diagnosed with cancer, Buckingham Palace says: King Charles has been diagnosed with a form of cancer, says Buckingham Palace. »


Le roi Charles III est atteint d’une « forme de cancer », annonce Buckingham Palace : Le palais a précisé que le souverain de 75 ans ne souffrait pas d’un cancer de la prostate et qu’il « espère reprendre pleinement ses fonctions publiques dès que possible ». »


Britischer König Charles III. hat Krebs: Der britische König Charles III. ist laut Angaben des Buckingham-Palastes an Krebs erkrankt. Die Erkrankung sei bei seinem letzten Krankenhausaufenthalt festgestellt worden. »

Inside Russia: What Putin Will Tell Tucker Carlson in an Interview – Explained

Feb 4, 2024

Please note that the man’s name is Tucker Carlson, not “Carlson Tucker” as Konstantin calls him. – Mark


Kremlin quiet as Tucker Carlson Russia visit creates Putin interview rumours: Far-right broadcaster spotted at Bolshoi ballet in Moscow, having reportedly arrived last week »

‘Yes but I Hate You!’ Trump and Turnbull’s Explosive Phone Call | Nemesis

Feb 5, 2024 | Malcolm Turnbull describes his infamous call with Donald Trump over Australia's refugee swap deal as 'tough'

Sunday, February 04, 2024

What It’s Like to Be in a Relationship with an Age Gap | Full Episode | SBS Insight

Jun 5, 2023 | Around eight per cent of heterosexual couples have an age gap of more than 10 years. Social disapproval and negative family reactions can be commonplace. In this episode Insight talks to couples, some with age gaps of more than 30 years, about how they navigate the age difference within their relationships, and with those around them.

The Resurrection of Donald Trump | 60 Minutes Australia

Feb 4, 2024 | To loyal Trump supporters, their candidate can do no wrong. Donald Trump's 2024 run for the White House seems unstoppable despite all the controversies.

Five European Dishes You Need to Know | DW Food

Feb 3, 2024 | What’s your favorite European dish? Italian pizza or fish & chips from Britain? Or would you prefer mussels with fries, goulash or ratatouille? Many European dishes are world-famous. We show you five European classics that you absolutely must try. We looked at what makes them so special and what you need to consider when preparing them. Join us to make pizza in Naples, cook goulash in Budapest and prepare moules frites in Brussels. In Torquay, England, we serve deep-fried fish with chips and in Nice, ratatouille is on the menu.

Backstairs Billy: The Queen Mum's Butler

Feb 4, 2022 | Channel 4 (UK) documentary about William Tallon, nicknamed Backstairs Billy, who worked for the late Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother until her death in 2002. First shown Monday 2 February 2009.

Victor Emmanuel de Savoie, fils du dernier roi d’Italie, est mort

LE MONDE : Le chef de la maison des Savoie, famille qui régna sur l’Italie unifiée de 1861 à 1946, s’est éteint en Suisse à l’âge de 86 ans. » | Le Monde avec AFP | samedi 3 février 2024

Victor Emmanuel de Savoie, le fils du dernier roi d'Italie est décédé : Né le 12 février 1937 à Naples, il était le chef de la maison des Savoie qui régna sur l'Italie unifiée de 1861 à 1946. »

Saturday, February 03, 2024

Whitney Houston with Enrique Iglesias : Could I Have This Kiss Forever | Official HD Video | Reupload

Mar 16, 2014 | Views on YouTube: 170,974,930

Libertarian Culture Warrior Kemi Badenoch - Unfit for Office

Feb 3, 2024 | After Cameron’s victory in 2010, The Tory bathtub was brimming with confidence and authority. It was Brexit that pulled the plug, and ever since, the Nasty Party have been succumbing to the inevitable pull of the drain. The party, murky with the sediment of incompetence, corruption and sexual offences, swirls in a slow, relentless spiral towards collapse. But the bookies tell us that one person emerges. Kemi Badenoch is the embodiment of the systemic flaws of the Tory Hard Right, her words and actions magnifying Tory dysfunction as she and they circle closer to the plughole, she’s a stark reminder of just how badly the Tories have misjudged what THEY claim is the will of the people.

Kemi Badenoch as leader of the Conservative Party would make the Tories totally and utterly unelectable. This move could send the Tories the way of the Whigs before them – into oblivion, the way of the dodo. – © Mark Alexander

Stevie Wonder: I Was Made to Love Her

Nov 29, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Sternstunde Philosophie - Helmut Schmidt im Gespräch

Nov 16, 2015

Man kann sich nur wundern, was Rishi Sunak vom Herrn Helmut Schmidt hält, vor allem wegen seines Rauchens. Dem Rishi Sunak ist das Rauchen etwas Schlimmes und Abscheuliches. Tatsache ist, daß Helmut Schmidt einer der bedeutigsten und wichtigsten Politikers der zwantzigsten Jahrhunderts gewesen ist. Er hatte viel mehr Charackter und Anziehungskraft als Sunak je haben wird. Übrigens kann man sich nur wundern, was Helmut Schmidt hielte, vor allem über Sunaks vorgeschlagenes schrittweises Rauchverbot. – © Mark Alexander

Reinhard Mey : Gute Nacht Freunde (original)

Mar 31, 2012

Ne-Yo Ft. FABOLOUS : Link Up Remix | Official Music Video | Reupload

Nov 3, 2023 | Views on YouTube: 1,147,840 | Music video by Ne-Yo, Fabolous performing Link Up (Remix). Motown Records; © 2023 Shaffer Smith, under exclusive license to UMG Recordings, Inc.

Keine Sorge! Es kommen einmal wieder die heißen Tage des Sommers! ...

… Und dann, trotz der Engstirnigkeit dieser Welt, wird es einem möglich sein, dem Partner die Liebe zeigen zu können.

Für dieses schöne Bild bedankt man sich bei Pinterest.

Geert Wilders in den Niederlanden

Was geschieht in den Niederlanden, was Geert Wilders betrifft? Ist es ihm schon möglich gewesen, eine Regierung bilden zu können? In den Nachrichten hierzulande liest man darüber fast gar Nichts. Es scheint mir, wie eine Verschwörung des Schweigens zu sein. – © Mark Alexander

The Biggest Electoral Year in History: Will Democracy Survive 2024? | DW News

Feb 3, 2024 | 2024 is the biggest electoral year in history, with people heading to the polls in dozens of countries. This is DW’s preview to the most consequential elections of 2024 across Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas – and what they mean for the health and future of democracy. Correspondent Rosie Birchard speaks to DW experts on Taiwan, India, South Africa, Mexico, the EU and the US.

What Experts Think of ‘Anarcho-capitalist’ Milei’s Plan to Dollarize the Argentinian Economy?

Dec 4, 2023 | Replacing the Peso with US dollars and getting rid of the central bank, that’s what Javier Milei, Argentina’s recently elected president, has proposed as part of his radical economic agenda. We speak to two experts who give us details on what could be Argentina’s road ahead.

Milei's anarcho-capitalistic solutions will not solve Argentina's economic problems. If anything, they will heap even more misery onto the long-suffering Argentinians. Extreme and radical solutions are rarely the answer to anything. – © Mark Alexander

Unruhe in Deutschland: Was bringen Demos gegen Rechtsextremisten? | Auf den Punkt

Feb 1, 2014 | Etwas scheint in Bewegung zu kommen in Deutschland: Seit Wochen treibt es Menschen auf die Straße, und es werden immer mehr: Hunderttausende demonstrieren für den Erhalt einer offenen Gesellschaft und für Demokratie. Gegen die in Teilen rechtsextreme AfD. Gleichzeitig zeigt sich deren Wählerschaft unbeeindruckt, es gibt sogar weitere Parteieintritte. Wie gefährlich ist die AfD? Woher kommt die Wut in der Mitte der Gesellschaft? Und wie wehrhaft ist die Demokratie in Deutschland? Wir fragen heute: "Unruhe in Deutschland: Was bringen Demos gegen Rechtsextremisten?"

The English version of this programme, To The Point, is here.

Vape Ban, Smoking Ban: Rishi Sunak's "Nanny State" | The New Statesman Podcast

Feb 3, 2024 | This week's disposable vape ban follows a generational ban on smoking and an XL Bully ban. Is this Rishi Sunak's legacy?

The mere idea of having a smoking ban for an adult is OUTRAGEOUS! Kick Sunak OUT of OFFICE NOW!

By the way: Maybe Sunak’s daughters will one day fall in love with, and marry, smokers. What a delightful, delicious thought! – © Mark Alexander

Michael Lambert: The UK Has No Future Outside the EU

Feb 3, 2024 | It is now four years since the UK finally left the EU. The period since Brexit under an incompetent and corrupt Conservative government has brought economic decline, social division and poverty to millions. Every week brings more economic bad news. Under Rishi sunak, the Tories are deeply divided and the prime minister has resorted to regularly lying in order to defend his lamentable record of incompetence.

Labour will inherit an economy in severe difficulty and decline and, even though it is widely accepted that Brexit is responsible for many of our problems, Keir Starmer has repeatedly insisted that under his leadership, the UK will never seek to rejoin the Single Market, the Customs Union of the European Union or agree to freedom of movement, or attempt to return to membership of the EU. Britain, however, has no future outside the EU and seems destined to continually decline.

Friday, February 02, 2024

Defiance in Germany: Can Mass Protests Stop the Far Right? | To The Point

Feb 1, 2024 | Hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets in Germany. It’s the largest social movement in the country in decades. In cities and towns large and small, protestors have been demonstrating against the far right, to advocate for an open society and to protect their democracy. And yet, supporters of Germany’s biggest far-right party seem undaunted, with more people than ever joining the organization. How dangerous is the AfD? What is causing such anger within mainstream society? And how resilient is Germany’s democracy? On To the Point we ask: Defiance in Germany: Can mass protests stop the far right?

Spanish TV Show Reports False Claims about Princess of Wales' Health

Feb 2, 2024 | "The palace spokesperson that I spoke to was rather cross". A journalist on a TV programme in Spain has made "extraordinary claims" about the health of the Princess of Wales which Kensington Palace was "keen to refute" says reporter in Madrid for The Times, Simon Hunter.

Steve Schmidt Reacts to Joe Biden Calling Trump 'A Sick F***' in Private | The Warning

Feb 2, 2024 | This was a wild week in American politics, and it is going to get crazier. Steve Schmidt breaks down his top stories of the week. What is playing out isn’t a game, a TV show or a farce. It is all very real.

WARNING: This video contains some very strong language. It is not suitable for children. It is also not suitable for people of a sensitive nature or the easily shocked. – Mark

Dimitra’s Dishes: Almond Croissant Puff Pastries

Feb 2, 2024 | So easy to make and better than a croissant!

Click here for the recipe. Then click on ‘more’.

‘I’m Devastated It’s Closing’: London Shoppers Say Farewell to Fenwick

THE GUARDIAN: Department store on New Bond Street, which opened in 1890s, closes its doors this weekend

More than 130 years after it opened, the flagship Fenwick department store in central London will close its doors for the last time on Saturday.

The four-storey shop in New Bond Street, Mayfair, is shutting after the retailer – which is owned by more than 40 descendants of John James Fenwick, who founded the company with a single store in Newcastle in 1882 – sold the property to developers for £430m.

“I’m actually devastated that it’s closing,” said Rosie Grant, 62, a costume designer, as she visited the store this week to give it “one final, sad, farewell”.

“It just has an elegance to it that you don’t get in other shops. It’s more understated, it’s classic; it has things you actually need. You feel more at home than you do in a behemoth like Selfridges.” » | Rupert Neate, Wealth correspondent | Friday, February 2, 2024

Vier Jahre Brexit: "Slow Motion Car Crash" | 11KM - der tagesschau-Podcast

Jan 31, 2024 | Die Briten machen Ernst, vor genau vier Jahren, am 31. Januar 2020: Das Vereinigte Königreich tritt damals unter Premierminister Boris Johnson ganz offiziell aus der EU aus. Das politische Chaos in der Downing Street wirkt bis heute nach. Und nun? In dieser 11KM-Folge erzählt die langjährige ARD Korrespondentin Annette Dittert was aus ihrem geliebten Großbritannien geworden ist und warum ihr ausgerechnet ein schottisches Mädchen Hoffnung gibt.

Und nun, Brexit aus der Sicht eines Briten, meiner:

I expected everything to go downhill; and it has. I expected restriction on our movement, which is exactly what happened; I expected to lose my European citizens’ rights, which is exactly what happened; I expected prices to rise in the shops, which is exactly what has happened; I expected the nation to start its downward descent into impoverishment, which is exactly what has happened; I expected the UK’s international reputation, the UK’s standing in the world to be severely damaged, which is exactly what has happened; I expected the UK to become a laughing stock, which is exactly what has happened; I expected European goods such as superior French cheeses and charcuterie to slowly disappear from supermarket shelves, which is exactly what is happening, and much else besides. There are no upsides to Brexit, only downsides. – © Mark Alexander

How Will Ukraine Use the EU's 50 Billion Euros? | DW News

Feb 1, 2024 | After a long struggle, all 27 EU states have agreed to a multi-billion euro financial package for Ukraine at the special summit in Brussels. EU Council President Charles Michel announced the agreement: 50 billion euros in financial aid is to flow into Ukraine by 2027. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky praised the agreement reached by the EU states. The commitment will strengthen the long-term economic and financial stability of his country.

For Orban, Ukraine Is a Pawn in a Longer Game: His real aim is to lead a populist and nativist rebellion against Europe’s liberal elite, though that campaign is showing signs of faltering. »

Thursday, February 01, 2024

Bee Gees : Alone (1997) | Reupload

Jul 8, 2013 | Views on YouTube: 56,316,092

Bee Gees : You Win Again (1987) | Reupload

Jul 8, 2013 | Views on YouTube: 66,446,889

Hirsute, Happy and Probably In Love!

What’s not to like? Who of sane mind can argue with that?

With many thanks to Pinterest for this delightful photograph.

George Harrison: My Sweet Lord | Remastered | Reupload

Feb 9, 2023 | Provided to YouTube by BMG Rights Management (US) LLC| Views on YouTube: 13,159,243

”Smoking Is Good for You” | My! How Times and Narratives Change, and Not Always for the Better!

THE GUARDIAN – EXTRACT: Every week we read that something we believe is bad for us actually has beneficial health effects. This week it's coffee, before that it was pizza - and every other day it's red wine. But can these stories really be true? That depends how you interpret the facts. To demonstrate, Ian Sample 'scientifically proves' the benefits of a few risky pastimes

Talk to physicians and they'll tell you there are few things you can put in your mouth that are worse for you than a cigarette. But it's not all doom and gloom. Smokers are at least doing their bit to slow down the runaway obesity epidemic that is sweeping through the western world. "In many studies, you often find smokers are slimmer. We've certainly seen it in our studies," says Jodi Flaws at the University of Maryland school of medicine. "Some people think it's due to certain chemicals in cigarettes somehow making them burn more calories, but others believe it suppresses appetite. It may well be both."

Drastically upping your chances of cancer and heart disease might not be the best way to avoid obesity, but it's certainly easier than running round the block.

Scientists have also found evidence that smoking might, in some circumstances, help prevent the onset of various dementias. Many dementias go hand-in-hand with a loss of chemical receptors in the brain that just happen to be stimulated by nicotine. Smoking seems to bolster these receptors, and smokers have more of them. The theory is that smokers may then have more to lose before they start losing their minds. "It does seem that nicotine has a preventative effect, but the problem is that the other stuff in the cigarette tends to rot everything else," says Roger Bullock, a specialist in dementia and director of the Kingshill Research Centre in Swindon. So if your time is nearly up anyway, and you have somehow managed to steer a course past the Scylla and Charybdis of heart attacks and tumours, smoking might just help you retain your marbles.

Read the whole article here » | Ian Sample | Thursday, August 7, 2003

How Nicotine Impacts Your Brain & Enhances Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Oct 15, 2022 | Dr. Andrew Huberman discusses how nicotine impacts your brain and can enhance focus. Dr. Andrew Huberman is a tenured professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine and host of the Huberman Lab podcast.

Ne-Yo : Link Up | Official Music Video | Reupload

Sep 29, 2023 | | Views on YouTube: 2,012,847

Es ist wirklich unmöglich, genug von dieser großartigen Musik zu bekommen. Sie gibt einem Energie und hilft einem, die Jahre dahinzuschmelzen! – Mark

Sexy Love »

Donald Trump Losing to Joe Biden in Latest Poll | The Warning

Feb 1, 2024 | Steve Schmidt addresses the latest Quinnipiac poll, which has Biden pulling ahead of Trump. Texas Governor Greg Abbott's vow to "eliminate rape" draws immense scrutiny. Steve comments on the first day of Black History Month.

أخبار جيدة ! الحمد لله | Mark

Ottolenghi: Tunisian Spiced Chickpea and Bread Soup (Lablabi) | لبلابي

Feb 1, 2024 | Another perfect wintery weekday meal idea for those who need a bit of comfort, a bit of spice and plenty of flavour. Chaya is cooking Lablabi, a chickpea-based soup that can be made quickly and adjusted to suit anyone. Add bread, poached egg, tuna and preserved lemon for extra salty goodness. Enjoy!

Get the recipe here

WIKIPEDIA: Lablabi »

How Hermès Bags Are Made | Vogue

Feb 1, 2024 | For the fist time ever, Hermès is opening the doors to their leather goods studio to give Vogue an inside look at how they create their exclusive bags. From the Birkin to the Kelly and more, watch as Priscila Alexandre Spring, the leather goods creative director at Hermès, gives us a tour of the stunning facility.

Director: Nikki Petersen
Director of Photography: Étienne Baussan
Editor: Evan Allan
Senior Producer: Jordin Rocchi
Associate Director, Creative Development: Alexandra Gurvitch
Gaffer: Adam Pelle
Audio: David Amselem
Associate Producer: Megan Sinanis
roduction Coordinator: Ava Kashar
Production Manager: Natasha Soto-Albors
Line Producer: Romeeka Powell
Senior Director, Production Management: Jessica Schier
Assistant Editor: Andy Morell
Post Production Coordinator: Jovan James
Supervising Editor: Erica Deleo
Post Production Supervisors: Edward Taylor, Alexa Deutsch
Director of Content, Production: Rahel Gebreyes
Senior Director, Programming: Linda Gittleson
Executive Producer: Ruhiya Nuruddin
VP, Digital Video English: Thespena Guatieri

Inside the Tory Plot to Oust Rishi Sunak | Stories of Our Times

Feb 1, 2024 | A former adviser to the prime minister is working with a secretive group of Tories to remove him from office before the general election. MPs have been out publicly backing Rishi Sunak and denying their involvement, but it risks setting off yet another civil war in the party. So who are the rebels? | Guest: Steven Swinford, Political Editor, The Times. | Host: Luke Jones.

EU Agrees on €50 Billion Ukraine Aid Package | DW News

Feb 1, 2024 | Just one hour into the EU's special summit, EU leaders managed to reach a deal that will allow the bloc to send €50 billion ($54 billion) in funding to Ukraine over the next four years, according to European Council President Charles Michel.

The deal had been blocked by Hungary since the previous leaders' summit in Brussels in mid-December. "We have a deal," Michel wrote on X, formerly Twitter. "This locks in steadfast, long-term, predictable funding for Ukraine."

What’s the Queer-friendliest Country? | #shorts

Did you know that homosexuality has been legal in Iceland since 1940?

Alice Weidel schimpft über Immigranten und die Kosten von ihnen | ≠shorts

Sie spricht deutlich über die Kosten und die Ungerechtigkeit der aktuellen Situation, wie sie sie sieht.

On Assignment: Denmark's New King | ITV News

Feb 1, 2024 | In a shock announcement on New Year’s Eve, Denmark's Queen Margrethe told the country live on air that she was abdicating. The 83-year-old handed the monarchy to her son Frederik and his Australian-born wife Mary. Royal Editor Chris Ship went to Denmark to meet those celebrating Queen Margrethe’s reign, and to hear more about the new King.

Russia’s New Threats to Exiles: Seized Assets and Forced Returns

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Kremlin is sending a chilly message to antiwar Russians abroad: A new law will allow their property back home to be seized, and other countries are being pressured to crack down on them.

In Bangkok this week, members of an antiwar Russian-language rock group were fighting deportation to Russia, detained in what supporters described as a cramped, hot, 80-person immigration holding cell.

On Wednesday in Moscow, the lower house of Parliament passed a law that will allow the Russian government to seize the property of Russians living abroad who, in the words of the legislature’s chairman, “besmirch our country.”

The two developments, though thousands of miles apart, reflected the same grim calculus by the Kremlin: Using new legislation and apparent diplomatic pressure on other countries, it is turning the screws on Russia’s sprawling antiwar diaspora.

“Historic Russia has risen up,” President Vladimir V. Putin said at a meeting with backers of his presidential campaign on Wednesday, reprising his contention that the time has come to cleanse Russian society of pro-Western elements. “All this scum that’s always present in any society is being slowly, slowly washed away.”

Under the law, any Russian, even those in exile, found to be engaged in “crimes against national security” — including criticizing the invasion of Ukraine — could have their assets confiscated. Mr. Putin is expected to sign the law, though it is not yet clear how widely or aggressively the Kremlin plans to use it. » | Anton Troianovski | Thursday, February 1, 2024

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Douglas Murray Interviews Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on TalkTV

Jan 30, 2024 | British author and political commentator Douglas Murray interviews Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on TalkTV | @talktv

Donald Trump Preparing "Holy War" against Taylor Swift | The Warning

Jan 31, 2024 | Steve Schmidt talks about the "holy war" that Donald Trump is preparing if Taylor Swift opposes him in the 2024 election, and endorses Joe Biden.

Iran Not Seeking War with US but ‘Not Afraid of It’, Says Military Chief

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Head of Islamic Revolutionary Guards defiant as US prepares ‘very consequential response’ to drone attack on Jordan base

The head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) has vowed the country is not afraid of war with the US, as the Pentagon weighs how directly to respond to the killing of three US servicemen in a drone attack in Jordan.

The IRGC commander-in-chief, Maj Gen Hossein Salami, said: “We hear some threats from American officials about targeting Iran. We tell them that you tested us and we know each other. We do not leave any threat unanswered, and we do not look for war, but we are not afraid of it. This is the well-known truth.” » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Brexit Brainwash: Wie der Populismus Britannien besiegt | Global PolitiX

Jan 31, 2024 | Der vierte Brexit-Jahrestag in Großbritannien: Mit dreisten Lügen, Feindbildern und immer radikaleren Forderungen haben die Populisten die Briten vom Austritt aus der EU überzeugt. Vier Jahre später ist die Bilanz in Großbritannien düster und das Volk gespalten.

Weder hat die Wirtschaft profitiert, noch ist die Migration deutlich gesunken. Boris Johnsons Versprechen sind verpufft, die Krise im Vereinigten Königreich ist größer als zuvor. Der Brexit ist ein Lehrstück über populistische Phrasen und die Konsequenzen, die daraus folgen, wenn zu viele Menschen ihnen Glauben schenken. Kurz vor den Europawahlen werden die Parolen der Populisten lauter und schriller. Ob die Europäer aus dem Brexit gelernt haben?

Leider darf dieses ausgezeichnete Video nicht eingebettet werden. Stattdessen muß es an YouTube selber angesehen werden. Klicken Sie bitte hier, um es anzuschauen. – Mark

Watch in Disbelief as Government Health Minister Tells Sky Viewers about the Benefits of Brexit

Jan 31, 2024

Andrea Leadsom must surely be mentally challenged! How these people rise to these positions when they are so ill-informed is beyond my comprehension. She should be in her kitchen baking cookies for her husband rather than taking tough economic decision for the nation. Just imagine! That woman once wanted to become prime minister! She threw her hat into the ring during a leadership challenge. Phew! What a thought! – © Mark Alexander

UK minister: Brexit checks ‘price you pay for being a sovereign state again’: Andrea Leadsom says businesses experiencing ‘some friction’ should ‘adapt’ to changes in trade rules »

Brexit: Vier Jahre nach dem EU-Austritt des Vereinigten Königreichs

Jan 31, 2024 | „Die Entscheidung von 1975 zum Eintritt in den Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum ist durch das Referendum revidiert worden. Das britische Volk hat gesprochen, und die Antwort heißt: Wir sind raus.“ Nach langen Verhandlungen mit der EU erfolgte dann am 31. Januar 2020 auch offiziell der Austritt des Vereinigten Königreichs aus der Staatengemeinschaft. Auslandskorrespondentin Annette Dittert spricht im tagesschau-Interview über die Zeit nach dem Brexit.


Four years on, there's no sign of the Brexit dividend: City Comment: The rest of the world still does not know what to make of an “independent” Britain… and is largely giving it the swerve »

Ken Clarke: Anti-Brexit Hero

Jan 31, 2024 | From 31 January to 1 February 2017, MPs debated the European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill on whether to trigger Brexit - the Article 50 notice.

EU Must Defend Ukraine Even If US Reduces Military Support, Macron Says

THE GUADIAN: French president says future security architecture of Europe could no longer be settled by the US and Russia

The European Union has to make bold decisions to defend Ukraine, pre-empting any US decision to withhold or reduce its military support, Emmanuel Macron has said.

In a speech in Sweden, which hopes to be the next country to join Nato, the French president also said the future security architecture of Europe, including arms control agreements covering European territory, could no longer be settled simply by the US and Russia, and Europe had to have a right to determine its own future.

His remarks were designed as a warning to Europe that it needs to ramp up its whole defence effort and prepare for the possibility that either Joe Biden will be unable to push his military assistance budget for Ukraine through Congress, or that later in the year he is defeated in a presidential election by an isolationist Donald Trump. » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Tuesday, January 30, 2023

Hear! Hear! – © Mark Alexander

Table Manners in the Ottoman Empire - Acem Pilav

Jan 30, 2024

Ina Garten's Corn Muffins | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Jan 30, 2024 | Forget dry cornbread: Ina's corn muffins come out moist and tender.

Ein Bild eines Rauchers, um Rishi Sunak eine große Freude zu bereiten. So wird es in aller Ewigkeit weitergehen!

Ein junger Mann atmet Wolken der Freude aus!

Ich möchte mich bei selah chapek auf Pinterest für dieses entzückende Bild bedanken.

Brexit Killing Off British Industry, Claims French Prime Minister

THE TELEGRAPH: Tata Steel will close its remaining two blast furnaces at UK’s largest steelworks by the end of the year

Gabriel Attal says Britain leaving the EU is behind the forthcoming closure of the last blast furnaces in the country | CREDIT: Michel Euler/AP

Brexit is killing off British industry, France’s prime minister claimed in parliament on Tuesday.

Gabriel Attal said Britain leaving the EU was behind the closure of the “last blast furnaces” in Britain.

Earlier this month, Tata Steel confirmed that it would close the remaining two blast furnaces at the UK’s largest steelworks by the end of the year.

The plan will trigger the loss of up to 2,800 jobs at the Port Talbot site in South Wales.

France will go the same way and see its industry decline if it gives into the “sirens” of Marine Le Pen’s hard-Right National Rally (RN), Mr Attal added in comments he said would “pain” those who voted Leave in the 2016 referendum. » | Henry Samuel in Paris | Tuesday, January 30, 2024 [£]

Economic Update: US Capitalism at the Crossroads

Jan 29, 2024

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Beatles : If I Fell | Remastered 2009

Jun 17, 2018 | Views On YouTube: 21,858,778

The Beatles : Should Have Known Better | Remastered 2009

Jun 17, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Ne-Yo : So Sick | Official Music Video

Oct 7, 2009 | Views On YouTube: 343,758,430

Whisper It, but in Opposing Rishi Sunak’s Smoking Ban, Liz Truss Might Be Right

THE GUARDIAN: Restricting flavoured vapes make sense, but halting tobacco sales altogether for all entering adulthood is bizarre

Screengrab from the Guardian: ‘Smoking is both enjoyable and harmful. The state’s job is to regulate the balance.’ Photograph: Gareth Fuller/PA

At least twice as many school pupils smoke cannabis as smoke tobacco. Cannabis is illegal, tobacco is legal. If legality meant anything, the figures should be the other way round.

Smoking, like alcohol and narcotic drugs, is both enjoyable and harmful. The state’s job is to regulate the balance. Health education, together with nudge measures like banning smoking in public places, have cut tobacco consumption steadily since 2000. The number of smokers has fallen in the past decade from 20% to 13% of the population. The one alarming development has been the use of vaping by children, with more than 20% of 11 to 17-year-olds now saying they’ve tried it, which is why the government’s proposed restriction on flavoured vapes is long overdue and is rightly directed at manufacturers blatantly promoting them to teenagers. How effective it would be remains to be seen.

Rishi Sunak’s plan to ban tobacco sales altogether for all entering adulthood, however, is bizarre. … » | Simon Jenkins | Monday, January 29, 2024

It is to be hoped that this legislation will fail, for if it doesn't, what will be next? Alcohol? Doughnuts? Meat? The possibilities are endless. In the name of God, stop this freakery! – © Mark Alexander

Maria Callas: O Mio Babbino Caro | Giacomo Puccini

Aug 19, 2011 | | Views on YouTUbe: 1,723,045

Dimitra’s Dishes : High Protein Ground Beef Stir Fry

Jan 30, 2024

Get the recipe here.

Coconut Aminos.

Chris Brown : Forever

Nov 21, 2017 | Views on YouTube: 2,278,535

Boris Johnson Has 'Dented' the Conservative Party | Dominic Grieve

Jan 30, 2024 | "I feel that time is probably up." The Conservative Party will "lose very badly at the next election" after delivering an "extraordinarily bad government" with "charlatan" Boris Johnson says Dominic Grieve.

BoJo was/is a clown and a buffoon. He has caused this nation untold damage. Dominic Grieve is one of the few decent Conservatives left. – © Mark Alexander

UK Considering Recognising Palestine State, Lord Cameron Says | BBC News

Jan 30, 2024 | Britain is ready to bring forward the moment when it formally recognises a Palestinian state, the foreign secretary has suggested. Lord Cameron said Palestinians had to be given a political horizon to encourage peace in the Middle East. He is beginning his fourth visit to the region since being appointed foreign secretary in November. The UK has a responsibility to set out what a Palestinian state would look like, he told a Westminster reception.

Nigel Farage on Sunak’s New, Stupid, Insane Incremental Smoking Ban | #shorts

Here’s Nigel Farage’s take on it. Nigel Farage is a man with whom I rarely agree on anything, but he is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT on this ludicrous, incremental smoking ban. The ban is unworkable, unenforceable, unpoliceable, insane, and just plain stupid. That silly woman in New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, thought up this nonsense; thankfully, the new right-wing government in New Zealand has abandoned the idea. Alhamdulillah!. It should be remembered that Sunak is a puritanical freak. He doesn’t smoke, he doesn’t drink, he doesn’t eat meat, and he fasts for 36 hours each and every week! How representative is this man of the British electorate? I would wager that he is not representative of the British electorate at all! – © Mark Alexander

Anderson Cooper on Grief | #shorts

Anderson Cooper tries to explain the feeling.

Saudi Fury at Criticism from Martina Navratilova and Chris Evert

THE TELEGRAPH: Former champions had published open letter calling on the WTA not to stage a tennis tournament in the country

Saudi Arabia has told Chris Evert and Martina Navratilova to “get their facts straight” amid an escalating row about the nation’s increasing profile in tennis.
The Saudi ambassador to the US hit out after the two tennis greats wrote that the country was an incompatible choice as host for the next WTA Finals.

In a jointly-authored Washington Post column last week, the pair said that “the WTA’s values sit in stark contrast to those of the proposed host”.

The WTA came close to staging the 2023 Finals in Saudi, before going to Cancun in Mexico. However, the WTA is now believed to be close to moving the season-ending event to Riyadh for future tournaments.

“Not only is this a country where women are not seen as equal, it is a country where the current landscape includes a male guardianship law that essentially makes women the property of men,” says Evert and Navratilova’s article in the latest in a string of attacks on Saudi’s prospective investments in the sport. The pair add that Saudi Arabia “criminalises the LGBTQ community to the point of possible death sentences” and the country’s “long-term record on human rights and basic freedoms has been a matter of international concern for decades.” » | Tom Morgan, Sports News Correspondent | Tuesday, January 30, 2024 [£]

What is Saudi doing about gay rights? Are the authorities going to continue to punish gays severely and possibly put them to death simply for being attracted to people of the same sex, and for loving them? – © Mark Alexander

Imran Khan Handed 10 Years in Prison for Leaking State Secrets

THE GUARDIAN: Former Pakistan prime minister condemns trial as ‘a joke’ amid crackdown on his political party in run-up to general election

Pakistan’s former prime minister Imran Khan has been sentenced to 10 years in jail for leaking official secrets, amid a crackdown on his political party prior to upcoming elections.

The sentence is the harshest yet against Khan, who has been held in jail since August.

The case relates to a diplomatic cable that allegedly went missing while in his possession. Khan had publicly cited the cable as proof there was a conspiracy behind his fall from power in 2022 but had denied taking it from the ministry of foreign affairs.

The legal proceedings were highly unusual. They were held not in a courtroom but in the prison in Rawalpindi where Khan is being held, and were conducted behind closed doors, which Khan’s lawyers protested was unconstitutional. » | Hannah Ellis-Petersen, South Asia correspondent | Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Monday, January 29, 2024

Fascism Is at the Core of Donald Trump's MAGA Movement | The Warning

Jan 29, 2024 | Steve Schmidt reflects on the Republican race, and the threats we're facing moving forward.

Rishi Sunak: Weekly Fast Is Important Discipline for Me

Read the BBC article here

Oh dear, oh dear! You like sugary drinks? Surely, your government should ban them. We can’t have people enjoying themselves, can we? Ban sugary drinks with despatch! – © Mark Alexander

Putin spricht Klartext über Weißrussland | #shorts

Er läßt uns keinen Zweifel daran, was er darüber denkt!

In Russia, Gays Are Extremists! | #shorts

All LGBT are banned in Russia. Yes, that’s right – banned! Gays must be striking fear into Russians’ hearts, or something.

The Media Portrayal of Israel-Palestine

This is a Kavana Films production.

You can support Rudy Rochman on Patreon here.

Growing Up Gay in the Country I The Feed | Reupload

Oct 6, 2014 | Ivan hasn’t been back to his rural hometown of Tumut NSW in 21 years. He left as a teenager after a childhood of bullying about his sexuality, and never looked back. Until now.

Dimitra’s Dishes: Pear & Cardamom Scones: Light and Flaky

Kann die Ukraine noch gewinnen, Herr Selenskyj? | Caren Miosga | Interview

Jan 28, 2024

How Thatcher Damaged the UK Economy

Jan 29, 2024 | The economic impact of Margaret Thatcher's economic policies was immense. This is a look at the impact on inflation, unemployment, growth, inequality and the long-term structure of the economy.

Fake Investment Platforms Stealing Millions | Crypto: Who Wants to Lose Millions?

Jan 29, 2024 | Crypto: Who Wants To Lose Millions? by RTS Radio Television Suisse The media and social networks love success stories of celebrities who have become millionaires in a few clicks thanks to crypto-currencies. Scammers have taken advantage of this phenomenon: siphoning off the savings of many people who think they're making investments.

Liz Truss Says Sunak’s Plan to Gradually Ban Cigarette Sales Is ‘Absurd' and 'Profoundly Unconservative’

Screengrab from the Guardian: Liz Truss. Photograph: Toby Melville/Reuters

THE GUARDIAN: “While the state has a duty to protect children from harm, in a free society, adults must be able to make their own choices about their own lives.

Banning the sale of tobacco products to anyone born in 2009 or later will create an absurd situation where adults enjoy different rights based on their birthdate.

A Conservative government should not be seeking to extend the nanny state. This will only give succour to those who wish to ban further choices of which they don’t approve.

The newly-elected National government in New Zealand is already reversing the generational tobacco ban proposed by the previous administration.

The government urgently needs to follow suit and reverse this profoundly unconservative policy." » | Quotation: Liz Truss | Date unknown | From today’s Guardian.

For once, I fully agree with Liz Truss on this absurd policy. It should be stopped with despatch. This is profoundly undemocratic, unworkable and unpoliceable. As Liz Truss says, adults should be able to make up their own minds on whether they smoke. Besides, there are known health benefits to smoking in moderation. The devil is in the dose. But even if there weren’t, it’s my life, my choice. Keep governments OUT of people’s PRIVATE lives. What comes next? A ban on drinking alcohol?

We are soon to be in the situation in which two men will be able to kiss in public, but not enjoy a smoke together! How absurd is that? (And I speak as a gay man!)

Furthermore, with WWIII possibly just around the corner, does this mean that our boys will be sent to fight for King and country, but won’t be allowed to enjoy a cigarette for relaxation after battles?

Kick Sunak out of office asap! The man is out of his depth. – © Mark Alexander

UK Government urged to follow New Zealand and scrap tobacco sales ban »

Tobacco sales ban: PM accused of "creeping prohibition" »

Sunday, January 28, 2024

A Gay Farmer on Love, Isolation, and Disrupting the Meat Industry in Australia | The New Yorker | Reupload

Jun 9, 2021 | In “Alone Out Here,” by Philip Busfield and Luke Cornish, an Australian rancher who is openly gay in a conservative industry fights to reduce carbon emissions through his cattle farming.

Trump's New Slogan Fully Exposes His Plans

Jan 28, 2024 | Anthony Davis reports on Donald Trump's threat that he will be a "dictator for one day."

Kinder des Chaos - Die Ausgestoßenen der Nachkriegszeit

Sep 22, 2022 | Nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs waren zwölf Millionen Kinder in Europa auf sich allein gestellt – entführt, elternlos, zurückgelassen, verlorengegangen. Viele erhielten zwangsweise eine neue Identität und Staatsbürgerschaft. Viele kamen in Waisen- oder Kinderheime, erfuhren Gewalt, Missbrauch und Hoffnungslosigkeit. Viele wurden zur Umerziehung Adoptiveltern überantwortet. Fast 80 Jahre später stellen sich einige überlebende Betroffene ihren Traumata.

France Tries to Contain Protests by Farmers as Outrage Spreads

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The government announced measures to quell the anger, including the scrapping of a fuel tax increase, as thousands of tractors blocked highways across the country.

Farmers blocking the entrance of a supermarket burn tires in Le Mans, in northwestern France, on Friday. | Guillaume Souvant/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Protests by farmers angered by complex regulations, administrative hassles and low wages spread across France on Friday, blocking several highways, snarling traffic for miles and forcing the country’s new prime minister to tear up his schedule and head to a remote farm in the region where the demonstrations began.

Gabriel Attal, the 34-year-old prime minister who took office this month, arrived late in the afternoon in southwestern France to try to ease the tension.

“Without our farmers, we are no longer France,” he declared at a cattle farm in Montastruc-de-Salies, in the Haute-Garonne region. He appeared intent on convincing his rural audience that its angry message had been received, even as some tractor convoys inched closer to Paris.

Mr. Attal said that the government would scrap plans to reduce state subsidies on the diesel fuel used in trucks and other farming machinery, and he promised that it would significantly cut back the time-consuming bureaucratic regulations farmers must follow. For example, 14 different regulations on hedges would be merged into one. » | Roger Cohen and Aurelien Breeden, Reporting from Paris | Friday, January 26, 2024

En direct, colère des agriculteurs : Marc Fesneau promet des « mesures complémentaires » dès mardi : Le ministre de l’agriculture a promis dimanche une « tolérance zéro » en cas de « violences et de dégradations » alors que certains agriculteurs veulent mettre en place lundi « un siège de la capitale pour une durée indéterminée ». LIVE EN COURS »

Secretly Captured Images of German Jews' Expulsion Found – by Chance – in Local Archive

HAARETZ: The photos, taken secretly by an amateur Jewish photographer who risked his life to show the expulsion of the Jews of the city of Breslau in Germany, are being revealed for the first time ahead of International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Breslau, 1941Credit: Landesverband Sachsen der Jüdischen Gemeinden

Previously unknown photographs, documenting the expulsion of Jews from Germany during the Holocaust, were recently discovered in a German archive and are being revealed for the first time ahead of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Saturday. Twelve of the photos were taken in November 1941, and an additional photo was taken in April 1942. They show the expulsion of the Jews of the city of Breslau in Germany (today, Wroclaw in Poland).

The photos were taken secretly by an amateur Jewish photographer who risked his life to take them. The German research project #LastSeen, run by the Berlin-Brandenburg Freie Universitat Berlin and which holds hundreds of photos of expulsions from the period of the Holocaust, is now showing the photos on its website. The project is the public's help in identifying the people in the photos. » | Ofer Aderet | Friday, January 26, 2024

Breslau 1941: clandestine photos tell of the Holocaust’s upheaval and terror: Images taken secretly some 80 years ago are being published for the first time to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day »

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Unsere Mütter, unsere Großmütter (Frauen im Krieg)

Oct 21, 2022

Rom - Untergang einer Weltmacht | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

Jan 27, 2024 | In den ersten Jahrhunderten unserer Zeitrechnung herrschte das Römische Reich über Europa und den Mittelmeerraum. Dank neuester Erkenntnisse sind die Ursachen für den Zusammenbruch des Imperiums heute genauer bekannt: tödliche Pandemien und das Klima. Mehr als die Barbaren oder die Unfähigkeit der Kaiser brachten die Launen der Natur die größte Macht ihrer Zeit zu Fall.

Der Dokumentarfilm „Rom - Untergang einer Weltmacht“ behandelt den schleichenden, aber unaufhaltsamen Prozess, der letztendlich zum Zusammenbruch des größten Reiches der Antike führte. Hauptverantwortlich für den Untergang Roms sind weder die Unfähigkeit seiner Kaiser noch die Kühnheit seiner Gegner oder die Schlagkraft ihrer Heere, sondern mehrere Pandemien und eine Reihe von Klimaschocks, die das Römische Reich vom 2. Jahrhundert unserer Zeitrechnung an heimsuchten.

Neue Erkenntnisse der Wissenschaft machen diesen Prozess des Niedergangs heute besser verständlich. Drei aufeinanderfolgende Pandemien – wahrscheinlich die Pocken, ein hämorrhagisches Fieber und die Beulenpest – dezimierten Roms Bevölkerung stark und fügten Armee und Wirtschaft großen Schaden zu.

Man geht davon aus, dass Rom dreimal hintereinander ein Drittel bis die Hälfte seiner Bevölkerung verlor, was seinen Gegnern gelegen kam, um die angeschlagene Weltmacht weiter zu schwächen. In Europa, den USA und Russland versuchen Archäologen und Historiker sowie auf antike Krankheiten spezialisierte Genetiker, die Pandemien des Römischen Altertums zu identifizieren und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Bevölkerung zu ermitteln.

Neben diesen Forschungen zeigt der Dokumentarfilm die Arbeit der Dendrochronologen, die an den Jahresringen von Hölzern die Klimaschwankungen durch die Jahrhunderte hindurch ablesen: Sie entdeckten im 3. Jahrhundert in Europa und Eurasien eine plötzliche Klimastörung, aufgrund derer die landwirtschaftlichen Erträge zurückgingen. Dies habe sich gravierend auf die Ernährung der Bevölkerung ausgewirkt und sei auch verantwortlich für die Migration der Hunnen aus der Mongolei und Südsibirien nach Europa – mit der tiefgreifenden Erschütterung des Römischen Reiches als Folgeerscheinung.

Wie andere Untersuchungen zeigen, haben ungeheuer starke Vulkanausbrüche Anfang des 6. Jahrhunderts eine spektakuläre Abkühlung hervorgerufen und das Römische Reich in eine nie dagewesene Krise gestürzt. Diese spätantike kleine Eiszeit in Verbindung mit der ersten Beulenpest-Epidemie in diesem Teil der Welt soll den Versuch Roms, ein letztes Mal wieder zu erstarken, vereitelt haben.

Dokumentarfilm von Frédéric Wilner (F 2022, 90 Min) Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 03/04/2024

Steve Schmidt on Why We Can Never Forget the Holocaust | The Warning

Jan 27, 2024 | Steve Schmidt reflects on the 79th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. January 27th marks National Holocaust Remembrance Day, and Steve warns why it's vital -- more than ever -- to continue to remember.

German Mainstream Scramble to Thwart Rising Popularity of the Far Right | DW News

Jan 27, 2024 | The Alternative for Germany (AfD), which the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution has partially classified as right-wing extremist, is enjoying record highs in opinion polls. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of people have been taking to the streets to demonstrate against the anti-immigration party.

The German Bundestag is also debating how to deal with the AfD, with the three governing parliamentary factions — the center-left Social Democrats (SPD), the Greens and the neoliberal Free Democrats (FDP)— submitting a motion on the issue. The topic: "Resilient democracy in a diverse country — a clear stand against the enemies of democracy and their plans of forced displacement."

The move was prompted by a media report about a meeting last fall of right-wing extremists, attended by AfD officials as well as members of the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU). The gathering is said to have been about plans for the so-called remigration, or expulsion, of millions of people who have immigrated to Germany.

In the parliamentary debate, Bernd Baumann, the AfD's parliamentary secretary and chief whip in the German parliament, told lawmakers the meeting was no more than a "small, private debate club," but not a "secret meeting dangerous to the public."

But Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) called it "an active effort to shift borders and to spread contempt for democracy and misanthropy into the heart of society." Faeser said she could also imagine banning the party — but only as a last resort.

Margaret Thatcher: The Life and Times of the Lady Who Wouldn't Be Turned

Jul 10, 2023 | Few politicians have been as polarising as UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who led her country during a tumultuous time in history, between 1979 and 1990.

She was the first female leader of a major political party in British History; and its longest continually serving prime minister of the 20th century. She led her country to victory in the Falklands conflict; presided over the decolonisation of a number of former dominions, successfully pressuring warring factions in Rhodesia and the Apartheid regime of South Africa to come to a peaceful transition of power.

She was a major player in the struggle against communism and the eventual breakup of the Soviet Union. But she also instigated a complete overhaul of the British economic system in a process that would eventually be named after her (Thatcherism); in which a massive privatisation and deregulation push of entire industries such as energy, communications, welfare, healthcare and transport into the private sector would cause substantial upheaval to many dependant communities.

Nevertheless, these policies drove a surge in investment, GDP and capital that transformed Britain into a modern, efficient and productive nation that successive governments both left and right would continue to endorse.

She was a conservative who nevertheless drove a number of progressive environmental policies. She was a traditionalist, yet supported free speech and personal liberty. She was a woman who believed herself to be the equal of any man in the arena, yet she was no feminist. In so many ways Margaret Thatcher was full of contradictions, yet most historians agree that in a world of wishy-washy populism, she was perhaps the only truly conviction politician who refused to back down from making the tough decisions that she believed would give individuals the greatest opportunities to thrive and make her nation great once more.

Britain Suspends Funding for UN Aid Agency Implicated in Oct 7 Attack

THE TELEGRAPH: Foreign Office says it is ‘appalled’ by claims UN workers were involved in Hamas massacre of Israelis

Britain has suspended its funding for the United Nations aid agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) after 12 of its employees were accused of taking part in the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel.

The Foreign Office said it was “appalled” by the claims as it followed the United States, Canada, Australia and Italy in putting its funding on hold.

Israel has vowed to ban the UNRWA from operating in Gaza once the war is over after the agency sacked the workers on Friday.

Foreign Office documents show Britain has given UNRWA £27 million in aid since October 2022.

A memorandum of understanding between the Foreign Office and UNRWA shows Britain planned to hand it a further £2 million on April 15 and £9 million on October 1 this year.

But the Foreign Office has now said it is “temporarily pausing any future funding of UNRWA whilst we review these concerning allegations”.

“We remain committed to getting humanitarian aid to the people in Gaza who desperately need it,” it added. » | Tim Sigsworth and Edward Malnick, Sunday Political Editor | Saturday, January 27, 2024

What Makes a Real French Croissant? | DW Food

Jan 27, 2024 | Croissants are a staple in French pastry. A fresh coffee and a croissant create the perfect breakfast combination. So, how are perfect French croissants made? How did they become so popular in France, and how were they invented in the first place? Legend has it that the croissant wasn't even invented in France. To answer these questions, we went to Paris, France, and visited a classic boulangerie – a French bakery – to find out.

Ne-Yo : Sexy Love | Official Music Video | Remastered in HD | Reupload

Dec 14, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 142,736,520

Sir Michael Marmot on 'Grim Reality' of Poverty in Britain | LBC

Jan 23, 2024 | Professor Sir Michael Marmot joins Andrew Marr to discuss alarming data from the NHS, which suggests a signifiant increase in Victorian-era diseases, such as scurvy and rickets, during Rishi Sunak's premiership. Marmot attributes the return of these diseases to poverty and malnutrition and emphasises the 'grim' reality of Britain in 2024.

Millions in UK Need to Double Income to Escape Poverty | Channel 4 News

Jan 23, 2024 | When the cost of everything is spiralling, from housing to fuel and food, millions of ordinary people are facing an ever greater struggle to get by.

Now a new report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation says millions of people in the UK would need to double their income to escape poverty. Their damning report reveals the extent of hardship and desperation across the country - describing it as "social failure, at scale".

Ex Trump Strategist Steve Bannon Says He Could End US Involvement in Ukraine in 48 hours | ITV News

Jan 24, 2024 | ITV News political editor Robert Peston quizzes Steve Bannon, Former Chief Strategist to Donald Trump on what Trump’s presidency would do.

Mr Bannon says Trump could end US involvement in Ukraine within “48 hours” “MAGA does not want one more penny going to Zelenskyy or those corrupt oligarchs in Ukraine,” he said.

Truth To Power: 2024 Brexit Costs: Steel, Food, Medicines & Money

Jan 27, 2024

Michael Lambert: Food Shortages and Business Bankruptcies in Post-Brexit Britain

Jan 27, 2024 | As we hear about the return of rickets and scurvy and children having to wear overcoats and gloves in school because of the cold.

There is more bad news for the UK following Brexit. From 1st February, the UK will have to begin imposing import controls on goods arriving in the UK from the European Union . These have previously been delayed five times since 2021. These controls will result in shortages and price increases. EU suppliers will be less likely to want to send goods to the UK if this involves uncertain delays. They are also likely to increase prices to cover the increased delays. Gaps on the supermarket shelves are likely to become normal.

More than 500,000 businesses are said to be in financial difficulty and at least 57,000 are expected to close in the coming weeks.

The highest taxes ever, increased cost of living, and energy price increases have all contributed to a reduction in spending.