Friday, February 02, 2024

Vier Jahre Brexit: "Slow Motion Car Crash" | 11KM - der tagesschau-Podcast

Jan 31, 2024 | Die Briten machen Ernst, vor genau vier Jahren, am 31. Januar 2020: Das Vereinigte Königreich tritt damals unter Premierminister Boris Johnson ganz offiziell aus der EU aus. Das politische Chaos in der Downing Street wirkt bis heute nach. Und nun? In dieser 11KM-Folge erzählt die langjährige ARD Korrespondentin Annette Dittert was aus ihrem geliebten Großbritannien geworden ist und warum ihr ausgerechnet ein schottisches Mädchen Hoffnung gibt.

Und nun, Brexit aus der Sicht eines Briten, meiner:

I expected everything to go downhill; and it has. I expected restriction on our movement, which is exactly what happened; I expected to lose my European citizens’ rights, which is exactly what happened; I expected prices to rise in the shops, which is exactly what has happened; I expected the nation to start its downward descent into impoverishment, which is exactly what has happened; I expected the UK’s international reputation, the UK’s standing in the world to be severely damaged, which is exactly what has happened; I expected the UK to become a laughing stock, which is exactly what has happened; I expected European goods such as superior French cheeses and charcuterie to slowly disappear from supermarket shelves, which is exactly what is happening, and much else besides. There are no upsides to Brexit, only downsides. – © Mark Alexander