Showing posts with label Javier Milei. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Javier Milei. Show all posts

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Argentine, la révolution Milei | Décryptages | ARTE

Mar 21, 2025 | Disponible jusqu'au 20/03/2026 Elu avec 55% de voix à la tête de l’Argentine en novembre 2023, Javier Milei mène une politique de dérégulation débridée et de destruction des systèmes institutionnels. Il n’a de cesse de clamer que ses méthodes révolutionnaires fonctionnent. Pourtant, tout le peuple argentin est loin d'être acquis sa cause… Premier bilan d’une politique ultralibérale à outrance.

Friday, March 14, 2025

They Are Fuming at Javier Milei’s Cuts

Mar 13, 2025

I said from day 1 that Javier Milei’s anarcho-capitalism with his ridiculous, symbolic chainsaw is NOT what Argentina needs. It is no long-term solution. It’s all going to end in tears. Only the well-heeled will be spared the misery. The majority of Argentinians will descend into abject poverty. This is so hard for the majority of Argentinians, who have already suffered enough. Too much, actually. And now we can observe Elon Musk copy Milei’s policies in the USA. The Western world is going to hell in a handbasket. – © Mark Alexander

Sunday, February 02, 2025

President Milei's Homophobic Davos Speech Sparks Protests across Argentina

Feb 2, 2025 | Thousands of Argentinians protested after Milei compared homosexuality to paedophilia and announced that feminicide would be removed from the penal code.

Related video here.

The world political stage is peopled by clowns and ignoramuses. The world is going mad. – © Mark Alexander

Protests Erupt in Argentina over President Milei's ‘Hate Speech’

Feb 2, 2025 | Protesters have rallied against what they call “hate speech” by Argentina's President.

Rights groups and trade unions were reacting to comments that Javier Milei made at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Al Jazeera’s Daniel Schweimler reports from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Javier Milei in Argentina will fail with his harsh, unfair, ridiculous policies just as Trump will fail in the States. – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Argentina’s Economy in Crisis, Soup Kitchens Struggle after Government Spending Cuts

Sep 13, 2024 | Argentina's economic crisis has led to widespread poverty, affecting over half of the population. Soup kitchens, essential to many struggling families, are facing shortages after the government halted a food distribution program in December as part of a major cost cutting effort. President Javier Milei is being urged to reinstate the program to address the urgent needs of the country's most vulnerable citizens. The situation is deteriorating, with many families relying solely on soup kitchens for their meals. Inflation, high unemployment, and budget cuts continue to exacerbate the hardship.

Javier Milei is another unfeeling, cruel clown who wants to “fix” the economy even if half of the population of Argentina has to starve to death for him to achieve his desired results! The secret of running a successful economy is to get good economic results with the minimum of hardship and suffering.

I recently watched a documentary on Milei’s anarcho-capitalistic policies and what Argentinians thought of them. It was very clear to me that the people who thought his policies were good were all well-heeled individuals living in beautiful homes. When the government’s policies have minimal impact on your lifestyle, it is easy to be uncritical of them. But for those who are dependent on assistance, for those who are suffering shortages, it’s a different story.

I said from the very start that this experiment will end in tears. I still believe it will. I stand by my original assessment. – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

A Year into Javier Milei’s Presidency, Argentina’s Poverty Hits a New High

Dec 10, 2024 | Argentina's President is celebrating his first year in office this week.

Since coming to power, Javier Milei has abolished ministries, scaled back publicly-funded media and cut subsidies.

Al Jazeera’s Teresa Bo reports from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Monday, December 02, 2024

Argentinien: Im Namen der Wahrheit | ARTE Reportage

Dec 2, 2024 | Ein Jahr nach seiner Wahl zum Präsidenten will Javier Milei gerne die Geschichte seines Landes umschreiben, es geht um die Jahre der Militärdiktatur von 1976 bis 1983. Dagegen aber wehren sich die Opfer von damals gemeinsam mit den Kindern der Täter.

In Argentinien ist eine einzigartige Bewegung entstanden: Kinder von Folterern während der Militärdiktatur stehen gemeinsam mit den Opfern auf, um die Wahrheit ans Licht zu bringen. Sie wollen das Schweigen brechen und prangern die Verbrechen ihrer Väter während der Jahre der Militärdiktatur an. Und das gegen den Willen der Regierung unter dem Rechtspopulisten Javier Milei, der die Täter von damals entlasten will und die Zahl der Opfer von damals öffentlich anzweifelt.

Analía Kalinec gründete die Bewegung Historias Desobedientes, "die Ungehorsamen der Geschichte", um an der Seite der Opfer der Diktatur zu kämpfen. Als Tochter eines ehemaligen Polizisten, der wegen Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit verurteilt wurde, will Analía die individuelle Verantwortung der Täter aufdecken.

Analías Weg kreuzt sich mit dem von Ana María Careaga, die im Alter von 16 Jahren entführt wurde, als sie schwanger war. Sie wurde vier Monate lang von den Schergen des Regimes gefoltert. Unter ihren Folterern war auch der Vater von Analía Kalinec. Beide Frauen vereint die Erinnerung an die Schrecken von damals und das Streben nach Gerechtigkeit. Sie wollen die historische Wahrheit bewahren, um zu verhindern, dass sich die Gräueltaten der Vergangenheit eines Tages wiederholen. Tatjana, eine Geschichtsstudentin und aktiv in der studentischen Opposition, schloss sich ihnen an – gegen die Umdichtung der Geschichte durch ihren Präsidenten Javier Milei. Sie setzt sich ein für die Rechte der Opfer der Diktatur.

Video verfügbar bis zum 13/11/2027

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Argentina after One Year of President Milei | DW Documentary

Nov 19, 2024 | Is Javier Milei a savior or a destroyer? It’s been just over a year since the far-right, chainsaw-wielding 54-year-old was elected President of Argentina, and society is more divided than ever before.

Argentina’s poverty rate has soared to over 50% since Javier Milei took office. Many young voters opted for Milei because they wanted a radical break from the previous government. Many Argentinians in the business community are also hoping Milei's "shock therapy” will improve the economic situation - while others are stunned by the president's harsh reforms.

In his first year in office, Milei did not hold back, abolishing many ministries, scaling back publicly funded media and cutting many subsidies. We hear from both supporters and opponents of the president and his policies, including farmers, students, pensioners, trade unionists, journalists and entrepreneurs.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Saturday, October 05, 2024

In Argentina's Poverty-hit Barrios, a Food Emergency Takes Hold | REUTERS

Oct 1, 2024 | Years of recessions and high inflation have left over half of Argentina's population in poverty. Here’s what you need to know about the South American nation’s food emergency.

BEWARE! This short video is not for the faint-hearted! Brace yourselves!

My regular visitors will know that I said from day one that Javier Milei’s shock therapy would cause misery and hardship. Javier Milei’s anarcho-capitalism might be transforming for the economy, but at what cost? As I have said before, more than once, this experiment is going to end in tears. This is a CRUEL economic experiment. – © Mark Alexander

Friday, September 27, 2024

Argentina - President Addresses United Nations General Debate, 79th Session | UNGA

Javier Gerardo Milei, President of the Argentine Republic, addresses the General Debate of the 79th Session of the General Assembly of the UN (New York, 24 -28 and 30 of September 2024).

World leaders gather to engage in the annual high-level General Debate under the theme, "Unity and diversity for advancing peace, sustainable development, and human dignity, everywhere and for all." Heads of State and Government and ministers will explore solutions to intertwined global challenges to advance peace, security, and sustainable development.

The UN General Assembly (UNGA) is the main policy-making organ of the Organization. Comprising all Member States, it provides a unique forum for multilateral discussion of the full spectrum of international issues covered by the Charter of the United Nations. Each of the 193 Member States of the United Nations has an equal vote.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Argentine Provincial Governors Back Milei's Austerity Programme

Jul 10, 2024 | Argentina's president Javier Milei and the governors of 18 provinces have signed a pact in a push to broaden support for his economic reform programme. The signing took place on Independence Day as the country deals with its worst economic crisis in decades.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Argentina’s President Butts Heads with South American Leftist Leaders

THE GUARDIAN: Turning from his ferocious attacks on domestic opponents, Javier Milei aims his scorn at the heads of Brazil and Bolivia

On the campaign trail, Argentina’s showman president, Javier Milei, brandished a chainsaw to highlight plans for ferocious spending cuts. In office, the rightwinger has apparently decided to take the power tool to foreign relations as well.

In recent days, Milei has busied himself losing friends and alienating people with a series of verbal attacks on the leftwing leaders of Argentina’s two biggest neighbours, Bolivia and Brazil.

First came Brazil’s Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, whom Argentina’s far-right libertarian leader had called a corrupt communist during last year’s election. Last week, when Lula suggested Milei should apologize for talking “loads of nonsense”, the Argentinian quickly scotched the idea.

“Since when do you have to say sorry for telling the truth?” the television celebrity turned politician said of his attack on the president of Argentina’s top trade partner. “Have we become so sick with politically correctness that you can’t say anything about the left even when it’s true?” » | Tom Phillips, Latin America correspondent, and Facundo Iglesia in Buenos Aires | Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Javier Milei Wows Crowd by Singing Heavy Metal Song at Book Launch Event

May 24, 2024 | Argentina President Javier Milei sent fans wild on Wednesday night as he dressed like a rockstar and performed one of his favourite heavy metal songs.

Milei performed for 8,000 people at Buenos Aires' historic Luna Park, joined by a party lawmaker on drums and his biographer on bass.

With wild hair, a black leather coat, and jumping around, Milei sang "Panic Show" by La Renga before launching his new book.

"I'm the king, I'm the lion ... I eat the elite for breakfast," Milei shouted the lyrics.

The libertarian leader, in office since December, often likens himself to a fierce lion, cutting budgets and breaking political norms. He frequently targets the political elite, or "caste," blaming them for Argentina's economic woes and soaring triple-digit inflation.

After the performance, the event shifted to the launch of his book "Capitalism, Socialism and the Neoclassical Trap". "The cultural battle must be fought in the classroom, in politics and everywhere, you can't stop fighting because otherwise the lefties will beat us," Milei said.

Not exactly the behaviour we have seen, or come to expect, from presidents of countries, is it? One could never call this behaviour dignified. One can but wonder what the general population of Argentina feels about this wild, outrageous, onstage spectacle! Especially the people who are hurting as a result of Milei’s extreme policies. – © Mark Alexander

Saturday, February 03, 2024

What Experts Think of ‘Anarcho-capitalist’ Milei’s Plan to Dollarize the Argentinian Economy?

Dec 4, 2023 | Replacing the Peso with US dollars and getting rid of the central bank, that’s what Javier Milei, Argentina’s recently elected president, has proposed as part of his radical economic agenda. We speak to two experts who give us details on what could be Argentina’s road ahead.

Milei's anarcho-capitalistic solutions will not solve Argentina's economic problems. If anything, they will heap even more misery onto the long-suffering Argentinians. Extreme and radical solutions are rarely the answer to anything. – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Argentina: A Journey into Discord | Documentary

Jan 16, 2024 | The resounding victory of populist candidate Javier Milei as President of Argentina on 19 November, with almost 56% of the vote, is a worry for many in Argentina and abroad. After Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro, another country is tilting towards extremism. Public sector employees, including railway workers are especially concerned as large-scale privatisation is planned.

Monday, January 08, 2024

All Feminists Are Under Attack’: Ultra-right Threat in Milei’s Argentina Forces Writer into Exile

THE GUARDIAN: The new president’s rightwing supporters are targeting journalists and women’s rights activists – but the fight goes on

Female journalists who write about gender issues say they are having to deal with a toxic wave of threats against them in Argentina. Some are fighting back, others are lying low and one has gone into self-imposed exile for her safety.

“We are facing a witch-hunt from the ultra-right,” said the author, journalist and activist Luciana Peker, who recently left Argentina for an undisclosed location due to the weight of threats against her.

Argentina became the largest Latin American nation legalise abortion in 2020, but its newly elected far-right libertarian president, Javier Milei, campaigned to overturn the law saying he would call a referendum on it if necessary. » | Uki Goñi | Monday, January 8, 2024

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Argentina: Milei Wants to Reverse Rapprochement with China | DW News

Dec 27, 2023 | When he was still campaigning, Argentina's new president Javier Milei threatened to cut ties with Beijing, favoring trade with the US and Europe. But after 23 years of negotiations, a European free-trade deal still seems to be a long way off. That leaves none other than China as an increasingly important trading partner for Argentina - something that is softening the hard anti-Beijing stance of the country's new president.

Naturally, I wish Argentina and the Argentinians all the luck in the world; however, I fear that Argentina is travelling down the wrong road. Javier Milei's experiment with EXTREME DEREGULATION of the economy will, in all probability, lead to no good place; on the contrary, Milei's experiment is likely to make matters ten times worse! If you think that the economy is screwed up now, wait for a few years until the effects of this reckless experiment play out! Almost always in life, the best path to stability is not the extreme path, but the middle way, the golden path – the golden middle way.

We here in the UK have plenty of experience of deregulation under Thatcher and her misguided policies. Look at the mess that the UK is in today as a result of them! But Argentina will be in an even worse situation, because its starting position is so much worse than even the UK's was.

I wish Argentina and the Argentinians well. Of course I do. They are going to need everyone's good wishes. But more than good wishes, Argentina needs a path forward paved with sound economic policies. Javier Milei's anarcho-capitalistic ideas are highly unlikely to deliver the needed goods. – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

'There Is No Money': Javier Milei Delivers Argentines Painful Truth in Maiden Speech

Dec 11, 2023 | Argentina's new libertarian leader Javier Milei has declared the country is broke after "more than a 100 years of decadence" as he warns of a painful but inevitable fiscal shock to fix the severe economic crisis.

On Sunday, Milei was officially sworn in, succeeding the Peronist leader Alberto Fernandez, whose government was dogged by failures to curb rampant inflation that is now almost reaching 200 per cent.

In his maiden speech, Milei said his focus is on trimming state expenditure rather than burdening the private sector, aiming to stabilise the economy and appease investors.

"If a country is lacking in reputation, as is unfortunately the case with Argentine, business will not invest until they see a fiscal readjustment, bringing it down," he said. "And no less important, for gradualism it is necessary that there is financing. And unfortunately I have to tell you again that there is no money."

"Therefore, following such a situation there can be no doubt that the only possible option is an adjustment, an orderly adjustment that comes down with its full weight on the state and not on the private sector."