Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Baked Camembert with Homemade Fig Jam and Rosemary | Cooking with Zahra

Jan 9, 2024 | Baked Camembert with Homemade Fig Jam and Rosemary is a delectable appetizer that combines the rich, creamy goodness of baked Camembert cheese with the sweet and fragrant notes of homemade fig jam and the aromatic touch of fresh rosemary.

This dish is perfect for sharing at gatherings or as an indulgent treat for a cozy night in. The combination of creamy Camembert, sweet fig jam, and aromatic rosemary creates a delightful balance of flavors that is sure to impress your guests or satisfy your own cheese cravings. Enjoy!

Get the full recipe here.

Monday, January 08, 2024

Neuschwanstein: Ludwigs Traum, Ludwigs Tragödie | Doku HD | ARTE

Dec 23, 2023 | Schloss Neuschwanstein gehört zu den außergewöhnlichsten Bauwerken der Welt. Markenzeichen und Identifikationsort für Bayern und ganz Deutschland. Ein ikonisches Bauwerk zwischen architektonischem Genie und kitschigem Wahnsinn. Das Schloss ist untrennbar mit dem tragischen Schicksal König Ludwigs II. verbunden, denn es ist sein steingewordener Traum.

Mit Neuschwanstein will sich König Ludwig II. von Bayern eine eigene, sagenhafte Welt erschaffen, um der nüchternen Realität eines konstitutionellen Monarchen zu entrinnen. Bei der Umsetzung seiner Vision lässt er sich durch nichts und niemand aufhalten. Bereits die Idee des jungen Königs, sein Schloss auf einem steilen Berggipfel zu errichten, ist ambitioniert. Der Bauherr hat eine präzise Vorstellung für seine idealisierte Ritterburg. Inspiriert wird er durch deutsche Sagenwelten und die Werke des Komponisten Richard Wagner. Nichts geschieht, ohne dass es der König selbst in Auftrag gibt, überall redet er mit - bis ins kleinste Detail.

Für die Architekten eine immense Herausforderung, ständig müssen Pläne geändert und angepasst werden. Der Bauherr ist dem technischen Fortschritt aufgeschlossen, um seine oft bizarren Wünsche schnell und präzise umzusetzen. Die bauliche Leistung ist atemberaubend und die facettenreiche Umsetzung im historisierenden Stil meisterhaft - bis ins kleinste Detail. Besonders an Neuschwanstein ist nicht der oft als kitschig bezeichnete Prunk, sondern die bemerkenswerten Verflechtung von Ludwigs idealisiertem Weltbild und dem Bauwerk selbst.

Weder als Repräsentationsbau noch als Machtdemonstration, sondern ausschließlich als privates Refugium gedacht, ist das Schloss wie eine zu Stein gewordene Fantasie des Herrschers. Der Monarch, der sich unverstanden fühlt, zieht sich immer weiter zurück. Das Leben und der plötzliche, legendenumrankte Tod des "Märchenkönigs" sind untrennbar mit seinem Schloss verbunden.

Dokumentarfilm von Oliver Halmburger (D 2023, 89 Min)
Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 22/03/2024

Waffles | Akis Petretzikis

Jan 8, 2024

Get the recipe here.

Margaret Thatcher on Russia, Communism

Listen to Margaret Thatcher destroying communism.

Senator Rubio Destroys Anti-Israel Voices | #shorts

He says that Hamas are 100% to blame for all the deaths of civilians.

Why President Biden Was Right to Reject Fox News | #shorts

Steve Schmidt explains why.

All Feminists Are Under Attack’: Ultra-right Threat in Milei’s Argentina Forces Writer into Exile

THE GUARDIAN: The new president’s rightwing supporters are targeting journalists and women’s rights activists – but the fight goes on

Female journalists who write about gender issues say they are having to deal with a toxic wave of threats against them in Argentina. Some are fighting back, others are lying low and one has gone into self-imposed exile for her safety.

“We are facing a witch-hunt from the ultra-right,” said the author, journalist and activist Luciana Peker, who recently left Argentina for an undisclosed location due to the weight of threats against her.

Argentina became the largest Latin American nation legalise abortion in 2020, but its newly elected far-right libertarian president, Javier Milei, campaigned to overturn the law saying he would call a referendum on it if necessary. » | Uki Goñi | Monday, January 8, 2024

Elon Musk Uses LSD, Cocaine, Ecstasy, Mushrooms: WSJ

Jan 8, 2024 | Elon Musk’s drug use has worried executives and board members at businesses he runs, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing unidentified people familiar with the billionaire and the companies. Musk has used LSD, cocaine, ecstasy and psychedelic mushrooms, often at private parties, the Journal said, citing unnamed witnesses and others with knowledge of the matter.

En direct, guerre en Ukraine : l’armée russe a lancé une attaque aérienne sur la ville de Zaporijia, au moins « deux victimes », selon les autorités locales

LE MONDE : Le maire de la ville du sud-est du pays ainsi que le chef de l’administration militaire de l’oblast ont fait état d’une attaque « combinée de missiles de croisière et balistiques » survenue aux alentours de 7 heures, lundi, et ayant touché plusieurs « zones résidentielles ». LIVE EN COURS » | lundi 8 janvier 2024

Iranian Woman Whipped 74 Times for Refusing to Wear Hijab

THE TELEGRAPH: 33-year-old was charged with 'encouraging permissiveness' after several Tehran outings

Roya Heshmati, 33, was told she was being punished because she had violated public morals

An Iranian woman received 74 lashes for refusing to wear the hijab, defying the strict dress code even as she was taken to be whipped.

Roya Heshmati, 33, was charged with “encouraging permissiveness” after appearing unveiled on several occasions in the capital, Tehran.

“Her penalty of 74 strokes of the lash was carried out in accordance with the law and with sharia,” and “for violating public morals,” the judiciary’s Mizan Online website said late on Saturday.

Ms Heshmati was also reportedly ordered to pay a fine of 12 million rials (£225).

“The convicted … encouraged permissiveness [by appearing] disgracefully in busy public places in Tehran,” Mizan reported.

“As the lashes struck my body, I whispered, ‘In the name of woman, in the name of life, dawn will come,’” BBC Persian quoted her as saying, adding she had refused to cover her hair even as she was transported to be flogged. » | Telegraph’s Foreign Staff | Sunday, January 7, 2024

As I have said before, Islam is a pox on the free world. Unfortunately, this dark thinking has been brought to our shores. Many a Muslim living in Britain longs for the introduction of the Sharia’h to replace our common law. Beware! – © Mark Alexander

Conservatives Face ‘Obliteration’ as UK in Worse State Than 2010, Tory MP Says

THE GUARDIAN: Danny Kruger said his party would leave the country ‘sadder, less united and less conservative’ than they had found it

Danny Kruger, pictured in 2021, made the comments during a private Tory member event last October. Photograph: Victoria Jones/PA

The Conservatives face “obliteration” at the next election after leaving the country in a worse state than they inherited it in 2010, a senior Tory MP has said, in a stark assessment of the party’s 13 years in government.

Danny Kruger, a leading backbencher and founder of the increasingly influential New Conservatives group, said the Conservatives risked being ejected from power this year having left the country “sadder, less united and less conservative” than they found it. » | Kiran Stacey | Sunday, January 7, 2024

This senior Tory MP is absolutely right: the Conservatives have been in power since 2010 and have made an absolute mess of this once proud nation. Now, after decimating the country and causing absolute chaos, there is little or nothing to be proud of!

I was once a lifelong Conservative voter; indeed, I was weaned on Conservatism! After Brexit, I would under no circumstances vote for the Tories. Brexit was the most economically irresponsible move imaginable. It was a decision which will inevitably impoverish the nation. It has also taken our citizen’s rights away from us as Europeans. Everything is worse because of Brexit. And very importantly, food standards are in decline. And decline they will even further as a result of the foolish decision. Brexit wasn’t even democratic. The whole thing was hijacked by a cabal of crooks at the top.

But more than the idiocy of Brexit… Look at the state of the NHS, look at the state of education, look at the state of dentistry, look at the homelessness, look at the growth in poverty, look at the growth in the use of food banks, look at the huge wealth gap between the superrich and the extremely poor – the underclass! These are all deliberate policies of these despicable Tories.

And now, the latest is that Sunak wants to cut taxes by cutting welfare! The poor in this country are living on a shoestring as things stand. God only knows what they will live on if their welfare is cut even further. These Tories are heartless, cruel people. They are shameless. Utterly shameless. They have no shred of Christianity in their systems. All they understand is greed.

“For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.” – Matthew 25:29 (King James Version)

The sooner the Conservative Party goes the way of the dodo, the better it will be for this country. – © Mark Alexander

Sunday, January 07, 2024

Argentina – Milei: I Will Not Promote Political Relations with Communist Countries | #shorts

Milei will not promote relations with ANY communist country.

The Lincoln Project: Rick Reacts: Third Anniversary of January 6th

Jan 6, 2024 | "Three years ago today we learned something about the Republican Party." GOP leadership doesn't care about the extreme threat MAGA supporters and their insurrection pose. They haven't been held accountable for their actions, but they will, says LP co-founder @TheRickWilson

Poverty or Prosperity – What’s Your Choice?

Jan 7, 2024 | Really Britain has delayed making a decision about whether to embrace a race to the bottom with divergence from EU regs or to accept our rightful place is in Europe. Existing as a bargain basement on the shores of the world's most successful trading bloc is suicide!

The Tories have totally ruined this country and the UK economy. Jacob Rees-Mogg, for example, is an incompetent fool. Brexit MUST BE reversed. – © Mark Alexander

The Lincoln Project: Not Hostages

Jan 7, 2024

Parliament after Next General Election Will Be Most Diverse Ever, Analysis Shows

THE OBSERVER: Record number of female and ethnic minority MPs expected to sit in Commons according to study of candidate selections

The next general election is set to herald the most diverse parliament ever, with record numbers of ethnic minority and female MPs, according to a detailed analysis of candidate selections in winnable seats.

The study, by the thinktank British Future, projects that the number of ethnic minority MPs is most likely to rise from 65 to as many as 83, with much of this rise expected whatever the actual outcome of the election.

If the number of ethnic minority MPs does reach 75 or more, it will have increased fivefold in a decade and a half, having been just 15 out of 650 in the 2005 to 2010 parliament. » | Toby Helm, Political editor | Sunday, January 7, 2024

Dimitra’s Dishes: Creamy Chicken & Cauliflower Skillet (Low-carb)

Jan 7, 2024

Get the recipe here.

„Love-Scamming“: Wie ein Heiratsschwindler eine Berliner Rentnerin ausplünderte

BERLINER ZEITUNG: Professionelle Betrüger wenden raffinierte Methoden an, um an das Geld anderer Menschen zu kommen. Sie haben es auf einsame Menschen abgesehen.

Im Oktober 2022 wurde Jenny N. auf ihrer Facebook-Seite von einem Mann angeschrieben. Larry, wie er sich nannte, hatte eine traurige Geschichte zu erzählen: Witwer sei er. Seine Frau habe er vor vier Jahren bei einem Verkehrsunfall verloren, den er selbst verursacht hatte. Ihre gemeinsame inzwischen neunjährige Tochter Lisa lebe nun bei ihrem Opa – seinem Schwiegervater – in Florida, woher auch seine Frau stamme. Larry und sie hätten bis zum Unfall für die Kinderhilfsorganisation Unicef gearbeitet, schrieb er.

Doch das war nicht alles an Larrys Geschichte. Denn als der Großvater von dem schrecklichen Todesfall erfuhr, bekam er einen Herzschlag und starb auch. Jetzt gab es nur noch Larry und seine Lisa, einsam im fernen Florida. Larry lebte angeblich in Holland und in England. Doch nun, nach Jahren des Schmerzes, wollte Larry, ein gutaussehender Mann von 65 Jahren, nicht länger allein bleiben. Er wollte eine neue Frau kennenlernen.

Auch der Mann der 77-jährigen Jenny N. war vor einigen Jahren gestorben. Auch sie war der Einsamkeit überdrüssig und schlug Larry vor, doch mal nach Berlin zu kommen. Es entwickelte sich ein Briefwechsel, bald telefonierte sie mit ihm. Er sprach Deutsch mit englischem Akzent. „Er war 65 und ich bin 77 und fand das etwas ulkig“, sagt sie heute. „Denn wer will eine so viel ältere Partnerin?“ Aber Jenny N. hörte nicht auf ihre innere Stimme und machte weiter.

Irgendwann offenbarte er ihr, dass ihn eine Bank in London zur Testamentseröffnung seines Schwiegervaters geladen habe. Der hatte für die kleine Lisa einen Fonds aufgelegt, mit einem Volumen von 4,8 Millionen Dollar. Larry sagte, dass er zur Testamentseröffnung fahre und anschließend nach Berlin kommen werde. » | Andreas Kopietz | Sonntag, 7. Januar 2024

Armin Navabi: The Poison Pill of Islam | Parts 1 & 2

Jul 13, 2017 | Armin Navabi is a former Iranian Muslim and founder of AtheistRepublic.com. He is a vocal critic of Islam, with a unique insider's perspective and a passion to see people set free from religious dogma.

Atheist Republic »

Islam is a pox on the world. It is the antithesis of the Enlightenment. – © Mark Alexander

Saturday, January 06, 2024

Taiwan - between Democracy and Fear of China | DW Documentary

Jan 10, 2024

Chermoula Magic: Authentic Moroccan Chicken Tagine with Olives | Flavors of Morocco

Feb 8, 2023 | طاجين الدجاج

WIKIPEDIA : Chermoula »

Convicted Jan. 6 Participant Calls Out Trump

Jan 6, 2024 | Pam Hemphill, a convicted January 6th participant who served two months in federal prison, gives her reaction to former President Donald Trump firing back at President Joe Biden's campaign speech.

Why Donald Trump's Legacy Is Inciting Insurrection on January 6th | The Warning

Jan 6, 2024 | On the 3rd anniversary of the horrific January 6th insurrection, Steve Schmidt talks about the legacy of Donald Trump inciting those riots and why we must never forget his role on that tragic day in American history.

Why the **** are Americans wasting so much valuable time on this dangerous ne’er-do-well? Do with him what he wanted to do with Hillary Clinton! Lock him up! The man is a bloody menace. – © Mark Alexander

What If Russia Wins against Ukraine? | Niall Ferguson | #shorts

What will it mean for the West?

Can Nicotine Be Good for You? | Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman … | #shorts

Andrew Huberman has an interesting message for us.

What New Zealanders Think about Jacinda Ardern | #shorts

New Zealanders being truthful about Jacinda Ardern.

92-year-old Caller Reveals Secrets about Trump’s Father. This Explains Everything | #shorts

This tells us all we need to know about Trump.

Larry Dean: “It’s All an Act. I’m English!” | #shorts

Just for a laugh.

Dr Michael Shermer : God Does NOT Exist

Dec 21, 2012 | Dr Michael Shermer gives his argument against the existence of God.

One could argue that we are programmed from birth to believe in fairy stories, myths and BS! – © Mark Alexander

Best of Deutsche Grammophon 2023

Jan 3, 2024 | Enjoy a walk down memory lane and take a look back on Deutsche Grammophon’s best music videos from 2023 performed by your favourite artists!

Biden Says Trump Endangers American Democracy as He Kickstarts Campaign | DW News

Jan 6, 2024 | US President Joe Biden has kickstarted his bid for re-election later this year with his harshest attack yet on his likely challenger, Donald Trump. Biden warned that Trump poses a grave danger to American democracy, accusing him of echoing Nazi Germany and seeking 'revenge and retribution'. Trump has hit back, accusing Biden of scaremongering.

Michael Lambert: 'Going for Growth' - Where Is This Growth Coming from?

Jan 6, 2024 | The UK economy is in a terrible state of decline following Brexit. The NHS is in chaos with a waiting list approaching 8 million. Qualified doctors who are known as junior doctors earn £15 per hour and are on strike. Others are leaving the NHS.

The UK has the lowest state pensions in Europe. Real wages have not increased since 2007 and there has been the biggest fall in living standards since the 1950's.

Sewage is routinely tipped into our rivers and sea by private, often foreign-owned water companies. City centres are derelict with boarded up shops, grafitti and rough sleepers. Rishi Sunak continues to rush around telling us that everything is going so well and that he is going to cut taxes despite the dire state of the economy.

Keir Starmer, who will almost certainly be prime minister before the end of this year, continues to claim that he will 'Make Brexit Work' and will do so by going for growth without explaining how that will happen.

In the meantime, the rich are getting richer, inequality is increasing and the government plans to go after the poor by taxing anyone selling goods online and by secretly inspecting the bank accounts of anyone claiming benefits.

Another excellent synopsis of the dystopia that the UK has become under the Tories. Whichever way one slices it, the UK has become a chaotic mess under the Conservatives – the Party which once prided itself on being the serious party that knew how to govern, the serious party one could depend on for sensible politics, the party which cleared up messes created by others. They didn't indulge in making them themselves.

There is absolutely no doubt about it. Brexit has been a disaster; and it will continue to be one for this nation.

Our corrupt and incompetent politicians are living in the land of make-believe. – © Mark Alexander

Friday, January 05, 2024

A Gay Couple Who Were CNN’s First New Year’s Kiss Went Viral. They Continue to Spread Love.

LGBTQ NATION: It’s OK to love your child unconditionally whether you understand it or not," they said in a message to parents.

CNN's cameras caught two men kissing at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve. Photo: Screenshot

Jake Erikkson and Corin Christian went viral after CNN captured them smooching at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve. The kiss, the first to be aired on television that night, was also shown on multiple other networks and quickly spread joy through the queer community.

“CNN’s first shot after the ball drop appears to be an interracial gay kiss. The outrage will be hilarious,” Joe My God blogger Joe Jervis predicted shortly after the kiss aired. And, as expected, the usual suspects quickly started clutching their pearls.

But Erikkson and Christian haven’t let it faze them at all. Instead, they’re focused on the positives.

The men said they hoped their kiss had a bigger impact than a few seconds of air time allowed. They want to spread the love. » | Bil Browning | Thursday, January 4, 2024

Jacques Delors und der Imperativ der Versöhnung


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Ursula von der Leyen und viele europäische Regierungschefs erwiesen dem früheren EU-Kommissionspräsidenten in Paris die letzte Ehre. Sogar Viktor Orbán war gekommen.

Der französische Präsident hat die Verdienste Jacques Delors’ zur Überwindung der europäischen Spaltung in seiner Trauerrede am Freitag in Paris in den Vordergrund gestellt. Emmanuel Macron würdigte „ein Leben voller mutiger Pionierarbeit, visionärer Intuitionen, harter Arbeit und Geselligkeit“. In Anwesenheit von Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier erinnerte Macron daran, wie entschieden sich der damalige EU-Kommissionspräsident für die Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands einsetzte. » | Von Michaela Wiegel | Freitag, 5. Januar 2024

Neo-Nazi Podcasters Who Called for Prince Harry’s Death Receive Prison Sentences

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The men, who were described by the police as “homophobic, racist, antisemitic, Islamophobic and misogynistic,” received eight- and seven-year sentences.

Two neo-Nazi podcasters who called for the execution of Prince Harry were sentenced to prison in London on Thursday.

The podcast hosts, Christopher Gibbons, 40, and Tyrone Patten-Walsh, 36, both from London, had been convicted in July on all charges against them.

Mr. Gibbons, who was convicted of encouraging acts of terrorism and dissemination of terrorist publications, was sentenced to eight years in prison. Mr. Patten-Walsh received seven years for encouraging acts of terrorism.

A statement from the police described the men’s views as “homophobic, racist, antisemitic, Islamophobic and misogynistic.” » | Victor Mather | Friday, January 5, 2024

Queen Margrethe Takes Final Carriage Ride as Danish Monarch after Unexpected Abdication

Jan 4, 2024 | As Denmark’s reigning monarch, Queen Margrethe II took her final ride through Copenhagen in a gold-coated horse-drawn carriage on Thursday, 10 days before she is set to pass the throne on to her eldest son, Crown Prince Frederik.

Crowned in 1972, serving for more than five decades, the beloved Queen Margrethe announced her intent to abdicate in her annual New Year’s Eve speech on a live television broadcast — shocking much of the nation.

“She has been a stable figure,” Danish church employee Bente Lindbak Pihl said on Thursday after attending the Queen’s final carriage ride in the country’s capital. “She has been a kind of big mother for all of us. She has been clever and inspiring.”

Queen Margrethe was not initially intended to become Denmark’s monarch, however, she became heir to her father, King Frederik IX, in 1953 at the age of 13, after a constitutional amendment allowed women to inherit the throne.

La reine Margrethe du Danemark a-t-elle abdiqué pour sauver le mariage de son fils, le prince Frederik? : Des spécialistes de la royauté ont suggéré dans les colonnes du Daily Mail, le lundi 1er janvier, que l'ancienne souveraine s’était mise en retrait pour redonner une chance à l'union entre le futur roi Frederik et la future reine consort Mary. Ce dernier est en effet visé par des rumeurs d'adultère. »

Unlock the Secrets of Makfoul: Moroccan Chicken Tagine with Tomatoes & Onions | Flavors of Morocco

Sep 7, 2023 | طاجين المكفول

For the full recipe, please click here and then click on “more”.

Flavors of Morocco »

WIKIPEDIA: Tajine or Tagine.

Liz Webster: Decisive New YouGov Brexit Poll: Why Britain Is On the Way Back Home

Jan 5, 2024 | Four years after Brexit, what future forms of relationship with the EU would Britons support? Rejoining the EU is the most popular option

China Calls for Global Unity amid Western Exodus | DW Business Special

Jan 5, 2024 | China is calling for global unity and an end to trade wars. It has warned that the whole world stands to lose out from a fragmenting global economy. Is this a sincere attempt by Beijing to mend relations with the West, or part of a strategy to boost its own economy? We put that question and more to Alicia Garcia Herrero from French investment bank Natixis.

El futuro es liberal en Argentina

Jan 5, 2024

Webs de Daniel Lacalle: español e inglés.

Oscar Pistorius Released On Parole 11 Years after Killing Reeva Steenkamp | BBC News

Jan 5, 2024 | Paralympian Oscar Pistorius has been freed on parole from a South African jail, nearly 11 years after murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. Officials confirmed Pistorius was "at home" on Friday morning, having served half of his more than 13-year sentence. Pistorius, now 37, shot Ms Steenkamp multiple times in 2013 through a door. The double amputee later claimed he had mistaken her for a burglar.

Tunesien, die Kunst der Berbertattoos | 360° GEO Reportage | ARTE

Jan 2, 2024 | Eine uralte Tradition ist in die so schönen wie faltigen Gesichter der Großmütter gezeichnet; die letzte Generation von Frauen in Tunesien, die Berber-Tätowierungen auf Gesicht und Körper trägt. "GEO Reportage" trifft eine junge Tätowiererin.

In Tunis gibt es nur eine Handvoll Tätowierer, die 28-jährige Manel Mahdouani ist die einzige Frau unter ihnen. Sie hat kein eigenes Studio, ihr Beruf wird nicht anerkannt. Aber sie hat viele junge Kunden, die statt der westlichen „In“-Motive alte Berbermotive tätowiert bekommen wollen. Manel macht sich auf die Suche nach alten Frauen, die die Tätowierungen nicht nur auf ihren Gesichtern und Körpern tragen, sondern auch die Geschichten dazu kennen. „GEO Reportage“ ist mit der jungen Tätowiererin Manel auf den Spuren der Vergangenheit unterwegs. Manel Mahdouani tritt von Tunis aus ihre Reise in den Süden des Landes an. Sie möchte jene Frauen treffen, die sich in ihrer Jugend tätowieren ließen. Ihre Motivation: berufliche und persönliche Neugier, denn auch in ihrer Familie war die Großmutter tätowiert, und sie möchte mehr über die Vergangenheit ihrer eigenen Familie erfahren. Sie gehört zu der Generation, die nichts mehr über die Beweggründe der Großeltern weiß und daher den „Schleier“ dieser Tradition heben möchte. Warum ließen sich Männer wie Frauen diese rätselhaften Motive auf Gesicht und Körper tätowieren? Auf dem Land erfährt sie erstmals etwas über die Bedeutung der Tätowierungen, und manchmal sind es sogar recht intime Bekenntnisse, die die über 80-jährigen Großmütter ihr preisgeben. Je mehr Manel in den Süden des Landes vordringt, desto komplizierter wird die Recherche, denn einer jungen Fremden gegenüber ist man hier nicht automatisch aufgeschlossen. Doch am Ende ihrer Reise hat die Tätowiererin einen reich bestückten Skizzenblock im Gepäck und kehrt voller Hoffnung und Zuversicht in die Hauptstadt zurück. Wird sich ihr Engagement auszahlen und sich die Ächtung ihres Berufes irgendwann legen?

Reportage von Myriam Bou-Saha (D 2016)
Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 26/01/2024

McDonald's CEO Warns of Hit from Boycotts | BBC News

Jan 5, 2024 | McDonald's said it was seeing a "meaningful" hit to business, as customers in the Middle East and elsewhere boycott the firm for its perceived support of Israel. Chief executive Chris Kempczinski acknowledged the impact in a LinkedIn post, blaming the backlash on "misinformation". In the weeks following the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 last year, McDonald's Israel said it had given away thousands of free meals to members of the Israeli military. The moves sparked grassroots calls for boycotts of the brand by those angered by Israel's military response in Gaza.

LGBTQ+ Rights in Europe | ARTE Europe Weekly

Jan 5, 2024 | The beginning of 2024 brought with it new rights for gay couples in Estonia 🇪🇪 after it became the 15th EU 🇪🇺 country to legalise same-sex marriage. But although rights for LGBTQI+ 🏳️‍🌈 people in Europe may look good on paper, it’s a different story on the ground. Discrimination is still rife and even some EU governments are pushing an anti-LGBTQI message.

Busted: As Trump Eyes Jail Risk, New Report Busts Millions from U.S. Adversaries Abroad

Jan 5, 2024 | Donald Trump received at least $7.8 million in payments from foreign governments, during two of his four years in the White House, according to a new House report. MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports on the findings, and wider significance of legal bans on foreign payments, as foreign forces try to use money to corrupt politicians in both parties.

What Would a Second Trump Presidency Look Like? | DW News

Jan 4, 2024 | National polling indicates that Donald Trump could win the 2024 US presidential election. Governments around the world are preparing for the possibility. DW's Washington Bureau Chief Ines Pohl looks at what a second Trump presidency might look like.

Steve Schmidt Explains Why Donald Trump Will Be Defeated in 2024 | The Warning

Jan 4, 2024 | Steve Schmidt breaks down why, despite all of the news coverage of Donald Trump's chances of winning in 2024, Americans should not be afraid. He lays out what we can all do to protect democracy and defeat Trump.

Thursday, January 04, 2024

What Jeffery Epstein & Donald Trump Say about the Decline of the United States | The Warning

Jan 4, 2024 | Steve Schmidt reacts to the unveiled court documents in the Jeffery Epstein case. He says that the power class like Epstein and Donald Trump don't play by the rules as normal Americans, which leads to distrust in our country.

Prominent Names Listed in Unsealed Epstein Documents

Jan 4, 2023 | Hundreds of pages of unsealed documents from a lawsuit connected to accused sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein were publicly released. This is the first set of documents to be unsealed under a December 18 court order, with more expected in the coming weeks.

Jeffrey Epstein: List of Names in Court Files Released - BBC News

Jan 24, 2023 | Prince Andrew is among high-profile figures named in newly released US court documents detailing connections of sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. A judge ordered the release of the records as part of a legal case related to Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell. Former US presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are also named, though neither is accused of illegality.

Burnt Basque Cheesecake | Akis Petretzikis

Jan 24, 2024

Get the recipe here.

The Suffering of Homosexuals in Nazi Germany

Dec 29, 2023 | To understand the persecution of homosexuality in the Third Reich, we have to go back to the 1920s. After World War I, Germany adopted a new form of government called the Weimar Republic. As a consequence of the war, significant cultural changes occurred in society, and the gay community believed it was an ideal time to stop hiding. Homosexuals created a movement to fight for their rights and freedoms, aiming to promote tolerance so that everyone could be themselves. Berlin was one of the most important cities in the community, filled with clubs, associations, and bars for non-heterosexual individuals. The most famous of all was Eldorado, known for its lively parties with an atmosphere of great sexual freedom.

Ach, das waren für Homosexuelle schwierige Zeiten! Damals waren Homosexuelle waren richtig verfolgt. Aber kann man wirklich sagen, daß wir leben in besseren Zeiten? In vielen Ländern sind Homosexuelle immer noch verfolgt. In vielen Ländern in Afrika vor allem, und in den meisten islamischen Ländern auch noch.

Fakt ist: Die meisten Leute sind nicht genügend aufgeklärt, um andere Leute genau wie sie sind zu akzeptieren.

Es ist höchste Zeit, daß das Licht der progressiven Welt die Dunkelheit der unaufgeklärten Welt überwindet. – © Mark Alexander

Eagles: Lyin' Eyes | Remastered 2018

Nov 1, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Rhino/Elektra

Tuesday, January 02, 2024

„Die Deutschen sind nicht wohl haben“

Frau Dr Weidel redet Klartext über „den Wohlstand“ der Deutschen.

Hating Jews Hits Different

Jan 1, 2024 | Oftentimes when someone is accused of antisemitism they brush it off and insist they were merely “criticizing” Israel. This is because the hatred of Jewish people is a unique form of bigotry, and most people are not familiar with how it has functioned throughout history.

In the past, when antisemitism reached violent levels, Jews were unable to stand up for themselves. Now that we are strong and have re-established our state we share a responsibility to push back against this darkness by educating and working towards a brighter future.

This is a Kavana Films production.

Princess Mary Stuns in First Appearance Following Queen Margrethe's Abdication Announcement

Jan 2, 2024 | Princess Mary has made her first public appearance since it was announced she will soon become Queen of Denmark.

Her mother-in-law, Queen Margarethe, revealed in her annual New Year's Eve speech that she will be abdicating the throne and confirmed her eldest son, Prince Frederik, and his wife Princess Mary, will become King and Queen in a fortnight.

Princess Mary attended the New Year’s Banquet, held at Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen with Prince Fedrick. The Princess donned a deep royal red long-sleeve velvet gown, ornate tiara and priceless jewels.

It is the last time Queen Margrethe will host the New Year’s Banquet before she becomes the first Danish monarch to abdicate since 1523.

Monday, January 01, 2024

Dänemark: Paukenschlag zu Silvester! Generationenwechsel im Königshaus! Margrethe II. dankt ab

Jan 1, 2023

Die Königin Margrethe II von Dänemark ist so eine elegante, sympathische Dame. Es ist uns leicht zu verstehen, warum sie abdankt; aber vermißt wird diese wunderbare Königin schon. Und zwar von vielen, in vielen Ländern. Es ist zu hoffen, daß als Dank ihrer harten Arbeit für Dänemark, daß sie viele glückliche und gesunde Jahre vor sich haben wird, um ihre Dämmerungsjahre völlig genießen zu können. – © Mark Alexander

The Tories

MARK ALEXANDER: The Tories, otherwise known as the Conservatives, have been in power since 2010. And what a dog’s dinner they have made of their governance! They have wrecked this county; they have wrecked its economy.

I write not as “a leftie”. Far from it, actually! I was raised as a Conservative voter; and I voted Conservative all my adult life. Until Cameron became the party’s leader. I took one look at him, and decided he couldn’t be trusted. So I voted for the LibDems instead. We ended up with a coalition government. But to put things simply, Brexit has put paid to my ever voting Tory again, put paid to my adherence to this party of clowns.

The Conservatives used to be the party we Brits could rely on to manage the economy well and efficiently. You don’t need me to tell you that this is no longer the case. The Conservatives have been in power since 2010 and our economy has never, in my lifetime, been in worse shape. Had the Tories a clue, they’d have fixed the economy by now. They haven’t! The economy is is dire shape. Especially because of Brexit, an ideology to which the clowns in the party are wedded.

The European issue was, and remains, a very complicated issue; it should never have been thrown to the people in the form of a referendum to decide. Why? Because even many a politician or economist cannot fully grasp the EU’s importance to our economy. However, to cut to the chase, what one MUST understand is this: The European Union is a market of 450 million consumers; so, on economic grounds alone, it should NEVER have been walked away from. No one in his right mind would walk away from the largest single tariff-free market in the world!

But more than this, far more than this, the European Union is a political union which has prevented European wars and has promoted peace. Countries which are integrated and whose economies are well and truly integrated are highly unlikely ever to go to war with each other. So many a Brit has always been wrong to look upon our membership of the EU simply as being of economic advantage. Our membership was far, far more than that. It was a vehicle of peace and stability in Europe.

It is my hope and dream that we Brits, sooner rather than later, will rejoin the European Union. Not with all those silly ‘opt-outs’ we once had; but as full, functioning members – as committed Europeans. European we are; and Europeans we will always be. No Tory will ever be able to change that!

© Mark Alexander
All Rights Reserved

Rejoin EU Leader's New Years Message 2023

Jan 1, 2023

The Rejoin EU Party »

Spain on a Fork: Classic Spanish Lentil & Potato Stew | Heartwarming One-pan Recipe

Jan 1, 2023 | Lentejas con patatas

Get the recipe here.

From a Sydney Pub to Denmark’s Royal Throne: Crown Princess Mary – A life in Pictures

Mary, Crown Princess of Denmark, visits the set of Danish TV Series The Killing in Copenhagen in 2012. Photograph: Chris Jackson/Getty Images

A casual drink with friends heralded the beginning of a fairytale journey after Tasmanian real estate manager Mary Donaldson met Denmark’s Crown Prince Frederik. Here is a look at how her life was transformed after her marriage to Frederik, and on the eve of becoming Queen Mary

Click here for the picture gallery.

Australian Royal Crown Princess Mary to Be Queen

Jan 1, 2023 | More than 20 years after a chance meeting in a Sydney bar, Mary Donaldson will complete her journey from Tasmanian law student to queen of Denmark. Queen Margrethe II, unexpectedly announced that she would abdicate on January 14, at the age of 83.

How Australia’s Mary Donaldson went from commoner to Danish Queen: An unconventional journey from Australia’s middle class to European royalty began in an unremarkable bar in Sydney in 2000 »

Danemark : la reine Margrethe II annonce abdiquer après 52 ans de règne

LE MONDE : Elle quittera ses fonctions le 14 janvier et laissera le trône à son fils, le prince Frederik.

La reine Margrethe II prononce le discours du Nouvel An depuis le palais de Christian IX, à Copenhague (Danemark), le 31 décembre 2023. RITZAU SCANPIX / VIA REUTERS

C’est lors de son traditionnel discours du Nouvel An que la reine du Danemark Margrethe II a annoncé, dimanche 31 décembre, qu’elle abdiquera. « Le 14 janvier 2024, cinquante-deux ans après avoir succédé à mon père bien-aimé, je quitterai mes fonctions de reine du Danemark. Je laisserai le trône à mon fils, le prince héritier Frederik », a-t-elle déclaré lors de ses vœux télévisés. » | Le Monde avec AFP | dimanche 31 décembre 2023

Königin Margrethe II. kündigt Abdankung an: Margrethe II. will am 14. Januar 2024 als Königin von Dänemark zurücktreten. Das sagte die 83-Jährige in ihrer Neujahrsansprache. Sie werde den Thron ihrem Sohn überlassen – Kronprinz Frederik. »

Queen Margrethe II of Denmark announces surprise abdication: Monarch will step down on 14 January, the 52nd anniversary of her accession, and leave the throne to her son Frederik »

Queen of Denmark announces abdication after 50 years on throne: Margrethe II will be succeeded by her eldest son Crown Prince Frederik »

Queen Margrethe II of Denmark to Step Down: Margrethe, the longest-serving monarch in Europe, announced during her New Year’s speech that she would abdicate her throne in January. Her eldest son, Crown Prince Frederik, will succeed her. »

Margrethe setzt neue Maßstäbe in der Nachfolgefrage: In einem historischen Schritt kündigt die dänische Königin Margrethe ihren Rückzug an. Sie übergibt an die nächste Generation und bleibt weiter „Ihre Majestät“. Zum Schluss ihrer Regentschaft zeigte Dänemarks Königin Margrethe II. ihrem Volk noch einmal, was es an ihr hat. Das Königshaus und sich selbst stellte sie in ihrer Neujahrsansprache hinten an. Auf den Krieg im Gazastreifen ging sie ein und auf jenen in der Ukraine, warb für Respekt und einen friedlichen Umgang miteinander, auch den Klimawandel behandelte sie und die Künstliche Intelligenz, schickte Grüße nach Grönland und auf die Färöer Inseln. Erst danach ließ die 83 Jahre alte Königin jene „Neujahrsbombe“ platzen, von der nun im Land die Rede ist. »

Denmark's Queen Abdicates after 52 Years on the Throne

Dec 31, 2023 | Denmark's queen has unexpectedly announced her abdication in her traditional New Year's Eve speech.

Margrethe II will formally step down from the throne on 14 January. That will be exactly 52 years to the day of her ascension to the throne in 1972.

The 83-year-old monarch will be succeeded by her eldest son, Crown Prince Frederik - who will become Frederik X.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Happy New Year! Frohes Neues Jahr! Bonne année ! Blwydden Newydd Dda! ¡Feliz año nuevo! Buon Anno! Feliz Ano Novo! | ! سنة جديدة سعيدة

Many thanks to The Glam Pad for this beautiful image.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy New Year. For many, 2023 has not been the easiest of years: it has brought many nothing but pain. It is to be hoped that 2024 will bring us all more pleasure than pain. And, above all, it is to be hoped that 2024 will bring us all health above all else – health, but also happiness and prosperity.

Ich möchte diese Gelegenheit nutzen, um Ihnen allen ein frohes neues Jahr zu wünschen. Für viele war 2023 nicht das einfachste Jahr: Es hat vielen nichts als Schmerz gebracht. Es bleibt zu hoffen, daß das Jahr 2024 uns allen mehr Freude als Schmerz bereiten wird. Und vor allem bleibt zu hoffen, daß das Jahr 2024 uns vor allem Gesundheit bringt – Gesundheit, aber auch Glück und Wohlstand.

J'en profite pour vous souhaiter à tous une très bonne année. Pour beaucoup, 2023 n’a pas été l’année la plus facile : elle n’a apporté que de la douleur. Il faut espérer que 2024 nous apportera à tous plus de plaisir que de douleur. Et surtout, il faut espérer que 2024 nous apportera avant tout la santé – santé, mais aussi bonheur et prospérité.

© Mark Alexander
All Rights Reserved

Disturbing Number of Americans Think Trump Was Anointed by God

Dec 31, 2023 | According to a shocking new poll, nearly one-third of Americans surveyed said that they believe that Donald Trump was personally anointed by God to be President of the United States. This helps explain why Evangelicals are drawn to Trump even though he is one of the most Godless human beings to ever walk the planet. But voters who believe that God chose Trump still struggle to identify why they feel this way. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins offers a unique take on this new survey.

If Trump was really anointed by God, then all we can conclude is that God really likes perverts! Americans for Trump are beyond the pale! – © Mark Alexander

Scholz: 'Our World Has Become a More Unsettled and Harsher Place' | DW News

Dec 31, 2023

Brexit Has Completely Failed UK, Say Clear Majority

Dec 31, 2023

Read the article here.

The 1920s

When the beautiful cloche was fashionable.

With many thanks to Claire Windsor for this delightful photo.

Period Music: Don’t Bring LuLu.

Labour Pledges to ‘Clean Up Politics’ after Outrage over Liz Truss Honours List

THE OBSERVER: Shadow front bencher says Keir Starmer would not have resignation honours after ‘appalling spectacle’ of ex-prime minister ‘rewarding cronies’

Labour last night promised there would be no resignation honour’s list issued by Keir Starmer if he were to become prime minister, as outrage grew over the list of peerages, knighthoods and other rewards showered by Liz Truss on those associated with her disastrous 49 days in office.

Shadow leader of the House, Lucy Powell, told the Observer: “The appalling spectacle of Truss rewarding her cronies for helping her crash the economy and cause mortgage misery for millions demeans politics.

“Keir Starmer has made clear he would not have a resignation honours list. A Labour government will clean up politics, including banning second jobs for MPs and rooting out cronyism.”

Powell also said that Labour would look at ways to rescind peerages in certain cases such as that of Michelle Mone, who recently acknowledged for the first time that she lied when she denied repeatedly having been involved with a company that made millions of pounds in profits from UK government PPE deals during the pandemic. » | Toby Helm | Saturday, December 30, 2023

Saturday, December 30, 2023


We are ALL Europeans! Upper class, middle class, lower class. English, French, German, Italian, Belgian, Dane, or people from any other European country. European blood courses through our veins.

Our royal families are interconnected, intermarried – they are all inter-related with one another. And that’s a wonderful thing. In fact, our wonderful late Queen Victoria was known as the 'Grandmother of Europe'! How much more European can anyone become than that?

In the coming years, we must learn to put our differences aside. In fact, we must strive to appreciate them, and then build on those differences for the common good.

Europe, when we learn truly to embrace it, will enable us to have — together — a wonderful and prosperous future. We Europeans are brothers and sisters. We truly are. We belong together. Together and united we will be strong; apart, we will surely be weak. Let peace prevail! Let us work towards unity!

© Mark Alexander
All Rights Reserved

George Harrison: My Sweet Lord | 2014 | Remastered

Feb 9, 2023 | Provided to YouTube by BMG Rights Management (US) LLC | Views on YouTube: 12,188,799

The Telegraph: “Britain to Outgrow Germany for Years to Come as Eurozone Growth Engine Stutters”

THE TELEGRAPH: High interest rates risk plunging Europe into recession while UK expected to rebound

UK growth will outpace Germany and the eurozone for years to come as the Continent faces a deeper recession caused by higher interest rates.

While both the German and UK economies shrank in the three months to September, putting both at risk of recession, analysts at UBS expect Britain to bounce back within a year.

That is unlike Europe’s largest economy. Berlin is already grappling with a budget crisis after Germany’s top court ruled that the government broke the law by using Covid cash to fund net zero spending.

House prices across the country have also suffered double-digit declines. » | Tim Wallace | Friday, December 29, 2023

If you believe this cr**, you’ll believe ANYTHING! There is no way that the weak UK economy is going to outgrow the much stronger German economy. The only way that this might be made to appear so is by the use of sophistry in statistics.

Diese Behauptung ist lächerlich! Die deutsche Wirtschaft in den kommenden Jahren wird mit geringem Aufwand schneller wachsen als die britische Wirtschaft. Die deutsche Wirtschaft wird in keiner Weise von Großbritannien entwachsen sein. Überhaupt nicht! Schön wäre es für uns Briten; aber dies wird nicht passieren. – © Mark Alexander

Rabbi Tina Grimberg on Anti-Semitism and Its Enduring Impact | The Warning Podcast

Dec 30, 2023 | Rabbi Tina Grimberg joins Steve Schmidt to discuss antisemitism and its enduring impact, as well as the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its impact on young people.

The Lincoln Project: Near Miss | Reupload

Nov 17, 2023 | Antisemitism is not foreign to America. We must remain vigilant in our fight to resist it. If you don’t believe it, just see it for yourself.

WIKIPEDIA: Fritz Julius Kuhn »

UN Chief Condemns Latest Attacks on Ukraine which Leave 30+ Dead | DW News

Dec 30, 2023 | UN Secretary General António Guterres has condemned Russia's latest attacks on Ukraine. At least 30 people were killed and many more injured. Ukraine's government says more than 150 missiles and drones struck cities nationwide, damaging vital infrastructure, as well as industrial and military facilities. Schools and a maternity hospital were among the buildings hit

Le Versailles secret de Marie-Antoinette | ARTE

Dec 25, 2023 | Portrait intime de la plus célèbre reine de France, à travers la restauration du hameau du domaine de Trianon, havre de paix imaginé par Marie-Antoinette pour fuir l'effervescence du château de Versailles.

"Ici, je ne suis pas reine, je suis moi-même." Niché au bout du domaine de Trianon, au château de Versailles, le hameau de Marie-Antoinette, comme sorti d'un conte de Grimm, est l'aboutissement d'un rêve pour la reine : celui d'échapper aux contraintes d'une cour qu'elle juge poussiéreuse. Dès son arrivée au palais en 1770, la jeune fille, alors âgée de 14 ans, ne cesse d'échapper au protocole, refusant notamment de porter "le grand corps", un corset rigide à la mode chez les courtisanes. À la mort de Louis XV, en 1774, elle accède au trône et hérite du Petit Trianon où elle se réfugie. Avec son goût affûté pour les modes de l'époque, elle y façonne un sublime paysage romantique de style anglo-chinois. Ordonnatrice de cette construction titanesque, qui s'étale sur plusieurs années, l'Autrichienne finit par ruiner les finances royales, ce qui attisera la colère du peuple. Son désir d'intimité grandissant, elle entame en 1783 la construction d'un village dont elle confie la réalisation à l'architecte Richard Mique. Maisons à colombages, étang, potager, laiterie : dans ce décor de théâtre, Marie-Antoinette éduque ses enfants et vit ses amours à l'abri des regards

Reine bâtisseuse

Plus de deux cent trente ans après sa construction, le hameau de Marie-Antoinette, abandonné depuis son occupation par l'impératrice Marie-Louise jusqu'à la fin du XIXe siècle, retrouve son faste grâce aux travaux de restauration des artisans, que l'on suit sur ce chantier d'exception démarré en 2015. Riche d'archives et d'interventions, de l'architecte en chef des Monuments historiques au jardinier en chef du Trianon, ce superbe documentaire-fiction met en lumière une facette méconnue de la reine : celle d'une incroyable maîtresse d'œuvre, qui a orchestré la transformation romantique d'un lieu au charme pastoral.

Documentaire de Sylvie Faiveley et Mark Daniels (France, 2018, 1h30mn)
Rediffusion jusqu'au 29/02/2024

Ce docufilm est le même en français que le précédent mis en ligne ci-dessous en allemand. – Mark

Marie Antoinette und die Geheimnisse von Versailles | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

Dec 30, 2023 | Die letzte Monarchin Frankreichs: Marie Antoinette. Sie war zugleich Königin, Mutter, Geliebte. 230 Jahre nach seiner Errichtung erlangt Marie-Antoinettes Hameau, zu Deutsch Städtchen oder Weiler, seine alte Pracht. Die Dokumentation hält die aufwendigen Restaurierungsarbeiten mit der Kamera fest und zeichnet ein einfühlsames, vielseitiges Porträt der französischen Königin.

„Hier bin ich nicht Königin, sondern ich selbst“: Mit dem Hameau, dem letzten Bauprojekt Marie Antoinettes, setzte die französische Königin ihrem kleinen Paradies am Rande des Schlosses Versailles die Krone auf. Seit sie im Alter von 14 Jahren aus Österreich nach Frankreich gekommen war, suchte sie nach Möglichkeiten, dem strengen Hofprotokoll zu entfliehen. Ihre verschiedenen Zufluchten erzählen mehr über die Königin und ihr tragisches Schicksal als jede Biografie. All diese Gebäude und Grünanlagen waren für sie eine Möglichkeit, ihren Gemütszuständen, ihrer Verletzlichkeit und ihren Hoffnungen Ausdruck zu verleihen. Das Petit Trianon und die Gärten verwandelte sie nach ihren Vorstellungen in wahre Meisterwerke. Den Höhepunkt ihres Gestaltungswillens und ihrer Sehnsucht nach Privatsphäre bildet das tief im englischen Landschaftsgarten verborgene Hameau – von außen ein beschauliches Bauerndörfchen, doch im Inneren ein echtes Schmuckstück. In gerade einmal 20 Jahren hat Marie Antoinette Versailles ihre ganz persönliche Prägung verliehen: Zwar wurde das Schloss bereits von Ludwig XIV. erbaut, doch die Innenarchitektur trägt die Handschrift Marie Antoinettes. Nach der Revolution begann der Zahn der Zeit am Hameau de la Reine zu nagen. Nach umfangreichen Restaurierungsarbeiten ist er nun in alter Pracht wiedererstanden und erstmals seit dem 18. Jahrhundert der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Kunsthandwerker legen im restaurierten Hameau letzte Hand an, Möbel und Nippes finden ihren ursprünglichen Platz. Aus dem Halbdunkel beobachtet eine einsame Marie Antoinette das Geschehen. Der letzten Königin von Frankreich wurde zum Verhängnis, dass sie ihrer Zeit voraus war und für sich das Recht auf Glück in Anspruch nahm.

Dokumentarfilm von Sylvie Faiveley und Mark Daniels (F 2018, 91 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 29/02/2024

Inflation und Verteilungskampf - Armes reiches Deutschland | ZDF.reportage

Dec 30, 2023 | Hilfsbedürftige Menschen mitten in der Innenstadt: ein Bild, an das wir uns in Deutschland offenbar schon gewöhnt haben. Doch die Inflation hat die Armut noch größer gemacht.

Dieser Bericht über Armut in Deutschland ist nicht auf externen Websites einbettbar. Aus diesem Grund muß ich Sie auf YouTube senden, um den Bericht zuzuschauen. Klicken Sie bitte hier. – Mark Alexander

USSR Established December 30, 1922 - This Day In History

Dec 30, 2023 | In post-revolutionary Russia, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) is established, comprising a confederation of Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine and the Transcaucasian Federation (divided in 1936 into the Georgian, Azerbaijan and Armenian republics). Also known as the Soviet Union, the new communist state was the successor to the Russian Empire and the first country in the world to be based on Marxist socialism

Read about it here.

Professor Tim Wilson – Rishi Sunak: Liar Number 3

Dec 26, 2023 | Mostly, a jumble of self-indulgent and utterly worthless word games that deceive nobody but himself.

Michael Lambert: Disastrous Sunak Govt. Sniggers at German Recession

Dec 30, 2023 | The UK government is happy to tell us that the German economy is in recession. This week I visited Aachen in Germany to see how things really are. I found the city to be quite prosperous and operating normally. Following Brexit, the UK economy is struggling with far worse to come. Germany has also had problems, especially following Putin's invasion of Ukraine, but the economy is based upon manufacturing high quality engineering products and seems likely to rebound once the worldwide economy begins to pick up.

I spoke with many people in Aachen who all appeared relatively optimistic for the German economy and seemed somewhat bemused at Brexit.

Aachen looks far more prosperous to me than most British towns. As you say, we are lied to by our politicians on a daily basis. Fact is, they have screwed things up — BIG TIME — and they have no idea how to get us out of the hole they have dug for us. Like you, Michael, I wish we were more like Germany. Everything about Germany is generally better: it's more prosperous; it's cleaner; it's more efficient; people are generally better educated; and on the whole, its architecture is far more interesting and decorative. And much else besides. But two things grieve me greatly: under Thatcher, our manufacturing sector was decimated; and so much of what was valuable was sold off to foreigners, leaving us Brits with the dregs. All for short-term gain. Britain's decline, which started around the time of the First World War has continued apace ever since. Brexit, of course, has only accelerated the process. Britain is a shadow of its former self. – © Mark Alexander

Row in France as Government Reluctant to Back Dry January

THE GUARDIAN: Addiction experts urge state to promote month of abstinence but alcohol lobby says idea is out of step with French culture

French president Emmanuel Macron tasting wine at an agricultural fair in 2018. Photograph: Stéphane Mahé/AP

Dry January is at the centre of a political row in France after more than 45 professors of addiction studies signed a letter urging the state to promote a month of abstinence from alcohol.

A group of senior academics and doctors working on addiction have written to the French health minister to say that not enough is being done by the state to campaign on alcohol risks, and the government should support an alcohol-free month at the start of the year.

Dry January, which started in the UK 10 years ago, was introduced to France in 2020 as the “défi de janvier”, or January challenge, promoted by health charities. It has grown in popularity with more than 60% of French people wanting to try it in 2024, according to a BVA poll for the Association Addictions France, but the French state health body has not promoted dry January and politicians are reluctant to get onboard. » | Angelique Chrisafis in Paris | Saturday, December 30, 2023

Good luck to those doing 'Dry January' this year. I certainly shan't be participating in this month of abstinence. I don't feel I need to. I went from early June to early December this year without a drop of alcohol, in order to cleanse my liver. I think all that time without a drink in one year is quite enough. I will say, however, that being without alcohol for such a long period of time was easier than I would have throught possible. Of course I should add that I haven't smoked since early April 2022 either. So I don't want to overdo things by giving up alcohol again this January. Abstinence is all well and good, but there is no need to go over the top. – © Mark Alexander

Friday, December 29, 2023

Brexit: Betrayal as Promises of Cheaper Food, Clothing & Footwear Turn to Dust

Dec 29, 2023 | The Brexit debate was dominated by the red bus and £350 million a week for the NHS after the result, but footage shows actually there were many promises on food, clothing and footwear being cheaper.

As we are offered a Brexit freedom to have smaller bottles of wine, what happened to the promises of cheaper food, clothing and footwear? Well we all know that inflation has pushed up prices for everything, but certainly food has seen the biggest price rises and that is largely because of Brexit barriers, removal of CAP and EU labour.

We are being led by DICKHEADS, CLOWNS, FOOLS, and CORRUPT GANGSTERS! By the economically-illiterate! THEY know who they are; so do WE! Kick the bastards OUT of OFFICE! PRONTO! – © Mark Alexnader

Jason Smart Explains Why Ukraine’s Future Matters in the United States | The Warning Podcast

Dec 29, 2023 | Jason Smart, a correspondent from the Kyiv Post, joins Steve to discuss what life is like in Ukraine, where the Ukraine-Russia conflict goes from here, and why the United States' support matters.

Kampf gegen radikale Islamisten | SPIEGEL TV | Reupload

Nov 29, 2023 | Seit dem Hamas-Angriff auf Israel ist die islamistische Szene zurück auf deutschen Straßen. Und nicht nur dort. Auch im Internet verbreiten Islamisten antisemitische Parolen. Religiöse Fanatiker machen mobil, führen einen Propagandakrieg - via TikTok, via Instagram, via X. Aber auch auf öffentlichen Straßen und Plätzen. Wer sind die radikalen Kräfte in Deutschland und was unternimmt der Rechtsstaat dagegen?

Russia Launches 'Biggest Attack of Year' against Ukraine

THE TELEGRAPH: Key cities bombarded in apparent revenge attack after Russian warship was destroyed in Crimea

Russia launched its largest aerial assault on Ukraine since the beginning of the war, targeting cities across the country with a barrage of missile and drone strikes.

Overnight, high-velocity projectiles rained down near a maternity hospital and on a shopping centre in the central city of Dnipro, while an attack in the capital Kyiv set a high-rise residential building ablaze as air raid sirens sounded nationwide.

Hypersonic, ballistic and cruise missiles, as well as Iranian-made kamikaze drones, were also launched at Zaporizhzhia, Kharkiv, Odesa, Konotop and Lviv, in the west.

Scores of deaths and injuries were reported in the attacks, an apparent retaliation for the destruction of the Novocherkassk warship in occupied Crimea. » | Joe Barnes and Tim Sigsworth | Friday, December 29, 2023

Steve Schmidt Explains Why Mike Johnson's Extreme Beliefs Make Him a Danger to America | The Warning

Oct 26, 2023 | Steve Schmidt reacts to the Republicans electing Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson the new Speaker of the House of Representatives. Steve breaks down why Johnson's fanatical beliefs on gay marriage, LGBTQ+ rights, climate change, abortion, and perhaps most of all, being an election denier, make him a danger to millions of American citizens.

Trump Kicked Off Maine 2024 Ballot by Secretary of State

Dec 29, 2023 | Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows on Thursday said Donald Trump is ineligible to appear on the Maine presidential primary ballot in 2024. This comes after a decision from the Colorado Supreme Court ruling Trump is disqualified from Colorado's 2024 primary ballot, which the state GOP has appealed. Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold joins The ReidOut to discuss.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Beatles: I Should Have Known Better (Remastered 2009)

Jun 17, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Views on YouTube: 29,377,256


The Beatles : Here Comes The Sun (2019 Mix)

Sep 26, 2019 | Views on YouTube: 138,494,251

Ne-Yo Ft. FABOLOUS : Link Up Remix | Official Music Video | Reupload

Premiered Nov 3, 2023 | Views on YouTube: 930,935

Super fabulous! – Mark

Ne-Yo : One In A Million | Official Music Video | Reupload

Sep 3, 2010 | Views on YouTube: 335,159,722

Fabulous! – Mark

The Intriguing Portrayal of Mary's Birth and Life in the Proto-Gospel of James

Dec 19, 2023 | The Proto-Gospel of James, a kind of "Gospel Before the Gospels," was one of the most influential non-canonical writings throughout the Middle Ages. The narrative does not focus on the life of Jesus but on the supernatural birth, young life, betrothal, and pregnancy of his mother Mary. From this Gospel come many traditions that remain important in the Catholic and Orthodox traditions (Joseph was an old many; Mary was a perpetual virgin; Jesus' "brothers" were sons of Joseph from a previous marriage); and the accounts it presents -- the miraculous birth of Mary, her upbringing in the temple, the details of her giving birth, and, well, a postpartum inspection to make sure she was a virgin -- are fascinating to readers of any religious or non-religious persuasion. But what's it really all about? In this special episode, Bart interviews an expert on the Proto-Gospel, Christopher Frilingos, Professor at Michigan State University, in order to find out

The Thinking Atheist: Arrested for Offending Islam (with Armin Navabi)

Sep 9, 2019 | Soheil Arabi is being imprisoned and tortured in Iran for speaking freely in his criticism of Islam. Armin Navabi of Atheist Republic tells the story, and encourages us to help bring Arabi's story to light.

These religious freaks are ridiculous! Who gives a damn about their prophets? WBFC? Muslims say there’s no compulsion in their religion. Like hell there isn’t!

MBS in Saudi Arabia is very concerned about projecting Islam’s image in a modern light. If that is truly the case, he needs to put a stop — A STOP — to the torture, imprisonment and persecution of gays and atheists in Saudi Arabia. Until he does that, all his programmes of modernisation will be vacuous and empty. Mere cosmetics. Window dressing. If Islam is such a compassionate religion, show it! Don’t tell it; show it! – © Mark Alexander

Lionel Richie w/ Diana Ross: Endless Love

Jul 31, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Wrapping Up Warm with More than a Touch of Luxury, Class, Style and Panache!

This gentleman is clearly making sure he won’t catch a cold this winter!

With thanks to GavinReynolds99 on Pinterest for this delightful pic.

Bénédiction des couples homosexuels : « Si ce changement est bienvenu, cela ne rassurera pas les catholiques qui se voient sans cesse rappelés à leur état de péché »

LE MONDE – TRIBUNE : Plusieurs militants d’associations chrétiennes de défense des droits des personnes homosexuelles saluent, dans une tribune au « Monde », l’autorisation par le Vatican des bénédictions des couples homosexuels, tout en s’inquiétant de la manière dont le clergé s’en saisira, faute d’avancées sur la doctrine. » | jeudi 28 décembre 2023 [€]

NATO Makes Major Changes to Address New Threats | DW News

Dec 28, 2023 | The war in Ukraine has led NATO to re-evaluate security, especially on its eastern flank with Russia. Germany's recent announcement of a permanent troop deployment there – the first of its kind since the second world war – is just one such change.