Crowned in 1972, serving for more than five decades, the beloved Queen Margrethe announced her intent to abdicate in her annual New Year’s Eve speech on a live television broadcast — shocking much of the nation.
“She has been a stable figure,” Danish church employee Bente Lindbak Pihl said on Thursday after attending the Queen’s final carriage ride in the country’s capital. “She has been a kind of big mother for all of us. She has been clever and inspiring.”
Queen Margrethe was not initially intended to become Denmark’s monarch, however, she became heir to her father, King Frederik IX, in 1953 at the age of 13, after a constitutional amendment allowed women to inherit the throne.
La reine Margrethe du Danemark a-t-elle abdiqué pour sauver le mariage de son fils, le prince Frederik? : Des spécialistes de la royauté ont suggéré dans les colonnes du Daily Mail, le lundi 1er janvier, que l'ancienne souveraine s’était mise en retrait pour redonner une chance à l'union entre le futur roi Frederik et la future reine consort Mary. Ce dernier est en effet visé par des rumeurs d'adultère. »