Thursday, December 28, 2023

Inside the German Far Right Movement | Documentary

Dec 28, 2023 | The German Reichsbürgerbewegung (Reich citizens movement) rejects the post-war democratic order and want to rip up the German constitution. Suspected of involvement in a 2022 coup d’état plot, the movement is growing. Who are its members? And why do they want to do away with democracy?

Pressure Cooker Ossobuco | Akis Petretzikis

Dec 28, 2023

Get the recipe here.

WIKIPEDIA: Ossobuco »

New Task Force Aims to Bolster U.S. Institutions against Trump Threat

Dec 6, 2023 | The American Bar Association has assembled a task force to propose ways to protect democratic institutions and democracy itself as Donald Trump's disregard for U.S. governing norms becomes bolder and Americans increasingly take the right to vote for their own leaders for granted. Jeh Johnson, former secretary of homeland security and co-chair of the A.B.A.'s taskforce for American democracy discusses with Alex Wagner.

Lawrence: Jack Smith Wants to Ban Trump from Blaming Criminal Cases on Biden at Trial

Dec 28, 2023 | Donald Trump said that President Biden should “rot in hell,” becoming the first president in history to say that about another U.S. president. MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell considers Special Counsel Jack Smith’s filing asking Judge Chutkan to bar Trump from attacking President Biden in the 2020 election trial.

Jacques Delors, Architect of the Modern EU, Dies at 98 | DW News

Dec 28, 2023 | Jacques Delors helped shape the European Union. As the father of the currency common to 20 EU member states, he has left his legacy in the pockets of millions of people across the bloc.

Related article here.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Argentina: Milei Wants to Reverse Rapprochement with China | DW News

Dec 27, 2023 | When he was still campaigning, Argentina's new president Javier Milei threatened to cut ties with Beijing, favoring trade with the US and Europe. But after 23 years of negotiations, a European free-trade deal still seems to be a long way off. That leaves none other than China as an increasingly important trading partner for Argentina - something that is softening the hard anti-Beijing stance of the country's new president.

Naturally, I wish Argentina and the Argentinians all the luck in the world; however, I fear that Argentina is travelling down the wrong road. Javier Milei's experiment with EXTREME DEREGULATION of the economy will, in all probability, lead to no good place; on the contrary, Milei's experiment is likely to make matters ten times worse! If you think that the economy is screwed up now, wait for a few years until the effects of this reckless experiment play out! Almost always in life, the best path to stability is not the extreme path, but the middle way, the golden path – the golden middle way.

We here in the UK have plenty of experience of deregulation under Thatcher and her misguided policies. Look at the mess that the UK is in today as a result of them! But Argentina will be in an even worse situation, because its starting position is so much worse than even the UK's was.

I wish Argentina and the Argentinians well. Of course I do. They are going to need everyone's good wishes. But more than good wishes, Argentina needs a path forward paved with sound economic policies. Javier Milei's anarcho-capitalistic ideas are highly unlikely to deliver the needed goods. – © Mark Alexander

Led by Donkeys: Sunak's priorities

Sep 6, 2023 | Which schools is Rishi Sunak most concerned about?

Do we really need to cast our net so far and wide to find a prime minister for this country? – © Mark Alexander

Jacques Delors, Former European Commission President, Dies Aged 98

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Politician considered to be founding father of today’s European Union died at his home in Paris

Jacques Delors, the former European Commission president considered a founding father of today’s EU, has died aged 98 at his home in Paris.

Delors, also a former French government minister, was a passionate advocate of postwar European integration and credited as the driving force behind the introduction of the euro, the EU’s single currency, and the creation of the bloc’s single market.

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, was one of the first to pay tribute. “A statesman of French destiny. An inexhaustible architect of our Europe. A fighter for human justice,” he said in a statement.

“Jacques Delors was all these things. His commitment, his ideals and his uprightness will always inspire us. I salute his work and his memory and share the grief of his family.” » | Kim Willsher in Paris and Nadeem Badshah | Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Jacques Delors, figure de la gauche française et de la construction européenne, est mort : L'ancien président de la Commission européenne est décédé ce mercredi à 98 ans, a annoncé sa fille Martine Aubry. »

Dimitra's Dishes: Greek New Year's Cake: Cherry & Chocolate Vasilopita Bread

Dec 27, 2023 | Βασιλόπιτα

Get the recipe here.

HAUSER - Laudate Dominum | Mozart | Reupload

Dec 25, 2023 | HAUSER performing Laudate Dominum by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart from his new album HAUSER Christmas.

Harken unto the angels! They are singing! – Mark

When It’s Too Parky for a Parka, Reach Instead for Your Fur to Make that Extravagant Statement!

Mink: For the politically incorrect, self-assured man. For the man who doesn’t give a damn.

With thanks to eBay on Pinterest for this interesting photo.

Geschichte des Drogenhandels - Der große Rausch (1/3) | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

Dec 27, 2023 | Heroin und Kokain haben in der Weltwirtschaft genauso viel Gewicht wie Erdöl und Textilien. Die dreiteilige Dokumentation zeichnet die Geschichte des globalen Drogenhandels nach. In dieser Folge: Von den Anfängen im 19. Jahrhundert bis hin zu den neuen synthetischen Drogen

Heroin und Kokain haben in der Weltwirtschaft genauso viel Gewicht wie Erdöl und Textilien. Für die Entstehung der mächtigen Drogenkartelle sind die Kolonialmächte ebenso verantwortlich wie Pharmaunternehmen, Bankensysteme und Geheimdienste der ganzen Welt. In drei Folgen zeichnet ARTE die Geschichte des globalen Drogenhandels nach. Im 19. Jahrhundert breitete sich Opium auf Betreiben der Kolonialmächte in ganz Asien aus. Zur gleichen Zeit entdeckte die pharmazeutische Industrie des Westens mit Morphium, Kokain und Heroin neue Wundermittel. Während sich die Rauschgiftabhängigkeit zum weltweiten Problem entwickelte, wurden Drogen nach und nach verboten. Infolge der Prohibition entstanden die ersten Drogenkartelle, die immer wieder den Schutz der Staaten suchen sollten. Einen beispiellosen Boom erlebten diese kriminellen Netzwerke während des Kalten Krieges, als Geheimdienste Drogen politisch instrumentalisierten. Die USA mussten das teuer bezahlen: Ein Drittel ihrer Soldaten in Vietnam waren 1970 heroinabhängig. Im Jahr darauf rief US-Präsident Richard Nixon in einer historischen Rede den „Krieg gegen die Drogen“ aus.

Dokureihe, Regie: Christophe Bouquet (F 2020, 52 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 23/01/2024

If Trump Wins: "Inviting the Dark Ages Across the Planet" | Amanpour & Co

Dec 11, 2023 | Jeffrey Goldberg is Editor-in-Chief of The Atlantic. He recently launched a special edition of the magazine, warning of the grave and extreme consequences if Trump were to become president again. He tells the show why a second term would be even more dangerous than the first.

Obdachlos in der Türkei - Armut auf der Straße, wenn der Staat nicht hilft | Doku | DokThema | BR

Feb 19, 2022 | Diese Dokumentation schaut nach Istanbul: Etwa 100.000 Menschen leben in der Türkei auf der Straße, rund 10.000 allein in Istanbul. Die Zahl der Obdachlosen ist auf Grund der Wirtschaftskrise, Corona und vieler Flüchtlinge zuletzt stark gestiegen. Doch der Staat ist auf diesem Auge blind, Hilfen gibt es kaum. Die Armut auf der Straße ist groß. Auf unterschiedliche Weise versuchen die Menschen mit der Armut zurecht zu kommen. Freiwillige versuchen, sie mit dem Nötigsten zu versorgen, stoßen aber regelmäßig an ihre Grenzen.

Germany's 'Mr. Austerity' Wolfgang Schäuble Dies at 81 | DW News

Dec 27, 2023 | Former German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble has died. The CDU politician first entered the Bundestag in 1972. Between 1989 and 2017 Mr Schäuble served as minister for the Interior and Finance under Chancellors Helmut Kohl and Angela Merkel. As finance minister, he was known internationally for backing austerity measures on Germany and the rest of the EU during the Euro crisis in 2009 and 2010. He was left partially paralysed after an attack in 1990.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Joseph, the "Father" of Jesus.

Dec 26, 2023

Stop US Aid to Israel!

Dec 26, 2023 | Who really profits from a weakened & divided Middle East? Who is selling weapons to all sides with conditions that are harmful to the long-term success of those who ink these deals?

I am not against a relationship with the US, but I am against the current toxic relationship that Israel & the US have, where Israel has been forced to become dependent and externally-controlled in several ways.

Many are wrong to think that the US is giving cash to Israel as "foreign aid", when in reality what Israel receives is credit, which can only be used by buying weapons from specific US companies.

Of course, this credit also has harmful conditions attached which negatively influence foreign policy, and ultimately prevents the region from obtaining justice for all or achieving stability.

Let's start the conversation on how to build healthy relationships, and recalibrate the Middle East towards the right direction for it to arrive to its potential.

This short film has been a Kavana Films production.

This remarkable man can be supported on Patreon here.

Britain Forgot How the EU Improved British Food!

Dec 26, 2023 | brexit is terrible for our food in Britain and is taking us back to the days when we were Bhe poor man of Europe.

Now, after Brexit, we British can look forward to the working-class feast of greasy bacon and eggs in a working man’s ‘caff’! Forget about the sophisticated, Continental foods like Brie, Camembert, Italian delicacies, etc. All because of SOBs like Nigel Farage, Richard Tice and tw*ts (supply your own vowel) like Jacob Rees-Mogg and Rishi Sunak. [This is proof here.] People who live in bubbles and who have little or no understanding of how much the European Union improved the lives of ordinary Brits since our membership of that wonderful organisation.

It is to be hoped that the influence of these ne’er-do-well politicians will perish. They deserve nothing but our collective scorn. – © Mark Alexander

David Rothkopf on the Danger of Trump Returning to the White House | The Warning Podcast

Dec 26, 2023 | David Rothkopf on the danger of Trump returning to the White House David Rothkopf, the CEO of The DSR Network and host of Deep State Radio, joins Steve to discuss Donald Trump's political strength heading into 2024, what the political strategy should be for running against him, and the reality of what could happen to our democracy if he wins.

No intelligent American, no true Christian American could possibly vote for Donald Trump. Trump is a chump. Anyone who does vote for him, doesn’t use his/her brain cells and cares not a jot for Christian principles. Period! – © Mark Alexander

The Instability of American Politics Can't Be Ignored (with Anne Applebaum) | The Bulwark Podcast

Dec 19, 2023 | Anne Applebaum discusses a ray of hope in Europe with the defeat of Poland's authoritarian government, while also contemplating the consequences for NATO and America's place in the world if Trump were to be reelected. Mona Charen sits in for Charlie Sykes.

Stephen Fry Addresses the Nation | Channel 4 Alternative Christmas Message

Dec 25, 2023 | National treasure, Stephen Fry has an important message for the British public during the holidays. In this deeply personal speech, Fry celebrates how far Britain has come in accepting and tolerating difference since his youth. He reveals that growing up he feared he would not be accepted for his sexuality but that he never suspected it would be his Jewish heritage that would make him afraid of how others behaved.

What a delightful and touching Christmas message! – Mark

Ukraine Ignores Russian Orthodox Church, Observes December 25 as Public Holiday

Dec 26, 2023 | Today marks the first time that Ukraine is observing Christmas as a public holiday on December 25th. Traditionally, Ukrainians celebrated Christmas on January 7th in line with the Russian Orthodox Church, following the Julian calendar. It's part of a cultural shift away from Moscow after last year's invasion.

'There Is No Money': Javier Milei Delivers Argentines Painful Truth in Maiden Speech

Dec 11, 2023 | Argentina's new libertarian leader Javier Milei has declared the country is broke after "more than a 100 years of decadence" as he warns of a painful but inevitable fiscal shock to fix the severe economic crisis.

On Sunday, Milei was officially sworn in, succeeding the Peronist leader Alberto Fernandez, whose government was dogged by failures to curb rampant inflation that is now almost reaching 200 per cent.

In his maiden speech, Milei said his focus is on trimming state expenditure rather than burdening the private sector, aiming to stabilise the economy and appease investors.

"If a country is lacking in reputation, as is unfortunately the case with Argentine, business will not invest until they see a fiscal readjustment, bringing it down," he said. "And no less important, for gradualism it is necessary that there is financing. And unfortunately I have to tell you again that there is no money."

"Therefore, following such a situation there can be no doubt that the only possible option is an adjustment, an orderly adjustment that comes down with its full weight on the state and not on the private sector."

Monday, December 25, 2023

How Smoking Can Be Good for You! | #shorts

Nicotine is great for us!

L’Iran accuse Israël d’avoir tué un de ses commandants en Syrie

LE MONDE : Interrogée sur cette frappe, l’armée israélienne a dit ne « pas commenter les informations des médias étrangers ».

Les gardiens de la révolution, l’armée idéologique de l’Iran, ont accusé Israël d’avoir tué un de leurs commandants lundi dans une frappe en Syrie, et promis de venger sa mort. Selon la télévision d’Etat, le général de brigade Razi Moussavi a été visé par « trois missiles » dans un quartier de Sayeda Zeinab, au sud de Damas. La chaîne a diffusé des images de colonnes de fumée s’élevant, selon elle, de la zone de l’attaque. Interrogée sur cette frappe, l’armée israélienne a dit ne « pas commenter les informations des médias étrangers ». » | Le Monde avec AFP | lundi 25 décembre 2023

Steinmeier's Christmas Speech: 'The World Has Presented Its Dark Side' | DW News

Dec 25, 2023 | German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier focused on the need for courage and cooperation in the face of challenges in Germany and around the world in his annual Christmas address.

The German president emphasized the importance of maintaining a strong democracy, stating that that could only happen if people were engaged and if they worked to "ensure that what is not yet good today is better tomorrow."

Steinmeier acknowledged that the year has left many Germans concerned about "unresolved issues here in our country."

The speech included gratitude for police, firefighters, military personnel, health care workers and other institutions.

Looking forward to next year, Steinmeier noted that Germany's Basic Law is turning 75 and should be celebrated. Steinmeier said the constitution could guide the nation through challenging times.

Elvis Presley : Jailhouse Rock | Official Audio

Jul 31, 20 13 | Views on YouTube: 67,042,179

The Pope Delivers His Christmas Day Message

Dec 25, 2023 | Pope Francis renewed his appeal for peace in the Middle East in his traditional Christmas message from the balcony of St Peter’s Basilica, denouncing the role of the arms trade in fomenting violence around the world.

The Pope, 87, who suffers from pain in his hip and knee, and at times seemed short of breath, delivered his Christmas message for the first time sitting down. He makes frequent use of a wheel-chair, walks with a stick and often delegates the leading role in religious ceremonies to colleagues.

Francis said he embraced the peoples of Israel and the Occupied Territories, and in particular the Christian community of Gaza, while members of the crowd waved around 20 Palestinian flags.

Jesus of Nazareth | Full Movie HD | English

May 2, 2017 | Jesus of Nazareth is a 1977 British-Italian television miniseries directed by Franco Zeffirelli and co-written by Zeffirelli, Anthony Burgess, and Suso Cecchi d'Amico which dramatises the birth, life, ministry, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. …

HAUSER - Laudate Dominum (Mozart)

Dec 25, 2023 | HAUSER performing Laudate Dominum by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart from his new album HAUSER Christmas.

The King's Christmas Broadcast 2023

Dec 25, 2023 | HM King Charles III delivers his annual Christmas message to the nation and the Commonwealth.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Michael Jackson : Who Is It | Official Video

Oct 28, 2016 | Views on YouTube: 115,339,529

Dolly Parton, Kenny Rogers : Islands In the Stream | Official Audio

Mar 24, 2020 | Views on YouTube: 65,406,468

Carly Simon: You’re So Vain

Feb 18, 2017 | Provided to YouTube by Rhino/Elektra

Frank Sinatra: Somethin’ Stupid

Jul 29, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Top 10 Best Christmas Carols from England

Dec 16, 2021 | Views on YouTube: 962,015

Carols From King’s – The Choir of King’s College, Cambridge (Full Album)

Jun 5, 2020 | Views on YouTube: 415,053

Carols from King's 2023

Dec 20, 2023 | This year's Carols from King's filmed by the BBC in early December for broadcast on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Available to download here.

Merry Christmas! Fröhliche Weihnachten! Joyeaux Noël Nadolig Llawen! ¡Feliz Navidad! Buon Natale! عيد ميلاد سعيد

It’s Christmas Eve again, already, another year is almost over. But before it ends, we have an important and beautiful celebration: Christmas. We tend to forget that Christmas is not one day, Christmas Day, but twelve! It behoves us to celebrate them all if we can; it ill behoves us to forget them since, these days, we have little opportunity to celebrate anything. There is trouble and strife every which way we look!

For your continued support, I should like to thank you all. Your loyalty and support mean so much to me.

So, please allow me to extend to you my heartfelt thanks and naturally, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

Ich wünsche Ihnen allen von ganzem Herzen ein recht schönes Weihnachtsfest!

Je vous souhaite à tous un très Joyeux Noël de tout mon cœur !

© Mark Alexander
All Rights Reserved

L'Elysée, plus qu'une maison politique, un temple de la gastronomie française

Apr 16, 2023 | Le succès de l'Elysée ne se limite pas à la politique et à la diplomatie, mais s'étend également à sa cuisine et à son chef renommé : Bernard Vaussion. Ayant travaillé à l'Elysée pendant 40 ans, Vaussion a servi six présidents différents et a préparé des plats pour de nombreuses personnalités internationales, telles qu'Elizabeth II d'Angleterre, Barack Obama, Angela Merkel et Muhamar Khadafi. En tant qu'ambassadeur de l'excellence culinaire française, Vaussion dirigeait une brigade de 20 personnes et travaillait dans un musée vivant comprenant des ustensiles et de la vaisselle historique. Sa cuisine reflétait la tradition des arts de la table à la française et contribuait à la renommée de l'Elysée. Bien qu'il soit maintenant à la retraite, son héritage culinaire et son influence sur la cuisine française continuent de se faire sentir.

Baroque Christmas Concert with Works by Bach, Handel and Mozart | Freiburg Baroque Orchestra

Dec 24, 2023 | Experience the Christmas spirit and winter magic with music by Bach, Handel and Mozart in this baroque Christmas concert. Let yourself be enchanted by the Freiburg Cathedral Boys’ Choir, the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra and the brass ensemble German Brass in a live recording from Freiburg Cathedral from 1999. Highlights of the concert include Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Air”, arranged for wind instruments, George Friedrich Handel’s aria “He Shall Feed His Flock” and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s aria “Et incarnatus est”.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Documentary about the City of Zürich, Switzerland | 2015

Jun 22, 2015 | Documentary about the city of Zürich (Switzerland). A presentation of MTA Switzerland Studios.

Une élégance simple pour la femme qui souhaite faire une déclaration ce Noël

Pour la femme qui sait comment se rendre incroyablement belle avec simplicité.

Un grand merci à Sachin & Babi sur Pinterest pour cette magnifique photo.

Bobby Flay's Egg and Ham Empanadas | Brunch @ Bobby's | Food Network

Dec 23, 2023 | Bobby uses holiday leftovers to make his Egg and Ham Empanadas with Piquillo Pepper Sauce.

Bing Crosby : White Christmas | 1950

Dec 19, 2009

Anne Applebaum: Orbán Evidence of What a Determined, Anti-democratic Figure Can Do

Dec 19, 2023 | The Atlantic's Anne Applebaum discusses Hungary's PM Viktor Orbán blocking the EU's plan for further aid to Ukraine.

Orbán should be kicked out of the EU. Hungarians belong in the EU, but not under Orbán’s leadership. Orbán is one of Putin’s stooges. – © Mark Alexander

Michael Lambert: Much Worse to Come in 2024 under Sunak's Chaotic Government of Incompetence, Dishonesty & Corruption

Dec 23, 2023 | The UK economy is struggling with social services in decline and disarray. Under the successive premierships of Boris Johnson, Liz Truss and now Rishi Sunak, post-Brexit Britain is in steep decline.

Brexit resulting in a 'leave' vote was largely because Johnson was able to persuade many uninformed voters that we would prosper once leaving the block. The opposite has happened.

Matters have been made very much worse because of a lack of talent within the Conservative government. Dishonesty, incompetence, and corruption are all rife. In the meantime, the UK is becoming an ever more authoritarian, fascist state with the police having substantial new powers to control the population.

In my list of incompetent MPs and ministers, I include Sunak, Johnson, Suella Braverman, Badenoch, Liz Truss, Jenrick, Coffey and the recently disgraced Peter Bone.

Sunak has no idea what he is doing. He is far too remote, tetchy and lies frequently. His desperate determination to send planes carrying desperate asylum seekers to Rwanda at huge cost seems doomed to fail.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Inside Russia: Russia Announces Plans to Annex Uzbekistan | Who Is Next?

Dec 22, 2023

Morning Joe Highlights: Nov. 17 | MSNBC

Nov 17, 2023

Mike Johnson, the Speaker of the House of Representatives is a nut job! He’s a religious freak. Nothing he says has any validity. – © Mark Alexander

WIKIPEDIA: Mike Johnson »

Breaking: Supreme Court Won't Immediately Settle Trump Immunity Claim

Dec 22, 2023 | Special counsel Jack Smith's request to immediately settle former President Donald Trump's claim of immunity in his election interference probe has been denied by the Supreme Court.

Steve Schmidt Explains How Donald Trump's Rhetoric Foreshadows a Challenging 2024 | The Warning

Dec 22, 2023 | Steve Schimdt explains how Donald Trump's increasingly violent rhetoric foreshadows a difficult year ahead.

Steve, I wish you'd run for the presidency. You would make a fine president. – © Mark Alexander

Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 5 in E flat Major ("Emperor") | Gergely Kovács

Premiered Nov 5, 2023 | Hungarian Pianist Gergely Kovács plays Beethoven’s 5th Piano Concerto

Franz Liszt Academy of Music Grand Hall
Failoni Chamber Orchestra
Conductor: Gábor Horváth

Charles Aznavour - Noël à Paris | Official Christmas Music Video

Premiered Dec 8, 2021

Donald Trump Wants to Establish a Dictatorship | #shorts

Steve Schmidt gives us the low down.

Ne-Yo Ft. FABOLOUS : Link Up Remix | Official Music Video | Reupload

Nov 3, 2023

HAUSER : White Christmas

Dec 22, 2023 | Experience the real Christmas magic with HAUSER! HAUSER plays White Christmas from his new album HAUSER Christmas.

Hauser's official website here.

Israel-Palestine War: "There Is No Deal with the Devil!" Cenk Uygur vs Mosab Hassan Yousef on Hamas

Dec 18, 2023 | Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by Palestinian ex-militant Mosab Hassan Yousef, Democratic Presidential hopeful and political commentator Cenk Uygur and former Chelsea Football Club and Israel manager Avram Grant for a debate on the IDF's recent attacks on Palestine and whether they fall into 'indiscriminate' bombings. They also discuss whether a peaceful resolution can be found.

Cenk explains that Israel's bombing of Gaza can only be defined as indiscriminate as they have dropped two-thousand-pound bombs in residential areas as well as twenty nine thousand bombs on an area the size of Las Vegas. He also reacts to his name being pictured on one of the bombs.

Piers then asks Mohab, whose father is a co-founder of Hamas, if a deal could be made between the terror group and Israel. Mohab, who defected to Israel in 1997, explains that you cannot make a deal with Hamas just as you cannot make a deal with the devil. He then criticises the larger Muslim population for 'hiding behind' religious values rather than pointing out the wrongdoings of humanity, referencing Hamas' attacks on October 7th.

Mosab Hassan Yousef must be listened to. From my experience in the Middle East, he speaks the truth – the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. – © Mark Alexander

Rudy Rochman: Origins of the Israel/Palestine Conflict | Reupload

Dec 17, 2023 | What if I told you that the victor of the Israeli Palestinian conflict will be both populations, and that the true oppressor is not even on the current line up?

Every problem has a source, and the Israeli Palestinian conflict is no different. The British Empire has always operated intentionally with tactics to divide & conquer, which has resulted in creating or maintaining several major global conflicts till this day.

Watch this video to understand how we got here, so that all parties involved can understand and position their invested energy into changing the reality we all experience.

This has been a Kavana Films production.

This remarkable young man, Rudy Rochman, can be supported on Patreon here.

Holocaust-Überlebende Margot Friedländer im Gespräch | WDR Aktuelle Stunde

Nov 9, 2023 | Die Holocaust-Überlebende Margot Friedländer hat die Pogromnacht 1938 in Berlin miterlebt. Sie war im KZ Theresienstadt und hat überlebt. Ihre Mutter und ihr Bruder wurden in Auschwitz ermordet.

1946 zog sie mit ihrem Mann nach New York. Erst mit 88 Jahren, nach dem Tod ihres Mannes, kehrte sie zurück nach Berlin. Heute tritt sie als Zeitzeugin auf. Im Gespräch mit dem WDR erzählt sie unter anderem, warum sie zurück nach Deutschland gekommen ist, wie sie über die Demos mit antisemitischen Parolen denkt und was sie den Menschen in Deutschland rät.

New Reporting Details Justice Thomas’ Complaints over His Supreme Court Salary

Dec 18, 2023 | Jesse Eisinger, ProPublica Senior Editor and Report, Senior Writer for Slate, Mark Joseph Stern and Maya Wiley Former Assistant U.S. Attorney and President of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights join Ali Velshi in for Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House to discuss the new reporting detailing Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas desire early in his career on the Supreme Court for wanting a higher salary and how that could have led to his career in public service which has now been defined by his acceptance of lavish gifts and relationships with wealthy donors.

Mary Trump Slams 'Vile' Trump Enabler Stephen Miller

Dec 22, 2023 | As Donald Trump's campaign rhetoric leans into more extreme racist ideology, Mary Trump joins "The Beat" to discuss the GOP frontrunner. Trump slams the campaign and Donald Trump's former White House adviser Stephen Miller, who she calls "one of the most vile political creatures" in the country. She dismays at his prospects for rejoining a potential Trump White House in 2024.

Heaven forfend that the world should be subjected to another Trump presidency! – © Mark Alexander

The full, extremely controversial FoxNews discussion between Stephen Miller and Jesse Watters is here.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

"You're a Monster!" Cenk Uygur vs Douglas Murray on Israel-Palestine War with Piers Morgan

Dec 21, 2023 | Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by host of the Young Turks and pro-Palestinian supporter Cenk Uygur as well as columnist and pro-Israeli supporter Douglas Murray for a fiery head-to-head debate on the Israel and Palestine war unfolding in Gaza and who is to blame for the rising civilian casualties. The pair also get into a heated discussion over whether either of the two show remorse for civilian casualties on the opposite side and what the path to a peaceful resolution looks like.

Argentina's President Milei Pushes Austerity Plan despite Protests | DW News

Dec 21, 2023 | Argentina's newly elected president Javier Milei has announced that he plans to change the country's economic system by deregulating it using his presidential powers. He said he plans to change more than 300 regulations to lay "the foundations for the reconstruction of the Argentine economy and restore freedom and autonomy to individuals, removing the State from their shoulders. The goal is to start along the path to rebuilding the country," Milei said in a speech broadcast on television and radio. Milei has vowed to pull Argentina out of economic distress but has warned that economic "shock" treatment is the only solution. He has also warned the public that the economic situation will get worse before it will get better.

Argentinian President's Plans to Liberalize Economy Has Observers Concerned | DW News

Dec 21, 2023 | Argentinian president Javier Milei has announced sweeping reforms to cut the state’s role in Argentina’s economy, including privatization measures and steps to boost exports and end price controls. The move is likely to face pushback in congress and courts.

Rudy Giuliani Files for Bankruptcy after $148m Defamation Verdict

BBC: Rudy Giuliani, a longtime associate of former President Donald Trump, has filed for bankruptcy just days after he was ordered to pay $148m (£116m) in a defamation case.

He was ordered to pay the sum after a judge found he defamed two Georgia election workers over false claims they tampered with votes in 2020.

Mr Giuliani listed debts as high as $500m and assets of $10m in the filing.

A spokesman said the move should "be a surprise to no one". » | Bernd Debusmann Jr, BBC News, Washington | Thursday, December 21, 2023

15 Dead in Czech Republic After Shooting at Prague University

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The police said the suspect, who also died, first shot his father in a town outside Prague and then continued his rampage at the university.

At least 15 people were killed during a shooting rampage in the Czech Republic, on Thursday, including 14 people at Charles University in Prague and the suspect’s father, the authorities said. Twenty-four other people were wounded at the university.

The gunman, a 24-year-old student in world history at Charles University, also died. He first killed his father in their family home in the town of Kladno, outside of Prague, said Radek Jiroudek, a police officer with Interpol Prague, in an interview.

He killed himself after the shooting spree in central Prague.

The police identified the assailant as David K. Speaking at a news conference in Prague. The chief of the national police force, Martin Vondraska, said the assailant “got inspired by a similar terrible event abroad.” He did not specify where. » | Andrew Higgins and Jenny Gross | Thursday, December 21, 2023

Swiss Cocaine So Cheap and Widely Used They’re Considering Legalising It

THE TELEGRAPH: As prices halve on ‘highest quality we’ve ever seen’, Bern says ‘war on drugs has failed’ and looks at it being sold for recreational use

Switzerland has one of the highest levels of cocaine use in Europe

Switzerland’s capital is considering legalising cocaine after admitting the “war on drugs has failed”.

Bern is weighing up a pilot scheme to allow the sale of the class A narcotic for recreational use – a radical approach which is thought to be a worldwide first.

Switzerland has one of the highest levels of cocaine use in Europe, according to the levels of illicit drugs and their metabolites measured in waste water, with Zurich, Basel and Geneva all featuring in the top 10 cities in Europe. » | James Crisp, Europe Editor | Thursday, December 21, 2023

Debating the Origins of the Name 'Palestine'

Jun 15, 2020 | Rudy Rochman speaks to an anti-Israel protester.

How Trump Has Transformed Evangelicals

Dec 15, 2023 | How did evangelical Christians shift from being reluctant supporters of Trump to among his most passionate defenders? How did some evangelicals, historically suspicious of politicians, develop a “fanatical cult-like attachment” to Donald Trump? And what happened to the evangelical movement, as some bought into Trump’s vision of America and others recoiled?

A few weeks before the Iowa caucuses we talk to Tim Alberta, a staff writer at the Atlantic and author of the new book The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism.

Aggression gegen Finnland? Was hinter Russlands Warnungen steckt | ZDFheute live

Dec 19, 2023 | “Jetzt wird Finnland Probleme bekommen”, so droht Russlands Präsident Putin dem nordischen Nachbarn. Er reagiert damit auf den NATO-Beitritt Finnlands und ein kürzlich abgeschlossenes Militär-Abkommen der Finnen mit den USA.

Im russischen Fernsehen kündigte er an, die Militärpräsenz an der Grenze zu Finnland erhöhen zu wollen. Ein neuer „Militärdistrikt Leningrad“ soll in der Region um Sankt-Petersburg entstehen und man wolle eine „gewisse Anzahl an Einheiten“ dorthin verlegen.

Im April war Finnland dem westlichen Militärbündnis NATO beigetreten. Am Montag unterzeichnete die Regierung ein Abkommen mit den USA, das amerikanischen Truppen den Zugang zu 15 finnischen Militärstützpunkten ermöglicht.

Finnland und Russland teilen eine 1340 Kilometer lange Landgrenze. Sämtliche Grenzübergänge wurden von der finnischen Regierung geschlossen, nachdem Russland ihrer Aussage nach gezielt Geflüchtete ohne Dokumente über die Grenze ließ. Finnlands Regierungschef Petteri Orpo wertete das als von Moskau gesteuerte „hybride Bedrohung“.

Traditionell ist Finnland gegenüber Russland eher einen neutralen Kurs gefahren. Spätestens seit dem Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine sieht Helsinki in Putin eine aktive Bedrohung.

Wie ernst meint es Putin mit seiner Drohung gegen Finnland? Wie reagiert die NATO? Und wie geht die finnische Bevölkerung mit der Situation um? Darüber spricht ZDFheute live mit Minna Ålander vom Finnish Institute of International Affairs und mit der ehemaligen NATO-Strategin Stefanie Babst.

The Lincoln Project: Trump Iowa Rally Recap: Holiday Edition

Dec 21, 2023 | Another unhinged rant from Trump: Holiday Edition

Two Italian-American Classics : Lidia's Italian Table

Nov 9, 2021 | Filet mignon and chocolate – these don’t sound like ingredients to top off a list of Italian-American recipes – but in the kitchen of Lidia Bastianich, it’s “Tutti a tavola” to cook and savor two of our most sensual foods: Seared Filet Mignon with Italian style chunky braised vegetables, followed by a rich Hazelnut-Chocolate Ice Cream Truffle.

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With thanks to KB on Pinterest if you can access it. I cannot.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Israeli - Palestinian Debate at AIPAC 2020 Turns to Family Reunion

Premiered Mar 3, 2020| Rudy Rochman talks to a Palestinian protestor at AIPAC 2020. The conversation takes a surprising turn.

Haven’t We All Maxed Out on Islam by Now?

MARK ALEXANDER : Let’s face it: Nobody wants Islam in Europe. Nobody wants Islam in the West. Islam is like a cancer in our midst!

Islam is only here as much as it is because our politicians, from the right and from the left, haven’t had the spunk to deal with the growing problem – they have chickened out.

I am telling you now; and in clear, unequivocal words: Islam DOES NOT belong in Europe. And when I speak of Europe, I include the United Kingdom. Indeed, it does not belong in the West.

Does this mean that people born into the Muslim faith don’t belong here? No! It certainly does not. It is perfectly possible for a person born into the Muslim faith to find his/her place here in the West. But only if he/she renounces his/her desire to supplant Western religion (Christianity) or Secularism, Laicité, with Islamic values. It is simply NOT going to happen. At least not without a fight to the death.

Come and live here amongst us by all means. You are most welcome. But only if you renounce all notions of superiority or wishes to take over the West, all desire to Islamise the West. These ideas will lead to NO GOOD PLACE! Of that, I can assure you.

© Mark Alexander
All Rights Reserved

Piers Morgan vs Sam Harris on Israel-Palestine War and Islam's Impact | The Full Interview

Dec 20, 2023 | Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by philosopher, author and YouTuber Sam Harris for an open debate on the ideals and limitations of free speech, as well as the ongoing conflict in Gaza between Israel and Palestine as the IDF is slowly losing its country's support in their conquest against Hamas due to their methods of attack.

Sam also discusses with Piers Morgan how religion and God have played a part in this conflict and could be partly to blame for the escalation.

This is the interview with Steven Crowder (Louder with Crowder) here.

As I have said before: Islam is a POX on the West. – © Mark Alexander

Ramaswamy Vows Exit from Colorado GOP Ballot amid Trump Exclusion Verdict | Oneindia News

Dec 20, 2023 | US Republican Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy vows to withdraw from the Colorado GOP primary unless Trump gains ballot access, urging DeSantis, Christie, and Haley to do likewise. Failure to comply suggests endorsement of an alleged illegal move, feared to bring dire consequences to the nation.

The Colorado ruling is great and effective. It has killed two birds with one stone! There’s hope that America will regain its sanity after all! – © Mark Alexander

The Lincoln Project: Waiting

Dec 20, 2023 | If you're in line to be on the ballot in Colorado, stay in line I guess...

Anne Applebaum: Second Trump Term Would Be a Global Catastrophe | Bulwark Podcast Clip

Dec 19, 2023 | Mona Charen and Anne Applebaum discuss the unique damage Donald Trump could inflict upon the world if he were elected to a second term in the White House.

Maddow: Trump Getting Kicked Off Colorado Ballot 'A Real Surprise'

Dec 20, 2023 | Donald Trump is disqualified from being president under the 14th Amendment, the Colorado Supreme Court has ruled for its state, removing Trump from the Colorado 2024 GOP primary ballot. On this ruling going to the Supreme Court, Rachel Maddow tells Joy Reid, "I don't think this is the way that Donald Trump's political career ends because of what we know about this iteration of the United States Supreme Court.”

Donald Trump Speaks Following Removal from Colorado Presidential Ballot | BBC News

Dec 20, 2023 | Former US President Donald Trump has said that he considers indictments against him "a badge of honour".

Trump was speaking at a campaign event in Iowa, shortly after the state of Colorado's supreme court voted in favour of removing him from the 2024 presidential ballot.

The court ruled 4-3 to remove Trump, citing his involvement in the 6 January insurrection in 2021.

The Colorado Supreme Court ruling means Donald Trump may be unable to run for re-election in the state next year.

How Donald Trump's Rhetoric Is Shockingly Similar to Nazism | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

Dec 20, 2023 | Steve Schmidt breaks down how similar Trump's latest rhetoric is to Adolf Hitler and why that should be so frightening.

Trump Is Disqualified From 2024 Ballot, Colorado Court Says in Explosive Ruling

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The decision, the first by a court to find that Donald Trump is ineligible to hold office again because he engaged in insurrection, is likely to put a monumental case before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Former President Donald J. Trump at a rally in Durham, N.H., last week. His political opponents have sought to keep him off the 2024 presidential ballot by citing the 14th Amendment. | Doug Mills/The New York Times

Colorado’s top court ruled on Tuesday that former President Donald J. Trump is disqualified from holding office again because he engaged in insurrection with his actions leading up to the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol, an explosive ruling that is likely to put the basic contours of the 2024 election in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Colorado Supreme Court was the first in the nation to find that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment — which disqualifies people who engage in insurrection against the Constitution after taking an oath to support it — applies to Mr. Trump, an argument that his opponents have been making around the country.

The ruling directs the Colorado secretary of state to exclude Mr. Trump’s name from the state’s Republican primary ballot. It does not address the general election.

“We do not reach these conclusions lightly,” a four-justice majority wrote, with three justices dissenting. “We are mindful of the magnitude and weight of the questions now before us. We are likewise mindful of our solemn duty to apply the law, without fear or favor, and without being swayed by public reaction to the decisions that the law mandates we reach.” » | Maggie Astor | Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Colorado Ruling Knocks Trump Off Ballot: What It Means, What Happens Next: The challengers who sought to disqualify Donald J. Trump prevailed on every legal issue, but the case is almost certainly headed for the Supreme Court, where they would have to do so again. »

McConnell and Other Senate Republicans Criticize Trump’s Talk on Immigrants: The minority leader took an oblique swipe at Donald Trump’s rhetoric about migrants “poisoning the blood” of the country, but others like Senator Tommy Tuberville defended him. »

Trump, Attacked for Echoing Hitler, Says He Never Read ‘Mein Kampf’: The former president’s comments on migrants have been widely criticized as racist and xenophobic. | Former President Donald J. Trump on Tuesday doubled down on his widely condemned comment that undocumented immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country,” rebuffing criticism that the language echoed Adolf Hitler by insisting that he had never read the Nazi dictator’s autobiographical manifesto. »

Trump darf nicht bei Vorwahlen in Colorado antreten: Das Oberste Gericht von Colorado schließt den ehemaligen Präsidenten Donald Trump wegen des Sturms auf das Kapitol von der Präsidentschaftsvorwahl in dem Bundesstaat aus. Nun muss der Supreme Court in Washington entscheiden. »

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

We Were Never Lost: Uniting Jewish Tribes w/ Rudy Rochman

Mar 12, 2023 | Eli Nash sat down with Rudy Rochman to discuss his documentary series 'We Were Never Lost'. The series aims to reveal the history, experiences, and aspirations of the lost tribes of Israel, including those who have kept their identity but have been forgotten by the Jewish population. The conversation touches on assimilation, crowdfunding, and power dynamics in Nigeria, where Rochman and his team were abducted by armed militants claiming to be the Nigerian FBI. Rochman recounts his team's three-week captivity, their lack of access to food, and the danger faced by his friend with an immune system disorder. Despite the trauma, Rochman views the experience as an opportunity for growth and character-building. The conversation also explores the use of Ayahuasca, a plant medicine for spiritual growth that should be approached with care and intention. Ultimately, the documentary series aims to unite all Jewish tribes and bring them back to mainstream consciousness.

¡Oh, ese beso!

¡Gracias a Pinterest por la magia!

So Pope Francis Has Deigned to ‘Bless’ Gay Marriages? That’s Not a Blessing, It’s an Insult

THE GUARDIAN: The Catholic church made my young queer life hell. Now they accept and damn my union in one breath

Matt Cain (left) with his husband on their wedding day. Photograph: Joseph Scanlon Photography

On the day I celebrated the first anniversary of my wedding, Pope Francis announced his “conditional approval” for Catholic priests to bless same-sex marriages – under certain circumstances – although he was keen to add that these blessings should not be seen as validation of same-sex relationships. “It will be possible to bless same-sex couples but without any type of ritualisation or offering the impression of a marriage,” the Church announced in a report published on Vatican News, adding that “the blessing does not signify approval of the union”. In the eyes of the Catholic church, it seems, queer love is still a sin.

Well, you can stick your blessing, Pope Francis. It’s a fig leaf, a PR exercise, a means of laundering your prejudice to make it seem like a step towards acceptance.

I was brought up Catholic, went to Catholic schools and mass every Sunday, and served as an altar boy for years. From an early age I also knew I was gay. But some of my teachers made me believe that being gay was wrong. When the other kids called me “poof”, “pansy” and “queer”, it didn’t occur to me to report them to a teacher. The last thing I wanted was to draw attention to my sin. It was my own fault I was being bullied. I was consumed by guilt. » | Matt Cain | Tuesday, December 19, 2023

What Experts Think of ‘Anarcho-capitalist’ Milei’s Plan to Dollarize the Argentinian Economy?

Dec 4, 2023 | Replacing the Peso with US dollars and getting rid of the central bank, that’s what Javier Milei, Argentina’s recently elected president, has proposed as part of his radical economic agenda. We speak to two experts who give us details on what could be Argentina’s road ahead.

Islamic Culture Not Compatible with European Values: Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni

Dec 18, 2023 | Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni may have just touched a raw nerve with a loaded comment about Islam at a far-right gathering in her country. According to various media reports, Meloni's potentially explosive observation came at a political event held by the far-right Brothers of Italy in Rome, where she reportedly said that "there is no place for Islamic culture in Europe".

Giorgia Meloni is absolutely right about this. Islamic values and European values are totally and utterly immiscible. If we allow Islam to keep on growing in Europe, we are going to be in deep, deep trouble. Kudos, Signora Meloni, for having the courage to speak the truth. Few politicians have that courage. – © Mark Alexander

Meloni vs Islam | What Is Europe's Response to Migrant Crisis? | Vantage with Palki Sharma

Dec 18, 2023 | Meloni vs Islam | What is Europe's Response to Migrant Crisis? | Vantage with Palki Sharma An old video showing Meloni criticize Islam has gone viral. She portrays Islam as the other. It's similar to the rhetoric being employed against all migrants coming to Europe. But is Europe taking any concrete steps to tackle its migrant crisis? Or does it end with speeches and far-fetched schemes like the UK's Deport to Rwanda plan? Palki Sharma tells you.

Gansu Earthquake: More Than 120 Killed in China's Deadliest Quake in Years | BBC News

Dec 19, 2023 | More than 120 people have been killed in north-west China in the country's deadliest earthquake in years.

The 6.2 magnitude quake hit mountainous Gansu province around midnight on Monday (16:00 GMT), also shaking neighbouring Qinghai.

Fatalities may rise with more than 700 reported injured in icy conditions.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has ordered thousands of rescue crews to the region, which is among the poorest and most diverse in China.

Elvis Presley : Return to Sender | Remix

Jun 22, 2020 | Views on YouTube: 27,074,237

Elvis Presley : Hound Dog | Official Audio

Jun 4, 2013 | Views on YouTube: 33,609,755

Ne-Yo : One In A Million | Official Music Video

Sep 3, 2010 | Views on YouTube: 334,577,733

NZZ Erklärt: Gewaltwelle in Schweden: Das sind die Gründe für die Bandenkriminalität

Jul 19, 2023 | Von schwedischer Idylle zur Gewalt: Banden, Kriminalität und Schusswaffen. In grossen Städten wie Stockholm, Malmö und Göteborg beherrscht Gewalt die Schlagzeilen. Bandenkriminalität und tödliche Auseinandersetzungen haben dramatisch zugenommen. Davon betroffen sind vor allem junge Männer. Aber wie ist es überhaupt dazu gekommen? Wir erklären die Hintergründe der Bandenkriege und zeigen, warum Schwedens Vororte so gefährlich sind.

How to Collect Antique Jewellery | 5 Top Tips

Jan 20, 2020 | Sotheby’s offers the most extraordinary antique jewels in the world to discerning collectors looking for special designs.

In this episode of Expert Voices, Sotheby’s leading specialists offer tips on what to look for when starting or adding to a collection of antique jewellery.

Our auctions feature iconic examples of artistic creativity from houses such as Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels and Bulgari, and we have been privileged to handle the jewels of many distinguished women including Marie Antoinette, the Duchess of Windsor, Brooke Astor, Ava Gardner, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and Gina Lollobrigida.

Our jewellery auctions are held throughout the year both online and live in New York, Geneva, Hong Kong, London, Paris and Milan

Monday, December 18, 2023

Full Mitt Romney: Trump’s Campaign One of ‘Retribution, Anger and Hate’

Dec 10, 2023 | Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) joins Meet the Press exclusively for a wide-ranging interview on former President Trump’s latest comments vowing to act as a dictator “on day one,” the recent Texas Supreme Court decision to temporarily block a pregnant woman from having an emergency abortion, and more.

Mitt Romney is right on the money in what he says about Donald Trump. But what’s with this “pro-life” bullshit? ALL sensible people are “pro-life”! But that doesn’t and should not mean that they should be anti-abortion! Sometimes abortions are necessary. They are necessary to save the mother’s life and necessary to save the child from a life of ongoing misery!

If US politicians are so “pro-life”, why don’t they ban the purchase of semi-automatic weapons by people who are ill-equipped and incapable of using them properly? People, indeed, who shouldn’t have access to them in the first place! Period! That would save lives. A hell of a lot of American lives.

So all this highfalutin nonsense about worrying about the life of a foetus is just that: highfalutin nonsense! In a word: Bullshit! – © Mark Alexander

Steve Schmidt Reacts to Donald Trump's Recent Fascist Remarks | The Warning

Dec 18, 2023 | Steve Schmidt reacts to Donald Trump's latest comments at a New Hampshire rally over the weekend. Steve said these words must be taken seriously as well as the consequences of Trump potentially winning in 2024.

Germany Changing Laws to Attract Migrant Labor | DW News

Dec 18, 2023 | Germany's ageing population and shrinking birth rate means it is increasingly looking to immigration to fill jobs. At the end of last year, 350-thousand people from non-EU countries were registered in Germany, seeking work. And the number of qualified migrants in the country is also on the rise.

Of course Germany has a problem with old people and having far too few young people to take up positions in industry and commerce. The West in general has. Germany has followed the rest of the West as sheep follow their shepherd. People are like sheep. Gregarious. Germans are no different.

The Zeitgeist has dictated that a woman’s place is in the marketplace; it isn’t! A woman’s place is in the home; in the home bringing up her children! How else is the West going to survive? A woman cannot be in the workplace and procreate at one and the same time. It’s impossible!

That’s why the West is in such a mess! That’s why the West is having to ‘import’ labour from foreign countries; labour which brings in alien culture and alien religious practices with them!

A mother’s place is in the home! Harsh though it sounds. But get over it! Come to terms with it! It’s the only way that the West can truly survive. It is already five minutes to midnight! Feminism has done so much damage to the West! More damage to the West than anything I can quickly think of. – © Mark Alexander

EU Takes Action against Elon Musk's X over Disinformation | BBC News

Dec 18, 2023 | The European Union has formally announced it suspects X, previously known as Twitter, of breaching its rules in areas including countering illegal content and disinformation. Digital commissioner Thierry Breton set out the alleged infringements in a post on the social media platform. He said X, which is owned by Elon Musk, was also suspected of breaching its obligations on transparency. X said it was "co-operating with the regulatory process".

Argentinien: Der neue Zug im Land | ARTE Reportage

Dec 18, 2023 | Der Sieg des populistischen Kandidaten Javier Milei bei der Präsidentenwahl am 19. November mit fast 56% der Stimmen beunruhigt viele Regierungen weltweit. Nach Donald Trump und Jair Bolsonaro kippt nun ein weiteres Land in den Extremismus.

Er provozierte die Öffenlichkeit vor der Wahl mit einer Kettensäge in der Hand und verspricht, nicht nur alle Staatsausgaben zu kürzen: Auch das Recht auf Abtreibung und die Anerkennung der LGBT-Gemeinschaften könnte in Argentinien abgeschafft werden werden. Milei scheint eine ultrakonservative Gesellschaft aufbauen zu wollen.

Was hat die Argentinier dazu veranlasst, diesen Kandidaten zu wählen und was erwarten sie von ihm? Um das zu erfahren, reiste Vladimir Vasak quer durchs Land in einem Zug, der erst seit sechs Monaten in 32 Stunden die 1000 Kilometer zwischen der Hauptstadt Buenos Aires und der Stadt Mendoza überbrückt.

Die Eisenbahnen gehören dem Staat. Das Land, das sich seit Jahren in einer Krise befindet, hat heute eine Inflationsrate von über 150%. Der neue Präsident Javier Milei versprach, alle staatlichen Unternehmen zu privatisieren, deren Rentabilität zu wünschen übrig lässt. Die Zukunft der argentinischen Eisenbahn erscheint zurzeit also auch ungewiss...

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