Wednesday, December 06, 2023

The Great Hunger - ARTE

Dec 6, 2023 | Narrated by Liam Neeson. 175 years ago Europe was struck by a devastating famine. The food crisis was triggered when a deadly fungus escaped from South America and destroyed the potato crops. 100,000 people died of starvation and disease in France, Belgium, Holland, Scotland and the Kingdom of Prussia.

In Ireland, where half the population relied on the potato as their main source of food, the impact was even more extreme. One million people died and between 1845 and 1855, two million emigrated. Today Ireland is the only country in the western world with a population lower than it had in the 1840s. The famine had broader repercussions. It caused the fall of the British government led by Robert Peel in 1846, was a catalyst for the revolutions that rocked Europe in 1848 and became the root for the global Irish Diaspora that today numbers 70,000,000 across the world.

Putin Received in UAE with Flypast and Russian Flags Lining the Streets

Dec 6, 2023 | Vladimir Putin said relations with the UAE had reached unprecedented levels as he was greeted in the country with a flypast and Russian flags, despite an international warrant for his arrest.

Putin’s meeting with Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, the UAE’s president, came as the Kremlin hailed Russia’s “main economic partner in the Arab world”.

The Russian president, who has been largely isolated since the war in Ukraine, was greeted with fanfare. He is wanted for the abduction of children in Ukraine by the International Criminal Court, to which the UEA is not a signatory.

Michael Douglas: Am Anfang war der Name | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

Nov 15, 2023 | Manchmal ist es nicht leicht, der Sohn seines Vaters zu sein - vor allem in Hollywood. Michael Douglas kann davon ein Lied singen. Als ältester Sohn des grandiosen Schauspielers Kirk Douglas stand er lange Zeit im Schatten seines berühmten Vaters. Es brauchte einige Zeit, bis er sich davon abgrenzen konnte und zum eigenständigen Star wurde.

Vater-Sohn-Beziehungen können schwierig sein, vor allem wenn man im Rampenlicht steht. Und besonders, wenn der eigene Vater jahrzehntelang einer der wichtigsten Vertreter des Hollywoodkinos war. Der Apfel fällt bekanntlich nicht weit vom Stamm. Douglas zu heißen, sich selbst zu behaupten und Michael zu werden – der älteste Sohn des großen Kirk Douglas hat einige Zeit gebraucht, um sich aus dem Schatten seines Vaters zu lösen. Die Dokumentation zeigt die außergewöhnliche Karriere von Michael Douglas, der als Schauspieler und Produzent in die Fußstapfen seines Vaters trat und selbst zum Star wurde. Ob in der Rolle des zynischen Banditen oder des romantischen Verführers – Michael Douglas ist seit über 50 Jahren im amerikanischen Kino zu Hause. Er produziert Meisterwerke, in denen er selbst mitspielt, und wurde sowohl für seine Tätigkeit als Produzent als auch für seine Schauspielleistungen oscarprämiert. Trotz seines Erfolgs musste er immer wieder Hürden überwinden: seine Alkoholsucht, sein chaotisches Privatleben, eine Krebserkrankung und die Drogenprobleme seines Sohns Cameron, der gar wegen Drogenhandels zu mehrjähriger Haft verurteilt wurde. Nachdem Michaels Vater Kirk Douglas 2020 mit stolzen 103 Jahren verstarb, wurde Michael zum charismatischen Oberhaupt des Douglas-Clans. Amine Mestari zeichnet in seiner Dokumentation das bewegte Leben des Schauspielers unter Verwendung von bis dato unbekanntem Archivmaterial nach. Er geht der komplexen Vater-Sohn-Beziehung auf den Grund und zeigt, wie Michael, der lange Zeit lediglich als Sohn wahrgenommen wurde, schließlich selbst zur Hollywoodgröße aufstieg, so dass Kirk Douglas nunmehr oft als der „Vater von Michael“ bezeichnet wird. Michael Douglas spricht in „Michael Douglas – Am Anfang war der Name“ mit frappierender Ehrlichkeit über sich selbst und sinniert über den Schauspielberuf und das Leben insgesamt.

Dokumentation von Amine Mestari (F 2022, 53 Min)
Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 13/12/2023

Was John Major Right in 2016 about Brexit

Dec 5, 2023 | New report from Resolution Foundation sheds new light on Brexit impact on Britain together with new data on immigration. We were led to believe people wanted Brexit to reduce immigration, but in truth it has now quadrupled since Brexit and the economic impact is realising the predictions made by the Remain politicians. We need to ditch Brexit and get prosperity and food security back!

As a one-time, dyed-in-the-wool Conservative voter, it hurts me to say this, but it has to be said: The Tories of today are a bunch of tossers. They have got this country into the biggest mess I have ever known it to be in in my not-so-short lifetime. This country needs radical reform now if we are to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps. Labour does not have the answer. Its leader wants more of Thatcherism. That shows me clearly that the man doesn’t understand economics. The party that could offer a solution – the LibDems – is afraid of its own shadow! That party should be offering a speedy return to the EU.

These ne’er-do-wells — losers all when it comes to understanding economics — talk frequently about how this country needs economic growth; but they are totally clueless as to how to go about achieving it.

There are many ways to achieve economic growth. But the very first thing we need is a market for our goods. In voting for Brexit, we have walked away from the BIGGEST single market in the world – a market of 450 MILLION CONSUMERS. To talk of wanting economic growth at the same time as walking away from such a ready-made, tariff-free market is total bunkum and nonsense. One is speaking with forked tongue when doing so.

The second obvious thing that you need to achieve economic growth is for people to have money in their pockets to spend! Shops need customers with SPENDING POWER! It is the ordinary consumers that need the spending power, not the über-rich élite, whose needs, apart from the odd superyacht or private jet, are already met. It’s Joe Bloggs in the street that need a new fridge or a new freezer or a new car or some work done on his house, not the chap living in the mansion in the best part of town!

How do the Tories expect to achieve economic growth when tens of thousands of people can’t afford to put food on the table for their children and have to go to foodbanks for assistance? How do the Tories expect to achieve economic growth when poverty in the nation is at alarming levels? You can’t expect a poor man to go to the shops to have a spending spree on consumer goods. As for white goods, he will surely need them, but will surely have no money to pay for them. So no consumption there!

To achieve economic growth at home, people need money in their pockets. They need to be able to spend! Under the Tories, people have been strapped for cash for years. Living standards have been in steep decline for ages. How do do these plonkers expect to be able to achieve economic growth?

Then there is the Tories' reluctance to spend and invest in infrastructure, so sorely needed in this country. Look at the state of our schools, hospitals, roads and bridges! The state of many, many schools and hospitals is disgraceful. Not at all worthy of a first world nation.

The more one thinks about this Tory government, the more one realizes how totally USELESS the people in government are. Bumbling fools all!

This country needs radical change at the top. Anything less just will not cut the mustard. – © Mark Alexander

Salman Rushdie and Freedom of Speech | Culture

In 2022, Salman Rushdie narrowly survived an assassination attempt by an Islamic extremist. This year's winner of the German Publishers' Peace Prize at the Frankfurt Book Fair, we interview the acclaimed writer in New York. Also in the programme: Russian journalist Elena Kostyutchenko, Slovenian authors Pia Prezelj and Suzana Tratnik, and a focus on the graphic novel “Woman, Life, Freedom" by Marjane Satrapi.

Salman Rushdie and Freedom of Speech | Culture

Liz Cheney: I Will Never Vote for Donald Trump Again

Dec 4, 2023 | Former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney joins TODAY to talk about her new memoir, “Oath and Honor,” and the risk former President Donald Trump could have on democracy if he is reelected in 2024. “A vote for Donald Trump may mean the last election that you ever get to vote in,” she says.

‘If You Go to Saudi, It’s Sunny’: Foreign Care Workers Could Quit UK after Clampdown

THE GUARDIAN: Ban on bringing dependants has raised fears that England’s care staff shortage will only worsen

It’s sunnier in Dubai, the visa lasts longer in the US and the wages are better in Canada. Many foreign care workers had already been thinking of quitting Britain for similar jobs elsewhere before the home secretary announced on Monday that dependants of new applicants would no longer be welcome. Experts say the move, effective from next spring, will only make England’s severe care staff shortage worse amid international competition for people willing to look after society’s most vulnerable on low pay.

And, sure enough, Annie, a care worker from Botswana who was one of the first to arrive last year under the scheme inviting foreign care staff and their families, is already filling in the forms to switch to Canada. » | Robert Booth, Social affairs correspondent | Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Good God! We’ve got ourselves into ONE BIG BLOODY MESS because of BREXIT, haven’t we? We can all thank Nigel bloody Farage for this! Farage & Co.

The Tories at the time were led by a plonker — Cameron — and ever since the party has been led by a string of clowns. And who has had to pay the price for all these political shenanigans? We have! We, the people.

Then we have James Cleverly… With this new policy of his, one is bound to ask oneself one simple question: How clever is James Cleverly really? He certainly doesn’t appear to be living up to his name, does he?

This is all extremely depressing, because no party is offering the electorate the sensible policy of re-entry into the EU. All politicians lack spine and spunk. – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, December 05, 2023

En direct, guerre Israël-Hamas : Joe Biden appelle à « condamner sans ambiguïté les violences sexuelles » perpétrées par le Hamas

LE MONDE : « Les terroristes du Hamas ont infligé les plus grandes souffrances aux femmes et aux jeunes filles » lors de l’attaque du 7 octobre, a dit le président américain, mardi, ajoutant : « Le monde ne peut pas détourner les yeux. » LIVE EN COURS » | mardi 5 décembre 2023

Professor Tim Wilson: Nobody Will Take Britain Seriously Again

Dec 5, 2023 | That is the risk Rishi Sunak is taking to win a general election. He is gambling with the reputation of our nation. He is behaving like a fool and he is doing so in a calculated and deceptive way. Cleverly rightly says "we can now move quickly"- like any criminal might add escaping the scene of the crime.

Ex-Muslim Amina Sardar on Why So Many Muslims Are Leaving Islam

May 23, 2023 | If you want to find out the truth about Islam, don't trust mullahs & read the texts carefully: Ex-Muslim Amina Sardar explains why Muslims are leaving Islam en masse.

The Guardian View on the Rwanda Deal: Tory Asylum Policy Sinks to a New Low

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: This malign deportation scheme is a distraction from years of broken pledges

Suella Braverman wasn’t sacked from her post as home secretary three weeks ago because of her zeal in promoting the deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda – a policy she once described as her “dream”. It was an intemperate attack she made on the police in the Times that led to her dismissal by the prime minister she had defied in making it. But anyone who thought – or hoped – that her replacement by James Cleverly would bring an end to this vicious, wrong-headed policy was mistaken. Rishi Sunak’s government remains wedded to its project of sending asylum seekers from all over the world to central Africa. » | Editorial | Tuesday, December 5, 2023

The Tories have turned into a party in no small part made up of immigrants hell-bent on denying new immigrants the right to settle here. I wonder where these people would have been today had the UK denied their families entry into this country, the very country that gave these people opportunity, the very country to which they are so determined to deny the same opportunities to others? This anti-immigrant fervour is quite unprecedented among immigrants, I feel sure. – © Mark Alexander

Milei, Trump, Wilders... Sommes-nous entrés dans l'ère des populistes ?

Dec 5, 2023 | Javier Milei en Argentine, Geert Wilders aux Pays-Bas, Robert Fico en Slovaquie, précédés par Georgia Meloni en Italie, Viktor Orban en Hongrie, Mateusz Morawiecki en Pologne, Donald Trump aux Etats-Unis... Sommes-nous entrés dans l'ère des populistes ? Qu'ont-ils en commun ? Qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour la démocratie ?

No Tattoo Necessary

True masculine beauty needs no adornment

Many thanks to Pinterest for this splendid aesthetically-pleasing picture of an exemplar of masculinity and good looks.

Le gouvernement britannique vers un durcissement drastique de sa politique migratoire

LE MONDE : Le Royaume-Uni souhaite diminuer les arrivées annuelles d’au moins 300 000 personnes. Une décision qui pourrait accentuer la pénurie de personnel dans les secteurs de la santé et de l’aide sociale, notamment.

Le premier ministre britannique, Rishi Sunak, lors d’une session plénière de la COP28, le vendredi 1er décembre 2023, à Dubaï, aux Émirats arabes unis. PETER DEJONG / AP

Le gouvernement britannique durcit significativement sa politique migratoire au risque de pénaliser l’économie du pays, déjà handicapée par la pénurie de main-d’œuvre. Le ministre de l’intérieur, James Cleverly, a annoncé lundi 4 décembre un relèvement du plancher de ressources annuelles nécessaires pour venir s’établir au Royaume-Uni : il va passer de 26 200 livres sterling (environ 30 552 euros) à plus de 38 700 livres. » | Par Cécile Ducourtieux (Londres, correspondante) | lundi 4 décembre 2023

Pour continuer la lecture, vous devez être abonné. Si vous souhaitez vous abonner, cliquez ici.

Jewish Students at Harvard, MIT, NYU and Penn Facing Death Threats, Assault: ‘Back to 1939’

NEW YORK POST: Jewish students attending four of the most prestigious universities in America recounted gut-wrenching experiences with antisemitism on their campuses Tuesday, with one saying school officers had spewed blood libels and another comparing the environment of hatred to before World War II.

House Republicans featured the four students at a press conference ahead of the presidents of American, Harvard, MIT and Penn testifying before the Committee on Education & the Workforce.

“An Israeli student whose identity and personal info was sold online for a bounty has not left his dorm room in weeks out of fear due to death threats,” said Talia Khan, the president of MIT’s Israel Alliance.

Khan also cited a survey of Jews on campus that found 70% felt forced to hide their identities out of fear. » | Ryan King | Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Watch the accompanying video here.

Königliche Dynastien - Die Habsburger

Aug 12, 2022 | Keine andere Dynastie in der Geschichte Europas brachte es weiter als die Habsburger. Keine andere war länger an der Macht, keine andere herrschte über ein größeres Reich. Keine brachte mehr geniale, aber auch geistig verwirrte, Familienmitglieder hervor.

Ne-Yo Ft. FABOLOUS : Link Up Remix | Official Music Video | Reupload

Premiered Nov 3, 2023

In my opinion, this man has incredible talent; and this is such an exciting sound. Personally, I never tire of listening to it; in fact, I have trouble stopping myself listening to it! And it is through this wonderful song that I have discovered that I like rap! – Mark

Dimitra’s Dishes: The Most Delicious Bread Dipping Oil with Roasted Garlic

Dec 5, 2023

Get the recipe here »

Does the Bible Condemn Homosexuality? Guest Interview with Jeffrey Siker

Mar 14, 2023

CAUTION: This erudite discussion of the sensitive issue of homosexuality, especially for religious people, is NOT suitable for children at all. It is also not suitable for people who are easily shocked or offended. Beware! But it should be noted that Bart Ehrman is a leading authority on Christianity and the Bible. So is Jeffrey Siker. This is no frivolous discussion! – Mark Alexander

Richard Nixon’s Honest Take on the Shah | #shorts

Nixon: The Shah was trying to move Iran into the twentieth century.

Brazen Sunak’s Conflicts of Interest | #shorts

Sunak broke the ministerial code.

How Donald Trump's Second Term Would Be Worse than the First | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

Dec 5, 2023 | Steve Schmidt reacts to the January/February 2024 issue of "The Atlantic," detailing how much worse everything will be under a second term for Donald Trump.

Monday, December 04, 2023

The Lincoln Project: Christian Trump

Dec 4, 2023 | Pious, faith-driven, and humble. These are things that Donald Trump is not.

Margaret Thatcher Is Not a Good Role Model – but Not Necessarily for the Reasons You Think

THE GUARDIAN: Keir Starmer is just the latest politician to invoke the former Tory prime minister, even though her essential message was that society was for losers

Margaret Thatcher in October 1990, giving her last party conference speech as prime minister. Photograph: Richard Baker/Corbis/Getty Images

Another day, another British political wannabe making remarks about Margaret Thatcher that you can only file under: “Did you ever meet Thatcher? Fine, most of us did not meet her, but did you ever meet anyone who was alive under Thatcher?”

To Liz Truss and free market fundamentalists everywhere, channelling Thatcher means forging ahead against all expertise, making dumb and predictably immiserating decisions, then turning round when things go wrong and saying that it is everybody else’s fault that you couldn’t vandalise hard enough.

On no account should you mistake this for approval, but Thatcher wasn’t anything like that. One of the many infuriating things about her was that the consequences of her most radical decisions landed long after they had been made. She sold off council flats in the 1980s, and it would be another 30 years before we would realise that none had been built since and 40% of housing stock was now in the hands of private landlords. In 1979, we all owned our shared utilities and 7% of us owned shares. Today, 8% of us own shares, the rest own nothing, everything is more expensive and the waterways are full of raw sewage. » | Zoe Williams | Monday, December 4, 2023

Oh God! Can't these people let Margaret Thatcher rest in peace? The Tories behave as though they had a mother complex. They just can't let Mutti go! Now the Labour Party is joining in under the leadership of Keir Starmer. Have these people got no original thoughts on how to create an entrepreneurial economy? If Keir Starmer isn't careful, it will be a case of 'the same horse, different jockey' if and when he takes over the reins of power.

Fact is, the last thing this country needs is more Thatcherism! Yes, she was a good leader. A damn good leader, in fact. But Thatcher was no economist. By training, she was an industrial chemist and lawyer. Any economic pearls of wisdom came from her adivisers and from the Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek and the US economist from the neoclassical Chicago School of economics, Milton Friedman. Both Hayek and Friedman, needless to say, were extremely right-wing. Thatcher's policies have led to the extreme wealth gap between the über-rich in this county and the extremely poor. So do we really need more of that? Do we need more Thatcherite policies to exacerbate the wealth inequalities that plague our nation today? I would say definitely not.

There is absolutely no doubt that Margaret Thatcher did some very good things for the UK and the UK economy. But one must also say that Thatcher was of her day. Now, we have very different economic problems to solve. We therefore need to move on, and let Margaret Thatcher rest in peace. It also behoves the Tories (and Starmer) to grow up! – © Mark Alexander

The Lincoln Project: Feeble

Dec 4, 2023 | Donald, everyone knows you’re weaker, unsteady and confused all the time now. You even know it too. That’s why you’re constantly talking about how you “aced” your cognitive testing. When you have to tell people you aren't senile all the time, you're senile.

Narben des Krieges | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

Dec 4, 2023 | Kein bewaffneter Konflikt ohne Ruinen und Zerstörung – Ruinen sind zum Sinnbild des Krieges geworden. Was bedeutet es, ein Leben inmitten von Schutt und Asche führen zu müssen? Wie werden Kriegsruinen für politische Zwecke instrumentalisiert? Darauf versucht der Film Antworten zu finden, indem er die verheerenden Folgen dreier kriegerischer Auseinandersetzungen in den Blick nimmt.

„Hört, was die Steine sagen, und ihr erkennt die Schrecken des Krieges!“, so heißt es in einem alten französischen Lied. In der Menschheitsgeschichte war das 20. Jahrhundert das mörderischste und zerstörungsreichste. Die Ruinen sind nicht nur untrennbar mit dem Krieg verbunden, sondern stehen für die moderne Kriegsführung überhaupt.

Dieser vollständig archivbasierte Film ist eine Reise durch Ruinen. In drei Teile gegliedert, untersucht er den unterschiedlichen Gebrauch der Ruinen – für politische Zwecke, für die Gedenkkultur und für ästhetische Belange – in drei großen zeitgenössischen Konflikten: Erster Weltkrieg, Zweiter Weltkrieg und im aktuellen Syrienkrieg. Im Ersten Weltkrieg war Frankreich das Land mit den weitaus meisten Zerstörungen. Die Ansichten von Ruinenstädten wie Reims und Arras und des verwüsteten Kulturerbes wurden von der französischen Regierung breit instrumentalisiert, um die deutsche „Barbarei“ anzuprangern und den Feind zu beschuldigen, er wolle „die Zivilisation zerstören“. Die Ruinen wurden zum Symbol des Leidens und der Verletzungen, die sich die Soldaten an der Front zuzogen. Der Umfang der Zerstörungen führte zu der Frage: Was soll mit all diesen Ruinen passieren?

Mit der Ausbreitung der Luftangriffe im Zweiten Weltkrieg entstanden Ruinenmassen ganz neuer Dimension. Nach den schweren alliierten Bombardements bildete das deutsche Staatsgebiet 1945 das größte Ruinenfeld Europas. Die Zerstörungen ließen sich am Prozentsatz der vernichteten Wohnungen und am Umfang des Schutts auf den Bürgersteigen der deutschen Städte ermessen. Während sich die Trümmerfrauen daranmachten, den Schutt wegzuräumen, wurden die Ruinen zur natürlichen Kulisse vieler Nachkriegsfilme.

Nach 1945 verlagerten sich Krieg und Ruinen vom europäischen Kontinent auf andere Weltregionen, vor allem im Nahen Osten. In Syrien, wo 2011 eine Revolution ausbrach, sind die ungeheuren Zerstörungen im Gefolge der Bombenangriffe des Regimes von Präsident Baschar al-Assad durchaus kein Kollateralschaden des Konflikts, sondern Teil einer bewussten Strategie, die darauf abzielt, bestimmte Gegenden in Schutt und Asche zu legen. Durch die Vernichtung ganzer Städte will das syrische Regime einen als unerwünscht beurteilten Teil seines Volkes verjagen und gleichzeitig die Bedingungen für dessen Rückkehr unmöglich machen.

Dokumentarfilm von Cédric Gruat (F 2021, 52 Min)
Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 02/05/2024

Son of Hamas – Mosab Hassan Yousef – Ex-Muslim: “Allah Is a Gangster”

Sep 11, 2010 | "We are seeing the true colors of Islam, people are waking up from there sleep."

The best things about leaving Islam

Apr 23, 2023 | Leaving religion isn't easy--but more often than not, is a rewarding experience. Ex-Muslims overwhelmingly report a less stressful, more fulfilling life. Here are some of the best outcomes after leaving Islam.

When you stop believing in fairy stories, you will be set free! Most religions are based on man-made myths and legends, written by the patricians to control the plebs. Stop being compliant; start living according to your own rules and standards. There may well be a god, but that doesn't mean that he is anthropmorphic. He may neither know nor care what you do, what you eat, whom you bed, what you drink. Stop fearing the fairy in the sky! He's not there! – © Mark Alexander

Is Venezuela about to Seize Guyana's Oil-rich Essequibo Territory? | DW News

Dec 4, 2023 | Authorities in Venezuela say 95% of voters have supported the country's claim to Essequibo, a disputed, oil- and mineral-rich part of neighboring Guyana. It is not clear how the government will act on this outcome, but the vote has raised concern in Guyana.

Wonderland: The Story of Christmas | BBC Select

Dec 4, 2023 | So many classic children’s books deal with the festive season. There are Christmassy moments in great works by Charles Dickens, Hans Christian Andersen, Kenneth Grahame, J. M. Barrie, J.R.R. Tolkien and many more. This ingenious arts documentary delves into both the joyous descriptions of yuletide created by these writers and also some darker moments in Christmas stories.

Stream the full documentary on BBC Select here.

Saltimbocca alla Romana: How to Make Rome’s Most Popular Main Dish

Oct 28, 2023 | Saltimbocca alla Romana is so good, that it literally “jumps into your mouth” - that’s what it means in Italian. The veal cutlet with prosciutto and sage is one of Rome’s most popular main dishes and an absolute classic in Italy’s capital.

This traditional Roman dish is a true culinary gem, known for its elegant simplicity and bold flavors. In this video, we dive into the history and origins of Saltimbocca alla Romana, uncovering the ingredients and techniques that make it a favorite in Italian households.

Sunday, December 03, 2023

No 10 Daren’t Admit It, but Ursula von der Leyen Is Right: We’ll Be Going Back on Brexit

THE OBSERVER: The case for rejoining the single market and the customs union grows stronger by the day. A future Labour government can’t ignore it

The European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, says the direction of travel is clear: Britain will one day rejoin the EU. Photograph: Jean-François Badias/AP

There was little doubt who came ahead in the spat between Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, and Rishi Sunak last week over Britain rejoining the EU. She began her salvo acknowledging that the EU had “goofed up” in losing Britain, but that it would fall to her children’s generation “to fix it”. The “direction of travel was clear”. Britain one day would rejoin.

The substance behind No 10’s inevitable refutation was so threadbare that it bordered on the comic. But then there is no better defence to hand. The prime minister, intoned his spokesman, did not think Brexit was in danger, trying to reinforce the point by declaring: “It’s through our Brexit freedoms that we are, right now, considering how to further strengthen our migration system. It is through our Brexit freedoms we are ensuring patients in the UK can get access to medicines faster, that there is improved animal welfare. That is very much what we are focused on.”

Is that it? Apart from the fact the claims are at best half-truths, at worst palpable falsehoods, as a muster of Brexit “freedoms” they fall devastatingly short of the promises made during the referendum campaign. Recall the economic and trade boom, a reinvigorated NHS, cheap food, controlled immigration and a reborn “global” Britain strutting the world. It’s all ashes – and had today’s realities been known in 2016, we would still be EU members. » | Will Hutton | Sunday, December 3, 2023

The UK will have to re-join the EU at some point. It is inevitable. It is not a question of if, but of when. The UK will not thrive outside of the EU. The UK and the EU need each other: the relationship is symbiotic. The sooner we return to the fold, the better it will be for both parties. – © Mark Alexander

Alleged Killer of Tourist in Paris Attack Had Pledged Allegiance to Islamic State

THE GUARDIAN: Suspect detained after German-Filipino man killed and two – one British and one French – injured near Eiffel Tower

A 26-year-old man suspected of killing a German-Filipino tourist and wounding two others near the Eiffel Tower in Paris on Saturday night had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State in a video released online.

The French anti-terrorism prosecutor, Jean-François Ricard, said the French suspect, named as Armand Rajabpour-Miyandoab, “had recorded a video before committing the act”, in which he spoke in Arabic, swore allegiance to Islamic State and supported its jihadists in different areas from Africa to Iraq, Syria and Pakistan.

The video was posted online on his account on the social network X, which also showed numerous posts on Hamas, Gaza and Palestine. The account was started at the beginning of October. » | Angelique Chrisafis in Paris | Sunday, December 3, 2023

Related articles and my comment here.

We do not have to tolerate this disgusting, brutal, barbaric behaviour. Furthermore, we must not allow these throwbacks from a far less enlightened age to take us back to the Dark Ages!

If our Western way of life doesn’t suit these people, send them back to their countries of origin – with despatch! And if the perpetrators of these heinous crimes were born in the West, re-educate them! There are ways and means of re-educating them.

Aren’t we all, by now, tired of this recalcitrant behaviour? And do we value our Western achievements so little that we are unprepared to fight to maintain them?

Our politicians are paid enough to do their jobs properly. It is high time they did them; and it is high time that they found the courage to say what is necessary to keep us, the people, safe. Forget ‘political correctness’; instead, behave politically correctly! Moreover, stop sweating the little things like whether a young man enjoys smoking a cigarette, or not; rather, start concentrating on the important things to maintain our civilization. – © Mark Alexander

What Lindsey Graham Gets Wrong about Our Nation's Immigration Crisis | The Warning

Dec 3, 2023 | Steve Schmidt discusses Lindsey Graham's latest comments on immigration, and why they prove he is unfit to serve his country.

Baroness Glenys Kinnock, Former Minister and Wife of Ex-Labour Leader, Dies Aged 79

Dec 3, 2023 | Baroness Glenys Kinnock died peacefully in her sleep on Sunday with her husband and former Labour Party leader Lord Kinnock by her side, her family has said. She served as a minister in Sir Tony Blair’s Labour government and also represented Wales in the European Parliament as an MEP. Her family, which includes Labour MP Stephen Kinnock and daughter Rachel, said they were “devastated” by her death.

Cool Is as Cool Does

One young, manly, handsome, pensive gentleman! No piercings! No tattoos! Just a cigarette! No other adornments necessary!

Many thanks to Sohrab on Pinterest for this beautiful photograph.

German Tourist Killed and Two Others Injured in Central Paris Attack

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Police arrest a man known to authorities as a radical Islamist after passersby attacked near Eiffel Tower

A man who had served a prison sentence for planning a radical Islamist attack and who was undergoing psychiatric treatment allegedly stabbed a German tourist to death and wounded two others in a neighbourhood near Paris’s Eiffel tower on Saturday night.

The attack took place shortly after 9pm near the Bir Hakeim bridge in an area popular with tourists. France is on its highest alert for attacks against the background of the war between Israel and Hamas.

The alleged attacker first targeted a German couple near the bridge, fatally stabbing a young German man. A passing taxi driver intervened to stop him, but the suspect ran away across the bridge to the other side of the River Seine, attacking two more people and injuring one person with a hammer. Police pursued him and used a stun gun to stop him. He was being questioned by anti-terrorism police on Sunday morning. » | Angelique Chrisafis in Paris | Sunday, December 3, 2023

Pour en savoir plus sur cette histoire en français, cliquez ici.

The "Religion of Peace" strikes again! Dear oh dear! Another innocent person has had to lose his life because our leaders have neither spine nor spunk! When are our Western leaders going to grow a pair? And when are they going to learn the true nature of Islam? Leaders, the West over, have for years been peddling the false notion that Islam is a religion of peace. It is NOT! Islam is a muscular, proselytizing, combative religion determined to take over the world, in order to Islamize it. Muslims view the whole world in TWO PARTS: the House of Islam, in Arabic, Dar ul Islam (دار الإسلام) and the House of War, Dar ul Harb, the House of War (دار الحرب).

There can be peace (Pax Islamica) only when the areas of the world now in the House of War have been defeated and drawn into the House of Islam. All will then have submitted to the will of Allah, will have become Muslims. Those who haven’t (yet) submitted to the will of Allah, i.e. become Muslims, will be forced to live as second-class citizens, paying the Jizyah (الجزية), in return for which the infidel is offered protection, but NOT given full rights as a citizen,

These so-called Islamists that launch these cruel attacks on innocent Westerners — unclean infidels in their eyes! — buy into this mediæval thinking. It’s a mindset — a mindset which will be extremely difficult to change. At least not without brainwashing or maybe Evangelization!

In this article, it states that the perpetrator is undergoing psychiatric treatment. It is NOT a psychiatrist that such people need. What they need is deportation. They don’t belong in the civilized West. Furthermore, Westerners need to be protected from such people. Protection from this deranged behaviour is the very least that Westerners deserve. Don’t waste taxpayers’ money on psychiatric treatment or even jail terms. Instead, kick them out of the West forever! This problem is growing, and it calls for decisive leadership. Let us solve this problem once and for all! – © Mark Alexander

Liebe ist keine Sünde

Love is not a sin / L'amour n'est pas un péché / L'amore non è un peccato / El amor no es un pecado / الحب ليس خطيئة

Vielen Dank an Pinterest für dieses super Foto.

Saturday, December 02, 2023

Berichte über Razzien in Moskauer Homosexuellen-Bars


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Das Oberste Gericht in Russland erklärt eine „internationale gesellschaftliche Bewegung LGBT“ zur „extremistischen Organisation“. Kurz darauf durchsuchen Polizisten offenbar Bars und Nachtklubs.

Die russische Polizei hat Medienberichten zufolge in mehreren Homosexuellen-Bars und -Nachtklubs in Moskau Razzien durchgeführt. Laut Berichten mehrerer Medien und in den sozialen Netzwerken durchsuchten Polizisten in der Nacht zum Samstag mehrere Lokale sowie eine Sauna, die nur für Männer zugänglich ist. Sie gaben offenbar an, nach Drogen zu fahnden. Es soll auch Festnahmen gegeben haben. Von der Polizei, die laut Augenzeugen auch Pässe, darunter von Ausländern, fotografiert haben soll, gab es zunächst keine Stellungnahme. » | Quelle: AFP/dpa/frs./alri. | Samstag, 2. Dezember 2023

A Moscou, plusieurs descentes policières ont eu lieu dans des clubs LGBT : Ces événements surviennent deux jours après l’interdiction dans le pays du « mouvement international LGBT » pour extrémisme. »

Un mort et un blessé dans une attaque à Paris, l’assaillant aurait crié «Allah akbar»

LE FIGARO : La police a interpellé un «assaillant» connu des services de renseignement autour du quai de Grenelle (XVe arrondissement de Paris), ce samedi soir, annonce Gérald Darmanin, qui se rend sur place.

Une personne a été tuée et une autre blessée, ce samedi soir, à Paris, dans une attaque au couteau. Les faits se sont déroulés quai de Grenelle, dans le 15e arrondissement de la capitale.

L’homme décédé est un touriste allemand qui a aussi la nationalité philippine, a appris Le Figaro de source policière. Il a reçu plusieurs coups à la tête, au dos et aux épaules. Deux autres personnes ont été blessées dans l’attaque. L’une d’elle a été frappée à coups de marteau. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | samedi 2 décembre 2023

Le parquet antiterroriste saisi après un attentat qui a fait un mort et deux blessés à Paris, l’assaillant, déjà condamné pour terrorisme, a été interpellé : L’auteur des coups mortels, né en France en 1997 et de nationalité franco-iranienne, a été placé en garde à vue. Il a crié « Allah akbar » avant d’être interpellé, et avait déjà été condamné pour association de malfaiteurs terroriste en 2018. »

Byline TV: The Truth about Brexit: Britain Betrayed | Ultimate Documentary 2023 | Reupload

Nov 15, 2023

Byline TV is independent. If you feel that you would like to support this excellent media company, you can do so here.

There is absolutely no doubt that the few über-rich, über-powerful people at the top of British society sold the electorate a bill of goods. The British people, especially our young people, have been cheated out of their future opportunities in the largest single market in the world. They have also been cheated out of their rights as European citizens, affording them and us all, actually, the right to study, work, live and/or retire in any member country. And with full reciprocal healthcare arrangements! And this, all to give the élite the chance to avoid paying taxes and to be able to keep their money offshore. (The EU was going to close the loopholes which didn’t suit the likes of these unpatriotic people at the top.)

However, we can all take heart. Ursula von der Leyen recently indicated that our Brexit problems could be fixed by our re-entry into the Union. This MUST happen. It has to happen if the impoverishment of the nation is to be avoided. BREXIT MUST BE REVERSED ASAP. – © Mark Alexander

5 European Christmas Dishes You Should Try

Dec 2, 2023 | No good Christmas without a good Christmas dinner! If you want to try something new this year or are still at a loss as to what to cook - we have five European Xmas recipe ideas for you: Roast goose from Germany, pierogi from Poland, Christmas ham from Sweden, cheese fondue from Switzerland and Christmas pudding from the UK. Ho Ho Ho!

Correction: Kirsch (Kirschwasser) NOT cherry brandy is put into Swiss fondue! Cherry brandy would be far too sweet. It would also be the wrong colour. It would turn the cheese fondue pink! – Mark

Danish MP: “It Is Impossible to Integrate These People.” | From 2016

Jan 26, 2016

Of course they can't be integrated. That should be clear to all by now. Their prophet told them to set themselves apart from the unbelievers, the kafir (Wikipedia). So, the West has no chance. The more religious Muslims are, the more difficult it becomes to integrate them. This is not an opinion, it is a FACT! – © Mark Alexander

Ne-Yo : So Sick | Official Music Video

Oct 7, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 335,909,471

Salopp, stilvoll, großartig, warm, auffallend und elegant. Wie man im Winter imponieren kann. So ein Cape aus Loden kann schick oder leger getragen werden. Zu jedem Anlaß auf alle Fälle ‚cool‘ und selbstverständlich immer zeitlos.

Eleganz für den Mann von heute.

Ich möchte mich bestens bei Pinterest für dieses schöne Bild bedanken.

Ne-Yo : One In A Million | Official Music Video | Reupload

Sep 3, 2010 | Views on YouTube: 333,679,216

Abdullah Sameer: Awesome Without Allah!

Nov 28, 2020 | How my life improved after leaving Islam

Grown men’s propensity to believe myth and fable never ceases to astound me! That children believe in fairy stories is understandable, even healthy; but we should all grow up in time and leave myth and fable behind us. Ironically, as the Bible says: “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. …” (1. Corinthians 13) The truth will set you free! – © Mark Alexander

A Former Muslim Advises How to Leave Islam

Jul 2, 2022 | Leaving Islam is one of the biggest decisions a person could ever make. It will change their lifestyle, culture, family and support system. It could even mean their death. Christina knows. She made that decision years ago, and it has cost her greatly.

In this brief video, Dr. Cynthia asked Christina what advice she would give anyone who is considering leaving Islam. The first and most important thing Christina suggests is to pray thoroughly. Pray for God to show you the truth, for him to direct you in the best way to go. Pray for wisdom and safety.

Although Christina cautions Muslims about making this move, she also cautions them against not making it. “Don't stay Muslim to please your family or to please someone in your life," she says. That way you will lose your own soul. But if you come to the Lord Jesus Christ, not only will you be saved but you can bring others to salvation as well.

Michael Lambert: UK Has No Future Outside the EU

Dec 2, 2023 | The UK economy is in a very bad state. Cost of living crisis, high taxes, NHS and other public services in crisis, businesses collapsing and councils going bankrupt.

Rishi Sunak caused a diplomatic incident this week by refusing to meet the Greek Prime Minister after he had responded to a question from Laura Kuenssberg about the Elgin Marbles.

Sunak, King Charles and David Cameron each flew to the Cop28 in the UAE in separate planes where Sunak would be the Prime Minister who had rolled back on EVA's and was presiding over the opening of a new coal mine and giving hundreds of new licences for oil exploration in the North Sea.

Andrew Bailey, the Governor of the Bank of England said Britain's growth outlook was the worst he had ever seen and that there would be little or no growth for the next two years.

The EU has done a better trade deal with New Zealand than the one negotiated with the UK. Eurozone inflation at 2.4% is half that of the UK.

Sunak for the Conservative Party and Starmer for Labour both say they will resolve the UK's problems with economic growth. But where will this growth come from? The UK is struggling noticeably and, at the same time China is rapidly becoming the world champion of green technology and the U.S. is investing hundreds of billions of dollars.

Alone, outside of the EU, the UK has no future and more and more people are coming to understand this. 92% of young people and over 60% of the population believe that we would be better off inside the EU. Ursula von der Leyen has said that the UK is on a clear direction of travel toward rejoining the EU. Michel Barnier has said repeatedly that the door is always open for the UK to return. It is likely that the UK will begin negotiations towards rejoining the EU sooner rather than later

Michael, this is a superb analysis of the dire situation this country finds itself in. I agree with your conclusion that we will re-join the EU sooner rather than later. If we don't, this country is going to be in deep, deep trouble.

Rishi Sunak, as you rightly say, is pathetic; further, his snubbing of the Greek prime minister was, quite frankly, rude in the extreme. The man has shown a total lack of savoir-vivre. In good, plain English, the man showed his ignorance!

We are living through very depressing times indeed. Our politicians aren't making our lives any easier, either. Never mind! Onwards and upwards! We'll arrive home in the EU sooner than we might think. The hill is steep, so the climb is going to be tough, but it can be climbed. To borrow from the motto of my old grammar school, I will say: We ought. We will. We must. – © Mark Alexander

A Protester Self-immolates Outside the Israeli Consulate in Atlanta.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: A security guard tried to intervene but was unsuccessful, officials said.

A protester self-immolated on Friday afternoon outside of the Israeli Consulate building in Atlanta, in what the police described as “likely an extreme act of political protest.”

A security guard tried to intervene but was unsuccessful, officials said. The demonstrator sustained third-degree burns to the body, and the guard was burned on his wrist and leg. Both were taken to Grady Memorial Hospital, where the protester was in critical condition. » | Colbi Edmonds | Published: Friday, December 1, 2023; updated: Saturday, December 2, 2023

Unter Generalverdacht

Mit Hass zu kämpfen: „Wohl keine andere Minderheit in Deutschland hat so heftig mit Vorurteilen zu kämpfen wie Muslime“, meint der Autor Alexander Jürgs. | Bild: LUCAS BÄUML


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die Dimension der Muslimfeindlichkeit wurde lange unterschätzt. Dagegen muss etwas unternommen werden. Wer deshalb aber muslimischen Antisemitismus kleinredet, tut der Debatte keinen Gefallen. Eine Analyse.

Das Problem ist groß, darüber gesprochen wird viel zu wenig: Muslimfeindlichkeit. Wohl jeder zweite Deutsche hat Vorurteile gegenüber Muslimen und bejaht pauschalisierende Aussagen über die Mitglieder der islamischen Religion. Mehr als jeder Dritte will in seinem Heimatort keinen Bürgermeister muslimischen Glaubens haben. 38 Prozent der Deutschen fühlen sich „durch die vielen Muslime manchmal wie ein Fremder im eigenen Land“.

Mehr als die Hälfte der Deutschen sagt: Der Islam passt nicht in die Gesellschaft. 30 Prozent wollen, obwohl es gegen das Grundgesetz verstoßen würde, dass die Religionsfreiheit für Muslime eingeschränkt wird. Und 29 Prozent wollen ihnen die Zuwanderung nach Deutschland am liebsten generell verbieten. Schockierend, oder? » | Ein Kommentar von Alexander Jürgs | Samstag, 2. Dezember 2023

Um weiter lesen zu dürfen, muß man abonniert sein. Momentan kann man für zwei Monate ein Abonnement kostenfrei testen, welches zu jeder Zeit mit einem Klick kündbar ist. Klicken Sie bitte hier, um davon zu profitieren. – Mark

En direct, guerre Israël-Hamas : l’armée israélienne affirme avoir frappé « plus de 400 cibles » depuis la fin de la trêve à Gaza

LE MONDE : Le Hamas annonce que 240 personnes sont mortes depuis la reprise de l’offensive israélienne, vendredi matin. Selon l’agence palestinienne WAFA, les forces israéliennes ont mené des opérations nocturnes dans différents secteurs de la Cisjordanie occupée. LIVE EN COURS » | samedi 2 décembre 2023

Franco-Marocains tués à jet-ski : la famille d’Ismail Snabi, détenu en Algérie, demande sa libération

LE MONDE : Habitant en Seine-Saint-Denis, le Français a été condamné par la justice algérienne à trois mois de prison ferme pour « entrée illégale » et à douze mois ferme pour « contrebande de véhicule ».

Elle revient tout juste d’Algérie. Israa Snabi, 27 ans, a enfin pu voir, mardi 28 novembre, son mari Ismail, détenu à la prison de Maghnia, dans l’ouest du pays, depuis plus de trois mois. Vingt minutes de parloir derrière une vitre en se parlant au téléphone. « On m’a rajouté cinq minutes parce que je suis sa femme », souffle-t-elle. Le 29 août, ce Français de 27 ans – également de nationalité marocaine –, a été arrêté par une unité des gardes-côtes algériens alors qu’il naviguait sur un scooter des mers en compagnie de trois de ses proches. » | Par Mustapha Kessous | vendredi 1 décembre 2023

As Antisemitism Soars, for Many Jews in France Nowhere Feels Safe

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Macron is calling for unity, but the Israel-Hamas war has sparked a rise in hate crime that threatens a fragile social peace

A march against antisemitism in Paris, France, 12 November 2023. Photograph: Claudia Greco/Reuters

French Jews were only partly reassured when more than 100,000 people, including the prime minister, Élisabeth Borne, and two former presidents, turned out to demonstrate in Paris last month against antisemitism and in defence of the secular republic. Why did the president, Emmanuel Macron, not attend, many asked? Where were the leaders of France’s Muslim community? And where were the cultural, intellectual and sports celebrities so often eager to take a public stance on a worthy cause?

Since Hamas fighters poured into Israel from the Gaza Strip on 7 October, slaughtering around 1,200 Israeli men, women and children, a wave of antisemitic attacks and hate speech has swept over France, home to Europe’s biggest Jewish community (of around 440,000 people) and its largest Muslim population (of around 6 million people).

“The Jews of France are afraid. What can we do?” a caller who identified herself only as Martine pleaded on a breakfast-time news programme this week. Yonathan Arfi, president of the Jewish Representative Council in France, says he hears from parents who have told their children not to wear kippah skullcaps or Star of David chains in the street or on public transport for fear of being attacked. Some Jews have taken their names off letterboxes and doorbells or changed the name on their Uber account for safety.

One of the country’s most popular radio and television entertainers, who uses the stage name Arthur (real name Jacques Essebag), shocked many fans when he revealed that he had been living under guard since the day after the Hamas attacks. “This is France in 2023. I live in Paris and I have agents protecting me and my family because I’m Jewish. It’s crazy, no?” he said. » | Paul Taylor | Saturday, December 2, 2023

Demand Soars for Dutch First Editions of Book Naming UK Royals in Race Row

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Copies of book about British monarchy changing hands on resale websites for up to €175

A woman reads Eindstrijd (Endgame) by Omid Scobie. Photograph: Piroschka van de Wouw/Reuters

Dutch first editions of the book Endgame, which names two members of the British royal family alleged to have discussed the skin colour of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s unborn baby, are selling online for many times above the original retail price of €22.99.

As parts of the British press reached fever pitch trying to find out whether the Dutch version had contained a mistranslation, or had failed to adopt final excisions or was running a strange publicity stunt, bids for a Dutch version on Marktplaats on Thursday reached €175 (£150).

After first editions of Eindstrijd, the Dutch translation of Omid Scobie’s Endgame, went on sale, Dutch journalists said the book contained the names of two senior royals in connection with speculation about the potential skin colour of Harry and Megan’s son, Archie, on pages 128 and 334. » | Senay Boztas in Amsterdam | Saturday, December 2, 2023

Prince Harry and Meghan urged to back King amid racism row: Duke and Duchess told to end 'deafening silence' as supporters come forward to defend royals after fallout from Omid Scobie book »

Friday, December 01, 2023

The Lincoln Project: Santosization

Dec 1, 2023 | san•tos•ize (v) a compulsive urge to lie about matters big and small, regardless of situation, with a strong propensity for botched Botox and ill fitting chinos.

With Santos Ouster, a Chaotic Congress Makes History Again: A Republican-led House known for dysfunction managed to purge a serial fabulist from its ranks, but the expulsion threatened to make it even harder for the G.O.P. to govern. »

Nancy Wake - Gestapo's Most Wanted Resistance Fighter | Free Documentary History

May 5, 2021 | New Zealand-born Nancy Wake (1912-2011) was a wartime agent, commander and famously blunt raconteur who led a life of extreme adventure in the French resistance. She earned the nickname ‘The White Mouse’ when she hit the top of the Gestapo’s ‘most wanted’ list, but famously slipped through their net.

As a hunted resistance courier, Wake was forced to flee from occupied France in 1943, leaving her husband Henri Fiocca behind. She embarked on a life of excitement and danger as an agent in Churchill’s secret army, the Special Operations Executive.

Steve Bannon Talking BS on Brexit and Nigel Farage | #shorts

Bannon displaying his ignorance and fossilized thought on British politics.

Douglas Murray: The Legacy of Christianity | #shorts

Douglas Murray talks about Islam and gives a quick comparison with Christianity.

Cenk Uygur Explains Why He Thinks MSNBC Canceled Mehdi Hasan's Show

Dec 1, 2023 | Mehdi Hasan's MSNBC show will replaced by an ensemble program called The Weekend. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks.

Read the Daily Mail’s article on this here »

The Truth about Why People Leave Islam

Feb 14, 2023 | Why ex-Muslims leave Islam – and why they're happy.

Dimitra’s Dishes: Italian Cream Cake

Dec 1, 2023

Get the recipe here »

Why Elon Musk Continues to Unravel | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

Dec 1, 2023 | Steve Schmidt reacts to the latest comments from Elon Musk and discusses the danger he poses to the United States and the world.

Henry Kissinger's Last Major TV Interview

Nov 30, 2023 | Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner sat down with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in his last major TV interview. They discussed the pandemic’s effects on global politics, China’s rise as a world power, and the future of the European Union.

Six Minors on Trial in Paris over Murder of History Teacher Samuel Paty | DW News | November 27, 2023

Nov 27, 2023 | A juvenile court in France is begining the trial of six minors today, for their alleged connections to the murder of a French teacher three years ago. Samuel Paty taught history and geography at a school in a Parisian suburb. He'd used the controversial cartoons of the Islamic prophet Mohammed that apperaed in the Charlie Hebdo magazine to discuss free-speech laws in France. He was killed and then beheaded by a radical Islamist outside his school in October 2020, causing an outpouring of grief in France. The perpetrator, an 18 year-old man of Chechen origin, was shot dead by police. The Paris court is now examining the role of six others.

With tragic stories like this appearing in the news with alarming frequency, is there really any wonder that many people fear Islam and its growth in the West?

Many organizations chide people for being Islamophobic. But we should remember that a phobia is an irrational fear or aversion to something. But what is irrational about fearing, or having an aversion to, a religion whose adherents are sometimes, through fanatical beliefs, given to beheading innocent people? Indeed, it would be irrational NOT to fear such a religion.

If ‘Islamophobia’ is to be successfully combatted, it is up to Muslims living in the West to ensure that their co-religionists refrain from such barbaric behaviour. When Muslims stop beheading innocent people and start behaving in a civilized manner, people will have no reason to be Islamophobic. In short, the solution to this problem lies with Muslims themselves. Furthermore, if Muslims dislike our Western ways and our Western modes of living, it might be better if they returned to their countries of origin. Preferably voluntarily. – © Mark Alexander

The World Over November 30, 2023 | Life with Benedict XVI: Abp. Georg Gänswein with Raymond Arroyo

Dec 1, 2023 | Abp*. Georg Gänswein discusses his new book, Who Believes Is Not Alone: My Life Beside Benedict XVI. He talks about working as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI's personal secretary, Benedict XVI's decision to resign and much more.

* Archdiocesan Biblical Apostolate

Russia's Top Court Bans LGBTQ Activism | DW News

Nov 30, 2023 | Russia's Supreme Court has effectively outlawed LGBTQ activism after labeling the community an extremist group. The judges approved an application by the Justice Ministry, which argued that authorities had identified manifestations of an extremist nature in the international LGBTQ movement. It's the latest in a series of laws restricting LGBTQ rights. DW Correspondent Jennifer Pahlke explains what this ruling means for the LGBTQ community in Russia.

Liberale Imamin Seyran Ates wird von konservativen Muslimen mit dem Tode bedroht | DW Nachrichten

Nov 30, 2023 | Antisemitische Ausschreitungen auf Berlins Straßen - seit dem Terror-Angriff der Hamas auf Israel am 7. Oktober geschehen sie immer wieder. Unverhohlen fordern Demonstranten die Auslöschung Israels. Für Seyran Ates sind Hass und Gewalt wenig überraschend: Die Imamin und Gründerin einer liberalen Moschee in Berlin macht der Politik schwere Vorwürfe - sie habe das Problem des mulimischen Antisemitismus „totgeschwiegen“. Ihre Gemeinde hat sie zeitweise schließen müssen. Im DW-Interview erklärt sie die Hintergründe und erzählt, warum.

1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture | The Bible

Nov 9, 2023 | 1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture is a feature documentary that follows the story of tireless researchers who trace the origins of the anti-gay movement among Christians to a grave mistranslation of the Bible in 1946. It chronicles the discovery of never-before-seen archives at Yale University which unveil astonishing new revelations, and casts significant doubt on any biblical basis for LGBTQIA+ prejudice. Featuring commentary from prominent scholars as well as opposing pastors, including the personal stories of the film’s creators, and original music by Grammy winning artist Mary Lambert, 1946 is at once challenging, enlightening, and inspiring.

While other documentaries have been successful in their attempt to treat the symptom of homophobia in the Church, 1946 is working to diagnose and treat the disease - Biblical Literalism.

Did Christian homophobia come from a mistranslation of the Bible?: A new documentary challenges an alleged 1946 mistranslation that helped lead to a justification for Christian anti-gayness … The film hinges its premise on the fact that the word “homosexual” appeared for the first time in the Bible in 1946, in an apparent mistranslation of the ancient Greek words malakoi – defined as someone effeminate who gives themselves up to a soft, decadent, lazy and indolent way of living – and arsenokoitai – a compound word that roughly translates to “male bed”. While people could take it to mean man bedding man, within the context of the time, scholars believed that arsenokoitai alluded more to abusive, predatory behavior and pederasty than it does homosexuality. …»

Le Népal ouvre la voie au mariage homosexuel avec l’enregistrement des noces d’une femme transgenre

LE MONDE : La Cour suprême de ce petit pays himalayen avait légalisé le mariage entre personnes du même sexe en juin. Dans la région Indo-Pacifique, seul Taïwan autorise ce type d’union.

A l’échelle de cette petite nation himalayenne, et surtout à l’aune des valeurs morales de l’ensemble du sous-continent indien, l’événement qui vient d’avoir lieu dans une région reculée du Népal central, située au pied des hauts sommets de l’Annapurna, fera date : mercredi 29 novembre, un Népalais de 27 ans du nom de Surendra Pandey a officiellement été uni à Maya Gurung, une femme transgenre de 41 ans. » | Par Bruno Philip | vendredi 1 décembre 2023

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Rudy Rochman: Can Islam & Judaism Work? | A Jew's Perspective

Nov 30, 2023 | In this world we are either One, or one against the other. From Abraham came many descendants, each of them with a mission to bring the understanding of Oneness to the world. How are we supposed to do that if we can't even find a common language and understand our different functions within the same goal?

Well, let's break down the definitions of the words we are actually using, let's uncover what our ultimate purpose is, and let's find a way to make it work together.

We already know what going against one another looks like, so let's uncover the reality of when the wisdom stemming from Avraham/Ibrahim work together, without giving up on what makes us unique on our own.

Hashem/Allah is One. The world already knows this, it's our job to remind them.

Video by @KavanaFilms

Rudy Rochman can be supported here »

Ne-Yo Ft. FABOLOUS - Link Up Remix | Official Music Video

Premiered Nov 3, 2023 | Views on YouTube: 694,952

Im Winter am Ende der 80er konnte man sich mit Stil gemütlich und warm halten – Armani Stil!

Mantel von Armani zirka 1989

Fürs schöne Bild muß ich mich bei Кирилл Ткач auf Pinterest bedanken.

Neo-fascism in Italy I Documentary

Feb 13, 2023 | A surprising number of Italians feel nostalgic for fascist leader Mussolini, who they see as a great statesman. But is today’s prime minister Giorgia Meloni and her post-fascist government causing an upsurge of far-right activity?

The City of London’s Unusual Street Names | #shorts

This man explains.

The "Unforgivable" Legacy of Henry Kissinger | The Warning with Steve Schmid

Nov 30, 2023 | Steve Schmidt remembers the legacy of former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. He discusses the many horrors that were inflicted around the world on his watch, especially in the Middle East with the current Israel-Hamas War, and why he will not be remembered fondly.

A wonderful message! Powerful and true! Kudos! Thank you, Steve! – © Mark Alexander

A Message to Benighted Politicians and Leaders Everywhere…

…gay love is every bit as good and every bit as valid as straight love. Many gay men love their husbands more than straight men love their wives. The same goes for gay women. So stop persecuting people who love differently than you do. Open your minds! Educate yourselves! Refrain from trying to outsmart God’s wishes; refrain from trying to negate God’s creation! He knows what He’s doing better than you do! Further: Never forget that sexual orientation is not a choice; rather, it is something that you are born with. A gay didn’t choose to be gay any more than you chose to be straight! – © Mark Alexander

With many thanks to Pinterest for this super photo.

Jay Rosenzweig & Rudy Rochman from the Front Lines of the Hamas War

Nov 15, 2023 | Jay Rosenzweig & Rudy Rochman From The Front Lines of the Hamas Wa

Delia Smith's Christmas Pudding

Oct 10, 2020 | First broadcast November 1990 - Delia will show you how to make a traditional Christmas Pudding

The British Aristocrat that Joined the Nazis – BBC REEL

Oct 22, 2022 | John Amery was the son of a high-ranking British politician. But unlike his father, he was a traitor. As Adolf Hitler dragged Europe into the Second World War, Amery presented himself to the Germans as someone who could help the Nazis. His actions shocked Britons. When he was eventually captured in Italy he was sent to the hangman.

Film by Jono Namara
Commissioned by Paul I. Harris

Fast geschafft!

Nearly there! / Presque là !

Heute gepostet, um den unterdrückten Schwulen in Russland Solidarität und Unterstützung zu verleihen.

Fürs schöne, ausdrucksvolle Bild, bedanke ich mich bei David Guevara auf Pinterest.