Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Demokraten wollen gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe Supreme-Court-sicher machen

Demonstranten tragen vor dem Hintergrund des Kapitols im Juni 2021 eine Regenbogenflagge durch Washington. | Bild: AP/JOSE LUIS MAGANA


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Im Kapitol steht offenbar die Mehrheit zur Verankerung der gleichgeschlechtlichen Ehe per Gesetz. Aber es bleibt wenig Zeit. Denn vom nächsten Jahr an haben die Republikaner im Repräsentantenhaus die Mehrheit.

Die USA haben sich dem Schutz der gleichgeschlechtlichen Ehe per Bundesgesetz einen großen Schritt genähert. An diesem Dienstag will der Senat über einen Entwurf abstimmen, der gleichgeschlechtliche Ehen in einem Gesetz verankert. Der Senat hatte den Entwurf am Montag auf die Zielgerade gebracht.

Bei einer Probeabstimmung stimmten außerdem ausreichend Republikaner mit den demokratischen Senatoren, um das Gesetz zu verabschieden. Die Demokraten von Präsident Joe Biden sind in der Kongresskammer auf Unterstützung aus dem Lager der Republikaner angewiesen. Sollte der Senat dem Gesetzesvorhaben zustimmen, wäre das ein großer Sieg für die Demokraten. » | Quelle: dpa | Dienstag, 29. November 29, 2022

‘Racist’ Interview with Pope Francis Causes Fury in Russia

THE GUARDIAN: Francis said that ethnic minorities in Russia’s army were more cruel to Ukrainians than Christian soldiers

The pope’s comments were swiftly condemned by Russian officials on Monday evening.Photograph: Andrew Medichini/AP

Pope Francis has sparked fury in Russia over an interview in which he suggested that non-Christian members of its armed forces showed more cruelty in Ukraine than ethnic Russian soldiers.

In an interview with the Catholic magazine America published Monday, the pope said that soldiers from the Buddhist region of Buryatia and the Muslim-majority Chechnya republic were “the cruellest” while fighting in Ukraine.

“Generally, the cruellest are perhaps those who are of Russia but are not of the Russian tradition, such as the Chechens, the Buryats and so on,” he said.

Russia has disproportionately relied on ethnic minorities to provide its main fighting force in Ukraine. » | Pjotr Sauer | Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The Heartbreak behind the Marriage of King Edward VIII & Wallis Simpson | Secret Letters | Timeline

May 3, 2018 | Rewriting the history of one England’s most famous love affairs Wallis Simpson found herself at the centre of a national scandal when she was seen to ensnare Edward VIII and lure him from the throne of England.

But in this explosive film, biographer Anne Sebba sifts through a newly discovered cache of documents - shown in this film for the first time - that contains 15 secret letters written by Wallis Simpson herself around the time of the abdication.

These extraordinary personal missives have the power to rewrite both history and our perception of Wallis. They reveal she was deeply in love with another man, and chart her fear, desperation and loneliness as she found herself becoming trapped into marrying the man who should have been king.

You can sign up for the history channel and get a huge discount by clicking here and using the discount code ‘TIMELINE’.

How a New Christian Right Is Changing US Politics - BBC News

Nov 28, 2022 | A new battle of faith is being driven by some pastors and politicians in the United States. Their central message is that the country's conservative Christian way of life is under threat, and American society is moving in the wrong direction. The BBC’s Barbara Plett Usher explores the impact of this growing movement on US politics.

"My Greatest Disappointment" Kara Swisher on Elon Musk's Twitter Takeover | DW News

Nov 29, 2022 | Kara Swisher is one of the most influential people in the US tech industry. In a conversation with DW’S bureau Chief Ines Pohl about Elon Musk's recent Twitter takeover Swisher said that the Tesla CEO is trying to ruin the social networking site's valuation so he can buy it up for cheap “and then own the whole company from the banks that lent him $13 Billion.” Swisher also said that employees left at Twitter after a recent slew of layoffs feel like hostages:

Many of those who stayed are “on visas or they don't have a choice...”. If Musk continues to create an "unsteady platform" through his leadership “Apple and Google can throw him off the app store", Swisher said, which would limit user access to Twitter.

Her biggest advice is to not take Elon Musk seriously: ”He's trying to call attention to the platform. He's essentially committing a traffic accident every day in order to get people interested in him.”

England and Wales Now Minority Christian Countries, Census Reveals

THE GUARDIAN: Data shows Leicester and Birmingham have become UK’s first ‘minority majority’ cities in new age of ‘super-diversity’

England and Wales are now minority Christian countries, according to the 2021 census, which also shows that Leicester and Birmingham have become the first UK cities to have “minority majorities”.

The census also reveals a 5.5 million drop in the number of Christians and a 44% rise in the number of people following Islam. It is the first time in a census of England and Wales that less than half of the population have described themselves as “Christian”.

Meanwhile, 37.2% of people – 22.2 million – declared they had “no religion”, the second most common response after Christian.It means that over the past 20 years the proportion of people reporting no religion has soared from 14.8%. » | Robert Booth,, Pamela Duncan and Carmen Aguilar García | Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Less than half of England and Wales population Christian, Census 2021 shows: Fewer than half of people in England and Wales describe themselves as Christian for the first time, the 2021 census has revealed. »

Edith Piaf : La vie en rose

UK Condemns ‘Abhorrent’ Torture of Death Row Inmate in Saudi Arabia

THE GUARDIAN: Foreign Office minister says case of Hussein Abo al-Kheir raised ‘at highest level’ and demands end to executions

Hussein Abo al-Kheir is on death row in Saudi Arabia for drug offences; he has said he only confessed under torture. Photograph: European Saudi organisation for human rights

The British government has condemned as “abhorrent” what it said was the clear torture of a Jordanian national on death row in Saudi Arabia for drug offences, and demanded an end to a sudden spate of executions in the Gulf monarchy.

It was the first time the British government has made the allegation.

After growing pressure to comment on the issue, Foreign Office minister David Rutley told parliament that London had raised Hussein Abo al-Kheir’s case “at the highest level”.

The kingdom had previously given a commitment it would not impose the death penalty for drug offences, but has suddenly resumed executions. » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Monday, November 28, 2022

It is to be presumed that this execution, along with all others in the Kingdom, is to take place “In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful”. – Mark Alexander

"My Favorite Vintage Gay Couples" | Angel Baby @Troye Sivan

Monday, November 28, 2022

Muhammad Syed - "Change Is Hard, Particularly for Things That Really Matter" | AwesomeWithoutAllah

Dec 7, 2020 |

You can support EXMNA here should you wish to do so. – Mark

Professor Tim Wilson: Rachael Johnson Is a Disgrace Promoting the Idea That Some Should Pay for the NHS

Nov 28, 2022 | This does not mean we should not encourage those who can pay to ease the burden on the NHS and use private healthcare where they can.

Very well said! Aneurin Bevan must be turning in his grave because of that stupid woman, Rachael Johnson. Until the Tories got their mitts on the NHS, it worked well and efficiently. The Tories—and I say this as a one-time dyed-in-the-wool Tory voter—have got a hell of a lot to answer for. Thank you for bringing some common sense into this debate. – © Mark Alexander

1914 | Sainsbury's Ad | Christmas 2014

Nov 12, 2014 | Sainsbury’s Christmas advert, 1914. Made in partnership with The Royal British Legion. Inspired by real events from 100 years ago.

This is the best Christmas ad I have ever seen. Recent ads don't come even close to it. – Mark

Holocaust-Gedenktag: Erinnern an gehörlose Opfer | Sehen statt Hören | Doku | BR

Jan 27, 2019 | Am 27. Januar 1945 wurde das Konzentrations- und Vernichtungslager Auschwitz durch die sowjetischen Truppen befreit. 51 Jahre später - 1996 - wird dieses Datum vom damaligen Bundespräsidenten Roman Herzog zum bundesweiten Gedenktag für die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus auserwählt. An die 1.500 gehörlose Menschen waren unter den Opfern.

Céline Dion, Andrea Bocelli : The Prayer | Official Audio

May 8, 2019 | Views on YouTube: 4,836,931

Avec la crise économique et sociale, le sentiment anti-Brexit progresse au Royaume-Uni

LE MONDE : Ni les conservateurs ni les travaillistes ne sont prêts à une renégociation de l’accord de sortie de l’Union européenne, en dépit de ses effets négatifs avérés sur l’économie.

Un manifestant tient un drapeau lors d’une marche appelant le Royaume-Uni à rejoindre l’Union européenne, à Londres, le 22 octobre 2022. MAJA SMIEJKOWSKA / REUTERS

Après deux années d’omerta, le Brexit s’invite à nouveau au cœur du débat britannique. Les experts et les médias critiquent ouvertement ses effets négatifs sur l’économie du Royaume-Uni. L’opinion publique bouge aussi : sur le plateau de « Question Time », l’émission phare de la BBC ou au micro de la très populaire radio LBC, les auditeurs multiplient les critiques contre le divorce avec l’Union européenne (UE). Selon un sondage de l’institut YouGov publié le 17 novembre, 56 % des sondés estiment que le pays « a eu tort de quitter l’UE » le 31 décembre 2020.

Pour autant, prononcer le « B word » (le mot Brexit) reste tabou chez les conservateurs, même modérés. La direction du Parti travailliste reste aussi dans le déni, alors que, a priori, critiquer les tories promoteurs d’un Brexit « dur » aux allures d’erreur historique pourrait lui faire gagner des points. Keir Starmer, son chef de file, se contente de prôner une vague amélioration des termes de l’accord commercial post-Brexit conclu en 2020 entre l’ex-premier ministre britannique Boris Johnson et l’UE. » | Par Cécile Ducourtieux (Londres, correspondante) | lundi 28 novembre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Nous, les Britanniques, n'aurions jamais dû abandonner nos amis de l'Union européenne. Notre place est dans l'Union européenne. S'il n'y avait pas eu quelques grandes gueules très imprudentes et stupides, nous n'aurions jamais quitté le club. Nous sommes partis à notre propre détriment. La meilleure chose que nous puissions faire maintenant est d'essayer de retourner chez nos amis en Europe, casquette à la main si nécessaire. – © Mark Alexander

Das Uhrwerk des Lebens | Doku HD | ARTE

Oct 31, 2022 | Niemand weiß, was nach dem Tod geschieht. Doch die Frage danach ist so alt wie die Menschheit selbst. Sie bildet ein zentrales Motiv jeder Kultur. Wie nehmen Menschen Abschied von ihren Verstorbenen? Wie erinnert man sich an sie? Welche Vorstellungen stehen hinter unserem Umgang mit dem Tod? Welche Rituale begleiten den Übergang in das Jenseits?

Religiöse Jenseitsvorstellungen sind in vielen Kulturen ein ständiger Begleiter des Lebens. Sie mahnen, gut zu leben. In der westlichen Welt ändert sich das mit der Aufklärung Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts. Die Moderne löst neue Fragen und Verunsicherungen aus: Wann sind wir tot? Fallen wir vielleicht doch nur in einen Winterschlaf, aus dem wir wieder erwachen?

Die Angst, lebendig begraben zu werden, erzeugt Mythen wie den des Vampirs. Und sie inspiriert den Aberglauben wie auch die Literatur. Heute stellen wir uns wegen des medizinischen Fortschritts neue Fragen, wie "Wann ist unser Leben noch lebenswert?".

Zu den Grabsteinen gesellen sich zudem neue Formen des Erinnerns. Seit dem 19. Jahrhundert kennen wir Totenfotografien. Heute kann man durch Virtual Reality mit seinen verstorbenen Liebsten in Kontakt treten. Und auch Bestattungsformen sind so vielfältig wie nie. So können wir etwa durch Kompostierung zu fruchtbarer Erde werden. Expertinnen und Experten geben Einblick in die Geschichte des Todes. Sie berichten von zeitlosen Fragen und Ängsten. Vom Glauben, von individuellen Vorstellungen und gesellschaftlichen Ritualen. Die Geschichte des Todes ist damit immer auch eine Geschichte des Lebens.

Doku von Sebastian Scherrer (D/F/I 2022, 53 Min)

Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 31/10/2023

RBB Recipes: Beef Stroganoff from the Boss!

Apr 20, 2021 | Views on YouTube: 1,702,002

For a full list of the ingredients used in this recipe, please click here and then click on ‘show more’. The method of preparation is as shown in the video.

Russian Deserters in Georgia | DW Documentary

Nov 28, 2022 | In September 2022, Russian President Putin ordered a partial mobilization to deploy more soldiers to Ukraine. But many Russians defied that order and fled the country – as many as half a million to date.

Some 100,000 Russian deserters have fled to Georgia so far. The nation maintains very close, but also rather strained relations with its neighbor - after all the most recent war with Russia wasn’t that long ago. Just how welcome are the deserting Russians? How are they faring in a foreign country after an often-risky journey out of Russia? How are they getting along with the Ukrainian refugees also accepted in large numbers by Georgia? DW reporter Oxana Evdokimova reports from the Georgian capital Tbilisi.

James Taylor : How Sweet It Is (to Be Loved by You) | Reupload

Mar 4, 2010 | Views on YouTube: 3,683,470

En Suède, la spectaculaire interpellation d’un couple russe soupçonné d’être des « agents dormants » du Kremlin

LE MONDE : Arrivés à la fin des années 1990, ils sont suspectés d’avoir transmis des informations sur des technologies utilisées par l’industrie militaire. Si les médias suédois n’ont toujours pas publié leurs noms, ils ont commencé à retracer leur parcours, qui rappelle étrangement celui des personnages de la série « The Americans ».

La maison où un service de sécurité a arrêté deux personnes soupçonnées d’espionnage, dans la région de Stockholm, le 22 novembre 2022. FREDRIK SANDBERG / AFP

Dans le quartier, les voisins n’en reviennent toujours pas. Mardi 22 novembre, à l’aube, ils ont été réveillés par le bruit de deux hélicoptères survolant la banlieue pavillonnaire de Nacka, à l’est de Stockholm. L’opération « Spjut » (« lance » en suédois) venait de commencer. A 06 h 01, ceux qui avaient eu le temps de se lever ont pu voir des hommes de la force d’intervention rapide descendre en rappel des Black Hawk, pour atterrir sur les balcons d’une grosse villa blanche, avant d’entrer par les fenêtres. Au même moment, des véhicules de police débarquaient en trombe dans la rue.

Pour justifier du caractère spectaculaire de l’opération, Stefan Hector, le chef de la police, a indiqué que l’objectif était de « prendre le contrôle rapidement des suspects et de la propriété, pour éviter la destruction de preuves ». Les deux personnes interpellées, identifiées sous les noms de Sergueï Skvortsov et Elena Koulkova par le site d’investigation Bellingcat, sont d’origine russe. Lui est soupçonné d’« activités illégales de renseignement aggravées » contre la Suède et contre « une puissance étrangère ». Elle, d’être sa complice. » | Par Anne-Françoise Hivert (Malmö (Suède), correspondante régionale) | lundi 28 novembre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Read in English.


La France, comme l’Europe, subit les assauts de l’espionnage russe : En automne 2020, un diplomate russe a été expulsé après avoir été pris en flagrant délit par la DGSI. L’enquête sur le lieutenant-colonel français de l’OTAN arrêté à Naples, en août 2020, se poursuit. »

Diana Ross : When You Tell Me That You Love Me

Oct 4, 2012 | Views on YouTube: 1,605,104

Former Pence Aide: Trump Has 'Descended Deeper into the Heart of Darkness'

Nov 28, 2022 | On CNN's State of the Union, Dana Bash speaks with Mike Pence's former Chief of Staff Marc Short, Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen, Republican pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson and CNN Political Commentator Ashley Allison about former President Trump's dinner with White nationalist Nick Fuentes and rapper Kanye West.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — November 28, 2022

40 Foreigners among Those Arrested in Iran Crackdown | DW News

Nov 28, 2022 | Iran has arrested some 14,000 people in its brutal crackdown on protests over the past two months, according to UN figures. Tehran says more than 40 foreign nationals are among them. In many cases, Western diplomats are refused access to their citizens. Police have repeatedly opened fire on protesters across the country. The United Nations is considering whether to launch an international investigation into the crackdown. The protests were triggered in September by the death in police custody of 22 year old Mahsa Amini, who was arrested for wearing her headscarf too loosely.

Auch Geschäftsmänner genießen oft einen guten Kuss.

Même les hommes d'affaires prendre plaisir souvent un bon baiser. / Even businessmen often enjoy a good kiss.

Besten Dank an Candid Suits für dieses schöne Bild.

Hina: Islam and Shaming Women

Jan 10, 2017 | Having resided in Pakistan and Indonesia in her youth (the two largest Muslim countries in the world), Hina has experienced the religious hypocrisy plaguing the Muslim world first-hand.

After the death of her father, she began to question mortality, faith and the meaning of existence, which ultimately led her down the path to atheism.

Today, she enjoys a quiet domestic life with her ex-Hindu partner, traveling the world, cooking exotic Pakistani dishes, gardening, and occasionally sharing her thoughts on her blog.

Should you wish to do so, you can donate to EXMNA here.

Jung, schwul, gläubig - Geht das für Christen, Juden und Muslime? | SWR Doku | Reupload

May 3, 2020 | Unsere Reportage begleitet drei junge Menschen, die sich entschlossen haben, sich nicht mehr zu verstecken, sondern offen schwul und gläubig zu sein.

Vorbehalte, Ressentiments oder Ausschluss aus der Religionsgemeinschaft – diesen Problemen müssen sich gläubige Schwule stellen, wenn sie sich outen. Wie vereinbaren homosexuelle Christen, Juden und Muslime in Deutschland ihren Glauben und ihre sexuelle Ausrichtung in oft repressiven und konservativen Religionsgemeinschaften? Wie kämpfen sie für Anerkennung und Gleichberechtigung?

Die Reportage, gedreht 2019, erzählt die Geschichte dreier junger Menschen, die sich entschieden haben, Glauben und Homosexualität nicht mehr als Widerspruch und unvereinbar hinzunehmen. Alle drei sind Mitbegründer von Selbsthilfegruppen, die Betroffenen ein Sicherheitsnetz geben. Sie zelebrieren gemeinsam ihre Feiertage, leisten Aufklärungsarbeit, scheuen keine Konflikte und suchen selbst den Dialog zu konservativen Gläubigen.

Leo ist Mitbegründer von ‚Keshet‘, dem ersten queeren jüdischen Verein in Deutschland. Auf einer Tagung der jüdischen Gemeinden in Deutschland vertritt er als Pionier zum ersten Mal die jüdische LGBTQ-Gemeinde.

Tugay kämpft für die Rechte queerer Muslime – und wird deshalb bedroht. In der liberalen Ibn-Rushd-Goethe-Moschee in Berlin betet er nicht nur, sondern verfechtet sogar in einer Predigt das Recht, als Muslim lieben zu können, wen er will.

Timo brach aus der Enge seiner Wuppertaler Freikirche aus, in der er aufwuchs. Er veröffentlichte das Buch „Nicht mehr Schweigen“, in dem er queere Christen und Christinnen jeder Glaubensrichtung zu Wort kommen lässt. In seinen Lesungen trifft er auf Empathie, aber auch auf Skepsis und Kritik.

Diese Doku von Uri Schneider aus der DAS ERSTE-Reihe "Echtes Leben" trägt den Originaltitel: Jung, schwul, gläubig - Geht das für Christen, Juden und Muslime?, Ausstrahlungsdatum: 26. April 2020. #swrdoku

Alle Aussagen und Fakten entsprechen dem damaligen Stand und wurden seitdem nicht aktualisiert.

Protests Mount across China: How They Started and Where They Could Go | DW News

Nov 28, 2022 | Calm has returned to the streets of several Chinese cities, following large-scale protests against the government's strict COVID-19 measures.

But in Shanghai, there's been an increased police presence on the streets this morning. Authorities there are also preparing for the possibility of more protests, erecting barriers in places where people gathered overnight.

The rallies are a rare show of defiance against Chinese authorities, with some protesters even calling for President Xi Jinping to resign. But there's no sign the harsh restrictions of his zero-COVID policy will be lifted anytime soon.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Bee Gees : Alone | Reupload

Jan 24, 2017 | Views on YouTube: 23,291,940

Annie Lennox : A Whiter Shade of Pale | Tradução | Reupload

Jun 21, 2021 | 15,482,980

A Gay Kiss Even in the Rain Is Something Beautiful.

Ein queerer Kuss auch im Regen ist etwas Schönes. / Un baiser gay même sous la pluie est quelque chose de beau.

Many thanks to Petaloso Floral Design for this super photo.

Les mots me manquent.

Mir fehlen die Worte. / Words fail me.

« Le monde regorge de merveilles... » / „Die Welt ist voller Wunder...“ / “The world is full of wonders...”

Je remercie my-nata-li.tumblr.com sur Pinterest pour cette belle photo.

Protesters in China Demand Xi Jinping Step Down | DW News

Nov 27, 2022 | Unrest is growing in China over the country's strict COVID-19 measures. Fresh protests have broken out in major cities, with hundreds rallying at Beijing's elite Tsing-hua University, chanting 'we want freedom.' Many also held up blank sheets of paper in a symbolic protest against state censorship. More demonstrations have also been reported in Shanghai, following clashes with police overnight. Public anger has flared after a deadly apartment block fire, with many blaming an ongoing lockdown for hampering rescue efforts. Chinese officials have defended their zero-covid policiy, despite the growing public backlash.

Ex-Muslim Shakib - "You Have One Life to Live. Live It On Your Own Terms." AwesomeWithoutAllah

Nov 28, 2020 | Shakib was abandoned by his wife and guilt-tripped by his parents when he left Islam. But he refused to "drown in misery." He lets no one's presumptions dictate his life, living for the sake of love, kindness, and an insatiable curiosity.

Gay and Queer in Europe: How to Tackle Exclusion? | To the Point

Jul 1, 2021 | How much freedom do members of the LGBTQ community enjoy? In recent weeks, Gay Pride marches in countries around the world have underlined the solidarity in the community. But discrimination, violence, even the death penalty, are still part of the global agenda of hate. There's been angry criticism of Hungary's new anti-LGBTQ law - and of European soccer's blocking of the use of the movement's rainbow colors at a big European championship match in Munich. Gay and queer in Europe: How to tackle exclusion? Our guests: Joseph Hutchinson (US journalist), Pascal Thibaut (Radio France Internationale), Bernd Riegert (DW Brussels).

France: An Openly Gay Imam's Fight for Tolerance in Islam | Focus on Europe

Jul 25, 2022 | An openly homosexual Islamic scholar is fighting for more tolerance in Islam. This comes with difficulties. He receives threats and change is slow.

Sarah Haider: Ex-Muslim

Nov 16, 2015 | Sarah Haider is a former Shia Muslim. Today, she is an atheist, humanist and activist.

Anti-China Drive Backfires in Taiwan Elections | DW News

Nov 27, 2022 | Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-Wen is stepping down as leader of her party. Tsai campaigned in local elections on a platform of defiance against China and upholding Taiwan's democracy. But voters flocked instead to the main opposition party.

'Xi Jinping, Step Down!': Anti-lockdown Protests Spread across China

Nov 27, 2022 | Demonstrations have broken out in cities and university campuses across China amid widespread anger at Covid lockdowns. The wave of civil disobedience was triggered by an apartment fire on Friday in which at least 10 people died in the west Xinjiang region. In an unusually bold act that appeared to indicate the level of people’s desperation, a crowd in Shanghai called for the removal of the Communist party and President Xi Jinping in a standoff with police on Saturday, according to videos circulated on Twitter. Chinese people usually refrain from criticising the party and its leaders in public for fear of reprisals Anti-lockdown protests spread in China as anger rises over zero-Covid strategy Depressed, powerless, angry: why frustration at China’s zero-Covid is spilling over

Advent: Traditionen und Bedeutung der Vorweihnachtszeit | Religion | Erklärvideo | SRF Kultur

Nov 27, 2022 | Wie lange noch bis Weihnachten? Die quengelnden Fragen seiner Waisenkinder hielt der evangelische Sozialarbeiter Johann Hinrich Wichern nicht mehr aus: Der fromme Pädagoge erfand daher 1839 den Adventskranz.

1st Century Roman Emperors | Realistic Face Reconstruction Using AI and Photoshop

Meet the Man on a Mission to Expose Sneaky Price Increases

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Edgar Dworsky has become the go-to expert on “shrinkflation,” when products or packaging are manipulated so people get less for their money.

SOMERVILLE, Mass. — A few weeks ago, Edgar Dworsky got a promising tip by email. “Diluted cough syrup,” read the message, accompanied by a photo of two packages of syrup with a curious difference: The new one appeared to be half the strength of the old one.

Mr. Dworsky gets emails like this frequently, alerting him to things like a bag of dog food that discreetly shrank from 50 pounds to 44 pounds. A cereal box that switched from “giant” to “family” size and grew about an inch taller — but a few ounces lighter. Bottles of detergent that look the same, but the newer ones come with less detergent.

The cough syrup message looked intriguing. Mr. Dworsky made plans to investigate.

He has dedicated much of his life to exposing what is one of the sneakier tricks in the modern consumer economy: “shrinkflation,” when products or packaging are subtly manipulated so that a person pays the same price, or even slightly more, for something but gets less of it. » | Clare Toeniskoetter | Saturday, November 26, 2022

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Love Conquers All

L'amour surmonte tout / Liebe besiegt alles

With many, many thanks to We Heart It on Pinterest for this delightful and expressive photo.

Marokkos einsamer König | Doku HD | ARTE

Nov 23, 2022 | Mohammed VI. – König Marokkos und machtbewusster Reformer? Eine Analyse von 20 Jahren Herrschaft in einem Land, in dem es durchaus beachtliche Fortschritte gegeben hat, ein großer Teil der Bevölkerung jedoch weiterhin in prekären Verhältnissen lebt.

Marokko – ein Land mit einer der ältesten Dynastien der Welt und einem König, der nahezu alle Macht in seinen Händen vereint: Mohammed VI. ARTE sendet das Porträt eines Mannes, der sein Leben lang darauf vorbereitet wurde, König Marokkos zu werden.

Nach dem Tod seines Vaters Hassan II. tritt Kronprinz Mohammed 1999 die Nachfolge an und gilt für viele Marokkaner als Hoffnungsträger. In den ersten Jahren seiner Herrschaft sorgt er für die Einführung eines liberaleren Familienrechts, das Frauen mehr Rechte zusichert, und bringt zahlreiche Infrastrukturprojekte auf den Weg. Und als 2011 der Arabische Frühling auch Marokko erreicht, modernisiert Mohammed VI. sogar die Verfassung. Tiefgreifend demokratisch waren diese Reformen jedoch nie. Der Dokumentarfilm „Marokkos einsamer König“ gibt Antworten auf wichtige Fragen zu seiner 20-jährigen Regentschaft. Wie sieht Mohammed VI. die Zukunft seines Landes? Welche Fortschritte hat das Königreich unter seiner Herrschaft erreicht? Ist er wirklich ein progressiver König? Oder dient der Verzicht auf Teile seiner Befugnisse in Wirklichkeit nur dem eigenen Machterhalt?

Dokumentarfilm von Vanina Kanban (F 2019, 61 Min)

Video verfügbar auf YouTube bis zum 29/12/2022

Le même documentaire peut être visionné ici en français.

Sheindi Miller-Ehrenwald | Das Tagebuch der KZ-Überlebenden | BILD Doku

Jan 24, 2020 | Sheindi Miller-Ehrenwald (92) sitzt am Esstisch in ihrer Wohnung in Jerusalem, vor ihr 54 vergilbte Seiten. Halb zerrissene Zettel, andere so groß wie Postkarten, alle in mädchenhafter Handschrift eng beschrieben. Sie sind Sheindis Vermächtnis. Es sind 54 Seiten unfassbaren Grauens.

Qui a tué l'Empire romain ? - ARTE

Nov 26, 2022 | Et si le changement climatique et les pandémies étaient les véritables causes du déclin de l’Empire romain ? Partant en quête des preuves scientifiques étayant cette hypothèse, Frédéric Wilner reconstitue la succession des événements qui ont conduit à son effondrement.

Pourquoi l’Empire romain, qui a dominé l’Europe et la Méditerranée pendant cinq siècles, s’est-il inexorablement affaibli jusqu’à disparaître ? Archéologues, spécialistes des pathologies anciennes et historiens du climat accumulent aujourd’hui des indices convergeant vers les mêmes facteurs : un puissant refroidissement et des pandémies. Une maladie, dont les symptômes décrits par le médecin grec Galien rappellent ceux de la variole, aurait ainsi frappé Rome en 167, ravageant bientôt son armée, avant qu’une probable fièvre hémorragique venue d’Égypte ne décime à son tour la population à partir de 251. Parallèlement, un brusque désordre climatique en cours jusqu’en Eurasie aurait fait chuter les rendements agricoles et entraîné la migration des Huns vers l’ouest. En proie à des difficultés économiques et militaires, attaqué de toutes parts par les tribus barbares, l’édifice romain s’est alors peu à peu fissuré. Puis, en 536, lorsque Justinien partit de Byzance pour reconquérir la partie occidentale de l’Empire, c’est une catastrophe naturelle qui stoppa net sa marche sur Rome : en plongeant l’Europe dans le noir, une éruption volcanique aurait provoqué une baisse spectaculaire des températures. Ce refroidissement et la terrible épidémie de peste bubonique qui se déclara en 541 pourraient avoir sonné le glas d’un Empire qui tentait pour la dernière fois de se relever.

Les secrets des arbres

Des catacombes de la Ville éternelle, où une équipe d’archéologues français étudie un surprenant empilement de squelettes, à l’Institut Max-Planck de Leipzig, où des spécialistes cherchent à identifier les pathogènes de l’époque romaine à partir d’ossements prélevés sur des chantiers de fouilles, Frédéric Wilner (Il était une fois le musée du Louvre…, Paris-Berlin, destins croisés) propose un passionnant panorama des dernières découvertes susceptibles d’éclairer la fin de l’Empire romain. Il dévoile notamment le patient travail des dendrochronologues, qui lisent dans les cernes du bois les fluctuations du climat à travers les siècles. Appuyées par des animations en 2D et 3D, les explications, limpides, des chercheurs dessinent les étapes de ce lent crépuscule, qui présente de troublantes similitudes avec notre époque.

Documentaire de Frédéric Wilner (France, 2022, 1h30mn)

Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei Praises Militia for Brutal Crackdown | DW News

Nov 26, 2022 | The Iranian football team's refusal to sing their national anthem was bigger news than the scoreline in their first match. But they were singing again ahead of their 2-nil win over Wales, following alleged pressure from the government. It is just one sign of the huge risks Iranian people are taking to show their dissent - at a World Cup increasingly overshadowed by human rights issues. But Iranians are not limiting their protests to stadiums in Qatar. Demonstrations continue in Iran - with several taking place in Tehran and other cities on Saturday, according to social media. Activists say security forces opened fire on a crowd gathered in the city of Zahedan in the southeast after Friday prayers. Dozens are feared dead or wounded. In a speech on Saturday, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei praised the Basij militias that have been at the heart of the government crackdown.

Brexit - Just How Stupid Do They Think We Are?

Nov 26, 2022 | Brexit has been an unmitigated disaster. Rishi Sunak, Jeremy Hunt and Keir Starmer all know this and yet they all insist that it can be made to work.

At a time when the economy is in deep crisis, when the NHS, the police and other social services are struggling to survive the prime minister, Rishi Sunak, says stopping asylum seekers crossing the Channel in little boats is the government's top priority.

Jeremy Hunt says he does not accept OBR figures for the country's economic decline following Brexit whilst quoting OBR forecasts for six years ahead.

Keir Starmer, now one of the staunchest supporters of Brexit meanwhile talks unrealistic nonsense to the CBI about how Labour will fix the economy.

What Are the Costs and Consequences of the Qatar World Cup? | DW Business Special

Nov 26, 2022 | 2022 World Cup host Qatar is throwing crazy sums of money at the premier men’s football event, to make the small emirate look progressive. That won’t just benefit its rulers, but also Western economies, in justifying their business ties with the rich energy producer. Ben Fajzullin talks about the costs and consequences with David Conn, Investigations Correspondent at The Guardian.

Mohammed VI, The King with Two Faces I ARTE.tv Documentary

Nov 26, 2022 | In 2019, Morocco celebrated 20 years of King Muhammad VI's reign. He's managed to impose his own style through gradual reforms. But the country is also deeply divided and unequal. Though the King wishes to reform, he must face opposing forces of tradition and common law. The challenges are numerous and the threats are significant. He must constantly walk a political tightrope to keep revolution at bay.

Available until the 28/12/2022

Putin Talks with Mothers of Russian Soldiers in Staged Meeting | DW News

Nov 26, 2022 | Russian president Vladimir Putin met with mothers of soldiers who have been killed in Russia's invasion of Ukraine. In a staged meeting with carefully selected women from across Russia, Putin said that he shared their pain, but that their sons had died not died in vain. There has been growing protest across Russia from mothers of young men who are being forcibly recruited and sent to the front, often lacking training and equipment.

Meanwhile, Russian shelling in the liberated city of Kherson has killed 15 people, according to Ukrainian officials. Authorities have begun evacuating civilians from the city, including children and hospital patients. The latest attack comes as authorities race to repair damage to critical infrastructure destroyed by Russian airstrikes earlier this week. The damage knocked out power to much of the country. Authorities have restored it in some areas, but more than six million people are still without heat or electricity. Analysts say Russia is seeking to demoralize Ukrainians over the harsh winter months. Ukraine's President has called on the nation to endure.

En Iran, la colère ne retombe pas

Nov 25, 2022 | Malgré la répression, la jeunesse iranienne continue de se battre pour sa liberté.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Au Royaume-Uni, une grève historique des infirmières, dont le salaire réel a baissé de 20 % depuis 2010

LE MONDE : La grève aura lieu les 15 et 20 décembre, un mouvement inédit en 106 ans. Le gouvernement reconnaît que « c’est une période difficile », mais refuse de répondre aux demandes.

Les infirmières britanniques vont se mettre en grève les 15 et 20 décembre, un mouvement inédit en 106 ans, illustrant la gravité de la crise sociale au Royaume-Uni avec des débrayages dans de nombreux secteurs, qui n’avaient pas été vus depuis des décennies. « Les infirmières en ont assez », a résumé Pat Cullen, la secrétaire générale du syndicat Royal College of Nurses (RCN). « Assez des bas salaires, (…) assez de ne pas pouvoir donner aux patients les soins qu’ils méritent. » » | Le Monde avec AFP | vendredi 25 novembre 2022

Stevie Wonder: Knocks Me Off My Feet

May 9, 2019 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Views on YouTube: 4,705,569

Ein sehr schöner Kuss für den Herrn im Kreml, der mit seinen irrsinnigen Vorstellungen von LGBT-Rechten oder deren Fehlen genau wie ein Fossil wirkt. | Reupload

A very nice kiss for the gentleman in the Kremlin who looks exactly like a fossil with his insane ideas about LGBT rights, or lack thereof. / Un très beau bisou pour le monsieur du Kremlin qui ressemble exactement à un fossile avec ses idées folles sur les droits LGBT ou leur absence.

Ich möchte mich gern bei Peachy🍑Keen auf Pinterest bedanken für dies wunderschöne Bild zweier Männer, die sich liebevoll küssen.

Projections of Life: Jewish Life before World War II

Dec 29, 2014 | Rare, intimate home movies—depicting family life, birthday parties, vacations, and more—provide a glimpse into the lives of Jewish individuals who were soon swept into the destruction of the Holocaust.

Inside Nazi Germany

Dec 29, 2014 | Private amateur films capturing life under the Nazi regime from the inside include footage shot by Hitler's secret mistress of Nazi officials at leisure, Hitler greeting jubilant crowds in Vienna upon the German annexation of Austria in March 1938, and the violent backlash against Jews there, and the Nazi invasion of Poland.

Iran’s Crackdown on Protesters to Be Investigated by UN - BBC News

Nov 25, 2022 | The UN Human Rights Council has approved an international investigation into Iran’s violent crackdown on anti-government protesters. The vote was not as close as expected, with 25 states in favour, six against, and 16 abstaining. Iran described calls for the investigation as an arrogant political ploy. More than 300 people have been killed and thousands arrested since unrest began in Iran, the UN said, following the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in police custody.

Raphaël Feuillâtre – Bach: Ich rufe zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ BWV 639 | Arr. Abiton for Guitar

Nov 25, 2022 | Not a speck of museum dust rises when Raphaël Feuillâtre performs music from the distant past. The 26-year-old French classical guitarist, whose repertoire embraces everything from Johann Sebastian Bach and Rameau to contemporary compositions by Roland Dyens and Sérgio Assad, possesses the technical mastery and creative vision required to make works from all periods sound as if they were written yesterday – alive, heartfelt, filled with colour. Hailed by Guitar Salon International as “one of the most exciting classical guitarists of his generation”, he makes his instrument sing with a rare blend of clarity and grace.

This hymn from the Reformation period has been arranged many times in the Baroque period and Johann Sebastian Bach’s expressive in the Orgelbüchlein remains a favorite until today. Here, you hear a completely new transcription of this work for classical guitar, played by young guitarist Raphael Feuillâtre. Raphael, who loves baroque music and especially admires Bach, opens a new aspect thanks to the arrangement and to the different facets of the guitar.

Raphaël Feuillâtre – Bach: Ich rufe zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ BWV 639 (Arr. Abiton for Guitar)

Russia Bans 'LGBT Propaganda' in a New Discriminatory Law | DW News

Nov 25, 2022 | The Russian parliament has approved a new law further restricting the rights of the country's LGBTQ community. Duma lawmakers unanimously approved legislation banning all forms of what it calls 'propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations'. The bill expands a previous law that banned positive depictions of such relationships to underage people.

Mad Vlad? The dude doth protest too much! I wonder why? Further, I wonder how many gays there are in the Duma? And what about the Kremlin? – Mark Alexander

Russia approves terrifying all-ages ‘LGBTQ+ propaganda’ ban: Russia is one step nearer to completely banning ‘LGBTQ+ propaganda’ from the media after legislation passed through lower parliament. »

En Russie, les députés approuvent une loi durcissant l’interdiction de la « propagande » LGBT+ : Ce texte – qui est une version augmentée d’une loi de 2013 bannissant la « propagande » LGBT+ auprès des mineurs – défend désormais de « faire la promotion de relations sexuelles non traditionnelles » auprès de tous les publics. »

OneLove Bands and Plastic Swords: What’s Banned at Qatar World Cup

THE GUARDIAN: ‘Crusader’ costumes are the latest reported addition to the list of items unwelcome at the tournament

Belgium fans wearing rainbow T-shirts at their team’s opening match against Canada at the Ahmad Bin Ali Stadium in Doha on Wednesday. Photograph: Martin Meissner/AP

If you’re on your way to Qatar and looking forward to strolling up to Al Bayt

Stadium in a bikini with a plastic sword in hand, OneLove band on your arm, rainbow hat on your head and a pint in your hand, you’re going to be disappointed.

The list of items banned at the World Cup continues to grow, most recently with reports that England fans have been told not to wear “crusader” costumes, occasionally favoured by middle-aged white men as misguided-at-best clothing for international matches.

Here we take a look at the items banned in Qatar so far. » | Jamie Grierson | Friday, November 25, 2022

La Roumanie exaspérée par les réticences à son entrée dans l’espace Schengen

LE MONDE : Les Pays-Bas et l’Autriche, premiers investisseurs dans le pays, mènent la résistance contre son accès à l’espace européen de libre circulation.

Le président roumain Klaus Iohannis, lors d’une visite à Vilnius, en Lituanie, le 24 novembre 2022. MINDAUGAS KULBIS / AP

Les supermarchés de l’enseigne Mega Image ont poussé comme des champignons dans les rues de Bucarest. Contrôlée par le groupe néerlandais Ahold et la société belge Delhaize, la chaîne compte un millier de magasins en Roumanie, mais cette success story commerciale est désormais confrontée à une campagne de boycott. Les réseaux sociaux abondent d’appels invitant les Roumains à refuser d’acheter les produits en provenance des Pays-Bas. « Gouda, maasdam, edam, je n’achète plus ces fromages, déclare George Dinca, professeur de mathématiques, qui fait ses courses à Mega Image. Je supprime tous les produits néerlandais de ma liste d’achats. » » | Par Mirel Bran (Bucarest, correspondant) | vendredi 25 novembre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Italia Squisita: Bechamel in a French Michelin Two-Star Restaurant with Giuliano Sperandio - Le Taillevent**

Nov 25, 2022 | After the episodes dedicated to brown stocks and mayonnaise, Giuliano Sperandio is dealing again with mother sauces, starting perhaps from the simplest and most "homemade": bechamel. The interpretation that the chef of the Taillevent gives of this French classic will be as rigorous as it is amusing and, in some ways, surprising.

WIKIPEDIA: Béchamel sauce

This Holiday Season, the Poor Buckle Under Inflation as the Rich Spend

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Even if policymakers achieve a gentle economic slowdown, it won’t be smooth for everyone.

November has been busier than expected at the Langham Hotel in Boston as luxury travelers book rooms in plush suites and hold meetings in gilded conference rooms. The $135-per-adult Thanksgiving brunch at its in-house restaurant sold out weeks ago.

Across town, in Dorchester, demand has been booming for a different kind of food service. Catholic Charities is seeing so many families at its free pantry that Beth Chambers, vice president of basic needs at Catholic Charities Boston, has had to close early some days and tell patrons to come back first thing in the morning. On the frigid Saturday morning before Thanksgiving, patrons waiting for free turkeys began to line the street at 4:30 a.m. — more than four hours before the pantry opened.

The contrast illustrates a divide that is rippling through America’s topsy-turvy economy nearly three years into the pandemic. Many well-off consumers are still flush with savings and faring well financially, bolstering luxury brands and keeping some high-end retailers and travel companies optimistic about the holiday season. At the same time, America’s poor are running low on cash buffers, struggling to keep up with rising prices and facing climbing borrowing costs if they use credit cards or loans to make ends meet.

The situation underlines a grim reality of the pandemic era. The Federal Reserve is raising interest rates to make borrowing more expensive and temper demand, hoping to cool the economy and bring the fastest inflation in decades back under control. Central bankers are trying to manage that without a recession that leaves families out of work. But the adjustment period is already a painful one for many Americans — evidence that even if the central bank can pull off a so-called “soft landing,” it won’t feel benign to everyone. » | Jeanna Smialek, Photographs by Tony Luong | Reporting from Boston | Friday, November 25, 2022

Phil Collins : Everyday | Official Music Video | LP Version | Reupload

May 17, 2010 | “Everyday” is the second single to be released from Phil Collins’ fifth solo album “Both Sides” in 1994. | 20,085,544 v|

Olena Zelenska: We Will Endure

BBC: Ukrainian first lady Olena Zelenska tells the BBC that Ukraine will endure this coming winter despite the cold and the blackouts caused by Russian missiles, and will keep fighting what she describes as a war of world views, because "without victory there can be no peace".

We meet in a storied city where a winter's chill is biting, where charming street lamps are dimmed, where buildings are going dark and cold in the midst of blackouts as Russia keeps striking Ukraine's energy grid. The Ukrainian people have won plaudits for standing their ground against Russia's blistering assault. But this is yet another painful test of fortitude.

"We are ready to endure this," Olena Zelenska asserts when we sit down in a heavily secured compound tucked inside a sandbagged labyrinth of buildings in Kyiv.

"We've had so many terrible challenges, seen so many victims, so much destruction, that blackouts are not the worst thing to happen to us." She cites a recent poll where 90 % of Ukrainians said they were ready to live with electricity shortages for two to three years if they could see the prospect of joining the European Union.

That seems like an awfully long cold road, and she knows it. » | Lyse Doucet, Chief international correspondent | Friday, November 25, 2022

Ancient Roman Snacks Found in Colosseum Dig

The Colosseum is one of Italy's most popular tourist sites | REUTERS

BBC: Spectators at Rome's ancient gladiator arena, the Colosseum, may have enjoyed snacks of olives, fruit and nuts, archaeologists have found.

Food fragments of figs, grapes, cherries, blackberries, walnuts and more have been unearthed at the site.

Archaeologists also found the bones of bears and big cats that were probably used in the arena's hunting games.

The discoveries were made by archaeologists examining the 2,000-year-old landmark's sewers.

Relics like these provide a snapshot into the "experience and habits of those who came to this place during the long days dedicated to the performances", said Alfonsina Russo, Director of the Colosseum Archaeological Park. » | Mattea Bubalo, BBC News | Thursday, November 24, 2022

Qataris Bristle at What They See as Double Standards over Their World Cup

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Many in the country say the barrage of criticism about its human rights record and the exploitation of migrant workers is laced with discrimination and hypocrisy.

The skyline of Doha, the capital of Qatar, on Monday. The country is the first in the Middle East to host the World Cup. | Erin Schaff/The New York Times

When the singer Rod Stewart was offered more than $1 million to perform in Qatar, he said, he turned it down.

“It’s not right to go,” Mr. Stewart told the The Sunday Times of London recently, joining a string of public figures to declare boycotts or express condemnation of Qatar as the Gulf nation hosts the soccer World Cup.

In the prelude to the tournament, which started this past weekend, Qatar has faced an increasing barrage of criticism over its human rights record, including the authoritarian monarchy’s criminalization of homosexuality and the well-documented abuse of migrant workers.

Yet Mr. Stewart voiced no such disapproval when he performed in 2010 in Dubai or 2017 in Abu Dhabi, cities in the nearby United Arab Emirates — a country that also has an authoritarian monarchy and has faced allegations of human rights violations but that has more successfully cultivated a Western-friendly image. Mr. Stewart declined a request for comment through his public relations firm. » | Vivian Nereim | Friday, November 25, 2022

Where is the logic in worshipping Allah as the One God and Creator on the one hand and then criminalizing and punishing His creation on the other? How can God be both inerrant and yet still create gay people who are considered ‘abhorrent’. Are gays not a part of God’s creation? Are gays not exactly how God wanted them to be? Or did the inerrant God err? – © Mark Alexander

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Donald Trump Sued as New York Adult Survivors Act Takes Effect

BBC: Writer E Jean Carroll has sued Donald Trump in the US state of New York for allegedly raping her in the 1990s.

Ms Carroll is among the first to sue under the Adult Survivors Act, which came into effect on Thursday.

The state law allows a one-year period for victims to file sexual assault lawsuits in New York over claims that would have otherwise exceeded statute limitations.

The former president has denied the allegations against him.

Ms Carroll alleges the attack took place in a New York luxury department store dressing room 27 years ago.

The Adult Survivors Act allows victims to come forward if the sexual assault occurred when they were over the age of 18 and took place on a date that exceeds time limits that exists on most felonies. » | BBC | Thursday, November 24, 2022

Foreigner - I Don't Want to Live Without You | Official Music Video | Reupload

Jan 26, 2020 | You're watching the official music video for Foreigner - "I Don't Want to Live Without You" from the album 'Inside Information' (1987) | Views on YouTube: 6,822,452

Dinu Lipatti Plays Schubert Impromptu in G-Flat Major (with Preluding) | Reupload

WIKIPEDIA: Dinu Lipatti.

Schätzlein, ich danke Dir so sehr für Deine ewige und zärtliche Liebe | Reupload

Darling, I thank you so much for your everlasting and tender love / Mon chéri, merci beaucoup pour ton amour éternel et tendre

Ich möchte mich bei Pinterest bedanken für dieses gefühlvolle Bild.

Michael Jackson : Man in the Mirror

Feb 13, 2017 | Provided to YouTube by Epic/Legacy | Views on YouTube: 14,075,273

Hungry Man Kitchen: Revealing the Original Baba Ghanoush (بابا غنوج) and Mutabbal (متبل الباذنجان) - 2 Delicious Eggplant Mezze

Jun 3, 2022 | Baba Ganoush is often misnamed in the Western world and confused with Mutabbal, which is a similar dish made with roasted eggplants. They are however quite different and in this video we are making both of these amazing Levantine meze dishes.

For a full list of the ingredients used in these two recipes and tme mothod of preparation, please click here and then click on 'show more'.

A Scotsman’s Viewpoint: Scottish Independence and Why This Generation of Scots Has a Date with Destiny! | Reupload

Oct 12, 2022

UN to Investigate Iran Human Rights Violations? | DW News

Nov 24, 2022 | The UN Human Rights Council was considering an international investigation into the human rights situation in Iran. United Nations Human Rights Chief Volker Turk warned on Thursday, Iran is, "in a full-fledged human rights crisis." He was speaking at a special session of the UN Human Rights Council on what it called "the deteriorating human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran" in Geneva. …

Au Burkina Faso, un million d’élèves privés d’école à cause des attaques djihadistes

LE MONDE : Selon l’ONG Save the Children, 5 709 écoles sont fermées à cause d’offensives terroristes, notamment dans le nord et l’est du pays.

Une salle de classe bondée sous une tente dans la périphérie de Kaya, dans le centre-nord du Burkina Faso, en novembre 2020. OLYMPIA DE MAISMONT / AFP

Plus de 5 700 écoles ont été fermées au Burkina Faso en raison de la situation sécuritaire marquée par des attaques djihadistes, privant un million d’élèves d’accès à l’éducation, a alerté mercredi l’ONG Save the Children.

« Le Burkina vient de franchir la barre dramatique d’un million d’enfants affectés par la fermeture des écoles en raison de la crise sécuritaire », écrit l’ONG dans un communiqué, ajoutant que 5 709 écoles sont fermées. C’est deux fois plus que les chiffres annoncés par le gouvernement en début d’année. » | Le Monde avec AFP | jeudi 24 novembre 2022

„Ungezügelte Korruption bei der FIFA“

FIFA-Präsident Gianni Infantino auf einer Pressekonferenz zur WM in Qatar | Bild: DPA


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Das EU-Parlament geht hart mit dem Fußball-Weltverband ins Gericht. Es fordert ein „demokratisches und transparentes Verfahren“ zur Vergabe von Weltmeisterschaften.

Das Europäische Parlament hat in einer Entschließung zur Lage der Menschenrechte in Qatar scharfe Kritik am Fußball-Weltverband FIFA geübt. In dem Text, der am Donnerstag mit großer Mehrheit angenommen wurde, heißt es, „dass in der FIFA ungezügelte, systemische und tief verwurzelte Korruption herrscht“. Die Organisation habe das Image und die Integrität des Weltfußballs „ernsthaft beschädigt“. Das Parlament forderte die EU-Staaten, insbesondere jene mit großen Fußballligen, auf, „Druck auf die UEFA und die FIFA auszuüben, damit letztere sich für grundlegende Reformen einsetzt“. Dazu solle ein „demokratisches und transparentes Verfahren“ zur Vergabe von Weltmeisterschaften gehören. Diese dürften nicht an Staaten vergeben werden, die Grund- und Menschenrechte missachten, „insbesondere systematische geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt“. » | Von Thomas Gutschker, Brüssel | Donnerstag, 24. November 2022

Bruce Liu – Chopin: Étude Op. 10 No. 5 'Black Keys'

Nov 24, 2022 | Bruce Xiaoyu Liu
Venue : Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, Paris

After his victory at the 18th Chopin Competition in October 2021, the young pianist Bruce Liu has given one concert after another. This is a part from his debut in France at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, where he devoted his concert to Chopin. Étude Op. 10, No. 5, the so-called "Black Key Étude" for solo piano . It is one of the most popular etudes by Frédéric Chopin. The piece is known as the "Black Key Étude" as its right-hand part is entirely on black keys, except for one note. Bruce plays the étude full of Polish elegance with real gaiety and wit, though not without tenderness.

Der Zweite Weltkrieg (6): Angriff auf Pearl Harbor | SPIEGEL TV

May 5, 2020 | Die amerikanische Militärpräsenz in Pearl Harbor gilt den kriegslüsternen Militärs in Tokio als "Dolch an der Kehle" Japans. Sie entschließen sich zum Angriff. Am 7.Dezember 1941 um 7:57 Uhr ist es soweit: 40 Torpedoflugzeuge greifen von zwei Seiten ihr wichtigstes strategisches Ziel an, die Schlachtschiffe und Zerstörer in der "Battleship Row". Das ist Teil 6 unserer Serie über den Zweiten Weltkrieg.

Scrapping EU Laws Would Threaten Economic Growth, Warn Business Leaders

THE GUARDIAN: IoD and unions among groups writing to government, saying move would cause business chaos, harm rights and threaten environment

A coalition of influential trade unions, business and environmental groups have urged Rishi Sunak’s government to scrap plans for a bonfire of EU regulations by the end of 2023, saying it could put the UK’s economic growth at risk.

In a letter signed by organisations including the Trades Union Congress (TUC), Institute of Directors (IoD) and Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, leaders said sweeping away thousands of pieces of EU legislation and legal principles would “cause significant confusion and disruption for businesses, working people and those seeking to protect the environment”.

The letter, which was addressed to the business secretary, Grant Shapps, said the groups were concerned about the loss of “vital” worker, consumer and environmental rights, including those regarding holiday pay, safe working hours and protection from discrimination. » | Kalyeena Makortoff | Thursday, November 24, 2022

Steve Baker wants to renegotiate Brexit agreement over Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland minister’s proposal comes as PM denies plans for Swiss-style relationship with EU »

Röttgen: So rutscht Deutschland in die nächste Abhängigkeit | Markus Lanz vom 23. November 2022

Nov 24, 2022 | Wie besteht Deutschland im Wettbewerb mit den Wirtschafts-Supermächten der Neuzeit? Norbert Röttgen erklärt seine Sicht bei Markus Lanz. Angefangen bei den USA: Hier sei die Regierung unter Präsident Biden extrem protektionistisch unterwegs. Deutschland müsse diesen Wettbewerb annehmen und dürfe sich nicht über unlautere Methoden, etwa durch Subventionen, beklagen.

Auch die Staaten der Golfregion sind längst in vielen Bereichen echte Konkurrenten für den Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland. Saudi-Arabien und Katar etwa agieren auf dem Weltmarkt mit großem Selbstbewusstsein. Der Wirtschaftsexperte der CDU sagt bei Lanz voraus: Ohne den Wasserstoff aus dieser Region werde Deutschland die Energiewende kaum schaffen.

Und schließlich sei China der dritte riesige Faktor, den es aus deutscher Sicht zu beachten gelte. Deutsche Unternehmen könnten es sich nicht leisten, keine Geschäfte mit China zu machen, so Röttgen. Dabei müsse man aber immer darauf achten, Menschenrechtsverletzungen keinen Vorschub zu leisten.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing all my guests from across the Atlantic a very enjoyable and blessed Thanksgiving.

Many thanks to Alicia Wood on Pinterest for this picture of a beautiful table setting.


Was feiern wir heute, wenn wir feiern?: Amerikaner in aller Welt feiern heute Thanksgiving. Der Feiertag ist ein Spiegel der Sitten – und wird von mysteriösen Ritualen begleitet. Zum Wert eines besonderen Fests. »

The Knot Has Been Tied and the Contentment Is Palpable | Reupload

LGBTQ+ wedding photos in NYC. Jonathan & Gabe's anniversary session captured by the best New York wedding photographers, Brooklyn Wedding Photo.

Many thanks to Megan & Kenneth Photography | Brooklyn Wedding Photographers NYC for this superb photo.

Beneath the Crown: The True Story of Margaret Thatcher’s Rise to Power

Nov 15, 2020 | How did the daughter of a greengrocer become Britain’s first ever female Prime Minister? Join Anita Rani to examine Margaret Thatcher’s rise to power and how her beliefs changed the United Kingdom forever.

‘Outright Democracy Denial’: Nicola Sturgeon Reacts to Supreme Court Ruling

Nov 23, 2022 | Scotland’s first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, reacts to the UK supreme court’s ruling Scotland may not hold a second independence referendum without Westminster approval. She says the Scottish government respects the law, but the mandate for a referendum is ‘undeniable’. Sturgeon insisted Scotland is not ‘abandoning’ the referendum route: ‘Westminster are simply blocking it’ Supreme court rules against Scottish parliament holding new independence referendum Supreme court ‘no’ leaves Sturgeon looking for solutions

Read the accompanying Guardian article here.


The Guardian view on Scotland and the constitution: a crisis is brewing: A supreme court ruling against Nicola Sturgeon’s referendum plans clarifies the challenge ahead for unionists »

Das Dekolleté - Toxisch oder Tradition? Mode und Schönheitsideal früher & heute | capriccio | BR

Nov 23, 2022 | Wie hat sich das Schönheitsideal verändert? Das Dekolleté gilt heute als toxisch, überflüssig, schrecklich oll. Aber früher galt es als selbstverständlich! Wie hat sich die Mode für den Brustbereich verändert. Im Fokus stand die Mode die Frauen: Sie waren "Anschauungsobjekt" wären die Männer über den Dekolleté-Bereich redeten: In den krassesten Fällen führten die Mode unter Schmerzen bis in den Tod. Und heute? Wie blicken wir auf das Dekolleté und wie veränderte die Emanzipation die Moder der Frau? Eine kurze Geschichte des Dekolletés.

Our Yemeni Kitchen | مطبخنا اليمني | Falafel, Light and Crunchy | فلافل خفيفة ومقرمشة

Apr 20, 2021 | How to make a light and crunchy falafel recipe for the best falafel sandwich. Crunchy vegetarian chickpea balls. | Views on YouTube: 3,117,112

For a full list of the ingredients and the method of preparation and cooking in both Arabic and English, please click here and then click of ‘show more’.