Saturday, January 01, 2022

Why Brexit Is a Disaster and How Things Are about to Get Very Much Worse

Jan 1, 2022 • The whole world can see that Brexit is a disaster, a massive self-inflicted act of madness promoted by a prime minister whose only concern was getting into No 10.

The U.K. is a worldwide laughing stock. Exports are tumbling and shortages of workers are crippling many sectors of the economy. There is no prospect of any of this improving any time soon. Small and medium sized firms find it all but impossible to export to the E.U.

Millions of pounds have been wasted whilst food has been left rotting in the fields and thousands of healthy pigs have been killed and burnt. The introduction of import controls on goods, especially food, coming into the U.K. from the E.U. from January 1st is likely to make it no longer viable for many exporters to continue supplying the U.K.

Increasing prices in the shops, more shortages, increasing gas and electricity prices, increasing taxes (NHI) as well as council taxes, rising interest rates and further inevitable cuts in government spending are all about to become reality. In the meantime, an already very anxious and worried population wonders what will come next.

Friday, December 31, 2021

New Year’s Eve Celebrations: Countries around the World Get Ready to Ring in 2022 • France 24

New Year’s Eve 2021 around the world – in pictures »

Duchess Of Windsor, Wallis Simpson: The Queen That Never Was - Prince Harry Documentary

Premiered Dec 2, 2021 • Duchess Of Windsor Wallis Simpson: The Queen That Never Was - Prince Harry Documentary. Drama-documentary about the woman blamed for a royal crisis.

Legendary Actress Betty White Dies At 99

Dec 31, 2021 • Betty White, the actor whose charm and deadpan comedic delivery earned her an eight-decade career, has died. She was 99. White became best known for her quick one-liners as the gullible yet lovable Rose Nylund on "The Golden Girls."

Betty White Understood Gay Men, and We Loved Her for It »

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz Urges Solidarity in His First New Year’s Address | DW News

Dec 31, 2021 • German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who succeeded Angela Merkel as chancellor in early December, calls for the public to stand together in the fight against the pandemic and support his government's planned renewal of the country in his first new year's address to the nation.

The new Chancellor appealed to all Germans to get vaccinated amid a massive fifth wave of infections in the country driven by the Omicron coronavirus variant.

Scholz asked for understanding regarding the significantly tightened restrictions that have just come into force in Germany, including the limits on private gatherings.

Other than tackling the pandemic, the biggest challenge was to lay the foundation for Germany's continued advancement, Scholz continued. "The 2020s will be a decade of new beginnings," he said. Scholz also said that his centre-left coalition government intended to transform the German economy. "We will be able to master the great changes of our era collectively and communally, if we stick together as a society," Scholz concluded.

Former Models Expose the Ugly Truth of the Beauty Industry | 60 Minutes Australia

First there was Harvey Weinstein, and then Jeffrey Epstein, two men so corrupted by their own power and money they thought it entitled them to sexually abuse any woman or teenager they lusted after. Now one of the icons of the world of modelling stands similarly accused of being a sex fiend. His name might not be familiar to those outside the beauty industry, but for decades Frenchman Gérald Marie, now aged 70, was the super-agent who decided, or torpedoed, the careers of supermodels. He even married one of the most famous of them all, Linda Evangelista. But a 60 MINUTES global investigation has uncovered more than a dozen former models with shocking accusations about him. They say he’s a predator who ritually abused and raped young women – including minors. As Tara Brown reports, the women are now demanding that Gérald Marie be held accountable for his depravity, and it seems prosecutors in France are finally taking notice.

What Ghislaine Maxwell's Conviction Means for Britain's Royal Family l GMA

Dec 31, 2021 • Lawyers for Britain's Prince Andrew are due in court next week as he battles lawsuits brought by an Epstein accuser not part of the criminal case against Maxwell.

Prince Andrew ‘cannot prove’ his inability to sweat after request by Virginia Giuffre’s lawyers »

The New Year’s Kiss

Der Neujahrskuß / Le baiser du nouvel an

Many thanks to for this great photo.

Brexit: un an après, Boris Johnson peine à tenir ses promesses

C’est sur le front politique que ce premier anniversaire du Brexit est le plus tumultueux pour Boris Johnson. Hollie Adams/AP

LE FIGARO : RÉCIT - L’avenir glorieux promis aux Britanniques se fait attendre et l’opposition au premier ministre gagne du terrain, y compris dans son propre parti.

Il était 23 heures à Londres et minuit à Bruxelles. Il y a un an, la célèbre cloche de Big Ben saluait la sortie de l’Union européenne après quarante-sept années d’un mariage parfois houleux. En ce 31 décembre 2020, l’heure était à l’euphorie pour Boris Johnson. Le premier ministre vantait un «moment incroyable pour le pays». Douze mois plus tard, l’anniversaire est triste. À quelques jours de la célébration de cette «nouvelle ère» pour le Royaume-Uni, le ministre du Brexit, David Frost, a démissionné. Une défection symbolique et fâcheuse pour BoJo. Le grand artisan du divorce se trouve pris dans des turbulences politiques sans précédent. Depuis quelques mois, les premiers effets du Brexit se font concrètement sentir. Et la flambée spectaculaire du variant Omicron a encore assombri le tableau. Censé gagner le grand large une fois larguées les aussières européennes, le navire britannique tangue sérieusement.

«Nous avons notre liberté entre nos mains et il nous revient d’en tirer le meilleur parti», avait ajouté Boris Johnson dans son message de Nouvel An. Apparemment, David Frost lui reproche d’avoir échoué, ou de ne pas prendre les bons chemins. Certes, le «Mr Brexit» britannique a invoqué des désaccords sur les nouvelles restrictions sanitaires. Mais ce diplomate qui a mené les âpres discussions avec l’UE a aussi dit ses «inquiétudes sur la route prise aujourd’hui». «J’espère que nous pourrons aller aussi vite que possible là où nous devons aller: une économie d’entrepreneurs, peu réglementée et peu taxée», a ainsi écrit David Frost dans sa lettre de démission. Boris Johnson avait un jour assuré qu’il n’y avait pas l’épaisseur d’une «feuille de papier à cigarette» entre eux. Cette couche s’était apparemment épaissie. » | Par Arnaud De La Grange | jeudi 30 décembre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

Il n'y a pas de hauts plateaux ensoleillés du Brexit, seulement des inconvénients et des problèmes et des friches sombres et ombragées. – © Mark

Australia's 2021 Sydney New Year Celebrations

Seong-Jin Cho – Fantasy in F minor Op. 49 | First Stage

Oct 3, 2015 • Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina/ The Fryderyk Chopin Institute

UK Faces Challenges One Year into Brexit | DW News

Dec 31, 2021 • It's now a year since Brexit took full effect, and the UK left the EU's single market and customs union. The date came with predictions of disaster for the British economy. 12 months later, how has the country coped?

Happy New Year! / Frohes neues Jahr! / Bonne année !

Image: Adobe Stock

I should like to take this opportunity to wish everyone, gay or straight, a Covid-free and very happy, very healthy and very prosperous 2022. Further, again, many thanks to you all for your continued support, which I value greatly. Stay safe! – Mark

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Santander: Bank Hands Out £130m in Christmas Blunder

BBC: Tens of thousands of people awoke on Christmas morning to a surprise from an unexpected benefactor - Santander.

The bank mistakenly deposited £130m into 75,000 accounts on 25 December.

Santander's staff are now rushing to claw back the money, although the job is being made more difficult because much of it was deposited in accounts at rival banks, according to The Times.

The error occurred when payments from 2,000 business accounts were made twice.

"We're sorry that due to a technical issue, some payments from our corporate clients were incorrectly duplicated on the recipients' accounts," the bank said in a statement.

"None of our clients were at any point left out of pocket as a result and we will be working hard with many banks across the UK to recover the duplicated transactions over the coming days." » | Dan Ascher, Business reporter | Thursday, December 30, 2021

Katar: Millionen für Europas Islam | Doku | ARTE

Sep 18, 2019 • Ein Whistleblower spielte zwei französischen Journalisten Tausende von vertraulichen Dokumenten der NGO Qatar Charity zu. Sie enthüllen ein Programm zur Stärkung der Einflussnahme des politischen Islam in ganz Europa mit der Finanzierung von 140 Moscheebauten, Kulturzentren und Schulen, die alle mit der Muslimbruderschaft zusammenhängen. Recherche über eine hermetische Institution.

Alles begann mit einem mysteriösen USB-Stick, den ein anonymer Whistleblower den beiden französischen Journalisten Georges Malbrunot und Christian Chesnot zuspielte. Darauf befanden sich Tausende vertraulicher Dokumente der größten NGO der Golfstaaten, der Qatar Charity: unter anderem Spenderlisten, E-Mail-Korrespondenzen und Informationen zu Banküberweisungen. Die Unterlagen enthüllen Einzelheiten über ein Missionierungs- und Finanzierungsprogramm zur Stärkung des politischen Islams in ganz Europa, mit 140 Moscheebauten, Kulturzentren und Schulen, die alle auf die eine oder andere Art mit der Muslimbruderschaft zusammenhängen. Doch die Behörden in der Hauptstadt Doha bestreiten jegliche religiöse Aktivität im Westen. Das Filmteam wollte es genauer wissen und recherchierte über das Programm. Am Beispiel des europaweit größten Vorhabens für ein Islam-Zentrum im elsässischen Mulhouse, eines im Jahr 2016 in La Chaux-de-Fonds in der Schweiz eingeweihten Museums der Zivilisationen des Islam, einer mit dubiosen Mitteln finanzierten Ausbildungseinrichtung für Imame im zentralfranzösischen Département Nièvre und eines Flüchtlingszentrums auf Sizilien, das auf dem Höhepunkt der Syrienkrise Migranten aufnimmt, wird mit den Finanzierungsströmen auch die dahinterstehende Ideologie aufgedeckt. Sind diese Vorhaben Teil eines viel weitreichenderen Projekts oder ist das Programm lediglich der europäische Ableger einer Strategie Katars, mit der das Land seit dem Arabischen Frühling durch die Stärkung der Muslimbruderschaft seine Führungsposition in der arabischen Welt weiter auszubauen versucht? Die investigative filmische Recherche gibt Einblicke in die ebenso finanzstarke wie hermetische Organisation, deren Verbindungen bis in die Spitze des Staates Katar und die Herrscherfamilie Al-Thani reichen.

Dokumentarfilm von Jérôme Sesquin (F 2019, 90 Min)

Dieser höchst interessante Dokumentarfilm ist nur an YouTube selber verfügbar. Hier ist ein Link dazu. – Mark

"If Donald Trump Is Not Dead or in Jail, He Will Run for President" | Lincoln Project's Rick Wilson

Dec 30, 2021 • 'The threat of violence is a powerful political tool.' Ines Pohl, DW's Washington bureau chief, spoke with Rick Wilson, co-founder of the Lincoln Project, about the political future of the United States, the consequences of the Capital riot a year ago, and the dangers of the fractionalized country.

Südafrika nimmt Abschied von Friedensnobelpreisträger Tutu

Dec 30, 2021 • Südafrika nimmt Abschied von einem Nationalhelden: In einer feierlichen Zeremonie wurde der Leichnam des Anti-Apartheid-Kämpfers und Friedensnobelpreisträgers Desmond Tutu in der Sankt-Georg-Kathedrale von Kapstadt aufgebahrt. In der anglikanischen Kirche hatte Tutu bis 1996 als Erzbischof gewirkt. © AFP

Michael Bolton : Drift Away

Provided to YouTube by Columbia | Views on YouTube: 2,516,690

A Magical Kiss in a Kilt.

Un baiser magique en kilt. / Ein magischer Kuß in einem Kilt.

With many thanks to on Pinterest for this splendid photo.

Vaccine-hesitant Germans Emigrate | Covid-19 Special

Dec 30, 2021 • With every wave of COVID-19 illnesses in Germany comes a new backlash from those strongly opposed to the health measures taken in response -- Including vaccination. Protests and refusal to wear a mask in public-places are the actions they most commonly take. Some, however, have gone to more extreme measures.

Europe Marks 20 Years of the Euro | DW News

Dec 30, 2021 • Europe is marking 20 years of the euro. It's been a rollercoaster couple of decades for the single currency. For some, the euro has been a stabilizing factor for the continent. Others say it's driven up prices. As we wait to see what the future holds for the euro, let's first take a look at the past.

Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein | Full Interview - BBC Newsnight

Nov 17, 2019 • The Duke of York speaks to Emily Maitlis about his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein and the allegations against him.

In a world exclusive interview, Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis speaks to Prince Andrew, the Duke of York at Buckingham Palace.

For the first time, the Duke addresses in his own words the details of his relationship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who took his own life while awaiting trial on sex-trafficking charges.

In 2015, Prince Andrew was named in court papers as part of a US civil case against Epstein.

The Prince, who is the Queen’s third child, also answers questions about the allegations made against him by one of Epstein’s victims, and discusses the impact of the scandal on the Royal family and his work.

Prince Andrew: What Next after Ghislaine Maxwell Guilty Verdict? - BBC News

Dec 30, 2021 • Prince Andrew is facing more scrutiny of his longstanding friendship with Ghislaine Maxwell following her conviction in New York for sex trafficking on behalf of Jeffrey Epstein.

The Prince had a friendship with the couple going back more than 20 years. He invited Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein to Windsor Castle and Sandringham in 2000. They were guests of the Prince at Royal Ascot and spent time at the Queen’s Balmoral estate in Scotland.

Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted sex offender, was found dead in his prison cell in New York in 2019 while himself facing sex trafficking charges.

Prince Andrew is facing a civil legal suit by Virginia Giuffre, formerly Virginia Roberts, who claims she was a victim of sex trafficking by Epstein and that the Prince had sex with her without her consent when she was 17.

The Prince has always strenuously denied the allegations and categorically denies knowing of any improper activities by Epstein or anyone else. His lawyers say the allegations against him by Virginia Giuffre are baseless and motivated by her desire for a “payday at his expense”.

Aleem Maqbool presents BBC News at Ten reporting by royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell.

Chomsky Blasts the "Torture" of Julian Assange & Biden's Provocative Acts against China

Dec 30, 2021 • Noam Chomsky decries what he calls the torture of imprisoned WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. He also critiques the Biden administration's reckless foreign policy. "The trajectory is not optimistic," Chomsky says. "The worst case is the increasing provocative actions towards China. That's very dangerous."

Noam Chomsky on Rising Fascism in US, Class Warfare & Climate Emergency

Dec 30, 2021 • Noam Chomsky warns the Republican Party is "marching" the world to destruction by ignoring the climate emergency while embracing proto-fascism at home. Chomsky talks about the January 6 insurrection, how neoliberalism is a form of class warfare and how President Biden's climate plans fall short of what is needed.

Léonard de Vinci : la manière moderne | ARTE

Nov 3, 2019 • Les dernières recherches établissent que Léonard de Vinci retravaillait inlassablement ses toiles, parfois pendant des années. Ce documentaire explore le processus créatif du maître de la Renaissance. Une plongée inédite dans une oeuvre fascinante de modernité.

Fils illégitime d'un notaire et d'une paysanne, Léonard est né le 14 avril 1452 à Vinci, un village de Toscane. Il a 12 ans lorsque ses dons pour le dessin lui valent d'être placé par son père dans l'atelier de Verrocchio, à Florence. Dès lors, le jeune artiste n'aura de cesse de combler ses lacunes académiques par l'observation méticuleuse de la nature et du vivant. Ce sont ensuite l'étude de la lumière puis celle du mouvement qui aiguisent son insatiable curiosité, lumière et mouvement qu'il n'arrêtera pas de chercher à capter dans son travail de peintre. Pourtant, lorsque l'on se penche sur les tableaux laissés par l'artiste, leur petit nombre – moins d'une vingtaine selon les experts – est frappant en comparaison des quelque 6 000 pages de notes et croquis de ses carnets parvenus jusqu'à nous. Processus créatif Ses activités d'ingénieur, d'inventeur de machines, d'anatomiste, de poète, de botaniste ou de concepteur de fêtes, à Milan ou à la cour de François Ier, où il a vécu ses trois dernières années jusqu'à sa mort, en 1519, ont longtemps laissé penser que la peinture fut pour Léonard de Vinci une activité de second plan, et que plusieurs de ses tableaux sont restés inachevés a alimenté cette thèse. Mais les dernières recherches historiographiques et scientifiques démentent cette croyance, établissant au contraire que l'artiste retravaillait inlassablement ses toiles, parfois pendant des années comme ce fut le cas pour La Joconde, dont il ne s'est jamais séparé. Déroulant le fil de sa vie et décryptant de manière pédagogique le processus créatif du peintre, Sandra Paugam et Flore Kosinetz nous convient à une plongée inédite dans une œuvre unique, dont la modernité ne cesse de fasciner. L'exposition que le musée du Louvre consacre à Léonard de Vinci se tient du 24 octobre 2019 au 24 février 2020.

Léonard de Vinci : la manière moderne
Documentaire de Sandra Paugam (France, 2018, 52mn)

Cet excellent documentaire n'est pas intégrable sur des sites externes. Il doit être visionné uniquement sur YouTube. Ceci est un lien vers celui-ci. – Mark

Saudi Arabia Will Require Booster Shots to Enter Many Public Places.

Checking for vaccine certificates or a negative coronavirus test in Riyadh, in June | Fayez Nureldine/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Staring down a rise in coronavirus cases that the health authorities have linked to the Omicron variant, Saudi Arabia will require people visiting stores, malls and restaurants to show proof of booster shots starting on Feb. 1.

The kingdom, as part of its effort to get its 35 million residents inoculated against the virus, already mandates proof of vaccination for those wishing to enter public places.

The move announced this week is an extension of a mandate the kingdom issued early this month when it said that starting in February, Saudi residents would no longer be considered fully vaccinated unless they had received a booster at least eight months after their second dose, and that they would need proof of a booster to enter government facilities, attend events and fly.

Citizens, residents and visitors are required to show scannable QR codes confirming their vaccination status through the government’s Tawakkalna app, which Saudi Arabia originally rolled out last year to help track coronavirus infections and has remade into a vaccine passport. » | Vivian Yee | Wednesday, December 29, 2021

When Belief Dies #51 - 'Manuscripts and Ancient History' with Bart D. Ehrman

Affaire Epstein : Ghislaine Maxwell jugée coupable de trafic sexuel de mineures • FRANCE 24

Dec 30, 2021 • Ghislaine Maxwell, soupçonnée de jouer les rabatteuses pour son ex-compagnon Jeffrey Epstein, a été reconnue coupable mercredi à New York d'une série de crimes sexuels, dont le plus grave trafic de jeunes filles mineures.

Ghislaine Maxwell, l'ex-compagne de Jeffrey Epstein, est reconnue coupable de crimes sexuels

Dec 30, 2021 • La compagne de toujours de Jeffrey

Urteil gegen Epstein-Komplizin: Ghislaine Maxwell schuldig

Dec 30, 2021 • Die Geschworenen haben im Prozess gegen die Eppstein-Vertraute Ghislaine Maxwell (60) ein Urteil gefällt! Sie wurde im Missbrauchsprozess schuldig gesprochen.

Die langjährige Vertraute des gestorbenen US-Sexualstraftäters Jeffrey Epstein ist unter anderem wegen Sex-Handels mit Minderjährigen verurteilt worden. Die Geschworenen des zuständigen Gerichts in New York befanden die 60-Jährige am Mittwoch in fünf der sechs Anklagepunkte für schuldig, unter anderem wegen Menschenhandels mit Minderjährigen zu Missbrauchszwecken.

Maxwell drohen bis zu 65 Jahre Haft – das Strafmaß wird Richterin Alison Nathan zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt festsetzen. Maxwell hatte die Vorwürfe stets zurückgewiesen und während des Prozesses auf eine Aussage verzichtet.

Ghislaine Maxwell Guilty of Sex Trafficking, Other Charges Related to Jeffrey Epstein

Dec 30, 2021 • A U.S. jury reached a guilty verdict on five of six charges in the trial of British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, who was accused of helping late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein sexually abuse teenaged girls.

Guilty: Ghislaine Maxwell Faces Life in Jail for Sex Trafficking - BBC News

Dec 30, 2021 • Ghislaine Maxwell has been found guilty of recruiting and trafficking young girls to be sexually abused by the late American financier Jeffrey Epstein.

The 60-year-old was found guilty on five of the six counts she faced - including the most serious charge, that of sex trafficking a minor.

The verdict was reached after five full days of deliberation by a 12-person jury in New York.

It means the British socialite could spend the rest of her life behind bars.

The verdict followed a month-long trial that featured testimony from four women who described being abused by Epstein between 1994 and 2004.

Reeta Chakrabarti presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Aleem Maqbool.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Ghislaine Maxwell Found Guilty in Sex-trafficking Trial

THE GUARDIAN: Verdict for British former socialite, 60, marks dramatic conclusion to unexpectedly fast-moving trial

Ghislaine Maxwell as the guilty verdict in her sex abuse trial is read. Photograph: Jane Rosenberg/Reuters

The British former socialite Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty of sex trafficking in her Manhattan federal court trial on Wednesday afternoon.

Maxwell, 60, was arrested in July 2020, charged with involvement in ex-boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual abuse of teenage girls, some as young as 14.

Maxwell was convicted on five of the six charges she faced. In addition to sex-trafficking, Maxwell was found guilty of conspiracy to entice individuals under the age of 17 to travel in interstate commerce with intent to engage in illegal sexual activity, conspiracy to transport individuals under the age of 17 to travel in interstate commerce with intent to engage in illegal sexual activity; transportation of an individual under the age of 17 with intent to engage in illegal sexual activity; and conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of individuals under the age of 18.

Maxwell was found not guilty of one count: enticement of an individual under the age of 17 to travel with intent to engage in illegal sexual activity. Jurors reached their verdict after 40 hours of deliberations over the course of six days. » | Victoria Bekiempis in New York | Wednesday, December 29, 2021

This article contains descriptions of sexual abuse

MSNBC Video: Ghislaine Maxwell Found Guilty of Federal Sex Trafficking

MSNBC Video: Maxwell Faces Up to 40 Years in Prison for Sex Trafficking Minors

Die höchste Gemeinde Europas - Dokumentation von NZZ Format (2010)

Apr 2, 2020 • In Avers im Schweizer Kanton Graubünden gibt es keine einzige Disco, keinen Polizisten, keinen Arzt und kein Kino. Juf in der Gemeinde Avers ist die höchstgelegene ganzjährig bewohnte Siedlung Europas. Hier auf 2.126 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel ist sieben Monate im Jahr Winter. Im sanften Tourismus, in der weitgehend unberührten Landschaft, in der Ruhe von Avers liegt ein großes Kapital. Aber es kursiert auch das Gespenst der alpinen Brache, es plagt die Sorge von Abwanderung, falls es einmal nicht mehr genug Arbeitsplätze gibt. Die Avner sind Walser und stolz, bis jetzt in diesem alpinen Tal ausgeharrt zu haben.

Bart Ehrman: Evolution of Jesus in Early Christianity

The Birth of Jesus in History & Legend | Bart Ehrman

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 29, 2021

Tuesday, December 28, 2021


Jan 29, 2012 • The Duke and Duchess of Devonshire, the Duke of Wellington and Lady Macmillan recall the debutante season of 1939. They reveal how the upper classes' diaries were packed with invitations to luncheon parties, dances and social occasions such as Ascot, Henley and the Chelsea Flower Show, as women desperately sought wealthy husbands.

While Europe was steeling itself in the face of fascist aggression, the upper-class marriage market was in full swing, and here the participants talk vividly about the parties, ballgowns and broken hearts.

Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is | Official Music Video

Un baiser, fier et affectueux.

A kiss, proud and loving. / Ein Kuß, stolz und liebevoll.

Je remercie Gay Pride Hub pour cette superbe et fière photo.

Woher kommt der Ausdruck "Trêve des confiseurs"? | Karambolage | ARTE

Dec 28, 2021 • Kurz vor den Feiertagen nehmen wir eine französische Redewendung unter die Lupe: „la trêve des confiseurs“, der „Waffenstillstand der Zuckerbäcker".

Autorin: Clara Wasser
Regie: Gille Roqueplo

'The Wild Ride' : Glacier Express | Switzerland

Switzerland has some of the most scenic train rides in the world. Crossing forests, tunnels and bridges across the Alps, the Glacier Express is a dream for a lot of people. The magic of this train takes another dimension in winter when all the mountains are covered of fresh snow. [“This video is not an advertisement.” – 'exploremarco' on YouTube.]

Directed by Marco Lopez
Music by Ryan Taubert
Voice over by Bob Darling

Mahler Symphony No. 5 - Adagietto

Nov 22, 2015 • Myung-Whun Chung NHK Symphony Orchestra.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 28, 2021

Der Zorn Gottes #7 | Die Geburt des Christentums | ARTE

Der Jude Paulus denunziert die Juden. Ist er der Begründer des christlichen Antisemitismus? Um das Jahr 50 schickt Paulus vom griechischen Korinth aus Anweisungen an die christliche Gemeinde im 500 km entfernten Thessaloniki. Dieser Brief ist der älteste Text des Neuen Testaments. Paulus bezeichnet die Juden als „Feinde aller Menschen“.

Verfügbar bis zum 03/12/2022

Einige frühere Teile, nämlich Teil 1 und Teil 2 sind hier verfügbar.

Spain on a Fork : Creamy Garlic Pasta | Albert Bevia

Get the recipe here.

Albert Bevia can be supported on Patreon here.

Russian Court Orders Closure of Country’s Oldest Human Rights Group

THE GUARDIAN: Supreme court ruling on Memorial is watershed moment in Vladimir Putin’s crackdown on independent thought

A Russian supreme court judge delivers the verdict. Photograph: Evgenia Novozhenina/Reuters

Russia’s supreme court has ordered the closure of Memorial, the country’s oldest human rights group, in a watershed moment in Vladimir Putin’s crackdown on independent thought.

The court ordered Memorial’s closure under Russia’s controversial “foreign agent” legislation, which has targeted dozens of NGOs and media outlets seen as critical of the government.

Memorial was founded in the late 1980s to document political repressions carried out under the Soviet Union, building a database of victims of the Great Terror and gulag camps. It has also grown into an important advocate for the cause of human rights in Russia, spawning branches and initiatives in many of Russia’s more than 80 regions. » | Andrew Roth in Moscow | Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Comment Vladimir Poutine poursuit la réécriture du passé soviétique : DÉCRYPTAGE - Le travail titanesque de l’organisation russe Memorial, véritable «conscience» historique de la nation et pilier central de la résistance à la répression politique actuelle, vient d’être stoppé en plein vol avec sa dissolution par la Cour suprême. »

Iran, Ukraine, Taïwan: 2022, année de tous les dangers dans le monde

Le 25 décembre, des forces de la défense territoriale, l’armée de réserve ukrainienne, s’entraînent à proximité de Kiev dans l’éventualité d’une attaque sur la capitale. SERGEI SUPINSKY/AFP

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Plusieurs crises géopolitiques majeures menacent l’équilibre international: l’acquisition de l’arme atomique par l’Iran, une agression russe de l’Ukraine ou chinoise de Taïwan mettraient les Occidentaux au pied du mur.

Certaines des crises qui guettent le monde, et donc la présidence française de l’Union européenne, en 2022, sont déjà annoncées. La première, le dossier nucléaire iranien, ne fait pas forcément la une des journaux. Elle menace pourtant le Moyen-Orient d’une véritable révolution.

Depuis l’élection d’un président ultraconservateur, en juin 2021, Téhéran a quitté les négociations et multiplié les violations du JCPOA, l’accord conclu avec la communauté internationale en juillet 2015 pour ralentir la marche iranienne vers la bombe. L’enrichissement de l’uranium a été poussé à des taux interdits par la communauté internationale, 20% et 60%. De nouvelles cascades de centrifugeuses ont été construites pour produire de l’uranium enrichi à 90%, dernière étape du programme d’enrichissement. L’Iran s’est aussi lancé dans la production d’uranium métal, destiné à fabriquer une coquille d’arme. «Les Iraniens ont avancé de manière irréversible en ce qui concerne l’enrichissement et la connaissance», résume un diplomate proche du dossier. La fermeture des frontières aux inspecteurs de l’Agence internationale de l’énergie atomique (AIEA), le gendarme mondial du nucléaire, a rendu la communauté internationale «aveugle» sur une partie du programme. En même temps qu’ils progressent au niveau technique, les Iraniens sabotent les négociations. Ils sont revenus à Vienne fin novembre, sous la pression de la communauté internationale, en ayant rayé 90% des progrès difficilement arrachés au printemps. Avant de repartir en pause de Noël jusqu’à la fin du mois de décembre. » | Par Isabelle Lasserre | lundi 27 décembre 2021

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'He Loved, He Laughed, He Cried': Desmond Tutu: In His Own Words – Video Obituary

Archbishop emeritus Desmond Tutu, the cleric and social activist who was a giant of the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, has died aged 90. Tutu, described by foreign observers and his countrymen as the moral conscience of his nation, died in Cape Town on Boxing Day.

Excitable, emotional and charismatic, Tutu won the Nobel peace prize in 1984 and chaired the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), the controversial and emotional hearings into apartheid-era human rights abuses. This is his life, in his own words

• Anti-apartheid hero Archbishop Desmond Tutu dies aged 90
• ‘A patriot without equal’: world mourns death of Desmond Tutu

A wonderful, saintly man. R.I.P. – Mark

LGBTQ+ Rights Ally Archbishop Desmond Tutu Dies at 90: “I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven. No, I would say, ‘Sorry, I would much rather go to the other place.’” »

Monday, December 27, 2021

Brexit: ‘The Biggest Disaster Any Government Has Ever Negotiated’

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: British cheesemaker says Brexit and subsequent trade deals have cost his firm £270,000

ABritish cheesemaker who predicted Brexit would cost him hundreds of thousands of pounds in exports has called the UK’s departure from the EU single market a disaster, after losing his entire wholesale and retail business in the bloc over the past year. Simon Spurrell, the co-founder of the Cheshire Cheese Company, said personal advice from a government minister to pursue non-EU markets to compensate for his losses had proved to be “an expensive joke”.

“It turns out our greatest competitor on the planet is the UK government because every time they do a fantastic deal, they kick us out of that market – starting with the Brexit deal,” he said.

Spurrell predicted in January that Brexit would cost him 250,000 in sales. “We lost £270,000, so I got one thing right,” he said, describing the post-Brexit EU trade deal as the “biggest disaster that any government has ever negotiated in the history of trade negotiations”.

His online retail business was hit immediately after the Brexit negotiator David Frost failed to secure a frictionless trade deal addressing sales to individual customers in the EU. » | Lisa O'Carroll Brexit Correspondent | Monday, December 27, 2021

Lionel Richie : You Are

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music | Views on YouTube: 1,713,037

George Michael : One More Try

Views on YouTube: 136,642,579

Argentine : deux alpinistes français recherchés dans les Andes

Une équipe de secouristes argentins s'est mise en ordre de marche après avoir reçu un signal satellitaire de détresse dimanche (image d'illustration). Marco Bertorello / AFP

LE FIGARO : Ils avaient entrepris l'ascension du pic enneigé du Ojos de Salado, considéré comme le plus haut volcan du monde à la frontière du Chili et de l'Argentine.

Des secouristes argentins étaient lundi 27 décembre à la recherche de deux alpinistes français qui seraient en difficulté face à des conditions météo difficiles dans le secteur du volcan andin Ojos del Salado, qui culmine à 6891 mètres d'altitude, a annoncé la police.

Les montagnards qui avaient entrepris son ascension ont envoyé un signal satellitaire de détresse et une équipe de secouristes de haute-montagne s'est mise en ordre de marche dimanche après-midi. Les secours se trouvaient dimanche soir à quelque 5500 m d'altitude, où ils ont installé un campement temporaire, avant la reprise des recherches aux premières heures lundi. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | lundi 27 décembre 2021

Dans les Andes, comment deux Français ont échappé à la mort sur le plus haut volcan du monde : RÉCIT - Les jeunes touristes qui s'essayaient à l'alpinisme ont été recueillis sains et saufs ce lundi en contrebas de cet emblématique sommet andin qui culmine à presque 7000 mètres d'altitudes. »


La grandeur indomptable de la haute montagne : MA NUIT DANS UN LIEU ATYPIQUE - Dans les hauteurs froides et minérales, la nuit au cœur du massif des Écrins se voulait contemplative. La force des éléments l'a rendue violente. »

Schwule Väter - 2 Kinder und noch ein Baby | SWR Doku

Dec 27, 2021 • Johnny und Stefan haben sich als schwules Paar einen Traum erfüllt - sie sind Eltern geworden. Mit Hilfe einer Leihmutter in den USA haben sie vor 4 Jahren Zwillinge bekommen: Amalia und Aurelio sind ihre leiblichen Kinder. Und die Familie wird nochmal größer. Leihmutter Robin war bereit für eine weitere Schwangerschaft.

Die SWR-Reportage begleitet Johnny, Stefan und ihre beiden Kinder in ihrem stressigen, aber schönen Familien-Alltag. Jetzt wird alles anders. Jonny und Stefan entschließen sich, ein weiteres Kind zu bekommen. Die Zuschauer:innen erleben ihre Reise nach Amerika unter Corona-Bedingungen, die Geburt des Kindes und die neue Situation zuhause. Wie kommen sie zu fünft klar? Wie gehen die Geschwister miteinander um? Wo bleibt die Partnerschaft zwischen Johnny und Stefan?

Während Stefans Eltern in Oberschwaben die queere Familie längst akzeptiert haben, gibt es in Jonnys Familie Ablehnung. In einem Familienurlaub in Italien sucht Johnny Akzeptanz und Annäherung zu seinen Verwandten.

Die Reportage zeigt auch schmerzhafte Konflikte und wirft Fragen auf: Wie können homosexuelle Paare eine Familie gründen? Viele wünschen sich leibliche Kinder und verwirklichen das mit Hilfe einer Samenspende bzw. Leihmutterschaft. In Deutschland ist das gesetzlich bisher nicht erlaubt. Daher weichen viele ins Ausland aus - in die USA, nach Osteuropa und Asien. Das kann Hunderttausende Euro kosten oder geschieht oft unter fragwürdigen Umständen.

"Regenbogenfamilien" sind inzwischen gesellschaftliche Realität, aber nicht unbedingt angekommen in den Köpfen vieler Menschen.

Es gibt noch viel Skepsis: Können Homosexuelle überhaupt Kinder großziehen? Fehlt da nicht die Mutter/der Vater? Was wird den Kindern zugemutet? Ist das medizinisch Machbare auch das moralisch Richtige oder bereits ein zweifelhafter Eingriff in die Natur? Und ist Leihmutterschaft nur etwas für Reiche?

Diese Doku von Almuth Röhrl aus der SWR-Reihe "Mensch Leute" trägt den Originaltitel: Schwule Väter - 2 Kinder und noch ein Baby, Ausstrahlungsdatum: 20.12.21.

Keshet [Rainbow] : LGBTQ Jews

Transcript: "Many of us feel that we can only show one side of ourselves in order to be accepted in Jewish spaces or in BIPOC [definition] spaces or in queer spaces. Keshet is unique in that it rolls out the rainbow carpet for each of us, with the explicit message that we are welcome and wanted in our fullness. In a world where we might otherwise feel that we have to hide parts of ourselves, Keshet not only welcomes each individual as holy but also creates a space where we can come together in celebration of our Judaism, to find our people, to revel in a sense of belonging. I am proud and honored to be a part of Keshet and I cannot wait to see what the future brings."

Jakobus der Herrenbruder #2 | Die Geburt des Christentums | Doku | ARTE

Dec 31, 2020 • Jesus rechnete mit dem Reich Gottes zu seinen Lebzeiten, Nachfolger kümmerten ihn nicht. Dennoch scheint Jakobus – auch „Bruder des Herrn“ genannt – in den Jahren nach Jesu Tod sein gebührender Nachfolger zu sein. Wie kam das? Hatte Jesus eigentlich Geschwister? Und warum hielt ihn seine Familie für verrückt?

Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 03/12/2022

Teil 1.

Mort de Desmond Tutu : la grande émotion

Dec 27, 2021 • De nombreux Sud-Africains se sont réunis devant la cathédrale Saint-Georges, paroisse de l'ex-archevêque Desmond Tutu, après l’annonce de sa mort dimanche à 90 ans.

Liens connexes

Die Geburt des Christentums #1 | Doku | ARTE

Dec 13, 2020 • Jesus wollte keine Kirche gründen. Er wollte die Erneuerung und Befreiung Israels. Um das Jahr 30 wird Jesus in Jerusalem hingerichtet. Drei Jahrhunderte später wird das Christentum zur Staatsreligion des Imperium Romanum. Eine Staatskirche. Wie konnte es dazu kommen? Welche Rolle spielte Petrus, der sich nach Jesu Tod an die Spitze der Anhänger Jesu stellte?

Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 03/12/2022

Teil 2.

Dimitra’s Dishes : Greek New Year’s Sweet Bread: Vasilopita

Get the recipe here.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu (1931-2021) on Apartheid, War, Palestine, Guantánamo, Climate Crisis & More

Dec 27, 2021


Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 27, 2021

Toll! Liebe und Zuneigung sind hier deutlich sichtbar.

Great! Love and affection are plain to see here. / Super ! L'amour et l'affection sont clairement visibles ici.

Vielen Dank an letty ✨ on Twitter für dieses schöne und ausdrucksvolle Foto.

Richard Chamberlain: Coming Out at 68, No Big Deal

Jul 11, 2014 • Television actor Richard Chamberlain, author of the memoir Shattered Love, describes how "impossible" it was to be homosexual in Hollywood in the 1950s, and why coming out at 68 ended the "bullshit."

The Story of Julius Caesar's Murder | Tony Robinson's Romans: Julius Caesar Pt 2 | Timeline

Apr 28, 2018 • Julius Caesar is one of the monumental figures of history. He forged the role of Emperor and was worshipped as a brilliant general and reformer, but he was killed by the people who knew him best.

Julius Caesar's Rise to the Republic | Tony Robinson's Romans | Timeline

Apr 26, 2018 • Julius Caesar is one of the monumental figures of history. He forged the role of Emperor and was worshipped as a brilliant general and reformer, but he was killed by the people who knew him best.

Jesus Statue Smashed in Spate of Attacks on India’s Christian Community

THE GUARDIAN: Amid growing intolerance to India’s Christian minority, several Christmas events were targeted by Hindu right wing groups

Christian devotees pray at a Church to celebrate Christmas in Guwahati, Assam. Violence against Christians is growing in India Photograph: David Talukdar/NurPhoto/REX/Shutterstock

Festive celebrations were disrupted, Jesus statues were smashed and effigies of Santa Claus were burned in a spate of attacks on India’s Christian community over Christmas.

Amid growing intolerance and violence against India’s Christian minority, who make up about 2% of India’s population, several Christmas events were targeted by Hindu right wing groups, who alleged Christians were using festivities to force Hindus to convert.

In recent years, Christians have increasingly faced harassment around Christmas but this year saw a notable surge in attacks.

In Agra in Uttar Pradesh, members of right wing Hindu groups burned effigies of Santa Claus outside missionary-led schools and accused Christian missionaries of using Christmas celebrations to lure people in. » | Hannah Ellis-Petersen in Delhi | Monday, December 27, 2021

Sunday, December 26, 2021

One Year On, Most Voters Say Brexit Has Gone Badly

THE OBSERVER: An Opinium poll also found that 42% of people who voted Leave in 2016 had a negative view of how it had turned out

Brexit. Photograph: Lenscap/Alamy

More than six out of 10 voters believe Brexit has either gone badly or worse than they expected – a year after the UK left the EU, according to an anniversary poll for the Observer.

The Opinium survey – coming a week after the minister in charge of Brexit, Lord Frost, resigned from Boris Johnson’s government – also found that 42% of people who voted Leave in 2016 had a negative view of how Brexit had turned out so far.

26% of Leave supporters said it had gone worse than they expected, while 16% of those who voted for Brexit said they had expected it to go badly and had been proved right.

Among people who voted Remain, 86% said it had gone badly or worse than they expected. Overall, just 14% of all voters said Brexit had gone better than expected. » | Toby Helm | Saturday, December 25, 2021

The penny is slowly dropping that the electorate have made a grave mistake in voting for Brexit. Increasingly, they will come to realise that they have been led up the garden path by chancers and the few politicians at the top seeking to line their own pockets at the expense of the many. Brexit was, is, and will remain a stupid idea. – © Mark

Carols from King's 2016 | #12 "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear" - Choir of King's College, Cambridge

I am re-posting this beautiful Christmas carol because the version I put up originally was taken down by the person that posted it on YouTube. Another ‘Christian’ who doesn’t understand Jesus’ message or Christianity! Let’s hope for better luck this time. – © Mark

Machtwechsel in Afghanistan: Taliban wollen Musik und Frauen ohne Hijabs aus Autos verbannen

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: In Afghanistan haben die Taliban im August 2021 die Macht übernommen. Viele Staaten haben ihre Landsleute und lokalen Mitarbeiter unter teilweise dramatischen Umständen evakuiert. Die Lage im Land ist unübersichtlich.

Wer in Afghanistan Auto fährt, soll dazu weder Musik hören noch eine Frau ohne Hijab als Passagieren mitnehmen. Dies heisst es in einem Schreiben des Ministeriums zur Erhaltung der Tugend und Unterdrückung des Lasters, das an Autofahrer verteilt wurde. Der Sprecher des Ministeriums, Mohammed Sadik Asif, bestätigte am Sonntag (26. 12.) die Direktive. Wie genau der Hijab aussehen soll, geht aus der Anordnung nicht hervor. Die regierenden Taliban verstehen darunter in der Regel nicht die Bedeckung von Haaren und Hals, sondern einen Umhang von Kopf bis Fuss. Die neusten Entwicklungen: » | NZZ-Redaktion | Sonntag, 26. Dezember 2021

Desmond Tutu, Whose Voice Helped Slay Apartheid, Dies at 90

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The archbishop, a powerful force for nonviolence in South Africa’s anti-apartheid movement, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984.

Desmond M. Tutu at Washington National Cathedral in 1984. The archbishop was a spellbinding preacher, assuring his parishioners of God’s love while exhorting them to follow the path of nonviolence in their struggle. | Associated Press

Desmond M. Tutu, the cleric who used his pulpit and spirited oratory to help bring down apartheid in South Africa and then became the leading advocate of peaceful reconciliation under Black majority rule, died on Sunday in Cape Town. He was 90.

His death was confirmed by the office of South Africa’s president, Cyril Ramaphosa, who called the archbishop “a leader of principle and pragmatism who gave meaning to the biblical insight that faith without works is dead.”

The cause of death was cancer, the Desmond and Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation said, adding that Archbishop Tutu had died in a care facility. He was first diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1997, and was hospitalized several times in the years since, amid recurring fears that the disease had spread.

As leader of the South African Council of Churches and later as Anglican archbishop of Cape Town, Archbishop Tutu led the church to the forefront of Black South Africans’ decades-long struggle for freedom. His voice was a powerful force for nonviolence in the anti-apartheid movement, earning him a Nobel Peace Prize in 1984. » | Marilyn Berger | Sunday, December 26, 2021

Desmond Tutu, South Africa's Nobel Peace winner, dies at 90: Desmond Tutu, South Africa’s Nobel Peace Prize-winning activist for racial justice and LGBT rights, has died at 90 »

Desmond Tutu’s long history of fighting for lesbian and gay rights »

Desmond Tutu kämpfte sein Leben lang für Gerechtigkeit und blieb bis zuletzt ein Quälgeist für die Mächtigen: Desmond Tutu war neben Nelson Mandela der grosse Held Südafrikas, für das er den Traum der Regenbogennation am Leben erhielt. Tutu hatte unermüdlich zum Sturz des Apartheidregimes beigetragen – und legte sich danach unverändert vehement mit den neuen Mächtigen an. Er starb am Sonntag im Alter von 90 Jahren in Kapstadt. »

Ein Architekt des neuen Südafrika: Mit unbedingtem Willen zur Aussöhnung: Der Erzbischof Tutu bekam den Friedensnobelpreis für seine Bemühungen um das Ende der Apartheid. Er blieb ein scharfer Kritiker des ANC. Im Alter von 90 Jahren ist er gestorben. »

Décès du Nobel de la Paix Desmond Tutu : les hommages se multiplient : Le président sud-africain Cyril Ramaphosa a exprimé «sa profonde tristesse» après le décès de ce «patriote sans égal». Emmanuel Macron a salué son combat «pour la fin de l'apartheid et la réconciliation sud-africaine». »

Desmond Tutu, infatigable pourfendeur de l'apartheid et des injustices : DISPARITION - L'archevêque, Prix Nobel de la Paix, s'est battu sans relâche contre le système ségrégationniste, puis contre les injustices qui traversent son pays. Il est décédé ce dimanche à l'âge de 90 ans. »

Édith Piaf: Ohne Liebe ist man nichts | Doku HD (Reupload) | ARTE

Dec 26, 2021 • Edith Piaf : Eine der größten Legenden des französischen Chansons.

Ce documentaire est disponible en français ici.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing | Descant: David Willcocks | Carols from King's 2021

I am re-posting this Christmas carol because the original version was nixed. Some so-called Christian, I suppose, who understands diddly about the real meaning of Christianity took it down! Let us see how long this recording remains up! Let us see just how Christian these people really are! Homophobia has no place in true Christian teaching. Ask yourselves one simple question: For whom did Christ really come? – © Mark

The Queen's Christmas Broadcast 2021 | BBC

The Queen strikes a hopeful tone in personal Christmas message: Monarch speaks of the death of Prince Philip, and encourages the nation to see the joy in simple things »

Elizabeth II apporte une dimension personnelle à son message de Noël : La reine a déclaré que si Noël était un moment de bonheur pour beaucoup, il pouvait être difficile pour ceux qui ont perdu des proches, une peine qu’elle dit comprendre tout particulièrement cette année, marquée par la disparition du prince Philip. »

How Ralph Lauren Changed the World | Game Changers | ENDVR Documentary

Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht - Der größte Chor Österreichs sang Stille Nacht am Stadtplatz Steyr | Dec 12, 2018

Coming Out - Cole Rassmussen

Elīna Garanča & Karel Mark Chichon – Adam: 'Cantique de Noël'

Dec 8, 2014 • Elīna Garanča performs Adam's "Cantique de Noel" from her album "Meditation". She presents a beautiful selection of spiritual music dedicated to the eternal search and longing for inner peace. Elīna Garanča is joined on this recording by her husband, the well-known Gibraltan conductor Karel Mark.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Stille Nacht | Silent Night | Dresden Choir | Dresdner Kreuzchor

O Come, All Ye Faithful | Adeste Fideles at Westminster Abbey

Dec 26, 2013

Kings College Choir: In the Bleak Midwinter

A Christmas Message

Image : Adobe Stock

Christmas, as wonderful and joyous a time of year as it can be, for many it can also be poignant and sad, especially for people who have lost loved ones. In the commercial frenzy that often accompanies the build-up to the festive season, it is easy to forget that many people suffer at this time of year. Our thoughts should be with them.

Marginalised people, as gays can often be, especially older gays, are frequently very lonely. This can be an especially challenging time of the year for them. Since the loss of my own partner in 2016, I am myself no stranger to loneliness; so, I understand how difficult this time of year can be for so many people, whether gay or straight. Loneliness is no respecter of age, class or social standing. Money doesn’t buy good company. Further, many young gays who have been rejected by their families can suffer just as much as older people can. Please spare a thought for young gays, too; especially gays who have come out and who have been rejected by their families just for being true to themselves.

We are all living through especially difficult times since the start of this ‘forever’ pandemic. So, all we can do is do our very best to stay safe and healthy. It is my sincere hope that you ALL stay healthy and safe. Then we need to hope and pray for better times ahead.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support. As I have told you before, it means a lot to me. I can only hope that my blog posts bring you all as much pleasure as your visits bring me.

With my best wishes to you all for Christmas. / Avec mes vœux chaleureux pour Noël. / Mit den herzlichsten Wünschen zu Weihnachten.


Merry Christmas! Frohe Weihnachten! Joyeux Noël !

Image : Adobe Stock

Queen's Christmas Message Expected to Be Personal

A photograph of the Queen and Prince Philip is in view in the Christmas message | VICTORIA JONES

BBC: The Queen is expected to give a very personal Christmas message this year, in her first Christmas since the death of her husband Prince Philip.

The annual broadcast was recorded last week, before the Queen's decision to stay in Windsor Castle because of concerns about the pandemic.

There are not any Christmas day public appearances expected from the Queen.

But she was said to be in "good form" by Buckingham Palace aides and needed few takes to complete the recording.

The traditional Christmas day message, to be screened at 15:00 GMT on Saturday, is an address to the nation and to the Commonwealth, reflecting on the passing year. » | Sean Coughlan, BBC News royal correspondent | Thursday, December 23, 2021

Mit der Übernahme von Selfridges landen die Globus-Eigentümer einen Coup

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die britische Selfridges gilt als Juwel unter den Luxuswarenhäusern. Die bisherigen Eigentümer haben entschieden, sie an Signa und Central zu verkaufen. Das österreichisch-thailändische Joint Venture wird damit zu einem weltweit führenden Player in der Branche.

Die britische Selfridges-Gruppe ist für Investoren aus verschiedenen Gründen hochattraktiv. | Jason Alden / Bloomberg


Die österreichische Signa-Gruppe von René Benko und die thailändische Central Group übernehmen zusammen die in Europa domizilierten Luxuswarenhäuser der britischen Selfridges-Gruppe. Mit diesem Deal landen die beiden Partner, die 2020 gemeinsam bereits Globus gekauft haben, einen veritablen Coup. Denn Selfridges, unter deren Dach unter anderem 18 Nobelwarenhäuser für Investoren aus verschiedenen Gründen hochattraktiv.

Zum einen sind da die Warenhäuser selber, die einen exzellenten Ruf haben und für Branchenverhältnisse allesamt sehr profitabel sind. Die Marke Selfridges ist gewissermassen der Inbegriff des modernen, dynamischen Premium-Warenhauses, das nicht nur vermögende Touristen anzieht und von seiner Geschichte lebt, sondern das auch bei einer jüngeren, lokalen Käuferschaft beliebt ist. » | Andrea Martel | Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2021

Selfridges sold as part of £4bn deal: Deal with Thai and Austrian firms includes the four UK stores and raises hopes for Oxford Street redevelopment »

Selfridges sale one more chapter in luxury brand’s rollercoaster history: Since the first store thrilled London shoppers in 1909, the chain has passed from US to UK, Canadian and now Thai/Austrian ownership »

René Benko »

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Aretha Franklin : I Say A Little Prayer | Official Lyric Video

It’s Time to Boogie!

Justin Timberlake : Can't Stop The Feeling | Stormtroopers Dance Moves & More | Tradução, HQ

Capitalism Hits Home: Addiction and Desperation

It is sad, very sad, that BoJo and his band of merry clowns are trying to emulate the appalling American ‘healthcare system’ here in the UK! Followers of BoJo and his buddies are being fooled into believing that the American healthcare system is superior. It is NOT! It is very inferior indeed. I know that from personal and sad experience. I say this NOT as a friend of socialism; I am NOT. But I can assure you that, based on my sad experience(s), the American healthcare system is INFERIOR. Don’t be fooled! – © Mark

Orient-Express, le voyage d'une légende | ARTE

Dec 21, 2021 • Symbole de luxe et d'aventure, l’Orient-Express a ouvert une nouvelle voie entre l’Occident et l’Orient. Mata Hari, Joséphine Baker ou Agatha Christie, qui lui dédia un roman, contribuèrent à sa légende. Plongée dans les secrets d'un train mythique. Paris, le 4 octobre 1883. L’Orient-Express quitte la gare de Strasbourg (future gare de l’Est) pour son premier voyage vers Constantinople (aujourd'hui Istanbul).

Le Tout-Paris est venu assister à l’inauguration en grande pompe de ce palace sur rail. Relier la capitale française à celle de l’Empire ottoman est le pari fou d’un entrepreneur belge, Georges Nagelmackers, fondateur de la Compagnie internationale des wagons-lits, fasciné par les fastueuses voitures-couchettes de l’Américain George Pullman.

La création, en 1869, de la première ligne transcontinentale américaine inspire ce train de luxe européen à l'homme d'affaires, qui rêve d’unir les peuples au-delà des frontières. Dans les couloirs feutrés de l'Orient-Express vont se côtoyer diplomates, politiciens, artistes, têtes couronnées, négociants, espions et femmes fatales. Mata Hari, Joséphine Baker ou Agatha Christie, qui lui dédie un roman, contribueront à sa légende.

De Paris à Istanbul, en passant par Munich, Vienne et les Balkans, il a été le témoin de l’histoire et des soubresauts géopolitiques des XIXe et XXe siècles. Seul train à pouvoir franchir le rideau de fer, il convoie ainsi pendant la guerre froide les exilés économiques ou politiques fuyant les régimes de l’Est. Mais la démocratisation des voyages en avion lui porte un coup fatal, et le service régulier s'arrête en 1977.

À la recherche du train perdu Nourri des recherches et des témoignages d’historiens, d'écrivains, de passionnés de trains anciens, ce documentaire retrace une tumultueuse épopée, entre gloire, déclin et ruine.

Pour revivre cette longue histoire, le réalisateur suit le parcours d’Arthur Mettetal, historien chercheur en patrimoine industriel, en quête des wagons de l'Orient-Express disséminés à travers l'Europe, et qui parvient à retrouver une rame de treize voitures, abandonnée aux confins de la Pologne et de la Biélorussie.

S’appuyant sur des images d’archives, des reconstitutions et des scènes de fiction tournées dans d’authentiques voitures, un voyage passionnant au cœur de la légende, entre mythe et réalité. Orient-Express, le voyage d'une légende.

Documentaire de Louis Pascal Couvelaire (France, 2018, 1h23mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 04/01/2022

Seong-Jin Cho : Piano Concerto in E minor, Op. 11 | Final Stage of the Chopin Competition 2015

How Stonewall Became Famous | Op-Docs

A Gay Mormon Love Story: Elder | Op-Docs | The New York Times

Brandon Spevak | Rearranging Everything Comfortable in My Life

Premiered Aug 11, 2021

Wie in der Mitte des Lebens Neues wagen? | Autor Bas Kast | Sternstunde Philosophie | SRF Kultur

Exprimez votre amour ! Nullement intimidé !

Photograph: Adobe Stock

Express your love! Unabashedly! / Drücken Sie Ihre Liebe aus! Ungeniert!

Ricciarelli : Typical Italian Christmas Almond and Orange Pastries – Quick, Easy & Gluten-free

Dec 18, 2020 • Ricciarelli are a classic Italian Christmas dessert. They are so soft that they melt in the mouth. They have a predominant flavor of Aamond and orange. The amount of sugar used has been reduced a little, though they are still sweet!


400 g almond flour
150 g sugar
70 g corn starch / [cornflour]
1 orange
Extra] 60 g sugar for the orange spread
30 ml of water
Juice of 1/2 an orange / 75-80 g
2 – 3 egg whites
1/2 vial of almond flavor

Dimitra’s Dishes : Gluten-free Almond & Orange Cake

Get the recipe here.

Emigrating to Germany? I Documentary | December 2021

Putin Accuses West of ‘Coming with Its Missiles to Our Doorstep’

THE GUARDIAN: Russian president again voices anger at Nato expansion and says he would be prepared to intervene in Ukraine

‘They keep telling us: war, war, war’: Vladimir Putin during the press conference on Thursday.Photograph: Natalia Kolesnikova/AFP/Getty Images

Vladimir Putin has accused the west of “coming with its missiles to our doorstep” as he reiterated demands for no further Nato expansion in Europe.

The Russian president did little to reduce tensions over Ukraine as he spoke at a televised press conference, saying he would be prepared to launch an intervention if he felt Ukraine or its western allies were preparing an attack on Russia’s proxies in the country.

“They keep telling us: war, war, war,” Putin said on Thursday. “There is an impression that, maybe, they are preparing for the third military operation [in Ukraine] and give us a fair warning: do not intervene, do not protect these people but if you do intervene and protect them, there will be new sanctions. Perhaps, we should prepare for that.” » | Andrew Roth in Moscow | Thursday, December 23, 2021