Friday, December 24, 2021

A Christmas Message

Image : Adobe Stock

Christmas, as wonderful and joyous a time of year as it can be, for many it can also be poignant and sad, especially for people who have lost loved ones. In the commercial frenzy that often accompanies the build-up to the festive season, it is easy to forget that many people suffer at this time of year. Our thoughts should be with them.

Marginalised people, as gays can often be, especially older gays, are frequently very lonely. This can be an especially challenging time of the year for them. Since the loss of my own partner in 2016, I am myself no stranger to loneliness; so, I understand how difficult this time of year can be for so many people, whether gay or straight. Loneliness is no respecter of age, class or social standing. Money doesn’t buy good company. Further, many young gays who have been rejected by their families can suffer just as much as older people can. Please spare a thought for young gays, too; especially gays who have come out and who have been rejected by their families just for being true to themselves.

We are all living through especially difficult times since the start of this ‘forever’ pandemic. So, all we can do is do our very best to stay safe and healthy. It is my sincere hope that you ALL stay healthy and safe. Then we need to hope and pray for better times ahead.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support. As I have told you before, it means a lot to me. I can only hope that my blog posts bring you all as much pleasure as your visits bring me.

With my best wishes to you all for Christmas. / Avec mes vœux chaleureux pour Noël. / Mit den herzlichsten Wünschen zu Weihnachten.
