Sunday, May 07, 2017

'France Has Chosen Continuity' - Le Pen - BBC News

Defeated National Front leader Marine Le Pen told supporters that the country had chosen the "continuity candidate" in centrist Emmanuel Macron and wished her rival well.

James O'Brien vs Theresa May's Factless Brexit U-turn

L'Union européenne plébiscite Macron

LE FIGARO: De façon inhabituelle, les grandes capitales ont pris position pour le candidat d'En marche !.

L'Europe vote Emmanuel Macron. De Berlin à Madrid, d'Athènes à Rome, en passant par Bruxelles, les Européens ont pris position pour le candidat d'En marche!. «Je me réjouirai si Emmanuel Macron l'emporte, avoue franchement la chancelière Angela Merkel dans une interview au quotidien Berliner Zeitung. Sa campagne très pro-européenne est un signal en faveur d'une bonne relation entre la France et l'Allemagne.» Plus indirectement, le premier ministre espagnol Mariano Rajoy appelle les Français à voter pour soutenir le projet européen. L'Italien Paolo Gentiloni parle lui d'un espoir et choix «décisif» pour l'Union. Quant au président de la Commission européenne, Jean-Claude Juncker, il avait félicité le candidat d'En marche! dès le soir du premier tour. «Ce n'est pas une élection classique, explique son porte-parole Margaritis Schinas. Il y a d'un côté un candidat pour l'Europe, de l'autre l'option nucléaire. Dans ces cas-là, nous prenons position.» (+ vidéo) » | Par Isabelle Ory | vendredi 5 mai 2017

Will People Power Force Change in Venezuela? - Inside Story

Neonationaler Zeitgeist: Europa braucht eine Leitkultur

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Quer durch Europa beschwören Politiker die nationale Selbstbesinnung. Statt Unterschiede zu betonen, sollte lieber herausgestellt werden, was die Europäer bereits verbindet. Denn in vielem sind wir uns schon lange nah.

Wer sind wir? Was sind wir? Wer gehört dazu, wer nicht? Wie muss man sein, um dazuzugehören? Fragen, die derzeit viele Nationen beschäftigen.

Im französischen Wahlkampf (ab Sonntagabend werden die Resultate die halbe Welt beschäftigen) ging es nicht nur um Wirtschaftsreformen und die Mitgliedschaft in EU und Euro, sondern letztlich auch um sehr unterschiedliche Interpretationen des Französischseins. In Großbritannien rücken die bevorstehenden Brexit-Verhandlungen und die beginnenden Kampagnen für die Unterhauswahlen die englische Identität in den Mittelpunkt. In Polen ist eine nationalkonservative Regierung am Werk, in Ungarn beschwört Premier Viktor Orbán die angeblich uralten Traditionen des Magyarentums. Selbst in Deutschland ist erneut ein Streit darüber entbrannt, ob wir eine "Leitkultur" brauchen und was das eigentlich ist. » | Eine Kolumne von Henrik Müller | Sonntag, 7. Mai 2017

In Beijing Ballroom, Kushner Family Flogs $500,000 'Investor Visa' to Wealthy Chinese

THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD: BEIJING - The Kushner family came to the United States as refugees, worked hard and made it big - and if you invest in Kushner properties, so can you.

That was the message delivered Saturday by White House senior adviser Jared Kushner's sister to a ballroom full of wealthy Chinese investors, renewing questions about the Kushner family's business ties to China. Jared Kushner is married to Donald Trump's daughter, Ivanka.

Over several hours of slide shows and presentations, representatives from the Kushner family business urged Chinese citizens gathered at the Ritz-Carlton hotel to consider investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in a New Jersey real estate project to secure what's known as an investor visa.

But President Donald Trump's vow to crack down on immigration, as well as criticism from members of Congress, has led to questions about the future of a program known here as the "golden visa". » | Emily Rauhala | Sunday, May 7, 2017

Saturday, May 06, 2017

What Is At Stake in the French Election?

May. 06, 2017 - 3:42 - James Kirchick provides insight

Will Marine Le Pen Overcome Macron to Triumph in the French Elections?

As France's two oldest parties crash out of the first round of elections, SBS Dateline examines the working class town of Denain, whose residents could signal the nation's choice between the centre and far-right.

France Presidential Election: What are Macron's and Le Pen's CVs?

Iran Presidential Hopefuls Face-off in Second Election Debate

French Presidential Candidates Make Last Push for Votes

French presidential candidates make last push for votes. It's the final day of campaigning for French presidential candidates Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron. Voters are set to head to the polls on Sunday. Macron is still the favourite in the polls, but his rival remains confident that victory is within her reach. Al Jazeera’s Jonah Hull reports from Paris.

Friday, May 05, 2017

Islamophobia in the USA - Al Jazeera World

"Islamophobia in USA" is an investigation by Aljazeera Arabic correspondent Abdullah Elshamy into who and what's behind the rise of anti-Islamic feeling in the US – what they think, how they operate and where their funding comes from. The 11th September attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001 was a watershed moment in America's relationship with the Arab world. Amid the grief and US military response that followed, American fear of the threat of international terrorism grew.

George W Bush's so-called 'crusade' against what he labelled the 'axis of evil' fueled suspicion of the Middle East as a whole and as US military action increased and led to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, this fear turned into one of Arabs generally and Muslims in particular.

With the rise of ISIL and the way the mainstream American media reports on it, fear of Islam further increased, tending to demonise Muslims and portray them and their faith as dangerous and violent.

Donald Trump is a textbook fascist and we will see whether or not that translates into fascist policies.

Hank Johnson, Democratic Congressman of Georgia.

Elshamy's investigation uncovers a network of Islamophobic writers, campaigners, funders and politicians who combined to bring about the conditions in which Donald Trump would be elected President in November 2016.

As the Campaign Comes to a Close, Le Pen and Macron Keep an Eye on Abstention

The Bitter End: Presidential Campaign Closes in France

The Dark Side of France - People & Power

Last month more than seven and a half million French voters propelled the National Front's Marine Le Pen through to the final, second round of this year's presidential election on May 7.

Though recent opinion polls have consistently been against her getting past the centrist Emmanuel Macron to the Élysée Palace, the very fact that an openly xenophobic, anti-immigrant and anti-European Union politician is on the final ballot speaks to a great and troubling fracture in French society.

So how and why have so many people been persuaded to back her?

Though she has now, temporarily, stepped down as leader of her party, her affiliations are in no doubt.

The conundrum remains: how has someone who for years has been so identified with far-right chauvinism and exclusion managed to give her party an acceptable face and get within touching distance of the presidency?

French producers Charles Emptaz and Claire Billet, who usually spend their professional lives covering foreign stories far from home, were as puzzled by these questions as we were, so several weeks ago we sent them behind-the-scenes on the campaign trail to investigate.

Brad Pitt Mocks His Parents Speaking in Tongues; Talks Frustration With Christianity's 'Don'ts'

CHRISTIAN POST: Actor Brad Pitt, who has identified as an atheist despite his Baptist upbringing, opened up in a recent interview about how his parents moved toward the charismatic tradition, and about some of his frustrations with Christianity.

"We grew up First Baptist, which is the cleaner, stricter, by-the-book Christianity. Then, when I was in high school, my folks jumped to a more charismatic movement, which got into speaking in tongues and raising your hands and some goofy-a** [expletive]," Pitt told GQ magazine in an interview released on Wednesday.

When asked whether he witnessed the speaking of tongues himself, the actor replied:

"Yeah, come on. I'm not even an actor yet, but I know ... I mean the people, I know they believe it. I know they're releasing something. God, we're complicated. We're complicated creatures."

Pitt has left Christianity and is now an atheist, The Telegraph reported in 2015 in a separate interview with Pitt, where the actor said that since an early age, he was instilled "with all the Christian guilt about what you can and cannot, should and shouldn't do.” » | Stoyan Zeimov, Christian Post Reporter | Saturday, May 5, 2017

Radikale Koranverteilaktion «Lies!» : Gefährlich und unerwünscht

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG – KOMMENTAR: Der Zürcher Sicherheitsdirektor und Regierungsrat Mario Fehr will die umstrittene Koranverteilaktion «Lies!» verbieten. Das ist konsequent.

Das radikal-salafistische «Lies!»-Projekt lässt sich nicht mit Scientology oder evangelikalen Bibelaktionen vergleichen. Zwar treten auch sie regelmässig mit Standaktionen in grösseren Schweizer Städten in Erscheinung. Sie mögen mit problematischen Haltungen für Verärgerung sorgen, sie weisen im Gegensatz zu «Lies!» jedoch keinen kriminellen Hintergrund auf und machen keine Propaganda für terroristische Organisationen. » | von Fabian Baumgartner | Samstag, 5. Mai 2017

Hofer: Le Pen "ne peut pas gagner"

LE FIGARO: La cheffe de l'extrême droite française Marine Le Pen "ne peut pas gagner" dimanche la présidentielle, estime l'ancien candidat d'extrême droite à la présidentielle autrichienne Norbert Hofer, instruit par sa propre défaite au second tour en décembre.

Bien que considérant Emmanuel Macron comme une "personnalité peu fiable, qui ne donne pas beaucoup confiance", "je crois que Le Pen ne peut pas gagner", a déclaré M. Hofer à la chaîne privée autrichienne Servus TV.

"Si je devais parier aujourd'hui, je dirais que l'élection se soldera par 41 à 59 (%)", a ajouté ce représentant du Parti de la liberté d'Autriche (FPÖ), une formation alliée au parti Front national de Marine Le Pen.

Loin d'être une défaite, ce serait "le meilleur résultat de l'histoire" du FN à ce jour, a-t-il toutefois insisté, relevant: "Ceux qui ont perdu, ce sont les socialistes". » | Par Le avec AFP | samedi 5 mai 2017

Jean-Claude Juncker Says English Is 'Losing Importance' after Brexit as UK 'Abandons' Europe

THE TELEGRAPH: Jean-Claude Juncker has accused Britain of "abandoning" the EU and joked that the English language is "losing its importance in Europe" because of Brexit.

Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council, on Thursday warned Theresa May and Mr Juncker that Brexit negotiations could become "impossible" if they become "emotional".

However despite the call for calm Mr Juncker, the President of the European Commission, told a conference in the Italian city of Florence that Brexit is a "tragedy". (+ video) » | Steven Swinford, Deputy Political Editor | Friday, , May 5, 2017

The Trumpcare Disaster

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The House speaker, Paul Ryan, and other Republicans falsely accused Democrats of rushing the Affordable Care Act through Congress. On Thursday, in a display of breathtaking hypocrisy, House Republicans — without holding any hearings or giving the Congressional Budget Office time to do an analysis — passed a bill that would strip at least 24 million Americans of health insurance. » | The Editorial Board | Thursday, May 4, 2017

REPLAY - Watch the Full French Presidential Debate between Macron and Le Pen

Tale of Two Frances: The Presidential Race Seen from a Small Village

The France 24 Debate heads to Bonnelles, a village 45 km from Paris that sits astride the two sides of France which seem to be going head to head in the 2017 presidential election. On one side, the France of the cities and urban areas which are fully integrated into the globalised economy. On the other, the rural France that feels left behind and isolated. Sunday’s election between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron will determine which of these two Frances makes their voice heard. | Produced by Charles WENTE, François WIBAUX, Laure ABONNAT.

Wednesday, May 03, 2017

LE DÉBAT - Emmanuel Macron – Marine Le Pen – Élection Présidentielle 2017

Trumpcare Would Be ‘Tragedy for America’ – Congressman

The House GOP purportedly still lacks the votes to repeal and replace Obamacare. Republican leaders are weighing amendments they think will win over moderates who oppose the demands of the Freedom Caucus. Former Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Florida) joins “News with Ed” to describe the disastrous outcome he foresees should the US repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with so-called Trumpcare.

Face to Face: Le Pen, Macron Square Off In Final Debate

UK - PM Theresa May Says Brexit Warnings ‘Deliberately Timed To Affect’ UK Elections

Top US & World Headlines — May 3, 2017

Yanis Varoufakis On Brexit: 'How Can These Smart People Be So Deluded' - BBC Newsnight

Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek finance minister, resigned back in 2015 at the height of the crisis there. He has now written a book about the whole experience, Adults in the Room - and he spoke to Evan Davis about Brexit and the UK's general election.

Merkel Presses Putin On Gay Rights - BBC News

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to help protect gay rights. Activists say police in the republic of Chechnya have arrested and tortured dozens of gay people in a crackdown. Mrs Merkel raised the issue during her first visit to Russia since 2015, which saw her hold talks with Mr Putin at his summer residence in Sochi. Relations between the two nations have been strained over Syria and Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.

Brexit Talks Will Not Be Quick Or Painless, Says EU's Chief Negotiator

Michel Barnier says he hopes to reach an entente cordiale with UK and refuses to confirm reports of possible €100bn exit bill

Read the Guardian article here

French Presidential Elections: The Final Countdown

Sparking an Outrage: Saudi Arabia Elected to UN Commission on Women's Rights

Bahrain: Government Is Not Working for a Reconciliation

L’heure du choix : Emmanuel Macron face à Jean-Jacques Bourdin

Présidentielle: Macron dévoile ses trois premiers chantiers en cas de victoire »

Terror Attacks in France: A Gift to Marine Le Pen?

WIKIPEDIA: Gilles Kepel »

'The Chips Are Down': Theresa May Vows to Stand Firm against EU

Monday, May 01, 2017

Paris vor der Wahl: Verschiedene Welten | DW Deutsch

Die Bewohner der ärmeren Vierten und Vorstädte von Paris stimmen oft ganz anders ab als die in den vornehmen Quartiers. Doch der anstehende zweite Wahlgang könnte die beiden Welten näher zusammenrücken.

Le Pen and Macron Trade Barbs amid May Day Clashes

Juncker bei May: Das desaströse Brexit-Dinner

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Als EU-Kommissionspräsident Juncker mit der britischen Premierministerin May dinierte, hatten sie Wichtiges zu besprechen. Aber sie redeten aneinander vorbei. Am Ende sagte Juncker, er sei „zehnmal skeptischer als zuvor“. Es sollte ein Weckruf sein.

Jean-Claude Juncker hat schon viele schwierige Verhandlungen erlebt. Mit Alexis Tsipras rang der Präsident der Europäischen Kommission monatelang darum, dass Griechenland seine Pflichten erfüllt. Und mit Viktor Orbán streitet er seit der Flüchtlingskrise über europäische Solidarität. Juncker ist der Typ, der auch nach solchen Gesprächen, wenn allen die Köpfe qualmen, seinen Gesprächspartnern kumpelhaft auf die Schultern haut und sagt, man werde schon eine Lösung finden. Als der Kommissionspräsident am Mittwochabend den Amtssitz der britischen Premierministerin verließ, lag ein weiteres denkwürdiges Treffen hinter ihm. Er war freundlich empfangen worden, es war nie laut geworden, aber nach beschwichtigenden Worten war ihm nicht zumute. Juncker war tief schockiert, und er machte keinen Hehl daraus. „I’m leaving Downing Street ten times more skeptical than I was before“, sagte er seiner Gastgeberin zum Abschied. » | Von Thomas Gutschker | Montag, 1. Mai 2017

Tony Blair Announces His Return to Politics - and Hints at Starting a New Anti-Brexit Movement

THE TELEGRAPH: The Brexit vote has brought many unintended side effects - one of which is Tony Blair's return to politics, 20 years after he won a landslide general election.

As we head towards another of those - but this time with a Conservative government poised to take the victory - the former Prime Minister spoke of his ambitions to soften Brexit and "shape policy debate".

He told The Mirror: "This Brexit thing has given me a direct motivation to get more involved in the politics.

You need to get your hands dirty and I will." Read on and comment » | Helena Horton | Monday, May 1, 2017

France's May Day: Unions, Citizens Split Over Presidential Vote

Rodrigo Duterte Says He May Be Too Busy for White House Visit

THE NEW YORK TIMES: MANILA — President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines said on Monday that he might not accept President Trump’s invitation to visit the White House, because he was “tied up” with a busy schedule.

“I cannot make any definite promise,” Mr. Duterte said, adding, “I’m supposed to go to Russia, I’m also supposed to go to Israel.”

Mr. Trump’s invitation on Saturday to Mr. Duterte, an authoritarian leader who has been accused of ordering extrajudicial killings of drug suspects, drew criticism from human rights advocates, who said such a visit would amount to a White House endorsement of Mr. Duterte’s policies. Thousands of people have been gunned down in the Philippines since Mr. Duterte took office in June, promising a harsh crackdown on narcotics. » | Felipe Villamor | Monday, May 1, 2017

Sebastian Gorka to Leave White House amid Accusations of Links to Far-right

THE GUARDIAN: Briton, who previously worked for Fox News and Breitbart, had been hired to sit on an advisory panel created by Steve Bannon

Sebastian Gorka, an adviser to Donald Trump who has been under pressure over his links to Hungarian far-right groups, is leaving the White House.

A senior official said Gorka, a former counterterrorism analyst for Fox News who joined the administration as an adviser, will be leaving the White House in the coming days.

The official said that Gorka had initially been hired to sit on the strategic initiatives group, an advisory panel created by Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon to run parallel to the national security council.

But that group fizzled out in the early months of the administration. Gorka was unable to get clearance for the national security council after he was charged last year with carrying a weapon at Ronald Reagan Washington national airport. » | Guardian staff and agencies | Monday, May 1, 2017

Jean-Claude Juncker Says Theresa May Is 'Deluded' in Scathing Call with Angela Merkel after Brexit Talks

THE TELEGRAPH: The European Union has warned that it is "more likely than not" that Brexit talks will fail after Jean Claude Juncker accused Theresa May of being "deluded" in the wake of a tense Downing Street dinner.

The President of the European Commission launched a scathing attack on Mrs May after the meeting on Wednesday last week, the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung reported.

He reportedly claimed during the meeting that Brexit "cannot be a success" and threatened to end talks without a trade deal if Britain refuses to pay a "divorce" bill.

The Prime Minister said that the UK is not legally obliged to pay the EU anything as it leaves the EU. Mr Juncker and his colleagues responded by saying that Britain cannot simply cancel its membership of the EU as if it was a "golf club". Read on and comment » | Helena Horton and Steven Swinford, Deputy Political Editor | Monday, May 1, 2017

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Macron vs. Le Pen: France's Bitter Presidential Run-off Race

France's Wartime Past Takes Centre Stage in Presidential Campaign

What’s Making the French Youth Vote for Extremist Parties?

Angela Merkel Arrives without Headscarf in Saudi Arabia for Talks with King Salman

THE INDEPENDENT: Theresa May also eschewed the strict dress code for women when she arrived in Riyadh

German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrived in Saudi Arabia without a headscarf for talks with the oil-rich kingdom's monarch. Ms Merkel was greeted by King Salman and other top officials upon her arrival at the western city of Jiddah. Like other recent female Western visitors, the German Chancellor did not cover her hair upon arrival in the conservative Islamic kingdom. Read on and comment » | Samuel Osborne | Sunday, April 30, 2017

Le Pens Euro-Kehrtwende: Au revoir, "Frexit"!

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Marine Le Pen verabschiedet sich von ihrem wichtigsten Wahlversprechen - der Abkehr vom Euro. Die Front-National-Chefin hofft wohl, so EU-Freund und Konkurrent Emmanuel Macron in der Stichwahl abzufangen.

"Frankreich seine Souveränität zurückgeben - bei Geldpolitik, Gesetzgebung, territorialer und wirtschaftlicher Verantwortung": Der Rückzug auf die Nation gehört zum Credo von Marine Le Pen und ziert als Punkt Nummer eins ihre 144 Wahlversprechen für ein "freies Frankreich."

Die Abkehr von der Gemeinschaft, der Bruch mit dem Euro - es waren bislang zentrale Kernaussagen im Programm der rechtspopulistischen Präsidentschaftskandidatin des Front National (FN). Brüssel und die "Herrschaft der Technokraten" waren die Urheber aller Übel der Nation; der Euro ein Symbol der ökonomischen "Unterwerfung" unter den Dirigismus von Angela Merkel. » | Von Stefan Simons, Paris | Sonntag, 30. April 2017

Trump Trolls White House Correspondents' Dinner

Donald Trump mocks members of the media attending the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in Washington DC during a rally in Pennsylvania. ‘A large group of Hollywood actors and Washington media are consoling each other in a hotel ballroom in our nation’s capital right now,’ Trump says, to cheers. The US president Trump says he ‘could not possibly be more thrilled to be more than 100 miles away from Washington swamp, spending my evening with all of you and a much, much larger crowd and much better people’

Read the Guardian article here

Iranian TV Executive Shot Dead in Istanbul, Turkish Media Report

THE GUARDIAN: Saeed Karimian, founder of Farsi-language network GEM TV, reportedly shot dead along with his Kuwaiti business partner

The Iranian founder of a popular Farsi-language satellite television network has been shot dead in Istanbul alongside a Kuwaiti business partner, according to Turkish media, months after reportedly being convicted of spreading “propaganda” against the Islamic Republic.

GEM TV founder Saeed Karimian was travelling through Istanbul’s Maslak neighbourhood after 8pm (1700 GMT) on Saturday when the car was blocked by a Jeep and shots were fired, Turkey’s Doğan news agency said on Sunday.

Karimian was found dead by emergency services. His associate was taken to hospital but could not be revived. » | Reuters | Sunday, April 30, 2017

EU Threatens Theresa May on Trade Talks and Its Citizens' Rights

THE GUARDIAN: European leaders take hard line on Brexit at special summit, agreeing unanimously on rigid stance in just four minutes

The European Union has called on Theresa May to provide immediate “serious and real” guarantees to its citizens living in Britain. The EU leaders took just four minutes at a special summit to agree unanimously an uncompromising opening stance in the Brexit negotiations.

Leaders said they would not discuss a future trade deal with the British government until “sufficient progress” is made on the issues of Britain’s estimated €60bn divorce bill, the rights of EU nationals in the UK, and the border in Ireland.

The European commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, told reporters at the special summit in Brussels that EU citizens in Britain were the number one priority, and that he had discussed the need for Britain to now live up to its warm words regarding EU citizens during a dinner with the prime minister in Downing Street last week. » | Daniel Boffey in Brussels | Saturday, April 29, 2017

What Change Has Trump Brought to Washington? - Inside Story

Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States with fewer votes than his opponent. And his approval ratings after 100 days are lower than any previous president. Critics say it's been a chaotic and controversial start...but consistent with his electioneering. He's failed to fulfil some campaign promises and had to change his mind on others. And he's surprised the world with direct U.S. intervention in the Syrian conflict and his warnings to North Korea. He did say he wanted to shake up Washington, and by all accounts he has. But where is he going to take the United States, and the rest of the world, over the next four years? | Presenter: Jane Dutton | Guests: John Hudak, Deputy Director at the Center for Effective Public Management at the Brookings Institution; Raisa Sheynberg, Former Director for International Economic Affairs at the National Security Council at The White House, under the Obama administration; Brad Thomas, Author of "The Trump Factor"

Brexit: EU-Kommission befürchtet Scheitern der Verhandlungen

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: In Brüssel hält man ein Scheitern der Gespräche für wahrscheinlicher als einen Erfolg. Die britische Regierungschefin May stellte bei einem Treffen mit Kommissionschef Juncker aus EU-Sicht vollkommen überzogene Forderungen.

In der EU-Kommission herrscht große Skepsis über einen erfolgreichen Abschluss der Brexit-Verhandlungen mit dem Vereinigten Königreich. Grund dafür ist der Verlauf des Treffens zwischen Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker und der britischen Premierministerin Theresa May am vergangenen Mittwoch in London. » | von Thomas Gutschker | Sonntag, 30. April 2017

Bundesinnenminister: „Wir sind nicht Burka“

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Innenminister Thomas de Maizière stellt zehn Thesen zu einer deutschen Leitkultur auf. Dazu zählt er den Leistungsgedanken, das Erbe der deutschen Geschichte – und dass Frauen ihr Gesicht zeigen.

Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) hat einen Zehn-Punktekatalog für eine deutsche Leitkultur vorgelegt. „Ich will mit einigen Thesen zu einer Diskussion einladen über eine Leitkultur für Deutschland“, schreibt de Maizière in einem Gastbeitrag für die „Bild am Sonntag“. Wer sich seiner eigenen Kultur sicher sei, sei stark. De Maizière führt zehn Eigenschaften auf … » | Quelle: dpa/KNA/spo. | Sonntag, 30. April 2017

Les images fortes du séjour du pape François en Égypte

LE FIGARO: EN IMAGES - Au second jour de sa visite en Égypte, le pape François célébrait une messe alors que les chrétiens d'Orient sont visés par l'État islamique. La veille, il plaidait pour la tolérance et le dialogue entre musulmans et chrétiens.

Le pontife, âgé de 80 ans, s'est rendu ce samedi au stade de l'armée de l'air égyptienne, d'une capacité de 30.000 places, pour prononcer une homélie et prier avec les fidèles. Un rassemblement religieux qui réunissait tous les rites catholiques du pays, notamment les églises copte, arménienne, maronite et melkite, et dont la liturgie était en arabe et en latin. » | Par Le et AFP agence | samedi 29 avril 2017

Marine Le Pen Takes Her Fight to the Right as Macron Dips in Polls

THE TELEGRAPH: Marine Le Pen took her fight for the French presidency to the Right-wing Riviera bastion of Nice last night slamming Emmanuel Macron as a puppet of "oligarchs" whose aim is to destroy and "dilute" France.

Her claim came as one poll suggested that Mr Macron's lead had slightly shrunk ahead of the May 7 runoff.

"We can win," Ms Le Pen told 4,000 tricolour flag-waving supporters at the Nice rally. "Throw them out! We are David against Goliath."

The far-Right contender spent the first first three days after Sunday's first round vote wooing French workers - many of whom had voted for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the Communist-backed firebrand. » | Henry Samuel, Nice | Thursday, April 27, 2017

Saturday, April 29, 2017

100 Tage Trump: Die Absurdität als Alltag

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Donald Trumps erste drei Amtsmonate waren chaotisch und konfus. Eines ist klar geworden: Er ist ein demokratiefeindlicher Plutokrat - und lernt jetzt langsam, seine Macht anzuwenden.

Seinen 100. Tag als Präsident wird Donald Trump dort feiern, wo er sich am wohlsten fühlt - im Kreise ekstatischer Anhänger. Und zwar in Harrisburg, der Hauptstadt Pennsylvanias, das er im November knapp gewann: Auf einer Großkundgebung will er sich feiern lassen. Sein Wahlkampf geht nie zu Ende.

Wie dieser Wahlkampf waren auch seine ersten drei Monate: chaotisch, konfus, betäubend - ein tägliches Schleudertrauma zwischen "Im Ernst?" und "Wird schon". Eine Bilanz fällt schwer. Was zählt, was nicht, was bleibt? » | Ein Kommentar von Marc Pitzke, New York | Samstag, 29. April 2017

Si Marine Le Pen est élue présidente, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan sera son premier ministre

LE FIGARO: La candidate du Front national, qui a obtenu vendredi le ralliement du dirigeant de Debout la France, a justifié ce choix au nom du «patriotisme» et du «projet commun»

La candidate du Front national Marine Le Pen a annoncé samedi qu'en cas d'élection à la présidence, elle nommerait Nicolas Dupont-Aignan comme premier ministre, lors d'une conférence de presse commune avec le président de Debout la France qui l'a ralliée la veille. Louant l'ex-candidat souverainiste, «un patriote», pour son soutien, et se disant «fière de cette alliance» pour «défendre main dans la main un projet commun» en vue du second tour, Maine Le Pen a déclaré: «présidente de la République, je nommerai Nicolas Dupont-Aignan premier ministre de la France». » | Par Anne-Laure Frémont et AFP agence | samedi 29 avril 2017

Bill O'Reilly Speaks Out after Being Fired from Fox News

Using his "No Spin News" podcast, Bill O'Reilly spoke out for the first time Monday since his firing from Fox News. This happened as the channel was hit with a new lawsuit from former anchor Andrea Tantaros who accused executives of high-tech retaliation after she complained of sexual harassment. Anna Werner reports.

EU Leaders Set to Take Tough Stance in Special Brexit Summit

THE GUARDIAN: Leaders of EU27 are expected to demand that UK resolves key divorce issues before any talks on future trade deal can begin

EU leaders are expected to unite on a tough opening negotiating stance on Brexit at a special summit in Brussels on Saturday, when they will agree on whether to make Britain settle potential payments to the bloc before considering a new trade deal.

The heads of the remaining 27 countries will demand that Britain resolves the key divorce issues of citizens’ rights, the divorce bill and the border on the island of Ireland before any talks on a future trade deal between the UK and the EU can begin. » | Daniel Boffey in Brussels | Saturday, April 29. 2017

President Trump Looks to Turn the Screws on North Korea

Apr. 28, 2017 - 4:06 - Chief White House correspondent John Roberts reports

Friday, April 28, 2017

The Wolf’s Lair | Nazi Hitler Documentary

WIKIPEDIA: Wolf's Lair »

Bernie Sanders Sounds Off On Donald Trump's Latest Fiascos | All In | MSNBC

Senator Bernie Sanders sounds off on the flurry of activity from the Trump administration, including its last-ditch effort to kill Obamacare and a tax cut plan that would give breaks to those who need then the least.

US War Veteran: I Stand behind Assad 100%

American war veteran Angelo John Gage speaks out against President Trump's attempts to further destabilize Syria, expressing his strong opposition to launch another counter-productive and illegal war based on lies and media propaganda.

What Can Pope Francis Achieve in Egypt? - Inside Story

The visit by Pope Francis to Egypt is being seen as an opportunity to promote better relations between Christians and Muslims.

Trump's First 100 Days. And What Has He Done? | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

Tallying the accomplishments of Donald Trump, the candidate who promised so much.

In Memory: Etienne Cardiles’ Tribute to His Partner, Xavier Jugelé

With thanks to The Guardian for recording and this profoundly moving statement.

Limited Burka Ban Approved by German Parliament

THE TELEGRAPH: Germany’s parliament has voted to approve a partial burka ban for judges, civil servants and soldiers carrying out their duties.

Under the ban, officials will also be able to require women wearing a burka or full-face veil to uncover their faces for the purposes of identification.

The new law falls short of calls from the Right in Germany for a French-style blanket ban on the burka in public places.

It also stops short of Angela Merkel’s call for a ban “wherever legally possible”.

The new legislation is mainly directed at public officials, and does not affect the right of private individuals to wear the burka in public. Read on and comment » | Justin Huggler in Berlin | Friday, April 28, 2017

Nordkoreas Atomwaffen: Trump: „Es kann zu einem großen Konflikt kommen“

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Donald Trump warnt vor einer möglichen Eskalation im Konflikt mit Nordkorea. Allerdings hofft Amerikas Präsident auf China - und auf einen Charakterzug von Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong-un.

Amerikas Präsident Donald Trump hat vor einer Eskalation im Nordkorea-Konflikt gewarnt. „Am liebsten würden wir diese Dinge diplomatisch lösen, aber das ist sehr schwierig“, sagte Trump am Donnerstag in einem Interview der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters. „Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass wir am Ende einen großen, großen Konflikt mit Nordkorea haben. Absolut“. » | Quelle: rad./Reuters/dpa | Freitag, 28. April 2017

Donald Trump's First 100 Days In Office | Season 28 | THE SIMPSONS

Donald Trump reviews his accomplishments from his first 100 days in office.

The New Normal: Trump's First 100 Days in Office (Parts 1 & 2)

Top US & World Headlines — April 28, 2017

Cuba s'ouvre aussi… à l'Islam

LE FIGARO: En plein coeur de la Havane, l'unique salle de prière musulmane officielle du pays accueille chaque jour une poignée de fidèles. Une communauté discrète qui pratique une religion opposée à la culture fondamentalement latine du pays, mais que l'Arabie saoudite aimerait mettre sous sa coupe. » | Par Vincent Jolly | vendredi 28 avril 2017

Opinion: White House of Grifters

THE NEW YORK TIMES: They dress nice and probably smell good and most of them don’t even muss the furniture. Wealth gives them the patina of respectability — the American reflex of deference to the rich. But make no mistake: The Trump family and assorted cronies are using the highest office in the land to stuff their pockets.

The presidential sleaze involves everything from using public money to promote and enrich Trump properties to pay-to-play schemes that allow companies to buy influence at many levels. At its core is a nepotistic operation that puts family interests ahead of country.

Donald Trump’s presidency may look like a theater of incompetency: armada going in the wrong direction, forgetting what country he bombed but remembering what he had for dessert, major promises broken with a shrug.

But one thing Trump has accomplished in his first 100 days is ensuring that his family can use the vast reach of the federal government for private gain. By God, they seen their opportunities and they took ’em. » | Timothy Egan | Friday, April 28, 2017

'I Thought Being President Would Be Easier': Trump's Reuters Interview Highlights

THE GUARDIAN: Donald Trump reflects on his first 100 days in office in an interview with Reuters, saying he misses aspects of his former life and is finding the presidency more work that he expected. He says the lack of freedom to go anywhere or to drive has been frustrating

Read the Guardian article here

You need to be more careful what you wish for, Mr. President!

Donald Trump Warns of 'Major, Major Conflict' with North Korea

THE GUARDIAN: US president says he wants to seek a diplomatic solution to crisis in Korea and reveals China is helping to pressure Kim Jong-un

Donald Trump has said that a “major conflict” was possible with North Korea though he would prefer to solve the standoff over the country’s nuclear and missile programmes through diplomacy.

Trump’s warning on Thursday came towards the end of a week where the administration has made a concerted effort to restrain Pyongyang from carrying out major new weapons tests.

At the same time, US officials sought to clarify US policy after a variety of mixed signals in the administration’s first 100 days.

Rex Tillerson, the secretary of state, said that the US would be prepared to enter into direct talks with the regime of Kim Jong-un, but that it would have to prepare to negotiate getting rid of all its nuclear weapons. » | Julian Borger in Washington and Benjamin Haas in Hong Kong | Friday, April 28, 2017

"A Land Grab by the Ruling Elites": Trump's Tax Plan Derided for Benefiting the Rich

The White House has outlined a plan to give the nation’s millionaires and billionaires a massive tax break while adding trillions of dollars to the U.S. deficit. The plan would lower the corporate tax rate to 15 percent, end the estate tax and end the alternative minimum tax—a move that would solely benefit the richest Americans, including President Trump. A leaked 2005 tax return shows Trump paid out $36.6 million in federal income taxes that year—most of it due to the alternative minimum tax. Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich described Trump’s tax plan as a form of class warfare. The tax plan was unveiled on Wednesday by two former executives at Goldman Sachs—Trump’s chief economic adviser Gary Cohn and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin—who hailed the tax cuts. We speak to economist James Henry of the Tax Justice Network.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Trump's First 100 Days - Simpsons Style

Newlyweds At War Over Trump's 100 Days - BBC News

Gretchen and Tom just got married - but the couple are deeply divided when it comes to politics. She backed Clinton and he voted for Trump. So how do they rate the new president?

Daniel Lacalle: What Will Happen to the EU after Brexit?

Top US & World Headlines — April 27, 2017

France Presidential Elections: How Are Middle Eastern Media Responding?

Middle Eastern media outlets have been reacting in their droves to the closest French election in decades: Middle East Matters alongside Julia Sieger reviews them!

Angela Merkel Attacks British 'Illusion' of Keeping Benefits of EU

THE GUARDIAN: German chancellor says UK cannot have same rights as member states nor negotiate trade relations before agreeing to pay its bill

Angela Merkel has said British politicians are still living under the “illusion” that the UK will retain most of its rights and privileges once it leaves the European Union.

Addressing her parliament ahead of this weekend’s EU summit at which European leaders will formally adopt Brexit negotiation guidelines, the German chancellor said: “Countries with a third country status – and that’s what Great Britain will be – cannot and will not have the same or even more rights as a member of the European Union. All 27 member states and the European institutions agree on this.”

“Ladies and gentlemen,” she continued, “you may think that all this is self-evident. But I have to put this so clearly because I get the impression that some in Great Britain still have illusions about this, and that is a waste of time.”

Merkel also said it made “no sense” to negotiate a future UK-EU relationship without agreement on the UK’s financial commitment to the EU, while also hinting that parallel discussions could be possible once questions about budget contributions had been satisfied.

“We can only make a deal about Britain’s future relationship to the EU once all questions about the terms of its exit can be clarified to a satisfying degree. » | Philip Oltermann in Berlin and Dan Roberts | Thursday, April 27, 2017

Donald Trump Stands to Make Millions Off His Own Tax Plan

VANITY FAIR: Is anybody really surprised?

On Wednesday, Donald Trump’s administration revealed its massive, big-league plan to “reform” the tax code—or, more accurately, slash the corporate tax rate to 15 percent. Without any proposal to pay for such a massive cut, the White House proposal is unlikely to survive Congress in its current form. Still, the president has good reason to fight for it with every bone in his papaya-colored body: it’s likely to personally make him millions. » | Bess Levin | Wednesday, April 26, 2017

This Isn’t Tax Policy; It’s a Trump-Led Heist

THE NEW YORK TIMES: What do you do if you’re a historically unpopular new president, with a record low approval rating by 14 points, facing investigations into the way Russia helped you get elected, with the media judging your first 100 days in office as the weakest of any modern president?

Why, you announce a tax cut!

And in your self-absorbed way, you announce a tax cut that will hugely benefit yourself. Imagine those millions saved! You feel better already!

I’m deeply skeptical that President Trump will manage to get a tax reform package passed into law, and that’s just as well. Trump’s new tax “plan”(more like an extremely vague plan for a plan) is an irresponsible, shameless, budget-busting gift to zillionaires like himself.

This isn’t about “jobs,” as the White House claims. If it were, it might cut employment taxes, which genuinely do discourage hiring. Rather, it’s about huge payouts to the wealthiest Americans — and deficits be damned! If Republicans embrace this “plan” after all their hand-wringing about deficits and debt, we should build a Grand Monument to Hypocrisy in their honor.

Trump’s tax “plan” is a betrayal of his voters. He talks of helping ordinary Americans even as he enriches tycoons like himself. » | Nicholas Kristof | Wednesday, April 26, 2017

President Trump’s Laughable Plan to Cut His Own Taxes

THE NEW YORK TIMES: As a rule, Republican presidents like offering tax cuts, and President Trump is no different. But the skimpy one-page tax proposal his administration released on Wednesday is, by any historical standard, a laughable stunt by a gang of plutocrats looking to enrich themselves at the expense of the country’s future.

Two of Mr. Trump’s top lieutenants — Steven Mnuchin and Gary Cohn, both multimillionaires and former Goldman Sachs bankers — trotted out a plan that would slash taxes for businesses and wealthy families, including Mr. Trump’s, in the vague hope of propelling economic growth. So as to not seem completely venal, they served up a few goodies for the average wage-earning family, among them fewer and lower tax brackets and a higher standard deduction.

The proposal was so empty of illustrative detail that few people could even begin to calculate its impact on their pocketbooks. Further, depending on where they live, some middle-class families might not benefit much or at all, because the plan does away with important deductions like those for state and local taxes. » | The Editorial Board | Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Jared Kushner Courts Scandal With Sketchy Backers | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow shares new reporting from the New York Times that Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner's secret financial backers are a family with businesses under investigation for corruption.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Is the Russian Orthodox Church Serving God or Putin? | DW English

As the Russian Orthodox Church faces mounting controversy over its hard line agendas and its close ties to the Kreml, Conflict Zone host Tim Sebastian travels to Moscow to talk to representative Vakhtang Kipshidze.

France: Posters & Political Spin

Hälfte der Russen will Rücktritt des Regierungschefs

DIE PRESSE: Premier Dmitrij Medwedew ist wegen Korruptionsvorwürfen unter Druck. Er soll sich ein großes Vermögen mit Jachten, Villen und Weinbergen zugelegt haben.

Fast die Hälfte der Teilnehmer einer repräsentativen Umfrage sind für einen Wechsel an der Regierungsspitze Russlands. Das teilte das renommierte Lewada-Zentrum am Mittwoch in Moskau mit. Der Chef der russischen Regierung, Premier Dmitrij Medwedew, ist zuletzt wegen schwerer Korruptionsvorwürfe unter Druck geraten. Laut der Umfrage sind Medwedews Zustimmungswerte seit Monaten im Sinkflug. Sprachen ihm im Mai 2016 noch 53 Prozent der Befragten ihr Vertrauen aus, sind es im April 2017 nur 33 Prozent. » | APA/dpa/red. | Mittwoch, 26. April 2017

Tucker to Dem: You Got Hoodwinked by Obama on Iran Deal

Apr. 25, 2017 - 7:01 - The truth about the danger posed by the men freed in prisoner swap as part the January 2016 deal and the other concessions were kept secret until now. How far does Pres. Obama's apparent deception go?

North Korea's Nuclear Ambitions a Top Concern

Apr. 26, 2017 - 4:52 - Insight from retired 4 star Admiral Robert Natter, former commander of the U.S. 7th Fleet

Diskussion | Wie sicher ist Österreich? u.a HC Strache FPÖ | 26.04.2017

Diskussion| HC Strache FPÖ Peter Pilz Grüne, Strolz NEOS, Sobotka ÖVP Flüchtlinge Migranten Gewalt | 26.04.2017

Chomsky: Like Obama, Trump Is Radically Increasing the Danger of Nuclear War

On Monday night, Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman spoke to world-renowned linguist and dissident Noam Chomsky at the First Parish Church in Cambridge, Massachusetts. During the conversation, Amy Goodman asked Chomsky about one of the most serious threats to the survival of the human species: nuclear weapons.

Princess Margaret's Death - News Bulletin from Australia

Reports from National Nine News (Queensland, Australia) on the death of Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret, sister to Queen Elizabeth II, in February 2002 at the age of 71.

France's Undecided: Anti-Le Pen Vote No Longer a Given