Showing posts with label Marine Le Len. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marine Le Len. Show all posts

Monday, May 20, 2019

Marine Le Pen Denies Steve Bannon Has Role in Her EU Election Campaign as He Sets Up Camp in Paris

THE TELEGRAPH: Steve Bannon was on Monday at the heart of a row over whether the ex-Trump strategist is playing an active role in French far-Right leader Marine Le Pen’s European election campaign.

The accusations came after the American president's controversial former eminence grise decamped to a palatial Parisian hotel days before the vote.

The elections for the European Parliament on May 26 in France will see President Emmanuel Macron's centrist party go head to head with Ms Le Pen’s National Rally, or RN, formerly known as the National Front.

Polls suggest that they are neck and neck with Mr Macron, Europe’s self-styled centrist champion, warning it would be a “catastrophe for France” should she finish ahead on Sunday. She has called for him to resign should he fail to do so.

Mr Bannon told Le Parisien this weekend he had opted to come to France as its election was "by far" the most important among EU member states. He predicted an “earthquake” next Sunday. » | Henry Samuel, Paris | Monday, May 20, 2019

Friday, May 05, 2017

Hofer: Le Pen "ne peut pas gagner"

LE FIGARO: La cheffe de l'extrême droite française Marine Le Pen "ne peut pas gagner" dimanche la présidentielle, estime l'ancien candidat d'extrême droite à la présidentielle autrichienne Norbert Hofer, instruit par sa propre défaite au second tour en décembre.

Bien que considérant Emmanuel Macron comme une "personnalité peu fiable, qui ne donne pas beaucoup confiance", "je crois que Le Pen ne peut pas gagner", a déclaré M. Hofer à la chaîne privée autrichienne Servus TV.

"Si je devais parier aujourd'hui, je dirais que l'élection se soldera par 41 à 59 (%)", a ajouté ce représentant du Parti de la liberté d'Autriche (FPÖ), une formation alliée au parti Front national de Marine Le Pen.

Loin d'être une défaite, ce serait "le meilleur résultat de l'histoire" du FN à ce jour, a-t-il toutefois insisté, relevant: "Ceux qui ont perdu, ce sont les socialistes". » | Par Le avec AFP | samedi 5 mai 2017

REPLAY - Watch the Full French Presidential Debate between Macron and Le Pen

Monday, April 10, 2017

Le Pen Says France Not Responsible for WWII Roundup of Jews

THE WASHINGTON POST: PARIS — Far-right French presidential contender Marine Le Pen made “a serious mistake” by denying that the French State was responsible for the roundup of Jews in World War II, her main rival said Monday.

Emmanuel Macron, an independent centrist, was among many presidential candidates criticizing Le Pen’s comments Monday.

“Some had forgotten that Marine Le Pen is the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen,” Macron, the front-runner in the April 23-May 7 two-round election, told BFM TV.

Le Pen’s father repeatedly has been convicted for anti-Semitism and racism. » | Associated Press | Monday, April 10, 2017