Friday, March 18, 2022

Why Vladimir Putin Invokes Nazis to Justify His Invasion of Ukraine

Billboards quoting President Vladimir V. Putin in Simferopol, Crimea, this month. The one on the right reads “We want the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.” | Alexey Pavlishak/Reuters

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Ukraine’s government is “openly neo-Nazi” and “pro-Nazi,” controlled by “little Nazis,” President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia says.

American officials led by President Biden are responsible for the “Nazification” of Ukraine, one of Russia’s top lawmakers says, and should be tried before a court. In fact, another lawmaker says, it is time to create a “modern analogy to the Nuremberg Tribunal” as Russia prepares to “denazify” Ukraine.

In case the message was not clear, the Kremlin’s marquee weekly news show aired black-and-white footage on Sunday of German Nazis being hanged on what is now central Kyiv’s Independence Square. The men drop, dangling from a long beam, and the crowd cheers.

The language of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been dominated by the word “Nazi” — a puzzling assertion about a country whose president, Volodymyr Zelensky, is Jewish and who last fall signed a law combating anti-Semitism. Mr. Putin only began to apply the word regularly to the country’s present-day government in recent months, though he has long referred to Ukraine’s pro-Western revolution of 2014 as a fascist coup. » | Anton Troianovski | Thursday, March 17, 2022

Mike Isaac contributed reporting from San Francisco, and Catherine Porter from Toronto.

Burger King Russia Partner 'Refuses' to Shut Shops

Burger King has 800 stores in Russia | GETTY IMAGES

BBC: The owner of Burger King said the operator of its 800 stores in Russia has "refused" to close the sites despite demands to suspend trading.

Restaurant Brands said it had contacted its local partner, Alexander Kolobov, to shut the shops following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

But it said "complicated" contracts with overseas partners mean it is unable to "walk away" from these deals.

Many Western firms have shut or suspended their Russian businesses.

However a small number, including Burger King and UK retailer Marks and Spencer (M&S), have been unable to do so because their stores are run by franchise partners under "complex" legal arrangements. » | Friday, March 18, 2022

The Western brands unable to leave Russia: The invasion of Ukraine has led many Western brands to shun Russia, but some still have outlets open in the country and say they are not able to shut them. »

Russia Today: News Channel RT's UK Licence Revoked by Ofcom

BBC: Russian state-backed news channel RT has had its licence to broadcast in the UK revoked "with immediate effect" by media regulator Ofcom.

The watchdog said RT's parent body ANO TV Novosti was not "fit and proper to hold a UK broadcast licence".

RT's coverage of Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been under investigation by Ofcom, and the channel had already disappeared from UK screens.

RT, formerly named Russia Today, called Ofcom "a tool of the government".

The channel became unavailable on all UK broadcast platforms earlier this month as a result of a ban imposed by the European Union. » | Friday, March 18, 2022

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Pour Joe Biden, Vladimir Poutine est un «pur voyou qui mène une guerre immorale»

FIGARO/LIVE : Le président russe Vladimir Poutine est «un pur voyou qui mène une guerre immorale contre le peuple ukrainien», affirme le président américain, qui félicite l'Irlande pour son soutien aux sanctions imposées, lors du déjeuner annuel de la Saint-Patrick au Capitole. Regarder la vidéo » | jeudi 17 mars 2022


Pour Joe Biden, Vladimir Poutine est un «criminel de guerre» »

Tory MP Backs Calls for Marks & Spencer Stores in Russia to Close

THE GUARDIAN: Retailer says it has stopped supplying its franchisee’s business in Russia, but the shops remain open

There are 48 M&S shops in Russia where a Turkish franchisee runs stores. Photograph: Toby Melville/Reuters

A Conservative MP has backed calls for dozens of Marks & Spencer stores across Russia to be shut immediately, suggesting Vladimir Putin is funnelling every rouble made in the country into the invasion of Ukraine.

Alicia Kearns, who hosted four Ukrainian parliamentarians in the House of Commons on Thursday, said any profits generated would be tainted by the killings and war crimes committed during the conflict.

Two weeks ago, M&S stopped supplying its Turkish franchisee’s businesses in Russia, which has 48 shops and 1,200 employees. However the stores remain open and continue to sell their existing stock.

Some other chains that operate in Russia by franchise, such as McDonald’s, have been able to close their doors, given the agreements differ between companies. » | Aubrey Allegretti, Political correspondent | Thursday, March 17, 2022

Russia Disconnects from the Global Internet I Documentary

Mar 17, 2022 • Vladimir Putin is accelerating his country's disconnection from global information flows: The Russian government is now blocking Facebook, Twitter and YouTube as well as threatening 15 years in prison for those who spread "false information". This brings Russia closer in line with countries like China and North Korea.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Appeals to Russian People to Reject Kremlin Misinformation

THE GUARDIAN: Former California governor, 74, calls on Putin to stop attack on Ukraine and says ‘this is not the Russian people’s war’

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Cologne in September last year. He said: ‘Ukraine did not start this war, neither did nationalists or Nazis.’ Photograph: Andreas Rentz/Getty Images

Former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on Thursday told the Russian people that they are being fed misinformation about their country’s assault on Ukraine and appealed to Russian president Vladimir Putin to stop the attack.

The Hollywood star said in the nine-minute video on Twitter that the Kremlin was intentionally lying to Russians by saying the invasion was intended to “denazify” Ukraine. Russia describes its actions as a “special operation”.

“Ukraine did not start this war, neither did nationalists or Nazis,” he said, noting that the country’s president Volodymyr Zelenskiy is Jewish. “This is not the Russian people’s war.”

Europe’s biggest invasion since the second world war has ravaged Ukrainian cities and sent more than 3 million refugees fleeing to neighboring countries.

It is unclear how much people in Russia know about the war after the Kremlin cut access to various media channels and websites.

Schwarzenegger asked Russians to spread the word about the “human catastrophe” and told Russian protesters the world is watching. » | Reuters | Thursday, March 17, 2022

Putin teilt gegen den Westen aus und droht «Volksverrätern» mit der «Selbstreinigung der Gesellschaft»

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Der Kremlchef urteilt scharf über den «Wirtschaftskrieg» gegen Russland und gegen dessen angebliche einheimische Helfer. Die Freund-Feind-Rhetorik lässt für das Vorgehen gegen Andersdenkende Schlimmes befürchten.

In einer scharfen Ansprache unterstellte Wladimir Putin dem Westen die Absicht, Russland zerstören zu wollen (Bild vom 7.2.). | Thibault Camus / AP

Mehrere zehntausend Russinnen und Russen haben in den vergangenen drei Wochen seit dem russischen Angriff auf die Ukraine ihre Heimat verlassen. Sie sahen wirtschaftlich für sich keine Zukunft, fühlten sich bedroht oder hielten es einfach nicht mehr aus in einem Land, dessen Bevölkerung zu einem grossen Teil einen Krieg gutheisst, der nur «militärische Spezialoperation» genannt und dessen Ausmass nur völlig verzerrt dargestellt werden darf. «Russlands Zerstörung» als Ziel » | Markus Ackeret, Moskau | Donnerstag, 17. März 2022

Diana: The Night She Died | Conspiracy Documentary | Real Stories

After the death of Diana Princess of Wales, conspiracy theories filled the headlines. As so many of the conspiracy theories are absurd, many simple questions about the fatal night of August 31st have never been asked. By the end not only Princess Diana but also Dodi Al Fayed and the driver Henri Paul were dead.

First, police blamed the paparazzi for causing the accident. They had been "buzzing round the car like flies." Then 48 hours later they blamed the driver of the Mercedes, Henri Paul. He was said to be three times over the drink limit. This compelling program seeks to answer the many questions overlooked by the enquiry and to uncover what really happened the night Diana died.

BBC Panorama - Princess Diana's Interview by Martin Bashir

May 29, 2021 • Twenty-five years ago, Panorama reporter Martin Bashir secured his global scoop interview with Princess Diana. Now, a new Panorama team fronted by journalist John Ware has carried out its own four-month investigation, with exclusive interviews and revelations from internal BBC documents. This is the inside story of how Martin Bashir obtained his career-defining interview, and how the BBC responded when it disc


BBC pays ‘substantial’ damages to Diana’s private secretary: Corporation apologises ‘unreservedly’ to Patrick Jephson over way Martin Bashir obtained 1995 Panorama interview »

CALLEkocht: Saftige Rinderrippe im Backofen & fruchtige BBQ-Soße selber machen

Leckere und saftige Rinderrippen schön langsam im Ofen schmoren und dazu dann eine selbst gekochte, fruchtige und scharfe BBQ Sauce selber machen. Mit dieser tollen Grillsoße werden dann die Rippen nochmals im Ofen gegeben und vollendet.

Zutaten für die Rinderrippen:

3,6 KG Rinderrippen
1 TL Pfeffer
1 TL Knoblauchpulver
1 TL Ingwerpulver
1/2 TL Piment gemahlen
1 TL Paprikapulver
1 TL Chilischoten
3 TL Salz
2 EL Senf

Zutaten für die BBQ - Sauce:

400 ml stückige Tomaten
2 Äpfel 2 Zwiebeln
3 EL Honig
2 EL geräuchertes Paprikapulver
4 Knoblauchzehen
1 EL geräucherte Chilischote
3 Orangen
200 ml Cola

Putin Hates Being Depicted as a Gay Clown. So, This…

Apr 8, 2017 • Russia wants to quell the trend of depicting Vladimir Putin as a homosexual clown. The Late Show has other ideas. | | Views on YouTube: 1,145,944

Enya - Caribbean Blue | Official Video

Views on YouTube: 51,593,477

A little light relief. – Mark

Why Do Trump and Putin Get Along So Well? | Michael McFaul | TEDxStanford | 2017

Jun 2, 2017 • During his tenure as U.S. Ambassador to Russia under President Obama, Stanford Political Science Professor Michael McFaul lived with death threats against him and his family. Since returning to the U.S., McFaul has been banned from returning to Russia, but at home he is one of the most sought-after observers of what he calls the Trump-Putin “Bromance.” His take on Russia today is both insightful and troubling. But as he says, “Diplomacy is not a popularity contest.”

Michael McFaul is Professor of Political Science, Director and Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, and the Peter and Helen Bing Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. Dr. McFaul served for five years in the Obama administration, first as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Russian and Eurasian Affairs at the National Security Council at the White House (2009-2012), and then as U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation (2012-2014). He has authored several books, including Advancing Democracy Abroad: Why We Should, How We Can and, with Kathryn Stoner, Transition.

The Americans’ ‘love affair’ with Donald Trump is totally and utterly incomprehensible to me and to most people I know. I am not alone! That there is even a possibility of Trump being re-elected as US president appals me. – © Mark

Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – March 17, 2022

'My Life Has Changed Irrevocably': Russian Journalist Who Crashed Live TV Broadcast

Mar 17, 2022 • Marina Ovsyannikova, the Russian state TV employee who protested the war in Ukraine during a live news broadcast, speaks to CNN's Christiane Amanpour in her first major television interview since her protest.


„Reißen Sie diese Mauer nieder“: Selenskyj bittet Bundestag um mehr Hilfe

Mar 17, 2022 • Der ukrainische Präsident wendet sich mit einer Videoansprache an das deutsche Parlament. Deutschland habe an der Isolation und Auslieferung der Ukraine an Russland mitgewirkt. Er fordert eine Flugverbotszone und eine Luftbrücke zur Evakuierung von Zivilisten. © REUTERS, DPA

Vladimir Poutine veut « purifier » la société russe

LE MONDE : Face à l’Occident qui chercherait à « démembrer » la Russie, le président engage la lutte contre les « nationaux-traîtres ».

Le président russe, Vladimir Poutine, lors d’une réunion sur les mesures de soutien socio-économique des régions, par visioconférence depuis sa résidence de Novo-Ogaryovo près de Moscou, le mercredi 16 mars 2022. Photo tirée de la vidéo, provenant du service de presse de la présidence russe. AP

« L’opération spéciale se déroule avec succès, strictement selon les plans établis à l’avance. » Mercredi 16 mars, Vladimir Poutine a tenu à rassurer ceux parmi les Russes qui pourraient douter des résultats de cette intervention militaire déclenchée le 24 février en Ukraine. Le président russe rencontrait, lors d’une visioconférence diffusée à la télévision, gouverneurs régionaux et membres du gouvernement, pour une réunion consacrée au « soutien socio-économique des régions ». Il a en surtout profité pour fustiger une agression occidentale contre son pays et la « cinquième colonne » active en Russie. » | Par Benoît Vitkine (Moscou, correspondant) | jeudi 17 mars 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

‘Live in the Mess That Putin Has Created’: A Tour of Russian Oligarch-linked Properties in London

Mar 17, 2022 • UK government sanctions have targeted Russian oligarchs’ investments in London property after Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. The Guardian’s wealth correspondent, Rupert Neate, takes us on a short tour of some of the properties owned by or linked to people named in UK or EU sanctions lists. But will anyone answer the door?

Ex-KGB Agent Reacts to Putin's 'Terrifying' Remarks

Mar 17, 2022 • Russian President Vladimir Putin lashed out at "traitors" in a speech as his invasion stalls in Ukraine. Former KGB agent Jack Barsky discusses Putin's speech.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Biden on Putin: ‘He Is a War Criminal’

Mar 16, 2022 • President Joe Biden called Russian President Vladimir Putin a “war criminal.” The comments came after Russian forces bombed a theater in Mariupol, Ukraine where hundreds of civilians were sheltering.


NastassjaCanCook : Salad "Shirazi". Persian/Iranian Tomato and Cucumber Salad! Great taste and Beautiful Appearance

Mar 16, 2022 • Salad "Shirazi" is a very sophisticated version of a tomato and cucumber salad. The origin, I believe, is Persia/Iran, but I tried it in my local Middle Eastern restaurant and it was listed on the menu as 'Arabic salad'.

The key here is cut tomatoes and cucumbers in very small and uniform squares. This takes time. That is why this salad, in restaurants, is usually served in small portions and as part of appetizer platter, along with hummus and other popular appetizers.


3 Roman/Italian tomatoes
4 Persian cucumbers
1 small bunch of parsley
1 small bunch of mint
1 small purple onion
The juice of one lime
Green pepper
Olive oil to taste

Unterm Radar - Wege aus der digitalen Überwachung | Doku HD Langversion | ARTE

Mar 16, 2022 • Im Zeitalter der digitalen Massenüberwachung ist der Datenschutz im Internet ein wichtiges Thema. Trotz der – eher zaghaften – Regulierungsversuche bleibt das World Wide Web ein wahrer Datendschungel, in dem die Bürgerinnen und Bürger den Schutz ihrer Privatsphäre selbst in die Hand nehmen müssen. Allerdings gibt es kein Patentrezept, da nicht alle denselben Risiken ausgesetzt sind. Die Dokumentation "Unterm Radar - Wege aus der digitalen Überwachung" zeigt anhand konkreter Fallbeispiele Möglichkeiten zum Schutz des Privatlebens im Internet auf.

In Berlin will der junge Performer Max dem Tracking durch die „Big Five“ entgehen und Künstlerinnen und Künstler sowie Clubs eine Alternative zu Facebook bieten.

In Casablanca sensibilisieren die Lehrkräfte am Lycée français ihre Schülerinnen und Schüler für die Gefahren des Cybermobbings. In Hongkong lernt eine Wissenschaftlerin und potenzielle Zielscheibe der chinesischen Machthaber, wie sie online unsichtbar werden kann. Und in den USA finden investigative Journalisten vor dem Hintergrund des Auslieferungsverfahrens gegen Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange Wege, sich ohne Cyberüberwachung mit ihren Quellen auszutauschen.

Die Protagonisten und Protagonistinnen stellen praktische Lösungen vor – wie etwa Alternativen zu WhatsApp, Safari oder Google Maps – und präsentieren Onlinestrategien wie die Kompartimentierung der Daten. Außerdem befasst sich die Dokumentation mit den Möglichkeiten von freier und Open-Source-Software sowie mit Fediverse, einem neuen Social-Media-Netzwerk, dessen Nutzer die Kontrolle über ihre Daten behalten sollen.

Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 28/02/2023

“This Is a War of Extermination:” Marie Yovanovitch on Ukraine | Amanpour and Company

Mar 15, 2022 • Marie Yovanovitch has been at the center of the American-Ukrainian relationship for years. Having served as U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, she then became a household name as a witness during President Trump’s first impeachment trial. It was an experience she details in her new memoir, "Lessons from the Edge." Originally aired on March 15, 2022.

Execution of Mussolini, Il Duce

Mussolini's grizzly end.

CUSTERMEN.COM: During the last days of the war in Italy, Dictator Benito Mussolini attempted to escape the advancing Allied Army by hiding in a German convoy headed toward the Alps. Partisans stopped and searched the convoy at Dongo. They found him in the back of a truck wearing a private's overcoat over his striped general's pants. The partisans took him prisoner and he was later joined by his mistress, Clara Petacci, at Mezzegra. The council of partisan leaders, lead by the Communists, secretly decided to execute Mussolini and 15 leading Fascists in retaliation. They were executed on April 29, 1945, and their bodies were hung at an Esso gas station in the Piazzale Loreto in Milan. » | Undated

A salutary reminder of the cruel fate that can await cruel tyrants and dictators! –Mark

Biden calls Russia's Putin a 'war criminal' over invasion of Ukraine: White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Biden was speaking "from the heart." »

Boris Johnson Was Warned of Lebedev Security Concerns, Says Cummings

A screenshot taken from the BBC website.

BBC: Dominic Cummings has said he was present when Boris Johnson was told of security concerns about his plan to award a peerage to Evgeny Lebedev.

The ex-adviser said he was "in the room" when the PM was told intelligence officials had "serious reservations" about giving the honour to the Russian-born businessman.

It follows reports the security services changed their advice after Mr Johnson intervened.

The PM has previously denied this.

Lord Lebedev, who owns the Evening Standard newspaper, has denied posing a "security risk" to the UK.

Last week, the Sunday Times reported that in March 2020, the House of Lords Appointments Commission - which vets peerage appointments - advised Mr Johnson against granting Mr Lebedev a seat in the House of Lords on security grounds.

The newspaper said the assessment was withdrawn after Mr Johnson - a long-time friend of Lord Lebedev - personally intervened.

Another source has confirmed to the BBC that concerns were raised by security services. With video » | BBC | Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The 'acid test': Would you buy a ‘used car’ from BoJo? No? Thought not! – Mark

WIKIPEDIA: Evgeny Lebedev »

THE MOSCOW TIMES: Baron of Hampton and Siberia »


“The senior Lebedev [Evgeny's father] was reportedly one of the figures investigated as part of the British Parliament’s intelligence committee report on alleged Kremlin interference in the 2016 Brexit referendum. The report concluded that British government and intelligence agencies failed to investigate reports of Russian interference.” | Source: The Moscow Times.

WIKIPEDIA: The Moscow Times.

Kehrtwende in Berlin - wie Putins Krieg gegen die Ukraine die Ampel neu ausrichtet | ZDFzeit

Mar 16, 2022 • Der Angriff auf die Ukraine leitet eine Kehrtwende in der deutschen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik ein. Was bedeutet die Zeitenwende für die Menschen in unserem Land? Wie hoch ist der Preis? Und welche Chancen bringt sie für die Energiewende?

Nicht mal 100 Tage ist die neue Regierung im Amt, als Putin in der Ukraine Fakten schafft. In dramatischen Stunden wird der Kanzler Deutschlands Kurs verändern. Mehr Waffen, mehr Schulden, Wandel der Energiepolitik. Wie wird die Kehrtwende Deutschland verändern?

Als Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz am Sonntag, 27. Februar 2022, auf einer Sondersitzung im Bundestag an das Mikrofon tritt, um über Putins Einmarsch in die Ukraine und die Folgen für Deutschland zu sprechen, ahnt noch niemand, was folgen wird. Scholz verkündet an diesem Tag nicht weniger als die Kehrtwende in der deutschen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik.

Waren bislang der Kampf gegen Corona und den Klimawandel die drängendsten Aufgaben der neuen Regierung, geht es jetzt um die Friedensordnung in Europa.

Die SPD und Kanzler Scholz wollen die Bundeswehr aufrüsten, finanziert mit einer "Finanzspritze" von 100 Milliarden Euro, die FDP und Finanzminister Christian Lindner sind dafür bereit, die schwarze Null in der Haushaltspolitik aufzugeben, und die Grünen mit Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock und Wirtschaftsminister Habeck stimmen nicht nur zu, sondern machen sich auch stark für Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine.

Die Dokumentation zeigt auch die Folgen für das politische Handeln im Wirtschafts- und Energiesektor. "Dieser Krieg ist im Bereich für die Energiepolitik auch eine Chance, weil sie uns vor Augen führt, wir müssen mehr Gas geben, wir müssen schneller werden, um eben ans Ziel zu kommen, diesen Klimaschutz zu gestalten und die Abhängigkeit von fossilen Energieträgern schnell zu beenden", so der renommierte Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Marcel Fratzscher.

Der Film von Andrea Maurer und Steffen Haug zeichnet die 180-Grad-Wende der deutschen Parteienpolitik unter dem Eindruck von Putins Angriffskrieg nach. Das Autorenteam trifft hochrangige Politiker, spricht mit Experten, ordnet die Ereignisse ein und lässt Menschen in unserem Land zu Wort kommen.

‘We Want People That Are Going to Fight the Left,’ Says the Man Out-Trumping Trump

Damon Winter/The New York Times


THE NEW YORK TIMES: Ron DeSantis, the Republican governor of Florida, is giving Donald Trump a run for his money as the most divisive politician in America. “We want people that are going to fight the left, and that’s what we need to do in this country,” DeSantis declared in an interview with Fox News on Feb. 8. “That’s what we’re doing in Florida, standing up for people’s freedoms. We’re opposing wokeness. We’re opposing all these things.”

In a Nov. 5, 2021, article on the liberal Daily Beast website, “Desperate, Deranged DeSantis Devolves Into Dumb Troll,” Ruben Navarrette Jr. wrote that DeSantis “is a terrible governor who is failing his leadership course with flying colors. Driven only by politics and naked ambition, he pursues reckless policies that divide Floridians and may even put them in danger.”

The governor routinely succumbs to right-wing pressure groups, Navarrette continued, “because he apparently has no core beliefs other than the unshakable conviction that he should sit in the Oval Office.” » | Thomas B. Edsall | Wednesday, March 16, 2022

« Un autre exode a commencé : celui de la classe créative de Russie. Leur vie n’est pas menacée, mais leur avenir est mort »

LE MONDE : Parallèlement aux 3 millions de réfugiés ukrainiens, des Russes quittent leur pays. Issus des classes moyennes et intellectuelles, ils constatent qu’ils ne peuvent plus travailler dans les conditions actuelles, relève, dans sa chronique, Sylvie Kauffmann, éditorialiste au « Monde ».

En 1979, au plus fort de la guerre froide, Mikhaïl et Evguennia Brin ont réussi à quitter l’Union soviétique, avec leurs deux petits garçons, pour fuir l’antisémitisme institutionnel ; ils étaient parmi les derniers juifs à pouvoir partir avant la vague suivante de départs, à la fin des années 1980, sous Gorbatchev. Arrivé aux Etats-Unis, M. Brin a été embauché par l’université de Maryland comme professeur de mathématiques et sa femme a rejoint le département de la recherche de la NASA.

L’un de leurs fils, Sergueï, avait alors 6 ans. Devenu grand, il a été admis à l’université Stanford, où il a rencontré un certain Larry Page. A eux deux, en 1998, ils ont créé Google, moins de vingt ans après l’immigration de la famille Brin.

L’histoire est emblématique de l’une des vagues d’émigration qu’a connues la Russie au XXe siècle : intellectuels juifs et dissidents ont constitué un précieux réservoir de matière grise pour la science et la technologie américaines et, accessoirement, israéliennes. Après la chute de l’URSS, en décembre 1991, le flux s’est accéléré. Ayant enfin la possibilité de voyager librement et soucieux de fuir le chaos économique de la transition post-soviétique, les diplômés russes et leurs enfants sont partis par centaines de milliers. Pour toujours. « Les meilleurs cerveaux » » | Sylvie Kauffmann, éditorialiste | mercredi 16 mars 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Für Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe endet ein sechsjähriger Albtraum

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: 2016 wurde die britisch-iranische Doppelbürgerin während eines Ferienaufenthalts in Teheran beschuldigt, einen Umsturz der iranischen Regierung geplant zu haben. Nach sechs Jahren Haft ist sie endlich freigekommen – auch weil die britische Regierung Iran alte Schulden zurückbezahlt hat.

Die britisch-iranische Doppelbürgerin Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe wurde 2016 in Iran festgenommen. | Wana News Agency

Für die britisch-iranische Doppelbürgerin Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe ist am Mittwoch eine sechs Jahre lange Tortur zu Ende gegangen. 2016 war sie nach einem Besuch bei ihren Eltern in Teheran aus heiterem Himmel verhaftet und wegen Spionagevorwürfen verurteilt worden. Nun kam sie zusammen mit Anoosheh Ashoori, einem weiteren inhaftierten iranisch-britischen Doppelbürger, frei. Aussenministerin Liz Truss erklärte, die ehemaligen Geiseln würden noch am Mittwochabend in Grossbritannien erwartet. Tulip Siddiq, die Unterhausabgeordnete für Zaghari-Ratcliffes Wahlkreis im Norden Londons, twitterte ein Bild, das die 43-Jährige lächelnd im Flugzeug nach dem Start am Flughafen Teheran zeigt. » | Niklaus Nuspliger, London | Mittwoch, 16. März 2022

Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – March 16, 2022

Gay in Putin's Moscow: Why the City Is Pinker Than You Think

THE GUARDIAN: LGBT nights are easy to find and Grindr reaches into the heart of the Kremlin itself. But two years after the law banning ‘homosexual propaganda’, can being gay in the Russian capital really be much fun?

Russian men kiss in Moscow in 2012, a year before the 2013 law banning ‘gay propaganda’. Photograph: EPA

“Moscow is like a small European city in the mid-90s,” says Anton Krasovsky. “Everybody knows everybody. Everybody knows who’s gay, even if nobody’s out.”

Well, not nobody. In 2013, when the Duma was debating a new law outlawing “gay propaganda”, Krasovsky was a beloved Russian TV personality, working for a news channel he’d co-founded called Kontr TV. At the end of a wide-ranging discussion on the proposed legislation, Krasovsky said, on air: “I’m gay. And I’m just as much a human being as President Putin, or Prime Minister Medvedev, or the members of the Duma.” Less than a week later, Krasovsky was no longer working for Kontr TV, the clip was removed from the archives and his face had been scrubbed from the website.

And yet ask him and his friends what it’s like to be gay in Moscow and they shrug. “Moscow attracts gay men from all the villages, so there are more gay people in Moscow than anywhere else in Russia. And they all just want what everyone else wants: somebody to love.”

Moscow is, indeed, gayer than you might think. There might not be many dedicated gay clubs – the five-floor behemoth of Central Station being a notable exception – but many bars and restaurants have gay nights, from Cafe Mart to Mono to the famous Sunday discos at Propaganda. When it comes to clubbing, at least, the biggest concern for gay men in Moscow isn’t prejudice but what Russians call “face control”, which the Daily Beast describes as “knowing the right people – or having the right look”. There’s a gay magazine, Kvir (say it out loud) with listings and frothy lifestyle features: more Out than Advocate. With all the media furore over rising anti-LGBT activity in Russia in recent years, it can be a surprise to see how pink the capital feels in some places. » | Chris Michael, Judith Soal and Maeve Shearlaw in Moscow | Saturday, June 13, 2015

Russia's State TV Hit by Stream of Resignations

Marina Ovsyannikova speaks to reporters about the reasons for her live TV protest. Screenshot taken from the accompanying video.

BBC: When Marina Ovsyannikova burst into Russian living rooms on Monday's nightly news, denouncing the war in Ukraine and propaganda around it, her protest highlighted a quiet but steady stream of resignations from Russia's tightly controlled state-run TV.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has thanked her, appealing to anyone working for what he calls Russia's propaganda system to resign. Any journalist working in what he calls the fourth branch of power risks sanctions and an international tribunal for "justifying war crimes", he warns.

Some of Russian President Vladimir Putin's biggest cheerleaders on state-run TV have already faced sanctions, including Vladimir Solovyov who presents a talk show on Russia's biggest channel Rossiya-1, and Margarita Simonyan who has accused anyone ashamed of being Russian at this point as not really being Russian.

Russia's state-run channels are required to toe the Kremlin line, so who has quit in response to the war? With video » | Paul Kirby, BBC News | Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Wie Spekulation ins Chaos führt | Doku

Mar 15, 2022 • Brot, Wasser, Öl, Wohnraum: Die für unser Leben wesentlichen Güter sind oft überteuert. Die hohen Preise haben unterschiedliche Ursachen, sie sind häufig der Spekulationen mit Rohstoffen geschuldet. Weltweit profitieren Finanzspekulanten davon, die Preise der wichtigsten Güter immer weiter nach oben zu treiben. Die Folgen: Wirtschaftscrashs, Revolten und sogar Kriege.

Überall auf der Welt, wo Menschen um die Befriedigung ihrer Grundbedürfnisse oder gar ums nackte Überleben kämpfen, brechen Konflikte, Revolten und Preiskriege aus. Die Tatsache, dass viele Menschen in Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika nicht mehr das Nötigste zum Überleben erwirtschaften können, ist neben der Klimakrise einer der Hauptgründe für die weltweite Migration, bei der Millionen Menschen auf der Suche nach einem menschenwürdigen Leben ihrer Heimat den Rücken kehren.

Der Filmemacher Rupert Russell führt die Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer an einige wichtige Schauplätze solcher Preiskonflikte: Venezuela, Irak, Kenia, Guatemala und ins Herz der Finanzmärkte, an die Wall Street, wo Finanzspekulanten die Preise für lebensnotwendige Rohstoffe in die Höhe treiben – mit zum Teil katastrophalen Folgen. Mit Hilfe der Metapher des sogenannten Schmetterlingseffekts erläutert der Dokumentarfilm, wie sich kleine Veränderungen auf den Rohstoffmärkten und Preismanipulationen auf die Lebensverhältnisse der Menschen weltweit auswirken können.

Führende Wirtschaftsexperten wie Jeffrey Sachs und der Nobelpreisträger Joseph Stiglitz erläutern, warum zahlreiche internationale Konflikte in den Rohstoffmärkten und den dort stattfindenden Spekulationen wurzeln. ARTE zeigt die Ursachen und Gründe für die weltweite Krise auf, die durch die Corona-Pandemie noch verstärkt wird.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Delivers Virtual Address to Congress

Volodymyr Zelensky is a wonderful leader. Glory to Zelensky; glory to the Ukrainian people; and glory to Ukraine! – Mark

NATO Promises More Help for Ukraine | DW News

Mar 16, 2022 • Ukraine's top negotiator, Mikhailo Podolyak, said Kyiv rejected proposals by Russia to adopt a neutral status comparable to Austria or Sweden as part of a cease-fire agreement. Russia's chief negotiator, Vladimir Medinsky, had earlier said that Ukraine offered an Austrian or Swedish model of demilitarization, "but at the same time a state with its own army and navy." But Podolyak said, "Ukraine is now in a direct state of war with Russia. Consequently, the model can only be 'Ukrainian' and only on legally verified security guarantees."

Ukraine's deputy prime minister, Iryna Vereshchuk, said there was still no agreement on safe evacuations of civilians out of embattled towns and villages. "The question of humanitarian corridors for Izyum and Mariupol is open. It is currently impossible to get people out of there safely," Vereshchuk said in a video address. "Ways for the delivery of food and medicines to captured cities are being worked out," she added. The northeastern city of Izyum has been under siege by Russian forces, and the port city of Mariupol has been enclosed for days. Vereshchuk said Russian forces were in control of a hospital they captured on Tuesday in Mariupol and accused them of holding 400 staff and patients hostage.

The Tyrant: Will Vladimir Putin Spark Another World War? | Under Investigation

Daily Briefing Mar. 16: Special Report from Lviv; ‘Toxic’ Oligarchs; Polio in Israel

THE TIMES OF ISRAEL: Carrie Keller-Lynn on the ground in Ukraine; Ricky Ben-David on what’s at stake with Israel’s oligarchs; Nathan Jeffay on a new coronavirus variant and cigarettes for kids on Purim

Welcome to The Times of Israel’s Daily Briefing, your 15-minute audio update on what’s happening in Israel, the Middle East, and the Jewish world, from Sunday through Thursday. With podcast » |TOI Staff | Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Hodges: Ukraine Needs to Get as Much Military Assistance from the West as Possible | Conflict Zone

Mar 15, 2022 • Former US Army Europe Commander Lt. General Ben Hodges says he thinks Vladimir Putin has badly miscalculated and will no longer be able to attack in Ukraine.

Hodges, who retired from active service in 2018, told Tim Sebastian that Russia is "close to culminating" and that the next ten days are critical.

Hodges said Ukraine needed to be supplied with as much military assistance from the West as possible and that he did not believe those around the Russian president wanted nuclear escalation.

Hodges also addressed reports that Moscow was seeking military assistance from China. "The Chinese have to decide what they want their role in the world to be."

President Zelensky to Canadian Parliament: You All Need to Do More

Mar 15, 2022 • In a speech to the Canadian parliament, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called for the leaders to imagine a similar situation in their country, and asked for “more to stop Russia.”

Le destin churchillien de Volodymyr Zelensky

e président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky, le 12 mars à Kiev. HANDOUT/AFP

LE FIGARO : RÉCIT - En trois semaines, le jeune président ukrainien s’est hissé à la hauteur de la grande histoire par son courage physique et sa résolution, galvanisant la résistance.

C’est son moment churchillien. En trois semaines, Volodymyr Zelensky s’est hissé à la hauteur de la grande histoire, se transformant en symbole héroïque de la résistance de tout un peuple. En exemple, aussi, du combat à mener pour défendre l’Ukraine, l’Europe, les valeurs de liberté et de démocratie de l’Occident, ainsi que le futur d’une Russie tombée sous la coupe du régime de Vladimir Poutine. Mardi dernier, les parlementaires britanniques n’ont sur ce point aucun doute, quand ils accueillent par un tonnerre d’applaudissements un président ukrainien en tee-shirt kaki, qui apparaît sur deux écrans installés dans la vénérable salle de la Chambre des communes à Londres, le visage pâle et les traits tirés. Nombre de parlementaires arborent des cravates jaunes et des rubans jaunes et bleu ciel aux couleurs du drapeau de l’Ukraine. Zelensky dit s’adresser à «tout le peuple du Royaume-Uni», «ce grand pays à la grande histoire» en «tant que président d’un autre grand pays», «avec un rêve et de lourdes épreuves». Un exercice qu’il répétera ce mercredi devant le Congrès américain, en visioconférence. » | Par Laure Mandeville | mardi 15 mars 2022

Réservé aux abonnés

Should NATO Impose a No-fly Zone over Ukraine? | Inside Story

Mar 15, 2022 • Russia's invasion of Ukraine is intensifying, killing dozens of people and destroying homes and hospitals in residential areas of the capital Kyiv and other cities. Ukraine's president made another plea for NATO to impose a no-fly zone. But the western military alliance says that would escalate the war, and put its forces in direct confrontation with nuclear-armed Russia. So what are the options?

Presenter: Mohammed Jamjoom


Halyna Yanchenko - Member of Ukraine Parliament.
Robert Pszczel - Former NATO official and Senior Fellow, Casimir Pulaski Foundation.
Alexey Muraviev - Associate Professor of National Security and Strategic Studies, Curtin University.

My short essay on this: Time for the West to Grow a Spine!

The Ukrainians are not only fighting for their own country; they are also fighting for the survival of the West. Therefore, they need all our help, including a no-fly zone. The West needs to stop being fearful of Putin. Call his bluff! We in the West, collectively, are much, much stronger than he is anyway. It is disgraceful that the West – and NATO – expect the brave Ukrainians to do our dirty work for us! Establish a no-fly zone now! If Ukraine falls, other countries will be in Putin's sights. Probably the Baltic states. He is probably eyeing Poland too. This is not going to stop with the Ukraine. So, war with Putin is what we have whether we want it or not; and of course, we shouldn't want it. But this is the sad reality we now find ourselves in. – © Mark

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow : Bigot, Homophobe and Nationalist

Mar 10, 2022 • The irony is that Russian orthodoxy began in Kyiv!

Russia Imposes Sanctions on Biden, Blinken and Top White House Officials

THE GUARDIAN: Russia said it has put the US president, secretary of state and other top officials on a “stop list” that bars them from entering the country, Reuters is reporting. » | Léonie Chao-Fong | Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Russland verhängt Einreiseverbot für Biden und Blinken: Das russische Außenministerium hat eine „schwarze Liste“ mit Namen von 13 Amerikanern veröffentlicht, die nicht mehr in das Land einreisen dürfen – weitere sollen folgen. Der Schritt ist allerdings eher als symbolisch zu bewerten. »

internationaler frühschoppen: Krieg in der Ukraine - Reagiert der Westen richtig?

Mar 13, 2022 • Seit zwei Wochen herrscht Krieg in der Ukraine. Der Westen unterstützt die Ukraine, liefert Waffen und beschließt Sanktionen. Ein direktes Eingreifen der NATO soll aber unbedingt verhindert werden. Derweil beharrt Wladimir Putin auf der Neutralität und dem Verzicht eines NATO-Beitritts der Ukraine. Außerdem fordert er die Anerkennung der Krim und der Separatisten-Gebiete. „Die Ukraine wird nicht kapitulieren“, heißt es aus der Regierung Selenskyj. Die Souveränität der Ukraine sei nicht verhandelbar und das Land brauche Sicherheitsgarantien des Westens.

Wie kann der Krieg in der Ukraine gestoppt werden? Welche Sanktionen sind noch denkbar? Wie kann eine diplomatische Lösung erreicht werden?

Anke Plättner diskutiert mit Ihren Gästen:

- Georg Mascolo, Rechercheverbund NDR, WDR und Süddeutsche Zeitung (Deutschland)
- Anna Rose, Deutschlandkorrespondentin des russischen Radiosender Echo Moskwy (Russland)
- Roman Goncharenko, Deutsche Welle Russisch/Ukrainisch
- Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook, Publizistin und Politikwissenschaftlerin beim „Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi)“ (USA)

Cryptomonnaies et appartements à Dubaï, les nouveaux investissements des milliardaires russes

LE MONDE : Certains oligarques cherchent à contourner les sanctions et la chute du rouble en transférant d’importantes sommes en cryptoactifs à Dubaï, où ils investissent dans l’immobilier.

Le centre-ville de Dubaï, le 15 mars 2022. AIJAZ RAHI / AP

Même pour Dubaï et sa population de multimilliardaires, l’appel était hors du commun. Et ce responsable d’une société de revente de cryptomonnaies, qui témoigne auprès de l’agence Reuters, s’en souvient très bien. « Il y a un type – je ne connais pas son identité, il est passé par un intermédiaire – qui appelle et nous dit, “je voudrais vendre 125 000 Bitcoins”. Je lui ai dit que ça faisait 6 milliards de dollars. Il m’a dit “oui, oui, on va les faire transférer par une entreprise en Australie”. »

Depuis le début de l’invasion russe de l’Ukraine, et l’effondrement du cours du rouble consécutif aux sanctions internationales, des milliardaires russes pensent avoir trouvé une solution pour protéger leur fortune et, pour certains, tenter d’échapper aux sanctions. A Dubaï et dans le reste des Emirats arabes unis, l’un des rares pays où les riches Russes sont encore bienvenus, ils investissent massivement dans l’immobilier, après avoir utilisé des cryptomonnaies pour transférer leurs fonds. » | Le Monde | mardi 15 mars 2022

Guerre en Ukraine : « Vladimir Poutine va détruire l’économie russe »

LE MONDE : Dans un entretien au « Monde », l’économiste Sergei Guriev, professeur à Sciences Po, souligne que les sanctions occidentales peuvent affaiblir le maître du Kremlin mais vont appauvrir le peuple russe, en particulier les moins aisés.

Professeur à Sciences Po, ancien économiste en chef de la Banque européenne pour la reconstruction et le développement (BERD), Sergei Guriev a été l’un des conseillers économiques de Vladimir Poutine au début des années 2010, avant de s’exiler en France, inquiet pour sa sécurité, après avoir critiqué les arrestations d’opposants à la réélection du président russe, en 2012. Il explique pourquoi ce dernier a sous-estimé les sanctions occidentales. Et comment, privé de l’argent des hydrocarbures, il peinerait à poursuivre la guerre et à financer la répression dans son pays. » | Propos recueillis par Marie Charrel | mardi 15 mars 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Sicherheitsexperte Mölling: Russischer Armee drohen Stillstand und lange Kämpfe ohne Geländegewinne

Mar 15, 2022 • Immer häufiger wird von Angriffen der russischen Armee auf die ukrainische Zivilbevölkerung berichtet. Von Kriegsverbrechen und Verstößen gegen das Völkerrecht ist die Rede. Welche militärische Strategie steckt dahinter? Wie wirkt sich das auf die Haltung der russischen Bevölkerung zum Krieg gegen die Ukraine aus? Und wie wird dieser Krieg weiter gehen. Fragen an Christian Mölling, Sicherheitsexperte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP) und Gwendolyn Sasse vom Zentrum für osteuropäische und internationale Studien.

Die russische Armee halte von den Kategorien "Völkerrecht" und "Kriegsverbrechen" offenbar nicht viel, sagt Christian Mölling und befürchtet, dass in der nächsten Zeit noch häufiger mit brutalen Angriffen auf die Zivilbevölkerung zu rechnen sei.

Militärisch hält Mölling einen Stillstand des russischen Vormarsches innerhalb der kommenden zwei Wochen für wahrscheinlich. Es folge dann ein zermürbender Kampf ohne Geländegewinne.

In der russischen Gesellschaft sieht Gwendolyn Sasse vom Zentrum für osteuropäische und internationale Studien zwar Bewegung gegen den Krieg aufkommen. Dieser Protest werde aber kurzfristig das Kriegsgeschehen nicht beeinflussen.

"Russia Uses Religious Sentiments to Support Political Crusades" Religion in the Russia-Ukraine War

Mar 15, 2022 • Russian Patriarch Kirill, a close ally of President Vladimir Putin, has spoken of Russia's opponents as 'evil forces,' portraying Ukraine as a nation succumbing to 'sinful Western practices,' such as gay pride parades. The church's close ties to the Kremlin have been essential to getting the public to rally behind the war effort, says DW's religious affairs analyst Martin Gak.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, some 30 million orthodox Christians are split between a self-governing church and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church which is part of the Moscow Patriarchate. But since the invasion, the rival leaders have been united in their condemnation of Russia.

Ukraine is also home to 4.5 million catholics, who are looking to the head of their church to wage peace. A Vatican official has said Pope Francis would be willing to facilitate dialogue in the Ukraine conflict. But while the pontiff has called it a 'war which sows death, destruction and misery' - he has neither named Vladimir Putin as the aggressor, nor appealed to Kirill to intervene on the side of peace.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – March 15, 2022

Tucker Carlson Is Russian State Media's Newest Correspondent

Related video.

Ukraine's Ambassador to the UK: "They're Targeting Everything"

Mar 15, 2022 • Ukraine's Ambassador to the UK Vadym Prystaiko says that Russian hasn't stalled - but bombing is moving westward to target more towns and cities where thousands of people are being killed.

He described Russian President Putin as 'barbaric' for targeting vulnerable people.

He spoke to Sky's Kay Burley.

Trump's Track Record Shows Support for Russia, Not Ukraine

Mar 15, 2022 • CNN's Jake Tapper examines former President Donald Trump's track record on Russia and Ukraine, as some of his former foreign advisers wonder if Trump may have empowered Putin on the world stage

Kremlin Memo Names Tucker Carlson as 'Essential' to Its Propaganda Strategy

Mar 15, 2022 • The Kremlin sees Tucker Carlson’s commentary as “essential” in its Ukraine war messaging strategy according to a 12-page memo leaked from a Russian government agency to the Russian media, as reported in Mother Jones. DC bureau chief of Mother Jones David Corn joins Joy Reid on his reporting on this story. MSNBC analyst Malcolm Nance also joins The ReidOut to discuss.

Zu Tisch ... Garfagnana (Italien) | ARTE

Mar 13, 2022 • Ein Leben in den Bergen – schon seit dem Studium hatten die Freunde Gian Luca und Andrea diesen Traum. In dem Bergdorf Bosa di Careggine bewirtschaften die beiden eine Herberge in der italienischen Region Garfagnana. Ihre Leidenschaft: das Sammeln von Kräutern. Zusammen kochen die Freunde traditionelle Gerichte aus regionalen Zutaten.

Italien – das Land der Pizza und Pasta. Doch der Stiefel hat noch mehr zu bieten. In der abgelegenen Region Garfagnana in der Toskana bewirtschaften die Freunde Gian Luca Guidi und Andrea Elmi eine Herberge. Doch ihre wahre Leidenschaft gilt dem Sammeln wilder Kräuter wie der Strohblume, des Bohnenkrauts oder der Bergminze. Im Wald und auf den Feldern begibt sich Gian Luca auf die Suche. Dieses Mal begleiten ihn seine Kinder. Sie finden Beeren, die gleich in der Küche verwendet werden. Dort gibt es ein traditionelles Gericht: Neccio, eine Art Crêpe aus Kastanienmehl. Der Teig wird auch auf herkömmliche Weise bei offenem Feuer gebacken. Gefüllt wird die Köstlichkeit mit Ricotta, einer Vanille-Milchcreme und einem Spritzer Sirup, hergestellt aus den frisch gesammelten Beeren. Seit Jahrhunderten wird in der Region die alte Dinkelsorte Farro angebaut, meist auf kleinen Feldern. Große Maschinen haben darauf keinen Platz, deswegen muss noch von Hand gearbeitet werden. Auch Gian Luca und Andrea sind unter den Erntehelfern und erhalten zum Dank einen Teil des Getreides. Daraus stellen sie Arancini her – Teigbällchen, die sonst normalerweise aus Reis bestehen. Gefüllt werden die Dinkelkugeln mit Sugo, einer Tomatensoße mit Hackfleisch und Gemüse. Danach panieren die Freunde die Bällchen und frittieren sie. Die Leckerbissen sind Teil des großen Picknicks nach der Ernte. Bei diesem Essen darf der Wein aus der Region natürlich nicht fehlen. Vielleicht können Gian Luca und Andrea beim nächsten Fest ihren eigenen Wein trinken, denn in diesem Jahr findet die erste Lese ihrer Reben statt.

Esskulturdoku, Regie: Stefan Pannen (D 2018, 27 Min)
Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 31/03/2022

Finnish President: Putin Is Clearly Making a Nuclear Threat | Amanpour and Company

Mar 14, 2022 • Finland’s President Sauli Niinistö has known Putin for a decade and often acts as a de facto interpreter, explaining the Russian president's thinking to Western allies – and vice versa. Niinistö is among a handful of world leaders who continue to contact the Russian president, trying to put a stop to the war. Christiane speaks with Niinistö in London to get a sense of Putin’s endgame. Originally aired on March 14, 2022

Some Tw*t Is F***ing around with My Website Even as I Write This!

I am off to bed. It is far too late to try and sort this problem out tonight. God only knows who is hacking this website at the moment. A Russian, maybe? Whoever it is, I hope he is having fun. What has upset the chump, God only knows. Hopefully, he will have settled down by the morning.

Good night to the hacker and good night all!
Mark Alexander

Monday, March 14, 2022

Bermuda’s Ban on Same-Sex Marriage Is Allowed, UK Judges Rule

THE GUARDIAN: JCPC overturns decision by lower court that ban was unconstitutional, in setback for LGBTQ rights

The Bermuda flag. The JCPC is the ultimate court of appeal for Bermuda and many other British overseas territories. Photograph: Tetra Images/Alamy

British judges have ruled tha Bermuda’s ban on same-sex marriage is permitted under its constitution, in a setback for gay rights in the British overseas territory.

The UK’s judicial committee of the privy council (JCPC) – the ultimate court of appeal for Bermuda and dozens of other British overseas territories, dependencies and Commonwealth states – on Monday overturned a decision by Bermuda’s highest court, which ruled the ban to be unconstitutional.

The JCPC also ruled separately that there was no right to same-sex marriage under the constitution of the Cayman Islands. » | Haroon Siddique Legal affairs correspondent | Monday, March 14, 2022

Evgeny Lebedev May Be No Secret Agent: But Would Boris Johnson Notice If He Was?

THE GUARDIAN: Wild parties in Tuscany and a peerage for the Russian newspaper owner are hardly signs of a precautionary approach

Evgeny Lebedev and Boris Johnson pictured in 2015 as they slept outside in central London as part of a campaign against homelessness. Photograph: Nigel Howard

On the night Boris Johnson finally threw his lot in with the Brexiters, naturally only his nearest and dearest were privy to his thoughts.

His then wife, Marina Wheeler, was there, plus the leading leaver Michael Gove and his then wife, Sarah Vine. The odd one out over a supper of slow-roasted lamb at Johnson and Wheeler’s Islington home, meanwhile, was Evgeny Lebedev. The millionaire son of a former Russian KGB officer apparently hung out with the wives making “polite conversation in stage whispers” while Johnson and Gove talked by speakerphone to a fellow cabinet minister who was trying vainly to persuade them to back remain. Vine did not explain, in her subsequent newspaper column describing the evening, why Lebedev was playing gooseberry on such a momentous and sensitive night for the nation’s future. If the presence of the Evening Standard and Independent proprietor surprised her, however, she didn’t say so.

For a famously shy man, Lebedev certainly gets around. Here he is with Dame Judi Dench and Sir Ian McKellen, photographed for the annual Evening Standard theatre awards (at which, the Guardian’s veteran awards-coverer Hadley Freeman points out, winners would invariably thank “darling Evgeny” and mention his “beautiful house in Tuscany”). Here he is handing the Standard editorship to George Osborne, an ousted chancellor in need of a job but not noticeably a journalist. Here he is photographed with Prince William, with Peter Mandelson, with Tony Blair, with Elton John. And here he is hosting what Johnson’s biographer, Tom Bower, called bacchanalian weekends in his castle in Italy every summer, where Johnson could apparently behave “like a naughty schoolboy”. There are no photographs of those, of course; just reports of an unkempt Johnson the morning after one of them looking (according to a fellow passenger at the airport) like he’d slept in his clothes. Johnson was foreign secretary at the time. » | Gaby Hinsliff | Monday, March 14, 2022

Multiple links apropos of Evgeny Lebedev.

Can this prime minister really be trusted? – Mark

"They’re Lying to You”: Russian TV Employee Interrupts News Broadcast

THE GUARDIAN: Marina Ovsyannikova ran on to the set of the Channel One transmission shouting: ‘Stop the war. No to war’

An employee on Russia’s state Channel One television has interrupted the channel’s main news programme with an extraordinary protest against Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Marina Ovsyannikova, an editor at Channel One, burst on to the set of the live broadcast of the nightly news on Monday evening, shouting: “Stop the war. No to war.”

She also held a sign saying: “Don’t believe the propaganda. They’re lying to you here.” It was signed in English: “Russians against the war”.

The news anchor continued to read from her teleprompter speaking louder in an attempt to drown out Ovsyannikova, but her protest could be seen and heard for several seconds before the channel switched to a record segment. With video » | Pjotr Sauer | Monday, March 14, 2022

heute 19:00 Uhr vom 14.03.2022

Mar 14, 2022 • Der Chef der russischen Nationalgarde, Viktor Solotow, hat eingeräumt, dass der Militäreinsatz in der Ukraine langsamer vorankommt als erhofft. Die Äußerungen des engen Vertrauten von Präsident Wladimir Putin sind die ranghöchste öffentliche Bestätigung aus der russischen Führungsriege, dass die Dinge in der Ukraine nicht nach Plan verlaufen. Diese und weitere Nachrichten des Tages in den ZDFheute Nachrichten um 19 Uhr.

Time for the West to Grow a Spine! | Republished from March 1, 2022

We need to re-think our strategy re the Ukraine. Isn’t it high time that NATO and the West change rhetoric on giving full military support to our brave Ukrainian brothers and sisters?

Three things, in particular, need to happen: The European Union needs to suspend its bureaucracy and make an exception to admit the Ukraine into the EU, with immediate effect; NATO needs to grow a spine and give the Ukrainians all the military support it needs, including combat troops; and a no-fly zone needs to be declared over Ukrainian airspace. Call Putin’s bluff! Challenge him! Defy him! Destroy his economy and destroy his military! Bring Russia to its knees!

We need to face-off with Russia. Putin is a bully; and bullies are usually weak little men when all is said and done.

The Ukrainians are not simply fighting for their own beloved country; rather, they are also fighting for our freedoms, fighting for liberal democracy. It is a disgrace that we are allowing them to do this alone, allowing them to do our dirty—and dangerous—work for us.

If Ukraine falls, which country will be next to fall? Poland? One of the Baltic states? The former Yugoslavia? If we value our freedoms, our liberty, our democracies, then we need to step up to the plate and help the Ukrainians to repel the barbarians by whom they are being attacked.

Sanctions are all well and good; but they are not enough to defeat the Russian bear.

Let the Ukrainians join the EU; let Western nations send real military support to help the Ukrainians fight their enemy; let there be controlled airspace for the Ukrainians, too.

These measures are the decent measures to take. They are also Christian measures. How can we, in good conscience, sit idly by and allow a good Christian country be destroyed by barbarians? Moreover, while we are at it, the British government needs to seize the property and chattels of the Russian kleptocrats who have splendid homes here in the UK, particularly in London and Surrey. Let no stone go unturned to help our brothers and sisters in the Ukraine, who find themselves in great difficulties and indescribable danger, and who find themselves having to fight for our freedoms. Let the real war commence!

© Mark Alexander
All Rights Reserved

'I'm a US Marine': Americans among Volunteers Fighting for Ukraine

Mar 14, 2022 • Ukrainian officials say more than 20,000 volunteers are interested in joining Ukraine's international legion. CNN's Jim Sciutto speaks with volunteers to learn why they plan to join the fight against Russia.

Lionel Richie : The Only One

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Views on YouTube: 3,338,165

Don’t let the b**tards grind you down! Stay proud! Stay defiant! Enjoy being yourself! Rejoice in the way God created you! – Mark

Ausbildung für Wlad! Sensibilitätstraining.

Formation pour Vlad ! Sensibilisation. / Education for Vlad! Sensitivity training.

Ich bedanke mich sehr bei love for boys für dieses schöne Bild.

Proud to Be … !

Stolz … zu sein! / Fier d'être… !

Many thanks to Fine Art America for this delightful photo of these two colourful parrots expressing their affection for each other.

Envisager le scénario du pire : une Ukraine transformée en Syrie, et une Russie en Corée du Nord

LE MONDE : Alors que l’Ukraine résiste malgré l’acharnement de l’assaillant, la Russie de Poutine se raidit et s’isole toujours davantage.

Chaque jour charrie son lot d’horreurs, depuis que la Russie a lancé une guerre injustifiable contre l’Ukraine. Chaque jour est gros, aussi, d’événements encore impensables il y a peu. La réponse occidentale a été unie et fulgurante : déclenchement immédiat de sanctions massives, chasse aux biens oligarchiques, livraisons d’armes aux Ukrainiens, prise en compte du drame migratoire et humanitaire qui ne fait que débuter. Mais cette réponse, si louable soit-elle, n’arrête pas les missiles et les frappes russes sur les civils. Elle ne permet nullement de contenir le sombre dessein du Kremlin et sa fuite en avant. Au contraire. Le régime russe a intégré depuis longtemps – à ses risques et périls – l’idée que la surenchère et le fait accompli seuls garantissent une position de force. » | Par Piotr Smolar (Washington, correspondant) | lundi 14 mars 2022

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Luxusartikel-Ausfuhr nach Russland beschränkt

Der russische Oligarch Roman Abramowitsch und frühere Inhaber des englischen Fußballclubs FC Chelsea | Bild: DPA


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Europäer dürfen nicht mehr im russischen Energiesektor investieren und Russen müssen auf Luxusartikel aus Europa verzichten. Auch der Oligarch Abramowitsch kommt beim vierten EU-Sanktionspaket nicht ungeschoren davon.

Die EU-Staaten haben sich am Montag auf weitere Sanktionen gegen Russland verständigt. Das nach offizieller Zählung vierte Paket verbietet Investitionen im russischen Energiesektor und Transaktionen mit 13 Staatsunternehmen. Zudem dürften bestimmte Produkte aus Eisen und Stahl nicht mehr in die Europäische Union eingeführt werden. Die Ausfuhr von Luxusprodukten nach Russland wird beschränkt. » | Von Thomas Gutschker. Politischer Korrespondent für die Europäische Union, die Nato und die Benelux-Länder mit Sitz in Brüssel. | Montag, 14. März 2022

Homophobia in Russia I The Feed

Aug 5, 2013 • There's a rising tide of aggressive homophobia across Russia. But who is behind these attacks and how is Russia's legal system allowing them to continue? Andy Park look at why Russia is allowing homophobic attacks.

Vladimir Putin on Gay Rights in Russia | September 29, 2015 | Charlie Rose

Sep 30, 2015 • "The problem of sexual minorities in Russia [...] has been a deliberate exaggeration aimed at making an enemy image of Russia for political considerations. I believe this is one of the lines of attack against Russia." -- Vladimir Putin on the media representation of gay persecution in Russia.

Anyone listening to this short video clip would be forgiven for concluding that Russia is a paradise for gays! Alas, we all know the sad reality of gay rights in Russia: they are virtually non-existent. Russia is a bastion of homophobia. Indeed, from what I have read and watched over the months and years, gays in Russia are persecuted. This sad reality doesn’t chime with Putin’s comforting words! – © Mark

First Same-Sex Couples Wed in Chile

Pictured: newlyweds Jaime Nazar (left) and Javier Silva

ADVOCATE: “It’s something we didn’t think could happen,” Javier Silva observed as the nation's marriage equality law went into effect Thursday.

Javier Silva and Jaime Nazar have become the first same-sex couple to marry legally in Chile.

The men wed Thursday in a civil ceremony in a Santiago suburb as the nation’s marriage equality law, approved last year, went into effect.

“Being the first couple to get married in Chile for us is an honor, something to be proud of,” Silva said after the ceremony, according to Reuters. “We did it! It’s something we didn’t think could happen.”

The two have been together for seven years and have two children. They had been in a civil union for three years. Civil unions in Chile conferred many of the rights of marriage, but some were lacking, including the right to legally adopt children. » | Trudy Ring | Friday, March 11, 2022

Texas ‘Hate-preacher’ Tells Children: ‘I Can’t Wait for Gay People Just to Go to Hell’

Jonathan Shelley, a pastor for a church considered a hate group by activists. (Screen capture via YouTube)
PINK NEWS: As Texas’ leaders shield trans youth from “abusive” gender-affirming healthcare, a “hate-preacher” is allowed to tell children he can’t wait for LGBT+ people to go to Hell.

Startling video footage shows the moment Jonathan Shelley of the Steadfast Bible Church in Hurst irls homophobia in front of young children.

While some giggle and turn away, others are left to stare at Shelley as he shouts against “fornicators” not being welcomed in his church, which is a considered by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group.

“So if there’s a whore she’s supposed to be thrown out until she repents and gets back in, and then on top of that, the sodomite’s never allowed in for any vow,” he said, according to a live stream of the 90-minute sermon posted to the church’s YouTube channel last Sunday (6 March).

“Love is love? No. There’s no promise you could make, there’s nothing you can say, you’re never welcome, go away. I just can’t wait until you just go to Hell.

“There’s just no place for them,” as people off-screen can be heard cheering in agreement.

But, you know, both the state governor, Greg Abbott, and its attorney general, Ken Paxton, both consider healthcare for trans youth as tantamount to “child abuse”. Texas pastor backs the ‘death penalty for homosexuals’ » | Josh Milton | Sunday, March 13, 2022

It must be something they put in the water over there! – Mark