Showing posts with label Burger King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Burger King. Show all posts

Friday, March 18, 2022

Burger King Russia Partner 'Refuses' to Shut Shops

Burger King has 800 stores in Russia | GETTY IMAGES

BBC: The owner of Burger King said the operator of its 800 stores in Russia has "refused" to close the sites despite demands to suspend trading.

Restaurant Brands said it had contacted its local partner, Alexander Kolobov, to shut the shops following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

But it said "complicated" contracts with overseas partners mean it is unable to "walk away" from these deals.

Many Western firms have shut or suspended their Russian businesses.

However a small number, including Burger King and UK retailer Marks and Spencer (M&S), have been unable to do so because their stores are run by franchise partners under "complex" legal arrangements. » | Friday, March 18, 2022

The Western brands unable to leave Russia: The invasion of Ukraine has led many Western brands to shun Russia, but some still have outlets open in the country and say they are not able to shut them. »