Sunday, September 27, 2015

Statins: Heart Disease Drug Speeds Up Ageing Process, Warns New Research

SUNDAY EXPRESS: STATINS make regular users become older faster, leaving them open to long-term mental and physical decline, according to disturbing new research.

Scientists have found the heart disease drug badly affects our stem cells, the internal medical system which repairs damage to our bodies and protects us from muscle and joint pain as well as memory loss.

Last night experts warned patients to “think very carefully” before taking statins as a preventative medicine.

A GP expert in the field said: “They just make many patients feel years older. Side effects mimic the ageing process.”

The new research by scientists at Tulane University in New Orleans has reignited the debate about statin side effects which many doctors say have been played down.

They include memory loss, muscle pain, diabetes, cataracts, liver dysfunction, [diabetes], fatigue and memory loss. » | Lucy Johnston | Sunday, September 27, 2015

French School Makes Muslims and Jews Wear Red Discs

THE TELEGRAPH: Primary school outrages parents by making non-pork eaters wear red discs around their necks in canteen

A school in central France has provoked outrage for making Muslim and Jewish pupils wear a red disc around their necks at lunchtime so canteen staff would not serve them pork.

The Piedalloues primary school in Auxerre, in Burgundy, gave red discs to non-pork eating pupils and yellow discs to those who do not eat meat.

Eighteen of the school’s 1,500 pupils were made to wear the discs. They were withdrawn after protests by angry parents and community leaders, who said they were reminiscent of the yellow stars Jews were forced to wear under the Nazi occupation.

“It’s revolting. It reminds you of the darkest times,” said a local councillor, Malika Ounès. “Practices like this are not acceptable. No one has the right to impose this on children.”

Christian Sautier, director of communications in the mayor’s office, said it was “an isolated, clumsy and unfortunate initiative” that lasted only one day. He said it had been put into effect by canteen staff without informing local authorities, who ended it immediately.

“When we learned about it, we fell out of our chairs,” Mr Sautier said, adding that the mayor had ordered an investigation. » | David Chazan, Paris | Saturday, Septemebr 26, 2015

Saturday, September 26, 2015

L'Eglise orthodoxe bulgare veut refouler les musulmans

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: L'Église chrétienne orthodoxe bulgare, à laquelle appartient plus de 80% de la population, a appelé le gouvernement à ne plus laisser entrer de migrants musulmans.

La Bulgarie est un des pays de transit pour des milliers de personnes cherchant à se rendre de Turquie en Europe de l'Ouest. L'Eglise chrétienne orthodoxe de ce pays s'oppose à l'entrée de migrants musulmans.

«Nous aidons les réfugiés déjà arrivés dans notre patrie, mais le gouvernement ne doit en aucun cas laisser entrer plus de réfugiés», souligne le Saint Synode, corps dirigeant de l'Église, dans une déclaration sur son site internet. «Il s'agit d'une vague qui adopte tous les traits de l'invasion», estime-t-il. » | ats/nxp | samedi 26 septembre 2015

Viktor Orbán Press Conference "We Feel That Hungary Was Let Down" (September 2015)

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban holds press conference in Austria stating there are two reasons he asked Austrian Chancellor, Werner Faymann, to meet him: Relations between Austria and Hungary and the refugee situation affecting both countries.

German Woman Threatened with Eviction to Make Way for Refugees

THE TELEGRAPH: A 51-year-old German woman is being evicted from her home of 16 years to make way for refugees, with shelters already full across the country

A woman in Germany is being evicted from her home of 16 years to make way for asylum-seekers, amid growing concerns over how Germany will find accommodation for the hundreds of thousands of refugees flooding into the country.

Bettina Halbey, a 51-year-old nurse, has lived alone in her flat in the small western German town of Nieheim since her children grew up.

On September 1, she received a letter from her landlord, the local municipality, telling her the building was being turned into a refugee shelter and she had until next May to leave.

“I was completely taken aback,” Ms Halbey told Welt newspaper. “I find it impossible to describe how the city has treated me.”

When Ms Halbey vented her frustration on Facebook, asking why she was being evicted when properties were standing empty in the town, her comment was shared 200,000 times. » | Justin Huggler in Berlin | Friday, September 25, 2015

Satire: HEIL MERKEL! Die beliebteste Kanzlerin Europas!

Halle/Saale grüßt die beliebteste Kanzlerin Europas, Angela Merkel von der CDU, am 18. September 2015 vor der hallensischen Leopoldina! Im Anschluss darauf gibt es ein Interview mit dem Unternehmer und Investor Frank Strotzenhoevel, der von der Politik Angela Merkels profitiert. Danach marschiert das Begrüßungskomitee zum Gefallen unserer geliebten Kanzlerin durch Altstadt von Halle an der Saale.

Anticipating Islam’s Conquest of Europe and America at Al-Aqsa

THE JERUSALEM POST: Any European who would oppose Muslim immigration by arguing that the current waves of desperate people hoping to find safety and prosperity north of the Alps will pave the way for a hostile attempt to conquer Europe for Islam would certainly be denounced as an “Islamophobe.” But what do you call it when a preacher at the Al-Aqsa mosque – which is usually described as Islam’s “third-holiest” place – passionately announces that “soon, we will trample them [Europe’s Christians and Jews] underfoot, Allah willing”? » | Petra Marquardt-Bigman | Friday, September 25, 2015

ISIS Attacks Yemen Mosque During Holiday Prayers

In Yemen - tragedy struck during the Eid celebrations. Two suicide blasts at a mosque in the capital Sanaa have killed at least 29 people. Islamic State say they carried out the attack. Local journalist Muhammad Al-Attab reports.

RAW: Protesters Attack Refugee Bus with Stones, Fireworks in Finland

Protesters threw fireworks, stones and beer bottles at a bus bringing asylum-seekers to a refugee centre in Finland. The bus with the new arrivals was escorted by police as it approached the refugee centre north of Helsinki overnight Thursday into Friday. State broadcaster YLE said the roughly 40 asylum-seekers were met by up to 40 protesters. It was unclear if any arrests were made.

Germany in a State of SIEGE: Merkel Was Cheered When She Opened the Floodgates to Migrants. Now, with Gangs of Men Roaming the Streets and Young German Women Being Told to Cover Up, the Mood's Changing

DAILY MAIL: Thousands of economic migrants are posing as refugees to reach Europe / David Cameron said this week that Europe must said failed asylum claimants back to their countries / Demands for Germany's 'open doors and windows' policy to be scrapped / Women said rape and child abuse were rife in Giessen's refugee camp

On the busy shopping street in Giessen, a German university town twinned with Winchester, migrant Atif Zahoor tucks into a chicken dish with his brother and cousin at the curry restaurant Chillie To Go.

They have left good jobs back in Karachi, Pakistan, and now want to be Europeans.

In late July the three slipped into Germany with their wives and children, using illegal documents. They live together in a five-bedroom house, rented for them by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government, a 40-minute drive away from Giessen, which is home to the biggest migrants’ camp in the country.

‘We paid a trafficking agent for false visas to fly here to Germany,’ says 34-year-old Atif. ‘We claimed asylum and came to Giessen camp with other migrants. Three weeks ago, because we had families, they gave us a proper home.’

Atif is well-dressed and speaks perfect English. He used to be a transport manager at Karachi airport and is from a well-to-do family. Between mouthfuls of curry, he adds: ‘But there is violence between political gangs in Karachi. Lots of people are leaving for Europe. The trafficker decided that Germany was the place for us because it is welcoming refugees.’

Yet the raw truth is that Atif is not fleeing war or persecution. He is one of thousands of economic migrants getting into Germany as the EU’s immigration crisis grows bigger each day.

This week, David Cameron said Europe must send failed asylum claimants back to their own countries, while European Council president Donald Tusk has warned that millions more migrants are on their way and ‘the policy of open doors and windows’ must be scrapped.

They are tough words, but it’s action that is needed. As Jens Spahn, a deputy finance minister in Chancellor Merkel’s government, said this week: ‘Not everyone can stay in Germany, or in Europe. If people are coming for poverty reasons... we have to send them back.’

Mrs Merkel’s offer last month to accept all refugees from war-ravaged Syria opened the floodgates. More than a million migrants are expected this year alone, the bulk of them far from genuine asylum seekers. There is now deepening disquiet in this Christian country, dotted with churches, that it is being overwhelmed by people of a different religion and culture. Read on and comment » | Sue Reid in Giessen, Germany | Saturday, September 26, 2015

Splitting Spain? Catalans Rally ahead of Sunday Regional Elections

The streets of Barcelona, right now, are filled with thousands who've gathered to again call for their region's independence from Madrid's control. It's the last day of campaigning ahead of Sunday's vote which could, in the long run, change the map of Spain. RT's Anastasia Churkina is at the rally.

Friday, September 25, 2015

60 Minutes: Putin Voices Support for Assad

Russian President Vladimir Putin says that to avoid another Libya, Syrian President Assad must stay in power. Charlie Rose interviews the Russian leader on the 48th season premiere of 60 Minutes, Sunday, September 27 at 7:30 p.m. ET/PT.

Pope Francis Visits the United Nations | The New York Times

Pope Francis addresses the United Nations General Assembly on Friday, ahead of the official opening of its 70th session.

Der hässliche Protest gegen Flüchtlinge in Finnland

Proteste in Finnland gegen Flüchtlinge: Man
mit Ku-Klux-Klan-Mütze.
TAGES ANZEIGER: Ein Finne macht auf Ku Klux Klan. Bei Protesten gegen Flüchtlinge trat ein Mann mit weissem Spitzhut auf. Die Regierung verurteilt die Demonstration.

Die finnische Regierung hat sich entschieden von fremdenfeindlichen Protesten gegen Flüchtlinge distanziert. Sie verurteile «rassistische Proteste gegen Asylsuchende», teilte die Drei-Parteien-Koalition in einer gemeinsamen Erklärung mit. Finnland sei ein «offenes und tolerantes Land» in dem die Bevölkerung eine positive Einstellung zu Einwanderern habe. » | ofi/sda | Freitag, 25. September 2015

Zwangsvermietung von Leerstand: Berlin beschlagnahmt Luxusimmobilien für Flüchtlinge

In der historischen Wohnanlage "Riehmers Hofgarten" in
Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg will die Berliner Bezirksregierung
leerstehende Luxuswohnungen zur Unterbringung von
Flüchtlingen beschlagnahmen.
FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Angesichts des rasant gestiegenen Zuzugs an Flüchtlingen greifen Kommunen zu drastischen Maßnahmen. In Berlin beschlagnahmt der Senat Immobilien und zahlt dafür eine hohe Entschädigung. Auch Hamburg plant Zwangsvermietungen.

In Berlin hat der Senat bereits mehrere größere Immobilien von privaten Eigentümern beschlagnahmt, um sie als Erstaufnahmeeinrichtungen oder für die Unterbringung von Asylbewerbern zu nutzen. Am Mittwoch wollte das Bezirksparlament von Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg auf Antrag der regierenden Grünen und mit den Stimmen von Grün-Rot-Rot den nächsten Schritt beschließen: Leerstehende Wohnungen in der noblen Anlage „Riehmers Hofgarten“ sollen von den Behörden belegt werden können. Das ist deutschlandweit eine Premiere. Am späten Abend wurde die Entscheidung auf Antrag der CDU wegen der bereits fortgeschrittenen Uhrzeit aber auf die nächste Sitzung vertagt.

Dabei handelt es sich um eine denkmalgeschützte Wohnanlage aus der Gründerzeit. Etwa ein Drittel der Luxuswohnungen soll derzeit leer stehen oder als Ferienquartier genutzt werden – was die Eigentümerfirma aber bestreitet. Nach ihren Angaben ist der Leerstand in der Yorckstraße baulich bedingt, da unter anderem das Dach ausgebaut und Wohnungen saniert werden sollten. Die Grünen begründeten den hoheitlichen Zugriff mit einer drohenden Notsituation durch massenhafte Obdachlosigkeit angesichts des nahenden Winters. Es dürfe „keine Tabus“ mehr bei der Unterbringung von Asylbewerbern geben. Die Eigentümer der beschlagnahmten Wohnungen sollen als Entschädigung eine ortsübliche Miete erhalten. Laut Berliner Mieterverein stehen in der Hauptstadt „aus spekulativen Gründen“ bis zu 5000 Wohnungen leer. » | Von Joachim Jahn, Philip Plickert, Christian M¨ssgens und Jan Hauser | Freitag, September 25, 2015

Saudi Prince Arrested Over Alleged Sexual Assault In Los Angeles

THE TELEGRAPH: Majed Abdulaziz Al-Saud was arrested on charges of trying to force a Beverly Hills estate worker to perform oral sex

A Saudi prince has been arrested on charges of trying to force a worker at a Beverly Hills estate to perform oral sex, Los Angeles police said on Thursday.

Majed Abdulaziz Al-Saud, 28, was arrested on Wednesday and was released on £198,000 bond the next day, according to police and online jail records.

The Los Angeles police department's special consul division said the prince does not have diplomatic immunity, according to the Los Angeles Times and KCBS-TV. » | Reuters | Friday, September 25, 2015

Regierungserklärung der Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel

Noch nie seien seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg so viele Menschen auf der Flucht wie gegenwärtig, sagte die CDU-Vorsitzende und Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel am Donnerstag im Bundestag. 60 Millionen Menschen weltweit fliehen nach Angaben der Vereinten Nationen vor Krieg, Verfolgung, Hunger und Naturkatastrophen. „Ich möchte, dass Europa diese gesellschaftliche, ökonomische, kulturelle und moralische Bewährungsprobe besteht“, sagte Merkel zuversichtlich.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

France Signals EU Treaty Change to Avert Brexit, Warns on Euro Survival

French economy minister, Emmanuel Macron
THE TELEGRAPH: 'We mustn’t close the door to the British if what they are demanding from other member states is acceptable,' said French economic tsar Emmanuel Macron

France has opened the door to full-blown treaty changes in a bid to keep Britain in the EU, warning that it would be grave mistake to disregard the legitimate demands of London.

Emmanuel Macron, the French economy minister, said creative ways can be found to amend the EU treaties and stop a European "Brexit" crisis from spinning out of control.

“We shouldn’t turn a treaty change into something traumatic or taboo,” he said, speaking in London on a visit to promote France’s "industrial renaissance".

“We mustn’t close the door to the British if what they are demanding from other member states is acceptable,” he said.

Mr Macron said it is not beyond the wit of man to craft a “win-win deal” that addresses Britain’s worries about the status of the non-euro members, increasingly untenable as the core countries press ahead with ever closer integration. » | Ambrose Evans-Pritchard | Thursday, September 24,

Do Muslims in the U.S. Believe Sharia Law Supersedes the Constitution?

HT: Jihad Watch »

Supermoon Lunar Eclipse, September 2015: When and Where to See the 'Blood Moon'

Read the Mass Live article here | Joe Deburro | Thursday, September 24, 2015

Hollande demande à l'Arabie Saoudite de "renoncer à l'exécution" d'Ali al-Nimr

En marge du sommet extraordinaire sur les migrants qui a lieu à Bruxelles, le chef d'Etat français a demandé au royaume saoudien «de renoncer à l'exécution» du jeune chiite Ali al-Nimr. Ce dernier avait été arrêté à 17 ans en février 2012 pour avoir manifesté contre les autorités.

«Pour nous, tout doit être fait pour faire cesser ces exécutions partout, et notamment en Arabie saoudite. Et c'est pourquoi je demande à l'Arabie saoudite de renoncer à l'exécution du jeune Ali Mohammed Al-Nimr, au nom de ce principe essentiel qui est que la peine de mort doit être abolie et que les e

Pope Francis Speaks Before Congress | The New York Times

We're Doomed: EU Chief Fears Union Will COLLAPSE Over Migrant Crisis

EXPRESS: THE European Union has lost control of its borders and risks total collapse if they are not sealed, a senior Brussels diplomat has warned.

Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, warned the EU was now facing a "critical point" and that the migrant crisis hadn't even reached its peak.

As he chaired an emergency meeting of EU leaders in Brussels last night Mr Tusk painted a bleak picture of the EU's future, saying the 28-member bloc was on the verge of breakdown with "recriminations and misunderstanding" pitting nations against one another.

The future of free movement was at stake, he said, as the continent had lost control of its borders as well as a "sense of order".

He added: "The most urgent question we should ask how to regain control of our external borders.

"Otherwise, it doesn't make sense to even speak about common migration policy."

He appeared to lay much of the blame with Germany, accusing Chancellor Angela Merkel of exacerbating the problem by sending the signal to desperate Syrians fleeing their war-torn homeland that Germany had no limit on the number of migrants it would accept. » | Tom Batchelor | Thursday, September 24, 2015

Refugee Family Demands to Be Settled in Germany – Or They'll Go Back to Syria

EXPRESS: A FAMILY of migrants have demanded that they are settled in Germany and have refused to seek asylum in any other European country.

Housam Kbieh - who travelled to Europe with his wife and two sons - has threatened to go back to Syria if his family are not relocated to the EU's most powerful member state, which offers a generous benefit system and open-door policy.

Kbieh and his family are staying at an old military camp in the north of Munich, which has been transformed into a migrant centre.

The refugee said they were forced to flee Damascus, but outright refused to be settled anywhere else in the EU.

He said: "I go back to my country, it's Germany or nothing." » | Jake Burman | Thursday, September 24, 2015

Margaret Thatcher

Pope Francis Addresses Joint Meeting of Congress

Poutine se prépare à des frappes en Syrie

Le président russe est prêt à agir seul en Syrie, si nécessaire.
LE MATIN: ETAT ISLAMIQUE — En cas de rejet par les Etats-Unis de sa proposition d'allier leurs forces, le président russe est prêt à bombarder les djihadistes.

La Russie a renforcé sa présence militaire dans le pays et se prépare à des frappes unilatérales contre l'Etat islamique (EI) . Elle a également accru ses livraisons d'armes à l'armée syrienne dans le cadre du renforcement de son soutien au président syrien Bachar el-Assad.

Selon Bloomberg, qui cite des personnes proches du dossier, Vladimir Poutine préférerait que le gouvernement américain et ses alliés acceptent de coordonner leur campagne de bombardements contre l'EI avec la Russie, l'Iran et l'armée syrienne. » | ats/nxp| jeudi 24 septembre 2015

Bürgerkrieg in Syrien: Merkel will Gespräche mit Diktator Assad

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Es wäre eine Kehrtwende in der Syrien-Politik des Westens: Kanzlerin Merkel bringt erstmals direkte Gespräche mit Diktator Assad ins Spiel. Genau das fordert auch Russland - und droht mit Luftschlägen.

Für eine Lösung des Syrien-Konflikts hält Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) nun doch auch Gespräche mit Syriens Staatschef Baschar al-Assad für nötig. "Es muss mit vielen Akteuren gesprochen werden, dazu gehört auch Assad", sagte Merkel beim EU-Sondergipfel zur Flüchtlingskrise in Brüssel. Es müssten aber auch andere Akteure in der Region einbezogen werden wie Iran oder Saudi-Arabien.

Ein Zugehen auf Assad wäre eine Kehrtwende in der Syrien-Politik des Westens. Bisher lehnen insbesondere die USA eine Zusammenarbeit mit dem Diktator ab, Washington fordert seinen Sturz. Russland hingegen unterstützt Assad. » | kev/AFP/dpa/Reuters | Donnerstag, 24. September 2015

German Anger at Migrant Numbers - BBC News (September 22, 2015)

A growing number of Germans are expressing their opposition to the record number of asylum seekers being accepted by Germany. Around 5,000 people joined a demonstration on Monday organised by Pegida, which is opposed to what it calls the "Islamisation of Europe". Some senior politicians are also calling for a cap on the numbers. Jenny Hill reports from Dresden.

Stampede Near Mecca During Hajj Leaves at Least 453 Dead

THE NEW YORK TIMES: BEIRUT, Lebanon — At least 453 people were killed, and 719 were injured, in a stampede near Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on Thursday morning.

The deaths occurred around 9 a.m. on the first day of Eid al-Adha, one of the holiest holidays in the Muslim calendar, and as millions of Muslims were making their pilgrimage, or hajj, to Mecca. The accident took place at the intersection of two roads in Mina, causing many to fall and others to panic, according to Saudi Arabia’s civil defense directorate.

Saudi authorities reported the deaths on Twitter and said that two medical centers had been opened in Mina to treat the injured. More than 4,000 emergency workers were sent to the scene, and hundreds of people were taken to four hospitals. » | Ben Hubbard and Mona Boshnaq | Thursday, September 24, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Reagan Warned Us About Obama

How Reagan summed up Obama in the first 5 minutes of a speech over 40 years ago.

Jon Voight Tells the Truth about Obama. Wake Up America!

Relocation Agreement: EU Votes for Refugee, Migrant Quota Plan

The distribution of 120 thousand refugees is a modest step in tackling the migrant and refugee crisis - with 6 thousand reaching European shores every day, according to the UN. For more insight RT is joined by Franco Frattini, a former Italian Foreign Minister.

Pegida Canada: First North American Rally, Toronto September l9, 20l5

Pegida Canada: lst North American rally against the Islamification of Canada.

Réfugiés : la Hongrie rejette "l'impérialisme moral" de Merkel

LE POINT: "Quelle que soit la décision que prendra l'Allemagne, cela ne vaut que pour elle", a déclaré le Premier ministre hongrois Viktor Orban.

Le Premier ministre hongrois Viktor Orban a rejeté mercredi "l'impérialisme moral" que tente selon lui d'imposer la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel au reste de l'Europe concernant l'accueil des réfugiés, et proposé un plan en six points pour régler la crise. "Le plus important est qu'il n'y ait pas d'impérialisme moral" sur la question de l'afflux des migrants, a-t-il déclaré à la presse à Bad Staffelstein (Sud), en réponse à une question sur ce qu'il attendait aujourd'hui d'Angela Merkel. Il a demandé le droit pour son pays d'agir différemment de l'Allemagne. » | Le | mercredi 23 septembre 2015

Water Cannons v. Molotovs: Protesters Clash with Police in Turkey

Turkish police fired water cannon and tear-gas at pro-Kurdish protesters who lit fire-works and Molotov cocktails to throw at authorities. The clashes broke out during a protest against recent attacks on Kurdish communities by nationalists and the perceived persecution by Turkish authorities.

Putin, Abbas, Erdogan Attend Moscow Grand Mosque Opening Ceremony

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia Ravil Gainutdin attended a ceremony to open the Moscow Grand Mosque. The new mosque, which was erected on the site of the city's original mosque built in 1904 and which has been under reconstruction since 2005, will be able to accommodate up to 10,000 people simultaneously.

Related »

One of Europe's Largest Mosques Opens in Moscow

The long awaited opening of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, the largest in Europe took place in the Russian capital. It has capacity for around 10,000 worships to pray on six floors. The opening ceremony was be attended by the leaders of Russia, Turkey, Palestine and Kazakhstan.

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House of Saud: Letter Calls for Saudi King to Be Replaced

The backstairs intrigue within the House of Saud has seen a letter circulating among members of the royal family. It calls for the Saudi king and deputy crown prince to be replaced.

Profiting Politicians? German Journalist Claims Huge Industry behind EU Refugee Crisis

Germany is often the preferred destination of refugees seeking to settle in Europe. Renowned German journalist Udo Ulfkotte claims politicians are actually profitting from the ever-growing wave of asylum seekers. Ulfkotte is hiding his location - after allegedly receiving death threats. RT's Peter Oliver has more.

Refugee Crisis: EU Divided as Hungary Attacks Migrant Quota as 'Unrealisable and Nonsense'

THE TELEGRAPH: Hungarian foreign minister attacks the EU refugee quota forced through as a waste of time after interior ministers forced a plan to relocate 120,000 on the continent

The EU migrant quota plan to relocate thousands of migrants across the continent is “unfeasible, unrealisable and nonsense”, Hungary's foreign minister said, as Europe's east-west division was laid bare on Wednesday.

As EU leaders meet in Brussels on Wednesday to approve a plan to relocate 120,000 attacked by eastern European countries, Péter Szijjártó called the quota scheme a waste of time.

Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary voted against the plan to take in refugees and migrants from Italy and Greece but it was forced through on Tuesday.

Under the European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker's plan, Hungary would receive 1,294 of the 120,000 to be shared by the EU countries. But instead, the Hungarian government supports a pan-EU Greek border protection initiative which would deploy helicopters and infrared cameras to catch migrants, with Frontex and Greece setting numbers on troops and border guards.

Budapest suggested that the EU should then fund refugee camps for Syrians and finance new camps if required.

Mr Szijjártó described the plan as a waste of time and said: "The plan is unfeasible, unrealisable and nonsense."

He added: “This is the beginning of a new world order; we are not talking about a refugee crisis, but about a wave of mass migration."

The Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban accused German chancellor Angela Merkel of "moral imperialism" and of trying to impose her vision of an open EU on the rest of the bloc. (+ video) » | Dan Nolan at the Hungarian-Croatian border | Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A horvát és a szlovén határszakasz védelméhez kell a honvédség is (Viktor Orbán speaking in the Hungarian Parliament on the migrant crisis, with English sub-titles)

Vladimir Poutine inaugure la Grande Mosquée de Moscou

Devant la Grande mosquée, un écran géant retransmet
le discours de Vladimir Poutine.
LE MATIN: RUSSIE — Le président russe a vanté un islam «humaniste». Cette nouvelle mosquée située près du centre de la capitale peut accueillir 10.000 personnes.

Vladimir Poutine a vanté mercredi les vertus «humanistes» de l'islam lors de l'inauguration, en présence de son homologue palestinien Mahmoud Abbas et du président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan, de la Grande Mosquée de Moscou, l'une des plus grandes d'Europe.

«C'est un grand événement pour les musulmans de Russie. L'une des plus anciennes mosquées de Moscou a été reconstruite à son emplacement historique», a déclaré le président russe lors de son discours inaugural.

«La Russie est un pays multiconfessionnel dans lequel, et je tiens à le souligner, l'islam est une des religions traditionnelles», a poursuivi le président russe.

«Cette mosquée sera une source pour propager les idées humanistes et les vraies valeurs de l'islam», a-t-il ajouté, dénonçant l'organisation Etat islamique (EI) qui selon lui «dénature l'islam». » | afp/nxp | mercredi 23 septembre 2015

Iran Holds Military Parade as 'Biggest Regional Power' Fighting Terrorism

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that his country's military is the "biggest regional power against terrorism". His comments came during a speech at an annual military parade in Tehran, which was broadcast live on state TV. Rouhani also said Iranian troops were willing to help both Iraq and Syria in the struggle against Islamic State group militants, adding that Mideast nations should not put too much faith in "Western powers as their defenders".

American Muslims Fear a New Wave of Islamophobia

REUTERS.COM: Muslim Americans responded with a mix of frustration, exasperation and anger to what many see as a growing wave of Islamophobia fueled by two of the Republican Party’s most popular presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Ben Carson.

At the Islamic Institute of Orange County, which houses a mosque and a school in Anaheim, in southern California, tensions were already mounting since a group of white men screamed at mothers and children arriving at the center on this year’s anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, calling them cowards who did not belong in America.

Many of the country’s 2.8 million Muslims say such tensions could become uglier during a presidential race that they fear is already tapping a vein of anger and bigotry.

“It’s pretty troubling that someone running for president would make those claims,” Zuhair Shaath, Palestinian-American, said of Carson, a retired neurosurgeon who on Sunday said Muslims were unfit for the presidency of the United States.

Carson's campaign defended his comments on Monday, saying he was not suggesting a Muslim should be barred from running for president. But his campaign said he would not advocate for that person becoming a leader and would not support it.

Later on Monday, Carson said he "absolutely" stood by his comments but would be open to a moderate Muslim candidate who denounced radical Islamists.

The remarks by Carson, who is near the top of opinion polls for the crowded field of Republican candidates for the 2016 election, followed billionaire Trump’s failure to challenge comments made on Friday by a supporter who labeled U.S. President Barack Obama a Muslim. » | Tim Reid | Anaheim, Calif. | Monday, September 21, 2015

BS! ‘EU Measures Fail to Provide Long-term Solution to Refugee Crisis’

The EU has approved a scheme to relocate 12, 000 refugees across the continent, triggering outrage from central European nations. Under European law, three of the countries that voted against the proposal — the Czech Republic, Romania and Slovakia — would be required to accept migrants against their will. RT talks to former deputy speaker of the Belgian Parliament Lode Vanoost.

Immigration Crisis: Budapest Sends Clear Messages Both to East and West

HUNGARY TODAY: Hungary’s Parliament has not only green-lighted further measures enabling protection of the county’s borders but also passed a government resolution calling on EU leaders to protect the continent and its citizens against the consequences of the migration crisis. “The waves of illegal migration threaten an explosion in the whole of Europe,” said the resolution in which the Hungarian government blames the EU for allowing the situation to escalate. “People are now dying in the wake of Brussels’ irresponsible policies,” the document said.

“All European politicians are irresponsible if they encourage migrants to leave all they have behind and risk their lives to get to Europe in the hope of better conditions,” the resoultion said. The countries of central Europe, which have just recovered from an economic crisis, “cannot afford to suffer the damage wrought by Brussels’ ill-advised policies”, according to the document. Hungary cannot allow illegal migrants to jeopardise employment and Hungarians’ social security, it added. “We have the right to protect our culture, language and values,” it said, adding that the government is committed to further developing the economy “without the unbearable burden of illegal migrants arriving in Hungary”. » | via and MTI | Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ben Carson’s Take On Islam Wins Support on the Right

Read the Washington Post article here | David Weigel | Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Police Raid Berlin Mosque as 'Isil' Jihadists Try to Recruit Refugees

THE TELEGRAPH: Several raids in German capital as officials fear Islamic terrorists are trying to recruit Syrian refugees flooding into the country.

Police raided a mosque and several apartments in Berlin in the early house [hours] of Tuesday morning as German intelligence warned Islamic extremists are trying to recruit Syrian refugees flooding into the country.

“We are very concerned that Islamists in Germany are trying, under the cover of humanitarian assistance, to exploit the situation of the refugees for their own ends and to proselytise and recruit among asylum-seekers,” Hans-Georg Maassen, the head of Germany’s domestic security service, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BFV), said. » | Justin Higgler, Berlin | Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Thai Printers Refuse to Publish New York Times Edition over Article about King

King Bhumibol celebrating his 84th birthday in 2011. In
April, a Thai man was jailed for 30 years for insulting
the monarchy on Facebook.
THE GUARDIAN: Front-page story in International New York Times on declining health of King Bhumibol, 87, considered too sensitive, with strict lèse-majesté laws in place

The Thai printers of the International New York Times have refused to publish the paper’s Tuesday edition because a front-page article on the country’s ailing king was deemed too sensitive.

Strict lèse-majesté laws in Thailand make it a crime to criticise, defame or insult members of the royal family, and can land people in jail for up to 15 years on each count.

The article, headlined “As Thai king ails, crown’s future unclear”, focused on the declining health of 87-year-old King Bhumibol Adulyadej and discussed concerns surrounding the succession.

“Today’s edition of the International New York Times was not printed in Thailand because it includes an article that our locally contracted printer deemed too sensitive too print,” the paper told subscribers in an email.

“This decision was made solely by the printer and is not endorsed by the International New York Times,” it said. » | Oliver Holmes in Bangkok | Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Marine Le Pen jugée pour incitation à la haine

Son père est un habitué, pour elle c'est une première:
Marine Le Pen, sera jugée pour incitation à la haine
raciale en octobre à Lyon.
LE MATIN: FRANCE — La présidente du FN a été renvoyée en correctionnelle pour ses propos sur les prières de rue musulmanes comparées à l'Occupation nazie.

«On a été informés de ce renvoi», a indiqué le trésorier du Front National (FN) Wallerand de Saint-Just. La chambre d'instruction de la cour d'appel de Lyon avait annulé en 2014 la procédure visant Marine Le Pen pour ces propos.

Les juges avaient estimé que l'association qui avait déposé plainte était irrecevable à le faire. «Mais le parquet a réussi à faire revivre la procédure», a dit Wallerand de Saint-Just.

En juillet 2013, le Parlement européen s'était prononcé pour la levée de l'immunité de la présidente du FN. Cette décision avait ouvert la voie à une procédure judiciaire à Lyon. En décembre 2010, pendant une réunion publique à Lyon, Marine Le Pen, alors en campagne pour la présidence du FN, avait dénoncé dans un discours les «prières de rue».

Abus de biens sociaux

«Je suis désolée, mais pour ceux qui aiment beaucoup parler de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, s'il s'agit de parler d'Occupation, on pourrait en parler, pour le coup, parce que ça c'est une occupation du territoire», avait-elle déclaré. » | ats/nxp | mardi 22 septembre 2015

Migrant Crisis and Euro Tensions Threaten to Trigger Catastrophic Conflict Claim Experts

Experts and politicians fear the world is on the verge
of a catastrophic war
EXPRESS: RISING tensions between central and east European countries over the escalating migrant crisis could be the spark for a catastrophic WORLD WAR, experts warned today.

Both the Hungarian and Italian prime ministers have spoken of huge dangers of unchecked floods of immigrants from Africa and the Middle East which have set previously peacable EU nations against each other.

The scenario - especially the one currently being played out in Serbia and Hungary - is hauntingly similar to that which triggered the First World War.

The problem has manifesting itself in central Europe where Hungary is besieged by growing numbers of refugees passing through from Serbia and Croatia, forcing its government to build fences to stem the influx.

Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán warned European life and its established laws were under threat from huge numbers of people heading through the continent from war-torn states in the Middle East.

In a defence against criticism of the aggressive stance against refugees taken by the country, he said yesterday: "Our borders are in danger. Our way of life where we respect the law is in danger.

"The whole of Hungary and Europe is in danger.

"The migrants are blitzing us."

Hungary and Serbia have constantly been at each others' throats over the issue, with Budapest urging its non-EU neighbours to do more to help tackle the growing neighbours migrants.

It is now sending troops armed with rubber bullets and tear gas to the border with Serbia to protect the country's frontier.

Pinter Bence, a Hungarian political journalist for the website said the situation with growing tensions between nations was reminiscent of the international scenario from just over 100 years ago.

He said: "This is how the eve of the First World War could have looked like: complete hesitancy, the termination of the usual channels of diplomacy, the lack of solidarity, pressure to take a step and the countries issuing threats to each other are all reminding us of that. It definitely doesn't look like a cooperating Europe. » | Rob Virtue and Agnes Kegl, Exclusive | Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Former DOJ Attorney: Obama Is A Devout Muslim!

Former DOJ attorney who has been called a "Clinton nemesis" for his dozens of lawsuits against the Bill Clinton administration in the 90s reveals that obama is really a devout muslim radical who wants to bring the U.S. to its knees.

Freedom Watch »

PigGate! Internet Trolls Cameron Alleging He Put ‘Private Part’ into Dead Swine

Social media in the UK came alive, and reacted with glee and imagination, to a scandalous allegation involving the British Prime Minister.

Croatia: Over 5,000 Refugees Arrive at Temporary Camp in Opatovac

Over 5,000 refugees poured into a camp near the village of Opatovac, after being moved by authorities overnight from a camp in Tovarnik, Tuesday.

Stürzenberger: Deutschland wird sich nicht arabisieren und islamisieren lassen!

Rede von Michael Stürzernberger bei Pegida Dresden am 21.9.2015. Die Organisatoren schätzten über 15.000 Teilnehmer.

Merkel nach Sibirien & Putin nach Berlin – Pegida (15. September 2015)

Polish Demo: Stop the Islamisation of Europe and Poland


Arab Migrants Told “Swedish Women Require Real Men”

According to an investigation by Swedish newspaper Dala-Demokraten, Arab migrants are being promised ‘free blonde Swedish girls’ and taxpayer-funded luxury treatment if they pay people smugglers to help them reach Scandinavia.

Prison Planet TV »

The Muslim Invasion

Sep. 15, 2015 - 5:56 - 'The O'Reilly Factor': Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points 9/15

Monday, September 21, 2015

Saudis Spreading Radical Ideology, Causing Mass Murder, Destroying States: Ex-Iraqi Defense Minister

The 2003 invasion of Iraq is widely considered to have been a mistake, even by many policy makers in the US. But despite that recognition, the lesson was not learned and the pattern of catastrophic interventions in the region continued in subsequent years. How can the international community tackle the product of that chaos - the Islamic State, and could an all-encompassing regional agreement bring stability to the troubled region? Oksana is joined by Dr Ali Allawi, an Iraqi Cabinet Minister from 2003 to 2006, to analyse these issues.

Putin to Netanyahu: Syrian Army Too Busy Saving Country to Threaten Israel

Benjamin Netanyahu is in Moscow on Monday to discuss the deteriorating security situation in the Middle East and clarify Russia’s position.

Lien en relation avec cette vidéo »

David Cameron rattrapé par son passé sulfureux

LE MATIN: «#PIGGATE» — Une biographie affirme que l'ancien étudiant aurait mis son sexe dans la bouche d'un cochon mort.

Drogue, bizutage à connotation sexuelle et nuits de débauche: une biographie non autorisée à paraître en octobre accuse le Premier ministre conservateur David Cameron d'avoir commis des excès lors de ses années étudiantes à Oxford.

Publiés lundi par le Daily Mail, les premiers extraits du livre du milliardaire Lord Ashcroft, ancien vice-président du Parti conservateur, ont rapidement enflammé les réseaux sociaux avec l'apparition du hash-tag #Piggate ou scandale du cochon.

Il fait référence à l'une des allégations de la biographie qui affirme que David Cameron aurait introduit «une partie privée de son anatomie» dans la bouche d'un cochon mort lors d'une soirée de bizutage d'une société secrète d'Oxford, le Piers Gaveston, spécialisée dans les «rituels bizarres et excès sexuels». » | afp/nxp | lundi 21 septembre 2015

Syrie : Poutine a rencontré Netanyahu à Moscou

LE POINT: Le Premier ministre israélien a notamment prévenu qu'il était déterminé à mettre fin aux livraisons d'armes au Hezbollah par la Syrie et l'Iran.

Le président Vladimir Poutine a rencontré lundi à Moscou le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu pour discuter du conflit en Syrie alors que la Russie est accusée par Washington d'y renforcer sa présence militaire. « Il était très important de venir ici en vue de clarifier notre politique, et faire en sorte qu'il n'y ait aucun malentendu entre nos forces », a déclaré Benjamin Netanyahu au début de la rencontre, selon un communiqué de son bureau. Le Premier ministre israélien a également prévenu qu'il était déterminé à mettre fin aux livraisons d'armes au Hezbollah par la Syrie et l'Iran, et accusé les deux pays de vouloir « ouvrir un second front » contre Israël.

« La politique russe au Proche-Orient sera toujours réfléchie », a pour sa part assuré le président russe, affirmant que la Syrie ne voulait pas s'attaquer à Israël, selon des images de la télévision russe. « Nous savons et nous comprenons que l'armée syrienne et la Syrie en général sont dans un tel état qu'elles ne peuvent ouvrir un second front. La Syrie essaie seulement de préserver son indépendance », a affirmé Vladimir Poutine. Le service de presse de Benjamin Netanyahu a affirmé qu'il était venu en Russie pour discuter des « forces militaires russes en Syrie » et pour « exposer les menaces pesant sur Israël à la suite du renforcement militaire sur la scène syrienne et de la fourniture d'armement au Hezbollah et à d'autres organisations terroristes ». » | Source AFP | lundi 21 septembre 2015

Migrants: la Hongrie envoie l'armée contre les migrants

L’EXPRESS: Budapest vient d'adopter une loi qui durcit les moyens employés pour stopper les migrants: elle autorise les forces de l'ordre à tirer contre eux avec des balles en caoutchouc ou des grenades lacrymogènes.

Budapest franchit encore un pas pour bloquer la route aux candidats à l'asile en Europe. Le parlement hongrois a adopté ce lundi une nouvelle législation qui autorise l'armée à faire usage, dans certaines circonstances, d'armes non létales.

La nouvelle loi, qui nécessitait une majorité des deux tiers, a été adoptée par 151 voix contre 12 et 27 abstentions. Le texte entérine aussi la possibilité de déployer massivement des militaires aux frontières et autorise dans certaines conditions l'armée et la police à employer contre les migrants toute une batterie d'armes non létales. "Comme la police, (l'armée pourra faire usage) d'armes non létales: balles en caoutchouc, engins pyrotechniques, grenades lacrymogènes et fusils à filet", précise le texte. » | Par avec AFP | lundi 21 septembre 2015

Race for Europe: Thousands of Migrants & Refugees Arrive over Weekend, Cause Far-right Rise

The humanitarian crisis in Europe is showing no sign of easing, with thousands of refugees and migrants continuing to arrive at the EU's borders every day.

Merkel Greeted as a Traitor with Massive Booing

David Cameron Claims: Five Things You Need to Know

THE TELEGRAPH: Asa Bennett discusses the five biggest revelations from Lord Ashcroft’s book on the Prime Minister, including allegations that he placed his private parts in a dead pig's mouth

Lord Ashcroft's new book about David Cameron, packed full of lurid allegations about the Prime Minister, has set tongues wagging in Westminster.

The peer, who admits he has personal “beef” with the Prime Minister because he was not given a “significant” Government job in 2010, makes a series of allegations about the Prime Minister being in environments where drugs were openly being taken.

He claims that Mr Cameron was part of a “dope smoking group” with friends while he studied at Oxford. (+ video) » | Alastair Good | Monday, September 21, 2015

Despite Backlash, Ben Carson Is Not Backing Down from His Opposition to a Muslim President

THE WASHINGTON POST: On Sunday, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said he would not support a Muslim president.

It was only a matter of hours before others were clamoring to say that they would not support a presidential candidate who wouldn’t support a Muslim president.

Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) said that Carson should apologize to American Muslims. Ted Cruz reminded Carson that “the Constitution specifies there shall be no religious test for public office.” John Kasich said the most important qualifications to be president were unrelated to religion. Bernie Sanders was “disappointed” in Carson’s statement and Keith Ellison, the country’s first Muslim member of congress, issued a statement condemning Carson and Donald Trump, whose past comments about Islam prompted Carson’s anti-Muslim-president assertion in the first place.

“For Ben Carson, Donald Trump, or any other Republican politician to suggest that someone of any faith is unfit for office is out of touch with who we are as a people,” he wrote. “It’s unimaginable that the leading GOP presidential candidates are resorting to fear mongering to benefit their campaigns, and every American should be disturbed that these national figures are engaging in and tolerating blatant acts of religious bigotry.”

Meanwhile, the Council on American-Islamic Relations called on Carson to withdraw from the race.

“It’s beyond the pale,” CAIR spokesperson Ibrahim Hooper told NBC.

But for the most part, Carson is standing by his comments — when asked by NBC’s Chuck Todd whether he thought Islam is consistent with the Constitution, he responded, “No I don’t. I do not. I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.” » | Sarah Kaplan | Monday, September 21, 2015

Related »

Angela Merkel und die Flüchtlingskrise (15. September 2015)

Erzwungene nationale Psychotherapie? - Merkels Kommentar aus kanadischer Sicht

Merkels Kommentar aus kanadischer Sicht. Der kanadische Journalist Ezra Levant analysiert das am 03.09.2015 erschienene Video von Angela Merkel, in welchem sie auf die Frage einer Bürgerin antwortet, wie Merkel die Kultur und Gesetze Europas und speziell Deutschlands schützen wird, wenn durch die Flüchtlinge und Migranten ein radikaler Islam nach Europa importiert werden sollte.

'Leaving Syria Is a Big Mistake' - Not All Syrians Want to Seek Asylum

The mass exodus is of great concern to Syrians who stay behind. Many believe the number of highly qualified professionals leaving is draining Syria of its best minds. Seeking asylum elsewhere also means separation from families.

Police Pepper Spray Asylum Seeker Trying to Pull Down Barrier on Slovenian Border

Slovenian police used pepper spray on a man who tried to break through the border fence in Harmica on the Slovenian border. The escalations led to altercations between the police and migrants and refugees. Many in the crowd attempted to calm down the situation, negotiating and mediating tensions.

'Brave German Woman' Rebukes Islam's Lie

Islam continues to grow in power and influence across Europe. But in Germany one Christian woman has decided to stand up and declare Christ alone as Lord over her country.

WIKI: Weiße Rose »

WIKI: White Rose »

Sunday, September 20, 2015

‘Bad Choice’: Hungary Hit with Criticism for Closing Borders to Refugees and Migrants

Hungary is building a fence on its border with Croatia, to prevent migrants from sneaking in. Soldiers and police officers are already guarding the frontier. Some local officials are going even further. One border-town mayor made a video set to macho music warning the refugees not to come.

Fury after Saudi Arabia 'Chosen to Head Key UN Human Rights Panel'

THE INDEPENDENT: Wife of imprisoned blogger Raif Badawi says move amounts to "a green light to flog him"

The United Nations has been criticised for handing Saudi Arabia a key human rights role - despite the country having “arguably the worst record in the world” on freedoms for women, minorities and dissidents.

Critics, including the wife of imprisoned pro-democracy blogger Raif Badawi – sentenced to 1,000 lashes for blogging about free speech – labelled the appointment “scandalous”, saying it meant “oil trumps human rights”.

Mr Badawi’s wife, Ensaf Haidar, who is leading an international campaign to free her husband, said on Facebook that handing the role to Faisal bin Hassan Trad, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador at the UN in Geneva, was effectively “a green light to start flogging [him] again”.

UN Watch, an independent campaigning NGO, revealed Mr Trad, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador at the UN in Geneva, was elected as chair of a panel of independent experts on the UN Human Rights Council. » | Tom Brooks-Pollock | Sunday, September 20, 2015

Republican Candidate Carson Says Muslims Unfit to Be U.S. President

U.S. Republican candidate Dr. Ben Carson speaks during the
Heritage Action for America presidential candidate forum
in Greenville, South Carolina September 18, 2015.
REUTERS.COM: Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Sunday said Muslims were unfit to be president of the United States, arguing their faith was inconsistent with American principles.

"I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that," Carson told NBC's "Meet the Press."

The remarks by Carson, who is near the top of opinion polls for the crowded field of Republican candidates, followed a controversy that erupted when front-runner Donald Trump declined to challenge anti-Muslim comments made by a supporter on Friday.

Carson, a Christian who says he got a core idea for his tax proposals from the Bible, said he thought a U.S. president's faith should be "consistent with the Constitution."

Asked if he thought Islam met this bar, the retired neurosurgeon said: "No, I do not." » | Jason Lange | Washington | Additional reporting by Alistair Bell and Eric Walsh; Editing by Ros Russell and Eric Walsh | Sunday, September 20, 2015

Hollande-Mohammed VI, les nouveaux amis

leJDD: Retrouvailles chaleureuses à Tanger entre la France et le Maroc : le Président et le roi vont lancer ensemble dimanche un "appel de Tanger" en faveur du climat.

Son ami le roi. Son nouvel ami le roi. François Hollande a multiplié les gestes envers Mohammed VI tout au long de sa première journée marocaine. Il lui a offert une photographie de Palmyre de 1992, retouchée à la peinture, d'Anne et Patrick Poirier, deux artistes français qui travaillent sur la destruction des mémoires. En venant à Tanger, la ville préférée du roi, la vitrine économique du royaume, le président de la République voulait sceller la réconciliation après un an de brouille diplomatique, due principalement à des plaintes déposées en France pour "complicité de torture" contre un haut responsable marocain. » | Cécile Amar, envoyée spéciale au Maroc - Le Journal du Dimanche | dimanche 20 septembre 2015

leJDD: François Hollande grimé en Hitler à la une d'un hebdo marocain : L'hebdomadaire marocain Al Watan Al An a publié cette semaine un numéro où figure un montage de François Hollande affublé d'une moustache et d'un costume nazi. Le journal titre "Les Français vont-ils faire renaître les camps de concentration d'Hitler pour exterminer les musulmans?" : des propos assumés par le directeur de la publication. » | Alix Hardy - | vendredi 30 janvier 2015

François Fillon évoque un "ressentiment personnel" envers Nicolas Sarkozy

Dans son livre "Faire", l'ancien Premiere ministre qualifie
Nicolas Sarkozy de "plébéien teigneux" qui "répugnait
de ne pas aimé".
L’EXPRESS: L'ancien Premier ministre était interrogé ce dimanche sur son livre "Faire" dans lequel il qualifie Nicolas Sarkozy de "plébéien teigneux". Dans un lapsus, il a reconnu un "ressentiment personnel" à l'égard de l'ex-président.

François Fillon a du mal à cacher sa rancoeur envers Nicolas Sarkozy. Dans son livre Faire, l'ancien Premier ministre dresse un portrait sévère de l'ex-président, qu'il dépeint en "plébéien teigneux" qui "répugnait de ne pas être aimé".

Interrogé ce dimanche sur son ouvrage lors du "Grand Rendez-vous" iTÉLÉ-Le Monde-Europe 1, le député de Paris a commis un savoureux lapsus en expliquant sa démarche. "J'ai écrit ce livre car je voulais dire des choses que je ressens, je voulais exprimer des émotions, je voulais exprimer mon ressentiment personnel. (voir vidéo, à partir de 5min30). » | Par avec AFP | dimanche 20 septembre 2015

Are Nazis On The Rise In Europe?

Many might consider neo-Nazis on the fringes of mainstream society, but is the anti-Semitic movement growing? TestTube looks at how popular and powerful neo-Nazi groups are in Europe today.

Japan Readies for War? New Military Bill Sparks Fierce Protests

Thousands have rallied in Japan against the controversial military bill, passed by the parliament. Since now Japanese forces will be allowed to fight overseas. The demonstrations show this is far from being universally welcomed.

Verwandt »

Asylerpressung von Mutti Merkel

Angela Merkel bricht Gesetze zum Nachteil des deutschen Volkes Horst Seehofer Asyl Debatte CSU

Bundeskanzlerin Angela bricht Gesetze zum Nachteil des deutschen Volkes Horst Seehofer Asyl Debatte

Jamie Glazov Moment: Our Death Through Jihad-By-Immigration

Franklin Graham Condemns Obama's Guest List for Papal Welcome as 'Sinful'

CHRISTIAN POST: White House Invitation to Transgender Activists, Gay Bishop, Abortion Supporter Irks Vatican

Evangelist Franklin Graham has called President Obama's guest list for Pope Francis' welcome this week "disgraceful and obviously inappropriate," even as the Vatican has reportedly objected to the White House's invitation to transgender activists, an openly gay bishop and supporters of abortion and euthanasia.

The guest list for a planned event at the White House's South Lawn to welcome the pope on his first full day in the U.S. on Wednesday includes Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of Network, a "Catholic social justice lobby" which allegedly supports abortion and euthanasia; Bishop Gene Robinson, former Episcopal bishop of New Hampshire who is the first openly gay Episcopal bishop in the country; Mateo Williamson, a former co-head of the transgender caucus of Dignity USA; and also activists from the LGBT group GLAAD.

"This is disgraceful and obviously inappropriate," Graham wrote on his Facebook page Saturday. "Is there no end to the lengths the president will go to in order to push his sinful agenda?"

Graham, who leads the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, said it is wise of the Vatican to "question President Obama's guest list" and that the list of guests "should raise a lot of eyebrows."

The Vatican has taken offense, according to The Wall Street Journal. » | Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor | Sunday, September 20, 2015

Immigration: Hungary Will Not Be Forced to Change Its Cultural and Ethnic Composition, PM Orbán Tells Envoys

HUNGARY TODAY: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said his request to migrants not to come to Europe through Hungary was “for moral reasons” because he could not take responsibility for what might happen to them along the way.

Addressing a meeting of Hungary’s foreign mission leaders yesterday morning, Mr. Orbán said that people who had already made it to Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary and Austria are already safe, so they are not running for safety. They have actually “set their eyes on life in Germany”, he added. The Prime Minister said that in 90 per cent of European Union member states, the opinion of the people and “political elite” are diverged. In Hungary, however, points of agreement have been formed between the people and the government thanks to national consultations, which anchor government operations in a democratic way, he said, adding thereby the government is sticking to its asylum policy. “A country without borders is not a country,” he told the envoys. And this is also true if those borders are unprotected, he added. The EU was right to make borders between member states fade into insignificance, but Hungary also has external borders to protect, under a legal obligation in the Schengen Agreement, the prime minister noted. Hungary has built a barrier in order to keep to Schengen rules, and while there is no guarantee that this will suffice, it must try all it can to protect the external borders, he said. » | via and MTI | Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Adam Topolansky: ”Useful Idiots” of the West and the Creation of Chaos through Mass Migration

HUNGARY TODAY: Western ideologues’ demagoguery regarding the European immigration crisis is rehashing an old phrase: „useful idiots of the West”. This phrase was originally coined by Vladimir Iljich Lenin who allegedly referred to Westerners who unintentionally contributed to the demise of their own civilization through their self-defeating guilt complexes and false reflex machanisms, thereby promoting the cause of internationalism, i.e. socialism and communism. Lenin and Stalin used the term “polyezniy idiot” or “useful idiot” to describe sympathizers in the West who blindly supported Communist leaders.

A New York Times article from 1948, on contemporary Italian politics, documented usage of the term in an article from the social-democratic Italian paper L’Umanita. The French equivalent, “idiots utiles”, was used in a newspaper article title in 1946. A similar term, useful innocents, appears in Austrian-American economist Ludwig von Mises‘s “Planned Chaos” (1947). A 2010 BBC radio documentary titled Useful Idiots listed among “useful idiots” of Joseph Stalin several prominent British writers including H. G. Wells and Doris Lessing, the Irish writer George Bernard Shaw, the American journalist Walter Duranty, and the singer Paul Robeson.

One thing is for certain, these „useful idiots of the West” are once again at their “best” during the European immigration crisis. Their guilt trip and false reasoning are fast chipping away at western civilization. They are typically driven by pathological altruism, believing that they know best how to run the lives of all people throughout the world. » | Adam Topolansky | Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Croatia: Families Divided as Refugees Struggle to Board Train

Hundreds of refugees struggled to board a train from Tovarnik to an undisclosed location after being left stranded at the Croatian-Serbian border town, Sunday. Authorities are not giving information on the destination of the trains.

"Refugees" Protesting in Sweden - Conditions Are Not Top–notch

Daily scenes of "refugees" who are angry because the quality of housing, food, area to live in, and service which is offered them are not good enough. When will the majority of people realize that they are not refugees.

Croatia: Scenes of Chaos as Hundreds of Refugees Board Westward-bound Trains

Hundreds of refugees crowded on to trains at Beli Manastir train station, Croatia, bound for Zagreb on Friday. The previous day at least 26 buses and one train brought refugees to Beli Manastir.