Showing posts with label halal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label halal. Show all posts
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Cadbury Removes Word “Easter” from Halal-certified “Whatever” Eggs
Pauline Hanson Calls for Boycott of Cadbury Easter Eggs
Easter eggs,
Pauline Hanson
Popular Chocolates Now Labeled "Halal," Not "Easter"
Easter eggs,
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Sunday, April 03, 2016
Monday, October 12, 2015
Muslims Praise Obama For Banning Non-Halal Meat In 122 Federal Prisons
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Racks of pork ribs get smoked at the 2014 World Pork Expo in Des Moines, Iowa, in 2014. The Federal Bureau of Prisons last week removed pork products from the menu at 122 penitentiaries. |
The decision was based on a survey of prisoners’ food preferences that found most inmates don’t like the taste of the “other white meat,” prison officials said. But the nation’s pork producers are not buying that explanation and see it as an economic risk to the industry. » | Aaron Morrison | Monday, October 12, 2015
Sunday, September 27, 2015
French School Makes Muslims and Jews Wear Red Discs
A school in central France has provoked outrage for making Muslim and Jewish pupils wear a red disc around their necks at lunchtime so canteen staff would not serve them pork.
The Piedalloues primary school in Auxerre, in Burgundy, gave red discs to non-pork eating pupils and yellow discs to those who do not eat meat.
Eighteen of the school’s 1,500 pupils were made to wear the discs. They were withdrawn after protests by angry parents and community leaders, who said they were reminiscent of the yellow stars Jews were forced to wear under the Nazi occupation.
“It’s revolting. It reminds you of the darkest times,” said a local councillor, Malika Ounès. “Practices like this are not acceptable. No one has the right to impose this on children.”
Christian Sautier, director of communications in the mayor’s office, said it was “an isolated, clumsy and unfortunate initiative” that lasted only one day. He said it had been put into effect by canteen staff without informing local authorities, who ended it immediately.
“When we learned about it, we fell out of our chairs,” Mr Sautier said, adding that the mayor had ordered an investigation. » | David Chazan, Paris | Saturday, Septemebr 26, 2015
Sunday, April 05, 2015
Reclaim Australia Marchers Rally against Islam
Anti-Islam protesters gathered outside Colin Barnett's offices on Harvest Terrace to take part in the national Reclaim Australia series of rallies.
A short distance away in Solidarity Square, close to Parliament House, a group of anti-racist protesters gathered to demonstrate against Reclaim Australia.
Between them, in a deserted car park, was a line of mounted police and other officers on foot, some with dogs, to make sure the two groups did not clash.
The Reclaim Australia rally was much bigger than the anti-racist gathering, with many of those on the hill outside the Department of Premier and Cabinet draped in the Australian flag.
Several speakers said they had gathered to protest against Sharia law, halal certification and Islamisation. (+ video) » | with AAP | Sunday, April 05, 2015
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Malaysian Muslim Groups Call for Jihad on Cadbury after Pork Traces Found in Chocolate
Muslim groups are calling for a boycott of Cadbury after two of its products sold in predominately Islamic Malaysia were found to contain traces of pork.
The discovery was made during a periodic check for non-halal ingredients in food products by the country's Ministry of Health, which confirmed porcine DNA traces in bars of Cadbury Dairy Milk Hazelnut and Cadbury Dairy Milk Roast Almond.
Cadbury Malaysia, like most food makers in the country where Muslims make up more than 60 per cent of the population, has all of its products certified halal to conform with Islam's dietary restrictions, one of which is a prohibition on pork. » | Josie Ensor | Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Thursday, March 06, 2014
End Religious Slaughter of Animals without Stunning First, Urges Top Vet
Religious slaughter of animals to produce halal and kosher meat should be banned if more humane methods are not adopted, the leader of Britain’s vets has said.
John Blackwell, who took over as president elect of the British Veterinary Association (BVA) last year, claimed killing animals by letting them bleed to death after slitting their throats causes unnecessary suffering.
He called on Muslims and Jews to allow the livestock to be stunned unconscious before they are killed.
The farm vet said the ritual slaughter of poultry, sheep and cattle which are still conscious should be outlawed, as it is in Denmark[.]
“As veterinary surgeons, it is one of the most important issues on our radar. This is something that can be changed in an instant.,” he told The Times [£]. » | Miranda Prynne, News Reporter | Thursday, March 06, 2014
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Halal Food: A Market Waiting to Be Tapped Into?
THE GUARDIAN: Halal meat accounts for up to 15% of meat sales in the UK yet the options for Muslim foodies, or 'haloodies', are limited. Can a new food festival change that?
For the Oxford dictionary, a foodie is a person "with a particular interest in food; a gourmet". Collins goes for "having an enthusiastic interest in the preparation and consumption of good food". Imran Kausar fits both, but with qualifications: he won't touch alcohol, can't eat pork or pork products or byproducts, and must avoid blood, most carnivorous animals, the meat of animals not slaughtered according to certain rules, or any food contaminated with the above.
Kausar, Glasgow-born of Pakistani parents, is a halal foodie. It's a group of people now so numerous and, he believes, so poorly served that he and his friend Noman Khawaja have not only coined a new term to describe them – "Haloodies" – but organised a festival for them: London's first, and the world's largest, Halal food festival, which takes place at the capital's Excel Centre this weekend and confidently expects to draw 20,000 paying visitors.
"There's a huge market out there, waiting to be tapped," he says. A medical doctor by training who has also worked in investment banking and the pharmaceutical industry, he sees himself as typical of a new generation of young, middle-class Muslim consumers now contributing to a growing demand for high quality and varied halal food.
"Our parents came over in the 60s and basically put up with what there was," he says. "Now there are many people like me: well educated, good jobs, decent incomes ... and we want things. I want to go out with friends – with non-Muslim friends, too – and with my family of course, and be able to eat halal French, Japanese, Thai, pizza, like everyone else. Michelin-starred food, if I want, why not? Read on and comment » | Jon Henley | Wednesday, September 25, 2013
For the Oxford dictionary, a foodie is a person "with a particular interest in food; a gourmet". Collins goes for "having an enthusiastic interest in the preparation and consumption of good food". Imran Kausar fits both, but with qualifications: he won't touch alcohol, can't eat pork or pork products or byproducts, and must avoid blood, most carnivorous animals, the meat of animals not slaughtered according to certain rules, or any food contaminated with the above.
Kausar, Glasgow-born of Pakistani parents, is a halal foodie. It's a group of people now so numerous and, he believes, so poorly served that he and his friend Noman Khawaja have not only coined a new term to describe them – "Haloodies" – but organised a festival for them: London's first, and the world's largest, Halal food festival, which takes place at the capital's Excel Centre this weekend and confidently expects to draw 20,000 paying visitors.
"There's a huge market out there, waiting to be tapped," he says. A medical doctor by training who has also worked in investment banking and the pharmaceutical industry, he sees himself as typical of a new generation of young, middle-class Muslim consumers now contributing to a growing demand for high quality and varied halal food.
"Our parents came over in the 60s and basically put up with what there was," he says. "Now there are many people like me: well educated, good jobs, decent incomes ... and we want things. I want to go out with friends – with non-Muslim friends, too – and with my family of course, and be able to eat halal French, Japanese, Thai, pizza, like everyone else. Michelin-starred food, if I want, why not? Read on and comment » | Jon Henley | Wednesday, September 25, 2013
halal food,
halal meat,
Islam in the UK
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Friday, August 16, 2013
Denmark Bans Meatballs to Accommodate Muslims
One of the largest hospitals in Denmark has admitted to serving only halal beef -- meat that is slaughtered in accordance with strict Islamic guidelines -- to all of its patients regardless of whether or not they are Muslim.
The revelation that Danes are being forced to eat Islamically slaughtered meat at public institutions has triggered a spirited nationwide debate about how far Denmark should go to accommodate the estimated 250,000 Muslim immigrants now living in the country.
The halal food row erupted in July when the Danish tabloid Ekstra Bladet reported that Hvidovre Hospital near Copenhagen has been secretly serving only halal-slaughtered meat for the sake of its Muslim patients, for the past ten years. The hospital serves more than 40,000 patients annually, many (if not most) of whom presumably are non-Muslim.
Halal -- which in Arabic means lawful or legal -- is a term designating any object or action that is permissible according to Islamic Sharia law. In the context of food, halal meat is derived from animals slaughtered by hand according to methods stipulated in Islamic religious texts.
One such halal method, called dhabihah, consists of making a swift, deep incision with a sharp knife on the neck that cuts the jugular vein, leaving the animal to bleed to death. Much of the controversy involving halal stems from the fact that Sharia law bans the practice of stunning the animals before they are slaughtered. Pre-slaughter stunning renders the animals unconscious and is said to lessen their pain.
Amid a surge of public outrage over the decision to serve only halal beef, Hvidovre Hospital's vice president, Torben Mogensen, has been unapologetic. "We have many patients from different ethnic backgrounds, which we must take into account, and it is impossible to have both the one and the other kind of beef," he says. » | Soeren Kern | Friday, August 16, 2013
halal meat,
Islam in Denmark,
meatball ban,
Soeren Kern
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Polens Juden und Muslime bekämpfen Schächtverbot
Polens Oberrabbiner Michael Schudrich ist kein Freund des Streits. Aber in diesem Fall wählte der aus New York stammende, seit 1990 in Warschau tätige Geistliche deutliche Worte: Er könne nicht länger in seinem Amt verbleiben, er könne seinen "Glaubensgenossen nicht mehr angemessen dienen", wenn das gerade verabschiedete Gesetz nicht geändert werde.
Es geht um das Verbot des Schächtens, das der Sejm, das polnische Abgeordnetenhaus, gerade erlassen hat. Auch Polens Muslime protestieren gegen das Gesetz. Am Freitag hatte das Parlament den Regierungsentwurf, der das Schächten ohne vorherige Betäubung des Tieres erlaubt hätte, mit 222 gegen 178 Stimmen abgeschmettert. Vor allem die konservative Opposition stimmte für ein Schächtverbot, aber auch Abgeordnete quer durch die Bänke, auch aus der regierenden Bürgerplattform. » | Von Gerhard Gnauck, Warschau | Dienstag, 16. Juli 2013
Thursday, May 09, 2013
THE GUARDIAN: Burgers produced by Doncaster-based Paragon Quality Foods withdrawn from schools in Leicester
Halal lamb burgers have been withdrawn from schools in Leicester after tests revealed a sample contained pork.
The decision follows DNA tests on a batch of frozen burgers manufactured by Doncaster-based Paragon Quality Foods in January, Leicester council said on Thursday.
Assistant mayor Vi Dempster said: "I am appalled by this situation. It is disgraceful that none of us can have confidence in the food we eat.
"We regret any distress this will cause families and staff, and would like to reassure them that robust action is being taken to address this serious matter." » | Press Association | Thursday, May 09, 2013
halal meat,
Thursday, April 04, 2013

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH (AU): QANTAS has removed pork from its in-flight menu on flights to and from Europe as a result of its partnership with Middle Eastern airline Emirates.
No food containing pork or pork products will be served on those flights - which now has a stopover in Dubai - because it is strictly forbidden in Islam and is considered "unholy".
All meals offered on the route in first, business and economy classes will also be prepared without alcohol in keeping with the Islamic religion. A note on the Qantas menus on flights in and out of Dubai states that the meals do not contain pork products or alcohol. The airline has also introduced a mezze plate offering traditional Middle Eastern fare in its upper classes and has Arabic translations after in-flight announcements. » | Angela Saurine and Peter Holmes | The Daily Telegraph | April 05, 2013
My comment:
The West is caving in to Islam, Muslims at every turn. Jews do not eat pork, but we never had to ban pork on flights for them. What makes Muslims so different? Oh, yes, I know: Intolerance.
It is sickening in the extreme that we are kow-towing to these barbarians. It is also sickening in the extreme that we are allowing all our finest properties and businesses to fall into rich Middle Easterners' hands. Would they do the same for us? I think you know the answer to that question.
Is there no Western leader out there who will put a stop to this insanity? These people are tightening their grip on the West in a pincer-style action. Soon it will be too late. We will be employed by Muslims, paid by Muslims, owned by Muslims. And as the old saying goes: 'He who pays the piper calls the tune.' Welcome to the new world order! One brought on by wimps, appeasers, and politicians without cojones. – © Mark
Thursday, March 14, 2013
LE FIGARO: La présence d'ADN de porc a été détectée dans des saucisses halal au poulet au menu d'écoles et de crèches dans le centre de Londres, ont annoncé jeudi les autorités locales. Celles-ci avaient fait faire de leur propre chef des tests dans certaines cantines scolaires de l'arrondissement de Westminster, dans le sillage du scandale de la viande de cheval découverte dans des plats préparés, présentés comme étant au boeuf.
Aucune trace de cheval n'a été détectée, mais ces examens ont montré la possible présence d'ADN de porc dans des saucisses halal au poulet, confirmée ensuite par une deuxième série de tests. "Les résultats ont confirmé aujourd'hui la présence de porc dans un échantillon de saucisses halal qui ont potentiellement été servies dans 19 écoles et crèches" où elles étaient proposées au menu, a expliqué dans un communiqué la municipalité. Des traces d'agneau et de porc ont également été retrouvées dans du boeuf haché non halal utilisé par les cantines de 17 autres établissements du secteur. » | AFP | jeudi 14 mars 2013
REUTERS.COM: Pork found in halal meat in London school – council: Traces of pork were found in halal chicken sausages served in at least one primary school in central London, the local city council said on Thursday. » | Reuters | LONDON | Thursday, March 14, 2013
Thursday, February 28, 2013

DAWN: PRZEMYSL: Poland, for Zaida Saleh, like for many observant Muslim women, manicures have long posed a religious problem.
With prayers five times a day, and the pre-prayer ritual of “wudhu” that requires washing the hands and arms, traditional fingernail polish has been mostly off limits because it prevents water from making contact with the nails. A new ”breathable” nail polish by a Polish company, Inglot, is changing that.
The company and some Muslims say the polish is the first of its kind because it lets air and moisture pass through to the nail. A craze has built up around it with Muslim women in recent months after an Islamic scholar in the United States tested its permeability and published an article saying that, in his view, it complies with Muslim law.
”It’s huge,” said Saleh, a 35-year-old who hadn’t polished her nails in many years but immediately went out and bought the product in five colours, including a bright pink, a burgundy and a mauve. ”I am excited. I feel more feminine – and I just love it.”
The news of Inglot’s breathable polish has in recent months spread quickly from woman to woman and over the Internet. It also has given Inglot a boost in sales of the product, called O2M, for oxygen and moisture.
The nail polish now stands as one of the final life achievements of Wojciech Inglot, a Polish chemist and entrepreneur who developed it to create what he billed as a healthier alternative to traditional nail enamels, which block the passage of moisture and oxygen to the nail. He died suddenly on Saturday at the age of 57 after suffering internal hemorrhaging.
Though the Holy Quran, does not specifically address the issue of nail polish, some Islamic scholars have said that water must touch the surface of the nail for the washing ritual to be done correctly.
Nobody was more surprised by the splash it made with Muslims than Inglot himself. » | AP | Wednesday, February 27, 2013
halal cosmetics
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: McDonald's and one of its franchise owners agreed to pay $700,000 to members of the Muslim community to settle allegations a Detroit-area restaurant falsely advertised its food as being prepared according to Islamic dietary law.
McDonald's and Finley's Management Co. agreed Friday to the tentative settlement, with that money to be shared by Dearborn Heights resident Ahmed Ahmed, a Detroit health clinic, the Arab American National Museum in Dearborn and lawyers.
Ahmed's attorney, Kassem Daklallah, told The Associated Press on Monday that he's "thrilled" with the preliminary deal that's expected to be finalized March 1. McDonald's and Finley's Management deny any liability but say the settlement is in their best interests.
The lawsuit alleged that Ahmed bought a chicken sandwich in September 2011 at a Dearborn McDonald's but found it wasn't halal - meaning it didn't meet Islamic requirements for preparing food. Islam forbids consumption of pork, and God's name must be invoked before an animal providing meat for consumption is slaughtered. » | Tuesday, January 22, 2013
fast food,
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