Monday, December 18, 2023

Biden Ditches Trade Deal Talks with Britain

THE TELEGRAPH: UK's hopes for agreement fall to 'zero' after president came under pressure from own party about effects on US manufacturing

Rishi Sunak meets Joe Biden on a visit to the White House earlier this year. There had been hopes of talks towards creating a free trade agreement | CREDIT: Simon Walker / No 10 Downing Street

Joe Biden has shelved plans for a pact with Britain that could have paved the way for a full post-Brexit trade deal.

The US president has decided not to move forward with a “foundational” agreement prepared by the US Trade Representative’s Office, that would have included negotiations over 11 areas of trade and regulation, following opposition from his own party in the Senate.

Senate Democrats argued that it would not have provided sufficient protection for American workers, Politico reported.

The UK’s hopes for a free trade agreement (FTA) with the US date from before the Brexit referendum, and faced an early setback when Barack Obama told voters that Britain would be “at the back of the queue” for a deal if it left the EU.

But despite US support for an FTA in the early days of Donald Trump’s presidency in 2016, the chance of a deal has now fallen to “zero” under Mr Biden, the Government believes. » | Tony Diver, US Editor | Monday, December 18, 2023

Ha! Ha! Ha! Yet another Brexit benefit! There are so many benefits of Brexit that one loses count! – © Mark Alexander

Pope Francis Approves Blessings for Same-sex Couples — If the Rituals Don’t Resemble Marriage

NEW YORK POST: ROME — Pope Francis has formally approved allowing priests to bless same-sex couples, with a new document explaining a radical change in Vatican policy by insisting that people seeking God’s love and mercy shouldn’t be subject to “an exhaustive moral analysis” to receive it.

The document from the Vatican’s doctrine office, released Monday, elaborates on a letter Francis sent to two conservative cardinals that was published in October.

In that preliminary response, Francis suggested such blessings could be offered under some circumstances if they didn’t confuse the ritual with the sacrament of marriage.

The new document repeats that rationale and elaborates on it, reaffirming that marriage is a lifelong sacrament between a man and a woman.

And it stresses that blessings should not be conferred at the same time as a civil union, using set rituals or even with the clothing and gestures that belong in a wedding. » | Associated Press | December 18, 2023

Vatican gives conditional approval to blessings for same-sex couples: Landmark ruling approved by Pope Francis would be a sign that God welcomes all, says Vatican »

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Ein großer deutscher Politiker, dem man Vertrauen schenken konnte. Einer, der die Weltlage verstand.

Helmut Schmidt (1986) NDR Talk Show: Aug 28, 2010 | Helmut Schmidt war 1986 Gast in der NDR Talk Show.

Der 9. November: Ein »Schicksalstag« der Deutschen | Schlaglicht | SPIEGEL TV

Nov 7, 2021 | Kaum ein Datum hat die jüngere deutsche Geschichte so stark geprägt wie der 9. November. Gleich viermal kam es im 20. Jahrhundert an diesem Tag zu einschneidenden Ereignissen für unser Land. Von Hass und Gewalt bis hin zu grenzenloser Freude. Ein Schlaglicht auf den "Schicksalstag der Deutschen".

Something Beautiful to Send Putin and Orbán into Orbit and Allah into Convulsions!

Two men exercising their right to love each other. Nothing more, nothing less.

Very many thanks to Pinterest for this beautiful and expressive twenty-first century photo.

Ne-Yo Ft. FABOLOUS : Link Up Remix | Official Music Video

Premiered Nov 3, 2023

ABBA : Super Trouper

Oct 9, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 101,454,607

Très simple, très chic, très élégant !

Un très bel ensemble par Mart Visser, tout simplement maître de l'élégance de la haute couture.

Un grand merci à Mart Visser sur Pinterest pour cette photo vraiment élégante.

ABBA : Dancing Queen | Official Music Video Remastered

Oct 8, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 802,010,559

Farron Cousins: "Grotesque Tucker Carlson Gushes over Trump after Rumors of Him Being VP Pick Swirl"

Dec 17, 2023 | Tucker Carlson tried to downplay the speculation that he could be Donald Trump's running mate next year during an interview with Megyn Kelly this week, but he also went on and on like a lunatic about how much he loves Donald Trump and how he gets so much joy out of being in the same room as him. This is certainly a stark contrast to the leaked text messages where Carlson talked about how much he despised Trump. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains why Carlson has changed his tune.

Trump & Tucker? Wow! That sounds like a queer marriage made in heaven hell! – © Mark Alexander

Dinner In Rome - Lidia's Italian Table

Nov 15, 2021 | A popular dish in Lidia's first restaurant in Queens, New York, and still a favorite in her home today, Lidia shares her recipes with us…

How Donald Trump Will Make the Crisis at the US-Mexico Border Even Worse | The Warning

Dec 17, 2023 | Steve Schmidt breaks down Donald Trump's latest rhetoric on the US-Mexico border and why it could cause danger for our entire democracy.

Americans who vote for Donald Trump will be irresponsible. Any vote for Trump will be a dereliction of their duty to the rest of the world to help maintain peace and stability. Especially so in these perilous times. American voters, when they cast their votes, should think of their responisbilities to others who live abroad – people who depend on America to maintain peace in the world. A vote for Donald Trump will in no way be conducive to the furtherance of world peace; on the contrary, it will destabilise the world — profoundly. – © Mark Alexander

The Original Victorian Christmas Pudding Recipe : 'Food, Glorious, Food': Cooking with Dickens

Dec 17, 2018 | Dickens’s joy of Christmas illuminates his writing and is especially clear in his scenes of festive feasting; none is more important or joyful than when Mrs Cratchit brings out her flaming Christmas pudding in a Christmas Carol. In this video Pen Vogler shares her recipe to make an original Victorian Christmas pudding to challenge Mrs Cratchit.

For the recipe, please click here and then click on “more”.

Douglas Murray: Religious Double Standards | #shorts

Douglas Murray talks about the madness and hypocrisy in British attitudes to religious tolerance and freedom.

‘Prison or Bullet’: New Argentina Government Promises Harsh Response to Protest

THE GUARDIAN: President Javier Milei and his allies are preparing new security guidelines in anticipation of protests against currency devaluation

Human rights activists in Argentina have expressed consternation over new security guidelines to crack down on an anticipated wave of protests after the incoming government of libertarian president Javier Milei devalued the country’s currency by more than 50%.

Protesting individuals and organizations will be identified with “video, digital or manual means” – and then billed for the cost of sending security forces to police their demonstrations, said Milei’s security minister, Patricia Bullrich, as she announced the new protocol on Thursday.

“The state is not going to pay for the use of the security forces; organizations that have legal status will have to pay or individuals will have to bear the cost,” Bullrich said. » | Uki Goñi in Buenos Aires | Sunday, December 17, 2023

Rudy Rochman: “Origins of the Israel/Palestine Conflict”

Dec 17, 2023 | What if I told you that the victor of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be both populations, and that the true oppressor is not even on the current line up?

Every problem has a source, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is no different. The British Empire has always operated intentionally with tactics to divide & conquer, which has resulted in creating or maintaining several major global conflicts till this day.

Watch this video to understand how we got here, so that all parties involved can understand and position their invested energy into changing the reality we all experience.

This film is a Kavana Films production

You can support Rudy Rochman on Patreon here.

Please note that the views expressed in this short video are Rudy Rochman’s alone. The mere fact that I have posted this controversial video here should not be construed as an endorsement of the views expressed therein. I neither endorse Rudy’s views on this matter nor do I reject them. Frankly, I do not feel qualified to do so. The issue is deep and complex. I merely seek the truth. Moreover, Rudy Rochman is an extremely erudite man with an extraordinary talent to communicate clearly and with conviction. His viewpoints can sometimes be controversial, but they are always extremely interesting, fascinating, well-thought-through, thought-provoking, and perspicacious. One can but admire Rudy's fearlessness and conviction. – © Mark Alexander

UE : Frieden a fait face au dissident Orban

LE QUOTIDIEN: Quelques heures à peine après la décision «historique» de s’ouvrir à l’Ukraine, prise sans la Hongrie, Viktor Orban est venu bloquer le paquet financier de 50 milliards d’euros destiné à Kiev. Le Premier ministre luxembourgeois connaît désormais l’enfant terrible du Conseil européen, qui agit seul contre tous.

Pour sa grande première au Conseil européen, réunissant les 27 chefs d’État et de gouvernement de l’UE, le nouveau Premier ministre luxembourgeois n’a pas eu le temps de tergiverser. «Ce fut un sommet particulier, parce que l’on était amenés à prendre une décision stratégique très importante, qui va trouver place dans les livres d’histoire», avance Luc Frieden, au bout de deux jours et demi d’intenses tractations à Bruxelles, lancées dès mercredi soir lors du sommet avec les Balkans occidentaux.

La décision «historique» est bien la validation de l’ouverture de négociations d’adhésion avec l’Ukraine, mais aussi avec la Moldavie. Les circonstances dans lesquelles ce feu vert a été accordé vont aussi marquer l’histoire européenne. Sur proposition du chancelier allemand, Olaf Scholz, le Premier ministre hongrois, Viktor Orban, a en effet quitté la salle du Conseil pour libérer la voie à un consensus qualifié par Luc Frieden de «leçon pour Poutine» et d’un message «pour montrer que nous ne laissons pas l’Ukraine seule». » | De David Marques | samedi 16 décembre 2023

Thailand to Legalize Same-sex Marriage

LGBTQ NATION: The Asian country will be the next to give citizens marriage equality.

Only two Asian countries recognize same-sex marriages, but Thailand will be the next to give citizens marriage equality.

Thailand’s cabinet recently approved a bill that would legalize same-sex weddings. The amendment to the country’s laws will be submitted to the parliament this month. » | Bill Browning | Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The Lincoln Project: Preview

Dec 13, 2023 | The danger to our democracy did not go away in 2020. Given the opportunity, Trump would do it all over again, and much worse. Next time he may succeed.

Are Chinese Factories Poisoning Southern Europeans? | Focus on Europe

Dec 16, 2023 | For China, the Balkans are the entry point to Europe, meaning that China is active in many industrial projects in this region. Chinese-owned companies run local factories, and are involved in coal power stations. But some of these endeavors seem to leave the environment and people’s health worse off. Our reporters want to find out more about China’s footprint in the Balkans.

Could Russian Propaganda Turn Serbia against the EU and NATO? | DW News

Dec 16, 2023 | Pro-democracy campaigners are urging Serbians to go out and vote in parliamentary and local elections on Sunday. The election is pitting Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's ruling Serbian Progressive Party, against a pro-Western opposition coalition.

Observers say campaigning has been held in an atmosphere of intimidation and under the heavy influence of Russia.

The elections were initially scheduled to be held by 30 April 2026, but president Vucic called a snap election. DW's journalists Sanja Kljajic and Alexandra von Nahmen met Serbian voters and election observers in the capital Belgrade.

Sotheby’s : Spotlight | Vienna 1900: An Imperial and Royal Collection

Sep 13, 2023 | Following the fall of the monarchy in France, Vienna saw its rapid rise as the ultimate Royal and Imperial court in Europe, welcoming royal families from across the continent. The most awe-inspiring splendour and glory in Western court life were in Vienna at that time and this unique Royal and Imperial jewellery collection is both its most faithful witness and its most dazzling representative, offering a once in a lifetime opportunity to acquire historic pieces from a scintillating bygone era.

The collection fascinatingly depicts the grandeur of Viennese court life and affords a wonderful insight into the alliances, the tastes and styles of the Houses of Habsburg, Bourbon Parma, Bourbon-Two Sicillies and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha when they were setting fashion trends at the Court that radiated across Europe from early 19th century and for the next 100 years.

Comprising over 200 pieces, this collection will be offered in as part of the Vienna 1900: An Imperial and Royal Collection across two auctions on 6 and 7 November during Sotheby’s Luxury Week in Geneva.

In association with Philipp Württemburg Art Advisory GmbH.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Vor etlichen Jahren wussten wir, wie wir uns schön anziehen sollten. Scheinbar haben wir diese Fähigkeit schon längst vergessen.

Giorgio Armani mens fashion, 1982, photography by Aldo Fallai

Ich möchte mich bei Artful Fashion auf Pinterest für dieses schöne Foto bedanken.

Sunak Accused of Toxic Rhetoric after Warning of ‘Overwhelming’ Migration to Europe

THE OBSERVER: Prime minister makes controversial remarks at Rome conference organised by Giorgia Meloni’s party

Italian premier Giorgia Meloni welcoming Rishi Sunak in Rome on Saturday: an onlooker thought they had ‘good chemistry’. Photograph: Franco Origlia/Getty Images

Rishi Sunak has been accused of adopting the “toxic” rhetoric of his former home secretary Suella Braverman, after he warned that migration would “overwhelm” European countries without firm action.

In remarks that will further inflame the Tory row over migration that has been raging for weeks, the prime minister said that “enemies” were “deliberately driving people to our shores to try to destabilise our society”.

Sunak made the comments at a festival in Rome organised by the far-right Brothers of Italy party, led by the Italian premier Giorgia Meloni. He said that both he and Meloni, with whom he has been forging a close relationship over hardline migration policies, were taking inspiration from Margaret Thatcher’s steadfast radicalism in their quest to do “whatever it takes” to “stop the boats”. » | Angela Giuffrida in Rome and Michael Savage | Saturday, December 16, 2023

Sunak ist politisch eine Niete. Er hat überhaupt kein gutes Feingefühl für die Politik. Wenn er sagt, daß das größte politische Problem Immigration ist, ist es absurd. Ungleichheit und Armut sind viel, viel wichtiger als Zuwanderung, obschon Zuwanderung wichtig ist. Und was tut Sunak dagegen? Was sind seine Lösungen? – © Mark Alexander

Steve Schmidt Breaks Down How the New York Times Failed Democracy | The Warning

Dec 16, 2023 | Steve Schmidt breaks down the reporting on how the New York Times lost its way, and how they failed to be an adequate watchdog of American democracy.

Steve, I wish you would run for president. – © Mark Alexander

Lasagna & Caesar Salad - Lidia's Italian Table (S1E12)

Oct 12, 2021 | Caesar salad is a staple on the Italian-American table, even though it’s origin in Mexican. Lidia’s version is the best of both, and shows us why it is probably America’s most popular salad. And who doesn’t love lasagna? Lidia’s is classic Italian-American lasagna, steeped in her special meat sauce.

For Lidia’s website, click here.

Dimitra's Dishes: Greek Christmas Cookies that Melt-in-Your-Mouth! Kourabiedes

Dec 3, 2022

Get the recipe here.

WIKIPEDIA: Kourabiedes »

Russland intensiviert Angriffe: Wie lang kann Ukraine noch standhalten? | ZDFheute live

Dec 16, 2023 | Russland greift die Ukraine seit Tagen mit Raketen und Kampfdrohnen intensiv aus der Luft an. Kann die Ukraine den russischen Angriffen weiter standhalten? Wie steht es um die stockenden Militär-Hilfen? Darüber spricht ZDFheute live mit dem Militärökonomen Marcus Keupp.

Der Westen bekomme seine Sicherheit zu einem sehr, sehr günstigen Preis, sagt Marcus Keupp. Sollten die Hilfen ausfallen, bestünde die "größtmöglichen Bedrohung Westeuropas".

Steve Forbes: If We Lose Ukraine, We Are On Our Way to a Global Catastrophe

Dec 15, 2023 | Steve Forbes warns that the US's inability to punctually fund aid to Ukraine is a testament to the dangerous fecklessness of our foreign policy; and warns both President Biden and Republicans to stop playing games and help stop the threat of totalitarianism.

Michael Lambert: Could Sunak Be Even Worse Than Truss & Johnson?

Dec 16, 2023 | Prime Minister Rishi Sunak presides over chaos. He has little or no charm, is out of touch, quick to become tetchy and irritated and is not popular in his party. He has no political judgement and regularly lies to Parliament and the public.

He constantly quotes statistics which are incorrect. He took legal action in order to avoid having to submit WhatsApp messages to the Covid19 enquiry and when he lost this action, which is said to have cost the public £200,000, he then claimed that he had changed his phone several times and that his messages had all 'failed to transfer across' and were now lost.

He continues to obsess about the Channel crossings of asylum seekers whilst there are so many more important issues. His Rwanda project is not a deterrent and yet has cost £400 million without a single person having been sent to Rwanda.

Only 200 of those crossing out of 40,000 have any chance of ever being sent to Rwanda, a 1 in 200 chance. No deterrent whatsoever.

In the meantime, Scott Benton is the latest MP to lose the Tory whip, Harriet Baldwin, MP for West Bromwich gave £50 to her local hospice and then attempted to claim the payment as a parliamentary expense.

According to the NHS there were 28,000 excess deaths in the first six months of 2023.

A limousine for Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Levelling Up for three years has been contracted at a cost of £320,000.

Sunak is a chump, a fool. – © Mark Alexander

“We're on the Edge of Donald Trump Becoming an American Caesar” | #shorts

Steve Schmidt’s dire warning.

Noel Harrison: Windmills of Your Mind | 1969 | Remastered Version

Jan 14, 2017 | Provided to YouTube by Rhino/Warner Records

Art Garfunkel: I Only Have Eyes for You | Reupload

Jan 14, 2017 | Provided to YouTube by Columbia

Friday, December 15, 2023

Mohamad Faridi – The Question Made Me Leave Islam

Dec 14, 2023 | How can a prophet from God be a pedophile, the question that made me leave Islam in 2017. Through good Christians in the society I went to a church, in 2021. In 2023, the Holy Spirit actually touched me and mended me in ways only God can and here I am, 32, and coming to know Lord Jesus Christ and what strengthened my faith even more is the verse 6, Chapter 18 of Gospel of Matthew.

Because of the sensitive nature of the content of this video, I have decided not to embed the video but instead to provide you with a link to it, so that you can view the video on YouTube itself. It is not my intention to offend anyone. I enjoy, and am in favour of, robust religious debate, but offence is not my thing. Here is the link to the video. – Mark

Why Elon Musk Platforming Alex Jones & Andrew Tate Is Deeply Un-American | The Warning

Dec 15, 2023 | Steve Schmidt discusses the recent Twitter Spaces with Elon Musk, Alex Jones, Andrew Tate & Vivek Ramaswamy. Steve says this is not pushing forward the causes of free speech, but the un-American causes of hatred and violence.

Steve Schmidt GOES OFF on Kevin McCarthy's CBS Exit Interview | The Warning

Dec 15, 2923 | Steve Schmidt breaks down Kevin McCarthy’s embarrassing interview with Robert Costa of CBS. Steve believes this interview reveals the true character of the failed Speaker of the House and his complete capitulation to Donald Trump.

What a fool! Anyone who would trust Trump is a bloody fool! I wouldn’t trust Trump further than I could throw him! – © Mark Alexander

En direct, Israël-Hamas : l’Etat hébreu autorise l’entrée « temporaire » d’aide dans la bande de Gaza par un de ses points de passage

LE MONDE : « Le cabinet a temporairement approuvé le déchargement de camions du côté gazaoui du point de passage de Kerem Shalom plutôt que de les renvoyer vers Rafah », a fait savoir le bureau du premier ministre, Benyamin Nétanyahou, dans un communiqué. LIVE EN COURS » | 15 décembre 2023

Princess Cecilie of Prussia's Fabulous Fabergé Tiara

Apr 23, 2019 | Discover the serendipitous coincidence that led this exquisite tiara to Sotheby’s. Attributed to one of the most renowned and celebrated jewellers in history, Fabergé, this piece was a wedding gift to Crown Princess Cecilie of Prussia. Daniela Maschetti, Sotheby’s Chairman for Jewellery, first came across the tiara when she saw a portrait of Princess Cecilie hanging in a castle while on holiday. A few months later, she was sent a photo of the real thing.

Piers Morgan Responds to Prince Harry High Court Ruling

Dec 15, 2023

Related video here.

Latter Gay Stories: Episode 140: Tanner Jones | My Life after Coming Out, Divorcing, and Leaving Mormonism

May 21, 2002 | Uprooting your life and making a course correction is never an easy experience. In this episode, Tanner Jones shares his experience coming out to himself, his family, and his new wife. He describes his experience trying to do his very best at being a good person—even if it meant divorce and leaving his lifelong faith tradition.

Tanner’s story is a candid look into the lengths many gay men will go to “do what is right” in the face of doing what is honest. He shares the fear he experienced making the decision to come out, navigating his feelings of dissonance, and ultimately taking the steps forward into a more comfortable and natural progression.

Chainsaw Politics: Cutting Down the Democratic Establishment? | To The Point

Dec 14, 2023

Die deutsche Version dieser Sendung kann man auch ansehen. Klicken Sie bitte hier. Der Name der Sendung heißt „Politik mit der Kettensäge: Wird das demokratische Establishment zerlegt?“

Prince Harry Was Victim of Phone Hacking by Mirror Group Newspapers, Judge Rules - BBC News

Dec 15, 2023 | The High Court has ruled that Prince Harry was the victim of mobile phone hacking by Mirror Group Newspapers and has awarded him £140,600 in damages. Mr Justice Fancourt said that his personal phone was targeted between 2003 and 2009. He said 15 of 33 sample articles were “the product of phone hacking … or the product of other unlawful information gathering". He ruled there was "extensive" phone hacking by Mirror Group Newspapers from 2006 to 2011 The publisher said in a statement that they “apologise unreservedly” for “historical wrongdoing”.

Putin Makes Emboldened Speech - as EU Opens Ukraine Accession Talks | Russia-Ukraine War

Dec 14, 2023 | EU leaders have agreed to open membership talks with Ukraine and Moldova. Hungary's prime minister - Putin ally Viktor Orban - wasn't in the room when the EU voted and said he did not wish to participate in the "bad decision".

Hungary Blocks €50bn of EU Funding for Ukraine | BBC News

Dec 15, 2023 | Hungary has blocked €50bn ($55bn; £43bn) in EU aid for Ukraine - just hours after an agreement was reached on starting membership talks.

"Summary of the nightshift: veto for the extra money to Ukraine," Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said after Thursday's talks in Brussels. EU leaders said the aid negotiations would resume early next year.

The aid blocking was announced by Mr Orbán shortly after the EU leaders decided to open membership talks with Ukraine and Moldova and to grant candidate status to Georgia.

Hungary - which maintains close ties with Russia - has long opposed membership for Ukraine but did not veto that move.

Hungary blocks €50bn in EU aid for Ukraine hours after membership talks approved: Viktor Orbán says extra money to Kyiv had been vetoed but talks would resume in the new year »

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Why the MAGA Witchhunt of Hunter Biden Is a National Disgrace | The Warning

Steve Schmidt reacts to the impeachment inquiry into Hunter and Joe Biden, and why it is a national disgrace to treat a private citizen this way.

Rishi Sunak Considers Curbing Social Media Use for Under-16s

THE GUARDIAN: Reports suggest a ban is among potential options to protect young people from online harm

Rishi Sunak is considering limiting social media access for teenagers under the age of 16 to try to protect them from online harm, with reports suggesting a potential ban is on the cards.
r The government is considering further action despite bringing in the Online Safety Act, which requires social media platforms to shield children from harmful content or face fines of up to 10% of a company’s global revenue. » | Aletha Adu and Dan Milmo | Thursday, December 14, 2023

Kick this Puritan out of office with despatch! With this man at the helm, a bleak future awaits young people! First, it was the smoking ban; now, this! What will this little dictator next find to ban?

These bans are unacceptable; so is this little dictator. Banning things is not the British way! Kick the SOB out of office. And with despatch! Indians might like his bans; we British do not! – © Mark Alexander

Qualmen ist wieder in

Rauchen wird von den Coolen unverschämt wieder genossen. Die Puritaner sind schon verschleppt worden! Gott sei Dank! Vergnügen ist wieder groß in der Mode!

Man bedankt sich bei Crawford Smoker auf Pinterest für dieses schöne Foto.

Schön, schlicht, elegant...

…und sexy

Fürs ganz schöne Bild dieser eleganten Dame bedanke ich mich bei Pinterest.

How Donald Trump & the MAGA Congress Want to Enable Dictators across the World | The Warning

Dec 14, 2023 | Steve Schmidt reacts to the Republican Congress repeatedly attempting to deny funding to Ukraine. Steve explains this will lead to the rise of dictators and dictator wannabes like Donald Trump all around the world.

Steve, why don't you run for the White House? You would make a wonderfull president. America, and the world, would be far better, and far safer, with you at the helm.

Viktor Orbán should be kicked out of the EU. He doesn't belong in it. The good Hungarian people do; but not under Orbán's dictatorial and pro-Putin rule. He's a Putin stooge. If EU leaders could find their gonads, they'd ask Hungary to leave the Union, with despatch. – © Mark Alexander

ABC News (Australia): Lateline: Stephen Fry on God, drugs and sex

Nov 4, 2015 | Actor and comedian Stephen Fry has a frank conversation with Tony Jones about his views on God, his struggle with addiction, why he was celibate for 17 years and what changed his mind.

Swiss Health Television : Die 3 Hauptursachen von Krebs | Krebsforscher Lothar Hirneise | NaturMEDIZIN | QS24

Feb 4, 2023 | Insulin hat eine wichtige Aufgabe im Körper. Aber auch das Adrenalin, dass den Zucker wieder aus der Zelle herausholt. Ein nahezu ausgebrannter Mensch hat kaum mehr Adrenalin – und damit die Zelle ihr überleben sichern kann und die stetige Zuckerzufuhr verbrennen kann, muss sie ihre Verbrennung auf Gärung umstellen. Das ist keine «Mutation» - sondern Selbsterhaltungstrieb.

Seit über 20 Jahren bereist der Krebsforscher Lothar Hirneise die ganze Welt auf der Suche nach den erfolgreichsten Krebstherapien und klärt Menschen darüber auf, dass es mehr als Chemotherapie und Bestrahlung gibt. Sein 3E-Programm ( beruht auf der Auswertung der Krankengeschichten von Tausenden von Menschen, die Krebs in einem sehr späten Stadium überlebt haben. Bei dieser Auswertung kam deutlich heraus, welchen Stellenwert die Ernährung, die Entgiftung und der Stress hat.

Doch wie kommt es, dass all diese Erkenntnisse nicht an Universitäten gelehrt werden? Warum kennt man in Europa keine erfolgreichen Krebstherapien, die in Russland oder China jeden Tag angewandt werden? Warum wird immer noch so getan als wären Mutationen die Ursache von Krebs, obwohl dies schon vor Jahrzehnten widerlegt wurde? Und warum wird wider besseren Wissens immer noch behauptet, dass unsere Psyche zwar bei fast allen anderen Krankheiten, aber nicht bei Krebs, eine wichtige Rolle spielen kann?

NZZ Erklärt: China, Iran und Russland gemeinsam bei Brics plus: Warum eine neue Weltordnung unwahrscheinlich ist

Dec 14, 2023 | Die Brics-Staaten – Brasilien, Russland, Indien, China und Südafrika – wollen die geopolitische Ordnung verändern und ein Gegengewicht zum Westen bilden. Mit Anfang 2024 wächst die Allianz um sechs Staaten und heisst dann Brics plus. Wir erklären im Video, warum diese Erweiterung nur bedingt Erfolg verspricht.

Sage Advice from a Jew

A Jewish father shares his advice on life with his daughter.

Putin spricht gehässig über die deutsche Regierung | #shorts

Putin spottet über deutsche Politiker.

Leasing social : Emmanuel Macron lance la voiture électrique à 100 euros par mois, découvrez comment en bénéficier

LE FIGARO : Le président vient de donner le go de cette promesse destinée à démocratiser l’achat d’un véhicule électrique. Elle sera proposée à moins de 25.000 personnes en 2024.

Après des mois de tergiversation sur les modalités du leasing social à 100 euros, une promesse de campagne d'Emmanuel Macron pour démocratiser l'achat d'un véhicule électrique, le président appuie sur le bouton. Dès vendredi, les personnes intéressées par cette mesure vont pouvoir vérifier sur la plateforme créée tout spécialement s'ils sont éligibles ou pas à la location longue durée d'un véhicule à batterie, neuf ou d'occasion, qui coûterait environ 100 euros par mois hors assurance auto. Pour en bénéficier, les critères sont sélectifs : déclarer moins de 15.400 euros de revenus annuels par part fiscale, être un « gros rouleur » c'est-à-dire effectuer plus de 8000 kilomètres par an ou bien habiter à 15 kilomètres au moins de son lieu de travail. » | Par Valérie Collet | jeudi 14 décembre 2023

Greek Kasseri Cheese Pie - Kaseropita | Akis Petretzikis

Dec 14, 2023

Get the recipe here.

WIKIPEDIA: Kasseri »

Daniel Lacalle: Don’t Expect Large Rate Cuts... with This Inflation

Dec 14, 2023

Daniel Lacalle’s website here in English and here in Spanish.

Etats-Unis : la Chambre des représentants ouvre formellement une enquête en destitution contre Joe Biden

LE MONDE : Si la procédure n’a quasiment aucune chance d’aboutir, elle pourrait fragiliser le président dans la course à sa réélection, avant l’élection de novembre 2024.

Le Chambre des représentants américaine a approuvé mercredi 13 décembre l’ouverture formelle d’une enquête en destitution de Joe Biden, motivée par les affaires controversées du fils du président à l’étranger, mais jugée complètement infondée par les démocrates. Cette procédure n’a quasiment aucune chance d’aboutir, mais pourrait se transformer en casse-tête pour la Maison Blanche avant la présidentielle de novembre 2024, à laquelle Joe Biden est candidat. » | Le Monde avec AFP | jeudi 14 décembre 2023

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Enya - Caribbean Blue | Official Music Video

Oct 27, 2009

Eagles: Hotel California | 2013 | Remastered

Nov 1, 2018 Provided to YouTube by Rhino/Elektra

Rudy Rochman: From the River to the Sea

Dec 6, 2023| Language is a tool that humans developed to communicate with one another, but when we wrongly define, or misunderstand, words & concepts, it leads to people speaking passed each other rather than to each other.

Those that are against Israel & the Jewish People will have a sure future, since history has proven that ALL nations who attack Am Israel are later only remembered in history books, but those who ultimately only seek for their people to be free and families given equality, it's time that we hear, understand, and take them into full consideration.

I love this man! I don't know him. I have never met him. Nor am I a Jew. But this man speaks such sense. He touches something deep inside me. He is always so fair in his assessments: fair to both sides. Please support this remarkable man if you can. Antisemitism is such a scourge; it is like a cancer. It metastasizes like cancer, too. You can support Rudy Rochman here.

Frank Sinatra: Somethin' Stupid | Reupload

Jul 29, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Perry Como: And I Love You So | Reupload

Feb 20, 2017 | Provided to YouTube by BMG Special Products | Views on YouTube: 18,348,159

Dimitra’s Dishes: Feta Saganaki Phyllo Rolls

Dec 13, 2023

Get the recipe here.

Blogging in the Lead Up to Christmas

With Christmas fast approaching, I would just like to let you know that I will have to cut back on the time I spend at the computer in the coming days, because I have Christmas preparations to make, and housework to do.

I will not stop posting altogether; I will post some items when I can find the time; but my blogging will have to be sparser in the lead up to Christmas. My apologies to you all. I ask for your understanding. – Mark

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Why Has UK Immigration Gone Up since Brexit

Dec 12, 2023

Is there really anyone out there that actually believes that Rishi Sunak has more sense than money? The dude is an out-and-out Brexiteer. His anti-EU conviction hasn't served him very well, has it? – © Mark Alexander

Dies ist unwiderstehlich!

One In A Million

Welch ein Talent! – © Mark Alexander

When Ladies Were Ladies…

…the observation of elegance was normal. And what do we observe today? …

With many thanks to DuJour Magazoine on Pinterest for this delightful picture from Blow Me A Kiss, the coffee table book featuring the best tips ever.

Deutsche Weihnachtsleckereien: Zimtsterne | Häussler Backdorf

Dec 9, 2015 | Bäckermeister Felix Rommel zeigt Ihnen, wie einfach leckere Zimtsterne gelingen.

Als ich in der Schweiz damals vor etlichen Jahren tätig war, habe ich mich in Zimtsternen verliebt! Sie sind wahnsinnig gut. Sie sind sehr lecker! Eigentlich zum Sterben lecker! Falls Sie sie nie probiert haben, empfehle ich Ihnen unbedingt und unverzüglich sie zu kosten. Enttäuschung kommt nicht in Frage. Im Gegenteil, werden Sie vom Geschmack bestimmt begeistert sein. – © Mark Alexander

Harvard-Chefin wegen Antisemitismus am Pranger

Dec 12, 2023 | Uni-Campusse werden zum „Ground Zero“ des Antisemitismus in den USA – und jetzt gießen die Präsidentinnen von drei Elite-Universitäten Öl ins Feuer. Der Feuersturm über die unfassbaren Aussagen schockt die Nation.

How Author Ken Follett Sold Nearly 200 Million Books | BBC News

Dec 8, 2023 | The BBC’s Katty Kay travels to the UK to visit Ken Follett, author of bestselling novels including ‘The Pillars of the Earth’ and ‘Eye of the Needle’.

His books have sold nearly 200 million copies and have been translated into more than 40 languages.

Ken and Katty discuss his approach to writing, how he views his success, and what it was like growing up in a house where he wasn’t allowed to watch television or movies.

You’re watching Influential with Katty Kay.

Ukraine’s Zelenskyy in Last-ditch US Tour to Plead for $61bn Aid – BBC News

Dec 12, 2023 | Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is in Washington DC to try and save a $61bn (£48.5bn) US defence package for Kyiv. Republican members of Congress have stalled the aid package and have argued that more should be done to strengthen the US-Mexico border.

Zelenskyy will meet behind closed doors with various senators as well as the new House Speaker, Mike Johnson, to plead his case. The Ukrainian president will also meet with President Joe Biden, who has urged US lawmakers to approve the funds as soon as possible.

This has Trump written all over it! Those Republicans must be off their rockers! Zelenskyy and the Ukrainians are doing the West’s dirty work – he and his people are fighting for the maintenance of the freedom of the West. If the US in particular and the West in general let Zelenskyy and his people down, the war will in all probability be won by Putin, with all the ramifications that will follow. This is insanity! – © Mark Alexander

How Africans Are Changing French — One Joke, Rap and Book at a Time

THE NEW YORK TIMES: More than 60 percent of French speakers now live in Africa. Despite growing resentment at France, Africans are contributing to the evolution and spread of the French language.

French, by most estimates the world’s fifth most spoken language, is changing — perhaps not in the gilded hallways of the institution in Paris that publishes its official dictionary, but on a rooftop in Abidjan, the largest city in Ivory Coast.

There one afternoon, a 19-year-old rapper who goes by the stage name “Marla” rehearsed her upcoming show, surrounded by friends and empty soda bottles. Her words were mostly French, but the Ivorian slang and English words that she mixed in made a new language.

To speak only French, “c’est zogo” — “it’s uncool,” said Marla, whose real name is Mariam Dosso, combining a French word with Ivorian slang. But playing with words and languages, she said, is “choco,” an abbreviation for chocolate meaning “sweet” or “stylish.”

A growing number of words and expressions from Africa are now infusing the French language, spurred by booming populations of young people in West and Central Africa. » | Elian Peltier | Photographs by Arlette Bashizi and Hannah Reyes Morales | Reporting from Abidjan, Ivory Coast; Dakar, Senegal; and Paris | Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Rep. Dan Goldman Calls House's Impeachment Inquiry of Joe Biden "a Sham" | The Warning Podcast

Dec 12, 2023 | Rep. Dan Goldman calls House's impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden "a sham" | The Warning Podcast

The Russian Partygate

Dec 11, 2023 | Why did Boris Johnson meet an “ex” Russian spy?

The British government has just announced that Russian spies have been targeting British MPs, peers, civil servants, journalists, and others with cyber-hacking since 2015 as part of a concerted attempt to meddle in British politics.

The new Foreign Secretary, David Cameron, said last week that Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) was behind “unsuccessful attempts to interfere in UK political processes” and that Russia’s ambassador to London had been summoned. …

Deutsches Kalifat? Das kann nur die AfD verhindern!

Nov 9, 2023 | Tausende, die unter „Allahu akbar“-Rufen durch die Straßen ziehen, nach Geschlechtern getrennt, mit Fahnen, die an den IS erinnern, und die die Ausrufung eines Kalifats fordern.

Das ist nicht etwa irgendwo im Nahen Osten passiert, sondern am vergangenen Freitag in Essen. Die AfD hat zu diesen Zuständen eine aktuelle Stunde im Bundestag anberaumt, nicht zuletzt weil in den Medien davon kaum etwas zu sehen war. „Der radikale Islam stellt im Herbst 2023 auf deutschen Straßen ganz offen die Machtfrage und wir müssen diese mit aller Härte beantworten!“, fordert unser Bundestagsabgeordneter und Vize-Fratkionschef Sebastian Münzenmaier im Plenum. Denn aus den rund 3000, die das Kalifat fordern, werden bald 30.000 und irgendwann 300.000. Letztendlich gebe es nur zwei Möglichkeiten: „Entweder Chaos, Straßenschlachten und ethnische Konflikte im bunten Multikulti-Staat oder ein Deutschland als Land der Deutschen, als Ort von Freiheit, von Ordnung und von Normalität.“ Aber für Letzteres brauche man die millionenfache Re-Migration, und die schafft nur die AfD. Nur mit der AfD wird es kein deutsches Kalifat geben.

Kein Wunder, daß die AfD immerzu stärker wird! Dieser Herr hat Klartext gesprochen. Deutschland wird auf keinen Fall islamisiert sein. Deutschland muß Deutschland bleiben und nicht ein Satellitenstaat des Nahen Ostens werden. Die Deutschen wollen unbedingt Deutschland für sich behalten. Und das ist auch richtig so. Die meisten Politiker im Westen scheinen anderer Meinung zu sein: Sie erlauben Islam unsere Kultur zu übernehmen – schrittweise! Das ist das Verrückte! – © Mark Alexander

Can the New Polish Prime Minister Ease Strained Relations with Germany? | DW News

Dec 12, 2023 | Poland's new parliament elected centrist party leader Donald Tusk as prime minister on Monday. Tusk becomes prime minister nearly two months after national elections won by a coalition of parties ranging from left-wing to moderately conservative.

The alliance of pro-EU parties signed an agreement last month, paving the way for a coalition government. Earlier on Monday, the parliament rejected the proposed conservative government of acting Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, a widely expected outcome that paved the way for the rival alliance to form the next government.

Only 190 deputies voted in favor of the Morawiecki government, while 266 voted against it and there were no abstentions. Morawiecki's Law and Justice (PiS) party lost its majority but retained its status as the largest single party in October's elections.

Morawiecki's failure opens the door for former Polish Prime Minister and former European Council President Donald Tusk. Tusk led a broad pro-EU opposition coalition in a bid to unseat PiS after two terms in power.

This is indeed welcome news! Donald Tusk is a good man. He will be good for Poland and good for the EU. This is like a breath of fresh air. A favourable wind is blowing from the east, at last. – © Mark Alexander

IMF Approves $900m Loan Payment for Ukraine – BBC News

Dec 12, 2023 | Ukraine's President Zelensky is due to meet with US President Joe Biden on Tuesday as part of a critical visit to help secure US military aid. Zelensky has called on Congress to overcome its delays which he said were a "dream come true" for Russian President Vladimir Putin. He's also been meeting with the head of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva, after the IMF approved a $900m payment for Ukraine as part of its more than $15bn loan programme. The IMF also upgraded its growth forecasts for Ukraine predicting the economy would grow by 4.5% this year.

Ukraine Fears for Financial Support from the EU and the USA | DW News

Dec 12, 2023 | Ukraine's fears are growing that foreign aid and arms supplies will soon be a thing of the past. This week, high-level EU talks in Brussels could decide the fate of the promised €50 billion in aid to Kyiv and additional money for new arms deliveries.On Monday, Volodymyr Zelenskyy made a stopover in Washington. There, the opposition US Republicans are blocking an aid package for Kiev worth 61 billion dollars.In the face of these difficult negotiations, an end to the war looks increasingly distant. What is the psychological impact of this protracted conflict on Ukraine?

The True Danger behind Elon Musk Allowing Alex Jones Back on Twitter | The Warning

Dec 11, 2023 | Steve Schmidt reacts to Elon Musk's decision to allow Alex Jones back on Twitter, and why it's a true challenge for Americanism.

Beautiful Men Come in All Shapes and Sizes

Well-built and beautiful!

Many thanks to Shamrain for this lovely photo.

Monday, December 11, 2023

It’s Amazing How We All Used to Enjoy a Smoke…

…until the Puritans took control! Kick the SOBs OUT of office! Remembering a time when REAL MEN smoked REAL CIGARETTES! Not that phoney crap they play with today!

Many thanks to Pinterest for this delightful photo of a real man who is unafraid of inhaling smoke.

Why Trump's Comments that He Would Be a Dictator 'for One Day' Should Be Seriously | The Warning

Dec 11, 2023 | Steve Schmidt reacts to Donald Trump's recents comments that he would be a dictator "for one day". Steve says these comments must be taken seriously in order to defeat him in 2024.

Why on earth are we wasting so much time on Donald Trump? – © Mark Alexander

The Guardian View on Rishi Sunak: The Prime Minister Is Fighting for His Political Life

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: The Tory splits over lockdown were shallower and less treacherous than on immigration. But ominously they run along similar lines

Rishi Sunak at the Covid inquiry on 11 December; his flagship scheme to boost the restaurant industry was known in Whitehall as ‘eat out to help out the virus’. Photograph: UK Covid-19 Inquiry/AP

In the past decade, Nigel Farage has traumatised the Conservative party and transformed it for the worse. His suggestion that he could return to politics after his stint on reality TV will trigger paroxysms of Tory despair. The prospect of the former Brexit party leader’s comeback only emphasises that Rishi Sunak is fighting for his political life after his party’s civil war restarted over immigration. The prime minister’s appearance at the Covid inquiry is unlikely to help much. His flagship scheme to boost the restaurant industry after the first lockdown was known in Whitehall as “eat out to help out the virus”. » | Editorial | Monday, December 11, 2023

Here’s a catchy play on Rishi’s scheme to help the economy: Kick Rishi out to help the economy out! It has a certain ring about it, don’t you think – a certain je ne sais quoi ? California beckons! – © Mark Alexander

How to Make Glühwein: A Sip Through Time in a German Christmas Market

Dec 8, 2023 | Explore the rich history and aromatic evolution of Glühwein, the warm and spiced mulled wine that has become synonymous with German Christmas markets and festive celebrations. Join us on a journey through time as we uncover lesser-known facts and intriguing anecdotes about the origins of Glühwein, from its medieval roots to the present day. Discover the diverse ingredients that have shaped its flavor profile, including unique regional variations and modern twists. Whether you're a seasoned Glühwein enthusiast or a curious newcomer, our 5 to 10-minute video provides a delightful exploration of this timeless holiday beverage. Subscribe to FoodStorian for more captivating stories about the history and evolution of your favorite dishes.

Nigella’s Christmas Breakfast Strata

Dec 11, 2023 | “I know there’s not exactly a shortage of cooking on Christmas Day. None of us is actively looking for more to do, but I want to talk to you about breakfast on this most celebratory of mornings. What you need is a breakfast you can get ready, for the most part, before you go to bed on Christmas Eve, and that makes you greet the day – and your guests – the next morning with a genuine smile on your face.

I’m inordinately fond of a strata (the title referring to the layers), which is really a cheesy, eggy bake with bread at the heart of it. There’s something so deliciously festive about it: the dark green of the spinach, the red of the jarred roasted peppers, the milky white of the mozzarella.

Get the full recipe here.

Alice Weidel: „Als lesbische Frau will ich nicht nach der Scharia vom Dach gestürzt werden“

Nov 16, 2023 | Sie ist Deutschlands mächtigste Oppositionspolitikerin und die Chefin der AfD: Alice Weidel, die ihren Erst-Wohnsitz in Deutschland und den Zweit-Wohnsitz in der Schweiz hat, wo ihre Familie lebt. Im Gespräch mit Ralf Schuler spricht sie über Russland, Israel, die Migrationspolitik & Kriminalität. Weidel sagt: „Ich als lesbische Frau, als eine homosexuelle Frau, habe doch keine Lust, dann später von einer muslimischen Mehrheitsgesellschaft nach dem Scharia-Gesetz vom Dach gestürzt zu werden, mit einem Sack über dem Kopf.“

Muslime und Musliminnen sollten ihre rückständigen Ideen hinter sich in den Ländern aus denen sie stammen hinterlassen. Vermutlich sind sie sowieso nach Deutschland umgezogen, um ein besseres, reicheres, aufgeklärteres Leben führen zu dürfen. Das Selbe stimmt auch für Europa im Ganzen.

In Deutschland, wie auch in Europa im Ganzen, haben Homosexuelle und Frauen Rechte. Homosexuelle wollen bestimmt nicht von Dächern gestürzt werden, weil das Schwulsein dem Koran widrig ist. Übrigens werden in Deuschland und Europa auch Schweinefleisch gegessen und Alkohol getrunken! Scharia gehört weder zu Deutschland noch zu Europa. Im Gegensatz dazu gehören Muslime und Musliminnen zu Deutschland und zu Europa, wenn sie sich anpassen. Alice Weidel hat völlig recht. – © Mark Alexander

Argentinian President Javier Milei's AMAZING Chanukah Message in His Inaugural Address

Dec 10, 2023 | Argentina’s newly sworn-in President Javier Milei inaugural address today quoting from Rabbi Simon Jacobson’s message to him. Seen by around 40 million people!

US Will ‘Lose Face before World’ If It Abandons Kyiv, Says Ex-Ukraine President

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: Leonid Kuchma describes history behind Putin’s attack as new edition of his 2003 book Ukraine Is Not Russia is published

Ukraine’s former president Leonid Kuchma has warned that the US “will lose face before the entire world” if it abandons Kyiv, and said mistakes by the west contributed to Vladimir Putin’s all-out invasion last year.

In his first interview with a western publication since 2015, Kuchma described Putin as a career KGB operative. “It’s his profession, with everything that implies,” he said, adding: “People say his obsession with Ukraine is a kind of mania or mental disorder. Maybe it’s true.” » | Luke Harding in Kyiv | Monday, December 11, 2023

Republican senator says Ukraine may have to cede land to Russia to end war: JD Vance, one of GOP lawmakers who voted to block Ukraine aid package, asks ‘what $61bn would accomplish that $100bn hasn’t’ »

Senate Republicans block funding bill that included aid for Ukraine and Israel: Congress unlikely to approve more funding for Ukraine before end of year after GOP demanded stricter border regulations »

David Cameron on the Importance of Standing with Ukraine

Dec 7, 2023 | UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron joins Morning Joe to discuss meeting with Secretary of State Blinken and congressional leadership on the importance of Ukraine support and the Israel-Hamas war.

John Bolton: Donald Trump Could Do 'Irreparable' Damage in a Second Term

Dec 10, 2023 | Ambassador John Bolton, former Trump National Security Adviser, joins Jen Psaki to discuss the risk of a second term for Donald Trump and Trump stating that he would only be a dictator "on day one." Ambassador Bolton tells Psaki, "The damage he could do in a second term... may be irreparable."

Milei Vows New Era in Argentina: What Is about to Change? | DW News

Dec 10, 2023 | The 53-year-old libertarian economist Javier Milei, was sworn in as Argentina's president on Sunday.

He has vowed there will be no "half-measures" as he confronts decades of overspending, debt and convoluted currency controls in Latin America's third-largest economy.

"I swear to God and country ... to carry out with loyalty and patriotism the position of president of the Argentine nation," he said as he took the oath of office. Meanwhile, thousands of his supporters lined the streets in front of the Congress in Buenos Aires, waving the blue and white flag of the country and chanting Milei's rallying cry of "Freedom!"

After the swearing-in ceremony, Milei promised a new era for the country, but warned of painful austerity measures and an economic crisis that will "get worse" before it gets better. "Today begins a new era in Argentina," he said, highlighting that "no government has received a worse inheritance than what we are receiving."

"The bottom line is that there is no alternative to austerity and there is no alternative to shock treatment," Milei warned, saying his predecessors had left the country without funds and on a path to hyperinflation.

Abu Dhabi-backed Telegraph Takeover Plan ‘Unacceptable’, Says Ex-MI6 Chief

THE GUARDIAN: Sir Richard Dearlove says the deal would be a ‘profound security concern’ and urges ministers to stop it

The former head of MI6 has labelled the planned Abu Dhabi-backed takeover of the Telegraph newspaper as “completely unacceptable” and a “profound security concern”.

Sir Richard Dearlove said an authoritarian state acquiring an influential newspaper poses a risk to the UK and its democracy, and urged ministers to intervene and block the deal.

Speaking to the Sunday Telegraph, Dearlove told the government to “put a peg in the ground and say no way” to the sale of the newspaper to the fund backed by Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al-Nahyan, the vice-president of the United Arab Emirates.

“It’s completely inappropriate for an autocratic state – even at arm’s length – to be the owner of The Telegraph and The Spectator,” he said.

“It’s just really I think completely unacceptable as a matter of principle, even if they’re saying they will guarantee complete editorial freedom.” » | Robyn Vinter | Sunday, December 10, 2023

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Steve Schmidt Explains Why Nikki Haley Is No Match for Donald Trump | The Warning

December 10, 2023 | Steve Schmidt reacts to the recent rise of Nikki Haley in the polls and why he doesn't buy her as a threat to take down Donald Trump. Later, Steve discusses what Joe Biden needs to do to ramp up his game entering 2024.

Those Were the Days! Jackie Kennedy Showing the World How to Enjoy a Smoke of a Real Cigarette with Elegance and Panache

When elegance for a lady meant smoking a cigarette in a cigarette holder, in a pre-Puritanical time when people understood how to enjoy themselves and had little appetite for preserving themselves for the old folks’ home! They lived life to the fullest and cocked a snook at the killjoys.

With many thanks to New York Magazine on Pinterest for this delightful photo of one of the most elegant ladies of the twentieth century.

Ne-Yo Ft. FABOLOUS - Link Up Remix | Official Music Video

Premiered Nov 3, 2023

Zu viel von diesem ist es wirklich nicht möglich zu bekommen! Ich finde es tatsächlich inspirierend. Beim Zuhören davon, bekomme ich das Gefühl jugendhaft wieder zu sein! – © Mark Alexander

Unpacking Judaism & Spreading Light | Zoom Interview

Apr 26, 2020 | A one hour interview & discussion, unpacking Judaism & spreading light with Kalman The Jerusalem Scribe.

Love Story Theme (1970)

Dec 8, 2023

Bill Browder Exposes Robert Jenrick’s Brexit Tricks as Nonsense, Speaks of Ukraine

Dec 10, 2023 | Robert Jenrick says he will always put the national interest first when in truth he’s merely making a play for the leadership of the Tory Party and putting us all at risk.

Why Anti-Islam Populist Geert Wilders Won the Dutch Elections

Dec 5, 2023 | The recent elections in The Netherlands shook up the country. Geert Wilders and his right-wing party the PVV won the majority of votes. Why did so many people vote for Wilders?