Friday, October 06, 2023

‘Seismic Night in Scotland’: Labour Crushes SNP in Rutherglen and Hamilton West Byelection

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Michael Shanks wins contest Labour considered a crucial test of apparent turnaround of its fortunes in Scotland

Scottish Labour’s Michael Shanks has won the Rutherglen and Hamilton West byelection in an overwhelming victory over the SNP that his party leadership declared “seismic”, and a clear demonstration that Scotland could lead the way in delivering a Labour government at Westminster at the coming general election.

In a result that exceeded Scottish Labour expectation, Shanks beat his closest rival, the SNP’s Katy Loudon, by 17,845 votes to 8,399 – a majority of 9,446 and a resounding swing of more than 20 percentage points.

The result marked a “seismic night in Scotland”, and proved that “Scottish politics has fundamentally changed”, said the Scottish Labour leader, Anas Sarwar. Voters were sending “a very clear message that they are sick of two tired, failing, incompetent governments”, he added. (with video) » | Libby Brooks and Severin Carrell | Friday, October 6, 2023

What Labour’s Rutherglen victory means for SNP and UK politics: Party’s victory may point to a change in Scottish political alignments that spells danger for Humza Yousaf »

Iranian Women's Rights Campaigner Narges Mohammadi Wins Nobel Peace Prize | DW News

Oct 6, 2023 | There are 351 candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize for 2023 out of which 259 are individuals and 92 are organizations. 351 candidates are the second highest number of candidates ever. For eight years in a row the number of candidates has been exceeding 300.

Jailed Iranian activist Narges Mohammadi wins 2023 Nobel peace prize: Mohammadi wins prize for her fight against oppression of women in Iran and to promote human rights for all »

"They Want to KILL HIM" Yanis Varoufakis Spoke with Julian Assange

Oct 6, 2023 | “Yanis Varoufakis spoke with Julian Assange in Britain's Guantanamo”

FTX Co-Founder Wang Testifies He, SBF Committed Giant Fraud

Oct 6, 2023 | FTX co-founder Gary Wang took a stand at Sam Bankman-Fried trial, saying he and his onetime math camp buddy and MIT roommate committed a multibillion-dollar fraud. Ava Benny-Morrison reports on Bloomberg Television.

Thursday, October 05, 2023

Who Is Giorgia Meloni?

Sep 28, 2022 | She's set to become Italy's first woman prime minister leading the most far-right government since Benito Mussolini … And some GOP lawmakers are here for it. Who is Giorgia Meloni?

Michael Bolton : Drift Away

Nov 6, 2014 | Views on YouTube: 6,647,470

Ne-Yo : One in a Million | Official Music Video | Reupload

Sep 3, 2010 | Views on YouTube: 330,474,096

Patrick Boyle: "How Involved Were SBF’s Parents?"

Premiered Sep 23, 2023

Historic Financial Fraud Trial Begins: Who Is Sam Bankman-Fried? | Amanpour & Company

Originally aired on October 5, 2023

Sam Bankman-Fried’s ‘young, eccentric billionaire’ shtick was just another part of the grift: As with Elizabeth Holmes and Billy McFarland, the story seemed too good to be true – because it was »

Why Donald Trump's Threats of Violence MUST Be Taken Seriously | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

Oct 5, 2023 | Steve Schmidt reacts to Donald Trump’s threats of violence against General Mark Milley. Steve explains that, like all of Trump’s threats, his words must be taken very seriously and literally.

Nigel Farage : Sunak's New Smoking Ban Is Anti-freedom! | #shorts

Listen to Nigel Farage speaking common sense on the proposed smoking ban here.

I never thought I would ever agree with Nigel Farage on anything. But on this, I do. BIG TIME! He has got this absolutely right. This proposed law is bonkers. It is also illiberal and anti-Conservative.

So, these young people are going to be old enough to get married, have children and be fathers; and, if we go to war, these young people will be expected to lay down their lives for their country, but they won't be able to enjoy a cigarette. They can be killed in combat, but they can’t enjoy a fag. That is bloody mad!

This country is becoming a dictatorship; it is no longer a democracy. It is also no longer the country I was born and raised in. I am disgusted by Sunak and his stupid, autocratic, poncy ideas. And this particular idea is the stupidest of them all.

Margaret Thatcher, even though she was not a smoker, would never have introduced such half-baked legislation. And to repeat her famous words to Mr Sunak: No! No! No! As Mr Farage has said in this short clip: Mr Sunak, get out of people’s lives! – © Mark Alexander

It Is Concerning to Watch UK Disengage from the World, Says Irish PM

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Leo Varadkar warns that Brexit, aid cuts and talk of abandoning human rights treaty ‘not the Britain I know’

Leo Varadkar in Granada, Spain, where he will hold bilateral talks with Rishi Sunak as part of the European Political Community summit. Photograph: Jon Nazca/Reuters

Ireland’s prime minister has said he is concerned to see the UK “disengaging from the world”, and accused it of turning inwards by leaving the EU, slashing international aid and now considering abandoning a human rights treaty.

Speaking before a bilateral meeting with Rishi Sunak in the Spanish city of Granada, Leo Varakdar said he could barely recognise the country.

Asked if he was concerned over threats made by the UK to walk away from the European convention on human rights, he replied: “I am, to be honest.”

The British home secretary, Suella Braverman, has questioned whether the convention is “fit for purpose”.

“The Britain and United Kingdom that I love and admire, it is the country of the Magna Carta, the country that founded parliamentary democracy and the country that helped to write the European convention on human rights,” Varadkar said.

“It does bother me to see the United Kingdom disengaging from the world – whether it’s reducing its budget for international aid, whether it’s leaving the European Union and now even talking about withdrawing from the European convention on human rights. That’s not the Britain I know,” he said. » | Lisa O’Carroll in Granada | Thursday, October 5, 2023

Ex-Kanzlerin Merkel im ZDF-Interview über den Osten, Erdogan und die AfD

Oct 2, 2023 | Eine ihrer letzten Reden als Bundeskanzlerin hielt sie am 3. Oktober 2021 in Halle zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit. Ihr erstes TV-Interview nach ihrem Ausscheiden aus dem Amt hat Angela Merkel nun Mitri Sirin gegeben für die Doku "Am Puls – Wie viel Einheit haben wir erreicht?"…

Am Puls mit Mitri Sirin: Wie viel Einheit haben wir erreicht? »

Prosecutor Opens Trial for FTX Founder Sam Bankman-Fried Saying He Stole At Least $10 billion | News

Oct 4, 2023 | A prosecutor opened a fraud trial Wednesday by telling jurors that FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was on top of the world a year ago, hobnobbing with celebrities, before his historic fraud was exposed, leaving customers and investors without at least $10 billion they thought was secure. A defense lawyer insisted his client didn’t steal from anyone.

A Great Power in Trouble: What's Wrong with Germany? | To The Point

Oct 5, 2023 | What's happening to the world's fourth-largest economy? In contrast to other large industrial nations and in comparison to Europe, Germany’s economy is weakening.

Companies are complaining about poor business conditions, such as high energy prices. There is already talk of creeping de-industrialization, and some economists and politicians believe that Germany is once again, “the sick man of Europe.”

At the same time, right-wing populist attitudes are on the rise, and more people are critical of democracy. Are prosperity and democracy in danger? We are discussing: “A great power in trouble: What's wrong with Germany?”

Our guests: Valerie Höhne (Tagesspiegel)
Arne Delfs (Bloomberg News)
Katja Hoyer (Kings College London)

Der Feind ist schwul | ARTE Re: | Reupload

Feb 1, 2023 | Seit 2013 gibt es in Russland ein Gesetz, das die positive öffentliche Darstellung von Homosexualität unter Strafe stellt. Mit Beginn des russischen Einmarschs in die Ukraine hat sich die Situation von Russlands LGBTQ-Community nochmals verschlechtert. Denn der Krieg ist auch ein Krieg der Werte und so nimmt der Druck auf Andersliebende mit jedem Tag zu.

Diesen Druck spüren Homosexuelle stark, die Zahl der Gewaltverbrechen nimmt zu. Das liegt vor allem daran, dass sie in den Medien täglich als Perverse und Feinde der russischen Gesellschaft dargestellt werden. Außerdem können die Opfer von homophoben Gewaltverbrechen kaum noch mit Schutz rechnen. Schließlich ist Schwulenhass auch bei der Polizei allgegenwärtig. Sergej und Andrej aus Sankt Petersburg wurden wegen des Instagram-Posts eines gleichgeschlechtlichen Kusses verhaftet. Sie gehen davon aus, dass auf offene Homosexualität schon bald Haftstrafen stehen könnten. Trotzdem gibt es weiterhin mutige Menschen, die die Situation von Russlands LGBTQ-Gemeinschaft verbessern wollen. Zum Beispiel den Kommunalpolitiker Sergej Troschin, der sich als erster Politiker des Landes öffentlich zu seiner Homosexualität bekennt. Oder den Blogger Fjodor, der seinen 60.000 Followern auf Instagram Aufklärung beim Thema „Schwulsein in Russland“ anbietet. Auf der anderen Seite existieren immer mehr radikale Gruppen, die sich insbesondere Homosexuelle als Feindbild heranziehen. Gruppen wie „Ural Rennaissance“ genießen in einem extrem autoritären System immer mehr Freiheiten, schließlich unterstützen sie die Politik Putins bedingungslos. Und so ziehen diese Gruppen durch Russlands Städte und sorgen unter Andersdenkenden und Andersliebenden für Angst und Schrecken.

Reportage (D 2022, 33 Min)
Video verfügbar bis zum 31/01/2024

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Donald Trump Drops Off Forbes 400 List of Wealthiest People in the US

GUARDIAN EUROPE: He’s $300m shy of the cutoff, according to the magazine, though with an estimated $2.6bn he’s got plenty of pocket change

Inclusion on the Forbes list was mentioned at Trump’s civil fraud trial as a reason for inflating the values of his properties. Photograph: John Angelillo/UPI/Shutterstock

Donald Trump has dropped off the Forbes 400 ranking of the wealthiest people in the US for the second time in three years, the magazine announced on Wednesday as the former president’s business fraud trial continued in New York.

“Donald Trump is no longer rich enough for the country’s most exclusive club,” Forbes said.

“With an estimated $2.6bn fortune, he is $300m shy of the cutoff for the Forbes 400 ranking of America’s richest people, the annual measurement that Trump has obsessed over for decades, relentlessly lying to reporters to try to vault himself higher on the list.” » | Martin Pengelly in Washington | Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Heartbreaking. Truly heartbreaking! Will I be able to sleep tonight, I wonder? – Mark

This Is What America Would Look Like with Hillary Clinton as President | #shorts

Steve Schmidt talking common sense, as usual.

Großvater von Willem-Alexander war Mitglied der NSDAP

Die damalige niederländische Königin Juliana und ihr Ehemann Prinz Bernhard bei der Hochzeit ihrer Tochter Prinzessin Beatrix im Jahr 1966 | Bild: DPA


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der niederländische Prinz Bernhard präsentierte sich stets als oberster Widerstandskämpfer. Jetzt hat ein Historiker den NSDAP-Mitgliedsausweis des deutschstämmigen Adeligen gefunden.

Der niederländische Prinz Bernhard, Großvater von König Willem-Alexander, war Mitglied der Nazi-Partei NSDAP. Ein Historiker hat im Königlichen Hausarchiv den originalen Mitgliedsausweis von Bernhard gefunden, berichtet die Tageszeitung NRC am Mittwoch. Der Historiker Flip Maarschalkerweerd war Direktor des Archivs und hatte den Ausweis im Privatarchiv des aus Deutschland stammenden Prinzen entdeckt.

Bis zu seinem Tod 2004 hatte Bernhard immer bestritten, dass er der NSDAP angehört hatte. Er hatte sich stets als oberster Widerstandskämpfer des Landes präsentiert, trotz mehrerer Hinweise auf Nazi-Sympathien. Der Mitgliedsausweis ist nun ein deutlicher Beweis. Warum Bernhard ihn nicht vernichtet hat, ist ein Rätsel. » | Quelle: dpa | Mittwoch, 4. Oktober 2023

Pakistan weist 1,7 Millionen Afghanen aus


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Weil sich die Regierung in Islamabad von Militanten aus Afghanistan bedroht fühlt, weist Pakistan Einwanderer ohne Papiere aus. Der Innenminister spricht von mehr als einem Dutzend Selbstmordanschlägen seit Jahresanfang.

Pakistan hat nach einer Serie von Anschlägen alle illegal Eingewanderten, darunter mehr als 1,7 Millionen afghanische Staatsbürger, angewiesen, das Land zu verlassen. „Wir haben ihnen eine Frist bis zum 1. November gesetzt“, sagte Innenminister Sarfraz Bugti am Dienstag in Islamabad. „Und wenn sie es nicht schaffen, fristgerecht auszureisen, werden alle Strafverfolgungsbehörden unserer Bundesstaaten eine Operation mit Vollgas starten, um sie abzuschieben.“ » | Von Othmara Glas | Mittwoch 4. Oktober 2023

France: Bedbugs Send Shivers through Paris | DW News

Oct 3, 2023 | A widespread bedbug outbreak has caused an alarming situation in Paris. The French authorities vowed to act as blood-sucking insects infested Paris, which is preparing to host next year's summer Olympics.

City of Light or City of Bites? France Tries to Ease Bedbug Anxiety.: With less than a year to go before millions are expected in Paris for the Olympics, a wave of widely publicized reports of bed bug infestations has put French authorities under pressure. »

Punaises de lit : les transports publics ne connaissent « pas de recrudescence » des cas, selon le gouvernement : Le ministre chargé des transports, Clément Beaune, a demandé, mercredi, à l’ensemble des opérateurs de publier tous les trois mois les données sur les cas signalés, les cas avérés » et « les actions » mises en œuvre. »

Related link here.

France to deploy sniffer dogs to inspect train seats for bedbugs: Public transport including Paris Métro will be checked despite minister’s denial of bedbug outbreak »

Giuliani’s Drinking, Long a Fraught Subject, Has Trump Prosecutors’ Attention

Rudolph W. Giuliani’s drinking was long whispered about by former City Hall aides, White House advisers and political socialites. Now it has become a factor in one of the federal cases against former President Donald J. Trump. | Erin Schaff for The New York Times

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The former mayor’s drinking has become an investigative subplot in Donald Trump’s federal case over 2020 election interference. But long before that, friends had grown deeply concerned.

Rudolph W. Giuliani had always been hard to miss at the Grand Havana Room, a magnet for well-wishers and hangers-on at the Midtown cigar club that still treated him like the king of New York.

In recent years, many close to him feared, he was becoming even harder to miss.

For more than a decade, friends conceded grimly, Mr. Giuliani’s drinking had been a problem. And as he surged back to prominence during the presidency of Donald J. Trump, it was getting more difficult to hide it.

On some nights when Mr. Giuliani was overserved, an associate discreetly signaled the rest of the club, tipping back his empty hand in a drinking motion, out of the former mayor’s line of sight, in case others preferred to keep their distance. Some allies, watching Mr. Giuliani down Scotch before leaving for Fox News interviews, would slip away to find a television, clenching through his rickety defenses of Mr. Trump. Even at less rollicking venues — a book party, a Sept. 11 anniversary dinner, an intimate gathering at Mr. Giuliani’s own apartment — his consistent, conspicuous intoxication often startled his company.

“It’s no secret, nor do I do him any favors if I don’t mention that problem, because he has it,” said Andrew Stein, a former New York City Council president who has known Mr. Giuliani for decades. “It’s actually one of the saddest things I can think about in politics.” » | Matt Flegenheimer and Maggie Haberman | Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Too Late for Bankman-Fried to Get a Deal: Naftalis

Oct 3, 2023 | Pallas Partners Partner Joshua Naftalis says US prosecutors should be able to win their fraud case against FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried. He also says prosecutors won't offer Bankman-Fried any deal now. Naftalis speaks on "Bloomberg Crypto."

'He Couldn't Let Go of It': Inside the Rise and Fall of Sam Bankman-Fried

Oct 4, 2023 | Author Michael Lewis joins Chris Hayes to discuss “Going Infinite,” a new book about indicted crypto executive Sam Bankman-Fried. “I think of him as a creature of modern finance, says Lewis. “At almost any period in history he’s like a high school physics teacher.”

Leftover Turkey Curry | Cooking with Zahra

Oct 4, 2023

Iranian 16-year-old Girl in Coma after Being Assaulted by the Morality Police | DW News

Oct 4, 2023 | According to the Kurdish rights group "Hengaw" a teenage girl in Iran is in a coma after being assaulted by the morality police in Tehran's subway. It says Armita Garawand was attacked for violating the Islamic republic's hijab rules. Iranian authorities deny the claims.

'A Long Overdue Response': NY Judge Scolds Trump, Issues Gag Order after Attack on Clerk

Oct 4, 2023 | MSNBC Legal Analyst Lisa Rubin, former Representative David Jolly and Senior Editor for Bloomberg Opinion Tim O'Brien join Nicolle Wallace to discuss the second day of Donald Trump's civil fraud trial in New York.

Will McCarthy's Ousting Leave US Politics 'Paralyzed'? | DW News

Oct 4, 2023 | Members of the US House of Representatives removed Speaker Kevin McCarthy from power in a historic vote Tuesday. McCarthy's ouster represents the first time in the history of the United States that a speaker — the leader of the House majority and second in line from the presidency behind the vice-president — has been removed from office. …

McCarthy Is Ousted as Speaker, Leaving the House in Chaos: A handful of far-right Republicans broke with their party and voted to remove Kevin McCarthy from his leadership post. He said he would not run again. »

McCarthy’s Extraordinary Downfall Reflects an Ungovernable G.O.P.: The glib Californian made many promises and paid a price when he was unable to fulfill them. But his demise also reflected the challenge of wielding a Republican majority that refuses to be governed. »

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Trump Said Shoplifters Should Be Shot, Part of a String of Violent Remarks

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Recent incendiary statements by the former president come at a time when his supporters are already angry over his indictments.

Supporters of former President Donald J. Trump gathered near Trump Tower the night before the first day of the fraud trial against him and his company. | Dave Sanders for The New York Times

Former President Donald J. Trump had a lot to say on the first day of the fraud trial against him and his company. Speaking to reporters at a Manhattan courthouse on Monday, he dismissed the judge as a “rogue” justice and said he did not “think the people of this country are going to stand for it.” And he focused on the official who filed the lawsuit against him, New York’s attorney general, Letitia James.

“This is a disgrace,” he said, “and you ought to go after this attorney general.”

The remark urging people to “go after” a top elected official in New York, by a former president whose invective has become a familiar backdrop of American life, was part of a pattern of increasingly sharp language from Mr. Trump.

Days earlier, he told hundreds of Republican activists in California that shoplifters should be shot. Not long before that, he insinuated that the military general he personally appointed as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should be executed for treason. » | Maggie Haberman, Nicholas Nehamas and Alyce McFadden | Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Guardian View on Slovakia’s Election: An Ominous Signal from Central Europe

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: Victory for a Putin-friendly populist has given Viktor Orbán an ally and the rest of Europe a problem

Mr Fico’s triumph means an enlarged dissident core in central Europe.’ Photograph: Vladimír Šimíček/AFP/Getty Images

Elections in Slovakia, a country of 5.5 million people on the eurozone’s eastern flank, do not normally generate global headlines. But these are not normal times. Amid fears of growing cracks in western unity over Russia’s war in Ukraine, the victory over the weekend of a pro-Putin populist committed to ending military aid to Kyiv sent an ominous signal.

“Slovakia has bigger problems than Ukraine,” said Robert Fico, in the wake of a win that will have been a cause for satisfaction in the Kremlin. His Smer-SD party, which ran a campaign targeting irregular migrants, LGBTQ+ rights and support for Kyiv, will now seek to lead a coalition government. For Mr Fico, who has been the subject of corruption allegations, and was ousted as leader in 2018 in toxic circumstances, this was a remarkable comeback. For most of Europe, it is one with worrying implications on a number of levels. » | Editorial | Tuesday, October 3, 2023

US Wants UK to Open Up Its Agriculture Markets as Part of New Trade Deal

GUARDIAN INTERNATIONAL: Potentially wide-ranging agreement could be unachievable due to British objections to lower animal welfare standards

The US is pushing for Britain to open up its agricultural markets to US traders as part of a new economic agreement that would fall just short of a free trade agreement.

Washington and London have begun negotiations over a “foundational trade partnership”, which would cover subjects such as digital trade, labour protections and agriculture, according to documents seen by the Guardian and first revealed by Politico.

The partnership would not guarantee any particular levels of access for service providers to offer their products in each other’s countries, meaning it would fall short of the full free trade agreement that was promised by Brexit supporters after the leave vote.

The negotiations could run into trouble, especially over agriculture. Previous talks over a free trade agreement stalled in part because the UK refused to provide access to American food products such as chlorine-washed chicken or hormone-injected beef. » | Kiran Stacey, Political correspondent | Tuesday, October 3, 2023

From cage-free chicks to puppy mills and Avian flu: Republicans are trying to roll back animal protections: A proposed federal law would wipe out existing state laws that prevent farm animal brutality and the spread of disease »

Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos Top the Forbes List of Richest Americans

Oct 3, 2023 | It’s a good year to be a member of The Forbes 400. As a group, the richest people in America are $500 billion richer than a year ago, aided by rebounding stock markets and an AI-driven tech boom. They now hold $4.5 trillion in wealth, tying a record set in 2021.

It takes $2.9 billion to make the cut, up from $2.7 billion a year ago, also tying for the highest ever. Forbes calculated net worths using stock prices from September 8, 2023.

Elon Musk again tops the list, worth an estimated $251 billion—the exact same as last year, despite a wild 12 months that included him being forced to buy Twitter for far more than it was worth, watching Tesla stock crater, getting into internet spats with the likes of the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and the foreign minister of Taiwan, challenging Mark Zuckerberg to a cage fight—then adding tens of billions to his fortune as Tesla stock came roaring back. Musk is $90 billion wealthier than No. 2 Jeff Bezos and $93 billion ahead of No. 3 Larry Ellison, who added more dollars to his net worth than anyone in America over the past year, some $57 billion, largely thanks to the generative artificial intelligence craze helping push up shares of his software firm, Oracle.

Same-Sex Behavior Evolved in Many Mammals to Reduce Conflict, Study Suggests

THE NEW YORK TIMES: But the researchers cautioned that the work could not shed much light on sexual orientation in humans.

A pair of male bonobos. Apes branched off from other primates about 25 million years ago and evolved a much higher rate of same-sex sexual behavior than older lineages of primates, such as lemurs, since then. | P. Wegner/imageBROKER, via Alamy

In more than 1,500 animal species, from crickets and sea urchins to bottlenose dolphins and bonobos, scientists have observed sexual encounters between members of the same sex.

Some researchers have proposed that this behavior has existed since the dawn of the animal kingdom. But the authors of a new study of thousands of mammalian species paint a different picture, arguing that same-sex sexual behavior evolved when mammals started living in social groups. Although the behavior does not produce offspring to carry on the animals’ genes, it could offer other evolutionary advantages, such as smoothing over conflicts, the researchers proposed.

“It may contribute to establishing and maintaining positive social relationships,” said José Gómez, an evolutionary biologist at the Experimental Station of Arid Zones in Almería, Spain, and an author of the new study. » | Carl Zimmer | Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Hunter Biden Pleads Not Guilty to Federal Gun Charges - BBC News

Oct 3, 2023 | Hunter Biden, the son of US President Joe Biden, has entered a not guilty plea to charges of illegally owning a handgun at a Delaware courthouse.

Prosecutors allege that the 53-year-old lied about his drug use on application forms when he purchased the weapon in 2018.

Biden has acknowledged that he was a heavy user of crack cocaine at the time, but he denies breaking the law. He faces up to 25 years in prison if convicted of the three federal counts.

Sam Bankman-Fried's Fraud Trial Begins Today - Here's What It Means for the Future of Crypto

Oct 3, 2023 | This week, Sam Bankman-Fried, known as SBF, will stand trial in what federal prosecutors have called one of the biggest frauds in US history.

The 31-year-old former crypto superstar has pleaded not guilty to seven counts of fraud and conspiracy in connection with the collapse of FTX, his crypto-trading platform. If convicted and sentenced to the maximum punishment, he could spend the rest of his life in prison.

Forbes’ Director of Research for Digital Assets Steven Erich sat down with reporter Rosemarie Miller to talk about what SBF has been charged with, how big the fraud was and what it means for the future of cryptocurrency.

James Moore on Why Justin Trudeau Is Rooting for Donald Trump to Win in 2024 | The Warning Podcast

Oct 3, 2023 | James Moore joins Steve Schmidt to discuss what would happen if Americans claimed political asylum in Canada and breakdown why Justin Trudeau is rooting for.

Die Thatcher-Jahre | Doku HD | ARTE

Jun 7, 2023 | Die Thatcher-Ära ist ein Meilenstein der Geschichte und gilt als Geburtsstunde unserer heutigen Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsordnung. Dennoch herrscht bei Weitem kein Konsens darüber, was Thatcherismus genau bedeutet – und zwar aus gutem Grund: Die drei von Margaret Thatcher geführten Regierungen setzten von 1979 bis 1990 erstmals die Konzepte des Neoliberalismus um.

Margaret Thatcher: eine polarisierende Person, die oft sehr undifferenziert wahrgenommen wird. Hinter ihrem übertriebenen Verhalten und ihren exzessiven Äußerungen verblasst der Kontext der damaligen Zeit. Übrig bleibt ein sehr vereinfachendes, nicht selten frauenfeindlich gefärbtes Bild: das einer unaufhaltsamen Dampfwalze, fest entschlossen, zum Erreichen ihrer Ziele alles plattzumachen, was sich ihr in den Weg stellt.

Dabei ist die Realität viel komplexer und chaotischer. Die Eiserne Lady hat nicht immer ihre neoliberalen Überzeugungen konsequent verfochten und entsprach auch nicht unbedingt dem Klischee der Frau aus dem Volk mit dem gesunden Menschenverstand. Gewiss hat sie das Vereinigte Königreich autoritär nach ihrem Bild umgestaltet, doch ein großer Teil dieses Bildes war ein Konstrukt, mit dem sie opportunistisch auf die politischen und kulturellen Verhältnisse ihrer Zeit reagierte.

Der Dokumentarfilm erörtert das Erbe der Eisernen Lady und lässt Mitarbeiter, politische Gegner, Zeitzeugen, Aktivisten und Historiker zu Wort kommen, deren Aussagen ein neues Licht auf diese Jahre des Wandels werfen: Waren Margaret Thatcher und die Neoliberalen wirklich so modern, so „neo“, als sie die progressiven, angeblich archaischen Ideen der Linken in den Orkus beförderten? Oder waren sie nicht vielmehr selbst zutiefst archaisch mit ihrer Rückkehr zum brutalen Liberalismus des 19. Jahrhunderts und seiner rigiden viktorianischen Moral, von PR-Leuten clever als modern verkauft? Margaret Thatcher war die Matrix des radikalen Konservatismus und verkörperte wie keine andere diesen unauflösbaren Widerspruch, der sich bis heute durch die Gesellschaft zieht.

Dokumentarfilm von Guillaume Podrovnik (F 2022, 92 Min)
Verfügbar bis zum 12/08/2023

Whitney Houston : I Will Always Love You

Sep 28, 2023 | Official 4K Video for ”I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston

Ted Turner, Paul Allen, David Rubenstein, Eli Broad | 60 Minutes Full Episodes

Sep 30, 2023 | Morley Safer's 2008 story on Ted Turner. From 2011, Lesley Stahl's interview with Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. Safer's 2015 profile of patriotic philanthropist David Rubenstein. And from 2011, Safer's report on billionaire philanthropist Eli Broad.

Three People Killed and Teenager Held over Bangkok Mall Shooting - BBC News

Oct 3, 2023 | Three people have been killed in a shooting at a luxury shopping mall in the centre of Thailand's capital, Bangkok, medics say. Four other people were injured in the incident, including a foreign national.

A suspect - a 14-year-old boy - has been arrested after surrendering. He had been using a handgun, police said.

The prime minister said the situation had been brought under control and police were clearing the scene, according to the AFP news agency.

Slowakei wirft Russland Einflussnahme auf Wahl vor | DW Nachrichten

Oct 2, 2023 | Und plötzlich schaut ganz Europa auf die kleine Slowakei: Präsidentin Zuzana Caputova erteilt dem linksnationalen Oppositionsführer Robert Fico den Auftrag, eine Regierung zu bilden. Der Wahlsieger gilt als Kreml-Freund und hat jetzt gute Aussichten, die nächste Regierung in Bratislava zu bilden. Dies könnte zukünftige Militärhilfe aus dem EU-Staat Slowakei für die Ukraine erschweren.

Ungarn soll ausländische Firmen aus der EU benachteiligen | DW Nachrichten

Oct 3, 2023 | Ausländische Unternehmen in bestimmten Branchen wird das Geschäft in Ungarn sehr schwer gemacht. Ministerpräsident Orbán und seine Regierung machen das systematisch, sagt die Opposition im ungarischen Parlament.

‘The Trumpian Playbook’: Mehdi Unpacks the GOP and Elon Musk’s War on Truth

Sep 7, 2023 | Conspiracy theories have long been a cornerstone of Donald Trump’s brand, but Elon Musk may be taking his place as the chief purveyor of disinformation. Mehdi speaks with two authors about how the GOP and social media have created a war on truth – and what we can actually do about it.

Retired U.S. Lieutenant General Ben Hodges Says Russia Is an Existential Threat to US and Europe | #shorts

The retired general talks of the value Americans are getting for their tax dollars.

The Best Tips Out of Paris Fashion Week? Avoiding Bedbugs.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: There’s an infestation in the City of Lights, and fashion folks are not immune.

Every late September, when the style mavens descend on Paris for fashion week, they envision enjoying buttery post-show croissants and the occasional pack of Vogue cigarettes savored guilt-free at after-parties. But this season, it’s a bit different: Paris is infested with bedbugs.

Videos shared on social media show bedbugs crawling over seats of the Paris Metro, which carries more than 5 million passengers a day. Some Parisians have reported bites at various big-chain movie theaters. The French meme accounts are having a field day. “You have to understand that in reality no one is safe, obviously there are risk factors but in reality, you can catch bedbugs anywhere and bring them home,” Paris’s deputy mayor, Emmanuel Grégoire, said Friday.

Although Parisians don’t seem too concerned about the bedbug infestation (the metro, bars and movie theaters are just as packed as they’ve always been), at Paris Fashion Week shows, attendees have been trading tips on how to avoid catching them: store your luggage in the bathtub, they said; if you take public transportation, don’t sit down on the fabric seats; buy a $220 bedbug-killing heater on Amazon.

Bedbugs are a common urban scourge, often found living in mattresses, carpets, clothing and linens, and usually surfacing at night to feed (on your blood, that is). They typically bite in a telltale zigzag pattern, leaving clusters of three to five bites on the skin that can cause itchiness, redness and swelling and burning. In major cities like New York, having a brush with bedbugs is such a universal experience that the New York’s health department has their own bedbug complaint line. » | Jessica Roy | Monday, October 2, 2023

More here.

Church Collapse in Mexico Kills 11 During Collective Baptism

THE NEW YORK TIMES: A church roof fell in a city on Mexico’s Gulf Coast as dozens of parishioners were at Sunday Mass. Rescuers said at least three children were among the dead.

Surveillance footage shows the moment the roof of a church in Ciudad Madero, Mexico, collapsed during Sunday Mass. | Secretary of Public Security Tamaulipas, via Reuters

Rescuers in northern Mexico recovered the bodies of 10 people who died after the roof of a Roman Catholic church collapsed during Sunday Mass in Ciudad Madero, an oil-refining city on the Gulf of Mexico. Among the youngest victims were three children, including a 1-and-a-half-year-old boy.

The roof collapsed during a collective baptism, according to the Diocese of Tampico. About 60 people were injured, and more than 23 of them were hospitalized on Monday morning, the Tamaulipas State security spokesman’s office said. One of those hospitalized died later on Monday, the spokesman said.

About 100 people were inside the Santa Cruz church at the time of the collapse, officials said. » | Emiliano Rodríguez Mega and Simon Romero, Reporting from Mexico City | Monday, October 2, 2023

With Surge in Attacks, Militants Begin New Era of Bloodshed in Pakistan

THE NEW YORK TIMES: For nearly a decade, the country had seemingly broken the cycle of violence, but extremist groups have bounced back since the Taliban regained control in neighboring Afghanistan.

Praying on Sunday for the victims of a suicide attack that killed more than 50 people last week. | Arshad Butt/Associated Press

It was a bloody reminder that the dark days of extremist violence appeared to have returned to Pakistan: a suicide attack on a religious festival in the country’s southwest this past week that left around 60 people dead.

For nearly a decade, Pakistan had seemingly broken the cycle of such deadly attacks. In 2014, the country’s security forces carried out a large-scale military operation in the tribal areas near Afghanistan, forcing militants across the border and returning a relative peace to the restive frontier region.

But since the Taliban seized power in neighboring Afghanistan in August 2021, offering some groups safe haven on Afghan soil and starting a crackdown on others that pushed their fighters into neighboring Pakistan, the violence has roared back. The number of terrorist attacks in Pakistan rose by around 50 percent during the Taliban’s first year in power, compared with the year before, according to the Pak Institute for Peace Studies, which monitors extremist violence and is based in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan.

This year, the pace of attacks have continued to rise. The attacks themselves have also become bolder, reviving the fears of a terrorism-scared nation. In January, a suicide bombing at a heavily guarded mosque killed more than 100 people. A month later, militants struck the heart of Pakistan’s largest city, Karachi, waging an hourslong siege at the police headquarters. Another suicide blast, at a political rally, killed more than 50 people in July.

In the latest massacre, on Friday, a suicide bomber set off an explosion at a religious procession that left carnage in the street. No group has claimed responsibility yet. » | Christina Goldbaum and Zia ur-Rehman | Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Pope Francis Suggests Gay Couples Could Be Blessed in Vatican Reversal

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Conservative cardinals had challenged the pope to confirm teachings on LGBTQ+ issues

Pope Francis appears to have reversed the Vatican’s position on the blessing of same-sex marriages by suggesting they could be possible in a note to conservative bishops. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Pope Francis has suggested there could be ways to bless same-sex unions, responding to five conservative cardinals who challenged him to affirm church teaching on homosexuality ahead of a big meeting where LGBTQ+ Catholics are on the agenda.

The Vatican on Monday published a letter Francis wrote to the cardinals on 11 July after receiving a list of five questions, or dubia, from them a day earlier. In it, Francis suggests that such blessings could be studied if they did not confuse the blessing with sacramental marriage.

New Ways Ministry, which advocates for LGBTQ+ Catholics, said the letter “significantly advances” efforts to make LGBTQ+ Catholics welcomed in the church and represented “one big straw towards breaking the camel’s back” in their marginalisation. » | Associated Press | Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Conservative Catholics, Relegated to Sidelines, Denounce Papal Gathering: As bishops and laypeople from around the world prepared to gather at the Vatican, traditionalist Catholics who would not be among them staged their own show. »

Monday, October 02, 2023

Sam Bankman-Fried's Parents Aren't Out of Legal Peril Themselves: New Yorker's Sheelah Kolhatkar

Oct 2, 2023 | Sheelah Kolhatkar, The New Yorker staff writer, joins 'Squawk Box' to discuss the upcoming criminal trial of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried, the unique relationship Bankman-Fried's parents played in FTX, what can expect at the trial, and more. For access to live and exclusive video from CNBC.

Journalist on Trump’s Civil Fraud Trial: “His Whole Life Has Been a Façade” | Amanpour and Company

Oct 2, 2023 | Donald Trump was back in court today. This time, as the former president answers for his business dealings in New York, his empire could be at stake. The self-described property mogul has already been found liable for “persistent and repeated” fraud in this civil trial. David Cay Johnston is a Pulitzer Prize-winning economics reporter. He joins the show to discuss what this means for the Trump organization. | Originally aired on October 2, 2023

Rise, Fall of Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX at Center of Michael Lewis' New Book | 60 Minutes

Oct 2, 2023 | Author Michael Lewis met with FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried more than 100 times. Lewis breaks down the crypto superstar’s rise and fall in his new book, “Going Infinite.”

Crypto Goes on Trial, as Sam Bankman-Fried Faces His Reckoning: The FTX founder’s uphill court battle starts Tuesday, after he has come to symbolize everything that went wrong with the cryptocurrency industry. »

Related article here.

Le procès de Sam Bankman-Fried, le « Mozart des cryptomonnaies », et de la faillite de FTX s’ouvre à New York : Inculpé notamment de fraude et de blanchiment, celui qui était surnommé le « Mozart des cryptos » risque plus de cent ans de prison. Son procès doit s’ouvrir mardi. » [€]

James Moore on How Canada Views a Trump-led America | The Warning Podcast with Steve Schmidt

Oct 2, 2023 | Former Canadian Cabinet Minister James Moore joins Steve to discuss the differences between American and Canadian politics and how Canadians view the USA post-Trump presidency.

Russia's New Anti-LGBT Law Now Takes "Propaganda" Books Off Shelves | DW News

Feb 1, 2023 | It's been almost two months since Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into law a regulation that bans so-called LGBT-propaganda in Russia. It prohibits what it calls promotion of 'non-traditional values'. The change has already affected a wide range of books and films, with now-illegal material being removed. Critics say that this is just one more step in what the Russian government sees as a fight against Western values.

'I Don't Have to Put My Life On the Line': Cohen May Not Testify as Trump's Online Threats Continue

Sep 28, 2023 | Donald Trump’s attorneys denying prosecutors’ claim that the former president’s rhetoric is inflammatory and dangerous is disputed by former Trump attorney, Michael Cohen. "I don't have to put my life on the line simply because Donald Trump cannot control himself, and the courts are not controlling him,” Cohen tells Joy Reid regarding Trump’s ongoing online threats.

Ukraine War: EU Ministers Meet in Kyiv Following US Funding Concerns - BBC News

Oct 2, 2023 | European Union foreign ministers are meeting in Kyiv in a show of support following signs Western resolve may be wavering.

The European Union’s most senior diplomat, Josep Borrell, has told the BBC that he is worried by the US’ decision not to include new support for Ukraine in a short-term funding deal.

The temporary measure, pushed through to avert a government shutdown, did not include $6bn (£4.92bn) in military aid for Kyiv - a top White House priority.

President Joe Biden has said the US will continue to support Ukraine.

'Impossible to Refuse to Fight': Russian Deserters Tell DW about Their Escape I DW News

Oct 2, 2023 | In 2022 Vladimir Putin amended Russia’s Criminal Code, making it nearly impossible to leave the army. Deserters face 15 years behind bars. But according to human right activists, at least 500 men have deserted from the Russian army since then. DW reporter Natalia Smolentceva met one former soldier who has been granted residency in Germany.

Nazis - Made in Austria | Documentary

Aug 19, 2023 | History has made Nazism a German invention, obscuring the role played by Austria, Hitler’s homeland and the inspiration for many of the Third Reich's anti-Jewish policies.

At the end of World War One, the defeated Austro-Hungarian Empire was torn apart. Plagued by poverty, unemployment and political instability, the young Austrian Republic was a hotbed of anti-Semitism and xenophobia.

Nazis - Made in Austria | Documentary
Available until the 13/10/2023

Ce documentaire n'est pas du tout adapté aux enfants. Les jeunes et les personnes sensibles doivent également faire preuve d’une extrême prudence lorsqu’ils le regardent. – Mark

Diese Dokumentation ist hier auch auf Deutsch verfügbar.

Rev. Al: The Civil Case Is an Existential Threat to Trump

Sep 29, 2023 | Donald Trump and his sons Don Jr. and Eric will be among the witnesses in next week's $250 million civil fraud trial against the former president and his companies, new court filings show. The Morning Joe panel discusses.

Turkey Hits Suspected Kurdish Targets in Iraq after Ankara Blast I DW News

Oct 2, 2023 | Turkish war planes have struck suspected Kurdish targets in Iraq in response to a suicide bombing in the capital Ankara. The defense ministry says its jets destroyed 20 targets of the PKK Kurdish separatist group in northern Iraq.

Earlier, the PKK said it carried out a suicide bomb attack outside the Turkish interior ministry. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said terrorists would never achieve their aims. Viewers may find some of the images in this report disturbing.

This video is age-restricted, so it is available only on YouTube. Please click here to view it.

Related video here.

Joe Biden Vows to Support Ukraine, Despite US Budget Fiasco - BBC News

Oct 2, 2023 | US President Joe Biden has vowed continued US support for Ukraine, after further military funding was excluded from a budget deal.

The temporary measure, pushed through to avert a government shutdown, did not include $6bn (£4.92bn) in military aid for Kyiv - a top White House priority.

Republicans oppose further military aid, with many openly opposing Mr Biden's approach to the war.

Unease in the West as Slovakia Appears Set to Join the Putin Sympathizers

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The front-runner in the parliamentary vote has pledged “not to send a single cartridge” to neighboring Ukraine, a sign of the flagging European support for a victim of Russian aggression.

Robert Fico, center, in Bratislava, Slovakia, on Sunday, has said he will “not send a single cartridge” of ammunition to Ukraine. | Martin Divisek/EPA, via Shutterstock

The victory of Robert Fico, a former prime minister who took a pro-Russian campaign stance, in Slovakia’s parliamentary elections is a further sign of eroding support for Ukraine in the West as the war drags on and the front line remains largely static.

Slovakia is a small country with historical Russian sympathies, and the nature of the coalition government Mr. Fico will seek to form is unclear. He may lean more toward pragmatism, as Italy’s far-right prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, has done since her election last year. Still, the shift in Slovakia is stark: It was the first country to deliver fighter jets to Ukraine.

The election results come as disquiet over the billions of dollars in military aid that the West has provided to Ukraine over the past 19 months has grown more acute in the United States and the European Union, with demands increasing for the money to go to domestic priorities instead. » | Roger Cohen, Reporting from Paris | Sunday, October 1, 2023

Sunday, October 01, 2023

Why Kevin McCarthy and Matt Gaetz "Deserve Each Other" | The Warning w/ Steve Schmidt

Oct 1, 2023 | Steve Schmidt reacts to Matt Gaetz calling for the removal of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House. Steve rejects the premise that McCarthy is now the "adult in the room" of MAGA lunatics and says Democrats should do nothing to help either Republican wackjob.

Iceland Boss Richard Walker Quits ‘Out of Touch’ Tories

THE TELEGRAPH: Supermarket chief says he can’t support a party that has lost its way on net zero

The boss of supermarket chain Iceland has quit the Conservative Party, criticising it for being “badly out of touch”.

Richard Walker, who had been trying to stand as a Conservative MP, announced that he had “now reached the end of the road” with the Tories, citing the party’s approach to net zero.

Mr Walker had been on the approved candidate list for the Conservatives, but said he was “never prepared to wear a gag to bag a seat”.

Writing for The Guardian, the businessman said: “It has become increasingly difficult to avoid the conclusion that the Conservative Party has drifted badly out of touch.

“I am certainly not willing to make compromises with a party which has clearly lost its way on its approach to net zero and the environment in particular. » | Genevieve Holl-Allen | Sunday, October 1, 2023

Some People Work Out… | #shorts

…Others Trump Out.

En Pologne, « environ un million » d’opposants manifestent contre le gouvernement

LE MONDE : Cette manifestation, « la plus grande dans l’histoire de Varsovie », est destinée à mobiliser les électeurs opposés au gouvernement en place depuis huit ans, quinze jours avant les élections législatives.

« Environ un million de personnes » se sont rassemblées, dimanche 1er octobre, au départ d’une grande marche antigouvernementale dans le centre de Varsovie, a fait savoir la mairie. « C’est absolument la plus grande manifestation dans l’histoire de Varsovie », a déclaré à l’Agence France-Presse Monika Beuth, la porte-parole de la mairie.

« Quand je vois ces centaines de milliers de visages souriants, je sens bien qu’un moment décisif de l’histoire de notre patrie arrive », avait annoncé un peu plus tôt le chef du bloc centriste de la Plate-forme civique (PO), Donald Tusk, en inaugurant la marche. » | Le Monde avec AFP | dimanche 1 octobre 2023

Inside the Chaos in the GOP

Sep 24, 2023 | As infighting among House Republicans threatens to push the country into a government shutdown, Jonathan Capehart and his panel discuss the roots of Republican extremism including the influence of retiring Fox Chairman, Rupert Murdoch.

The Potential Danger of a Trump Second Term

Jul 23, 2023 | Presidential Historian Michael Beschloss joins Jonathan Capehart to discuss the New York Times reporting that Donald Trump plans to increase presidential powers if he wins a second White House term.

For Christ’s sake, lock him up, and do it with dispatch! – © Mark

Trump's Mounting Legal Woes

Sep 30, 2023 | Melissa Murray joins Jonathan Capehart to discuss the first Trump co-defendant to flip in Georgia's election interference case, the likelihood of a gag order in the federal Jan. 6 case, and the possibility of Trump testifying in his NY civil trial that begins on Monday.

Suicide Bomber Detonates Device in Turkish Capital | DW News

Oct 1, 2023

Turkey: Two officers injured in blast outside interior ministry: An explosion outside Turkey's interior ministry in the capital Ankara was a "terrorist attack", the interior minister has said. »

Schweiz: Zehntausende demonstrieren für das Klima

Oct 1, 2023 | In weniger als einem Monat wird in der Schweiz gewählt. Umweltschützer wollten mit einer Großkundgebung in Bern auf das Thema Klima aufmerksam machen.

Vladimir Putin Praises Elon Musk as ‘Talented Businessman' | #shorts

Elon praised by Vladimir here.

Joshua Maponga:"Christianity and Islam Are BULLIES of African Culture." | #shorts

God in Islam and in Christianity is intolerant of culture. Listen to here.

Fox Host OBLITERATES Trump Live On Air and Leaves Co-hosts Utterly Speechless | #shorts

Here are some of The Donald’s bloopers.

Why Did Xi Jinping Send His Own Furniture When Travelling to the BRICS Meeting in South Africa? | #shorts

Find out why here.

Rihanna & Ne-Yo

Hate That I Love You

Saturday, September 30, 2023



Trump Calls for Store Robbers to Be Shot in Speech to California Republicans

THE GUARDIAN: Former president and frontrunner for GOP nomination also warns ‘this country will die’ if Joe Biden wins election

Any Republican candidate that triumphs in California’s primary will see an easier path to the nomination. Photograph: Wally Skalij/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images

Donald Trump called for shooting store robbers on Friday in a bleak speech to California Republicans –and warned “this country will die!” if Joe Biden remained president.

During the address to GOP members, Trump also railed that wealthy Beverly Hills residents smell because of water denials, and repeated election fraud lies, according to the Associated Press.

“We will immediately stop all of the pillaging and theft. Very simply: If you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store,” Trump said, spurring applause. “Shot!”

The rhetoric is in keeping with Trump’s tough-on-crime mantra but signified a ramped up emphasis on punishment. Trump has previously pitched shooting migrants to keep them from entering the US. » | Victoria Bekiempis | Saturday, September 30, 2023

This man is quite, quite ridiculous! Yet he is said to be doing well in the opinion polls. This is totally incomprehensible to most people I know outside of the USA. So, I have one simple question. It is this: How can an intelligent, educated American vote for this man? Or isn’t there any correlation between education & intelligence and voting habits? – © Mark Alexander

Epidemic of Hate: Antisemitism in America

Dec 15, 2023 | Epidemic of Hate: Antisemitism in America explores the resurgence of hate against Jews in America and what’s being done to combat extremism. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas discusses the government response to rising antisemitism. American icon Norman Lear and Svante Myrick, the new President of People For the American Way, discuss relations between Jewish and African-American communities. Hosted by Jacob Soboroff.

The Murky Myths behind Antisemitism I DW News

Nov 22, 2022 | Antisemitism comes in many different forms and facets. Sometimes it can even be difficult to identify as such. You can say something antisemitic without even realizing it. Where, for example, does legitimate criticism of Israeli policy end and where does antisemitism begin? Where did centuries-old antisemitic tropes that are still spread today even come from? Let's take a look at the murky myths behind antisemitism.

European Antisemitism from Its Origins to the Holocaust

Jan 10, 2022 | This 13-minute film introduces the history of antisemitism. The term was coined in the 19th century and refers to prejudice against or hatred of Jews. But as this film shows, anti-Jewish hostility goes back many centuries—to the era of early Christianity and the Middle Ages. As a religious minority, Jews in Christian-dominant Europe were consistently persecuted as “outsiders.” They became scapegoats and victims of targeted violence in times of severe hardship and economic and political change.

Anti-Jewish prejudices endured and took on new forms as western societies became more secular in the 19th century, and Jews gained more rights and opportunities. Some politicians used “the Jews” as scapegoats in their attempts to gain support from people left behind by economic change. Ultra-nationalists, seeking ethnically homogeneous nations, saw Jews as biologically “foreign”—a different “race.” Antisemites also hatched conspiracy theories about “Jewish power” and that, after World War I and the Russian Revolution, linked Jews to Communism.

These radical strands of racial antisemitism, tied to ethnic nationalism and conspiracy myths, became core elements of Nazi ideology as the party was forming in the aftermath of World War I. After the Nazis took power in 1933, these ideas became state policy and underpinned anti-Jewish laws and decrees. Nazi propaganda portrayed Germany’s Jews as an “alien,” biological threat to the survival of the German people. During World War II, this racial antisemitism motivated Nazi policy that evolved into mass murder and genocide. Nazi officials also exploited longstanding traditional prejudices towards Jews in the countries they conquered to gain help from non-Germans to locate, round up, deport, and kill Jews.

Confronting Lies about Trump and Jan. 6th - Steve Schmidt's PBD Podcast Appearance - The Warning

Sep 30, 2023 | I appeared on the PBD podcast where we discussed how Donald Trump came to power, the con that he is not part of the establishment, & I confront lies and conspiracy theories on the January 6th insurrection.

Caution! Some of the language in this video is RAW. For this reason, it is not suitable for children. – Mark

Kann das Geburtshaus von Adolf Hitler neu genutzt werden? | DW Nachrichten

Sep 30, 2023 | Im österreichischen Braunau steht das Geburtshaus von Adolf Hitler. Seit langer Zeit wird wird diskutiert, wie damit umgegangen werden soll. Nun soll dort eine Polizeistation und ein Schulungszentrum für Menschenrechte eingerichtet werden. Die Arbeiten beginnen demnächst. Gegenstimmen beklagen, dass ein derart historisch belastetes Haus nur Gedenkstätte sein darf und in einen Kontext eingeordnet werden muss.

WIKIPEDIA: Braunau am Inn »

Neue Proteste gegen Assad in Syrien: "Baschar muss weg"

Sep 30, 2023 | In Suweida, einer Hochburg der Drusen, haben zahlreiche Menschen gegen Präsident Assad demonstriert. Viele Frauen beteiligen sich inzwischen an den Protesten in Syrien.

Michael Lambert: Failing Home Secretary Demonises Migrants

Sep 30, 2023 | Suella Braverman as Home Secretary presides over a Home Office which is in disarray. 1000 Met police officers are under investigation, only 5% of crime is solved and the borders are in chaos.

Immigration is a constant problem which Rishi Sunak has pledged to solve. Given the weakness of Rishi Sunak, she is the most powerful woman in the country. Braverman invokes memories of Germany in the 1930's! In recent years the rights of UK citizens have been much reduced, whereby the UK is now a police state. It is even an offence punishable by imprisonment to hold a sign which may offend the authorities.

Last week Braverman went to Washington to deliver a speech to the right-wing think tank American Enterprise Institute. It was a speech just a few days before the Tory party conference designed to boost her claim to be the successor to Sunak.

The speech and subsequent interviews were racist and dishonest. She presented dogwhistle arguments about the threat of migration and how it is the biggest threat that the world currently faces.

Her Rwanda policy involves swapping asylum seekers in the UK for 'vulnerable' deportees from Rwanda, another terrible deal which has cost the British taxpayer £140 million.

Braverman, by removing and restricting rights and by imposing restrictions, is turning the UK into a fascist state.

How Peter Thiel’s Palantir Pushed Toward the Heart of U.K. Health Care

Peter Thiel at a conference in Florida last year. At an event in England this year, he called public support for the N.H.S. “Stockholm syndrome.” | Chandan Khann/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Palantir, the analytics company led by Peter Thiel, has courted N.H.S. England with pandemic help and assertive lobbying. Its big reward may be yet to come.

It began with a £1 contract.

In the hours after a pandemic was declared in March 2020, Palantir, the secretive American data analytics company, was invited to 10 Downing Street along with other tech groups, including Amazon, Google and Meta, to discuss how it could help the British government respond.

Within days, Palantir’s software was processing streams of data from across England’s National Health Service, with Palantir engineers embedded to help. The company’s services, used by the C.I.A. and Western militaries for more than a decade, were deployed to track emergency room capacity and direct supplies of scarce equipment.

Palantir charged the government just one pound.

The deal provided the company with a valuable toehold. Since then, Palantir, which is chaired by Peter Thiel, the billionaire investor and one of President Donald J. Trump’s major 2016 donors, has parlayed the work into more than £60 million in government health contracts. Its biggest reward may be yet to come: a seven-year contract worth up to £480 million — about $590 million — to overhaul N.H.S. England’s outdated patient data system.

But an outcry over Palantir’s rapid ascent within the N.H.S., the beleaguered but beloved public institution that provides free health care across the country, has been building for months among some lawmakers, doctors and privacy campaigners. It could come to a head in October, when the winning bid is expected to be announced. » | Euan Ward and Adam Satariano | Euan Ward and Adam Satariano, reporting from London, spoke to health service officials, Palantir employees and industry insiders, as well as reviewing email correspondence and notes from internal meetings. | Friday, September 29, 2023

It would appear that the privatisation of our beloved National Health Service is to be kicked up a few notches. – © Mark Alexander

Bedbug Crisis Sparks Political Row in Paris as Insect ‘Scourge’ Continues

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Disgust spreads across country as travellers post videos apparently showing insects on Paris public transport

France’s growing bedbug crisis has sparked a political row as Paris city hall said the invasion of bloodsucking insects must be tackled before next year’s Olympic Games and the transport minister summoned train and bus operators to prevent the bugs multiplying on seats.

A wave of panic and disgust has spread across the country as travellers have posted photos and videos purportedly showing the insects on the Paris local transport system, high-speed trains and at Charles de Gaulle airport.

Some travellers on the Paris Métro or local trains have insisted they will stand up from now on, as they fear sitting on seats. Over the summer, when a Paris cinemagoer posted on social media about bedbugs, cinema companies issued statements about how they treated seats. Meanwhile, fumigation companies have reported an increasing demand to clear private homes. » | Angelique Chrisafis in Paris | Friday, September 29, 2023

Punaises de lit : tout ce qu'il faut savoir »

Punaises de lit : une désinfection qui coûte cher aux propriétaires : La loi prévoit que c’est au bailleur de s’acquitter des frais d’élimination des insectes, sauf s’il prouve que le locataire les a introduits. »

Friday, September 29, 2023

Gen Milley Blasts Wannabe Dictator Trump During Retirement Speech | #shorts

Listen to the General BLAST the ‘wannabe dictator’ here.

Weather Tracker: South Africa Floods Kill At Least 11 People

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Cape Town mayor declares major incident as roads closed and 80,000 people left without electricity

Extreme rain and strong winds across South Africa’s Western Cape province have caused flooding, torn off roofs, destroyed crops and damaged roads this week. It is estimated that the 48-hour rainfall totals between Sunday and Monday were between 100mm to 200mm (4-8in) in this region.

According to the Cape Town Disaster Risk Management Centre, 12,000 people were affected, but a further 80,000 people were left without electricity, according to the national power utility. The mayor of Cape Town signed a major incident declaration for additional resources and relief measures as 80 roads have been closed, 200 farm workers have been stranded and rail services have been suspended in the Western and Eastern Cape provinces. » | Alice Fowle and Morgan Thomas (MetDesk) |Friday, September 29, 2023