Thursday, October 05, 2023

A Great Power in Trouble: What's Wrong with Germany? | To The Point

Oct 5, 2023 | What's happening to the world's fourth-largest economy? In contrast to other large industrial nations and in comparison to Europe, Germany’s economy is weakening.

Companies are complaining about poor business conditions, such as high energy prices. There is already talk of creeping de-industrialization, and some economists and politicians believe that Germany is once again, “the sick man of Europe.”

At the same time, right-wing populist attitudes are on the rise, and more people are critical of democracy. Are prosperity and democracy in danger? We are discussing: “A great power in trouble: What's wrong with Germany?”

Our guests: Valerie Höhne (Tagesspiegel)
Arne Delfs (Bloomberg News)
Katja Hoyer (Kings College London)