Sunday, December 04, 2022

Zelensky Derides Musk’s Peace Proposal for Ukraine and Russia

During an interview at The New York Times’ DealBook Summit, President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine rebuked Elon Musk’s peace proposal that included ceding territory to Russia.

Macron Caps U.S. Visit in New Orleans

Crowds greeted President Emmanuel Macron of France as he toured the city’s French Quarter.

Saturday, December 03, 2022

Küssen gegen Schwulenhass

Die Augen fest geschlossen, pressen Ken Duken und Kostja Ullmann ihre Lippen aufeinander. Ein sinnlicher Kuss, wie man ihn zwischen den angesagten Schauspielern nicht erwartet hätte. Mit ihrem feuchten Lippenbekenntnis wollen sie und viele weitere deutsche Stars auf eine wichtige Kampagne aufmerksam machen.

Ich bedanke mich bei auf Pinterest für dieses schöne Bild.

Prince Harry Dresses as Spider-Man for Christmas Message to Bereaved Children

THE GUARDIAN Duke of Sussex records video to comfort youngsters at Scotty’s Little Soldiers, a charity for military children

The Duke of Sussex dressed up as Spider-Man in a surprise video message to try to comfort bereaved military children.

He donned the superhero outfit and only lifted his mask to reveal his true identity at the end of a specially recorded message for youngsters at Scotty’s Little Soldiers, a charity for bereaved British forces children and young people.

Harry, who was 12 when his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales died in 1997, told the youngsters: “Christmas is a time when we miss our loved ones really, really badly and that’s OK. » | PA Media | Saturday, December 3, 2022

Phil Collins : Do You Remember? | Official Music Video | Reupload

Jul 6, 2018 | Views on YouTube: 13,539,879

Roi du Maroc, le règne secret - Mohammed VI - Documentaire complet - PL

Sep 7, 2021 | Tournée au Maroc et en France, cette enquête révèle les zones d’ombre du roi Mohammed VI. Mohammed VI, roi du Maroc depuis 1999, a plusieurs visages. C'est un souverain discret, à la fois progressiste, autoritaire et homme d'affaires. Ce film décrit les incontestables réussites du Maroc, mais enquête aussi sur le pouvoir et les méthodes de Mohammed VI, sur les droits de l'Homme, sur l'absence de liberté de la presse et sur la corruption endémique dans certains secteurs de l'administration, comme l'armée. Un film de Jean-Louis Perez Une production Premières Lignes

A Handsome Man Enjoying a Smoke

For Christ’s sake, kill this political correctness which pervades the erroneous thinking of our age! There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with a smoke in moderation. Is the smoking of weed really healthier than the smoking of a cigarette? For Christ’s sake, get a grip! (I write as an ex-smoker.) There are few things in life on a day-to-day basis that are more pleasurable than the smoking of a cigarette. – © Mark Alexander

With many, many thanks to Iva on Pinterest for this superb photo of a handsome young man enjoying a cigarette.

Confronting Homophobia | Stephen Fry - Out There | LGBTQIA+ | Pride Central | Reupload

Dec 3, 2022 | Episode 1 sees Stephen reflecting back on how much has improved for gay people in his lifetime and he meets Elton John and David Furnish who’ve inspired many, including Stephen, to be open about their sexuality. He also travels to Uganda where the government is proposing a new law that would put gay people to death and sees up close the impact this is having on the lives of gay men and women there. Stephen also travels to the USA to explore the workings of Reparative Therapy, a therapy that claims to cure people of a gay sexuality. And he also has time to see how Hollywood deals with the gay issue these days by meeting Neil Patrick Harris who continues to land leading man roles even though he’s openly gay.

En Iran, la répression racontée par des manifestants : « En sortant de prison, je ne pesais plus que 46 kg »

LE MONDE : Arrêtés après avoir participé aux manifestations sans précédent qui secouent le pays, depuis près de trois mois, Samin, 35 ans, et Araz, étudiant, ont raconté au « Monde » leurs conditions de détention.

Il était 6 heures du matin, en cette fin du mois de septembre, lorsque des coups sourds ont retenti à la porte de l’appartement familial de Samin – un pseudonyme pour protéger l’intéressée –, à Téhéran. Sur le seuil, cinq femmes et six hommes. L’un met son pied dans l’embrasure de la porte, tandis que l’agent qui se comporte en chef du groupe explique qu’ils travaillent tous pour le ministère du renseignement.

Samin, 35 ans, s’attendait à être interpellée après avoir participé à plusieurs manifestations. Depuis le 16 septembre, et la mort de Mahsa Amini, battue par la police pour un voile jugé « mal porté », l’Iran est secoué par un soulèvement sans précédent. Au moins 448 civils ont été tués et 18 000 ont été arrêtés. Samin passera presque deux mois en prison. Elle est relâchée après avoir eu recours à une grève de la faim de vingt-sept jours pour obliger les autorités à la libérer sous caution jusqu’à son procès. » | Par Ghazal Golshiri | Samedi 3 décembre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Newt Gingrich Warns Republicans That Joe Biden Is Winning the fFght

THE GUARDIAN: Former speaker who led charge against Bill Clinton raises eyebrows with column heralding Democrat’s first-term success

Newt Gingrich at Trump Tower in New York in 2016. Photograph: Lucas Jackson/Reuters

Republicans must “quit underestimating” Joe Biden, the former US House speaker Newt Gingrich said, because the president is winning the fight.

Writing on his own website, Gingrich said: “Conservatives’ hostility to the Biden administration on our terms tends to blind us to just how effective Biden has been on his terms.

“… We dislike Biden so much, we pettily focus on his speaking difficulties, sometimes strange behavior, clear lapses of memory and other personal flaws. Our aversion to him and his policies makes us underestimate him and the Democrats.”

Gingrich’s words pleased the White House – Ron Klain, Joe Biden’s chief of staff, tweeted a link with the message: “You don’t have to take my word for it, any more.” » | Martin Pengelly in New York | Saturday, December 3, 2022

Une peinture à l'huile au couteau d’un vase de belles fleurs

Le site de Manuel Rubalo est ici.

Merci à Manuel Rubalo sur Pinterest pour cette super image.

Voici la biographie de Manuel Rubalo.

How War Is Changing Russia’s Population | DW Business Special

Dec 2, 2022 | President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine is causing major changes back home. Hundreds of thousands of Russian men are being mobilized to fight and tens of thousands have already been killed or injured. Meanwhile, many Russians have left their country and millions of Ukrainians are thought to have arrived.

What impact will these changes have on the Russian population? And could the public response lead to Putin’s downfall? We discuss these questions and more with UCLA’s Oleg Itskhoki in this DW Business Special.

Hungarian Goulash Is Trickier Than You'd Ever Imagine

Dec 3, 2022 | Hungairans are proud of their delicious goulash. But many people have a completely wrong idea about the traditional dish. And besides that it is REALLY tricky to master it. Meet some experte in all things goulash and you will learn how to make the perfect one.

Martha Argerich & Daniel Barenboim – Mozart: Sonata in D Major for Two Pianos, I.Allegro con spirito

Dec 3, 2022 | Two Argentinian natives – both recognised as child prodigies from Buenos Aires – Martha Argerich and Daniel Barenboim don’t just have their cultural roots in common, but also their particular interest in chamber music.

In this live video recording from the Philharmonie Berlin in 2014, Martha Argerich and Daniel Barenboim perform a stunning concert together, including Mozart’s Sonata in D Major for two pianos.

’Henrys HowTos’: How to Make the Best Persian Kabab Koobideh | Ep 575

Henry is a full-time, self-trained executive chef dedicating his time to his family restaurant in Sydney, Australia

For a list of the ingredients used in this recipe, click on this link and then click on ‘show more’. The method of preparation is as shown in the demonstration video above.

WIKIPEDIA: Kabab koobideh.

Kanye West fait l’éloge de Hitler et embarrasse le Parti républicain

LE MONDE : La présence du rappeur, quelques jours plus tôt, à un dîner au domicile de Donald Trump, en compagnie du suprémaciste Nick Fuentes, avait déjà provoqué des remous chez les conservateurs.

« Je vois de bonnes choses chez Hitler. » Puis : « J’aime les juifs, mais j’aime aussi les nazis. » En prononçant ces mots au cours d’une nouvelle interview délirante de trois heures, le rappeur américain Kanye West – surnommé à présent « Ye » – a réussi à mettre très légèrement mal à l’aise son hôte, Alex Jones.

Ce dernier, personnalité influente du monde conspirationniste et de l’extrême droite, recevait le rappeur, jeudi 1er décembre, dans son émission « Infowars », en compagnie du suprémaciste blanc Nick Fuentes. Les deux hommes avaient fait les gros titres une semaine plus tôt, en étant accueillis pour dîner par Donald Trump dans sa résidence floridienne de Mar-a-Lago. Un rendez-vous qui a provoqué de forts remous au sein du Parti républicain. » | Par Piotr Smolar (Washington, correspondant) | Samedi 3 décembre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Edward Snowden erhält russischen Pass

Whistleblower Edward Snowden hat den russischen Pass erhalten. | Bild: AP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der 39-Jährige habe einen Treueschwur auf Russland geleistet, teilte seine Anwältin mit. Snowden und seine amerikanische Ehefrau hatten nach der Geburt ihres Sohnes in Moskau die russische Staatsbürgerschaft beantragt.

Der ehemalige US-Geheimdienstmitarbeiter Edward Snowden hat einen russischen Pass erhalten und einen Treueschwur auf Russland geleistet. „Ja, er hat einen Pass bekommen, er hat den Eid geleistet“, sagte Anatoly Kucherena, Snowdens Anwalt, gegenüber der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur TASS. … » | Quelle: Reuters | Samstag, 3. Dezember 2022


Edward Snowden gets Russian passport after swearing oath of allegiance: Whistleblower is ‘happy and thankful to the Russian Federation’ for his citizenship, lawyer says »

Brexit Is Not All Bad News - These Are Some of the Benefits

Dec 3, 2022 | The UK economy is in decline and much of this decline has been caused by Brexit. Whilst it is very difficult to find any benefits for the majority of the UK population, there are, however, plenty who will benefit. These include EU businesses which are able to take advantage of the withdrawal of UK suppliers, UK businesses which can now take advantage of the removal of EU regulations, the black economy and the , mostly foreign, owners of our utilities. Brexit has made the UK the laughing stock of the world.

Michael Lambert’s book BREXIT - It's not going too well, is it? is available from his website here.

I'm afraid that my comments each week [here on YouTube] are becoming repetitive and boring, because I always agree with just about everything you say. Today, I must agree with everything you say yet again! One couldn't put a cigarette paper between your understanding and mine of the mess we Brits now find ourselves in because of Brexit. All I see before us now is doom and gloom. Without someone from some party having the courage to stand up and say enough of this nonsense, it is impossible to see how our future can ever be rosy again. I can never again vote Conservative because of Brexit (and the mess the party has made of the economy). I have never voted Labour, though I might have considered it if Keir Starmer were to promise to take us back into the EU, and that leaves the Liberal Democrats. Now that party is attractive, and I like its leader, too. But I cannot for the life of me understand why he doesn't capitalise of this golden opportunity and promise the electorate that, if it puts its trust in him and his party, he would take us back into the European Union as full members in a heartbeat. But he, like Starmer, is timid of doing so. This is a tragedy for him and his party, for I feel absolutely certain that it would be a HUGE vote winner for the Liberal Democrats. In fact, I feel that it could knock the Tories into third place. In any case, the Tories need to go the way of the Whigs and the dodo: into oblivion. The party is past its sell-by date. It is corrupt and made up of fossils and relics of a bygone age. This country needs a business-friendly party which is pro-EU. One with its eyes firmly on the future, not looking back to this country's past but now evaporated glory. – © Mark Alexander

Friday, December 02, 2022

The Reality of Brexit Is Biting Hard. Poor People Are Suffering Most – and Now Everyone Can See It

THE GUARDIAN: We are paying £6bn more just to eat. After years of abstract debate, the human consequences of our exit become clearer by the day

Enveloped in Westminster silence it may be, but every day and in every way Brexit is getting more real. For so long, this was an argument made through the medium of abstract nouns: “freedom”, “sovereignty”, “control”. But now reality is intruding. This week came word that Brexit added almost £6bn to Britons’ food bills over a two-year period, and that it was the households with least that were affected most. There’s a reason politicians refer to “bread-and-butter issues”: because there is nothing abstract about food and what it costs.

Looking back, it was always a tell that leave campaigners sought to avoid the realm of the concrete, preferring to stick with intangible talk of “independence” or a regained mastery of our national destiny. They knew reality was a hostile environment for the Brexit project, one that would expose its folly. Remainers tried to resist, hoping not to fight on the battlefield of dreams but on the terrain of facts and figures, yet it never worked. It just made them sound boring, casting them as spoilsport bean-counters and, besides, all their numbers were themselves abstractions – projections of a hypothetical future. The forecasts of gloom could be, and were, swatted aside as “project fear”. » | Jonathan Freedland * | Friday, December 2, 2022

* Jonathan Freedland is a Guardian columnist

Hate Speech’s Rise on Twitter Is Unprecedented, Researchers Find

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Problematic content and formerly barred accounts have increased sharply in the short time since Elon Musk took over, researchers said.

Before Elon Musk bought Twitter, slurs against Black Americans showed up on the social media service an average of 1,282 times a day. After the billionaire became Twitter’s owner, they jumped to 3,876 times a day.

Slurs against gay men appeared on Twitter 2,506 times a day on average before Mr. Musk took over. Afterward, their use rose to 3,964 times a day.

And antisemitic posts referring to Jews or Judaism soared more than 61 percent in the two weeks after Mr. Musk acquired the site.

These findings — from the Center for Countering Digital Hate, the Anti-Defamation League and other groups that study online platforms — provide the most comprehensive picture to date of how conversations on Twitter have changed since Mr. Musk completed his $44 billion deal for the company in late October. While the numbers are relatively small, researchers said the increases were atypically high. » | Sheera Frenkel * and Kate Conger ** | Friday, December 2, 2022

* Sheera Frenkel writes about misinformation and social media platforms. ** Kate Conger reports on Twitter and Elon Musk.

Julian Assange saisit la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme pour contester son extradition vers les Etats-Unis

LE MONDE : Le fondateur de WikiLeaks, qui est accusé d’espionnage par les Etats-Unis pour avoir diffusé dès 2010 des centaines de milliers de documents classifiés, risque une peine de cent soixante-quinze ans de prison. Depuis trois ans, il est détenu au Royaume-Uni. Le pays a donné son aval à une extradition du lanceur d’alerte en juin dernier.

Il encourt cent soixante-quinze ans de prison. Le fondateur de WikiLeaks Julian Assange, qui tente d’éviter une extradition aux Etats-Unis pour la diffusion de milliers de documents classifiés, a formé un recours devant la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme (CEDH), a confirmé vendredi 2 décembre la juridiction européenne auprès de l’agence Reuters.

Ce recours vise à contester la décision, prise par les autorités britanniques à la fin de juin, d’approuver son extradition vers les Etats-Unis, réclamée depuis plus de dix ans par Washington. L’Australien, âgé de 51 ans, se trouve sur le sol britannique, où il a passé plus de sept ans reclus dans l’ambassade d’Equateur à Londres, avant d’être arrêté en 2019. » | Le Monde avec Reuters | vendredi 2 décembre 2022

Secrets of Longevity May Lie in Long-lived Smokers, a ‘Biologically Distinct’ Group with Extraordinary Gene Variants

(Matt Rourke/AP)

THE WASHINGTON POST: Jeanne Calment, the French doyenne believed to be oldest person in the world when she died at the extreme age of 122, was known for three things: her quick wit, her fondness for bicycling around the small city where she grew up -- and the fact that she was a daily smoker.

Before her death in 1997, Calment was often asked the secret to her good health. She would respond with a laugh and describe how she would frequently consume two pounds of chocolate a week, drank generous amounts of port wine and became a smoker at age 21.

At a time when public health messages emphasize just how important it is to carefully balance diets and fitness regimes in order to live long lives, Calment is a reminder of that no matter what we do there may always be a part of our health that is beyond our control.

In an intriguing study published this week [Sept. 2015], researchers delved into the genetic makeup of long-lived smokers like Calment and found that their survival may be due to an innate resilience they were born with. » | Ariana Eunjung Cha | Thursday, September 10, 2015

We know it can kill us: Why people still smoke »

Germany to Smooth Entry for Foreign Skilled Workers | DW Business

Dec 2, 2022 | The German government is drafting new plans to smooth the entry process for foreign skilled workers. It's a move that companies say is long overdue: The country's aging workforce is a growing liability, while positions in IT and software development are notoriously hard to fill. More companies are now looking abroad for help.

The Mystery of Eternal Youth I Documentary

Dec 2, 2022 | What is the secret to living longer and staying young? In an in-depth investigation, researchers decipher the mechanisms of ageing and explore new strategies to slow down or even reverse the ageing process.

Available until the 24/01/2023

Le même documentaire est disponible ici en français.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 2, 2022

Iran Ramps Up Pressure on Journalists and Citizen Reporters | DW News

Dec 2, 2022 | Iran has been ramping up its threats against journalists and dissidents as it struggles to contain the flow of anti-government information.

As Iran is rocked by protests, dissidents are fighting a constant battle to stay ahead of Iran's intelligence services and get information out.

The Committee to Protect Journalists says 62 journalists have been arrested by the Iranian regime for reporting the death of Jina Mahsa Amini, who died in custody of the 'morality police' in September. This means many people rely on foreign media outlets for independent coverage of events going on back home. And DW's Persian service is one of them.

Quebec Moves to End Canadian Elected Officials’ Oath to King Charles

THE GUARDIAN: ‘It is a relic from the past’: strong opposition to oath from three political parties of French-speaking province

Quebec’s premier, François Legault, will propose legislation to end the oath to the British king.Photograph: Bloomberg/Getty Images

Quebec’s premier, François Legault, said that his government would introduce legislation next week to end elected officials’ required oath to Britain’s King Charles, as pressure mounts in the Canadian province to cut such ties with the monarchy.

Fresh legislation from the governing Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) follows a separate bill introduced on Thursday by the left-leaning Québec Solidaire party that would allow elected officials to just take an oath to the people of Quebec.

“It is, I think, a relic from the past,” Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, a co-spokesperson for Québec Solidaire, said about the oath to King Charles.

“I think there is strong support in Quebec to modernize our institutions, to make sure that the representatives of the people are not forced in 2022 to swear an oath to a foreign king.” » | Reuters in Montreal | Thursday, December 1, 2022

Can America Really Envision World War III?


THE NEW YORK TIMES: In March, as President Biden was facing pressure to intensify U.S. involvement in Ukraine, he responded by invoking the specter of World War III four times in one day.

“Direct conflict between NATO and Russia is World War III,” he said, “something we must strive to prevent.” He underscored the point hours later: “The idea that we’re going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews — just understand, and don’t kid yourself, no matter what you all say, that’s called World War III, OK?”

More than any other presidential statement since Sept. 11, 2001, Mr. Biden’s warning signaled the start of a new era in American foreign policy. Throughout my adult life and that of most Americans today, the United States bestrode the world, essentially unchallenged and unchecked. A few years ago, it was still possible to expect a benign geopolitical future. Although “great power competition” became the watchword of Pentagonese, the phrase could as easily imply sporting rivalry as explosive conflict. Washington, Moscow and Beijing would stiffly compete but could surely coexist.

How quaint. The United States now faces the real and regular prospect of fighting adversaries strong enough to do Americans immense harm. The post-Sept. 11 forever wars have been costly, but a true great power war — the kind that used to afflict Europe — would be something else, pitting the United States against Russia or even China, whose economic strength rivals America’s and whose military could soon as well.

This grim reality has arrived with startling rapidity. Since February, the war in Ukraine has created an acute risk of U.S.-Russia conflict. It has also vaulted a Chinese invasion of Taiwan to the forefront of American fears and increased Washington’s willingness to respond with military force. “That’s called World War III,” indeed. » | Stephen Wertheim * | Friday, December 2, 2022

* Mr. Wertheim is a scholar and writer on U.S. foreign policy.

Thursday, December 01, 2022

Etats-Unis : au Sénat, des républicains s’allient aux démocrates pour protéger le mariage homosexuel

LE MONDE : Le projet de loi, qui prévoit que tous les Etats devront reconnaître les unions entre personnes du même sexe, va rapidement être soumis à la signature du président Joe Biden, après un vote assuré à la Chambre des représentants.

Les deux premières années de la présidence Biden ont été marquées au Congrès par une activité intense en matière économique et sociale. La fin de session actuelle, avant l’entrée en scène de la nouvelle Chambre des représentants à majorité républicaine en janvier, a connu, mardi 29 novembre, un épisode majeur et bipartisan dans un tout autre domaine. Le Sénat a adopté, par 61 voix contre 36, un texte visant à protéger le mariage homosexuel, sans pour autant le désigner comme un droit fédéral. Chaque Etat continuera, ou non, à proposer cette union, mais tous devront reconnaître les cérémonies pratiquées ailleurs.

Après un vote à la Chambre, Joe Biden a promis de signer sous peu ce texte hautement symbolique, qui constitue une réplique imprévue de la décision de la Cour suprême des Etats-Unis sur l’avortement, fin juin. En supprimant l’interruption volontaire de grossesse comme droit constitutionnel, la plus haute juridiction du pays avait remonté l’horloge de l’histoire, après un demi-siècle de pratique. » | Par Piotr Smolar (Washington, correspondant) | jeudi 1 décembre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Brexit Added Nearly £6bn to UK Food Bills in Two Years, Research Finds

THE GUARDIAN: Cost of food imported from EU rose because of extra red tape, with poorest most affected

Brexit added almost £6bn to UK food bills in the two years to the end of 2021, affecting poorest households the most, research has found.

The cost of food imported from the EU shot up because of extra red tape, adding £210 to the average household food bills over 2020 and 2021, London School of Economics (LSE) researchers discovered.

As low-income families spend a greater share of their income on food, the impact of Brexit on their purchases was disproportionately greater, they said. » | Lisa O'Carroll, Brexit correspondent | Thursday, Dece,mer 1, 2022

Two Bearded Men; One Loving Kiss.

Zwei bärtige Männer; ein Kuss der Liebe. / Deux hommes barbus ; un baiser d'amour.

Many thanks to António Rocha, Head Fashion/Graphic Designer Tetriberica SA on Pinterest for this beautiful and expressive image.

Marco : A Short Film by Saleem Haddad | Reupload

Un excellent court métrage pour pimenter votre journée ! | Views on YouTube : 3,328,276

Saleem Haddad.

About Saleem Haddad.

Book: Guapa.

Michael & Thomas | Stuck with You | Reupload

Krebse, Currys, Nudeln – das Beste aus Malaysia und Singapur | 2012

Dec 1, 2022 | Auf der malaysischen Halbinsel, auf halbem Weg zwischen Indien und China, kommen seit Jahrhunderten alle möglichen kulinarischen Einflüsse zusammen. Dazu kommt ein Reichtum an Nahrungsmittel und Gewürzen, wie man ihn nur in tropischen Küstenregionen findet. Das Resultat ist eine variantenreiche Küche der Superlative. NZZ Format stellt einige der Highlights aus Malaysia und Singapur vor.

Harry & Meghan | Official Teaser | Netflix

Dec 1, 2022 | Harry & Meghan. A Netflix Global Event. Coming soon, only on Netflix.

Read the Guardian article here.

Harry and Meghan’s Netflix documentary to shed light on royal rift »

BBC: Newspaper headlines: Harry and Meghan's 'bombshell trailer' and calls to end strikes »

British Royal Aide Resigns over Racist Remarks - BBC News

Nov 30, 2022 | Prince William’s godmother Lady Susan Hussey has resigned as a Royal aide after repeatedly asking a black British head of a charity where she was “really” from. Lady Hussey, who was lady-in-waiting to the late Queen Elizabeth, questioned Ngoza Fulani about her background at a charity event at Buckingham Palace. When the charity head explained she was British, Lady Hussey asked where her “people” were from and where she was “really” from.

She has since apologised for the comments. The Palace described the comments as “unacceptable and deeply regrettable”. A spokesperson for Prince William said: "Racism has no place in our society. The comments were unacceptable, and it is right that the individual has stepped aside with immediate effect”.

Lady Hussey, who is 83, was a close confidante of the late Queen and accompanied her at the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh.

Huw Edwards presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Nicholas Witchell and Daniela Relph.

Charity boss felt palace’s Lady Hussey tried to make her ‘denounce citizenship’: Ngozi Fulani says Buckingham Palace yet to reach out to her since incident with royal aide at reception »

Related article here.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 1, 2022

The Rise of Hitler | Holocaust Education | USHMM*

Nov 29, 2022 | After Adolf Hitler's rise to power in Germany in 1933, the Nazi Party gradually restricted Jewish citizens’ rights and violence against Jews increased by 1938. What events led up to the mass murder of six million Jews? Can recognizing similar warning signs help prevent genocide today? One notable wave of violence across Germany, known as Kristallnacht, was organized by the Nazi regime. Additional anti-Jewish laws followed. Jews tried to emigrate to escape persecution, but many countries would not accept large numbers of refugees. Those who chose to help made a difference. For example, about 10,000 Jewish children were rescued under the Kindertransport program, which sent them abroad.

* USHMM - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

USA in the 1940s: A Day in New York & Los Angeles in Colour

Aug 5, 2022 | Time travel back to New York and Los Angeles 1940s like you've never seen before. New York City in the 1940s was buzzing with activity, with the population of Manhattan almost reaching 2 million inhabitants. This incredible color film, which document everyday life in New York City and Los Angeles, are a glimpse back at this era. …

Mulled Wine | Glühwein | Akis Petretzikis

Dec 1, 2022 | Chef: Akis Petretzikis | Director: Leonidas Pelivanidis | Video editor: Mihalis Barbaris |Production: Akis Petretzikis Ltd.

A Slice of France, the Baguette Is Granted World Heritage Status

THE NEW YORK TIMES: More than six billion baguettes are sold every year in France. But the bread is under threat, with bakeries vanishing in rural areas.

President Emmanuel Macron of France described the baguette as “250 grams of magic and perfection in our daily lives.” | Eric Gaillard/Reuters

PARIS — It is more French than, perhaps, the Eiffel Tower or the Seine. It is carried home by millions each day under arms or strapped to the back of bicycles. It is the baguette, the bread that has set the pace for life in France for decades and has become an essential part of French identity.

On Wednesday, UNESCO, the United Nations heritage agency, named the baguette something worthy of humanity’s preservation, adding it to its exalted “intangible cultural heritage” list.

The decision captured more than the craft knowledge of making bread — it also honored a way of life that the thin crusty loaf has long symbolized and that recent economic upheavals have put under threat. UNESCO’s choice came as boulangeries in rural areas are vanishing, hammered by economic forces like the slow hollowing out of France’s villages, and as the economic crisis gripping Europe has pushed the baguette’s price higher than ever.

“It’s a good news in a complicated environment,” said Dominique Anract, the president of the National Federation of French Bakeries and Patisseries, who led the effort to get the baguette on the UNESCO heritage list. » | Catherine Porter and Constant Méheut | Wednesday, November 30, 2022


« L’inscription de la baguette au patrimoine de l’Unesco est une effroyable régression » : Auteur de nombreux ouvrages sur le pain, l’historien Steven Kaplan regrette que l’on célèbre un produit générique, déjà en perte de vitesse sur le territoire, créant selon lui une confusion entre des pains qui n’ont rien en commun. »

BBC News report on the story here.

Qatar’s World Cup Showcases Renewed Ties With Saudi Arabia, but Scars Remain

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Gulf neighbors were split for years in a bitter regional dispute. Now, the glare of attention provided by the soccer tournament is highlighting their complicated reunion.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia and Qatar’s emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, on the sidelines of the World Cup in Doha, Qatar. | Qatar News Agency

AL-AHSA, Saudi Arabia — There used to be so many Qataris in the bazaar in the Saudi oasis of Al-Ahsa, hunting for deals on spices and sandals, that some merchants called it “the Qatar market.” Qataris would cross the border and drive 100 miles through the desert to reach the towns of Al-Ahsa, loading their SUVs with sacks of flour, dining in the restaurants and filling the hotels.

Then came “the crisis,” as people at the market call it. Saudi Arabia, along with Bahrain, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, severed ties with Qatar in 2017 and effectively isolated the tiny country, accusing its government of supporting terrorism and meddling in their internal affairs. Qatari officials denied the allegations and accused Saudi Arabia and the other countries of creating a “blockade” against their nation. Saudi Arabia closed the border — Qatar’s only land border — and Qatari business in Al-Ahsa withered.

Few people felt more relief than the merchants in Al-Ahsa when the split ended last year, as Saudi officials moved to resolve conflicts abroad that had become costly and contentious. Last week, Qatar’s emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia clasped hands and grinned at the opening ceremony of the soccer World Cup in Qatar, showing off the repair of a rift that reshaped the Gulf. » | Vivian Nereim | Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Taliban Further Restricts Rights of Afghanistan Women - BBC News

Nov 30, 2022 | In Afghanistan, an increasing number of restrictions have been imposed on women by the Taliban government. In the past month, women have been banned from parks, gyms and swimming pools. Girls have been barred from secondary schools in most parts of the country and women are restricted from working in some sectors. A Taliban spokesman defended the restrictions, saying Islamic laws were not being followed.

This man is clearly a product of the Enlightenment! Islam is such a beacon of light and hope! Wherever Islam rules, we see enlightened and progressive thinking! – © Mark Alexander

Hundreds Call Ukraine's Surrender Hotline for Russian Soldiers - BBC News

Nov 30, 2022 | The Ukrainian government has said a scheme it created for Russian soldiers to surrender is getting up to 100 enquiries a day. The "I Want To Live" project was started in September. By calling a hotline or entering details through messenger apps, Russian troops can arrange the best way to surrender to Ukrainian forces. Officials in Kyiv say they've had more than 3,500 contacts from invading personnel, as well as their families.

Prince William’s Godmother Quits Palace over Comments to Black Charity Boss

THE GUARDIAN: Former lady-in-waiting to queen issues apology after Ngozi Fulani questioned over where her ‘people’ came from

The late queen’s lady-in-waiting has resigned and apologised after a black guest at a reception hosted by the queen consort was left feeling traumatised and violated after she questioned her repeatedly about where she “really came from”.

Ngozi Fulani, the founder of the charity Sistah Space, claimed Susan Hussey moved her hair to reveal her name badge and persistently questioned her over where her “people” came from, despite having been told she was a British national.

A spokesperson for the Prince of Wales, who is Lady Hussey’s godson, said the comments were unacceptable and that “racism has no place in our society”. » | Caroline Davies and Hannah Summers | Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Who is royal aide Lady Susan Hussey?: Former lady-in-waiting stepped down from palace role after incident in which she asked guest where she ‘really came from’ »

I don't know the full story here, of course; however, it seems to me that this elederly lady should have been cut some slack. She is a lady from a different age, from a less woke age, from a less politically-correct age. Modern mores will surely be alien and strange to her. Whilst we do not need to tolerate out-and-out racism, we do need to make allowances from time to time for the age of the person involved in such an incident. It seems to me to be unreasonable and unfair to expect a lady as old as Lady Susan Hussey to understand modern ways and customs. My heart goes out to this elderly lady. This is surely an unfortunate incident which should have been overlooked. – © Mark Aleander

Kissing soon!

Bald wird geküsst! / Bisous bientôt !

Many thanks to Danny Williams on Pinterest for this super photo.

Marlene Dietrich : Lili Marlene

Mar 10, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 509,859

Michael Bolton : Drift Away | Reupload

Nov 6, 2014 | Views on YouTube: 4,713,932

God Bashing at Its Best by Christopher Hitchens

Mar 22, 2019 | Views on YouTube: 1,022,775

Christopher Hitchens for Teenage Smoking and Drinking! With Ben Stein (1995)

Jun 27, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 180,369

Kalter Krieg - Die Rote Armee (2/2) | Doku HD (Reupload) | ARTE

Nov 30, 2022 | Hinweis: Dieses Programm enthält Inhalte, die für Kinder, Jugendliche und empfindsame Zuschauer verstörend wirken können.

Nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs war es mit dem Ruhm der Roten Armee zunächst vorbei. Im Zuge des Kalten Krieges besserte Chruschtschow das Ansehen der Armee wieder auf, doch sie hatte fortan eine rein repressive Funktion und schlug Volksaufstände blutig nieder. Heute ist die Rote Armee nur noch ein Symbol für nostalgisch-nationalistische Bestrebungen. Nach dem Sieg über den Faschismus kehrten im Sommer 1945 neun Millionen sowjetische Soldaten in ihre Heimat zurück. Kriegsgefangene, die die deutschen Lager überlebt hatten, wurden zu Hause des Verrats bezichtigt und in den Gulag geschickt. Andere mussten betteln, da ihre Kriegsrente gestrichen wurde und sie aus den großen Städten verbannt wurden. Stalin hatte beschlossen, den ruhmreichen Tagen der Roten Armee ein Ende zu setzen. Während des Kalten Krieges bestand ihre einzige Funktion in der Wahrung der öffentlichen Ordnung und Sicherheit.

Doch nach dem Tod Stalins im Jahr 1953 wurden die Karten neu gemischt. Der neue starke Mann Nikita Chruschtschow, der sich mit Hilfe der Roten Armee seines Konkurrenten, des NKWD-Chefs Lawrenti Beria, entledigte und ihn exekutieren ließ, leitete nach seiner Machtübernahme die Entstalinisierung ein. Er ernannte den bei Stalin in Ungnade gefallenen Marschall Georgi Schukow zum Verteidigungsminister. Dieser reorganisierte und modernisierte die Rote Armee, verhalf ihr zu neuem Ansehen und führte die Kriegsrente wieder ein.

Doch die Funktion der Armee blieb rein repressiv. Mit Unterstützung sowjetischer Panzer schlugen die Streitkräfte der Vertragspartner des Warschauer Pakts die Aufstände 1956 in Polen und Budapest sowie 1968 in Prag blutig nieder. Der Konflikt zwischen der UdSSR und den Westmächten wurde auf anderer Ebene ausgetragen.

Der Militäringenieur Sergej Koroljow entwickelte die erste Langstreckenrakete, die den Kosmonauten Juri Gagarin in die Stratosphäre transportierte. Diese Rakete hätte auch einen nuklearen Schlag gegen den Westen ermöglicht. Nach der Kubakrise 1962 leiteten die beiden Supermächte die Entspannungspolitik ein und führten gleichzeitig Stellvertreterkriege. So unterstützte die UdSSR ihre Verbündeten in der Dritten Welt bei der Aufrüstung.

In den 70er Jahren verschlechterten sich die Lebensbedingungen der Soldaten der Roten Armee drastisch. Ihr Alltag war geprägt von Rassismus, sexueller Gewalt, Mobbing und Promiskuität. Viele Wehrpflichtige versuchten, sich dem Militärdienst zu entziehen, doch es gab kein Entrinnen vor der Afghanistan-Mission, die sich bald als wahrer Alptraum entpuppte. Der erbitterte Kampf gegen die Mudschaheddin wurde zum Dauerzustand. Die Rote Armee war zunehmend geschwächt und demoralisiert; die Abneigung gegen das Sowjetsystem wuchs. 1989, zehn Jahre nach Beginn des Konflikts, befahl Michail Gorbatschow, die Rote Armee aus Afghanistan abzuziehen und die Soldaten nach Hause zu holen. Die UdSSR sollte sich von dieser Niederlage nicht erholen und zerfiel mit dem Rücktritt des Präsidenten Michail Gorbatschow am 25. Dezember 1991.

Dokumentation von Michaël Prazan (F 2018, 59 Min)
Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 06/03/2023

Diese Dokumentation darf nicht auf externen Webseiten eingebettet werden. Aus diesem Grunde, muß sie auf YouTube selbst angesehen werden. Hier ist der Link worauf Sie klicken können, um diese Dokumentation anzusehen und zu genießen. – Mark

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — November 30, 2022

Hitchens At Home | Full Video | December 2005

Christopher Hitchens' Favourite Whisky

Jul 17, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 403,966

"Ich hatte nicht mehr die Kraft, mich durchzusetzen"

ZEIT ONLINE: Die Altbundeskanzlerin hat über ihre letzten Monate im Amt gesprochen – und ihre Russland-Politik. Sie habe sich international aber nicht mehr behaupten können.

Die ehemalige Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) im Juni 2022 bei einem Podiumsgespräch im Berliner Ensemble © Fabian Sommer/dpa

Altbundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat ihre Politik gegenüber Russland und der Ukraine erneut verteidigt. Da sie sich viel mit der Ukrainebeschäftigt gehabt habe, habe sie sich eine friedlichere Zeit nach ihrem Abschied gewünscht, sagte die CDU-Politikerin dem Spiegel.

Sie habe auch bis zuletzt an einer Lösung gearbeitet und etwa im Sommer 2021 versucht, mit dem französischen Präsidenten Emmanuel Macron ein eigenständiges europäisches Gesprächsformat mit RusslandsPräsidenten Wladimir Putin herzustellen. "Aber ich hatte nicht mehr die Kraft, mich durchzusetzen, weil ja alle wussten: Die ist im Herbst weg."

Merkel war im Dezember 2021 offiziell aus dem Amt ausgeschieden. Wenige Monate davor, im August, war sie zu einem Abschiedsbesuch zu Putin nach Moskau gereist. "Das Gefühl war ganz klar: Machtpolitisch bist du durch." Für Putin zähle nur Power, sagte die Altbundeskanzlerin weiter.

Bezeichnend sei gewesen, dass Putin zu diesem letzten Treffen auch seinen Außenminister Sergej Lawrow mitgebracht habe. Sonst habe man sich öfter unter vier Augen getroffen. » | Quelle: ZEIT ONLINE, dpa, gra | Freitag, 25. November 2022

Biden rollt den roten Teppich für Macron aus

Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron (l) und US-Präsident Joe Biden beim G-7-Gipfel in Elmau im Juni 2022 | Bild: AP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Nach einem holprigen Start zwischen den beiden Präsidenten empfängt Joe Biden Emmanuel Macron. Der Staatsbesuch ist auch Teil der amerikanischen Wiedergutmachung für Frankreich.

Mit 21 Salutschüssen auf dem Militärfriedhof von Arlington werden Emmanuel und Brigitte Macron willkommen geheißen. Es ist der feierliche Auftakt für einen viertägigen Staatsbesuch, der „die Anerkennung für die einzigartige Führungsrolle des französischen Präsidenten auf dem europäischen Kontinent ist“. So formuliert es John Kirby, der Kommunikationsdirektor des National Security Council, vor Macrons Begleitpresse im Weißen Haus. An Lob für den „dienstältesten“ und „erfahrensten“ Staatschef der G-7-Länder wird in Washington nicht gespart. Den Wunsch nach einem herzlichen Verhältnis soll auch das private Abendessen der beiden Ehepaare in einem Restaurant in der amerikanischen Hauptstadt am Mittwochabend unterstreichen.

Der Gastgeber möchte es ein wenig krachen lassen. Wenn Joe und Jill Biden am Donnerstagabend zu Ehren des französischen Präsidentenpaares zum Staatsbankett ins Weiße Haus laden, wird Jon Batiste auftreten. Der Musiker und Komponist aus Louisiana soll die enge kulturelle Bande zwischen Amerika und seinem ältesten Verbündeten verkörpern – mit der ihm eigenen schwungvollen Leichtigkeit. » | Von Michaela Wiegel und Majid Sattar, Washington | Mittwoch, 20. November 2022

A Republican’s Viewpoint: Former British Soldier Exposes the Monarchy

Sep 28, 2022 | 622,991

Outrageously Funny Moments of Christopher Hitchens

Mar 20, 2019 | Views on YouTube: 1,893,769

Best of Christopher Hitchens’ Amazing Arguments and Clever Comebacks | Part 7

Apr 5, 2014 | Views on YouTube: 1,314,904

Senat stimmt für Recht auf gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der „Respect for Marriage Act“ soll das Recht auf gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe gesetzlich verankern. Die Demokraten stehen mit dem Gesetz unter Zeitdruck.

Feiernde tragen bei der New York City Pride Parade im Juni 2018 eine LTBGQ-Flagge entlang der Fifth Avenue. | Bild: AP

Der US-Senat hat für eine gesetzliche Verankerung der Homo-Ehe gestimmt. Für den entsprechenden Gesetzentwurf votierten 61 Senatoren, es gab 36 Gegenstimmen von den oppositionellen Republikanern. Das Gesetz mit dem Namen „Respect for Marriage Act“ – etwa Gesetz für den Respekt der Ehe – muss jetzt noch vom Repräsentantenhaus verabschiedet werden, bevor Präsident Joe Biden es mit seiner Unterschrift in Kraft setzen kann.

Mit der „parteiübergreifenden Verabschiedung des Gesetzes“ werde bald eine „grundlegende Wahrheit“ bekräftigt, erklärte Biden nach der Abstimmung. „Liebe ist Liebe, und Amerikaner sollten das Recht haben, den Menschen zu heiraten, den sie lieben.“ » | Quelle: dpa, AFP | Mittwoch, 30. November 2022

US Senate passes Respect for Marriage Act – but activists say bill is a ‘huge mess’: The United States Senate has passed the Respect for Marriage bill, which aims to provide another step towards protection for same-sex marriage, however, activists have claimed the legislation is a “huge mess”. »

Same-Sex Marriage Bill Passes Senate After Bipartisan Breakthrough: The 61-to-36 vote sends the legislation back to the House, which is expected to approve it and send it to President Biden. »

Former Chinese Leader Jiang Zemin Dies Aged 96 - BBC News

Nov 30, 2022 | China's former leader Jiang Zemin, who came to power after the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, has died aged 96. One of the major figures of Chinese history in recent decades, he presided over a time where China opened up on a vast scale and saw high-speed growth. A Chinese Communist Party statement said he died of leukaemia and multiple organ failure. It added that he was recognised "as an outstanding leader with high prestige" and "a long-tested Communist fighter".


Jiang Zemin, ancien président de la République populaire de Chine, est mort : Ferme et décomplexé, l’ex-président chinois aura achevé de convertir son pays à l’économie de marché en le faisant entrer à l’OMC. »

Why Is the Democratic Backslide Accelerating? | DW News

Nov 30, 2022 | Half of the world's democracies are in a state of decline amid worsening civil liberties and rule of law while already authoritarian governments are becoming more oppressive, the Stockholm-based International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) says in its latest report on the global state of democracy

Fantastic Destruction of Religious Morality by Christopher Hitchens

Feb 23, 2019 | Views on YouTube: 273,845

Christopher Hitchens on Homosexuality

Jul 18, 2012 | Immortal words and incredible thoughts on homsexuals and the Church.

Christopher Hitchens Ripping Islam Apart

Mar 5, 2019 | Views on YouTube: 1,254,233

Christopher Hitchens Ripping Catholicism Apart

Mar 15, 2019 | Views on YouTube: 233,161

Les Chabab frappent de nouveau le centre du pouvoir à Mogadiscio

LE MONDE : L’assaut mené par six assaillants en plein cœur de la capitale somalienne, qui a fait neuf victimes, n’a pu être réalisé sans complicité, dans un périmètre quadrillé par les checkpoints.

Les ministres et hauts fonctionnaires somaliens côtoient quotidiennement l’établissement. De l’hôtel Villa Rays, on aperçoit l’entrée de la Villa Somalia, la présidence, distante d’une centaine de mètres. C’est dans cette zone centrale et ultrasécurisée de Mogadiscio, au cœur du pouvoir, que le groupe djihadiste des Chabab a réussi à s’infiltrer pour prendre d’assaut cet hôtel et tuer neuf personnes.

L’attaque, commencée à 20 heures, dimanche 27 novembre, s’est transformée en un long huis clos sanglant d’environ dix-neuf heures pendant lesquelles les six assaillants d’Harakat Al-Chabab Al-Moudjahidin, le groupe terroriste somalien affilié à Al-Qaida, ont pris le contrôle de l’établissement avant d’y exécuter huit personnes et de tuer un soldat somalien. Ils ont été neutralisés en fin d’après-midi, lundi, par les forces spéciales « gashaan », formées par les Etats-Unis : « Cinq ont été abattus et un s’est fait exploser », selon les autorités. » | Par Noé Hochet-Bodin (Nairobi, correspondance) | mardi 29 novembre 2022

Tokyo Same-sex Marriage Ruling ‘a Step Forward’, Say Campaigners

THE GUARDIAN: Court rules same-sex marriage ban is constitutional but says lack of legal protection is human rights violation

Marriage equality campaigners outside the Tokyo district court on Wednesday. Photograph: Kazuhiro Nogi/AFP/Getty Images

A court in has ruled that Japan’s ban on same-sex marriage is constitutional, but said the lack of legal protection for same-sex couples violated their human rights, a step welcomed by equality campaigners.

Japan is the only G7 nation that does not allow same-sex marriage and its constitution defines marriage as based on “the mutual consent of both sexes”. The conservative ruling party of the prime minister, Fumio Kishida, has shown no interest in legalising gay marriage, although polls show a majority of voters support it.

The ruling on Wednesday by the Tokyo district court said that while the ban was constitutional, the absence of a legal system granting same-sex couples recognition as families was an infringement of their human rights. » | Justin McCurry in Tokyo and agencies | Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The UK Reined in Rupert Murdoch. Why Can’t We Stop Vincent Bolloré in France?

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: The billionaire is poised to gobble up titles like Paris Match and publisher Hachette. Europe must intervene to uphold media freedom

The Bolloré Group is now trying via Vivendi to acquire influential titles such as news magazine Paris Match. Photograph: Jacques Brinon/AP

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, adopted by France in 1789 to enshrine the principles of the French Revolution, noted that “the free communication of thoughts and of opinions is one of the most precious rights of man: any citizen thus may speak, write, print freely”.

Today’s French constitution echoes that same defence of the “freedom, pluralism and independence of the media”.

And yet, media pluralism is at risk in France. Yes, in France.

This may surprise outsiders who tend to think of Poland or Hungary when considering threats to media freedom in Europe.

But pluralism is also an issue in France because of the expanding reach and power of the Bolloré Group. This family-owned conglomerate is already the principal shareholder of Vivendi, a global company that owns leading assets in television and movies, in advertising, PR, publishing and in digital content distribution. The Bolloré Group is now trying through Vivendi to acquire its rival the Lagardère Group, a merger that can only go through if it is approved by the European Commission. » | Julia Cagé and others | Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Ukraine: Zelenska Tells MPs That UK Must 'Unite the World'

Olena Zelenska was introduced to the House of Commons by Speaker Lindsay Hoyle | PA MEDIA

BBC: Ukraine's First Lady Olena Zelenska has urged MPs to "unite the world community" and help end Ukraine's conflict with Russia.

Speaking in the House of Commons, Mrs Zelenska compared Russia's bombardment of Ukrainian cities to Nazi Germany's bombing of the UK during World War Two.

"You did not surrender, and we will not surrender," she said.

The speech comes as Ukraine enters its ninth month of conflict with Vladimir Putin's forces.

Mrs Zelenska is visiting the UK to highlight the plight of the Ukrainian people, millions of whom face a harsh winter with regular power cuts both planned and unplanned.

Fierce fighting continues on both the southern and eastern fronts of the country.

As part of her address, Mrs Zelenska showed pictures that she said depicted the impact of Russian air strikes, which have caused blackouts in major cities, including in capital Kyiv, as well as Lviv, Zaporizhzhia and Kharkiv.

The first lady said: "Your island survived the air raids that were identical to those Russia uses to put us on our knees. » | Jasmine Andersson, BBC News | Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Before Britain can even start to think of "uniting the world", it has to try and re-unite the disUnited Kingdom! The unity of the United Kingdom has taken a beating since Brexit. The UK did a swell job of trying to disunite the European Union too. I fear that before the UK has any hope of "uniting the world", it needs to re-enter the European Union; otherwise, Westminster will find that the UK could well break up. The United Kingdom is a very different cpuntry than it was during the Blitz of World War II. – © Mark Alexander

Amid Scandals and Politics, Poland’s Youths Lose Faith in Catholic Church

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Polish church is in a deep crisis, as its authority is sapped by cascading sexual abuse scandals and as more people grow wary of its perceived alliance with the country’s right-wing government.

Parishioners in Piaski, Poland, celebrating the visit of a copy of a revered Polish icon, the Black Madonna of Czestochowa, in September. | Maciek Nabrdalik for The New York Times

BYDGOSZCZ, Poland — A committed Catholic who served from childhood as an altar boy, Karol dreamed as a teenager of entering the seminary in his hometown in northern Poland and becoming a priest.

“I had a deep faith and wanted to serve the church,” said Karol, now 26, recalling how he had discussed his hopes of one day becoming a bishop with his spiritual mentor, a priest at the Church of Divine Providence in the city of Bydgoszcz.

But that was before the priest raped him.

“The whole church has been poisoned,” Karol said in an interview, asking that his full name not be used by The New York Times.

His story, one of many that has stirred outrage over the years in the Polish news media, is part of a cascade of sexual abuse scandals that has plunged the Roman Catholic church in Poland into a deep crisis and eroded trust among young people. Polish youth are also wary of what many of them see as the church’s symbiotic relationship with the country’s deeply conservative governing party, Law and Justice.

A report issued last November by C.B.O.S., a government-funded polling agency, found that only 23 percent of Poles under 25 regularly go to church, a third the level of three decades ago. The Catholic Information Agency reported that only 20 percent of young people now disapprove of sex before marriage. The primate of the Polish church, Archbishop Wojciech Polak, deplored what he called a “devastating” decline in religious practice among younger Poles.

This summer, the seminary in Bydgoszcz that Karol had planned to attend shut down, bereft of new students. » | Andrew Higgins | Monday, November 28, 2022

Anderson Cooper Explores Grief and Loss in Deeply Personal Podcast

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Over the eight episodes of “All There Is,” the CNN anchor digs into his own family traumas as well as those of others.

Undertaking the podcast about grief and loss helped Anderson Cooper connect with the anguish of others. | Sinna Nasseri for The New York Times

Anderson Cooper has never been a big crier.

In fact, he has been a model of cool when covering world conflicts and natural disasters as a CNN anchor and “60 Minutes” correspondent. In person, he can come across as removed, dispassionate, unflappable.

But undertaking a podcast about grief and loss opened up something in him, providing access to a deep and formative pain that also enabled him to connect with the anguish of others.

“What has struck me is the degree to which I had not dealt with this stuff at all,” said Cooper, 55, at a recent interview in his West Village townhouse. “I mean, the fact that my voice wavers even now …”

That “stuff” includes losing his father, Wyatt Cooper, to illness when he was 10; losing his older brother, Carter Cooper, to suicide when he was 21; and losing his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt, when he was 52. » | Robin Pogrebin | Monday, November 28, 2022

Camilla Condemns ‘Global Pandemic’ of Violence against Women

THE GUARDIAN: The Queen Consort said two of the most powerful ways in which to make a difference were ‘to remember and to listen’

Camilla addressed 300 guests at the Buckingham Palace reception marking the annual United Nations 16 days of activism against gender-based violence. Photograph: Reuters

The Queen Consort has condemned “a global pandemic of violence against women” at a Buckingham Palace reception attended by 300 guests.

Marking the annual United Nations 16 days of activism against gender-based violence, Camilla hosted survivors and their families as well as Ukraine’s first lady Olena Zelenska; Queen Rania of Jordan, the home secretary Suella Braverman; Carrie Johnson; former Spice Girl Mel B and the health secretary Steve Barclay.

In a speech she said over that period of 16 days more than 2,000 women will be killed worldwide by a partner or family member, while in England and Wales alone, police will record the rapes of more than 3,000 women. » | Caroline Davies | Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Droit à l’avortement : l’indispensable vigilance

LE MONDE – ÉDITORIAL : L’adoption en première lecture, à une très large majorité, d’une proposition de loi visant à constitutionnaliser le droit à l’IVG ne doit pas masquer les obstacles qui peuvent rendre son accès encore difficile en France.

La montée en puissance de mouvements conservateurs anti-IVG ou antichoix aux Etats-Unis et dans certains pays européens comme la Pologne et, plus récemment, l’Italie suscite une légitime inquiétude. Même dans les endroits où il a été légalisé de longue date, le recours à l’avortement est une pratique qui soulève de nombreuses questions d’ordre éthique et philosophique si bien que sa légitimité n’est jamais totalement établie. La virulence des attaques anti-IVG, la désinformation véhiculée par les réseaux sociaux obligent à la vigilance quand ce n’est à une contre-offensive politique en règle : la défense du droit à l’avortement a occupé une place essentielle dans la campagne des élections de mi-mandat de Joe Biden. Elle a contribué à remobiliser une partie de l’électorat démocrate, encore sous le choc de la décision prise en juin par la Cour suprême de revenir sur son arrêt Roe vs Wade, qui garantissait au niveau fédéral, depuis un demi-siècle, le droit des Américaines à interrompre leur grossesse. » | Éditorial « du Monde » | lundi 28 novembre 2022

Read in English here.

Goebbels: Master of Propaganda | Documentary

Aug 17, 2022 | Views on YouTube; 213,319

Hear from US Journalist Who Was Detained for Wearing a Rainbow Shirt in Qatar

Nov 22, 2022 | CNN's Poppy Harlow, Don Lemon, and Kaitlan Collins speak to journalist Grant Wahl who was temporarily detained by security for wearing a rainbow shirt while covering the World Cup in Qatar.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — November 29, 2022