Thursday, September 29, 2022

The Guardian View on the UK Economy: Sack Kwarteng, Oust Truss

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: The crisis was created by the new government. But the British people, not ministers, are paying the price

The prime minister and her chancellor are determined to impose a new economic orthodoxy on Britain.’ Photograph: Rory Arnold/No 10 Downing Street

Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng are the authors of the economic crisis now battering Britain and its people. They alone demanded the tax cutting mini-budget that has triggered the worst financial instability to threaten this country since 2008. Since they, and no one else, own this growing national disaster, they alone must take responsibility for it New polls showing record Labour leads demonstrate the toxicity of their actions.

The prime minister and her chancellor are determined to impose a new economic orthodoxy on Britain. They are able to do so because Conservative party members have imposed a doctrinaire rightwing leadership on a country that has never voted for it, committed to a philosophy of small government that prioritises radical deregulation over greater fairness, regional equality and ba>sic economic literacy. It is a policy profoundly out of touch with the values and priorities of the nation – just 19% of the public think the mini-budget is fair. But it is also out of harmony with the majority that voted for Brexit in 2016 and helped elect the Johnson government in 2019. Ms Truss and Mr Kwarteng give every impression of not caring. They seem to think they are clever and other people are stupid. » | Editorial | Thursday, September 29, 2022

Liz Truss is a lightweight. Kwasi Kwartend is a practirioner of voodoo economics! The country needs some grown-up leadership. Now more than ever. Neoliberal economic policy is past its sell-by date. Trickle-down economics is a myth; in practice, it is more akin to 'trickle-up economics'.

Any economist worth his/her salt should propound economic theories which work for the benefit of all. If they don't, they are useless. Just like this prime minister and chancellor of the exchequer.

The sooner we get rid of these shysters, the better it will be for all. – © Mark Alexander

UK Economy: Is There Worse to Come?

The British pound has tanked, markets are in crisis and economists worldwide are panicking. What’s happening to the British economy?

It’s Time to Boogie!

Chris Brown - Forever | Official HD Video | Reupload


What’s not to like here? ? Was gefällt einem hier nicht? / Qu'est-ce qu'il ne faut pas aimer ici ?

Many thanks to Anonymous on Pinterest for this super photo.

OTK: What's for Dinner? Smoky, Creamy Pasta with Burnt Aubergines and Tahini | Ottolenghi Test Kitchen

Yotam is making super creamy pasta without cream, butter, cheese or all the usual suspects. It's smoky and creamy with burnt aubergine and tahini and it's wonderfully vegan. There's some work involved here, but we really urge you to try it- you won't regret it!

Get the recipe here.

Dangerous Escalation as Russia to Forcibly Annex Large Part of Ukraine

Aerial Footage Shows Destruction and Flooding Caused by Hurricane Ian

Drone footage from Florida, where Hurricane Ian has left a trail of destruction, shows widespread flooding of urban areas. The hurricane, considered one of the most powerful to have hit the US, made landfall on Wednesday and has left more than 2 million people without power. Joe Biden has approved a disaster declaration, which makes federal money available to help state, tribal and local recovery efforts.

Florida rescue crews search for residents trapped by floods. DeSantis says ‘we’ve never seen a flood like this.’ Biden declares disaster

Tax Cuts Funded on Backs of Poor ‘Morally Indefensible’, Say Campaigners

THE GUARDIAN: Government could seek to reduce welfare benefits spending in wake of recent mini-budget

Poverty campaigners have said it would be “morally indefensible” for ministers to fund tax cuts for the richest on the backs of the poor, amid speculation that ministers may reduce welfare benefits in the wake of last week’s ill-received fiscal statement.

Friday’s mini-budget announced billions of tax cuts benefiting high earners, but the subsequent market fallout plunged the UK’s finances into near crisis. The government is expected to have to make tens of billions of pounds of public spending cuts later this year to try to put the UK’s finances on a sound footing.

With prime minister Liz Truss having made high-profile political commitments to increase defence and NHS spending, welfare is seen as a prime candidate for cuts. » | Patrick Butler, Social policy editor | Thursday, September 29, 2022

‘A reverse Robin Hood’: key exchanges from Liz Truss’s radio interviews: Memorable points from prime minister’s morning round of interviews at a glance »

No Big Deal. Just Two Guys Walking Together, Holding Hands.

One thing that impressed me years ago when I worked in the Middle East was the sight of two men walking down the street, holding hands. Naturally, coming from the West, I was very surprised to see it at first. Why? Because homosexuality is strictly verboten in Middle Eastern countries. Men holding hands seemed a gay thing to me in those days.

However, what I soon discovered was this: men holding hands in the Middle East is not a gay marker at all. It is simply two Muslim brothers showing warmth and non-sexual affection for each other. It has everything to do with the Muslim brotherhood. It is also a mark of respect for the other. In fact, as a mark of respect, they also kiss each other, particularly on the forehead. I lost count of the number of times I saw my male students showing each other affection, even in the classroom. But I stress that they were not sexual gestures.

There are many aspects of Islam which are most impressive: this cultural habit is/was one of them. How uptight we Westerners are when it comes to men showing each other affection in any shape or form. Particularly the further north in Europe one goes; and more especially in the Anglosphere. Brits are probably the most uptight about this sort of thing. (I am the exception.)

This affection was often shown to me, their instructor, as well. My students—I always taught adult males there—also used to want to walk down the corridor holding my hand as well! It was a mark of their respect for me. They would also carry my briefcase for me back to the staffroom. At first one is a little surprised (and embarrassed) to walk down the corridor holding another man's hand (I wasn't out in those days), but one soon gets used to it.

We could learn a lot from the Islamic world. Christianity, it seems to me, lacks that sense of warmth and brotherhood. And if you’re British on top of it, that awful ‘stiff upper lip’ used to have to be shown. When I was growing up, it was so all-pervasive in the culture. Back in the day, a man dare not show his true feelings at all! Fortunately, it has got a little better over the years. Brits are not the emotional cripples they once were! Alhamdulillah !– © Mark Alexander

For this nice, expressive photo, I kindly thank Marshall and Christin Hughey on Pinterest.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — September 29, 2022

L’inflation alimentaire en France s’approche des 10 % dans les supermarchés

LE MONDE : Certains produits de première nécessité, comme les pâtes ou le riz, se sont envolés de 20, 30, voire 130 % sur un an. Et le rythme ne ralentit pas.

« L’invitée surprise. » C’est ainsi que Jean-Philippe André, président de l’Association nationale des industries agroalimentaires (ANIA) qualifie l’inflation. Il se remémore, qu’il y a un an à peine, le sujet n’était même pas abordé. Depuis, la valse des étiquettes s’est enclenchée dans les rayons des supermarchés. Et le rythme ne ralentit pas. Après avoir franchi la barre des 5 % en juin, l’inflation alimentaire s’approche désormais du seuil des 10 %.

C’est le constat dressé par le cabinet d’analyses IRI France, qui publiait, jeudi 29 septembre, les données collectées à la fin de ce mois. Cette société qui scrute les achats des consommateurs après leur passage en caisse avait enregistré un premier frémissement des prix à la hausse, en décembre 2021.

Neuf mois plus tard, elle constate que les prix des produits de grande consommation ont bondi, en un an, de 9,11 %. Sur les seuls produits alimentaires, la progression est de 9,75 %. IRI France pointe les rayons épicerie salée, crémerie, surgelés et glaces, où les hausses de tarifs dépassent les 10 %. Avec une mention spéciale pour les viandes surgelées dont l’inflation frôle les 30 %. Seuls les apéritifs anisés se distinguent avec une tarification en léger retrait. » | Par Laurence Girard | jeudi 29 septembre 2022

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The Liz Truss BBC Local Radio Interviews

Released On: 29 Sep 2022 Available for over a year

Liz Truss speaks to eight BBC Local Radio stations, defending her mini-budget, saying she was prepared to make "controversial and difficult decisions" to get the economy moving.

Newscast has assembled the full set of interviews.

The BBC local radio round has been a pre-conference tradition for political party leaders for many years, a chance to speak directly to voters.

Thanks to our colleagues at BBC Local Radio in Leeds, Norfolk, Kent, Lancashire, Nottingham, Tees, Bristol and Stoke who produced these interviews.

The presenters were Rima Ahmed, Chris Goreham, Anna Cookson, Graham Liver, Sarah Julian, Amy Oakden, James Hanson and John Acres.

Newscast is hosted by Adam Fleming. The producers of this episode were Louisa Lewis, Jonathan Aspinwall, Chris Brindley and Carlie Swain.

Listen to the interviews here.

Disastrous Liz Truss interviews show BBC local radio still packs a punch »

Just Economists Losing Their Minds over Trussonomics

Just some experts outlining just how badly the Tories have handled the economy.

Le Royaume-Uni s’enfonce à nouveau dans la crise politique

LE MONDE : La panique a gagné les rangs des députés conservateurs, après l’intervention inédite de la Banque d’Angleterre pour éviter une panique financière provoquée par le « minibudget » du gouvernement de Liz Truss.

Avec leur « minibudget » – en fait, un énorme stimulus fiscal au seul bénéfice des plus riches –, la première ministre britannique, Liz Truss, et son chancelier de l’Echiquier (le ministre des finances), Kwasi Kwarteng, ont provoqué une tempête financière, mais aussi une nouvelle et profonde crise politique. Et ce, trois semaines seulement après leur prise de fonctions, alors que le Parti conservateur se remet juste du scandale du « partygate » et du départ humiliant de son précédent chef de file, Boris Johnson.

Face à cette spectaculaire et catastrophique entrée en matière, les commentateurs politiques parlent déjà d’« opération-suicide » pour la dirigeante, mais aussi pour les tories : en détruisant la crédibilité économique de la droite britannique, MmeTruss offre un boulevard aux travaillistes, qui, après douze années dans l’opposition, rêvent désormais tout haut de Downing Street. » | Par Cécile Ducourtieux (Londres, correspondante) | jeudi 29 septembre 2022

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Read in English.

Teilmobilmachung in Russland: Zehntausende haben das Land bereits verlassen

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Vor allem Männer, aber auch Frauen und Kinder fliehen seit dem 21. September ins nahe Ausland. An Grenzübergängen haben sich zum Teil kilometerlange Schlangen gebildet. Der Exodus aus Russland dürfte weiter anhalten.

In der kasachischen Stadt Uralsk stehen Russinnen und Russen Schlange, um sich zu registrieren. | Denis Spiridonov / AP

Seit der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin am 21. September die Teilmobilmachung von 300 000 Reservisten verkündet hat, sind die Ausreisen von Russen nach Europa stark angestiegen. Laut Zahlen der europäischen Grenzschutzagentur Frontex sind zwischen dem 19. und dem 25. September fast 66 000 russische Staatsangehörige über die Landgrenze legal in die Europäische Union eingereist – 30 Prozent mehr als in der Woche zuvor. Aktuellere Daten liegen derzeit nicht vor, die Zahlen dürften inzwischen aber weiter gestiegen sein.

Der grösste Teil der Grenzübertritte nach Europa entfällt dabei auf Finnland, wo letzte Woche mehr als 40 000 Russen eingereist sind. Estland und Litauen verzeichneten laut Frontex je über 9000 Grenzübertritte. Die baltischen Staaten haben ihre Einreisebestimmungen jüngst stark verschärft, und kürzlich hat auch die Regierung in Helsinki angekündigt, die Einreise russischer Touristen stoppen zu wollen. » | Jonas Roth | Donnerstag, 29. September 2022

Warum Europa russische Deserteure und Kriegsdienstverweigerer aufnehmen sollte: Noch sind Russlands Grenzen offen. Die Zahl der Männer steigt, die vor der Mobilisierung fliehen. Wie sollen die europäischen Staaten mit ihnen umgehen? Sind sie bedroht oder eine Bedrohung? »

Truss and Treasury Secretary Fail to Reassure Markets as Bond Yields Rise, Stocks Tumble and Pound Slides – Business Live

THE GUARDIAN: Prime minister and Chris Philp fail to restore investor confidence in series of interviews, as government bond yields rise and stock markets tumble

The prime minister, Liz Truss, and the Treasury’s no 2, Chris Philp, have both done a round of broadcast interviews this morning – but their comments appear to have done little to reassure markets.

Government bond yields are rising again, the stock market has tumbled and the pound is sliding. Sterling is now worth $1.0789, a 0.9% drop on the day.

The FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 indices have lost 1.8% and 2.3% respectively this morning. Germany’s Dax has dropped 1.9%, France’s CAC has slid 1.8% and Italy’s FTSE MiB fell 1.1%.

Despite a barrage of criticism, from the International Monetary Trust and the former Bank of England governor Mark Carney, the government is refusing to perform a U-turn on the package of £45bn of unfunded tax cuts aimed at the wealthy it announced on Friday. There is also no sign at the moment that the fiscal policy statement planned for 23 November could be brought forward.

Truss said this morning: “I have to do what I believe is right for the country and what is going to help move our country forward.” » | Julia Kollewe | Thursday, September 29, 2022

Market-turmoil and Slumping British Pound after UK Government Announced Economic Plans | DW News

The new UK government's plan for huge tax cuts financed by borrowing have drawn strong criticism from the IMF. The British pound has slumped - so has London lost control of the economy? The Day put that question to Phillip Inman, economics editor of the UK's Observer newspaper.

Thom Hartmann: Has PM Liz Truss Wrecked the UK Economy? Featuring Richard Wolff

Is British prime minister Liz Truss trashing the economy of her country? A tax cut for the rich and little for the poor. The pound sterling has crashed against the dollar and the euro.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has publicly rebuked the UK government, which is almost unheard of.

Is the country spinning out of control financially?

Bio: Professor Richard Wolff, Economist / Co-founder, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books including The Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself (also available as an eBook) / Host-Economic Update w/Prof. Richard Wolff on FSTV

Government Is Undercutting UK Institutions, Says Former Bank Governor

Read the article here.

What Tory MPs are saying about Kwasi Kwarteng's future »

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Emergency Action by Bank of England amid UK Economic Turmoil

As the economic storm clouds over the UK darkened further still, the Bank of England today staged a dramatic intervention - saying it will start buying up government debt in an effort to stabilise markets and protect pension funds.

The surging cost of borrowing, sparked last week by the Chancellor's tax-cutting plans, had earlier drawn a stinging rebuke from the IMF - but the government says it's sticking to its guns, although departments will be asked to identify 'spending efficiencies'.

Labour says parliament should be recalled so the prime minister is held to account over the crisis.

Truss and Kwarteng are not fit for purpose. They need to go. Go before the UK economy is totally ruined. Both of them are greenhorns. No to tax cuts for the super-rich! No to Kwarteng’s voodoo economics! – © Mark Alexander

Whitney Houston : I Wanna Dance with Somebody | Official Video | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 371,575,062

Tory MPs Tell Truss: Sack Kwarteng or Face Mutiny

THE GUARDIAN: MPs express disbelief over sterling slump as privately some fear PM’s government is ‘dead on arrival’

Liz Truss visits a business in Kent with Kwasi Kwarteng. One MP said: ‘Kwasi will have to go. She won’t have any option.’ Photograph: Dylan Martinez/Reuters

Liz Truss is facing growing pressure from jittery Conservative MPs to sack Kwasi Kwarteng or face a mutiny after the Bank of England’s emergency intervention to address the turmoil in the financial markets.

The move prompted comparisons to 1992’s Black Wednesday, when the UK was ignominiously ejected from the European exchange rate mechanism.

Tory MPs expressed disbelief at how sterling had slumped after the government’s mini-budget sparked market turbulence, compounded by the chancellor’s subsequent remarks, at a time when households across the country were already struggling with the cost of living.

They said Kwarteng would have to resign for the party to survive the financial crisis, as they urged the prime minister to reverse her plan to scrap the top 45p tax rate, which they said had been received badly in their constituencies. » | Pippa Crerar and Jessica Elgot | Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Why are these poseurs in hard hats? You don't need hard hats in offices! Such vanity! It would be far better if they thought more about how to do their jobs properly and better. Then, perhaps, we wouldn't be in the mess and economic chaos we now find ourselves in, with the pound in freefall. God what a pair of dorks! – © Mark Alexander

Not for the Politically Correct! Some Thoughts on Smoking

MARK ALEXANDER: I recently came across this article, delightful and politically incorrect, on smoking cigarettes.

It appealed to the contrarian in me. Now please, don’t misconstrue my message here: I am NOT advocating the smoking of cigarettes or tobacco. Indeed, I quit smoking nearly six months ago, on April 10th. I have smoked no cigarette since; and nor have I had any cravings for one. But this article, written in 2008, delighted the sense, probably because one reads such articles only very rarely these days. Nowadays, cigarette-smoking has become the bête noire of our age. These days, smoking is the root and source of all ill health, from cancer and cardiovascular disease to hair and teeth falling out! People have lost all sense of joie de vivre it seems, especially in the Anglosphere. People have become bores. Absolute joyless bores! Moreover, they see the flaws in others, but forget to look in the mirror and see their own flaws! Exactly what the Bible tells us not to do.
”Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.” – KJB, Matthew 7, 5
I wrote a comment apropos of this great article. It appears under the handle ‘mar5508’. This is it:

I know that this article is quite old now, but it is still excellent. It is so refreshing to read an article like this about smoking these days. One comes across few such articles in this smoker-unfriendly world we now inhabit. Smoking cigarettes has become the bête noire of our age. It is such a pity. I believe that if done in moderation, there are positives to the enjoyment of a cigarette. Even though medical experts don't know why, it has been found that people who smoke (or have been smokers in the past) are far less likely to suffer from Parkinson's disease. It possibly helps in the fight against Alzheimer's disease, too. But they keep all this very quiet, of course; it doesn't fit in with the dominant narrative: that smoking is the cause of all bad health issues.

I would be the last to advocate smoking to anyone. I am myself an ex-smoker. I had a twenty-a-day habit for most of my adult life. It gave me great pleasure; in fact, I only ever smoked for pleasure; I never smoked out of addiction. I never felt addicted to the habit.

But smoking today has in many ways become a pain: one cannot smoke anywhere in public anymore; cigarettes are so costly; and so many people frown upon the habit. So I decided to quit. I gave up with no problems whatsoever. I have never once had even a craving for a cigarette since. But I still love to see others enjoying a smoke. I also have fond memories of the times in which I did smoke. Those were the more tolerant years.

The article appears in ESQUIRE here.

Enjoy the read! – © Mark Alexander

How to Roast a Goose | Waitrose

Cooking a magnificent goose for your Christmas table can be easy - Jon Jones from the Waitrose Cookery School shows you how.

Get the full recipe here.

Geese are in season here in the UK from September 1st. Personally, when I roast a goose, I like to stuff it. Not only with meat stuffing, but also with bread stuffing. My own home-made sage and onion stuffing made with my own freshly-made breadcrumbs. This goose has not been stuffed, but looks absolutely delicious nevertheless.

At Christmas, I often roast a goose in preference to roasting a turkey. There is not as much meat on a goose, and geese are much more expensive than turkeys, but the flavour of a well-raosted goose served with apple sauce is simply outstanding.

If you have never tried roasting a goose, I would suggest that you try roasting one. You will not be disappointed. – Mark

Liz Truss' Ex-colleague Says She's Been Humiliated, and Labour Could Let Him Back into Politics

Rory Stewart is a former Conservative international development secretary, a host of 'The Rest is Politics' podcast and the CEO of charity Give Directly.

Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng are not up to their jobs. The Conservatives are no longer up to the job of governing this country, either. They have been in power for far too long. They are stale. We need change in this country.

Brexit was a very stupid idea. We should never have left the EU. It was national suicide. We shot ourselves in the foot. We are Europeans. Our destiny is in Europe. We need to return to the European Union asap. The adolescents have had their time in the spotlight; now it is time for the grown-ups to take control again. – © Mark Alexander

Hot Lips

Heiße Lippen / Lèvres chaudes

Many thanks to ??? on Pinterest for this great photo.

Nach dem Fehlstart von Liz Truss wittert Labour-Chef Starmer die grosse Chance auf einen Machtwechsel

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Der Labour-Vorsitzende Keir Starmer hat seine Partei aus dem Griff der altlinken Corbyn-Anhänger befreit. Nachdem Liz Truss mit ihrer Schuldenwirtschaft die Märkte aufgeschreckt hat, will er die Tories erstmals nach zwölf Jahren wieder von der Macht vertreiben.

«Eine fairere, grünere Zukunft»: Keir Starmer bei seiner programmatischen Rede am Labour-Parteitag in Liverpool. | Jon Super / AP

Seit dem Wahlsieg von David Cameron im Jahr 2010 sucht die britische Labour-Partei verzweifelt nach einem Rezept, um die strategisch gewieften Tories von den Regierungsbänken zu verdrängen. Nun bietet sich der Partei erstmals seit Jahren eine realistische Perspektive, bei den spätestens Ende 2024 stattfindenden Unterhauswahlen an die Macht zu kommen – wenn nicht aus eigener Kraft, so doch dank der Unterstützung oder Duldung von Liberaldemokraten und schottischen Nationalisten.

In den Hotel-Lobbys und Bars in Liverpool, wo die Labour-Mitglieder noch bis am Mittwoch ihren jährlichen Parteitag abhalten, war in den letzten Tagen statt des üblichen Fatalismus eine neue Zuversicht greifbar. Und Labour-Chef Keir Starmer erklärte bei seiner grossen programmatischen Rede am Dienstagnachmittag: «Dies ist ein historischer Moment für Labour.» Labour im Umfrage-Hoch » | Niklaus Nuspliger, Liverpool | Mittwoch, 28. September 2022

Die Gretchenfrage: Hübl und Tetens streiten über Gott | Sternstunde Philosophie | SRF Kultur

Barbara Bleisch diskutiert die Gretchenfrage mit Philpp Hübl und Holm Tetens.

Heute sind die meisten Philosophen Atheisten. Nicht so der Berliner Philosoph und Wissenschaftstheoretiker Holm Tetens, der den Gottesglauben neu für sich entdeckt hat. Sein Kollege Philipp Hübl findet, dafür gebe es keine guten Gründe. Barbara Bleisch leitet den Disput über die Gretchenfrage. Gottesbeweise haben in der Philosophie eine lange Tradition, aber die Ungläubigen überzeugen sie nicht. Möglicherweise liegt dies daran, dass sich Gott gar nicht beweisen lässt. Aber macht es dann Sinn, an ihn zu glauben? Durchaus meinen jene, die Gott als höhere Macht verstehen, die unserem Leben Sinn verleiht. Doch ist Gott damit nur Trostpflaster und Einbildung? Nicht zwingend, denn auch die Nicht-Existenz Gottes lässt sich nicht beweisen. Weshalb also nicht an ihn glauben? Die Philosophen Holm Tetens und Philipp Hübl debattieren unter der Leitung von Barbara Bleisch die Frage nach Gott.

SRF Sternstunde Philosophie vom 11.10.2015

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — September 28, 2022

Protests Grow in Russia over Call-up to Fight in Ukraine - BBC News

President Putin’s order to call up another 300,000 soldiers to fight in Ukraine is being met with widespread protests.

Reports have circulated on social media of people with no military experience being drafted, as well as others who are too old or have disabilities.

Thousands of Russian men have been heading for the country’s borders as they attempt to evade conscription.

Huw Edwards presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Steve Rosenberg in Moscow.

I Was a Conservative Peer – Tory Voters Will Not Tolerate Liz Truss’s Bungs to the Rich

THE GUARDIAN: You don’t have to be a socialist to find UK levels of poverty intolerable – but Liz Truss lacks the empathy to see it

Liz Truss. ‘The public reaction to Trussonomics is at a level that the woman herself probably cannot grasp.’ Photograph: Maja Smiejkowska/Reuters

Subtlety does not feature large on the short list that is the Liz Truss skill set. She had been campaigning for the Tory leadership long before Boris Johnson was forced to vacate it. In May 2019, as Theresa May sat uncomfortably in No 10, a newspaper profile declared of Truss: “She’s not so much a dark horse as one that has painted itself blue and wrapped itself in flashing neon lights.”

Last weekend she used that same newspaper, the Mail on Sunday, to laud the tax cuts launched on Friday and assure the country she would be “unapologetic” in pursuing a strategy that was already frightening the markets on which its success depends.

Truss’s single-mindedness won her the Tory leadership. Even though a majority of Tory MPs did not favour her, she directed her sledgehammer campaign at that self-selecting small band, Conservative party members, and they rejoiced in her promise of drastic cuts to tax and regulations. » | Patience Wheatcroft | Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Patience Wheatcroft is a journalist and crossbench peer (formerly Conservative)

The Last, Painful Days of Anthony Bourdain

THE NEW YORK TIMES: A new, unauthorized biography reveals intimate, often raw, details of the TV star’s life, including his tumultuous relationship with the Italian actor Asia Argento. And it’s drawing criticism from many of his friends and family.

A new book about Anthony Bourdain reveals fresh details about his life and last days. | Alex Welsh for The New York Times

After Anthony Bourdain took his own life in a French hotel room in 2018, his close friends, family and the people who for decades had helped him become an international TV star closed ranks against the swarm of media inquiries and stayed largely silent, especially about his final days.

That silence continued until 2021, when many in his inner circle were interviewed for the documentary “Roadrunner: A Film About Anthony Bourdain” and for “Bourdain: The Definitive Oral Biography.” The two works showed a more complex side of Mr. Bourdain, who had become increasingly conflicted about his success and had in his last two years made his relationship with the Italian actor Asia Argento his primary focus. But neither directly addressed how very messy his life had become in the months that led up to the night he hanged himself at age 61.

On Oct. 11, Simon & Schuster will publish what it calls the first unauthorized biography of the writer and travel documentarian. “Down and Out in Paradise: The Life of Anthony Bourdain” is filled with fresh, intimate details, including raw, anguished texts from the days before Mr. Bourdain’s death, such as his final exchanges with Ms. Argento and Ottavia Busia-Bourdain, his wife of 11 years who, by the time they separated in 2016, had become his confidante.

“I hate my fans, too. I hate being famous. I hate my job,” Mr. Bourdain wrote to Ms. Busia-Bourdain in one of their near-daily text exchanges. “I am lonely and living in constant uncertainty.”

Drawing on more than 80 interviews, and files, texts and emails from Mr. Bourdain’s phone and laptop, the journalist Charles Leerhsen traces Mr. Bourdain’s metamorphosis from a sullen teenager in a New Jersey suburb that his family couldn’t afford to a heroin-shooting kitchen swashbuckler who struck gold as a writer and became a uniquely talented interpreter of the world through his travels.

Mr. Leerhsen said in an interview that he wanted to write a book without the dutiful sheen of what he called “an official Bourdain product.” Indeed, he portrays a man who at the end of his life was isolated, injecting steroids, drinking to the point of blackout and visiting prostitutes, and had all but vanished from his 11-year-old daughter’s life. » | Kim Severson * | Tuesdaay, September 27, 2022

* Kim Severson reports on the nation’s food culture. She had interviewed Anthony Bourdain several times and led coverage of his death.

‘I am lonely’: controversial book reveals Anthony Bourdain’s final days: Family and friends are upset by new biography divulging Bourdain’s moods – and texts – in the lead-up to his death »

En Iran, « le voile est devenu l’un des rares vestiges religieux d’un régime abusivement présenté comme celui de mollahs »

LE MONDE – CHRONIQUE : Depuis la révolution islamique de 1979, le régime n’a cessé de glisser dans les mains d’un pouvoir d’essence militaire dont les gardiens de la révolution constituent la colonne vertébrale, analyse Gilles Paris, éditorialiste au « Monde », dans sa chronique.

En plus de quarante années d’existence, le régime iranien a survécu à bien des défis. Contre ceux de l’extérieur, qu’ils viennent de ses ennemis irakien ou américain, il a toujours su jouer du ressort patriotique avec succès. Face à la contestation issue de son peuple, de loin la plus menaçante, il a usé et use encore principalement de la matraque. Sans aucune réserve. En témoigne la répression du mouvement né le 16 septembre après la mort suspecte en prison d’une jeune iranienne, Mahsa Amini, arrêtée pour avoir porté son voile d’une manière jugée inappropriée.

L’histoire récente ne peut que conforter les dignitaires de ce régime dans leur choix. Depuis le début du siècle, ce dernier a résisté de cette manière à la plus grande vague de son histoire : la contestation des résultats de l’élection présidentielle de juin 2009 par un cadre du système, Mir Hossein Moussavi, classé parmi les réformateurs internes. » | Gilles Paris, Editorialiste | mercredi 28 septembre 2022

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Shahbanu: Women, Life, Freedom

The lady speaking is the former and last Empress of Iran, Shahbanu Farah Pahlavi. Unfortunately, I do not understand Farsi, but I am posting this video for those that do. – Mark

WIKIPEDIA: Farah Pahlavi.

The Downfall of the Iranian Shah | Patrick Bet-David #CLIP

Patrick Bet-David gives a fascinating assessment of the powerful influence of Iran's Shah and the impact of his downfall on Iranian society.

Moving to America from Iran at the age of 10 with his family, Patrick Bet-David has proceeded to establish an enormous and respectable presence in the business and social domain. He is an entrepreneur, businessman, author and social commentator. He is the founder of PHP Agency Inc., one of the fastest growing companies in the financial marketplace and Valuetainment, a media outlet focusing on educational and inspiring content on entrepreneurship.

Iran Protests: Unrest Continues over the Death of Mahsa Amini

Protests in ran turn violent as demonstrations continue over death of Mahsa Amini two weeks ago. The daughter of Iran's former president has been arrested for inciting crowds. Mahsa Amini was arrested by so-called morality police for not properly wearing hijab.

Truss Takes a Bold Economic Gamble. Will It Sink Her Government?

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Three weeks into her term, Prime Minister Liz Truss’s financial plans have thrown the markets and Britain’s currency into chaos and put her future in peril.

Support for the Conservative Party, led by Prime Minister Liz Truss, has plunged in the polls. | Tolga Akmen/EPA, via Shutterstock

LONDON — Prime Minister Liz Truss of Britain campaigned as a tax cutter and champion of supply-side economics, and she won the race to replace her scandal-scarred predecessor, Boris Johnson. Now she has delivered that free-market agenda, and it may sink her government.

Four days after Ms. Truss’s tax cuts and deregulatory plans stunned financial markets and threw the British pound into a tailspin, the prime minister’s political future looks increasingly precarious as well.

Her Conservative Party is gripped by anxiety, with a new poll showing that the opposition Labour Party has taken a 17 percentage point lead over the Tories. It’s a treacherous place for a prime minister in only her third week on the job.

Labour is seizing the moment to present itself as the party of fiscal responsibility. With some experts predicting the pound could tumble to parity with the dollar, economists and political analysts said the uncertainty over Britain’s economic path would continue to hang over the markets and Ms. Truss’s government.

“It’s entirely possible she could be replaced before the next election,” said Tim Bale, a professor of politics at Queen Mary University of London, who is an expert on the Conservative Party. “It would be very, very difficult to conduct a full-blown leadership contest again, but I wouldn’t rule anything out.” » | Mark Landler | Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

George Michael : One More Try | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 153,193,774

Whitney Houston with Enrique Iglesias : Could I Have This Kiss Forever | Official HD Video | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 133,871,396

Die Haare der Iranerinnen – ein langer Kampf für Selbstbestimmung

Strassenszene in Teheran, 1976. Bruno Barbey / Magnum

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Gerade finden in Iran die grössten Proteste seit Jahren statt. Frauen kämpfen gegen das Regime und den Zwang, sich zu verschleiern. Das Kopftuch ist seit der Zeit des Schahs ein Politikum – damals, weil er es verboten hatte. Ein Blick zurück.

Die Haare der Iranerinnen erzählen seit 86 Jahren die Geschichte der politischen und religiösen Grabenkämpfe des Landes. Wer darf sie sehen, wer nicht? Die Freiheit, selbst darüber bestimmen zu dürfen, entzog bereits der Schah Reza Pahlevi den Iranerinnen. Er wollte sein Reich modernisieren, reiste in die Türkei, wo er sich von Atatürk die Politik des rigorosen Westkurses erklären liess. Islamische Kleidung, da waren sie sich einig, sei ein Symbol, das der Modernisierung widerspreche. Der Schah, der autoritär regierte, verbot 1936 das Kopftuch.

Für viele Iranerinnen und Iraner war das ein Angriff auf ihre Werte. In Persien, wo der schiitische Islam (Zwölfer-Schia) seit dem 16. Jahrhundert die prägende Religion ist, verschleierten sich Frauen, weil sie daran glaubten und weil es Teil der Kultur war. Das Kopftuchverbot bedeutete deshalb für viele weniger Freiheit: Manche Familien wollten nicht, dass die Töchter und Mütter unverschleiert das Haus verliessen; und es gibt Erzählungen von Frauen, die sich jahrelang nicht auf die Strasse trauten, weil sie sich ohne Kopftuch zu entblösst fühlten. BILDSTRECKE » | Karin A. Wenger (Text), Martin Berz (Bildredaktion) | Dienstag, 27. September 2022

A Fine Economic Mess in the United Kingdom

THE NEW YORKER: With the pound hitting record lows, financial analysts are questioning the competence of Britain’s new government.

Stocks in the U.S. fell again on Monday, dragging the Dow Jones Industrial Average into bear-market territory—since hitting a peak early this year, it has now fallen more than twenty per cent. The Federal Reserve’s determination to stamp out inflation by raising interest rates is spooking investors, and so is the precipitous decline of the British pound in foreign-exchange markets. On Monday, a senior Federal Reserve official, Raphael Bostic, took the rare step of criticizing a foreign ally, saying the British government’s new package of tax cuts, which sparked the sell-off in the pound, “has really increased uncertainty.”

Spare a thought, if you will, for patriotic Brits. Having just buried Queen Elizabeth II, their last remaining link to a time when their schoolbook maps showed great swaths of the earth’s surface colored imperial red, they now face a humiliating currency crisis. In Asian trading early on Monday, the pound sterling hit an all-time low of $1.035 against the U.S. dollar. When trading shifted to Europe, the battered currency rebounded a bit amid speculation that the Bank of England would announce an emergency interest-rate hike to strengthen the pound. On Monday afternoon, the currency’s slump resumed after the Bank of England announced no rate increase but said it may enact one at its next policy meeting, which isn’t until November. » | John Cassidy | Monday, September 26, 2022

Hello Dictator I Documentary

Since the summer of 2020 a battle has raged between the European Union and Viktor Orbán’s Hungary. As Orbán’s authoritarian Fidesz party restrains opposition at home, the EU attempts to link the pandemic recovery package to a rule of law mechanism. Hungary and Poland are strongly opposed. | Victor Orbán Versus Europe | Available until the 27/03/2024

WTF! There are so many dangerous politicians around these days! – © Mark Alexander

Volksbefragung über Russland-Sanktionen: Viktor Orban versucht die EU erneut zu erpressen: Die ungarische Regierung lässt das Volk über die Strafmassnahmen gegen Russland abstimmen. Dabei geht es Orban darum, die EU in Verhandlungen über Finanzmittel unter Druck zu setzen. »

Ottolenghi Test Kitchen (OTK): Extra Good Things: Parmigiana Pie with Tomato Sauce

For our first episode in our new series 'OTK: Extra Good Things', Yotam dives deep into a spiced tomato sauce and makes the show-stopping Parmigiana pie (with an inevitable Middle Eastern twist). Layers of breadcrumbed aubergines, cheese, spiced tomato sauce and a surprising, crunchy Kataifi topping.

Get the recipe here.

Regierungsumbau in Saudi-Arabien: Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman wird Premier

DER STANDARD: Umstrittener Kronprinz gewinnt bei Erneuerung des Kabinetts weiter an Macht – Khalid bin Salman neuer Verteidigungsminister

Ein Screenshot vom Foto im Artikel.

Riad – In Saudi-Arabien hat es am Dienstag nach einer Mitteilung des staatlichen Fernsehens einen Umbau der Regierung gegeben. Mohammed bin Salman, der umstrittene, aber mächtige Kronprinz, hat dabei eine weitere Schlüsselposition dazugewonnen. Er wird auch Premierminister des weitgehend absolutisisch-islamistisch regierten Königreiches. Bisher hatte sein Vater, König Salman, das Amt ausgeübt. Auch sonst wird das Amt des Premiers, des formellen Regierungschefs, gewöhnlich vom König ausgeübt. » | red. | Dienstag, 27. September 2022

Guerre en Ukraine : fuir ou protester, les réponses des Russes à la mobilisation militaire édictée par Poutine

LE MONDE : Depuis la mobilisation militaire « partielle » décrétée par Vladimir Poutine le 21 septembre, qui concerne officiellement 300 000 réservistes, les manifestations se succèdent et des milliers de Russes tentent de fuir le pays. Synthèse d’une actualité sans précédent.

Des recrues russes devant un centre de recrutement militaire à Bataysk, lundi 26 septembre 2022. AP

Face à la contre-offensive ukrainienne, le président russe, Vladimir Poutine, a annoncé, le 21 septembre, la mobilisation de centaines de milliers de Russes pour combattre sur le front. L’ordre est devenu immédiatement effectif et un décret a été publié peu après sur le site du Kremlin. Le Monde fait le point sur cette mobilisation et ses conséquences.

Le décret de mobilisation comporte dix points : tous ont été publiés, sauf le 7e, qui reste confidentiel et inquiète les Russes : il concernerait le nombre de civils russes qui doivent rejoindre l’armée. Le média d’opposition Novaïa Gazeta Europe a écrit, citant des sources au Kremlin, qu’un million de Russes pourraient être concernés. Ce que Dmitri Peskov, le porte-parole du Kremlin, a démenti.

Après l’allocution de Vladimir Poutine, le ministre de la défense russe, Sergueï Choïgou, a précisé que 300 000 réservistes étaient concernés par cet ordre de mobilisation, soit à peine « 1,1 % des ressources mobilisables » dans le pays, estimé à quelque 25 millions de personnes. Ces renforts seront déployés pour « consolider » et « contrôler » les lignes arrières, le long d’« une ligne de front qui fait plus de 1 000 kilomètres » dans le sud et l’est de l’Ukraine. Les hommes ayant une formation spécialisée (tankistes, servants de pièces antiaériennes…) seront mobilisés en priorité, a-t-il insisté. » | Le Monde avec AFP et Reuters | mardi 27 septembre 2022

Le double jeu de Viktor Orban avec l’Europe

LE MONDE : Menacé de lourdes sanctions par la Commission européenne s’il ne rétablit pas l’Etat de droit, le premier ministre hongrois semble faire des concessions. Mais il continue simultanément de critiquer Bruxelles et de faire cavalier seul à propos de la Russie.

Moins de vingt-quatre heures après avoir présenté son projet de loi pour établir une « autorité de l’intégrité », le gouvernement hongrois a lancé, samedi 24 septembre, le processus de recrutement du directeur de cette nouvelle institution destinée à lutter contre la corruption. Elle est la principale concession faite par le premier ministre nationaliste Viktor Orban pour éviter la sanction de 7,5 milliards d’euros que la Commission européenne a menacé d’infliger à la Hongrie d’ici à la fin de l’année si elle ne fait pas d’efforts pour rétablir l’Etat de droit. Un conflit emblématique à l’heure où le succès électoral de la leader d’extrême droite Giorgia Meloni en Italie soumet l’Union européenne (UE) à un nouveau choc.

En Hongrie, la nouvelle agence aura le pouvoir de saisir la justice, de suspendre des appels d’offres litigieux ou même de bannir certaines entreprises des marchés financés par l’UE. Elle sera « totalement indépendante », promet l’article premier du projet de loi qui devrait être adopté par la majorité écrasante de M. Orban au Parlement hongrois. La Hongrie a jusqu’au 19 novembre pour prouver que l’autorité a commencé ses activités. C’est l’une des dix-sept conditions que la Commission a posées, le 18 septembre, pour donner son accord au déblocage des fonds européens. » | Par Jean-Baptiste Chastand (Vienne, correspondant) | mardi 27 septembre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Read in English.

Kwarteng’s Tax Cuts Will Force ‘Significant’ Interest Rate Rises by Bank of England

THE GUARDIAN: Chief economist says mini-budget will increase inflationary pressure in remarks likely to further spook mortgage borrowers

The Bank of England’s chief economist, Huw Pill, says: ‘It is hard not to draw the conclusion that this [tax cuts] will require a significant monetary policy response.’ Photograph: Bloomberg/Getty Images

A senior Bank of England official has warned “significant” increases in interest rates will have to be imposed by the central bank in response to tax cuts put forward by Kwasi Kwarteng in his mini-budget.

The Bank’s chief economist, Huw Pill, said the chancellor’s planned tax cuts would act as a stimulus and increase inflationary pressures, with the result that interest rates would need to go higher than previously forecast.

“In my view, a combination of the fiscal announcements we have seen will act a stimulus to demand in the economy,” he said. “It is hard not to draw the conclusion that this will require a significant monetary policy response.”

Pill’s remarks are likely to further spook homebuyers and mortgage borrowers near the end of a fixed-rate mortgage about the cost of financing their loans. » | Phillip Inman | Tuesday, September 27, 2022

UK’s cost of borrowing on international markets overtakes Greece and Italy: Five-year British government bonds fall dramatically as traders price in higher risk of default on debt »

Zwei heiße Männer; ein heißer Kuss | Reupload

Deux hommes chauds; un baiser chaud / Two hot men; one hot kiss

Für dieses außerordentlich schönes Bild kann ich mich leider bei keinem bedanken, weil der Uploader sich nicht identifiziert hat. Wer immer es war, ein großer Dank dafür! Das Bild ist ikonisch.

Gustav Klimt in the Sign of Hoffmann and the Secession Exhibition | Floornature

To mark the 150th anniversary of the artist’s birth and the 100th anniversary of his participation in the Biennale in Venice 1910 Klimt is featured in a special

With many thanks to Floornature on Pinterest for this great image.

Details of the exhibition in Brussels here.

Italy’s Far Right Triumphs in Election

FOREIGN POLICY: Giorgia Meloni is expected to head the country’s most right-wing government since World War II.

Giorgia Meloni, leader of the Brothers of Italy party, speaks at a press conference at the party electoral headquarters in Rome overnight on Sept. 26. ANTONIO MASIELLO/GETTY IMAGES

Far-right firebrand Giorgia Meloni is set to lead Italy after her party, Brothers of Italy, received the most votes in elections on Sunday. She is expected to head the country’s most right-wing government since the era of fascist leader Benito Mussolini.

Brothers of Italy ultimately won 26 percent of votes—six times more than it received in 2018—while the right-wing coalition it was part of secured 44 percent. But the election was marked by record-low voter turnout, with just 64 percent of people participating, almost a 10 percent drop compared to the last general election.

Meloni represents the “the last, probably, available option for Italians to voice their discomfort with the political establishment and with the way the economy has been managed,” said Carlo Bastasin, a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Low turnout, he added, “is another form of Italians’ discomfort with the political situation.”

Since entering politics, Meloni has experienced a meteoric rise to the top, as Giorgio Ghiglione wrote in Foreign Policy in August. Her success was largely built on “the credibility crisis of her adversaries on the left and her allies on the right, who have all become increasingly inconsistent in the eyes of the public,” he wrote.

Despite her efforts to soften her position ahead of the election, Meloni is known for her hard-line stances, famously proclaiming: “Yes to the natural family. No to the LGBT lobby. Yes to sexual identity. No to the ideology of gender.” On immigration, she has pushed for a Mediterranean “naval blockade” and previously declared that Italy’s existing policies could transform it into the “refugee camp of Europe.” » | Christina Lu, a reporter at Foreign Policy | Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Die Entdämonisierung der extremen Rechten in Europa | ARTE Reportage

In Italien haben Giorgia Melonis Fratelli d'Italia die Wahlen klar gewonnen und stellen nun die Regierung. In Schweden erreichten die Schwedendemokraten bei den Parlamentswahlen insgesamt 20,7 Prozent der Stimmen und wurden damit zur zweitstärksten politischen Kraft des Landes.Und in Frankreich zog die Rassemblement National mit nunmehr 89 Abgeordneten in großer Zahl in die Nationalversammlung ein. Was war die Strategie dieser Parteien? Wie sind sie salonfähig geworden? | Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 24/09/2023

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — September 27, 2022

Heinz Marketing : Gay Kiss | Reupload

This is such a great ad. Unfortunately, it was pulled many years ago because of complaints. It is one of the best gay ads ever. It is hard to imagine how and why this innocent ad could offend anyone’s sensibilities. What a sad world we live in! – Mark

Russland gewährt NSA-Whistleblower Snowden Staatsbürgerschaft

Das US-Außenministerium sei sich keiner Änderung des Status Snowdens als amerikanischen Staatsbürgers bewusst, erklärte Ministeriumssprecher Ned Price. Dementsprechend habe sich die Haltung Washingtons gegenüber dem ehemaligen US-Geheimdienstmitarbeiter auch nicht geändert. © REUTERS

Related article here.

Edward Snowden Is Granted Russian Citizenship »

King Charles: New Royal Cypher Revealed


BBC: The cypher of King Charles III has been revealed, showing an image to be used by government departments and on state documents and post boxes.

t was personally chosen by the King, from a range of designs produced by the College of Arms.

The monogram combines his initial "C" and "R" for Rex, the Latin for king, plus III for the third King Charles.

The cypher, a visual identity for the new reign, replaces the E II R of Queen Elizabeth II. » | Sean Coughlan, Royal correspondent | Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Cuba Just Voted to Legalise Same-sex Marriage and Adoption for Queer Couples: ‘Love Wins!’

The Cuban government urged its citizens to vote 'yes' on a broad legislative package, which will improve LGBTQ+ and women's rights in the country. (Getty)

PINK NEWS: Cuba’s citizens have approved a broad family law code that will usher in same-sex marriage and other LGBTQ+ friendly measures in a historic vote.

Millions of Cubans turned out to vote for or against a major overhaul of the island country’s over four-decade-old family code. The package included the historic step of legalising same-sex marriage, allowing LGBTQ+ couples to adopt children and other progressive measures.

Campaigners said preliminary results indicated that the LGBTQ+ friendly package will be approved after millions voted in favour of the referendum on Sunday (25 September).

The Cuban national centre for sex education (CENESEX) – which has advocated for broadening LGBTQ+ rights in the country – wrote on Instagram that “love and affections won” after approximately 67 per cent of citizens voted in favour of the package. » | Maggie Baska | Monday, September 26, 2022

Les Cubains approuvent le mariage entre personnes de même sexe : Près de 67 % des votants ont dit oui au nouveau code des familles lors du référendum qui s’est tenu le 25 septembre. Mais l’abstention importante et les bulletins contre traduisent un mécontentement envers le pouvoir communiste. »

UK Warned ‘Utterly Irresponsible’ Policy Could Drive Pound below Dollar and Euro Parity - Business Live

THE GUARDIAN: Former US Treasury secretary Larry Summers warns the first step in regaining credibility is not saying incredible things

Larry Summers, a former US Treasury secretary, has warned that the UK government’s ‘utterly irresponsible’ plans could drag the pound below parity against the euro, as well as the dollar.

Summers has heavily criticised chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng for undermining credibility by saying ‘incredible things’ about planning more tax cuts -- those weekend comments pushed the pound to a record low of $1.0327 on Monday.

Summers says he was “very pessimistic about the consequences of utterly irresponsible UK policy on Friday,” but didn’t expect the markets to get so bad so quickly.

Summers also suggests the Bank of England should have taken more decisive action, rather than its ‘timid’ statement yesterday. » | Graeme Wearden | Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Pound comes under new pressure after Bank of England fails to raise rates: Central bank stops short of emergency rate hike and instead says it will make full assessment in November »

Pound Crashes to All-time Low as UK Chancellor Hints at More Tax Cuts

Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng was today forced to quell growing market unease over his low-tax, high borrowing strategy with a promise to set out more details in November, along with independent costings.

The Bank of England put out a statement too, saying they wouldn't hesitate to hike interest rates at their next meeting, but neither intervention seemed to reassure city markets.

The pound slid once again this evening, having hit a historic low against the dollar earlier in a rollercoaster day.
And amidst the turmoil - the cost of government borrowing shot up too.

Russians Are Terrified, and Have Nowhere to Turn

Conscripted Russian men attending a farewell ceremony in Bataysk, Russia, on Monday. | Arkady Budnitsky/EPA, via Shutterstock


THE NEW YORK TIMES: “Hello, I have a pregnant wife and a mortgage. My wife is panicking, and I have no money to go abroad. How can I escape the draft?”

This is a message we received at Help Desk, a website I and other journalists set up in June to help people — with information, legal advice and psychological support — affected by the actions of the Russian government. The writer, after completing his mandatory military service seven years ago, was being drafted into the war in Ukraine. The Russian government was not interested in who will pay the mortgage or take care of his pregnant wife. It simply wanted more fodder for its war.

In the days since Vladimir Putin announced a “partial mobilization,” clearing the way for hundreds of thousands of men to be conscripted into his failing war effort, we’ve fielded tens of thousands of messages like these. Some were plaintive; others were defiant. Some were simply defeated. Along with Russians desperately trying to board flights, crossing borders or attacking recruitment centers, they testified to the same desire: to avoid the draft.

The truth is, they probably can’t. While presented as a limited measure affecting only those who previously served in the army, in practice, the government has free rein to conscript as many people as it wants. The initial number of 300,000, for example, already seems an enormous undercount. In the face of a monstrous regime hellbent on war and widespread international isolation, Russians are caught in a disaster. And judging from the response so far, they are terrified. » | Ilia Krasilshchik * | Tuesday, September 27, 2022

* Mr. Krasilshchik runs Help Desk, a website that offers advice and support to people affected by the actions of the Russian government.

Russians Paying £25,000 for Seats on Private Planes after War Mobilisation

THE GUARDIAN: Passengers heading to Armenia and Turkey amid fears Russia could soon close borders to men of fighting age

EU and UK sanctions on Russia prohibit the leasing or insuring of aircraft for use in Russia, limiting supply. Photograph: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Demand for seats on private jets has boomed in Moscow after Vladimir Putin ordered the first mobilisation since the second world war and wealthy Russians look for a way out of the country amid reports that authorities plan to close the borders to men of mobilisation age.

Passengers are said to be predominantly heading to Armenia, Turkey and Azerbaijan, which allow Russians visa-free entry. They are paying between £20,000 and £25,000 for a seat on a private plane, while the price to rent an eight-seater jet ranges from £80.000 to £140,000, which is many times more expensive than the normal fare.

“The situation is absolutely crazy at the moment,” said Yevgeny Bikov the director of a broker jet company, Your Charter. “We would get 50 requests a day; now it is around 5,000.”

The Kremlin’s decision to announce a partial mobilisation has led to a rush among men of military age to leave the country, sparking a new, possibly unprecedented brain drain. Miles-long traffic jams have formed at Russia’s border crossings, while most one-way commercial plane tickets have sold out for the coming days. » | Pjotr Sauer | Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Former Moscow Rabbi Wants All Jews to Leave Putin's Russia | Conflict Zone

Moscow's former chief rabbi discusses anti-Semitism, morality and red line between democracy and authoritarianism in Vladimir Putin's Russia. Pinchas Goldschmidt spoke with Tim Sebastian from Berlin.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Proteste im Iran halten trotz vieler Festnahmen und Tode an | DW Nachrichten

Das Mullah-Regime gerät zunehmend unter Druck. Die Proteste gegen den Kopftuchzwang und den Tod von Mahsa Amini haben sich auf über 45 Städte, Gemeinden und Dörfer ausgeweitet.

Britain Is Watching a Party Render Itself Unelectable for a Generation. Good Riddance

THE GUARDIAN: As Truss and Kwarteng unleash economic chaos, Labour conference all feels a bit pre-1997 – though no one in the party will say that out loud

“The markets will react as they will,” said the chancellor in the House of Commons, as he launched the tax cuts that sank the pound and sent borrowing costs soaring. And so they did. As sterling plunged again, the Treasury reported he was “sanguine”, promising yet more tax cuts for the rich, this time to let them accumulate fatter, tax-free pensions. Liz Truss has arrived in office without any significant poll bounce – which makes her unique in polling history. YouGov’s associate director, Patrick English, tells me to expect further plunging numbers. A panicky Treasury promise of a “new fiscal event” in November sounds more of a threat than a promise.

Here ends the arrogance, the self-regard, the cultish obsession with economic fantasies that failed and failed again. Here dies the nonsensical Laffer curve, the theory that tax cuts for the rich yield more than they cost. This should render the Tories unelectable for a generation, because this crash is all their own. » | Polly Toynbee | Monday, Sptember 26, 2022

We are being led by clowns, fools and jesters! I was raised in a Conservative-voting household; indeed, I was myself a Conservative-voter almost all my adult life. Until Cameron came along. I took one look at him and smelt the rat! A decent man to enjoy a drink with, but not one to entrust the governing of the country to. And so it proved to be!

His decision to call the Brexit referendum was nothing short of disastrous. History will not be kind to him for his folly. This country will pay a heavy price for many years to come for his lack of sound political judgment.

Meanwhile, I, and I feel sure many others like me, will never vote Tory again. The party is more corrupt than I could ever have imagined. Moreover, entrusting the country to those incompetent fools is nothing short of foolhardy. The party, whilst once enjoying a reputation for sound economic management, has so obviously lost its touch.

Get them out of office! I, for one, will never be able to vote for them again after the fiasco of Brexit. They are so clearly incapable of sound economic management these days. They don't understand even basic commerce! Nobody in his right mind wouuld walk away from the largest single market in the world–a market of over 500m consumers: The Single Market! The single market of which Margaret Thatcher was so proud and of which she was one of the main architects. – © Mark Alexander

Putin Grants Russian Citizenship to US Whistleblower Edward Snowden

THE GUARDIAN: Former NSA intelligence contractor was given asylum in Russia after leaking secret files in 2013

Edward Snowden, 39, fled the US after leaking secret files that revealed domestic and international surveillance operations carried out by NSA. Illustration: Joseph Pierce/The Guardian

Vladimir Putin signed a decree on Monday granting Russian citizenship to the US whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Snowden, 39, a former US intelligence contractor, has been living in Russia since 2013 to escape prosecution in the US after leaking secret files, published by the Guardian, that revealed vast domestic and international surveillance operations carried out by the US National Security Agency.

In 2020, Snowden said that he and his then-pregnant wife were applying for Russian citizenship in order not to be separated from their future son in an era of pandemics and closed borders. Russia granted him permanent residency rights the same year, paving the way for him to obtain Russian citizenship. » | Pjotr Sauer | Monday, September 26, 2022