Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The Conservative Candidates for the Premiership: One Duck, Two Ducks, Three Ducks, Four…

The candidates running to become the next prime minister are, to say the least, lacklustre . They are bereft of creative thought: there is not an original idea between them! The record goes around and around, but like a malfunctioning gramophone record, it is stuck in circa 1980! Clearly, they are stuck on stupid! And as an American with a colourful turn of phrase once told me: You can’t fix stupid!

Now let me get a few things straight here: I am no left-winger. And I am no anti-Conservative either. Indeed, I was raised in a Conservative-voting home. The ‘S’ word was a dirty word chez nous. Maggie was a big hit in my home, too. As indeed she was with me personally.

However, in retrospect, I am not blind to her failings. She did a lot of good things for our nation; but she made some fundamental mistakes, too. In short, she was a human being; and human beings err.

To admit this is not an attack on a remarkable lady; and nor is it an attack on the remarkable lady’s accomplishments It is merely my trying to be reasonable in my assessment of the lady and her accomplishments. It is not the hallmark of a mature person to assess someone’s accomplishments only through rose-tinted spectacles; indeed, it is childlike to do so.

Margaret Thatcher stood for small government and low taxation. Those ideas were right for the time. After all, we had lived through a protracted period of socialism; and as a result of that, the country wasn’t working. In fact, in many sectors of the economy, it had come grinding to a halt.

However, just because Thatcher’s medicine was right for the economy in the Eighties, it doesn’t mean that the same medicine is right for the economy today. Today, our economy is ailing, but for very different reasons.

The gap between the superrich and ordinary folk hasn’t been as great as it is today since the ‘Gilded Age’.
Gilded Age: “The unequal distribution of wealth remained high during this period. From 1860 to 1900, the wealthiest 2% of American households owned more than a third of the nation's wealth, while the top 10% owned roughly three-quarters of it. The bottom 40% had no wealth at all. In terms of property, the wealthiest 1% owned 51%, while the bottom 44% claimed 1.1%.” [Source: Wikipedia]
Today, we are in a similar situation regarding wealth distribution. A few people own billions at the same time as millions of parents are unable to put food on the table for their children! To add insult to injury, the billionaire class pay little or no taxes; indeed, many of them hide their wealth offshore to avoid paying any taxes at all. And that goes for many in the Conservative Party itself. In fact, more especially people in the Conservative Party. Moreover, these contenders running for the premiership want to lower taxes for them still further.

Lowering taxes sounds like a sensible and grand plan – until one starts unpicking it.

This is what lower taxes means: Lower taxes means smaller government. Smaller government translates into spending less—far less—on hospitals and the building of new ones, on the NHS in general, on schools and other educational establishments, on roads and infrastructure, and in general on all projects in the public sector. But very importantly, it will mean lower taxes for corporations and the superrich, the groups of people who are awash with cash anyway.

Is this the medicine we truly need for our economy at the moment? Think about it! Think long and hard about it!

Further, I heard at least one of the contenders talking about ‘trickle-down economics. That theory has been well and truly debunked. In fact, it is poppycock. It just doesn’t happen that way. Indeed, it would be more accurate to call it ‘trickle-up economics’, because such policies end up making the rich richer, and the poor poorer.

We have come out of the biggest and the most successful single market in the world, The Single Market, a market of 500 million + consumers. And Tories have the nerve to call themselves the business-friendly party! Go figure!

Most of these candidates are sharpening their swords for a trade war with the European Union. How stupid are these people? How stupid can anyone be?

It is we who stupidly decided to exit the European Union; we were not asked to leave. Indeed, Brexit was the last thing that the EU wanted. But many in the Conservative Party did Putin’s bidding for him. The Kremlin’s tentacles have tightened its grip on Westminster, I fear; especially among the Conservatives.

On the doorstep of Number 10 during BoJo’s resignation speech, if indeed that it can be called, he spoke of a sparkling and bright future for the UK in the years to come if Conservative policies are followed. Such twaddle! I have lived long enough to realise that the UK will never be anything other than what it is: a struggling country trying to make its way in the world. Why do I say this? Because there is a continual fight between the left and the right, each side thinking that it has a monopoly on the truth. Fact is, neither side does.

For the UK economy to become super successful, both sides need to work together for the common good. A properly-functioning economy should, after all, work for all, not just for the select few.

There is nothing wrong with enabling people to become very rich; in fact, such an economy is to be encouraged and applauded. However, the less fortunate in society also need to be helped to improve their lot in life. But this cannot be done without a good education system and a good healthcare system, both free at the point of delivery.

Oh, and another very important thing: We cannot hope to have a hugely successful economy based on the service industry alone. One of Maggie’s biggest mistakes was her decimation of industry. But the fact remains that Germany has not made the same mistake. Germany has a very strong manufacturing sector. Who makes some of the best cars in the world? The Germans. Who makes some of the best white goods in the world? The Germans. And who looks after its workers better than we do? The Germans.

Perhaps, dear Conservatives, there is a lesson to be learnt in these facts. The truth can often be hard to swallow, just like a bitter pill is. But swallowing the pill and cogitating over some harsh realities is the road to self-improvement.

The best medicine for this economy would be to reverse Brexit. But if a full reversal cannot be executed, a second-best solution would be to re-join the Single Market. You know it makes sense to do so!

© Mark Alexander
July 13, 2022


Grooms that rock, sparkle and roll!

Many thanks to StudioGregg Photography for this delightful and uplifting gay marriage photo.

heute 19:00 Uhr vom 12.07.2022 Hunger, Gas, Privathaushalte, Euro, Cyberangriffe (українською)

Jul 12, 2022 Der Euro steht unter Druck. Nach Monaten im Sinkflug war der Euro heute nur noch einen Dollar wert. Diese und weitere Nachrichten des Tages in den ZDFheute Nachrichten um 19 Uhr.

Maroc - Des trains pas comme les autres - Fès - Marrakech - Sahara - Documentaire HD

Sep 15, 2020 Dès son arrivée à Rabat, la capitale politique, le globe-trotter est saisi par une ville où la vie semble paisible et douce.

Après Fès, l'incontournable, direction le sud pour rejoindre Marrakech. Puis, Philippe s'approche du Sahara mythique, là où la route s'achève.

La rencontre d'un chamelier qui lui ouvre les portes du désert lui donne accès aux sensations les plus fortes que le Maroc puisse offrir.

Un film écrit par William Japhet et Philippe Gougler
Réalisé par William Japhet
Présenté par Philippe Gougler
Produit par Jean-Baptiste Jouy - Step by Step productions

Les plus belles destinations, c’est ici. Abonnez vous !

Donald Trump Tweet Incited Capitol Attack, Says Inquiry - BBC News

Jul 13, 2022 A Trump tweet mobilised far-right extremists to converge on Washington DC on the day of last year's Capitol riot, a congressional inquiry has heard.

The then-president forged ahead with a rallying call to supporters eventthough aides repeatedly told him he had fairly lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden.

The committee accuses Mr Trump of an attempted coup to remain in power. Mr Trump has described the hearings as an attempt to distract Americans from the "disaster" of Democratic governance amid rampant inflation.

It has taken the authorities a long time to come to the conclusion that this was an attempted coup. My followers and visitors will surely remember that I called it out for what it was when it was actually happening. Like many others, I watched the events in real time. I concluded there and then that it was an attempted coup d’état.

Donald Trump is a sh**stirrer who should be incarcerated. At the very least, he should never be allowed to run for high office again. To allow him to do so would be asking for trouble: trouble for America and trouble for the rest of the world. – © Mark Alexander

Sri Lanka President Flees Country on Military Jet - BBC News

Jul 13, 2022 Sri Lanka President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has fled the country on a military jet, amid mass protests over its economic crisis.

The country's air force confirmed the 73-year-old flew to the Maldives with his wife and two security officials

. Sri Lankan Prime Minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe, has declared a state of emergency across the country.

BBC News: Sri Lanka protesters storm prime minister's office »

La grande puissance en mutation | Le Royaume-Uni et le Brexit (1/2) | ARTE

Jul 13, 2022 Pourquoi les Britanniques ont-ils décidé de quitter l’Europe ? Cette première partie aborde l’héritage colonial de l’empire – qui fit du petit État insulaire la première puissance mondiale au XIXe siècle – et le souvenir victorieux de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, deux éléments clés ayant nourri l’aspiration à l’indépendance nationale, l’euroscepticisme et le racisme d’une partie des Britanniques.

Depuis le référendum de 2016, qui a scellé la sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’Union européenne au 31 décembre 2020, les menaces proférées à l’encontre des musulmans et les agressions contre les immigrés d’Europe de l’Est et les homosexuels ont bondi de 40 % dans le pays. Ravivé par le mouvement Black Lives Matter, né outre-Atlantique, le passé colonial de la Grande-Bretagne pèse de plus en plus sur les débats dans un pays fracturé entre europhiles et europhobes. Comment en est-on arrivé là ? De 1945 à aujourd’hui en passant par l’adhésion du Royaume-Uni à la Communauté économique européenne en 1973, cette première partie aborde notamment l’héritage colonial de l’empire – qui fit du petit État insulaire la première puissance mondiale au XIXe siècle – et le souvenir victorieux de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, deux éléments clés ayant nourri l’aspiration à l’indépendance nationale, l’euroscepticisme et le racisme d’une partie des Britanniques.

Portrait choral

À travers les témoignages de citoyens aux profils variés (cinéaste, ancien syndicaliste, chef d’entreprise, psychologue, humoriste...), Sebastian Bellwinkel (Policiers et citoyens, une relation sous tension) retrace le long processus – historique, économique, politique… – qui a conduit une majorité de Britanniques sur la voie du Brexit.

Documentaire de Sebastian Bellwinkel (Allemagne, 2020, 52mn)
Rediffusion disponible jusqu'au 06/10/2022

ARTE : Le pays des contradictions | Le Royaume-Uni et le Brexit (2/2) »

‘Have You Recently Had an Abortion?’ Australian Transiting through US Questioned Then Deported

THE GUARDIAN: Madolline Gourley says she was on her way to Canada for a holiday when US immigration officials intervened

An Australian woman who planned to house-sit in Canada during a holiday has said she was detained, fingerprinted, interrogated about her abortion history and quickly deported during a stopover in the US.

Madolline Gourley, a Brisbane resident, says she was treated like a criminal during her transit through Los Angeles on 30 June, where she was detained at the border due to suspicions about her intention to house- and cat-sit in exchange for accommodation while holidaying in Canada.

Gourley was held in a detention room, interrogated twice, patted down, fingerprinted and photographed.

At one point a US border official asked Gourley, who was wearing a loose-fitting dress, whether she was pregnant. The same question was repeated as she was moved between rooms. When she again told the US officials she was not pregnant, Gourley was asked whether she had had an abortion.

“She was walking me from one room to the next, and she asked the pregnancy question again,” Gourley told Guardian Australia. “I don’t know if she had forgotten, or she wanted to work out if I was lying or something. “I said no, and she looked at me again and said, ‘Have you recently had an abortion?’

“I don’t know the thought process behind that … I just thought, ‘What’s the relevance of that to my situation?’” » | Christopher Knaus | Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Average UK Household £8,800 a Year Worse Off Than Those in France or Germany

THE GUARDIAN: Thinktank blames inequality and poor productivity as CBI calls for investment policies to fuel growth

The UK’s failure to get serious about inequality and weak growth over the past 15 years has left the average British household £8,800 poorer than its equivalent in five comparable countries, research has found.

A “toxic combination” of poor productivity and a failure to narrow the divide between rich and poor had resulted in a widening prosperity gap with France, Germany, Australia, Canada and the Netherlands, the report from the Resolution Foundation said.

The thinktank said that if the UK matched the average income and inequality levels of those countries, typical household incomes in Britain would be a third higher and those of the poorest households two-fifths greater.

Its chief executive, Torsten Bell, said: “Britain is a rich country, with huge economic and cultural strengths. But those strengths are not being built on with the recent record of low growth leaving Britain trailing behind its peers.

“This forms a toxic combination with the UK’s high inequality, leaving low- and middle-income households far poorer than their counterparts in similar countries. » | Larry Elliott | Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The Genuine, Enthusiastic, Loving Kiss

Jack and Ianto: A kiss by darkenrose on Deviant Art, the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of art.

Very many thanks to Deviant Art on Pinterest for this great, affectionate and so obviously genuine, sincere photo of two men in love.

Nur noch einen Dollar wert: Der Euro ist so schwach wie zuletzt vor 20 Jahren – eine neue Krise droht

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Wer geht konsequenter gegen die hohe Inflation vor: die Amerikaner oder die Europäer? Der Markt denkt, die amerikanische Zentralbank. Die europäische Notenbank dagegen hat sich in die Ecke manövriert und fürchtet offensichtlich sogar eine neue Euro-Krise.

Der Wert des Euro sinkt. | Kai Pfaffenbach / Reuters

20 Jahre nach einem vorübergehenden Höhenflug auf bis zu 1.60 Dollar ist der Euro wieder auf den Boden der Tatsachen zurückgefallen: Am Dienstag kostet eine Einheit der Einheitswährung nun noch einen Dollar. Denn Europa hat sich in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten geld-, finanz-, wirtschafts- und geopolitisch erheblichen Illusionen hingegeben – und nun zahlt der Kontinent den Preis dafür. Kaum irgendwo lässt sich das besser ablesen als an der Kursentwicklung der im Januar des Jahres 1999 eingeführten Buchwährung. Dieser hat allein seit Jahresanfang knapp 12 Prozent seines Wertes zur amerikanischen Währung verloren, und der Euro-Kurs ist am Dienstag auf den tiefsten Stand seit zwei Jahrzehnten gefallen. » | Christof Leisinger | Dienstag, 12. Juli 2022


Der Euro wird schwächer und schwächer. Aber dass er zum Dollar die Parität erreicht hat, ist irrelevant: Die Abwärtsspirale in den vergangenen Wochen war schnell und brutal – und das muss noch nicht das Ende sein. Denn es gibt gute Gründe, und kurz nach seiner Einführung war die europäische Einheitswährung schon schwächer als heute. »

Le destin tragique de la dynastie impériale des Romanov | Arte | Reupload

La fin d'une dynastie impériale.

WIKIPÉDIA : Maison Romanov.

Ein Schnaps zur Verdauung | Karambolage | ARTE

Jul 12, 2022 Katrin Goldmann lebt seit vielen Jahren in Frankreich. Sie stellt uns ein Ritual vor, mit dem die Franzosen sich helfen, wenn sie zu viel gegessen haben: das „trou normand“.

Text: Katrin Goldmann
Bild: Clémence Gandillot
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 10/11/2046

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – July 12, 2022

Pasta alla puttanesca by U-go

Nov 20, 2020 Make sure you prepare this delicious and easy Italian pasta. I prepare a lot every time. A great flavor to take you directly to Italy through taste. It is one of the most delicious pasta recipe enjoyed throughout the whole world. Try the spicy pasta everyone loves.

Everyone loves this pasta puttanesca and everyone who eats it will ask you for the recipe!

ASMR - the Italian way.


penne rigate
400 gm pitted green olives
80 gm pitted black olives
600 gm peeled tomatoes
50 gm capers
50 gm anchovy fillets in oil
2 garlic cloves
1 sprig of parsley
1 hot pepper
Salt to taste.
Extra virgin olive oil (EVO) – as needed


As shown in video.

If you wish to comment on this recipe, please click here.

To read about the name puttanesca and the odd history of the sauce, please click here.

Euro und Dollar erreichen Parität


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: An den Devisenmärkten ist die europäische Gemeinschaftswährung nun genauso viel Wert wie der amerikanische Dollar. Anleger flüchten sich derzeit in Dollar-Anlagen, da alles andere risikobehaftet scheint.

Nach einigen Tagen Ringen hat der Euro nun die Grenze von einem Dollar nach unten durchbrochen. Damit ist die europäische Gemeinschaftswährung zum ersten Mal seit 2002 wieder genauso viel Wert wie der amerikanische Dollar. Am Mittag kostete ein Euro genau 1,0000 Dollar. Devisen schwanken normalerweise in geringem Maße, deshalb werden ihre Wechselkurse an den Finanzmärkten mit bis zu vier Nachkommastellen angegeben. » | Von Gregor Brunner | Dienstag, 12. Juli 2022

L’euro atteint la parité avec le dollar, une première depuis sa mise en circulation : La monnaie unique européenne est plombée par le risque de coupure des approvisionnements russes en gaz pour l’Union européenne. »

Hitler's Favourite Royal | World War 2 Documentary | Timeline | Reupload

Sep 8, 2017 Prince Charles Edward was Queen Victoria’s favourite grandson. In 1900, the sixteen-year-old Prince was the only viable British contender for the hugely wealthy Dukedom of Saxe Coburg and Gotha in Germany. Ordered to go by Queen Victoria, he took the title and was transformed from a British Prince into a German Duke – Herzog Carl Eduard. The course of his life was altered in ways neither he nor Queen Victoria could have ever imagined.

At the outbreak of the First World War, Prince Charles Edward had no option but to fight for Germany against the country of his birth. When the War ended, he was stripped of his British titles, and an Act of Parliament branded him a Traitor Peer. Disillusioned and depressed, Charles Edward became an enthusiastic supporter of Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist Workers’ Party, and unwittingly helped him in his rise to power. Appointing him President of the Anglo German Fellowship, Hitler offered Charles Edward a way to return to Britain with his head held high.

Charles Edward was also President of the German Red Cross, and it was this that would ultimately embroil him in the darkest aspects of the Nazi regime, implicating him in the T4 Euthanasia Programme. At the end of the Second World War, he was arrested by the Americans, held in a series of harsh internment camps and forced to undergo a humiliating trial where, despite his claims he had no knowledge of the crimes of the regime, he was adjudged to have been an important Nazi and was almost bankrupted by heavy fines. He died in poverty and obscurity in Germany in 1954. His sister Princess Alice, who had stayed in England, became one of the most popular members of the Royal Family and a favourite aunt of Queen Elizabeth II. She was the living embodiment of the life her brother could have had, if it had not been for Queen Victoria’s fateful decision fifty years earlier. Documentary first broadcast in 2007.

Roberto B. Tucci on YouTube: Content licensed from TVF International.

Euro Nears Parity with Dollar as Pound Hits Two-year Low

THE GUARDIAN: Europe’s single currency battered by fears over gas supply from Russia and US interest rate rises

One euro coin placed on top of one dollar bills Photograph: Gerard Bottino/SOPA Images/REX/Shutterstock

The euro is on the brink of parity with the dollar as investors fear that an energy crisis will plunge the region’s economy into recession.

The single currency fell to just $1.0003 on Tuesday morning, pushed lower by worries that the scheduled shutdown of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline – which transports natural gas from Russia to Europe – for maintenance could be made permanent.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in late February has triggered fears over Europe’s energy supply and hurt the region’s economies, pushing the euro 12% lower against the US dollar so far this year.

The euro is also being hit by expectations of further aggressive interest rate rises by the US Federal Reserve, which are driving the dollar higher. » | Julia Kollewe and Graeme Wearden | Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Business Live: Euro falls to brink of parity with dollar over fears Russia will cut off gas supplies »

How Delightful!

Grooms pose at their wedding reception table filled with bright and bold colors of red, white, green, and blue. Red tapered candles in tall gold holders decorate the table. | Eclectic Red and Blue Wedding Inspiration in Detroit | #equalitymindedweddings #lgbtweddingmagazine #loveinc #redcandleswedding #eclecticwedding #boldcolorswedding

Many thanks to Love Inc. on Pinterest for this super photo.

Monday, July 11, 2022

"We Are the World" : Official 35th Anniversary Video

Apr 16, 2020 The words and music are just as relevant today as they were then. The charity is still able to help so many in need. Together we can make a difference! The song is still streaming and still helping! #wearetheworld | Views on YouTube: 64,146,577

Fat Fiction : Movie

Premiered Jul 29, 2021 Fat Fiction reveals how the United States government relied on questionable evidence to support one of the most damaging public health recommendations in the history of our country: the “low fat diet.” Featuring world leaders in low-carb nutrition:

Dr. Mark Hyman, Functional Medicine Doctor and Director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine and the UltraWellness Center and Chairman of the board of the Institute for Functional Medicine.

Dr. Sarah Hallberg, Obesity Expert has reversed Type 2 Diabetes in hundreds of patients by ignoring the guidelines and prescribing a high fat, low carb nutrition plan.

Dr Jason Fung, Nephrologist and author of The Obesity Code, a book for reversing Type 2 Diabetes with LCHF and Intermittent Fasting.

Professor Tim Noakes, author of the Lore of Running.

Nina Teicholz, Journalist and author of the Big Fat Surprise.

Gary Taubes, Journalist and author of Good Calories, Bad Calories and The Case Against Sugar.

Dr. Rob Lustig, Pediatric Endocriniologist at University of California, San Francisco

Dr. Bret Scher, Cardiologist and Lipidologist practicing in San Diego

Dr. Eric Westman, Director of the Lifestyle Medicine clinic at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina

Dr. Brian Lenzkes, Internal Medicine Doctor Jonny Bowden, Nutritionist and author of The Great Cholesterol Myth

Dr. Zoe Harcombe, phD obesity researcher who wrote her thesis on the lack of evidence behind the US Dietary Guidelines

Professor Andrew Mente, McMaster University and researcher on the PURE Study

Alyssa Gallagher, Registered Dietician, Certified Diabetes Educator at Humphries Diabetes Center in Boise, Idaho

Doug Reynolds, Founder of LowCarb USA

Related video.

EU Officials Implicated in Leak of Uber's Ruthless Growth Tactics | DW News

Jul 11, 2022 A joint investigation by DW and more than 40 media outlets has revealed how Uber aggressively lobbied governments and potentially even skirted some laws as it expanded its ride-sharing service.

A trove of leaked documents suggests Uber hid information from investigators in the Netherlands by remotely killing internal devices in its Amsterdam office. It also details the close relationship between Uber and then French Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron at a time when the company was trying to avoid French regulations. Macron gave the company direct access to his staff.

No Amount of Reputation Laundering Will Clean the Tory Party after Boris Johnson

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: The next leader will be as much to blame for our crisis as the PM – no matter how they try to shimmy away from the crime scene

Boris Johnson, flanked by Sajid Javid (left) and Rishi Sunak. Photograph: Toby Melville/AP

In most successful revolutions, there comes a moment when the dictator is ushered out of office by a powerful figure within their inner circle. During the Arab spring, the formula became familiar: a military commander would claim they could no longer stand by as a despotic president brutalised protesters. They would speak up, jettisoning their career for the sake of the nation, and would give a pious address about their love of country. Yet as the bitter aftermath of the Arab spring demonstrates, the person who deposes the dictator often helped to create them. They are not a saviour. In fact, they may be the next dictator.

The Tory party is now home to an entire cast of these protagonists, who all claim they did the right thing for the sake of the nation. Over the next few weeks, Tory ministers will do and say anything they can to launder their reputations and heap responsibility for the catastrophic failure of this government on the head of Boris Johnson alone. Their resignation letters and tweets have all followed the same treacly template – one that is sickening in its dishonesty, disgraceful in its resorts to the rhetoric of patriotism, insulting in its reach for excuses, transparent in its identical format. » | Nesrine Malik | Monday, July 11, 2022

Preggers at Last?

As uterus transplants become a more realistic possibility, some doctors say they are receiving inquiries from male patients who identify as women and want to become pregnant, according to the Daily Caller. The first baby was born with a uterus transplant in September 2014 in Sweden.

With many thanks to on Pinterest for this photo.

Read the full article here.

Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – July 11, 2022

Why I Left Russia and Can't Go Back

Jul 10, 2022 As Putin's brutal invasion of Ukraine continues, we look at the opportunities Russia failed to take after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

This is a meditation on the collapse of the USSR, why Russia failed to take the opportunity that followed, and where this leaves the world here and now.

Dimitra’s Dishes: Crinkle Spanakopita: The Easiest Way to Make Spinach Pie


Get the recipe here.

Das Ende der britischen Schludrigkeit

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Man kann Johnsons erzwungenen Rückzug als Triumph ehrbarer politischer Tugenden über einen zur Selbstherrlichkeit neigenden Sonnenkönig feiern. Aber sein Abschied bedeutet auch einen Verlust.

Der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson stellt im November 2019 das Manifest der Konservativen Partei in Telford vor. | Bild: EPA

Mit dem Rückzug Boris Johnsons verabschiedet sich das Vereinigte Königreich aus der emotional aufgeladenen Post-Brexit-Phase. Wen immer die Konservative Partei in den kommenden Wochen oder Monaten zum Nachfolger wählen wird – es wird jemand sein, der (oder die) nicht mehr so persönlich mit dem „Projekt“ verbunden ist wie der Mann, den manche auch den Vater des Brexits nannten.

Für die Beziehungen zwischen Großbritannien und der Europäischen Union klingt das erst mal nach einer guten Nachricht. Es wird den Regierungschefs auf dem Kontinent leichter fallen, das verkrampfte Verhältnis mit einem Premierminister zu entspannen, den sie nicht persönlich verachten. Die nächste Regierung in London wird vermutlich weniger peinlich darauf bedacht sein, die Vorzüge des Brexits herauszustellen, und die Europäische Union muss nun nicht mehr in gleicher Weise heimzahlen. » | Ein Kommentar von Jochen Buchsteiner, London | Samstag, 9. Juli 2022

Zugang zu allen F+Artikeln jetzt für nur 2,95 € 1 € / Woche | Mit einem Klick online kündbar | Um vom Angebot zu profitieren, klicken Sie bitte hier.

Gay Parents and Their Babies

Many people will cringe at the thought, I’m sure; but in many ways, this baby is a lucky baby. Lucky, because it will be a wanted baby. These parents are so obviously thrilled to be the fathers of this lovely baby. Conversely, how many babies are there in the world today who are unwanted by their straight parents? Being a straight parent is no guarantee that the parent will be a good parent, especially in this frenetic and hedonistic world we inhabit. I can wish these two fathers and their baby only luck and the very best for the future. Happy fatherhood! Bonne chance !

With many thanks to Kyle Wilson on Pinterest for this unusual, loving and delightful photo.

Putin vereinfacht Ukrainern Zugang zu russischer Nationalität

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG – LIVEBLOG – UKRAINE: Großbritannien: Russische Armee krankt an fehlendem Fronturlaub +++ Russische Rakete zerstört Wohngebäude in Charkiw +++ Selenskyj ruft wegen Gegenoffensive Zivilisten im Süden zur Flucht auf +++ alle Entwicklungen im Liveblog.

Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin hat ein Dekret unterzeichnet, welches das Verfahren zur Erlangung der russischen Staatsbürgerschaft für Personen „vereinfacht“, die ihren ständigen Wohnsitz in der Ukraine oder auf dem Territorium der sogenannten Volksrepubliken Donezk und Luhansk haben. Das Dokument wurde auf dem Portal der Rechtsinformationen veröffentlicht, berichtete die russische Nachrichtenagentur RIA. Darin heißt es: „Alle Bürger der Ukraine haben das Recht, die Staatsbürgerschaft der russischen Föderation nach einem vereinfachten Verfahren zu beantragen.“

Zuvor wurde das „vereinfachte Verfahren“ verwendet, um russische Pässe in den von Russland besetzten Teilen der Oblaste Donezk und Luhansk auszustellen. Russland hat seit 2019 bereits fast eine Million Pässe im besetzten Donezk und Luhansk verteilt. » | Martin Franke | Montag, 11. Juli 2022

Aux Etats-Unis, un incendie hors de contrôle menace les séquoias géants du parc national de Yosemite

LE MONDE : Les pompiers préparent le « Grizzly Giant », le séquoia le plus spectaculaire du parc américain, à l’approche des flammes en l’arrosant en permanence.

Aux Etats-Unis, un feu de forêt hors de contrôle depuis trois jours dans le parc national de Yosemite, dans l’est de la Californie, menace désormais ses séquoias géants, a annoncé, dimanche 10 juillet, le parc naturel.

L’incendie, qui a atteint Mariposa Grove (« Le Bosquet du papillon »), le secteur le plus prisé du parc car s’y trouvent des centaines de séquoias parmi les plus grands au monde, « s’étend actuellement sur 644 hectares et rien ne l’arrête », a déclaré le parc en précisant que 360 pompiers étaient mobilisés. Une partie du parc a été fermée au public vendredi. » | Le Monde avec AFP et Reuters | lundi 11 juillet 2022

Peter Oborne Absolutely DESTROYS Boris Johnson & Everything That Made Him Possible

Jul 11, 2022 "Boris Johnson was able to rise because of powerful anti-democratic forces"

En Thaïlande, le cannabis dépénalisé

LE MONDE : Cette mesure était une promesse de campagne du partenaire de coalition des généraux thaïlandais qui dirigent le gouvernement qui a succédé à la junte militaire en 2019.

Une vendeuse de produits à base de cannabis à l’occasion du salon « Thailand : 420 Legalaew ! », organisé par Highland dans la province de Nakhon Pathom, en Thaïlande, le 11 juin 2022. LILLIAN SUWANRUMPHA / AFP

A quelques encablures du quartier des temples et du palais royal, Khao San Road, la Mecque du touriste étranger à Bangkok, avec ses bars, ses guest houses et ses boutiques de souvenirs, a vu apparaître ces dernières semaines un nouveau type de commerce : celui du cannabis, connu sous le terme de ganja en Thaïlande, sous toutes ses formes et variétés, ou presque.

Frame, 31 ans, sa sœur Fen et un troisième frère, qui n’ont pas donné leur nom, ont investi 400 000 baths (12 000 euros) de leurs économies dans un weed truck, camion à herbe baptisé Good Gets (les bons plans), dont l’étal réfrigéré expose une demi-douzaine de variétés de fleurs rangées dans des bocaux. Ils en font pousser chez eux et en achètent à un fournisseur dans leur province natale, à Surat Thani, dans le sud du pays. Moyennant une obole journalière versée à la police, ils occupent depuis le 20 juin cet emplacement un peu à l’écart de la rue principale, celle où les bars rivalisent de puissance sonore pour attirer le chaland : « On n’a pas osé se mettre là-bas, on ne parle pas assez bien anglais », dit l’un des frères. » | Par Brice Pedroletti (Bangkok, correspondant en Asie du Sud-Est) | lundi 11 juillet 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Lionel Richie : Do It To Me

Aug 4, 2018 Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Views on YouTube: 7,362,387 views

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Daniil Trifonov – Chopin: Fantaisie-Impromptu In C-Sharp Minor, Op. 66

Tobacco-free: Today Marks Three Months Since I Smoked My Last Cigarette

I would just like to inform you, my followers and visitors, that today, to the date, marks three months since I smoked my last cigarette.

I am happy to inform you that the transition from being a smoker to being a non-smoker has been totally pain-free. I have given up without any problems or cravings; moreover, I have had no withdrawal symptoms whatsoever. None!

Do I still find smoking fascinating? Yes! Yes, I still do. But it is nothing more than that: a fascination. I love to see a photo of a man smoking a cigarette; but I do not myself need to smoke one.

Hsve there been any downsides to quitting? Not really! Other than possibly relinquishing some pleasure. But on a positive note, I have already saved a great deal of money, not having to buy cigarettes.

I still find smoking fascinating and sexy. Nothing comes close to it. There truly is something about a handsome person who smokes a cigarette, especially a man. However, we now find ourselves living in puritanical times. It will not always be thus; times and moods will return to sanity. People will find out that smoking is not as bad as what will replace it for pleaure. In years to come, the loony bins will be full!

I have no doubt in my mind at all that times will change. Smoking cigarettes will surely become salonfähig and acceptable in polite society again, especially when people eventually realize that there are other 'pleasures' far more harmful than smoking cigarettes. But we haven’t got there yet. Watch this space!

© Mark Alexander
Sunday, July 10, 2022

Do Men’s Faces Come More Beautiful Than This? Mesmerizingly Handsome! | Reupload

Kommen Männergesichter schöner als das? Faszinierend schön! / Les visages des hommes sont-ils plus beaux que ça ? D'une beauté fascinante !

Very many thanks to ? on Pinterest for this photograph of an extraordinarily handsome man.

De quoi embellir votre maison.

Etwas, mit dem Sie Ihr Zuhause verschönern können. / Something to beautify your home with.

Mes remerciements pour ce beau tapis vont à Rug Studio sur Pinterest.

Bee Gees : Alone | Reupload

Exciting sounds: Views on YouTube: 21,080,360

Bee Gees : Stayin' Alive | Official Video | Reupload

Oct 27, 2009 Bee Gees "Stayin' Alive" official music video, remastered in HD. | Views on YouTube: 632,751,577

Unadulterated Style

Cutting a dash at the beach!

Many thanks to Alexander Daas, Opticians, Los Angeles on Pinterest for this beautiful image.

Novak Djokovic Crowned Wimbledon Champion after Beating Nick Kyrgios

THE GUARDIAN: Djokovic prevails 4-6, 6-3, 6-4, 7-6 (3) to take 21st grand slam title / Kyrgios again involved in fiery exchanges with umpire

Novak Djokovic now has 21 grand slam titles: one ahead of Roger Federer and one behind Rafael Nadal. Photograph: John Walton/PA

As Novak Djokovic returned to the lawns of Wimbledon to begin a new campaign two weeks ago, he was followed around the grounds with an extra touch of pressure. He was deported before the first grand slam tournament of the year, then he was thoroughly outplayed in the second. It is still not certain where he will be allowed to play next. On the court, he was still toiling to regain the mental edge that has evaded him this year.

It has evidently returned. In one of the most keenly awaited grand slam finals for neutral fans, Djokovic absorbed a faultless start from Nick Kyrgios before raising his own level and gradually smothering his opponent, recovering from a set down to defeat Kyrgios 4-6, 6-3, 6-4, 7-6(3) and win the 2022 Wimbledon title. » | Tumaini Carayol at Wimbledon | Sunday, July 10, 2022

Wimbledon Live: Men’s Final, Nick Kyrgios v. Novak Djokovic

BBC Sport

Watch here.

Unfortunately, I believe that this link will work only for my British visitorse, BBC licence-payers. If I find another live solution, I will post it. So far, this is the only satisfactory solution that I have been able to find. – Mark

Autriche - Des trains pas comme les autres - Vienne - Zell am See - Documentaire Voyage

Jul 10, 2022 En Autriche, Philippe Gougler débute son voyage en pleine tempête de neige dans un petit train qui circule dans les montagnes de village en village. Les plus belles destinations, c’est ici. Abonnez vous, s'il vous plaît.

Dans la vallée, il va à la rencontre de Tony, un chanteur de Yodel, avant de découvrir, à la gare de Zell am See, un homme qui se prépare à tirer une locomotive et ses wagons. Du village d'Axams à Vienne en passant par la mythique ligne Semmeringbahn, Philippe achève son périple en assistant au grand Bal de la Rudolfina-Redoute, organisé par des étudiants pour récolter des fonds.

Auteur : Philippe Gougler, William Japhet
Réalisation : William Japhet
Production : Step by Step productions
©Step by Step productions

'If He Continues in Office, the Conservative Party Will Be Destroyed by Him'

Jul 6, 2022 The former Attorney General Dominic Grieve says Boris Johnson will refuse to step down and his fingers will have to be 'prised from the window ledge'. "The PM is delivering nothing but chaos."

Hitler privat: Der Kriegsherr (2) | SPIEGEL TV

Jul 10, 2022 Es sind die letzten Wochen und Monate des Dritten Reichs. Bevor sich Adolf Hitler im Führerbunker verschanzt, verbringt seine Entourage die Zeit auf dem Obersalzberg. Die letzte Folge aus der Reihe "Hitler privat".

Andere Teile dieser Doku-Serie sind hier verfügbar, inklusiv Teil I: „Hitler: Der Kriegsherr (1)“.

Saturday, July 09, 2022

What Will Boris Johnson's Economic Legacy Be? | DW Business

Jul 9, 2022 Uncertain times lie ahead for the UK. Now that Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced his resignation, the race is on to find the next PM. Johnson is preparing to leave just as the UK is staring down a plethora of economic woes. Inflation is set to hit 10 percent and there are dire growth forecasts for next year. Several Conservative Party members of parliament already have their eyes on 10 Downing Street, including former Finance Minister Rishi Sunak, and his replacement, Nadim Zahawi. To break down Johnson's economic legacy and look to the future in the UK, DW spoke to someone who intimately knows the challenges at the heart of government.

End Station: EU! Großbritannien: Der Europäischen Union angehöhrend. Großbritannien gehört der Europäischen Union. Wir Briten sind doch Europäer. Deshalb müssen wir der Europäischen Union noch einmal wieder gehören.

Großbritannien hat eine wunderbare königliche Familie, in deren Venen deutsches Blut rinnt. Wir lieben die königliche Familie, und wir müssen auch lernen die Europäische Union zu lieben. Europäer sind unsere natürliche Familie. Wir gehören dieser Familie.

Um es noch einmal klar zu sagen, um es zu betonen, ich weiß ganz genau, wo wir Briten hingehören: Wir gehören ohne weiteres der Europäischen Union. Zweifellos! – © Mark Alexander

Ein heißer, liebevoller Kuss im Wasser an einem lauen Sommerabend. | Reupload

A hot, loving kiss in the water on a warm summer’s evening. / Un baiser chaud et affectueux dans l'eau par une chaude soirée d'été.

Für dieses schöne Bild möchte ich mich bei Herofan auf Pinteresr bedanken.

How Hot Is This?

Vapes, piercings and tattoos just don’t match up to a good ol’ cigarette. If you want to be sexy, forget all that, and light up unapologetically!

Many thanks to mennyfox55 on Pinterest for this superb photo.

Real, Normal, Masculine, Handsome Man

Hot, defiant , unapologetic, handsome man. [Eat your hearts out, Javid and Drakeford!] Re-normalize smoking!

With many thanks to We Heart It on Pinterest for this lovely photo of a real man, masculine man, young and handsome.

Protesters Storm Sri Lanka's Presidential Palace in Colombo | DW News

Jul 9, 2022 Sri Lanka's capital Colombo is in turmoil after protesters stormed the compound of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. Security sources say he left the area earlier for his own safety.

Public anger at the countrys leader has been mounting during the country's unprecedented economic crisis. People are enduring acute shortages of fuel, food and medicines, with the country unable to pay for imports. Critics blame the hardships on Rajapaksa and his family, who they say are corrupt. Meanwhile the prime minister's office says he's willing to resign.


Hacked! The Sidebar Is Missing!

Some little runt has hacked this website. Some little impolite, ignorant, childish tw*t, I presume. I hope his mummy buys him a rattle soon. Something to amuse him. The little loser might then have a chance to get a life. My advice: Speak nicely to mummy! I feel almost sure she’ll be willing to buy you a rattle. Speak extra gently to her and she’ll probably buy you a dummy (pacifier) as well. What a bonus already! Oh, and please do the decent thing: Undo the cr*p you’ve just done.

© Mark Alexander
Saturday, July 9, 2022

Quintessentially Chanel

Inès de la Fressange: Chanel Ad's 1980s

With many thanks to ana lee on Pinterest for this iconic photo of a Chanel creation.

The Beach Boys: California Girls | 2001 Stereo Mix

Jun 16, 2022 Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Ina Garten's Roast Duck Breast with Cherries and Port | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Jul 5, 2022 Ina reveals the secret for making this tough meat incredibly tender with her year-round take on an elegant duck dinner!


2 (1-pound) or 4 (8-ounce) Moulard duck breasts
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon canola oil
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 cup minced shallots (2 shallots)
1 1/2 tablespoons good sherry
wine vinegar
3/4 cup ruby Port wine
1/2 cup good chicken stock, preferably homemade
1/2 cup dried cherries
1/4 cup crème fraiche
1 teaspoon grated orange zest
1/4 cup freshly squeezed orange juice

Directions / Method:

Wrap each duck breast in plastic wrap and pound them with a meat mallet until each breast is about 1 inch thick.

Place the duck on a plate, sprinkle both sides with a total of 4 teaspoons salt, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least 6 hours, or overnight.

When ready to cook, the duck, preheat the oven to 375 degrees F [190C].

Score the skin of the duck breasts with a sharp knife, making a crosshatch pattern but not cutting down to the meat.

In a large (12-inch) heavy-bottomed, ovenproof skillet, heat the oil over medium heat. Place the duck breasts in the pan, skin side down. Cook uncovered over medium heat for 12 to 15 minutes, discarding the fat from the pan occasionally, until the skin is very browned. Turn the duck with tongs, place the skillet in the oven, and roast for 12 to 18 minutes, until the internal temperature of the duck s 120 degrees F for rare. Remove from the oven, cover the pan tightly with aluminum foil, and allow the duck to rest for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, make the sauce. Melt the butter over medium-high heat in a medium saucepan. Add the shallots and saute for 2 minutes, until tender. Add the vinegar and cook for one minute. Add the Port, chicken stock, cherries, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1/2 teaspoon pepper, bring to a boil, lower the heat, and simmer for 15 minutes. Stir in the crème fraîche, orange zest, and orange juice and keep warm over low heat.

Transfer the duck to a cutting board and slice diagonally, fanning the slices out on 4 dinner plates. Spoon the sauce generously on top, sprinkle with salt, and serve hot with extra sauce on the side.


…but warm for a heatwave!

Many thanks to Italiandipity on Pinterest for this super photo.

Seth Andrews: “Christianity Made Me Talk Like an Idiot”

Jun 20, 2017 Seth Andrews gave this speech June 3, 2017 in Toronto at the Imagine 7 conference. It's a humorous (and perhaps therapeutic) romp through Seth's religious past...and the often bizarre words and attitudes that reflected his Christian faith.

Viewer discretion is strongly advised. This is not suitable for children. By the way, I post this not as an atheist myself, but as someone who has an open, enquiring mind. I find Seth Andrews rather inspirational, and very often funny too. He frequently highlights the absurdities of the beliefs of many. Enjoy! I should add, however, that if you are at all sensitive or unsure of your beliefs, this video is probably not for you, especially because of its irreverence. – Mark

The Far-Right Christian Quest for Power: ‘We Are Seeing Them Emboldened’: Political candidates on the fringe mix religious fervor with conspiracy theories, even calling for the end of the separation of church and state. »

Außerordentliche Eleganz einer außergewöhnlichen hübschen Dame

Extraordinary elegance of an exceptionally pretty lady / Élégance extraordinaire d'une jolie dame exceptionnellement

Für dieses wunderschöne Bild eines Gemäldes von einer eleganten Dame bedanke ich mich bei Inma de Celis auf Pinterest.

Großbritanniens Premier tritt zurück: Zahlreiche Skandale bringen ihn zu Fall | auslandsjournal

Jul 7, 2022 Seit 2019 führe Boris Johnson sowohl die Tories als Parteichef und Großbritannien als Premierminister an. Nach vielen Skandalen und nach großem Druck aus den eigenen Parteireihen kündigt er seinen Rücktritt an. Partygate, Spendenaffären, fehlgeleitete Corona-Politik und Missbrauchsvorwürfe gegen konservative Politiker haben zu großem Unmut in der Bevölkerung und auch unter seinen Parteifreund*innen geführt.

Lange schien es, als ob Johnson Skandal nach Skandal überlebt, ohne zurücktreten zu müssen. Mitten im Lockdown veranstaltete er beispielsweise Partys, die später durch Videos öffentlich wurden. Von Skandal zu Skandal wurde der Protest gegen den britischen Premier allerdings lauter. Der Tropfen, der das Fass zum Überlaufen brachte, war dann aber die sogenannte Pincher-Affäre. Dem stellvertretenden Fraktionsführer Chris Pincher wurde in mehreren Fällen sexuelle Belästigung vorgeworfen. Wiederholt ließ Johnson verbreiten, er habe von den Anschuldigungen nichts gewusst, als er Pincher beförderte.

Nun verkündet er einen Rücktritt in Etappen: zunächst als Parteivorsitzender und als Premierminister erst dann, wenn ein*e Nachfolger*in gewählt ist.

Boris Johnson May Be Fading Out, but Not the Divisions He Stoked: Long after he is gone, his successors will be wrestling over his signature project, Brexit, and the insoluble issues it raised. »

Sri Lanka: Thousands of Protesters Storm President's Official Residence

Jul 9, 2022 Protesters stormed the president's official residence in Sri Lanka's capital Colombo after clashing with police and breaking through barriers. The march is the country's biggest demonstration after thousands called for the president to resign amid a huge economic crisis

Tory MPs Hit Back at ‘Treacherous’ Rishi Sunak as Leadership Race Begins

THE GUARDIAN: Conservative MPs fear the race to replace Boris Johnson risks becoming a drawn-out, bitter battle

The race to succeed Boris Johnson as prime minister was already slipping into acrimony on Saturday as Conservative factions briefed against Rishi Sunak, the early favourite, while one senior MP called for “no hope” candidates to drop out.

With four candidates confirmed, but predictions that up to 15 could put themselves forward as the next Conservative leader, Tory MPs expressed concern at the potential timetable for the race, and the prospect of bitter infighting.

Sunak, the former chancellor, who entered the race on Friday evening with a slickly edited video campaign message posted on Twitter under the slogan “Ready for Rishi”, is viewed as one of the likely frontrunners.

But he has already faced criticism among fellow MPs for indicating he will focus more on fiscal prudence than immediate tax cuts, with his video taking aim at other candidates who may offer “comforting fairytales” rather than economic truths.

Jacob Rees-Mogg, a Johnson loyalist, said on Friday evening that he could not back Sunak, whose resignation as chancellor helped precipitate the loss of faith in the prime minister that led to him resigning as Tory leader on Thursday. » | Peter Walker, Political correspondent | Saturday, July 9, 2022

End for Johnson as Starmer Backs Tory Brexit

Jul 9, 2022 Boris Johnson, surely the worst prime minister ever, has been forced to resign. At the same time, Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, in a speech earlier this week has made a commitment that under Labour the UK will not attempt to rejon the EU Customs Union or the Single Market or accept free movement, nor will iLabour ever attempt to rejoin the European Union.

He spoke in meaningless terms such as 'making Brexit work', and 'eliminating border controls' even though that is not within the UK's power. He talked of eliminating red tape when the only red tape we must deal with is that which we have to deal with as a direct result of Brexit.

He will soon be facing a new Conservative prime minister who could well have voted to remain in the EU and who may well wish to be closer to the EU, given the immense damage Brexit has already done to our economy. By making this commitment Starmer has closed off any room to move if public opinion begins to favour closer union with the EU.

Kherson Region Plans Referendum on Joining Russia | Ukraine Update

Jul 8, 2022 Vladimir Putin has warned that his country's offensive in Ukraine has barely begun. He's also accused the West of fueling the war, declaring that western efforts to defeat him would bring tragedy to Ukraine. The Russian president was addressing parliamentary leaders.

Russian forces now dominate Ukraine's eastern and southern cities. Back in June, the occupying administration in Kherson announced that there would be a referendum on joining Russia - though no date has been announced.

Many residents won't be around to vote - tens of thousands are believed to have left for Ukrainian-controlled territory since the city fell. Since it's all-but impossible for independent Western journalists to report from there, DW’s Nick Connolly got in touch with two locals, who told him about life under occupation.

Everything Tainted by Johnson’s Lies Needs to Be Undone. That Includes His Brexit

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: The prime minister’s exit not only disgraces him and his party – it indicts the fast-unravelling project that brought him to No 10

‘Assessing Boris Johnson’s legacy, his admirers put Brexit at the top of the list.’ Photograph: Carl Court/Getty Images

So Boris Johnson is a remainer after all. Clinging on in No 10, he has, it turns out, the same view of leaving as he does of the rules: that that’s for little people. The one consistent principle of his career has been cakeism, his ardent belief that he alone should be able to have his cake and eat it. And so, true to that spirit even to the last, he has decided both to resign and to remain in office.

Of course, it’s an outrage that he’s still there. Defenders of the Downing Street squatter say it’s no different from the way David Cameron and Theresa May stayed in post while the Tory party – not the country – handpicked a new prime minister. But this situation is wholly different. Johnson has been rejected because his colleagues decided that he lacked the basic integrity to do the job, that he could not be trusted with the keys to the house. By allowing him to stay there, possibly until October, Conservatism’s most senior figures are required once again to parrot nonsense in public, contradicting the words they had uttered no more than a day earlier, just to accommodate him (literally so). Like a vaudeville hypnotist who can make his subjects launch custard pies into their own faces, Johnson’s ability to mesmerise his subordinates into idiocy – even now – is a spectacle to behold.

If they do come to their senses and eject him sooner, they should let the cameras in so we can have one of those post-toppling-of-the-dictator videos, showing the golden wallpaper and the £3,675 serving trolley. At the very least, his successor’s first act should be to order a deep clean of the premises. And not just physically. Given the way Johnson burned through ethics advisers, there needs to be a full, independent audit of what happened in that building for the three years he lodged there. Leaks and resourceful reporters have revealed much, some of it emerging only now; but there will be more.

The dots are all there. Voters are already beginning to join them, even as Starmer insists that the subject is essentially closed. The politicians might not want to say it, but this week is a milestone in the fate of Brexit. The prime author of Britain’s exit from the EU has fallen: the standing of his calamitous project is heading the same way. » | Jonathan Freedland |Friday, July 8, 2022

L’inflation, nouvelle menace sur l’économie mondiale ? | ARTE Info plus

Jul 7, 2022 En juin l’inflation a atteint le taux record de +8,6% dans la zone euro. Ce n’est évidemment qu’une moyenne : certains pays résistent mieux que d’autres, le prix de certains produits s’envole plus que d’autres.

Si cette hausse de prix affecte en premier lieu les plus vulnérables, elle ébranle aussi le fragile équilibre économique mondial. Le milieu économique redoute même une entrée en récession. Alors comment enrayer l’inflation et surtout, jusqu’où peut-elle nous affecter ?

Dies ist der gleiche Videobericht auf Deutsch »

Friday, July 08, 2022

Elon Musk Withdraws $44bn Bid to Buy Twitter after Weeks of High Drama

THE GUARDIAN: World’s richest man had reached a deal to purchase shares of the social media app for $54.20 apiece on 25 April

Elon Musk has withdrawn his $44bn bid to buy Twitter after a dramatic few weeks in the company’s corporate history.

“Mr Musk is terminating the merger agreement because Twitter is in material breach of multiple provisions of that agreement, appears to have made false and misleading representations upon which Mr Musk relied when entering into the Merger Agreement, and is likely to suffer a Company Material Adverse Effect,” wrote lawyers for Musk to Twitter.

The Tesla CEO and richest man on earth had reached a deal to buy Twitter on 25 April, with Musk offering to purchase all of the company’s shares for $54.20 each.

The deal came after weeks of speculation over the company’s future following a 4 April revelation that Musk had become the social media platform’s largest single shareholder. » | Kari Paul in San Francisco | Friday, July 8, 2022

Elon Musk renonce au rachat de Twitter : Les avocats du milliardaire assurent que le réseau social n’a pas respecté ses engagements pris dans l’accord, en ne donnant pas toutes les informations demandées sur le nombre de faux comptes et de spams. »

Elon Musk lässt Vereinbarung zum Kauf von Twitter platzen: Der Tesla-Chef will die Onlineplattform jetzt offiziell nicht mehr kaufen. Aber ein Rückzieher wird wohl nicht so leicht, und Twitter will vor Gericht ziehen. »

Elon Musk Moves to End $44 Billion Deal to Buy Twitter: In a regulatory filing on Friday, Mr. Musk said Twitter was in “material breach” of the acquisition agreement. »

رجل عربي يشرب سيجارة

With thanks to شيخه on Pinterest for this expressive photo. شكرًا

Je t'aime mon cher !

Ich liebe Dich, mein Schatz! / I love you, my darling!


Gott billigt Liebe aller Art

Dieu approuve l'amour de toutes sortes / God approves of love of all kinds

Ich bedanke mich bei auf Pinterest für dieses schöne, ausdrucksvolle Bild.

Hyper-Inflation in der Türkei: Erdogan bangt um seine Macht im Land | auslandsjournal

Jul 8, 2022 In Deutschland wird seit Monaten alles teurer, doch in der Türkei ist die Situation noch viel gravierender. Die Preise für Lebensmittel, Energie und Mieten sind innerhalb eines Jahres um fast 79 Prozent gestiegen. Inoffiziell liegen die Zahlen sogar deutlich höher, sagen Ökonomen. Hinzu kommt, dass rund 60 Prozent aller Beschäftigten im Niedriglohnsektor arbeitet. Viele davon beziehen Mindestlohn, den die Regierung bereits zum zweiten Mal in diesem Jahr angehoben hat.

Vor allem junge Menschen leiden unter der derzeitigen Situation. Viele geben der Politik die Schuld daran. Die Initiative „Wir können nicht überleben“ organisiert Proteste in einem Land, in dem die Staatsmacht allgegenwärtig ist.

Während der innenpolitische Druck gegen den türkischen Regierungschef wächst, wendet er den Blick hin zur Außenpolitik. Zum Beitritt Finnlands und Schwedens hatte er beim NATO-Gipfel vergangene Woche das letzte Wort und kündigte kurz darauf eine Militäroffensive gegen die Kurdenmiliz YPG in Nordsyrien an.

Démission de Boris Johnson : la chute de « M. Brexit »

LE MONDE – ÉDITORIAL : Les trois années du premier ministre britannique à Downing Street, si l’histoire les retient, resteront comme une période de régression politique, économique et sociale lors de laquelle il aura affaibli le Royaume-Uni et le continent européen tout entier.

Il avait commencé sa carrière de journaliste en 1989 en inventant de toutes pièces une citation. Il a dû terminer son mandat de premier ministre, jeudi 7 juillet, après un ultime mensonge public. Boris Johnson aimait se comparer à d’illustres dirigeants britanniques comme Benjamin Disraeli et Winston Churchill. Les trois années qu’il a passées à Downing Street, si l’histoire les retient, resteront comme une période de régression politique, économique et sociale dans l’une des plus vivantes démocraties du monde.

En isolant son pays de l’Europe, en s’accrochant jusqu’au bout au pouvoir en dépit des alertes de ses propres amis et de la perte de confiance des électeurs, M. Johnson aura affaibli le Royaume-Uni, et, partant, le continent européen tout entier.

Que le flamboyant « BoJo » chute pour avoir pris des libertés avec la vérité et méprisé les règles ne devrait surprendre personne. Ces traits saillants de sa personnalité étaient fréquemment relevés bien avant qu’il n’accède au pouvoir, en juillet 2019. Son dilettantisme et son arrogance ont longtemps été masqués par sa tignasse savamment rebelle, son anticonformisme d’enfant gâté, son réel talent d’amuseur et son cynisme sans limites. » | Éditorial | vendredi 8 juillet 2022

Read in English.

Russia Sentences a Lawmaker to Seven Years in Prison for Denouncing the War.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: A court in Moscow on Friday sentenced an opposition lawmaker to seven years in prison for denouncing Russia’s war in Ukraine, handing down the first prison term for what the government made a crime shortly after the invasion.

The sentence is likely to have a chilling effect on Russian society by further raising the stakes for anyone who publicly opposes the war that President Vladimir V. Putin began in late February. While thousands of people protested across Russia in the first weeks of the conflict, the dissent was quickly suppressed amid police violence and the passage of draconian laws that limited free speech.

The opposition lawmaker, Aleksei Gorinov, a municipal deputy in Moscow’s Krasnoselsky district, was found guilty of spreading false information about the Russian Army and its activities, the Tverskoy Court said in a statement on Friday. It said Mr. Gorinov had conspired with others and had used his public office to commit that crime. » | Ivan Nechepurenko and Alina Lobzina | Friday, July 8, 2022

Ukrainian Bakery Creates Cake in Honour of UK's Boris Johnson - BBC News

Jul 8, 2022 A bakery in Ukraine has created a best-selling 'Boris Johnson cake' to thank the UK for its support since Russia's invasion. The Kyiv establishment described Johnson's decision to resign as prime minister as "a very sad situation for us".

That looks like a very apt cake to remember BoJo by. It's a kind of squishy dumpling with a twist; and very fattening. Just what BoJo needs. They might have put some candyfloss on top in memory of his tousled hair. – Mark

Why Europe Is Facing a Record-breaking Heatwave and Drought across the Continent | DW News

Jul 6, 2022 Unpredictable and extreme weather events have long been forecast by climate scientists as global warming sets in. DW's correspondents have been monitoring how the effects are being felt this summer across Europe – from Spain to Greece, and in Germany.