Monday, December 20, 2021

«L’Occident devient une civilisation de la démission»

LE FIGARO : TRIBUNE - Renoncer - à sa charge, à son travail - est très bien vu, désormais. C’est un véritable bouleversement de nos valeurs, que pourtant nous remarquons à peine, analyse finement l’écrivain Xavier Patier.

Sauve qui peut! Le suicide, le retrait, la démission: la fin violente ou soudaine des aventures humaines est en train de devenir une norme en Occident. La lente promotion de l’euthanasie, l’essor des lynchages médiatiques ou judiciaires, la déconstruction constante de la «valeur travail» après les lois Aubry, et enfin le culte du «lâcher prise», ressassé dans nos magazines deviennent chaque jour davantage un marqueur de la nouvelle civilisation en train de naître sous nos yeux.

La même semaine, deux chanceliers autrichiens, Schallenberg et Kurtz, l’archevêque de Paris et un ministre clé du gouvernement libanais ont annoncé leur démission, toujours immédiatement acceptée. Peu de jours après, Guy Forget, héros de notre tennis national, à son tour a jeté l’éponge: il quitte brusquement la direction de Roland-Garros au motif que son nom figure dans une affaire qui n’a pourtant donné lieu jusqu’ici à aucune poursuite pénale. » | Par Xavier Patier | Publié : dimanche 19 décembre 2021 ; mis à jour : lundi 20 décembre 2021

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Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 20, 2021

Brigitte Macron va engager des poursuites après les rumeurs transphobes à son propos

Sur les réseaux sociaux, la Première dame est la cible d'attaques infâmes sur son identité depuis plusieurs jours. Le Figaro

LE FIGARO : La Première dame, ciblée sur Twitter par des rumeurs absurdes, l'accusant d'être un homme du nom de Jean-Michel Trogneux, va porter plainte.

Les fausses informations transphobes circulant à propos de Brigitte Macron ne sont pas prises à la légère par la Première dame. Contacté, son entourage confirme en effet au Figaro que Brigitte Macron compte engager des poursuites et qu'une plainte sera déposée contre les instigateurs de cette rumeur sur son identité.

Pendant plusieurs jours, le mot-dièse #JeanMichelTrogneux s'est en effet retrouvé parmi les sujets les plus discutés en France sur Twitter. Cette fausse information, à la fois mensongère et transphobe, a été largement relayée par une myriade d'utilisateurs du réseau social versés dans les théories du complot. » | Par Jean Cittone | lundi 20 décembre 2021

Brigitte Macron is set to take legal action over an internet conspiracy theory that she is a transgender woman and was born male. »

Seong-Jin Cho – Chopin: Scherzo No. 4 in E Major, Op. 54

Bernie Jessop | From Mormon to Polygamist: How A Gay Man Found His Path

Apr 30, 2020 • He was born into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and in a turn of events Bernie was excommunicated. His excommunication didn’t come because he is gay—that would come later—but because he joined a fundamentalist polygamous church. How does someone who knows he is gay, decide to enter into polygamy? Watch this episode to find out.

Attacking Stonewall for Defending Trans Rights Is a Slippery Slope

THE GUARDIAN: The gender wars are being fuelled by a Tory government – don’t let infighting destroy the LGBTQ+ community’s greatest champion

A Pride message at Piccadilly Circus, central London, on 27 June to commemorate the Stonewall uprising of 1969. Photograph: Hollie Adams/Getty Images

The UK’s national LGBTQ+ charity, Stonewall, has recently been accused of advocating for trans rights. Six years ago, there was another “Stonewall question”, but the issue wasn’t whether the organisation should be advocating for trans rights, but instead why it wasn’t.

For those of us who remember these fights, it’s discombobulating to witness a reframing of Stonewall as a sinister organisation that sneaked trans rights on to its agenda when nobody was looking. The very opposite was the case: it was hard won. Many petitions were circulated, letters written and debates had. The inclusion of trans men, trans women and all transgender people eventually followed in 2015.

Stonewall public campaigns, training, policy, work with employers and sports organisations, for example, included trans and transgender people. They could seek advice if they faced discrimination at work, in housing or health provision. For many people, this was an obvious broadening out of the title, to reflect the solidarity and diversity that already had long existed in LGBTQ+ communities, clubs, organisations and social groups. » | Finn Mackay | Monday, December 20, 2021

‘Peeing Is Very Easy’: Japanese Billionaire Returns to Earth after Documenting Life on ISS

THE GUARDIAN: Yusaku Maezawa spent 12 days at the space station, marking Russia’s return to space tourism after a decade-long pause

Yusaku Maezawa emerges from the Soyuz capsule in Kazakhstan with the help of a Russian space agency team after touching down from the space tourism trip. Photograph: AP

A Japanese billionaire has returned to Earth after 12 days spent on the International Space Station, where he made videos about performing mundane tasks in space including brushing his teeth and going to the toilet.

Online fashion tycoon Yusaku Maezawa and his assistant Yozo Hirano parachuted on to Kazakhstan’s steppe at around the expected landing time of 03.13 GMT on Monday, along with Russian cosmonaut Alexander Misurkin, Russia’s space agency said.

“The flight of the ‘tourist’ spacecraft Soyuz MS-20 has been completed,” Roscosmos said in a statement on its website. » | Agence France-Presse | Monday, December 20, 2021

‘We Need Free Speech’: Protests Erupt across Poland over Controversial Media Bill

THE GUARDIAN: The bill, yet to be signed into law, would tighten rules around foreign ownership of media

Protesters march in Krakow on Sunday to demand Poland’s head of state veto a law they say would limit media freedoms in the country. Photograph: Alex Bona/Sopa Images/Rex/Shutterstock

Poles have staged nationwide protests including a thousands-strong rally outside the presidential palace to demand the head of state veto a law they say would limit media freedoms in the European Union’s largest eastern member.

Unexpectedly rushed through parliament on Friday, the legislation would tighten rules around foreign ownership of media, specifically affecting the ability of news channel TVN24, owned by US media company Discovery Inc, to operate.

The bill, yet to be signed into law by president Andrzej Duda, has soured ties between Nato-member state Poland and the United States at a time of heightened tension in eastern Europe amid what some countries see as increased Russian assertiveness.

It has also fuelled wider fears about attacks on media freedoms that have been running high since state-run oil company PKN Orlen said last year it was taking over a German-owned publisher of regional newspapers.

“This is not just about one channel,” the Warsaw mayor and a former opposition candidate for president, Rafal Trzaskowski, told the crowd on Sunday. “In a moment [there will be] censorship of the internet, an attempt to extinguish all independent sources of information – but we will not allow that to happen.” » | Guardian staff and agencies | Monday, March 20, 2021

The Case for a Universal Basic Income | Free Lunch on Film

Dec 20, 2021 • The coronavirus pandemic has opened the door to radical economic reform, argues FT columnist Martin Sandbu. A no-strings regular cash transfer to everyone could shake up the welfare system, bring new economic security, and create more opportunities for all. Welcome to Free Lunch on Film where unorthodox economic ideas are put to the test.

City Firms Set to Revive EU Relocation Plans in 2022, Brexit Report Predicts

THE GUARDIAN: Tracker from EY finds 44% of big UK financial services players are moving staff to bloc or considering it

London’s financial sector faces pressure from EU regulators to stay in UK or commit fully to Europe. Photograph: Tim Grist Photography/Getty Images

City firms are likely to revive plans to shift staff to the EU once Covid-related travel restrictions ease next year, a financial sector report has said, as the number contemplating such moves continues to rise.

Of the 222 largest UK financial services firms monitored by accountancy firm EY since the 2016 referendum, 97 of them (44%) have confirmed they are relocating staff or operations to the continent, or are considering it – up from 41% in January 2020.

While announcements regarding Brexit-related relocations have slowed in recent years, EY suggested further moves had probably been delayed, rather than reversed, over the past year because of Covid lockdowns and concessions on home working. » | Kalyeena Makortoff, Banking correspondent | Monday, December 20, 2021

Brexit was a dumb idea from the very beginning. Nobody with even an elementary understanding of economics would have ever voted in favour of Brexit. How could anyone expect that leaving the world’s largest single market, the Single Market, would ever lead to prosperity? Fact is, Brexit is a disaster for Britain’s economic future and prosperity. Nothing good will ever come out of Brexit; moreover, it will impoverish the nation. Dumb is as dumb does! – © Mark

Leftist to Become Chile’s Youngest Ever President after Beating Far-right Rival

THE GUARDIAN: Former student leader Gabriel Boric claims 55.8% of votes counted to defeat far-right opponent José Antonio Kast

Supporters of Chilean president-elect Gabriel Boric celebrate in Santiago following the official results of the runoff presidential election on 19 December. Photograph: Claudio Reyes/AFP/Getty Images

A eftist former student leader has stormed to a resounding victory to become Chile’s president-elect.

With nearly 97% of the vote already counted, Gabriel Boric claimed 55.8% to take a 12 percentage point lead over his far-right opponent, José Antonio Kast, an ultra-conservative father of nine, who quickly accepted his defeat and called Boric to congratulate him.

“I would like to thank the millions of Chileans who believed in us,” said Kast on stage outside his campaign headquarters. “Gabriel Boric can count on us,” he concluded.

Boric was due to address expectant crowds on Sunday night, with the air split by the sound of car horns and the jubilant chants of his supporters who have thronged the street corners, plazas and wide boulevards of downtown Santiago. » | John Bartlett in Santiago | Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Michael Bolton : A Love So Beautiful

Provided to YouTube by Columbia | Views on YouTube: 8,970,182

Two Beautiful Men; One Beautiful Kiss!

Deux beaux hommes ; un beau baiser ! / Zwei schöne Männer; ein schöner Kuß!

With thanks to on Pinterest for this lovely photo.

France Urges Johnson to Use Frost’s Exit to Rebuild Trust with EU

THE GUARDIAN: Minister for the EU Clément Beaune admits to difficult relationship with ex-Brexit minister and calls for reset

The French minister for EU affairs, Clemént Beaune, says resignation of David Frost is chance for UK to improve relations with the EU. Photograph: John Thys/AFP/Getty Images

The French government has called on Boris Johnson to use David Frost’s resignation as Brexit minister to “rebuild trust” with the EU amid uncertainty over the prime minister’s approach in the new year.

Clément Beaune, France’s EU affairs minister, who had a series of run-ins with the prime minister’s pugnacious minister, suggested that Downing Street should use the moment to reset the troubled relationship.

He said: “We had difficult relations but we always continued the dialogue. I send my best with respect to David Frost after his resignation. It is time for the British government to rebuild a climate of trust with France and the EU in the interest of all.”

While Frost has proved to be a tough negotiating partner over the last two and a half years, his formal resignation on Sunday set off alarm bells in Brussels and EU capitals. » | Daniel Boffey in Brussels and isa O'Carroll in London | Sunday, December 19, 2021

Margaret Thatcher - Speech to the College of Europe | "The Bruges Speech"

The Bruges speech, 20 September 1988

It is very interesting to listen to Margaret Thatcher's remarkable Bruges speech. Maggie was so often thought of as anti-EU. But was she really?

It is true that she was an anti-federalist. But she was certainly NOT anti co-operation in Europe. We hear this in this very polished speech. She worked so hard to free up trade in the European Union, working so hard for the creation of the Single Market.

One can but wonder what she would have thought about the idiocy of Brexit and especially of Britain's withdrawal from the Single Market, the greatest single market in the world.

The current Conservative administration has destroyed Maggie's hard work and legacy. They should be ashamed of themselves! I realise that Margaret Thatcher wasn't everyone's cup of tea; however, it cannot be denied that she was hard-working, committed, sincere in her beliefs, and delivered her speeches with polish and class. That is far more than can be said of Conservative politicians today. – © Mark

Departure of Frost as Brexit Minister Sets Off Alarm Bells in Brussels

THE GUARDIAN: Concern grows within Europe that his replacement will undermine recent truce in negotiations

The resignation of David Frost as Boris Johnson’s Brexit minister has set off alarm bells in Brussels, with officials unclear as to the approach that will be taken by the prime minister in the new year.

In recent weeks, the UK government softened its approach to the post-Brexit arrangements for Northern Ireland, with the two sides brokering a Christmas truce in the talks on a relatively positive note.

There is concern that Johnson, under huge pressure from the right of his Conservative party over Covid restrictions, will feel the need to replace Lord Frost with someone who will want to unravel the new approach.

On Sunday, reports suggested that figures such as Iain Duncan Smith, the former work and pensions secretary, or even David Davis, who resigned as Theresa May’s Brexit secretary in 2018, could be in the running. Both men have called for the ditching of the Northern Ireland protocol in the past.

One EU diplomat said: “Hopefully the new negotiator will be more pragmatic, making good relations with the EU and its member states relations a priority over the pursuit of a pure, antagonistic Brexit - we’re not holding our breath.” » | Daniel Boffey in Brussels and Lisa O'Carroll in Brussels | Sunday, December 19, 2021

Turkey: Soaring Inflation Puts Erdogan under Pressure | DW News

Dec 16, 2021 • Turkey's lira crashed 7% in just a few minutes to a record of nearly 15 lira to the dollar. At the same time, inflation is soaring. Under pressure from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the central bank is expected to cut its policy rate later this week.

There's a Sickness at the Heart of British Democracy & It's Called Corruption

Apr 23, 2021 • The Grace Blakeley Guide to the Cameron & Greensill Scandal

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Kenny Rogers with Cindy Fee : I Don't Want to Know Why

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Brexit Minister Lord Frost Walks Out on Boris

Cabinet Minister Lord Frost has dramatically resigned from Boris Johnson's Government, The Mail on Sunday can reveal

THE MAIL ON SUNDAY – EXCLUSIVE: Cabinet Minister Lord Frost has sensationally resigned from Boris Johnson's Government / His dramatic move was triggered by his growing 'disillusionment' with the direction of Tory policy / Lord Frost is understood to have handed his resignation to the Prime Minister a week ago / His departure was prompted by Plan B measures, tax rises and 'net zero' politics

Cabinet Minister Lord Frost has sensationally resigned from Boris Johnson's Government, The Mail on Sunday can exclusively reveal.

His dramatic move – triggered by his growing 'disillusionment' with the direction of Tory policy – has sparked yet another crisis within a beleaguered Downing Street.

Lord Frost, who negotiated Britain's departure from the EU as Brexit Minister, is understood to have handed his resignation to the Prime Minister a week ago, but was persuaded by Mr Johnson to stay in his post until January.

A senior Government source said Lord Frost's departure had been prompted by the introduction of 'Plan B' Covid measures, including vaccine passports. But that was just the final straw after months of growing discontent over tax rises and the staggering cost of 'net zero' environmental policies.

The revelation is the latest blow for the embattled Mr Johnson, following a Commons rebellion of 100 Tory MPs over the 'Plan B' measures and the loss of a 23,000 majority in the North Shropshire by-election amid the 'partygate' row over celebrations inside No 10.

Conservative MPs are increasingly talking about a challenge to the Prime Minister's leadership within the next six months, with Chancellor Rishi Sunak and Foreign Secretary Liz Truss leading the field of contenders. » | Glen Owen. Political Editor for The Mail on Sunday | Saturday, December 18, 2021

Brexit minister’s shock resignation leaves Boris Johnson reeling: Lord Frost’s frustrated exit is yet another blow for PM struggling for control of his government »

Tories give Boris Johnson months to improve … or go: Senior party figures think cost of living increases next spring, if combined with poor local election results in May, will doom the PM »

Affaibli, Boris Johnson perd son ministre du Brexit : Après la révélation de l'information par le journal Mail on Sunday, Downing Street l'a confirmée en publiant la lettre de démission de David Frost. »

Brexit-Minister Frost tritt zurück: Tag für Tag neue Hiobsbotschaften für Boris Johnson: David Frost gibt sein Amt auf. In seinem Rücktrittschreiben, das das Büro des Premiers veröffentlichte, macht er seine „Bedenken über die derzeitige Richtung der Reise“ deutlich. »

David Frost hat genug: Der britische Brexit-Minister tritt zurück: Die Luft für Boris Johnson wird immer dünner: Sein ihm bisher nahe stehender Brexit-Minister David Frost verlässt die Regierung. Ein Grund: Die Corona-Politik der Regierung. Das Problem für Johnson: Viele Konservative denken ähnlich wie Frost. »

Ben E. King : Stand By Me | Remastered

Restored By: CrisMate | Views on YouTube: 15,024,932

Jung, schön und verliebt.

Young, handsome and in love. / Jeunes, beaux et amoureux.

Ich bedanke mich bei Guglielmo Amadon auf Pinterest fürs schöne Foto.

Ray Charles : I Can't Stop Loving You | Remastered

Brexit and Johnson's Chaotic Leadership - How Much Worse Can It Get? Some Questions and Answers.

Dec 18, 2021 • Things seem to be going from bad to worse, every day the disaster of Brexit becomes ever more obvious with much worse to come from January.

Fünf Jahre Haft für Sturm aufs Kapitol


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: In Amerika ist die bislang höchste Strafe gegen einen Unterstützer des ehemaligen Präsidenten Donald Trump wegen der Erstürmung des Kapitols verhängt worden. Wegen des Angriffs auf Polizeibeamte muss er fünf Jahre ins Gefängnis.

In den Vereinigten Staaten ist die bislang höchste Strafe gegen einen Unterstützer des ehemaligen Präsidenten Donald Trump wegen der Erstürmung des Kapitols im Januar verhängt worden: Eine Bundesrichterin verurteilte den Trump-Anhänger Robert Scott Palmer wegen des Angriffs auf Polizeibeamte zu fünf Jahren Gefängnis. Auf Videos war zu sehen, wie Palmer vor dem Kapitol Bretter, einen Feuerlöscher und andere Gegenstände auf Polizeibeamte warf. » | Quelle: AFP | Samstag, 18. Dezember 2021

Macron schließt die Grenze zu Großbritannien


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Von diesen Samstag an ist die Einreise aus sowie die Ausreise nach Großbritannien nur noch aus zwingenden übergeordneten Gründen möglich. Viele versuchen, noch auf die letzten Züge, Fähren und Flüge zu kommen.

Das französische Einreiseverbot für Urlauber aus Großbritannien hat am Freitag in der französischen Tourismusbranche für Unmut gesorgt. Premierminister Jean Castex hat die Beschränkungen mit dem notwendigen Kampf gegen die in Großbritannien grassierende Omikron-Variante begründet. Präsident Emmanuel Macron berief am Freitagvormittag einen sogenannten Verteidigungsrat im Elysée-Palast ein, bei dem das weitere Vorgehen besprochen wurde.

Von diesem Samstag an ist die Einreise aus sowie die Ausreise nach Großbritannien nur noch aus zwingenden übergeordneten Gründen möglich. Touristische oder berufliche Gründe gehören nicht dazu, wie der Regierungschef erläuterte. Sowohl Geimpfte als auch Ungeimpfte müssen sich vor einer Reise von Großbritannien nach Frankreich registrieren, einen PCR- oder Schnelltest machen und sich nach der Ankunft in Frankreich an einem Ort ihrer Wahl in Quarantäne begeben. Diese können sie nach einem negativen Test nach 48 Stunden verlassen. » | Von Michaela Wiegel. Politische Korrespondentin mit Sitz in Paris | Freitag, 17. Dezember 2021

Cadeaux de Noël : en images, le guide ultime pour pallier la panne d'idées

Nos sélections de cadeaux de Noël pour tous les goûts et tous les budgets. | ArtistGNDphotography/iStock

MADAME FIGARO : Pour les petits ou les gros budgets, les gourmands ou encore les adeptes du "Made in France", voici un condensé de nos sélections de cadeaux de Noël. Suivez le guide.

Noël approche et vous n'avez pas encore trouvé de cadeaux pour tout votre petit monde ? Pas de panique. Si les idées vous manquent, vous êtes au bon endroit. Quel que soit le profil de la personne à qui vous souhaitez faire plaisir, dans le respect de votre budget, vous trouverez ici l'idée qui la comblera à coup sûr. » | La Rédaction | vendredi 17 décembre 2021

Covid-19 : les restrictions se multiplient de nouveau dans le monde

LE FIGARO : LE POINT SUR LA SITUATION - Nouvelles mesures, nouveaux bilans et faits marquants : Le Figaro fait le point sur les dernières évolutions de la pandémie de Covid-19.

Alors qu'une étude a démontré que le risque d'être réinfecté est 5,4 fois plus élevé avec Omicron qu'avec Delta, à une semaine de Noël, les restrictions se multiplient de nouveau à travers le monde. Dès janvier, la France remplacera le passe sanitaire par un passe vaccinal, l'Irlande réinstaure un couvre-feu, le Danemark ferme sa vie culturelle... Le Figaro fait le point ce samedi 18 décembre sur les dernières informations liées à la pandémie de Covid-19.

Le risque de réinfection avec le variant Omicron est 5,4 fois plus élevé qu'avec le variant Delta, avance une étude de l'Imperial College de Londres rapportée par Reuters vendredi 17 décembre, assurant également qu'aucune preuve qu'Omicron ait une gravité inférieure à celle de Delta n'a été trouvée. Regarder la vidéo » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | samedi 18 décembre 2021

A Very British Scandal | Trailer – BBC | Christmas Viewing

This is the true story of Argyll v Argyll – one of the most notorious, extraordinary and brutal legal cases of the 20th century.⁣

Duchess of Argyll sex scandal retold in new BBC drama series »

‘I like sex and am extremely good at it’ – the real crime of the ‘fellatio duchess’ in A Very British Scandal »

The Brexit ’n’ Boris Formula Was a Winner for the Tories. Now It’s Falling Apart

THE GUARDIAN - OPINION: Johnson was a magnet for new voters. But many are appalled by his lies, and traditional Conservatives don’t trust him either

Liberal Democrats Helen Morgan and Tim Farron at a rally in Oswestry, Shropshire, after her victory in the North Shropshire byelection, 17 December 2021. Photograph: Jacob King/PA

At last. For the first time since he became prime minister, Boris Johnson is paying a direct price for his actions. For two long years, he seemed to defy the laws of political gravity, somehow floating high in the sky when his conduct, whether his lies or his failures, should have seen him crash to the ground.

His mishandling of the first phase of the pandemic was so disastrous, he presided over both the highest death toll in Europe and the deepest economic slump in the G7. It was a record of both calamitous misjudgment and corruption, as contracts worth hundreds of millions were funnelled to those with friends in high Tory places. He appointed useless ministers, several of whom became mired in scandal. And yet Johnson remained aloft, riding the warm air currents of consistent leads in the opinion polls.

His admirers said he was a politician like no other, immune to the pressures that would bring down lesser mortals. That immunity fed a sense of impunity. But in the early hours of Friday morning, among the fields and farms of North Shropshire, Johnson fell to earth.

The Tories took a beating in this byelection, losing a seat they had held for the best part of two centuries. Only once before had they seen a bigger collapse of their vote to the Liberal Democrats (or its predecessor parties), and that was three decades ago. Talk to those involved, on all sides, and they agree that voters were driven chiefly by fury with the prime minister – over the revelations of Downing Street partying when the rest of the country was locked down against a killer disease, and what one minister calls the general “shitshow” of this government. » | Jonathan Freedland | Friday, December 17, 2021

Tories Know Johnson Lost Them North Shropshire. They May Now Dispense with Him

THE GUARDIAN: Frustrated MPs across the party have little reason to support the prime minister unless he can quickly repair his rift with voters

After the local elections in May, cabinet ministers and supporters of Boris Johnson were keen to talk up a new decade of “Johnsonism”. The idea was that the Tories taking Hartlepool from Labour in the byelection was proof that the 2019 Tory electoral triumph was no blip. Instead, it was part of a wider political alignment that could see the prime minister outlast Margaret Thatcher.

After the result of the North Shropshire byelection, that hypothesis is looking rather optimistic. Overnight the Liberal Democrats have managed to overturn a majority of more than 20,000 in a seat that has been Tory since it was re-established in 1983. What’s more, the Lib Dems did so with votes to spare – earning a majority of 5,925.

Given the Lib Dems only came third in the seat in 2019 – with Labour second – it is more than a shock result. The polling expert John Curtice has described it as 8.5 on the Richter scale. In other words, a political earthquake. » | Katy Balls | Friday, December 17, 2021

No party could be worth the hangover Boris Johnson is now suffering: Humiliation upon humiliation is being piled on to the prime minister right now. Could a leadership contest be next? »

Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey - When You Believe | Official HD Video

May 10, 2014 • "When You Believe" by Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey from The Prince of Egypt | Views on YouTube: 355,544,358

Friday, December 17, 2021

Boris Johnson ‘Gone in a Year’ unless He Cleans Up Act, Senior Tories Warn

THE GUARDIAN: Party figures demand shake-up of No 10 operation after byelection defeat to Liberal Democrats

Boris Johnson is “on notice” and could be gone within a year unless he cleans up his act and shakes up his No 10 operation, senior Tories are warning, after the Liberal Democrats scored an extraordinary victory in the North Shropshire byelection.

The Conservative party chair, Oliver Dowden, conceded on Friday that voters had wanted to give the government a “kicking” because they were “fed up” with “sleaze allegations”.

But Johnson himself did not appear repentant about the accusations of parties in No 10 during lockdown, or the scandal over his attempt to water down the MPs’ standards system that led to the North Shropshire byelection. » | Heather Stewart, Rowena Mason and Aubrey Allegretti | Friday, December 17, 2021

Marvin Gaye - I Heard It through the Grapevine

Views on YouTube: 37,850,674

Seong-Jin Cho – Chopin: Scherzo No. 2 in B Flat Minor, Op. 31

Patti LaBelle - On My Own Featuring Michael McDonald | Official Music Video

Au Royaume-Uni, Boris Johnson fragilisé par une claque électorale

Le premier ministre britannique, Boris Johnson, quitte le 10 Downing Street, vendredi 17 décembre, à Londres. TOBY MELVILLE/REUTERS

LE FIGARO : ANALYSE - La perte d’un siège dans le Nord-Shropshire tombe mal, alors que le premier ministre britannique enchaîne les faux pas.

Correspondant à Londres

Le siège était imperdable et ils l’ont perdu. Depuis la nuit des temps démocratiques, deux siècles tout au moins, la circonscription du Nord-Shropshire était détenue par les conservateurs. Ils viennent d’y essuyer une cuisante défaite. Les électeurs leur ont fait payer les scandales touchant le parti et Boris Johnson. Alors que tout le pays était tourné vers cette élection partielle, véritable test pour le premier ministre, cette claque électorale le fragilise encore un peu plus.

Dans cette circonscription rurale du centre de l’Angleterre, ce sont donc les libéraux-démocrates qui leur ont soufflé la place. La candidate du petit parti pro-européen, Helen Morgan, l’a emporté avec 47% des suffrages. Pour elle, les électeurs ont «clairement signifié à Boris Johnson que la fête est finie». Aux dernières législatives de 2019, les conservateurs avaient obtenu 62,7% des suffrages…

Face à ce cruel verdict, le premier ministre a adopté vendredi une posture modeste. «Je comprends parfaitement les frustrations des gens, a-t-il déclaré, j’entends ce que disent les électeurs du North Shropshire et, en toute humilité, je dois accepter ce verdict. Bien sûr, je prends mes responsabilités personnelles.» Pour le Daily Telegraph, le quotidien conservateur qui fut longtemps celui de «BoJo», cette défaite «choc» est une «humiliation». Le Daily Mail estime que Johnson vit un «cauchemar avant Noël» et que la défaite révèle le «niveau élevé de fureur publique contre le premier ministre». Dans le Times, le politologue vedette John Curtice parle d’un «tremblement de terre politique de 8,5 sur une échelle de 10». » | Par Arnaud De La Grange | vendredi 17 décembre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

Diana Ross : Endless Love

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Views on YouTube: 8,604,439

Cole Rasmussen | Reconciling My Faith by Accepting My Sexuality

Premiered Jul 8, 2021 • In an office at the Church Office Building—overlooking the angel Moroni atop the Salt Lake Temple, Cole received a blessing from Elder Cook. In that blessing Cole was promised that he would be able to marry a woman, have children, and eventually serve a mission with his wife. Unfortunately for Elder Cook, the priesthood power of a general authority could not make Cole straight. After years of navigating (and trailblazing) a path of authenticity and honesty, Cole has found joy in his journey, and love in his life. In this episode he shares what it took to get him to this point—and what he’s learned along the way.

Jimmy Ruffin - What Becomes of the Brokenhearted (HQ)

Views on YouTube: 15,887,763

Smokey Robinson & The Miracles - Tears Of A Clown (1967)

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 17, 2021

Le cadeau qu'Elizabeth II offre à chacun des 550 membres de son personnel

La reine Elizabeth II assiste au service religieux du jour de Noël à l'église St Mary Magdalene sur le domaine de Sandringham. (Norfolk, le 25 décembre 2019.) | Getty Images

MADAME FIGARO : Parmi les nombreuses traditions auxquelles s'attache la famille royale britannique, l'une revêt une importance particulière pour la reine. Chaque année, Elizabeth II offre à tous les membres de son personnel, un présent choisi.

Pendant que Tom Cruise offrait 300 pâtisseries aux membres de l’équipe du film Mission: Impossible 7 pour Noël, la reine Elizabeth II, quant à elle, s'apprêtait à donner ses traditionnels cadeaux à son personnel. Et la souveraine a aussi misé sur quelque chose de comestible. » | Alice Mascher | vendredi 17 décembre 2021

Boris Johnsons Party ist vorbei

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Bei einer Unterhausnachwahl verlieren die britischen Konservativen eine vermeintlich unbezwingbare Tory-Hochburg. Im Zuge der Affäre rund um Lockdown-Partys droht der einstige Erfolgsgarant Boris Johnson für die Tories zur nachhaltigen Hypothek zu werden.

Vom charismatischen Siegertyp zur Hypothek? Der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson befindet sich in einem Popularitätstief, wie die Wahlschlappe seiner Partei vom Donnerstag bestätigt. | Kirsty O'Connor / AP


Der Wahlkreis North Shropshire in den englischen Midlands westlich von Birmingham gehört zu den Hochburgen der Konservativen Partei. Unter der ländlich geprägten Bevölkerung gibt es bis heute viele Landwirte, das Wahlvolk stimmte beim Brexit-Referendum von 2016 deutlich für den EU-Austritt, und der Anteil von Hausbesitzern ist hoch. Es kommt daher einem veritablen Überraschungscoup gleich, dass die Liberaldemokraten die Unterhausnachwahl in North Shropshire vom Donnerstag gewannen – und den Sitz damit erstmals seit 200 Jahren konservativen Händen entrissen.

Der liberaldemokratische Sieg fiel nicht einmal knapp aus. Die frischgebackene Abgeordnete Helen Morgan kam auf knapp 18 000 Stimmen – fast 6000 Stimmen mehr als der konservative Kandidat. Das bedeutet, dass der Wähleranteil der Tories im Vergleich zu 2019 um nicht weniger als 34 Prozentpunkte einbrach. Die Bezeichnung politisches Erdbeben stellt deshalb für einmal keine Übertreibung dar. Nur in sieben Urnengängen seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg ist in Grossbritannien ein noch massiverer Umschwung in der Wählergunst registriert worden. » | Niklaus Nuspliger, London | Freitag, 17. Dezember 2021

Offices Shut and Holiday Parties Dim as a Familiar Feeling Sinks In

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Employers mandate boosters, postpone return dates and brace for an Omicron surge.

Many financial firms, like Morgan Stanley, had employees returning to the office this summer. | Jeenah Moon for The New York Times

It was three words that workers don’t hear every day from their bosses: “I was wrong.”

Morgan Stanley’s chief executive, James Gorman, asked this week about employees returning to the office, said his projection about the pandemic subsiding was off. “I thought we would have been out of it past Labor Day,” Mr. Gorman said on CNBC. “And we’re not.”

Office workers this week watched as events unfolded that were once familiar and jarring in their persistence: Covid case counts ballooned, and employer plans deflated. The United States is reporting an average of more than 120,000 new Covid cases each day, up 40 percent from two weeks ago, according to a New York Times database. New York City is experiencing a spike in cases larger than any since last winter. Employers that had been growing bolder in their plans — reopening offices, mandating or strongly suggesting that workers report back, promising holiday blowouts — are now scaling back their ambitions for in-person business and socializing. » | Emma Goldberg and Lananh Nguyen | Friday, December 17, 2021

People Are Angry – and Now We’ve Shown That Johnson’s Tories Can Be Beaten Anywhere

THE GUARDIAN - OPINION: The brilliant Lib Dem victory in North Shropshire is part of a trend; the default setting of ‘vote Tory’ has been broken

‘In Helen Morgan, voters in Shropshire saw a community activist who shared their anger at an underfunded health service and at soaring ambulance waiting times.’ Photograph: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

As the nights draw in and the days grow shorter, the people of North Shropshire have lit a flame of hope to brighten our nation.

The Liberal Democrats have defeated Boris Johnson in Shropshire, just as we did in Buckinghamshire in June. Two heartland Tory constituencies, more than 150 miles apart, written off as foregone conclusions at every past election. Until now.

My party has shown that the Conservatives can be beaten anywhere – because across the villages, towns and cities of our country, people are fed up and angry.

Throughout the North Shropshire campaign, I spoke to lifelong Conservative voters who had decided enough was enough. Many told me loud and clear – they will never vote Tory again.

In North Shropshire and earlier this year in Chesham and Amersham we have seen a fundamental realignment of British politics, a generational shift, in which the default setting of “vote Tory” has been reset. » | Ed Davey, the leader of the Liberal Democrats and MP for Kingston and Surbiton | Friday, December 17, 2021

Boris Johnson accepts responsibility for North Shropshire byelection mauling: PM says he hears what voters are saying, but blames media for focusing on politics and politicians »

North Shropshire, Peppagate and partygate put Boris Johnson in peril: Analysis: a series of self-inflicted reversals is steadily undermining the prime minister’s hold on power »

NastassjaCanCook: Zabaglione / Zabaione, Italian Egg Custard with Marsala | Special Celebration Dessert.

Dec 17, 2021 • The Italians love their desserts, but when there is a special gathering or celebration, then the special effort is made. So, for that Christmas Dinner, we are making Zabaglione!


5 egg yolks
100g/3½oz caster (superfine) sugar
100ml (or less)
½ cup Marsala or sweet sherry
Amaretto cookies to serve.

(Please keep in mind that Marsala has a very strong flavor, so if you not familiar with it, use less in this recipe)

This dessert has some variations:

Variation #1: Any other type of liqueur can be used instead of Marsala. Use 1tbsp of Amaretto or Frangelico.

Variation #2: Serve with berries like raspberries or strawberries and add whipped cream on top.


Separate the eggs. (We only need ythe olks.) Add sugar and start whipping the egg yolks until the mixture is pale yellow, doubles in size and all the sugar has dissolved (about 5 minutes).

Gradually add the Marsala and mix. Bring water to a simmer in a pot that will fit your mixing bowl. (The bowl should not touch the water.) Place mixing bowl on the bain-marie (double boiler) and continue mixing. Cook the egg custard until it thickens (about 10 minutes).

Spoon out into clear glasses and refrigerate for 30 minutes (or you can enjoy it warm).

Decorate and serve with Amaretto cookies! What a beautiful dessert! Enjoy!

German Government Considering Classifying UK 'Virus Variant Area', Meaning Travellers Would Be Required to Quarantine

THE GUARDIAN: The German government is looking into whether the UK should be classified as a “virus variant area”, reports Reuters, following the rapid rise of Omicron in the country.

Classification as a virus variant area would mean that travellers arriving in Germany from the UK would be required to quarantine for two weeks, even if they are vaccinated.

A spokesperson for the health ministry said the government is expected to make a decision later today. » |Miranda Bryant (now); Jedidajah Otte and Samantha Lock (earlier) | Friday, Dece,ber 17, 2021

Boris Johnson - Dishonesty, Incompetence and Self-obsession Are Finally Bringing Him Down

Dec 11, 2021 • Boris Johnson may well be remembered as the worst prime minister ever. A self-deluded, dishonest and incompetent showman who fooled a nation into backing his disastrous Brexit and whose buffoonery, lack of seriousness and failure to pay attention to detail resulted in chaos. His lying has finally caught up with him and the general public, the press and many of his backbenchers have turned against him. Once seen as a massive electoral asset he has now become a liability and there seems to be no road back. It is just a matter of time before he is gone.

North Shropshire Byelection: Liberal Democrats Win Former Safe Tory Seat in Blow to Johnson

THE GUARDIAN: Helen Morgan wins seat the Conservatives have held for almost 200 years in a byelection called after environment secretary Owen Paterson resigned

The Liberal Democrats have won a stunning victory in the North Shropshire byelection, taking what had previously been a safe Conservative seat by a margin of nearly 6,000 votes, and capping a disastrous few weeks for Boris Johnson.

Helen Morgan, the Lib Dem candidate, won 17,957 votes, ahead of the Conservatives’ Neil Shastri-Hurst, on 12,032, a majority of 5,925. Labour’s Ben Wood was third, with 3,686 votes. Turnout was 46.3%.

The calamitous collapse in Conservative support – a 34% swing in a seat where they had a near-23,000 majority in 2019 – will prompt significant jitters among many Tory MPs, and is likely to raise questions about Johnson’s future.

It was a swing even greater than the 25% seen last June when the Lib Dems won the Chesham and Amersham byelection.

North Shropshire was seen as a notably greater challenge for the party, given it is a largely rural and strongly pro-Brexit constituency, one which has been Tory for all but two of the past 189 years, from 1904 to 1906. Morgan fought the seat in 2019 and came third, with 10% support. With video » | Peter Walker Political correspondent | Friday, December 17, 2021

At last, some good news! A drubbing for BoJo, the corrupt clown! Get these Brexit-loving, anti-EU Tories out of office! Kick them into the long grass! They belong to a bygone age and they are destroying this once proud nation. They are unpatriotic, over-privileged chancers! – © Mark

Tories lose North Shropshire seat they held for nearly 200 years: The Conservatives have lost the North Shropshire seat they held for nearly 200 years to the Liberal Democrats in a by-election blow to Boris Johnson. »

Royaume-Uni: le parti de Boris Johnson largement battu lors d'une législative partielle : La candidate du parti libéral démocrate Helen Morgan s'est imposée avec près de 6.000 voix d'avance dans ce fief conservateur. Un camouflet pour le premier ministre britannique. »

Schlappe für Boris Johnson und die Tories: Wie sehr der britische Premier nach einigen Affären um seine Partei und Regierung im Stimmungstief steckt, zeigt die Neubesetzung eines Parlamentssitzes. Eine Liberaldemokratin erobert den sonst stramm konservativen Wahlkreis. »

Britain’s Conservatives Lose ‘Safe’ Seat, Dealing Blow to Boris Johnson »

Debakel für Boris Johnson: Die Tories verlieren einen Wahlkreis nach über 200 Jahren an die Liberaldemokraten »

North Shropshire byelection earthquake delivers unhappy Christmas for Boris Johnson: Analysis: PM’s aides will be alarmed by the outcome and his MPs will be wondering: if the Tories can lose such a safe seat, what does it mean for them? »

Au Royaume-Uni, le parti de Boris Johnson sévèrement battu dans une législative partielle : Le LibDem, parti europhile, l’emporte dans le North Shropshire, une circonscription rurale normalement acquise aux conservateurs. »

'One more strike and Boris is OUT': Christmas nightmare for 'failed' PM as he faces Tory meltdown after by-election 'earthquake' saw 23,000 majority in true-blue, Brexit-backing North Shropshire routed by Lib Dems: Tories turn on Boris Johnson after 'earthquake' by-election defeat in previously rock-solid North Shropshire / MPs say result a 'referendum' on PM and warning he will face a leadership challenge unless things improve / Owen Paterson held seat with a huge 23,000 majority in 2019 and it was strongly Leave in 2016 referendum / But in a stunning turnaround Lib Dem Helen Morgan was elected to heap more pressure on the Prime Minister »

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Michael Bolton : Drift Away

Provided to YouTube by Columbia | Views on YouTube: 2,418,269

A Beautiful Kiss before the Pandemic.

Un beau bisou avant la pandémie. / Ein schöner Kuß vor der Pandemie.

With many thanks to 8bithero on Pinterest for this lovely, sensual photo.

Assaut contre le Capitole: l’étau se resserre sur Donald Trump

Le président américain Donald Trump et son chef de cabinet, Mark Meadows, le 8 mai 2020 à la Maison-Blanche (Washington). MANDEL NGAN/AFP

LE FIGARO : RÉCIT - La commission d’enquête veut entendre Mark Meadows, son ultime chef de cabinet.

Mark Meadows pensait avoir évité le pire en partageant près de 9000 documents personnels avec le Congrès. Le dernier chef de cabinet de Donald Trump espérait ainsi éviter une convocation en bonne et due forme devant la commission d’enquête sur l’attaque du Capitole, le 6 janvier 2021, par des centaines de supporteurs du président sortant et de militants d’extrême droite (9 morts, dont 4 suicides ultérieurs).

Lors d’un vote réunissant mardi soir 220 démocrates et 2 républicains, la Chambre des représentants l’a accusé d’entrave au Congrès et a saisi le ministère de la Justice de son cas. Si l’Attorney general, Merrick Garland, suivait cette recommandation, des poursuites pénales seraient engagées contre Meadows, à l’instar d’un autre témoin clé récalcitrant, Steve Bannon, condamné le 12 novembre, incarcéré le 15 puis libéré sous caution en attendant son procès. » | Par Maurin Picard | jeudi 16 décembre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés


Comment Donald Trump a assisté imperturbable à l’assaut du Capitole : GRAND RÉCIT - Alors que ses partisans donnaient l’assaut au siège du Parlement américain, le président sortant était fasciné face aux images de télévision. »

Wie Corona Gesellschaft und Politik verändert | Im Gespräch | Sternstunde Philosophie | SRF Kultur

Apr 6, 2020 • Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie werden unsere Freiheiten empfindlich eingeschränkt. Was bedeutet das für die Demokratie, die Politik und die Gesellschaft? Wie viel Freiheit darf uns der Staat nehmen? Barbara Bleisch im Gespräch mit der Ökonomin und Publizistin Karen Horn und dem Publizisten Roger de Weck.

Camille Saint-Saëns - Der Unergründliche | Doku HD | ARTE

Dec 9, 2021 • Camille Saint-Saëns galt als Wunderkind und war ein begnadeter

Jeremy and Randy | Excommunicated for Falling in Love

Being gay and married in the Mormon Church, the Church of Latter Day Saints

Van Drivers in UK Will Need New Operating Licences to Enter EU from May

THE GUARDIAN: Latest Brexit red tape will come into force alongside a series of further checks at Dover and other ports

Van drivers will be required to get new international operating licences if they want to travel back and forth to the EU from May next year, the government has announced.

The additional red tape will come into force next year alongside a series of further checks at Dover and other ports that were delayed three times in 2021 because of lack of preparation for Brexit in Great Britain.

According to updates on the website, anyone driving a van, a light commercial vehicle or any car towing a trailer will be required to have a “goods vehicle operator licence” to enter the EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein or Switzerland from May.

The licence will cost van drivers up to £1,100, a significant burden for solo operators, industry leaders said.

Drivers will have to fork out £257 in an application fee and a further £401 for the licence. Another £401 “continuation fee” will be payable every five years to retain the licence, according to » | Lisa O'Carroll Brexit correspondent | Thursday, December 16, 2021

Those Brexit “sunny uplands” aren’t so sunny after all, Brexiteers, are they? But don’t worry! At least you’ve got your blue passports back. – © Mark

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 16, 2021

Queen Cancels Pre-Christmas Family Lunch as Covid Cases Soar

THE GUARDIAN: Decision understood to be precaution to prevent putting people’s Christmas plans at risk

This Christmas is the Queen’s first since the death of Prince Philip. Photograph: Joe Giddens/PA

The Queen has cancelled her traditional pre-Christmas family party for the second year running, as the Omicron variant sends Covid cases soaring.

The 95-year-old monarch was reported on Wednesday to be determined to press on with the lunch at Windsor Castle, at which she was expected to host 50 or so members of her extended family, including Prince Charles and Camilla.

But on Thursday, she agreed that it would be irresponsible to go ahead, with a source suggesting the party could put too many people’s Christmas arrangements at risk.

This Christmas is the Queen’s first since the death of the Duke of Edinburgh, her husband of 73 years. Last year’s gathering was also scrapped because of the Covid crisis. » | Amelia Hill | Thursday, December 16, 2021

Queen Elizabeth cancels traditional pre-Christmas lunch as cases surge in England. »

Covid-19 : la France va restreindre l'accès aux voyageurs en provenance du Royaume-Uni

LE FIGARO : LE POINT SUR LA SITUATION - Nouvelles mesures, nouveaux bilans et faits marquants : Le Figaro fait le point sur les dernières évolutions de la pandémie de Covid-19.

Restrictions pour les voyageurs en provenance du Royaume-Uni, le Maroc ferme ses frontières, un nouveau retard pour le candidat vaccin Sanofi et 93 milliards de dollars pour soutenir les pays les plus pauvres... Le Figaro fait le point ce jeudi 16 décembre sur les dernières informations liées à la pandémie de Covid-19.

Nouveau tour de vis. La France va durcir les conditions d'accès pour les voyageurs en provenance du Royaume-Uni afin de limiter la propagation du variant Omicron, a annoncé jeudi le porte-parole du gouvernement Gabriel Attal. Concrètement, les voyageurs devront s'enregistrer et la validité des tests pour se rendre en France depuis le Royaume-Uni va être réduite de 48 heures à 24 heures. Les motifs de voyage seront en outre «limités aux résidents (français) et à leurs familles», a-t-il précisé sur BFMTV et RMC. Les déplacements de «tourisme ou professionnels pour des personnes qui ne sont pas résidentes en France seront limités». » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | jeudi 16 décembre 2021

France to tighten Covid restrictions on travel from Omicron-hit UK: Government says travel will be limited to ‘essential purposes’ for vaccinated and unvaccinated »

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Seong-Jin Cho - Chopin: Ballade No.1 In G Minor, Op.23 | Yellow Lounge

Dec 1, 2016 • Winner of the 17th International Chopin Piano Competition 2015, one of the most prestigious titles in all of classical music, Seong-Jin Cho presents his first ever studio recording on DG.

Fed Eyes 3 Rate Increases in 2022; Slows Stimulus as Prices Rise

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Federal Reserve officials suggested as many as three interest rate increases in 2022 as the economy heals and inflation persists.

“I think the risk of higher inflation has increased,” Jerome H. Powell, the Federal Reserve chair, said while testifying before Congress last month. | Sarahbeth Maney/The New York Times

Federal Reserve policymakers on Wednesday said they will cut back on their stimulus more quickly at a moment of rapid inflation and strong economic growth, capping a challenging year with a pronounced policy pivot that could usher in higher interest rates in 2022.

A policy statement and a fresh set of economic projections released by the central bank detailed a more rapid end to the monthly bond-buying that the Fed has been using throughout the pandemic to keep money chugging through markets and to bolster growth.

Officials are slashing their purchases by twice as much as they had announced last month, a pace that would put them on track to end the program altogether in March. That decision came “in light of inflation developments and the further improvement in the labor market,” according to the policy statement.

Fed Chair Jerome H. Powell, speaking at a news conference following the Fed’s meeting, said a “strengthening labor market and elevated inflation pressures” prompted the central bank to speed up the reductions in asset purchases. » | Jeanna Smialek | Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Mark Meadows Held in Contempt of Congress as Jan. 6 Probe Expands. How Long Can Trump Hold Out?

Dec 15, 2021 • The U.S. House voted to recommend the Department of Justice charge former President Trump's former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows with criminal contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena from the select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack. The vote came after the committee released a series of text messages from Republican lawmakers and Fox News hosts to Meadows on January 6 that begged him to convince Trump to tell his followers to leave the Capitol. The messages show that Trump and his inner circle were "in the know" in the plot to overturn the election, says Daily Beast reporter Jose Pagliery.

«Die Mehrheit der Priester im Vatikan ist schwul» | Sternstunde Religion | SRF Kultur

Mar 31, 2020 • Mit seiner These, wonach die Mehrheit der Prälaten, Bischöfe und Kardinäle des Vatikans schwul seien, generierte der französische Soziologe und Journalist Frédéric

WIKIPEDIA: Frédéric Martel

Lionel Richie : Don't Stop

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Ach, wie schön! Spürbare Liebe und Zuneigung.

Oh, comme c'est beau ! Amour palpable et affection. / Oh , how beautiful ! Palpable love and affection.

Ich bedanke mich bei O Verdoso auf Pinterest für dieses schöne Bild.

Silvio Berlusconi rêve de la présidence italienne

Silvio Berlusconi, le 3 octobre, après avoir voté lors de l’élection municipale à Milan. FLAVIO LO SCALZO/REUTERS

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Âgé de 85 ans, l’ex-président du Conseil fait campagne dans l’espoir d’être élu président de la République en janvier prochain.

À Rome

Alors que Silvio Berlusconi, 85 ans, est dit mourant à chaque convocation devant le juge pour ses affaires de mœurs, l’élection du président de la République fin janvier par les 1 008 grands électeurs a réveillé ses ambitions et sa vitalité. Il n’est pas encore officiellement candidat, pour ne pas se faire «griller».

«Mais les opérations séduction qu’il lance depuis des semaines à l’égard de tous les partis, y compris vers le Mouvement 5 étoiles (M5S) dont il a toujours dit le plus grand mal, sont bien le signe qu’il s’y prépare très activement», décode Giovanni Orsina, politologue spécialiste de la droite italienne et du président de Forza Italia à l’université Luiss. Il ajoute: «Silvio Berlusconi, qui estime être l’homme politique italien le plus important de la fin du XXe et du début du XXIe siècle, considère que l’Italie n’a pas reconnu son importance dans l’histoire. Se faire élire président de la République en fin de carrière serait pour lui une réhabilitation de son rôle et de sa personne.» » | Par Valerie Segond | lundi 13 décembre 2021


La famille Berlusconi: les cinq héritiers du Cavaliere : SUCCESSIONS (5/6) - Entre les enfants de l’ancien premier ministre italien, issus de ses deux premiers mariages, c’est l’entente cordiale. Au nom du père. »

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 15, 2021

Malta to Legalise Cannabis for Personal Use in European First

THE GUARDIAN: Move by EU’s smallest member state likely to be followed by reform across rest of continent in 2022

Malta will this week become the first European country to legalise the cultivation and possession of cannabis for personal use, pipping Luxembourg to the post, as the continent undergoes a wave of change to its drug laws.

Possession of up to seven grams of the drug will be legal for those aged 18 and above, and it will permissible to grow up to four cannabis plants at home, with up to 50g of the dried product storable.

A vote in favour of the legislation in the Maltese parliament on Tuesday will be followed by the law being signed by the president in order for it to be enacted by the weekend, Owen Bonnici, the minister responsible, told the Guardian.

The move by Malta, the EU’s smallest member state, is likely to be followed by reform across Europe in 2022. Germany recently announced a move to establish a legally regulated market, following announcements from the governments of Switzerland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. A referendum in Italy is planned, while Canada, Mexico and 18 US states have already enacted similar legislation. » | Daniel Boffey in Brussels | Monday, December 13, 2021

This is crazy. Nuts! – © Mark