Showing posts with label North Shropshire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label North Shropshire. Show all posts

Saturday, December 18, 2021

The Brexit ’n’ Boris Formula Was a Winner for the Tories. Now It’s Falling Apart

THE GUARDIAN - OPINION: Johnson was a magnet for new voters. But many are appalled by his lies, and traditional Conservatives don’t trust him either

Liberal Democrats Helen Morgan and Tim Farron at a rally in Oswestry, Shropshire, after her victory in the North Shropshire byelection, 17 December 2021. Photograph: Jacob King/PA

At last. For the first time since he became prime minister, Boris Johnson is paying a direct price for his actions. For two long years, he seemed to defy the laws of political gravity, somehow floating high in the sky when his conduct, whether his lies or his failures, should have seen him crash to the ground.

His mishandling of the first phase of the pandemic was so disastrous, he presided over both the highest death toll in Europe and the deepest economic slump in the G7. It was a record of both calamitous misjudgment and corruption, as contracts worth hundreds of millions were funnelled to those with friends in high Tory places. He appointed useless ministers, several of whom became mired in scandal. And yet Johnson remained aloft, riding the warm air currents of consistent leads in the opinion polls.

His admirers said he was a politician like no other, immune to the pressures that would bring down lesser mortals. That immunity fed a sense of impunity. But in the early hours of Friday morning, among the fields and farms of North Shropshire, Johnson fell to earth.

The Tories took a beating in this byelection, losing a seat they had held for the best part of two centuries. Only once before had they seen a bigger collapse of their vote to the Liberal Democrats (or its predecessor parties), and that was three decades ago. Talk to those involved, on all sides, and they agree that voters were driven chiefly by fury with the prime minister – over the revelations of Downing Street partying when the rest of the country was locked down against a killer disease, and what one minister calls the general “shitshow” of this government. » | Jonathan Freedland | Friday, December 17, 2021

Tories Know Johnson Lost Them North Shropshire. They May Now Dispense with Him

THE GUARDIAN: Frustrated MPs across the party have little reason to support the prime minister unless he can quickly repair his rift with voters

After the local elections in May, cabinet ministers and supporters of Boris Johnson were keen to talk up a new decade of “Johnsonism”. The idea was that the Tories taking Hartlepool from Labour in the byelection was proof that the 2019 Tory electoral triumph was no blip. Instead, it was part of a wider political alignment that could see the prime minister outlast Margaret Thatcher.

After the result of the North Shropshire byelection, that hypothesis is looking rather optimistic. Overnight the Liberal Democrats have managed to overturn a majority of more than 20,000 in a seat that has been Tory since it was re-established in 1983. What’s more, the Lib Dems did so with votes to spare – earning a majority of 5,925.

Given the Lib Dems only came third in the seat in 2019 – with Labour second – it is more than a shock result. The polling expert John Curtice has described it as 8.5 on the Richter scale. In other words, a political earthquake. » | Katy Balls | Friday, December 17, 2021

No party could be worth the hangover Boris Johnson is now suffering: Humiliation upon humiliation is being piled on to the prime minister right now. Could a leadership contest be next? »