Thursday, October 21, 2021

Brasilien: Bolsonaro droht Anklage wegen Corona-Politik | DW Nachrichten

Oct 21, 2021 • Brasilien hatte im Zusammenhang mit dem Virus sehr viele Todesopfer zu beklagen. Könnte dies seinem Präsidenten Jair Bolsonaro zum Verhängnis werden? Der Senat erhebt schwere Vorwürfe gegen ihn und will ihn für seine Versäumnisse in der Pandemie anklagen.

Schubert: Ständchen, S. 560 | Trans. from Schwanengesang No. 4, D. 957 | Khatia Buniatishvili

Provided to YouTube by Sony Music Entertainment

Barefoot Contessa: Lemon Chicken Breasts | Food Network

Chicken with the flavors of Provence makes a surprisingly easy dinner.

Recipe courtesy of Ina Garten:

Level: Easy | Total: 1 hr | Prep: 15 min | Inactive: 10 min | Cooking time: 35 min | Yield: 4 servings


1/4 cup good olive oil
3 tablespoons minced garlic (9 cloves)
1/3 cup dry white wine
1 tablespoon grated lemon zest (2 lemons)
2 tablespoons freshly-squeezed lemon juice
1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano
1 teaspoon minced fresh thyme leaves
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 boneless chicken breasts, skin on (6 to 8 ounces each)
1 lemon

Directions [Method]:

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. [200C]

Warm the olive oil in a small saucepan over medium-low heat, add the garlic, and cook for just 1 minute but don't allow the garlic to turn brown. Off the heat, add the white wine, lemon zest, lemon juice, oregano, thyme, and 1 teaspoon salt and pour into a 9 by 12-inch baking dish.

Pat the chicken breasts dry and place them skin side up over the sauce. Brush the chicken breasts with olive oil and sprinkle them liberally with salt and pepper. Cut the lemon in 8 wedges and tuck it among the pieces of chicken.

Bake for 30 to 40 minutes, depending on the size of the chicken breasts, until the chicken is cooked through and the skin is lightly browned. If the chicken isn't browned enough, put it under the broiler [grill] for 2 minutes. Cover the pan tightly with aluminum foil and allow to rest for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with salt and serve hot with the pan juices.

À Cologne, le chant du muezzin sème le trouble

La Mosquée centrale de Cologne avec ses deux minarets de 55 mètres. Êrik Lattwein/picture alliance / Zoonar

Envoyé spécial à Cologne

LE FIGARO : REPORTAGE - La mairie a autorisé les mosquées de la ville à lancer l’appel à la prière le vendredi, une initiative qui divise.

C’est le son lointain et familier des cloches qu’on surprend en se promenant dans le paisible quartier d’Ehrenfeld, probablement celles de l’église baptiste de la Stuppstrasse, toute proche. À ce tintement métallique et rituel, pourrait bientôt se superposer, chaque vendredi, entre midi et 15 heures, l’appel du muezzin à la prière, diffusé par la Mosquée centrale établie à deux pas.

Le même régime est censé s’appliquer à la quinzaine de mosquées que compte la cité rhénane. Ainsi en a décidé Henriette Reker, la maire sans étiquette de la quatrième ville d’Allemagne, au motif que dans une ville aussi diverse que Cologne, les signaux de reconnaissance des deux religions du Livre, chrétienne et musulmane, s’équivaudraient. «Je suis heureuse que nous prenions en compte les intérêts religieux justifiés des nombreux musulmans de notre ville cosmopolite, et que nous nous engagions en faveur de la liberté confessionnelle protégée par la Constitution», a déclaré l’édile le 7 octobre. » | Par Pierre Avril | jeudi 21 octobre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

Megachurch buys Golders Green Hippodrome after mosque plan blocked: Hillsong plans to hold Sunday services at Grade II-listed former theatre after locals objected to Islamic centre »

Barbados Elects First President as It Prepares to Drop Queen as Head of State

THE GUARDIAN: Caribbean nation elects governor general to new role prior to former British colony becoming a republic

Dame Sandra Mason, the governor-general of Barbados, will replace the Queen as the island’s head of state.Photograph: Steve Parsons/PA

Barbados has elected its first president with just weeks to go until the Caribbean island becomes a republic and ceases to recognise Queen Elizabeth as its head of state.

The island’s governor general, Dame Sandra Mason, was elected almost unanimously by the former British colony’s parliament on Wednesday, with only one member declining to vote.

Mason, a 72-year-old judge and former ambassador, will be sworn in on 30 November, the 55th anniversary of her country’s independence from Britain in 1966.

The prime minister, Mia Mottley, hailed what she called a historic landmark for the island of about 290,000 inhabitants. “How can anyone deny the rightness of the moment?” Mottley said, according to the Barbadian newspaper the Nation. » | Tom Phillips | Thursday, October 21, 2021

Barbados Elects Its First Head of State, Replacing Queen Elizabeth: The country’s Parliament chose Sandra Mason, the governor general, to assume the symbolic title, a decisive move to distance itself from Barbados’s colonial past. »

If I Ever Fall in Love Again | Duet: Kenny Rogers with Anne Murray

Kenny Rogers : Crazy

Kenny Rogers : You And I

It Gets Better - Gay Orthodox Jews (2010)

Nov 10, 2010 • Gay orthodox Jews discuss their experiences growing up and explain how life ultimately got better.

Worst Thing about Coming Out: Stories of Identity Oppression – 60 Minutes Documentary (2014)

At Least 180 Killed in India and Nepal Flooding | DW News

Oct 21, 2021 • Scores of people have been killed in devastating flooding and landslides in Nepal and India. Parts of the region are experiencing some of the heaviest post-monsoon rains in years. Rescue efforts have begun, but the damage is already immense.

UK Covid Cases Keep Rising amid Sluggish Vaccination Drive | DW News

Oct 21, 2021 • UK hospitals are on the brink amid warnings of 100,000 cases a day.

The NHS said "things are only going to get worse" and that "the health service is right at the edge." Despite the gloomy outlook, Health Minister Sajid Javid has resisted calls for restrictions to be reintroduced.

Medical professionals are calling on the UK government to restore social distancing restrictions, as Covid-related hospitalizations and deaths rise to levels not seen in months. England eased most restrictions back in July. The UK had one of the fastest vaccination rollouts in the world - now the government says it's relying on booster shots to protect the most vulnerable.

Grossbritannien ist der Corona-Hotspot Westeuropas – rächt sich nun das frühe Impfprogramm?: Auf der britischen Insel gilt das freiheitlichste Corona-Regime Europas. Nun aber steigen die Fallzahlen viel stärker an als auf dem Kontinent, auch weil der Impfschutz in der britischen Bevölkerung früher abnimmt. Boris Johnson spricht von einem «schwierigen Winter», hält aber vorerst an seinem Kurs fest. »

Sir David Amess: Ali Harbi Ali Charged with Murder of MP

BBC: A 25-year-old man has been charged with murder and the preparation of terrorist acts after the fatal stabbing of MP Sir David Amess.

Ali Harbi Ali was arrested following the attack at a constituency surgery in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, on Friday.

Sir David, a Conservative MP since 1983, suffered multiple stab wounds and died at the scene.

Mr Ali is a British man of Somali heritage whose father is a former adviser to Somalia's prime minister.

Nick Price, from the Crown Prosecution Service, said: "We will submit to the court that this murder has a terrorist connection, namely that it had both religious and ideological motivations."

Mr Ali, from north London, remains in custody and is due to appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court later. With video » | Joseph Lee | Thursday, October 21, 2021


Tim Cook, Apple CEO: 'I'm Proud to Be Gay' (2014)

Oct 31, 2014 • In an op-ed published in Bloomberg Businessweek, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced that he is gay. CNN's Erin Burnett reports.

Daily Launches Fight against Anti-gay Hate Crimes after Spate of Attacks

Image: Adobe Stock

HTFP: A regional daily is fighting to unite its patch against hate crimes following a spate of attacks on gay people.

The Birmingham Mail has launched a new campaign called ‘Hands Not Hate’ after covering a series of assaults on LGBT+ people over the past two months.

As part of the campaign, the Mail has vowed to call out homophobia and share the stories of gay people across its patch who “may have once been afraid to show their true selves, and who may now be afraid full stop”.

It is also encouraging readers to post a message of support on social media for Birmingham’s LGBT+ community using the hashtag #HandsNotHate. » | David Sharman | Monday, October 18, 2021

Il semble que même la police aime montrer de l'amour et de l'affection lorsqu'elle n'est pas en service.

Es scheint, daß sogar die Polizei in ihrer Freizeit gerne Liebe und Zuneigung zeigt. / It seems even the police like to show love and affection when off duty.

With thanks to Pinterest (actual poster’s name not available) for this photo.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Why Fiona Hill Is Worried about a Return of Donald Trump in 2024 | DW News

Oct 20, 2021 • British-born Russia expert Fiona Hill talks to DW’s Brent Goff on “The Day” about the danger to US democracy posed by former president Donald Trump, who like Russia’s Vladimir Putin has sought to prevent a transfer of power. Hill says Germany’s recent election serves an example of orderly democratic change. She also notes how education is becoming a new dividing line with political implications.

Pêche post-Brexit : Paris précise ses menaces de sanctions contre le Royaume-Uni et Jersey

Un navire de pêche français à l'entrée du port de Saint-Hélier sur l'île de Jersey. SAMEER AL-DOUMY / AFP

LE FIGARO : Elles pourraient être mises en place dès novembre si les pêcheurs français n'obtiennent pas davantage de licences de pêche avant le 30 octobre.

La menace revient régulièrement dans la bouche des membres du gouvernement français depuis plusieurs semaines : celle de sanctions contre le Royaume-Uni en réponse à l'accès limité aux eaux britanniques pour les pêcheurs français depuis le Brexit.

Contrairement à ce que prévoit l'accord du Brexit de décembre 2020, seules 200 licences de pêche ont été accordées aux marins français par Londres et Jersey. 230 sont encore en attente jusqu'au 30 octobre, date butoir pour la validation définitive de ces licences de pêche. Une situation qui provoque la colère française. » | Par Paul Marion | mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Morocco Bans UK Flights due to Covid Cases Rising

BBC: Morocco has banned flights to and from the UK due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Several UK airlines and holiday companies have been told by the Moroccan government that flights will be suspended from 23:59 BST on Wednesday until further notice.

Flights between Morocco and Germany and the Netherlands have also been suspended.

The BBC has contacted the Moroccan embassy and tourism office, as well as the UK Foreign Office for comment.

Latest figures from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control said that Morocco's weekly rate of reported coronavirus cases on 14 October stood at 10.4 per 100,000 people, compared with 445.5 per 100,000 people in the UK. » | Caroline Davies, Transport correspondent, BBC News | Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Polish PM Accuses EU of Blackmail as Row over Rule of Law Escalates - BBC Newsnight

Related »

Un homme décapité dans le Vaucluse, piste terroriste non privilégiée

LE FIGARO : L'homme, apparemment âgé d'une quarantaine d'années, cheveux noirs courts, est «potentiellement dangereux et armé », prévient la gendarmerie en appelant tout témoin qui viendrait à le croiser à appeler le 17 immédiatement.

Un homme a été retrouvé décapité et éviscéré chez lui mercredi à Bollène, dans le Vaucluse, a-t-on appris auprès des gendarmes, une source proche de l'enquête précisant que la piste terroriste n'était «absolument pas privilégiée» à ce stade. L'auteur en fuite est activement recherché, a indiqué la gendarmerie du Vaucluse qui a publié mercredi après-midi une photo du suspect sur Facebook. L'homme, apparemment âgé d'une quarantaine d'années, cheveux noirs courts, est «potentiellement DANGEREUX et ARME», prévient-elle en appelant tout témoin qui viendrait à le croiser à appeler le 17 immédiatement. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | mercredi 20 octobre 2021

WIKIPEDIA : Vaucluse »

Knappheit in Grossbritannien – oder wenn der Korrespondent im Supermarkt nicht bekommt, was er sucht

Der Broccoli fehlt im Regal, das Benzin an der Tanke ist aus. Nicht an Waren mangele es derzeit auf der Insel, erklärt der Korrespondent Niklaus Nuspliger, sondern an Arbeitskräften, die das Land versorgten.

Podcast: «NZZ Akzent»: Wenn den Briten der Broccoli fehlt | Autor David Vogel, Benedikt Hofer: Hier zuhören | 20.10.2021, 04.30 Uhr

Latvia Is First Country to Reimpose Lockdown in Europe’s New Covid Wave

THE GUARDIAN: Baltic state once seen as coronavirus success story announces month of restrictions including curfew

The prime minister, Krišjānis Kariņš, blamed Latvia’s low vaccination rate for the surge in hospital admissions.Photograph: Reuters

Latvia has announced a month-long Covid-19 lockdown after an unprecedented surge in infections, becoming the first country in Europe to reimpose far-reaching restrictions amid a new wave of cases in countries across the continent.

The Baltic country has one of the highest rates of new Covid cases relative to population in the world, according to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), after successfully keeping the virus at bay for months.

“Our health system is in danger … The only way out of this crisis is to get vaccinated,” the prime minister, Krišjānis Kariņš, said on Monday evening at an emergency government meeting. He said the country’s low vaccination rate was to blame for the surge in hospital admissions. » | Pjotr Sauer in Moscow | Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Ein Lockdown als «Brandschneise»: Lettland versucht die vierte Covid-19-Welle in den Griff zu bekommen: In den baltischen Staaten wächst die Sorge vor einer übermächtigen vierten Covid-19-Welle. Lettland verhängt für die Dauer eines Monats einen drastischen Lockdown. Auch in Estland und Litauen steigt angesichts einer vergleichsweise tiefen Impfquote die Nervosität. »

Le bitcoin franchit un nouveau plus haut historique à plus de 65.000 dollars

Le bitcoin se démocratise sur les marchés financiers. OZAN KOSE / AFP

LE FIGARO : Le cours du bitcoin a augmenté de plus de 50% sur un mois et de plus de 450% sur un an.

Le cours du bitcoin s'envole mercredi à un nouveau plus haut, à plus de 65.000 dollars, porté par le lancement d'un produit financier à Wall Street lié à la cryptomonnaie, étape historique pour sa démocratisation.

La cryptomonnaie, qui s'échangeait pour moins d'un dollar il y a 12 ans, culminait en cours de séance à 66.273 dollars vers 14H00 GMT (16H00 à Paris), en hausse de plus de 50% sur un mois et de plus de 450% sur un an. Le bitcoin profite depuis un mois du lancement du premier fonds indiciel (ETF) lié à son cours à la Bourse de New York, dont les échanges ont commencé mardi: les investisseurs espèrent que de nouveaux fonds vont pouvoir se lancer sur le marché de la cryptomonnaie en utilisant ce nouveau produit financier régulé. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | mercredi 20 octobre 2021

British Police Have Transformed Into a Tool for Enforcing the State's Will -- Peter Hitchens

Oct 17, 2021 • Peter Hitchens discusses the British police's historic transformation into a form unrecognisable from decades past. He argues that the British police were once unique in the world. They were an important conservative & very English institution which was set up in complete distinction from continental police forces. Parliament had seen European police forces become tools of oppression. They were armed & uniformed state police whose job was to enforce the will of the state -- and it was not felt that such a body should exist in Britain. Consequently, the British police force that was set up was very different: unarmed, not given special powers, limited in their abilities. This is no longer the case.

Fox News Anchor Neil Cavuto Tests Positive for Coronavirus.

Fox News host Neil Cavuto learned on Monday that he had tested positive for Covid. | Rob Kim/Getty Images

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Neil Cavuto, a Fox News anchor, has tested positive for the coronavirus.

Mr. Cavuto, who is vaccinated against Covid, said he learned about the tests results Monday after his show, “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” and was not on the air Tuesday.

“While I’m somewhat stunned by this news, doctors tell me I’m lucky as well. Had I not been vaccinated, and with all my medical issues, this would be a far more dire situation,” Mr. Cavuto said in a statement released by Fox News. “It’s not, because I did and I’m surviving this because I did.”

Mr. Cavuto has been very public with his health issues throughout the years. He was treated for cancer in the 1980s and had open-heart surgery in 2016. He was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1997. » | Isabella Grullón Paz | Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte

A picture paints a thousand words / Une image vaut mille mots

Photograph: Adobe Stock

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Charge Bolsonaro with Murder over Covid Toll, Draft Brazil Senate Report Says

THE GUARDIAN: Draft text says neglect, incompetence and opposition to science fueled ‘stratospheric’ death toll

Jair Bolsonaro’s ‘deliberate and conscious’ decision to delay buying Covid vaccines led to thousands of deaths, the report says. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

The Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, should face murder charges for his role in the country’s “stratospheric” coronavirus death toll, a draft report from a senate inquiry into Brazil’s Covid crisis has recommended.

The 1,078-page document, published by Brazilian media on Tuesday afternoon, is not due to be voted on by the commission until next week and could yet be modified by senators.

But the draft text paints a devastating portrait of the neglect, incompetence and anti-scientific denialism many believe has defined the Bolsonaro administration’s response to a public health emergency that has killed more than 600,000 Brazilians.

Bolsonaro’s “deliberate and conscious” decision to delay buying Covid vaccines needlessly condemned thousands of citizens to early graves, the report claims. » | Tom Phillips in Rio de Janeiro | Tuesday, October 19, 2021

‘French Trump’ Eric Zemmour Threatening to Upset Presidential Election

Oct 19, 2021 • One man is taking the French presidential race by storm - and he's not even a candidate yet

Dubbed the “French Trump”, Eric Zemmour rails against Muslims, immigration, feminism and the supposed decline of France.

He has rocketed up the opinion polls and is crisscrossing the country, under the guise of a book tour, holding rallies where he is mobbed by adoring fans.

We spoke to him in the southern French city of Nimes.

Japan hat die gesündesten Schulkinder der Welt – woran liegt das?

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Schülerinnen und Schüler lernen in Japan nicht nur Lesen, Schreiben und Rechnen, auf dem Stundenplan steht auch die Gesundheitserziehung. Eine wichtige Rolle nimmt das Mittagessen in der Schule ein.

Japanisches Schulessen soll frisch, gesund und ausgewogen sein. | Toshiyuki Aizawa / Bloomberg

Mittagessen in der Tsutsujigaoka-Primarschule in Yokohama gleicht einer Choreografie in Weiss. Kaum erklingt der Gong zur Pause, treten kleine Trupps in weissen Kitteln und Hauben aus den Schulzimmern und trotten zur Schulküche. Zu zweit greifen die Schüler Körbe mit Reis, dem Mittagessen, den Getränken und dem Geschirr und tragen sie in ihre Schulzimmer. » | Martin Kölling, Tokio | Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2021

Taïwan: l’Amérique est-elle encore capable de défendre «l’île rebelle» face à la Chine?

Démonstration de l’armée chinoise dans les environs de Taïwan. Armée Chinoise / Weibo

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Au cœur du Pentagone, un immense kriegspiel est censé prédire le véritable affrontement que redoutent les stratèges. Depuis qu’il existe, les chances de victoire américaine sont allées s’amenuisant.

L’invasion de Taïwan se joue chaque année dans le plus grand secret, au cœur du Pentagone: forces «bleues» américaines contre forces «rouges» chinoises, pour un immense kriegspiel censé prédire le véritable affrontement que redoutent les stratèges. Or, depuis que ce kriegspiel existe, les chances de victoire américaine sont allées s’amenuisant. En 2018, un des «gourous» de ces simulations suggérait aux généraux de faire cesser l’exercice, chaque scénario aboutissant à une victoire inéluctable de l’adversaire et ne présentant plus guère d’intérêt intellectuel, vu le déséquilibre insoluble entre belligérants.

Le constat ne s’est pas arrangé depuis. «La question n’est plus de savoir si on perd, mais à quelle vitesse on va perdre, résume le général Clinton Hinote, de l’US Air Force. Nous savons ce qui va se passer, désormais. Et si l’armée américaine ne change pas de cap, nous allons perdre très rapidement. Dans ce cas, un président américain se verrait présenter un quasi-fait accompli.» On imagine le premier briefing de Joe Biden sur la question le 20 janvier 2021 lors de son entrée à la Maison-Blanche, et son humeur massacrante à l’issue. » | Par Maurin Picard | Publié : lundi 18 octobre 2021 ; mis à jour : mardi 19 octobre 2021

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Taïwan, épicentre des tensions militaires entre la Chine et les États-Unis : DÉCRYPTAGE - Le sort de l’île volcanique, que la Chine communiste a promis de réintégrer dans son giron, donne lieu à une surenchère rhétorique aussi bien que militaire. »

Annie Lennox: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Russia Sees Record Numbers of Coronavirus Deaths | Covid-19 Special

Oct 19, 2021 • Russia is well into its fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic. But Moscow is unwilling to put the country in lockdown. Add to that low adherence to hygeine rules and Russia recently recorded 1,000 over 24 hours due to Covid – a record.

That's despite the country's vaccine Sputnik V being the first to be registered for use in any nation. But Russia's population is among the most vaccine-skeptical in the world.

Brexit: Michel Barnier's Post-Brexit Warning to UK and EU - "Be Careful" | Interview

With the UK hit by a fuel crisis and labour shortage, many in the country have pointed the finger at Brexit.

Amid the disruption, Michel Barnier, the EU’s former chief Brexit negotiator, sat down with the New Statesman to discuss his new book, My Secret Brexit Diary, an account of his time leading talks with the UK ahead of its exit from the Union.

Barnier, who is seeking the nomination of France’s centre-right Republican party ahead of the 2022 presidential election, told how he fears that Brexit was a warning to the rest of Europe, where Euroscepticism could rise if voters continue to be ignored. “It is too late for the British people, but it is not too late for us,” he said.

He also spoke about his run for the Elysée and the future of international relations in the wake of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the US, UK and Australia’s Aukus treaty. On the future of the transatlantic relationship, Barnier noted that the new arms deal had tested the trust between France and the US and UK. “An alliance needs trust and confidence… I recommend that the UK and the US, who are our allies, be careful and [bear in mind] the necessity for us to work together.”

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — October 19, 2021

Polish PM Morawiecki Takes Defiant Tone in EU Rule of Law Clash | DW News

Oct 19, 2021 • Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki struck a defiant tone as he addressed the European Parliament over a case that's sparked fears his country could be on course to leave the bloc.

It's a cornerstone principle of the EU that European law takes precedence over member states' national laws. But in a ruling earlier this month, Poland's Constitutional Tribunal found that very principle was incompatible with its own constitution. The dispute is really about a number of key issues where Poland is at loggerheads with the EU, above all over controversial judicial reforms. But it's also about media reforms and LGBTQ rights. EU officials have threatened to launch legal action against Poland.

Liens connexes ici, ici et ici.

Im Streit um die Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Polen droht von der Leyen mit Sanktionen der EU: Nach dem jüngsten Entscheid aus Polen, Teile des europäischen Rechts nicht anzuerkennen, ist die Stimmung zwischen Warschau und dem Europäischen Parlament auf dem Tiefpunkt. Die EU-Kommissions-Präsidentin Ursula von der Leyen droht mit der Kürzung von Geldern. Polens Ministerpräsident Mateusz Morawiecki spricht von «Erpressung». »

Editor of BILD Tabloid Sacked after New York Times Exposes Misconduct | DW News

Oct 19, 2021 • The editor in chief of Germany's best-selling newspaper BILD has been removed from his post over revelations of misconduct. Publishing company Axel Springer said Julian Reichelt would be axed from the helm with immediate effect. The 41-year-old was suspended earlier this year as part of a company probe into his management style, and later reinstated. His sacking comes after a New York Times investigation uncovered fresh allegations against him, including an affair with a trainee and financial impropriety.


Trump Files Lawsuit to Block Release of Capitol Attack Records

THE GUARDIAN: Ex-president challenges Biden’s decision to waive executive privilege that protects White House communications

Donald Trump has sought to block the release of documents related to the Capitol attack on 6 January to a House committee investigating the incident, challenging Joe Biden’s initial decision to waive executive privilege.

In a federal lawsuit, the former president said the committee’s request in August was “almost limitless in scope” and sought many records that were not connected to the siege.

He called it a “vexatious, illegal fishing expedition” that was “untethered from any legitimate legislative purpose”, according to the papers filed in a federal court in the District of Columbia.

Trump’s lawsuit was expected – as he had said he would challenge the investigation – and at least one ally, Steve Bannon, has defied a subpoena.

But the legal challenge went beyond the initial 125 pages of records that Biden recently cleared for release to the committee.

The suit, which names the committee as well as the National Archives, seeks to invalidate the entirety of the congressional request, calling it overly broad, unduly burdensome and a challenge to separation of powers. It requests a court injunction to bar the archivist from producing the documents. » | Associated Press in Washington | Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Bannon and other top Trump officials face legal peril for defying subpoenas: Developments in select committee’s move to secure Bannon’s conviction come as Trump files lawsuit blocking the release of his White House records »

It Doesn’t Get Much Better Than This!

A screenshot from the video.

If kissing is your thing, check out THIS video from Tel Aviv.

My regular visitors will probably have watched this ‘kissathon’ before; however, as it is very long, they might well not have watched it all the way through to the end. I have watched it all the way through now, but it took me a while to get to the end because it is 84 minutes long. It is well worth your time, however, since it is so good and it is hard to find anything comparable to it on the Internet, still less anything as good.

It is not possible to embed this video because of age restrictions, so it must be watched on YouTube itself. Do yourself a favour and click on this link to watch it. Fortunately, it can be watched in stages. YouTube will remember where you left off.

I’m sure you will be as delighted by this wonderful video as I have been. It is clean and in no way objectionable (unless one is prejudiced). Enjoy it and have fun! Viel Vergnügen! – Mark

Monday, October 18, 2021

"Angriff auf die Demokratie - Wurde der Brexit gekauft?"

Die britische Wahlkommission ist überzeugt: Es gibt Anhaltspunkte dafür, dass große Teile der Gelder für eine Kampagne vor dem Brexit-Referendum aus dubiosen Quellen stammen.

Im Fokus steht der britische Geschäftsmann Arron Banks, Strippenzieher und enger Freund des ehemaligen Ukip-Anführers Nigel Farage. Über seine Offshore-Konten sollen fast neun Millionen Pfund Spenden geflossen sein.

Die "ZDFzoom"-Dokumentation geht der Frage nach: "War das Brexit-Referendum ein Komplott mit dem Ziel, auch die Grenzen der Demokratie auszutesten?" Die Recherchen legen nahe, dass Wähler verdeckt und so effektiv wie möglich beeinflusst werden sollten. "ZDFzoom"-Autor Dirk Laabs verfolgt nicht nur die Geldströme, sondern redet mit Insidern aus der Kampagne und konfrontiert ihrenNigel Farage,Steve Bannon, Kopf, den ehemaligen Chef der Ukip, Nigel Farage. Farage redet im Interview mit dem ZDF auch darüber, welchen Einfluss US-amerikanische Berater für die Kampagne hatten. Steve Bannon, früherer Berater von US-Präsident Trump, war einer der wichtigen Berater in diesem Spiel.

Konkret geht es um millionenschwere Kredite, die die Pro-Brexit-Kampagne von Banks erhalten haben soll. Demnach stammte das Geld möglicherweise nicht von ihm selbst, sondern von Firmen mit Sitz auf der Isle of Man und in Gibraltar, die sich damit in den Wahlkampf eingemischt hätten. Mittlerweile ermittelt die National Crime Agency. Sie soll die bislang verschleierte Kampagnen-Finanzierung offenlegen.

Nigel Farage spricht im Interview mit dem "ZDFzoom"-Autor Dirk Laabs ganz offen darüber, wie eng die Lager zusammengearbeitet haben und wie wichtig auch der ehemalige Trump-Berater Steve Bannon für die Kampagne in Großbritannien war: "Zuvor hatte ich keinerlei Verbündete in den Medien, keine Stimme. Dann half uns Steve. Wenn Du plötzlich mehrere Stimmen auf Deiner Seite hast, ändert das alles."

All diese Männer sind abscheulich. Sie haben etwas ganz Schmutziges gemacht mit Großbritannien und mit den Briten. Sie haben etwas sehr Unpatriotisches getan. Es ist wirklich eine Schande! - © Mark

Editor of German Tabloid Bild Sacked after Sexual Misconduct Claims

THE GUARDIAN: Julian Reichelt departs after reports that he promoted an employee he had an affair with

Julian Reichelt temporarily stepped aside in March but was reinstalled to a powerful position after less than two weeks. Photograph: Clemens Bilan/EPA

The editor of Germany’s biggest tabloid has been relieved of his duties as its publisher faced allegations that it tried to cover up the full findings of an investigation into sexual misconduct and bullying within its own offices.

Media giant Axel Springer SE, the largest media publishing firm in Europe, recently expanded its global portfolio by acquiring the US political news website Politico for more than $1bn, inviting closer scrutiny of its workplace culture on the other side of the Atlantic.

The New York Times reported on Sunday that Julian Reichelt, the editor of Bild, Axel Springer’s flagship tabloid and Europe’s biggest-selling newspaper, promoted a female junior employee to a high-level newsroom job while having an affair with her.

Axel Springer announced on Monday night that Reichelt had been relieved of his duties with immediate effect. The company said in a statement that after recent revelations, further information regarding the editor’s behaviour had come to light. » | Philip Oltermann in Berlin | Monday, October 18, 2021

«Bild»-Chef Julian Reichelt muss gehen: Die «New York Times» wirft Reichelt Machtmissbrauch gegenüber Mitarbeiterinnen vor. Wegen neuer Erkenntnisse über Fehlverhalten hat ihn der Axel-Springer-Verlag nun von seinen Aufgaben bei der «Bild»-Zeitung entbunden. »

Allemagne : le rédacteur en chef de Bild limogé pour une liaison et un comportement «fautif» : »

Mahler Symphony No 5 | Adagietto | Herbert von Karajan

Slide-show of Venice with contemporary photographs and antique oil paintings. | Berlin Philharmoniker | Deutsche Grammophon

Toto : Africa | Official HD Video

Views on YouTube: 711,953,705
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La Pologne et la Hongrie suspendues aux fonds européens

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Dans leur bras de fer avec Bruxelles sur l’État de droit, les deux pays risquent gros: des milliards de subventions.

Attendu de pied ferme par un Parlement de Strasbourg très remonté, le premier ministre polonais, Mateusz Morawiecki, devrait l’assurer, ce mardi matin, de sa «loyauté» à l’Union européenne. Après l’arrêt du Tribunal constitutionnel du 7 octobre déclarant la primauté du droit polonais sur celui de l’UE, les eurodéputés pressent la présidente de la Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, de déclencher enfin la procédure «État de droit», qui priverait des précieux subsides communautaires les pays membres qui ne respectent pas les règles. » | Par Florentin Collomp | lundi 18 octobre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

Der Mann für die grossen Überraschungen: Peter Marki-Zay fordert Ungarns Ministerpräsidenten Orban heraus: Der Bürgermeister einer Kleinstadt gewinnt unerwartet klar die oppositionellen Vorwahlen. Sein Konservatismus ist sein grosser Trumpf – und eine Quelle der Spannungen im heterogenen Parteienbündnis, das ihn unterstützt. »

Homosexuality: It's about Survival - Not Sex | James O'Keefe | TEDxTallaght

Nov 15, 2016 • This passionate talk from Dr. James O'Keefe MD gives us a deeply personal and fascinating insight into why homosexuality is indeed a necessary and extraordinarily useful cog in nature's wheel of perfection.

James H O'Keefe MD, is a Board Certified Cardiologist and Director of both the Charles & Barbara Duboc Cardio Health & Wellness Center and the Preventive Cardiology service at Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute. He is also Professor of Medicine at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. His postgraduate training included a cardiology fellowship at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Dr O’Keefe is board-certified in Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Nuclear Cardiology, and Cardiac CT Imaging. He is consistently ranked among the ‘Top Doctor’ lists regionally and nationally as one of America’s Top Rated Physicians in Cardiology. He has been named as one of USA Today’s Most Influential Doctors. Dr O’Keefe has contributed more than 300 articles to the medical literature and has authored best-selling cardiovascular books for health professionals including: The Complete Guide to ECGs (which is used for Cardiology Board Certification), Dyslipidemia Essentials, and Diabetes Essential.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Since this video was made, homosexuality in India has been decriminalised. India's Supreme Court legalised consensual gay sex on September 6, 2018.

These two WIKIPEDIA links on homosexuality in India are very informative: Homosexuality in India amd LGBT rights in India. – Mark

Elegant Chinese Jewish Gay Wedding • Michael & Neil

Jul 24, 2020 • Michael & Neil’s wedding weekend was elegant, sophisticated, and truly special. These two grooms are literally from different corners of the globe. Michael is Turkish – Swiss – Russian and wished to include his Jewish traditions into the ceremony. Neil is Chinese from Shanghai and also wanted to represent his culture on their wedding day. Both men wanted to incorporate their families, their heritage, and traditions into the ceremony, which made it all so meaningful and rich.

The dynamic two met when Michael was visiting the hotel that Neil was managing. They quickly locked eyes, and to say the least, hit it off immediately. With many trips across the ocean to see one another, they fell in love while exploring the world together.

Neil proposed in front of Michael’s family at an intimate dinner with a ring that was custom made. Each of their wedding rings held a ruby because red is lucky in Chinese culture. The start of many traditions.

Michael was really thoughtful with every detail of the planning process keeping his guest’s happiness as his main priority. Every detail was given the utmost attention, from the guest gifts to the menus, to the entertainment, everything was planned to perfection so his friends & family would have an extraordinary experience during their wedding weekend on the Riviera. …

Amazing Gay Wedding | Villa Vizcaya Museum & Garden Miami, FL | Hernan & William

May 27, 2016 • Same-sex wedding video @ Vizcaya Garden in Miami, FL

Colin Powell, Who Shaped U.S. National Security, Dies at 84

THE NEW YORK TIMES: A former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, secretary of state and national security adviser, Mr. Powell died on Monday of complications of Covid-19, his family said.

Colin L. Powell in 2004, when he was secretary of state under President George W. Bush in the midst of the Iraq war. | Doug Mills/The New York Times

Colin L. Powell, who in four decades of public life served as the nation’s top soldier, diplomat and national security adviser, and whose speech at the United Nations in 2003 helped pave the way for the United States to go to war in Iraq, died on Monday. He was 84.

He died of complications of Covid-19, his family said in a statement. He had been fully vaccinated and was treated at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, his family said.

Mr. Powell was a path breaker serving as the country’s first African American national security adviser, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and secretary of state. Beginning with his 35 years in the Army, Mr. Powell was emblematic of the ability of minorities to use the military as a ladder of opportunity.

His was a classic American success story. Born in Harlem of Jamaican parents, Mr. Powell grew up in the South Bronx and graduated from City College of New York, joining the Army through ROTC. From a young second lieutenant commissioned in the dawn of a newly desegregated Army, Mr. Powell served two decorated combat tours in Vietnam. He later was national security adviser to President Ronald Reagan at the end of the Cold War, helping negotiate arms treaties and an era of cooperation with the Soviet president, Mikhail Gorbachev. » | Eric Schmitt | Monday, October 18, 2021

Der Irak machte ihn gross und demütigte ihn – Colin Powell ist im Alter von 84 Jahren gestorben: Colin Powell wurde nach dem ersten Golfkrieg von 1991 als Held gefeiert. Aber seine Rolle bei der Vorbereitung des zweiten Irak-Feldzugs wertete er später selbst als Schandfleck in seiner Karriere. »

Colin Powell, secrétaire d'État sous George W. Bush, est décédé du Covid-19 : Il est décédé à l'âge de 84 ans ce lundi. Connu pour son allocution de 2003 sur les armes de destruction massives prétendument détenues par l'Irak, il avait par la suite qualifié ce moment de «tache» sur sa réputation. »

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — October 18, 2021

Bank of England Will Have to Act to Curb Inflation, Says Bailey

THE GUARDIAN: Governor signals central bank is preparing to raise interest rates amid surge in energy prices

The Bank of England governor, Andrew Bailey, said he continued to believe the recent jump in inflation would be temporary. Photograph: Hannah McKay/Reuters

The governor of the Bank of England has warned it will “have to act” to curb rising inflation, sending a new signal that it is gearing up to raise interest rates.

Andrew Bailey said he continued to believe the recent jump in inflation would be temporary, but he predicted a surge in energy prices would push it higher and make its climb last longer, increasing the risk of higher inflation expectations.

“Monetary policy cannot solve supply-side problems – but it will have to act and must do so if we see a risk, particularly to medium-term inflation and to medium-term inflation expectations,” Bailey said on Sunday during an online panel discussion organised by the Group of 30 consultative group. » | Guardian staff and agency | Monday, October 18, 2021

Inside Peter Thiel’s Shadowy Political Dealings | The Mehdi Hasan Show

Sep 24, 2021 • Peter Thiel is a tech billionaire with influence in both Silicon Valley and… far-right politics? Max Chafkin, who wrote the biography on the mogul, joins the show.

The Mehdi Hasan Show: Insightful reporting and probing interviews that examine the day's events and provide a deeper level of context for the politics of our interconnected society.

Rachel Maddow: RNC's Openly Gay Speaker Peter Thiel a 'Tough Nut' | MSNBC | 2016

Jul 22, 2016 • PayPal Co-Founder Peter Thiel said he was "proud to be gay" and a Republican on the RNC stage. Rachel Maddow, Eugene Robinson and Steve Schmidt discuss.

Locking Lips

Photo: Adobe Stock

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Paris Allemand, de Dominique Veillon: les visages du Paris de l’Occupation

Dominique Veillon dresse le tableau des situations que la population parisienne dut endurer pendant l’Occupation. Ici, place Blanche, en 1940. Tallandier/©Tallandier/Bridgeman images

LE FIGARO : La vie quotidienne dans la capitale sous l’étau allemand à travers récits et témoignages vécus.

Il y a plusieurs livres dans Paris Allemand, de Dominique Veillon, où l’historienne a pour ambition d’«essayer de comprendre les réactions de la population parisienne alors qu’elle est placée dans une situation particulière: sous l’étau allemand, sans gouvernement et en proie à des difficultés de toutes sortes». Les «difficultés de toutes sortes» sont celles auxquelles la plupart d’entre nous, qui ont toujours mangé à leur faim dans des appartements chauffés, n’ont jamais été confrontés. Si certains ont oublié ce qu’a signifié concrètement l’occupation allemande - on se souvient du mot si frivole de Sartre: «On n’a jamais été plus libre que sous l’Occupation» -, la lecture du livre de Dominique Veillon leur sera fort utile. Grâce notamment aux rapports des Renseignements généraux et à des fonds d’archives diverses (Archives nationales, Musée Jean-Moulin, Musée du Général Leclerc…), mais aussi aux journaux et témoignages intimes de personnalités publiques ou privées qui ont vécu cette période, Dominique Veillon dresse le tableau des situations que la population parisienne dut endurer, en particulier durant les terribles hivers 1941 et 1942. » | Par Paul-François Paoli | mercredi 10 février 2021

Zemmour, un «révisionniste» pro-Vichy, fustige Beaune

Le secrétaire d'État aux Affaires européenne Clément Beaune et le polémiste Éric Zemmour. ATTILA KISBENEDEK et FERENC ISZA / AFP

LE FIGARO : Les propos du candidat non déclaré à la présidentielle de 2022 sont «à vomir», a estimé ce dimanche le secrétaire d'État aux Affaires européenne.

Les propos d'Éric Zemmour réhabilitant le régime de Vichy relèvent du «révisionnisme et de l'antisémitisme traditionnel» et sont «à vomir», a estimé dimanche le secrétaire d'État aux Affaires européenne, Clément Beaune, au Forum de Radio J.

Le polémiste, qui ne cache pas ses ambitions présidentielles, affirme notamment que le maréchal Pétain, chef du régime de Vichy, a sauvé des juifs français. «Eric Zemmour, c'est l'un des visages de ce qui est une longue tradition dans notre pays, l'extrême droite française haineuse antisémite (...) Il (en) est l'un des visages temporaires mais dangereux », a lancé Clément Beaune. «Le mythe du Pétain protecteur des juifs ne résiste pas une seconde à l'analyse historique (...) M. Zemmour se pare de mensonges historiques scandaleux», a ajouté le secrétaire d'État. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | dimanche 17 octobre 2021

The Guardian view on French politics: the great moving right show: The tone of France’s presidential election campaign suggests a society that is becoming increasingly illiberal – Since the election of Emmanuel Macron as president in 2017, it has been tempting to view French politics in somewhat Manichean terms. Four years ago, Mr Macron won by (comfortably) beating Marine Le Pen in the second round runoff. Until this autumn, it seemed extremely likely that next spring’s election would be a rematch. Division and disarray on the French left, and the continuing slump of the centre-right Républicains party, left voters with a seemingly stark choice: centrist liberalism or far-right nationalism. This normalisation of the Le Pen dynasty was bad enough. But recent polls suggest a more complicated picture; and from a progressive standpoint, perhaps a more disturbing one. »

L’armée canadienne décimée par les scandales sexuels

Le général Dany Fortin, superviseur de la campagne de vaccination au Canada, prend la parole devant un poste de police de Gatineau, après avoir été inculpé pour agression sexuelle, en août dernier. PATRICK DOYLE/REUTERS

LE FIGARO : Les principaux hauts gradés des Forces armées canadiennes (FAC) font face à des accusations de harcèlement et ont été évincés.

«Une autre allégation d’inconduite sexuelle contre un haut gradé», a titré ce samedi Le Journal de Montréal. L’accusé est le chef du commandement du personnel militaire, Steven Whelan. Ce lieutenant général, également chargé de lutter contre les inconduites sexuelles dans l’armée, a remplacé en milieu d’année un autre militaire soupçonné de harcèlement sexuel. Autre accusé, le futur chef de l’armée de terre, Trevor Cadieu. Il a dû renoncer à sa promotion mercredi dernier. » | Par Ludovic Hirtzmann | dimanche 17 octobre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

Délices des Grisons : Les plats typiques des Grisons | ARTE

Oct 10, 2021 • Situé dans les Alpes suisses, le canton des Grisons est surtout connu pour sa viande séchée et ses tartes aux noix. Phénomène rare, une espèce locale de pin, l'arole, aussi appelé pin arve, y est également utilisée en cuisine pour ses qualités aromatiques.

Dans ces montagnes des Alpes suisses, les étés sont courts, il faut donc des légumes résistants, comme les blettes. Leurs grandes feuilles permettent de préparer des roulades dont la farce se décline à l'infini. L’orge pousse aussi dans ces contrées. On l'accommode sous forme de potage avec des cubes de viande des Grisons. Phénomène rare, une espèce locale de pin, l'arole, aussi appelé pin arve, est également utilisée en cuisine pour ses qualités aromatiques. Menuisière et adepte de plats traditionnels, Barbara Schuler-Rozzi le travaille de moult façons : ses copeaux donnent du goût aux glaces quand ses planches composent des lits dans lesquels il fait bon dormir grâce aux subtiles huiles essentielles que le bois exhale.

Série documentaire (Allemagne, 2016, 26mn)

Disponible jusqu'au 09/11/2021

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France Accuses UK of Violating Brexit Fishing Deal | DW News

Oct 17, 2021 • The UK and the European Union wrangled for months over a deal that was supposed to regulate their post-Brexit trade relationship. But almost a year after it went into force, the squabbling continues. French fishermen say London's not honoring its side of the bargain by refusing to grant access to its waters - and now Paris is threatening to take action.

Wo die Liebe hinfällt | SWR Nachtcafé

Mar 7, 2017 • Wo die Liebe hinfällt - ist sie meist schwer aufzuhalten. Michael Steinbrecher spricht diese Woche im Nachtcafé mit Menschen, die bei ihrer Partnerwahl mutige Entscheidungen getroffen haben und ihren Weg gehen. Der Jüngling und die reife Dame, der Chef und die Sekretärin, die Adelige und der Bürgerliche - für Außenstehende sind solche Beziehungen meist zum Scheitern verurteilt. Denn der Volksmund hat eine klare Vorstellung davon, wie das ideale Paar auszusehen hat.

Former Models Expose the Ugly Truth of the Beauty Industry | 60 Minutes Australia

First there was Harvey Weinstein, and then Jeffrey Epstein, two men so corrupted by their own power and money they thought it entitled them to sexually abuse any woman or teenager they lusted after. Now one of the icons of the world of modelling stands similarly accused of being a sex fiend. His name might not be familiar to those outside the beauty industry, but for decades Frenchman Gérald Marie, now aged 70, was the super-agent who decided, or torpedoed, the careers of supermodels. He even married one of the most famous of them all, Linda Evangelista. But a 60 MINUTES global investigation has uncovered more than a dozen former models with shocking accusations about him. They say he’s a predator who ritually abused and raped young women – including minors. As Tara Brown reports, the women are now demanding that Gérald Marie be held accountable for his depravity, and it seems prosecutors in France are finally taking notice.

Viewer discretion is advised. This video is about filth in the fashion industry/modelling world and is DEFINITELY NOT suitable for children. – Mark

Ros Atkins on… China-Taiwan Tensions - BBC News

Oct 16, 2021 • Ros Atkins examines why tensions between China and Taiwan have increased over recent weeks.

Another Meaningless Slogan – Low-skill/Low-pay to High-skill/High-pay?

Oct 17, 2021 • To cheers from the audience at the Tory party conference, Boris Johnson announced his plan to transform the UK economy from a low-skill//low-pay to high-skill/high-pay economy.

This is just another meaningless slogan. The UK has no chance of ever becoming a high tech centre to match Silicon Valley or Shenzhen in China. It is far too late. It is right that we should train those who are interested in tech and that we should do everything to develop this sector but, however successful, this will take years and will in no way affect the lives or jobs of the vast majority of the current workforce.

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s Husband Hits Out at Government Handling of Case

THE OBSERVER: Richard Ratcliffe criticises failure to ‘deal with problems until they become crises’ after wife loses appeal

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe with her daughter, Gabriella, during a temporary release from prison in 2018.Photograph: Free Nazanin campaign/AFP/Getty Images

The husband of jailed British-Iranian aid worker Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe last night criticised the government’s handling of his wife’s case after it was revealed she had lost her appeal against a second jail sentence in Iran.

Richard Ratcliffe accused the government of failing to deal with problems “until they become crises”.

His wife was jailed for five years in 2016 after being accused of plotting against the regime. After her release earlier this year, she was charged and sentenced to another year allegedly for spreading propaganda.

Following the failure of her appeal in the propaganda case, Zaghari-Ratcliffe can be sent back to prison at any time.

Her husband said his wife was “traumatised at the thought of having to go back to jail”. » | David Connett | Saturday, October 16, 2021

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Die letzten Tabus - was keiner wissen darf | SWR Nachtcafé

Oct 6, 2018 • Es gibt auch heute noch vieles, worüber der Mantel des Schweigens gelegt wird anstatt es anzusprechen. Ein Familiengeheimnis oder etwas Peinliches. Das Thema im Nachtcafé: "Die letzten Tabus - was keiner wissen darf".

Pete Buttigieg Hits Back at Fox News Host’s Criticism of His Paternity Leave

THE GUARDIAN: The US transportation secretary and his husband recently adopted newborn twins and praised ‘an administration that’s actually pro-family’

Pete Buttigieg and his husband, Chasten, recently adopted newborn twins. Photograph: Matt Rourke/AP

US transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg, who has been on paternity leave since mid-August with newborn twins, called right-wing attacks on his paternity leave “strange” and from “a side of the aisle that used to claim the mantle of being pro-family”.

Buttigieg – who is gay – was the subject of criticism from Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Thursday, who belittled the secretary’s paternity leave while making homophobic comments and criticizing the administration for supply chain woes.

“In his case, I guess he just doesn’t understand the concept of bottle feeding let alone the concept of paternity lave,” Buttigieg said about Carlson on MSNBC. “What we have right now is an administration that’s actually pro-family,” said Buttigieg, who adopted newborn twins with his husband Chasten.

“I’m blessed to experience that as an employee, being able to have the flexibility to take care of our newborn children, which is by the way, work, it’s joyful work, it’s wonderful work, but it’s definitely work,” Buttigieg added. » | Jessica Glenza | Saturday, October 16, 2021

Tucker Carlson's snide dismissal of paternity leave is in stark contrast to his colleagues' fervent support »

Love and Sex in the Internet Age | DW Documentary

Nov 18, 2020 • The singles market is big and online dating businesses are booming. Digitalization seems to make finding the perfect mate simple. All it takes is a pair of clicks and you're in the "dating zone."

More than 20 million people live as singles in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Millions of them today use dating platforms, particularly apps. "That we kicked off a revolution - we certainly didn't expect that. Everything we do is aimed at directly linking people to each other. Today, no one has to be in a certain place in order to get acquainted," says Whitney Wolfe, about the most successful international dating app, Tinder. Wolfe is now the CEO of the dating app Bumble. The intuitive selection of a photo on a smartphone and access to others with similar interests (the famous "match") is a popular matchmaking principle today.

The big online dating services, on the other hand, use tests and algorithms to allegedly decide who's right for whom. The process is painstaking and mysterious. The formula that underpins German dating site Parship was developed by psychologist Hugo Schmale, who's now 87. Yet even he doesn't believe in love for life: "The boys and girls of tomorrow are all going to live to be 90. If they first meet each other at fifteen, then that's a strange idea, that they would remain in the same relationship from fifteen to 90. It's normal that people change and you need the chance to be able to split up again, too." Historian Moira Weigel says dating has long shared much with the world of work, and not just in the Internet age. Self-promotion and self-improvement aren't exclusive to the smartphone era. Sociologist Eva Illouz, however, warns that capitalism has appropriated love itself. This documentary takes the viewer into the world of online dating and tries to discover how courtship has changed in the digital age.

David Amess: MP’s Killing Declared a Terrorist Incident

THE GUARDIAN: Man, 25, in custody as police investigate ‘potential motivation linked to Islamist extremism’

The killing of the Conservative MP David Amess, who died after being stabbed several times at an open advice surgery for his constituents in Essex, has been declared as a terrorist incident.

The death of the 69-year-old veteran backbencher brought heartfelt tributes from all parties. Just five years after the murder of Jo Cox, it also prompted renewed worries about the security risks for MPs in an increasingly rancorous and polarised political era.

A 25-year-old man, believed to be a Briton with Somali heritage, is in custody and has been arrested on suspicion of murder. Sources have told the Guardian he has the same details as someone who had previously been referred to the Prevent scheme, the official programme for those thought at risk of radicalisation. » | Peter Walker, Vikram Dodd, Matthew Weaver and Dan Sabbagh | Saturday, October 16, 2021

Le meurtre du député britannique David Amess qualifié d'attaque terroriste »

OBITUARY: Sir David Amess »

Friday, October 15, 2021

Marie-Antoinette, ils ont jugé la reine | ARTE

Oct 14, 2021 • Disponible jusqu'au 14/01/2022 Dévoilant les arcanes d’un procès truqué, cette ambitieuse fiction historique livre la chronique rigoureusement documentée des derniers jours de Marie-Antoinette et du basculement de la Révolution dans la Terreur.

21 janvier 1793. Louis XVI est guillotiné en place publique, sous les clameurs de la foule. Pour les chefs révolutionnaires se pose, dès lors, la question du sort de Marie-Antoinette, enfermée au Temple avec ses enfants et sa belle-sœur. Alors que la jeune République est menacée en son sein par l’insurrection de la Vendée royaliste, et à ses frontières par une coalition de monarchies européennes, la Convention nationale vote, en avril, la création du Comité de salut public, principal et bientôt tout-puissant organe du gouvernement révolutionnaire. Le 2 août, la souveraine déchue, désormais privée des siens et de ses derniers biens, est transférée à la Conciergerie, dans l’attente de son jugement. Antoine Fouquier-Tinville, l’accusateur public du Tribunal révolutionnaire, et le pamphlétaire Jacques-René Hébert, qui déverse sa haine de "l’Autrichienne" dans les pages de son très populaire journal, Le père Duchesne, pressent Robespierre de fixer une date. Dans la nuit du 2 au 3 septembre, alors même que la dernière tentative d’évasion de la reine échoue, les membres du Comité de salut public, réunis en secret, scellent son destin funeste. En offrant au peuple la tête de "la veuve Capet", Robespierre a trouvé un moyen de faire tomber celles de ses opposants politiques (les Girondins, modérés), emportés par les débordements sanglants de la Terreur qui s’instaure. Témoignages contradictoires, absence de preuves, jury de sans-culottes recrutés par les hommes forts du régime, avocats de la défense arrêtés à l’issue de leurs plaidoiries : le 16 octobre, au terme d’un simulacre de procès qui aura duré seulement deux jours et deux nuits, Marie-Antoinette est condamnée à mort, puis conduite à l’échafaud quelques heures plus tard.

Julio Iglesias, Stevie Wonder: My Love

Seong-Jin Cho – Debussy: Suite bergamasque, L.75: III. Clair de lune

Oct 13, 2017 • Listen to Debussy’s 3rd Movement Clair de lune on his Suite bergamasque played by Seong-Jin Cho. On the eve of the 100th anniversary of Claude Debussy’s death, 2015, Chopin Competition winner Seong-Jin Cho explores the great French composer’s piano music.

A Year Later, a Schoolteacher’s Beheading Still Haunts France

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The killing of Samuel Paty by an 18-year-old Chechen refugee intensified debate over security and immigration, and prompted intense scrutiny of the French secular model.

Students at a high school in Paris on Friday participating in a minute of silence to honor Samuel Paty, a teacher who was beheaded last year by an Islamist fanatic. | Ian Langsdon/EPA, via Shutterstock

PARIS — Most schools throughout France observed a minute of silence on Friday in remembrance of Samuel Paty, a teacher whose attempt to illustrate free speech to his students led to his beheading a year ago by an Islamist fanatic.

As a history teacher, Mr. Paty was responsible for teaching civics. To illustrate the right to blasphemy, free speech and freedom of conscience, he showed caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, setting in motion a swirl of lies and rumor that ended in his beheading.

The police investigation, it emerged in March, revealed that the girl who told her father, Brahim Chnina, a false version of what had taken place in the class and prompted the online frenzy that led to the killing had not been in the class at all.

The girl told the police that Mr. Paty had questioned all students on their religious allegiance, let Muslims know that they could leave because “they would be shocked” and then ordered her out of the class for causing a ruckus while images of a naked Prophet were shown. But the story was made-up; she was never there. » | Roger Cohen | Friday, October 15, 2021

The Rise of Gay Churches in Brazil (2013)

Der Versorgungskollaps im «Winter der Unzufriedenheit» veränderte Grossbritannien für immer – holt Boris Johnson die Geschichte ein?

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die Pandemie und der Brexit sorgen für Engpässe, die Erinnerungen an den Winter 1979 wecken. Damals brach Grossbritannien unter einer Streikwelle zusammen, bevor ein politisches Erdbeben Premierminister Callaghan aus dem Amt katapultierte. Doch droht sich die Geschichte wirklich zu wiederholen?

Nein, Grossbritannien werde im Winter der Strom nicht ausgehen. Und ja, die Ängste vor einer Dreitagewoche zum Energiesparen seien «alarmistisch, wenig hilfreich und völlig deplatziert». Schon nur der Umstand, dass der Wirtschaftsminister Kwasi Kwarteng jüngst solche Fragen beantworten musste, sagt einiges über die Stimmungslage in Grossbritannien aus. » | Niklaus Nuspliger, London | Freitag, 15. Oktober 2021

Deadly Clashes in Beirut Escalate Fears over Lebanon’s Dysfunction

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The fighting further traumatized the small Mediterranean country, a patchwork of sects that has tumbled into an abyss of devastating political and economic crises.

Protests led by Shiite political parties, including Hezbollah, turned violent as the groups pushed for the removal of the judge investigating the August 2020 Beirut Port explosion.Credit | Anwar Amro/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Armed clashes between sectarian militias transformed Beirut neighborhoods into a deadly war zone on Thursday, raising fears that violence could fill the void left by the near-collapse of the Lebanese state.

Rival gunmen, chanting in support of their leaders, hid behind cars and dumpsters to fire automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades at their rivals. At least six people were killed and 30 wounded. Residents cowered in their homes, and teachers herded children into the hallways and basements of schools to protect them from the shooting.

It was some of the worst violence in years to convulse Beirut, aggravating the sense of instability in a small country already buffeted by devastating political and economic crises and inviting recollections of its civil war that ended more than three decades ago.

Since the fall of 2019, Lebanon’s currency has plummeted more than 90 percent in value, battering the economy and reducing Lebanese who were comfortably middle class to poverty. The World Bank has said Lebanon’s economic collapse could rank among the three worst in the world since the mid-1800s. » | Ben Hubbard and Marc Santora | Published: Thursday, October 14, 2021; Updated: Friday, October 15, 2021

Le Liban à nouveau face au spectre de la guerre civile : RÉCIT - Des échanges de tirs ont fait au moins six morts en marge d’une manifestation organisée par les mouvements chiites Hezbollah et Amal contre le juge en charge de l’enquête sur l’explosion du port de Beyrouth. »