Tuesday, May 07, 2013

King James Bible: How It Changed the Way We Speak

BBC: The impact of the King James Bible, which was published 400 years ago, is still being felt in the way we speak and write, says Stephen Tomkins.

No other book, or indeed any piece of culture, seems to have influenced the English language as much as the King James Bible. Its turns of phrase have permeated the everyday language of English speakers, whether or not they've ever opened a copy.

The Sun says Aston Villa "refused to give up the ghost". Wendy Richard calls her EastEnders character Pauline Fowler "the salt of the earth". The England cricket coach tells reporters, "You can't put words in my mouth." Daily Mirror fashion pages call Tilda Swinton "a law unto herself".

Though each of those phrases was begotten of the loins of the English Bible, it's safe to say that none of those speakers was deliberately quoting the Bible to people they expected to be familiar with its contents. » | Monday, January 17, 2011

The Secret Halal Meat Scandal

Inside Story: Syria: Exploding Beyond Its Borders

As Israel is accused of carrying out attacks in Damascus, we look at the political and military impact on the region.

George Galloway Insists Respect Is 'Definitely, Definitely, Definitely NOT a Muslim Party'

EXPRESS: GEORGE Galloway today strongly emphasised the political standing of his Islamist-backed party, insisting Respect is "definitely not a Muslim party."

At the launch of the Rotherham Branch of the Respect Party today, Mr Galloway said Britain is "ripe for political change," adding that "Rotherham could do better."

Discussing his party's political standing at Talbot Lane Methodist Church, Mr Galloway, who is an alleged Muslim convert, said: "We are definitely, definitely, definitely not a Muslim party."

In the past, the party has been accused of abandoning some traditional liberal-social issues, particularly involving women, in order to attract Muslim support. » | Charlotte Meredith | Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Intervention au Mali: un chef d'Aqmi appelle à attaquer les intérêts français dans le monde

L’EXPRESS: Dénonçant "la croisade" de Paris au Mali dans un message ce mardi, il menace de nouveau la France et demande des attaques "partout dans le monde". François Hollande indique qu'il prend "au sérieux" ces menaces.

Un chef d'Al-Qaïda au Maghreb Islamique (Aqmi) appelle à attaquer les intérêts français "partout dans le monde", dans une vidéo mise en ligne ce mardi, où il dénonce "la croisade menée par la France contre les musulmans" dans l'opération militaire française au Mali. Une menace prise "au sérieux" par la France.

Abou Obeida Youssef Al-Annabi exhorte dans la vidéo "les musulmans dans le monde entier" à "attaquer les intérêts français partout, car ce sont des cibles légitimes". » | Par L’EXPRESS.fr | mardi 07 mai 2013

Ann Coulter: Bombing Suspect's Wife Should Be Jailed For Wearing Hijab

Teetotal Tourism

DAILY NEWS | EGYPT: As new hotel opens in Hurghada serving no alcohol, hotel groups call for reconsidering ratings system

Last week, the Les Rois hotel in Hurghada opened to the sound of breaking glass as bottles of alcohol were smashed in celebration.

The hotel was touted as Egypt’s first non-alcohol serving hotel, but the move has some recent precedents. When Abdul Aziz Al Ibrahim, a Saudi businessman who bought the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Egypt, prevented alcoholic drinks from being served at one of Downtown Cairo’s major luxury hotels, the move sparked some debate, spurring former tourism minister, Zuhair Garana, to threaten to cut the hotel’s ranking from five stars to two.

The owners of Les Rois have decided to not serve any alcohol to tourists at the hotel, in order to promote “a new kind of tourism”.

The hotel administration has also announced it will not be providing any services which violate Islamic Sharia law.

It will also be allocating a floor for women only, complete with female security guards, which will include a swimming pool, a restaurant, and a dance lounge.

The hotel owners said that the hotel earmarked the fourth floor as a women-only space because it overlooks a mountainous area, reducing the risk of violating “female modesty”. » | Hend El-Behary | Tuesday, May 07, 2013

They're Taking Our Children

THE AGE: West Papua's youth are being removed to Islamic religious schools in Java for "re-education", writes Michael Bachelard.

EXTRACT: ...The men who took Yope were part of an organised traffic in West Papuan youth. A six-month Good Weekend investigation has confirmed that children, possibly in their thousands, have been enticed away over the past decade or more with the promise of a free education. In a province where the schools are poor and the families poorer still, no-cost schooling can be an irresistible offer.

But for some of these children, who may be as young as five, it's only when they arrive that they find out they have been recruited by "pesantren", Islamic boarding schools, where time to study maths, science or language is dwarfed by the hours spent in the mosque. There, in the words of one pesantren leader, "They learn to honour God, which is the main thing." These schools have one aim: to send their graduates back to Christian-majority Papua to spread their muscular form of Islam.

Ask the 100 Papuan boys and girls at the Daarur Rasul school outside Jakarta what they want to be when they grow up and they shout, "Ustad! Ustad! [religious teacher]."... Read it all here » | Michael Bachelard | Indonesia correspondent for Fairfax Media | Saturday, May 04, 2013

The Lies We Tell Ourselves About Moderate Islam

THE JERUSALEM POST: Fundamentally Freund: President Barack Obama and much of the Western press seem to have difficulty saying in close proximity to one another: ‘Islamic’ and ‘terror.’

The past few weeks have been difficult ones for the United States and its allies, as they received some painful reminders that the war on terror is far from over.

In a dastardly attack on April 15, two bombs went off at the Boston Marathon, killing three people, wounding 264 others and leaving more than two dozen amputees. A week later, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police announced that they had arrested two people in a plot to attack a passenger train heading to Toronto from New York.

There were other incidents as well. On April 18, gunmen stormed a hotel in the Kenyan town of Garissa and sprayed bullets into the restaurant, killing 10.

And on April 28, two assassins opened fire on army intelligence officers in the town of Lamitan in the Philippines, killing two people.

What all these episodes have in common is one highly conspicuous fact: they were all carried out by Muslim terrorists bent on killing as many “infidels” as possible.

Indeed, despite an ongoing avalanche of violence being perpetrated around the world by Muslim extremists, there are two words President Barack Obama and much of the Western press seem to have difficulty saying in close proximity to one another: “Islamic” and “terror.”

They would rather soothe themselves – and us – into complacency, as if refusing to call something by its name will magically make it go away. » | Michael Freund | Monday, May 06, 2013

Islam in Canada: Islamic Converts Add to Muslim Community in Windsor

CBC NEWS | WINDSOR: Number of Muslims in Canada is set to triple by the year 2030

While many religions are dealing with flat or shrinking memberships in Windsor, the local Muslim community is growing . Numbers are up due in part to converts.

According to Mohamed Mohamed, the Imam at Windsor Mosque, approximately three people come to the mosque every month looking to convert.

"When anyone comes to us, he will be one of us. It's as simple as that," he said.

According to the Pew Research Center Forum on Religion and Public Life, the number of Muslims in Canada is set to triple by the year 2030.

It is projected that there will be 2.7 million Muslims in Canada by then, up roughly 940,000 from 2011. » | CBC News | Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Monday, May 06, 2013

European Commissioner Warns That Pulling Out of the EU Would Be 'A Clear Disaster' for Britain and Cost Tens of Thousands of Jobs

THE INDEPENDENT: Leaving the EU would be a “clear disaster” for Britain and put tens of thousands of UK jobs at risk, the European Commissioner for Trade has warned. In a strongly worded warning to David Cameron as the Prime Minister seeks to renegotiate Britain’s relationship with the Europe, Karel de Gucht said it would be “madness” to quit the EU just as it is about to strike a major trade deal with the US.

Speaking to The Independent, Mr de Gucht also made a direct attack on the Westminster for its ignorance about the EU, warning that Britain needed to stop blaming Brussels for the country’s economic and social problems. “It’s really amazing how little a lot of British politicians know about Europe,” the former Belgian Foreign Minister said. “You need decision on the basis of facts and figures and arguments, not on the basis of myths.

“Why don’t people tell the truth about the EU?” » | Rob Hastings | Monday, May 06, 2013

Kein Friedhof in Boston will Tsarnaevs Leiche

KRONE.AT: Nachdem die Leiche des 26-jährigen Attentäters von Boston, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, am Donnerstag freigegeben worden ist, sucht nun der von der Familie beauftragte Bestatter nach einem geeigneten Platz auf einem der Friedhöfe in Boston und Umgebung. Doch die Suche gestaltet sich steinig, bisher weigern sich sämtliche Ruhestätten, die sterblichen Überreste Tsarnaevs beizusetzen.

Nachdem die Eltern der beiden Attentäter - der jüngere Bruder, Dzhokhar (19), befindet sich seit seiner Verhaftung in schwer verletztem Zustand weiterhin im Spital unter strengster Bewachung der Polizei - entschieden hatten, dass der Leichnam ihres älteren Sohnes nicht in die Heimat geflogen, sondern in Boston bestattet werden soll, nahm sich ein Onkel Tamerlans der Sache an und beauftragte ein Bestattungsunternehmen im Bostoner Vorort Worcester mit den notwendigen Aufgaben. » | red/AG | Samstag, 04. Mai 2013
Allemagne: Un garde présumé d'Auschwitz a été arrêté

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Un ancien garde présumé du camp de concentration d'Auschwitz, âgé de 93 ans, a été arrêté en Allemagne, a annoncé lundi le parquet de Stuttgart. Il aurait officié à son poste de l'automne 1941 à 1945.

L'homme faisait partie du service des gardes du camp de concentration, de 1941 à sa fermeture en 1945.

«Les forces de la police criminelle du Bade-Würtemberg, sur mandat du parquet de Stuttgart, ont interpellé à son domicile un ancien employé du camp d'Auschwitz, qui faisait partie du service des gardes, de l'automne 1941 à sa fermeture en 1945, et est soupçonné de complicité de meurtre», a écrit le parquet dans un communiqué.

«Après la perquisition de son appartement, il a été présenté à un juge statuant en matière de détention et placé en détention provisoire», ajoute le texte qui précise qu'«une inculpation est en cours de préparation». » | afp/Newsnet | lundi 06 mai 2013

Le pape demande aux gardes suisses d'avoir l'air joyeux

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Le pape François a rendu hommage lundi au «professionnalisme» des gardes suisses, leur demandant d'arborer une expression joyeuse quand ils sont de faction.

«Durant votre séjour à Rome, vous êtes appelés à témoigner de votre foi avec joie, et par la gentillesse de votre expression: ceci est important pour tant de personnes qui passent par la Cité du Vatican. Mais c'est aussi important pour ceux qui travaillent au Saint-Siège, et ça l'est aussi pour moi!», a déclaré le pape argentin. » | afp/Newsnet | lundi 06 mai 2013

Giulio Andreotti ist tot: "Il Divo" der italienischen Politik

06.05.2013 - Kaum ein Staatsmann war so von Gerüchten verfolgt wie Giulio Andreotti - jetzt ist er im Alter von 94 Jahren gestorben. Siebenmal führte "Il Divo" Andreotti Italien als Regierungschef, er war die prägende politische Gestalt seines Landes in der Nachkriegszeit.

Den Artikel hier lesen | kgp/dpa/AFP | Montag, 06. Mai 2013

How Rise of 'White Flight' Is Creating a Segregated UK: Study Reveals White Britons Are 'Retreating' from Areas Dominated by Ethnic Minorities

MAIL ONLINE: Census figures show white Britons are leaving areas where they are minority / Think-tank says survey reveals 'spiral of white British demographic decline' / Ex-Human Rights Commission chair says findings should make us 'anxious' / Nearly half of ethnic minorities live where whites make up less than 50% / Just 800 of 8,850 council wards where population is 98 per cent white

White Britons are 'retreating' from areas dominated by ethnic minorities, a study has revealed.

Analysis of census figures shows that white Britons are leaving areas where they are in a minority and are being replaced by immigrants and other ethnic minorities.

As a result, nearly half of ethnic minorities – 4 million people – live in communities where whites make up less than half the population, the study by the Demos think-tank found.

Demos said the survey showed a 'spiral of white British demographic decline' as white Britons choose to leave minority-dominated areas.

Trevor Phillips, the former chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, said the findings should make us 'a little anxious', and were 'not good news for the cause of integration'.

He said: 'What ought to make us a little anxious is the “majority retreat” it has unearthed – white people leaving minority-led areas and not being replaced.'

In 2005, Mr Phillips warned Britain was 'sleepwalking into segregation' as the UK was dividing into 'ghettos' of particular races and religions. Read on and comment » | Jason Groves, Political Correspondent | Monday, May 06, 2013

Spain Acquits Islam Critic of ‘Hate Crime’ Charges, May Deport

BREITBART: Imran Firasat, who has been in limbo in Spain for months with a growing list of charges over his vocal stance against what he considers the dangers of Islam, has been acquitted of "hurting the religious sentiments of Muslims."

This specific charge revolved around Firasat's YouTube film, The Innocent Prophet. » | Awr Hawkins | Sunday, May 05, 2013

BREITBART: Islamists Demand Imran Firasat’s Deportation over YouTube Video » | Awr Hawkins | Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Firasat's observation:
Christians are being persecuted in Islamic countries to the maximum level of suffering and torture and Islam is trying to invade the Western world and kill our values...It is time that citizens of the Western world should stand up and speak the truth against something that is wrong. The Bible teaches us to speak the truth in any situation. And for me the truth is that Islam is a man-made religion which was created in order to govern the world. It has several contradictions [in itself]. It teaches killing (Jihad), [hatred of] non-Muslims, [discrimination against] women, rule the world at any price, etc. [Source: Breitbart]
Versión española »

Saudi Arabia to Allow Girls to Play Sport at Private Schools

THE GUARDIAN: Students must adhere to 'decent' dress code and sharia law, but move is seen as thaw in kingdom's restrictions on women

Saudi Arabian girls will be allowed to play sport in private schools for the first time in the latest in a series of incremental changes aimed at slowly increasing women's rights in the ultraconservative kingdom.

Saudi Arabia's official press agency, SPA, reported on Saturday that private girls' schools are now allowed to hold sport activities in accordance with the rules of sharia law. Students must adhere to "decent dress" codes and Saudi women teachers will be given priority in supervising the activities, according to the education ministry's requirements.

The decision makes sport once again a stage for the push to improve women's rights, nearly a year after two Saudi female athletes made an unprecedented appearance at the Olympics. » | AP in Riyadh | Sunday, May 05, 2013

'Saudis Arrested' Over Tanzania Church Bombing

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Four Saudi Arabian nationals have been arrested in connection with a bomb attack on a Tanzanian church that the country's president has called "an act of terror".

The Vatican's ambassador to Tanzania was at the Roman Catholic church in Arusha, which had just been built and was holding its first mass, when the bomb went off.

He was unharmed, but two people died and 30 were injured in the first significant such raid on Tanzania's Christian community at worship.

Magesa Mulongo, the Arusha regional commissioner, said on Monday that six people had been arrested, two Tanzanians and four Saudis. » | Mike Pflanz, Nairobi and agencies | Monday, May 06, 2013

22 Killed in Dhaka as Islamic Militants Clash with Police

At least 22 people were killed and at least 60 injured as police fought running battles with thousands of Islamic fundamentalists in the capital Dhaka today.

Read the article here | David Bergman in Dhaka and Dean Nelson in New Delhi | Monday, May 06, 2013

Anti-Semitism 'On the Rise' Across Europe

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Hungary's prime minister has told an international assembly of Jews that anti-Semitism was on the rise both in Europe and Hungary, attributing it partly to the economic crisis affecting the region.

Viktor Orban said that his government has declared "zero tolerance" on anti-Semitism, but his speech failed to impress those gathered who said he has failed to confront the country's largest far-right party.

"Anti-Semitism is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated," Mr Orban told some 600 delegates at the World Jewish Congress meeting, adding that it was his government's "moral duty to declare zero tolerance on anti-Semitism."

While delegates applauded some parts of Mr Orban's speech on Sunday, the WJC was also quick to express its disappointment that he had not specifically talked about the country's third biggest political force, the far-right Jobbik party, whose politicians in parliament have made numerous anti-Semitic statements.

"The prime minister did not confront the true nature of the problem - the threat posed by the anti-Semites in general and by the extreme-right Jobbik party in particular," the WJC said in a statement. "We regret that Mr Orban did not address any recent anti-Semitic or racist incidents in the country, nor did he provide sufficient reassurance that a clear line has been drawn between his government and the far-right fringe." » | Edited by Bonnie Malkin | Sunday, May 05, 2013

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Missing the Point: Hungarian Leader Whitewashes Anti-Semitism – Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán sought this weekend to convince some 500 Jewish leaders gathered in Budapest that his government is committed to combating a frightening increase in anti-Semitism. His speech, however, was notable more for what it left out than what it said. » | James Kirchick in Budapest | Monday, May 06, 2013

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Martyred for Christ: 800 Victims of Islamic Violence Who Will Become Saints This Month

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The cathedral of Otranto in southern Italy is decorated with the skulls of 800 Christian townsfolk beheaded by Ottoman soldiers in 1480. A week tomorrow, on Sunday May 12, they will become the skulls of saints, as Pope Francis canonises all of them. In doing so, he will instantly break the record for the pope who has created the most saints.

I wonder how he feels about that. Benedict XVI announced the planned canonisations just minutes before dropping the bombshell of his own resignation. You could view it as a parting gift to his successor. Or a booby trap.

The 800 men of Otranto – whose names are lost, except for that of Antonio Primaldo, an old tailor – were rounded up and killed because they refused to convert to Islam. In 2007, Pope Benedict recognised them as martyrs “killed out of hatred for the faith”. That is no exaggeration. Earlier, the Archbishop of Otranto had been cut to pieces with a scimitar.

Some accounts of the martyrdoms will raise a sceptical eyebrow: Primaldo reportedly remained standing after he was decapitated, a Pythonesque miracle that stretches credulity.

But the murders really happened, and their significance is immense. The Turks had been sent by Mohammed II, who captured the “second Rome” of Constantinople and planned to do the same to the first. His fleet landed in Otranto, Italy’s easternmost city, and laid siege. The citizens held out for two weeks, allowing the King of Naples to muster his forces. Rome did not fall.

“All of this took place because of the indifference of the political leaders of Europe to the Ottoman menace,” wrote the conservative Italian senator Alfredo Mantovano in an article about the martyrdoms in 2007. You can guess where his argument was heading. “In Otranto, no one displayed rainbow pacifist flags, nor invoked international resolutions… Today Europe is under attack, not by an institutionally organised Muslim phalanx but by a patchwork of non-governmental organisations of fundamentalist Muslims.” Read on and comment » | Damian Thompson | Friday, May 03, 2013

German Euro Founder Calls for 'Catastrophic' Currency to Be Broken Up

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Oskar Lafontaine, the German finance minister who launched the euro, has called for a break-up of the single currency to let southern Europe recover, warning that the current course is "leading to disaster".

"The economic situation is worsening from month to month, and unemployment has reached a level that puts democratic structures ever more in doubt," he said.

"The Germans have not yet realised that southern Europe, including France, will be forced by their current misery to fight back against German hegemony sooner or later," he said, blaming much of the crisis on Germany's wage squeeze to gain export share.

Mr Lafontaine said on the parliamentary website of Germany's Left Party that Chancellor Angela Merkel will "awake from her self-righteous slumber" once the countries in trouble unite to force a change in crisis policy at Germany's expense.

His prediction appeared confirmed as French finance minister Pierre Moscovici yesterday proclaimed the end of austerity and a triumph of French policy, risking further damage to the tattered relations between Paris and Berlin.

"Austerity is finished. This is a decisive turn in the history of the EU project since the euro," he told French TV. "We're seeing the end of austerity dogma. It's a victory of the French point of view." » | Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor | Sunday, May 05, 2013

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Jobbik Rally Against World Jewish Congress In Budapest

BBC: Hungary's far-right Jobbik party has staged a rally in central Budapest in protest at the capital's hosting of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) on Sunday.

Several hundred supporters took part, despite attempts by the government to prevent it going ahead.

Jobbik said the rally was a protest against what it said was a Jewish attempt to buy up Hungary.

The party, which says it aims to protect Hungarian values and interests, is the third largest in parliament.

It regularly issues anti-Semitic statements.

The event in Budapest on Saturday was billed as a tribute to what organisers called the victims of Bolshevism and Zionism.

"The Israeli conquerors, these investors, should look for another country in the world for themselves because Hungary is not for sale," party chairman Gabor Vona told the rally, according to Reuters news agency.

Marton Gyongyosi said Hungary had "become subjugated to Zionism, it has become a target of colonisation while we, the indigenous people, can play only the role of extras".

Last year, Mr Gyongyosi had sparked outrage by saying all government officials of Jewish origin should be officially listed, as they might be a "national security risk". » | Saturday, May 04, 2013

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Viele Schweizer sehen im Islam eine Bedrohung

TAGES ANZEIGER: Laut einer Studie plädieren die Schweizer für mehr Offenheit gegenüber anderen Religionen. Gleichzeitig passt der Islam für die Mehrheit der Befragten nicht zum Westen.

Jeder zweite Schweizer nimmt den Islam als Bedrohung wahr; 58 Prozent sagen, er passe nicht in die west¬liche Welt. Dies zeigt der neue Religionsmonitor der deutschen Bertelsmann-Stiftung. Ein Team um Stephan Vopel hat dazu Ende letzten Jahres 14 000 Menschen in 13 Ländern, darunter der Schweiz, zum Thema Religion befragt. » | Von Thomas Wehrli | Freitag, 03. Mai 2013

Toronto Rabbi Drops Plan to Host Anti-Islam Firebrand Pamela Geller

JTA: TORONTO (JTA) -- A speaking engagement by American anti-Islamic firebrand Pamela Geller was moved following police intervention.

Geller, a vocal critic of radical Islam, was due to speak May 13 at a Chabad synagogue in Thornhill, north of Toronto, but the synagogue's rabbi, Mendel Kaplan, backed out after a visit by the hate crimes unit of local police.

“Rabbi Kaplan decided to cancel Ms. Geller's appearance, as it would place him in conflict with the values of our organization, which support a safe, welcoming and inclusive community for all," read a statement issued May 2 by the York Regional Police. Kaplan also serves as a police chaplain. » | Sunday, May 05, 2013

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Inside the Far-Right Stronghold Where Hungarian Jews Fear for the Future

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: As the World Jewish Congress opens in Budapest amid a rise in anti-Semitism in Hungary, Colin Freeman visits the town of Tiszavasvári, twinned with Iran and the stronghold of the far-Right Jobbik party.

As the self-declared "capital" of the ultra-nationalist Jobbik Party, the town of Tiszavasvári prides itself on being a showcase for how the whole of Hungary might one day look.

Since winning control of Tiszavasvári's local council three years ago on a pledge to fight "Gipsy crime", the party has been on a vigorous clean-up campaign, banning prostitution, tidying the streets, and keeping a watchful eye on the shabby Roma districts at the edge of town. It even swore in its own Jobbik "security force" to work alongside the police, only for the uniformed militia, which drew comparisons with Hitler's brown-shirts, to be banned by Hungary's national government.

Yet Gipsies are not the only bogeyman that Jobbik has in its sights, as a sign on the well-trimmed green opposite the Communist-era mayoralty building suggests. Written in both Hungarian and Persian, it proudly announces that Tiszavasvári is twinned with Ardabil, a town in the rugged mountains of north-west Iran.

On the face of it, there is no obvious reason why a drab rustbelt town in Hungary's former mining area should seek links to a city in a hardline Islamic Republic 2,000 miles away. But this is no ordinary cultural exchange programme, and friendship has very little to do with it. Instead, the real purpose of Jobbik's links to Iran is to show their mutual loathing of the Jewish state of Israel, which the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, notoriously declared should be "wiped from the pages of history".

"The Persian people and their leaders are considered pariahs in the eyes of the West, which serves Israeli interests," said Marton Gyongyosi, a Jobbik MP and its leading foreign policy voice. "This is why we have solidarity with the peaceful nation of Iran and turn to her with an open heart." » | Colin Freeman, Tiszavasvári | Saturday, May 04, 2013

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People & Power – Syria: The Reckoning

The history of modern Syria offering an intriguing and incisive perspective on the current war in the country.

Antisemitische Proteste in Ungarn: Rechtsextreme demonstrieren vor jüdischer Tagung

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Immer wieder kommt es in Ungarn zu antisemitischen Vorfällen - gerade deshalb hatte der Jüdische Weltkongress seine Jahresversammlung nach Budapest verlegt. Kurz vor Beginn der Konferenz gingen nun Hunderte Rechtsextreme auf die Straße und brüllten antijüdische Parolen.

Budapest - Einen Tag vor der Jahresversammlung des Jüdischen Weltkongresses in Ungarn haben Anhänger der rechtsextremen Partei Jobbik in Budapest demonstriert und antisemitische Parolen gerufen. Bis zu tausend Menschen versammelten sich in der Innenstadt und folgten damit einem Aufruf der offen antisemitischen Partei. Mehrere Teilnehmer trugen Uniformen einer verbotenen paramilitärischen Organisation.

Dem Jobbik-Aufruf zufolge sollte die Veranstaltung "die Opfer von Zionismus und Bolschewismus würdigen". Jobbik-Chef Gabor Vona sagte laut dem Fernsehsender ATV bei der Kundgebung, Geld für die Entschädigung Holocaust-Überlebender hätte anderweitig besser verwendet werden können.

Der Jobbik-Abgeordnete Marton Gyöngyösi sagte bei der Kundgebung: "Der Genozid, den Israel an der palästinensischen Urbevölkerung begeht, ist schlimmer als das, was sich die Nationalsozialisten in ihren kühnsten Träumen ausgemalt haben." Gyöngyösi hatte Ende 2012 im Parlament verlangt, dass die Juden in Ungarn auf Listen erfasst werden sollen. Jobbik stellt seit den Wahlen 2010 die drittstärkste Fraktion im ungarischen Parlament. » | rls/AFP/dpa/AP | Samstag, 04. Mai 2013

George Galloway Destroys David Cameron on Arab Dictators (February 2013)

Question Time: Melanie Phillips Lets Rip Into David Cameron

Daily Mail columnist Melanie Phillips lets rip into PM David Cameron, who hates the Conservative party, and is why they are on an electoral down slope. ¶ Recorded from BBC1 Question Time, 07 March 2013.

California Wildfires Continue to Rage

Much of southern California's landscape is still engulfed in flames on Saturday, as firefighters struggle to extinguish the wildfires. The hills of Camarillo, near Los Angeles, have been burning since Thursday morning and officials say the blaze may burn for another two days. The fire marks the start of California's fire season, expected to be severe this year due to high temperatures and drought

Sarah Palin Rails at Barack Obama for 'Exploiting Tragedy' in US Gun Control Debate

Former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin tells the NRA's annual convention that recent mass shootings have prompted US leaders to exploit tragedy in order to limit the freedoms of law-abiding people.

Friday, May 03, 2013

The Gathering Storm Radio Show (May 3, 2013) | Guest: Mark Alexander

Listen to internet radio with WC Always On Watch on BlogTalkRadio

Sharia Scare Shakes UK: 'Law of the Land Go to Hell' (May 2013)

So-called Muslim patrols are again active in London - with vigilantes trying to impose Islamic ideals on the local population. And while arrests may have tempered the activists' zeal, they continue to promote their views - some of which are quite radical. But moderate Muslim leaders fear their actions could discredit the whole community, as RT's Sara Firth reports.

UKIP Rises: 'Real Democrats' Push Forward as Third Power

Britain's governing Conservative party is dramatically losing seats in local council elections, with the former political outsider - the eurosceptic UK Independence Party - making impressive gains. Early results show UKIP has so far grabbed 26 per cent of the vote, while coming second in the by-election in South-Shields, pushing the Tories into third place.

The Gathering Storm Radio Show

I shall be the guest today on ‘The Gathering Storm Radio Show.’ The show will begin at 3pm EST or 8pm BST. Please join us. You will find the show here.

Mark Alexander

The True Cost Of Austerity

The hard-hitting findings of a new study sheds light on the social impact of devastating spending cuts.

David Cameron: I Will Work Hard to Win Back UKIP Voters

David Cameron has promised to "work really hard" to win back voters who abandoned the Tories for Ukip after the anti-EU party enjoyed unprecedented success in the local elections.

Read the Daily Telegraph article here | Tim Ross, Political Correspondent | Friday, May 03, 2013

Un Afghan exécute sa fille en public pour venger l'honneur de sa famille

LE POINT: Onze ans après la chute des talibans et alors que les forces internationales sont sur le départ, les exécutions de femme se perpétuent en Afghanistan.

Fin avril, c'est devant 300 villageois qu'un Afghan a exécuté de trois balles de kalachnikov sa propre fille, coupable d'avoir voulu s'enfuir avec un cousin et d'avoir ainsi bafoué l'"honneur" de sa famille. Plus de onze ans après la chute du régime intégriste des talibans, tristement célèbre pour ses exécutions publiques de femmes, et le début de l'intervention occidentale, cette nouvelle affaire de "crime d'honneur" en Afghanistan suscite d'autant plus l'indignation que personne n'a jusqu'ici été arrêté.

Originaire d'un village isolé de la province de Baghdis (nord-ouest), frontalière du Turkménistan, Halima s'était enfuie avec un cousin tandis que son mari et père de ses deux enfants se trouvait en Iran, a raconté par téléphone le chef de la police provinciale, Sharafuddin Sharaf. Le cousin a abandonné deux jours plus tard la jeune femme, âgée de 18 à 20 ans, qui a fini par être retrouvée par son père et ramenée à la maison. "Mais les gens ont commencé à parler au village de ce qui était arrivé et un neveu du père, un religieux enseignant le Coran dans une école, lui a dit que sa fille devait subir la peine capitale", selon Sharafuddin Sharaf. Selon l'organisation Amnesty International, l'exécution a été perpétrée le 22 avril dans le village de Kookchaheel. » | Source AFP | vendredi 03 mai 2013

Migranten in Griechenland: Flucht vor dem Fremdenhass

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Viele Migranten haben bei der illegalen Einreise nach Griechenland alle Papiere vernichtet, doch jetzt stehen sie bei ihren Botschaften Schlange, um bloß wieder zurück in die Heimat zu kommen. Europa bietet ihnen keine Perspektive - und in Athen schlägt ihnen der Hass der Rechtsextremen entgegen.

Vor der pakistanischen Botschaft in Athen herrscht Gedränge. Etwa 70 Männer warten vor dem verwaschenen Betonbau. Unter den Migranten geht die Angst um. "Wenn sie nachts einen von uns sehen, schlagen sie ihn halbtot", sagt Mohammed. Der 28-Jährige kam vor neun Jahren aus Pakistan nach Griechenland - jetzt will er nur noch weg. Seinen richtigen Namen möchte er nicht verraten, fotografieren lässt er sich nicht mal von hinten. "Ich verlasse mein Haus nur zum Arbeiten. Nach sieben Uhr abends gehe ich gar nicht mehr weg", sagt Mohammed.

Wie viele andere wurde auch Mohammed von Schleppern eingeschleust. Die Reise kostete ihn 4000 Euro - es schien ihm ein annehmbarer Preis für ein besseres Leben. Einige Jahre lang habe er in der Stahl- und Aluminiumindustrie gearbeitet, so Mohammed. Doch inzwischen hat die Krise fast alle Jobs aufgefressen, die früher unter der Hand an illegale Migranten vergeben wurden.

Die Arbeitslosigkeit in Griechenland ist auf einem Rekordhoch, aktuell liegt sie bei 27,2 Prozent. Hinzu kommt, dass der Staat Sozialleistungen kürzen musste. Das gesellschaftliche Klima wird rauer. Polizei und Behörden sind mit dem Migrationsproblem überfordert, Extremisten gewinnen an Zulauf. Die "Goldene Morgenröte" hat es mit sieben Prozent und 21 Sitzen ins griechische Parlament geschafft. Die Recht-und-Ordnung-Parolen der ultrarechten Partei kommen bei vielen Griechen gut an. » | Aus Athen berichtet Armin Peter | Freitag, 03. Mai 2013

UKIP's Nigel Farage Says 'Send in the Clowns'

BBC: Nigel Farage says Thursday's local elections in England and Wales signal "a real sea change" in British politics, after UKIP made early gains.

The party is averaging 26% of the vote in the wards where it is standing, something Mr Farage says puts them in a strong position for 2015.

In a jubilant mood, he told the BBC, "send in the clowns", referring to jibes from senior Tories in the war of words before Thursday's vote. Watch BBC video » | Friday, May 03, 2013

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Golden Dawn's 'Greeks Only' Soup Kitchen Ends In Chaos

An attempt by members of Greece's far-Right, anti-immigrant Golden Dawn political party to hand out emergency food rations to Greeks only was broken up by police firing tear gas on Thursday.

Read The Daily Telegraph article here | Nick Squires | Thursday, May 02, 2013

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Muslime in Österreich

Study: Germans See Islam as a Threat

DEUTSCHE WELLE: A major study of attitudes towards religion says Germans approve of openness towards other religions. But many are still suspicious of Islam.

Former German President Christian Wulff earned much praise but also much criticism when said in a speech during his tenure, "Islam is also a part of Germany."

The criticism can be partly explained by the "Religion Monitor," a survey put together for the Bertelsmann Foundation. The findings have been published, and among them is the fact that half of all Germans believe that Islam does not fit into the Western world.

The study, which surveys views on the social significance of religion and values, was carried out in Germany and 12 other countries, and included the views of 14,000 people.

Among the Germans, 85 percent agreed or tended to agree that one should be open towards all religions. They saw most religions as an enrichment, especially Christianity, also Judaism and Buddhism, but a majority of 51 percent saw Islam as a threat. » | Marcus Lütticke / mll | Monday, April 29, 2013

Turkish Airlines Bans Bright Lipstick On Hostesses

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Turkish Airlines has banned air hostesses from wearing brightly-coloured lipsticks such as red or pink, a move which has sparked fierce debate as the government is accused of trying to Islamise the country, local media reported today.

Numerous women posted pictures of themselves wearing bright red lipstick on social media websites to protest at the measure, part of a new aesthetics code for stewardesses working for Turkey's main airline.

The lipstick ban is the latest in a string of conservative measures adopted by the airline, which have sparked the ire of fiercely secular Turks.

"This measure is an act of perversion. How else could you describe it?" said Gursel Tekin, vice-president of the main opposition party CHP.

Turkish Airlines defended the ban, saying in a statement yesterday that "simple make-up, immaculate and in pastel colours, is preferred for staff working in the service sector".

In recent months the booming airline - which is 49 percent state-owned - has also stopped serving alcohol on internal flights. » | Agence France-Presse in Ankara | Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Fodder for the Front: German Jihadists on Syria's Battlefields

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Jihadists from Germany are engaging in combat, and dying, on the side of the rebels in Syria. Authorities fear the young and inexperienced fighters will be radicalized before they return to Europe, assuming they survive at all.

A young man in his mid-twenties with a stubbly beard is driving a delivery van through the rubble-strewn streets of the northern Syrian town of Azaz. He speaks excellent German and calls himself Yousuf. The man in the passenger seat is around the same age and also sports a beard. He won't even reveal his first name, but he also speaks nearly perfect German.

"After we go back home, we don't want any problems with Germany's foreign and domestic intelligence agencies," says Yousuf. This also explains why the two men refuse to divulge what city in Germany they come from. "Before we entered Syria, the Turks had already put our passport information into their system," he adds. "They know exactly who we are. If they pass that on to the Germans, we're sunk, even though we're just here on a humanitarian mission."

A humanitarian mission? That's the euphemism foreign jihadists use when they try to explain their presence in Syria.

There are reportedly a few hundred Muslims from Western countries who are fighting alongside the rebels to topple Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. It's a relatively small number compared to the perhaps 100,000 insurgents in the country.

"We know that jihadists from Germany, who we have already been observing here at home, are currently in Syria and fighting there," German Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said last week. German intelligence agencies are primarily concerned that such men will be trained during the civil war and later return to the West as radicalized extremists -- assuming they survive. » | Kurt Pelda | Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Changing Face of Britain: How UK Could Overtake the United States as the West's Most Ethnically[-]diverse Nation by 2050

MAIL ONLINE: Britain to experience one of the biggest changes in population, study says / By 2050 non-whites and foreigners could account for 38% of people in UK / David Cameron claims arrivals Romania and Bulgaria will be limited

Britain is on course to become one of the most diverse countries in the world.

New research suggests up to half of people in the UK will be foreign or from an ethnic minority within half a century.

It means the UK could overtake the United States as the world’s melting pot, with fewer people describing themselves as British or white.

The projection comes after David Cameron sought to reassure voters that The influx of migrants from Bulgaria and Romania will be ‘nothing like’ the levels seen when Poland joined the European Union[.]

A report by Oxford academics reveals the extent that immigration is changing the face of countries around the world.

Professor David Coleman said: ‘On current trends European populations will become more ethnically diverse, with the possibility that today’s majority ethnic groups will no longer comprise a numerical majority in some countries.’ » | Matt Chorley, MailOnline Political Editor | Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Grande-Bretagne : le meurtre odieux d’un septuagénaire à la sortie d’une mosquée

SAPHIR NEWS: Les responsables et les fidèles de la mosquée de Green Lane à Birmingham, en Grande-Bretagne, sont sous le choc. Sur le chemin vers son domicile, Mohammed Saleem Chaudhry, un fidèle d’entre les fidèles de la mosquée, a été poignardé à mort, lundi 29 avril, par un inconnu à la sortie du lieu de culte où il se rendait pour y effectuer ses cinq prières quotidiennes. Il était âgé de 75 ans.

Transporté à l’hôpital, il est mort des suites de ses blessures, rapporte notamment le blog Al-Kanz. Les premiers résultats de l'enquête ont révélé que l'assassin a poignardé dans le dos de sa victime par trois fois. » | Rédigé par La Rédaction | mercredi 1 mai 2013

Is Obama 'Losing Juice'? President Cuts Frustrated Figure After Series Of Setbacks

THE GUARDIAN: President jokes that 'rumours of my demise have been exaggerated' – but failure to pass gun control reforms and a stalemate on the budget have left him increasingly powerless

Perhaps it was the taunting tweet from Mitch McConnell that did it. Or more likely just the indignity of being asked inside his own West Wing whether he was "losing his juice". But just 100 days into his new term, Barack Obama has been forced to confront the issue that is on everyone's lips in Washington right now: is his second presidency over before it ever really began?

"As Mark Twain said, rumours of my demise might be exaggerated at this point," insisted Obama during his first White House press conference in two months. He was responding to a question from ABC's Jonathan Karl about whether recent failures to get gun control reform through Congress or agree a federal budget meant he was now powerless to pursue his own agenda, or "losing juice", as Karl memorably phrased it.

"If you put it that way, Jonathan … maybe I should just pack up and go home," joked a somewhat defensive president. But his tone has shifted noticeably since the confident swagger of Saturday night's stand-up comedy at the White House correspondents' dinner.

Across a host of issues, the White House is not just frustrated by Republican opposition in Congress, but increasingly humiliated. Gun control represented the worst setback, as Obama was not even able to rally enough Senate support to pass what would have looked like the bare minimum response to the Sandy Hook shooting back at the time of his inauguration speech in January.

But the long-running stalemate over fiscal policy also took a turn for the worse this weekend when the White House was forced to sign an exemption for the Federal Aviation Authority from the sweeping sequester budget cuts currently hitting many US public services. » | Dan Roberts | Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Vereidigung von Willem-Alexander

Die Niederlande haben einen neuen König: In der Neuen Kirche von Amsterdam hat Willem-Alexander seinen Eid geleistet. Der 46-Jährige dankte seiner Mutter Beatrix. "Ihre Weisheit und Herzlichkeit werde ich mit mir tragen", sagte er.

King Willem Alexander's Investiture & Queen Beatrix’ Farewell Speech (April 29.)

Queen Beatrix Makes Farewell Address On Eve Of Abdication

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands attended a banquet in her honour on the eve of her abdication. Within hours she officially passes the crown on to her son Prince Willem-Alexander.

Royal couples from Europe and beyond were invited to the glittering occasion in the newly renovated Rijksmuseum.

In her final address before the ceremonial handover she thanked the Dutch people and urged them to support her son:

"Since I announced my intention to retire, I have been struck by overwhelming expressions of heartfelt affection. This was accompanied by a broad understanding for the desire to hand over my role to the Prince of Orange. By being intensely active in the national arena and through his broad interest in issues of the day, he is well prepared in all aspects."

Queen Beatrix is to retire after 33 years in the job. During that time she has been a popular fixture of Dutch life. Although largely exercising a ceremonial role, Beatrix has used her influence with captains of industry and political figures and made her views known on such issues as the environment.

Islamist Extremists Admit Planning Gun and Bomb Attack on Far-right EDL Rally

Six Muslim terrorists have admitted planning to attack a rally by the far-right English Defence League with homemade bombs, guns and knives.

Read the article here | Tom Whitehead, Security Editor | Tuesday, April 30, 2013

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Copies of a letter found in the terror group’s car revealed their plans and reasons for it and made clear they had hoped to attack the EDL: This is a message to the enemies of Allah and his messenger, to the kaffir female devil, self-proclaimed Queen » | Tom Whitehead, Security Editor | Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Belgium Erasing Christianity for Islam

GATESTONE INSTITUTE: Under the guise of letting go of the Christian holidays, this text provides Muslims with a waiver to add Islamic holidays…. Six Belgian senators introduced a draft resolution in the Belgian Parliament that would make "Islamophobia" a crime punishable by fines and imprisonment. A person would be guilty if he "considers Islam to be violent, threatening or supportive of terrorism…" or "considers Islam to be a political ideology, used for political and military purposes to establish it hegemony." If passed, the law would pose a devastating blow to the exercise of free speech in Belgium.

EXTRACT: In February, six Belgian senators (three of whom are Muslim) introduced a draft resolution in the Belgian Federal Parliament that would make "Islamophobia" a crime punishable by fines and imprisonment.

The draft text -- which, among other objectives, seeks to equate "Islamophobia" with anti-Semitism -- is audacious in scope and if passed would pose a devastating blow to the exercise of free speech in Belgium.

According to the authors of the resolution, a person would be guilty of Islamophobia if he or she:

• Considers Islam to be a single monolithic bloc, closed and static, incapable of adapting to new situations;

• Considers Islam to be separate and "different," devoid of having any aims or shared values with other cultures, not influenced by other cultures and not influencing other cultures;

• Considers Islam to be inferior to the West, to be barbaric, irrational, primitive and sexist;

• Considers Islam to be violent, threatening and supportive of terrorism, actively engaged in a 'clash of civilizations';

• Considers Islam to be a political ideology, used for political and military purposes to establish its hegemony;

• Rejects out of hand criticisms made by Islam of 'the West';

• Shows hostility towards Islam to justify discrimination and social exclusion of Muslims;

• Accepts hostility toward Muslims as natural and normal.

This definition of Islamophobia, which is based on a 1997 report published by the London-based Runnymede Trust, would effectively outlaw any critical discussion of Islam in Belgium under the guise of combatting racism. Read the whole article » | Soeren Kern * | Tuesday, April 30, 2013

* Soeren Kern is a Senior Fellow at the New York-based Gatestone Institute. He is also Senior Fellow for European Politics at the Madrid-based Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos / Strategic Studies Group. Follow him on Facebook.

Guests Arrive for the Dutch Royal Banquet

Read the Mail Online article here | Jill Reilly | Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Dutch abdication: Willem-Alexander becomes Europe's youngest monarch

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands has officially abdicated in favour of a "new generation", with her son Willem-Alexander becoming king.

Read the The Daily Telegra[h article here | Bruno Waterfield, Amsterdam | Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Monday, April 29, 2013

Queen Beatrix Thanks Dutch People On Eve Of Abdication

BBC: Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands has made a farewell national address on the eve of her abdication and investiture of her son, Prince Willem-Alexander.

The queen thanked the Dutch people for their "heart-warming displays of affection" and also paid tribute to her late husband, Prince Claus.

The queen was also attending a sumptuous gala dinner in her honour at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.

She has been head of state since 1980, when her mother abdicated.

In her televised address, Queen Beatrix said that the people's devotion had given her the strength to carry on.

"Without your heart-warming and encouraging displays of affection, the burdens, which certainly have existed, would have weighed heavily."

Paying tribute to her late husband, Prince Claus, who died in 2002, she said he had helped modernise the House of Orange.

"Perhaps history will bear out that the choice of my partner was my best decision."

Monday evening's gala dinner was being attended by her family and other invited royals and high-ranking dignitaries. » | Monday, April 29, 2013

Im Netz von Salafisten - Doku über Salafisten - Wie radikale Muslime junge Menschen verführen

Sarkozy's Back: Ex-President Takes Aim at Hollande's Policies

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: While French President François Hollande deals with dismal jobless figures and turmoil surrounding the recent legalization of gay marriage, his upbeat predecessor goes on the thinly veiled offensive in Montreal. "When I look at those who succeeded me," Nicolas Sarkozy says, "I feel very good."

Nicolas Sarkozy seems to be living proof that politics is an unhealthy profession. One year after he was voted out of office, the former French president was looking better than ever as he put in an appearance at the Montreal Convention Center last Thursday. Well tanned and full of energy, he stood grinning with his feet planted wide apart -- no comparison with the gray-faced and exhausted man who lost last year's French presidential election. » | Monday, April 29, 2013

Fear and Fundamentalism as the 'Modesty Police' Patrol Gaza

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Police in Gaza have arrested at least 41 men on charges of immodesty this April, writes Phoebe Greenwood. And now the city is gripped with fear that Hamas is driving the population towards militant Islamic fundamentalism.

It's three weeks since his arrest but Ismail Halou still has streaks of purple bruising on the soles of his feet. The 22 year-old was filling cars at his family's petrol station in Gaza City at 5pm on April 4th when a black jeep pulled into the forecourt, plain-clothed police stepped out and ordered him into the car. He was blindfolded and driven to the nearest police station.

"I could hear the screams of people being beaten in the rooms next to me. Two men held my legs down and tied them together on a wooden board then they beat the soles of my feet with a plastic rod. They beat me for at least five minutes. I was crying and screaming with agony. It was the worst pain I've ever felt," Mr Halou recalls.

It was only after the beating that police officers set to work trying to shave off the one-inch fin of gelled hair that was the cause of his arrest.

"At no point did they tell me why they had arrested me. I found out from neighbours when I got home that it was because of my hair," Mr Halou explains, running a hand over the fuzzy re[-]growth on his head. He could not walk for three days after his release.

Police in Gaza, a Palestinian coastal enclave run by Islamist faction Hamas, have arrested at least 41 men on charges of immodesty this April. » | Phoebe Greenwood, Gaza City | Monday, April 29, 2013

Arabie saoudite : une prison cinq étoiles pour les terroristes

LE POINT: Pour lutter contre les djihadistes, Ryad a mis au point un centre de détention... surprenant. Explications.

Chambres tout confort, sauna, spa, bassin olympique, salle de remise en forme, cinéma... Non, vous n'êtes pas dans un hôtel de luxe. Ce sont les infrastructures offertes par une prison saoudienne conçue pour accueillir les terroristes d'al-Qaida. À quoi bon tout ce luxe ? Rien de plus simple : remettre sur le droit chemin les partisans du djihad en leur faisant découvrir les petits plaisirs de la vie. Outre les outils de remise en forme, les détenus, en cas de bonne conduite, pourront "se relaxer" avec leurs femmes dans des suites spécialement aménagées. Des permissions pourront même être accordées pour les respectueux d'entre eux. » | Par Nicolas Guégan | lundi 29 avril 2013

Willem-Alexander wird König: Was Sie über den Thronwechsel wissen müssen

Hollands Königin Beatrix übergibt morgen ihr Amt an den ältesten Sohn: stern-Adelsexpertin Catrin Bartenbach erklärt, wie die Krönung ablaufen und Willem-Alexander künftig regieren wird.

Cost of Austerity Measures Is Poor Health

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Recession-driven austerity measures aren't just bad for your wealth - they're harming your health.

The after-effects of the financial crisis is driving a wave of suicide, depression and infectious diseases as medicine and treatment become prohibitively expensive across Europe and North America, according to new research by academics.

After examing a decade of studies, Oxford University political economist David Stuckler and Sanjay Basu, an assistant professor of medicine and an epidemiologist at Stanford University, have concluded austerity is seriously bad for health.

More than 10,000 suicides and up to a million cases of depression have been diagnosed during what they call the "Great Recession" and the austerity that followed it , the pair conclude in a book due to be published this week.

They cite examples in Greece, which has seen the rate of the Aids-causing HIV virus increase by 200pc as the health budget have been cut. The more than 50pc youth unemployment rate has also seen drug abuse on the increase, hastening the spread of the virus.

Greece also experienced its first malaria outbreak in decades following budget cuts to mosquito-spraying programmes. » | Alan Tovey, and agencies | Monday, April 29, 2013

Pat Condell: The Truth Is Incorrect

Clash of Titans: Franco-German Ties Crack as Hollande Slams Merkel

The partnership, which used be the heart of EU decision-making, is now set for cooler times. Francois Hollande's ruling Socialists in France have attacked the German Chancellor for acting only in her country's interests in a draft document on European policy. Although party officials later said the strong words would be removed, the sting reflects growing EU resentment against German austerity. RT discusses it all with investment adviser Patrick Young.

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