BREITBART: Imran Firasat, who has been in limbo in Spain for months with a growing list of charges over his vocal stance against what he considers the dangers of Islam, has been acquitted of "hurting the religious sentiments of Muslims."
This specific charge revolved around Firasat's YouTube film, The Innocent Prophet. » | Awr Hawkins | Sunday, May 05, 2013
BREITBART: Islamists Demand Imran Firasat’s Deportation over YouTube Video » | Awr Hawkins | Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Firasat's observation:
Christians are being persecuted in Islamic countries to the maximum level of suffering and torture and Islam is trying to invade the Western world and kill our values...It is time that citizens of the Western world should stand up and speak the truth against something that is wrong. The Bible teaches us to speak the truth in any situation. And for me the truth is that Islam is a man-made religion which was created in order to govern the world. It has several contradictions [in itself]. It teaches killing (Jihad), [hatred of] non-Muslims, [discrimination against] women, rule the world at any price, etc. [Source: Breitbart]Versión española »