Showing posts with label Boston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boston. Show all posts
Tuesday, March 06, 2018
Sunday, August 06, 2017
US: Anti-Muslim Attacks on the Rise
Thursday, June 04, 2015
Boston Terror Suspect Reportedly Targeted 'Draw Muhammad' Activist for Beheading
CNN and NBC, citing law enforcement sources, reported late Wednesday that Usaama Rahim had planned to behead Pamela Geller, an activist and blogger who organized last month's cartoon contest for images of the Muslim prophet Muhammad in Garland, Texas. That event was targeted by two Muslim gunmen who were killed by police.
Geller was not identified in an FBI complaint against David Wright, a relative of Rahim, that was filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court. However, investigators did say that Rahim had initially told Wright that he planned to behead an unidentified victim outside of Massachusetts. » | | Thursday, June 04, 2015
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Terror suspect killed by FBI 'planned to behead Pamela Geller': Usaama Rahim allegedly planned to kill anti-Islam activist before his death in Boston on Tuesday » | David Lawler, Washington | Thursday, June 04, 2015
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS: Knife-wielding Boston terror suspect shot dead planned to behead conservative blogger Pamela Geller: report » | Bev Ford, Nancy Dillon | New York Daily News | Wednesday, June 03, 2015
Islamic terror,
Pamela Geller
Boston Man Slain by Police Was Planning Terrorist Attack, FBI Says
Usaamah Rahim, 26, a private security officer who lived in Boston, had been planning the attack since at least May 26 and had bought knives online from Amazon, according to court documents. Rahim, who was under law enforcement surveillance, was fatally shot Tuesday by members of a Joint Terrorism Task Force in the Boston neighborhood of Roslindale after he reportedly approached the officers with a large knife. (+ video) » | Matt Pearce | Wednesday, June 03, 2015
Islamic terror,
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Record de neige à Boston, des centaines de vols annulés
Une nouvelle tempête de neige a provoqué l'annulation de centaines de vols et la fermeture d'écoles et d'administrations dans le nord-est des Etats-Unis, notamment à Boston.
La tempête pourrait encore voir 60 cm de neige tomber sur la principale ville du Massachusetts, qui a déjà battu un record, avec 1,54 mètre de neige tombée en un mois. Le précédent record, qui datait de 1978, était de 1,49 m de neige en un mois. » | lundi 09 février 2015
Monday, May 06, 2013
KRONE.AT: Nachdem die Leiche des 26-jährigen Attentäters von Boston, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, am Donnerstag freigegeben worden ist, sucht nun der von der Familie beauftragte Bestatter nach einem geeigneten Platz auf einem der Friedhöfe in Boston und Umgebung. Doch die Suche gestaltet sich steinig, bisher weigern sich sämtliche Ruhestätten, die sterblichen Überreste Tsarnaevs beizusetzen.
Nachdem die Eltern der beiden Attentäter - der jüngere Bruder, Dzhokhar (19), befindet sich seit seiner Verhaftung in schwer verletztem Zustand weiterhin im Spital unter strengster Bewachung der Polizei - entschieden hatten, dass der Leichnam ihres älteren Sohnes nicht in die Heimat geflogen, sondern in Boston bestattet werden soll, nahm sich ein Onkel Tamerlans der Sache an und beauftragte ein Bestattungsunternehmen im Bostoner Vorort Worcester mit den notwendigen Aufgaben. » | red/AG | Samstag, 04. Mai 2013
Nachdem die Eltern der beiden Attentäter - der jüngere Bruder, Dzhokhar (19), befindet sich seit seiner Verhaftung in schwer verletztem Zustand weiterhin im Spital unter strengster Bewachung der Polizei - entschieden hatten, dass der Leichnam ihres älteren Sohnes nicht in die Heimat geflogen, sondern in Boston bestattet werden soll, nahm sich ein Onkel Tamerlans der Sache an und beauftragte ein Bestattungsunternehmen im Bostoner Vorort Worcester mit den notwendigen Aufgaben. » | red/AG | Samstag, 04. Mai 2013
Tamerlan Tsarnaev
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Der Anschlag von Boston beschleunigt die Erosion des Rechts in den USA. Der Ausnahmezustand wird dadurch permanent. Die Amerikaner wollen die totale Sicherheit - aber sie bekommen stattdessen den totalen Sicherheitsstaat.
Drei Tote, mehr als 180 Verletzte: Der Anschlag von Boston hat schlimme Opfer gefordert. Eines ist unsichtbar: der Rechtsstaat. Auf Dauer wird er aber das schwerste aller Opfer sein. Denn mit ihm wird das Leben von noch viel mehr Menschen in Mitleidenschaft gezogen.
Die Welt hat die besonnenen Worte gelobt, die Barack Obama nach dem Anschlag gefunden hat. Aber die Taten der amerikanischen Behörden waren nicht besonnen. Amerika hat im Kampf gegen den Terror schon lange das Augenmaß verloren. Boston zeigt nun endgültig: Auf der Suche nach der totalen Sicherheit landen die Amerikaner im totalen Sicherheitsstaat. » | Jakob Augstein | Montag, 22. April 2013
Sunday, April 21, 2013
TAGES ANZEIGER – AUSZUG: «Bedrohung aus der muslimischen Gemeinschaft» Gemeint ist damit vor allem die Zuwanderung aus muslimischen Ländern: Schon fürchtet die islamische Gemeinschaft in den USA eine weitere Verschärfung der Observierung sowie neue Diskriminierung bei der Einwanderung. So sagte der republikanische Kongressabgeordnete Peter King aus New York, die Polizei müsse «realisieren, dass die Bedrohung aus der muslimischen Gemeinschaft kommt», weshalb deren Überwachung verstärkt werden solle. Tatsächlich haben in den vergangenen Jahren eine Reihe von in den USA geborenen oder eingebürgerten Muslimen Terroranschläge verübt oder zu verüben versucht, darunter der im Staat Virginia geborene Major Nidal Hasan, der 2009 dreizehn Menschen erschoss.
Der Anschlag von Boston wird zudem neue Fragen über die Gefahr der Radikalisierung amerikanischer Muslime aufwerfen: Mindestens drei junge Amerikaner somalischer Herkunft reisten beispielsweise zurück in ihre Heimat und verübten dort Selbstmordattentate. Wenn die Vorgänge in Boston tatsächlich «eine neue Normalität» anzeigen, wie der Abgeordnete King befürchtet, wird die Forderung nach einer noch schärferen Überwachung amerikanischer Muslimgemeinschaften unweigerlich lauter werden – was andererseits erst recht die Radikalisierung islamischer Individuen und Gruppen fördern könnte. Den ganzen Artikel lesen » | Von Martin Kilian | Washington | Sonntag, 11. April 2013
THE OBSERVER: Tsarnaev brothers fit the key indicators of potential threat: young, male, first-generation migrants with 'identity issues'
Security services have learned much about Islamic extremist violence in recent years. "Profiling" has been rejected as too blunt to be of much use, but it's clear that it almost exclusively involves men, aged 18 to 30, and often first generation immigrants with what are broadly and inadequately dubbed "identity issues". A key indicator of potential threat is also a close family member already involved in extremism. Those apparently responsible for the Boston bombings fit all these parameters: two brothers, aged 19 and 26, who spent much of their lives in the US but were clearly deeply attracted to the culture of their Chechen parents.
Beyond the "who?" is the "how?", and the counter-terrorist community have also learned to watch for signs such as a sudden increase in religious practice and unexplained trips overseas to south or central Asia. Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older of the two, travelled last year to Russia and, it is thought, Dagestan, where he and his family once lived. He had also become more obviously devout, a family friend told the Boston Globe. A neighbour said he had abandoned sharp western clothes.
Terrorists are not loners either. Tamerlan was married and had a small child. Mohammad Sidique Khan, the leader of the 7/7 bombers, left a young daughter. Militancy is, after all, a social activity. Terrorists are not unhinged, studies have shown, nor necessarily badly integrated, though in this case Tamerlan appears to have had trouble making friends in the US. Most believe, however misguidedly, that their deeds will be hailed after their deaths. » | Jason Burke | Saturday, April 20, 2013
THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Boston bombing suspect, remains unable to speak as he undergoes treatment for a gunshot wound to the throat in hospital, officials have said as inquiries focus on what turned two young men into Islamic terrorists.
The 19-year-old is "serious but stable. I think not able to communicate yet," Deval Patrick, the Massachusetts governor said after attending a tribute to the victims of Monday's bomb attacks that left three dead and about 180 injured.
CBS television quoted investigators as saying that Tsarnaev suffered two serious wounds and had lost a lot of blood. It said investigators had speculated that one wound in the back of his neck could have been a suicide attempt.
"They say it appears from the wound that he might have stuck a gun in his mouth and fired," said the report, which added that Tsarnaev could understand what those around him were saying.
Tsarnaev was detained on Friday. His elder brother Tamerlan was killed in a shootout with police earlier in the day during a massive manhunt.
Gov Patrick said he hopes the teenaged suspect survives. "We have a million questions and those questions need to be answered," he added. » | Damien McElroy, and Philip Sherwell and Nick Allen | Sunday, April 21, 2013
Saturday, April 20, 2013
HAARETZ: Albeit the dimensions are somewhat smaller, but the pain, fear, and anger are the same. America has again been caught off guard by foreign terrorists seeking to sow destruction and death.
Almost 12 years have passed since that “great tragedy,” the attacks of September 11, and the United States has yet again experienced a national tragedy. Albeit the dimensions are somewhat smaller, but the pain, fear, and anger are the same. America has again been caught off guard by foreign terrorists seeking to sow destruction and death.
In September 2001 the terrorists were Saudis (15 out of 19) and Egyptian. This time, the culprits where to Chechen brothers, Tamerlan and Dzokhar Tsarnaev. If it turns out that their motivations were religious, the context of their country of origin will not be coincidental. Until now there has not been any testament from the two, neither written nor filmed – which is generally common practice in the case of such attacks – nor has there been any claim of responsibility from Al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahri. Al-Qaida also tends to take responsibility for attacks to which it was unconnected at the operational level, if it shares an ideological bond with those responsible. Despite this, it is very likely that there is a strong, ideological and operational connection between the attacks of 2001 and 2013.
Back in the early nineties, Chechnya and neighboring Dagestan became a stronghold in the Caucasus region for the radical stream of Sunni Islam, Wahhabism. Mosques and madrasas were opened; training camps for young combatants were established to prepare them for the “jihad against the infidels.” Until this day, the teachings of Said Buryatsky, a charismatic, Wahhabist radical, are among the most downloaded files in Chechnya.
This radical Islamist movement was founded in the Arabian Peninsula and adopted by tribes that founded a kingdom in the 18 century, which later became Saudi Arabia. This puritan, aggressive movement is considered by orthodox Muslims as heretic. Many approached it with suspicion and rejected it, but the situation changed once the “black gold” began to flow from Saudi Arabia’s soil. Thus the Wahhabists gained their much-wanted recognition, and began to send money to religious institutions around the world, including in Chechnya and Dagestan. » | Ksenia Svetlova * | Saturday, April 20, 2013
* Ksenia Svetlova is a writer and analyst on Arab affairs for Channel 9, and has a doctorate from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Middle Eastern Studies.
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Boston bombing
Boston bombings
Friday, April 19, 2013

REUTERS.COM: Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev posted links to Islamic websites and others calling for Chechen independence on what appears to be his page on a Russian language social networking site.
Abusive comments in Russian and English were flooding onto Tsarnaev's page on VK, a Russian-language social media site, on Friday after he was identified as a suspect in the bombing of the Boston marathon.
Police launched a massive manhunt for Tsarnaev, 19, after killing his older brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev in a shootout overnight.
On the site, the younger Tsarnaev identifies himself as a 2011 graduate of Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, a public school in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
It says he went to primary school in Makhachkala, capital of Dagestan, a province in Russia that borders Chechnya, and lists his languages as English, Russian and Chechen.
His "World view" is listed as "Islam" and his "Personal priority" is "career and money".
He has posted links to videos of fighters in the Syrian civil war and to Islamic web pages with titles like "Salamworld, my religion is Islam" and "There is no God but Allah, let that ring out in our hearts". » | Reporting by Peter Graff; editing by Philippa Fletcher | Friday, April 19, 2013
Boston Marathon,
Islamic terrorism,
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
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Boston Marathon,
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