Tuesday, May 07, 2013

The Lies We Tell Ourselves About Moderate Islam

THE JERUSALEM POST: Fundamentally Freund: President Barack Obama and much of the Western press seem to have difficulty saying in close proximity to one another: ‘Islamic’ and ‘terror.’

The past few weeks have been difficult ones for the United States and its allies, as they received some painful reminders that the war on terror is far from over.

In a dastardly attack on April 15, two bombs went off at the Boston Marathon, killing three people, wounding 264 others and leaving more than two dozen amputees. A week later, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police announced that they had arrested two people in a plot to attack a passenger train heading to Toronto from New York.

There were other incidents as well. On April 18, gunmen stormed a hotel in the Kenyan town of Garissa and sprayed bullets into the restaurant, killing 10.

And on April 28, two assassins opened fire on army intelligence officers in the town of Lamitan in the Philippines, killing two people.

What all these episodes have in common is one highly conspicuous fact: they were all carried out by Muslim terrorists bent on killing as many “infidels” as possible.

Indeed, despite an ongoing avalanche of violence being perpetrated around the world by Muslim extremists, there are two words President Barack Obama and much of the Western press seem to have difficulty saying in close proximity to one another: “Islamic” and “terror.”

They would rather soothe themselves – and us – into complacency, as if refusing to call something by its name will magically make it go away. » | Michael Freund | Monday, May 06, 2013