Monday, February 04, 2013

Des islamistes menacent Berlin d'un 11 Septembre

LE FIGARO: Un salafiste radical allemand annonce dans une vidéo des attentats contre Angela Merkel et contre le Reichstag à Berlin.

Angela Merkel est définitivement rattrapée par la rançon de la puissance et de la gloire. Adulée outre-Rhin pour sa gestion de mère de famille, la chancelière allemande était déjà décriée dans le sud de l'Europe où sa cure d'austérité lui vaut d'être parfois grimée en dictateur nazi dans les rues d'Athènes. La voici désormais ciblée par les terroristes djihadistes, qui la menacent de mort.

Un islamiste allemand, connu des autorités, a menacé d'attaquer Berlin cet été et de tuer la chancelière dans une vidéo postée sur Internet. «Nous voulons voir (Barack) Obama et (Angela) Merkel morts», déclame Abou Azzam, un salafisteradical allemand, installé en Égypte depuis un an, dans une chanson appelant au djihad. Abou Azzam aurait rejoint au pays des pharaons le prêcheur salafiste d'origine autrichienne Mohammed Mahmoud, alias Abou Oussama al-Gharib. Déjà condamné à cinq ans de prison pour ses liens avec al-Qaida, cet émir est devenu le cauchemar des services de sécurité allemands en raison de ses prêches enflammés lancés dans un allemand chevrotant et appelant à se soulever contre les «infidèles» outre-Rhin.

«En nous souvenant du printemps arabe, nous nous réjouissons de l'été européen, lance Abou Azzam dans son «Nashid», sa chanson appelant au djihad. Obama, attend-nous. Nous avons léché le sang. Nous voulons voir Obama et Merkel morts.» Et de promettre à Berlin des attentats semblables à ceux du 11 septembre 2001 à New York, notamment contre le bâtiment du Reichstag, où siège la Chambre basse du Parlement. «Nos troupes sont déjà déployées, se réjouit le terroriste. Vous allez saigner et vos têtes vont rouler. Oh Allah donne au peuple allemand ce qu'il mérite.» » | Par Patrick Saint-Paul | Correspondant du Figaro à Berlin | lundi 04 février 2013

Verwandtes Video »
Terrorvideo bedroht Merkel

Kuwaiti Youth Gets 5 Years in Jail for Insulting Emir on Twitter

RT.COM: A Kuwaiti opposition youth activist has been given the maximum sentence of five years in prison for insulting the 'inviolable' emir on Twitter in the third case of its kind since January, following a crackdown on free speech in the country.

Mohammad Eid al-Ajmi will likely appeal his case, despite the fact that his sentence took “immediate effect,” said lawyer Mohammad al-Humaidi, director of the Kuwait Society for Human Rights.

The sentencing was the latest in a series of similar prosecutions for criticizing the 'immune' emir on social media. » | Monday, February 04, 2013
Presse : 400 salafistes marocains emprisonnés se repentent et reconnaissent légitime, la monarchie

eMARRAKECH: Rabat : Ces salafistes embastillés, sont tous condamnés à des peines de prisons, pour terrorismes, apologie de terrorisme ou constitution de cellules terroristes.

400 salafistes se seraient accordés à produire, un courrier adressé, auxministères de la justice et de l’intérieur, y annonçant faire acte de repentance et se séparer de leursidéologies et agissements extrémistes passés. » | Rédigé par Larbi Amine – Emarrakech | lundi 04 février 2013
Sitting Down for Coffee with Salafists

DEUTSCHE WELLE: Germany's domestic security agency has warned of a self-radicalizing Salafist scene, with the Rhineland considered one of its strongholds. DW's Naomi Conrad takes a look inside the Salafist scene in the city of Bonn.

Young men in baggy track suits linger around a gas station in Bonn. Rain drizzles. This is the meeting point for my interview with two Salafist preachers. A minute past 5 o'clock in the evening, a lone man arrives to pick me up.

"Yeah, we're radical," the man smiles. After a dramatic pause, the clean shaven 20-year-old adds: "radically on time." His smile turns into a grin. He does not shake my hand. "You have to understand," the man says. In western countries, not shaking someone's hand is considered an affront. But this man's strict interpretation of the Koran forbids him from offering me - a woman - his hand to shake.

The man explains that he will film the conversation with the preacher. "It's safer for you, and it's safer for us. But you probably don't want to be on camera at all, right?" The two preachers, who would like very much to be on camera, sit in a small café across from the gas station. We walk over. Turkish music plays from a loudspeaker. The older one, Ibrahim Abu Nagie, stirs his coffee while the younger of the two, Abu Dujana, plays with his white iPhone.

They offer me a friendly greeting and wave a waitress over: "Sister, another coffee, please." » | Naomi Conrad / slk | DW.DE | Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Greek Extremists: 'Golden Dawn' Fosters Ties with German Neo-Nazis

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: The Greek right-wing extremist party Golden Dawn has established contacts with German neo-Nazis in Bavaria. The group, which is represented in Greek parliament, is also attempting to set up a cell in the southern German state.

The Greek right-wing extremist party Golden Dawn is establishing close contacts with Bavarian neo-Nazis and began setting up a cell in Nuremberg last year. The party, known in Greek as Chrysi Avgi, even held a conference in the southern German city recently.

Bavaria's state intelligence agency is particularly interested in meetings that have been taking place between right-wing extremists from Greece and those in Bavaria.

An umbrella organization of Greek communities in Germany has called on all Greeks in Germany to reject attempts by neo-Nazis to promote "violence, inteolerance and social cannibalism." » | cro/SPIEGEL | Monday, February 04, 2013
Migration aus Rumänien und Bulgarien: Deutsche Städte klagen über Zuwanderer

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Sie lebten schon in ihrer Heimat häufig in Armut, hier schaffen sie den Aufstieg auch oft nicht: Zuwanderer aus Rumänien und Bulgarien fallen nach SPIEGEL-Informationen manchen deutschen Städten zur Last. Sie klagen, dass die Migranten viel Geld kosten - und fordern Hilfe vom Bund.

Hamburg - Die deutschen Städte klagen über die Zuwanderung aus Rumänien und Bulgarien: "Die soziale Balance und der soziale Friede" seien "in höchstem Maße gefährdet", heißt es nach Informationen des SPIEGEL in einem internen Papier des Deutschen Städtetages. Viele Migranten zögen in Quartiere, die ohnehin unter hoher Arbeitslosigkeit litten. Betroffen sind Städte wie Berlin, Dortmund, Duisburg, Hamburg, Hannover, München und Offenbach. » | son | Sontag, 03. Februar 2013
Richard III: Skeleton Is the King

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Human remains found buried deep beneath a Leicester car park have been identified as those of Richard III, scientists confirmed today.

In an announcement that rewrote history, archaeologists confirmed that "beyond reasonable doubt" that the skeleton was found in the resting place of the Plantagenet king.

They said that long-awaited DNA results on the bones proved beyond doubt that they belonged to the king, more than 500 years after he was killed in battle.

Speaking before more than 140 journalists from all over the world, the University of Leicester team described their find as "truly astonishing".

They said the skeletal evidence "provides a highly convincing case for identification as Richard III". They said that the skeleton was the king as far as all scientific tests could prove.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is the academic conclusion of the University of Leicester that, beyond reasonable doubt, the individual exhumed at Greyfriars... is indeed Richard III, the last Plantagenet king of England," said Richard Buckley, who led the research. » | Nick Britten, and Andrew Hough | Monday, February 04, 2013
Knife-wielding Man Shot with Taser Outside Buckingham Palace in Court

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: A man who was stopped by police with a Taser stun gun as he ran towards Buckingham Palace wielding two knives has been charged and will appear in court today.

Talhat Rehman, 54, broke from a crowd of tourists in the middle of the Changing of the Guard ceremony yesterday morning, holding one blade to his chest and another to his throat.

As an officer tried to intervene, he lunged at him waving both knives and was shot with the stun gun before being arrested and taken away in a police van.

Mr Rehman, of Harrow, North West London, was later charged with two counts of possessing a bladed weapon in public and one of affray. He will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court later today.

"He was not making threats to members of the public but he was challenged by police. He acted aggressively and a Taser was discharged,” a Scotland Yard spokesman said.

Officers at the scene suggested that Mr Rehman was known to them and was mentally ill. He had previously worked at the Maharaja Halal butcher a mile from his home address, it was reported. » | Victoria Ward and Sam Marsden | Monday, February 04, 2013

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Sunday, February 03, 2013

The Muslim Jesus

Nigel Farage on Islam in the UK

The History of the Devil

The Spanish Inquisition | History Channel Documentary

The Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition

Growing Use of Shariah by UK Muslims

Documentary on Islam - 'Being Muslim in the UK'

Man with Knives Tasered Outside Buckingham Palace

A man holding a knife to his neck has been tasered outside Buckingham Palace during the Changing of the Guard ceremony.

Read the article here
Haredi: The Ultra Orthodox Society in Israel

This is a documentary that follows a variety of people in the Ultra orthodox community in Israel, and tells different stories. First of is the Israeli election, in a feud between the sides in the community whether they should vote or not vote, second issue is the issue regarding education and poverty, where two women try to change the enviroment regarding haredi education and family planning, and the third part is about the controversy surrounding the internet in the Haredi world. Should internet be allowed or not?

Arabie saoudite: Peine très légère pour un homme ayant violé et tué sa fille

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Il n'a reçu qu'une peine légère pour avoir tué sauvagement sa fillette de 5 ans. Mais un homme ne peut être condamné à mort en Arabie saoudite pour le meurtre de sa femme ou de son enfant.

Un prédicateur saoudien a été récemment condamné à une courte peine de prison et à verser une compensation financière pour le viol et le meurtre de sa fille de 5 ans, ont rapporté samedi 3 militantes des droits humains. Ces dernières ont dénoncé la mansuétude du jugement, l’estimant révélatrice du statut des femmes dans le pays.

Selon ces militantes saoudiennes, la petite Lama, hospitalisée le 25 décembre 2011 avec le crâne fracassé, des côtes cassées, des traces de brûlures et un ongle arraché, a succombé à ses blessures le 22 octobre.

La mère, qui était divorcée et n’avait pas pu voir sa fille dans les mois précédant l’hospitalisation, et une assistante sociale ont aussi évoqué des séquelles de viols particulièrement cruels, selon ces militantes. » | ats/afp/Newsnet | dimanche 03 février 2013

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Mark Levin: "The Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated Our Government, It's Called Barack Obama"

REAL CLEAR POLITICS: MARK LEVIN – What the hell's happening? Now we've backed the Muslim Brotherhood? And then of course, our dear friend Michele Bachmann and Louie Gohmert and three other brave members of the House of Representatives asked questions about the Muslim Brotherhood's infiltration of our own government and they're treated like pariahs. Well, the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our government, it's called Barack Obama. No, he's not a formal member, he's a sympathizer. There, I said it. Prove otherwise. (+ video) » | Ian Schwartz | Thursday, January 31, 2013
Remember This? JK Wedding Entrance Dance

Jill and Kevin’s Wedding »
Chris Brown: Forever

Dark Age Stuff! Islamic Hand Cutting : Shariah Law

Dark Age Stuff! Swiss Islamic Leaders Defend the Stoning of Women

Islam unverschleiert - Mein Bruder, der Islamist | Doku

2009 erfuhr der Dokumentarfilmer Robb Leech aus der Zeitung, dass sein Stiefbruder Rich zum Islam konvertierte und unter dem Namen Salahuddin mit den Jihad Fundamentalisten sympathisierte. Geschockt über diesen Artikel und die radikalen Aussagen seines Bruders begab sich Robb Leech auf eine sehr persönliche Suche nach den Motiven seines Bruders, die sein Leben derart radikal änderten.

Wie konnte dieser Mann, dereinst sein großes Vorbild in Teenager-Zeiten, all seine kulturellen und familiären Werte über Bord werfen und unter dem Namen Salahuddin zu einem radikalen Islamisten werden? Für welche Welt hatte sich sein Bruder freiwillig entschieden, in der Frauen zu Tode gesteinigt und Ungläubige zur Hölle geschickt werden? Während der zwölfmonatigen Dreharbeiten versuchte Rob Leech das Phänomen zu ergründen, warum immer mehr - vor allem weiße junge - Männer vom Islam fasziniert sind.

'Traces of Pork' Found in Prison Food Served as Halal

THE GUARDIAN: Supplier of meat pies and pasties to prisons suspended after FSA informed of contamination

The Ministry of Justice is suspending one of the suppliers of meat to prisons after it discovered that halal pies and pasties sourced from a properly halal certificated supplier may contain traces of non-halal meat.

The products concerned have been withdrawn immediately, a spokesman said.

He added: "All prisons have been informed about this very regrettable incident and we reported this issue to the Food Standards Agency immediately.

"We are taking immediate steps to suspend the contract with the relevant subcontractor."

Justice minister Jeremy Wright said: "This is an absolutely unacceptable situation and one which we regret greatly. Clearly this must be distressing for those affected and they can be reassured we are doing everything we can to resolve the situation. The prison service is investigating this as a matter of urgency.

The FSA said the incident involved traces of pork. » | Press Association | Friday, February 01, 2013
New Dark Age Alert! Inside Gao Where Arab Jihadis Took Bloody Sharia Retribution On Mali's Black Africans

THE GUARDIAN: The people of Gao endured nine months of amputations and floggings under the rule of Islamist rebels – much of it aimed at ethnic groups

The jihadis carried out amputations in the sandy square where the residents of Gao used to watch basketball. The men who ruled Gao for nine months, until French and Malian troops drove them out last weekend, replaced the words "Place de l'Indépendence" in the green, red and yellow of the national flag with simple white on black: Place de la Sharia.

A thief would lose his right hand. Those accused of burglary would lose both right hand and left foot. On 21 December last year, people were assembled, as they had been several times before, and told to watch.

"No one was allowed to speak," said Issa Alzouma. "Then they cut off my hand with a knife."

Alzouma had been accused of stealing a motorbike, which he denies. At 39, he made a living digging gravel for construction companies. It was enough to support his wife and three children. Now he roams Gao in tattered clothes, the stump of his right arm wrapped in a grubby bandage, a flimsy black plastic bag dangling from his remaining wrist. Inside he keeps a few antibiotics and replacement bandages given by a Red Cross doctor who treated him at Gao hospital a week after his amputation.

"The doctor had to cut in and remove flesh because it was infected," he said. "Under the bandage you can see my bones. It hurts and I feel as if my bones are coming out."

Alzouma has no idea how he and his family will survive. "My wife just cries and cries," he said. His friend Algalas Yatara, who was also accused of stealing a motorbike, carries a sheaf of papers in Arabic in his remaining hand. He thinks it is the judgment but is not quite sure, as neither man can read Arabic. Read on and comment » | Lindsey Hilsum in Gao | The Observer | Saturday, February 02, 2013
Französischer Präsident in Mali: Timbuktu feiert Hollande als Befreier

SPIEGEL ONLINE: "Es lebe Frankreich, es lebe Hollande" - drei Wochen nach dem Beginn des Militäreinsatzes in Mali hat der französische Präsident das Land besucht. In der von Islamisten befreiten Sahara-Stadt Timbuktu wurde er von Tausenden Menschen frenetisch empfangen.

Paris/Bamako - Frankreichs Präsident François Hollande ist am Samstag in Mali angekommen: Tausende jubelnde Menschen begrüßten ihn auf dem Hauptplatz der historischen Wüstenstadt Timbuktu.

"Es lebe Frankreich, es lebe Hollande", riefen sie. Sie wollen Frankreich "Danke" sagen für den schnellen Militäreinsatz gegen die Islamisten. Die Einwohner der Stadt tanzten zu den Rhythmen von Trommeln, die unter den Islamisten verboten waren. "Wir freuen uns, ihn zu treffen, denn er ist unser Befreier, er hat uns von diesen bewaffneten Banditen befreit", sagte ein Händler. "Ohne die Franzosen wäre es eine Katastrophe gewesen." "Wir, die Frauen von Timbuktu, wir danken François Hollande unendlich", rief eine 53-jährige Frau, die sich in eine französische Flagge gehüllt hatte. » | fln/dpa/AFP | Samstag, 02. Februar 2013

Timbuktu Hails France's President François Hollande Its Saviour »
Francois [sic] Hollande to Remove Word 'Race' from French Constitution

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Francois [sic] Hollande is to have the word "race" removed from the French Constitution's guarantee that all citizens will be treated equally.

The French president declared "there is no place for race in the Republic" in March last year while campaigning against his predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy.

Mr Hollande's election commitment will be honoured before the summer, aides told Le Figaro on Friday, as part of a wider programme of constitutional reform.

The French Constitution, drafted in 1946, states: "France shall be an indivisible, secular, democratic and social republic. It guarantees equality before the law for all citizens without distinction of origin, race or religion." » | Foreign Staff | Friday, February 01, 2013
Egypt: Opposition Rallies as Video Emerges of Naked Man Being Beaten by Security Forces

Egypt's opposition called for the interior minister to resign on Saturday after security forces were seen on television beating and dragging a naked man at a Cairo protest.

Read the article here | Telegraph reporter and foreign agencies | Saturday, February 02, 2013
Dispatch: Inside Timbuktu, the City Freed from Its Al-Qaeda Tormentors

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The image of a severed hand lying beside a bloodied sword was passed from one mobile phone to the next.

The 25-year-old man had been held down while the hand was cut off before a crowd of appalled onlookers, recalled Mousa Ag-Mohammed, 29, who witnessed this punishment. "Some people said that he stole something, but it was not true," he said. "They wanted to do this just to frighten people, for the people to be scared of them."

Whatever the reason, the footage showed how the Islamist overlords of the ancient Malian city of Timbuktu had united high technology with medieval cruelty during their occupation.

Indeed terror was Mr Ag-Mohammed's dominant memory of the 10-month occupation of Timbuktu that ended with a lightning French assault on Monday. » | David Blair, Timbuktu | Friday, February 01, 2013

Friday, February 01, 2013

Gay Marriage Could Cost Conservatives Power, Poll Suggests

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Divisions over gay marriage could cost the Conservatives enough votes to force them out of power at the next election, a new poll suggests.

One in five of voters who supported the party in 2010 would “definitely not” do so again if the Coalition presses ahead with the change, it found. Even though a majority of Conservative voters polled insisted they would stay with the party, the loss of a fifth of its support would be enough to force it out of power.

On Friday night some Conservative MPs described the findings as a “wake up call” to David Cameron, just a few days before the Commons votes for the first time on legalsing gay marriage.

But Tory supporters of the change dismissed the poll, which was commissioned by the Coalition for Marriage, which campaigns against same-sex unions, as “skewed”. » | John Bingham, Social Affairs Editor | Friday, February 01, 2013

THE GUARDIAN: No concessions for Tory right in David Cameron's push for gay marriage: Prime minister rules out tax breaks for married couples in March budget ¶ David Cameron has slapped down traditionalists in the cabinet opposed to proposed gay marriage laws by saying he would not introduce tax breaks for married couples in the March budget. » | Patrick Wintour | Friday, February 01, 2013
Hillary Clinton Steps Down as US Secretary of State

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Hillary Clinton bid an emotional farewell to the State Department on Friday as she stepped down from her post as America's top diplomat to become a private citizen for the first time in decades.

The US Secretary of State addressed a cheering crowd of staff in Washington, telling them that while the world remains "very complex and even dangerous" she was "more optimistic today than I was when I stood here four years ago".

"I'm proud of the work we have done to elevate diplomacy and development, to serve the nation we all love, to understand the challenges, the threats and the opportunities that the United States faces," she said. » | Raf Sanchez, Washington | Friday, February 01, 2013
Kosovo Orders Ban on Headscarves in Schools

Kosovo is one of Europe's majority Muslim countries, but now an administrative order has been issued banning the wearing of headscarves in schools. When one student refused to remove her headscarf, she was expelled. Al Jazeera's Paul Brennan reports.

In Kairo fliegen Molotow-Cocktails

TAGES ANZEIGER: Aus Protest gegen Mohammed Mursi sind in mehreren ägyptischen Städten tausende Menschen auf die Strasse gegangen. In Kairo gerieten erneut Demonstranten und Polizisten aneinander.

In Ägypten ist es bei den Massendemonstrationen gegen die islamistische Regierung zu Krawallen gekommen. Die arabischen Nachrichtensender Al-Jasira und al-Arabiya berichteten von Auseinandersetzungen am Präsidentenpalast in Kairo.

In der Hauptstadt marschierten Tausende Demonstranten trotz Regens zum Tahrir-Platz und zum Präsidentenpalast und riefen dabei Parolen wie «Freiheit» und «Mursi ist nicht rechtmässig». Augenzeugen zufolge bewarfen Demonstranten und Sicherheitskräfte einander in einer Seitenstrasse des Tahrir-Platzes mit Steinen. » | ses/AFP/sda | Freitaag, 01. Februar 2013
Salafismus wächst rasant

DIE WELT: In Norddeutschland gibt es bereits 1500 Anhänge

Sie verteilen öffentlich den Koran, vertreten einen rückwärtsgewandten Ur-Islam mit einem "Gottesstaat" und können gewaltbereit sein: Mehr als 4500 Salafisten gibt es nach Angaben des Bundesverfassungsschutzes in ganz Deutschland. "Für die norddeutschen Bundesländer gehen wir realistisch von einer Schätzung von 1000 bis 1500 Salafisten aus", sagte Professor Bülent Ucar, geschäftsführender Direktor des Instituts für Islamische Theologie an der Universität Osnabrück, am Rande einer Fachtagung zum Thema Salafismus. » | Von Edgar S. Hasse | Montag, 28. Januar 2013
Golfe Persique: Des milliers de Bahreïnis manifestent pour la démocratie

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Plusieurs milliers de Bahreïnis ont manifesté près de Manama à l'appel de l'opposition chiite. Ils ont réclamé des réformes démocratiques et le départ du Premier ministre, en poste depuis plus de 40 ans.

Des milliers de femmes et d'hommes ont défilé à Al-Bilad-el-Qadim en brandissant des drapeaux bahreïnis et des portraits de détenus politiques, et en réclamant la démission de Khalifa ben Salmane Al-Khalifa, oncle du roi et Premier ministre depuis l'indépendance de Bahreïn en 1971.

«L'action nationale en faveur du changement démocratique se poursuivra (...) jusqu'à l'obtention de tous les droits», ont affirmé les mouvements chiites de l'opposition dans un communiqué à la fin de la manifestation.

«L'action du peuple de Bahreïn sur le terrain dure depuis deux ans et ne s'arrêtera pas, l'action de l'opposition sera quotidienne et nous manifesterons tous les jours jusqu'à ce que toutes nos revendications soient entendues», ajoute également le texte. » | ats/afp/Newsnet | vendredi 01 février 2013
Que signifie le drapeau noir des salafistes ?

JEUNE AFRIQUE: De Bahreïn à Tombouctou, en passant par l'Algérie, il est au coeur de l'actualité : le drapeau noir imprimé de caractères blancs est devenu le symbole des salafistes du monde entier. Mais que signifie-t-il ? Décryptage.

Des caractères arabes qui claquent en blanc sur fond noir, une apparence familière, celle des étendards sombres du jihad supposés similaires à la bannière que le prophète Mohammed brandissait lors de ses conquêtes. Mais la forme de celle-ci détonne. La calligraphie basique qui le couronne, « La ilaha illa Allah » (il n’y a de dieu que Dieu), tranche avec les volutes compliquées des autres drapeaux salafistes et percute comme un « Just do it » de Nike. Il est frappé en son centre d’une sorte de cercle ovoïde barré de trois inscriptions « Allah » (Dieu),« Rasoûl » (Prophète), « Mohammed ». Un logo sobre et efficace qui évoquerait presque la pomme croquée d’Apple. Depuis 2011 cette bannière se répand dans le ciel des troupes salafistes combattantes ou militantes, des zones tribales du Pakistan aux maquis yéménites et sahéliens, des rues de Beyrouth aux places de Rabat. » | Par Jeune Afrique | mercredi 30 janvier 2013
Un Marocain lié aux salafistes expulsé

EUROPE 1: Un ressortissant marocain, lié au groupuscule salafiste Forsane Alizza, a été expulsé jeudi vers le Maroc, a annoncé le ministère de l'Intérieur dans un communiqué. < ahref= target=_blank> » | Par avec AFP | jeudi 31 janvier 2013
Catholic Event Cancels Talk By Islam Critic

THE BOSTON GLOBE: The Roman Catholic Diocese of Worcester rescinded an invitation Wednesday to Robert Spencer, a Catholic whose work depicts Islam as an inherently violent religion, to speak at its annual Catholic Men’s Conference in March.

The invitation was withdrawn after Muslims in Massachusetts expressed concerns to the diocese about the appearance of Spencer, scheduled to be a featured speaker at the DCU Center on March 16.

Spencer is director of the blog Jihad Watch and a leader of the American Freedom Defense Initiative and Stop Islamization of America, both of which are seen as anti-Muslim groups by some organizations that monitor extremism.

His books include “Stealth Jihad: How Radical Islam is Subverting America without Guns or Bombs,” “The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the World’s Most Intolerant Religion,” and “Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics.” On his blog, he has argued that jihad is a central tenet of the faith.

After the Globe sought comment on his scheduled appearance from the diocese and from Muslim organizations Wednesday, the Islamic Council of New England sent an e-mail urging Catholic leaders to cancel Spencer’s appearance. The diocese agreed to do so shortly after receiving the e-mail. » | Lisa Wangsness | Blobe Staff | Thursday, January 31, 2013
Global Leadership Vacuum: Europe Incapable, America Unwilling

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: US Vice President Joe Biden is visiting Germany this week in an effort to strengthen trans-Atlantic ties. Global politics have come to a standstill in recent years, with the United States unwilling to show leadership and Europe and other major powers unable to fill the vacuum.

Ernest Rutherford, the chemist and nuclear physicist, wanted to conduct massive experiments in his laboratories in Britain. He had won the 1908 Nobel Prize in chemistry and would go on to become one of the legends in his field. But he often simply didn't have the funds. Legend has it that he gathered together his team and said: "Gentlemen, we have run out of money. It's time to start thinking."

These words attributed to Rutherford have become world-famous -- also in the realm of politics. And they could hardly be more applicable than to United States Vice President Joe Biden's upcoming trip to Germany. On Friday afternoon, Biden will hold a powwow with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin. On Saturday, he is scheduled to deliver a speech at the annual Munich Security Conference.

The reason is clear: Biden might still speak eloquently in public about trans-Atlantic cooperation. But, behind closed doors, his main message will be that America and its allies need to come up with a new way of divvying up responsibilities in this uncertain world. The Exhausted Nation » | An Analysis By Gregor Peter Schmitz in Munich | Friday, February 01, 2013

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Vorwürfe des Wiesenthal-Centers: Rabbi nennt Jakob Augstein Antisemiten

31.01.2013 - Das Simon-Wiesenthal-Zentrum hat Aussagen des SPIEGEL-ONLINE-Kolumnisten und Verlegers Jakob Augstein auf eine Liste der schlimmsten antisemitischen Äußerungen gesetzt. In Berlin verstärkte jetzt dessen Vizedirektor Rabbi Cooper die Kritik - und nennt Augstein unverblümt einen Antisemiten.

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Augstein Debate: Rabbi Refuses to Weaken 'Anti-Semite' Claims – Rabbi Abraham Cooper has reiterated the Simon Wiesenthal Center's stance that German journalist Jakob Augstein, who also writes a column for SPIEGEL ONLINE, is a leading anti-Semite. He said that Augstein's recent comments have done nothing to change his opinion. » | Severin Weiland | Thursday, January 31, 2013
Al-Qaeda Threatens US and Europe, Promises 'Earth-shattering' Attack

RT.COM: A message posted on a jihadist website on Sunday promised that “terrible” attacks will soon strike the US, France, Denmark and other European countries.

“Where will the next strike by Al-Qaeda be?” a message on the Ansar al-Mujahidin network read, followed by: “The house of disbelief: America, France, Denmark and other countries in Europe, and in the countries that helped and help France and other places.”

The message threatened attacks that will be “strong, serious, alarming, earth-shattering and terrible,” which will be carried out both collectively and individually.

The post also singled out France, telling the country to prepare for a “long war of attrition.” » | Thursday, January 31, 2013
Barack Obama's Uncle to Face Deportation Hearing

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Onyango Obama, the uncle of US president Barack Obama, will learn if he is to be deported from the US to Kenya at a hearing scheduled for Dec 3.

Mr Obama, 68, is the half-brother of the president's late father. He has lived in the US illegally since arriving from Kenya as a teenager for school.

The date of the hearing was announced on Wednesday.

His status emerged after his 2011 drunken driving arrest in Framingham, Massachusetts. When he was arrested, he told police he would “call the White House”, before being charged with drink-driving. » | Thursday, January 31, 2013

My comment:

Just how many of Obama's extended family are living in the US illegally, actually? – © Mark
Documentary: Make Me a Muslim

Documentary following five girls as they embrace Islam, as Shanna Bukhari sets out to find out why more young British women are giving up partying and drinking to become Muslims.

Watch the BBC documentary here
The Dis-United Kingdom

The Café travels to Bradford to discuss race riots, poverty and polarised communities in the UK.

Dawkins on Religion

An interview with renowned atheist Richard Dawkins on whether religion is a force for good or evil.

Inside Story Americas: What Fuels the Love for Guns in the US?

We examine the history of gun ownership in a country where there are almost as many guns as there are people.

Salafismus in Bonn: Salafisten verteilten Korane in Bad Godesberg

GENERAL-ANZEIGER: BAD GODESBERG. Es war ein unauffälliger Stand, an dem die Anhänger der salafistischen, sprich radikal-muslimischen Gruppierung "Die wahre Religion" am Samstag auf dem Theaterplatz kostenlose Korane verteilten. Zumindest an diejenigen, die an dem wie ein Rednerpult anmutenden Tisch stehenblieben.

Denn angesprochen wurde niemand der Passanten, die die jungen Männer in Jeans und dicken Jacken meist gar nicht wahrnahmen. Mit Achselzucken reagierten denn auch zwei Fußgänger, die zwischen Theaterplatz und Fronhof unterwegs waren. Ihnen sei die Koranverteilaktion egal, so lange nicht versucht würde, sie zu missionieren. » | GA | Montag, 28. Januar 2013
Szene der Salafisten wächst - Anstieg um 700 Personen auf 4500

DER TAGESSPIEGEL: Im vergangenen Jahr haben sich 700 weitere Menschen den Salafisten angeschlossen. Damit zählt der Verfassungsschutz 4500 Salafisten insgesamt hierzulande. Ein Anführer der Szene aus Berlin will sich unterdessen den Kämpfern in Syrien anschließen.

Die Szene der Salafisten in Deutschland ist nach Informationen des Tagesspiegels im vergangenen Jahr deutlich gewachsen. Die Zahl der Personen, die dem Spektrum zuzurechnen sind, sei auf 4500 gewachsen, teilte das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz auf Anfrage mit. Im Jahr 2011 hatte der Nachrichtendienst noch 3800 Salafisten festgestellt. Den größten Zulauf hatte die Szene in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Dort verdoppelte sich die Zahl der Salafisten auf 1000 Personen. » | Von Frank Jansen | Dienstag, 29. Januar 2013
David Cameron Greeted with Cries of 'Allah[u] Akhbar' in Surprise Visit to Libya

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: David Cameron today flew into Tripoli in defiance of the deteriorating security situation.

Earlier this week Britain warned of a "potential threat" to its embassy in the Libyan capital Tripoli, days after the Foreign Office urged British nationals to leave Benghazi.

However the Prime Minister flew today from Algiers to Tripoli, for his second visit to the capital in 15 months. » | Christopher Hope, Tripoli, Libya | Thursday, January 31, 2013
Algeria Doesn't Need Lectures from Dave on Fighting Terrorism

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: David Cameron can expect a frosty reception from his Algerian hosts today when he becomes the first British Prime Minister to visit the North African country since it gained independence in 1962.

Mr Cameron's visit is in response to the al-Qaeda attack on the In Amenas gas complex earlier this month in which 68 people died, including three British workers. After the Algerians refused Mr Cameron's offers of help to end the siege – including a SAS unit – the prime minister hopes to establish a better working relationship in fighting the growing Islamist menace that is taking root in North Africa. Read on and comment » | Con Coughlin | Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Consultants Who Advise on Bankers' Pay Make Prostitutes Look Respectable Says Former Chancellor Lord Lawson

MAIL ONLINE: Lord Lawson made comment as MPs took evidence on standards in banking / He said pay consultants make prostitutes 'seem thoroughly respectable' / Former Chancellor said they feared missing out on future advisory fees if they suggested modest pay deals

Pay consultants who advise banks on their salary packages make prostitutes look ‘respectable’, a former Chancellor of the Exchequer said today.

Tory peer Lord Lawson gave his forthright opinion as MPs took evidence on standards in the banking industry.

He said: ‘In my experience, they [pay consultants] are a profession which makes prostitution seem thoroughly respectable.’

And Lord Lawson, who ran Britain’s finances under Margaret Thatcher, refused to back down even when a female witness giving evidence to him took exception to the characterisation.

Carol Arrowsmith, a senior pay consultant with accountancy firm Deloitte, said it was ‘difficult’ to accept the suggestion that her profession was worse than prostitution.

‘It may be difficult but it may be true,’ retorted the famously outspoken Westminster grandee. » | Rob Davies | Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Professor Richard Dawkins Causes Twitter Row with Islamic Barbarian Jibe

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Not content with upsetting the Jewish religion, Professor Richard Dawkins, the celebrated atheist, has now annoyed some Muslims.

Speaking about the damage caused to the library in Timbuktu, in Mali, he described those who burnt it down as Islamic Barbarians.

His comments have been interpreted as being derogatory to Islam and insulting to followers of the religion by some on the social networking site Twitter.

The best selling author of The God Delusion and Oxford Professor, Tweeted [sic] that “Like Alexandria, like Bamiyan, Timbuktu's priceless manuscript heritage destroyed by Islamic barbarians”. » | Richard Alleyne | Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Adolf Hitler Anniversary: Angela Merkel Warns Far-Right Could Rise Again

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Germany marked the 80th anniversary of Adolf Hitler's rise to power yesterday with a warning from Angela Merkel that social divisions could allow far-Right tyranny to rise again.

Nationwide events to highlight Nazi atrocities and the obiliteration [sic] of whole segments of German society were staged to deliver the message never again.

Chancellor Merkel gave a speech timed to coincide with the moment that President Paul von Hindenburg, appointed Hitler as head of government in 1933.

The German leader opened an exhibit named the Topography of Terror that displayed details of crimes at all the key buildings used by the Nazis.

With clear references to the parallels between the economic troubles of inter-war Germany and challenges facing Europe's biggest economy, Mrs Merkel told listeners that Hitler was helped to power by a failing establishment.

"The rise of the Nazis was made possible because the elite of German society worked with them, but also, above all else, because most in Germany at least tolerated this rise," she said. "Human rights don't assert themselves. Freedom doesn't preserve itself all alone and democracy doesn't succeed by itself."

"That must be a constant warning for us, Germans."

Posters draped on landmarks, including the famous KaDeWe department store, contained biographies of the Jews, intellectuals and others who were targetted by the Nazis. At the former heaquarters of the Gestapo another exhibit showed photographs of the Reichstag burning and the first official poster issued by the Hitler government on April 1, 1933 declaring a boycott of Jewish businesses.

"Germans, defend yourselves! Don't buy from Jews," it said. » | Damien McElroy, Foreign Affairs Correspondent | Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Inside Story - Redefining Marriage

We examine the global trend towards same-sex marriage and its implications on traditional family structures. Discussing this on Inside Story with presenter Shiulie Ghosh are Guests: Peter Tatchell, a Gay rights activist & director of the human rights organisation, the Peter Tatchell Foundation and James Bogle, a lawyer & chairman of the Catholic Union of Great Britain.

Inside Story: Are the Royals Still Relevant?

As Netherlands' Queen Beatrix plans to step down, we examine the pros and cons of maintaining the modern monarchy.

Dutch Queen to Abdicate in Favour of Her Son, Prince Willem-Alexander

The Netherlands will have its first king after more than 120 years. Queen Beatrix is abdicating after thirty years as head of state in favour of her eldest son, Prince Willem-Alexander, who will become the first Dutch king since 1890. The Queen will revert to the title of Princess, but not until the official handover, on April 30. Al Jazeera's Paul Brennan reports.

France to Expel Radical Imams to Tackle 'Global Islamic Jihad'

RT.COM: Paris says it will deport a number of radical religious imams to tackle extremism in Europe and "global jihadism". French Interior Minister warned the eviction would happen "in the coming days".

"We will expel all these imams, all these foreign preachers who denigrate women, who hold views that run counter to our values and who say there is a need to combat France,” AFP quoted foreign minister Manuel Valls as saying.

Speaking at the conference in Brussels, he stressed that the move will affect “Salafist groupings, who are involved in the political process, whose aim is to monopolize cultural associations, the school system."

Radical Islam, the key topic at an international conference in Belgium, is a pressing issue for France especially after Mohamed Merah the al-Qaeda inspired murderer, dubbed the Scooter Killer, shot dead three soldiers, three Jewish schoolchildren, and a rabbi in March 2012. » | Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Clashes in Athens as Protesters Break into Govt. Building

RT.COM: Austerity enraged protesters broke into a government building and threatened the labor minister, Wednesday. Riot police then intervened with tear gas, batons and pepper spray, with one person taken to hospital. Read on » | Wednesday, January 30, 2013
BBC Accused of 'Extraordinary' Censorship after Cutting Honour-killing References from Radio Drama for Fear of Offending Muslims

MAIL ONLINE: Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti's episode of DCI Stone is to be broadcast on Radio 4 / Dialogue linked to honour killing removed in 'betrayal' because of 'fear-ridden culture', she says / BBC admit cutting words 'potentially misrepresenting majority British Muslim attitudes to honour killing' / She received death threats after her 2004 play Behzti offended Sikhs

The BBC has been accused of 'extraordinary' censorship by a leading playwright after she had dialogue cut from her hard-hitting drama because it could have offended Muslims.

Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti, whose 2004 production Behzti was pulled from a Birmingham theatre after it sparked Sikh protests, has accused the Corporation of tampering with her work because it involved an honour killing.

Ms Bhatti's drama The Heart of Darkness will be played on Radio 4 this Friday as part of its popular DCI Stone series, but she says the BBC has caused an 'awful situation' which has led to a 'betrayal' of her work.

At the centre of her story is the honour killing of a 16-year-old Asian girl, and DCI Stone is told by his bosses to treat the case 'sensitively' because she is Muslim.

Although they have admitted removing dialogue from its afternoon drama, the BBC claims they did it to avoid 'potentially misrepresenting majority British Muslim attitudes to honour killing'.

Describing the play's final line, Ms Bhatti told The Independent: 'At the end, a character says: "There is so much pressure in our community, to look right and to behave right." The compliance department came back and said, "we don’t want to suggest the entire Muslim community condones honour killings". Read on and comment » | Martin Robinson | Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Gedenken an Opfer der NS-Zeit

Der Mittwoch stand für die Politik in Berlin ganz im Zeichen der Vergangenheit, der Machtübernahme der Nationalsozialisten und der Geschichte von deren Opfern.

Blitz: London’s Firestorm

On 29 December 1940 Hitler hoped his Luftwaffe would create a firestorm to destroy central London and break the spirit of the British people. Tens of thousands of incendiary bombs were dropped on the heart of the city.

The story of that awe-inspiring night is told in a feature-length documentary that brings eyewitness accounts to life using dramatic reconstructions and CGI.

Firemen and heavy rescue workers fought desperately all night to control the burning buildings as the fire raged out of control. And in its path was the symbolic form of St Paul's, which Churchill demanded was protected at any cost.

Londoners had come to expect nightly raids, but this was on a different scale and they fled for the protection of shelters, uncertain if their home would still stand after the bombing. Many were to die.

The following morning the survivors emerged after a terrifying and sleepless night to face the smoking ruins of the city.

Watch the Channel 4 documentary here
Obama - Islamist Appeasing Dhimmi - Pat Condell

Pat Condell: Islamic Cultural Terrorism

Enforcing Sharia Law in London: Muslim Patrol

Census 2011: Polish Becomes the Second Language

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Polish has become England’s second language, the latest figures from the 2011 census show.

An influx of workers from Eastern Europe has transformed the face of the UK over the past decade, with some areas such as Boston, Lincs, and Ealing in west London seeing the most dramatic changes.

A total of 546,000 people in England and Wales said that Polish was their “main” language, second only to English in England.

A total of 562,000 people said that they spoke Welsh, predominantly in Wales. Although four million people living in England and Wales – or eight per cent of the population – said English was not their first language, only 138,000 admitted having no English or Welsh at all. » | John Bingham, Social Affairs Editor | Wednesday, January 30, 2013

NS-Forschung: Wer war Adolf Hitler?

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Vier zentrale Fragen zu dem Mann, der heute vor achtzig Jahren zum Kanzler ernannt wurde, sind noch unbeantwortet. Doch statt wirklicher Analyse blüht in Deutschland eine enervierende, obskurantistische Hitler-Folklore.

Das deutsche Hitlerbild des Jahres 2013 erinnert an die ‚Where’s Waldo?‘-Kinderbücher des Briten Martin Handford. Ähnlich wie der mit einem rot-weißen Streifenpullover und einer Bommelmütze versehene Waldo auf jedem Bild halb versteckt zu finden ist, taucht Hitler in jedem in der Vergangenheit spielenden Film oder als Gesprächsstoff in Fernsehdiskussionen irgendwo und irgendwie am Rande auf. Was er da aber eigentlich soll, weiß man oft nicht so genau. Achtzig Jahre nach seiner Machtergreifung ist Hitler im Leben Deutschlands gleichermaßen omnipräsent und ominös. Hitler wird, vielleicht ungewollt, nicht mehr ernst genommen. » | Von Thomas Weber | Dienstag, 29. Januar 2013
I Wasn’t Looking for a Religion … I Just Fell in Love with Islam

Meet four of the 5,000 Brits who become Muslims each year

THE SUN: EVERY year, more than 5,000 Brits convert to Islam.

More than half of those who make the switch are white – and 75 per cent are women.

But what would make someone want to change their lifestyle so dramatically? Police Community Support Officer Jayne Kemp left her Catholic roots behind after “falling in love” with Islam while helping victims of so-called honour violence.

Here EMILY FOSTER, JENNA SLOAN and EMILY FAIRBAIRN speak to Jayne and three other women about why they decided to become Muslim. » | Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Make Me A Muslim is on BBC3 tonight at 9pm.
Sarah Palin, star déchue de l'Amérique conservatrice

LE FIGARO: L'ex-égérie du Tea Party n'a pas renouvelé son contrat d'éditorialiste politique avec Fox News et semble de plus en plus «has-been».

Mais que va donc devenir Sarah Palin ? La presse américaine se pose la question. Il y a un peu plus de quatre ans en effet, cette inconnue amatrice de chasse à l'ours, chantre de la maman (de cinq enfants) moderne, était choisie comme vice-présidente par le candidat à la présidentielle, John McCain. Aujourd'hui, l'ex-gouverneure d'Alaska disparaît des écrans de télévision: la très conservatrice chaîne de Rupert Murdoch, Fox News, a annoncé vendredi qu'elle ne renouvelait pas son contrat d'éditorialiste politique, après trois ans de collaboration. Un contrat d'un million de dollars par an grâce auquel Palin était payée 15,85 dollars (près de 12 euros) par mot, selon une étude d'Eric Ostermeier, de l'université du Minnesota, publiée lundi. » | Par Anne-Laure Frémont | mardi 29 janvier 2013

Adolf Hitler: Germany Marks 80 Years Since Nazi Leader's Rise To Power

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Berlin today commemorates Adolf Hitler's rise to power 80 years ago, with exhibitions exploring what Chancellor Angela Merkel has called Germany's "everlasting responsibility" for crimes committed by the Nazis.

In a black-and-white photo, visitors can make out the Fuehrer saluting the crowd from the chancellery window on the evening of January 30, 1933, after earlier having been made chancellor and been charged by president Paul von Hindenburg with forming a new government.

The picture is on display at "Berlin 1933. On the Path to Dictatorship", due to be opened by Mrs Merkel in the German capital on Wednesday, on a site charged with history as the former headquarters of the Gestapo, the secret police of the Nazi regime.

It now houses The Topography of Terror [D], an open-air documentation centre whose exhibition will trace Hitler's first months in power through photos, newspapers and posters.

"The hour has come! We are at Wilhelmstrasse (the site of the chancellery at the time). Hitler is chancellor of the Reich. Like in a fairytale," wrote Joseph Goebbels, who was to become Nazi propaganda chief, in his diary on January 31, 1933.

Posters go on to show images of the Reichstag going up in flames the following month and then the first measures taken against the Jews on April 1, with the start of a boycott of Jewish shops, doctors and lawyers. » | Wednesday, January 30, 2013

SALZBURGER NACHRICHTEN: Vor 80 Jahren kam Hitler in Deutschland an die Macht: Adolf Hitlers Aufstieg zur absoluten Macht beginnt vor 80 Jahren: Am 30. Jänner 1933 wird der verkrachte Kunststudent aus dem oberösterreichischen Braunau und Anführer der Nationalsozialisten Reichskanzler in Berlin. » | Von Sn, Dpa | Mittwoch, 30. Januar 2013

SUEDDEUTSCHE.DE: Nazionalsozialismus: Wie Hitler an die Macht kam » | Mittwoch, 30. Januar 2013
N-TV MEDIATHEK: Der Weg in die Diktatur, Hitler und das Jahr 1933: Wie die Nazis Deutschland eroberten »
Quilliam Chairman and Co-founder Releases His Autobiography Radical

QUILLIAM FOUNDATION: Radical – My Journey from Islamist Extremism to A Democratic Awakening is the story of a British-Pakistani born and raised in Essex, Maajid Nawaz, who was recruited into Islamism as a teenager. Abandoning his love of hip hop culture, he joined Hizb al-Tahrir, where he played a central role in the shaping and dissemination of an aggressive anti-West narrative, which included the creation of new international cells and the encouragement of military coups.

Arriving in Egypt the day before 9/11 to study as part of his Arabic and law degree, his Islamist views soon led to his arrest and incarceration. Whilst mixing with everyone from Sadat’s assassins to Liberal reformists, an intellectual transformation occurred and Amnesty International adopted him as a Prisoner of Conscience. Upon his release, Maajid renounced political Islamism, while remaining a Muslim, and now travels the world educating and inspiring young people about democracy through both Quilliam and Khudi. » | Thursday, July 05, 2012
New Dark Age Alert! Muslim Patrols Could Become More Prevalent and More Violent, Warns Anti-extremist

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Muslim patrols stalking British streets could become “a lot more dangerous” and perhaps even willing to maim or kill, the head of an anti-extremism organisation has warned.

As British jihadists venture abroad to capitalise on the aftermath of the Arab Spring and then return to the UK, they are likely to bring a greater level of violence back home, Maajid Nawaz, the chairman of the Quilliam Foundation, suggested.

His comments follow incidents in which groups of Muslim vigilantes, dubbing themselves 'Muslim Patrols' have approached Londoners and demanded they behave in an Islamic way by not drinking.

They have also told women to put more clothes on, claiming they are entering 'Muslim areas'.

Their actions could be “a sign of things to come” and are part of a pattern of extremism spreading across Europe in different forms, be it far right fascism or Islamism, Mr Nawaz said.

Writing in The Times, he said: “While this street-level problem festers across Europe, al-Qaeda and its affiliates are busy capitalising on the chaos of the post-Arab Spring world. » | Ross Silverman | Wednesday, January 30, 2013