Showing posts with label Islam in Wales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam in Wales. Show all posts
Saturday, October 01, 2016
UK Govt Report: Employers Must Islamise Because Muslims Least Likely To Have a Job
Islam in Wales,
Friday, July 04, 2014
Cardiff Mosque Where Isis Recruits Worshipped Says Don't Blame Us
The mosque in Cardiff that two young men attended before they left for Syria and appeared in an extremist recruitment video has denied having anything to do with their radicalisation – and instead claimed they could have been inspired by images in the mainstream media.
Reacting in detail for the first time, the Al-Manar centre in the Welsh capital denied that visiting preachers may have prompted the men to leave for Syria and join the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis) terror group.
In a statement released to the Guardian and ITN, the Al-Manar centre said it did not control those who attended for prayers and officials would have sought to dissuade the men from leaving for Syria if they had known they were going.
The centre's denial came as more than 100 Islamic prayer leaders from various denominations of Islam signed a letter calling on British Muslims not to travel to Iraq or Syria to fight. » | Steven Morris | Friday, July 04, 2014
Islam in Wales,
Islamic state,
UK jihadists
Friday, June 27, 2014
Ultra-conservative Branch of Islam Growing in Popularity in Wales
WALES ONLINE: Up to six Welsh mosques are now part of the Islamic movement known as Salafism, including Cardiff’s Al-Manar centre
The ultra-conservative strand of Islam followed by two young Cardiff men seen on a jihad-recruiting video from Syria has been growing in popularity in Wales.
Up to six Welsh mosques are now part of the Islamic movement known as Salafism, including Cardiff’s Al-Manar centre, where Nasser Muthana, 20, younger brother Aseel Muthana, 17, and Reyaad Khan, 20, are said to have worshipped.
Nasser and Reyaad appeared in the video by Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which now controls huge swathes of territory in the two countries.
Aseel is understood to have travelled to the region after his elder brother.
There is disagreement within Islamic communities in the UK as to the extent to which the growth of Salafism is a concern.
The teachings of Salafism are conservative and impose severe restrictions on everything from women’s rights to music. » | Darren Devine | Thursday, June 26, 2014
The ultra-conservative strand of Islam followed by two young Cardiff men seen on a jihad-recruiting video from Syria has been growing in popularity in Wales.
Up to six Welsh mosques are now part of the Islamic movement known as Salafism, including Cardiff’s Al-Manar centre, where Nasser Muthana, 20, younger brother Aseel Muthana, 17, and Reyaad Khan, 20, are said to have worshipped.
Nasser and Reyaad appeared in the video by Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which now controls huge swathes of territory in the two countries.
Aseel is understood to have travelled to the region after his elder brother.
There is disagreement within Islamic communities in the UK as to the extent to which the growth of Salafism is a concern.
The teachings of Salafism are conservative and impose severe restrictions on everything from women’s rights to music. » | Darren Devine | Thursday, June 26, 2014
Friday, June 20, 2014
Iraq Crisis: British Student Identified as Recruiting Isis Jihadists
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Cardiff medical student Nasser Muthana, 20, is identified as a Briton at the centre of a campaign to recruit would-be jihadists to Iraq and Syria
An aspiring Cardiff medical student was last night identified as the Briton at the centre of a campaign by an Islamic terror group to recruit would-be jihadists to Iraq and Syria.
Nasser Muthana, 20, appeared in a propaganda video by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham [Isis] urging others to join him.
His father, Ahmed Muthana, told The Daily Telegraph last night that Nasser’s 17-year-old brother, Aseel, was fighting alongside him. He claimed his sons were “brainwashed” in Britain.
Mr Muthana said watching footage of his son had made him cry. "I wish I could hold him, hold his hand, ask him to come back," he said.
"As a father I give a message, not only to Nasser, to all the people that go from Britain to Syria to fight please stop. Come back home." » | Tom Whitehead, Claire Duffin, Philip Sherwell and Richard Spencer | Friday, June 20, 2014
Nasser Muthana, 20, appeared in a propaganda video by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham [Isis] urging others to join him.
His father, Ahmed Muthana, told The Daily Telegraph last night that Nasser’s 17-year-old brother, Aseel, was fighting alongside him. He claimed his sons were “brainwashed” in Britain.
Mr Muthana said watching footage of his son had made him cry. "I wish I could hold him, hold his hand, ask him to come back," he said.
"As a father I give a message, not only to Nasser, to all the people that go from Britain to Syria to fight please stop. Come back home." » | Tom Whitehead, Claire Duffin, Philip Sherwell and Richard Spencer | Friday, June 20, 2014
British Jihadis,
Islam in Wales
Friday, February 21, 2014
Monday, May 27, 2013
WALES ONLINE: A charity says it is looking at claims from a woman she was spat at in the Cardiff area as young Muslims speak of their fears of a backlash after the death of soldier Lee Rigby.
Young Muslims in Wales say they fear a backlash after the barbaric killing of Drummer Lee Rigby in London.
Charity Faith Matters said it is looking at claims a young woman was spat at in an incident in the Cardiff area and said it was dealing with a significant rise in the number of anti-Muslim incidents in Britain as a result of the attack in Woolwich.
Meanwhile, hateful messages have been posted on social media websites. The Welsh Defence League’s Facebook page boasted a picture of the aftermath of the shocking murder with the message: “Still believe Islam is the religion of peace? How many more have to die to disprove the lie?”
It comes after bacon was left outside a Cardiff mosque the day after Drummer Rigby was hacked to death.
Other incidents across the UK have seen a mosque in Kent attacked, while in Essex a man walked into a temple brandishing a knife and a burning bottle was hurled at an Islamic centre in Bletchley.
Young Muslims in Wales have now told how they fear a rising tide of hostility will engulf them following 25-year-old Drumer [sic] Rigby’s murder. » | Darren Devine, James McCarthy | Sunday, May 26, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
EXPRESS: COUNTER terror experts are targeting schools feared to have been ¬infiltrated by Islamic fundamentalists using Wales as a base for recruitment.
The move comes after the country was identified as having a “very real” threat of terrorist activity.
Experts fear that extremists view Wales as a safe haven compared with London for would-be terrorists.
A leaked “restricted report” called the Wales Contest plan exposes growing radicalisation in Cardiff and proposes extra training in how to spot extremism for staff at schools “identified as having increased risks” of radicalism.
In December 2010, Cardiff brothers Abdul Miah, 25, and Gurukanth Desai, 30, along with Omar Sharif Latif, were arrested after planning a Mumbai-style attack on the London Stock Exchange. They were eventually jailed for a total of 40 years.
Last year Idris Faridi, 32, of Roath, Cardiff, was jailed for nine months after a “terrorist’s manual” called 39 Ways To Serve And Proceed In Jihad was discovered on his computer’s hard drive. He had applied to work at the Millennium Stadium during the Olympic Games.
A Welsh Government spokesman said last night: “In Wales, we work with a wide range of partners from across the public sector to raise awareness of issues relating to extremism and to improve community cohesion.
“As in England, this work includes education sessions for teachers and staff, undertaken by police ‘engagement officers’, which enables any potential issues to be identified and dealt with quickly.” » | Marco Giannangeli & James Fielding | Sunday, April 28, 2013
HT: Robert @ Jihad Watch »
Islam in Wales,
Islamic extremism,
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

MAIL ONLINE: ‘There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his messenger,' sign reads / Planners banned slogan saying it was like a McDonald's billboard / But Mahmood Ali, 54, wins right to keep sign after ruling is overturned / 'I wouldn't mind if my neighbours painted a cross on their house,' he says
A millionaire businessman today won his fight to keep a large Islamic slogan which he painted on the side of his house.
Mahmood Ali had been ordered to remove the words because they were a form of advertising comparable to a McDonald's billboard.
But he appealed the ruling, and successfully argued that the slogan was not disproportionately large or garish and did not damage the character of his neighbourhood.
The 54-year-old painted an Arabic message meaning, 'There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger,' on the side of his semi-detached eight-bedroom home in Newport, south Wales.
The council later ruled that he required planning permission to display the slogan, saying that it fell under the same category as a commercial advertisement.
Today planning inspector Tim Belcher overturned that initial ruling, judging that the sign was not so obtrusive that it damaged the interests of other locals. » | Higo Gye and Simon Tomlinson | Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Related »
Islam in the UK,
Islam in Wales
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: A millionaire Muslim businessman who has written a religious slogan on the side of his house has been told to remove it after it upset his neighbours.
Mahmood Ali, 54, fell out with residents and planners over the Arabic slogan which reads: "There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger".
He claims it is just a proclamation of his faith and he should be allowed to write whatever he wants in a free country.
But the council said it contravenes planning laws which are designed to stop people placing advertising hoardings on their homes.
The green sign, which is nearly 7ft wide and 2ft high, is across a first floor archway on his large detached house in a residential street.
It has divided neighbours and he will face a court hearing to decide whether the Islamic slogan is advertising just like a McDonalds or Marks and Spencer banner.
Mr Ali said: "The message is simply there to bless the house. "The symbols are not an advertisement in any sense of the word's use in daily life.
"I chose the sign's green colour to reflect the ambience of the property's character and its surroundings."
Mr Ali had the sign painted onto the side of his large eight-bedroom semi-detached home in Newport, South Wales. Read on and comment » | Richard Alleyne | Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Islam in the UK,
Islam in Wales
Monday, January 07, 2013
BBC: A mother who beat her seven-year-old son when he failed to memorise passages from the Koran has been given a life sentence for his murder.
Sara Ege, 33, killed Yaseen Ege at their home in Pontcanna, Cardiff, in July 2010 and set fire to his body.
She was convicted in December after a five-week trial. The judge has set a minimum tariff of 17 years.
Her husband Yousuf Ege, a taxi driver, was cleared of allowing the death of a child by failing to protect him.
Sara Ege was also found guilty of perverting the course of justice. » | Monday, January 07, 2013
Sunday, April 22, 2012
WALES ONLINE: An Islamic teacher whose group was at the centre of an anti-terror raid on a Cardiff community hall has come under fire for calling on Welsh muslims to “physically” support the fight for sharia law abroad.
Abu Hajar, of Grangetown, Cardiff, is one of the leaders of the Islamic group Supporters of Tawheed, which on its website says its core belief is the “domination of the world by Islam”.
The group – which according to its website also rejects democracy and freedom, describing them as “false deities” – hit the headlines in January when one man arrested during a raid on a meeting in the city’s Canton Community Hall told an officer “I will chop your head off” before shouting “I’m going to shoot you with a machine gun”. Mohammed Abdin, 21, was subsequently jailed for eight months for the threats.
It is understood the raids were prompted by members of the Muslim community, who feared the meeting was providing a place for radical Islamists to network.
Mr Hajar has previously said the group is simply interested in spreading the message of Islam and does not preach violence or extremism.
In a video posted last month on YouTube called “Support the Muslims of Syria”, Mr Hajar said muslims should: snub western help abroad; demand an “Islamic solution” to problems in the Middle East; and impose sharia law there. » | James McCarthy, WalesOnline | Sunday, April 22, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
MAIL ONLINE: A wealthy businessman has outraged neighbours in an upmarket village by planning to build a 50ft-high Islamic tomb.
Sajid Ghaffar, 31, has applied for planning permission for the memorial in honour of his father Abdul, who is buried on his land in the village of Lisvane, near Cardiff.
But neighbours say the domed shrine - the height of three double-decker buses - will be a huge blot on the landscape in the affluent village.
The village’s well-known residents include former Chelsea footballer Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink, while Baywatch star David Hasselhoff was rumoured to be househunting in the leafy village. Property tycoon Peter Thomas, who is worth £225m according to the last Sunday Times Rich List lives just half a mile away.
However, 66 residents have signed a petition objecting to the architect-designed memorial mausoleum, known as a ‘mizaar’. Read on and comment » | Daily Mail Reporter | Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Islam in Wales
Saturday, April 23, 2011
SOUTH WALES EVENING POST: MUSLIMS clashed outside a Swansea mosque over a demonstration against Koran burning.
Worshippers at the mosque accused the demonstrators, who came from outside the city, of being hot-headed publicity seekers who came to Swansea to cause trouble.
But the 20 or so demonstrators — a group called the Ummah of Muhammad — said it was wrong for Muslims to keep silent about any violation of their holy book, and unfurled banners urging Muslims to rise up against "the crusaders".
There were heated arguments outside the St Helen's Road mosque before police boxed the marchers in front of the nearby Rowlands Exchange and Mart store.
One of the protesters, Abu Abdul-Malik, of Cardiff, said the demonstration was about the burning of the Koran in America last month, and a similar alleged incident in Swansea.
BNP Assembly candidate Sion Owens, of Caerphilly Avenue, Bonymaen, Swansea, was charged with a public order offence earlier this month in connection with the incident. The case was subsequently dropped in Swansea Magistrates Court, but the prosecution said inquiries would continue.
Mr Abdul-Malik, 27, said: "We should not remain silent when the Koran is being desecrated. » | Richard Youle | Saturday, April 23, 2011
Islam in Wales,
Saturday, July 10, 2010

BBC: Muslims have demonstrated in Cardiff to protest against laws across Europe which they say are anti-Islam.
Saturday's protest was to highlight what they believe is an "ideological attack" on Islam.
Organiser Muhammad Abu Yaffir said: "Muslims feel very strongly about these laws being introduced across Europe".
Last year Switzerland voted to ban the building of new minarets, while France is debating a ban on the Islamic veil.
Mr Yaffir said: "Wherever Muslims feel pain anywhere in the world it is our responsibility to respond to their needs.
"The laws being proposed are a form of oppression and we will respond to this oppression."
Muslims from communities across south Wales were expected at the "standing still" demonstration outside City Hall.
Last year, some 57.5% of Swiss voters voted in favour of a ban on building any new minarets in the country.
The French parliament is debating plans to ban the wearing of full Islamic veils in public. >>> | Saturday, July 10, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
BBC: An industrial park for Islamic goods and produce, which could mean about 3,000 jobs, might open in south Wales.
News of the proposed £150m Super Halal Industrial Park (SHIP) was revealed at an Islamic finance summit in London.
Mahesh Jayanarayan, chairman of Halal Industries, said Wales was chosen as the project's site for its meat industries and affordable land prices.
The assembly government said they were "tenative proposals" and and it would work closely with the firm.
The firm, a private equity company, said it was raising funds for the venture, which could launch in three to five years.
Mr Jayanarayan told the Reuters Islamic Banking and Finance Summit that Europe has no Halal industrial parks, despite being home to millions of Muslims.
Halal is an Arabic term meaning "permissible" and while it is often associated with meat, it refers to anything that is permissible in the Islamic faith.
The industrial park could create up to 3,000 jobs and would make the UK a landmark Halal centre for the region, Mr Jayanarayan told the finance summit.
It would provide services like storage freezers, a product packing centre, and raw material storage for manufacturers for food production. Meat selection and processing as well as research and development would also be offered.
Mr Jayanarayan said: "If you look at some figures, the halal sector in the UK is worth between £2bn to £4bn, the majority of that is imported.
"You have 2.5 billion people on the planet eating halal food, directly or indirectly," he told the summit.
"This halal market is not going away, it is not some fad. >>> | Tuesday, February 16, 2010
SOUTH WALES EVENING POST: Industrial park plan puts jobs boost on cards: AN industrial park that could create 1,500 jobs is on the cards for a site in Carmarthenshire or Neath. >>> | Tuesday, March 23, 2010
SOUTH WALES EVENING POST: THE British National Party has been accused of putting their "narrow prejudice before the chance of good jobs" after vowing to oppose a major development earmarked for the region.
Carmarthenshire and Neath have been named as the preferred home for a proposed £150 million Super Halal Industrial Park, said to promise around 1,500 jobs.
But the BNP say they will fight the plans because the jobs would be given to Muslims.
Writing on our website, Kevin Edwards, BNP Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Aberavon, said: "If the people of Wales think this will provide employment for them then they must think again. If this is given the go ahead the vast majority of jobs created will have to be allocated to Muslims."
Mr Edwards, a Penygroes community councillor, added: "The Welsh Assembly has a shameful record of handing out grants to companies that have fled as soon as the money has gone.
"When this happens, as it inevitably will, 'the industrial estate' will wind up and there will be 5,000 more Muslims in the UK claiming benefits and living on our doorsteps.
"Only the British National Party will oppose this development."
Criticism of how halal meat is produced has also sparked debate.
Traditionally, halal meat is killed by hand without stunning the animal first, and then blessed by the person doing the job, although some Muslims say a mechanised form is also now acceptable.
Julie Richards, from Pontarddulais, said: "It is absolutely barbaric. Lambs are going to be strung up and bled to death. It is not humane." >>> | Monday, March 29, 2010
Thursday, June 11, 2009
BNP: The Islamification of Britain continues unimpeded by voter objections to the colonisation of our country, with the latest development being the launch of an Islamic finance programme in Cardiff to help prepare “finance professionals” for the system.
The new programme, called the Islamic Banking Finance Centre UK (IBFC-UK), has been established in partnership with Islamic Banking & Finance Institute in Malaysia (IBFIM) and Cardiff University’s Business School and Centre of Islam.
Akmal Hanuk, chief executive of IBFC-UK was quoted in the media as saying that “The Islamic finance sector is expanding at an exponential rate and is now estimated to be worth $1.2 trillion globally and growing faster than any of the conventional banks, between 15-20 percent.
”We are very pleased to be one of the first organisations in Europe to address the growing demand of trained professionals in the Islamic banking and finance sector, as we want to make sure that the UK is at the forefront as this sector develops and that it stays there.
“We are also pleased that this initiative is coming out of Wales, which will enhance its reputation as one of the leading centres of training, skills and development.”
Leader of the fake Welsh nationalist party, Plaid Cymru, Ieuan Wyn Jones, who is also Welsh Assembly minister for the economy and transport, described the announcement as particularly significant for Wales.
“Despite the current global financial crisis, Islamic finance continues its growth as an increasingly viable alternative banking system.”
Plaid Cymru has an established record of promoting the Islamification of Wales, which is in marked contrast to its obviously false claim of protecting Welsh culture. For example, at a meeting during Plaid Cymru’s Spring Conference, ‘Muslims for Plaid’ launched a new website established by ‘Muslim members of Plaid Cymru’ since their campaigning group was established on 21st September 2006. The Islamification of Wales: Shariah Financial Services Programme Launched in Cardiff >>> BNP News | Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback (US) Barnes & Noble >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Hardcover (US) Barnes & Noble >>>
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