Tuesday, October 13, 2015

British Grandfather Karl Andree Facing 350 Lashes in Saudi Arabia for Making Wine

Pensioner Karl Andree
THE TELEGRAPH: Family of 74-year-old Briton believe the punishment will kill him as they appeal to David Cameron for help

A British grandfather is facing a punishment of 350 lashes in Saudi Arabia for making home-made wine.

Karl Andree, a 74-year-old originally from south London, was arrested in August last year when police found bottles of wine in his car.

He has already served 12 months in Jeddah's brutal Briman Prison, which has a reputation for torture and inhuman conditions.

Mr Andree, who worked as an oil executive in the country, is now facing a public flogging of 350 lashes – a punishment his family fear could kill him as he is still weak from battles with cancer.

His three children Hugh, 46, Kirsten, 45, and Simon, 33, on Monday urged David Cameron to intervene before authorities carry out the sentence.

The urgency of their appeal is increased by the fact that Mr Andree's wife, Verity, has Alzheimer's and is dying. » | Barney Henderson | Tuesday, October 13, 2015

THE SUN: Brit, 74, faces 350 lashes: EXCLUSIVE: Grandad punished over booze » | Exclusive by Tom Newton Dunn, Political Editor | Monday, October 12, 2015

THE GUARDIAN: Son of Briton facing lashes accuses UK of putting Saudi business concerns first: Simon Andree says in interview that government’s primary responsibility should be to its citizens, as FCO insists it is actively seeking his father Karl’s release » | Damien Gayle | Tuesday, October 13, 2015

EDL Founder Tommy Robinson Addresses Pegida Anti-Islam Rally in Holland

THE INDEPENDENT When Robinson announced he was quitting the English Defence League he declared the group was 'part of the problem'

When Tommy Robinson announced two years ago that he was quitting the English Defence League (EDL) and embracing multi-culturalism it was hailed as one of the more improbable volte faces in recent times.

Appearing alongside two former Islamist activists, the EDL founder declared his group to be “part of the problem” and said he would be working with the counter-extremist Quilliam Foundation to combat Islamism.

But this weekend Robinson seemed to have returned to his roots after he travelled to the Netherlands to address a rally of the anti-Islam movement Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident (Pegida) and declared that he was “proud” to have set up the EDL. The far-right figurehead appeared alongside the leaders of Pegida in the Dutch city of Utrecht to call for a day of protest across Europe. He described his former EDL colleagues as “brave and fearless”. Read on and comment » | Cahal Milmo, Chief Reporter |Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Dunkles Deutschland – Die Front der Fremdenfeinde

HoGeSa, PEGIDA, Die Rechte, Der Dritte Weg, NPD, AfD – sie alle arbeiten dran: An einer "Volksbewegung" von rechts, die sich gegen alles Fremde richtet. Mit Macht versuchen Rechtsextremisten, aus Verunsicherung, Wut und Angst der Menschen Kapital zu schlagen und Proteste gegen Flüchtlingsheime zu organisieren. Und sie gehen den entscheidenden Schritt weiter: Auch vor Gewalt schrecken die Hardliner nicht zurück.

Police to Record Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes as a Separate Category - PM

BT NEWS: Anti-Muslim hate crimes are to be recorded as a separate category for the first time by police in England and Wales, Prime Minister David Cameron has announced.

Anti-Muslim hate crimes are to be recorded as a separate category for the first time by police in England and Wales, Prime Minister David Cameron has announced.

The move brings Islamophobia in line with anti-semitic attacks targeting Jews, which have been recorded separately for some time.

It was announced as the Home Office prepared to unveil new statistics which are expected to show a rise in numbers of hate crimes over the past year, continuing the trend seen in 2013/14, when offences involving religious hatred soared by 45% and race hate crime by 4% in the wake of the murder of soldier Lee Rigby.

Mr Cameron also announced he will provide new funding to boost security at religious buildings, as he hosted the first meeting of a new Community Engagement Forum at Downing Street. » | PA | Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Monday, October 12, 2015

Maryam Namazie – Nude Protest: A Challenge to Islam, the Veil, and Islamism

Maryam Namazie speaking at the 2014 American Atheists National Convention in Salt Lake City, UT.

Maryam Namazie is an Iranian-born political activist, campaigner, journalist, and blogger. She is the spokesperson for Fitnah! Movement for Women’s Liberation, One Law for All (a campaign against Sharia Law in Britain), and the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain. She is the winner of countless awards for international activism and journalism. In 2011, she was the keynote speaker at the World Atheist Convention in Dublin.

Scheinbar hat Merkel mit ihrer Asylpolitik viele Deutsche sehr wütend gemacht! Stephanie Schulz macht sich Luft über die deutsche Politik

Deutschland: Erneut Tausende bei fremdenfeindlicher Pegida-Kundgebung in Dresden

BLICK.CH: Dresden – Am Montagabend haben sich in Dresden erneut tausende Menschen an einer Demonstration der antiislamischen Pegida-Bewegung beteiligt.

Der Pegida-Mitbegründer Lutz Bachmann wies in seiner Rede auf das einjährige Bestehen von Pegida in der kommenden Woche hin. Die Bundesregierung bezeichnete er als «unsere Berliner Diktatoren» und kritisierte deren Flüchtlingspolitik. Hier sei eine «Kehrtwende dringend erforderlich». Es müsse «unattraktiver werden, in Deutschland Asyl zu beantragen».

Einen Auftritt gab es auch für die ehemalige Hamburger Politikerin der Partei Alternative für Deutschland, Tatjana Festerling. Sie warf Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel vor, aus Deutschland ein «riesiges Dschungelcamp» gemacht zu haben. Den Zuzug von Flüchtlingen und Asylsuchenden bezeichnete sie als «Ansturm der Invasoren». » | SDA | Montag, 12. Oktober 2015

Muslims Praise Obama For Banning Non-Halal Meat In 122 Federal Prisons

Racks of pork ribs get smoked at the 2014 World Pork Expo
in Des Moines, Iowa, in 2014. The Federal Bureau of Prisons last
week removed pork products from the menu at 122 penitentiaries.
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES: Federal inmates with cravings for bacon wrapped tenderloin must now fork over their own money for crispy pork rinds or dried jerky from the commissary, following a recent decision by the Obama administration to remove all pork meats from the national prison menu. The federal Bureau of Prisons, which runs 122 federal penitentiaries and provides three meals a day to 206,000 inmates, instituted the pork ban with the start of the new fiscal year last month, the Washington Post reported.

The decision was based on a survey of prisoners’ food preferences that found most inmates don’t like the taste of the “other white meat,” prison officials said. But the nation’s pork producers are not buying that explanation and see it as an economic risk to the industry. » | Aaron Morrison | Monday, October 12, 2015

Why Are Kurds Joining Up With ISIS?

Kurds Of The Caliphate: Turkish PM blames Ankara bombing on Islamic State.

How Assad And The Kurds Are Teaming Up Against ISIS

RAW: Protesters Throw Petrol Bombs at Water Cannons, Clash with Police after Ankara Blasts

Anger was vented at Turkish security forces late Saturday night in Ankara as protesters took to the streets in protest against the 96 people killed in Turkey's worst terror attack. Petrol bombs and rocks bombarded police trucks after protesters expressed deep resentment towards the authorities, with some speculating state collusion with the attack. The AKP (The Justice and Development Party) have called the blast a "terrorist act" and have vowed to bring those responsible to justice.

Six Arrested during Pegida Demo in Utrecht Face Charges

DUTCH NEWS: At least six of the 10 people arrested during a demonstration by the anti-Islam Pegida movement in The Hague on Saturday face criminal charges, the public prosecution department said on Monday.

One of the 10 people remains in jail. Two have been released without charge and the investigation into two others is continuing, the department said in a statement.

The six will face a range of charges, including public disorder offences, resisting arrest, using violence against a horse and insulting behaviour. The arrests came after fighting broke out with members of a counter-demonstration, despite the efforts of police to keep them separate.

In addition, the department is looking into the speeches made during the rally, particularly that by Raffie Chohan, who is a visible and vocal anti-Islam campaigner, news agency ANP says. » | Monday, October 12, 2015

Germany's Asylum Policy Fuels 'Rise' in Far Right – Newsnight (BBC)

A senior German intelligence official has told Newsnight that Germany's decision to take in asylum seekers is fuelling a rise in the far right. Hundreds of thousands of migrants have arrived into the country in recent months. Gabriel Gatehouse reports from Saxony in eastern Germany.

Türkische Gemeinde warnt vor Gewalt auch in Deutschland

DIE PRESSE: In Deutschland gingen am Wochenende tausende Kurden und Sympathisanten auf die Straße. Grünen-Chef Özdemir fordert einen Verhandlungsstopp der EU mit der Türkei.

Der Vorsitzende der Türkischen Gemeinde in Deutschland, Gökay Sofuoglu, hat nach dem verheerenden Bombenanschlag in Ankara vor gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzungen von Kurden und nationalistischen Türken auch in Deutschland gewarnt. "So wie die Stimmung jetzt gerade in der Türkei ist, befürchte ich eine weitere Eskalation auch hier", sagte er dem "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger" (Montag). » | APA/dpa | Montag, 12. Oktober 2015

Donald Trump Face the Nation : Donald Trump Letting in Migrants Can Be the Next Trojan Horse

Donald Trump in an interview on Face the Nation interview discuses on a wide range of topics on foreign policies, the media and Europe migrant crisis

Australia: Learn from Ankara Blasts: Lib Senator

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH (AU): A LIBERAL senator has warned Australians against resorting to the deadly violence seen in Turkey to express disapproval of controversial Dutch MP Geert Wilders.

MR Wilders has been given a visa to enter Australia for the launch of an anti-Islam party, upsetting Muslim leaders who fear it will prompt more ill feeling against their community.

Senator Chris Back says Australia is a peace-loving nation and in a robust democracy people have a right to hear different views and to disagree with them vehemently. » | AAP | Sunday, October 11, 2015

THE AGE: Entering, stage right, the Geert Wilders political theatre of fear: Geert Wilders' particular brand of fear-mongering seems to attract believers on the fringe, but his message repels most people. | Duncan McDonnell | Monday, October 12, 2015

Trump nennt Merkels Flüchtlingspolitik "irrsinnig"

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Donald Trump hat wieder zugeschlagen - und diesmal richtet sich seine Lästerattacke gegen Angela Merkel. Die Flüchtlingspolitik der Kanzlerin sei irrsinnig, sagte der US-Präsidentschaftskandidat. Er prophezeite: "In Deutschland wird es Aufstände geben."

Der republikanische US-Präsidentschaftsbewerber Donald Trump hat die Flüchtlingspolitik von Kanzlerin Angela Merkel kritisiert. "In Deutschland wird es Aufstände geben", sagte Trump in der TV-Sendung "Face the Nation" des Senders CBS. Er habe Merkel immer für eine große politische Führungsfigur gehalten, sagte Trump. Was sie aber nun gemacht habe, sei irrsinnig - und er wiederholte: "Es war irrsinnig, so viele Menschen ins Land zu lassen." » | aar/AFP/dpa/AP | Montag, 12. Oktober 2015

The West Rightly Condemns Isis Vandalism of Ancient Sites – But Not When the Saudis Do It

THE INDEPENDENT: Saudi Arabia's grotesque destruction of Muslim history is directly linked to Isis’s own purgation of the past

Explosives pulverise historic sites in the Middle East, bulldozers erase ancient tombs and shrines, historic forts are torn down and Ottoman facades destroyed. The home of the favourite wife of the most revered man in an entire religion is even turned into a block of toilets. How can the world prevent this wicked desecration and extinction of a heritage that belongs to all mankind? I am, of course, referring to those iconoclastic Wahhabi-Salafist Muslim head-choppers … the Saudis!

And the world will do absolutely nothing. It will screech and rage and curse as the iconoclastic Wahhabi-Salafist Muslim head-choppers of Isis blow to bits the Roman ruins of Palmyra, but will never dare – and has never dreamed – of uttering a pussy-cat’s protest against Saudi Arabia’s wilful destruction of the ancient graves, homes, shrines and buildings of Islam’s Prophet Mohamed and his closest relatives and companions. Naturally, we could conclude that Roman remains are more valuable than the antiquities of Islam. But this would be about as racist a reaction as suggesting that the Roman empire was more important than the Islamic empire. » | Robert Fisk | Sunday, October 11, 2015

Ankara Bombing: Investigation into Turkey's Deadliest Terrorist Attack to Be 'Completely Focused' on Isis

THE INDEPENDENT: Many mourners lay the blame on the government’s door, voicing their anger at the state for failing to prevent the attack

The West’s key frontline ally in the battle against Isis has been plunged into a state of turmoil, engulfed by violence and recrimination after the most deadly terrorist attack in Turkey’s history.

Amid fears that the war in Syria and Iraq has crossed the border on to Turkish soil, the death toll from the blasts at a Kurdish peace march increased from 95 to 128, according to the pro-Kurdish HD party. Security sources said the investigation into the bombings would be “completely focused” on Isis. The attacks bore striking similarities to a suicide attack in Suruc in July this year that killed 33 pro-Kurdish activists. » | Zia Weise | Ankara | Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Record Result for Austrian Far-right in 'Red Vienna'

YAHOO! NEWS: Vienna (AFP) - Europe's migrant crisis helped Austria's far-right on Sunday post its best-ever election result in Vienna, although its score was weaker than predicted and the centre-left retained power in its traditional fiefdom.

Fifteen years after the Freedom Party (FPOe) under the late Joerg Haider stunned Europe by entering the federal government, the populist party won 32.3 percent of the vote in the city state, preliminary results showed.

The result for the party now led by Heinz-Christian Strache represented a rise of 6.5 percentage points compared to the last election in Vienna in 2010, when their score soared 11 percentage points.

The Social Democrats (SPOe), which have ruled 1.8-million strong "Red Vienna" uninterrupted since 1945, scored 39.4 percent, down 4.9 points, adding to a similar drop in support in 2010. » | Simon Sturdee | Sunday, October 11, 2015

Ben Carson Sticks by 'Holocaust' Analogy

Ben Carson follows up on his ‘Holocaust’ remarks by clarifying his thoughts on gun free zones, disarmament and ‘the left wing press trying to stir up controversy”.

Ben Carson: Founding Fathers Wouldn’t Have Trusted a Muslim President

MSNBC: Ben Carson offered up a new explanation for why he’s opposed to a Muslim American becoming president, citing fears of “different loyalties” that he believes the Founding Fathers articulated by barring immigrants from becoming chief executive.

As has been the case in the past, the implication was that outwardly patriotic Muslims could not be fully trusted as loyal Americans given their faith. He has previously cited theories popular on the far right warning that seemingly assimilated Muslim Americans may be using religious edicts to conceal an extremist plot.

The latest comments came at an appearance at the National Press Club on Friday, when an audience member asked why he felt a Muslim citizen couldn’t be loyal to the Constitution as president given that there were already Muslim military officers, policemen, and judges – all positions that require fidelity to the law.

“A good understanding of the Constitution answers that question for you,” Carson said. “Because when you look at the Article II, and we’re talking about requirements for the president, they have to be a ‘natural born citizen.’ Now why is that the case?” » | Benjy Sarlin | Saturday, October 10, 2015

Deutschland: Die wahren Gesichter der Einwanderer

Germany: Dresden Refugee Camp on Lockdown after Hooligans Target Inhabitants

A mob of 20 hooligans reportedly attacked a camp for refugees in a suburb south of Dresden, Saturday.

EDL Say 'No to Islam' & Burn ISIS Flag in Aylesbury

Minor clashes broke out between members of the far-right English Defence League (EDL), the police and a group of counter-protesters in the small Buckinghamshire town of Aylesbury, Saturday.

L'Etat islamique serait à l'origine de l'attentat d'Ankara

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Turquie – Des sources turques mettent en cause l'Etat islamique dans l'attentat qui a tué au moins 95 personnes samedi à Ankara.

Les premiers éléments de l'enquête sur le double attentat de samedi à Ankara semblent mettre en cause les djihadistes de l'Etat islamique (EI), a-t-on appris dimanche de deux sources haut placées au sein des services de sécurité turcs. Cette piste est privilégiée par les enquêteurs. » | ats/nxp | dimanche 11 octobre 2015

Vienne pourrait passer aux mains de l'extrême droite

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Autriche – A Vienne, l'extrême droite devrait réaliser son meilleur score depuis la 2e Guerre mondiale aux élections municipales.

Les Viennois votent dimanche lors de municipales où l'extrême droite devrait réaliser son meilleur score depuis la 2e Guerre mondiale. Une participation record est attendue. Le chef du parti d'extrême droite FPÖ, Heinz-Christian Strache, défie le maire sortant.

Au pouvoir depuis 21 ans dans la capitale autrichienne, Michaël Häupl, a tout à craindre de son principal contradicteur, alors que Vienne est aux mains des sociaux-démocrates du SPÖ depuis 1945. Selon les derniers sondages publiés une semaine avant le scrutin, le FPÖ pourrait recueillir de 33,5 à 35% des suffrages, après avoir obtenu 25,8% des voix en 2010. Le SPÖ est pour sa part crédité de 36 à 37,5% des intentions de vote, soit son plus mauvais score depuis la guerre. Le parti avait recueilli 44,3% des voix il y a cinq ans.

«Je crois qu'il est désormais clair pour tous que nous pouvons, pour la première fois depuis 70 ans, devenir la première force politique» à Vienne, a estimé récemment M. Strache, un ancien prothésiste dentaire âgé de 46 ans, aux yeux bleus et au sourire avenant. » | ats/nxp | dimanche 11 octobre 2015

President Obama's Visit to the Killing Ground in Oregon

Oct. 09, 2015 - 7:16 - 'The O'Reilly Factor': Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points 10/9

Ben Carson Responds to GQ Article: We Should Pray for Them

Oct. 10, 2015 - 4:48 - The doctor speaks for the first time on 'Fox & Friends' about recent vicious attacks made by media

Convoy Including ISIS Leader Hit by Airstrike, Iraq's Military Says

CNN: (CNN) – Iraq's military claims its air force struck a convoy in western Anbar province that included ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The fate of al-Baghdadi is unknown, the military statement said.

"The Iraqi airforce carried out a heroic operation by striking al-Baghdadi's convoy while he on his way to attend a meeting with senior ISIS leaders in Karabelah," the statement said.

The site of the meeting was also struck and several ISIS leaders were killed and wounded, the statement said. (+ video) » | Susanna Capelouto and Mohammed Tawfeeq, CNN | Sunday, October 11, 2015

La Turquie en deuil après le pire attentat de son histoire

LE FIGARO: Deux explosions ont retenti en plein cœur d'une manifestation de l'opposition en faveur de la paix à Ankara, en Turquie, tuant au moins 95 personnes. De «fortes preuves» laissent penser à des attaques de kamikazes. Un deuil national a été décrété.

Le chaos dans le centre d'Ankara. Au moins 95 personnes ont été tuées samedi dans le plus grave attentat jamais commis dans la capitale turque Ankara, qui a visé une manifestation pour la paix organisée par l'opposition prokurde à trois semaines des élections législatives anticipées. A 10h04 locales (9h04 à Paris), deux fortes explosions ont secoué les alentours de la gare centrale d'Ankara, où des milliers de militants venus de toute la Turquie à l'appel de plusieurs syndicats, d'ONG et partis de gauche se rassemblaient pour dénoncer la reprise du conflit entre Ankara et les rebelles kurdes. (+ vidéo) » | Par 3 auteurs | samedi 10 octobre 2015

Die Angst vor dem Flüchtlingsansturm ist berechtigt

DIE WELT: Fremdheit kann durchaus bereichern, aber nur, wenn sie in homöopathischen Dosen kommt. Doch der aktuelle Zuwanderungsdruck ist bei Weitem zu groß. Es wird ein böses Erwachen geben.

Völkerwanderungen gibt es, seitdem es Menschen gibt. Sie waren selten eine idyllische Angelegenheit, "commercium et connubium" – Handel und Heirat. Sehr viel öfter Kampf um Land und Herrschaft, Sprache und Recht. Für die gegenwärtig durch den gescheiterten "arabischen Frühling" ausgelösten Völkerwanderungen fehlt es an Vorbildern.

Sie sind für Europa als Ganzes, Deutschland im Besonderen ein unfreiwilliges Experiment in Social Engineering. Wenn es schlecht endet – in Angst und Ablehnung, Furcht und Schrecken –, dann gibt es kein Zurück.

Der innere Zusammenhalt der EU ist gefährdet, nicht nur in England. Schengenland ist abgebrannt, die deutsche Führungsrolle ähnelt unkontrollierter Flucht nach vorn. Das alles ist nur der Anfang. Die sozialen Medien beamen die schönen Versprechungen über die ganze Welt. "Mama Merkel" wird verehrt – allerdings in Deutschland mit abnehmender Tendenz. » | Von Michael Stürmer | Samstag, 10. Oktober 2015

Straight Outta Carson: Six Controversial Views from the Good Doctor

Republican candidate Ben Carson, who is currently second in the nomination race to the White House, gives his views on the Holocaust (‘more guns needed’), the presidential race (‘don’t elect a Muslim’), Obamacare (‘comparable to slavery’) and other hot topics he says the liberal media is too scared to talk straight on

Saturday, October 10, 2015

President Obama Mulls Executive Actions on Gun Control

TIME: Anyone who sells 50 to 100 guns in a year would be treated like a gun dealer

As he travels to Roseburg, Ore., to console grieving families, President Obama is mulling further executive actions to limit access to guns.

Among the options being reviewed is a proposal to redefine who is considered a licensed gun dealer, which would also change requirements for conducting gun background checks. According to NBC News, under the proposed executive action anyone who sells 50 to 100 guns every year would be considered “in the business” of selling guns and have to adhere to laws that apply to gun dealers such as conducting background checks on buyers.

The action would reportedly not apply to people who occasionally sell, exchange, or purchase guns for their personal collection or anyone who sells off all or parts of their personal firearm collection. » | Maya Rhodan | Friday, October 9, 2015

Euro, Russland, Flüchtlinge - wie geht es weiter mit der EU? - Diskussion am 09.10.2015

Im Rahmen des Themenschwerpunktes zeigt phoenix die Diskussionsrunde "Menschen in Europa" mit Jean-Claude Juncker (EU-Kommissionspräsident)

Why Does Russia Support Syria's Bashar al-Assad?

This video explores why Russia is supporting President Bashar al-Assad through its bombing campaign in Syria.

Marine Le Pen Attacks EU Project and Angela Merkel (October 7, 2015)

France's Front National leader Marine LePen lets rip against visiting guest German chancellor Angela Merkel on the whole European Union project. She says she accepts the honour of being "anti-Merkel".

WND Exclusive: Nationwide Protests Against Islam Catching Heat

Jon Ritzheimer, a U.S. Marine who fought in [the] Iraq,
at rally in Phoenixin June against Shariah law.
WND: Some groups urging 'come armed' to rallies outside mosques Saturday

Groups planning nationwide protests Saturday against the importation of Muslim refugees are being vilified by Muslim civil rights groups and major media outlets.

The “Global Rally for Humanity” has included calls by some organizers for protesters to show up Saturday in front of mosques, armed.

While the protests are in most cases targeting specifically the U.S. government’s refugee resettlement program, which involves refugees hand-selected by the United Nations and imported directly from the Third World into more than 175 U.S. cities and towns, the establishment media are portraying the protests as “anti-Muslim” with little or no mention of the refugee program and how it works. » | Leo Hohmann | Friday, October 9, 2015

Oregon: Protesters in Roseburg Declare 'Obama Free Zone,' Display Guns on Hips, Support Sheriff

Read the Oregonian/OregonLive article here | Rebecca Woolington | Friday, October 9, 2015

Swedish Church Removes Crosses to Make Muslim Migrants Feel Welcome

Ezra Levant of TheRebel.media reports on the Swedish bishop who has ordered crosses removed from a Stockholm church to avoid offending Muslim migrants.

They're even marking the direction to Mecca! Like German chancellor Angela Merkel, this bishop hates her own culture and history so much she wants to hand it over to invaders without a fight.

This Swedish bishop is also a lesbian. Doesn't she know what Muslim fundamentalists do to women like her? The bigger question is, Isn't anybody prepared to defend the West any more?

Putin Crushes BBC Smartass

Turkey Terror Attack: Many Killed in Ankara Blasts

THE GUARDIAN: At least 30 people killed in blasts before planned march in Turkish capital to protest against conflict between state and Kurdish militants

At least 30 people have been killed and more than 100 wounded in a terrorist attack on a peace rally in the centre of the Turkish capital, according to reports.

Twin explosions outside Ankara’s main train station on Saturday morning appear to have targeted hundreds of people who had gathered to protest against violence between authorities and the Kurdish separatist group, the PKK.

Turkish government officials said the explosion was a terrorist attack and are investigating the claim that a suicide bomber was responsible. Turkey’s prime minister, Ahmet Davutoğlu, is to hold a meeting with government officials and security chiefs in response to the attack, his office said.

The country’s interior ministry confirmed 30 people were killed in the blasts and 126 were wounded. A Reuters reporter at the scene saw at least 20 bodies covered by flags, with bloodstains and body parts scattered on the road.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan strongly condemned the double bombing, saying the attack targeted the country’s unity and peace. » | Staff and Agencies | Saturday, October 10, 2015

‪US Complicit in Saudi Bombing of Yemeni Civilians ‒ Human Rights Activist‬

Amnesty International is criticizing the US and the UK for human rights violations in Yemen, accusing them of selling weapons and hardware to Saudi Arabia during the country’s intense airstrike and bombing campaign against Houthi rebels, which have killed hundreds of civilians since the end of March. RT’s Lindsay France speaks with human rights activist Ajamu Baraka about the Amnesty report and the ongoing violence devastating the region.

Germany: Bavaria's Seehofer Demands German Government Limit Influx of Migrants

Bavaria's Minister-President Horst Seehofer convened his cabinet for an extraordinary meeting in Munich, Friday, to decide on emergency measures to deal with the influx of migrants in the region.

Geert Wilders: Anti-Islam Activist's Australian Visa Granted

ABC NEWS: Controversial Dutch politician Geert Wilders has had his Australian visa granted, meaning he will be able to travel to Perth in just over a week to launch an Australian anti-Islam party.

The founders of the Australian Liberty Alliance (ALA) had feared the far-right politician may be unable to attend the launch due to visa delays.

The party, which is inspired by that of Mr Wilders, wants to ban full-face coverings in public spaces and calls for a 10-year moratorium on resident visa applications by people from Islamic countries.

In a tweet, Mr Wilders said he was looking forward to visiting Perth.

The Immigration Department confirmed in a statement that Mr Wilders' visa had been granted. » | Lauren Day | Thursday, October 8, 2015

US Muslim Leaders Brace for Protests with Potentially Armed Demonstrators

THE GUARDIAN: Communities across the US worry over a gathering storm this weekend dubbed the Global Rally for Humanity: ‘There is so much misunderstanding’

Muslim leaders of mosques in some 20 cities in the US, including Phoenix and Oklahoma City, are preparing for anti-Islam demonstrations scheduled for Friday and Saturday by a loose group of potentially armed rightwing protesters.

Various Facebook pages are promoting the protests and calling on followers to go to any mosque, Muslim establishment or Islamic organization and voice their opinion on Saturday, 10 October.

“We are not canceling our prayer services for Friday and Saturday but we will have Phoenix police officers here in case the protestors get violent, especially because we have been hearing that some of the protestors will be armed,” said Usama Shami, the president of the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix (ICCP), the largest mosque in Phoenix that hosts more than 800 people for Friday prayers.

Phoenix police confirmed that they would have a presence at the event, with the caveat that it is legal in Arizona to openly carry guns.

Among the groups organizing the events, dubbed the Global Rally for Humanity, are the Oath Keepers, a group that advocates for open carry of guns and has been described as a “fiercely anti-government, militaristic group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Zainab Chaudry, outreach manager of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (Cair) in Maryland and a key organizer of the community alert to the mosques all over the US, said “this is one of the most massive anti-Islam protests in recent history ... even in post-9/11 we didn’t see the kind of Islamophobia that we see now”. » | Halima Kazem in San Francisco and Tom Dart in Houston | Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday, October 09, 2015

CrossTalk: Targeting All Terrorists

An expanding strategy and upping the ante – Russia is increasing its campaign against terrorist groups in Syria, while protecting the legitimate government in Damascus. Official Washington continues to struggle to find a response, other than expressing its fury. Being angry at Russia is not a foreign policy. CrossTalking with Ray McGovern, Daniel Lazare, and Michael O'Hanlon.

Jihad-Drohungen gegen Russland

TAGES ANZEIGER: Wegen der Intervention Russlands in Syrien verstärken Saudiarabien und die Türkei ihre militärische Hilfe für die Rebellen. Und saudische Kleriker rufen zum Heiligen Krieg auf.

Das russische Eingreifen im Syrien-Krieg zugunsten des Assad-Regimes hat über 50 Kleriker in Saudiarabien zu einem dramatischen Aufruf veranlasst. Es ist ein Aufruf zum Heiligen Krieg gegen die syrische Regierung und ihre Verbündeten. Gemeint ist vor allem Russland, aber auch der Iran. «Sie führen einen Krieg gegen die Sunniten, ihre Länder und ihre Identität», heisst es im Pamphlet der Kleriker. «Die heiligen Krieger in Syrien verteidigen die gesamte islamische Nation. Unterstützt sie.» Die sunnitischen Extremisten beschimpfen die schiitischen und alawitischen Muslime, und sie kritisieren Russlands Kampfeinsatz in Syrien als «christlichen Kreuzzug». » | Vincenzo Capodici, Redaktor International | Freitag, 9. Oktober 2015

Russian Orthodox Church Supports Putin's 'Holy War' in Syria to Protect Christians

CHRISTIAN TODAY: Russia is waging a "holy war" in Syria to protect innocent Christians against the "tyranny of terrorism," the powerful Russian Orthodox Church declared in a statement on Wednesday as Russian warplanes began pounding targets in Syria.

"Russia took a responsible decision to use military forces to protect the Syrian people from the woes brought on by the tyranny of terrorists," Russian Orthodox Church's Patriarch Kirill said in an official statement.

The Patriarch said Russia's armed intervention became necessary since "the political process has not led to any noticeable improvement in the lives of innocent people, and they need military protection."

Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, a spokesman for the Russian Orthodox Church, which has 150 million members worldwide, pointed out that President Vladimir Putin's decision to send Russian forces to Syria has the approval of parliament and is "consistent with international law, the mentality of our people and the role that our country has always played in the Middle East," the Interfax news agency said as reported by the International Business Times.

Chaplin said Russia cannot turn its back on Christians and other minority groups being wiped out by Islamic State militants and other extremist forces. » | Hazel Torres | Friday, October 2, 2015

US Scraps Syria Rebels Training Program - Report

The Obama administration is set to overhaul the Defense Department's $500 million program to train and equip Syrian rebels, according to Defense Secretary Ashton Carter. The US president is expected to speak on the matter later on Friday.

Jean-Claude Junker: 'European Policies Must Not Be Dictated by Washington'

Europe must treat Russia with more decency, improve the relationship, and not let EU policies be dictated by Washington, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said in a surprise speech in Germany.

Gauland: Wir schaffen das, sagt Frau Merkel. Nein, wir wollen das gar nicht schaffen!

Wir werden immer mehr! Danke an alle Mutbürger, die in Erfurt am 7. Oktober Flagge gezeigt haben gegen den Asyl-Wahnsinn der Altparteien! Für dreifachen Klartext haben Alexander Gauland, Paul Hampel und Björn Höcke gesorgt. Gauland forderte in seiner Rede, dass Kanzlerin Merkel die Interessen der eigenen Bürger wahrzunehmen habe, und die fremder Menschen. Den ungarischen Präsidenten Viktor Orbán schlug er für die Verleihung des Karlspreises vor.

Merkel: "Ich habe einen Plan"

Schaffen wir das? Ja, wir schaffen das. Planlos in Berlin? Unsinn. Aufnahmestopp für Flüchtlinge? Bringt nichts. Thomas de Maiziere? Wird gebraucht, dringender denn je. Nach 60 Minuten Merkel bei "Anne Will" ist klar: Die Kanzlerin hat sich festgelegt. Ohne Hintertürchen.

Flüchtlingskrise: Nie gefragt, ob wir Einwanderungsland werden wollen

Politologe Werner Patzelt ist sicher: Die Flüchtlinge werden zu einem Problem für unsere Gesellschaft. Die Politik habe es versäumt, das Volk überhaupt zu fragen, ob man Einwanderungsland sein wolle.

'Stop Messing with Australia and Its Society', Grand Mufti Hits Out at Islamic Extremism

ABC – THE WORLD TODAY: KIM LANDERS: But first, Australia's Muslim leaders have denounced extremism saying misguided teachings are being imported to Australia via Twitter and Facebook.

Just a week ago a 15-year-old left the Parramatta mosque in Sydney's west and walked to the New South Wales police headquarters where he shot and killed a police employee.

With anti-Islam protests looming in several cities, the Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, says violent extremism is a rare but serious problem.

Speaking through a translator, he says the root cause has to be examined and addressed by all Australians.

IBRAHIM ABU MOHAMED (translated): Number one, we say to those who supported that, stop messing with Australia and its society. Generally speaking and utterly, we refuse and reject any form of terrorist activities whether this, if it's proven to be a terrorist activity or any other one.

It is not just a religious problem that may have led to these things. It's a religious, ideological, social and other factors that may have contributed to this kind of motivation, and therefore any remedy should include all the factors, all the ingredients of this mix for us to have a proper remedy, not just focusing on the religious part of the story. (+ Audio) » | Rachael Brown | Friday, October 9, 2015

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Officials Conclude Iran Deal Violates Federal Law

FOX NEWS: Some senior U.S. officials involved in the implementation of the Iran nuclear deal have privately concluded that a key sanctions relief provision – a concession to Iran that will open the doors to tens of billions of dollars in U.S.-backed commerce with the Islamic regime – conflicts with existing federal statutes and cannot be implemented without violating those laws, Fox News has learned.

At issue is a passage tucked away in ancillary paperwork attached to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, as the Iran nuclear deal is formally known. Specifically, Section 5.1.2 of Annex II provides that in exchange for Iranian compliance with the terms of the deal, the U.S. “shall…license non-U.S. entities that are owned or controlled by a U.S. person to engage in activities with Iran that are consistent with this JCPOA.”

In short, this means that foreign subsidiaries of U.S. parent companies will, under certain conditions, be allowed to do business with Iran. The problem is that the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act (ITRA), signed into law by President Obama in August 2012, was explicit in closing the so-called “foreign sub” loophole. » | James Rosen | Friday, October 9, 2015

Refugees Take Charge of Danish Newspaper for a Day

THE GUARDIAN: Liberal daily Dagbladet Information hands over reins to 12 refugees who are professional journalists, most of them recent arrivals in Denmark

Refugees facing hostile politicians and press in Denmark were given the run of a daily newspaper on Friday to present a radically different picture of the thousands of asylum seekers knocking on Europe’s door.

“For politicians, refugees are just a problem to be solved as quickly as possible, and most prefer to do it without looking them in the eye,” said an editorial in Dagbladet Information, an independent liberal daily, in a special issue written entirely by refugees who are also professional journalists. “Today it is the refugees who speak to us.”

The paper assembled a dozen refugees, most of whom are recent arrivals in the country, giving them full editorial control and help with research and translation.

“This is a chance to show the Danish people a different picture – we are giving them a new kind of story made by refugees,” said Dalam Alasaad, a Syrian journalist from Palmyra who came to Denmark via Turkey last year. » | David Crouch in Gothenburg | Friday, October 9, 2015

Italy: First Asylum Seekers Flown to Sweden as Part of EU Refugee Relocation Plan

A plane carrying 19 Eritrean refugees left from Rome's Ciampino airport for Sweden, Friday, the first people to take part in the EU’s new relocation plan that aims to ease the pressure of the refugee crisis on Europe’s border-states.

Italy: EU Warns of Refugee Deportation as Relocation Policy Gets Underway

EU politicians held a presser on the union’s new asylum seeker relocation policy in Rome, Friday, after the first group of refugees were flown from Ciampino airport to Sweden as part of the scheme to ease the pressure of the refugee crisis on Europe’s border-states.

EU in Crisis as Slovakia Threatens to Leave over Controversial Refugee Quota

Mr Fico has blasted the quotas in the past
EXPRESS: SLOVAKIA'S prime minister has threatened to leave the European Union over quotas to accept refugees fleeing war-torn countries.

Robert Fico warned that his country will head for the exit if the EU fails to impose a policy to deal with the influx of refugees entering Europe.

The EU is currently confused on how to deal with the record numbers of refugees, with policy makers left undecided on how to best tackle the situation.

The fed-up prime minister claimed he is ready to propose "a discharge of his country from the European Union" if they are forced to keep taking refugees from the Middle east [sic]. » | Jake Burman | Friday, October 9, 2015

Saudi Arabian Employer Accused of Chopping Off Indian Maid’s Hand

THE GUARDIAN: Family of domestic worker say she was punished when she tried to escape harassment and torture

An Indian maid has claimed her employer in Saudi Arabia cut off her hand in punishment for poor work, after months of mistreatment in the kingdom.

Kashturi Munirathinam, 55, is being treated in a hospital in Riyadh, the Saudi capital, her family told Indian media.

Munirathinam travelled to Saudi Arabia from her home in a rural district of the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu three months ago to take up a job as a cleaner in a household in the eastern city of Dammam and then in Riyadh. She was to be paid about £150 a month.

“When she tried to escape harassment and torture, her right hand was chopped off by the woman employer. She fell down and sustained serious spinal injuries,” her sister, S Vijayakumari, told local media. » | Jason Burke in Delhi | Friday, October 9, 2015

Deutschland: Höcke: Ich liebe meine Heimat von ganzem Herzen

Wir werden immer mehr! Danke an alle Mutbürger, die in Erfurt am 7. Oktober Flagge gezeigt haben gegen den Asyl-Wahnsinn der Altparteien! Für dreifachen Klartext haben Alexander Gauland, Paul Hampel und Björn Höcke gesorgt. Höcke kritisierte in seiner Rede die Grundrechtsschänder von den Linken, der SPD und den Grünen, deren Abgeordnete sich nicht zu schade waren, sich vor einem Antifa-Plakat mit der Aufschrift „Nie wieder Deutschland“ zu platzieren. Er bekannte sich außerdem zu seinem Patriotismus. Vor dem Familiennachzug der Asylbewerber warnte er eindrücklich. Sieben Millionen Einwanderer, die mehrheitlich muslimisch sind, würde Deutschland niemals verkraften können.

Refugee Crisis: Germany Creaks Under Strain Of Open Door Policy

THE GUARDIAN: After the initial euphoria, Germany now faces daily clashes in refugee centres, a rising far-right, a backlog of registrations, and dissent among the ranks of Angela Merkel’s government

The realities of shouldering Europe’s refugee crisis are coming home to Germany, amid daily reports of clashes in asylum seeker homes; bureaucrats overwhelmed by a backlog of registration claims and deep divisions within chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative ranks over how to manage the enormity of the challenge.

Just weeks after Merkel responded to the refugee crisis with the declaration: “Wir schaffen es – We can do it” – the euphoric mood has been replaced by a more sombre response with the realisation that the newcomers are here to stay, with all the consequences that entails.

School authorities are calling for at least 25,000 new teaching recruits to cope with the large numbers of new pupils, police officers are being brought out of retirement in their thousands, and the nation is being scoured for suitable accommodation as winter approaches.

“The welcome parties in Munich, Berlin and elsewhere were great,” said the Munich-based Süddeutsche Zeitung in a recent editorial. “They showed a generous and open Germany of which we can be very proud, headed by a chancellor who seemed to surprise herself with her response, (and) tens of thousands of volunteers ... but now we’re in the stark light of day which consists of overcrowded refugee centres and local authorities and police stretched to their limits.”

Arson attacks on refugee shelters continue on an almost daily basis. Reports of refugees being greeted at the doors of their new homes by neo-Nazis humming Third Reich songs or being pelted with banana skins are not uncommon. There are mounting concerns that elements of the far-right have found new oxygen in the crisis by tapping into ordinary people’s fears that Europe’s largest economy may be unable to cope with the decision to allow so many to take refuge within its borders. » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thursday, October 08, 2015

Now EU Says Putin's OBLITERATION of ISIS Will Force Millions of Refugees to Flee to Europe

EXPRESS: THREE million refugees are set to leave Syria for Europe as Russia continues to bomb Islamic State terrorists, European Union officials have warned.

Russian warships fired 26 cruise missiles into the war-torn country yesterday as Vladimir Putin cranked up his assault on the twisted militants.

But according to Donald Tusk, president of the EU Council, "another three million potential refugees may come from Aleppo and its neighbourhood".

Russian jets hit two towns in the northern province of Aleppo earlier this week, Syrian state television said.

Hundreds of thousands of Syrians have already travelled to Europe, sparking the continent's biggest migration crisis since World War Two. » | Tom Parfitt | Thursday, October 8, 2015

How Many Immigrants Can Germany Take? (English Subtitles)

Poland Doesn't Want Refugees Because They're Muslims - Polish Film Director

Les députés arabes défient Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu veut interdire l'accès à l'esplanade
des Mosquée à des députés arabes.
LE MATIN: PROCHE-ORIENT — Les députés arabes israéliens ont annoncé qu'ils se rendront vendredi sur l'esplanade des Mosquées, malgré l'interdiction du premier ministre israélien.

«Ni Netanyahu ni la droite ne pourront nous empêcher d'entrer dans notre mosquée d'Al-Aqsa», qui se trouve sur l'esplanade à laquelle elle donne souvent son nom, a dit dans un communiqué le député arabe Ahmad Tibi.

La décision de Benjamin Netanyahu est «insensée et illégale», a-t-il ajouté, à la veille de la grande prière du vendredi. «Demain, nous serons tous à la mosquée al-Aqsa, parce que c'est notre mosquée». Les députés arabes sont 13 sur un total de 120 au parlement. Continuez à lire et ajouter un commentaire » | ats/nxp | jeudi 8 octobre 2015

France: Hollande Warns of "Total War" If Syrian Crisis Is Not Ended

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande held a joint speech in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Wednesday, where they addressed the ongoing refugee crisis and the Syrian conflict.

Police Use Water Cannon against Anti-austerity Protesters in Brussels

The demonstrators confronted riot police in central Brussels during a protest over the government's reforms and cost-cutting measures. Protesters began burning waste and pelting stones at the police who responded with a water cannon.

Nato Ready to 'Defend' Turkey as Russia Strikes Syria

Jens Stoltenberg speaks at a press conference at the Nato
headquarters in Brussels.
THE GUARDIAN: Alliance’s secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, makes comment after violations of Turkish airspace by Russian jets conducting airstrikes in Syria

Nato is ready to send troops to Turkey to defend against threats on its southern flank, the head of the alliance has said following violations of Turkish airspace by Russian jets conducting airstrikes in Syria.

Moscow’s growing military involvement in the Syria conflict – which on Wednesday involved its jets backing an offensive by ground troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad – is expected to be high on the agenda of a meeting of the alliance’s defence ministers.

“Nato is ready and able to defend all allies, including Turkey against any threats,” Jens Stoltenberg, the organisation’s secretary general, told reporters before the Brussels meeting on Thursday. » | Kareem Shaheen in Beirut and agencies | Thursday, October 8, 2015

Steve Bell on Cameron's Legacy: 'Dave, Who Put His Cock in a Pig'

Guardian cartoonist Steve Bell draws David Cameron as he delivers his speech at the Conservative party conference in Manchester on Wednesday. Bell talks about his impressions of Cameron as he watches the PM on stage, sketching ideas before he comes up with his cartoon to encapsulate the moment. He shares his thoughts on how Cameron will be remembered

Saudi Housewife Could Be Put Behind Bars for Posting Online Video of Her Cheating Husband

THE TELEGRAPH: Footage exposing partner as he tried to kiss maid could count as "defamation", lawyers warn

A Saudi woman who posted footage online of her husband cheating on her with a family maid has been warned that she may face jail for "defamation".

The housewife used her mobile phone to secretly film her partner as he made advances to a female servant in the kitchen of the family home.

The video shows a man, dressed in traditional white robes of a Saudi male, apparently trying to kiss the maid as she attempts to pull away from him.

The wife uploaded the footage to YouTube, alongside the caption "the minimal punishment for this husband is to scandalise him".

The footage drew widespread support for the unnamed housewife, but Saudi legal experts have warned that it could be the wife who ends up in jail. Read on and comment » | Colin Freeman | Thursday, October 8, 2015

Twitter: #SaudiWomanCatchesHusbandCheating »

Iran Shuns Frankfurt Book Fair Over Salman Rushdie Invitation

Salman Rushdie was made subject of a fatwa calling for his
killing in 1988, after his novel The Satanic Verses allegedly
depicted prophet Muhammad irreverently.
THE GUARDIAN: Republic calls for other Muslim nations to join boycott after ‘person who is hated by Islamic world’ invited as guest speaker

Iran has announced that it will boycott next week’s Frankfurt book fair after organisers invited the author Salman Rushdie, whom Iranian scholars said should be killed, as a guest speaker. The foreign ministry said the fair had, “under the pretext of freedom of expression, invited a person who is hated in the Islamic world and create the opportunity for Salman Rushdie ... to make a speech”.

It said the Islamic republic “strongly protests” Rushdie’s appearance and had decided against participating in the fair, which is one of the world’s largest such events. The ministry called on other Muslim nations to join its boycott.

For his part, deputy culture minister Abbas Salehi said: “Fair officials chose the theme of freedom of expression, but they invited someone who has insulted our beliefs.” » | AFP in Tehran | Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Farage Mocks ‘Pipsqueak’ France Before UKIP Leader Takes Aim at German Refugee Plan

Read the Express article here | Greg Heffer, Political Reporter | Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Back an Integrated EU or Quit, François Hollande Warns Britain

THE TELEGRAPH: The French president tells Nigel Farage that it is logical for Britain to quit the union during an altercation with the Ukip leader in the European parliament

Britain must back deeper integration of the European Union or quit altogether, Francois [sic] Hollande, the French president, declared on Wednesday night.

During furious exchanges with Nigel Farage, the Ukip leader, Mr Hollande said British voters who do not like the idea of a “strengthened” EU must take the “logical path” of Brexit.

It came as he spelled out France’s support for a series of radical new institutions to cope with the continent’s multiple crises, including a common defence policy, a share asylum system, a coast guard and powerful new eurozone institutions. » | Matthew Holehouse, Brussels | Wednesday, October 7, 2015

David Cameron Speech at Conservative Party Conference

Prime Minister David Cameron speaks live at the Conservative Party Conference. Watch the full speech here.

Merkel et Hollande veulent plus d'Europe face aux crises

Angela Merkel et François Hollande se sont tour à tour exprimés
devant le parlement européen ce 7 octobre à Strasbourg.
TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: La crise migratoire était au cœur des discours des deux chefs d'Etat devant le parlement européen. La chancelière juge «obsolètes» les règles actuelles de l'UE sur l'asile.

François Hollande et Angela Merkel ont réclamé mercredi un renforcement de l'intégration européenne pour faire face à la multiplication des crises. Se limiter à l'Etat-nation condamnerait, selon eux, l'Europe à l'impuissance et au déclin.

«Le débat n'est pas entre plus d'Europe et moins d'Europe, mais entre l'affirmation de l'Europe et la fin de l'Europe», a lancé le président français devant le parlement européen à Strasbourg. Le président français et la chancelière allemande se sont exprimés 26 ans après un exercice du même type mené par François Mitterrand et Helmut Kohl après la chute du Mur de Berlin.

François Hollande a cité la formule «le nationalisme, c'est la guerre», utilisée par François Mitterrand en 1995 devant la même assemblée pour l'un de ses derniers discours. Il a ajouté: «le nationalisme, c'est le déclinisme».

Le président français a insisté sur l'objectif «d'une fédération d'Etats-nations qui doit rester notre horizon», une idée défendue par Jacques Delors il y a 26 ans. «Rien n'est pourtant plus vain que de chercher à se sauver seul, à se dérober, à s'abriter quand des événements majeurs se produisent dans le monde entier», a-t-il ajouté. » | afp/nxp | mercredi 7 octobre 2015

Jailed Saudi Blogger Raif Badawi Wins PEN Pinter Prize

BBC: Saudi blogger Raif Badawi, who is in jail for "insulting Islam", has won the Pen Pinter Prize for championing free speech.

Mr Badawi is serving a 10-year sentence in Saudi Arabia and is due to receive 1,000 lashes.

He shares the prize with British poet and journalist James Fenton.

Accepting the award for Mr Badawi, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales said the British government should "show moral leadership" and seek his release.

"Raif should have been honoured for founding a website that allowed healthy public discourse in Saudi Arabia; he should not have been held behind bars, facing flogging," he added. » | Tuesday, October 7, 2015

WIKI: PEN Pinter Prize »

Bericht aus Berlin: Angst vor einem Verlust der Werte

Jeden Tag erreichen Tausende Flüchtlinge Deutschland. In den Flüchtlingsunterkünften kommt es zu Spannungen. Wie können deutsche Werte wie Freiheits- oder Frauenrechte gewahrt werden? Die Politik sucht noch überzeugende Konzepte.

Breaking Video: Russian Warships Attack ISIS Positions in Syria from Caspian Sea

Russia’s Defense Ministry has published a video of its warships firing cruise missiles from the Caspian Sea to hit the positions of Islamic State militants in Syria.

Asylum Shelters in Germany Struggle with Violence

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: There has been a rising number of violent incidents in German refugee hostels in recent weeks and concern is growing among officials. But some communities are finding creative ways to make life more tolerable in the asylum homes.

Two men are waiting for their lunch inside a drafty airport hangar -- one is an 80-year-old from Pakistan, the other an 18-year-old Albanian. A throng of people are waiting and the line can take up to an hour, but the young man has run out of patience. He climbs over the barrier and pushes forward, gets his food and then sits down at a table. A short time later, the elderly man addresses him angrily.

A dispute that began banally enough on Sunday, Sept. 27, ended in a mass brawl after the young Albanian hit the old man in the face. A security guard intervened and was able to pull the two apart, but three hours later, 50 to 60 Pakistanis stormed into the hangar and threatened the young Albanian with aluminum rods they had taken from their cots. The police moved in and were initially able to restore peace. Come dinner time, though, 300 angry Albanians had turned up. Some attacked the Pakistanis, benches were thrown, men struck each other with clubs and used pepper spray.

Police estimate that more than 350 of the 1,500 refugees staying in the emergency shelter at the Calden Airport near the city of Kassel became involved in the fight. The incident resulted in 14 injuries, including police officers. Two weeks prior, another altercation at Calden left 60 people injured. Read on and comment » | Matthias Bartsch, Markus Deggerich, Horand Knaup, Ann-Katrin Müller, Conny Neumann, Barbara Schmid, Fidelius Schmid, Wolf Wiedmann-Schmidt and Steffen Winter | Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Looming Doubts : Merkel's Grip on Refugee Crisis May Be Slipping

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: The flow of refugees into Germany is continuing and the government in Berlin has found no way to slow it. Faith in Chancellor Angela Merkel's ability to handle the problem is plunging -- especially within her own party. By SPIEGEL Staff

Sometimes, distance is good for perspective. For Angela Merkel, that perspective came in New York.

The week before last, the German chancellor flew to the Big Apple to address the United Nations summit on sustainability, women's rights and climate change. But what she took home with her was the surprising realization that Horst Seehofer actually has a lot in common with Ahmet Davutoglu and Nawaz Sharif.

Seehofer is the governor of Bavaria and the head of the conservative Christian Social Union (CSU), the sister party to Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU); Davutoglu is the prime minister of Turkey; Sharif the prime minister of Pakistan. All three have recently conveyed the same message: Merkel must get tougher in the refugee crisis.

Davutoglu asked Merkel in New York for her support for a buffer zone along the Syrian-Turkish border, where anywhere between 100,000 and 300,000 refugees from the civil-war torn country are to be accommodated. Sharif, for his part, engaged the chancellor about the escalating situation in his country and in neighboring Afghanistan. He demanded that the chancellor send Pakistani refugees back home. Read on and comment » | SPIEGEL Staff | Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Ahmed Mansoor Speech - Martin Ennals Award 2015

David Cameron on Saudi Arabia, Isis and Welfare

David Cameron talks to Jon Snow at Conservative conference about Saudi Arabia’s human rights record, the response to Isis in Syria and his welfare changes.

Jon Snow Challenges David Cameron over Deal with Saudi Arabia: Read the Transcript of the Interview in Full

THE INDEPENDENT: PM defended 2013 deal to get Saudi Arabia onto the UN Human Rights Council, claiming UK had a 'relationship' with country

David Cameron repeatedly refused to explain the British government’s deal with the Saudi Arabian authorities during an embarrassing interview with Channel 4’s Jon Snow. » | Rose Troup Buchanan | Wednesday, October 7, 2015