Showing posts with label Al-Aqsa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Al-Aqsa. Show all posts

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Israeli Forces Lockdown the Al-Aqsa Mosque

Israeli security forces imposed age restrictions at the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East Jerusalem, allowing only Palestinian men over 40 to attend Friday night prayers.

Thursday, October 08, 2015

Les députés arabes défient Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu veut interdire l'accès à l'esplanade
des Mosquée à des députés arabes.
LE MATIN: PROCHE-ORIENT — Les députés arabes israéliens ont annoncé qu'ils se rendront vendredi sur l'esplanade des Mosquées, malgré l'interdiction du premier ministre israélien.

«Ni Netanyahu ni la droite ne pourront nous empêcher d'entrer dans notre mosquée d'Al-Aqsa», qui se trouve sur l'esplanade à laquelle elle donne souvent son nom, a dit dans un communiqué le député arabe Ahmad Tibi.

La décision de Benjamin Netanyahu est «insensée et illégale», a-t-il ajouté, à la veille de la grande prière du vendredi. «Demain, nous serons tous à la mosquée al-Aqsa, parce que c'est notre mosquée». Les députés arabes sont 13 sur un total de 120 au parlement. Continuez à lire et ajouter un commentaire » | ats/nxp | jeudi 8 octobre 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

Clashes Continue Near Al-Aqsa Mosque as Benjamin Netanyahu Calls for Emergency Meeting

THE TELEGRAPH: Protesters and police clash for a second consecutive night as the Israeli prime minister will hold urgent consultations

Clashes between protesters and Israeli police near the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City have continued for a second consecutive day on Monday.

Israeli police arrested over a dozen Palestinians after a policeman and a Jewish youth were injured in violent confrontations on and near the Haram Al Sharif/Temple Mount compound, holy to both Jews and Muslims.

Masked Palestinian protesters attacked the Israeli police with stones and metal rods as they entered the site, Israel’s Channel 2 reported.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, said he will hold emergency consultations over the clashes that began on Sunday when a violent confrontation erupted between the police and rioters near the mosque.

The police were pelted with rocks and stones near the mosque and unleashed stun grenades and tear gas on the rioters, who barricaded themselves inside the mosque. Several home made pipe bombs were discovered in the vicinity of the al-Aqsa mosque and are being examined by the police. » | Inna Lazareva, Tel Aviv | Monday, September 14, 2015

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Islamist Palestinian Leaders Warn Obama Not to Visit Al-Aqsa Mosque: He Will Be Pelted with Shoes and Stones | Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar), Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza) | March 2013

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Egypt’s Islamic Grand Mufti Makes Rare Visit to Jerusalem after Decades of Opposition

THE REPUBLIC: CAIRO — A top Egyptian Islamic cleric paid a rare visit to Jerusalem Wednesday, breaking with decades of opposition by Muslim leaders on traveling to areas under Israeli control.

The Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa wrote on his Twitter account that the symbolic visit was in solidarity with the Palestinians' claim to east Jerusalem, under Israel's control since it was captured in the 1967 Mideast war. He prayed in the Al-Aqsa mosque, Islam's third holiest site, during his two-hour visit.

Gomaa called the trip an unofficial visit, clearly an attempt to defuse criticism he is already facing for breaking an unofficial ban by Muslim clerics and most Egyptian professional and private associations on visiting Israel or Israeli-controlled Palestinian territories. The Egyptian Coptic Church, and most Muslim clerics around the region generally uphold the ban as well. » | Sarah El Deeb | Associated Press | Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Raëd Salah, chef des radicaux du Mouvement islamiste israélien, dont les prêches enflamment Jérusalem

LE MONDE: Rien, dans l'apparence et la componction de Raëd Salah ne laisse supposer qu'il s'agit du prédicateur souvent vitupérant, capable, en moins d'une heure, de rameuter des milliers de Palestiniens en colère dans la vieille ville de Jérusalem aux cris d'"Al-Aqsa est en danger" ?

Qui est vraiment ce chef de la branche radicale du Mouvement islamique israélien ? L'érudit religieux souriant et affable qu'il souhaite incarner ce matin-là, ou la bête noire de la police israélienne, trop souvent obligée d'instaurer un quasi-état de siège dans la Ville sainte, pour éviter que l'esplanade des Mosquées, qui abrite Al-Aqsa, troisième lieu saint de l'islam, ne devienne un champ de bataille ?

Cheikh Raëd Salah, père de huit enfants, est un Janus palestinien, plutôt radical. S'il nous reçoit à Um El-Fahm, ville arabe perchée sur la crête de la montagne du même nom et dont il a été maire, à deux heures de route de Jérusalem, c'est parce qu'il y est interdit de séjour depuis les affrontements qui s'y sont produits, début octobre. Plus exactement, il ne doit pas approcher à moins de 150 mètres des limites de la vieille ville, ni participer à un rassemblement de plus de sept personnes. Ce qui n'entame en rien sa détermination : "Si je dois aller défendre Al-Aqsa, j'irai." >>> Le Monde | Samedi 21 Novembre 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sheikh Khatib: We'll Never Give Up Al-Aqsa

YNET NEWS: Islamic Movement leader tells Arab children Israeli occupation of Jerusalem must end

Thousands of Arab children headed to Jerusalem Saturday to celebrate the annual festival of the Al-Aqsa Children's Fund initiative, which prompts Muslim youngsters to donate their allowance in favor of the mosque and Islamic Movement institutions.

The movement's Northern Branch's Deputy Chairman, Sheikh Kamel Khatib, spoke to the children and stressed that Muslims will never give up any parts of the holy Muslim site.

About 200 buses packed with children from Arab communities nationwide headed to Jerusalem since early morning hours. The children presented the cashboxes from their communities, and Islamic Movement officials estimated that a total of NIS 3 million (roughly $750,000) was raised this year. The event was attended by movement heads, sheikhs, and Arab dignitaries, including Sheikh Khatib who arrived with his four children.

'A big lie'

In his speech to the youngsters, Khatib said: "We have no partners here at the mosque," referring to Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich's recent visit to the site. "The al-Aqsa Mosque is a holy and occupied place, just like the whole of Jerusalem, which was occupied by the IDF in 1967. The occupation must be removed from the mosque in particular, and from Jerusalem in general."

"The Jews should not be thinking that they can build their Temple on the ruins of the al-Aqsa Mosque," Khatib said. "This day won't come. Those who dream that we, the Muslims, will renounce part of the al-Aqsa mosque should know that their dream will not see the light." >>> Sharon Roffe-Ofir | Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Jihad TV in Europe

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: It's time to shut down Hezbollah and Hamas broadcasts to the Continent.

Their propaganda notwithstanding, Hamas and, two years ago, Hezbollah suffered devastating military defeats that may diminish their ability to attack Israel with rocket fire. But these Iranian-backed terrorist organizations are deploying another dangerous weapon in their war against Western democracies -- terrorist television stations.

Thanks to Arab satellite companies, Hezbollah's al-Manar and Hamas's al-Aqsa TV stations can still beam their incitement and hatred into European living rooms, radicalizing Muslim immigrants throughout the Continent.

Al-Manar, however, is not a mere propaganda tool. Founded in 1991 by Hezbollah guerillas, it is an operational weapon in the hands of a deadly terrorist organization. Following a 2006 letter to then-President George W. Bush signed by a majority of the U.S. Senate, including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the U.S. Treasury Department designated al-Manar as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity. This designation placed, for the first time, a media outlet on the same terrorism list as al Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah itself.

The designation highlighted the role of al-Manar as more than just a station with objectionable content. The Hezbollah outlet was actively involved in recruiting and fund raising for Hezbollah, and providing preoperational surveillance for terror attacks. Undersecretary of Treasury Stuart Levey has observed that al-Manar is an "entity maintained by a terrorist group" and is therefore "as culpable as the terrorist group itself." >>> By Mark Dubowitz and Roberta Bonazzi | Wednesday, February 18, 2009

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Mordechai Kedar*: The Myth of al-Aqsa

YNET NEWS: Holiness of Jerusalem to Islam has always been politically motivated

When the Prophet Mohammad established Islam, he introduced a minimum of innovations. He employed the hallowed personages, historic legends and sacred sites of Judaism and Christianity, and even paganism, by Islamizing them. Thus, according to Islam, Abraham was the first Muslim and Jesus and St. John (the sons of Miriam, sister of Moses and Aron) were prophets and guardians of the second heaven. Many Biblical legends ("asatir al-awwalin",) which were familiar to the pagan Arabs before the dawn of Islam, underwent an Islamic conversion, and the Koran as well as the Hadith (the Islamic oral tradition), are replete with them.

Islamization was practiced on places as well as persons: Mecca and the holy stone - al-Ka'bah - were holy sites of the pre-Islamic pagan Arabs. The Umayyad Mosque in Damascus and the Great Mosque of Istanbul were erected on the sites of Christian-Byzantine churches - two of the better known examples of how Islam treats sanctuaries of other faiths.

Jerusalem, too, underwent the process of Islamization: at first Muhammad attempted to convince the Jews near Medina to join his young community, and, by way of persuasion, established the direction of prayer (kiblah) to be to the north, towards Jerusalem, in keeping with Jewish practice; but after he failed in this attempt he turned against the Jews, killed many of them, and directed the kiblah southward, towards Mecca.

Muhammad's abandonment of Jerusalem explains the fact that this city is not mentioned even once in the Koran. After Palestine was occupied by the Muslims, its capital was Ramlah, 30 miles to the west of Jerusalem, signifying that Jerusalem meant nothing to them. The Myth of al-Aqsa >>> By Mordechai Kedar* | September 15, 2008

* Dr. Mordechai Kedar is a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University’s [d]eptartment of Arabic

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