Sunday, January 21, 2024

Brexit Cost the UK the Only Good Thing Margaret Thatcher Ever Did

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Now that the UK has been taken out of trade zone, we are left only with the damage she wreaked on the British polity

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Now that the UK has been taken out of trade zone, we are left only with the damage she wreaked on the British polity

Both chancellor Jeremy Hunt and shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves went to the annual Davos World Economic Forum last week proclaiming that Britain was “open to business”.

These mundane statements of the obvious reminded me of the character in one of Michael Frayn’s ¬novels who had an open mind – “open at the front and open at the back”.

For that is what Brexit has achieved. We spent almost 45 years opening our markets to what is now known as the European Union, adding the considerable benefit of membership of the single market – not least thanks to Margaret Thatcher and Jacques Delors. From the abandonment of monetarism onwards, the emphasis of British economic policy was on attracting overseas investment.

But in one fell swoop – thanks to a wholly unnecessary referendum, founded, alas, on ignorance, prejudice and lies – the Cameron government opened the back door. The single market was designed, from the UK’s point of view, to boost trade with and investment from the EU, but the exit was opened and Britain has suffered.

We are now experiencing the consequence of the bad influence that Thatcherite political economy had on our polity, and the rejection of the good. That is to say: so many of the ills that now so manifestly beset the nation result from the Thatcherite obsession with “¬rolling back the frontiers of the state”, while the economic performance of that same state is now impeded by the rejection of her greatest beneficial contribution to the country – namely membership of the single market. » | William Keegan | Opinion | Sunday, January 21, 2024

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Zelenskiy Slams Trump’s Rhetoric on Stopping the War as ‘Very Dangerous’

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Ukrainian leader invited Trump to Ukraine but says if he returns to White House he could make unilateral concessions to Russia

The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, fears that if Donald Trump returns to the White House next year he could make unilateral concessions to Russia that override Ukraine’s interests and branded the former US president’s claims he could stop the war in 24 hours as “very dangerous”.

In an interview with the UK’s Channel 4 News, Zelenskiy said he was “stressed” that the former president “is going to make decisions on his own, without … I’m not even talking about Russia, but without both sides, without us.”

“If he says this publicly, that’s a little scary. I’ve seen a lot, a lot of victims, but that’s really making me a bit stressed,” he said. » | Edward Helmore and agencies | Saturday, January 20, 2024

5 European Sweet Treats You Should Give a Try | DW Food

Jan 13, 2024 | Whether for dessert, as a snack in between, or for getting together over coffee and cake - sweets have a firm place in most culinary culture. As they do in Europe. We picked 5 classic and popular sweet treats from France, Belgium, Austria, Italy and Germany to show you what makes them special and how they are prepared.

Auftakt zum systematischen Massenmord - Die Wannseekonferenz | Terra X

Jan 20, 2022 | In einer Villa am Großen Wannsee in Berlin besprechen 1942 Bürokraten des Nazi-Regimes den millionenfachen Mord an Juden. Es ist ein Wendepunkt. Das Protokoll zeigt den Weg von der Entrechtung und Verfolgung bis zum systematischen Massenmord.

Die Idee zu dieser Konferenz kommt von Reinhard Heydrich, dem Chef des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes, der zentralen Verfolgungs- und Vernichtungsbehörde. Ihm untersteht auch die Geheime Staatspolizei Gestapo. 1941 beauftragt Hermann Göring ihn mit einem Großprojekt. Heydrich soll „einen Gesamtentwurf“ vorlegen - über die angestrebte „Endlösung der Judenfrage“ in Europa. Von höchster Stelle ermächtigt lädt Heydrich die beteiligten Behörden und Institutionen zu einer Konferenz – in das Gästehaus der SS am Großen Wannsee.

Die Männer, die über millionenfachen Mord sprechen, sind gebildet. Acht tragen einen Doktortitel. Zur Konferenz lädt Heydrich auch wichtige Vertreter der SS- und Polizei wie Heinrich Müller, Adolf Eichmann, Dr. Eberhard Schöngarth, und Dr. Rudolf Lange. Allen Teilnehmer ist klar: Der Massenmord hat schon begonnen. Und keiner hat dagegen Einwände.

Auf der Konferenz wird offen von Töten und Eliminieren gesprochen. Doch im Protokoll, verfasst von Eichmann nach Vorgaben von Heydrich, heißt es in verschleiernden Worten, Juden sollen „im Osten zum Arbeitseinsatz kommen“. Gemeint ist jedoch immer Mord. Es wird die bislang mörderischste Konferenz der Geschichte.


Wannsee Konferenz and the Final Solution: On January 20, 1942, 15 high-ranking Nazi Party and German government officials gathered at a villa in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee to discuss and coordinate the implementation of what they called the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question." »

Firm Linked to Michelle Mone's Husband Should Face 'Fraud Probe' Say Experts | BBC News

Jan 19, 2024 | The husband of ex-Tory peer Michelle Mone, Doug Barrowman, is connected to a company that tax experts say should be investigated for fraud,

BBC Newsnight has found. Doug Barrowman has previously denied involvement in Vanquish Options, a firm that falsely claimed customers could write off money owed to the government.

But BBC News has identified Vanquish bosses with links to Mr Barrowman and seen emails sent by Vanquish from the same IP address as his Isle of Man HQ.

Mr Barrowman has denied any wrongdoing.

Thousands in Hamburg Rally against Far-right 'Master Plan' | DW News

Jan 20, 2024 | Tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets of the German city of Hamburg to protest against the far right. It follows revelations that members of the Alternative for Germany party held a secret meeting to discuss the mass deportation of immigrants and German citizens of foreign origin. The AfD is under domestic surveillance in several German states - and there have been calls to ban the party entirely.

Transitioning Genders: The Importance of Self-Love | Documentary | Real Pride

Aug 14, 2021 | This two-part special gives us incredible first-hand accounts from transgender people about their experience of affirming their gender – often at huge emotional and financial cost.

From rock stars to body builders and average suburban dads, this documentary shows us how far medicine has come in fulfilling the dreams of people who were born in the wrong body.

Some of the language used in this documentary may not be the correct terminology to accurately represent people currently.

BEWARE! This documentary isn't for everyone. It is very explicit and many people might take exception to some of its content. Until I watched this documentary, I knew virtually nothing about this phenomenon. Many of you might not know much about the phenomenon either. I have watched this documentary to be better informed about it. These days, there is so much in the newspapers about gender reassignment.

My posting this documentary should not be construed as an endorsement of these procedures. Frankly, I neither endorse them nor do I condemn them. I know far too little about them to do either. What perplexes me, though, is why so many people want to change their sex. Up until relatively recently, people having sex change operations were pretty rare. Not so anymore, it seems. Puzzling! – © Mark Alexander

Analysts Warn There Could Be a Russian Attack on a NATO Member State

Jan 30, 2024 | “If that’s not a wake up call I don’t know what is.” NATO should “start negotiations” with Russia before it’s too late, as analysts believe there could be a Russian attack on a NATO state “in the next seven years”, former BBC correspondent Martin Sixsmith tells Times Radio.

If NATO Fails to Prepare for Conflict, Another World War Could Come | Lord Dannatt

Premiered Jan 19, 2024 | “The reason we got involved in the Second World War is that there was a failure to rearm in the 1930s.” Lord Dannatt compares Britain today to Britain in the 1930s in the run-up to World War II, with a dictator in Europe and a shortage of arms.

NATO Prepares for All-out War with Russia | Jamie Shea

Jan 19, 2024 | “We're past the point where Nato taking steps to defend itself is going to be a contributory factor to war.” “Nato’s preparations for defence has started”, as Nato official Rob Bauer warns that civilians must prepare for all-out war with Russia in the next 20 years, explains Jamie Shea.

Michael Lambert: Sunak Gambles All on Stopping the Boats

Jan 20, 2024 | Watching the UK news from afar, it seems that the two biggest stories in the UK this week have been Prince William visiting Kate in hospital and the ever more desperate attempts of Rishi Sunak to get re-elected by continuing with his Rwanda policy for dealing with the #smallboats, which continue to cross the Channel.

In an ever desperate attempt to woo voters, Sunak seems prepared to offer tax cuts at a time when all public services are clearly suffering from shortages of cash, and to continue to do everything possible to make it even more difficult for anyone to come and work in the UK, thereby making it even more likely that there will be further labour shortages in the future.

Boris Johnson Says Trump Back in White House Is ‘What the World Needs’

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Ex-PM backs disgraced former US president ahead of election, saying he ‘won’t ditch the Ukrainians’
Boris Johnson with Donald Trump at a Nato summit in 2019. Photograph: Peter Nicholls/AFP/Getty Images

Boris Johnson has backed Donald Trump ahead of November’s US presidential election, saying his return to the White House could be “just what the world needs”.

In his weekly Daily Mail column, the former prime minister argued that if Trump backs Ukraine in its war against Russia, his renewed leadership “can be a big win for the world”.

However, Trump has repeatedly cast doubt on continued US support for Kyiv if he is re-elected, while boasting about his relationship with Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Trump, who has also repeatedly been openly critical of Nato, previously claimed that he could end Russia’s war on Ukraine in 24 hours. » | Tom Ambrose and agency | Friday, January 19, 2024

Once a clown, always a clown! – © Mark Alexander

Friday, January 19, 2024

Die Shoah in den Ghettos | Doku HD | ARTE

Jan 19, 2024 | TW: Dieses Programm enthält Inhalte, die für Kinder, Jugendliche und empfindsame Zuschauer verstörend wirken können.

1938 zog Hermann Göring erstmals die Einrichtung sogenannter „jüdischer Wohnbezirke“ in Erwägung. Ein Jahr später wurden im besetzten Polen die ersten Ghettos errichtet. Der Dokumentarfilm erzählt die grausame Geschichte der Ghettos anhand der Aufzeichnungen ihrer Bewohner. Sie zeugen von einer menschlichen Tragödie, aber auch von unbezwingbarem Lebenswillen.

Zwischen 1939 und 1941 wurden in Polen mehr als 600 Ghettos errichtet, in Großstädten wie Warschau und Łódź, aber auch auf dem Land. Diese Vorzimmer des Todes wurden in den heruntergekommensten Vierteln angesiedelt, wo es weder Strom noch fließend Wasser gab. Unzählige Menschen starben an den Folgen von Hunger, Krankheit und Zwangsarbeit. Trotzdem versuchten die Ghettobewohner, ihr Überleben unter diesen extremen Bedingungen so gut wie möglich zu organisieren. Manche Ghettos hatten eine echte Verwaltungsstruktur mit Schulen, Krankenhäusern, Polizei, Feuerwehr und Kultureinrichtungen. Judenräte fungierten als Mittler zwischen Besatzern und Bevölkerung.

Die Juden im Ghetto versuchten, ein möglichst normales Leben zu führen und weiter an eine Zukunft zu glauben. 1941 war ein Wendepunkt. Nach dem Angriff der Nazis auf die Sowjetunion entstanden in den Ostgebieten weitere 600 Zwangssiedlungen. Die Ghettos wurden zu Sammellagern, in die auch Juden aus Deutschland und Österreich verbracht wurden.

Nachdem auf der Wannseekonferenz im Januar 1942 die „Endlösung der Judenfrage“ beschlossen wurde, deportierten die Nazis die Ghettobewohner systematisch in die Vernichtungslager Chelmno, Treblinka, Sobibor und Auschwitz, wo sie vergast wurden. Die wenigen Juden, die sie am Leben ließen, mussten Zwangsarbeit leisten.

Das Leben in den Ghettos wurde von den Juden selbst dokumentiert: in Tagebüchern, Chroniken und Berichten, die gerettet werden konnten und heute übersetzt und veröffentlicht sind. Diese Aufzeichnungen waren für die Menschen ein Mittel, den schrecklichen Alltag zu ertragen und der Nachwelt ein Zeugnis zu hinterlassen – ein bewegendes Zeugnis, das der Film aufgreift, um die grausame und aufwühlende Geschichte der Ghetto-Bewohner aus ihrem eigenen Blickwinkel zu erzählen.

Dokumentarfilm von Barbara Necek (F 2023, 97 Min)
Video verfügbar bis zum 27/08/2024

UFC's Sean Strickland & JP Morgan Chase's Jamie Dimon Prove MAGA Must Be Stopped | The Warning

Jan 19, 2024 | Steve Schmidt reacts to recent comments made by UFC's middleweight champion Sean Strickland & JP Morgan Chase's CEO Jamie Dimon. Steve says both comments show examples about how the MAGA movement in this country is growing, not dying, and must be stopped.


Massachusetts Senate Unanimously Passes Bill to Repeal Sodomy Ban & Anti-trans Laws

LGBTQ NATION: While other states are attacking LGBTQ+ rights, Massachusetts is supporting equality.

While many state legislatures across the country are scrambling to pass anti-LGBTQ+ legislation this year, Massachusetts is going in the other direction.

The state’s senate passed a bill yesterday — unanimously, as in, even the chamber’s Republicans voted for it — that repeals the state’s ban on gay sex as well as a law known as the “walking while trans” law. » | Alex Bollinger | Friday, January 19, 2024

The USA is rapidly falling into darkness. Fortunately, there are a few spots where enlightened ideas flood out the darkness. Massachusetts is one of those places. That is where my late partner and I had a home. Boston, for example, is a wonderful city; and its inhabitants reflect its liberal and enlightened status as a world class city. I have many happy memories of that great city; and fond memories of the friendly and enlightened people of Massachusetts I met. It is a great pity that more American cities and states don't follow Boston and Massachusetts' example of progress and emnlightenment. – © Mark Alexander

heute 19:00 Uhr vom 19.01.2024 Rechtsextremismus, Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht, Bundeshaushalt 2024

Jan 19, 2024 | Erneut gehen Tausende Menschen gegen Rechtsextremismus auf die Straße. Bundeskanzler Scholz dankt den Demonstranten für ihr Einstehen "gegen Rassismus". Diese und weitere Nachrichten des Tages in den ZDFheute Nachrichten um 19 Uhr.

Rishi Sunak Heckled by Member of the Public over State of NHS

Jan 19, 2024 | Rishi Sunak was challenged by a member of the public over the state of the NHS and his handling of strike action during a walkabout in Winchester today. A video clip played by Sky News at lunchtime showed Mr Sunak being grilled by a woman as he walked along a shopping street.

Sky News criticised by Tory MPs over edit of Sunak being challenged by member of the public: Sky News has been criticised by Conservative MPs over their edit of footage of Rishi Sunak being challenged by a member of the public. / A video clip played by Sky News at lunchtime showed the Prime Minister being grilled by a woman over the state of the NHS as he walked along a shopping street during a walkabout in Winchester. / The woman told Mr Sunak: “You could stop it all. You could make it go back to how it used to be where we had… where if you had a problem you could go to the hospital. My daughter spent seven hours waiting…” »

Rishi Sunak is an AWFUL prime minister. One of the worst prime ministers in my lifetime! He is totally and utterly clueless. He is like a head boy in a senior school. He has no idea about politics and he is totally out-of-touch with ordinary people. His incremental smoking ban is STUPID, UNDEMOCRATIC, TOTALLY UNWORKABLE and UNPOLICEABLE. It is to be hoped that it will fail, as it surely will.

How the Conservative Party tolerates Sunak’s incompetence is beyond my comprehension. The Party needs to get a grip before it goes the way of the dodo. Rishi Sunak is the last in a long line of failed Conservative leaders.

Were I to be Sunak, with all his money, I’d retire with despatch and be off to California to be with fellow crackpots. – © Mark Alexander

Briefe von Königin Victoria | Doku auf Deutsch

Jan 18, 2024 | Briefe von Königin Victoria - Dies ist die Geschichte von Königin Victoria, wie man sie noch nie zuvor gehört hat; ein psychologischer Einblick in die Frau, erzählt durch ihre eigenen Worte, ihre Erlebnisse, die ausschließlich durch ihre persönlichen Tagebücher und Briefe wiedergegeben werden. …

The Closed Country of Turkmenistan | #shorts

Its interesting, strange and weird laws.

‘It Might As Well Be Me’: Young Swedes Prepare for New Form of National Service

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Historically neutral Sweden prioritises civil defence amid concerns of preparing for possible war

Students at Anna Whitlocks in Stockholm who have been conscripted for military service as Sweden reintroduces form of national service Photograph: Miranda Bryant/The Guardian

When Hedda Johannesson, like most of her school year group, received a questionnaire to determine whether she would be conscripted for military service, she considered herself anti-war.

But, having passed the necessary intelligence, physical and psychological tests, the 18-year-old behavioural science student will soon spend 11 months learning about chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear warfare.

It’s been only a year and a half since Sweden submitted its Nato application, marking a sharp change in the historically neutral country’s approach to defence and international relations. But in recent weeks a looming sense of potential conflict has swept the country as citizens were warned to prepare themselves for the possibility of war. » | Miranda Bryant in Stockholm | Friday, January 19, 2024

North Korean Teens Get 12 Years’ Hard Labour for Watching South Korean Videos

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Footage shows two 16-year-olds being sentenced in front of hundreds of their peers in an amphitheatre

Video footage released by an organisation that works with North Korean defectors shows North Korean authorities publicly sentencing two teenagers to 12 years’ hard labour for watching South Korean videos.

The footage, which shows the two 16-year-olds in Pyongyang convicted of watching South Korean films and music videos, was released by the South and North Development Institute (Sand).

Reuters was unable to independently verify the footage, which was first reported by the BBC. (+ video) » | Reuters | Friday, January 19, 2024

The Lincoln Project: This Crowd Votes

Jan 19, 2024 | These people are voting in November, are you?

Netanyahu: 'Israeli Needs Security Control over All Territory West of the Jordan River' | DW News

Jan 19, 2024 | Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a televised news conference that Israel would not halt its offensive until it achieves its goals of destroying the Hamas militant group in Gaza. Netanyahu vowed to press on with the war in Gaza in the coming months. His comments came a day after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Israel would never have "genuine security" without a pathway toward Palestinian independence. "We obviously see it differently," White House national security spokesman John Kirby said Thursday, referring to Netanyahu's comments about pressing on with the war. At least 24,620 Palestinians, around 70% of whom are women, children, and adolescents, have died in Gaza, according to the latest Health Ministry figures in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. Hamas is classified as a terrorist organization by Israel, Germany, and the US, among others.

With Harsh Anti-L.G.B.T.Q. Law, Uganda Risks a Health Crisis

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The country had made great progress against H.I.V. Now terrified patients have fled clinics, and experts fear a resurgence.

For decades, Uganda’s campaign against H.I.V. was exemplary, slashing the country’s death rate by nearly 90 percent from 1990 to 2019. Now a sweeping law enacted last year, the Anti-Homosexuality Act, threatens to renew the epidemic as L.G.B.T.Q. citizens are denied, or are too afraid to seek out, necessary medical care.

The law criminalizes consensual sex between same-sex adults. It also requires all citizens to report anyone suspected of such activity, a mandate that makes no exceptions for health care providers tending to patients.

Under the law, merely having same-sex relationships while living with H.I.V. can incur a charge of “aggravated homosexuality,” which is punishable by death.

Anyone who “knowingly promotes homosexuality” — by hiring or housing an L.G.B.T.Q. person, or by not reporting one to the police — faces up to 20 years in jail. Scores of Ugandans have been evicted from homes and fired from jobs, according to interviews with lawyers and activists. » | Apoorva Mandavilli Photographs by Esther Ruth Mbabazi | Friday, January 19, 2024

JP Morgan Boss Receives Record Payout

THE TELEGRAPH: Jamie Dimon earns $36m as bank announces best profits of Wall Street’s Big Four

Jamie Dimon is the longest serving chief executive among the major investment banks CREDIT: CHRIS RATCLIFFE/POOL/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Wall Street giant JP Morgan paid its long-standing chief executive Jamie Dimon a record $36m (£28.4m) last year. The payout was a 4.3pc increase for Mr Dimon and comes after the bank reported $49.6bn (£39.1bn) of profits last Friday, well ahead of its peers. He was paid $34.5m in 2022.

Mr Dimon, 67, who is the longest serving chief executive among Wall Street’s Big Four banks, hailed the results – which come after JP Morgan shares rose 27pc during the year.

The bank’s board said: “The firm is in a fortunate position to be led by such a highly talented and experienced executive who continues to grow the company, maintain market leadership positions, strengthen the firm’s reputation, invest in opportunities for the future, promote diversity and best practices, manage risk and develop great leaders, while also maintaining his focus on the firm’s clients.”

Mr Dimon’s payout will be made up of a $1.5m base salary and a $34.5m bonus, most of which is paid in stock. » | Chris Price | Friday, January 19, 2024


British Gas boss Chris O'Shea: 'I can't justify my pay of £4.5m': The boss of British Gas owner Centrica has told the BBC his pay last year of £4.5m is "impossible to justify". »

Nato Warns of All-out War with Russia in Next 20 Years

THE TELEGRAPH: Top official urges civilians as well as governments to prepare for life-changing conflict and potential conscription

Nato's military is ready, but civilians must also prepare for war, one of the alliance's top figures has said CREDIT: Staff Sgt Agustín Montañez

Civilians must prepare for all-out war with Russia in the next 20 years, a top Nato military official has warned.

While armed forces are primed for the outbreak of war, private citizens need to be ready for a conflict that would require wholesale change in their lives, Adml Rob Bauer said on Thursday.

Large numbers of civilians will need to be mobilised in case of the outbreak of war and governments should put in place systems to manage the process, Adml Bauer told reporters after a meeting of Nato defence chiefs in Brussels.

“We have to realise it’s not a given that we are in peace. And that’s why we [Nato forces] are preparing for a conflict with Russia.

“But the discussion is much wider. It is also the industrial base and also the people that have to understand they play a role.” » | Joe Barnes and Matt Oliver | Thursday, January 18, 2024

Tobacco Giant Threatened Sunak with Legal Action over Smoking Bill

THE TELEGRAPH: Philip Morris attempted to delay Tory plans to phase out smoking, but then changed course after amendments to government consultation

Rishi Sunak hopes to pass legislation which would raise the age at which people can buy tobacco products CREDIT: CARL COURT/GETTY

Tobacco giant Philip Morris threatened legal action in an attempt to block Rishi Sunak’s plans to phase out smoking. A parliamentary vote is due to take place next month about landmark legislation which would raise the age at which people can buy tobacco products – currently 18 – by a year, every year.

Health officials feared that the legal threat over the matter could have ended up in the High Court, causing lengthy delays before any laws could be passed.
» | Laura Donnelly, Health Editor and Robert Mendick, Chief Reporter |Thursday, January 18, 2024

This law should never be passed. It is undemocratic and stupid. If the worst a young person does in life is smoke a few cigarettes, he'll be doing pretty well. Young people these days, I am told, are more likely to snort cocaine than light up! So does this silly man think that we will be living in a health utopia if all people stop smoking cigarettes? If he does, the man is very naïve.

In an age in which Western countries are busy relaxing laws on marijuana and cannabis, it seems rather asinine to try and pass legislation for something relatively far less harmful than drugs. It happens to be a fact that cigarette smoking does not cause lung cancer in all smokers. In fact, it DOES NOT cause lunhg cancer in more than 5 - 10% of smokers. This study suggests the reason why this might be so.

Discourage smoking by all means, but don't take a person's right to smoke away from him/her. What will be next? The right to enjoy a drink of alcohol? If this man is allowed to remain in power, it shouldn't surprise us. The man ios a non-smoking teetotaller. It is time for him to retire to California. They like people like that over there. Unfortunately, Keir Starmer is no better. – © Mark Alexander

Thursday, January 18, 2024

BBQ & Bridges: A Kosher Conversation with Rudy Rochman | Dinner with Ish | Eps 204

Premiered Sept 14, 2023 | Ismail, known to many simply as Ish, is in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, at none other than Izzy’s Smokehouse in conversation with Rudy Rochman.

Steve Schmidt Explains How Joe Biden Must Go On the Attack against Donald Trump | The Warning

Jan 18, 2024 | Steve Schmidt breaks down how the race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump will play out, calls out mistakes the Biden team is making, and lays out the threat of Donald Trump winning the election in 2024.

Why Is Germany’s Far-right AfD Party So Successful? | DW News

Jan 18, 2024 | Thousands turned out for a fourth night of protests against the far-right Alternative for Germany. The demonstrations were triggered by word that party members discussed a plan to deport millions of foreigners and Germans with a migration background.

Schlagabtausch im Bundestag: „AfD will Menschen aus der Mitte unseres Landes vertreiben“

Jan 18, 2024 | Der Bundestag debattiert zum Geheimtreffen Rechtsextremer, bei dem es um die massenhafte Abschiebung von Migranten aus Deutschland gegangen sein soll. Die AfD weist die Vorwürfe zurück und bekräftigt unterdessen die Forderungen nach Abschiebungen. © AFP, DPA

The Lincoln Project: Cognitively Better

Jan 18, 2024 | The only way Trump can prove he is ‘cognitively better’ is if he ditches the 2024 election. No one in their right mind thinks this man is mentally fit for office.

Armageddon: Doomsday Clock to Be Set in Chicago | BBC News

Jan 18, 2024 | For nearly 80 years scientists have indicated how close the world is to global catastrophe using the ‘Doomsday Clock’.

The idea began to warn humanity behind the dangers of nuclear war with midnight marking the theoretical point of annihilation.

Scientists hope it will alert the public and pressure leaders to make the world a safer place. In 2023, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, based in Chicago, Illinois, set the hands at 90 seconds to midnight, largely because of the war in Ukraine. Now it will meet to decide where to set the hands of the clock for 2024.

Russische Kriegsgegner in der Schweiz – Widerstand gegen die Wehrpflicht | Reporter | SRF

Jan 17, 2024 | Seit Beginn des russischen Angriffskrieges haben 900‘000 Menschen Russland verlassen. Einige hundert haben in der Schweiz Asyl beantragt. «Reporter» hat vier Wehrdienstverweigerer aus Russland begleitet, die in der Schweiz Schutz und ein neues Zuhause suchen.

Vor Rotem Rathaus in Berlin: Tausende demonstrieren gegen Rechtsextremismus

Jan 18, 2024 | Auslöser war ein Bericht der Recherche-Plattform „Correctiv“ über ein geheimes Treffen von Rechtsextremen und AfD-Parteimitgliedern. Dabei soll es unter anderem um Pläne für eine massenhafte Vertreibung von Menschen mit Zuwanderungsgeschichte gegangen sein. © REUTERS, IMAGO

Haberman Details Her Recent Phone Call with Donald Trump

Jan 18, 2024 | New York Times reporter and CNN political analyst Maggie Haberman speaks with Gayle King and Charles Barkley about her experience covering former President Donald Trump.

The Lincoln Project: Rick Talks 'God Made A Dictator'

Jan 18, 2024 | Rick Wilson and the Lincoln Project thank everyone for the overwhelmingly positive reception of our latest ad, 'God Made A Dictator'. We needed to point out the hypocrisy of Trump and the MAGA movement. Listen to Rick answer your questions and tell us what's next for the ad

Le Pakistan annonce avoir frappé en Iran et tué « des terroristes »

LE MONDE : Au moins neuf personnes, toutes de nationalité pakistanaises, ont été tuées jeudi dans le sud-est de l’Iran par des frappes de missiles menées par le Pakistan et dénoncées par l’Iran, ont rapporté des médias officiels.

Le Pakistan a annoncé, jeudi 18 janvier, avoir mené dans la nuit des « frappes contre des caches terroristes » en Iran, deux jours après une attaque iranienne sur son territoire ayant tué deux enfants.

« Ce matin, le Pakistan a mené une série de frappes de précision, hautement coordonnées et spécifiquement ciblées, contre des caches terroristes dans la province du Sistan-et-Baloutchistan », dans le sud-est de l’Iran, a annoncé dans un communiqué le ministère des affaires étrangères pakistanais. « La mesure (…) a été prise au vu de renseignements crédibles sur d’imminentes activités terroristes à une large échelle », a justifié le ministère, affirmant qu’un « certain nombre de terroristes » avaient été tués. » | Le Monde avec AFP | jeudi 18 janvier 2024

Germany, Once a Powerhouse, Is at an Economic ‘Standstill’

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The economy shrank last year and is not predicted to grow much in 2024. Farmers are angry, industrial output is falling and the government is bickering.

Germany started the year with Berlin’s streets choked with tractors and farmers blaring horns in furious protest of proposed budget cuts. Then train engineers walked off the job to demand better pay, stranding commuters and carloads of freight and leaving the country angry and gridlocked.

The same could be said for the state of the German economy. Last year it contracted 0.3 percent, official figures showed this week, making it not only the largest economy but also the slowest growing among the 20 countries using the euro. Industrial production has fallen five months in a row.

“The economy is at a standstill in Germany,” said Siegfried Russwurm, the president of the Federation of German Industries. “We don’t see any chance of a rapid recovery in 2024.”

Since it was rebuilt after World War II, Germany has been Europe’s main driver of economic growth, becoming an industrial powerhouse known for vast factories and fine-tuned engineering.

But now its automakers must compete with relatively cheap electric cars from China, and it vies with the United States to attract tech giants. There is a growing realization that Germany has not been successful updating its industry with sufficient flexibility and digital know-how to remain competitive. » | Melissa Eddy, Reporting from Berlin | Thursday, January 18, 2024

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Trump Shares Disturbing New Video Proclaiming 'God Gave Us Trump'

Jan 8, 2024 | Donald Trump is leaning into the fact that an absurd number of Republicans believe he was anointed by God, and he shared a video this past week that proudly declared "God gave us Trump." Trump is trying to shore up his support from the evangelical community, which will be harder this time around because he doesn't have the uber-religious Mike Pence as his running mate. Farron Cousins discusses this creepy new video.

Related videos here and here.

Suella Braverman Launches Scathing Attack on Rishi Sunak over Rwanda Bill

Jan 17, 2024 | Suella Braverman launched a scathing attack against the ECHR from the backbenches as she warned British patience is stretched thin.

Moskau bezeichnet Friedensgespräche in Davos als „sinnlos und schädlich“


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Russland kritisiert Selenskyjs Auftritt beim Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos. Ohne Russland könne kein Frieden ausgehandelt werden, betont Moskau – und beschießt weiter die Ukraine. Der Überblick.

Russland hat mit scharfer Kritik auf die Gespräche über eine Friedenslösung in der Ukraine beim Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos reagiert. Ohne russische Beteiligung seien solche Verhandlungen „sinnlos und schädlich“, sagte die Sprecherin des russischen Außenministeriums Maria Sacharowa am Dienstag in Moskau. „Die „Friedensprinzipien für die Ukraine“, welche die Organisatoren herauszuarbeiten versuchen, sind a priori nicht lebensfähig, weil sie auf der absurden und inakzeptablen „Formel (Wolodymyr) Selenskyjs“ basieren.“ Die Formel des ukrainischen Präsidenten enthalte zudem noch ein Verbot für Friedensverhandlungen mit Russland, klagte sie.

Selenskyj hatte den Rückzug russischer Truppen aus der Ukraine gefordert, die Bestrafung der für den Krieg Verantwortlichen und russische Reparationszahlungen. Dies sei realitätsfern, sagte Sacharowa. » | Quelle: dpa | Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2024

Wiederbewaffnung à la Macron


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Schuluniform, Nationalhymne, mehr Kinder und mehr Marschflugkörper für die Ukraine: Mit zahlreichen konservativen Maßnahmen will Präsident Macron ein „starkes Frankreich“ schaffen.

Die „Wiederbewaffnung“ ist das Lieblingswort des französischen Präsidenten. Zum Ende seiner mehr als zweistündigen Pressekonferenz im Elysée-Palast machte Emmanuel Macron klar, dass er nicht nur die französische Gesellschaft wehrhafter machen will. „Die russische Aggression gegen die Ukraine ist zweifellos die größte Bedrohung für Frankreich“, sagte Macron. Er kündigte die Lieferung von 40 weiteren Marschflugkörpern vom Typ SCALP an. Die vom europäischen Raketenkonsortium MBDA gebauten Raketen werden von der Ukraine bereits erfolgreich hinter den Frontlinien gegen russische Ziele eingesetzt, während die Bundesregierung zögert, die vergleichbaren Taurus-Marschflugkörper mit noch größerer Reichweite zu liefern.

Macron kündigte an, dass er im Februar nach Kiew reisen werde, um ein bilaterales Sicherheitsabkommen mit der Ukraine zu unterzeichnen. Alle G-7-Länder haben sich dazu verpflichtet, für Großbritannien hat der britische Premierminister Rishi Sunak seine Unterschrift bereits unter eine entsprechende Sicherheitsgarantie gesetzt. Macron sagte am Dienstagabend in Paris, dass Frankreich der Ukraine auch Hunderte Bomben liefern werde, ohne konkreter zu werden. Zudem soll die Produktion der Caesar-Haubitzen weiter hochgefahren werden, die bei den ukrainischen Truppen sehr beliebt sind. Die Haubitzen werden auf einem Allrad-Lkw montiert und sind beweglicher als die deutschen Panzerhaubitzen 2000. „Wir können Putin nicht erlauben, dass er siegt. Die Sicherheit Europas wäre dann kompromittiert“, warnte Macron. » | Von Michaela Wiegel, Paris | Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2024

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17/01/24 – Bitterly Cold for the Next Few Days – Evening Weather Forecast UK – Met Office Weather

Jan 17, 2024 | Bitterly cold for the next few days, very low temperatures by night, snow in northern and western Scotland, chances of snow in western coast of Wales and England and eastern coast of England- This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the evening of 17/01/24. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Clare Nasir

Dimitra’s Dishes: Hearty Chicken Chili Soup

Jan 17, 2024

Get the recipe here.

Steve Schmidt Explains Why Low Voter Turnout Is a Win for Donald Trump | The Warning

Jan 17, 2024 | Steve Schmidt reacts to the low voter turnout in Iowa and why it is a good sign for Donald Trump's election chances over Joe Biden.

Steve Schmidt & David Rothkopf on How Trump Would Take Over the Government | The Warning Podcast

Jan 17, 2024 | n an conversation on the Warning Podcast, David Rothkopf joins Steve Schmidt to discuss Trump's plan to take over the government if he defeats President Biden in 2024.

Maestro | Official Trailers | Netflix

Oct 25, 2023 | From Director Bradley Cooper, Maestro is the towering and fearless love story chronicling the lifelong relationship between cultural icon Leonard Bernstein and Felicia Montealegre Cohn Bernstein. A love letter to life and art, Maestro, at its core, is an emotionally epic portrayal of family and love. Starring Academy Award Nominee Carey Mulligan and Academy Award Nominee Bradley Cooper, don't miss MAESTRO. MAESTRO | Written by Bradley Cooper and Josh Singer.

Netflix: Maestro »

Princess of Wales Is in London Hospital for Abdominal Surgery

THE GUARDIAN: Future queen will stay in hospital for 10 to 14 days after successful procedure and return to duties after Easter

The Princess of Wales said she hoped the public would ‘understand her wish that her personal medical information remains private’. Photograph: Aaron Chown/PA

The Princess of Wales is being treated in hospital after undergoing successful abdominal surgery and is expected to remain there for up to two weeks, Kensington Palace has said.

Catherine, 42, was admitted to the London Clinic on Tuesday for the planned procedure, with no further details being given. The palace said she wished her medical information to remain private.

She is expected to stay at the private hospital for 10 to 14 days before returning home to continue her recovery, and is not expected to resume public duties until after Easter based on current medical advice, the palace said.

In a statement, it said: “The Princess of Wales appreciates the interest this statement will generate. She hopes that the public will understand her desire to maintain as much normality for her children as possible, and her wish that her personal medical information remains private. » | Caroline Davies | Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Kate Middleton hospitalisée : son état est jugé «grave», selon la presse britannique : La princesse de Galles a été hospitalisée le mardi 16 janvier à la London Clinic de Marylebone. Selon le Daily Mail, il ne s’agirait pas d’un cancer. »

Princess of Wales to spend two weeks in London hospital for ‘palnned abdominal surgery’ and King Charles also to be admitted to hospital for an enlarged prostate»

King Charles to Be Treated in Hospital for Enlarged Prostate

THE GUARDIAN: Palace says monarch’s condition is benign and he will attend hospital next week

King Charles is to attend hospital for treatment of an enlarged prostate, Buckingham Palace has announced.

Buckingham Palace said: “In common with thousands of men each year, the king has sought treatment for an enlarged prostate.

“His Majesty’s condition is benign and he will attend hospital next week for a corrective procedure. The king’s public engagements will be postponed for a short period of recuperation.”

It is understood that the king was keen to share the details of his diagnosis to encourage other men who may be experiencing symptoms to get checked in line with public health advice. » | Caroline Davies | Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Britischer König Charles III. muss ins Krankenhaus : Der britische König soll wegen einer „gutartigen“ Hypertrophie der Prostata in der kommenden Woche operiert werden. Auch Prinz Williams Frau Kate liegt nach einer geplanten Operation im Krankenhaus. »

The ‘Five Families’: Why Sunak’s Conservatives Have Splintered Into Factions

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The biggest challenge to Britain’s prime minister comes from his own divided party, which is triggering resignations and a mutiny over immigration.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak leads a Conservative Party that is splintered into multiple rivalrous factions, with some lawmakers seemingly more intent on plotting their own futures than on uniting the party for a coming election against the opposition Labour Party. | Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of Britain faces a litany of woes, from a double-digit deficit in the polls to a grinding cost-of-living crisis. But this week, his biggest source of agita comes from the “five families,” a loose coalition of right-wing factions in his Conservative Party that is threatening, yet again, to torpedo his asylum policy.

That these Tory potential rebels would style themselves after the five organized crime families that once ruled over the rackets in New York City attests to both the enduring appeal of mob movies like “The Godfather,” and the lawmakers’ own self-image as political tough guys. It’s also more than a little double-edged: Most of the leaders of the real five families wound up dead or in prison.

Still, the five-families label has stuck, and this week, the rebels are back with a sequel to their noisy campaign last month to force Mr. Sunak to harden legislation that would deport to Rwanda asylum seekers who arrived on the British coast in small boats. As in December, there have been late-night meetings, hastily arranged media briefings, defiant social-media posts, and offers to Mr. Sunak that he can’t refuse. » | Mark Landler and Stephen Castle | Reporting from London | Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Chris Brown : Forever | Official HD Video | Reupload

Oct 25, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 339,113,162

‘My Mouth Was Going towards His Mouth’: Why Famous Men Are Kissing at Awards Ceremonies

THE GUARDIAN: From Mark Ruffalo to Robert Downey Jr, men are expressing platonic affection in ways their forebears wouldn’t have dreamed of

Matty Matheson and Ebon Moss-Bachrach kissing at the Golden Globes ceremony last week. Photograph: Mario Anzuoni/Reuters

And the winner is … platonic male intimacy! Maybe everyone is just a bit overexcited this early in the awards season, or maybe we’re witnessing a seismic shift in male social intimacy, but there has been an outbreak of men kissing each other this year. Enjoy it before the inevitable backlash kicks in.

Where did it start? Perhaps at the Golden Globes ceremony last week, where co-stars Ramy Youssef and Mark Ruffalo were seemingly so thrilled that Poor Things won best film for musical or comedy, they forcefully kissed on the lips. “Well, my mouth was going towards his mouth …” said Youssef afterwards. “And then the next thing, mine went to his,” added Ruffalo – which goes to show how novel the concept of just kissing another dude is to some men. » | Steve Rose | Tuesday, January 16, 2024

I tried a ‘man-icure’ – now I’m hard as nails: With celebrities like Jason Donovan rocking varnished digits, I venture to a London salon to see if painted nails just might be a guy thing »

Tax Our Wealth, Super-rich Tell Politicians at Davos

THE GUARDIAN: Abigail Disney, Brian Cox and Valerie Rockefeller among signatories of open letter condemning inequality

Left to right: Brian Cox as Logan Roy, Abigail Disney and Valerie Rockefeller Photograph: various

More than 250 billionaires and millionaires are demanding that the political elite meeting for the World Economic Forum in Davos introduce wealth taxes to help pay for better public services around the world.

“Our request is simple: we ask you to tax us, the very richest in society,” the wealthy people said in an open letter to world leaders. “This will not fundamentally alter our standard of living, nor deprive our children, nor harm our nations’ economic growth. But it will turn extreme and unproductive private wealth into an investment for our common democratic future.”

The rich signatories from 17 countries include Disney heir Abigail Disney; Brian Cox who played fictional billionaire Logan Roy in Succession; actor and screenwriter Simon Pegg; and Valerie Rockefeller , an heir to the US dynasty.

“We are also the people who benefit most from the status quo,” they said in a letter titled Proud to Pay, which they will attempt to deliver to world leaders gathered in Davos in Switzerland on Wednesday. “But inequality has reached a tipping point, and its cost to our economic, societal and ecological stability risk is severe – and growing every day. In short, we need action now.” » | Rupert Neate, Wealth correspondent | Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Disturbed Trump Posts INSANE VIDEO Claiming He Was Created by God for America!

Jan 8, 2024 | Jesse talks about an absolute cringe video posted by Donald Trump on Truth Social that was created for his campaign by violent weirdo Brenden Dilley, who was talked about in a video last week.

BEWARE! This video contains some VERY STRONG LANGUAGE. It is BIZARRE. To say that Trump was created by God to save America is as absurd as it is stupid. That such things are being stated shows us the state of American political discourse.

Of course Trump is not God’s chosen one to save America. But if that were truly the case, then God wouldn’t be worth worshipping!

America is clearly going down the tubes. America’s hegemony must surely be coming to an end. Sad! This is like watching the fall of the Roman Empire! – © Mark Alexander

Wild Video Claims God Made Donald Trump

Jan 8, 2024 | Donald Trump has left America bewildered after he shared a fan-made video claiming he was sent by God to run the United States...

Bernie Sanders: Children Are Starving to Death in Gaza

Jan 14, 2024 | What’s going on in Gaza right now is a humanitarian catastrophe. Children in Gaza are starving to death. More than 23,000 people in Gaza have been killed and more than 85% of the population displaced. Congress must take action.


Senate votes against Sanders resolution to force human rights scrutiny over Israel aid: Senator’s bid to make US military support conditional on whether Israel is violating human rights in Gaza fails by 72 votes to 11 »

Dimitra’s Dishes: Creamy Chicken & White Bean Soup

Jan 12, 2024

Get the full recipe here.

The Lincoln Project: God Made a Dictator

Jan 16, 2024 | God said “I need a man who failed in everything but theft and broken promises to live in a golden palace and convince the poor he serves their needs.” So God made Trump.

God Bless America: How the US Is Obsessed with Religion | ENDEVR Documentary

Jan23, 2024 | Despite being an officially secular country, religion is everywhere in the United States. 70% of Americans are Christians and the majority of them voted for Trump. Evangelicals mobilized in their masses to get Donald Trump elected and they similarly geared up to do the same in the most recent election. Evangelicals have even created their own Bible-themed attractions, boldly rewriting the science books to educate their children. In Kentucky, an actual-size Noah’s ark has been built along with a museum that supports the theory that the universe was created in just six days. In this documentary, we dive into the religious world inside the United States.

The USA is falling into darkness! And whatever happens in the USA, it isn’t long before the rest of the West catches up; so, the rest of the Occident will soon be on the same trajectory.

The version of Christianity of these fundamentalists bears no resemblance to the Christianity I was raised in. I was raised in the Anglican tradition. In Anglicanism, there are plenty of myths and tall stories too; but they are generally either overlooked or considered to be symbolic. They are not taken literally. These fundamentalist Christians in the US, however, are clearly incapable of sifting fact from fiction. Sad! Little wonder the USA is in the mess it is. No wonder these people are hoodwinked by, and taken in by, Trump.

It wouldn’t be so bad if Trump’s re-election just impacted and messed up the States. Alas, it won’t end there. The re-election of Trump is highly likely to mess up the West in toto. Let us all hope that America comes to its senses before that. – © Mark Alexander

Russians Are Freezing! | In January 2024 the Utility Industry Is Collapsing

Jan 16, 2024 | 2 years after the start of the invasion of Ukraine, Russia starts collapsing. The utilities industry fails the first.

Those who wish to support Konstantin can do so on Patreon here.

Argentina: A Journey into Discord | Documentary

Jan 16, 2024 | The resounding victory of populist candidate Javier Milei as President of Argentina on 19 November, with almost 56% of the vote, is a worry for many in Argentina and abroad. After Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro, another country is tilting towards extremism. Public sector employees, including railway workers are especially concerned as large-scale privatisation is planned.

Top Psychiatrist Doesn't Hold Back on Trump's Spiralling Mental State

Jan 16, 2024 | Donald Trump just publicly thanked notorious mob Assassin Sammy Gravano in a Truth Social post. This is on the heels of his legal team arguing that he could order a hit on a political enemy and escape prosecution unless he was first impeached. Ken Harbaugh discusses the Duty to Warn principle with psychiatrist Bandy Lee, who edited the 2017 book The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, in which she and 37 other mental health professionals deemed Trump’s mental state to be a clear and present danger to the country.

Shocking! Trump Urges Iowa Caucus to Vote for Fascism

Jan 15, 2024 | Donald Trump offered chilling closing remarks to the Iowa Caucus… Vote for him so he can punish his enemies… enemies like you!

That's all we'll hear in the coming months is Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump Trump, Trump, Trump... We'll hear that name until it is coming out of our bloody earholes! Zum Kotzen! – © Mark Alexander

The Struggle with ‘Husband’ in Gay Marriages

Jan 16, 2024 | Bill and Roy talk about the fact that although gay marriage is now legal, many gay couples still find it odd to refer to each other as husbands.

The Lincoln Project: Trump Wins Iowa

Jan 16, 2024 | The Iowa Caucuses were today, but the primary ended long ago. Trump has won the Republican Party.

It is very clear what this tells us about Republicans and the Republican Party.

Champagne corks will be popping all over the place in Russia and China right now. A Trump victory in the presidential election will be a gift for Vladimir Putin and for Xi Jinping.

A Trump win in the presidential election will be the harbinger of the loss of American hegemony. Goodbye West; hello East. – © Mark Alexander

Steve Schmidt Reacts to Donald Trump's Victory in Iowa on Scripps News | The Warning

Jan 16, 2024 | Steve Schmidt appears on Scripps News to react to Donald Trump's victory in the Iowa caucus and breaks down what it means for the 2024 election vs. Joe Biden.

Voters Look Past Legal Problems to Give Trump a Big Victory: The possibility of a two-person race remains elusive for Trump foes, who fear a split field will ease his path to the nomination. »

Unification with South Korea No Longer Possible, Says Kim Jong-un

THE GUARDIAN: In a speech, the North Korean leader has called for constitutional change to identify the south as ‘number one hostile state’

In this photo provided by the North Korean government, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un speaks at the Supreme People’s Assembly in Pyongyang, North Korea on Monday. Photograph: 朝鮮通信社/AP

North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, has called for a change to the constitution to identify South Korea as the “number one hostile state”, ending the regime’s commitment to unifying the Korean peninsula.

In a speech to the supreme people’s assembly – North Korea’s rubber-stamp parliament – Kim said he no longer believed unification was possible and accused the South of attempting to foment regime change and promote unification by stealth.

In another sign of quickly deteriorating ties between the two Koreas, which ended their 1950-53 war with a truce but not a peace treaty – Kim said: “We don’t want war, but we have no intention of avoiding it.” » | Justin McCurry in Tokyo and agencies | Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Monday, January 15, 2024

Erster Arbeitstag für König Frederik von Dänemark

Jan 15, 2024 | In Begleitung seiner Familie ist der frisch gekrönte Monarch im Folketing zu Gast. Ministerpräsidentin Mette Frederiksen hat dort seine Bekanntmachung zur Abdankung seiner Mutter verlesen. © REUTERS, DPA

How Loneliness Is Killing Us, According to a Harvard Professor | Robert Waldinger

Jan 12, 2024 | 60% of people feel disconnected. Harvard professor Robert Waldinger addresses the science behind humanity’s loneliness epidemic and suggests ways to solve it.

talien: „Call Me By Your Name“ - Das Erwachen der Sinnlichkeit | Stadt Land Kunst | ARTE

Jan 15, 2-24 | Warme Sommertage, feuchte Haut, ein kühles Bad im Fluss – Luca Guadagninos Film „Call me by your name“ aus dem Jahr 2017 erzählt vom Erwachen der Sinnlichkeit. Der 17-jährige Elio verbringt seine Ferien in der Familienvilla auf dem Land. Dort lernt er den attraktiven Oliver aus Amerika kennen. In der idyllischen Natur der Lombardei entbrennen Liebe und Verlangen. Ein leidenschaftliches Verhältnis entsteht, das die jungen Männer für immer prägt.

Strangers In The Night | Remastered 2008 | Reupload

Dec 12, 2018 | Views on YouTube: 16,313,254 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Eagles: Hotel California | Remastered | Reupload

Nov 1, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Rhino/Elektra

Texas: Growing Up Gay | Coming Out Experience

Wolf Beene, a gay man from Texas shares his incredible life experience as a gay man.

Ina Garten's 5-Star Lentil Vegetable Soup | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Jan 15, 2024

Get the recipe here.

Die zukünftige dänische Königin | Dänisches Königshaus

Jan 15, 2024 | Die zukünftige dänische Königin - Ein offenherziges Porträt der 32-jährigen Mary Donaldson.

Die zukünftige dänische Königin (2004)
Regisseur: Jakob Jørgensen
Genre: Dokumentarfilm, Biographie
Land: Dänemark
Sprache: Deutsch

Ein offenherziges Porträt der 32-jährigen Mary Donaldson, die im Mai 2004 Seine Königliche Hoheit, Kronprinz Frederik von Dänemark, heiratet - und damit Mitglied einer der ältesten Monarchien der Welt wird.

Mary Donaldson nimmt uns mit nach Australien und in ihre Heimat Tasmanien, wo sie über ihren kulturellen Hintergrund und ihre Erziehung spricht - und darüber, dass sie sich in einen Thronfolger verliebt hat. Die Sendung begleitet Mary Donaldson auch bei ihren Vorbereitungen, eine "echte Prinzessin" zu werden.

Trump’s Prison Nightmare Explodes in 2024: Ari Melber on 4 Trump Trials & Potential Convictions

Jan 15, 2024 | MSNBC's Ari Melber spotlights Donald Trump's looming trials and their position within history. "Can our system and our society act to ensure that literally no one is above the law?" Melber asks viewers.

Steve Schmidt Explains the Disgrace of Donald Trump’s Political Rhetoric on MLK Day | The Warning

Jan 15, 2024 | With Martin Luther King day and the Iowa caucuses falling on the same day, Steve Schmidt breaks down the national disgrace that is Donald Trump being the frontrunner for the Republican party in 2024.

Peter Hitchens: Britain Is No Longer a Great Power

Jan 15, 2024 | “British politicians seem to think that we’re still the great power, when we’re not.” Peter Hitchens discusses UK strikes on Houthi rebels in Yemen and the Conservative Party’s electoral prospects on TimesRadio.

Trump's 'Miracle Covid Cure' Linked to 17,000 Deaths

Jan 15, 2024 | The drug that Donald Trump touted while president as a "miracle Covid cure" has now been linked to roughly 17,000 deaths, according to a new international study. Hydroxychloroquine is an anti-malarial drug, but it was pumped up by the Trump administration as a potential cure for Covid, even though the science even at that time wasn't finding any level of success. Nevertheless, the anti-science crowd fell in line and promoted it, and now thousands of people are dead. Farron Cousins explains what happened.

Dangerous Subzero Wind Chills Blanket Much of the U.S.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: More than 100 million people were under a wind chill warning or advisory on Sunday as an “Arctic blast” blanketed the country. Two people were killed in Oregon after trees fell on their homes.

Attendees headed to a rally for former President Donald J. Trump in Indianola, Iowa, on Sunday, the eve of the Iowa caucuses. Wind chill readings in the state have been well below zero. | Haiyun Jiang for The New York Times

More than 100 million people in the United States were under a wind chill warning or advisory on Sunday as an “Arctic blast” enveloped huge parts of the country, while the South was expected to get snow and the Northeast braced for blinding wind-driven squalls, forecasters said.

The National Weather Service reported wind chill readings on Sunday of 19 degrees below zero in Arkansas, 9 degrees below zero in Dallas and 60 degrees below zero in Montana. Rapid City, S.D., reached its previous record low of 23 degrees below zero, forecasters said. Low temperatures are expected to grip most of the country through the middle of the week.

“These wind chills will pose a risk of frostbite on exposed skin and hypothermia,” the Weather Service said. “Have a cold survival kit if you must travel.”

The extreme weather has proved to be dangerous in other ways. Strong winds knocked a tree onto a home in northwest Lake Oswego, Ore., on Saturday morning, killing a man inside, said Sgt. Tom Harper, of the Lake Oswego Police Department. More than 100 trees fell in the area over the weekend, he said. » | Anastasia Marks, Aimee Ortiz and Rebecca Carballo | Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Ne-Yo - One In A Million | Official Music Video | Reupload

Sep 3, 2010 | Views on YouTube: 336,130,429

Ein schwuler Kuß, um die Stunden der Homophoben zu versüßen.

Es gibt keine Liebe wie schwule Liebe!

Für dieses schöne Foto bedankt man sich bei Pinterest.

Frederik X. ist neuer König von Dänemark

Jan 15, 2024 | Frederik X. ist neuer König von Dänemark. Seine Mutter Margrethe II. hat am Sonntag abgedankt – sie saß mehr als 50 Jahre auf dem dänischen Thron. Eine offizielle Krönung ist seit einer Verfassungsänderung im Jahr 1849 nicht mehr üblich.

King Frederik and Queen Mary Kiss in First Appearance as Monarchs

Jan 14, 2024 | King Frederik and Queen Mary were all smiles as they shared a surprise kiss on the balcony of Christiansborg Palace in their first historic appearance as monarchs. The monarchs were also joined by their children Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine on the balcony, where they waved to the crowd. On the first day of their reign, Mary and Frederik and the entire royal family will participate in the Danish Parliament’s formal celebration of the succession of the throne. The new King and Queen will also be marked spiritually in a celebratory church service at Aarhus Cathedral on Sunday.

The Lincoln Project: Mar-A-Lago Assisted Living

Jan 14, 2024

Danemark : le nouveau roi Frederik X et sa famille saluent les Danois en effervescence

Jan 14, 2024 | Frederik X est devenu dimanche roi du Danemark, succédant à sa mère la reine Margrethe qui a abdiqué après exactement 52 ans de règne, un événément célébré à Copenhague par une centaine de milliers de Danois.

King Frederik X Proclaimed by Prime Minister on Palace Balcony

Jan 14, 2024 | Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has proclaimed Frederik the new King of Denmark. Ms Frederiksen proclaimed the King three times from the balacony at Christiansborg Palace. It comes after Queen Margarethe abdicated the throne on New Year’s Eve. On the first day of their reign, Mary and Frederik and the entire royal family will participate in the Danish Parliament’s formal celebration of the succession of the throne. The new King and Queen will also be marked spiritually in a celebratory church service at Aarhus Cathedral on Sunday.