Thursday, November 09, 2023

Kristallnacht: Night of Broken Glass

Nov 20, 2015

Henryk Górecki: Symphony No. 3: Op. 36: II. Lento e Largo - Tranquillissimo »

November 9: A Day of Destiny? | Schicksalstag

Nov 8, 2023 | Why is November 9th such a significant date in Germany and what does it have to do with German democracy? In this History Story we explore the questions: Why did the Nazis choose November 9th, of all days, for marches, festivities - and for their first major violent attack on Jews, known internationally as "Kristallnacht" or "The Night of Broken Glass"? How did the date come to symbolize new beginnings, and freedom? And why is November 9th a day of mourning for so many people? The date, known in Germany as “Schicksalstag” or “Day of Destiny”, has been instrumentalized to overwrite history and decide the fates of German citizens.

We talk to historian and author Wolfgang Niess, who in his book "Der 9. November - Die Deutschen und ihr Schicksalstag", explains the background and historical context of this day. Israeli filmmaker Yael Reuveny shares the feelings and associations that November 9th evokes and how Jewish people feel living in Germany. For many years, Berlin was a refuge for Israelis dissatisfied with their home country's politics. However, since the October 7th multi-front terror attacks on Israel by the militant group Hamas and the ensuing Israeli bombardment of Gaza, Germany is experiencing a wave of antisemitic crimes. Although state policy upholds the protection of Jewish life, antisemitism is nonetheless deeply rooted, and on the rise.

German democracy - a fragile achievement. It's been fought for time and again in Germany. On November 9th, we are reminded of the need to remain vigilant in its defence.

Watch: Nikki Haley Calls Vivek Ramaswamy 'Scum' after Daughter Jibe

THE TELEGRAPH: 'Leave my daughter’s name out of your voice,' a furious Ms Haley retorted

Nikki Haley branded Vivek Ramaswamy “scum” after he criticised her for allowing her daughter to use TikTok in a fiery exchange at the third Republican debate.

Mr Ramaswamy, 38, accused Ms Haley, 51, of hypocrisy over her opposition to the Chinese-owned app “while her own daughter” was using it “for a long time”. “You might want to take care of your family first,” Mr Ramaswamy told her to loud jeers from the audience in Miami, Florida.

A furious Ms Haley retorted: “Leave my daughter’s name out of your voice.”

As Mr Ramaswamy continued to speak, Ms Haley shook her head and said: “You’re just scum.” » | Rozina Sabur, Deputy US Editor | Thursday, November 9, 2023

Tensions High as Germany Prepares to Mark 1938 Nazi Pogrom

A man places candles at a synagogue during a silent march from Cologne Cathedral to mark the eve of the commemoration of Kristallnacht. Photograph: Wolfgang Rattay/Reuters

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Eighty-five years after the ‘brutal prelude’ to state-sanctioned race hate, the emphasis falls on contemplating its influence on the present day

It has long been the most delicate day in the German calendar, 9 November. It brings a balancing act of remembrance for the state-sanctioned murderous devastation of the Nazi pogroms across the country in 1938, and, 51 years later, the overnight collapse of the most famous barrier in the world, the Berlin Wall.

Both had international repercussions which are still felt today. The former dominates the nation’s collective memory.

Marking the date has never been easy. For good reason 9 November was not chosen in 1990 as unified Germany’s national holiday.

Historians and commentators have long referred to it as Schicksalstag (day of fate), though that, say critics, suggests something done to the German nation, rather than something in which the people played a role and had a say.

“November 9 marks not only the brutal prelude to National Socialist crimes but reminds us that the persecution and attempted annihilation of European Jews began in full view, in town and city centres, under the gaze of neighbours, colleagues, friends, fellow players, whether from the orchestra or the sport club,” Petra Bahr, the protestant bishop of Hanover and a member of the German Ethics Council, wrote in a commentary for Die Zeit.

On Thursday, the 85th anniversary of what is sometimes referred to as Kristallnacht – the night of broken glass – the emphasis, especially in light of the outbreak of war in the Middle East, is not so much on remembering a historical event as on reflecting on its enduring influence on the present day.

Across Germany, on sites of destroyed synagogues as well as inside those that have been reconstructed in recent years, politicians, mayors and other Germans will gather with Jewish leaders for memorial ceremonies, speeches, concerts, candle-lit processions and readings. » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Thursday, November 8, 2023

Holocaust survivor George Shefi retraces escape 85 years on: A crowd of 50 or 60 people jeer as a Jewish shopkeeper tries to scrub antisemitic graffiti off the pavement. »

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Helmut Schmidt zur Einwanderungsfrage | #shorts

Der verstorbene Helmut Schmidt erklärt uns, was er darüber denkt.

The French and Anti-Semitism: Israel-Gaza War Stokes Surge in Threats against Jews • FRANCE 24

Nov 8, 2023 | A surge in anti-Semitic sentiment or do we just live in an age where bigots have a bigger bullhorn?Here is what we do know: reported acts of hate against French Jews have soared since the Middle East erupted a month ago.

Kapitalismus Made in USA - Reichtum als Kult (1/3) | Doku HD | ARTE

Nov 3, 2023 | Die USA waren schon vor 120 Jahren ein Paradies für Millionäre: Unternehmer wie John D. Rockefeller häuften ohne nennenswerte Steuerpflicht enorme Vermögen an. Gegen die Ausbeutung der Arbeiter bildete sich eine progressive Bewegung. Der Einfluss der Superreichen auf die Politik erschwerte jedoch soziale Fortschritte. Der Konflikt spitzte sich immer weiter zu.

Kapitalismus basierte auch in den USA von Anfang an auf individuellem Profit und unternehmerischer Freiheit. Ein Großteil des Reichtums ist in einem solchen System häufig nur unter wenigen Nutznießern aufgeteilt. Um zumindest etwas zu regulieren, wurden auch dort schließlich Aufsichtsgremien geschaffen, Monopole verboten und Reiche besteuert. Seit etwa 40 Jahren läuft der US-amerikanische Kapitalismus jedoch mehr und mehr aus dem Ruder. In sämtlichen Branchen haben sich sehr wohl Monopole herausgebildet, 722 Milliardäre und 22 Millionen Millionäre zahlen ganz legal weniger Steuern als ihre Angestellten. Die USA waren bereits vor 120 Jahren ein Paradies für Millionäre. Es gab keine gesetzlichen Regelungen, und so konnte John D. Rockefeller, der erste Milliardär der Weltgeschichte, völlig ungehindert ein Ölimperium aufbauen. Der Stahlmagnat Andrew Carnegie rechtfertigte seine massive Anhäufung von Reichtum mit Philanthropie und seinen Spenden für ausgewählte Projekte. Der Banker J. P. Morgan wiederum fungierte in Eigenregie als Zentralbank der Vereinigten Staaten. Die Demokratie wurde von den Millionären beherrscht und ermöglichte so den Fortbestand einer der rücksichtslosesten Formen des Kapitalismus. Zur gleichen Zeit bemühte sich eine progressive Strömung darum, das Land aus den Fängen der Superreichen zu befreien und Rockefellers Monopol wurde trotz seines erbitterten Widerstands zerschlagen. Kurz vor Beginn des Ersten Weltkriegs wurde die Kinderarbeit verboten und eine Reichensteuer eingeführt. Doch Spendengelder waren davon ausgeschlossen und wurden zum Steuerschlupfloch der Millionäre. Der amerikanische Kapitalismus entwickelte sich weiter: Das Ludlow-Massaker bedeutete das Ende blutiger Streikniederschlagungen. Henry Ford folgte dem Beispiel eines New Yorker Schuhherstellers und zahlte seinen Arbeitern das Doppelte des damaligen Durchschnittsgehalts. Die Folge war eine gesteigerte Produktivität seines Unternehmens. In Tennessee eröffnete ein Lebensmittelhändler den ersten Selbstbedienungsladen und legte den Grundstein für die heutigen Supermärkte. Mit dem Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs übernahmen die Millionäre jedoch zunächst wieder die Kontrolle über ihr Paradies.

Dokureihe von Cédric Tourbe und Romain Huret (F 2020, 58 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 12/05/2024

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Mohammed, the Anti-Innovator | Big Think

Jul 11, 2015

< ?center>

How to Carve a Turkey (and Plate It Beautifully) | NYT Cooking

Nov 1, 2023 | Have you ever wondered how you’re actually supposed to carve a turkey? Food stylist Barrett Washburne is here to show you. He’ll share all of his best tips and tricks, including how to plate it beautifully, just in time for Thanksgiving.

Get the recipe here.

EU-Kommission empfiehlt Beitrittsgespräche mit Ukraine

Nov 8, 2023 | Sobald die Regierung in Kiew die letzten Bedingungen erfüllt habe, sollten die Verhandlungen um den EU-Beitritt der Ukraine beginnen, heißt es im Fortschrittsbericht der Brüsseler Behörde. Ein ähnliches Zeugnis stellt sie der Republik Moldau aus. © REUTERS, EPA

EU-Kommission empfiehlt Beitrittsverhandlungen mit der Ukraine: Die EU-Kommission befürwortet die Aufnahme von Beitrittsverhandlungen mit der Ukraine. Vor der ersten Gesprächsrunde soll das Land allerdings begonnene Reformen abschließen. »

Alle anderen Länder Europas wollen unbedingt der EU beitreten, nur die Tories in Großbritannien und ihre gleichgesinnten Brexiteers nicht. Sie glauben, daß sie internationales Geschäft zauberhaft erschaffen können, ohne in einem großen Markt mit hunderten Millionen Konsumenten teilzunehmen! – © Mark Alexander

En Iran, le Français Louis Arnaud condamné à 5 ans de prison pour propagande et atteinte à la sécurité de l’Etat

LE MONDE : La porte-parole du ministère des affaires étrangères a jugé « inacceptable » cette condamnation « que rien ne permet d’étayer ». Louis Arnaud est détenu en Iran depuis septembre 2022.

Le Français Louis Arnaud, détenu en Iran depuis septembre 2022, a été condamné à cinq années de prison « après plusieurs audiences dans un tribunal sans la présence de ses avocats », a déclaré mercredi 8 novembre sa mère, Sylvie Arnaud.

« Cette condamnation, que rien ne permet d’étayer, et l’absence de tout accès à un avocat, est inacceptable », a réagi la porte-parole du ministère français des affaires étrangères, Anne-Claire Legendre, lors d’un point presse du ministère. Mme Legendre a appelé à « sa libération immédiate, ainsi qu’à celle de la totalité des Français arbitrairement détenus en Iran ».

« Les accusations portées à son encontre, à savoir propagande et atteinte à la sécurité de l’Etat iranien, sont totalement infondées », a-t-elle ajouté dans un communiqué. Aucune information n’a été donnée en Iran sur le procès et sur le jugement. » | Le Monde avec AFP | mercredi 8 novembre 2023

Israel-Hamas War: Crown Prince of Iran Tells Piers Morgan Regime "Is The Godfather of Terrorism"

Nov 8, 2023 | Piers Morgan opens up his latest show with a monologue on Benjamin Netanyahu's desire to occupy Gaza before interviewing Iran's exiled Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi. The prince discusses the rise of Islamic extremism across the region and warns that radicals want to change the way of life "even in Europe." Of terrorism he says: "It's a disease that needs to be cured… the cure is to put an end to what is the source to this extremism or radicalism." Asked if he had any doubt Iran was behind the events of October 7th, he said the regime were the “godfather of terrorism”, adding he hoped to see regime change in Iran in future.

I warned of the dangers of Islam to the West many years before even 9/11. One of the biggest problems is Islam's insistence on there being no separation of politics and religion, no separation of mosque and state. I have said it before, many times, and I will say it again: oil and water simply do not mix. The real problem will never be solved because Western politicians and the Western mainstream media simply skirt around the real problem. – @ Mark Alexander

Brexit Has Hit UK’s Economic Openness, Says Bank of England Governor

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Andrew Bailey says free trade demands greater international cooperation on financial rule-making

The governor of the Bank of England has called for greater cooperation on financial rule-making, warning that Brexit has affected the “openness of the UK economy”.

In an apparent swipe at those calling for the UK to develop a separate rulebook for banking and insurance activities, Andrew Bailey said free trade needed strong regulation based on agreements with foreign watchdogs.

Speaking in Dublin at a financial services conference organised by the Irish central bank, he argued against trade protectionism and regulatory fragmentation.

“As a public official, I take no position on Brexit per se,” Bailey said. “That was a decision for the people of the UK.” » | Phillip Inman | Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Brexit has helped the City, not harmed it despite 'pretty dire' warnings from economists and experts, says Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey: • Bank of England governor says Brexit opportunities have 'protected' Britain • Mr Bailey said Britain had defied 'dire' warnings from economists and experts • Comments are a marked shift from his immediate predecessor Mark Carney »

If my memory serves me well, Andrew Bailey, the Governor of the Bank of England, at the time of the Brexit Referendum advocated for the UK to leave the EU. I am almost certain that he was an ardent Brexiteer. – © Mark Alexander

John Anderson Interview : Douglas Murray –Israel, Immigration & Islam

Nov 8, 2023 | In this conversation, John sits down with journalist and author Douglas Murray to discuss the war on Western culture in light of the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Murray argues that Western Civilisation is being eroded by the collapse of history, faith and moral clarity. This cultural decay, Murray suggests, has been caused by a variety of factors including illegal immigration, secularisation, identity politics and the rise of radical Islam. Nonetheless, Murray is encouraged by the growing support for initiatives like the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) and a common sense middle class who reject elitist identity politics. …

Kein Wunderkind mehr, bloß ein Betrüger

ZEIT ONLINE: Sam Bankman-Fried hielt sich für den König Midas der Kryptowelt. Er endete als schnöder Abzocker. Sein Untergang lässt die Bitcoin-Idee jetzt umso richtiger erscheinen.

Schuldig in allen Punkten: Sam Bankman-Fried war einer der reichsten Menschen der Welt, jetzt droht ihm ein Leben im Gefängnis. © Felix Burchardt/ZEIT ONLINE; Bildquelle: Eduardo Munoz/Reuters

Sam Bankman-Fried

ZEIT ONLINE: Sam Bankman-Fried hielt sich für den König Midas der Kryptowelt. Er endete als schnöder Abzocker. Sein Untergang lässt die Bitcoin-Idee jetzt umso richtiger erscheinen.

Vor Prozessbeginn gegen Sam Bankman-Fried, den Gründer der Kryptobörse FTX und des Hedgefonds Alameda Research, gab es die verständliche Sorge, ob die Jury mit diesem Fall nicht überfordert sein könnte. Schließlich gehe es nicht nur um komplizierte Finanzgeschäfte, sondern noch dazu um Kryptowährungen – eine seltsame neue Form von digitalem, fast magischem Geld, das die meisten Jurymitglieder nur vom Hörensagen kennen dürften. Wenn man, so die Befürchtung, erst einmal damit anfange, der Jury Kryptowährungen und die Funktionsweise einer Blockchain zu erklären, was ein Token ist und was eine Exchange, dann könne es technisch schnell sehr komplex werden und am Ende würde in dem Dickicht technischer Details die Frage der Schuld und der Verantwortung immer weniger greif- und zurechenbar. » | Von Ijoma Mangold | Freitag, 3. November 2023

La France insoumise ne participera pas à la marche contre l’antisémitisme en raison de la présence de l’extrême droite

LE MONDE : La présence du Rassemblement national et de Reconquête ! est également jugée « illégitime » par le Parti socialiste (PS), qui a toutefois appelé à prendre part à cette marche, tandis que le Parti communiste envisage de défiler à un autre endroit.

La France insoumise (LFI) et ses députés « ne participeront pas » à la marche contre l’antisémitisme prévue dimanche à l’appel des présidents de l’Assemblée nationale et du Sénat, a fait savoir le parti, mercredi 8 novembre, en dénonçant la présence annoncée du Rassemblement national (RN).
LFI confirme ainsi une absence annoncée dès mardi soir par son leader, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, qui avait rejeté sur X (anciennement Twitter) ce « rendez-vous » des « amis du soutien inconditionnel au massacre » commis selon lui par l’armée israélienne dans la bande de Gaza.

« Lutter contre l’antisémitisme et contre toutes les formes de racisme est impraticable aux côtés d’un parti qui trouve ses origines dans l’histoire de la collaboration avec le nazisme », affirme le mouvement dans un communiqué, estimant que « l’ambiguïté des objectifs » de cette manifestation « permet les soutiens les plus insupportables ». » | Le Monde avec AFP | mercredi 8 novembre 2023

King Charles III Opens Parliament for the First Time as Monarch

King Charles outlined the British government’s legislative priorities during his opening address of Parliament. | By Reuters and The Associated Press•November 7, 2023

O Silicon Valley! Hurry! Move over! The Brits are coming. – Mark

Arab States Intensify Pleas for Gaza Cease-fire as Public Anger Mounts

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Citing deepening fears for regional stability, Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries are beseeching the U.S. to push Israel to end its military campaign in Gaza.

A rally in solidarity with Palestinians in the Gaza Strip in Amman, Jordan, on Oct. 27. | Khalil Mazraawi/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Facing growing anger from their own people, Arab countries are intensifying their appeals to the United States to pressure Israel to implement an immediate cease-fire in Gaza or risk sabotaging the security of the entire Middle East.

Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt have all implored American officials, including Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, to get Israel to halt its military assault.

“The whole region is sinking in a sea of hatred that will define generations to come,” the Jordanian foreign minister, Ayman Safadi, warned at a news conference this weekend.

As unrest spills into the streets and fear spreads that Iran-backed militias in the region will enter more directly into the conflict, some Arab leaders are worrying for their own security, said Elham Fakhro, an associate fellow at Chatham House’s Middle East and North Africa Program.

“Long-term resentment among the Arab public is fuel for extremist groups,” she said. “The region is already walking a delicate balance,” she added. “This is what drives Arab governments to use their available leverage to call for a cease-fire.” » | Vivian Nereim, Reporting from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia | Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

How Donald Trump Hopes to Become an American Dictator | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

Nov 7, 2023 | Steve Schmidt explains why so many people are still supporting Donald Trump, even after all of his alleged crimes.

Heaven forfend that Trump should ever again be re-elected as president of the USA! If he is, it will be a sad day for the USA and for the world. – © Mark Alexander

The War on Smoking: "Give Adults Freedom of Choice" - TPA Talks with Simon Clark

Nov 3, 2023 | Simon Clark, director of smokers' rights group Forest, joins us for this episode of TPA Talks. Reflecting on the upcoming smoking ban after decades of creeping regulation, Simon explains how the war on smokers and the rise of the nanny state have worrying implications for us all - smokers or not.

BORIS JOHNSON: Rishi's smoking ban is barmy. Child A will be free to smoke like a chimney to the end of his days. Child B - born only a day later - will be a criminal if he does... How the hell is that supposed to work? »

I am an ex-smoker, but still, I am very much against this progressive smoking ban for young people. Firstly, it is undemocratic; secondly, this government has far more important things to concern itself with than a few young people taking up the smoking habit.

For starters, increasingly few young people do take up the habit these days; they prefer to vape. But then it must be said that one can hardly expect a young person to go to war for his country if he is not allowed a cigarette after battle. Take a look at how many Ukrainian soldiers are pictured with cigarettes!

Were I to have a son and he were he to be expected to fight for his country, I would be very unhappy if he were denied the simple pleasure of smoking a cigarette. Frankly, in this world, if the worst that a young person does is smoke a cigarette and enjoy a drink of alcohol twixt cradle and grave, I would consider myself a rip-roaring success as a father! People get up to far, far worse than smoking tobacco these days.

In any case, even though I no longer smoke, I am still against this ban. Successive governments have made the enjoyable habit of smoking far too expensive for most people, Here in the UK, a pack of Marlboro Reds is brushing £15 in many places! And the price increases each and every budget. This is deliberate government policy in order to curtail people's smoking and the pleasure smokers derive from it.

I stopped smoking in April 2022. And at that time, Marlboro Reds were precisely £12.50 a packet when I quit. Today, depending on where you live and on where you buy your cigarettes, the price of a pack is already up to £2 more! A £2 increase in price in that short time! That's crazy! I derived hours and hours of pleasure from smoking cigarettes. Alas, at these prices, no longer.

Even though it goes against the narrative of the health Nazis, there are actually health benefits to smoking. Just as an example, smokers or ex-smokers, are far less likely to contract Parkinson’s disease. There might even be a link to inhibiting the development of Alzheimer’s disease! There are also other health benefits, one being that it inhibits the development of type-2 diabetes.

Sunak knows nothing of these things. He is living in darkness. He should keep out of it and stop interfering in people's private lives. He needs to start behaving like a true Conservative. – © Mark Alexander

Anti-Monarchy Protesters Shout at King Charles before King’s Speech at Parliament

Nov 7, 2023 | Anti-monarchy protesters shouted at King Charles as he headed to the Palace of Westminster for the King’s first speech to parliament as monarch. The King’s Speech contained 21 new pieces of legislation including proposals to introduce tougher sentencing laws, a ban on the sale of cigarettes and measures to increase oil production in the North Sea.

Wow! What can one say? I'm shocked! I have never seen anything like this in my country before. But, on second thoughts, one can say the following: Far too much privilege, ostentation and wealth on display in the face of abject poverty and suffering for so many. It's a case of billions for the few, but crumbs for the many. Diamonds, emeralds and rubies for the super-privileged few and foodbanks, tents and sleeping bags for the seriously underprivileged.

History tells us much about outcomes in such scenarios. Those in the Establishment need to put their thinking caps on! The successful government of tomorrow will not be the one that takes a man's right to smoke a cigarette away; rather, it will be the government that brings prosperity to the many. – © Mark Alexander

The Lincoln Project: Met Gala

Nov 7, 2023 | Poor Donald, it was only a matter of time until your favorite turned against you. Ivanka has now hoarded enough money, using your name, that she and Jared no longer need you anymore. If you think she’ll visit you in prison, think again.

Ne-Yo : Link Up | Official Music Video

Sep 29, 2023

Harold Macmillan Giving a Speech on Margaret Thatcher's Privatisation Policies

Nine Countries Have Recalled Their Ambassadors from Israel due to War on Gaza

Nov 7, 2023 | Since Israel began its bombardment of Gaza, 9 countries have withdrawn their ambassadors, or severed ties.

They've called for an immediate ceasefire and for humanitarian aid to enter the strip unhindered.

NATO member Turkey is among those that pulled their ambassador out. So did Israel's neighbour, Jordan, that said Israel is committing "war crimes".

The latest to join the list are South Africa and Chad. Bolivia was the first to sever ties entirely with Israel - saying its decision was a "condemnation of the aggressive and disproportionate Israeli military offensive taking place in the Gaza Strip”.

Al Jazeera’s Alan Fisher reports from the Occupied East Jerusalem.

For in depth analysis, Marwan Bishara is Al Jazeera's Senior Political Analyst.

ABC News Wants to Know the Source of This War

Nov 7, 2023 | What the source of this war is? Excerpt of interview discussing the problem, solutions, and outlook on the future for Israelis & Palestinians after this war.

Gaza, Smoking and Crime: Key Points from King Charles’s State Opening Speech

Nov 7, 2023 | A raft of new laws – including measures on oil and gas licences, the establishment of a new football regulator, and moves to phase out cigarette smoking – have been included in the King’s Speech.

The proposed legislation was announced by King Charles III as he addressed Parliament in his first State Opening, as the monarch set out Rishi Sunak’s government’s policy agenda for the year ahead.

It is the first such speech King Charles III has made since assuming the throne last year. It is also the first of Mr Sunak’s tenure in No 10 – and most likely the last prior to an expected general election next year.

Looking at this splendour, it is hard to imagine that this man, the king, rules over a country with literally thousands upon thousands of food banks dotted throughout the country and, worse still, 271,000 homeless people in England, 123,000 of whom are children!

Yet all the vacuous Rishi Sunak can worry about is introducing ridiculous, undemocratic laws such as a smoking ban!

The longer this Tory government is in office, the more contempt it deserves! – © Mark Alexander

MP: Sunak Is 'Literally the Worst Person' to Be Leading the UK | #shorts

This MP explains why Rishi Sunak is so weak and such a disaster as a prime minister.

"I Am a Palestinian" - Golda Meir, Late PM of Israel. | #shorts

Golda Meir explains and analyses the Palestinian question.

Monday, November 06, 2023

Divided Country: Why Is the US So Polarized? | Reupload

Oct 27, 2022 | Once upon a time, the Democrats and Republicans were political opponents. But today, in many cases, they are downright enemies. That's why we often hear that the US is a divided country. Cross-party compromise solutions are becoming increasingly difficult. Some even believe the country is on the brink of civil war. But why is the United States so polarized? In this video, we identify three mechanisms that contribute to polarization.

Gaza Is Becoming a 'Graveyard for Children', Says António Guterres

Nov 6, 2023 | The UN secretary general has warned that 'no one is safe' in Gaza as he reiterated his urgent call for a humanitarian ceasefire. He said Gaza was 'becoming a graveyard for children' with hundreds of boys and girls reportedly killed or injured every day. Israeli ground operations and bombardments are hitting civilians, hospitals, refugee camps, mosques, churches and UN facilities including shelters, Guterres said. He said the situation in Gaza was 'more than a humanitarian crisis, it is a crisis of humanity'.

Read the GUARDIAN article here.

Getting To Know Alexandre Grimaldi, Son of Prince Albert of Monaco | #shorts

Alexandre Grimaldi introduces himself.

WIKIPEDIA: House of Grimaldi »

Related article here.

Steve Schmidt Explains Donald Trump’s Plan to Destroy Democracy | The Warning

Nov 6, 2023 | Steve Schmidt reacts to the Washington Post article detailing Donald Trump’s plan to tear down American institutions if he wins the presidential election in 2024.

Protesters Call on Suella Braverman to Stop ‘Stirring Up Hatred and Fear’

Nov 4, 2023 | Protesters have called on the Home Secretary Suella Braverman to stop “stirring up hatred and fear”.

A group of campaigners gathered outside the Home Office in Westminster on Saturday in opposition to Ms Braverman’s comments on refugees and tents in public spaces.

Weyman Bennett, co-convenor of ‘Stand Up To Racism’ said the Home Secretary should “put some handcuffs on herself and hand herself in to the nearest police station”.

The group of peaceful protesters called for Ms Braverman to “stop the hate” as they heard speeches, sang songs and chanted outside the Home Office in central London.

Speaking at the protest, Mr Bennett told the PA news agency: “We’re here because there’s a racist running the Home Office. Suella Braverman is a bigot and is enabling the far-right to attack our basic democratic rights.

READ the EXPRESS article here.

UN rebukes Suella Braverman over her attack on refugee convention: UNHCR defends 1951 convention after UK home secretary’s speech on ‘uncontrolled and illegal migration’ »

'Inhuman' Suella Braverman condemned by LGBT asylum seekers who say they cannot leave UK: Zain and Monsur have both lived openly in the UK without fear of persecution. Sky News spoke to them on what could potentially happen if they were sent back to their respective countries where LGBT communities »

The Rise & Fall of Sam Bankman-Fried

Nov 6, 2023 | It took exactly one year for Sam Bankman-Fried to transform from beloved billionaire entrepreneur to convicted felon. On Nov. 2, a New York jury found Bankman-Fried guilty on all seven counts he was charged with by the Department of Justice. TIME Tech Correspondent Andrew Chow watched the trial unfold from the courtroom and breaks down the case.

Juden in Ostdeutschland: Wie gelingt hier der Kampf gegen Antisemitismus?

BERLINER ZEITUNG: Engagement für jüdische Perspektiven ist angesichts der Eskalation in Nahost dringender denn je. Unser Autor wirft einen Blick auf die Gemeinden im Osten Deutschlands.

Jüdisches Leben in Ostdeutschland: Die Denkfabrik Schalom Aleikum trägt dazu bei, gesellschaftlichen Diskurs und Zusammenhalt zu stärken.

Der 7. Oktober 2023, der Tag des Hamas-Terrors gegen Israel, der, so Dan Diner, einen genozidalen Charakter bekam, ist eine Zäsur. Die seitdem vergangenen vier Wochen mit ihrem israelbezogenen islamistischen Antisemitismus, scheinen das ohnehin schon düstere Bild für die jüdische Gemeinschaft hierzulande weiterhin zu verdunkeln.

Die Denkfabrik Schalom Aleikum strebt das Konkrete und das Sachliche an, um den gesellschaftlichen Diskurs und den Zusammenhalt zu stärken. Das geschieht bei gleichbleibender Erkenntnis, dass hiermit die dramatische Lage nicht kurzerhand repariert werden kann. Aber eine thematische Fokussierung kann eine Klarheit und ein empathisches Verständnis verschaffen – so unsere Hoffnung. » | Dmitrij Belkin | Montag, 6. November 2023

Antisemitic and Islamophobic Incidents Surge in Australia

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Tensions between religious groups in Australia have risen since the start of the Israel-Hamas war.

Posters plastered across Sydney portraying Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel as Adolf Hitler in disguise. A record increase in reports of Islamophobia, including threats to Muslim community organizations. Antisemitic chants at a pro-Palestinian rally and charges that Nazi salutes were performed outside a Jewish museum.

Australia has experienced a flurry of incidents targeting Muslims and Jews, making it one of many countries reporting a rise in such cases since Hamas’s Oct. 7 attacks on Israel.

Reports to the Islamophobia Register Australia, an independent organization that tracks anti-Muslim sentiment, have increased tenfold since the start of the war, Sharara Attai, the executive director of the group, told an Australian news service, adding that many more incidents have likely gone unreported.

Interfaith relations have become strained, with at least two Australian rabbis resigning last month from the Jewish Muslim Christian Association, a group that works to promote religious harmony, after some faith leaders failed to condemn the Hamas attacks, which killed some 1,400 people in Israel. Members of the country’s roughly 100,000-strong Jewish community have been left feeling isolated, representatives said, over a perceived absence of sympathy for the suffering caused by the attacks. » | Natasha Frost | Monday, November 6, 2023


Refuser la banalisation de l’antisémitisme : Depuis le 7 octobre, les juifs français sont confrontés à une multiplication des agressions et des actes de haine. Mais ce phénomène n’est pas uniquement lié à une nouvelle explosion du conflit au Proche-Orient : en réalité, l’antisémitisme, sous ses différents visages, s’est installé dans notre société. »

KZ Mauthausen. Von Fotografen, Häftlingen, Henkern | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

200.000 Deportierte, 120.000 Tote: Das KZ Mauthausen war ein Lager, in dem das Prinzip "Vernichtung durch Arbeit" praktiziert wurde. In dieser Hölle gelang einer kleinen Gruppe von Widerstandskämpfern etwas schier Unmögliches: Um eines Tages Beweise gegen ihre Henker zu haben, entwendeten sie 1.000 Fotografien und schleusten sie aus dem Lager heraus.

Das Konzentrationslager Mauthausen in Österreich war eines der schlimmsten des Dritten Reiches. Österreicher, Deutsche, Polen, Russen, Franzosen und Spanier arbeiteten sich hier in den Steinbrüchen zu Tode, wurden hingerichtet oder in der Gaskammer des Lagers ermordet.

In dieser Hölle hatte eine Sonderabteilung namens "Erkennungsdienst" die Aufgabe, durch Fotoaufnahmen vom Lageralltag die "glorreiche Geschichte" des Dritten Reichs zu illustrieren. Solche Fotos entstanden in allen Konzentrationslagern. Doch ab 1944, als sich die Niederlage des NS-Staates ankündigte, wurden die meisten vernichtet, da sie Beweise für die begangenen Verbrechen darstellten. In Mauthausen konnten einige gerettet werden. Nach dem Krieg präsentierten Deportierte der Weltöffentlichkeit Fotografien, die das Unsagbare abbildeten und die Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit dokumentierten. Dass diese Beweise den Krieg überlebten, ist allein dem Mut einer kleinen Gruppe von Menschen zu verdanken – allesamt überzeugte spanische Republikaner. In der Hoffnung, dass die Fotos eines Tages weltweit als Beweismittel dienen würden, riskierten die Spanier zwei Jahre lang ihr eigenes Leben: Sie entwendeten die Bilder, versteckten sie und schleusten sie aus dem Lager heraus. Durch diese in der Geschichte einzigartige Widerstandstat konnten der Nachwelt rund tausend Fotoaufnahmen vom KZ Mauthausen überliefert werden. Diese Dokumentation des Unbeschreiblichen wirft ein neues Licht auf die Überlebenden der Lager: Bevor sie Opfer wurden, waren sie vor allem Widerstandskämpfer.

Dokumentation von Barbara Necek (F 2021, 53 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 18/01/2024

NZZ Erklärt: Wahlen in den USA: Warum die US-Politik im Chaos versinkt

Nov 5, 2023 | Ein Jahr vor den US-Wahlen 2024 zeigt sich die US-Politik so gespalten wie nie. Daran sind drei Männer schuld, die kaum jemand kennt. Wir zeigen wer sie sind und wie sie die Politik in den USA verändert haben.

Stanley Tucci Makes Chicken Cacciatore

Sep 15, 2023 | “Each Italian family seems to have its own variation on this classic dish,” says Stanley Tucci, actor, cookbook author and host of the series Searching for Italy. This version hails from his mother’s side of the family, and it includes tomatoes — an ingredient that cooks on his father’s side of the family typically omitted from their chicken cacciatore. Stanley recommends serving this hearty one-pan meal with a medium-bodied white or a light red. | Tucci™ by GreenPan™ Exclusively at Williams Sonoma

Regrettably, I cannot provide a link to the full recipe, even though one is provided, because it doesn’t work here in Europe. The ingredients and method are not available on YouTube, either; therefore, if you wish to make it, you will have to wing it from what can be gleaned from the video itself. It looks tasty and delicious, I must say. – Mark

Napoleon | Documentary | BBC Select

Nov 6, 2023 | With access to a unique archive of personal letters, historian Andrew Roberts brings the story of Napoleon vividly to life. As he retraces the footsteps of the legendary leader, he sheds new light on Napoleon as an extraordinarily gifted military commander and mesmeric leader, whose private life was, contrary to popular belief, littered with disappointments and betrayals.

Watch the 3-part Napoleon documentary on BBC Select in the US here and Canada here.

Her Majesty Queen Rania of Jordan: Interview with CNN’s Becky Anderson

Nov 5, 2023 | Queen Rania’s interview with CNN’s Becky Anderson Amman, Jordan / 5 November 2023

Charities Criticise Suella Braverman for Claim Homelessness Is ‘Lifestyle Choice’

GUARDIAN INTERNATIONAL: Crisis, St Mungo’s and other groups write to home secretary to say blaming people for being on the streets increases their risk of harm

Union Street, Birmingham. A letter to the home secretary from charities said homelessness is caused by poverty, which is caused by policy decisions. Photograph: Fabio De Paola/The Guardian

Homelessness charities have criticised the home secretary after she described sleeping rough as a “lifestyle choice”, sparking a widespread backlash.

Organisations including Crisis, Centrepoint, St Mungo’s and Pathway responded to Suella Braverman’s purported plans to crack down on the pitching of tents in urban areas, which she largely blamed on individuals “from abroad”.

A letter from the charities reads: “Sleeping on the street is not a lifestyle choice. Laying blame with people forced to sleep rough will only push people further away from help into poverty, putting them at risk of exploitation. At the extreme end, we will see an increase in deaths and fatalities, which are totally preventable.

“People sleeping rough frequently experience violence and abuse. The impact on their physical and mental health is significant. The average age of death for people experiencing homelessness is just 45 for men and 43 for women. This is not a life people choose.” » | Tom Ambrose | Sunday, November 5, 2023

Suella Braverman is a heartless, uncaring, unfeeling woman of privilege! She should be thoroughly and utterly ashamed of herself! That woman should be sacked! If Rishi Sunak had gonads, she would be – forthwith! Were I to be in Sunak’s position, she’d be gone!

These poor homeless people are living on the streets because they have fallen on very hard times, in large part, I would imagine, because of harsh, Tory policies of austerity which were introduced by those two ultra-privileged gits, Cameron and Osborne! They are the ones who started the welfare-slashing fest!

Had this prime minister anything about him, were he to have any political nous, he would devise a strategy to get these people off the streets by giving them a little start in life. That would be the compassionate thing to do, the Christian thing to do, the humane thing to do!

This Tory government is a disgrace. It needs to be kicked out of office! A.S.A.P. This is the very same government that is itching to slash taxes for the super-rich!

If God really does exist, it is to be hoped that the fires of Hell are already being stoked in preparation for these cruel, political fraudsters. – © Mark Alexander

Sunday, November 05, 2023

Israel-Hamas War: House to House Fighting in Gaza as Dead Near '10,000'

Nov 5, 2023 | Another large barrage of explosions has been reported in northern Gaza in the past hour, with reports communications and the internet have again been cut off. The Israeli army said today it had now struck "over two and a half thousand terror targets". More than 9,400 people have now been killed, according to figures from the Gaza health ministry - appointed by Hamas, which is designated a terrorist organisation by the UK.

Qatar’s Complicated Role in the Israel-Hamas War

Nov 1, 2023 | The state of Qatar has been a key Western ally for years, but it’s also a longtime helper of Hamas. CBC’s Thomas Daigle breaks down how such a tiny nation has such a big role in the Israel-Hamas war.

Hear What Bernie Sanders Thinks about Israel's Response to Hamas Attack

Nov 5, 2023 | CNN's Dana Bash speaks with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) about Israel's response to the Hamas attack, and what the next steps should be for Gaza

Bernie Sanders is the voice of reason and compassion. Whenever Bernie Sanders opens his mouth, he speaks eminent good sense. It is such a pity that Americans cannot see what a great president he would make! Perish the thought that Trump should ever again become president. The last thing this world needs is another Trump presidency. – © Mark Alexander

Is Erdogan Killing Turkey's Storied Winemaking Tradition | Focus on Europe | DW News

Nov 5, 2023 | Turkey's President Erdogan is making things hard for winemakers and brewers by imposing alcohol taxes that have risen by 1,550 percent since 2011. For Seniz Saç winemaking is a millennia-old cultural tradition.

UK ‘in Violation of International Law’ over Poverty Levels, Says UN Envoy

GUARDIAN INTERNATIONAL: Exclusive: Special rapporteur Olivier De Schutter to urge ministers to increase welfare spending on visit to country this week

Poverty levels in the UK are “simply not acceptable” and the government is violating international law, the United Nations’ poverty envoy has said ahead of a visit to the country this week, when he will urge ministers to increase welfare spending.

Olivier De Schutter, the UN’s special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, cited research showing universal credit payments of £85 a week for single adults over 25 were “grossly insufficient” and described the UK’s main welfare system as “a leaking bucket”.

In an interview with the Guardian five years after his predecessor, Philip Alston, angered the Conservative government by accusing it of the “systematic immiseration of a significant part of the British population”, the Belgian lawyer risked a fresh confrontation by saying: “Things have got worse.” » | Robert Booth, Social affairs correspondent | Sunday, November 5, 2023

UK's welfare system is cruel and misogynistic, says UN expert after damning report on poverty: Britain’s welfare system is so sexist it may as well have been compiled by “a group of misogynists in a room,” a UN expert has claimed. / Philip Alston, the UN’s rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, warned that poverty in the UK is a “political choice” and that compassion and concern had been “outsourced” in favour of tax cuts for the rich. / In a damning 24-page report he brands levels of child poverty “not just a disgrace, but a social calamity and an economic disaster” and said that limiting benefit payments to two children was as “forced and physical” as China’s one-child policy. »

Gaza’s Children Face Catastrophe as Death Toll Nears 4,000, UN Warns

THE OBSERVER: Israeli bombs hit school being used as a shelter while warning comes that children form 40% of fatalities

The UN has warned of a “catastrophic” situation for children in Gaza, as Israeli bombs hit a school being used as a shelter and landed outside a hospital, and Israel came under mounting pressure over the civilian suffering caused by its campaign.

More than 40% of the dead in Gaza after nearly four weeks of war were children, the UN said, with 3,900 reported child victims, and another 1,250 missing and presumed buried under bombed buildings. With little rescue machinery, and hospitals overcrowded and running out of supplies, the chances of survival for those trapped in rubble are painfully low.

“Women, children and newborns in Gaza are disproportionately bearing the burden” of a month of fighting in the tiny territory, agencies supporting children, women, health services and Palestinian refugees said in a joint statement. » | Emma Graham-Harrison and Jason Burke in Jerusalem | Sunday, November 5, 2023

Palästina-Demo in Berlin: Warum vor Starbucks „Schämt euch“ gerufen wird

BERLINER ZEITUNG: Bei der Großdemonstration für Palästina am Samstag in Berlin wurden Besucher einer Starbucks-Filiale beschimpft und bedrängt. Das Ganze hat mit einem Social-Media-Trend zu tun.

Es war am späten Samstagnachmittag, Tausende propalästinensische Demonstranten waren auf der Friedrichstraße unterwegs zum Potsdamer Platz, als einige von ihnen vor einer Starbucks-Filiale stehen blieben und lauthals immer wieder „Shame on you“ („Schämt euch“) brüllten. Sie schwenkten Palästina-Flaggen, drangen in den Laden ein, bedrängten Besucher beim Hinausgehen.

Auf X (vormals Twitter) schrieb ein Nutzer, es seien zudem Wände der Filiale bespuckt worden. Warum das ausgerechnet bei Starbucks geschah, war im ersten Moment nicht ersichtlich. Auf Social Media aber werden Aufrufe zum Boykott der Kaffeehauskette in diesen Tagen millionenfach geteilt. Offenbar hat das Ganze mit einem Streit zwischen Starbucks und Teilen seiner Belegschaft zu tun. Nur wenige Tage nach dem Angriff der Hamas auf Israel am 7. Oktober hatte die Gewerkschaft Starbucks Workers United auf X den Slogan „Solidarität mit Palästina“ gepostet und darunter das Bild eines von der Hamas betriebenen Bulldozers, der einen Zaun im Gazastreifen einreißt. » | Niklas Liebetrau | Sonntag, 5. November 2023

Netanyahu Suspends a Minister Who Said that Dropping a Nuclear Bomb on Gaza Was an Option.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel suspended a far-right minister Amichay Eliyahu from his government on Sunday. | Kenny Holston/The New York Times

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel took the highly unusual step on Sunday of suspending a far-right minister from his government who had told a Hebrew radio station that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza and killing everyone there was “one way” of dealing with the threat from Hamas.

Mr. Netanyahu’s swift action came amid an immediate and broad outcry over the comments made on Sunday morning by Amichay Eliyahu, the minister of heritage from the ultranationalist Jewish Power party. In his remarks, Mr. Eliyahu also said that there was no such thing as noncombatants in Gaza.

While the Jewish Power Party is a member of Mr. Netanyahu’s coalition government, Mr. Eliyahu is not a member of the war cabinet prosecuting Israel’s war on Hamas in Gaza. » | Isabel Kershner Reporting from Jerusalem | Sunday, November 5, 2023

We’re Screwed! This Is the Cr** Being Uttered by an Englishman! | #shorts

Such unbelievable nonsense! Such twaddle! Such poppycock! Such dangerous balderdash!

If Brits Want to Envision Their Future, Listen to This!

Nov 24, 2023 | Mohammed Hijab

Brits’ future has been handed over to Muslims by stupid politicians on both the left and right. Millions of people have been allowed into the UK, in particular, and into the West, in general, without so much as asking the electorates if this is what they wanted!

So much twaddle is spoken about democracy; so much praise is showered on democracy as a system of government; yet, for the most part, we don’t live in democracies. Yes, we vote representatives into office during elections. But once elected into office, they proceed to do what they damn well please. This is not how true democracy should function.

The best, properly-functioning democracy I can think of is Switzerland. But Switzerland stands in stark contrast to the rest of the faux democracies of the West. In Switzerland, the people have a far greater degree of control than anywhere else in the West that I can think of. Kudos to Switzerland! The Swiss are blessed. The rest of us are screwed! We are up a creek without a paddle!

In the UK, in particular, our politicians have made a right mess. In German, we would call it ‘eine Sauerei’, a dirty mess. In the vernacular, we would say they have screwed up – royally!

I tell you now: Islam will never be able to co-exist with the post-Christian and increasingly secularizing West. To Muslims, especially devout Muslims, there is only one way to live: their way. There is only one belief system: their belief system. There is only one god: Allah. Jesus was not crucified. Jesus was not the ‘Son of God’. There is only one set of laws to follow: Allah’s laws, or the Shariah (الشريعة) .

Our politicians have always been deluded when it comes to Islam: they have always thought that Muslims, once they come to live in the West, with all the freedoms the West has to offer, they will rejoice in those freedoms and eventually live like us, the infidels (الكفار) (in their eyes). No so!

Muslims are committed to their faith, the Dīn (الدين), Islam. Wild horses wouldn’t drag most of them away from it. They are committed to Allah, and to their prophet. For the secular Westerner, this is a difficult concept to grasp. And it is precisely because Westerners cannot grasp it that they keep on repeating the same mistakes re-Islam, over and over and over again.

It is a sad fact of life that two diametrically-opposed ways of life cannot co-exist. The stronger of the two systems will always eventually win through. It is my sincere belief that the stronger of the two systems is Islam, not the secular West.

Listening to Mohammed Hijab in the video above should draw your attention to one very important aspect of his speech: his determination. So quite how we Westerners will deal with the challenges ahead, I do not know. But challenges there will be – serious challenges, and in abundance. Therefore, if we wish for the West to prevail, we have got work to do! This is not going to be easy. The whole of the Western world is being challenged like never before in recent history. – © Mark Alexander

Son of Hamas’ Leader: US Doing This Could Prevent World War III

Oct 31, 2023 | Mosab Hassan Yousef, who is the son of a Hamas founding leader, joined 'FOX & Friends' to discuss why it is necessary for the U.S. to pressure Egypt to open the border crossing and the latest on the Israel-Hamas war.

Rabbi Simon Jacobson: “I'd Like to Share Something from My Heart to the Muslim Community”

Nov 2, 2023| Rabbi Simon Jacobson is a pioneering speaker, educator and mentor to thousands.

The Observer View on the War in Ukraine: The West Can’t Afford to Forget about It

THE OBSERVER – EDITORIAL: Volodymyr Zelenskiy is in dire need of support as his counteroffensive against Russia stalls and the risk of stalemate looms

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy visits an artillery training centre aat an undisclosed location in Ukraine. Photograph: Ukrainian Presidential Press Service/Reuters

Recent events in the Middle East have drawn international political and media attention away from the war in Ukraine at what looks like a critical juncture. This is understandable but nonetheless alarming. The principal beneficiary of this loss of focus is Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, who ordered an illegal, unprovoked full-scale invasion in February last year that has caused more than 27,000 civilian casualties and appalling destruction. The UN believes that the true casualty figure is “considerably higher”. Putin has been accused of war crimes by the international criminal court.

Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, and his western backers were optimistic earlier this year that Russian ground forces, badly led and often poorly equipped, could be ejected from occupied territory in eastern and southern Ukraine. But a much anticipated counteroffensive, using tanks, missiles and other modern weapons supplied by Nato states, was delayed. When it finally began five months ago, progress was disappointing, obstructed by minefields and entrenched Russian defences. There was no breakthrough. » | Observer editorial | Saturday, November 4, 2023


Von der Leyen: „Über 90 Prozent des Wegs“ zu EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen geschafft: „Dies ist das Ergebnis harter Arbeit.“ In Kiew lobt die EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Reformen in der Ukraine. Der Kampf gegen Korruption sei auch im eigenen Interesse seines Landes, betont Präsident Selenskyj. »

Allemagne : trafic aérien toujours suspendu à l’aéroport d’Hambourg, bloqué par une prise d’otage

LE MONDE : Un homme a enfoncé un portail de l’aéroport et pénétré sur le tarmac au volant d’une voiture. Selon la police, il détiendrait son enfant en otage dans le véhicule.

Le trafic aérien sur l’aéroport d’Hambourg, dans le nord de l’Allemagne, restait bloqué par une prise d’otage sur le tarmac, dimanche 5 novembre, après l’enlèvement présumé, la veille, d’un enfant par son père dans le cadre d’un conflit familial.

« L’opération de police se poursuit, le trafic aérien reste jusqu’à nouvel ordre suspendu », a écrit la direction de cet aéroport du nord de l’Allemagne tôt dans la matinée sur son compte X (anciennement Twitter). « La police demande à tous les passagers et à ceux qui les récupèrent de ne pas venir à l’aéroport. Les routes d’accès sont en grande partie bloquées », est-il également précisé. » | Le Monde avec AFP | dimanche 5 novembre 2023

London Protesters 'Glorify Hamas Terror Attack on Israel'

Protesters wave a placard depicting a Hamas bulldozer crashing through a security fence

THE TELEGRAPH: Protesters were accused of glorifying the October 7 terrorist attack on Israel with placards depicting a Hamas bulldozer crashing through a security fence.

Demonstrators at a rally in central London also laid out pretend bloodied corpses signifying babies killed in airstrikes - but refused to accept that Israeli babies had been killed by Hamas terrorists in the massacre that sparked the month-long conflict.

On a day that marked yet more protests in London and in major cities around the UK, campaigners warned that the capital was becoming a “no-go zone” for Jews. They complained that police - despite promises to get tough - had watched on as crowds chanted antisemitic “genocidal” slogans and distributed “terrorist-supporting” pamphlets.

Scotland Yard said more than 1,300 officers were on duty for the rally at which “the vast majority” of people “demonstrated peacefully”.

Karen Findlay, Commander for the Metropolitan Police, said “It is disappointing that various splinter groups were again responsible for behaviour which has no place in London and we are determined to deal with this robustly”. » | Jamie Bullen; Robert Mendrick, Chief Reporter and Michael Murphy | Sunday, November 5, 2023

Pro-Palestine March in London: Police Make Terror Arrest at Piccadilly Circus

Nove 4, 2023 | Police have made their first arrests at a pro-Palestinian rally in central London on Saturday with one held under the Terrorism Act over a placard that could incite hatred.

Scotland Yard said it had made three arrests at Piccadilly Circus, where a sit-in protest was staged following previous demonstrations in Oxford Circus and outside Broadcasting House.

One was held after they were seen allegedly displaying a placard that could incite hated, while two others were arrested for public order offences. Tens of thousands of people have marched on Trafalgar Square in the latest of a series of large-scale demonstrations in the capital to demand an end to the bombardment of Gaza.

The Metropolitan Police has said there will be a “sharper focus” on using social media and face-recognition to detect criminal behaviour at protests this weekend. Police spotters will be out in force, filming the crowds for any activity that might be in breach of public order and terror laws.

Saturday, November 04, 2023

Lyon : une femme de confession juive poignardée chez elle, possible mobile antisémite

LE FIGARO : La victime, âgée de 30 ans, a été transportée à l’hôpital avec deux plaies saignantes à l’abdomen, mais ses jours ne sont pas en danger.

Ce samedi après-midi, une femme de confession juive a été agressée à l’arme blanche à son domicile à Lyon, indique une source policière au Figaro, confirmant les informations du Progrès . Une enquête a été ouverte. » | Par E.P. | samedi 4 novembre 2023

Herrscht in Deutschland bald die Scharia?

Nov 3, 2023 | Die deutsche Grenze steht offen wie ein Scheunentor. Seit Jahren wandern immer mehr Menschen ein, die, die deutschen Werte und die Demokratie offen ablehnen und von Meinungs- und Religionsfreiheit nichts halten. Aktuell leben sie ihren Judenhass offen aus – ein Vorgeschmack auf das, was noch kommen wird, denn Islamisten tolerieren generell keinen anderen Glauben als ihren eigenen.

Wer vor diesen Zuständen warnte, wurde zwar als rechtsextremer Ausländerfeind verunglimpft, war in Wahrheit aber stets nur Realist.

Angesichts einer steigenden Zahl von Demonstrationen mit antisemitischen Tendenzen im Zusammenhang mit dem Nahost-Konflikt warnt die Deutsche Polizeigewerkschaft vor einem möglichen Kontrollverlust. Deutschland erntet, was die linksgrüne Politik gesät hat, so Gewerkschaftschef Rainer Wendt.

Seit dem Angriff der Hamas auf Israel am 7. Oktober nehmen propalästinensische Aufstände in Deutschland zu, begleitet von Israel- und judenfeindlichen Parolen. Wendt betont, dass die Polizei an der Belastungsgrenze arbeitet und die radikalen Islamisten die Machtfrage auf den Straßen stellen. Er warnt vor einem potenziellen Zerfall der Gesellschaft in radikale Interessen, der lebensgefährlich für das Land wäre, und sieht die Verantwortung bei der Politik, die, so Wendt, die eigene Bevölkerung aus den Augen verloren hat.

Why the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Is So Hard to Resolve | DW News

Nov 4, 2023 | The attack by the Islamist terrorist group Hamas on Israel on October 7 led to a declaration of war by Israel in response. Any chance of a lasting peace is currently some way off. We take a look at the possible routes to peace that have been proposed by experts and the international community.

Les nouveaux visages de l'antisémitisme 1945 à nos jours | Histoire de l'antisémitisme (4/4) | ARTE

Oct 14, 2023 | De l’Antiquité à nos jours, le dense récit de deux millénaires d’intolérance et de persécution à l’égard des juifs. Dernier épisode : après la Shoah, la communauté internationale découvre avec stupeur l’extermination de 6 millions de juifs.

Pourtant, l’antisémitisme n’a pas disparu, comme en témoigne le pogrom de Kielce, en Pologne, où des rescapés des camps sont massacrés. Après la proclamation de l’État d’Israël en 1948, les populations juives doivent, en majorité, quitter les pays arabes. En 1965, à l’issue du concile Vatican II, l’Église met fin à deux mille ans d’antijudaïsme. Après une période d’accalmie dans les années 1960, l’antisémitisme adopte de nouveaux visages.


Fondée sur les travaux de nombreux chercheurs – historiens, théologiens, islamologue, psychanalyste, anthropologue… –, cette traversée de deux millénaires d’antisémitisme impressionne par sa riche iconographie, son érudition et sa densité. Elle accable aussi, tant l’histoire se répète. Aux brèves accalmies (la période Al-Andalus, la Pologne des XVIe et XVIIe siècles…) succèdent des torrents de haine, le fléau voyageant à travers l’Europe. Battant en brèche l’idée d’un rejet immémorial, la série montre par quels ressorts l'antisémitisme, instrumentalisé pour des raisons religieuses, politiques ou économiques, s’est construit et recyclé à travers le temps. Les nazis ont par exemple puisé dans l’imagerie moyenâgeuse pour stigmatiser leurs contemporains. Mais ces persécutions ont paradoxalement renforcé l’existence de la communauté juive, qui s’est structurée à force d’être ramenée à une identité fantasmée. Cette histoire des discriminations est donc aussi celle d’une émancipation et d’une résistance, des protestations du philosophe Philon au Ier siècle à l’épithète rageuse de Robert Badinter (interviewé dans la série) contre le négationniste Robert Faurisson, qualifié de "faussaire de l’histoire", en passant par le poème du Russo-Israélien Haïm Bialik en réaction au pogrom de Kichinev de 1903. Cette œuvre littéraire, pour une fois suivie d’effet, exhortait les juifs à "se réveiller" et provoqua un exode massif vers des terres plus hospitalières.

Série documentaire de Jonathan Hayoun et Judith Cohen Solal (France, 2022, 52mn)
Rediffusion jusqu'au 11/02/2024

Robert Habeck on Israel and Antisemitism

Nov 3, 2023 | It's almost four weeks since the horrific terrorist attack on Israel. A lot has happened, the public debate has become heated and confused. Find thoughts from Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck in the video, putting the events in context. With English, Hebrew and Arabic subtitles.

Verwandtes Video hier.

Sunak Orders Police to Stop Pro-Palestinian Protest Disrupting Remembrance Events

THE TELEGRAPH: PM says there is ‘clear and present risk that the Cenotaph and other war memorials could be desecrated’ if march goes ahead

Rishi Sunak said the Nov 11 date of the planned march in central London was ‘provocative and disrespectful’ | CREDIT: Kirsty Wigglesworth/PA

Rishi Sunak has demanded that the Metropolitan Police makes “robust use” of all its powers to protect next weekend’s Remembrance events from being disrupted by a pro-Palestinian protest.

The Prime Minister wrote to Sir Mark Rowley, the Met Police commissioner, on Friday to argue that the force had “the powers necessary” to ensure that protests did not “disrupt or disturb” acts of Remembrance.

Suella Braverman, the Home Secretary, has called for a planned march on Saturday Nov 11 to be stopped, saying it would be “entirely unacceptable to desecrate Armistice Day with a hate march through London”.

On Friday night, Mark Harper, the Transport Secretary, intervened to ban a sit-in for Gaza at King’s Cross station in London because of the risk to train services, but hundreds still attended.

Mr Sunak said there was a “clear and present risk that the Cenotaph and other war memorials could be desecrated” if the protest on Armistice Day went ahead. » | Daniel Martin, Deputy Political Editor; Robert Mendick, Chief Reporter and Will Bolton, Crime Correspondent | Friday, November 3, 2023

Islamisten-Demos in Deutschland | NEWS

Nov 4, 2023 | Zwei pro-palästinensische Demonstrationen in Frankfurt am Main und Essen sorgen in Deutschland für Aufregung. Dabei kam es in der Finanzmetropole zu einigen Festnahmen - während in Essen ein islamistisches Weltbild mehr im Vordergrund stand.

WIKIPEDIA: Tauhīd » [D] und Tawhid » [E] und Tawhid » [F]

Der Tauhīd-Finger ist der erhobene Zeigefinger als Symbol der Einheit Gottes.

The Tawhid finger is the index finger raised as a symbol of the oneness of God.

Le doigt Tawhid est l'index levé comme symbole de l'unité de Dieu. – Mark

Michael Lambert: STAGGERING WASTE of Taxpayers' MONEY

Nov 4, 2023 | Despite the Prime Minister's claims to the contrary, the UK economy is in trouble. At the Covid enquiry last week it became clear that No 10 and the government were in chaos during the Boris Johnson administration. There was little discipline or order especially during the pandemic Also throughout this time, money was spent with very little apparent control, benefitting many including Tory donors who benefitted from huge contracts.

£29.3 billion was spent on 'Test & Trace'. £30 billion was lost by Liz Truss and Kwazi Kwarteng with their disastrous budget and £21 billion was lost to fraud under Rishi Sunak.

It is clear that taxpayers' money is being wasted with few proper controls whilst friends of Tories or donors often seem to be the beneficiaries.

Many MP's have second jobs whilst others are being investigated for alleged financial offences. HMRC rent offices in Newcastle from a company whose beneficial owners are based in a tax haven thereby helping them to evade UK tax.

Money laundering is known to be widespread throughout the UK whilst HMRC ask not to be told about it

Russian Jews Fear Israel-Hamas War Awakening Sleeping Antisemitism

GUARDIAN INTERNATIONAL: Dagestan riot and changing policy at Kremlin stir traumatic memories and prompt deep unease

People in Moscow attending a solidarity service on 15 October for the Israeli victims of the Hamas attacks. Photograph: Alexander Zemlianichenko/AP

For Vladimir Putin’s more than two-decade rule, he has promoted himself as a friend and protector of the Jewish community, and he launched an invasion last year with the ostensible goal to “denazify” Ukraine.

But the scenes of violence in Makhachkala, Dagestan, this week, as well as images of local people searching out Israeli passport holders in a hotel in the city of Khasavyurt, recalled darker moments in Russian history, when Cossacks rampaged through Jewish communities as local authorities looked on.

For some Russian Jewish leaders, the Kremlin’s recent geopolitical shift away from Israel – which has launched a ground invasion in Gaza – as well as nods toward antisemitism, played a direct role in last week’s events in Dagestan.

“By meeting Hamas last week and not condemning the massacres, the Kremlin might have given the green light to some elements in the Caucasus that the hunting season [against Jews] is on,” said Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, a former chief rabbi of Moscow, who left in 2022 after Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

This week, Putin sought to show he was in control, convening his security council over the rioting and quickly shifting the blame for the attacks abroad. Others asked how a country with such top-down control could allow the riot to take place. » | Andrew Roth and Pjotr Sauer | Saturday, November 4, 2023