Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Canada's Woke Nightmare: A Warning to the West | Documentary

Aug 29, 2023 | Under Justin Trudeau, Canada has sought to position itself as the global bastion of progressive politics. In my latest Telegraph documentary, seen above, I went to the former British colony to find out how Canadians are dealing with Trudeau’s radical reforms – from the promotion of gender ideology in schools and the mass legalisation of drugs, to his extreme new suicide laws and clamp downs on freedom of speech.

I began my investigation in one of the country’s most liberal cities, Vancouver. Possession of up to 2.5 grams of hard drugs, including heroin, cocaine and fentanyl, has been legalised in the city as part of a three-year experiment which began in January of this year. If the aim was to combat the opioid crisis that already beset the city, then it appears there is still much to be done as vast tent sites line the streets, patrolled by roaming zombie-like drug addicts.

As we filmed on Hastings Street, infamous as the epicentre of Vancouver’s homelessness crisis, I witnessed a topless man shoot a needle into his arm five feet from me. Though it wasn’t quite as bad as San Francisco, where my cameraman and I came under attack from angry vagrants, the scenes were still shocking.

It’s not just the homeless who patrol the streets of Vancouver. Chris Elston, better known online as Billboard Chris, campaigns against the imposition of gender ideology on children, whether through Canada’s education system or via dangerous operations to “transition” young adults. As his nickname suggests, Chris walks around Vancouver wearing signs protesting gender ideology, encouraging lively debates with passers-by which he puts on YouTube.

Chris kindly allowed our crew to join him on a walkabout, where we found many Canadians horrified by the use of puberty blockers in children and the promotion of biological men in women’s sports.

We did encounter some opposition of course, mostly through the odd shout or flicking of the finger. So much for Canadian politeness.

One aggressive gentleman, tall, ageing and angry, began a tirade against Chris with the rather bizarre singular message that he is “queer”.

Part of Canada’s social revolution can also be witnessed in its extreme new euthanasia laws. In 2016, the ruling Liberal Party passed legislation enabling assisted suicide for terminally ill Canadians. Next year the legislation will be expanded to include those with mental health problems. As Christianity declines across Canada, and the liberal obsession with “bodily autonomy” and “personal freedom” reaches its logical conclusion, a new dystopia is forming. As Dr Konia Trouton, a euthanasia advocate, told me, “We are an organised society but within that organisation we have to allow some freedoms and opportunities. This is not a communist system where we can try and reign that in”. The campaign group Euthanasia Prevention Coalition estimates that 13,500 people chose state-assisted suicide last year.

To prevent wokeism from spreading it is important to have a strong opposition party. Canada’s Conservatives have been historically weak in pushing back against Trudeau, however, their recently elected leader, Pierre Poilievre, has injected fresh energy into the party. Whilst there are some who still question Poillievre’s conservative credentials, his strategy seems to be working; one recent poll gave his party a twelve-point lead over Trudeau’s Liberals.

However, the most successful opponents to Canada’s social revolution have so far not been politicians but members of the public. Our film highlights some of these brave individuals, including Dr Jordan Peterson, perhaps the most high-profile Canadian in the world other than the country’s leader.

During my travels I found ordinary people appalled at Canada’s surrender to drug dealers, its contempt for freedom of speech, its enforcement of gender ideology on children and a breezy willingness to terminate the lives of its own citizens. However, for all the depressing stories of people losing their jobs, or being hounded by the government, these cases were equally inspirational. Whilst Canada is a warning to the West, there are also individual messages of hope from those brave individuals fighting for their freedom.

Welsh Nationalists Say Gold Cape Is Not Safe at British Museum

THE TELEGRAPH: Plaid Cymru has joined calls from other countries to repatriate artefacts in wake of theft revelations

Plaid Cymru wants the 4,000-year-old Mold Gold Cape returned to Wales

Welsh nationalists have joined the Chinese Communist Party and the Greek government in calling for the return of ancient artefacts from the British Museum.

Liz Saville-Roberts, Plaid Cymru’s group leader at Westminster, has repeated calls previously made by her party for the return of an almost 4,000-year-old gold cape in the wake of revelations about thefts at the museum.

The Welsh MP claimed the security of the museum is no longer a strong argument for keeping treasures from nations “under the control of the British Empire”, adding that the Mold Gold Cape and a bronze shield should be handed over. » | Craig Simpson | Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Lebanon LGBTQ+ Activists Say Attacks Are Distraction from Country’s Problems

THE GUARDIAN: Community reports shift from uneasy tolerance to being scapegoated for socioeconomic crisis

An anti-LGBTQ+ protest in Beirut, Lebanon, this month. Photograph: Wael Hamzeh/EPA

When the Christian extremists of Soldiers of God menaced a bar in Beirut’s nightlife district during a drag show, their members had a chilling message for patrons: “We have warned you a hundred times … this is just the beginning.” The group, whose members sometimes carry weapons, have repeatedly threatened places associated with Lebanon’s LGBTQ+ community, accusing them of “promoting homosexuality” amid an increase in homophobic rhetoric from the country’s politicians.

Lebanon has long been considered a bastion of relative tolerance compared with other countries in the Middle East, with gay-friendly clubs, bars and civil society organisations existing in pockets of the capital.

Spaces of relative safety flourished despite growing pressure from conservative elements across Lebanese society. However, LGBTQ+ people say they have noticed a shift from an uneasy tolerance to being scapegoated for the country’s problems. » | Ruth Michaelson | Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Coup d’Etat au Gabon : le président Ali Bongo placé « en résidence surveillée » par des militaires

LE MONDE : Des militaires, dont des membres de la garde républicaine, ont annoncé la dissolution des institutions et la fermeture des frontières après l’annonce de la victoire du président à l’élection présidentielle.

La confusion règne au Gabon où, à peine la victoire d’Ali Bongo Ondimba à présidentielle du 26 août connue, des militaires sont intervenus sur la chaîne de télévision publique Gabon 24 pour annoncer l’annulation des élections et la dissolution des institutions. « Nous mettons fin au régime en place », ont affirmé un groupe d’une douzaine de militaires gabonais mercredi 30 août à l’aube, précisant que « les frontières sont fermées ». » | Le Monde avec AFP | mercredi 30 août 2023

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Former Algerian Minister of Defence Indicted in Switzerland on War Crime Charges

THE GUARDIAN: Khaled Nezzar is to be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity during 1991-2002 Algerian civil war

Khaled Nezzar (pictured here in 2016), a former minister of defence in Algeria, is to stand trial in Switzerland. Photograph: Nacerdine Zebar/Gamma-Rapho/Getty Images

Victims of the 1991-2002 Algerian civil war have been given hope that they will finally receive justice after the highly unusual announcement by Swiss authorities that a former Algerian minister of defence is to stand trial in Switzerland on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Khaled Nezzar is set to be the highest-ranking military official ever tried for war crimes under the principle of universal jurisdiction, which allows states to investigate and prosecute people suspected of having committed international crimes regardless of where they were committed, their nationality, or the nationality of the victims.

Switzerland’s office of the attorney general (OAG) filed an indictment in the federal criminal court against Nezzar on Monday. » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Tuesday, August 29, 2023

While Writing Anti-Islam Book, He Became Muslim! - The Story of Joram Van Klaveren

Sep 15, 2022 | How did Joram Van Klaveren became a Muslim? In this interview, he tells us about his journey to Islam. …

Ugandan Man Charged with ‘Aggravated Homosexuality’ under New Law

THE GUARDIAN: Twenty-year-old could face death penalty after anti-LGBTQ+ legislation was introduced this year

Peter Tatchell (centre) and other demonstrators hold a sign in solidarity with LGBTQ+ people in Uganda during Pride in London in July. Photograph: Peter Nicholls/Getty Images for Pride In London

Ugandan prosecutors have charged a man with “aggravated homosexuality” under anti-LGBTQ+ legislation introduced this year that makes the offence punishable by death.

The law – considered one of the harshest of its kind in the world – also includes penalties for consensual same-sex relations of up to life in prison.

The suspect “was charged in Soroti [in eastern Uganda] and he is on remand in prison. He will be appearing in court for mention of the case,” said Jacquelyn Okui, a spokesperson for Uganda’s directorate of public prosecutions.

According to the charge sheet, the 20-year-old suspect was charged on 18 August and is accused of “unlawful sexual intercourse with … [a] male adult aged 41”.

“Statement of offence: aggravated homosexuality contrary to … Anti-homosexuality Act 2023,” the charge sheet said. » | Agence France-Presse in Kampala | Tuesday, August 29, 2023

This is both OUTRAGEOUS and BARBARIC! There’s not a whiff of Christianity in either the benighted law or the cruel verdict. – © Mark Alexander

Trump Has ‘Moral Compass of an Axe Murderer,’ Says Georgia Republican

THE GUARDIAN: Former lieutenant governor Geoff Duncan describes Trump’s roster of wrongdoing as ‘like some sort of Ponzi scheme of lies’

Geoff Duncan, the former Georgia lieutenant governor, in Atlanta earlier this month.Photograph: Robin Rayne/Zuma/Shutterstock

Donald Trump has “the moral compass of an axe murderer”, a Republican opponent in Georgia said, discussing the former president’s legal predicament in the southern US state and elsewhere but also his continuing dominance of the presidential primary.

“As Republicans, that dashboard is going off with lights and bells and whistles, telling us all the warning things we need to know,” Geoff Duncan told CNN on Monday.

“Ninety-one indictments,” Duncan said. “Fake Republican, a trillion dollars’ worth of debt [from his time in the White House], everything we need to see to not choose him as our nominee, including the fact that he’s got the moral compass of a … more like an axe murderer than a president.

“We need to do something right here, right now. This is either our pivot point or our last gasp as Republicans.” » | Martin Pengelly in Washington | Tuesday, August 29, 2023

To Escape the Heat in Dubai, Head to the Beach at Midnight

Floodlights illuminating Umm Suqeim beach in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, this month.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: In a city where weather that would constitute a deadly heat wave in Europe is just a typical summer day, official “night beaches” have become a popular way to cool down.

Toddlers squealed, the sea roared and a portable speaker abandoned on the shore played a love song. Perched on a giant inflatable hot dog, a child paddled through the shallows.

This could have been any beach anywhere on a summer weekend, if you closed your eyes tight enough to shut out the light of the moon. But it was midnight on a recent Monday. The lifeguards were working a night shift, and blazing spotlights were trained on the water, staining it an eerie, luminescent turquoise.

Even at this hour, it was 90 degrees, with 79 percent humidity. That is pleasant, relatively speaking, for summer in Dubai — a city of glistening skyscrapers and bustling ports in the United Arab Emirates, an immigrant hub where citizens are the minority.

“It’s so hot we can’t come to the beach during the day,” said Ramshah Ahmed, 36, a Pakistani teacher who had traveled to Dubai to attend a wedding and spent most of her days inside air-conditioned malls. She was delighted to find a beach open at night so her children could burn off some of their energy; newcomers were still arriving on the sand as she and her son whacked a pink badminton shuttle back and forth. » | Vivian Nereim | Photographs by Andrea DiCenzo, Reporting from the beach in Dubai, United Arab Emirates | Monday, August 28, 2023

Australie : un ver vivant retiré du cerveau d’une patiente

Aug 29, 2023 | Une Australienne de 64 ans se plaignait de pertes de mémoire et de dépression. La raison : elle avait un ver vivant de 8 centimètres dans son cerveau.

Three-inch worm pulled 'alive and wriggling' from woman’s brain: Researchers believe the 64-year-old was infected after foraging for edible shrubs near her house in Australia »

Dimitra’s Dishes: Peruvian Chicken Fried Rice (No Soy!)

Aug 28, 2023

Get the full recipe here.

Gemeinderat beschmierte Fahrzeuge mit ukrainischen Kennzeichen


FRANKFURT ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Welcher Partei oder Stadtratsfraktion der Verdächtige angehört, ist bislang nicht bekannt. Die CDU und die Grünen fordern das Ratsmitglied auf, sein Mandat niederzulegen.

Ein Gemeinderat der Stadt Baden-Baden soll Hakenkreuze auf zwei Autos mit ukrainischen Kennzeichen geschmiert haben. Hakenkreuze gelten als Merkmal von verfassungswidrigen Organisationen, ihre Verwendung ist strafbewehrt. Welcher Partei oder Stadtratsfraktion der Verdächtige angehört, ist bislang nicht bekannt. Die Staatsanwaltschaft beantragte einen Strafbefehl in Höhe von 50 Tagessätzen. » | Von Rüdiger Soldt, Stuttgart | Montag, 28. August 2023

Michael Gove Rips Up EU Rules on New Housing to Allow More Homes to Be Built

THE TELEGRAPH: Levelling-Up Secretary to scrap Brussels’ so-called ‘nutrient neutrality’ regulation, which is designed to limit harmful chemicals in rivers

Restrictive EU environment rules will be scrapped to enable 100,000 more homes to be built by 2030, Michael Gove has announced.

The Levelling-Up Secretary will scrap so-called “nutrient neutrality” rules imposed by Brussels, which the Government blames for blocking the provision of new homes, even where planning permission is granted.

The rules are designed to limit the amount of harmful chemicals that make their way into rivers, affecting wildlife. » | Daniel Martin, Deputy Political Editor | Tuesday, August 29, 2023

This government is the pits. This country is well on its way to being the sewer of Europe. Nay, of the world! – © Mark Alexander

Scrapping housebuilder water pollution rules in England to cost taxpayer £140m: Under Lords amendment, developers will no longer have to offset nutrient pollution from new homes’ sewage »

Monday, August 28, 2023

Trump Trial Set for March 4, 2024, in Federal Case Charging Him with Plotting to Overturn Election

AP: WASHINGTON (AP) — A judge on Monday set a March 4, 2024, trial date for Donald Trump in the federal case in Washington charging the former president with trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election, rejecting a defense request to push back the case by years.

U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan rebuffed claims by Trump’s attorneys that an April 2026 trial date was necessary to account for the huge volume of evidence they say they are reviewing and to prepare for what they contend is a novel and unprecedented prosecution. But she agreed to postpone the trial slightly beyond the January 2024 date proposed by special counsel Jack Smith’s prosecution team.

“The public has a right to a prompt and efficient resolution of this matter,” Chutkan said.

If the current date holds, it would represent a setback to Trump’s efforts to push the case back until well after the 2024 presidential election, a contest in which he’s the early front-runner for the Republican nomination. » | Eric Tucker, Lindsay Whitehurst and Michael Kunzelman | Monday, August 28, 2023

With video.

An Islamic View on Sexuality and Sexual Orientation: Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

Sep 2, 2022 | Lgbt 🏳️‍🌈 and non-binary

Steve Schmidt Explains the Rise & Inevitable Fall of Donald Trump | The Warning

Aug 28, 2023 | Steve Schmidt explains what people do not understand about how Donald Trump rose to power and how he could be in trouble moving forward in the 2024 Presidential election

Easy to Make Brown Butter Banana Bread with Salted Caramel | Cooking with Zahra

’Brown Butter Banana Bread with Salted Caramel’ is a delightful and indulgent twist on the classic banana bread. It takes the traditional banana bread recipe and elevates it with the rich and nutty flavor of brown butter and the irresistible sweetness of salted caramel.

To make this delicious treat, ripe bananas are mashed and incorporated into the batter, providing natural sweetness and moisture to the bread. The star of the show, however, is the brown butter, which is made by gently cooking butter until its milk solids turn brown, imparting a deliciously nutty aroma and taste. The salted caramel adds a luscious and gooey layer of sweetness to the banana bread, creating a wonderful contrast of flavors.

The caramel can be drizzled over the top of the bread before baking or swirled into the batter to infuse every bite with its decadent goodness. The ‘Brown Butter Banana Bread with Salted Caramel’ is baked until golden and fragrant, filling the kitchen with a delightful aroma that's hard to resist.

Once cooled, it can be sliced and enjoyed as a delicious breakfast, snack, or dessert. This scrumptious treat is perfect for using up overripe bananas and will satisfy any sweet tooth with its irresistible combination of flavors.

It's a popular choice for special occasions, brunch gatherings, or simply to enjoy as a comforting and indulgent treat any time of the day.

Get the full recipe here.

Michael Bolton : Said I Loved You... But I Lied

Apr 9, 2017 | Views on YouTube: 38,114,448 | Provided to YouTube by Columbia

France to Ban Muslim Students* Wearing Abayas in State Schools - BBC News

Aug 28, 2023 | Pupils will be banned from wearing abayas - loose-fitting, full-length robes worn by some Muslim women - in France's state-run schools, the education minister has said.

The rule will be applied as soon as the new school year starts on 4 September.

France has a strict ban on religious signs in state schools and government buildings, arguing that they violate secular laws. Wearing a headscarf has been banned since 2004 in state-run schools.

Verwandter Artikel auf Deutsch.

Schoolchildren are more usually and more correctly referred to as pupils rather than students. Is, perhaps, the word 'students' being used here by the BBC to obfuscate the issue?

In regard to the banning of abayas and hijabs, the French are right to ban these modes of dress for schoolchildren. In a good, well-functioning establishment dedicated to the education of children, difference should be minimised. This goes for children of different religious- as well as children of different socio-economic backgrounds. Children need to be well-socialised. Well-socialised children grow up to be well-socialised in the community, too. Fostering difference, by contrast, leads to disharmony and even strife in society.

Regarding the wearing of hijabs, abayas and other types of headscarves, headcoverings and body coverings, even for the strictest and most devout of Muslim families, they are totally unnecessary before puberty. One should always ask oneself WHY headcoverings and other such garments become mandatory for Muslim women. (Please note that I use here the word 'women' not 'girls'. A clear distinction should, and must, be made here.) It is because of hair and the figure having the potential to arouse and excite the senses. For this reason, it is customary in Islamic societies to insist on long, loose clothing and full head coverings in order to hide the potential cause of sexual arousal. In actual fact, the very word hijab means curtain! Therefore, the wearing of a hijab is tantamount to hiding one’s adornment, beautiful hair behind a curtain, as is the wearing of long, loose abayas. A pre-pubescent girl is not, and should not be, troubled by such matters, exactly because they are pre-pubescent. Therefore, in conclusion, anyone who insists on the wearing of a hijab or abaya in a school environment is quite possibly making a political, rather than a religious, statement. Even in Saudi Arabia, the home of Islam, when I was there, it was not customary to dress young girls up in such clothing. Children should be allowed to be children. It belongs to a healthy development in childhood. – © Mark Alexander

Frankreichs Bildungsminister will Abajas an Schulen verbieten


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Seit 2004 sind auffällige religiöse Symbole an Frankreichs Schulen verboten. Nun will Bildungsminister Gabriel Attal auch das bodenlange, muslimische Frauengewand Abaja verbieten.

Frankreichs Bildungsminister Gabriel Attal will das Tragen einer Abaja, eines muslimischen Überkleids, in den Schulen des Landes verbieten. „Ich habe entschieden, dass in der Schule keine Abaja mehr getragen werden darf“, sagte Attal am Sonntag dem Fernsehsender TF1. Er werde den Schulleitern „klare Regeln auf nationaler Ebene“ vorgeben, bevor der Unterricht am 4. September landesweit wieder aufgenommen wird. » | Quelle: AFP | Montag, 28. August 2023

A Former French President Gives a Voice to Obstinate Russian Sympathies

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Remarks by Nicolas Sarkozy have raised fears that Europe’s pro-Putin chorus may grow louder as Ukraine’s plodding counteroffensive puts pressure on Western resolve.

Former President Nicolas Sarkozy of France arriving for a meeting on the Russian attack of Ukraine in Paris in February 2022. | Ludovic Marin/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

PARIS — Nicolas Sarkozy, the former French president, was once known as “Sarko the American” for his love of free markets, freewheeling debate and Elvis. Of late, however, he has appeared more like “Sarko the Russian,” even as President Vladimir V. Putin’s ruthlessness appears more evident than ever.

In interviews coinciding with the publication of a memoir, Mr. Sarkozy, who was president from 2007 to 2012, said that reversing Russia’s annexation of Crimea was “illusory,” ruled out Ukraine joining the European Union or NATO because it must remain “neutral,” and insisted that Russia and France “need each other.”

“People tell me Vladimir Putin isn’t the same man that I met. I don’t find that convincing. I’ve had tens of conversations with him. He is not irrational,” he told Le Figaro. “European interests aren’t aligned with American interests this time,” he added.

His statements, to the newspaper as well as the TF1 television network, were unusual for a former president in that they are profoundly at odds with official French policy. They provoked outrage from the Ukrainian ambassador to France and condemnation from several French politicians, including President Emmanuel Macron. » | Roger Cohen | Sunday, August 27, 2023

Une tempête tropicale formée dans les Caraïbes se dirige vers la Floride

LE MONDE : Dix jours après la Californie, la Floride est à son tour sous la menace d’une tempête tropicale nommée Idalia, qui pourrait se muer en ouragan d’ici à son arrivée sur les terres, prévue mercredi.

Formée dimanche 27 août dans les eaux des Caraïbes près du sud-est du Mexique, la tempête tropicale Idalia doit progresser vers la Floride, qu’elle doit atteindre mercredi matin sous la forme d’un ouragan, selon les prévisions du Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. » | Le Monde avec AFP | lundi 28 août 2023

Heftige Unwetter auf Urlaubsinsel Mallorca: „Es war beängstigend“

Aug 28, 2023 | Am Sonntag versetzten starke Winde und massive Regenfälle auf der Baleareninsel Bevölkerung und Urlauber in Angst. Der Sturm ließ Bäume einstürzen und umherfliegende Trümmer beschädigten Gebäude. Die Inselregierung rief zu größter Vorsicht auf. © REUTERS, EPA

Ultra-processed Food Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke, Two Studies Show

THE GUARDIAN: Research presented to annual meeting of European Society of Cardiology prompts calls for action

Ultra-processed foods are products that have gone through multiple processes during manufacturing. Photograph: Getty Images/Science Photo Library

Ultra-processed food significantly raises the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, heart attacks and strokes, according to two studies that one expert says should serve as a wake-up call for governments worldwide.

Global consumption of heavily processed items such as cereals, protein bars, fizzy drinks, ready meals and fast food has soared in recent years. In the UK and US, well over half the average diet now consists of ultra-processed food (UPF). For some, especially people who are younger, poorer or from disadvantaged areas, a diet comprising as much as 80% UPF is typical.

Stark new research adds to a growing body of evidence that experts say exposes a “tidal wave of harm” being caused directly by UPF. Two large studies presented at the world’s largest heart conference showed the devastating impact UPF is having on cardiovascular health. » | Andrew Gregory, Health editor in Amsterdam | Sunday, August 27, 2023

Rupert Murdoch and Fox News Deliberately Lied to Millions, and It Led to an Attempted Coup – Steve Schmidt

Steve Schmidt on Rupert Murdoch and FoxNews.

Donald Trump & Tucker Carlson Show the Danger of the Republican Party | The Warning w/ Steve Schmidt | Reupload

Aug 24, 2023

France's Position in Niger Precarious as Deadline to Leave Passes | DW News

Aug 28, 2023 | France's position in Niger has become even more precarious, with the passing of a deadline for the French ambassador to leave. Niger's military leaders had given the French envoy until Sunday to leave. But Paris has refused to withdraw its personnel, saying it doesn't recognize the junta's authority.

Demonstrators gathered outside the French military base in Niger's capital Niamey on Sunday, calling for the soldiers to leave. Some were waving Russian flags. Niger is a former colony of France, which still has some 1,500 troops based there. It's now been more than a month since Niger's military overthrew the democratically elected president.

Crise diplomatique au Niger, «risque d'affaiblissement» de l'Europe... Ce qu’a dit Macron aux ambassadeurs français : Le président de la République a exposé aux ambassadeurs français réunis à Paris ses priorités pour la politique étrangère de la France dans un contexte international difficile. »

Sunday, August 27, 2023

The Observer View on the Sorry Trump Circus and Its Impact on US Democracy

THE OBSERVER – EDITORIAL: It makes for entertaining TV, but the attention afforded the former president makes a mockery of America and its justice system

A T-shirt depicting Donald Trump behind bars. Photograph: Mario Anzuoni/Reuters

It would be a relief not to see or hear anything more from Donald Trump for a while. Unfortunately, that is unlikely. When he was finally brought to book last week at Fulton County Jail, Georgia, on multiple charges of racketeering and conspiracy, the former president should have been refused bail. That might have shut him up for a while. But showing an undeserved leniency characteristic of the legal proceedings against him to date, prosecutors allowed inmate P01135809 to walk away with a $200,000 bond – despite his recent, blatant attempts to intimidate witnesses and judges. » | Observer editorial | Sunday, August 27, 2023

In Moscow, Mourners Cry at a Makeshift Wagner Memorial.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Hundreds of people have placed flowers and other tributes on a sidewalk near Red Square in Moscow.

Tearful mourners gathered in Moscow over the weekend to pay muted respect to the founder of the Wagner mercenary group, Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, and nine other people whom the Russian authorities said were killed in a plane crash last week.

Hundreds of people have placed flowers, photographs, candles and flags — including some bearing the private military group’s skull design — at a small sidewalk memorial near Red Square in Moscow.

Many wept openly, expressing shock over the death of a man they said they respected, and sadness at the loss of life. Almost all expressed their support for the invasion of Ukraine. » | Valerie Hopkins reporting from Moscow | Sunday, August 27, 2023

Wagner boss Prigozhin confirmed dead in plane crash – Moscow: Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin has been confirmed dead after genetic analysis of bodies found in Wednesday's plane crash, Russian officials say. »

Putin and Wagner boss Prigozhin: How a long friendship turned ugly: Theirs was a relationship borne out of the murky world where Russia's state security services mingled with the criminal underworld. »

France Refuses Junta's Demand to Pull Ambassador Out of Niger | DW News

Aug 27, 2023 | In Niger, a deadline is looming for the French ambassador to leave the country. The military junta has demanded the envoy leave by today. France has refused, saying it doesn't recognize the military-installed government.

Tens of thousands of people have rallied in the capital Niamey in support of the coup leaders. It's now one month since the democratically elected president was deposed. The junta has defied crippling international sanctions, and a threat by regional body ECOWAS to forcefully intervene.

U.S. Knew Saudis Were Killing African Migrants

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The United States was told last year that Saudi security forces were shooting, shelling and abusing groups of migrants, but it chose not to raise the issue publicly.

Last fall, American diplomats received grim news that border guards in Saudi Arabia, a close U.S. partner in the Middle East, were using lethal force against African migrants who were trying to enter the kingdom from Yemen.

The diplomats got more detail in December, when United Nations officials presented them with information about Saudi security forces shooting, shelling and abusing migrants, leaving many dead and wounded, according to U.S. officials and a person who attended the meetings, all of whom spoke on condition of anonymity since they were not authorized to speak to journalists.

In the months since, American officials have not publicly criticized the Saudis’ conduct, although State Department officials said this past week, following a published report of the killings, that U.S. diplomats have raised the issue with their Saudi counterparts and asked them to investigate. It remains unclear whether those discussions have affected Saudi actions. » | Ben Hubbard and Edward Wong, Ben Hubbard reported from Istanbul and Edward Wong from Washington. | Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Bernina Express | Documentary

Aug 26, 2023 | From Chur, Switzerland’s oldest city, to Tirano in Northern Italy, the Bernina Express winds its way through deep valleys and wild gorges, crossing some 196 bridges and going through 55 tunnels in its journey through the Graubünden Alps.

A journey to discover one of the most spectacular railway lines in the world and an audacious feat of engineering.

The Bernina Express | Documentary
Available until the 04/11/2023

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Denmark Mulls Banning Desecration of Holy Books amid Quran Burnings | DW News

Aug 26, 2023 | The Danish government is proposing legislation that would make it illegal to desecrate holy books in public. Though it would apply to the Christian Bible and the Jewish Talmud, there's no doubt that it's in response to a recent spate of public burnings of the Muslim holy book, the Quran. Denmark and neighbouring Sweden have seen a number of such Quran burnings in recent weeks, provoking a backlash in Muslim countries.


Köttbullar: How to Make Real Swedish Meatballs

Aug 26, 2023 | IKEA may have made them famous all over the world, but köttbullar existed before the furniture store was founded. Swedish meatballs are usually served with a special sauce, mashed potatoes, cucumber salad and lingonberries. We travelled to Gothenburg to learn more about the recipe of Sweden's national dish. But do they really come from Sweden? Let's find out.

Life in Prison for Saying You’re Gay in Uganda

Even identifying as gay in Uganda can get you locked up! Cruelty is as cruelty does.

Steve Schmidt: "Donald Trump Is a Menace..." | #politics #shorts

Steve Schmidt calls Donald Trump* a “menace to the security” of the USA.

Haven't Americans grown weary of having this Trump dude dominating their news, their media and their political scene? I have. And I’m living across the Pond! I’m sick to death of hearing all about Trump and his antics; furthermore, I am sick to death of seeing his self-satisfied visage and his awful peroxide-blond hair, the growth of which is in all probability induced by Finasteride—a cure for male pattern hair loss and androgenic alopecia—and which reminds me of Shredded Wheat!

At Trump’s age, he could (and should) be enjoying his retirement and enjoying a luxurious retirement in Mar-a-Lago, financed by the fortune he boasts of having. If he did this, he could enjoy his sunset years and we could have a bit of peace! – Mark Alexander

Rabbi Manis Friedman: "Women Need to Make Babies." | #judaism #woman #shorts

Listen to Rabbi Manis Friedman talking about what makes a woman unique.

INTERESTING FACT: Eve in Hebrew is Havah. It means “the mother of life” or “the mother of all mankind”.

Rabbi Manis Friedman.

Sam Harris: "You Must Be an Aries, Sir!" | #astrology

Listen to Sam Harris having fun talking about astrology.

What Neo-Nazis Have Inherited from Original Nazism | DW Documentary

Sep 21, 2019 | What resemblance do today’s ethnonationalist ideologies bear to those which surged during the rise of the Nazis in the Weimar-era? Quite a lot, this documentary shows. Germany’s far-right neo-Nazi scene is now bigger than at any time since National Socialism.

History may not repeat itself, but one can still learn from it. The years of the Weimar Republic were scarred by post-war trauma, political extremism, street fighting, hyper-inflation and widespread poverty. But they also saw economic boom, the establishment of a liberal democratic order and a parliamentary party system. Nobody could really imagine that the Nazis would brush aside the achievements of this young democracy just a few years later. But there were signs, warnings even that all was not well.

So how does that resonate today? How do today’s right-wing populist movements and parties achieve their political aims? Which slogans, images and stereotypes played a role then, and which ones are playing a role now?

The film also looks beyond Germany’s borders. How has Europe changed in the last few years and how have far-right movements been able to gain such influence? In the interwar period, democracies across the continent collapsed one after the other like a house of cards. What about today? Riding on the coattails of the political party the Alternative for Germany (AfD) the far-right has become a factor in both national and state parliaments, united by nationalist and often racist ideologies directly linked to those of the 1930s. At that time, global economic crisis and mass unemployment drove people straight into the fascists’ arms. So, what will happen if crisis strikes now? Are our democracies and their achievements today any more stable than they were in the years before the Second World War?

Junta Orders French Ambassador to Leave the Country within 48 Hours

Aug 26, 2023 | It has been one month since the military detained President Mohamed Bazoum and overthrew the democratically elected government.

The coup leaders have defied growing international pressure to release him and return the country to civilian rule.

Al Jazeera’s Ahmed Idris joins us live from Niamey with the latest developments.

Marie-Roger Biloa is the President of Africa International Media Group. She joins us live on Skype from the Cameroonian capital, Yaounde.

Michael Lambert: Another Week of Chaos and Failure in Brexit Britain

Aug 26, 2023 | This week, there has been a further stream of news stories reflecting the dire state of the UK following Brexit. The government is about to announce a fifth delay to import controls for goods coming into the UK from the EU.

Business confidence is the lowest since 2008: inward investment has just about dried up and our investment in semiconductor research is dwarfed by that of the EU, America and China.

Small firms continue to find it almost impossible to trade with the EU. Musicians and other performers can no longer work in the EU because of new bureaucracy.

The number of asylum seekers waiting for decisions from the Home Office has risen from 7720 in 2010 to over 175,000 now.

Workers from the EU are no longer welcome in the UK and yet the government is advertising in Argentina, Chile, South Korea and in several EU countries for people between the ages of 18 and 30 to come and work in the UK. Furthermore, visas for work, study, healthcare and for families are being granted in ever increasing number to people in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria and Zimbabwe.

Rishi Sunak said he had inadvertently mislead the House of Commons Liaison Committee when talking of a scheme which one of his wife's companies was involved in. Also, it was revealed that Liz Truss had spent £1.8 billion on 20 flights whilst Foreign Secretary.

HMRC are about to move 9000 employees into a new office in Newcastle owned by a Tory donor whose business is based in a tax haven.

The LibDems have asked for water companies to cease pouring sewage into the sea for the bank holiday weekend. Thames Water which began with no debt now owes £14.7 billion and has paid out £7.2 billion in dividends over the past few years.

School trips both to and from the EU have virtually come to an end.

The brain drain of scientists, and others, continues. Crime, especially shoplifting, is increasing even in affluent Chiswick. And Michelle Mone has been seen eating in one of Mayfair's most expensive restaurants.

According to Professor John Curtice, in a poll of polls, 64% now believe the leaving the EU was a mistake. Since the majority of those who still believe Brexit was the correct decision are almost certainly Conservative supporters, it seems that Keir Starmer is following a policy designed to appeal to that very tiny minority.

Christopher Hitchens on the Idiocy of Organized Religions | #religion #christopherhitchens #atheism

Listen to Christopher Hitchens explain the stupidity of organized religion.

Trump Talking Claptrap

Listen to Trump’s twaddle.

Jamie Ruskin on American, Extremist Anti-Abortionists

Listen to Jamie Ruskin point out the dangerous extremism of the Republican position.

Jamie Raskin: The Right-wing in America Devours Its Own

Listen to Jamie Raskin explain HOW the American right-wing devours its own.

Tucker Carlson Is Undermining Faith in American Democracy for Profit | #politics

Listen to Steve Schmidt explain clearly what Tucker Carlson is up to.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Seong-Jin Cho: Chopin: Nocturne, Op. 9: No. 2

Nov 10, 2021

Maurizio Pollini Plays Chopin Nocturne No. 8 Op. 27 No. 2 | Reupload

Jun 18, 2006

Daniil Trifonov – Chopin: Fantaisie-Impromptu In C-Sharp Minor, Op. 66 | Reupload

Oct 6, 2017

Arthur Rubinstein: Chopin Nocturnes No 2 in E Flat Major Op 9

Jan 8, 2019

Steve Schmidt: "Donald Trump Is the Greatest Threat to Our Republic" | #politics

Listen to Steve Schmidt talking about the danger of America falling to the ”MAGA menace”!

Why People Convert to Islam | #shorts

Listen to what this Muslim says about charity here.

Stevie Wonder… | Reupload

I Just Called to Say I Love You

Michael Bolton… | Reupload

…Drift Away

Paul Ryan’s a Sellout. On His Watch, the Insanity Began, and It Flourished at Fox News #politics

Listen to Steve Schmidt talking common sense of what has fuelled the MAGA movement.

Lawrence Krauss vs Hamza Tzortzis Atheism vs Islam Debate #shorts

There are good evolutionary reasons for the existence of homosexuality. Click here to hear Lawrence Krauss explain this in common sense terms.

Do You Believe That God Does Not Exist? – Christopher Hitchens | #shorts #atheism

Christopher Hitchen’s viewpoint on the non-existence of God.

Putin Orders All Mercenaries to Pledge Allegiance to Russia

THE TELEGRAPH: The new oath is to ensure that all Russian soldiers ‘strictly follow the orders of commanders and superiors’

Vladimir Putin has ordered Wagner mercenaries to swear an oath of allegiance to him two days after their leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, died in a plane crash widely blamed on the Kremlin.

The order came as Russians fighting for Ukraine urged grieving Wagner fighters to join their ranks, although the mood of the Kremlin mercenaries appeared sombre rather than rebellious.

The new oath aims to build “the spiritual and moral foundations for the defence of the Russian Federation” and ensure that all Russian soldiers and mercenaries “strictly follow the orders of commanders and superiors”. » | James Kilner and Joe Barnes | Friday, August 25, 2023

Wie schütze ich mein Kind vor Anfeindungen?

Queere Kinder

ZEIT ONLINE: Die 17-jährige Tochter unserer Autorin ist queer. Das macht sie zum Ziel von Hass und Bedrohungen. Ein persönlicher Essay über die Sorgen einer Mutter.

Elternsein heißt, sich Sorgen zu machen. Das beginnt mit der Geburt und hat kein Verfallsdatum: Dreht sich das Baby altersgemäß? Hat das Kita-Kind genügend Anschluss in seiner Gruppe? Wie finden wir die richtige Schule? Es geht immer so weiter. Und später, so dachte ich, kommen bei einem Mädchen all die Themen, die mit weiblichem Erwachsenwerden zu tun haben: Wie gelangt man nach einer Partynacht sicher nach Hause? Wie schützt man sich vor Belästigung und Übergriffen? Kurz: Wie erhält man sich als junge Frau die Freiheit, sich zu bewegen, wo, wie und wann man will, anzuziehen, was man will, ohne dadurch zur Zielscheibe zu werden? » | Ein Essay von Verena Carl | Freitag, 25. August 2023

Dänemark will Koranverbrennungen verbieten


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die Regierung in Kopenhagen legt einen Gesetzentwurf vor, der die Schändung von heiligen Schriften unter Strafe stellt. Zuletzt hatte Dänemark seine Sicherheitsvorkehrungen wegen der Proteste von Muslimen erhöht.

Die dänische Regierung will öffentliche Koranverbrennungen verbieten. Der von der Regierung vorgelegte Gesetzentwurf sehe ein Verbot der „unangemessenen Behandlung von Gegenständen von erheblicher religiöser Bedeutung für eine Religionsgemeinschaft“ vor, sagte der dänische Justizminister Peter Hummelgaard am Freitag. Eine Verbrennung des Korans oder anderer heiliger Schriften kann demnach mit bis zu zwei Jahren Haft bestraft werden. » | Quelle: AFP, dpa | Freitag, 25. August 2023

Le Danemark veut interdire les autodafés de corans : La proposition de loi, qui sera présentée au Parlement danois le 1ᵉʳ septembre, est portée après que des autodafés ont déclenché des mouvements de colère dans plusieurs pays musulmans. »

This Will Real Rather Quickly': Trump Arrested for the Fourth Time

Aug 25, 2023 | Thursday night, Trump was arrested for the fourth time, making him the first former president in American history to take a mugshot. NBC News Legal analyst Ken Dilanian joins Morning Joe to discuss the multitude of legal challenges and charges the former president faces.

The Biggest IPO Ever | Planet Finance (4/6)

Aug 19, 2023 | Although the financial industry in China is still in its infancy, 7% of Chinese people are already investing, and millions more are being added every month. Western investors are also lining up to benefit from China's economic growth. For years, Wall Street gave China wide latitude to raise money on the international capital market, such as with Jack Ma's Alibaba IPO. In 2020, when Ma also wanted to take his new company Ant Group public he no longer did so on Wall Street but simultaneously in Shanghai and Hong Kong. That plan strained the relationship between China and Planet Finance. By whose rules will the game ultimately be played?

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Sarah Palin Says US Civil War ‘Is Going to Happen’ over Trump Prosecutions

THE GUARDIAN: Former vice-presidential nominee condemns prosecutors over ‘travesty’ and says ‘we’re not going to keep putting up with this’

Sarah Palin outside court in New York in February last year. Palin was governor of Alaska when John McCain picked her as his running mate in 2008. Photograph: Lev Radin/Zuma/Rex

A second US civil war is “going to happen” if state and federal authorities continue to prosecute Donald Trump, the former Alaska governor and Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin said.

“Those who are conducting this travesty and creating this two-tier system of justice, I want to ask them what the heck, do you do want us to be in civil war? Because that’s what’s going to happen,” Palin told Newsmax on Thursday night.

“We’re not going to keep putting up with this.”

Palin was speaking to the rightwing network as Trump surrendered at a jail in Fulton county, Georgia, and a historic mugshot was released. » | Martin Pengelly in Washington | Friday, August 25, 2023

Yevgeny Prigozhin, Renegade Mercenary Chief Who Rattled Kremlin

THE NEW YORK TIMES: A tycoon and a Putin ally, he built a paramilitary force that fought by Russia’s side even as he castigated its military leaders. He is believed dead at 62 in a plane crash.

A screengrab from a video provided by Concord Press Service, Mr. Prigozhin’s information agency, showing him at a cemetery for Wagner fighters in Russia’s southern Krasnodar region in April. | Concord Press Service

Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, the outspoken tycoon who built a private paramilitary force that fought on Russia’s behalf in Ukraine and Africa but whose harsh judgment of its army leadership led him to instigate a rebellion, was widely believed to be dead on Thursday, a day after a plane in which he was said to be traveling crashed in Russia. He was 62.

Although his death has not been officially declared by the Russian authorities or confirmed by family members or business associates, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia spoke of Mr. Prigozhin in the past tense on Thursday and offered condolences to the families of the crash’s 10 victims. And Pentagon officials for the first time openly said they believe that Mr. Prigozhin did not survive the crash, in which all on board were killed. His name was on the passenger list.

Mr. Prigozhin had long leveraged a close relationship with the Kremlin to gain lucrative government construction and catering contracts, and he built up the paramilitary force, known as Wagner, in close cooperation with Russia’s military intelligence services.

For years he kept a low public profile. Even as Wagner conducted operations on Moscow’s behalf in Syria and in several African countries, he denied any affiliation. » | Valerie Hopkins, Reporting from Moscow | Friday, August 25, 2023

Yevgeny Prigozhin obituary: Multimillionaire Russian businessman and head of the Wagner mercenary army that played a key role in the war in Ukraine »

What Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Presumed Death Means for Ukraine – BBC News

Aug 25, 2023 | Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin is presumed to have died in a plane crash near Moscow, which killed all 10 people on board - and while his death has yet to be officially confirmed, Russian President Vladimir Putin has paid tribute to his former ally.

The mercenary group has been active on the battlefields of Ukraine following Russia’s invasion, and Volodymyr Havrylov, Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine told the BBC that Prigozhin’s death could have an impact on the “confidence and morale” of Wagner troops – particularly among the lower ranks.

Meanwhile, the UK defence ministry has said that although there is “no definite proof” that Yevgeny Prigozhin was on board the plane which crashed, it “is highly likely that he is indeed dead”.

Music in Nazi Germany - The Maestro and the Cellist of Auschwitz | DW Documentary | Reupload

Nov 9, 2022 | Why was classical music so important to Hitler and Goebbels? The stories of Jewish cellist Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, who survived Auschwitz, and of star conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler, who worked with the Nazis, provide insight.

The film centers around two people who represent musical culture during the Third Reich - albeit in very different ways. Wilhelm Furtwängler was a star conductor; Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, the cellist of the infamous Women’s Orchestra of Auschwitz. Both shared a love for the classical German music.

The world-famous conductor made a pact with Hitler and his henchmen. The young woman, brought to Auschwitz for being Jewish, was spared death for her musical talent. While Furtwängler decided to stay in Germany and make a deal with the devil, Lasker-Wallfisch struggled to survive the brutality of the death camp, with a cello as her only defense. Why did gifted artists like Furtwängler make a pact with evil? Why was classical music played in extermination camps? And how did this change the way victims saw music?

German music was used to justify the powerful position the Third Reich claimed in the world, and to distract listeners from Nazi crimes. In addition to Beethoven, Bach and Brucker, Richard Wagner was highly valued, because he was Hitler’s personal favorite. Hitler understood the power of music, and his chief propagandist Joseph Goebbels was in charge of music in the Nazi-controlled state.

This music documentary by Christian Berger features interviews with musicians like Daniel Barenboim and Christian Thielemann; the children of Wilhelm Furtwängler; and of course 97-year-old survivor Anita Lasker-Wallfisch. Her memories are chilling. Archive film footage, restored and colorized, brings the story to life, and bears witness to an agonizing chapter in history.

Lawrence: Donald Trump’s Mugshot Will Live in History Forever

Aug 25, 2023 | MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell discusses “the mug shot that will define the low point in the history of the American presidency.”

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Rule No. 1 in Putin’s Russia: Defy Him at Your Peril

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The fate of Yevgeny V. Prigozhin is a reminder of all those who have paid a heavy price for standing up to President Vladimir V. Putin, and of how quickly people can fall from his favor.

A photograph released by Russian state media showing President Vladimir V. Putin addressing the nation on June 26. | Gavriil Grigorov/Sputnik, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

When President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia let the mercenary tycoon Yevgeny V. Prigozhin escape seemingly unscathed after launching a mutiny in June, critics around the world seized on the Russian leader’s apparent show of wartime weakness. Some even said the brief rebellion presaged the start of the post-Putin era.

Two months later, Mr. Prigozhin is presumed dead in the mysterious crash of a private jet in a field between Moscow and St. Petersburg. Mr. Putin is securely in the Kremlin, publicly eulogizing Mr. Prigozhin as a talented person with a “complicated fate,” who made many mistakes in life. And the remaining Wagner group leadership is either dead or silent.

U.S. and other Western officials said their leading theory is that the plane was brought down by an explosion, and several, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said they believed Mr. Putin ordered it destroyed. » | Paul Sonne | Thursday, August 24, 2023

Hasn’t Vivek Ramaswamy Just Disqualified Himself in This Contest for the White House? | #shorts

Listen here to Vivek plying his nonsense about Donald Trump being the best president of the twenty-first century!

Richard Dawkins Wants to Get Rid of All Superstition Like Astrology, Homeopathy and So Forth | #shorts

This is what Richard Dawkins says.

The Evidence for a God Better Be Magnificent Given the Stakes! –Christopher Hitchens | #shorts

Christopher Hitchens talks about the evidence for God here.

Chris Christie Compares Vivek Ramaswamy to ChatGPT & Obama | #shorts

Hear what Chris Christie has to say about Vivek Ramaswamy here.

Greek Potato and Feta Fritters | Akis Petretzikis

Aug 24, 2023

Get the recipe here.

Gates of Hell - Homophobia in Russia | Documentary

Jun 7, 2022 | After years of slow but steady progress, the rights of homosexuals in Russia took a giant step backwards with the passing of the Anti-Propaganda law – effectively forcing the gay population of Russia to live in the shadows and in shame. Lacking the basic right of living openly, as well as facing legal discrimination in work and study, Russia’s LGBT are also now facing a growing wave of violence.

When will people come to understand that if you believe in God, then we all are God’s children. Our natures, in that case, are as God intended them to be. For a believer, God is the inerrant Creator; so how can these homophobes profess Christianity and at the same time criticise gays for being the way that God intended them to be?

These eminent academics in the USA who have specialised in theology over very many years state clearly that the Bible DOES NOT condemn homosexuality. Period.

Furthermore, Jesus preached love, not division and hatred. All of God’s children should therefore be given the chance to live in peace, harmony, dignity, and safety. Gays in Russia should be able to live free from fear. More enlightened attitudes need to overcome the prevailing benightedness in the country. For Heaven’s sake, give gays a chance! – © Mark Alexander

The Lincoln Project: Tucker & Trump

Aug 24, 2023 | We watched Tucker & Trump in its entirety so you don’t have to.

The Lincoln Project: It's His Party

Aug 24, 2023 | The winner of last night’s circus was not on stage.

If it thinks like a clown, behaves like a clown, and talks like a clown, then it probably is a clown. – Mark

Fortune Seekers | Planet Finance (3/6)

Aug 12, 2023 | Planet Finance is a mostly unknown, adventurous and also attractive world for the private investor. In Japan, you won't get interest on your savings for decades. Entering the currency market is then a low-threshold step. 'Ms. Watanabe' is a collective name for the one and a half million Japanese individuals in this market and a household name in the shiny towers of Planet Finance. But in the foreign exchange market, the value of one currency always rises or falls against another. Where one wins, by definition someone else loses. It's a Zero Sum Game. Who wins when you lose?

Part 1 is here and Part 2 is here.

Donald Trump & Tucker Carlson Show the Danger of the Republican Party | The Warning w/ Steve Schmidt

Aug 24, 2023

If Americans are foolish enough to re-elect that dud into office, they will deserve all they get. Without question, Messrs Jinping & Putin are watching very closely – and hoping! Could there possibly be a better outcome for them in 2024 than for The Donald to be re-elected? And for Americans and the rest of the world? A disaster – an unmitigated disaster. – © Mark Alexander

America Is Losing Religious Faith

Granger Wootz/Tetra images, via Getty Images


THE NEW YORK TIMES: While much of the rest of the industrialized world has become more secular over the last half-century, the United States has appeared to be an exception.

Politicians still end their speeches with “God bless America.” At least until recently, more Americans believed in the virgin birth of Jesus (66 percent) than in evolution (54 percent).

Yet evidence is growing that Americans are becoming significantly less religious. They are drifting away from churches, they are praying less and they are less likely to say religion is very important in their lives. For the first time in Gallup polling, only a minority of adults in the United States belong to a church, synagogue or mosque. (Most of the research is on Christians because they account for roughly 90 percent of believers in the United States.)

“We are currently experiencing the largest and fastest religious shift in the history of our country,” Jim Davis and Michael Graham write in a book published this week, “The Great Dechurching.” » | Nicholas Kristoff, Opinion Columnist | Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Could this, perhaps, be called 'The Great Awakening'? – © Mark Alexander

This Horror Story Visited on South Wales by Suella Braverman Could Be Coming to a Street Near You

THE GUARDIAN: A far-right backlash against the home secretary’s asylum policy has brought a deluge of hate to a peaceful Welsh town

Wales hotel protesters Composite: Guardian Design

Take what follows as a little local horror story, if that makes you feel better. But I see it as a parable, a lesson in how toxic things can get when some of the basest ingredients in politics are blended just so and left to fester. Our setting today is a town a few miles outside Swansea, yet with only a few changes it could come to the end of your road.

“I was always proud to say I was from Llanelli. Now? It’s worse than embarrassed. I’m ashamed.” That’s not a disgruntled neighbour speaking, but the leader of Llanelli’s council. And what’s upsetting David Darkin isn’t some new eyesore, but the forces gathering on his streets. In the privacy of his office, he likens what’s outside to the 20th century’s darkest decade.

Just a few months ago, no one here would summon up the ghost of 1930s fascism. But that was before this spring, when the town’s top hotel was taken over by the Home Office to house about 250 asylum seekers – and all hell broke loose.

The Stradey Park Hotel is described by local people as “the jewel in Llanelli’s crown”, the place where everyone wanted to hold their weddings. Even today, as workmen pull out the building’s innards in preparation for its new role, it leaves a splendid shell: a cream-coloured Edwardian mansion tucked into a hillside, with views over the Gower coastline.

Now it is in the hands of Suella Braverman. However hard the home secretary huffs and puffs about cutting hotel bills for asylum seekers, she is now one of the biggest hoteliers in Britain. To house a huge backlog manufactured by the Tories, Braverman has just shy of 400 hotels, creating a chain more than twice the size of the Hilton group in the UK. » | Aditya Chakrabortty | Thursday, August 24, 2023

The BRICS Group Announces New Members, Expanding Its Reach

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, the U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia have been invited to join the club of emerging nations, strengthening its role as a geopolitical alternative to Western-led forums.

The BRICS club of emerging nations announced plans to add new members on Thursday. | Pool photo by Alet Pretorius

In a win for China, the five-nation BRICS club of emerging economies that came together to tilt the international order away from the West announced plans Thursday to expand its membership, feeding concerns about a growing global divide.

The group said that Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia had been invited to join, and that their membership would begin in January.

The BRICS group announced the expansion at a summit in South Africa that attracted a level of global interest rarely seen since its first meeting in 2009. Back then, the group’s name was BRIC, an acronym coined by economists at Goldman Sachs to describe a group of developing nations with rapidly growing economies and populations: Brazil, China, India and Russia. South Africa would join a year later, adding an “S” to the acronym. » | Lynsey Chutel, Reporting from the BRICS summit in Johannesburg. | Thursday, August 24, 2023

If anything demonstrates the STUPIDITY of BREXIT, this development does. In the years ahead, the UK is in grave danger of fading into insignificance. Who are the patriots now, I wonder: Brexiteers or Remainers? How stupid and short-sighted Brexiteers have been. – © Mark Alexander

'There's a Level of Hatred I've Never Seen,' Trump Says in Tucker Carlson Interview

Aug 24, 2023 | NBC News Correspondent Vaughn Hillyard reports on former President Trump's Wednesday evening counterprogramming of the GOP debate with his interview with Tucker Carlson.

‘They’re savage animals’: Trump attacks the left in Tucker Carlson interview: Ex-president also discussed Jeffrey Epstein’s death and the amount of water in washing machines among pokes at his critics »

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Ukraine Has All Rights to Defend Itself, Also by Using Attacks on Russian Territory" | DW News

Aug 23, 2023 | In an interview with DW's chief political correspondent Nina Haase, Estonian Foreign Minister Tsahkna said he hoped that Ukrainians would be able to celebrate their Independence Day (August 24) in the streets "already next year". This year, because of martial law, there are no mass events in Ukraine. Tsakhna conceded that he didn't "believe in that really, I'm realistic", and added it was crucial to make the war come to an end in an "appropriate way", i.e. "Russia has pushed back to its territory, when the territorial integrity is re-established, when the international law has re-established in the meaning as well of all the crimes against humanity and war crimes, but also the crimes about leadership." Regarding Ukraine's methods of self-defense, Tsakhna reiterated that Ukraine had all rights to defend itself - "also by using attacks on Russian territory".

Craziest American Experience… | #shorts

...according to a Saudi.

Mature, Awesome… | #shorts

…and Cool !

A Brave Brazilian Man… | #shorts

…Explains What It’s Like to Be Gay in Brazil.

Steve Schmidt: “You Have to Get Engaged to Fight Off an Extremely Dangerous Wave in the Months Ahead” | #shorts

Click here to hear Steve Schmidt’s very important message.

Does the Bible Condemn Homosexuality? Guest Interview with Jeffrey Siker | Reupload

Mar 14, 2023