Sunday, September 11, 2022

Foreign Dignitaries Must Share Buses to Travel to the Queen’s Funeral

THE GUARDIAN: Government guidance sets out strict rules urging international royalty and presidents to travel by commercial flights

A floral tribute to Queen Elizabeth II outside Buckingham Palace in London. Photograph: Stéphane de Sakutin/AFP/Getty Images

Foreign heads of state arriving for the Queen’s funeral must travel by bus en masse to Westminster Abbey, rather than using private cars, according to newly issued government guidance.

The documents, seen by the Guardian, set out strict rules for the dozens of international presidents, kings, queens and prime ministers expected to attend the funeral, urging them to travel by commercial flights to avoid swamping London’s airports.

The instructions lay bare the logistical challenge of accommodating the sheer number of overseas dignitaries who will be arriving in London over next weekend – and will pose a dilemma for Joe Biden, who is likely to require a significant amount of additional security. The US president has confirmed he will attend the funeral in person. » | Jessica Elgot and Pippa Crerar | Sunday, September 11, 2022

‘Biden would never ride a bus’: UK and US play down strict rules for Queen’s funeral: Liz Truss’s spokesperson says ‘arrangements will vary’ as more foreign dignitaries confirm attendance »

Prince of Wales: William Speaks of Honour after Getting Title

Prince Williams has pledged to serve the Welsh people with 'humility' | GETTY IMAGES

BBC: The Prince of Wales has pledged to serve the people of Wales with "humility and great respect".

Prince William and his wife Catherine were named the Prince and Princess of Wales by King Charles III on Friday.

In a phone call with Wales' first minister, the prince is said to have acknowledged his and the princess's deep affection for Wales.

The prince also spoke of his hope the royal couple would visit Wales soon.

Kensington Palace said the prince expressed they would "do their part to support the aspirations of the Welsh people".

"The prince and princess look forward to celebrating Wales's proud history and traditions as well as a future that is full of promise," the palace said.

"They will seek to live up to the proud contribution that members of the Royal family have made in years past." » | BBC | Sunday, September 11, 2022

Related article here.

Queen's Coffin Carried into the Palace of Holyroodhouse

Sep 11, 2022 The Queen's coffin has arrived at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh after a six-hour journey on roads lined by members of the public from her Scottish home, Balmoral Castle. On Monday afternoon the coffin will be taken in a procession along the historic Royal Mile to the city's St Giles' Cathedral where there will be a service.

Thousands Wave Goodbye to the Queen as Her Coffin Travels from Balmoral to Edinburgh

Sep 11, 2022 The Queen's coffin travelled from Balmoral to Edinburgh on Sunday as King Charles III was proclaimed throughout the UK. Thousands lined to the route of royal cortege as it passed through the Highlands to say their goodbyes. The Queen's coffin will make its way back to London for the funeral at Westminster Abbey on Monday 19 September Queen’s coffin travelling from Balmoral to Edinburgh as King Charles III proclaimed throughout UK

The Observer View on the Huge Task Facing King Charles III to Help the UK Secure Its Place in the World

THE OBSERVER – EDITORIAL: At home and on the world stage, the Queen served with grace and unfailing duty. Now her son must rise to the challenge

Charles was officially proclaimed King in St James's Palace, London on 10 September.Photograph: Jonathan Brady/AFP/Getty Images

As heir to the British throne, Princess Elizabeth addressed the Commonwealth in a radio broadcast on her 21st birthday. “I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be short or long shall be devoted to your service.” In so doing, she accepted her destiny as a future monarch: a lifetime of duty and an identity for evermore indistinguishable from head of state.

It is a heavy burden for any one individual to carry. But it is one Queen Elizabeth II bore with grace, duty and humour over her 70-year reign. She was not perfect; she got some things wrong. But in the Queen, the UK benefited from a monarch who understood her role and its limits in a democracy and who for decades served her people unfailingly and without complaint. Her death marks a profound moment of transition for the UK; as the country celebrates her life and grieves her loss, her son Charles assumes the role of King at a time of great economic, international, political and constitutional uncertainty. How Charles III approaches his reign will undoubtedly shape the future of the UK as a constitutional monarchy. » | Observer editorial | Sunday, September 11, 2022

Die neue Königin Camilla

Von der Herzogin zur Königin: Camilla | Bild: GETTY


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Camilla und Charles haben eine bewegte gemeinsame Geschichte. Als Königin wird sie ihm die wichtigste Ratgeberin und Stütze sein. Leicht werden die beiden es auch weiterhin nicht haben.

Es war eine Bitte, aus der aber die Sympathie für die Schwiegertochter und auch die Anerkennung für ihren unermüdlichen Einsatz fürs Königshaus herauszulesen waren: Es sei ihr aufrichtiger Wunsch, dass Camilla, „wenn die Zeit dafür gekommen ist, als ,Queen Consort‘ bekannt sein wird“, ließ Elisabeth II. im Februar offiziell verkünden.

Die einst so unbeliebte und auch von der Monarchin lange abgelehnte Camilla sollte also Königsgemahlin und damit Königin werden, so wie es Tradition im Vereinigten Königreich ist. Auch Elisabeths Mutter, die spätere „Queen Mum“, war an der Seite des Königs Königin, was möglich ist, weil es nur einen König geben kann, selbst wenn dieser eine Frau ist. Prinz Philip war daher neben der Königin nur Prinzgemahl, worunter er lange gelitten hat. Ein Leben am Hof hat sie nicht angestrebt » | Von Peter-Philipp Schmitt, Redakteur im Ressort „Deutschland und die Welt“ | Quelle: F.A.Z. | Samstag, 10. September 2022

« Les opinions politiques d’Elizabeth II n’étaient alignées sur aucun parti »

LE MONDE – TRIBUNE : L’ex-ministre des affaires européennes travailliste Denis MacShane détaille, dans une tribune au « Monde », la manière dont la reine concevait son rôle institutionnel, notamment en ce qui concerne les questions internationales

Au Royaume-Uni, la règle constitutionnelle veut que le monarque britannique soit au-dessus de la politique, n’exprime aucune opinion politique et s’accommode de n’importe quel premier ministre, qu’il soit travailliste ou conservateur.

Le monarque est par conséquent un eunuque politique. Cependant, le terme ne peut pas s’appliquer à la reine Elizabeth. Elle s’est soumise à toutes les conventions mais avait des opinions et une culture politique propres à sa classe et à son éducation. Or celles-ci n’étaient alignées sur aucun parti. Le premier ministre avec qui elle s’est le mieux entendue était le travailliste Harold Wilson (1916-1995). Brillant intellectuel, il affectait de se présenter comme un homme sans prétention du Yorkshire, professant des idées dictées par le bon sens et affichant des goûts plébéiens acceptables par tous. Il refusa la demande du président américain Lyndon Johnson (1908-1973) d’envoyer des troupes britanniques au Vietnam et tenta l’adhésion du Royaume-Uni à la CEE (la future Union européenne), qui fut bloquée par le général de Gaulle.

La reine suivait de près les affaires internationales et lisait toutes les dépêches envoyées par les ambassadeurs britanniques au Foreign Office. Elle avait plaisir à parler avec Wilson. Dans ses Mémoires, il évoque les conseils judicieux que lui prodiguait un expert conservateur en affaires étrangères. Il ne le nomme pas mais avait confié avec un sourire à son assistant qu’il s’agissait de la reine. » | Denis MacShane, Ancien ministre britannique | samedi 10 septembre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Read in English.

Queen Elizabeth's Cousin Got Married in the First Gay Royal Wedding | Your Morning | 2018

WIKIPEDIA: Lord Ivar Mountbatten

Diana, cette illustre inconnue... - Secrets d'histoire

Aug 30, 2022 Qui est cette inconnue mondialement célèbre, qui va périr violemment dans un accident de voiture, le 31 août 1997, il y a 25 ans ? Lady Diana est l'une des femmes les plus photographiées au monde, une de ces femmes qui, sans être chef d'Etat, femme politique, artiste ou écrivain, aura marqué l'histoire contemporaine. Pourquoi cette tragédie parait annoncée à ceux qui ont deviné derrière son magnifique sourire l'ombre d'une tristesse infinie qui a commencé dès sa petite enfance ? Pourquoi Diana accepte-t-elle d'épouser le prince Charles, héritier du trône ? Que cherche-t-elle, au-delà de l'amour, dans ce nouveau rôle qui va transformer sa vie, son image, et finalement son destin ? Stéphane Bern lève le voile sur la véritable Diana Spencer.

'Keep on keeping on'? King Charles III and the Future of the UK Monarchy • FRANCE 24 English

Sep 11, 2022 Charles III was officially proclaimed the UK's new monarch on Saturday, September 10, and crowds gathered outside St James's Palace to show their support for the new king. But with polls consistently showing he enjoys much less popularity than his mother, could this have an impact on the future of the monarchy?

Russland verliert Kontrolle über wichtige Städte im Nordosten der Ukraine

Sep 11, 2022 Das Verteidigungsministerium in Moskau erklärte am Samstag den Rückzug seiner Kräfte aus der Stadt Isjum in der Region Charkiw. Auch aus Balaklija zwischen Isjum und der Regionalhauptstadt Charkiw würden russische Kräfte abgezogen. © REUTERS, AFP

Zelenskiy hails Ukraine territorial gains in surprise north-east counteroffensive: President claims thousands of square kilometres of ground have been retaken as Russian forces withdraw from parts of Kherson region »

Queen's Coffin Is Driven through Scotland

Queen Elizabeth II & Princess Margaret - Unlikely Sisters | Free Documentary History

Sep 8, 2022 It has been said that no two sisters were ever less alike. One reserved and proper. The other lively and controversial. One the anchor of a commonwealth of nations. The other searching for purpose in life.

Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret are among the most photographed women in history. But what of the real women beyond the royal splendour, balcony and cheering crowds - beyond the Crown itself?

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Indicted Bannon Can’t Be Pardoned by Trump This Time

Sept 9, 2022 Andrew Weissmann calls Bannon’s indictment on state charges for defrauding Trump donors in the border wall scheme a “rock crusher” and discusses the potential prison time Bannon faces in New York and in D.C. for contempt of Congress. “The Trump universe is populated by grifters,” says Tim O’Brien, who weighs in on the parallels Trump and Bannon.

Erdbeben der Stärke 4,7 erschüttert die Schweiz

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: pop. In Basel und am Zürichsee war es gleichermassen zu spüren: Ein kurzes Erdbeben hat am frühen Samstagabend die Schweiz erschüttert. Im Epizentrum in Frankreich, ungefähr 12 Kilometer südöstlich von Mulhouse, bebte die Erde mit einer Stärke von 4,7 auf der Richterskala, wie der Schweizerische Erdbebendienst (SED) der ETH Zürich mitteilt.

Der Erdstoss ereignete sich laut SED um 17:58:13 Uhr und ist in der ganzen Schweiz zu spüren gewesen. «Leichte bis mittlere Schäden sind bei einem Erdbeben dieser Stärke in der Nähe des Epizentrums möglich», teilt der SED weiter mit. Über mögliche Schäden ist bisher nichts bekannt » | pop | Samstag, 10. September 2022

King Charles III Officially Proclaimed in Historic Televised Ceremony

Sep 10, 2022 Charles has officially been proclaimed King Charles III, following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II.

This was perhaps the most British of days, when high ceremony and age-old tradition formed the backdrop to a new era - King Charles III declaring himself ready to take on the "heavy responsibilities of Sovereignty".

The King was officially proclaimed as monarch, he delivered a declaration to the Accession Council - which included senior politicians and all six former Prime Ministers - and was televised for the first time in history.

UAE President, VP Congratulate UK's King Charles III on His Ascension to the Throne

KHALEEJ TIMES: He took over the throne after the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth

President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan has sent a message of congratulations to King Charles III of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, on his ascension to the throne after the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

“Our best wishes to my dear friend His Majesty King Charles III on his accession to the throne of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. We look forward to further strengthening this exceptional friendship,” Sheikh Mohamed tweeted on Saturday.

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, has also dispatched a similar message of congratulations to King Charles. » | WAM | Saturday, September 10, 2022

Peaceful Cooking | هدوء الطبخ | Chicken w/ Rice | دجاج مع أرز

May 10, 2022 Cooking the rice and chicken in the method makes it very flavorful and delicious.

For a list of ingredients and the method of cooking in both English and Arabic, click here and then click on “show more”.

Queen Elizabeth's 19 Most Iconic Looks From 1932 to Now | Life in Looks | Vogue

Jun 3, 2022 In honor of the Platinum Jubilee, Vogue’s editor-at-large Hamish Bowles breaks down Queen Elizabeth's history of royal looks. From her twinning frocks with Princess Margaret to her Westminster Abbey wedding dress, a review of Queen Elizabeth's most notable outfits throughout her reign.

Zölibat – Der katholische Leidensweg | Doku HD | ARTE

Sep 10, 2022 Priester, Theologen und Bischöfe bekennen zunehmend, dass ein Großteil der Geistlichen das Zölibat nicht mehr befolgt. Sie verurteilen die Institution Kirche und ihren Umgang mit Priestern. Und weigern sich, die vom Vatikan auferlegte kirchliche Gesetz zu befolgen. Sie wollen ihr Privatleben nicht mehr geheim halten. Viele plädieren für ein Aus des Pflichtzölibats.

Immer mehr Stimmen richten sich gegen den Zölibat und sorgen für Unruhe in der römisch-katholischen Kirche. Eine Umfrage unter Priestern, Gläubigen, Theologen und Bischöfen aus acht Ländern und drei Kontinenten hat ergeben, dass ein Großteil der Geistlichen den Zölibat nicht mehr befolgt. Die Befragten verurteilen die Heuchelei der Kirche, die über das Doppelleben von Priestern hinwegsieht und für den Leidensweg ihrer Familien verantwortlich ist. Im Hintergrund werden Fäden gezogen, um nicht noch mehr Priester zu verlieren: Betroffene berichten von Zwangsversetzungen, Ziehvätern, die Priesterkinder adoptieren, und Schweigegeld für Mütter. Im Klerus werden indes die Auswirkungen der unmoralischen Vorgehensweisen spürbar: Immer mehr Priester verlassen ihr Amt und wollen ihr Privatleben nicht mehr geheim halten. Obwohl das Risiko einer Exkommunikation droht, leben in Österreich etwa 350 Priester offen mit ihrer Familie zusammen. Priester, die wegen ihrer Ehe aus der Kirche ausgeschlossen wurden, gehen weiterhin ihren Aufgaben in der Gemeinde nach. Messen werden teils von Frauen gehalten.

Auch in Deutschland bleibt die Kirche nicht untätig – der deutsche Episkopat hat gegen den Willen Roms eine radikale Reform eingeführt: Laienpredigerinnen und -prediger können von nun an in der Kirche Gebete und Segen aussprechen.

Dieser Ruf nach Veränderung sorgt für eine Spaltung in der Kirche. Vom Vatikan enttäuscht, verlassen progressive Priester ihre Ämter, treten unabhängigen katholischen Gemeinden bei und haben dort die Möglichkeit, eine Familie zu gründen. Anfangs gab es solche Gemeinden vor allem in Afrika – mittlerweile verbreiten sie sich auf der ganzen Welt. Um die leeren Reihen des Klerus erneut zu füllen, schrecken die Diözesen nicht davor zurück, verheiratete Priester mit Kindern aus anderen christlichen Kirchen abzuwerben. Das Ganze führt zu einer gewissen „existenziellen Schizophrenie“ der Gläubigen und der Kirche, die sich laut Papst Franziskus bereits bei den Bischöfen bemerkbar macht.

Dokumentarfilm von Eric Colomer und Rémi Benichou (F 2021, 100 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 12/11/2022

Harry and Meghan’s Children Become Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet

THE GUARDIAN: Queen’s death means Sussexes’ children have right to title HRH unless and until Charles changes protocols

Archie Mountbatten-Windsor with his parents in 2019. As grandson to the monarch he is now entitled to be a prince. Photograph: Toby Melville/PA

The death of the Queen means that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s son, Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, is now technically a prince – a title that his mother, Meghan, had suggested was denied to him because of his race.

His younger sister, Lilibet “Lili” Mountbatten-Windsor, is also entitled to be a princess after the death and the accession of her grandfather, the Prince of Wales, to the throne. » | Ben Quinn | Thursday, September 8, 2022

Being the Queen: The Life of Queen Elizabeth II | National Geographic

’Being the Queen’ uses a treasure trove of never-before-heard interview recordings from those who knew the late Queen personally. Paired with deeply researched archival footage and photos, this one-hour special provides an in-depth look at her life and some of the most important, influential events in the history of the British monarchy.

Elizabeth II, notre Reine - Secrets d'histoire

Elizabeth II, notre Reine - Secrets d'histoire 8 septembre 2022 Dans ce Secrets d’Histoire, Stéphane Bern vous fait découvrir l’incroyable destinée de la reine d’Angleterre : Elizabeth II. À travers des visites exclusives et des témoignages captivants, vous comprendrez comment cette femme dont le destin fut bouleversé à l’âge de 25 ans, est devenue une icône planétaire.

Großbritannien gedenkt der Queen | DW Nachrichten

Eine neue Zeit bricht an im Königreich Großbritannien. 70 Jahre Regentschaft der britischen Queen, Königin Elisabeth II., haben das Land und seine Menschen geprägt. Jetzt geht die Krone an ihren ältesten Sohn Charles - König Charles III., wie er nun heißt.

Charles III Officially Proclaimed King at Accession Council | DW News

Streamed earlier today.

William and Kate Named Prince and Princess of Wales by the King


BBC: Prince William and his wife Catherine have been named the new Prince and Princess of Wales by King Charles III.

"Today, I am proud to create him Prince of Wales, Tywysog Cymru," said the King, who previously held the title.

The King made the comments in his first address to the nation following the death of the Queen, aged 96.

"With Catherine beside him, our new Prince and Princess of Wales will, I know, continue to inspire and lead our national conversations," he said.

He added that they would help "bring the marginal to the centre ground where vital help can be given".

The pair will also take the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall titles, previously held by the King and Camilla, the new Queen Consort.

The King added that the Prince of Wales title was one he had "been so greatly privileged to bear during so much of my life and duty". » | BBC | Friday, September 9, 2022

Friday, September 09, 2022

‘She Loved France and We Loved Her Back’: Tears, Tributes at Paris Market Named after Queen

FRANCE 24: While Britain’s longest reigning monarch “held a special place in the hearts of French people”, as President Emmanuel Macron put it, one place in the French capital was especially important to the Queen. FRANCE 24 spoke to shopkeepers and grieving visitors at a flower market in central Paris that was recently renamed in honour of Queen Elizabeth II.

Queen Elizabeth II visited the flower market in Paris with former French president François Hollande and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo on June 7, 2014. © Francois Mori, AP

The late Queen, who died on Thursday aged 96, visited France more than any other foreign country , meeting all 10 French presidents who took turns at the Élysée Palace during her 70 years on the throne.

“Elizabeth II mastered our language, loved our culture and touched our hearts,” Macron said in English in a video message on Friday. “We are grateful for her deep affection for France.”

The Queen made the last of her five state visits to France in 2014, to mark the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings. Stopping in Paris at the end of the trip, she unveiled a plaque at a flower market that was renamed in her honour. » | Benjamin Bodman | Friday, September 9, 2022

Elizabeth II : une certaine idée du style

LE MONDE : La souveraine britannique a fait appel durant toute sa vie à des couturiers inconnus du grand public, offrant au fil des années une garde-robe de plus en plus chamarrée, et dont les chapeaux furent la grande attraction.

La reine Elizabeth II lors d’une garden-party à Buckingham Palace, le 3 juin 2014. YUI MOK / AFP

En soixante-dix ans de règne, la garde-robe de la souveraine aurait eu le temps d’évoluer. Mais ce qui la caractérise, c’est plutôt sa stabilité : elle n’a pas suivi la mode dans ses mutations, quand cette dernière est devenue une industrie portée par des marques de « fast-fashion » efficaces et des grands noms de luxe qui vendent du rêve. Elizabeth II est montée sur le trône dans les années 1950, décennie où la couture éclipsait encore le prêt-à-porter et où, pour se vêtir, il fallait coudre ses vêtements soi-même ou faire appel à une couturière. Elle est toujours restée fidèle à ce fonctionnement, alors même qu’autour d’elle les tenues siglées Givenchy ou Zara de Meghan Markle et de Kate Middleton faisaient l’objet d’interminables débats dans la presse ou sur les réseaux sociaux. » | Pa Elvire von Bardeleben | vendredi 9 septembre 2022

Justin Trudeau Tears Up as He Announces Queen Elizabeth II's Death - 'One of My Favourite People'

King Charles III Addresses the Nation for the First Time

Charles to be proclaimed King at St James’s Palace on Saturday: New King to swear oath in presence of privy counsellors, with proceedings televised for first time »

What to Expect from King Charles III

King Charles III has very large shoes to fill. How will he change the British royal family?

Kein Knicks für die Queen: Der Staatsbesuch von Elizabeth II. in der Schweiz war legendär – auch wegen einiger Peinlichkeiten

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die britische Königin besuchte 1980 die Eidgenossenschaft. Ein Blick zurück.

«Wiege der Nation»: Queen Elizabeth II. erreicht am 2. Mai 1980 zusammen mit Bundespräsident Georges-André Chevallaz (links) und Innenminister Hans Hürlimann die Rütliwiese. | Keystone

Mit der Sondermaschine der British Airways schwebt sie aus London ein, die Königin. Es ist der 29. April 1980, kurz nach halb zwölf. Spätestens jetzt packt die sonst so republikanischen Eidgenossen das Adelsfieber – und dies in einem Ausmass, wie man es hierzulande seit dem Besuch des deutschen Kaisers Wilhelm II. im Jahre 1912 nicht mehr erlebt hat. Die 54-jährige Elizabeth II. entsteigt zusammen mit Prinzgemahl Philip dem Flugzeug. Auf dem Rollfeld in Kloten empfängt Bundespräsident Georges-André Chevallaz den hohen Besuch zu den Klängen von «God save the Queen». Derweil wird auf den Zuschauertribünen bereits gefachsimpelt, ob die Königin nun in Königsblau oder Pfauenblau gekleidet sei.

So beginnt ein viertägiger Staatsbesuch, der zu Recht historisch genannt wird. Elizabeth II. ist das erste britische Staatsoberhaupt, das die Schweiz offiziell besucht. Zwar kam bereits Queen Victoria, die so mächtig war, dass eine ganze Epoche nach ihr benannt wurde, im Sommer 1868 zur Erholung für einige Wochen in die Innerschweiz. Aber sie tat das inkognito, als «Lady Louise Kent, Gräfin von Kent». Nun folgt ihre Ururenkelin in staatlicher Mission. Und wie! Über 1000 Kilometer wird die Queen kreuz und quer durchs Land reisen oder besser: hetzen. Doch die königliche Visite wird auch als Kuriosum in die Geschichte eingehen. Ein «Staatsbesuch der verpassten Gelegenheiten», so bilanziert später die «Weltwoche». Beherrscht von «Polizei, Notabeln und Peinlichkeiten». » | Marc Tribelhorn | Freitag, 9. September 2022

Şekerpare : Melt in the Mouth Turkish Desserts

Sep 9, 2022 Şekerpare ("sugar bits") is one of Turkey's most popular and common desserts; made with butter, powdered sugar, flour and semolina and then shaped into little cookie balls. Usually garnished with whole hazelnuts and sometimes almonds, crushed pistachio or covered with poppy seeds. There are many different versions of Sekerpare and they can be flavored with oranges, hazelnut flour, but in the end, when soaked in slightly lemon flavored syrup, they become incredibly moist and tender.

Democracy Now! Top S News. & World Headlines — September 9, 2022

The Queen's Sense of Humour Remembered: From Off-mic Quips to Tea with Paddington

As well as being Britain's longest-reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth II was widely known for her sense of humour.

President Biden on Death of Queen Elizabeth II: She 'Defined an Era'

Macron rend hommage à Elizabeth II : « Pour nous, elle était la reine »

Sep 9, 2022 « Sa sagesse et son empathie nous ont aidés à tracer une voie au milieu des aléas de l’histoire des 70 dernières années. » Emmanuel Macron a rendu hommage à Elizabeth II, décédée le 8 septembre à l’âge de 96 ans.

Une vidéo du président de la République s’adressant « aux citoyens du Royaume-Uni et du Commonwealth » a été publiée sur les réseaux sociaux. Il y présente ses condoléances et insiste sur les liens particuliers de la reine avec la France : « Elizabeth II maîtrisait notre langue, aimait notre culture et touchait nos cœurs. Depuis son couronnement, elle a connu et s’est entretenue avec tous nos présidents. »

A French Dinner for the Queen : in the Kitchens of the Élysée Palace | Reupload

Aug 9, 2019 On the occasion of D-Day commemoration ceremonies, the Queen of England is paying an official state visit in France and will be attending a banquet as the guest of honor at the official residence of the President of the Republic of France, the Elysée Palace. This documentary film will describe the event from the kitchens of power, the true vitrine of French gastronomy which has been on Unesco's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2010. We will follow the work of the teams of the famous chef Guillaume Gomez, from the conception of the menus to the selection of products with the best French producers as well as the installation of the reception hall. A true challenge for a prestigious guest.

Le même documentaire en français ici.

The Queen's Speech at the French State Banquet

Jun 6, 2014 Her Majesty gives a speech at the State Banquet for the French State Visit at the Élysée Palace in Paris. The visit, the fifth official State Visit by The Queen to France, is taking place over three days in Paris and Normandy.

Mort d'Elizabeth II : les voyages en France de la reine

Sep 9, 2022 La reine Elizabeth II, morte le 8 septembre 2022 à 96 ans, disait aimer la France et le français. En 1948, Elizabeth de Windsor a 22 ans et n’est pas encore reine. Elle effectue sa première visite d’Etat à Paris et surprend les Parisiens en tenant un discours en français. Sa francophonie est pour elle un outil diplomatique important durant les 70 années de son règne.

Elle ne cessera de dire que le passé et le futur du Royaume-Uni et de la France sont liés durant ses nombreuses visites dans l’hexagone. Elle a notamment rencontré neuf/dix présidents de la République française. Un record.

Mais la francophilie de la reine n’était pas que diplomatique. Elle a réalisé plusieurs voyages privés, notamment pour passer des vacances en France. Mais c’est surtout sa passion pour le cheval qui lui a fait visiter les haras de Normandie.

De Roubaix à Toulouse, en passant par Paris, ses visites ont toujours rassemblé des foules nombreuses. D’ailleurs, cette affection particulière a déjà laissé une trace dans la capitale française. Sur l’Ile de la Cité, le marché aux fleurs a été rebaptisé en son honneur.

Der letzte Besuch der Queen in Deutschland

Insgesamt vier Staatsbesuche hat Elizabeth II. nach Deutschland gemacht. 2015 besuchte sie „Germany“ zum letzten Mal. Dabei traf sie etwa die ehemalige Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel. © REUTERS, AFP

King Charles III Becomes Monarch and Begins Royal Duties

Sep 9, 2022 King Charles III became monarch immediately after the death of his mother at her Scottish Highland retreat on Thursday. He will decide on the length of the royal household's period of mourning, which is expected to last a month

Queen Elizabeth II: Tributes Paid to Queen as King Charles Travels to London

Queen Elizabeth II and Britain's Leaders - Britain's Longest Reigning Monarch | DW Documentary

Sep 8, 2022 In memoriam Queen Elizabeth II

[This documentary was originally released in April 2022]

On February 6, 2022, Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her 70th anniversary on the throne. No other head of state has been in power for so long. This film analyzes the fascinating relationship between Queen Elizabeth II and her prime ministers.

Winston Churchill was in love with his young queen. The relationship with Margaret Thatcher was difficult. Then there’s Brexiteer Boris Johnson - this film illuminates the very different relationships Queen Elizabeth has had with the many prime ministers who have served during her long reign.

Filmmakers Katharina Wolff and Larissa Klinker examine Queen Elizabeth II’s role as the symbol of a centuries-old power structure in the United Kingdom. Although the British monarch has no direct political power, the prime minister travels from Downing Street to Buckingham Palace every week for a private audience.

In this film, personal secretaries, political experts and Buckingham Palace insiders reveal what is discussed at these private meetings and how much impact personalities have on the relationship between royalty and the government.

Using archival footage and personal accounts, the film shows how the queen accompanied her prime ministers through their time in office. On September 6, Queen Elizabeth II appointed Liz Truss as the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Thursday, September 08, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II: Her Reign in Numbers

Queen Elizabeth II has died. Her 70-year reign was the longest of any British monarch—and spanned a period in which the world has radically changed. This is the story of her remarkable reign in numbers.

Ein Leben für die Krone: Zum Tod von Queen Elizabeth II | DER SPIEGEL

Mit ihrer Regentschaft prägte Elizabeth die Zweite eine ganze Epoche. Ein Rückblick auf eine Jahrhundertkönigin – die wichtigsten Szenen.

Queen Elizabeth II. ist tot: Der Ruhepol der Nation ist nicht mehr

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZRITUNG: Die britische Königin Elizabeth II. verkörperte Stabilität und Kontinuität in einer Epoche, in der sonst wenig Bestand hatte. Sie starb am Donnerstag im Alter von 96 Jahren nach einer längeren Regentschaft als alle ihre Vorgänger.

Mit dem Tod von Königin Elizabeth II. geht eine Epoche zu Ende. | Tim Graham / Getty

Es gibt unter den britischen Monarchen wohl nur einen Vergleich, der sich für Königin Elizabeth II. heranziehen lässt: ihre Ururgrossmutter Königin Victoria, die am Ende ihres Lebens zur Namensgeberin eines ganzen Zeitalters wurde. Auch für Elizabeth II. gilt, dass die meisten der heute lebenden Briten nie ein anderes Staatsoberhaupt als die jetzt verstorbene Königin erlebt haben. Unweigerlich stellt sich die Frage, wie die Institution Monarchie im Vereinigten Königreich überhaupt vorstellbar ist ohne die Person, in der alle Macht des Souveräns theoretisch vereinigt wurde, während sie faktisch machtlos war.

Als die junge Monarchin 1953 gekrönt wurde, hiess der britische Premierminister Winston Churchill. In Grossbritannien waren die Rationierungen aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg noch nicht ganz aufgehoben. Indien war erst wenige Jahre zuvor in die Unabhängigkeit entlassen worden, das Kolonialreich umfasste aber noch immer weite Teile Afrikas. Dies mag die immense Spannweite der Zeitgeschichte erahnen lassen, welche die 70 Jahre der Regentschaft von Elizabeth II. umfasst – der längsten eines britischen Monarchen überhaupt. » | Beat Bumbacher | Donnerstag, 8. September 2022

La reine Elizabeth II est morte, après soixante-dix ans d’un règne hors du commun : NÉCROLOGIE | La monarque, qui avait accédé au trône en 1952 à l’âge de 26 ans, est morte le 8 septembre à 96 ans. Souveraine impassible, vénérée par le peuple britannique, cheffe des armées, gouverneure suprême de l’Eglise anglicane, interlocutrice de quinze premiers ministres britanniques, elle laisse une empreinte durable sur la monarchie. »

Her Majesty: A life in pictures here.

Queen Elizabeth II, Britain’s Longest-reigning Monarch, Dies Aged 96

THE GUARDIAN: Buckingham Palace says monarch has died at Scottish residence of Balmoral Castle

Queen Elizabeth II in her robes on the occasion of her coronation in June 1953. Photograph: Cecil Beaton/Camera Press

Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, has died at the age of 96.

Prince Charles, 73, heir to the throne since the age of three, is now king, and will be officially proclaimed so at St James’s Palace in London as soon as practicably possible.

As Queen of the UK and 14 other realms, and head of the 54-nation Commonwealth, Elizabeth II was easily the world’s most recognisable head of state during an extraordinarily long reign. » | Carolin Davies | Thursday, September 8, 2022

Sorge wegen des Gesundheitszustands der Queen – Charles, William und Harry eilen nach Schloss Balmoral

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Der Buckingham-Palast löst mit einer ungewöhnlichen Mitteilung zum Gesundheitszustand von Queen Elizabeth II. Beunruhigung aus. Die Ärzte der in Schottland weilenden Monarchin sind in Sorge, Familienmitglieder reisen dringlich zum königlichen Landsitz auf Schloss Balmoral.

Die Queen vor ihrem Treffen mit der neuen Premierministerin Liz Truss am Dienstag auf dem Landsitz Schloss Balmoral. | Kirsty O’connor / AP

Der Gesundheitszustand der 96-jährigen Queen hat in Grossbritannien am Donnerstag grosse Sorge ausgelöst. Normalerweise ist der Königspalast sehr zurückhaltend, was Informationen über die Gesundheit der Mitglieder der Königsfamilie anbelangt. Für entsprechend viel Aufregung sorgte die Mitteilung, die der Buckingham-Palast am Mittag verschickte: «Nach einer weiteren Bewertung heute Morgen sind die Ärzte der Königin besorgt um die Gesundheit Ihrer Majestät und haben empfohlen, dass sie unter medizinischer Beobachtung bleibt.»

Zwar hiess es in der Mittelung weiter, die Queen fühle sich so weit wohl und bleibe auf ihrem schottischen Landsitz Schloss Balmoral. Doch der Umstand, dass der Königspalast diese Informationen überhaupt bekanntgab, nährte die Spekulationen, dass das für viele Briten unvorstellbare Ableben der 96-jährigen Queen bevorstehen könnte. » | Niklaus Nuspliger, London | Donnerstag, 8. September 2022

La reine Elizabeth II « sous surveillance médicale », ses médecins « préoccupés » : Ses médecins ont recommandé que la souveraine, âgée de 96 ans, reste sous surveillance médicale dans sa résidence d’été de Balmoral, en Ecosse, où le prince Charles et son épouse Camilla l’ont rejointe. »

Family comes together at a difficult time »

BBC Suspends Regular Programming amid Update on Queen's Condition | 7NEWS

Sep 8, 2022 The BBC has suspended its regular programming temporarily as Buckingham Palace confirms doctors are 'concerned' for The Queen's health.

Queen under medical supervision at Balmoral after doctors’ concerns: Prince Charles in attendance and Prince William on way as monarch remains under medical supervision »

Katty Kay: Queen Elizabeth Has Held the Monarchy Immaculately

The BBC's Katty Kay joins Morning Joe to discuss a statement from Buckingham Palace that Queen Elizabeth's doctors are concerned for her health.

Royal Ramily Rush to Be with Queen Elizabeth as Doctors Voice Concern | DW News

Related article.

Where Is It Illegal to Be Gay?

Jul 11, 2016

Iran is clamping down on lesbianism. Are the first lesbians about to be put to death? (The following article is in German.)

British Man Jailed in Morocco Just for Being Gay | 2014

Oct 6, 2014 His family say he's been locked in a filthy, crowded prison along with with murderers and paedophiles.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — September 8, 2022

Liz Truss to Freeze Energy Bills at £2,500 a Year Average, Funded by Borrowing

THE GUARDIAN: PM announces £150bn scheme and resumption of fracking as she pledges to tackle root causes of crisis

Liz Truss will freeze energy bills at an average of £2,500 a year for two years from 1 October, and has pledged to tackle the root causes of the problems in the UK energy market through plans to increase supply, including the resumption of fracking.

The government will fund the scheme to reduce the unit cost of energy through increased borrowing. The cost is likely to be about £150bn, although Whitehall sources said estimates would not come until a fiscal statement from the chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, expected later this month.

The so-called energy price guarantee will limit the price suppliers can charge customers for units of gas. Truss will temporarily remove green levies worth about £150 a year on average from household bills. Her scheme will cover England, Scotland and Wales, but something similar is expected to follow in Northern Ireland. » | Jessica Elgot and Peter Walker | Thursday, September 8, 2022

Putin Threatens to Reject UN-brokered Grain Deal at Eastern Economic Forum | DW News

Queen under Medical Supervision at Balmoral after Doctors’ Concerns

THE GUARDIAN: Prince Charles in attendance and Prince William on way as monarch remains under medical supervision

The Queen at Balmoral on Tuesday. Photograph: Jane Barlow/AP

Doctors have expressed concern for the Queen’s health and recommended she remain under medical supervision, Buckingham Palace has said.

In a statement, the palace said: “Following further evaluation this morning, the Queen’s doctors are concerned for Her Majesty’s health and have recommended she remain under medical supervision.”

The Queen remains comfortable and at Balmoral Castle.

The Commons Speaker, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, told MPs: “I know I speak on behalf of the entire house when I say that we send our best wishes to Her Majesty the Queen and that she and the royal family are in our thoughts and prayers at this moment.” » | Caroline Davies | Thursday, September 8, 2022

Ärzte besorgt wegen Gesundheitszustand der Queen: Der Buckingham-Palast zeigt sich besorgt wegen des Gesundheitszustands von Queen Elisabeth II. Die britische Premierministerin Truss teilt mit, die Gedanken aller Menschen im Vereinigten Königreich seien bei der Königin. »

Le Royaume-Uni suspendu à l’état de santé de la reine Elizabeth II : Ses médecins ont recommandé que la souveraine, âgée de 96 ans, reste sous surveillance médicale dans sa résidence d’été de Balmoral, en Ecosse, où le prince Charles et son épouse Camilla l’ont rejointe. Le prince William est attendu sur place. »

White House Warns Truss over Efforts to ‘Undo’ Northern Ireland Protocol

THE GUARDIAN: Biden administration says undoing the protocol would not be ‘conducive’ to a trade deal between the UK and US

Liz Truss during her first call to Joe Biden, after which the White House warned the British PM against legislation negating parts of Northern Ireland protocol. Photograph: Andrew Parsons/No10 Downing Street

The Biden administration has sent Liz Truss a message on her second day in office warning against “efforts to undo the Northern Ireland protocol”.

The warning came from the lectern in the White House briefing room, where spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about new British prime minister Truss’s first phone call with Joe Biden and whether a US-UK trade deal was discussed.

Northern Ireland was not mentioned in the question, but Jean-Pierre brought it up anyway.

“There’s no formal linkage on trade talks between the US and the UK and the Northern Ireland protocol, as we have said, but efforts to undo the Northern Ireland protocol would not create a conducive environment, and that’s basically where we are in the dialogue,” Jean-Pierre said.

“Not conducive to a trade deal” is the administration’s established position on British threats, spearheaded by Truss, to pass legislation negating part of the Northern Ireland protocol. » | Julian Borger in Washington | Thursday, September 8, 2022

Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Queen to Miss Virtual Privy Council Meeting after Doctors Advise Rest

THE GUARDIAN: Monarch accepts guidance ‘after full day yesterday’ when she met Liz Truss at Balmoral

Queen Elizabeth II waits in the drawing room at Balmoral to receive Liz Truss, the incoming prime minister. Photograph: Reuters

The Queen will miss a privy council meeting after being advised by doctors to rest, according to reports.

The palace said the meeting, set to take place virtually on Wednesday evening, will be rearranged, PA News has reported. “After a full day yesterday, Her Majesty has this afternoon accepted doctors’ advice to rest,” a palace spokesperson said.

The Queen, in increasingly frail health, met the new prime minister, Liz Truss, on Tuesday at Balmoral in Scotland, where Truss was asked to form a new government after the resignation of Boris Johnson. » | Geneva Abdul | Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Say Hello to Your New Prime Minister - Liz Truss Fail Compilation

Whitney Houston : My Love Is Your Love | Official Video

Views on YouTube: 84,415,661

Premierministerin Liz Truss | Mit offenen Karten - Im Fokus | ARTE

"Mit offenen Karten im Fokus": Täglich drei Minuten Aktuelles und eine Analyse zum Krieg in der Ukraine. Magazin (F 2022, 3 Min) Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 26/08/2024

Handsome Hunks Enjoying a Kiss and a Cuddle. | Reupload

Hübsche Kerle, die einen Kuss und eine Umarmung genießen. / Beaux mecs profitant d'un baiser et d'un câlin.

My thanks go to Twitter on Pinterest for this delightful photo.

Labour: UK Should Brace for a 'Very Turbulent Time' under Truss

David Lammy, the shadow foreign secretary, has warned the UK could be in for a "very turbulent time" with Liz Truss as prime minister.

Stevie Wonder: I Just Called to Say I Love You | Reupload

Views on YouTube : 27,772,062 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Procol Harum : A Whiter Shade of Pale

Views on YouTube: 6,307,812 v | Provided to YouTube by Absolute Marketing International Ltd

Simon & Garfunkel : Homeward Bound

Provided to YouTube by Columbia/Legacy

Zum Tode verurteilt in Iran: Zwei jungen lesbischen Aktivistinnen droht die Hinrichtung

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Ein Gericht hat zwei Iranerinnen wegen «Korruption auf Erden» schuldig gesprochen. Es ist das vermutlich erste Todesurteil in Iran gegen homosexuelle Frauen.

Vieles, was den Frauenkörper betrifft, ist für iranische Sittenwächter eine Frage der Moral. Foto: Teheran, 9. Juli 2022. | Morteza Nikoubazl / Imago

«Wir riskieren unser Leben für unsere Gefühle», sagt Zahra Sedighi Hamedani mit müder Stimme in einem Selfie-Video im Oktober 2021. Die 30-jährige lesbische Frau, die sich in den sozialen Netzwerken für LGBTQ-Rechte in Iran einsetzt, erzählt, sie werde noch in der nächsten Stunde von Iran aufbrechen, um sich in die Türkei schmuggeln zu lassen. «Wenn ich nicht ankomme, ist klar, was passiert ist.» Als sie in die Kamera spricht, ahnt sie bereits, was ihr zustossen wird.

Die LGBTQ-Aktivistin schafft es tatsächlich nicht, sich in der Türkei in Sicherheit zu bringen. Am 27. Oktober 2021 wird sie von den iranischen Revolutionswächtern festgenommen. Über fünfzig Tage fehlt jegliches Lebenszeichen von ihr. Amnesty International und andere Organisationen fordern ihre Freilassung. Ohne Erfolg.

Vor wenigen Tagen dann sprach die iranische Justiz Sedighi Hamedani der «Korruption auf Erden» schuldig – die gravierendste Anklage im Rechtssystem Irans, die meist bei Verstössen gegen das islamische Recht erhoben wird. Das Urteil lautet auf Todesstrafe. Erstes Todesurteil gegen lesbische Frauen » | Karin A. Wenger | Mittwoch, 7. September 2022

Buckle Up for First Liz Truss PMQs

Sep 7, 2022

A Brief History of Homosexuality in Rome

Viewer discretion is advised. Not suitable for children. – © Mark

Vladimir Poutine menace de ne plus livrer ni pétrole ni gaz à l’Union européenne si les prix sont plafonnés

LE MONDE : La présidente de la Commission européenne a proposé cette mesure, mercredi. « Si les pays européens veulent renoncer à leurs avantages compétitifs, c’est à eux de décider », a rétorqué le président russe.

Le président russe, Vladimir Poutine, lors d’une réunion avec les membres du Conseil de sécurité par téléconférence à Moscou, le 22 juin 2022. MIKHAIL METZEL / AFP

Le président russe, Vladimir Poutine, a menacé, mercredi 7 septembre, de cesser toute livraison d’hydrocarbures en cas de plafonnement des prix, tout en se défendant d’utiliser l’énergie comme une « arme » face à l’Europe qui craint des pénuries.

Lors d’un forum économique à Vladivostok, Vladimir Poutine a tenu à être clair : la Russie ne livrera plus de pétrole ou de gaz aux pays qui plafonneraient les prix des hydrocarbures vendus par Moscou. Plafonner les prix des hydrocarbures russes serait « une décision absolument stupide », « une bêtise », a lancé M.

« Si les pays européens veulent renoncer à leurs avantages compétitifs, c’est à eux de décider », a-t-il prévenu. Mais « nous ne livrerons rien du tout si c’est contraire à nos intérêts, en l’occurrence économiques. Ni gaz, ni pétrole, ni charbon (…). Rien », a-t-il ajouté, le ton ferme. « Nous ne fournirons rien en dehors du cadre des contrats » signés avec les pays importateurs, a encore affirmé M. Poutine devant plusieurs dirigeants économiques russes et asiatiques, fustigeant « ceux qui essaient de nous dicter leur propre volonté ». » | Le Monde avec AFP | mercredi 7 septembre 2022

Putin Threatens to Tear Up Fragile Ukraine Grain Deal in Bellicose Speech

THE GUARDIAN: Russian president says he wants to revise agreement to allow export of Ukrainian grain from Black Sea

Vladimir Putin told the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok that ‘we should probably think about limiting the destinations for grain exports’. Photograph: Tass/Reuters

Vladimir Putin has said he wants to revise a fragile international agreement to allow the export of Ukrainian grain in a move that could threaten the deal and revive fears of a renewed Russian naval blockade in the Black Sea.

During a bellicose speech at an economic conference in Vladivostok, Putin said he would speak with the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, about “limiting the destinations for grain exports”, issuing a false claim that only two of 87 ships leaving Ukraine with grain had gone to developing countries.

The divisive statements came during a speech in which Putin also threatened to cut off all deliveries of gas, oil, and coal to Europe if they imposed a price cap on Russian energy imports. Recalling a Russian fairytale, he said that Europeans could “freeze like the wolf’s tail”.

The speech, nominally dedicated to the economy and trade, was one of the Russian leader’s most belligerent and defiant since the beginning of the Ukraine war. At one point, Putin declared that Russia had “lost nothing” in launching a war that has killed tens of thousands of people, including thousands of its own soldiers.

“We haven’t lost anything and we won’t lose anything,” said Putin, when asked about the cost of the invasion, which began more than six months ago. “The main gain is the strengthening of our sovereignty. » | Andrew Roth in Moscow | Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Jonathan Pie: Welcome to Britain. Everything is Terrible. | NYT Opinion

Strong language alert! This video is not suitable for children. It is also not suitable for prudes. – © Mark

In Full: Former BoE Governor Warns of a "Very Unpleasant Period" Ahead

Former Bank of England Governor Mervyn King blames central banks for fuelling the cost-of-living crisis by printing too much money during the pandemic.

King headed Britain's central bank from 2003 to 2013, and oversaw the start of its QE programme in March 2009 during the global financial crisis.

But in more recent years he has criticised the scale of central bank asset purchases, which were funded by newly-created money.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — September 7, 2022

Liz Truss Making Britons ‘Foot the Bill’ for Energy Plan, Says Keir Starmer

Two Antibodies Identified in Israel Can Fight All Known COVID Strains, Study Finds

THE TIMES OF ISRAEL: Infusible to patients, antibodies are so powerful neutralizing the coronavirus they could eliminate the need for more vaccine boosters, peer-reviewed research says

Israeli scientists say they have identified antibodies that are so powerful in neutralizing the coronavirus that they could eliminate the need for more vaccine boosters.

A research team at Tel Aviv University experimented with numerous antibodies and found that two in particular neutralize all known strains of the coronavirus, including Delta and Omicron, in a lab setting.

Antibody infusions are already used to treat some coronavirus patients, and microbiologist Dr. Natalia Freund, who directed the new study, said the antibodies she identified could be used to concoct a particularly potent infusion. » | Nathan Jeffay | Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Wilhelm II. im Exil - Kaiser außer Dienst

Eine Dokumentation des RBB von 2018 von Dagmar Witters, John C. G. Röhl, der Biograph Wilhelm II.


Liz Truss Presents Latest Brexit Fantasy - Watch in Disbelief!

Aug 28, 2022

The Times & The Sunday Times: Liz Truss's First Speech as Prime Minister Deconstructed | Comment

The Times cartoonist Morten Morland deconstructs Liz Truss's first speech as prime minister.

Putin Threatens to ‘Freeze’ West by Cutting Gas and Oil Supplies If Price Caps Imposed

Vladimir Putin has threatened to cut off energy supplies if price caps are imposed on Russia’s oil and gas exports.

Speaking at an economic forum in Vladivostok in Russia's far east, the president said Russia 'will not supply anything at all if it contradicts our interests ... We will not supply gas, oil, coal, heating oil - we will not supply anything'.

Putin also claims the developing world has been 'cheated' by a landmark grain deal designed to alleviate a food crisis.

Putin Says Truss Victory in Tory Leadership Vote ‘Far from Democratic’

THE GUARDIAN: Russian president alludes to fact prime minister was chosen by party members, not by whole country

Putin says election of Truss as UK leader ‘far from democratic’ – video

Vladimir Putin has said the way Britain chooses its leaders is “far from democratic”, a day after Liz Truss replaced Boris Johnson as prime minister.

In his first public comments on Truss’s appointment, the Russian president alluded to the fact she was chosen in a leadership ballot by members of the Conservative party, not by the whole country.

“The people of Great Britain don’t take part, in this instance, in the change of government. The ruling elites there have their arrangements,” he told an economic forum in Vladivostok. » | Reuters in Vladivostok | Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Liz Truss Is Returning to the Fairytale Rconomics of the 1980s

OPEN DEMOCRACY: Excessive inequality and wealth redistribution to the rich have wrecked the economy. ‘Trussonomics’ won’t help

Liz Truss has made it clear that ‘handouts’ are not her preferred way. | PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo

Our new prime minister has already set out her primary economic principles. Although a £90bn bailout to help households and businesses cope with the energy crisis looks on the cards, Liz Truss has made it clear that “handouts” are not her preferred way.

Truss has little option but to make a bold move to prevent a catastrophic fall in living standards. But she has also publicly rejected the idea of looking at the economy through the “lens of redistribution”. By this, she means she is dropping any idea of tackling inequality. Instead, growth will be given priority “because that benefits everyone”.

Both of these declarations show a complete lack of understanding of recent and past political history.

They are a repeat of the arguments used in the 1970s by the anti-egalitarian school of ‘New Right’ evangelists. One of those evangelists, Keith Joseph, a close adviser to Margaret Thatcher, claimed that ‘true’ Conservatives need “to make the case against egalitarianism… The pursuit of equality has done, and is doing, more harm, stunting the incentives and rewards that are essential to any successful economy.” » | Stewart Lansley | Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Sacked Minister’s Wife Calls Liz Truss an ‘Imbecile’ in Twitter Outburst

THE GUARDIAN: Felicity Cornelius-Mercer said system ‘stinks’ after husband Johnny was removed as veterans affairs minister

Johnny Mercer served as veterans affairs minister, a cabinet position. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

The wife of former minister Johnny Mercer has called Liz Truss an “imbecile” in an outburst on Twitter after her husband’s sacking.

Felicity Cornelius-Mercer said the cabinet system “stinks” and “treats people appallingly” after her husband was removed as veterans affairs minister by the new prime minister.

Mercer, the MP for Plymouth Moor View, had appeared angry about Truss’s move, saying he was “disappointed” but accepted that the PM is “entitled to reward her supporters”. » | PA Media | Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Double Down News: ”Liz Truss: Britain's Stupidest Prime Minister”

Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse than Boris Johnson

Many a true word spoken in jest. – Mark

Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Barbra Streisand : Guilty (Official Audio) ft. Barry Gibb | Reupload

Jan 6, 2020 | 8,676,056

Liz Truss, nouvelle première ministre britannique, promet de sortir le Royaume-Uni de la « tempête »

LE MONDE : Après avoir désigné ses « trois premières priorités » – l’économie, la crise énergétique et l’amélioration du système national de santé publique –, elle a présenté son gouvernement.

Inflation à deux chiffres, menace de récession et crainte d’un dérapage de la dette avec l’envolée des taux d’intérêt : les signaux de l’économie britannique sont au rouge alors que Liz Truss fait son entrée au 10 Downing Street. Lors de son premier discours depuis sa prise de fonction officielle mardi 6 septembre, et dans un pays confronté à une crise majeure du coût de la vie, Liz Truss a promis de sortir le Royaume-Uni de la « tempête ».

Ses « trois premières priorités » seront l’économie, la crise énergétique et l’amélioration du système national de santé publique, a déclaré la successeure de Boris Johnson, devenue officiellement première ministre mardi.

« Nous sommes maintenant confrontés à de graves vents contraires mondiaux causés par l’effroyable guerre de la Russie en Ukraine et les conséquences du Covid », a déclaré Liz Truss mardi. « Nous ne devons pas être intimidés par les défis auxquels nous sommes confrontés », a-t-elle souligné devant des dizaines de députés, qui avaient dû s’abriter d’une pluie battante quelques minutes avant son arrivée.

« Aussi forte que soit la tempête, je sais que le peuple britannique est plus fort. (…) Je suis convaincue qu’ensemble, nous pouvons surmonter la tempête et reconstruire notre économie. » » | Le Monde avec AFP | mardi 6 septembre 2022

Britische Premierministerin will schnelle Steuersenkungen: »

Meghan in First UK Speech Since She Left Royal Duties: 'Very Nice to Be Back'

In her first speech in the UK since leaving for California with Harry, Duchess of Sussex has said it was 'very nice to be back in the UK'.

Meghan rejects ‘gendered’ idea she was lucky to be chosen as Harry’s bride: In podcast interview, Duchess of Sussex discusses stereotypes and stigma surrounding single women »

Boris Johnson: The Definitive Biography, from the Day He Was Born to His Final Downfall

he definitive biography, from the day he was born to his final downfall as UK prime minister.