Thursday, September 08, 2022

Queen under Medical Supervision at Balmoral after Doctors’ Concerns

THE GUARDIAN: Prince Charles in attendance and Prince William on way as monarch remains under medical supervision

The Queen at Balmoral on Tuesday. Photograph: Jane Barlow/AP

Doctors have expressed concern for the Queen’s health and recommended she remain under medical supervision, Buckingham Palace has said.

In a statement, the palace said: “Following further evaluation this morning, the Queen’s doctors are concerned for Her Majesty’s health and have recommended she remain under medical supervision.”

The Queen remains comfortable and at Balmoral Castle.

The Commons Speaker, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, told MPs: “I know I speak on behalf of the entire house when I say that we send our best wishes to Her Majesty the Queen and that she and the royal family are in our thoughts and prayers at this moment.” » | Caroline Davies | Thursday, September 8, 2022

Ärzte besorgt wegen Gesundheitszustand der Queen: Der Buckingham-Palast zeigt sich besorgt wegen des Gesundheitszustands von Queen Elisabeth II. Die britische Premierministerin Truss teilt mit, die Gedanken aller Menschen im Vereinigten Königreich seien bei der Königin. »

Le Royaume-Uni suspendu à l’état de santé de la reine Elizabeth II : Ses médecins ont recommandé que la souveraine, âgée de 96 ans, reste sous surveillance médicale dans sa résidence d’été de Balmoral, en Ecosse, où le prince Charles et son épouse Camilla l’ont rejointe. Le prince William est attendu sur place. »