Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Science of Social Bonding in Family, Friendship & Romantic Love | Huberman Lab Podcast #51

Dec 20, 2021 • This episode I discuss the science of social bonding- the process by which we form attachments. I explain the neural and hormonal basis for "social homeostasis" (our drive for a given amount of socializing) which reveals why we get lonely, why we seek out connection with others and how power dynamics (hierarchies) shape those connections. I also discuss the neurochemical basis of introversion and extroversion, of trust and how shared experiences that promote similar physiological states in two or more individuals, leads to more rapid bonding. I also discuss how food and oxytocin play key roles in social bonding. This episode covers quality peer-reviewed science and practical tools for anyone seeking to find, build or end relationships.

Twenty Years of Putin Playing the West in 3 Minutes | NYT Opinion

May 24, 2022 • Vladimir Putin, especially these days, is widely reviled. To some he’s a war criminal, to others he’s a dictator, and to many he’s simply a very bad man. But it wasn’t always this way. ...

Fascism: A Warning | The Late Madeleine Albright | Talks at Google

Jun 27, 2018 • In Fascism: A Warning, former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright draws on her experiences as a child in war-torn Europe and her distinguished career as a diplomat to provide a personal and urgent examination of Fascism in the twentieth century and how its legacy shapes today’s world. A Fascist, observes Madeleine Albright, “is someone who claims to speak for a whole nation or group, is utterly unconcerned with the rights of others, and is willing to use violence and whatever other means are necessary to achieve the goals he or she might have.”

Fascism, as she shows, not only endured through the twentieth century but now presents a more virulent threat to peace and justice than at any time since the end of World War II. The momentum toward democracy that swept the world when the Berlin Wall fell has gone into reverse. In many countries, economic, technological, and cultural factors are weakening the political center and empowering the extremes of right and left. Contemporary leaders such as Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un are employing many of the tactics used by Fascists in the 1920s and 30s.

Fascism: A Warning is a book for our times that is relevant to all times. Written by someone who has not only studied history but helped to shape it, this call to arms teaches us the lessons we must understand and the questions we must answer if we are to save ourselves from repeating the tragic errors of the past.
,br /> Moderated by Heather Young.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – May 24, 2022

The Guardian View on Viktor Orbán’s Brussels Bashing: A Reckoning Must Come

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: The contempt shown by Hungary’s prime minister for EU norms requires a response

‘Mr Orbán has made domestic political capital from waging a culture war against Brussels.’Photograph: EPA

In recent years, as Viktor Orbán has consolidated his hold over Hungary’s body politic, he has acquired a cult following on America’s Republican right. That status was confirmed last week when US conservatives staged a special conference in Budapest, the centrepiece of which was an address by the newly re-elected prime minister. Speaking to the conference theme of “God, homeland, family”, the self-styled standard bearer for “illiberal democracy” did not hold back. Delegates were told that “ideologically trained bureaucrats” in Washington and Brussels – in cahoots with progressive liberals and “neo-Marxists” – were seeking to undermine traditional western values. Mr Orbán then outlined the strategy taken in Hungary to eradicate this threat. “The first point in the Hungarian formula,” he said, “is to play by our own rules.”

In that spirit, Mr Orbán’s Hungary has flouted the democratic norms of European Union membership for years. On issues relating to corruption, the independence of the media, asylum and LGBTQ+ rights, Budapest has flatly ignored EU objections to its actions. Mr Orbán has made domestic political capital from waging a culture war against Brussels, even as Hungary accessed billions of pounds worth of EU regional aid. As he trolls the EU ever more brazenly from within and gives masterclasses to America’s “alt-right”, what can Brussels do about it? » | Editorial | Monday, May 23, 2022

Bruxelles s'inquiète de "nouvelles détériorations" de l'Etat de droit en Hongrie, dont la loi anti-LGBT : Le commissaire européen à la Justice Didier Reynders a cité la loi hongroise interdisant d'évoquer auprès des mineurs "le changement de sexe et l'homosexualité", dénonçant son caractère discriminatoire à l'égard de la communauté LGBTI+. »

Russia Ramps Up Nuclear Talk as Position in Ukraine Weakens

May 24, 2022 • Julia Davis, columnist for the Daily Beast who monitors Russian media, talks with Rachel Maddow about the increasingly loose talk from Russian officials and media figures about using nuclear weapons.


Tucker Carlson Under Fire for Fawning over Authoritarian Leader, Touting Hungary as Model for US

May 24, 2022 • The most influential conservative gathering on the right, CPAC, was recently held in Budapest, Hungary. Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who has fawned over Hungary’s authoritarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in past interviews, addressed the gathering, telling attendees the country’s ethno-nationalist regime offers a “better way” for America. MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports on the GOP’s embrace of “foreign exceptionalism” and the party’s decision to abandon policy.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Taïwan : la Chine accuse les Etats-Unis de « jouer avec le feu »

LE MONDE : Joe Biden a prévenu, lundi, que les Etats-Unis défendront militairement Taïwan en cas d’invasion par la Chine. « Nous demandons instamment aux Etats-Unis (…) d’éviter d’envoyer de mauvais signaux aux forces indépendantistes », a répondu un responsable chinois.

Le président des Etats-Unis, Joe Biden, en visite à Tokyo, a adressé, lundi 23 mai, plusieurs mises en garde à la Chine avec le premier ministre japonais, Fumio Kishida. Après une visite de trois jours en Corée du Sud, M. Biden est arrivé dimanche soir au Japon, les responsables américains considérant ces deux pays comme les chevilles ouvrières du dispositif américain face à la montée en puissance de la Chine dans la région.

Lors d’une conférence de presse commune, lundi, MM. Biden et Kishida ont adopté un ton ferme à l’égard de Pékin, réaffirmant leur « vision commune d’un Indo-Pacifique libre et ouvert » et disant s’être mis d’accord pour surveiller l’activité navale chinoise dans la région, où la Chine montre des ambitions croissantes. « Nous devons appeler la Chine à se plier au droit international », y compris en matière économique, a noté M. Kishida. » | Le Monde avec AFP | lundi 23 mai 2022

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy Speaks at World Economic Forum in Davos | DW News

Concertgoers in Russia Chant ‘F**k the War!’

May 23, 2022 • Audience members at a Кис-Киc (Kis-Kis) concert in St. Petersburg were seen chanting “F**k the war!” according to a video shared online, which was verified by CNN.

Die Zigarre - Dokumentation von NZZ Format | 2004

Jan 22, 2016 • Zum Abschluss eines guten Essens gehört für viele Geniesser eine Zigarre. Das Anzünden, gelernt in einem exklusiven Club, gerät mit viel Brimborium und einem Span Zedernholz zum Kult. Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einem Villiger-Stumpen und einer kubanischen Zigarre? Was ist das Geheimnis der Qualität der Deckblätter des legendären kubanischen Tabakdoyens Alejandro Robaina? Wie entsteht eine Romeo y Julieta? Und: Ist kubanischer Tabak tatsächlich besser als dominikanischer oder brasilianischer?

Kondom oder Pariser? | Karambolage | ARTE

Sep 7, 2021 • Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel erzählt uns von den Abenteuern eines französischen Wortes, das weit durch Europa gereist ist: die „capote anglaise“.

Autor: Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel
Regie : Claude Delafosse
mit: Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel
Kamera: Nicolas Sourdey
Ton: Hugues Petit
Verfügbar bis zum 01/09/2034

Die deutsche Sprache in der Welt | Karambolage | ARTE

Mar 15, 2022 • Claire Doutriaux nimmt die deutsche Sprache unter die Lupe, besser gesagt ihre Präsenz in der ganzen Welt. | Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 01/12/2051

First Class Train across Peru on the “Andean Explorer”

Imran Ahmad Khan Sentenced to 18 Months over Sexual Assault of Boy, 15

THE GUARDIAN: Ex-MP jailed after being expelled from Tory party following conviction for groping teenager at party in 2008

The former Conservative MP Imran Ahmad Khan has been sentenced to 18 months in jail for sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy after plying him with gin at a party in 2008.

The 48-year-old was expelled from the Conservative party and later resigned from the Commons, triggering a byelection in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, after he was convicted last month following a trial at Southwark crown court.

The judge, Mr Justice Baker, said Khan should serve 18 months, “half on custody, released on license for the remainder of the term, subject to recall should you commit a further offence”. » | Rachel Hall | Monday, May 23, 2022

Watch a SKY NEWS video here.

‘Warmongering, Lies and Hatred’: Russian Diplomat in Geneva Resigns over Ukraine Invasion

THE GUARDIAN: Boris Bondarev issues public statement saying: ‘Never have I been so ashamed of my country’

A veteran Russian diplomat in Geneva has resigned over his country’s invasion of Ukraine in a rare political protest from within the Russian foreign policy establishment.

Boris Bondarev, a counsellor at the Russian permanent mission to the United Nations in Geneva, wrote in a public statement: “Never have I been so ashamed of my country.” » | Andrew Roth, Moscow correspondent | Monday, May 23, 2022

Entspannung im Hammam | Karambolage | ARTE

Nov 22, 2019 • Sondes Zouaghi lädt uns ein, sie in den Hammam zu begleiten. Autorin: Sondes Zouaghi | Regie: Florence Miailhe | Auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 28.10.2040

Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – May 23, 2022

US Ready to Use Force to Defend Taiwan, Says President Biden | DW News

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe Says Iran Made Her Confess as a Condition of Her Release

Read the article here.

Millionaires at Davos Say 'Tax Us More'

Millionaires Marlene Engelhorn and Phil White joined a Davos protest calling for higher taxes on the wealthy | PHIL WHITE

BBC: A handful of wealthy attendees gathered in Davos are calling on world leaders to tackle the cost of living crisis by pushing up taxes for people like them.

They took to the streets on Sunday alongside left-wing activists to call for fairer tax systems worldwide.

Political and business leaders are at the first in-person World Economic Forum (WEF) since the pandemic began.

But criticisms are mounting over the way the wealthy have profited in the last two years.

UK millionaire Phil White said: "While the rest of the world is collapsing under the weight of an economic crisis, billionaires and world leaders meet in this private compound to discuss turning points in history.

"It's outrageous that our political leaders listen to those who have the most, know the least about the economic impact of this crisis, and many of whom pay infamously little in taxes. The only credible outcome from this conference is to tax the richest and tax us now."

Mr White, who represents a group called Patriotic Millionaires, made his money as a business consultant. He said he was joining left-wing and anti-poverty campaigners calling for change at the annual meeting of influential business people and political leaders because the current economic system was failing.

Over the past decade, a growing number of millionaires and billionaires in the US and Europe have spoken out, calling for governments to impose higher taxes, including wealth levies on the richest.

While only a small number of millionaires were in Davos to attend the protest, the campaigners have sent an open letter to all Davos delegates, signed by millionaire supporters in several countries. » | BBC | Monday, May 23, 2022

Millionaires ask to pay more tax »

Coronavirus: Disney heir and Ben & Jerry’s call for higher taxes »

Der Frust der britischen Fischer | ARTE Re:

May 23, 2022 • Fischer Darren Kenyon aus Grimsby hat den Versprechen der LEAVE-Kampagne geglaubt und wie 70 Prozent der Menschen im armen Nordosten Englands für den EU-Austritt gestimmt. Doch statt mehr Kontrolle über ihr Land, haben sie weniger Geld im Portemonnaie. Ein Jahr nach dem Brexit fühlen sich die einstigen Befürworter von Premierminister Boris Johnson ausgenutzt.

Fischer Darren Kenyon aus Grimsby hat den Versprechen der LEAVE-Kampagne geglaubt und wie 70 Prozent der Menschen im armen Nordosten Englands für den EU-Austritt gestimmt. Es sollte mehr Kontrolle geben über Fanggründe vor der eigenen Küste und damit eine bessere Zukunft. Doch ein Jahr nach dem Brexit fühlen sich die einstigen Befürworter von Premierminister Boris Johnson ausgenutzt. Darren Kenyon geht es wirtschaftlich noch schlechter als zuvor. Der Vorwurf: genau so viel Bürokratie wie vormals aus Brüssel und noch weniger Fangrechte. So wie die Fischer, bereuen die meisten Menschen in der Humberside-Region ihre Wahl und merken erst jetzt, dass sie es – auch dank EU-Fördermitteln - zuvor besser hatten.

Reportage (D 2022, 32 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 20/05/2023

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Harry Nilsson : Without You | 1972 | HD

Jun 20, 2015 • Harry Nilsson Without You 1972 HD SME records CD titled: "Harry Nilsson Without You", sound recording administered by: SME. Copyright music records SME.

The Dangers of Spreading the Racist 'Replacement Theory'

May 22, 2022 • A handful of Republicans are still echoing the “great replacement theory” following the mass shooting at a Buffalo grocery story. A political panel joined American Voices with Alicia Menendez to discuss the harm of the racist conspiracy

Wie alles begann - die Geschichte des Rauchens.

Sep 11, 2012 • Neues und bekanntes rund ums rauchen.

Steve Schmidt Sounds the Alarm!

May 22, 2022 • The former GOP Operative & Lincoln Project founder warns of coming fascism

Daniil Trifonov – Chopin: Fantaisie-Impromptu In C-Sharp Minor, Op. 66

”Elon Musk Is Just a Weirdo with a Cult Following” – Farron Cousins

May 22, 2022 • Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX and Tesla, has gained a cult following online that somehow believes this man is completely infallible and will lead us into the future. But the reality is that he's just a weirdo with some of the dumbest political takes on the internet, and all you have to do is look at the drivel he posts on any given day to prove that - like when he said this past week that the "woke mind virus" would prevent humans from going to Mars. Farron Cousins discusses this very bizarre human being.

En Italie, des laïques dénoncent l’omerta de l’Eglise catholique sur les abus sexuels

LE MONDE : Après des années de déni, les évêques italiens, réunis du 23 au 27 mai, doivent discuter de la lutte contre la pédocriminalité au sein de l’institution.

Francesco Zanardi, à Rome, en octobre 2018. Agressé dans son enfance par un prêtre, il collecte depuis douze ans les témoignages d’autres victimes. SIMONE PADOVANI / AWAKENING / GETTY IMAGES

La loi du silence qui pèse en Italie sur la pédocriminalité dans le clergé commence à être sérieusement contestée. Alors que la Conférence épiscopale italienne tiendra, du lundi 23 au vendredi 27 mai, une assemblée au cours de laquelle sera discutée sa politique sur le sujet et désigné son nouveau président, un livre accusateur, à paraître le 26 mai, tente d’expliquer pourquoi la Péninsule est l’un des derniers pays occidentaux où l’Eglise catholique s’oppose avec succès à toute tentative d’enquête approfondie sur ce phénomène. « Ce livre a pour but de les obliger à faire cette enquête », déclare au Monde l’une de ses autrices, l’historienne et journaliste Lucetta Scaraffia.

Intitulé Agnus Dei. Gli abusi sessuali del clero in Italia (« Agnus Dei. Les abus sexuels dans le clergé en Italie », Solferino, 224 pages, non traduit), rédigé par Lucetta Scaraffia, Anna Foa et Franca Giansoldati, l’ouvrage a puisé une partie de sa matière première dans les archives amassées par Francesco Zanardi. Agressé dans son enfance par un prêtre, cet homme de 51 ans collecte depuis douze ans les informations éparses trouvées dans la presse. » | Par Jérôme Gautheret (Rome, correspondant) et Cécile Chambraud (Rome, envoyée spéciale) | dimanche 22 mai 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Islam: Das Goldene Zeitalter

Dec 9, 2021 • Der Islam besteht seit über 1300 Jahren. Er wird im 7. Jahrhundert durch Mohammed begründet und breitet sich in der folgenden Zeit über den arabischen Raum bis in andere Teile Asiens und nach Europa aus.

Es bildet sich eine arabisch-islamische Kultur. Geprägt von Wissenschaft und Kunst, die der christlichen Kultur ihrer Zeit um einiges voraus ist.

In diesem Video schaut sich Mirko die Hochzeit der arabisch-islamischen Kultur einmal genauer an. Welche Teilreiche gibt es und wer herrscht über sie? Der Blick richtet sich auch auf große Wissenschaftler wie Ibn Sina, der ein bis in die Neuzeit gültiges Standardwerk der Medizin schreibt. Auch Feldherren wie Sultan Saladin spielen eine Rolle, der im Kreuzzug gegen Richard Löwenherz kämpft.

What Does the Extraordinary Election Result Mean for Australia's Future? | 60 Minutes Australia

Anthony Albanese is negotiating his first steps in Australia’s toughest job, but as our 31st prime minister, he and his new government face enormous challenges. Albo says he’ll make the country better for everyone, but considering two-thirds of the electorate didn’t vote for him or the ALP, it’s going to be a tough task. Federal politics never ceases to surprise, but last night’s result was extraordinary. On 60 Minutes, Sarah Abo speaks to Nine Political Editor Chris Uhlmann for his take on this historic election.

Biological Influences on Sex, Sex Differences & Preferences | Huberman Lab Podcast #14

Apr 5, 2021 • In this episode, I discuss how hormones such as testosterone and estrogen and their derivatives impact the early development of the brain and body and their maturation. I review published data on environmental factors shown to powerfully alter hormone pathways in animals and humans and the effects of cannabis, alcohol and cell phones on testes, sperm, ovaries and hormones. I describe the predictable relationship between genes, beard growth and balding patterns, and the importance of estrogen for brain development in people of all chromosomal sexes. Finally, I discuss how the hormones we are exposed to in the womb shape the relative length of our finger digits, the sounds our ears make (yes you read that correctly), and how those correlate with people's self-reports of their sexual preferences. As always, basic information and tools are discussed.

The Science of Love, Desire and Attachment | Huberman Lab Podcast #59

Feb 14, 2022 • In this episode, I discuss the psychology and biology of desire, love and attachment. I explain how childhood attachment types are thought to inform adult attachment styles to romantic partners, and I describe some of the major theories of human mate selection, relationships and infidelity. Additionally, I explore the neurobiology and proposed subconscious processing underlying desire, love and attachment, including the roles of empathy and “positive delusion.” I outline how self-awareness can shift one’s relationship attachment style towards securely bonded partnerships. Finally, I describe specific tools and supplements that have been researched to increase libido and sex drive. Throughout the episode, I explain the science and key mechanisms underlying romantic love and outline tools for those seeking to find a strong, healthy relationship, or for those wanting to strengthen an existing relationship.

Ex-Muslim, LGBTQ, Defiant

Omar (not his real name) tells his story of growing up as a gay ex-Muslim in a country where both homosexuality and apostasy can be met by death. Directed by Sarah Haider, produced and edited by Aurora Creative Media.

Ex-Muslims of North America (EXMNA): If you wish to help them, you can donate here ».

UK Moves to Scrap Northern Ireland Protocol Raises EU Ire

May 17, 2022 • British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss is expected to present a new law to parliament that would unilaterally change the Northern Ireland protocol, a key element of the Brexit deal that saw the UK leave the European Union. Donnacha O Beachain from Dublin City University has more on the Northern Ireland protocol.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Tornado in Western Germany Injures Dozens

A storm system brought torrential rains and strong winds to Paderborn, Germany, tearing down buildings and trees. The tornado was one of three that struck western Germany on Friday, the local authorities said.

The Beautiful, Romantic Wedding Kiss

Le beau baiser de mariage romantique / Der schöne, romantische Hochzeitskuß

With many thanks to Roy van der Wens Wedding Photo & Film on Pinterest for this lovely photo.

Australia Election: Anthony Albanese Vows Unity after Labor Seizes Power

Anthony Albanese vows government of unity, not division. | Screenshot from the accompanying video.

BBC: Australia has elected its first Labor government in almost a decade and Anthony Albanese as prime minister, ousting Scott Morrison's coalition.

Mr Albanese told jubilant supporters that Australians had "voted for change". However it is still unclear whether he can secure a majority.

The centre-left leader vowed to bring people together, invest in social services and "end the climate wars".

Mr Morrison thanked the "miracle of the Australian people" after conceding.

In perhaps the election's greatest twist, support also surged for Greens and independent candidates running on climate platforms.

They could wield greater influence if Labor fails to secure 76 lower house seats to govern in its own right. Late on Saturday it had 72 seats to the Coalition's 55, the ABC projected.

Mr Albanese said it was an "extraordinary honour" to lead the country after he emerged to rapturous applause at Labor's victory party in Sydney.

"My Labor team will work every day to bring Australians together. And I will lead a government worthy of the people of Australia," he said. With video » | Jay Savage, BBC News, Sydney | Saturday, May 21, 2022

France’s outgoing foreign minister welcomes defeat of Scott Morrison: Undiplomatic remarks from Jean-Yves Le Drian follow war of words between nations over abandoned submarine deal »

En Australie, les travaillistes espèrent ravir le pouvoir aux conservateurs à l’issue des législatives : Anthony Albanese, en tête dans les sondages avant les élections prévues samedi, pourrait succéder à Scott Morrison sans que la politique étrangère du pays ne change. »

Australier wählen die Regierung ab: Nach fast zehn Jahren an der Macht muss die konservative Partei in Australien in die Opposition. Die Sozialdemokraten werden mindestens eine Minderheitsregierung bilden können. »

The Rise and Fall of Pope Benedict XVI | DW Documentary

May 21, 2022 • As Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger was head of the Catholic Church from 2005 to 2013. Using archival footage and conversations with contemporary witnesses, this film provides insight into the rise and fall of the German pope.

Pope Benedict XVI led the Catholic Church into the greatest crisis it has faced since the Reformation. Namely, the worldwide child sexual abuse scandal. Filmmaker Christoph Röhl tells the story of this pope’s rise and fall, both of which were symptomatic of the church's larger failures.

Bringing a combination of curiosity and scepticism to his subject, Christoph Röhl’s documentary shows us a man who dedicated his life to preserving the Church - but inadvertently led it into its greatest crisis. The interviewees, all of whom worked within the clerical system, describe how Ratzinger's policies contributed to the dramatic loss of moral authority from which the Church still suffers, today.

This is an epic story, starring a tragic hero. Ratzinger believed that truth was to be found exclusively in the teachings of the Catholic Church and that contemporary society would be lost if it did not rediscover its Catholic values in time. But he came to realize that his worst enemies were inside the Church - even within his inner circle.

The film tells the story of a lonely man who began his career as a reformer, only to leave the public eye in disgrace.

The Russian Orthodox Leader at the Core of Putin’s Ambitions

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Patriarch Kirill I has provided spiritual cover for the invasion of Ukraine, reaping vast resources for his church in return. Now, in an extraordinary step, the E.U. is threatening him with sanctions.

Alexander Zemlianichenko/Associated Press

As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine unfolded, Patriarch Kirill I, the leader of the Moscow-based Russian Orthodox Church, had an awkward Zoom meeting with Pope Francis.

The two religious leaders had previously worked together to bridge a 1,000-year-old schism between the Christian churches of the East and West. But the meeting, in March, found them on opposing sides of a chasm. Kirill spent 20 minutes reading prepared remarks, echoing the arguments of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia that the war in Ukraine was necessary to purge Nazis and oppose NATO expansion.

Francis was evidently flummoxed. “Brother, we are not clerics of the state,” the pontiff told Kirill, he later recounted to the Corriere della Sera newspaper, adding that “the patriarch cannot transform himself into Putin’s altar boy.”

Today, Kirill stands apart not merely from Francis, but from much of the world. The leader of about 100 million faithful, Kirill, 75, has staked the fortunes of his branch of Orthodox Christianity on a close and mutually beneficial alliance with Mr. Putin, offering him spiritual cover while his church — and possibly he himself — receives vast resources in return from the Kremlin, allowing him to extend his influence in the Orthodox world.

To his critics, the arrangement has made Kirill far more than another apparatchik, oligarch or enabler of Mr. Putin, but an essential part of the nationalist ideology at the heart of the Kremlin’s expansionist designs.

Kirill has called Mr. Putin’s long tenure “a miracle of God,” and has characterized the war as a just defense against liberal conspiracies to infiltrate Ukraine with “gay parades.” » | Jason Horowitz | Saturday, May 21, 2022

Legal Smoking Age in England Could Be Raised to 21 – Report

THE GUARDIAN: Independent review also expected to support new taxes on tobacco company profits

The legal smoking age in England could reportedly be raised from 18 to 21 after a “radical” review into plans to make the country smoke-free by 2030.

An independent review commissioned by the health secretary, Sajid Javid, and led by Javed Khan, the former chief executive of the children’s charity Barnardo’s, is also expected to support new taxes on tobacco company profits, according to the Telegraph.

The review is also expected to recommend the NHS increase efforts to encourage smokers, particularly among pregnant women, to switch to vaping and e-cigarettes. » | Miranda Bryant | Saturday, May 21, 2022

If they bring this idiotic policy into law, I hope and trust that they will not expect someone under twenty-one to go and fight in a war. If a person is old enough to go to war, he is old enough to smoke! Conversely, if a man is not old enough to smoke, then he is certainly not old enough to go to war!

It’s time for this war on smokers and smoking to stop. Enough already! Further, e-cigarettes are still in their infancy. I notice that the Government of Canada refuses to endorse them. Check this out here.

Discourage smoking tobacco by all means, but more will be achieved by information and gentle persuasion than will ever be achieved with such draconian measures.

Further, I should add that if a person is not old enough to smoke, then he is not old enough to marry and sire babies. A similar argument applies to women. By the way, I write this as an ex-smoker; but I defend the right of a person to smoke and enjoy cigarettes. Moreover, I am NOT in favour of the nanny state! – © Mark

In Full: Former BoE Governor Warns of a "Very Unpleasant Period" Ahead

May 20, 2022 • Former Bank of England Governor Mervyn King blames central banks for fuelling the cost of living crisis by printing too much money during the pandemic.

King headed Britain's central bank from 2003 to 2013, and oversaw the start of its QE programme in March 2009 during the global financial crisis.

But in more recent years he has criticised the scale of central bank asset purchases, which were funded by newly-created money.

Trump Shares CPAC Hungary Platform with Notorious Racist and Antisemite

THE GUARDIAN: Hungarian talkshow host who has called Jews ‘stinking excrement’ and Roma ‘animals’ addresses rightwing conference

Donald Trump is shown on screen speaking via a videolink at the CPAC conference in Budapest, Hungary, on Friday. Photograph: Szilárd Koszticsák/EPA

A notorious Hungarian racist who has called Jews “stinking excrement”, referred to Roma as “animals” and used racial epithets to describe Black people, was a featured speaker at a major gathering of US Republicans in Budapest.

Zsolt Bayer took the stage at the second day of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Hungary, a convention that also featured speeches from Donald Trump, Fox News host Tucker Carlson, and Trump’s former White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows.

The last featured speaker of the conference was Jack Posobiec, a far-right US blogger who has used antisemitic symbols and promoted the fabricated “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory smearing prominent Democrats as pedophiles.

Bayer, a television talkshow host in Hungary, has been widely denounced for his racism. During the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests, he wrote on his blog: “Is this the future? Kissing the dirty boots of fucking [racist epithet] and smiling at them? Being happy about this? Because otherwise they’ll kill you or beat you up?” » | Flora Garamvolgyi and Julian Borger in Washington | Saturday, May 21, 2022

Orbán and US right to bond at Cpac in Hungary over ‘great replacement’ ideology: American far right has long embraced Hungary’s prime minister, who speaks of Europe’s ‘suicidal’ immigration policies »

Viktor Orbán tells CPAC the path to power is to ‘have your own media’: Hungarian leader also tells Republicans at Budapest conference that shows like Tucker Carlson’s should be broadcast ‘24/7’ »

Canada Puts Sanctions on Russian Media Tycoon Alexander Lebedev

THE GUARDIAN: Oligarch with links to Boris Johnson among 14 businessmen and associates of Vladimir Putin targeted

Alexander Lebedev finances the Russian opposition newspaper Novaya Gazeta. His son Evgeny owns the UK’s Evening Standard and Independent. Photograph: Alexander Nemenov/AFP/Getty Images

Canada has put sanctions on Alexander Lebedev, the former KGB agent who little more than a decade ago bought the Evening Standard and the Independent.

The Russian billionaire was named in a fresh wave of sanctions against Vladimir Putin’s regime announced on Friday that also included a ban on the import of Russian vodka, diamonds and caviar, according to the Globe and Mail.

Lebedev, whose links to the British prime minister, Boris Johnson, are well documented, has not been subjected to sanctions by the UK.

The Canadian government said the ban on trade in luxury goods and the addition of 14 oligarchs and associates of the Russian president was aligned with similar measures imposed by allies such as the US and the EU, and would “help to mitigate the potential for Russian oligarchs to circumvent restrictions in other luxury goods markets”. » | Miranda Bryant | Saturday, May 21, 2022

Laura Ashley " Pattern of Success"

Oct 7, 2020 • This film was produced by an American Film Company and is an excellent documentary on the history of Laura Ashley over several decades. From when Laura and Bernard met right through to when they died. They are both buried at the church cemetery in Carno, Mid-Wales, just a few hundred yards from the factory where they first started their empire.

Michael Lambert: Clueless Liz Truss Threatens to Re-write the Northern Ireland Protocol if EU Do Not Back Down

May 21, 2022 • Clueless Liz Truss, the Foreign Secretary, has unilaterally threatened the EU that she will re-write the Northern Ireland Protocol if they do not back down and agree to re-negotiating the Withdrawal Agreement negotiated by Lord Frost and signed by Boris Johnson.

This would almost certainly lead to a trade war with the EU at a time of the greatest cost of living crisis in living memory. It would also be the end of any possibility of a trade deal with the US. In short it would be madness.

Liz Truss appears to have aspirations to be the next prime minister and to be a second Margaret Thatcher. Despite having been one of the staunchest advocates of 'Remain' in the EU Referendum, she has since changed to being a critic of the EU and a defender of Brexit. She also seems fixated on having her photograph taken at every opportunity and she constantly posts pictures of herself on social media.

Hitler privat: Der Soldat (2) | SPIEGEL TV

May 21, 2022 • Nach seiner Zeit als Soldat im Ersten Weltkrieg bereitet Adolf Hitler seine politische Karriere vor. 1923 kommt es zum Putschversuch der NSDAP, der aber niedergeschlagen wird. Hitler wird verletzt.

WIKIPEDIA: Winifred Wagner [D]. / Winifred Wagner [E].

BBC: Hitler's Welsh girlfriend revealed.

Teil 1.

Saudis Have Been Abandoning Their Kids Abroad. Now the Children Want Answers | Foreign Correspondent

Premiered May 19, 2022 • A troubled man. His missing father. A secretive Kingdom, faraway.

American Jared Morrison has dreamed of meeting his dad since he was a kid.

Like many young Saudi men, Jared’s father came to America to study in the 1970s. At university, he met Jared’s mum and they began a relationship. When she became pregnant, he disappeared back home.

Throughout his childhood and into adulthood, Jared was obsessed with finding his Saudi father.

“I had that overwhelming urge and drive...to find him, locate him, learn about him, learn about the culture. It was just an innate instinct.”

Jared connected once on the phone when he was in his early twenties but his father rejected him. Now that Saudi Arabia has begun to open up to the world, Jared wants to try again.

Reporter Brietta Hague and Saudi producer Essam Al-Ghalib tell the exclusive story of Jared as he travels to the Kingdom to try and track down his father. It’s a dangerous, fraught and emotionally risky mission.

Jared's family is powerful and well-connected in Saudi and Jared bumps up against the unwritten rules of a deeply conservative society, which values reputation and family honour above all.

Jared is not alone in his quest to connect with his Saudi father.

Saudi men abroad continue to father and abandon children. In Guatemala, we meet a young boy and his single mother, his Saudi father long since departed. Sami Alrajhi Chang visits the mosque every week to learn Arabic in the hope he may one day meet his Saudi family.

Sami’s father Sulaiman came to study in the USA as part of a Saudi government scholarship programme. There he met student Mandre Chang. Despite promising her marriage and a life together, he abandoned Mandre days after Sami’s birth.

Mandre and Sami are part of a global network of people searching for answers. Stone-walled by the Saudi government and embassies, Mandre sought the help of a blog called ‘Saudi Children Left Behind’, a platform encouraging the children and ex-partners of Saudi men to publish their stories of abandonment in the hope they’ll make contact.

'Saudi Children Left Behind' is an untold story about the powerful human impulse to connect with family, against all odds, and a rare insight into the rigid rules governing this hidden Kingdom – rules about kinship, obligation and family honour

Truth to Power: Boris Johnson: A Russian Asset

May 21, 2022 • While Brexit gets more and more disastrous every day, and while political commentators across the board say that the Met police appear to have completely bungled the Partygate investigation, there is another story that I believe is even more important this week, for 630,225 reasons. According to the New York Times, that’s the amount of money, in US dollars, from a Russian bank account that helped propel Boris Johnson to power in 2019. So, here’s the question. Is Boris Johnson a Russian asset?

Friday, May 20, 2022

Cosmopolitan No More: Russians Feel Sting of Cultural and Economic Rift

THE GUARDIAN: Magazines, production lines and consumer choices suffer as isolation from the west bites

A trip to the mall in Russia is a different experience today than it was just a few short months ago.

“When I had my first child, there was all this choice. Mothercare, Zara, you name it,” said Evgenia Marsheva, a 33-year-old architect. But when she went shopping in Moscow this month for her newborn, many of those large retail brands had been shuttered.

“Now, I can only find very cheap or extremely expensive Russian products. I was brought up with tales of the limited choices that my parents had during the Soviet Union. I never thought that would come back.” » | Pjotr Sauer | Friday, May 20, 2022

Elon Musk bezeichnet die US-Demokraten als Partei des Hasses

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Mit konspirativen Aussagen bewegt sich der Tesla-Chef Elon Musk politisch gegen rechts. Er wettert über die Partei des Präsidenten Joe Biden und kündigt an, künftig für die Republikaner zu stimmen.

Elon Musks neueste Tweets sorgen politisch für Aufsehen. | John Raoux / AP

(dpa) Tech-Milliardär Elon Musk offenbart immer mehr Ansichten, die ihn mit dem rechten politischen Spektrum in den Vereinigten Staaten in Einklang bringen. So schrieb er am Mittwoch bei Twitter, die amerikanischen Demokraten seien zur «Partei der Spaltung und des Hasses geworden». Deshalb werde er künftig für die Republikaner stimmen.

Auch wetterte der 50-jährige Chef des Elektroauto-Herstellers Tesla gegen die Elite-Uni Yale als «Epizentrum des geistigen Woke-Virus, das versucht, die Zivilisation zu zerstören». Über die sogenannte «Woke»-Kultur zu schimpfen, bei der es im Kern um den Kampf gegen Diskriminierung und Ausgrenzung geht, gehört zum festen Repertoire der Erzkonservativen in den Vereinigten Staaten. » | dpa | Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2022

Pelosi: London riskiert möglichen Handelspakt

Nancy Pelosi am 17. Mai 2022 in Washington | Bild: DPA


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die Sprecherin des amerikanischen Repräsentantenhauses warnt Großbritannien vor einer Eskalation des Streits über Brexit-Regeln für Nordirland. Ein erklärtes Ziel der Johnson-Regierung stehe auf dem Spiel.

Die Sprecherin des US-Repräsentantenhauses, Nancy Pelosi, hat die Regierung in London gewarnt, mit einer einseitigen Eskalation des Streits über Brexit-Regeln für Nordirland einen Handelspakt mit den USA zu riskieren. Wenn London sich entscheide, dieses Abkommen zu unterlaufen, werde der US-Kongress kein bilaterales Freihandelsabkommen mit Großbritannien unterstützen, schrieb Pelosi am Donnerstag in einer Erklärung. Das sogenannte Nordirland-Protokoll schütze die wichtige Stabilität in der ehemaligen Bürgerkriegsregion, die der als Karfreitagsabkommen bekannte Friedensvertrag gebracht habe.

Ein weitreichender Handelspakt mit den USA gilt als erklärtes Ziel der Brexit-Befürworter um Premier Boris Johnson, das jedoch aktuell noch in weiter Ferne liegt. » | Quelle: dpa | Freitag, 20. Mai 2022

S&P 500 Falls into Bear Market Territory, Down 20% from January High: Live Updates

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Stocks have slipped for seven consecutive weeks, their worst stretch since 2001. The Federal Reserve’s attempts to bring inflation under control are a big reason stock prices are falling.

Stocks dropped on Friday, pushing the S&P 500 into a bear market for the first time since early in the pandemic, as investors feared the effects of higher inflation, rising interest rates and the risk of a recession.

The S&P 500 was down about 1.6 percent in intraday trading, pushing the benchmark index into bear market territory, a Wall Street term for a 20 percent decline from a recent peak — in this case, since Jan. 3. It is a symbolically important marker of investor pessimism, and the index would have to close the day at this level to officially enter a bear market.

The S&P 500 is also on track for its seventh consecutive weekly decline, an unusually long losing streak.

The pessimism in Wall Street has been prompted by fears about stubbornly high inflation and the Federal Reserve’s plans to increase interest rates in response, which could tip the economy into recession. The pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and lockdowns in China have added to these concerns. Stocks cross grim threshold after a long slide. » | Jason Karaian and Coral Murphy Marcos | Friday, May 20, 2022

Big Tech Is Getting Clobbered on Wall Street. It’s a Good Time for Them.:Flush with cash, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Google are positioned to emerge from a downturn stronger and more powerful. As usual. »

A Weak Euro Heads to an Uncomfortable Milestone: Parity With the Dollar: The euro hasn’t fallen below the one-to-one exchange rate with the U.S. dollar for two decades. But as economic risks grow, more analysts predict deeper lows for the shared currency. »

The Billionaire Class: A Threat to Democracy? | Business Beyond

May 20, 2022 • There are just a few thousand billionaires in the world. But their number is rising. And combined, they control a vast chunk of the entire wealth of the planet. They are also getting wealthier. According to Oxfam, the 10 richest in the world have doubled their collective wealth since the start of the coronavirus pandemic - helped by soaring stock markets and our increased reliance on technology.

In this edition of Business Beyond, we'll look at what it takes to become a billionaire in the countries which produce the most. We'll even speak with one. And we'll ask a key question: should billionaires be allowed to exist?

Ask Prof Wolff: Economic Implications of Abortion Access

May 20, 2022 • A Patron of Economic Update asks: "Can you talk about the economics of planned parenthood and abortion?

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – May 20, 2022

Hitler privat: Der Soldat (1) | SPIEGEL TV

May 20, 2022 • "Das war die schönste Zeit meines Lebens", sagte Adolf Hitler später über seine Jahre als Soldat im Ersten Weltkrieg. Diese Dokumentation von SPIEGEL-TV-Autor Michael Kloft unternimmt einen Versuch, dem "Monster der Geschichte" näher zu kommen - mit seltenen und bisher unveröffentlichten Dokumenten.

Stanley Johnson Becomes French to Keep Link with EU


BBC: Boris Johnson's father Stanley says he has become a French national, telling a Belgium news website he wanted to keep "a link" with the EU after Brexit.

Mr Johnson, whose mother was French, told BFMTV getting citizenship was "something precious" and allowed him to "claim part of my identity".

Unlike his son, who led the campaign to leave the EU, Mr Johnson voted Remain in the 2016 Brexit referendum.

However, he later changed his mind saying "the time has come to bail".

Between 1979 and 1984, Mr Johnson was as a member of the European Parliament representing Wight and Hampshire East.

Downing Street said his decision to accept French citizenship was "a personal matter for the prime minister's father".

Mr Johnson announced he would be seeking French citizenship in December 2020 - a month before the UK fully left the EU.

Speaking on Friday, he said he was "very happy", adding: "I count myself once again as a European Union member, that's very good." » | BBC | Friday, May 20, 2022

PM’s father Stanley Johnson ‘secures French citizenship’: Johnson campaigned for UK to remain in EU in 2016 but has since expressed support for Brexit »

Le père de Boris Johnson, Stanley, obtient la nationalité française : Le père du premier ministre britannique Boris Johnson, Stanley, 81 ans, a obtenu mercredi la nationalité française, a-t-on appris jeudi 19 mai auprès du ministère français de la Justice. »

Such hypocrisy! These entitled dudes want all the privileges themselves, but have been absolutely determined to strip such privileges away from the ‘little people’! Fie on them; and fie on this hypocritical dude, too! This is truly sickening. He’s got a face of brass, that’s all I can say. – © Mark

Podcast: How the Clash of Sex and Religion Spawned America’s Abortion Saga

Joshua Prager, author of the 2022 Pulitzer Prize finalist for non-fiction ‘The Family Roe,’ dissects potential fallout of a leaked Supreme Court decision overturning Roe V Wade

The Russian Psyche | Konstantin Kisin

Apr 29, 2022 • John is joined by Konstantin Kisin, himself Russian by descent, for a conversation about the Russian mindset, popular support for President Putin, the Western response to and coverage of the conflict in Ukraine, Western resilience, the role of satire in public discourse, and much more.

Konstantin Kisin is a Russian-British comedian, podcaster, writer and social commentator. He made international headlines in 2018 by refusing to sign a university “behavioural agreement form” which banned jokes about religion, atheism and insisted that all humour must be “respectful and kind”.

Konstantin is a regular contributor to BBC, ITV and TalkRadio. Frequently described as an "objective voice from the centre of the political spectrum", he regularly writes for a wide range of publications, including the Telegraph, Spectator and Quillette. He is also the creator and co-host of the TRIGGERnometry YouTube show where 2 comics interview economists, political experts, journalists and social commentators about interesting, controversial and challenging subjects.

Konstantin's first book, 'An Immigrant's Love Letter to the West', will be released on July 14th 2022

Spain Braces for Heatwave of ‘Extraordinary Intensity’

THE GUARDIAN: Country warned of risk of orange dust storms as forecasters predict France will see hottest May on record

Temperatures in parts of southern Spain are forecast to exceed 42C on Saturday as a heatwave of “extraordinary intensity” brings dusty skies, a heightened risk of forest fires and blistering conditions more usually seen in high summer than mid-May.

The Spanish government activated its national plan for excess temperatures on Thursday evening after the state meteorological agency, Aemet, warned that Spain was facing “one of the hottest Mays in this country in recent years”.

Aemet said a mass of hot, dry air is blowing in from Africa, carrying with it dust from the Sahara and “exceptionally high” daily temperatures that are between 10C and 15C above the seasonal average.

“The last updates to the meteorological models confirm the extraordinary intensity of this heatwave,” said Rubén del Campo, a spokesperson for Aemet. » | Sam Jones in Madrid and Jon Henley in Paris | Friday, May 20, 2022

La majorité de la France menacée de sécheresse cet été »

Tucker Carlson Tried to Use Hunter Biden to Get His Son into Georgetown

THE GUARDIAN: Emails reveal the ‘extent’ which Carlson was willing to turn on Biden’s son since the 2020 election, Washington Post says

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, speaks to guests during the White House Easter Egg Roll on 18 April. Photograph: Andrew Harnik/AP

As Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for help getting his son into an elite Washington university in 2014, the Fox News host’s wife, Susie, reportedly wrote in an email: “Tucker and I have the greatest respect and admiration for you. Always!”

Since the 2020 election, however, Carlson has fueled rightwing attacks on Joe Biden’s son, particularly over business affairs in which he allegedly benefited from his father’s position.

The existence of emails about getting Buckley Carlson into Georgetown has been known for some time, thanks to a laptop once owned by Hunter Biden that was obtained by Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and pushed to media in 2020.

On Thursday the Washington Post revealed new emails and said analysis by security experts confirmed their authenticity.

The emails, the Post said, “reveal the extent to which Carlson was willing to turn on a former associate as he thrives in a hyper-partisan media world in which conservatives have made Biden a prime target for attack.”

“They also show how Carlson once sought to benefit from the elite political circles in Washington that he now regularly rails against as the ‘ruling class’.” » | Martin Pengelly | Friday, May 20, 2022

Elon Musk Denies He Sexually Harassed Attendant on Private Jet in 2016

THE GUARDIAN: Billionaire says report is ‘utterly untrue’ after allegation he paid $250k in 2018 to settle claim

Elon Musk arrives for the 2022 Met Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York earlier this month. Photograph: Angela Weiss/AFP/Getty Images

Elon Musk has denied claims in a news report that he sexually harassed a flight attendant on a private jet in 2016, calling the accusations “utterly untrue”.

Business Insider reported earlier on Thursday that the billionaire’s SpaceX paid $250,000 (£200,000) in 2018 in a severance settlement following a sexual misconduct claim to an unnamed private jet flight attendant who accused Musk of exposing himself to her.

The article quoted an anonymous person who said she was a friend of the flight attendant. The friend had provided a statement as part of the private settlement process, according to the article.

“I have a challenge to this liar who claims their friend saw me ‘exposed’ – describe just one thing, anything at all (scars, tattoos, …) that isn’t known by the public. She won’t be able to do so, because it never happened,” Musk tweeted. » | Dan Milmo and agencies | Friday, May 20, 2022

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Lord Browne : BBC World interview

Jun 23, 2014 • Lord John Browne sits down with BBC World to discuss his new book, "The Glass Closet".

EuroMillions: Lottery Winners Scooped £184m with Lucky Dip Ticket

BBC: The UK's biggest EuroMillions lottery winners have been revealed as a couple from Gloucester who scooped £184m with a lucky dip ticket.

Joe and Jess Thwaite won a record-breaking £184,262,899 - making them richer than Adele - last week.

Mrs Thwaite, 44, who has two children with her 49-year-old husband, said the win will give them "time to dream".

The previous record was held by an anonymous winner who banked £170m in October 2019.

After being introduced by TV presenter Dermot O'Leary at a glitzy ceremony on Thursday, Mr Thwaite confirmed that he had already left his job as a communications sales manager.

His wife is also "considering" what to do about her role in a hairdressing salon she runs with her sister. With video » | BBC | Thursday, May 19, 2022

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Amazing Gay Wedding | Villa Vizcaya Museum & Garden Miami, FL | Hernan & William

May 27, 2016 • Same-sex wedding video @ Vizcaya Garden in Miami, FL Dream Light Visuals offers destination wedding photography & wedding videography, We also service all South Florida for Wedding Photography & Videography. For more information contact us at DreamLightVisuals.com Location: Villa Vizcaya | Miami, FL Email: info@dreamlightvisuals.com Tel # : 305.741.3693

Please note that this video, and others like it, are not paid ads. I am placing these videos up here on this website as a courtesy only. – Mark

We Should Say It. Russia Is Fascist.

Illustration by The New York Times; Photography by Clive Rose, Alexander Nemenov, and Kirill Kudryavtsev, via Getty Images


THE NEW YORK TIMES: Fascism was never defeated as an idea. As a cult of irrationality and violence, it could not be vanquished as an argument: So long as Nazi Germany seemed strong, Europeans and others were tempted. It was only on the battlefields of World War II that fascism was defeated. Now it’s back — and this time, the country fighting a fascist war of destruction is Russia. Should Russia win, fascists around the world will be comforted.

We err in limiting our fears of fascism to a certain image of Hitler and the Holocaust. Fascism was Italian in origin, popular in Romania — where fascists were Orthodox Christians who dreamed of cleansing violence — and had adherents throughout Europe (and America). In all its varieties, it was about the triumph of will over reason.

Because of that, it’s impossible to define satisfactorily. People disagree, often vehemently, over what constitutes fascism. But today’s Russia meets most of the criteria that scholars tend to apply. It has a cult around a single leader, Vladimir Putin. It has a cult of the dead, organized around World War II. It has a myth of a past golden age of imperial greatness, to be restored by a war of healing violence — the murderous war on Ukraine. » | Timothy Snyder * | Thursday, May 19, 2022

* Dr. Snyder is a professor of history at Yale University and the author of many books on fascism, totalitarianism and European history.

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Tucker Carlson Backtracks after Peddling a Conspiracy Theory Cited by NY Mass Shooting Suspect

May 19, 2022 • Fox News host Tucker Carlson has pushed the racist “great replacement theory” on television more than 400 times. But after the conspiracy theory was cited by the Buffalo shooting suspect in his online manifesto, Carlson now insists that he does not know what the conspiracy is and that “the left” is responsible for pushing it. In this special report, MSNBC’s Ari Melber calls Carlson out for his hypocrisy, pointing to footage from Carlson’s own show as evidence, and highlights the double standard in his reporting of incidents of gun violence.

„Jetzt platzt die Blase“

Ein Händler an der New Yorker Börse | Bild: AP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: An der Börse fallen die Kurse rasant. Manche Investoren sehen darin aber eine Chance – sie nutzen die aktuelle Situation, um zuzukaufen. Geht ihre Wette auf?

Es ist das Jahr 1999, die Börse, und vor allem die Technologiewerte, kennen kein Halten mehr. Vom September 1998 bis zum März 2000 steigt der Index der Technologiebörse Nasdaq um 170 Prozent. Kein Unternehmen ist zu teuer, keine Idee zu pompös. Der Börsenrausch inmitten der Dotcom-Krise brachte viele Gewinner hervor – und noch mehr Verlierer. Denn was danach kam, wissen deutsche Börsianer: der dramatische Zusammenbruch des Neuen Marktes.

Der Nasdaq erreichte erst 14 Jahre später seinen damaligen Punktestand wieder. Heute steht er mehr als 200 Prozent über dem Höchststand der Dotcom-Hausse. Seit dem vorläufig schwindelerregenden Hoch am Ende des vergangenen Jahres haben der Nasdaq und die darin enthaltenen Titel schon 29 Prozent an Wert eingebüßt – bei einem Minus von 20 Prozent beginnt üblicherweise der Bärenmarkt. Allein am Mittwoch verlor der breite US-Index S&P-500 4 Prozent, der Nasdaq-100 5 Prozent. Vor 20 Jahren erreichte der technologielastige Index seinen Tiefpunkt erst nach zwei Jahren mit einem Minus von 74 Prozent. » | Von Antonia Mannweiler, Redakteurin in der Wirtschaft | Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2022

Global stocks fall, with the S&P 500 nearing bear market territory: The S&P 500 was down 0.9 percent in early trading after falling 4 percent on Wednesday. Stocks in Europe were also sharply lower. »

The Dirty War: The Horrors of the Argentine Dictatorship | Messenger on a White Horse | Timeline

May 15, 2022 • Argentina's 1976-83 dictatorship was one of Latin America's most gruesome. Under the guise of a war on communism, the ruling Armed Forces tortured and "disappeared" thousands of young left-wing students, activists and militants, leaving a trail of devastation that would haunt the country for decades. But a soft-spoken journalist named Robert Cox had the courage to speak out.

You can sign up to History Hit, the “world's best history documentary service” and get 50% off using the code 'TIMELINE' here.

Nina Khrushcheva: Talks to End War in Ukraine Are Collapsing as US Seeks Regime Change in Moscow

May 19, 2022 • As the United Nations warns about the devastating global impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, talks to negotiate a peace settlement appear to have collapsed. Russian President Vladimir Putin appears determined to push forward despite a more resilient Ukrainian defense than expected, as both sides seem to be fixated on gaining military and territorial victories. Meanwhile, the U.S. continues to pour millions of dollars in weapons into Ukraine. “It does seem that the United States thinks that Ukraine should be supported in its war effort, not its negotiation effort, until the very end,” says Nina Khrushcheva, professor at The New School and the great-granddaughter of former Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. She also speaks about the current climate of civil society within Russia and the faulty intelligence that led Putin to decide to invade Ukraine.

The Coup in the Kremlin: How Putin and the Security Services Captured the Russian State »

La majorité de la France menacée de sécheresse cet été

LE MONDE : Le ministère de la transition écologique publie une carte des risques de pénuries estivales en eau : 76 zones sont classées en alerte, et 26 en alerte renforcée.

Du Nord jusqu’à la Corse, aucun territoire n’est assuré d’échapper au manque d’eau cet été. C’est ce qui ressort de la carte des risques de sécheresse, publiée mercredi 18 mai par le ministère de la transition écologique. Afin de dessiner une géographie des pénuries auxquelles s’attendre dans les trois prochains mois, l’infographie agrège différentes données, par exemple sur la baisse des niveaux des rivières et des lacs observée localement par les agents de l’Office français de la biodiversité. Elle repose surtout sur l’état actuel des nappes souterraines et de l’humidité des sols. » | Par Martine Valo | mercredi 18 mai 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – May 19, 2022

Why Did Pope Benedict XVI Really Leave The Vatican? | The Great Conclave | Parable

Apr 29, 2022 • When Pope Benedict XVI resigned in 2013, it sent shockwaves around the world. In this unflinching two-part mini-series, we find out why Benedict XVI exited the Vatican and discover the extraordinary conclave and election of Pope Francis. Including rare footage from inside Vatican City during the Conclave preparations, it features interviews with Cardinals who experienced these turbulent years first-hand.

You can sign up to History Hit, the “world's best history documentary service” and get 50% off by using the code 'PARABLE' here.

US Stock Markets Fall Sharply as Investors Worry about Recession

THE GUARDIAN: Dow Jones sinks more than 1,100 points as S&P closes down 4%, its largest fall since June 2020, and Nasdaq loses 4.7%

The wild ride on the US stock markets continued on Wednesday with the Dow Jones Industrial Average sinking more than 1,100 points as investors worried about a looming recession.

All of the major US markets fell sharply, with the S&P closing down 4%, its largest fall since June 2020, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq losing 4.7%. » | Dominic Rushe in New York | Thursday, May 19, 2022

US Stocks Worst Day since 2020 amid Recession Worries

THE GUARDIAN: Recession fears are swirling through the markets again, as rising inflation and snarled supply chains hit economies, driving up the cost of living and hitting some company profits.

Last night, US stocks posted the biggest daily drop in almost two years, on concerns that economic growth will falter as central bankers look to raise interest rates to stem the surge in inflation.

Fed chair Jerome Powell’s determination to keep lifting borrowing costs until inflation falls meaningfully has rattled Wall Street, and is likely to push European markets lower today too.

The S&P500 fell more than 4% lower yesterday, Nasdaq slumped more than 5% and the Dow slid more than 3.5%. » | Graeme Wearden | Thursday, May 19, 2022

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

You Should Care about the Crypto Meltdown. Here’s Why. | Amanpour & Company

May 18, 2022 • This week, markets were shaken by plunging prices in cryptocurrencies. If you’re not an investor in crypto, you might wonder why it should matter. Instability in cyberspace, it turns out, could potentially impact the entire economy. Hari Sreenivasan gets the details from Stacy-Marie Ishmael, managing editor of crypto for Bloomberg. Originally aired on May 18, 2022.