Thursday, January 13, 2022

Prince Andrew Is Stripped of Military Titles as Sexual Abuse Case Proceeds

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Buckingham Palace said Andrew would not undertake any public duties and was defending his case as a private citizen.

Prince Andrew in 2019. The prince will no longer use the title “His Royal Highness.” | .John Thys/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

LONDON — Prince Andrew, the second son of Queen Elizabeth II, has been forced to relinquish his military titles and royal charities, Buckingham Palace said on Thursday, a stinging rebuke by the British royal family a day after a federal judge in New York allowed a sexual abuse case against him to go ahead.

The palace said that Andrew, 61, who has been accused by Virginia Giuffre of raping her while she was a teenager, would also no longer use the title “His Royal Highness,” a prized symbol of his status as a senior member of the royal family. In a terse statement, the palace said that Andrew would “continue not to undertake any public duties” and that he “is defending this case as a private citizen.”

Andrew, who is also known as the Duke of York, has denied Ms. Giuffre’s allegations, which date from a period in which he was friendly with the financier and convicted sex predator Jeffrey Epstein. The duke’s lawyers tried to get her lawsuit dismissed, but the judge, Lewis A. Kaplan, ruled against him on Wednesday.

The decision by Buckingham Palace completes a stunning fall from grace for a man who was once one of the royal family’s most popular members — a dashing war hero and eligible bachelor — but who has since become a disgraced figure, left to explain why he associated with a convicted criminal like Mr. Epstein. » | Mark Landler | Thursday, January 13, 2022

‘Chucked under royal bus’: Prince Andrew’s demotion shows institution’s ruthlessness: Analysis: Duke of York’s loss of royal patronages and military titles reveals inner workings of family »

Prince Charles and William demanded Andrew's exile: Shamed Duke of York was stripped of titles at crisis summit with Queen in attempt to 'ensure the survival of the Royal Family at all costs' as he faces sex assault lawsuit: Palace sources said the 'ruthless and swift' decision had been 'widely discussed' within the Royal Family / Duke of York will be banned from using the styling 'HRH' in an official capacity, according to royal source / News is a further blow for Andrew as he considers whether to press ahead with trial or settle with accuser / Experts say the duke must do a deal 'for the sake of the Queen', who is entering her Platinum Jubilee year / He was spotted today in the back of a Range Rover while being driven from his home in Windsor Great Park »

George Michael : One More Try

Views on YouTube: 137,901,506

The 'Unwinnable War': Should Marijuana Be Legalised in Australia? | 60 Minutes Australia

Jan 13, 2022 – It is our biggest cash crop and worth a fortune - $5 billion a year. The massive resources used to eradicate it are also costing us a fortune. Marijuana is virtually impossible to avoid in this country. Nearly 50% of Australians say they have tried it or regularly use it. Marijuana sales are twice what Australians spend on wine. Millions indulge and millions of dollars are spent trying to wipe it out. In the hills surrounding Nimbin, on the north coast of New South Wales, Richard Carleton accompanied the police on a series of helicopter raids. It is a fight that has all the trappings of war - armed police, state of the art machinery and sophisticated battle plans. Yet, if it is a war, many also believe that it is simply unwinnable.

It makes no sense to me to make smoking tobacco, cigarettes, the bête noire of our day and charge an arm and a leg for a packet of twenty—here in the UK, a packet of twenty Marlboro Reds currently costs £12.50!—yet they want to legalize and make the smoking of cannabis legal! Go figure! When I smoke a cigarette, it does not bend my mind; it simply gives me pleasure. The same cannot be said for marijuana. Enough already! – © Mark

Bee Gees : Stayin' Alive | Official Video

Oct 27, 2009 • Bee Gees "Stayin' Alive" official music video, remastered in HD. | Views on YouTube: 609,441,706

First Kiss

A screenshot taken from the video.

’First Kiss’ is a 84-minute kiss video between the artists Idan Bitton and Alfredo Ferran Calle. While the camera is still, the kiss is in motion provoking the viewer to stay and watch. Idan and Alfredo do not interact with the viewer, but offer a peek into their intimate moments of commitment. This long lasting, present and unapologetic kiss defines our current gay rights momentum. We are here, we love each other, and this is what it looks like.

By Idan Bitton (
Performed by Idan Bitton & Alfredo Ferran Calle
Video: Runn Shayo

Watch the kissathon here.

I don’t believe that gay kisses come much longer, more beautiful, more sensuous or more sensational than this! This is a wonderful ‘kissathon’ to outdo all ‘kissathons’! A must watch for anyone with an open mind. (An absolute turn-off for the closed-minded and the fossilized!)

It is long, so I would recommend a cocktail or two to enjoy the sensual pleasure of viewing. A few snacks might be good, too. (Don’t forget that YouTube allows one to stop viewing at any time and return to where one has left off, at one’s convenience.)

Enjoy! – Mark

Two Young, Handsome, Liberated Men.

Zwei junge, gutaussehende, befreite Männer. / Deux jeunes hommes, beaux et libérés.

The lovely photo courtesy of The Man in Black on Pinterest.

Stifado : Beef and Shallot Stew


Get the recipe here.

Seong-Jin Cho – Polonaise in A flat Major Op. 53 | Frédéric Chopin | Second Stage

Oct 9, 2015 • Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina / The Fryderyk Chopin Institute

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — January 13, 2022

Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on nearly 1,400 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday.

Catherine Deneuve: eine gewisse Vorstellung der Schönheit des Films | Blow Up | ARTE

Jan 13, 2022 • In unserer Rubrik über Vor- und Abspanne reden wir über Filmemacher, Genres oder auch Grafiker. Diesmal aber geht es um eine Schauspielerin, und zwar nicht irgendeine: Catherine Deneuve.

Chine : deux condamnés à mort pour trafic de drogue vers Taïwan

LE FIGARO : Un tribunal du Fujian (Sud-Est de la Chine) a condamné à mort deux personnes pour avoir tenté de faire passer par la mer 400 kg de méthamphétamine provenant d'Asie du Sud-Est vers Taïwan, ont rapporté mercredi 12 janvier des médias d'État. Dix autres personnes appartenant au même réseau de trafiquants ont été condamnées à des peines de prison allant de dix ans à la perpétuité, dans le cadre d'une opération de «grande envergure», selon l'agence de presse China News Service. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | jeudi 13 janvier 2022

What Does Tory Rift Mean for Scotland and the Union?

Jacob Rees-Mogg called Douglas Ross, the Scottish Tory leader, a “lightweight”


THE TIMES: Tory prime ministers are used to friendly fire from Scottish Conservatives. Elected Tories north of the border tend to be more liberal and centrist certainly than the present cabinet but also many of their predecessors.

However, the past 24 hours have seen an unprecedented escalation of hostilities, and not only because Douglas Ross became the first leader of the Scottish party to call for a sitting Conservative to quit Downing Street.

It is the venom with which allies of Boris Johnson have pushed back that has shocked senior politicians and strategists in Edinburgh.

Jacob Rees-Mogg, the leader of the House of Commons, called Ross a “lightweight” and sent spasms of anger through the Scottish Tory hierarchy. References have been made to Rees-Mogg’s first … » | Kieran Andrews, Scottish Political Editor | Thursday, January 13, 2022 [£]

New Armed Conflict in Europe Is a Real Risk, Warns Nato

THE TIMES: Talks with Russia over Ukraine end without resolution

Nato is ready to send troop reinforcements to eastern Europe if Russia invades Ukraine, the alliance’s secretary-general warned after talks with Moscow broke up without resolution.

Jens Stoltenberg said there was “a real risk of a new armed conflict in Europe” after Nato allies unanimously rejected the Kremlin’s demands for a guarantee that Ukraine would never be admitted to the alliance.

During four hours of talks Russia reiterated its demands for Nato to halt any further expansion and to pull back from the post-Soviet states that joined the alliance in 1997, eight years after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Stoltenberg, however, said Russia was in danger of achieving the opposite, warning that “if Russia once again uses force against Ukraine and further invades Ukraine, … » | Catherine Philp, Diplomatic Correspondent | Samantha Berkhead, Moscow | Wednesday, January 12, 2022 [£]

Prince Andrew: The Lengthy and Embarrassing Legal Ordeal Ahead

THE GUARDIAN: The lawsuit brought by Virginia Giuffre in Manhattan is likely to go to trial by jury, US legal experts say

When a Manhattan judge rejected Prince Andrew’s efforts to dismiss Virginia Giuffre’s sexual abuse lawsuit against him on Wednesday, it marked a victory for his longtime accuser.

Judge Lewis Kaplan’s ruling also means that the embattled royal will remain embroiled in lengthy – and embarrassing – legal proceedings for the foreseeable future.

“This is a huge development because it clears probably the biggest legal hurdle Virginia Giuffre and her team had to get her case to a jury,” said Neama Rahmani, a former federal prosecutor and co-founder of West Coast Trial Lawyers.

Giuffre, now 38, has long alleged that she was coerced into sex with the Duke of York at the age of 17 by two of his associates – the disgraced American financier effrey Epstein and British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell. Andrew’s lawyers did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Kaplan’s decision. » | Victoria Bekiempis in New York | Thursday, January 13, 2022

Im von Virginia Guiffre angestrengten Verfahren bleiben Prinz Andrew nur noch schlechte Optionen: Dem Herzog von York bleibt keine andere Wahl mehr, als auf die Missbrauchsvorwürfe des Epstein-Opfers Virginia Guiffre zu reagieren. Sowohl ein aussergerichtlicher Vergleich wie ein Prozess wären mit einem grossen Imageschaden verbunden. »

Prince Andrew civil case: What happens next?: It couldn't have been a worse result for Prince Andrew. »

Boris Johnson Is Doomed, But Rishi Sunak Might Not Be the Saviour the Tories Crave

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: Johnson’s likely successor as prime minister is inexperienced, and his popularity with voters may already be waning

‘Sunak’s popularity, which was very high when he was doling out public money to support the economy during the first phases of Covid, seems to be ebbing.’ Photograph: Tayfun Salcı/ZUMA Press Wire/REX/Shutterstock

Downing Street’s May 2020 bring-your-own-booze party has reignited the despair about Boris Johnson’s leadership that the remaining Conservative optimists hoped might disappear over the winter break. Now, though, the blaze has revived with a vengeance. Johnson’s apology to the Commons does not solve this in any way.

The apology merely confirms what was already clear: an astonishingly insensitive breach was committed at the height of the first lockdown. This dereliction did not just feature Johnson as a participant: it was marked by his very character. His apology, with its continued pretence about a work event within the regulations, lacks either moral worth or political credibility.

Conservative MPs are well aware their leader is a dodgy chancer. Some of them actively admire this. Others are happy to profit from it. Many loathe it while quietly despising themselves for permitting it. But the style works only while it succeeds. Most Tories had put Johnson on probation after his spectacularly disastrous December. The fresh explosion this week means they are now looking more urgently than before at the alternatives. » | Martin Kettle | Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Boris Johnson s’embourbe dans le «Partygate» : RÉCIT - L’avenir politique de BoJo est obscurci par le scandale des fêtes organisées dans sa résidence pendant le confinement. »

Sind Boris Johnsons Tage gezählt? Neue Lockdown-Party bringt den Premierminister in Rücklage: Boris Johnson hat während des Lockdowns an einer Gartenparty in der Downing-Street teilgenommen – angeblich im Glauben, es sei ein geschäftliches Treffen. Nun hat sich der Premierminister entschuldigt, doch in den konservativen Reihen rumort es gefährlich. »

Tories riven by infighting over Boris Johnson’s future: PM cancels trip after family member tests positive for Covid-19 »

The Guardian View on Same-sex Weddings in Church: The Zeitgeist Is Moving

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: The Church of England should follow the example of Anglicans in Wales and Scotland, and give its blessing to gay and lesbian relationships

The church’s rigid stance on same-sex relationships is undermining its outreach efforts, particularly in relation to the young.’ Photograph: Maurice Savage/Alamy

For LGBT+ Christians, 2021 provided two significant causes for celebration. In June, the Methodist church became the largest religious denomination in the UK to allow same-sex marriage. Soon after, the Anglican Church in Wales voted to introduce special blessings for same-sex married couples. Across the border in England, the bishop of Liverpool, the Right Rev Paul Bayes, hailed the Welsh move, saying: “I trust that my own church will follow this creative and gospel-inspired lead, and I hope that this will happen soon.”

After more than a decade of bitter deadlock and hurtful division in the Church of England, there is a chance that this will be the year progress is made towards answering Bishop Bayes’ prayers. In April, a church-wide consultation on sexuality will come to an end, with its findings due to be published in the autumn under the title Listening to the Whole Church. The intention, according to the bishop of London, the Right Rev Sarah Mullally, is to find “a way forward for the church in relation to human identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage”. A commitment has been made to establishing a clear direction of travel at a General Synod in February 2023. » | Editorial | Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Prince Andrew Fails to Stop US Sexual Abuse Civil Case Brought by Virginia Giuffre

Jan 12, 2022 • Prince Andrew has long denied accusations he sexually assaulted Virginia Giuffre when she was 17, and had tried to use a settlement she reached years ago with the convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein to stop a civil case before it started.

The prince's hopes were dashed today by a New York judge.

A civil trial will be humiliating for the Duke of York, and for his family. But if he settles out of court who will pay the bill?

Australian Republicans Claim Majority Now Want to Abolish the Monarchy

The Duke of Edinburgh and the Queen in Perth in 2011, her last trip to Australia. Her long reign is thought to be increasing support for the monarchy | LINCOLN BAKER/POOL/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

THE TIMES: Australian republicans say that the majority of the public support ditching the British monarchy and have proposed a new system to elect a head of state.

In the proposal, called “the Australian Choice”, each of the country’s nine parliaments would nominate a candidate who would then be put forward to a national vote.

The Australian Republican Movement said that the system was designed to produce a list of distinguished Australians from whom the public would choose a replacement for the British monarch. “People don’t want a Trump-like figure and they don’t want Shane Warne [the cricketer]. They want an eminent person,” Peter FitzSimons, a former rugby player who is chairman of the movement, said on Wednesday. » | Bernard Lagan, Sydney | Wednesday, January 12, 2022 [£]

Extremes Wetter - Was kommt da auf uns zu? | SWR Doku

Jan 12, 2022 • Eigentlich ist gegen anhaltend schönes Sommerwetter nichts zu sagen. Und auch nichts gegen ein paar Regentage. Aber immer öfter werden aus Sommertagen Dürreperioden. Und aus Niederschlägen Flutkatastrophen. Das Wetter ist extremer geworden, auch im Südwesten. Was kommt da noch auf uns zu?

Den 29. Mai 2016 wird Bürgermeister Frank Harsch nie mehr vergessen. Er war gerade in seinem Büro im Rathaus. Draußen regnete es heftig. "Dann gab es so Geräusche, die ich erst gar nicht zuordnen konnte. Und dann habe ich gemerkt, wie das Haus vibriert hat", erinnert er sich. Der Blick aus dem Fenster war für ihn ein Schock: Eine Flutwelle tobte durch den Ortskern seiner Gemeinde Braunsbach bei Schwäbisch-Hall, Autos und Geröllbrocken schwammen in brauner Flut am Fenster vorbei. "Das sind Bilder, die lassen Sie nicht mehr los", sagt er im Rückblick.

Ein heftiges Gewitter mit Starkregen reichte aus, um aus dem Dorfbach ein Monster zu machen. Und aus dem Ort ein Katastrophengebiet. Solche extremen Unwetter mit Starkregen und Flut treten seit einigen Jahren häufiger auf. Wie auch das Gegenteil: Hitzewellen und Dürreperioden über Monate hinweg. Selbst im Sommer 2021 mit seinen Flutkatastrophen (nicht nur im Ahrtal) ist es in vielen Regionen im Südwesten einfach zu trocken.

Forstamtsleiter Bernhard Frauenberger kann ein Lied davon singen. Trotz tagelanger Niederschläge im Sommer 2021 sterben in seinem Revier im Soonwald die Bäume, sogar tiefwurzelnde Buchen. Sie vertrocknen einfach. Der Waldboden ist nur oberflächlich feucht, in wenigen Zentimeter Tiefe ist alles "furztrocken", wie er sagt. "Und das zeigt eben, wie gering die Niederschläge in den letzten drei Jahren eigentlich waren". Jetzt versucht er durch eine intelligente Wasserführung, die geringer werdenden Niederschläge so gut wie möglich im Wald zu nutzen.

Das Wetter war über die letzten Jahrhunderte relativ gleichmäßig und verlässlich. Doch jetzt scheint es aus den Fugen geraten. SWR-Autor Christoph Würzburger spürt dieser Entwicklung nach. Sein Film zeigt anhand von Betroffenen die Folgen von Fluten und Dürren. Er skizziert, was nach der Meinung von Wetterexpert:innen und Klimaforscher:innen noch alles auf uns zukommen wird. Doch bei allen düsteren Prognosen lässt sich dennoch festhalten, dass es längst Initiativen und Lösungswege gibt, die die Ursachen des Extremwetters bekämpfen. Der Film stellt Beispiele vor, wie dessen Gefahren entschärft werden können.

Diese Doku aus der SWR-Reihe "betrifft" trägt den Originaltitel: Extremes Wetter - Was kommt da auf uns zu?, Ausstrahlungsdatum: 12.1.22 #swrdoku #swr extremwetter

Ein Film von Christoph Würzburger
Kamera: Ralf Gemmecke , Schnitt: Frank Rosam, Sprecherin: Elke Schützhold, Mischung: Peer Hoffmann, Redaktion: Thomas Michel, Hans-Michael Kassel

Senior Tories Call on Boris Johnson to Resign after No 10 Party Admission

THE GUARDIAN: PM’s position in balance following apology for attending garden party during lockdown

Boris Johnson’s premiership was hanging in the balance as Conservative MPs began openly calling for his resignation after he admitted attending a garden party in lockdown, claiming he thought it was a “work event”.

Johnson delivered a carefully worded apology for attending the alcohol-fuelled gathering of up to 40 officials in May 2020, which was described in an email invitation as “socially distanced drinks” to enjoy the warm weather.

Some cabinet ministers later tweeted their qualified support for the prime minister – though the chancellor, Rishi Sunak, was noticeable by his silence and absence from the frontbench as Johnson offered his account during prime minister’s questions.

The culture secretary, Nadine Dorries, said Johnson had been “right to personally apologise” because people were “hurt and angry at what happened”. She said it was now right to await the findings of senior civil servant Sue Gray’s inquiry into Downing Street gatherings. The findings could come as soon as the end of next week but more likely the week after, a cabinet source suggested.

One former minister was even less convinced, saying Johnson “didn’t apologise for what he did but for things that may or may not have happened which he officially knows nothing about until Sue Gray tells him about it”. Another MP said: “I’ve not seen such a half-arsed apology since my child apologised for spilling all the milk.” » | Heather Stewart, Peter Walker, Aubrey Allegretti and Rowena Mason | Wednesday, January 12, 2022

One Love; One Gay Wedding; One Loving Kiss.

Eine Liebe; eine Home-Ehe; ein liebevoller Kuß. / Un amour ; un mariage gay ; un baiser amoureux.

This cool photo courtesy of Love Inc. on Pinterest.

Keynes versus Hayek, ein Scheingefecht? | Der Kapitalismus (5/6) | Doku HD | ARTE

Jan 12, 2022 • In sechs Folgen wirft ARTE einen Blick auf die Geschichte und die Entwicklungen des Kapitalismus. Diese Folge beschäftigt sich mit dem wissenschaftlichen Wettstreit zwischen dem österreichischen Ökonomen Friedrich von Hayek und seinem britischen Kollegen John Maynard Keynes.

Der Wettstreit der Ideen zwischen dem österreichischen Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Friedrich von Hayek und seinem britischen Kollegen John Maynard Keynes hat das volkswirtschaftliche Grundkonzept ein ganzes Jahrhundert lang geprägt.

Beide Gelehrten wollten dem Kapitalismus nach der Depression der 30er Jahre – der bislang schwersten – zu neuem Schwung verhelfen. Die Dokumentation beleuchtet, warum und wie dieser Wettstreit entschieden wurde und warum er seither immer wieder aufflammt, insbesondere seit der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise 2008.

Dokureihe, Regie: Ilan Ziv (Frankreich 2013, 54 Min)

Ce documentaire est disponible en français ici.

Michael Bolton : Drift Away

Provided to YouTube by Columbia | Views on YouTube: 2,595,081

Ina Garten's Ultimate Tuna Melts | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Jan 10, 2022 • Ina turns the volume way up on these creamy tuna sandwiches with dill, anchovy paste and Swiss cheese!

Get the recipe here.

David Starkey - The Churchills | Episode 3

May 29, 2019 • How did Winston Churchill draw on the lessons of his ancestor John Churchill to fight World War II? The Duke of Marlborough's influence is apparent as Dr David Starkey explains.

Episode 1.

Episode 2.

Judge Rejects Prince Andrew's Bid to Dismiss Giuffre Lawsuit

Jan 12, 2022 • A federal judge in New York denied a motion to dismiss a lawsuit against Prince Andrew filed by Virginia Giuffre, a woman who alleges she was sexually trafficked to the royal when she was underage. CNN's Max Foster reports.

Related links.

La vie en rose - Mantovani and His Orchestra

Dec 2, 2011 • The Mantovani Experience - Sample from "Legacy of Love" - Universal Music Enterprises | Views on YouTube: 661,204

I post this today in memory of my wonderful, late father, who adored the sound of Mantovani’s “cascading strings”.

Mantovani had fallen off my radar screen until a dear friend of mine reminded me of him when she told me she had read recently that he had a sad end.

I thought I would post something which reminds me so much of my happy childhood. – Mark

Here are some more beautiful Mantovani hits from a more innocent age:


Some Enchanted Evening.

Moon River.

Brigitte Macron craint «la haine» lors de la campagne présidentielle

Brigitte Macron lors du lancement de l'opération Pièces Jaunes, à Paris. LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP

LE FIGARO : La première dame de France, qui a lancé l'opération Pièces Jaunes, ne s'est toutefois pas exprimée sur la potentielle candidature d'Emmanuel Macron.

«Je crains la haine» pendant la campagne présidentielle a confié mercredi 12 janvier Brigitte Macron, lors du lancement de l'opération Pièces Jaunes, se gardant toutefois de s'exprimer sur la probable candidature de son mari.

«Je crains la violence, je crains la haine, je crains aussi cette espèce de crescendo permanent, on va de plus en plus loin», a expliqué l'épouse du chef de l'État, invitée du journal de 13h00 de TF1 pour le coup d'envoi de cette opération qui vient en aide aux enfants hospitalisés. «Pourquoi s'en prendre de cette manière aux élus, avec autant de violence, où est la limite ?», a-t-elle poursuivi à propos de l'agression dimanche d'un député LREM de Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon par des antivax. «J'espère que la campagne électorale sera une campagne exemplaire, permettez-moi de rêver parfois», a-t-elle ajouté. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | mercredi 12 janvier 2022

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — January 10, 2022

Lawsuit Is Devastating Blow for Prince Andrew – and the Royal Family

THE GUARDIAN: Analysis: Win or lose, sexual assault case is unprecedented chapter in royal family’s modern history

Prince Andrew now faces the ignominious prospect of having to give evidence in a sex assault lawsuit and face cross-examination on aspects of his private life to clear his name. Photograph: Steve Parsons/AP

The New York court ruling that the civil sex assault case against the Duke of York will proceed is a devastating blow for Prince Andrew and the royal family after more than a decade of allegation and innuendo.

Aside from any appeal Prince Andrew may be able to mount against Wednesday’s ruling, he faces the ignominious prospect of having to give evidence in a sex assault lawsuit and face cross-examination on aspects of his private life to clear his name. Win or lose, it is an unprecedented chapter in the royal family’s modern history.

One option to avoid this uncomfortable scenario would be to reach a settlement, though such is the momentum of this case worldwide it seems unlikely this could satisfactorily rehabilitate his reputation. » | Caroline Davies | Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Related articles in English, French and German

Prince Andrew Rejected in Effort to Get US Sexual Abuse Case Dismissed

THE GUARDIAN: Virginia Giuffre’s civil claim against duke can move forward, federal judge rules in New York

This article contains descriptions of sexual abuse

Prince Andrew last year. Virginia Giuffre alleges Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell forced her into sex with the duke when she was 17. Andrew denies the allegation. Photograph: Reuters

Longtime Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Giuffre’s sexual abuse lawsuit against him can move forward, as a New York judge rejected the royal’s efforts to dismiss her civil claim on Wednesday.

Giuffre, who has alleged that the late financier Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell sexually abused her, said they forced her into sex with the Duke of York at age 17. She filed suit against the royal on 9 August, citing battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Prince Andrew’s legal team had argued in court papers and proceedings that Giuffre’s 2009 settlement with Epstein shielded him from her lawsuit. The settlement, which was unsealed on 3 January, awarded Giuffre $500,000.

Their agreement contained a provision that stated: “Second parties and any other person or entity who could have been included as a potential defendant … from all, and all manner of, action and actions of Virginia [Giuffre], including state or federal, cause and causes of action.”

Andrew was not mentioned by name in this settlement.

In explaining why he rejected Andrew’s motion to dismiss, Manhattan federal court judge Lewis Kaplan said it was premature to consider the prince’s efforts to cast doubt on Giuffre’s accusations. » | Victoria Bekiempis in New York | Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Prince Andrew WILL face sex assault lawsuit in US: Royal to be called for dramatic court showdown in New York as judge refuses his attempt to throw out Virginia Roberts's case accusing him of having sex with her when she was 17: Prince Andrew hoped Epstein's $500,000 settlement to drop Giuffre's claims would help dismiss her case / Duke of York's lawyers claimed it contained a clause that prevented her pursuing friends of Epstein / But New York Judge Kaplan threw Andrew's application out of court today, paving the way for civil trial / Ms Giuffre claims she was forced to have sex with the Duke three times in 2001 at Epstein's multiple homes / Andrew now faces being deposed and giving evidence at a trial penciled in for the US courts in September »

Affaire Epstein : une plainte pour agressions sexuelles contre le prince Andrew jugée recevable par la justice américaine : Souvent présenté comme le fils préféré d’Elizabeth II, le duc d’York est impliqué dans le scandale d’agressions sexuelles lié au financier américain Jeffrey Epstein, mort en 2019. Un procès civil pourrait se tenir à la fin de l’année 2022. »

La justice américaine donne son feu vert à un procès du prince Andrew : Le deuxième fils de la reine d'Angleterre est accusé d'«agressions sexuelles» par une victime du financier défunt Jeffrey Epstein. »

Die Klage gegen Prinz Andrew wird nicht fallengelassen: Der Sohn der Queen ist mit seinem Versuch gescheitert, eine Zivilklage, in der ihm Virginia Giuffre sexuelle Übergriffe vorwirft, von einem US-Richter abweisen zu lassen. »

Prinz Andrew scheitert mit Abweisungsantrag gegen Missbrauchsklage: Ein Gericht in New York wies Einwände von Prinz Andrews Anwälten zurück. Damit scheitert Andrew, die US-Klage wegen Missbrauchsvorwürfen gegen ihn zu stoppen. Der Prozess könnte im Herbst beginnen. »

David Starkey - The Churchills | Episode 2

Feb 11, 2019 • Dr David Starkey reveals how Winston Churchill's biography of his ancestor John Churchill marked out Winston as the only politician who truly understood war - just as WWII loomed.

Watch Episode 1 here.

David Starkey - The Churchills | Episode 1

Jan 7, 2019 • David Starkey weaves the stories of two great British war leaders: John and Winston Churchill. Hear how John Churchill rose from obscurity to be King James II's right-hand man.

Die Taliban sind unbelehrbar


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Es ist erschreckend, dass selbst die Not, die über Afghanistan hereingebrochen ist, die Taliban nicht zur Umkehr veranlasst. Sie bauen lieber Mohn an, als für die Getreideernte vorzusorgen.

In diesem Winter wird wahr, was über Monate befürchtet worden ist: Afghanistan ist nahezu flächendeckend von Armut und Hunger betroffen. Mindestens jeder zweite Afghane soll hungern, die Wirtschaft ist mangels Finanzhilfen kollabiert. Auf der Liste der größten internationalen Krisen steht Afghanistan auf dem ersten Platz. » | Ein Kommentar von Rainer Hermann | Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2022

Price Inflation Is Expected to Pop Again as Policymakers Await an Elusive Peak.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Inflation closed out 2021 on a high note, bad news for the Biden White House and for economic policymakers, as rapid price gains erode consumer confidence and cast a shadow of uncertainty over the economy’s future.

The Consumer Price Index most likely climbed 7 percent in the year through December, and 5.4 percent after volatile prices such as food and fuel are stripped out, economists in a Bloomberg survey estimated. The last time the main inflation index eclipsed 7 percent was 1982.

Policymakers have spent months waiting for inflation to fade, hoping that supply chains would catch up with booming consumer demand. Instead, continued waves of coronavirus infections have locked down factories, and shipping routes have struggled to work through extended backlogs as consumers continue to buy goods from overseas at a rapid clip. What happens next may be the biggest economic policy question of 2022. » | Jeanna Smialek | Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto Nr. 1 - Sofia Vasheruk (Piano) - Finale YPF - Live Concert - HD

Nov 25, 2013 • Young Pianist Festival, Amsterdam, 24. November 2013

The Mitfords: Communism vs Fascism in the English Aristocracy | Tale of Two Sisters | Timeline

Jan 11, 2022 • This documentary focuses on Jessica the Communist and Diana the Fascist. Separated by only a few years in age, but poles apart in ideology. They grew up in a divided Europe at the beginning of the 20th Century, a place and time full of great political tension. Old regimes were clinging on to power and new ones were eager to establish themselves. Many citizens of Europe were forced to decide which moral compass they wished to adopt, and both Jessica and Diana were quick to make that decision.

Both fiercely competitive, each sister sought out her own distinct identity and clashed with the other siblings as a result. Like so many others of their era, their personal and political lives became so entwined that they ultimately shattered the once strong and loving bonds of sisterhood.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Skyler Wixom | My Faith. My Sexuality. My Journey Forward.

Jan 15, 2020 • Skyler Wixom, a BYU graduate and adjunct professor, shares his story of coming out and finding his path of authenticity and honesty. Skyler gives kind and sympathetic advice to Latter-Day Saints and Church leaders regarding his sexuality.

He shares his story coming out for the first time to his mission president and the loving advice his mission president gave him.

Skyler discusses where he is at today, including the transition of his faith and what led him from life as an active Mormon to exploring his sexuality.

Moscheereport: Islam und Homosexualität

Apr 28, 2018 • Schwul und Muslim - das geht nicht. So sehen es viele Gläubige im Nahen Osten, aber auch in Deutschland. Warum das richtig sei und auch so bleiben solle, berichtet ein Imam im Moscheereport. Constantin Schreiber berichtet im Moscheereport über das Verhältnis zwischen Islam und Homosexualität.

Proud Little Birdies !

Many thanks to BijouxNoir on Pinterest for this delightful image.

La Richesse des Nations, nouvel Evangile ? | Capitalisme (2/6) | ARTE

Jan 5, 2022 • Considéré aujourd’hui comme une évidence, le capitalisme n’a, de fait, pas toujours existé... Cette magistrale série documentaire, tournée dans vingt-deux pays, offre des clefs de compréhension du système capitaliste. Ce deuxième épisode réexamine dans le texte les théories d'Adam Smith, philosophe écossais du XVIIIe siècle, souvent jugé - à tort - comme le "père du capitalisme".

Mais qui a vraiment lu La richesse des nations d’Adam Smith, devenu la bible du libéralisme ? Enfant de la révolution scientifique, son auteur y dénonce en effet la division du travail, ce pilier de l’économie de marché, estimant qu’elle abrutit les hommes. De même, la notion de "main invisible" d’Adam Smith a été délibérément sortie de son contexte pour être exploitée à des fins politiques. En revanche, La théorie des sentiments moraux, son livre le plus important selon lui, a été totalement occulté. Exemples à l’appui, ce deuxième épisode réexamine dans le texte les théories d’Adam Smith, observateur curieux de son époque et doté d'une foi inébranlable dans le progrès. Mais il rappelle surtout ses préoccupations sociales, délibérément oubliées. Une traversée de l’histoire des idées et des sociétés au cours de laquelle on croise aussi le philosophe africain Anton Wilhelm Amo, esclave affranchi d’origine ghanéenne, qui avait étudié en Allemagne.

Théories d’hier, réalités d’aujourd’hui

Comme les suivants, les deux premiers épisodes de la magistrale série Capitalisme, tournée dans vingt-deux pays, nous entraînent dans une enquête captivante, au fil de cinq cents ans d’histoire, avec pour guides éclairants des anthropologues, des historiens et des économistes renommés, dont Robert Boyer ou Thomas Piketty. Sur les traces d’un amiral chinois, des geôles d’esclaves au Ghana à la rencontre d’Indiens Maijunas, et d’une rive à l’autre de l’Atlantique, les théories d’hier nouent un dialogue fructueux avec l’actualité et les réalités contemporaines. Depuis les origines jusqu’à la mondialisation, la série décrypte les mécanismes d’un système qui détermine nos vies et survit malgré la crise.


La Richesse des Nations, nouvel Evangile Série documentaire d'Ilan Ziv (France, 2013, 54mn)

Dieser Dokumentarfilm ist hier auf Deutsch anzuschauen.

Percy Faith : Theme from a Summer Place

Views on YouTube: 18,618,438

Incest to Be Banned in France after Year of Scandals

THE TIMES: The French government has announced plans to ban incest, bringing the country in line with most European countries.

Under French law, incest is only banned if children are involved. Adrien Taquet, the secretary of state for child protection, said that the government wanted to criminalise incestuous relationships even when both parties are over 18. Cousins would still be allowed to marry and ministers are yet to confirm whether stepfamilies would be included.

“Whatever the age, you don’t have sexual relations with your father, your son or your daughter,” he said during an interview with AFP. “It is not a question of age, it is not a question of consenting adults. We are fighting against incest. The signals must be clear.” » | Adam Sage, Paris | Tuesday, January 11, 2021 [£]

Les infos clés sur les thérapies de conversion | ARTE

Jan 15, 2020 • Quels sont les ressorts des thérapies de conversion pour prétendre guérir les homosexuels ?

En mars 2018, le Parlement européen a voté une résolution appelant les États membres à interdire ces prétendues thérapies. Jusqu’à maintenant, seul Malte a légiféré sur le sujet.

Ina Garten's East Hampton Clam Chowder | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Get the recipe here.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — January 11, 2022

Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on nearly 1,400 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday.

Tristesse en Europe après le décès de David Sassoli

LE FIGARO : Le président du Parlement européen est mort en Italie dans la nuit de lundi à mardi, une semaine avant la fin de son mandat.

Jusqu'au bout, l'Italien David Sassoli aura suscité la stupéfaction. De son élection surprise à la présidence du Parlement européen, en juillet 2019, à l'annonce brutale de son décès, à l'âge de 65 ans. Son porte-parole, Roberto Cuillo, a fait part de la triste nouvelle dans un message posté sur Twitter. « David Sassoli est mort le 11 janvier à 1 h 15 du matin au CRO (le centre de référence d'oncologie, NDLR) d'Aviano, Italie, où il était hospitalisé. » Soigné dans le passé pour une leucémie, David Sassoli avait une santé fragile. À l'automne 2021, il s'était mis en retrait à cause d'une pneumonie. Lundi, on apprenait son hospitalisation depuis le 26 décembre, en raison d'« une complication grave due à un dysfonctionnement du système immunitaire ». Regarder la vidéo » | Par Anne Rovan | mardi 11 janvier 2022

David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament, Dies at 65: He was a well-known journalist in his native Italy before going into politics, and devoted his tenure to making the Parliament more prominent. »

US Man Gets Genetically-modified Pig Heart Transplant | DW News

Jan 11, 2022 • In a nine-hour procedure, surgeons transplanted the heart taken from a one-year-old pig into a 57-year-old man. The pig was gene-edited, bred and killed for this purpose.

Covid-19 : plus de 50% des Européens touchés par Omicron d'ici 2 mois, selon l'OMS

Le pic de contaminations ne serait toujours pas atteint, selon des spécialistes. STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP

LE FIGARO : Au rythme actuel de contamination, le variant, plus contagieux mais moins dangereux que Delta, pourrait toucher rapidement la moitié de la population du Vieux continent.

Plus de la moitié des Européens pourraient être touchés par le variant Omicron d'ici deux mois au vu du «raz de marée» actuel, a estimé mardi l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), deux ans pile après l'annonce du premier décès officiellement lié au coronavirus en Chine. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | mardi 11 janvier 2022

Omicron could infect 50% of Europeans in next two months, says WHO: Europe director Hans Kluge demands immediate action to avoid Covid ‘tidal wave’ swamping health services »

Monday, January 10, 2022

Women Who Eat Little Meat and Dairy Put Their Health At Risk, Says Scientist

THE TIMES: The health of many young women is being compromised by a lack of vital nutrients in their diet because they consume little or no red meat and dairy products, a senior scientist has warned.

Ian Givens, professor of food chain nutrition and director of the Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health at Reading University, said half of females aged between 11 and 18 were consuming below the minimum recommended level of iron and magnesium and a quarter consumed too little iodine, calcium and zinc. » | Ben Webster, Environment Editor | Monday, January 10, 2022 [£]

Maryland doctors transplant pig’s heart into human patient in medical first: Patient is doing well three days after the highly experimental surgery, doctors say, though it’s too soon to know if it is a success »

Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 1 | Martha Argerich, Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra & Jacek Kaspszyk

May 15, 2021 • Martha Argerich (piano) plays Frédéric Chopin’s Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11 with the Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra, conducted by Jacek Kaspszyk. The concert was performed on August 27, 2010 at the Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall.

Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849) composed his first piano concerto in 1830. At the time, he was still living in his native Poland and was just 20 years old. The premier of Piano Concerto No. 1 took place in October of the same year at Warsaw’s National Theater, with Chopin himself playing the challenging piano part.

NastassjaCanCook : Mongolian Beef | Restaurant Style

Jan 8, 2022 • Mongolian Beef is probably the most popular dish ordered at any Asian restaurant. Tender Flank steak in rich brown sauce, beautifully pared with steamed white rice.


Sauce Ingredients:

6 Tbsp hoisin sauce
6 Tbsp dark soy sauce
4 Tbsp dark brown sugar
2 Tbsp rice vinegar 2 Tbsp mirin (cooking wine)
8 Tbsp water

Please note that all measurements are in tablespoons and are provided for 3 pounds of flank steak. It might be better for you to reduce this if you using a smaller amount.

Combine all ingredient, mix and set aside to allow sugar to dissolve. You can come back to it to stir several times.

This sauce is made in restaurants ahead of time and added to the dish as needed per order. You are also going to need flank steak. I am using a 3 pound piece. Flank is a cut that is located below the loin. This cut is very flavorful, lean and best when braised, or marinated and grilled. Cut Flank steak lengthwise and then cut each piece into strips or squares according to taste. You need to coat your steak in a dry ‘marinade

Coating / ’Dry Marinade:

1 cup cornstarch
½ tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 tsp white pepper

Sometimes it is easier to coat your pieces all at once, then transfer the pieces to a colander to shake off the excess coating.

Add enough cooking oil to a large skillet. Use an oil with a high smoking point, something like: peanut oil or sunflower oil, since the beef pieces will be seared at a high heat. Fry all pieces until golden brown, then put them aside.

To assemble the Mongolian beef, you will need the following:

1 bunch spring onions
6 cloves of garlic (minced or sliced)
A 1 inch piece fresh ginger (grated or sliced)

Preferably in a large Wok, add 1-2 tablespoons of cooking oil. Add ginger and garlic and cook until slightly browned. Add the beef that has been put aside, then add the sauce and mix. Lower the temperature in order to simmer, closing the lid simmering for 5 minutes. Take off the heat and add spring onions. Serve with white rice or noodles.


En Caroline du Nord, deux messieurs partageant l'amour.

In North Carolina teilen zwei Herren die Liebe. / In North Carolina, two gentlemen sharing the love.

Un grand merci à 'Style Me Pretty' sur Pinterest pour cette photo charmante et expressive.

Ted Cruz’s Teen Daughter Comes Out as Bisexual

LGBTQNATION: She described herself as bi on TikTok and said she "basically disagrees" with the far-right Senator on everything - from politics to her clothes.

Republican Texas Senator Ted Cruz | Photo: Shutterstock

Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) daughter, Caroline, has reportedly come out on social media as bisexual while castigating her father’s far-right political views.

In a video posted to TikTok, she also accuses her parents of digitally altering a photo for the family Christmas card to make her clothing look more conservative.

“A lot of people judge me based upon him at first glance,” she said. “But I really disagree with most of his views.” » | Bil Browning | Monday, January 10, 2022

Adam Smith und der Wohlstand der Nationen | Der Kapitalismus (2/6) | Doku HD | ARTE

Jan 10, 2022 • Woher kommt der Kapitalismus? Dokureihe. In dieser Folge reflektieren mehr als 20 prominente Mitwirkende aus dem Bereich Wirtschaftstheorie die Entwicklung seit 2008 und hinterfragen die wirtschaftspolitischen Denker aus der Geschichte des Kapitalismus. So auch Adam Smith, dessen "Wohlstand der Nationen" (1776) ein Bestseller ist, der regelmäßig neu aufgelegt wird.

Der Untergang des Sowjetreiches war auch das Ende des Kommunismus. Das einzig funktionierende Wirtschaftssystem sei der Kapitalismus – dachten viele. Spätestens seit der Finanzkrise 2007 scheint diese These mehr als fraglich. In dieser Dokumentation reflektieren mehr als 20 prominente Mitwirkende aus dem Bereich Wirtschaftstheorie die Entwicklung seit 2008 und hinterfragen die wirtschaftspolitischen Denker aus der Geschichte des Kapitalismus. So auch Adam Smith, dessen „Wohlstand der Nationen“ seit seinem Erscheinen im Jahr 1776 ein Bestseller ist, der regelmäßig neu aufgelegt wird. Für viele gilt er als Bibel eines neuen Wirtschaftssystems. In der aktuellen Folge wird anhand konkreter Beispiele dargelegt, wie Schlüsselpassagen des Buches aus ihrem Kontext gerissen und für politische Zwecke benutzt werden. In dem Bestreben, das Werk zum ökonomischen Testament zu erheben, wurden die sozialpolitischen Überlegungen von Adam Smith einfach außer Acht gelassen.

Dokureihe, Regie: Ilan Ziv (Frankreich 2013, 54 Min)

Ayn Rands ‚Philosophie‘ wirkte auf Amerika, in der Wirtschaft und in der Politik, wie Krebs. Sie stellte dar, eine Philosophie der Selbstsüchtigkeit und Egoismus. Sie hat für Amerika gar nichts Gutes getan. Im Gegenteil, ihre Philosophie breitete sich aus wie Krebs sich metastasiert!

Sie verbrachte ihr ganzes Leben im Schimpfen des Wohlfahrtsstaates, doch ironischerweise beendete sie ihre Tage auf Wohlfahrt!

Besser wäre es gewesen, wenn sie in Russland geblieben wäre! Dann hätte sie weniger Möglichkeit gehabt, die Ökonomie Amerikas zu schaden oder das Denken der Politiker dort mit ihren dummen Ideen zu vergiften. – © Mark

Sex as a Cultural Battleground – Poland and the Fight over Sexual Morality | DW Documentary

Mar 30, 2021 • The topic of sexuality has polarized polish society - conservative sex education in schools, a deeply rooted catholic sexual morality and a government that openly demonizes sexuality in minors.

Required sex education doesn‘t exist in conservative Poland. Only the optional course, "Preparation for family life" is offered, molded by the over conservative watchful eye of the church. Schools in theory still have the option through clubs and NGOs to supplement their sex education outside of classrooms, but in reality, this only happens in a select few of the larger cities. If the government‘s conservative ruling party, PiS, has its way, even this opportunity won‘t be available for much longer. A new law has been proposed that would make providing sex education to minors de facto illegal, and punishible by up to three years of jail time. The initiative was championed by the homo- and transphobic alliance "Stop Pedofilii", which means to "Protect children and adolescents from sexual violence through LGBTQ-activism", as stated on their banner.

Their homophobically motivated crusade against sex education is supported by the government and comes at a time when the social climate for non-heteronormative people in Poland is becoming more and more dangerous. Meanwhile, almost 80 municipalities and districts have declared themsevles "LGBT-free zones". How do those affected live in such a political climate? This documentary accompanies young Polish women in their struggle for progressive sex education and for an open Poland.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — January 10, 2022

Once Europe’s Liberal Hope, Macron Is Now Prey to France’s Toxic Populism

THE OBSERVER – OPINION: Racist contenders are stirring Islamophobic fears in their rush to take the presidency

Emmanuel Macron has found himself impossibly squeezed. Photograph: Eliot Blondet/Sipa/Rex/Shutterstock

France is both beautiful and brutally bleak. It is a country studded with towns and rural vistas that take your breath away, but pockmarked with districts of soulless, desolate concrete, especially in the suburbs of its cities, the banlieues. It’s as though French planners and architects, in their embrace of modernity, lost touch with what it means to be human. It has been an important trigger for a toxic brew of Islamophobia and wider cultural despair.

The political consequences, now playing themselves out, will ricochet around Europe and the west. The presidential elections this spring will be dominated by the right, overtly mouthing implacable opposition to immigration that even Nigel Farage, who shares similar sentiments, dares not use so openly in Britain.

French socialism has collapsed before the onslaught, while the mainstream right candidate – Valérie Pécresse – is compelled to shore up her position by echoing the same tropes.

The pace is being set by presidential candidate and TV celebrity Éric Zemmour, who burst on to the scene last autumn. He is a hardline Islamophobe who argues that France is about to be overrun by Islam, dignified as “the great replacement”. He is joined by the longstanding representative of the nativist right, Marine Le Pen, who has been saying similar things, echoing her father, for years. Extraordinarily, together they command just over 30% of opinion poll support.

President Emmanuel Macron, seen only five years ago as representing a new, self-confident majoritarian blend of liberal social democracy and liberal conservatism, is only just ahead of them both, polling around 24%. It is hardly a ringing endorsement of his years in office or his aim to transcend left and right. » | Will Hutton | Sunday, January 9, 2022

Violences intrafamiliales, harcèlement de rue, policiers sur le terrain... Emmanuel Macron annonce de nouvelles mesures pour lutter contre l'insécurité : Depuis le futur «Hôtel des polices» de la capitale azuréenne, le Président s'est dit «conscient» des nombreux «défis» qu'il lui reste pour 2022. Il prévoit ainsi d'augmenter de 15 milliards d'euros le budget de l'Intérieur sur cinq ans. »

New York: Doctors Battle for Lives of Dozens Gravely Hurt in Bronx Fire

THE GUARDIAN: The blaze, in which 19 people including nine children died, was the city’s deadliest in three decades

Doctors worked on Monday to save the lives of several people gravely injured when smoke from a fire knocked them out or trapped them in their apartments in a New York City high-rise. Nineteen people, including nine children, died in the blaze.

Dozens of people were hospitalized and as many as 13 were in critical condition after the fire in the Bronx on Sunday, the city’s deadliest in three decades.

Mayor Eric Adams told CNN the death toll could rise.

“We pray to God that they’ll be able to pull through,” he said.
>br /> Investigators determined that a malfunctioning electric space heater, plugged in to give extra heat on a cold morning, started the fire in the 19-story building. With video » | Associated Press in New York | Monday, January 10, 2022

Die neue Welt des Xi Jinping | Doku Reupload | ARTE

Jan 9, 2022 • Drei Jahre nachdem "Die Welt des Xi Jinping" (2018) mit großem Erfolg ausgestrahlt wurde, werfen die Regisseurin Sophie Lepault und ihr Co-Autor Romain Franklin erneut einen Blick auf China. Mehr als ein Jahr nach dem Ausbruch der Corona-Pandemie in Wuhan tut der chinesische Staatschef alles, damit China als großer Gewinner aus der Corona-Krise hervorgeht ...

Nach "Die Welt des Xi Jinping", der 2018 mit großem Publikumserfolg ausgestrahlt wurde, hinterfragen die Regisseurin Sophie Lepault und ihr Co-Autor, Romain Franklin, erneut die Weltmachtspolitik des chinesischen Staatschefs. Mehr als ein Jahr nach dem Ausbruch der Corona-Pandemie in Wuhan tut Xi Jinping alles, damit China als großer Gewinner aus der Corona-Krise hervorgeht, und inszeniert sich sogar in einer Ausstellung zum Ruhm seines angeblich bemerkenswerten Krisenmanagements. Xi Jinping nutzt wie üblich Nebelkerzen und Köder, um von Chinas wirklichen Verantwortlichkeiten abzulenken, und verfolgt seine politische und diplomatische Agenda mit einem einzigen Ziel: die Integration von Minderheiten in den chinesischen Riesen, selbst wenn das bedeutet, auf Gewalt zurückzugreifen. Völkermord an den Uiguren, die fortschreitende Unterdrückung der Autonomie Hongkongs, eine zunehmend bedrohliche Präsenz im Chinesischen Meer, mit einem kaum verhohlenen Ziel: die Vereinnahmung Taiwans. Auch die Aufklärung der Ursprünge der Corona-Pandemie scheint mehr verschleiert und verschleppt als befördert zu werden. Die Ambitionen des Reichs der Mitte werden durch die immer selbstbewussteren Auftritte des chinesischen Staatschefs bestätigt. Mehr denn je sendet Xi Jinping unmissverständliche Zeichen, dass China auf wirtschaftlichem, militärischem und diplomatischem Gebiet zur führenden Weltmacht avancieren will.

Dokumentarfilm von Sophie Lepault (F 2021, 90 Min)

Sunday, January 09, 2022

Michael Lambert : More Lies and Corruption under Boris Johnson and It Is Only Week 1 of 2022

Jan 9, 2022 • We are only one week into 2022 and Boris Johnson has already lied to parliament and when asked to by the Speaker to withdraw, he refused, preferring to stick by his lie.

Michelle Mone, a friend of David Cameron who elevated her to the Lords, proposed a company which did not exist as a prospective PPE supplier under the 'fast track' The company which was then formed with two directors employed by her husband was then awarded £200 million of contracts.

Lord Geidt who Johnson appointed to look into the 'wallpaper affair' was not given vital WhatsApp messages by Johnson during his enquiry. These messages have now come to light via Lord Brownlow who paid for much of the £140,000 decoration of the No 10 flat.

Johnson continues to spend money on himself and his own image despite the country being in severe crisis with rising prices and taxes and a rapidly declining economy.

I was raised in a Conservative household; indeed, I myself have been a lifelong, dyed-in-the-wool Conservative voter – that is until Brexit! And until BoJo came along.

I started going off the Conservative Party when I saw how shabbily they treated Margaret Thatcher. Seeing that lady coming out of Number 10 in tears, demeaned, after all the hard work she had done for that Party and this country, I was appalled.

I realise full well that Mrs. Thatcher wasn’t to everyone’s liking; and, in retrospect, many of her policies have done untold damage to this country, especially the policies which have contributed to the enormous wealth gap that we now have here. The wealth gap is now so large that one could think of it as immoral. Obscene! However, I should like to say that, in many ways, Thatcher shouldn’t shoulder all the blame for that. The problem has been exacerbated because no politicians since Thatcher have had the courage—the balls—to say enough is enough. And in fairness to Thatcher, one should ask oneself the question what she would have thought of such a yawning gap between the rich and the poor. Would she really have wished for such a chasm? Who knows? This will have to remain an unanswered question. What is true, however, is that it is highly unlikely that she could ever have imagined the rich becoming as rich as they are today whilst so many of the underclass have to frequent food banks to put sustenance on the table for their children. When Thatcher was in power, we had no food banks in this country.

So the shabby treatment of Thatcher was the first nail in the coffin of the Conservative Party as far as I was concerned. Still, I was able to overlook it to some extent given time. Then along came Brexit. When I could observe just how self-serving the Tories are – especially BoJo, corrupt as he is, and his henchmen. They have brought Brexit about to line their own pockets, the ordinary citizen be damned. It doesn’t matter to those unscrupulous people that my own and my countrymen’s European rights have been stripped away from us. All that mattered to thos tw*ts (use the vowel of your choice) is that BoJo enter Number 10.

Brexit was, is, and will always remain an idiotic idea; in fact, it was insane. One day, it will have to be reversed. – © Mark

Billionaire’s Star Rises as She Takes Bold Stance on Racism in Brazil

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Luiza Trajano turned a small family store into a retail giant. Now, a company policy limiting its executive training program to Black applicants is drawing praise, outrage and much soul-searching.

Luiza Trajano says her company, Magazine Luiza, is taking overdue steps to diversify its senior ranks and to atone for the brutal legacy of racism in Brazil. | Victor Moriyama for The New York Times

SÃO PAULO, Brazil — It was a casual conversation that led Luiza Trajano, one of Brazil’s wealthiest women, to ponder her country’s racism, to recognize her part in it — and to do something about it.

A few years back, she said, she had heard a young, accomplished Black businesswoman mention that she never attended happy hours with colleagues unless her boss explicitly asked her to join. Years of feeling the rejection that many Black Brazilians experience in predominantly white settings had taught her to seek clear invitations, the woman explained.

Ms. Trajano, who is white, felt a pang of sadness. Then an uncomfortable thought crossed her mind.

“At my birthday parties, there aren’t any Black women,” Ms. Trajano remembered thinking. “That’s structural racism that, in my case, is not born out of rejection, but out of failing to seek them out.”

That moment of introspection for Ms. Trajano, who had turned a small family business into a retail behemoth, helped plant the seeds for a bold corporate affirmative action initiative, which has drawn praise, outrage and plenty of soul searching in Brazil. » | Ernesto Londoño | Friday, January 7, 2022

Leer en español:

Una empresaria audaz está decidida a hablar del racismo en Brasil : Luiza Trajano convirtió una pequeña tienda familiar en un gigante del comercio minorista. Ahora, una política de la empresa que limita su programa de formación de ejecutivos a solicitantes negros suscita elogios, indignación y mucho examen de conciencia. »

Bereits 5800 Festnahmen nach Unruhen


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die Behörden der autoritär geführten Ex-Sowjetrepublik werfen den Festgenommenen die Zerstörung von mehr als 100 Einkaufszentren und Bankgebäuden vor. 16 Angehörige der Sicherheitskräfte seien getötet worden.

Nach den schweren Unruhen im zentralasiatischen Kasachstan sind landesweit nach Regierungsangaben rund 5800 Menschen festgenommen worden. Darunter sei eine erhebliche Zahl ausländischer Staatsbürger, teilte die Regierung am Sonntag mit. Die Justizbehörden nahmen Ermittlungen gegen die Festgenommenen wegen diverser Vergehen auf.

Während der Unruhen seien 16 Angehörige der Sicherheitskräfte getötet worden, teilte die Innenministerium am Sonntag mit. Zudem seien rund 1300 Polizisten, Soldaten und weitere Angehörige der Sicherheitsbehörden bei den Zusammenstößen verletzt worden. Zuvor hatten die Behörden von insgesamt mehr als 40 Getöteten gesprochen, darunter auch Sicherheitskräfte. » | Quelle: dpa | Sontag, 9. Januar 2022

Kate Middleton, 40 ans et le style d’une reine

Kate Middleton, lumineuse, dans une robe dorée à paillettes signée par la créatrice britannique Jenny Packham pour l'avant-première du dernier James Bond, Not Time to Die. (Londres, le 28 septembre 2021.) Abaca Presse

MADAME FIGARO : Au cours de la décennie qui a suivi son mariage avec le prince William, en 2011, la duchesse de Cambridge a mis en avant un vestiaire bien plus expressif qu’il n’y paraît. Alors qu'elle fête ses 40 ans ce dimanche 9 janvier, retour sur une allure s'assumant chaque fois plus au fil des ans.

S’il y a une allure qui suscite un intérêt médiatique sans fin, c’est bien celle de Kate Middleton. La duchesse de Cambridge, qui célèbre ce dimanche 9 janvier ses 40 ans, a vu passer nombre d'articles et d'analyses dédiées à sa garde-robe depuis 2003, année du début de sa relation avec le prince William. L’Angleterre découvrait alors une étudiante au style sobre, sans relief, adepte du slim taille basse, de la chemise cintrée en élasthanne et du manteau sage. » | Par Sabrina Pons | vendredi 7 janvier 2022

Duchess of Cambridge’s 40th birthday marked with trio of new photos: Portraits by fashion photographer Paolo Roversi show Kate wearing Alexander McQueen dresses »

Trois hommes jugés pour le meurtre de Vanesa Campos, prostituée trans

Vanesa Campos, une prostituée trans de 36 ans originaire du Pérou, avait été tuée d'une balle dans le thorax, dans la nuit du 16 au 17 août 2018. LIONEL BONAVENTURE / AFP

LE FIGARO : Trois ans et demi après le meurtre de Vanesa Campos, travailleuse du sexe trans tuée lors d'une «expédition punitive» dans le bois de Boulogne, neuf hommes sont jugés à partir de mardi devant les assises de Paris, dont trois pour ce crime.

Vanesa Campos, une prostituée trans de 36 ans originaire du Pérou, avait été tuée d'une balle dans le thorax, dans la nuit du 16 au 17 août 2018. Elle avait été retrouvée, agonisante et le corps dénudé, par ses «compañeras» près de son lieu de travail, une tenture accrochée à des branches d'arbre pour l'abriter des regards depuis la route du Pré Catelan, une partie reculée du bois de Boulogne dénuée d'éclairage. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | Dimanche 9 janvier 2022

Saturday, January 08, 2022

Comme l'Italie, la France pourrait-elle rendre la vaccination obligatoire pour les plus de 50 ans ?

LE FIGARO : LA VÉRIFICATION - Confrontée à une forte hausse des contaminations au Covid-19, l'Italie a voté ce mercredi un décret-loi pour imposer cette mesure. La France pourrait-elle suivre cet exemple ?

LA QUESTION. Confrontée à un très fort regain des contaminations dû au variant Omicron, l'Italie a décidé, mercredi 5 janvier, d'instaurer l'obligation vaccinale pour toutes les personnes âgées de plus de 50 ans. Le gouvernement a justifié cette mesure par le fait que cette classe d'âge était la «plus à risque d'être hospitalisée» et donc dans l'objectif de «réduire la pression sur les hôpitaux».

Certains ont déjà plaidé pour l'instauration d'une telle mesure en France, à l'instar du chirurgien urologue Laurent Alexandre et de l'économiste Nicolas Bouzou, dans une tribune publiée sur Le Figaro , fin novembre.

Mais une telle mesure ne risque-t-elle pas d'enfreindre certains droits et libertés fondamentaux inscrits dans notre Constitution ? Et comment contrôler son application au sein de la population concernée ? » | Par Bénédicte Lutaud | jeudi 6 janvier 2022

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